Bullseye - April 12, 2013

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Vol. 64 No. 14 April 12, 2013

Lightning strikes through the clear skies of Nellis By staff sgt. Michael charles 99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — Lightning seldom appears in the Las Vegas sky, but when it does, it is always something to behold. Local residents can attest to the unique opportunity in Southern Nevada of seeing one bolt of lightning dash across the sky with the Las Vegas skyline in the background. However April 4, witnesses were able to experience a sight that they had not seen before. Unlike weather that normally comes and goes with the clouds, this time there was not a cloud in the sky. This lightning was made of metal and powered by fuel. Two F-35A Lightning IIs assigned to the 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron conducted the aircraft’s first operational flights from Nellis AFB. Lt. Col. Benjamin Bishop, 422nd TES director of operations and Capt. Brad Matherne, 422 TES F-35 division commander, were the first pilots to conduct an operational f light from Nellis’ f light line. Both have prepared for this moment for quite some time. “It’s been a long time command, and the level of effort by all those involved with getting to this point has been nothing short of astounding,” Matherne said. “Now we can get down to the business of what Nellis does

See Lightning, on page 2

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Brett Clashman

Capt. Brad Matherne, 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron pilot, conducts pre-flight checks inside an F-35A Lightning II before a training mission April 4 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The F-35A will be integrated into advanced training programs such as the USAF Weapons School, Red Flag and Green Flag exercises.

ACC stands down units due to budget cuts

LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Va. — The United States Air Force will begin to stand down active duty combat units starting today to ensure the remaining units supporting worldwide operations can maintain sufficient readiness through the remainder of the fiscal year. The stand down is the result of cuts

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to the command’s operations and maintenance account, which must be implemented in part by flying approximately 45,000 fewer training hours between now and Oct. 1 than previously scheduled. ACC, as the Air Force’s lead for Combat Air Forces, manages the flying-hour programs for four major commands.

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This decision to stand down or curtail operations affects about one-third of the active-duty CAF aircraft — including those assigned to fighter, bomber, aggressor and airborne warning and control squadrons — stationed in the United States, Europe and the Pacific. “We must implement a tiered readiness

Desert Oasis

concept where only the units preparing to deploy in support of major operations like Afghanistan are fully mission capable,” said Gen. Mike Hostage, ACC commander. “Units will stand down on a rotating basis so our limited resources can

See ACC, on page 3


Sunrise Vista an island of green

News .......................................... 1-7


Photo Feature ................. 16-17

Health ......................................... 9 Living .......................................... 25


April 12, 2013

Lightning, from page 1 best; the development of tactics.” “The squadron’s first F-35 sortie represents t he cu lmination of efforts by a world-class operations and maintenance team,” Bishop said. This mission also signified the beginning of a new chapter in the history of Nellis AFB. The successful flight does not begin or end with the pilots. Bishop went on to credit the hard work of maintenance Airmen with mastering a complex new airframe, while working overtime to ensure it was ready for f light. “The first local F-35 f light speaks volumes about the professionalism of our Nellis maintenance team,” he added. “The fact they were able to accept the aircraft and get them into the air so quickly is astonishing. These jets are new to Air Combat Command, so they are literally writing the book on many of the procedures used to maintain the aircraft.” Members of the 57th Maintenance Group’s Lightning Aircraft Maintenance Unit and the 422nd TES have

News prepared for years to make the transition of the F-35A to Nellis smooth. “All the training and preparation over the last two years have been for this day,” said Chief Master Sgt. Michael Prah, Lightning AMU superintendent. “Getting the aircraft in the air shows the hard work our maintenance Airmen have put forth in order to bring this new capability to Nellis.” “If you look at the capability that this aircraft will bring to the fight once it’s operational, it’s humbling knowing you were involved with the initial development,” Matherne said. “It will definitely be something I look back at and take pride in for a long time.” This historic f light comes less than a month after the March 19 arrival ceremony for the aircraft. During the ceremony, Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Lofgren, U.S. Air Force Warfare Center commander, noted that live flying the aircraft over the Nevada Test and Training Range is only the first step in integrating the F-35 into operations here. A simu lator is a lso being constructed on Nellis in order to test and develop tactics for advanced training.

Together with continued operational f lights, the Air Force will begin to see how the Lightning II reacts to realistic enemies in real-world operations. While this may be the first time the Lightning II has appeared in the clear skies over Las Vegas, it will not be the

BULLSEYE last. The Air Force plans to assign 36 F-35s to Nellis by 2020. “This is the future of airpower,” Bishop said. “I am honored be a part of the team that will write the tactics, techniques, and procedures F-35 pilots will use in the years to follow.”

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Brett Clashman

Lt. Col. Benjamin Bishop, 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron director of operations, inspects the exhaust of an F-35A Lightning II befo+re a training mission April 4 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The F-35A is assigned to the 422nd TES and its modern engine delivers more than 60 percent more thrust than other aircraft of the same weight.

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Brett Clashman

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Brett Clashman

Senior Airman Alexander Orchard, 57th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron crew chief, crouches underneath the exhaust of an F-35A Lightning II before a training mission April 4 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The F-35A is assigned to the 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron and maintained by the 57th AMXS Lightning Aircraft Maintenance Unit.

Capt. Brad Matherne, 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron pilot, views flightline activity inside an F-35A Lightning II before a training mission April 4 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The 422nd TES will design the tactics for the F-35A. The squadron will also determine how to integrate the F-35A with other aircraft in the Air Force inventory.

