Bullseye - April 5, 2013

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Vol. 64 No. 13 April 5, 2013

99th LRS wins prestigious Daedalian Award By Airman 1st class Monet Villacorte 99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — The 99th Logistics Readiness Squadron will be awarded the 2012 Daedalian Major General Warren R. Carter Logistics Effectiveness Award during a ceremony here May 20. The Daedalian Foundation’s Logistics Effectiveness Award, first awarded in 1962, is presented annually to the United States Air Force unit at Base level selected by the Chief of Staff as having achieved the best supply effectiveness record in the Air Force in support of mission aircraft and/ or weapons. This particular LRS differs from the ones across the Air Force due to its distinct mission. “What’s unique about the LRS at Nellis is the mission,” said Maj. Craig Lane, 99th LRS operations officer. “It’s not a standard logistics readiness squadron. Here, we support more than just a flying mission.” With training missions such Red and Green Flag, the 99th LRS supports a wide variety of exercises along with the normal f lying sorties. “We have Airmen specifically dedicated to the Red Flag support and all the flag exercises that come in as well as the team we have up at Creech for the RPA missions,” Lane said. “It’s much more unique than a one wing, one team, one fight base. We have six flights versus the standard four, several wings and 52 tenant units.”

___________________ See award, on page 3

U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sergeant Michael Charles

Airman 1st Class Lester Villarin, 99th Logistics Readiness Squadron vehicle maintenance specialist, charges the air-conditioner on a 16-passenger vehicle April 4 at the 99th LRS Maintenance Hangar. Maintaining the airconditioners in the vehicles is important during the hot summers in Las Vegas.

Space mission continues despite restructure By Air Force Press Service

PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. (AFPS) — Critical Air Force missions continue from their current locations after today’s restructure of Air Force Space Command’s Space Innovation and Development Center at Schriever AFB, Colo.

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The SIDC restructure and realignment of subordinate organizations is part of the Air Force response to meet future challenges by balancing and realigning like missions to AFSPC and to Air Combat Command’s U.S. Air Force Warfare Center at Nellis AFB, Nev. The Secretary of the Air Force and Chief

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of Staff of the Air Force announced to Congress in November 2011 the Air Force intent to restructure the SIDC. AFSPC and ACC jointly restructured the Space Innovation and Development Center as part of an ongoing Air Force effort to increase efficiencies, reduce overhead and eliminate redundancy. Ef-

RED HORSE Demolition!

fective today, the existing SIDC structure will transition to become several Operating Locations at Schriever AFB under ACC’s United States Air Force Warfare Center, headquartered at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The Air Force Tactical

__ See restructure, on page 3

cOntEntS News ......................................... 1-5 Health ........................................... 6


Photo Feature ................. 16-17 Living .......................................... 26


April 5, 2013



Parent of autistic child asks ‘why not?’ commentary by Jessica turner Deputy Director, 99ABW Public Affairs

NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — I was truly speechless the moment after his delivery. It was within those first 60 seconds when he was placed on my chest that my world completely changed. Children define the phrase “life a ltering.” They bring love, panic, laughter, tears, distraction, frustration and every stray animal in the neighborhood, while we pray they teach us the patience to remain calm when they clog the toilet with an entire roll of paper or their sibling’s favorite toy. When my second boy was born within three years, I prepared for the transition from a nursery to kiddy boot camp. Raised as an only child, I had no idea of the parental ride awaiting. Although I was overwhelmed as a new mother, the boys seemed to develop on schedule - playing, eating, smiling and depriving me of sleep. Moments of personal peace now only took place during four-minute showers and the quiet ride to the day care center to pick them up at the end of the day. Almost two years into what had seemed like a normal parenting experience, things began to drastically change. I started to notice my oldest son react differently to people and noises, throw tantrums and lose what small conversation he had begun. I’d hoped it was just the traits of terribletwos beginning a few months early. But as time progressed, his physical behavior and emotional stability digressed. For a year he would projectile vomit several times a week; throw himself on the ground in a violent tantrum without reason; avoided speaking, eye contact or affection; and played alone if he, in fact, played at all. Only the truly obvious signs bothered me, but doctors explained away the vomiting as gastrointestinal dysfunction and said it would pass. When he was around 4 years old it finally passed, but soon his often violent reactions and behavior kept him out of day cares and created a tremendous concern in

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April is National Autism Awareness month our family. I began to lose faith. It wasn’t until he was 4, when a blessing, who was his pre-school teacher, suggested I have him tested for autism. I instantly thought, ‘no way is my son like Rainman!’ After being on a six-month waiting list to consult with an autism specialist, four threehour testing sessions and numerous questionnaires and counseling sessions, my son’s behavior now had a name - Asperger’s syndrome, which is part of the autism spectrum disorders. The clinical definition is “a developmental disorder that affects a person’s ability to socialize and communicate with others.” But what made more sense to me were the symptoms - mild digestive issues; few facial expressions; lack of eye contact; lack of empathy and sensitivity to others’ feelings; difficulty or inability to “read” other people or understand humor; poor coordination; and intense obsessions with specific subjects, like baseball statistics or U.S. presidents. No, my son is not a strange oddity who doesn’t know how to laugh and dance, or likes to memorize the dictionary (although

The Bullseye is published by Aerotech News and Review, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive written contract with Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Contents of the Bullseye are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense or the Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and Review of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in the publication shall be made available for purchase and use of patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. t h e d e a d l i n e f o r s u b m i s s i o n s t o t h e B u l l s eye i s n o later than Wednesday, 4:30 p.m., one week prior to desired

he reads it for fun), but simply a kid whose brain coordinates information unlike most. After my emotions settled, my quest began. How do I “fix it?” I wanted my son to just “get better,” like getting over a skinned knee or the common cold. I wanted him to play with his brother and other kids, feel comfortable enough to hug me again, tell me what he was feeling or thinking and come with us on family outings and not feel threatened or nervous. I simply kept thinking, “why us?” After many nights of research, “liking” every autism awareness page on Facebook and developing an addiction to Google searches, I discovered many famous and intelligent people were thought to have or had been diagnosed with Asperger’s. The list includes President Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein and Bill Gates. Rest assured this gave me no comfort or did it silence my frustrations; however, it provided me some faith that we may not cure this, but we can work with it. He is currently 10 years old and although he obsesses about being 18

and joining the Marines, he also finds interest in things that never cease to amuse me. I often share our personal journeys on my Facebook page, like the day I came home from work to find him in nothing but jeans and Chuck Taylors, with marker drawings covering him from his face to belly button. I could not help but laugh when he said he was the rapper Lil’ Wayne and asked when he could get platinum teeth. Or the day he walked out in full a military uniform and said he was ready for war. Regardless of his ever changing obsessions, his memory stays on track. Listening to the radio, he can easily tell you almost every current artist in the industry, to include what day they were born. He can also tell you many historical facts, such as the names and terms of each President, every war in history and truly enjoys old black and white films. Also very common to Asperger’s is asking repetitive questions when he already knows the answer, and, because of a common sensory issue in autistic people, he is only comfortable in wearing certain clothing and having his hair cut a certain way. I’m fairly sure he’ll try to use that excuse as a teenager too! With time, some therapy and medication to help him cope, he is able to hug again, tell me what’s on his mind and find some peace when traveling and tolerates being in smaller crowds. Although I still answer repetitive questions from him and remind him when we’re in public that he’s not on stage at a rap concert or in the middle of a battle field, my faith is finally restored. I no longer ask ‘why us?’ but instead ‘why not?’ Just like any other child, he still dreams of the future. Currently it’s a tossup between joining the military, becoming a brain surgeon or a famous rap star - although I’m thinking why not president of the United States. Anything he desires will be fine with me, as I will continue to not treat him any differently, or ever hold back the endless opportunities of my gifted child.

