Bullseye - June 14, 2013

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Vol. 64 No. 23 June 14, 2013

Squadron’s commitment to excellence, service remains By Staff Sgt. Gregory Brook 99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

N EL LIS A IR FORCE BASE , Nev. — The skies over the base here are quieter than they have been in quite some time due to the Air Combat Command stand down of flying that took effect June 1 for the rest of the fiscal year. Despite the stand down, the 64th Aggressor Squadron remains committed to excellence and service in trying to accomplish their mission, said Lt. Col. Michael Shepherd, 64th AGRS academic assistant director of operations. The 64th AGRS is assigned to the 57th Adversary Tactics Group at Nellis AFB. Their primary mission is to provide support to the U.S. Air Force Weapons School, Red Flag exercises, the various test and evaluation squadrons and to provide training to units in the Combat Air Force on adversary tactics. “Our motto is ‘know, teach and replicate,’” Shepherd said. “As Aggressors, we are subject matter experts in a field of adversary tactics or systems anywhere from airplanes to missiles to actual tactics to electronic attacks.” The 64th AGRS is planning to focus on learning as much as possible about

_____ See SQUADRON, on page 3

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Daniel Hughes

An F-16 Fighting Falcon assigned to the 64th Aggressor Squadron takes off from Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., to participate in a Joint Forcible Entry exercise over the Nevada Test and Training Range May 31. Under the ACC stand down that took effect June 1, the aggressors will be grounded through the end of the fiscal year.

66th Rescue Squadron honors fallen By Airman 1st Class Joshua Kleinholz 99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — The 66th Rescue Squadron took a step June 10 to ensure that their fallen comrades w ill never be forgotten

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during a ceremony where they named three roads after Airmen who died exactly three years ago in the Sangin District of Afghanistan. The HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter, call sign “Pedro 66,” was en route to rescue British service members in South-

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west Afghanistan June 9, 2010, when it was hit by enemy fire and crashed, killing five of its seven crew members. Covers were pulled off the signs to reveal three new street names during the ceremony, all of which will serve as a constant reminder to honor those


who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Smith Avenue will honor Staff Sgt. David C. Smith, 58th RQS flight engineer. Wisniewski Way will honor Capt. David Wisniewski, 58th RQS Pave Hawk pilot.

_________ See FALLEN, on page 8


Keeping eyes on the mission

Commentary ............................ 2


Feature ................................. 11-12

News ...................................... 3-10 Happenings ........................... 22



June 14, 2013


Why we enforce standards By Master Sgt. Vincent Brass 8th Operations Group first sergeant

KUNSAN AIR BASE, South Korea — In the military we constantly refer to “the standard.” Most standards are developed within Air Force Instructions or technical orders. They are what sets us apart from our civilian counterparts. Webster’s d ic t iona r y def i nes a standard as “something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model, or example.” We weigh our performance reports and sometimes administrative actions off of our ability to meet the standard.

As a first sergeant, I consistently f ind myself reminding A ir Force members from all Air Force Specialty Codes of the standards. Most times I get a similar response; the member corrects the action and continues on. Sometimes I get asked, “Shirt, is it really that big of a deal to have my hands in my pockets?” I ask you, is it? What or whom will be impacted by the staff sergeant or captain with their hands in their pockets? Honestly, probably no one. Ultimately, what it comes down to is, which standard is OK to deviate from? Air Force instruction 36-2903

Dress and Personal Appearance, was developed to provide us with guidance on how to maintain a professional image at all times. How we wear our uniform is not only important to how the population of our great nation views us, but also how we pay respect to the men and women who have worn it before us and will continue to wear it long after we are all gone. In my humble opinion, there should be no standard too small to enforce. Whether it is in a uniform standard, a security forces instruction, or a technical order that tells our maintainers

the correct torque specification to prevent catastrophic failure while our pilots are in f light; all standards are developed to ensure mission success. One of my mentors in the Air Force, retired Chief Master Sg t. Atticus Smith, used to put it to me in a manner that has stuck with me ever since. “When we begin to pick and choose what standards we will enforce, we begin to accept mediocrity as the standard,” Smith said. “When mediocrity becomes the standard is when the mission will fail.” I ask you now, why is it a big deal to enforce the standard?