Bullseye News Staff

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April 12, 2013


HAWC to roost at Warrior Fitness Center By tech. sgt. taylor Worley 99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — The 99th Aerospace Medicine Squadron Health and Wellness Center is moving to the Warrior Fitness Center. This move is being executed in order to maximize the success of both facilities’ missions and to offer as many health and fitness benefits to the Nellis community as possible. “There are three true beneficiaries to trying to ignite our health promotions program here,” said Col. Barry R. Cornish, 99th Air Base Wing commander. “The Airmen, the combatant commanders, and the nation will benefit from a healthier force.” Airmen will be able to utilize the HAWC’s services during their workouts without having to go to multiple locations. “Our Airmen themselves will benefit [from] our health and wellness program being more accessible” Cornish said. With these services more readily available, Airmen will be able to focus on being fit, healthy, and prepared to serve their nation, and preparing forces at home benefits the combatant commanders down range. “We [will be able to] provide ready Airmen to go and fight our nation’s wars; we

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jason Couillard

Brittney Hunsaker, 99th Aerospace Medicine Squadron fitness specialist, lifts a box while packing April 9 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The move to the Warrior Fitness Center embodies the 99th Air Base Wing’s mission statement of enabling success through innovative base support.

have an obligation to provide our Airmen every avenue we can to make them strong and resilient warriors to go down range and face [the] enemy.” Cornish said. The Air Force also benefits from

programs provided by the HAWC by focusing Airmen on healthy living which could help decrease health care costs for service members. “By focusing on preventative medicine and creating awareness of healthy living programs across the [Department of Defense] we will [hopefully] be able to drive down health care cost over time,” Cornish said. During the move, which is scheduled to be completed by April 15, some HAWC services and classes will be limited. The HAWC staff asks everyone to be patient during this process and to contact them for confirmation on class availability. “There will be road bumps along the way, but we are hoping for as smooth of a transition as possible for our customers,” said Mrs. Laura Weart, HAWC director. “We [the HAWC] hope to have our services back online quickly with as little inconvenience to our customers as possible.” The HAWC will have a reception desk at the front entrance of the Warrior Fitness Center and will have offices located upstairs next to the aerobics room. All phone numbers for contacting the HAWC will remain the same. For more information, ca l l t he HAWC at (702) 653-3375.

ACC, from page 1 be focused on fulfilling critical missions.” “Historically, the Air Force has not operated under a tiered readiness construct because of the need to respond to any crisis within a matter of hours or days,” Hostage said. “The current situation means we’re accepting the risk that combat airpower may not be ready to respond immediately to new contingencies as they occur.” Some units currently deployed — including A-10s, B-1s, F-16s and F-22s — will stand down after they return from their deployments. The remaining units will stand down operations on April 9. Active-duty aircrews assigned to Air Force Reserve or Air National Guard A-10 or F-16 squadrons under an arrangement known as “active associations” will also stop flying. The stand down will remain in effect for the remainder of fiscal year 2013 barring any changes to current levels of funding. “We’re entering uncharted territory in terms of how we’ve had to take this year’s cuts and make adjustments to mitigate the most serious impacts,” Hostage said. “Remaining as mission-ready as possible for combatant commanders is our priority, and we’re prioritizing spending to ensure this imperative is met.” Units that are stood down will shift their emphasis to ground training. They will use flight simulators to the extent possible within existing contracts, and conduct academic training to maintain basic skills and knowledge

U.S. Air Force graphic/photo by Lawrence Crespo

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jason Couillard

Lacy Puttuck, 99th Aerospace Medicine Squadron nutrition program manager, labels a box April 9 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. As of April 4, the Health and Wellness Center is no longer open for workouts and services will be limited during the move to the Warrior Fitness Center.

of their aircraft. As funding allows, aircrews will also complete formal ground training courses, conduct non-f lying exercises and improve local flying-related programs and guidance. Maintainers will complete upgrade training and clear up backlogs of scheduled inspections and maintenance as possible given budget impacts in other areas, such as stock of spare parts. Although each weapon system is unique, on average aircrews

lose currency to fly combat missions within 90 to 120 days of not flying. It generally takes 60 to 90 days to conduct the training needed to return aircrews to mission-ready status, and the time and cost associated with that retraining increases the longer that crews stay on the ground. “This will have a significant and multi-year impact on our operational readiness,” Hostage said. “But right now, there is no other acceptable way to implement these cuts.”

time-Out to close temporarily By William H. Lane 99th Force Support Squadron

NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — The 99th Force Support Squadron will be temporarily closing the doors of the Time-Out Sports Lounge April 15 so they can address some operational and facilityrelated issues. They plan to reopen the operation after July 4. When the Time Out reopen you will see several changes. There will be a new menu that will focus on quality comfort foods at affordable

prices. Plans are to revive the operation’s lunch program to provide the Nellis community with a unique on-base lunch destination you can’t get anywhere else. In addition to the menu overhaul and new lunch hours, the club team is looking to expand the evening hours Friday and Saturday to create an on-base late night destination. “We apologize for the temporary shutdown but we are excited about the opportunity to revamp the menu and take care of the facility and equipment issues we have been working around,” said Walt

Heathcoat, the new club operations manager. “We plan to reopen the operation and create some excitement beyond a nondescript sports bar for the Nellis community.” During the Time-Out closure, the Robin’s Roost lounge at The Club will expand their operating hours and will be offering a limited evening dining selection for patrons. The Robin’s Roost will be open Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday from 4 p.m.-10 p.m. and Friday from 4 p.m.-midnight. For more information, call the Club at 652-2582.


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April 12, 2013


Month of Military Child: FSS hosts appreciation event for military children By staff sgt. Michael charles 99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — The 99th Force Support Squadron held a Military Child Appreciation Day April 6 at the Nellis Youth Center. The event provided an opportunity for military children to interact with Airmen from different career fields and to see the importance of what their parents do in the Air Force. “It was a worthwhile experience,” said Senior Airman Glenn Johnson, 99th FSS readiness specialist. “We feel like we don’t do enough for the children, so we wanted to put on an event to show them we appreciate the sacrifices that they make as well.” Members from the 99th Civil Engineer Squadron’s Fire Department and the 99th Medical Group brought a fire truck and an ambulance to the event and gave the children a first-hand account of the processes they go through whenever there is an emergency. “Families are very important to the morale and well-being of our troops,” said Senior Airman Shenika Lattimore, 57th Operations Support Squadron

U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Michael Charles

Janiyah Charles, daughter of Staff Sgt. Ashley Charles, 99th Force Support Squadron fitness specialist, gets her face painted by a volunteer April 6 at the Nellis Youth Center in celebration of Military Child Appreciation Day. The 99th FSS hosted the day to provide an opportunity for military children to interact with Airmen from different career fields and to see the importance of what their parents do in the Air Force. Military children were also treated to an array of events including a sack race, water balloon throwing contest and a sumo wrestling contest.

aviation resource manager. “It is important to show them what we do in the

Air Force so they can understand why what their parents do is important to not

only the family but the whole nation.” Military children were also treated to an array of events including a sack race, water balloon throwing contest and a sumo wrestling contest. Volunteers from other units also were present providing food, face-painting and ice cream. Community partners also contributed to the success of the event. Students from the University of Nevada Las Vegas judged a baby contest for the most patriotic outfit. “It was important for us to involve the community in the event as well,” Johnson said. “Not only did they help honor the children of our service members, but they were also able to learn a little about how both the military and their families make sacrifices in service to the nation.” The squadron plans to hold another event similar to this one in the near future. “We most definitely want to do this again in the future,” Johnson said. “By involving our children and showing them that they matter too we are instilling that same pride in them that we received when we joined the Air Force. Our Air Force family doesn’t end with the military member; it also extends to the family.”