publication date. Briefs are due no later than Wednesday, 3 p.m. one week prior to desired publication date. Articles must also be submitted no later than Wednesday, 4:30 p.m., one week prior to desired publication date unless the editor provides an exception to a late-breaking story or article, and articles must include a byline (author of the story). For all submissions, a name and phone number of a person to contact must be included in the event questions arise. All material is e dite d fo r accur ac y, b rev it y, clarit y and conformity to the Associated Style Guide, to include military ranks and proper writing etiquette. Corrections: The Bullseye staff members strive for accuracy each week. If you notice an error in fact, contact the Bullseye staff at (702) 876-4039/4837, or e-mail bullseye@aerotechnews.com, and we will consider publishing a correction when appropriate.

Printed by Aerotech News and Review, Inc. (877) 247-9288 * www.aerotechnews.com

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April 5, 2013


award, from page 1 __________ Although the 99th LRS has won many Air Combat Command awards, this is the first time it has won an Air Force-level award. “We competed at ACC first, made the top three and won, then we went forward to the Air Force level to compete against the other MAJCOM winners and won outright,” Lane said. The 99th LRS continues to work hard to not only to be recognized for their achievements but to keep morale high by acknowledging Airmen’s efforts. “We have a lot of smart young Airmen who do great things every day,” Lane said. “I am very fortunate to be able to stand in front of that team and represent them, but they’re the ones doing the work.” “Knowing at the end of the day that you’re on the number one team boosts morale like no other,” said Senior Airman Courtney Lewis, 99th LRS Fuels Laboratory Technician. “I know it’s something that I will never forget and I’m glad to be a part of the team that won it.”

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jason Couillard U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Brett Clashman

Airman 1st Class Bradley Kessinger, 99th Logistics Readiness Squadron vehicle maintenance specialist, changes the oil on a multi-stop truck April 4 at the 99th LRS Maintenance Hangar. Kessinger and fellow vehicle maintenance specialists ensure that government vehicles are kept to optimum performance.

restructure, from page 1 ____ Exploitation of National Capabilities program, the Distributed Mission Operations Center - Space, the 17th Test Squadron, and the 25th Space Range Squadron will transfer to USAFWC but will remain operational at Schriever AFB. The 595th Space Group and its 595th Operations Support Flight will inactivate. The 3rd Space Experimentation Squadron will remain in AFSPC but transfer to the 50th Operations Group at Schriever AFB. The Advanced Space Operations School will become a Field Operating Agency reporting directly to the AFSPC Director of Air, Space and Cyberspace Operations. ASoPS has relocated to Peterson AFB and resides in the new Moorman Space Education and Training Center.

Airman 1st Class William Hendrickson, 99th Logistics Readiness Squadron vehicle maintenance specialist, changes the oil filter on a 99th Security Forces Squadron Vehicle April 4 at the 99th LRS Maintenance Hangar. The 99th LRS services vehicles assigned to units on Nellis, Creech and the Nevada Test and Training Range in order to help accomplish the installation’s training an operational mission.

Airmen and civilians assigned to SIDC are responsible to fully integrate space capabilities into the operational battlespace. Their mission is to advance full-spectrum warfare through rapid innovation, integration, training, testing and experimentation. Early in the planning stages, 106 SIDC Air Force civilian employee positions were identified as surplus in an effort to increase efficiencies, reduce overhead and eliminate redundancy. Beginning in the fall of 2011, local Air Force civilian personnel offices began offering the first of two rounds of Voluntary Early Retirement Authority/Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments. These programs were offered to all eligible employees in identified positions who wanted to retire early or be offered a

financial incentive to leave their position. In addition to VERA/VSIP, Air Force leaders have been working diligently to reassign personnel to valid vacant positions. As of today, approximately 20 employees are still in identified surplus positions. Civilian personnel offices and local leadership are working to offer management reassignment beyond Schriever AFB and considering additional efforts to support the remaining employees. SIDC organizations work together to conduct wargaming; integrate space into exercises and experiments; rapidly prototype, field and exploit integrated air, space and cyberspace capabilities; provide advanced space testing, training and range Infrastructure; and execute AFSPC Force Development Evalu-

ation and Operational Test programs. The USAFWC is the sole Air Force organization responsible to facilitate development and integration of operational and tactical warfighting capabilities for all Air and Space Component Commanders. Based on USAFWC’s mission, ACC and AFSPC agreed that aside from specified space-centric missions, the bulk of SIDC’s responsibilities best fit under USAFWC as the Air Force’s sole Warfare Center with responsibility to support all major commands. Aligning like missions under a single headquarters allows the missions to better respond to future Air Force requirements. The SIDC realignment and restructure is not related to sequestration actions, nor the current budget climate.


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April 5, 2013


Anonymous crime tips possible with mobile app By Air Force News

(AFNS) — Suspicious or illegal activity can now be anonymously reported directly to the Air Force Office of Special Investigations using a mobile phone application or by texting ‘AFOSI’ and the tip to 274637, CRIMES, in an SMS text message. AFOSI launched these methods to capitalize on cyberspace capabilities and engage the Air Force community more effectively to prevent crime. “This tool allows anyone to provide OSI with completely anonymous tips on everything from illegal drugs, theft and terrorist activities to potential insider threats,” said Special Agent Daron Hartvigsen, OSI Cyber Investigations and Operations. “Even better, the online and app version allow individuals to send in photos.”

“We want to give Airmen a convenient, and most importantly, anonymous means to report activity detrimental to fellow Airmen. With this system they can get involved without fear of exposure or retribution from others,” said Christian Oliver, superintendent of AFOSI Detachment 116. “Airmen really want to do the right thing, but are often hesitant because of perceived social repercussions,” added Oliver. Of special concern to Air Force officials are violent crimes against Air Force members, sexual assaults, and drug use. The application uses industry standard Secure Socket Layers connection, which encrypts information exchange to ensure anonymity. When accessing the app to submit a tip, a file number is created for retrieval. Later, the tipster can check back and see comments by an OSI

agent and provide more information. “With SSL, the agent can only review the posted information, which is only accessible by the tipster and the OSI,” says Oliver, “Air Force members and the OSI agent can continue to converse anonymously through the secure system.” Once downloaded, a video describes the app’s features to emphasize its secure use and value to the Air Force and other community law enforcement agencies. The direct link to the anonymous Internet tip line is https://www.tipsubmit. com/WebTips.aspx?AgencyID=1111. Individuals can find the app in both the Android and Apple store as “TipSubmit Mobile” or use the WR code and select AFOSI as the agency when reporting a tip. Tips can also be sent in a SMS text message by texting ‘AFOSI’ and their tip to 274637 (CRIMES).