Keeping service in perspective By Chief Master Sgt. James Powell 97th Medical Group

ALTUS AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. — If you were approached by a co-worker, civilian or family member and asked the question, “Why do you serve?” What would your answer be? How would you internalize what you do for the Air Force to the point where you could answer that seemingly simple question? Over the past several years, I’ve heard the full array of reasons from the events of 9/11 to family traditions. It wasn’t until sequestration during this past spring, specifically the suspension of tuition assistance, that I thought harder about the reasons why we serve. Let me start by saying that I am not against tuition assistance or any other benefit that the Air Force has given us. I personally have benefited from the use of TA and believe that our Air Force reaps the rewards from members who have taken the initiative to further their education. I bring up this subject because the news about terminating TA seemed to have invoked an enormous response and I wanted to try and put some things into perspective. As Air Force members, we sometimes have a tendency to take things for granted. We have no problem when the first and the 15th of the month come around and our paycheck is waiting for us in the bank. We have grown to expect that. When we take a look at our leave and earnings statement, we see different benefits such as housing allowance or subsistence allowance and maybe even some type of special-incentive pay that is unique to our particular job or career field. Most of those

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Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review Barry Anderson, Advertising Sales Karl Dean, Advertising Sales Stuart Ibberson, Editor Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout CONTACT: Advertising Sales (702) 876-4589 For display ads: e-mail barryanderson@aerotechnews.com or e-mail KarlDean@aerotechnews.com For classified ads: e-mail classifieds@aerotechnews.com CONTACT: Editorial Staff (702) 876-4039/4837 For editorial staff: e-mail bullseye@aerotechnews.com

benefits remain largely intact during this fiscal crisis. Many of us have gone over to the clinic and received treatment and medications that would’ve been very costly if we had to procure this treatment in the civilian sector on our own dime. I didn’t see much effect on these benefits either. While not every temporary duty or permanent change of station assignment was perfectly timed or to the perfect location, we found some type of benefit whether it was the opportunity to travel or the associated allowances we received from being relocated for a period of time. In regards to TDYs, this area definitely saw some adjustments and some heartburn but nowhere on the level I saw with the discontinuance of TA. This revocation happened in the wake of post 9/11 education benefits, various scholarships offered through professional organizations and Pell Grants. Also, local colleges were working with members to make special arrangements to ease the financial burden. I truly don’t think members serve simply for the education benefits, despite the fact that there were many who made comments to the contrary. I can’t tell you how many indicated that they were planning to separate just because this one benefit was on the verge of disappearing. I can happily report that I did not see one individual who made such a threat log onto the Virtual Military Personnel Flight and start the separation process. I am convinced there are different attitudes toward serving, such as education benefits or sense of family, patriotism or job security. I use the word “attitudes”

The Bullseye is published by Aerotech News and Review, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive written contract with Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Contents of the Bullseye are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense or the Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and Review of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in the publication shall be made available for purchase and use of patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. T h e d e a d l i n e f o r s u b m i s s i o n s t o t h e B u l l s eye i s n o later than Wednesday, 4:30 p.m., one week prior to desired

because they are subject to change. We can all attest that we have taken a certain position or attitude toward something one minute and in the next, it can be swayed to change. Hence why I didn’t see one person who said they joined the Air Force merely for the education benefits try to separate when TA was not available. This led me to believe that in actuality we all serve for the same purpose, which can be summarized by one word: commitment. We all took an oath of service upon enlistment and during reenlistment. Did that oath say anything about serving for the promise of getting medical or educational benefits? Does it even say anything about pay and allowances or patriotism? The obvious answer is no. Our oath uses words such as “support and defend” and “obey,” all of which require commitment. Commitment requires a deep inner conviction and an obligation that is not limited to any one individual. Our commitment encompasses our Air Force, our families and our nation. When we can acknowledge that the reason we serve is because of our commitment, we set aside our individual attitudes towards a particular benefit or belief and take up a cause that is much bigger than any one of us combined. Hopefully we can all take a step back when asked the question why we serve and say that it wasn’t because of a particular benefit or promise. As we have seen, as fiscal environments change, so too can benefits. So let us keep our perspective of our commitment to “serve and defend” and sustain our Air Force as the most commanding power on the face of the earth.

publication date. Briefs are due no later than Wednesday, 3 p.m. one week prior to desired publication date. Articles must also be submitted no later than Wednesday, 4:30 p.m., one week prior to desired publication date unless the editor provides an exception to a late-breaking story or article, and articles must include a byline (author of the story). For all submissions, a name and phone number of a person to contact must be included in the event questions arise. All material is e dite d fo r accur ac y, b rev it y, clarit y and conformity to the Associated Style Guide, to include military ranks and proper writing etiquette. Corrections: The Bullseye staff members strive for accuracy each week. If you notice an error in fact, contact the Bullseye staff at (702) 876-4039/4837, or e-mail bullseye@aerotechnews.com, and we will consider publishing a correction when appropriate.