Airmen ‘Party for a Cause’

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jason Couillard

Mike Eli from the Eli Young band performs at the Academy of Country Music Party for a Cause festival April 6 at the Orleans Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. The ACM Party for a Cause Festival featured a line-up of performances by country’s top hit makers and some of this year’s ACM Award nominees all in the name of raising awareness and funds for a variety of charities.

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jason Couillard

Col. Barry Cornish, 99th Air Base Wing commander, accepts a check for the 99th Force Support Squadron at the Academy of Country Music Party for a Cause festival April 6 at the Orleans Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. The money was donated by the Academy of Country Music Lifting Lives. Lifting Lives is the charitable arm of the Academy of Country Music dedicated to improving lives through the power of music. The check will be used for Nellis and Creech AFB youth programs.

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jason Couillard

The Nellis Air Force Base Honor Guard presents the colors as Tech. Sgt. Angie Johnson, Missouri Air National Guard, sings the national anthem at the Academy of Country Music Party for a Cause festival April 6 at the Orleans Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. The performers included Dustin Lynch, Love and Theft, Kix Brooks, Lee Brice, Hunter Hayes, Eli Young Band and Dierks Bentley.


April 12, 2013


Nellis Airmen participate in load crew competition

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jason Couillard

Onlookers watch as Staff Sgt. Michael Briston and Airman 1st Class David Blyzes, 57th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron armament systems technicians, upload a guided bomb unit during a quarterly load crew competition April 5 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Load crew competitions take place four times a year as well as a fifth competition, which is for the title of load crew of the year.


Airman 1st Class David Blyzes, Staff Sgt. Michael Briston, and Senior Airman Constantine Bolo, 57th Aircraf t Maintenance Squadron armament systems technicians, lift an AIM-9 Sidewinder missile during a quarterly load crew competition April 5 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Airmen were tasked to upload munitions to two F-16 Fighting Falcons, three F-15 Eagles, one F-22 Raptor and one A-10 Warthog.

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jason Couillard

Staff Sgt. Michael Briston and Senior Airman Constantine Bolo, 57th Aircraf t Maintenance Squadron armament systems technicians, prepare to load a guided bomb unit during a quarterly load crew competition April 5 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Weapons load competitions are conducted quarterly to ke ep Airm en sharp and recognize superior performers.

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jason Couillard



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April 12, 2013


Voluntary separation programs continue through August By Debbie Gildea Air Force Personnel Center

JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIORANDOLPH, Texas — Eligible officers and enlisted members have until Aug. 1 to submit their application for separation under the fiscal year 2013 voluntary force management programs, Air Force officials reminded Airmen April 8. Announced in February, fiscal 2013 force management programs support the Air Force effort to reduce manning to the authorized end-strength by Sept. 30. Officer programs, available for specific year groups and overage career fields, include time in grade waivers for eligible lieutenant colonels, limited

active-duty service commitment waivers, Palace Chase transfers to the Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve, and the 10 to 8 Commissioned Years of Service Waiver program. Enlisted voluntary programs, for those who are not in critical specialties, include limited active duty service commitment and time-in-grade waivers, waivers to enlistment contracts, and Palace Chase transfers to the Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve. Applications, due Aug. 1, must be submitted via the virtual MPF. Those approved for retirement must retire by Sept. 1. Separations must be completed by Sept. 29. Airmen who separate or retire must

attend the mandatory five-day Transition Assistance Program workshop. TAP helps Airmen prepare for post-military life, offering instruction and guidance on resume development, job hunting and more. Full eligibility requirements and ap-

plication procedures for officer and enlisted force management programs are available on myPers at https://mypers. af.mil. Enter PSDM 13-09 in the search window for officer programs and PSDM 13-10 for enlisted programs.

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Around Creech

April 12, 2013


91st Attack Squadron activates

Not for Web Viewing U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Master Sgt. P.H. U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Master Sgt. P.H.

Members of the newly activated 91st Attack Squadron render a first salute to the squadron’s first commander April 5. The squadron, which flies MQ-1B Predator and MQ-9 Reaper remotely piloted aircraft, provides combat air patrol capabilities in support of the United States’ intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance strategy.

Col. John Breeden, 926th Group Commander, left, passes the guidon to Lt. Col. Joseph during the 91st Attack Squadron activation ceremony April 5. Flying MQ-1B Predator and MQ-9 Reaper remotely piloted aircraft, the 91st ATKS conducts worldwide operations enabling persistent, real-time intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.

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Health and Wellness


April 12, 2013

By 99th Medical Group Q. Can I choose a civilian network provider? A. If you are enrolled in Tricare Prime and live more than 30 minutes from Nellis Air Force Base, you can change your Prime Care Manager through the Tricare Service Center. If you do not live more than 30 minutes from Nellis AFB, you must submit a request for review/ approval for civilian PCM. You can submit request via email to 99MDGTricare@nellis.af.mil, along with a map with drive time from your home address to Mike O’Callaghan Federal Medical Center. You will then be notified if request was approved or denied. If denied, you have the option to switch from Prime to Tricare Standard. Please visit Tricare Service Center for details. • Active-duty service members cannot be under Tricare Standard. • PCM has a drive time of more than 30 minutes • Specialty care has a drive time of more than 60 minutes

Send your questions to askthedoc@nellis.af.mil.




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April 12, 2013


sunrise Vista offers nellis golfers an oasis By caitlin Kenney 99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — It’s 8 a.m. and already there are at least a dozen golfers across the course getting in a round before the heat of the day arrives. The sights and sounds of F-15s taking off just about where the golf course

starts don’t seem to bother the regulars. A green oasis in the desert, the Nellis Sunrise Vista Golf Course is a relaxing refuge from the daily military grind. With two courses of nine holes each and a new four-hole par 3 course, the area is built for first timers to regulars. During the last 12 months, the golf course has invested $700,000 in improvements,

U.S. Air Force photo by Caitlin Kenney

The Sunrise Vista golf course on Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. has undergone multiple renovations to enhance player’s experiences. The course is an oasis away from daily military missions and stress.