To download a trifold with detailed instructions on the program, click here: http://www.osi.af.mil//shared/media/ document/AFD-121023-018.pdf Or, if you need to contact AFOSI directly, either to provide a tip or share a concern, consult your base phone book or call your base operator for the telephone number of your base’s AFOSI unit. If you do not have a base telephone book and don’t know the number to the base operator, call toll free 1-877-246-1453 for the phone number of the AFOSI unit nearest you. Or if you prefer, send us an e-mail by clicking here: Crimebuster tips. (Compiled from several reports including those from the Air Force Office of Special Investigations Public Affairs Office, HQ AFSPC Public Affairs, 49th Wing Public Affairs and the 377th Air Base Wing Public Affairs)

DOD works to ensure access for special needs families By nick Simeone American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON (AFPS) — Defense Department officials are working to standardize a program designed to help service members get care for family members with chronic health issues or special needs who otherwise might face forgoing an assignment or having to cut short a deployment because of an inability to find such care. The Exceptional Family Member Program supports military families with special medical and educational needs, and the program is now in the process of being standardized across the force to

make it easier for such families as they move from one assignment to another, regardless of location or military affiliation. “Right now, each service has its own program, so by having one policy and one set of procedures, it’s going to make it much easier for families,” Ed Tyner, DOD’s acting deputy director of community support for families with special needs, told American Forces Press Service and the Pentagon Channel. DOD officials say the goal is to make sure no service member’s career is negatively affected by having a family member who requires special care. The major benefit of standardization

is making sure before a military member receives an assignment that special medical or education services are available in that location, Tyner said. Until now, such services have varied by military branch and location, creating additional hurdles for families requiring special medical care, he explained. The 2010 Defense Authorization Act required the Defense Department to move toward standardization, Tyner said. “It’s going to be a multiyear project,” he added. About 120,0 0 0 mi lita r y fa mi ly members are enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program. More information about it is available on the

Military OneSource website: http:// www.militaryonesource.mil/efmp.

Air Force reservists, retirees eligible for TRICARE healthcare programs By col. Bob thompson Air Force Reserve Public Affairs

WASHINGTON (AFNS) — TRICARE has affordable healthcare programs available for all Air Force Reserve retirees - including “gray-area retirees” and actively-participating Air Force reservists, no matter what orders they are on. Reservists who retire before age 60 are eligible for TRICARE Retired Reserve coverage while they are in the “gray area.” This is the waiting period between retiring from active service and collecting their Air Force Reserve retirement pay at age 60.

While on active-duty orders for more than 30 days, all reservists are covered by TRICARE Prime. However, reservists could find themselves without healthcare insurance when they are in between active-duty orders. To ensure coverage for themselves and their families, reservists can enroll in TRICARE Reserve Select. Both TRICARE Reserve Select and TRICARE Retired Reserve provide comprehensive health coverage including: emergency care; outpatient visits, hospitalization, maternity care, mental/behavioral health care, prescriptions and preventive care such as wellness exams and immunizations.

Currently, the monthly premiums for TRICARE Reserve Select are: $51.62 for the reservist only and $195.81 for reservists and their families. The monthly premiums for TRICARE Retired Reserve are: $402.11 for the retired reservist only and $969.10 for the retirees and their families. At age 60, TRICARE Retired Reserve coverage ends and retirees are eligible for additional coverage through TRICARE Prime, Standard, or Extra. Currently, the yearly premiums for TRICARE Prime are: $269.28 for the individual plan, and $538.56 for the family package.

At age 65, all Americans come under Medicare coverage. Also, Medicare health insurance covers people under 65 with certain disabilities. To find out more or to enroll in TRICARE’s programs for reservists, go to: www.tricare.mil/trs.


April 5, 2013

Health and Wellness


By 99th Medical Group

Q. I am a TRICARE for Life beneficiary; what do I have to do with the transition to United Healthcare? A. During the transition to United Healthcare Military and Veterans, Welcome Packets were sent to all TRICARE beneficiaries in the TRICARE West Region. Included in that mailing were TRICARE for Life beneficiaries. These packets were sent to TFL beneficiaries as an announcement of a change in TRICARE in the West Region and requires no action. TFL beneficiaries will continue to be serviced by Wisconsin Physician Services. Should you have any questions, you can contact a WPS representative at 1-866-773-0404 or on their web site at www. tricare4u.com.

Send your questions to askthedoc@nellis.af.mil.



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April 5, 2013


Mission focus vs. mission detractors commentary by col. Peter S. Ford 57th Advanced Tactics Group Commander

NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — Our mission to fly, fight and win in numerous environments requires intense focus ... minute by minute. If we lose this focus, we risk our mission. Red Flag 13-3 just finished. During this demanding time, we all safely accomplished weapons school, advanced operational tests, Thunderbird season preparation, aggressor operations and base-wide warfare center tasks professionally. Add the continuous daily interface with our Creech AFB family and these accomplishments showcase the intense focus our Airmen operate with daily. This successful mission focus competed with several national-level detractors worth noting. Our Air Force is under intense financial, physical, sexual and emotional tension. These detractors challenge our mission focus. There are few of us, and the loss of even a few is costly. Folks who improperly use people, time and assets for personal benefit or pleasure are doing this at the expense of our mission. Most often, another Airman pays the price. Members of a family should not

tolerate this for their brothers and sisters ... much less from their brothers or sisters. Let’s look at our situation historically. Our mission has grown from the days of propellers and strictly visual-range weapons. We now have innumerable, exciting, global missions ... and a vastly different array of Airmen accomplishing these missions. We should gather lessons from our past and should always seek these lessons. However, we cannot dwell on past mistakes without risking today’s mission focus. So, if you are currently paying the

price for an abuse in the past - sexually, emotionally, physically or financially - please let us know! We will work to get this corrected. There are numerous leaders and efforts to help. Helping you will help all of us accomplish our duty more efficiently and restore a family member to mission ready status sooner. In the future, we’ll lower mission failure, capture valuable lessons, and successfully fight off mission detractors by employing these three measures: -Fervently focus on your individual

part of our mission, accomplish the job at hand, and then take further beneficial action efficiently. This mission focus will not allow time for abuse. -Prepare for the next “fight”; use a family mentality on this step to defend our fellow wingmen. Do not tolerate someone abusing them, especially one of our own! -Keep opinions and emotions in their rightful place. We should expect and respect emotions and opinions, but we cannot honor them. Taking action on an opinion or emotion is a mission detractor. Only honor and take action for fulfilling our mission. Lastly, like me, you have opinions and emotions on these mission detractors. We should respect these opinions and emotions but not act on them. There is a difference between respect and honor. Webster’s dictionary defines respect as “worthy of giving attention,” and it defines honor as “worthy of acting on.” Let’s take comfort in knowing emotions and opinions are regarded but subservient to the mission. This focus allows us to honor our mission and reach even greater milestones for our Air Force and Nellis.