Printed by Aerotech News and Review, Inc. (877) 247-9288 * www.aerotechnews.com

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Nellis Medicine Residency’s class graduates


June 14, 2013


Colonel Cornish signs community action plan

By 99th Medical Group

NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. - Eight doctors will graduate t he 99t h Med ica l Group Fa m i ly Med ici ne Residenc y Program here June 28. The mission of the FMR is to provide world class instruction so graduate physicians can supply a personal medical home for patients from cradle-to-grave, whether deployed or in garrison. The FMR offers continuous three-year positions with eight positions per class. The June 28 graduating class includes: Maj. (Dr.) Eric Abbott Maj. (Dr.) Steven Menard Capt. (Dr.) Roselyn Clemente-Fuentes Capt. (Dr.) Joshua Eaton Capt. (Dr.) Brett Johnson Capt. (Dr.) Gregory Keith McCoy Capt. (Dr.) Nathaniel Nye Capt. (Dr.) Andrew Timboe

SQUADRON, from page 1_______ adversary tactics and providing training to the rest of the CAF due to the reduction in flight hours. “We will continue to seek out the most current intelligence, and update our briefs so we can disseminate that information to the CAF as much as we can,” Shepherd said. “By no stretch of the imagination are we just shutting down our squadron.” There are plans in place for the 64th AGRS to work together as a team with other units on Nellis AFB to gain valuable insight and experience, Shepherd said. The U.S. Air Force Weapons School 16th Weapons Squadron, which teaches the F-16 Fighting Falcon USAFWS course, will work together with the 64th AGRS. There is an academic agenda in place for the summer, Shepherd said. The 16th WPS will refresh the 64th AGRS on the tactics currently employed by the CAF and the 64th AGRS will reciprocate by teaching the 16th WPS the Aggressors’ academics. Every week a member of the 64th AGRS will certify as a subject matter expert in one of their adversary topics. “We have a robust schedule throughout the summer. We will still be busy; it

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jason Couillard

Col. Steve Langford, Nevada Test and Training Range commander, Col. Stephen Waller, 57th Wing vice commander, and Col. Jim Cluff, 432nd Wing commander, watch as Col. Barry Cornish, 99th Air Base Wing commander, signs the community action plan June 6, 2013, at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The CAP priorities were selected based upon their impact on mission execution and foundation for long term sustainment. The three priorities are culture of respect, physical resilience, and financial wellness. The CAP’s purpose identifies individual, family, and community issues while serving as a guide for Nellis AFB, Creech AFB, and the NTTR. According to Cornish, the CAP is our battle plan for the next two years.

will just be a different kind of busy than we have become used to,” Shepherd said. The pilots of the 64th AGRS will also try to stay as current in their flight ratings through the use of flight simulators and in limited flying to support the 422nd Operational Test and Evaluation Squadron, Shepherd said. Many of them will end up losing most of their currencies and will have to regain them in October. Though the simulators will be used to try and mitigate the lack of practice to the best of their abilities. The 64th AGRS pilots will concentrate on practicing emergency procedures in the simulators. “They cannot afford to lose proficiency in carrying out those procedures because they need to be able to f ly and land safely,” Shepherd said. There are few f light currencies that can be updated in simulators. “While we can’t officially update them, we can still use the simulators to stay proficient,” Shepherd said. “It’s going to be a process to get everyone back up to the level they are at right now no matter what we do during the summer,” said Capt. Paul Anderson, 64th Aggressor Squadron B-flight commander. “In order to keep ourselves sharp and keep our mindset,

we have adopted a kind of back to basics mentality. We just went over and did the first run in the simulators today to establish how we want to use them. It was really good, we got to see some of the challenges others are facing and learn how to better challenge our customers and improve their learning and training. Right now, [the simulator] is the tool that we have to use, and we are going to have to figure out how we are going to use it to replicate our tactics. “ The pilots of the 64th AGRS have been studying the most recent combat tactics employed by CAF units and are trying to replicate them in the simulators. They are flying against adversary tactics to gain a greater perspective of what the CAF units’ experience in the simulator as well. “It validates our credibility as Aggressors,” Shepherd said. “We have to stay as current in the tactics and knowledge of things as we possibly can and of executing our mission in new ways.” “The ideal way to train is to combine academics with flying, but since we are not flying we are offering as much academics as we can,” Anderson said. “You are able to talk about a threat and then go and see how it is actually employed. It drives home the point.” In addition to staying profession-

ally proficient in their own fields and teaching others through traditional in-person briefings, the 64th AGRS will use innovation and technology to accomplish their mission. “The technology gives us a greater ability to get the information out there,” Shepherd said. “We have something called Virtual flag. It’s like Red Flag but in simulators. Everyone taps in, and we can be Aggressors in our simulators here. We can fly against the guys in [Royal Air Force] Lakenheath, England. I don’t think simulator training will ever be able to fully encompass what you get in real life but it is good training.” The goal is to continue to give the CAF the training needed to go out and f ly, fight and win without sacrificing safety or airmanship. “One of my best directors of operations, when we were getting ready to deploy to Iraq, his mantra was embrace the pain,” Shepherd said. “I think that’s very relevant. It’s hard when you deploy, and it’s hard when you suddenly have all of your flying hours taken from you. Embrace it and make a positive out of it whatever way you can.” “Know, teach, and replicate,” Anderson said. “We are still trying to carry out our mission.”