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including renovated “bunkers” or sand boxes, a fairway project, a new driving range canopy and new golf carts. These projects and purchases came from nonappropriated funds, cost shares and the Air Combat Command’s small project fund. All of these projects were years in the making to give the active-duty and retired community a place to unwind and meet up with friends. Steve Griffith, 99th Force Support Squadron golf course manager, wants people to come out and see what Sunrise Vista has to offer. “We just ask that they come back out and give us a chance and see the improvements we’ve made [during] the past two years,” he said. Its prices, amenities and community involvement make Sunrise Vista a place where members feel welcome. “It’s the cheapest place for me to golf, and I have a lot of retired friends that I get to see coming here,” said retired Army Chief Warrant Officer 2 Hal Hoyle who comes to the golf course five days a week. “I would definitely recommend it.”

See gOLf, on page 11

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U.S. Air Force photo by Caitlin Kenney

The Pro Shop at the Sunrise Vista golf course at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., is fully stocked with equipment, clothing, and golf accessories March 29.

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BULLSEYE gOLf, from page 10 Sunrise Vista also offers breakfast specials six days a week, serves lunch daily as well as catering for change of command ceremonies, retirements, weddings, and other social events. They have an indoor seating area with wrap around windows overlooking the course and nearby mountains. Just outside is a stone patio with plenty of covered seating and its own grill. Retired Air Force Senior Master Sgt. John Elam

U.S. Air Force photo by Caitlin Kenney

Staff Sgt. Jesse practices March 29 at the Sunrise Vista golf course on Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Golfers come to Sunrise Vista to enjoy friendly games of golf, experience the military atmosphere, including flyovers, and taking advantage of the competitive prices.

comes three times a week to meet friends and enjoys playing golf on base. “It’s best to play at a military golf course if you’re military. I’d rather play here than downtown,” Elam said. The golf course has a fully stocked pro shop and can order equipment as well with the military discount already given by the manufacturer. “We can generally beat any price out there for a newer model club,” Griffith said. Annual membership prices vary by rank and it covers all the green fees for a year, 10 percent off merchandise and one extra day to reserve tee times. The golf course can average 4,000 rounds a month during the peak season and 2,200 during the colder or oppressively hot months. From tournaments and fundraisers to the men and women’s golf clubs, and also the lessons and programs offered to Airmen and families, the course has something for everyone to enjoy. For those not sure yet if they like golf, are just beginning the sport or just want to have some carefree fun, the new par 3 course is perfect. “Basically this course is going to be geared towards women, juniors, and people who want to learn how to play but are afraid of the full golf course,” Griffith said. The staff is also hoping to use the par 3 for the lunchtime crowd. “We are going to try and create a lunchtime golf league for the par 3 so active duty or civilians that work on base, [who] only have 35-40 minutes can come and play a quick round of golf,” he said. The grand opening for the par 3 course will be May 3, and free golf will be available from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

April 12, 2013


U.S. Air Force photo by Caitlin Kenney

Golfers enjoy a round of golf March 29 at Nellis’ Sunrise Vista golf course on Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The golf course has had several renovations and improvements over the past 12 months to make the experience better for patrons.

“It’s close and convenient and the practice facilities are very nice especially now that the grass is coming in. It looks very nice, and it’s a nice spot to practice,” said Staff Sgt. Jesse, who has been golfing for 12 years. He recommends that more Airmen use this golf course. “Definitely to support the local course for sure, the prices are reasonable, the course is usually in decent condition, [and] now it’s getting even better,” Jesse said. For more information about the Sunrise Vista golf course, visit http://nellisforcesupport.com/ Golf_Course.html.

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April 12, 2013


nellis sweeps IsR awards NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — Congratulations to the following Airmen who were recognized for their exceptional efforts and accomplishments in support of Air Force and national missions: Capt. Ryan T. Hudson, 19th Weapons Squadron, 57th Wing — Air Force’s Outstanding Officer Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Instructor of the Year Staff Sgt. Jessica E. Caldwell, 91st Attack Squadron, 926th Group — Air Force’s Outstanding Air Reserve Component ISR Airman of the Year Maj. Robin Adams, United States Air Force Warfare Center — Air Combat Command’s Outstanding Active Duty ISR Field Grade Officer of the Year Capt. Christina Anderson, 19th WPS, 57th WG — ACC’s Major General John S. Patton Outstanding Active Duty ISR Officer of the Year James Truman, 547th IS, 57th WG — ACC’s Outstanding ISR Civilian Contributor of the Year Maj. Kenneth D. Alderman, 84th Test and Evaluation Squadron, 926th Group — Air Force Reserve Command’s Outstanding Air Reserve Component ISR Field Grade Officer of the Year Maj. Mark J. Crowder, 91st Attack Squadron, 926th Grp — AFRC’s Outstanding Air Reserve Component ISR Officer Contributor of the Year

Tech. Sgt. Steven R. Stockman, 91st AS, 926th Grp — AFRC’s Outstanding Air Reserve Component ISR Enlisted Contributor of the Year Maj. Mark Bishop, 26th Space Aggressor Squadron, 926th Group — Air Force Space Command’s Outstanding Air Reserve Component ISR Company Grade Officer of the Year The United States Air Force Warfare Center awards: 527th Space Aggressor Intelligence Flight, 57th WG — Outstanding Operational Support Flight Intelligence 19th WPS, 57th WG — Outstanding Intelligence Squadron/ISR Unit of the Year Master Sgt. Brian M. Simkins, 53rd WG — Outstanding Active Duty ISR Senior Noncommissioned Officer of the Year Staff Sgt. Sonata Kristina Corpuz, 57th WG — Outstanding Active Duty ISR NCO of the Year Senior Airman Stephen Zielinski , 57th WG — Outstanding Active Duty ISR Airman of the Year Maj. Peter Jensen, 57th WG — Outstanding ARC ISR Field Grade Officer of the Year David E. Shepard, 505th Command and Control Wing — Outstanding ISR Intermediate-Level Civilian of the Year

Maj. Aubrey Curtis, 57th WG — Outstanding ISR Officer Contributor of the Year Tech. Sgt. Brandon Pike, 57th WG — Outstanding ISR Enlisted Contributor of the Year The Air Force-level ISR awards board is conducted annually by the Air Force ISR Agency to recognize outstanding leadership and performance by military or civilian people and units who hold ISR specialties or contribute to the mission of the ISR force. This year the board reviewed more than 232 nominations from more than 29 organizations. National-level individual military award winners are authorized to wear the Air Force Recognition ribbon.