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April 5, 2013


Sexual assault has no place in DOD, official says By terri Moon cronk American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON (AFNS) — Sexual assault has no place in the Defense Department, a senior Pentagon official said April 2 here, calling on the workforce to be part of the solution. In a keynote address kicking off Aberdeen Proving Ground’s observance of National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, acting Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Jessica L. Wright said sexual assault is a national issue that also affects the Defense Department’s military and civilian workforce. The theme for this year’s observance -- underscored in a message that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel sent to the Department’s workforce today is, “We own it ... we’ll solve it ... together.” “Although we address sexual assault in the month of April, this is an issue that needs to be addressed every day of

our lives,” Wright told an audience of service members and civilian employees. The Defense Department is a microcosm of America, she added, where employees bring their values and how they were raised to the workforce. “I often say if we’re in Afghanistan and we (see) something unsafe, (or) not akin to the values we have grown up with, we would tell that person to stop what they’re doing, because they’re going to affect our well-being and their well-being,” she said. “Yet when we are here in the United States, and we do something that’s not akin to ... values in a social network, sometimes we have a hard time crossing that boundary and saying, ‘This affects the life of a service member or a civilian we work with, and it’s inappropriate.’” The Defense Department doesn’t condone sexual assault, Wright said. “We don’t tell jokes of a sexual nature, we don’t condone unwanted sexual behaviors, and we clearly don’t condone sexual assault.” Just as everyone knows people who drink

a lot of coffee, exercise a great deal or are “Facebook junkies,” Wright said, everyone also knows someone who doesn’t live by the Defense Department’s values and ethos. “I ask that if you know that person, tell (him or her) to stop it, and make sure you report bad behavior should you see it,” she said. “That’s the only way we’re going to stop it.” Wright said she joined the military in 1975 as a member of the Women’s Army Corps, at a time when having a drink at the post club was condoned. “But in our military now, ... we don’t condone drinking (or) drinking and driving. We don’t have those social things like we used to, because it’s just not who we are,” she said. The military culture has changed radically with regard to drug and alcohol problems and racial tensions it had in the past, Wright said, adding that she doesn’t see sexual assault any differently. “I ask each and every one of you to take back a message with you today that says, ‘Every single day, we don’t

condone (sexual assault),’” she said. Sexual assault awareness and prevention must be part of all levels in the organization, she added, whether employees work with a small group in an office or in a field situation. “We have a sexual assault problem,” Wright said. “We need to jump on top of it and stop it. And it is incumbent upon all of you to do it.”


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April 5, 2013


Hagel announces fewer furlough days for civilians By nick Simeone American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON — The Defense Department has revised from 22 to 14 the number of days hundreds of thousands of civilian employees could be furloughed this year because of the budget sequester, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced today. In addition, a senior Defense Department official speaking on background told reporters the start of the furloughs will be delayed until mid-to-late June, after more than 700,000 department employees receive furlough notices now set to go out in early May. Furloughs would happen over seven two-week pay periods until the end of September, when the current fiscal year ends, the senior official said, with employees likely to be told not to come to work for two days during each of those pay periods. Department officials say they are still working to determine which employees might be exempted. Hagel characterized the reduced furloughs as well as a revised estimate of sequestration’s impact on the defense budget as good news. The changes follow Congressional approval last week of a defense appropriations bill that prevented an additional six billion dollars in cuts, ordered under sequestration, from taking effect. “It reduces a shortfall at least in the operations budget,” the secretary told reporters at a Pentagon news

Courtesy Photo

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, brief reporters at the Pentagon March 28. Hagel and Dempsey discussed the ongoing sequester affecting the Defense Department’s budget.

conference. “We came out better than we went in under the sequester, where it looks like our number is $41 billion [in cuts] now versus the $46 billion.” But despite a Congressional reprieve, Hagel said the Pentagon is still going to be short at least $22 billion for operations and maintenance, “and that means we are going to have to prioritize and make some cuts and do what we’ve got to do,” including making sharp reductions in

base operating support and training for nondeployed units. More critical in the long run, he said, is how budget cuts will affect readiness and the department’s overall mission. Because of that concern, he said he has directed Deputy Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to conduct an intensive department-wide review of U.S. strategic interests, including how to protect the nation with fewer resources. “How do we prioritize the threats and then the capabilities required to deal with threats?” he said. “There will be some significant changes, there’s no way around it.” Dempsey said the department has already exhausted 80 percent of its operating funds halfway through the fiscal year and characterized the current budget situation as “not the deepest, but the steepest decline in our budget ever,” and warned it will affect military readiness into the future. “We will have to trade at some level and to some degree our future readiness for current operations,” the chairman said. He called on elected leaders to give the Pentagon the budget flexibility it needs to carry out institutional reforms. “We can’t afford excess equipment,” Dempsey said. “We can’t afford excess facilities. We have to reform how we buy weapons and services. We have to reduce redundancy. And we’ve got to change, at some level, our compensation structure.”

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April 5, 2013


Airman Leadership School class 13-c graduates 64

Courtesy photo

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Around Creech

April 5, 2013


Creech monitors protestors

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Master Sgt. P.H.

799th Security Forces Squadron and local law enforcement discuss lessons learned during a protest March 29. Military and civilian law enforcement agencies par tner together to help ensure the safety of Airmen while also protecting the First Amendment rights of U.S. citizens.

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News 14 Airman lives wingman concept by saving life of another Airman


April 5, 2013

By Senior Airman Daniel Hughes 99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — While on patrol the night of Oct. 4, 2012, a 99th Security Forces Squadron staff sergeant responded to an entry controller’s call of someone behaving erratically outside the main gate. Little did Staff Sgt. William O’Brien, security forces craftsman, know that before the night was over he would save a fellow Airman’s life. The call O’Brien received regarded a person walking outside the installation’s main gate that was unsteady on his feet, pale, and appeared to be incoherent. O’Brien determined the man wasn’t intoxicated and was attempting to walk to the Michael O’Callaghan Federal Medical Center several minutes away. He escorted the Airman to the emergency room and five minutes after their arrival, the Airman lost consciousness. The doctor’s determined the Airman had swelling of the brain putting him in a coma, and the Airman was transported to a local area hospital

U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. William P. Coleman

U.S. Air Force Col. Barry Cornish, 99th Air Base Wing commander, presents Staff Sgt. William O’Brien, 99th Security Forces Squadron security forces craftsman, with the Air Force Achievement Medal March 1 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Staff Sgt. O’Brien was awarded the Air Force Achievement Medal for identifying an Airman with a life threatening condition and rushing him to the Mike O’Callaghan Federal Medical Center.

where he underwent emergency surgery to reduce the swelling.


For his actions, O’Brien was awarded an Achievement Medal by Col.

Barry Cornish, 99th Air Base Wing commander, at an all call Feb. 12 at the base theater. “I had no idea why I was being told to attend the morning commander’s call and to bring my family,” O’Brien said. “Then[the wing commander] called for me to come on stage and presented me with the Achievement Medal -- it was a total surprise and honor.” O’Brien credits the “save” to the security forces Airmen on duty that night. “It was a combined group effort that helped save the Airman’s life; it wasn’t just me,” O’Brien said. “I am truly proud that what could have been a horrific and tragic incident was avoided because the Airmen at the gate took the time to see someone in trouble then I was able to come and take him to the emergency room where he was then found to need immediate brain surgery which saved his life.” The Achievement Medal was authorized by the Secretary of the Air Force on Oct. 20, 1980. It is awarded to Air Force Airmen for outstanding achievement or meritorious service rendered specifically on behalf of the Air Force. It may also be awarded for acts of courage.

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Photo F


RED HORSE hones explosive

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Christopher Tam

Measuring the depth of a borehole . . . RED HORSE members, measure the depth of a borehole at the 820th RED HORSE rock quarry March 28 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The 820th RED HORSE special capabilities program holds four classes a year teaching basic introduction to explosives and quarry blasting for heavy equipment operators assigned to RED HORSE.