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June 14, 2013


Wing commander climbs with CS

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Matthew Lancaster

Airman 1st Class Bruce Jackson, 99th Communications Squadron airfield systems apprentice, assists Col. Barry Cornish, 99th Air Base Wing commander, with a climbing harness before the radio tower climbing demonstration June 7 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Cornish climbed the radio tower to experience the job first hand alongside 99th CS Airmen.

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Matthew Lancaster

Col. Barry Cornish, 99th Air Base Wing commander, prepares to climb up the radio tower during the radio tower climbing demonstration June 7 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. It is necessary to climb the tower to perform maintenance on the radio antennas.

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Matthew Lancaster

Staff Sgt. Reina Dale, 99th Communications Squadron unit deployment manager, gives a safety briefing and explains how to use the climbing equipment properly before the radio tower climbing demonstration June 7 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Improper use of the climbing equipment can result in injury.

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Matthew Lancaster

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Matthew Lancaster

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Matthew Lancaster

Col. Barry Cornish, 99th Air Base Wing commander, climbs the radio tower during the tower climbing demonstration June 7 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The radio tower is more than 200 feet tall.

Staf f Sgt. Corie Brassf ield, 99 th Communication Squadron airfield systems craftsman, demonstrates how to attach the climbing equipment during the tower climbing demonstration June 7 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Knowing how to use the equipment is very important in ensuring Airmen do not fall and get injured.

Airman 1st Class James Vr tis, 99th Communication Squadron airfield systems apprentice, briefs about different types of radio equipment before the radio tower climbing demonstration June 7 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The 99th CS uses ultrahigh and very high radios with antenna couplers. The UHF/VHF transmitters provide signals the air traffic controllers receive from incoming aircraft and the signals the air traffic controllers transmit to incoming aircraft.


June 14, 2013



Air Force Network migrations coming to Nellis, Creech By 99th Communications Squadron

NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — Nellis and Creech AFBs will soon merge unclassified computer user accounts and core network services into the newly-centralized Air Force Network construct. Beginning July 29, for a two-month period, technicians will begin migrating workstations, network user accounts, and email into the AFNet construct. The AFNet migration project represents a major change in how computer networks are managed. The primary goal of this project is to achieve a greater level of mission assurance. “[AFNet migration] will not only potentially reduce downtime for our networks, they will also give us greater freedom of movement against a cyber-attack,” said Lt. Col. Nathan Paddock, 99th Communications Squadron commander. “It will be possible for the [Air Force Network Operations] commander to direct changes to our network in unison with other bases to harden against a newlydiscovered internet threat with accuracy and precision.” Additionally, AFNet migration will centralize services like account log-in, virtual private network, and smartphone servers; significantly improving network security and standardization. Finally, operational and training costs at individual bases will be reduced by consolidating systems and services at a centralized data center, known as an area processing center. During the migration, Nellis and Creech AFB

Courtesy graphic

customers should be prepared for occasional service interruptions. They may also need assistance restoring some features to their computers, such as Outlook preferences, personal distribution lists, SharePoint access and drive mapping. Smartphones and handheld devices will also need to be reconfigured. Even though software and hardware problems should be expected, the AFNet team will use a phased approach, with checkpoints along the way to address issues as they arise. In addition, your local help desk and executive communications team will remain available

throughout the process to help users adapt to changes. The most visible change will be in the format of email address. The migration formally replaces the old first.last@Nellis.af.mil email address with a standard first.last@us.af.mil address. Regardless of the base or organization assigned, this new address will remain with users for the duration of their career, employment, or affiliation with the Air Force. As more bases join AFNet, Airmen will be able to log into their accounts from any AFNet base without requesting and creating an additional account. This will allow easy access to the network during deployments, and throughout TDY or PCS moves. Sites such as the Air Force Portal, Air Force Personnel Center, Defense Finance Accounting Service, will also remain easily accessible regardless of duty location. The migration will also result in a “consolidated” customer service help desk called the Enterprise Service Desk, which is designed to serve as a “one-stop” shop for the resolution of common user problems. As Nellis and Creech AFB approach the projected start date, a team from the Air Force Network Integration Center, 690th Network Support Group, and technicians from the 99th CS and 799th Air Base Squadron are busy preparing equipment and resources to facilitate the migration of more than 12,000 users. To ensure a smooth transition to the AFNet, look for future email advisories for additional migrationrelated information.