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Photo F


U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Matthew Lancaster

Staff Sgt. Nicholas Yarman, 99th Security Forces Squadron armory NCO in charge, aims his M9 pistol down the firing range during a combat arms training and maintenance class April 8 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The M9 is a short recoil, semi-automatic, single-action and double-action pistol which uses a 15-round staggered box magazine with a reversible magazine release button that can be positioned for either right- or left-handed shooters.

CATM takes aim, teaches Airmen to shoo

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Mat

Nellis and Creech Air Force Base Airmen aim M4 carbine assault rifles down the firing range during a combat arms training and maintenance class April 9 at Nellis Air Force Safety procedures on the range are key to ensure no one is injured during training.


April 12, 2013


U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Matthew Lancaster


Senior Airman Kevin Robinson, 99th Security Forces Squadron combat arms instructor, watches Airman 1st Class Joseph Hammersten, 99th Force Support Squadron food service worker, clear his M4 carbine assault rifle during a combat arms training and maintenance class April 9 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Clearing a small arms weapon is one of the steps to ensure it fires properly.

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Matthew Lancaster

Airman 1st Class Joseph Hammersten, 99th Force Support Squadron food service worker, shoots an M4 carbine assault rifle during a combat arms training and maintenance class April 9 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The M4 carbine assault rifle is a gas-operated, magazine-fed, selective fire, shoulderfired weapon with a telescoping stock.

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Matthew Lancaster

tthew Lancaster

Base, Nev.

Staff Sgt. Nicholas Yarman, 99th Security Forces Squadron armory NCO in charge, moves his target further down the firing range during a combat arms training and maintenance class April 8 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Targets are moved to test service members on their accuracy at different distances during the M9 qualification course.

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Matthew Lancaster

Nellis and Creech Air Force Base Airmen attend a combat arms training and maintenance class April 9 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. CATM classes are held Monday through Friday for either the M4 carbine assault rifle or the M9 pistol.

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19 Nellis, Creech Air Force vehicle validation visit dates change BULLSEYE

By Master sgt. Rene Valdez and Kelly Keebler 99th Logistics Readiness Squadron

NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — The Nellis and Creech vehicle validation visit has been rescheduled due to budget constraints. Air Force vehicle management staffs will be at both bases to conduct a vehicle validation May 6-10. The original validation visit was scheduled for March 18-22.

The VVV is a process to validate the vehicles we have in our fleet by reducing, increasing, moving or simply changing the size or type of vehicles a unit uses. Each unit will get the chance to sit down with the validation team and justify why they need to retain their vehicles or discuss possible changes. The goal of the VVV is to ensure maximum efficiencies in our fleet and to ensure the right vehicle is used for the right job. The 99th Logistics Readiness Squadron Vehicle Management and Analysis Office

April 12, 2013

will be coordinating with units to develop a schedule to meet with the validation team and encourage unit representatives to come prepared to answer the following questions: • Who operates the vehicle? • What is the vehicle being used for? • Is this the right size and type of vehicle needed? If units must have a specific vehicle by regulation, bring the reference to the meeting. The more prepared units are, and the stronger the supporting documentation, the

better the units’ chances of keeping their vehicles. In accordance with Air Force Instruction 24-302, Vehicle Management, no vehicle authorization submissions or requests for new vehicles will be accepted for a period of one year after a VVV. If there are issues, ensure they are brought up during the validation meeting. If you have any questions please call the vehicle management and analysis office at (702) 652-8059 or 4-2681.

Service members, civilians, spouses can take 2013 Air Force Community Assessment Survey By Airman 1st class timothy Young 99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — The 2013 Air Force Community Assessment Survey began Air Force wide April 5. The CAS will be administered to randomly selected active-duty service members and their spouses; reservists and their spouses; civilian employees and, for the first time since the survey started in 1998-1999, guardsmen and their spouses. The survey plays a key role in identifying where resources are needed most to enhance the well-being of the entire Air Force community, said Erik Christensen, 99 Air Base

Wing, community support coordinator. “It helps the leadership of Nellis and Creech to see what our unique challenges are, and then develop actions,” Christensen said, “We take meaningful actions based upon the results of the survey.” Active-duty service members, reservists, guardsmen and civilian employees will be notified by email to participate in this survey. Spouses will be contacted by postcard with an invitation to participate. Each invitation will include a link to the online survey. Christensen said the survey is an opportunity for someone to be honest without fear of retribution. No personal identifying information is

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linked to responses. This means no one will be able to link any aspect of the responses to any participant “The survey will be used to make changes that truly benefit Airmen and their families,” Christensen said. Opinions and comments made from the previous waves of the Community Assessment Survey have directly influenced support activities and family services at Nellis, Creech and other bases throughout the Air Force, he said. Policies and programs impacted by this survey include; better financial counseling programs, better support networks for Air Force single parents, marital support seminars for junior enlisted

members and their spouses and job programs for spouses. The overall success of this survey relies on the full cooperation and participation of each survey respondent. Community members are strongly urged to take part in this study said Christensen. Gen. Mark A. Welsh III, Air Force chief of staff, said, “Our Air Force is all about people ... caring for Airmen and their families. Please invest some time in sharing your thoughts and opinions on how we can do this better and make our Air Force community stronger.” For more information on the survey, call Erik Christensen at (702) 652-5791.

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April 12, 2013


Reductions won’t affect most TRICARE Prime beneficiaries FALLS CHURH, Va. — Despite upcoming service area reductions, TRICARE Prime will remain a health care option for 97 percent of the more than 5 million beneficiaries eligible for the health care plan, Military Health System officials said. The 3 percent difference, which comprises about 171,000 beneficiaries who mostly reside more than 40 miles from a military clinic or hospital, automatically will revert to the TRICARE Standard health care option Oct. 1, officials said. Those beneficiaries recently received a letter explaining their options, and they will receive a reminder letter in June or July. “The first thing TRICARE beneficiaries should know about the reduction in the number of Prime service areas is that it doesn’t mean they’re losing their TRICARE benefit,” said Dr. Jonathan Woodson, the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs. “Next, it’s important to remember this change does not affect most of the more than 5 million people using TRICARE Prime, and (it affects) none of our active-duty members and their families.” As a follow-up to the initial notification, he noted, a second letter will be mailed in early summer to make sure all affected beneficiaries have the time and information to make important decisions about their future health-care options.