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Christopher Tam

Dynamite is ready . . . Sticks of dynamite are laid out for demolition at the 820th RED HORSE rock quarry March 28 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The 820th RED HORSE special capabilities program focuses on teamwork and safety when dealing with basic rock quarry explosives.

Measuring the depth of a borehole . . . RED HORSE members, measure the depth of a borehole during the HORSE rock quarry March 28 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The 820t two week course which teaches basic introduction to explosives and


April 5, 2013


e skills

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Christopher Tam U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Christopher Tam

Hooking a j-block . . . Staff Sgt. Cody Smith, 820th RED HORSE explosive demolition instructor, hooks a j-block into a down hole delay at the 820th RED HORSE rock quarry March 28 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The resulting rock which comes from the blast is used for roads and construction on Nellis AFB.

Shoveling ammonium nitrate fuel . . . Tech. Sgt. Jason Gokey, 203rd RED HORSE heavy equipment operator, Virginia Beach, Va., shovels ammonium nitrate fuel oil into the boreholes at the 820th RED HORSE rock quarry March 28 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The 820th RED HORSE special capabilities program allows up to 16 students to participate every quarter in basic basic introduction to explosives and quarry blasting.

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Christopher Tam

e special capabilities program at the 820th RED th RED HORSE special capabilities program is a d quarry blasting.

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Christopher Tam

Rock is blasted . . . Rock is blasted off a mountain top at the 820th RED HORSE rock quarry March 28 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. A total of 250 tons of material were blasted from the site during this RED HORSE special capabilities class, which teaches basic introduction to explosives and quarry blasting.

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Personnel Issues


April 5, 2013


AF migrates civilian personnel records to OPM By Debbie Gildea Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs

(AFNS) — The Air Force has migrated Air Force employee electronic official personnel folders to the Office of Personnel Management eOPF version, Air Force Personnel Center officials said today. The eOPF is a secure, digitized version of a hardcopy personnel folder that contains official human resource records for each federal employee. The system enhances portability of civilian HR records and increases employee awareness and accountability through email notifications of personnel actions, said Sal Lara, the AFPC Civilian Future Operations Branch personnel systems project officer. The eOPF system was developed to provide electronic official personnel files for all federal agencies and to simplify how employees access their own official personnel folders. It includes human resources records and documents related to federal civilian employees. For Air Force civilian employees, AFPC will continue to manage personnel information, but the

eOPF database will be controlled by OPM. “There are significant financial savings and other efficiencies inherent in the change,” Lara said. Migration to the OPM eOPF allows information to be transferred electronically between agencies and will provide employees with continuous electronic access to their records. It will also accelerate access to the OPF for new employees, and all employees will get email notifications when documents are added to the folders. Major command staff will be able to view OPFs across all the bases within their command, and finally the OPM eOPF reduces the need to physically store, print and mail OPFs between agencies resulting in significant savings. The migration will affect more than 153,000 civilian employees, and about 14 million documents. “Although all civilians are affected, impact will be minimal,” Lara said. “The only difference between accessing an OPF then and now will be that OPM is hosting the OPF. To ensure all employees can easily access their file, we’ve sent an email to all civilian personnel with the website link and instructions on how to create their user account.”

For more information about the eOPF migration, go to myPers at https://mypers.af.mil and enter eOPF in the search window.

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April 5, 2013



AF to implement force structure changes By Jennifer cassidy Air Force Public Affairs

(AFNS) — The Air Force released its plan Mar. 28 to implement force structure changes mandated by the Fiscal Year 2013 National Defense Authorization Act. The bill authorized the service to complete actions approved in previous years, such as aircraft retirements, and directed execution of Congressionally-approved force structure actions. Some of these changes were outlined in the Air Force’s Total Force Proposal, developed in coordination with the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve. Others were congressionally-directed. “Our Air Force continues efforts to maximize the strength of our Total Force, and we are pleased with the progress that is being made on this front,” said Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley. “This implementation plan illustrates the Air Force’s continued commitment to transparency as it completes the force structure requirements directed and authorized by the NDAA.” The NDAA directs a reduction of 65 aircraft and approximately 1,400 military billets from the Air National Guard, 57 aircraft from the Air Force Reserve, and 122 aircraft and approximately 6,100 military billets from the active-duty Air Force. “Working together we can combine the personnel, equipment and readiness necessary to build a total Air Force equal to all the challenges our na-

tion faces,” said Lt. Gen. Stanley (Sid) E. Clarke III, director of the Air National Guard. The Air Force’s implementation plan includes a state-bystate description of changes for each base and the associated timeline. Each major command developed activation, reassignment, re-missioning or divesture options. “We’ve developed guiding principles to ensure that as we make decisions, we continue to have a strong foundation for what is best for our Air Force,” said Lt. Gen. James F. Jackson, chief, Air Force Reserve and commander, Air Force Reserve Command. “We must leverage regular and reserve component strengths and align our decisions with a commitment as one total force team.” Key principles include: ensure personnel readiness, training and retention for transitioning units to remain at the highest level practicable and minimize mission gaps for units transitioning to new or different missions. Each of the components embraces these principles. The Air Force will apply this collaborative approach to facilitate open communication with key stakeholders on future total force efforts. Recently, the Secretary and Chief of Staff of the Air Force created a Total Force Task Force. TF2 will create an enduring strategic process to determine how to correctly balance the strengths of each component to sustain capabilities required to defend our nation now and into the future. “Our active, Reserve and Guard components are increasingly integrated --training, deploying and conducting a full range of missions together as one

Air Force,” said Donley, “and we’re committed to ensuring that our active and reserve component mix correctly balances the strengths of each component, meeting our strategic requirements and our fiscal demands as well. The FY13 implementation plan gets us on a path toward that end.” Find the full text of the Air Force Fiscal Year 2013 National Defense Authorization Act Implementation Plan “A Strong Total Force for the Future” here.

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1. Who was the first woman to lead an air campaign? 2. How many Airmen graduated from Airman Leadership School? 3. Hagel has announced____ furlough days for civilians. (fill in blank)

Last Weeks Answers

1. OEF 2. Lomie Heard Elementary School career day 3. Susan Helms

Winner — No correct submissions for last week.


E-mail your entry by 9 a.m. Monday to bullseye@aerotechnews.com. A winner will be selected through a random drawing of correct answers. Entries must include applicant’s full name, organization and base. The winner’s name will appear the following issue. The winner must take a copy of the paper, or show government military or civilian/retired identification, to the sponsor directly to receive the award.





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Lighter Side

April 5, 2013


the rules: 1. Write a creative, printable caption for the photo below. 2. E-mail your entry by close of business Monday to bullseye@aerotechnews.com. Entries are limited to one per submitter, and become property of Bullseye, subject to editing. 3. Entries must include full name, rank, and duty station/installation, but not specific organization; telephone/duty phone numbers are not required.

Do you have a funny military photo you would like to run? If so, please e-mail it to bullseye@aerotechnews.com and we would be happy to consider it for future publication in the Lighter Side.

4. Captions will be judged by Aerotech News Staff for their appropriateness and humor. One winner will be announced in the following week of the Bullseye newspaper.Winner must present copy of newspaper with their name in it,indicating the date they won the meal, and show a valid I.D.card.

WRiTE A CA p TioN . . . W iN A ME A L! Caption Contest Photo 1

Caption Contest Photo 2

Write a humorous caption to this photo.