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June 14, 2013


Chaplain recruits experience military culture By Senior Airman A.K. 432nd Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs

LAS VEGAS — A group of Roman Catholic priests gathered at the Creech Airman Ministry Center to celebrate Mass for Air Force members during the “Come Be With Us” tour June 11. The tour presents an opportunity to recruit civilian Roman Catholic priests and chaplain candidates in order to fill staff shortages in this career field. The entire Chaplain Corps is comprised of 475 members; only 64 of which are Roman Catholic Priests. The current need for priests in the Air Force is about 120. “When I joined the Air Force in 1989, there were 205 active-duty priests,” said Father John Kinney, U.S. Air Force Chaplain Corps accessions director. “Part of the problem we are experiencing isn’t only in the military; the decline is at a national level. All of the faith groups are an aging clergy.” With manning at only 50 percent, it is important for chaplain recruiters to expose civilian priests to military culture, which is why they tour Nellis and Creech Air Force Bases. “The two bases are close together but have very different environments,” said Chaplain (Capt.) Laserian Nwoga, U.S. Air Force Catholic recruiter. “The bases give civilians with

little or no military exposure a small taste of typical (continental United States) bases and deployed location environments.” There are six faith groups in the military, which include Jewish, Muslim, Roman Catholic, Latter Day Saints, Protestant and Eastern Christian Orthodox. Each chaplain can support any member directly or indirectly through faith. “The difference between the two is that any chaplain can accommodate members outside of their denomination because of freedom of religion,” Kinney said. “However, chaplains can only perform religious services under their endorsed religion or faith.” Kinney said making the commitment to serve is not any easy task, but becoming a chaplain is something to be very proud of. In addition to interfaith ministry, chaplains are also trusted agents who help advise military leadership and provide other services like confidential communication for service members. “Taking on the role of a chaplain is more than just another job, it is a higher calling,” he said. “It is for God and country and putting your life on the line for that mission.” For more information about becoming a chaplain, call 1-800-803-2452 or visit the Air Force chaplain corps website at http://www. airforce.com/chaplain/.

U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. D.H.

From left, Fathers Brian Wood, John Kinney, and Joseph Idomele celebrate Mass as part of the U.S. Air Force’s “Come Be With Us” chaplain recruiting tour June 11. The tour brings active-duty chaplains and civilian priests to Nellis and Creech Air Force Basesto help recruit new chaplains.

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June 14, 2013


FALLEN, from page 1 __________ Pedro Drive will honor the entire crew comprising seven Airmen from Nellis AFB and Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz., who lived every day of their Air Force careers under the motto, “These things we do so that others may live.” “Today was all about remembering our brothers who lived true to [that motto]” said Master Sgt. Christopher Aguilera, 58th RQS acting first sergeant and the aerial gunner onboard PEDRO 66 when it went down. “I need people to remember; everybody who comes in here will see the names and see the pictures and remember that those are the people who made the ultimate sacrifice.” Lt. Col. Daniel Duffy, 66th RQS commander, spoke to members of the 66th and 58th Rescue Squadrons as well as family members and friends of those who gave their lives that day during the ceremony. Duffy explained that he wanted the ceremony to be as modest as possible, in the same way

_________ See FALLEN, on page 9

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jason Couillard

Lt. Col. Daniel Duffy, 66th Rescue Squadron commander, speaks to Airmen during a street renaming ceremony June 10 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The Pedro 66 crew’s HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter was shot down and crashed in southwest Afghanistan June 9, 2010, killing five of the crew and critically injuring two.

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June 14, 2013


FALLEN, from page 8 ___

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jason Couillard

Staff Sgt. Christopher Cholet, 66th Rescue Squadron flight engineer, unveils a street sign during a street renaming ceremony June 10 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Family members of the Pedro 66 crew were present during the ceremony.

Airmen in the rescue community carry out their often perilous duties on a daily basis both at home and down-range. “It’s wonderful that the family members were able to come out and experience this with us as we’re all one big family in rescue.” Duffy said, in a crowded parking lot full of service members exchanging stories about the fallen and expressing gratitude after the conclusion of the ceremony. “[These men] wouldn’t claim to be heroes but they were, so we’re going to remember them every day when we come into work.” For Aguilera, who survived the crash along with Capt. Anthony Simone, remembering and celebrating the lives of those who died is vital. “It’s the thing that keeps me going,” he said. “In everything that I do I carry them with me.”

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Joshua Kleinholz

The name of Capt. David Wisniewski is displayed on a street sign in front of the 66th Rescue Squadron at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. During a ceremony June 10 three streets were renamed in honor of the Pedro 66 crew, whose HH60G Pave Hawk helicopter was shot down during rescue operations.