The TRICARE website has the most current details at http://www.tricare.mil/PSA and gives beneficiaries the option to sign up for email updates. A ZIP code tool is available on the site to help beneficiaries determine if they live in an affected Prime service area. As always, officials said, TRICARE beneficiaries still are covered by TRICARE Standard. For those living within 100 miles of a remaining Prime service area, they added, re-enrolling in Prime may be an option, depending on availability. To do this, beneficiaries must waive their drive-time standards and possibly would need to travel long distances for primary and specialty care. “I urge all impacted beneficiaries to carefully consider their health care options — they should talk them over with family members and their current health care provider,” Woodson said. “Many beneficiaries may be able to continue with their current provider using the Standard benefit. Being close to your health care team usually offers the best and safest access to care.” In TRICARE Prime, those enrolled are assigned a primary care provider who manages their health care. Retirees pay an annual enrollment fee and have low out-of-pocket costs under this plan. TRICARE Standard is an open-choice option with no monthly premiums and no need for referrals, but there are cost shares and an annual deductible.

Defense Department officials first planned to reduce the number of Prime service areas in 2007, when it requested bids for the third generation of regional health care support contracts. The areas being eliminated are not close to existing military treatment facilities or sites affected by base realignments and closures. Prolonged protests resulted in a staggered transition, officials said, and the decision was made to keep all Prime service areas in place until all three contracts were in place. The West region completed its transition April 1. Eliminating select Prime service areas allows TRICARE and the Defense Department to better control costs while continuing to deliver a high-quality health care benefit to all 9.6 million TRICARE beneficiaries, officials said.

Stressed parents get help with new program By nick simeone American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, D.C. — With April designated as Child Abuse Prevention Month, the Defense Department is highlighting its commitment to preventing child abuse and neglect among military families, especially through the Family Advocacy Program, and providing those who need it with counseling. The FAP focuses on strengthening family resilience though visits and counseling with new military parents, as well as on educating young families about the stresses of parenting and what it takes to maintain healthy relationships especially when some members are deployed. The department has created the New Parent Support Program, a voluntary home-visiting program aimed at helping parents-to-be or those with young children adapt to parenthood through classes, community support groups and other forms of instruction. “Our whole goal is to provide a safe, stable and nurturing environment for our military families, es-

Courtesy photo

pecially for our military children,” Kathy Robertson, the director of the Family Advocacy Program, told American Forces Press Service and the Pentagon Channel. Key to that, she said, is helping families find the social connections and resources

within their base or community to get through the challenges of military life. “We have young military families who are away from their own immediate family who need to rely on us and we need to support them,” she said.

Robertson said the level of child abuse and neglect in the military is comparable to society at large, noting that the services had more than 15,000 reports in 2011 of allegations of child abuse and neglect. Neglect — often related to a lack of supervision, rather than abuse — is the most frequent situation in those cases, she added. “We believe it has risen with the result of the wars, with the number of deployments, with levels of depression in some of the parents,” Robertson said. “So we’re doing all we can to reach out to these families.” Families wanting to learn more about programs designed to prevent abuse and those seeking counseling are urged to contact family centers on their base or installation or through militaryonesource.mil. “We have more than 1,900 professionals working for DOD and family advocacy who work tirelessly every day and are very dedicated to support families,” Robertson emphasized. “Child Abuse Prevention Month gives us the opportunity to really look at what we’re doing, how effective it is, and what more we can do.”

Lighter Side


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1. Where is the 99th Aerospace Medicine Squadron Health and Wellness Center moving to? 2. When is the Time-Out sports lounge temporarily closing? 3. Where did Tech. Sgt. Angie Johnson, Missouri Air National Guard, sing the national anthem?

Last Weeks Answers

1. Jessica L. Wright 2. 64 men 3. Fewer

Winner — Retired Tech. Sgt. William R. Futrell


E-mail your entry by 9 a.m. Monday to bullseye@aerotechnews.com. A winner will be selected through a random drawing of correct answers. Entries must include applicant’s full name, organization and base. The winner’s name will appear the following issue. The winner must take a copy of the paper, or show government military or civilian/retired identification, to the sponsor directly to receive the award.

Honor Mom with a special greeting for Mother’s Day! Sunday, May 12th

28 Words, Only $10! Deadline is Tues., May 7th at noon. Ads print Fri., May 10 Email: adrienne2@aerotechnews.com

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Lighter Side

April 12, 2013


the rules: 1. Write a creative, printable caption for the photo below. 2. E-mail your entry by close of business Monday to bullseye@aerotechnews.com. Entries are limited to one per submitter, and become property of Bullseye, subject to editing. 3. Entries must include full name, rank, and duty station/installation, but not specific organization; telephone/duty phone numbers are not required.

Do you have a funny military photo you would like to run? If so, please e-mail it to bullseye@aerotechnews.com and we would be happy to consider it for future publication in the Lighter Side.

4. Captions will be judged by Aerotech News Staff for their appropriateness and humor. One winner will be announced in the following week of the Bullseye newspaper.Winner must present copy of newspaper with their name in it,indicating the date they won the meal, and show a valid I.D.card.

WRiTE A CA p TioN . . . W iN A ME A L! Caption Contest Photo 1

Caption Contest Photo 2

Write a humorous caption to this photo.

Write a humorous caption to this photo.

high PRoTEiN • LoW FAT • LoW CARB Caption Contest winners receive a


Last Week’s Photo 1

up to $15

Master Sgt. Timothy Coulman



Last Week’s Photo 2

Winning Submission

FREE Meal Winner

(good at all Teriyaki Madness Locations)

Winning Submission

“Sir, if we move 10 feet that way we can finish our meeting out of the sprinklers range.” FREE Meal Winner Josefa McHott. Civilian

Back off my kid! Get your own!

around 4 years old it finally passed, but soon his often violent reactions April 12, 2013 and behavior kept him out of day cares and created a tremendous concern in

Lighter Side



FiND ThE hiDDEN gRAPhiC the rules:

Locate a part of the above graphic somewhere in this week’s paper. Identify the page, include your rank & duty station.