Write a humorous caption to this photo.

high PRoTEiN • LoW FAT • LoW CARB Caption Contest winners receive a


Last Week’s Photo 1

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Last Week’s Photo 2

Winning Submission

Winning Submission

“Help ! – No one said to expect jellyfishes”

“Do you think we are going a little overboard with our group PT session?”

FREE Meal Winner

FREE Meal Winner

Ms. Brigette A. Rivera, Nellis/Creech/NTTR

Capt. Joe Jones, Nellis/Creech/NTTR

Lighter Side


April 5, 2013


FiND ThE hiDDEN gRAPhiC the rules:

Locate a part of the above graphic somewhere in this week’s paper. Identify the page, include your rank & duty station.

1. Find the graphic pictured to the left. 2. E-mail your entry by 9 a.m. Monday to bullseye@ aerotechnews.com. A winner will be selected through a random drawing of correct answers. Entries must include applicant’s full name, organization and base. The winner’s name will appear the following issue. The winner must take a copy of the paper, or show government military or civilian/retired identification, to the sponsor directly to receive the award. All entries become the property of Bullseye and are subject to editing for minor errors.

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WHere WAS tHe GrAPHiC? the graphic was located on page 17.

— Free Dinner Winner — Staff Sgt. Evangeline Evanzia, Nellis/Creech/NTTR

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April 5, 2013



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April 5, 2013

Nellis Living


NeLLIs LIVING . . . HaPPeNINGs . . . tHINGs tO dO . . . chapel (702) 652-2950 catholic Services

Mon-Thurs at 11:30 a.m. Sunday Mass at 9:45 a.m and 5 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession Sundays from 4-4:30 p.m.

Protestant Services

Gospel Service Sunday at 8 a.m. Praise Service Sunday at 11:15 a.m.

Sunday School

Non-denominational Religious Education classes for ages 3-adult. Meet in the Annex from September-May, 9:30 a.m.-10:45 a.m.

children’s church

Sundays during worship for ages 18 months-Pre K in the Annex and Kindergarten-5th Grade meet in the Chapel basement. HAWC relocation: The health and wellness center is officially moving to the Warrior Fitness Center. Programs and classes are limited due to this move. The HAWC will be closed for workouts as of April 3. All HAWC services, classes, and programs will be located at the fitness center starting April 15. Base Tax Center: Nellis and Creech Tax Centers provide free tax advice, tax preparation and tax assistance to include electronic filing to active duty, reservists on orders, retirees and military family members possessing a valid United States Uniformed Services Identification Card. The tax center at Nellis AFB is located in the Nellis Community Center, Building 625, Suite 320. The tax center at Creech AFB tax center is located in USAF Building 81 on Third Street. Nellis AFB tax center hours of operation are: Mondays and Tuesdays 8 a.m. - 6:30 a.m., Wednesdays and Thursdays 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Creech AFB tax center hours of operation are: Fridays 8 a.m.3:30 p.m. From 8 a.m.- 9 a.m., the tax center will accept walk-ins for Short Forms 1040EZ (basic return) and 1040A (basic return plus Forms 2441, 8863, and 8880 and Schedules B, M and R) tax returns only. Long Form 1040 tax returns which require schedules and forms will be completed by appointment only. To make an appointment for tax assistance, call the tax center appointment line at (702)652-2645 between 0800 - 1600, Monday-Thursday.

Force Support Events Every Monday: Breakfast at The Club 7 a.m. Ready Set Grow at the Youth Center 10 a.m. Every Tuesday: Breakfast at The Club 7 a.m. Every Wednesday:

Breakfast at The Club 7 a.m. Storytime at the Library 10:30 a.m. Grill Your Own Steak at The Club 5 p.m. Every Thursday: Breakfast at The Club 7 a.m. Cook Your Own Steak at Time Out Sports Lounge 5 p.m. Every Friday: Breakfast at The Club 7 a.m. Social Hour at The Club and Time Out 4 p.m. April 6: Mojave Preserve hike/picnic. Join this exploration of a small portion of the 1.6 million acre Mojave National Preserve. Enjoy hiking and a picnic lunch at Hole-in-the-Wall, climb the Kelso Sand Dunes and visit the historic Kelso Depot. Adventure departs at 8 a.m. and returns about 6 p.m. Cost of $35.00 covers transportation, guided hike and picnic lunch. PLAYpass eligible April 9: Financial Foundations. From 9 a.m.11 a.m. create and establish a working budget to manage savings, checking and reduce debt based on your goals! Learn basic investing - CDs, mutual funds, TSP, etc. and learn how to obtain your credit report and repair options. Call the Airman and Family Readiness Center at 6523327 to register. April 10: Whazzup Nellis? Welcome Program for Spouses will be 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Airman and Family Readiness Center. We will have a variety of folks to welcome you to your new home and provide information about the services and programs available. Call 652-3327 to register April 13: Mosaic Canyon hike. Mosaic Canyon is considered a geologic “outdoor museum”; a showcase of geologic features as well as a beautiful example of one of Death Valley’s many canyons. From the parking area it is an easy 1/4 mile walk in to the canyon narrows, where the surrounding rock walls are composed of smooth, water-polished marble. Another 2 miles of hiking brings you to a dry waterfall. Other possible stops during this Death Valley adventure include Rhyolite Ghost Town, Goldwell Open Air Art Museum, Furnace Creek Ranch, etc. Bring water bottles and a lunch or be prepared to purchase food at stops along the way. A water cooler for refilling water bottles and an ice chest for keeping food/beverages cool will be provided. Depart at 7 a.m. with estimated return 8 p.m. Cost $25.00, PLAYpass eligible April 13: Masters Cha-Cha Golf. Sign up today for this year’s Masters Cha-Cha Golf Tournament. 2 Player Teams; make own teams; teams will be awarded 80% of Combined handicap. Teams will be broken into flights based on Handicap. Men Play White Tees, Women Play Red Tees. Format will be Individual Stroke Play Cha-Cha Scoring. 7:30 a.m. shotgun start. Entry Fee is $55.00 per player/$45.00 for advanced green fee holders. Entry includes Green fee, Cart Fee, Range, Prizes, and Lunch. For more info contact the golf shop 702.652.4497

April 16: Resume Tips and Job Search class. At the Airman and Family Readiness Center from 9a.m. to 11:30 a.m.; Get the latest trends on resume styles; learn interviewing techniques and how to network. Call 652-3327 to register. April 17: Start Your Own Business. Experts will present this thought-provoking workshop, which will provide you with the tools necessary to be your own boss! Learn how to be effective in developing, managing and marketing your own business. Presentations start at 9 a.m. Call the Aiman and Family Readiness Center 6523327 to register. April 17: Moving Up and Out of the Dorms. Determine what you have and what you need to set up housekeeping, and figure what it will actually cost you to live off-base besides rent and utilities. Project a budget for living off base and learn how to start your BAH. Start time is 10:00 a.m. at the Airman and Family Readiness Center April 17: EFMP Respite Care Workshop. Parents will be provided information about respite care programs that are available on- and off-base. Workshop will start at 11 a.m at the Airman and Family Readiness Center. Feel free to bring your lunch. April 18: Heart Link. Air Force 101 for Spouses: Join us from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. for a fun-filled day of interactive games, presentations, and prizes as you learn about the Nellis mission, community services and much more! Childcare and brunch are provided. Call the Airman and Family Readines Center for information.