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June 14, 2013


United States Air Force

Defense contractors will share burdens of furloughs, Hagel says By Jim Garamone American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Defense Department is reviewing all of its contracts, and DOD contractors will share the burden of spending cuts, including the furloughs facing the department’s civilian workforce, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told senators June 11. Hagel testified before the Senate Appropriations Committee’s defense subcommittee this morning. “Contractors are part of any institution,” he said. “We need them - certain skills, certain expertise.” DOD Comptroller Robert F. Hale, who accompanied Hagel, told the committee that about 700,000 defense contractors work throughout the department. And they are in for some changes, he added. “The furlough process does include contractors,” Hagel told the Senate panel. “It includes companies, it includes acquisitions, it includes contracts.” The department is taking a $37 billion sequestra-

tion spending cut in fiscal 2013, which ends Sept. 30. “The majority of that is going to come out of contractors - about $2 billion will come out of furloughs,” Hale said. That means a drop in the number of contractors in the department. “I don’t know yet how much, because the year isn’t over, but I think there will be a sharp drop,” Hale said. The senators asked about contractors because of newspaper reports about alleged National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden receiving a $200,000 annual salary. Contractors generally receive more in salary than DOD civilian employees, Hale said. “Whether or not a contractor or a civilian is cheaper or better really depends on the circumstances,” he explained. “There are some cases where we simply don’t have the skills in the Department of Defense that we need, or it’s a short-term job and it wouldn’t make any sense to grow them.” If it is a long-term job, he added, it makes more sense to hire a civil servant.

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11 Airmen remove rubber for reliable runway Feature


June 14, 2013

By Senior Airman Torri Ingalsbe U.S. Air Forces Central Command Public Affairs

U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Benjamin Bloker

Senior Airman Jessie Rivera, 577th Expeditionary Prime BEEF Squadron, uses an angle brush-equipped Tool Cat to agitate a water and chemical process, which removes rubber from a runway at Forward Operating Base Shank, Logar province, Afghanistan, June 5. Runway maintenance is a composite team built from many civil engineering backgrounds. Rivera is deployed from Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., and is an electrical power production technician by trade.

FORWARD OPERATING BASE SHANK, Afghanistan — Despite high temperatures, sudden rain storms, blowing sand and, at times, indirect fire, the Airmen of the 1st Expeditionary Civil Engineer Group, 577th Expeditionary Prime Base Engineer Emergency Forces Squadron, spend each day on the flight line of Forward Operating Base Shank, Afghanistan, removing the rubber built up from constant contact with aircraft. Prior to the team’s arrival, the center line of the runway was so coated in rubber, it was almost invisible. This issue has been eradicated, thanks to the Prime BEEF airmen. “When the rubber builds up, it gets really slick, and aircraft don’t have a good amount of traction for landing,” said 1st Lt. Salvatore Randazzo, 1st ECEG, 577th EPBS officer in charge of special capabilities. Randazzo is deployed from Holloman Air Force Base, N.M., and hails from Galloway, N.J. He joined the Air Force because of 9/11 and is the first in his family to serve. The removal process involves spraying the runway with Avion 50, a compound designed to separate rubber from concrete. Once the area is sprayed, two members of the team begin the agitation process, using Tool Cats with angle brushes on the front to gently mix the Avion 50 into the rubber. The crew members make several passes over an area, continuously spraying it with water to keep the area wet. “The two major things we need for this process

are water and time,” Randazzo explained. “Those two things are very hard to come by in Afghanistan.” The team covers about 25,000 square feet every day, in a matter of four and a half hours. “After several passes, the brushes start to push what looks like black snow,” Randazzo said. “That’s how you know the rubber is being removed.” The crew uses two and a half 55-gallon barrels of the Avion 50 for each day of rubber removal. They are optimistic with the progress made so far, and said they have learned a lot during the process. “It shows we can be self-sufficient in airfield maintenance,” said Senior Airman Jessie Rivera, 1st ECEG, 577th EPBS. This Denver native is deployed for the first time from Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. “The toughest part about this is being away from my family,” Rivera said of his wife and two children. “I love my job and I love the Air Force, but it’s challenging being here when you have a family back home who needs you.” He said he gets to talk to his family regularly, which helps him stay focused on the job he needs to do here. He explained this job is typically contracted out. However, he feels some areas require military members for the job. “I think at smaller FOB’s you really need the military to get the job done,” he said. “We’re showing capabilities that the Air Force can do this. In emergency situations,

__________________ See RUNWAY, on page 12

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June 14, 2013



RUNWAY, from page 11_________ people can call on us and we’ll get it done.” The team has also had the opportunity to do a myriad of jobs, sometimes very different from the ones they do at home station. “I’ve been able to travel a lot,” Rivera said, “three countries in four months. I’ve done paint striping, rock crushing, cement pads, built a 4K dome

structure; time has really been flying.” Although airfield maintenance isn’t the primary stateside job for many of the team, they have learned the process quickly. “It’s humbling to see a crew with minimal experience and not the best equipment make it happen,” Randazzo said of his team. “To see an aircraft land safely and have pilots come up and say ‘thank you’ — that’s very humbling.”