1. Find the graphic pictured to the left. 2. E-mail your entry by 9 a.m. Monday to bullseye@ aerotechnews.com. A winner will be selected through a random drawing of correct answers. Entries must include applicant’s full name, organization and base. The winner’s name will appear the following issue. The winner must take a copy of the paper, or show government military or civilian/retired identification, to the sponsor directly to receive the award. All entries become the property of Bullseye and are subject to editing for minor errors.

high PRoTEiN • LoW FAT • LoW CARB Win a (good at all Teriyaki Madness Locations)


Bullseye News Staff

Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review Barry Anderson, Advertising Sales Karl Dean, Advertising Sales Lila Edwards, Managing Editor Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout CONTACT: Advertising Sales (702) 876-4589 For display ads: e-mail barryanderson@aerotechnews.com or e-mail KarlDean@aerotechnews.com For classified ads: e-mail classifieds@aerotechnews.com CONTACT: Editorial Staff (702) 876-4039/4837 For editorial staff: e-mail bullseye@aerotechnews.com

WHere WAS tHe GrAPHiC? the graphic was located on page 2.


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VFW • 4337 Las Vegas Blvd. North

VA Hospital • Boulder City

Nellis Bar & Grill (Escapades) • Nellis & Lamb by West Gate

Masterpiece Barbershop • 1374 West Cheyenne Suite #106

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Capriotti’s • 1311 West Craig Road Suite E.

Botanas Bar • Las Vegas Blvd & Nelson

Teriyaki Madness • 725 West Craig Road Suite #132

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Port of Subs • 4388 East Craig Road

25 Club • 4555 N Las Vegas Blvd.

Quality Inn • 4355 East Craig Road

Super 8 Hotel • 4545 N Las Vegas Blvd

Manhattan Pizza • 4955 West Craig Road Ste 14

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Nellis Living

April 12, 2013


Military children express sacrifices through art, writing provide to their families, and the military now has 1.8 million children in the services. The exhibit ref lects the works of military children WASHINGTON, D.C. — Life through the eyes of military — nearly 50 in all — from elementary to high school. children through their paintings, drawings and writings was On the back of each work of art, the children wrote on public display at the Education Department in Washing- what motivated them to produce their particular work, ton, D.C., April 4 to celebrate the Month of the Military Child. said Cindy Simerly, marketing chief for the Military Since 1983, the Defense Department has officially Child Education Coalition and a military spouse. recognized military children for the support they The result of a partnership of the Energy Department, the Military Child Education Coalition and the Student 2 Student Initiative, the exhibit also will travel to the home of Vice President Joe Biden as part of Joining Forces, an effort to garner public support for service members, veterans and their families spearheaded by First Lady Michelle Obama and the vice president’s wife, Dr. Jill Biden. From there, the exhibit is expected to be on display April 9 at the Department of Defense Education Activity’s headquarters at the Mark Center in Alexandria, Va. For those who are unable to visit the exhibit, a digitalized version of the military children’s work, titled, “Art from the Heart,” is on the Military Child Education Coalition’s website. “The exhibit is a powerful medium for military DOD photo by terri Moon Cronk children to express their experiences over a decade of Tiffany Hernandez, a seventh-grader from an Air Force family, war, and to show their sacrifices,” Simerly said. “It’s painted “Welcome Home Daddy.” Nearly 50 illustrations, paintings a way for the children to express themselves in a way and writings were on display at the U.S. Education Department that they might not be able to do in words.” April 3 in observance of the Month of the Military Child. By terri Moon cronk

American Forces Press Service

DOD photo by terri Moon Cronk

Aubrey Hansberry, a high school senior from an Army family, is the artist for this depiction of a child running toward her father coming home from deployment. Nearly 50 illustrations, paintings and writings were on display at the U.S. Education Department April 3 in observance of the Month of the Military Child.



April 12, 2013

Nellis Living


nELLiS LiVing . . . hAPPEningS . . . thingS tO DO . . . chapel (702) 652-2950 catholic services

Monday-Thursday: 11:30 a.m. Sunday Mass: at 9:45 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession Sundays: 4-4:30 p.m.

Protestant services

Gospel Service Sunday: 8 a.m. Praise Service Sunday: 11:15 a.m.

sunday school

Non-denominational Religious Education classes for ages 3-adult. Meet in the Annex from September-May, 9:30 a.m.-10:45 a.m.

children’s church

Sundays during worship for ages 18 months to Pre-K in the Annex and Kindergarten-5th Grade meet in the Chapel basement. For more information, contact the Chapel office at (702)652-2950 or email 99abw.hc@nellis.af.mil. Settlement of Estate: Any person or persons having claims for or against the estate of Staff Sgt. Melissa Marie Boyes, 99th Medical Support Squadron, should contact Summary Court Officer, 1st Lt. Joseph 0. Bothwell, 99th MDS, at (702) 653-2450. Deployed Spouses supporting Deployed Spouses: Stay strong during deployments and meet with other deployed spouses. Share ideas, learn coping skills, socialize and more. Meetings are held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center from 11 a.m. to noon the first and third Monday of each month. For more information call (702) 652-3327. Base Tax Center: Nellis and Creech Tax Centers provide free tax advice, tax preparation and tax assistance to include electronic filing to active duty, reservists on orders, retirees and military family members possessing a valid United States Uniformed Services Identification Card. The tax center at Nellis AFB is located in the Nellis Community Center, Bldg. 625, Suite 320. The tax center at Creech AFB tax center is located in USAF Bldg. 81 on Third Street. Nellis AFB tax center hours of operation are: Mondays and Tuesdays, 8 a.m.-6:30 p.m., Wednesdays and Thursdays, 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Creech AFB tax center hours of operation are: Fridays, 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. From 8 a.m.-9 a.m., the tax center will accept walk-ins for Short Forms 1040EZ (basic return) and 1040A (basic return plus Forms 2441, 8863, and 8880 and Schedules B, M and R) tax returns only. Long Form 1040 tax returns which require schedules and forms will be completed by appointment only. To make

an appointment for tax assistance, call the tax center appointment line at (702) 652-2645 between 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Thursday.