April 19: Survive and Thrive 5k. Join the Warrior Fitness Center at 7 a.m. for this month’s themed 5k run. The Thrive & survive 5K promotes Healthy Living by raising awareness for Sexual Assault, Child Abuse Prevention, and Mental Health Resources April 19: Month of the Military Child Deployment Campout. A mock Deployment for Deployed families’ members and all eligible youth. There will be Deployment activities team building and around the camp fire fun. Youth ages 9-14 years with current activity $10. NonActivity card holders can participate for a fee of $20. Free for all deployed family members! Camp out starts at 8 p.m. April 19: Family Fun Night at the Library. Come out to your base Library for a night of fun and adventure through reading for the whole family. Start time is 6 p.m. April 20: Horseback BBQ Trail Ride. Relax in the saddle and enjoy the view as your horse follows the winding trail through scenic Red Rock Canyon, National Conservation Area. Anticipate the tasty BBQ chicken with all the fixin’s waiting for you at the end of the 1 hour 45 minute trail ride (vegetarian meal available upon request). Adventure departs Nellis at 9 a.m. with estimated return 2 p.m. Cost: $125; PLAYpass eligible April 25: Base-Wide Volunteer Appreciation. Thank our Nellis volunteers! At 10 a.m. at The Club, we will be celebrating their service with a Base-wide Volunteer Appreciation Event. Sign up through your Volunteer Manager.

Driving Safety Tips 1. Don’t talk on a cell phone while driving. Phones detract from your ability to concentrate on the road and increase your chance of a collision by nearly 400%. If you must use the phone, pull over to a safe, well-lit parking lot and place your call there. After completing your call you may continue on your way. 2. Do not drive through standing water on roads or in parking lots. The average automobile can be swept off the road in 12 inches of moving water, and roads covered by water are prone to collapse. Attempting to drive through water also may stall your engine, with the potential to cause irreparable damage if you try to restart the engine. If you come upon a flooded street, take an alternate route. 3. Be cautious at intersections,a danger zone. Intersections can be risky because there are a lot of distractions: turning cars, pedestrians and red-light runners. 4. Don’t drive sleep-deprived. Sleep is not a matter of will power, but a biological need. If you become drowsy, pull off the road and get some rest. 5. Know your brakes. Most cars have antilock brakes, which require a driver to apply a firm and continuous pressure on the pedal. 6. Don’t forget the basics: Buckle your seat belt, limit loose objects in your car and lock your doors.

Bullseye Classified Marketplace Friday, April 5, 2013 Homes for Rent

Homes for Rent

Condos for Rent

Rooms for Rent

Cars & Trucks

NW HUALAPAI & FARM Turtle Rock Gated Community Spacious 4-Bedroom, 3-Bath Built-Ins, Plantation Shutters Black Granite, 5.1 Sound Dbl-Dutch Ovens, Bar Island Roman Tub, Hunter Fans Washer/Dryer, 2.5-Car Garage Huge Terraced Backyard $1,545 HURRY! 702-413-7228

PRIVATE/SAFE GATED COMMUNITY Aliante Area, Easy Access to I215, 3.5-Bedroom, 2.5-Bath Appliances Included, 2-Car Garage, $1,395/Offer Huge Yard. Deposit Waived for Military! Available May 1st! 702-644-0743 Leave Message

BEAUTIFUL!! 2BR/2BA CONDO NEAR NELLIS,I215 & LAMB ****************************** Top Floor, Newly Renovated Freshly Painted, 1-Car Garage Shag Carpet, All Appliances Nearby Shopping $850/Month Sec Deposit Negotiable 702-540-6992

NEAREST NEIGHBORHOOD TO CREECH-AFB! *************************** Ft. Apache/95 Near 215 for Nellis Furnished BR/BA Available Now! Quiet Home NWLV Gated Community/No Pets No Smoking Inside House $495/Month INCLUDES: Full House/Kitchen Privileges Maid Service, All Utilities Cable/TV/WIFI Laundry Room Hot Tub/Swimming Pool BBQ-Grill, Private 5-Acre Park. NO DEPOSIT FOR MILITARY!! 702-406-1935


NEAR CRAIG RD & COLEMAN 2,168-Sqft. 4-Bedroom, 2.5-Bath Large Master Downstairs New Carpet Throughout! Open Floor Plan 2-Car Garage, Storage Shed $1,150/Month+Deposit Credit Check Required AVAILABLE NOW! 702-497-5915

HOMES, CONDOS Starting at $695/Month *************************** 3 Bedroom Homes Rhodes Ranch 1,829 sq. ft. Windmill/I-215 Area 1,266 sq. ft. **************** 2-Bedroom, 2-Bath Condo Decatur & cheyenne **************** Call Dave 702-358-5224 Shaffer Realty, Inc.

NW 215 & CHEYENNE Cozy, 2-Story 4-Bedroom, 3-Bath Single-Car Garage Cherry Cabinets w/Granite Black GE Built-Ins Marble Floors/Hunter Fans Plantation Shutters Ginger Carpet, Easy Location Compact Landscaped Yard Small Pet Considered $1,045 Best Value! 702-413-7228 CUSTOM HOME 2,600-Sqft. 4-BR, 2-BA 3-Car Garage Stove/Microwave & D/W Large Floor Plan, RV Parking $1,395/Month *********************** 4-BR, 2-BA, 2-Car Garage $895/Month Near Base For More Information 702-353-5330 702-438-7765

Townhomes for Rent Decatur and Lone Mountain CLEAN, FRESHLY PAINTED AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE MOVE-IN!! Single story townhome, gated. All appliances. Comm pool. 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car garage. 1377 sq. ft. $895/mo + sec dep. Call 702-450-5778, MLS#1287471. Creative Real Estate Associates. www.CreativeRE.com

Creative Real Estate Associates RENTAL HOMES IN • North Las Vegas • Las Vegas • Henderson Rents from $725 Contact us

702-450-5778 www.CreativeRE.com

Close to Nellis AFB Under new management • Newly Remodeled Near Shopping and Major Transit Routes

Apartments for Rent $159 A WEEK EAT FREE FREE UTILITIES FREE CABLE TV FREE PHONE 702-644-6300 NEAR NELLIS AFB 1 Bedroom - $545 2 Bedrooms- $645 Washer/Dryer Many Nice Features Pool/Carport, Almost New! All Appliances Carport, Clubhouse Exercise Machines “Senior Living at it’s Finest” 702-234-9661

$169 MOVE IN NO LEASE NO DEPOSITS Fully Furnished All Utilities Included 702-644-3038

Employment Opportunities WANTED Clerk Full/Part-Time All Shifts. Janitor for Graveyard Apply in Person Desert Adult Books 4350 N. Las Vegas Blvd Immediately Outside Nellis AFB Main Gate. No Phone Calls! HAVE JOB OPENINGS? LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MEN OR WOMEN? Place An Ad Today! Aerotech News 877-247-9288

Attention MilitAry

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2005 SAAB SEDAN 1-Owner, 59,250-Miles, Runs Great! Price asked $10,995 Call for Appointment. 702-897-4599

Electronics GOT ELECTRONICS? OLD COMPUTERS? PARTS or DVD PLAYERS? ********************************* Sell Em Here! Place an Ad! Toll Free 877-247-9288 Aerotech News & Review

You can now get your Paid Classified Ads highlighted in Yellow! Homes for Rent Beautiful and Spacious 2 Master Bedrooms/2.5 Baths/2 Car Garage. 1332 sq. ft. in Gate Community. Appliances included. Fenced Yard, Community Pool. $995/mo.