U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Benjamin Bloker

U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Benjamin Bloker

Tech. Sgt. Mike Carnahan, 577th Expeditionary Prime BEEF Squadron, NCO in charge of rubber removal, assists Tool Cat drivers with angle brush height adjustments used to agitate a water and chemical rubber removal process on a runway at Forward Operating Base Shank, Logar province, Afghanistan, June 4.

Blackened rubbery foam flies off an angle brush from a Tool Cat piloted by Senior Airman Jessie Rivera, 577th Expeditionary Prime BEEF Squadron, on a runway at Forward Operating Base Shank, Logar province, Afghanistan, June 5. Rivera is deployed from Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.

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June 14, 2013



New classification submission process now AF-wide By Debbie Gildea Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs

JOIN T BASE SA N A NTONIORANDOLPH, Texas — Air Force hiring officials can track classification requests in real time through a myPers website knowledge article, Air Force Personnel Center officials said. The new process, implemented in April initially for Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System employees, is being used for position review and position establishment classification actions, said Jo Anne Dimitriou, the AFPC classification chief. “The new process has proved successful, so June 3 we began to use it for the rest of Air Force,” she said. “The only exception is Tinker Air Force Base (Okla.) which will begin using the process July 8. The existing RPA process will continue to be used for all other actions.” The previous position classification process began when a manager contacted the local civilian personnel section. The CPS created a request for personnel action using the Defense

Civilian Personnel Data System and submitted the RPA to the AFPC classification team. Once the RPA was logged, classification specialists began the multi-step classification process. “That process hasn’t been very customer-friendly,” Dimitriou said. “The onus is on position managers to call to find out a request’s status. That’s time-consuming and inconvenient for them. It also affects classification teams’ time management.” The new process is simpler, faster and more efficient, enabling managers to view the real-time status of classification requests online anytime. With increasingly stringent budget constraints, the tool is designed to improve the classification review process, increase efficiency, and save customers time and reduce man-hours spent looking up and inquiring on the status of RPAs,” she explained. Every man-hour saved is time classification specialists can devote to classifying positions. “We took a phased approach on the process change by initially starting with DCIPS positions only. Working

with the DCIPS managers has enabled us to perfect the process and now we have been able to open it up Air Force wide,” she said. To beg i n t he proces s , ma na gers go to myPers at https://mypers. af.mil, and enter “25121” or “classification” in the search window. “Select the link provided and read the knowledge article before beginning the request process,” Dimitriou said. “After completing the article, scroll down and follow the step-bystep instructions.” Initiating a request through myPers creates an incident that will generate an incident number to the submitter. Submitters will be able to access their MyAccount in myPers to view status and submit documents or questions. In addition, when an incident changes status, the submitter will get an auto response via email. Other interested parties can access the status area on the knowledge article to view the status of an incident submitted through myPers. “This process is such an improvement for customers,” said the classification chief. “They will be able to

stay up-to-date on their classification requests using a simpler process. The status area on the knowledge article and real-time status updates to the submitter will improve communication between classification at AFPC and customers to make a significant difference for position managers,” said Dimitriou. For more information about civilian classification and other personnel issues, visit the myPers website at https://mypers.af.mil.




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Photo Fe


U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Daniel Hughes

Staff Sgt. Christopher Hutchinson, 99th Aerospace Medicine Squadron optometry flight chief, cleans the dust off lenses June 7 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The lenses help the eye care professional select the correct prescription for patients’ eyes.

M e B t

Capt. (Dr.) Wil dials in a pho Center June care professi

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Daniel Hughes

Master Sgt. David Sims, 57th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron first sergeant, waits for Capt. (Dr.) William Catt, 99th Aerospace Medicine Squadron chief of aerospace optometry, to complete his examination during an annual eye exam June 7 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. If the eye exam determines that the patient’s eyesight has changed, the optometrist will prescribe new glasses.


t e


June 14, 2013

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Daniel Hughes

Master Sgt. David Sims, 57th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron first sergeant, has his eyes evaluated by a wavefront aberrometer during a routine eye exam June 7, at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The wavefront aberrometer measures the way a wavefront of light passes through the cornea and the crystalline lens, which are the light-focusing components of the eye.