Force support events Mondays Breakfast at The Club 7 a.m. Ready Set Grow at the Youth Center 10 a.m. Tuesdays Breakfast at The Club 7 a.m. Wednesdays Breakfast at The Club 7 a.m. Storytime at the Library 10:30 a.m. Grill Your Own Steak at The Club 5 p.m. Thursdays Breakfast at The Club 7 a.m. Cook Your Own Steak at Time Out Sports Lounge 5 p.m. Fridays Breakfast at The Club 7 a.m. Social Hour at The Club and Time Out 4 p.m. April 13: Mosaic Canyon hike: Mosaic Canyon is considered a geologic “outdoor museum”; a showcase of geologic features as well as a beautiful example of one of Death Valley’s many canyons. From the parking area it is an easy 1/4 mile walk in to the canyon narrows, where the surrounding rock walls are composed of smooth, water-polished marble. Another 2 miles of hiking brings you to a dry waterfall. Other possible stops during this Death Valley adventure include Rhyolite Ghost Town, Goldwell Open Air Art Museum, Furnace Creek Ranch, etc. Bring water bottles and a lunch or be prepared to purchase food at stops along the way. A water cooler for refilling water bottles and an ice chest for keeping food/beverages cool will be provided. Depart at 7 a.m. with estimated return 8 p.m. Cost $25, PLAYpass eligible. Masters Cha-Cha Golf: Sign up today for this year’s Masters Cha-Cha Golf Tournament. Two Player Teams; make own teams; teams will be awarded 80 percent of Combined handicap. Teams will be broken into f lights based on Handicap. Men Play White Tees, Women Play Red Tees. Format will be Individual Stroke Play Cha-Cha Scoring. 7:30 a.m. shotgun start. Entry Fee is $55 per player/$45 for advanced green fee holders. Entry includes Green fee, Cart Fee, Range, Prizes, and Lunch. For more info contact the golf shop (702) 652.4497. April 16: Resume Tips and Job Search class: At the Airman and Family Readiness Center from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.; Get the latest trends on resume styles; learn interviewing techniques and how to network. Call (702) 652-3327 to register. April 17: Start Your Own Business: Experts will present this thought-provoking

workshop, which will provide you with the tools necessary to be your own boss! Learn how to be effective in developing, managing and marketing your own business. Presentations start at 9 a.m. Call the Aiman and Family Readiness Center (702) 652-3327 to register.

Family Fun Night at the Library: Come out to your base Library for a night of fun and adventure through reading for the whole family. Start time is 6 p.m.

Moving Up and Out of the Dorms: Determine what you have and what you need to set up housekeeping, and figure what it will actually cost you to live off-base besides rent and utilities. Project a budget for living off base and learn how to start your BAH. Start time is 10 a.m. at the Airman and Family Readiness Center.

April 20: Horseback Barbecue Trail Ride: Relax in the saddle and enjoy the view as your horse follows the winding trail through scenic Red Rock Canyon, National Conservation Area. Anticipate the tasty barbecue chicken with all the fixin’s waiting for you at the end of the 1 hour 45 minute trail ride (vegetarian meal available upon request). Adventure departs Nellis at 9 a.m. with estimated return 2 p.m. Cost: $125; PLAYpass eligible.

EFMP Respite Care Workshop: Parents will be provided information about respite care programs that are available on- and off-base. Workshop will start at 11 a.m. at the Airman and Family Readiness Center. Feel free to bring your lunch.

April 25: Base-Wide Volunteer Appreciation: Thank our Nellis volunteers! At 10 a.m. at The Club we will be celebrating their service with a Base-wide Volunteer Appreciation Event. Sign up through your Volunteer Manager.

April 18: Heart Link: Air Force 101 for Spouses: Join us from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. for a fun-filled day of interactive games, presentations, and prizes as you learn about the Nellis mission, community services and much more! Childcare and brunch are provided. Call the Airman and Family Readines Center for information.

April 29: Preparation for Parenthood: A free four -week course from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for first-time expectant parents. Topics include budgeting for a new baby, caring for a newborn, breast/bottle feeding, child safety, infant CPR, and child development. There will be lots of free samples and handouts. Call the Airman and Family Readiness Center at (702) 652-3327 to sign up.

April 19: Survive and Thrive 5k: Join the Warrior Fitness Center at 7 a.m. for this month’s themed 5k run. The Thrive & survive 5K promotes Healthy Living by raising awareness for Sexual Assault, Child Abuse Prevention, and Mental Health Resources. Month of the Military Child Deployment Campout: A mock Deployment for Deployed families’ members and all eligible youth. There will be Deployment activities team building and around the camp fire fun. Youth ages 9-14 years with current activity $10. Non-Activity card holders can participate for a fee of $20. Free for all deployed family members! Camp out starts at 8 p.m.

May 1: Deployed and Remote Family Dinner: FREE Deployed and Remote Family Dinner at Crosswinds Dining Facility from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Meet and socialize with other deployed and remote families and get a night off from cooking! Call the Airman and Family Readiness Center at (702) 6523327 to register. May 2: Spring CCAF Graduation: The Spring Community College of the Air Force Graduation will be held at The Club at 3 p.m. Please come out and support graduates. For more information contact Master Sgt. C. Metres Champ at (702) 652 5275 or Tech. Sgt. James Niblock at (702) 652-6539.

New! Nellis Air Force BAse speciFic

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Bullseye Classified Marketplace Friday, April 12, 2013 Homes for Rent

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Condos for Rent

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WANTED Clerk Full/Part-Time All Shifts. Janitor for Graveyard Apply in Person Desert Adult Books 4350 N. Las Vegas Blvd Immediately Outside Nellis AFB Main Gate. No Phone Calls!

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Cars & Trucks

Deadline, Tuesday, May 7th

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Bullseye Classified Marketplace - Friday, April 12, 2013 - Page 29


Garage & Yard Sales

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Garage & Yard Sales GARAGE SALE Friday & Saturday April 12th & 13th 7am - 2pm 3608 N. Torrey Pines Dr. Clothing/Tools, Much More! MOVING? Having a Yard Sale? Attract More Customers With A Classified Ad! Call 877-247-9288 Aerotech News & Review

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Nellis Bullseye

Exciting Career Opportunity Immediate Openings Attn: Military Spouses Busy Financial Services office is looking for Military Spouses for various positions in our Las Vegas office. To qualify, you must possess the following traits: outgoing personality, great people skills, and a can-do attitude. Good personal credit, the ability to multitask and provide exceptional customer service is a must. These positions are filling up fast. Please email your resume & cover letter to Rick Mony at rmony@yesomni.com. www.militaryloans.com

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28 Words, Only $10! Deadline is Tues., May 7th at noon. Ads print Fri., May 10 Email: adrienne2@aerotechnews.com





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