Homes for Rent Apartments for Rent Employment Opportunities Cars & Trucks Furniture & Appliances Yard Sales Services and many more…

For information, call

toll free 877-247-9288

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Bullseye Classified Marketplace - Friday, April 5, 2013 - Page 29

BULLSEYE CLASSIFIEDS Furniture & Appliances


Standard White 1999 GE Refrigerator, 1-Scratch, No Ice Maker. $200, You Pick Up. Will Send Pictures. Contact Tena 702-768-1615

Need a Good Home for Your Pet? Lost or Found A Pet? Selling a Pet?


Call Toll Free Today! 877-247-9288


Garage & Yard Sales

Send Flowers For Any Occasion! Prices Starting at Just $19.99 Plus Take 20 Percent Off Your Order Over $29! Go To: www.ProFlowers.com/heart or Call 1-888-928-7029 ******************************* DON’T FORGET!! ******************************* THE DEADLINE FOR ALL CLASSIFIED ADS IS TUESDAY AT NOON FOR THE SAME WEEK’S EDITION.

Misc. for Sale VENDING MACHINES FOR SALE ************************* Start Your Own Business! Purchase a New/Used Refreshment Center: 7-Beverages/9-Snacks $1.00 Changer MAKE MONEY NOW! Call for More Information! Thomas Smith 702-438-7273

Services DISH Network Starting at $19.99/Month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-888-771-9357

New for Classified ads

You can now get your Paid Classified Ads highlighted in Yellow! Homes for Rent Beautiful and Spacious 2 Master Bedrooms/2.5 Baths/2 Car Garage. 1332 sq. ft. in Gate Community. Appliances included. Fenced Yard, Community Pool. $995/mo.



Homes for Rent Apartments for Rent Employment Opportunities Cars & Trucks Furniture & Appliances Yard Sales Services and many more…

For information, call

toll free 877-247-9288

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Real Estate All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race color, religion, or national origin, or an intention to make such preference limitation or discrimination. Real estate advertisements that are in violation of the law shall not be accepted for publication. All dwellings advertised in this publication are available on an equal opportunity basis.

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Security Manager in Mining Company in West Africa We are looking to employ an experienced Security Manager to provide overall leadership, management and technical advice. Develop plans and direct policies and programs to control risks, protect personnel and assets of the corporation, carry out fraud investigations, prevent losses and manages and positions security staff strategically throughout the corporation and its subsidiaries companies. • Develop and implement policies and procedures that translate goals, objectives, and risk limits and loss prevention techniques into operating standards. • Periodically analyze and classify risks and losses as to frequency and severity and measure impact on the organization. • Periodically evaluate the quality of security services supplied by outsourcing company and make recommendations for their improvements. • Ensure the effectiveness of the security control systems (badge access control, video surveillance system, etc.). • Management and training of local security personnel (about 100 guards) • Periodically prepare operational and risk reports • Maintain professional liaison with law enforcement, UN Requirements: A minimum of 10 years in similar role leading and managing a security department. Military/Police training at least the level of commissioned officer. Bachelor’s degree in security, law or other related fields preferred. Thorough technical knowledge of security management, investigations, surveillance and administration. Sound understanding in the political/economical/financial/social sensitivities around operating in remote sites and in particular developing countries. Please submit resumes to Bullseye/22709 In Care of Aerotech News & Review 456 East Avenue K-4 Suite 8, Lancaster, CA 93535




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242-5432 • 7870 W. Ann Rd.



per axle Up to 5$qts. Most cars & light trucks. Disposal fees + taxes apply. Additional parts-and services extra. Exp 12/31/12 PREMIUM per axle

Brake Inspection



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Up to 5 qts. Plus tax and disposal fee, canister filters extra, 06/30/13 most cars and light trucks Exp Exp 12/31/12

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Includes pads /shoes, per axle MAKE SURE YOUR CAR SMOG resurfacing rotors, and labor. Brake Inspection Large SUV’s, press-on rotors extra. CHECK INCLUDES: IS UP FOR THE TRIP. • Printed Change 10/30andupdistributed to 5 qtsby the Las Vegas Review-Journal • For advertising information please call 702-383-0388 CATALYTIC CONVERTERS 8160026I• Oil110212 Air Filter $ 00 OFF ANY SERVICE OR• REPAIR OF $100 OR MORE. STOP IN FOR A Most cars and light trucks. Trucks andHours: SUV’s extra. Mon-Fri. 8am-6pm, Sat. 8am-4pm. Must present coupons at time of write up. Coupons cannot be combined with any other offers.



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95 + tax.

apply. Additional parts and services extra. Exp 12/31/12 Must be presented at time of written authorization.. Expires 12/31/12 8160026I 110212 • Printed and distributed by the Las Vegas Review-Journal • For advertising information please call 702-383-0388

most cars and light trucks Exp 12/31/12 Most cars and light trucks. Trucks and SUV’s extra. Ann


• Fuel Injection Cleaning WE ACCEPT ALL COMPETITORS COUPONS! • Check and set Air Pressure Hours: Mon-Fri. 8am-6pm, Sat. 8am-4pm. Must present coupons at time of write up. Coupons cannot be combined with any other offers. • Tire Rotation - Most Cars



Plus tax and disposal fee, canister filters extra, most cars

4 DayS Only! Sale Starts tODay!

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(While 10 sets last)


Storage Offer expires Monday, Ottoman 04-08-13. $149.99

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BUDget pacKage $


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Was $499



Bunk Beds Twin & Full

8 pc Bedroom Set


FREE Full Size Box Spring, Mattress & Frame w/purchase

table & 4 Chairs



Was $599 Headboard, Dresser, Mirror, 2 Night stands

Full Size Bedroom Set with dresser, Mirror, 1 night Stand, headboard, 1 small lamp, Free Box spring, Free Mattress

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Free 32” tv


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5 pc dining Set

7 pc dining Set




Sectional w/Ottoman Available in 4 Colors

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Queen Bed, Dresser, Mirror and Night stand

Was $1000

7 pc dining Set


5pc Counter table

We Will Meet Or Beat any aDVertiSeD price!


7 DayS

M-F 9aM-8pM Sat 10aM-7pM SUn 10aM-6pM

All advertised prices are cash, check or debit card. All offers expire 04/11/13 unless stated otherwise.

red/Black 5 pc dining Set




300 S. Martin Luther King BLvd.

table & 4 Chairs

with Purchase of home Package

with dresser, Mirror, 2 night Stands, headboard, Free Box spring, Free Mattress, Free Frame Free delivery

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LiMited inventOry




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2 pc. Sofa, Love Seat

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SUMMer MattreSS liQUiDatiOn



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Available in 4 colors

Sofa, Love Seat & Chair


Coffee table

3pc. Sectional with Free Ottoman

Available in Saddle, Chocolate, and Sage.



6 pc. Queen set includes, Headboard, footboard, rails, Nightstand, dresser, mirror (While 6 sets last) Offer expires Monday 4/8/2013

2 pc. Sectional



FREE Ottoman w/purchase


Also Available in Black

Coffee tables


4708 W. Sahara ave. Sahara PaviLLiOn ShOPPing Center

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