U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Daniel Hughes

Capt. (Dr.) William Catt, 99th Aerospace Medicine Squadron chief of aerospace optometry, checks the vision of Master Sgt. David Sims, 57th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron first sergeant, during a routine eye exam June 7 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Catt is watching Sims’ eye as he tracks the stick to see how well the eyes work together.

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Daniel Hughes

r.) William Catt, 99th Aerospace Medicine Squadron chief of aerospace optometry, a phoroptor at the Optometry Clinic in the Michael O’Callaghan Federal Medical une 7 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The phoroptor is commonly used by eye fessionals during eye examinations to determine their eyeglass prescription.

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Daniel Hughes.

Master Sgt. David Sims, 57th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron first sergeant, has his eyes checked by Capt. (Dr.) William Catt, 99th Aerospace Medicine Squadron chief of aerospace optometry, June 7 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Catt uses a magnifier, which intensifies the light into the eye and aids the doctor as he looks for diseases in the eye.

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Daniel Hughes

(Left) The lenses that help determine new prescriptions for patients are cleaned thoroughly before use June 7 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The optometrist will select lenses from the case, which will help in the selection of new lenses for the patient.


June 14, 2013



Families affected by childhood cancer tour Nellis By Staff Sgt. Gregory Brook 99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — The carefree laughter of a group of children echoed across the f lightline during a tour given by the 64th and 65th Aggressor Squadrons here June 8. The tour was organized by the pilots of the 64th AGRS for the Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Nevada. The Candlelighters help children who have been diagnosed with life-threatening cancers and their families cope with and overcome the challenges presented by these diseases. “I got involved when Mr. Scott Gragson, 57th Adversary Tactics Group honorary commander, purchased tickets for some of the 57th ATG leadership to attend a silent auction for Candlelighters back in April,” said Lt. Col. Kevin Gordon, 64th AGRS director of operations. “Immediately after the silent auction, Lt. Col. Scott Poteet, 64th AGRS Commander, and I were talking on the drive home and had the idea that we wanted to give the children a day at the base. We both agreed that we needed to do something for these kids and do it right. We wanted to give the children something they will remember.” The day started with Col. Peter Ford, 57th ATG commander, introducing the Airmen who were a part of the tour and telling the children about the mission of the 57th ATG. He ended the introduction by asking the children to have as much fun as possible.

After the introductions, the children got to try on the pilots’ f light gear. They were treated to lunch in the 64th AGRS heritage room and then taken to the f lightline. The tour consisted of a static display of a Humvee, an F-15 Eagle and an F-16 Fighting Falcon, with pilots on-hand to answer questions about the aircraft. A crew from the Nellis Air Force Base Fire Department sprayed water in the air above the children to provide relief from the heat. The children were also given a tour of the United States Air Force Air Demonstration Team, Thunderbirds, hangar and aircraft. The last stop was the Nellis Air Force Base threat training facility, where service members from the 547th intelligence squadron gave them a tour of adversary equipment and let them explore historical helicopters and tanks. The entire tour was done on a strictly volunteer basis. “It was actually rather easy to put together,” Gordon said. “As soon as I would call an organization on base and explain to them what we were doing and for what cause, the response was always positive.” “It was easy to devote time to putting this together because you always knew in the back of your mind who it was for.” It’s more than just the kids, it’s the families, said Danielle Munao, CCCFN family services director. Watching parents watch their kids and knowing

_____________________See TOUR, on page 19

U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Gregory Brook

Lt. Col. Michael Shepherd, 64th Aggressor Squadron assistant director of operations for academics, helps Ryan Navarrate-Pak, a childhood cancer survivor and part of the Candlelighter Childhood Cancer Foundation of Nevada, put on a flight helmet in the 64th AGRS heritage room June 8 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Navarrate-Pak and his family were treated to a tour of Nellis by Airmen from the 64th AGRS with help from the 65th AGRS, the 547th Intelligence Squadron, the United States Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron Thunderbirds and the 99th Civil Engineer Squadron.



June 14, 2013


TOUR, from page 18 ___________ that they are having a good time; it kind of makes some of the bad days a little bit tolerable. “With cancer everything becomes special, any time we can offer our families something like this we will make it happen,” Munao said. The parents were smiling just as much as their children. “We just wanted to give the kids a day where they hopefully can forget about what is ailing them,” Gordon said. “I wanted them to get lost in the excitement of seeing our aircraft or all the equipment at the TTF and not have any worries or cares for those five hours they were with us.” The CCCFN and the service members of Nellis Air Force Base succeeded in making the day memorable for the children and their families. “The event was incredible,” said Sandra Walberg, the mother of Austin Fitzgerald. “They took such great care of us and made all of the kids feel so special. Knowing that [the service members] spent their whole Saturday on us means so much. It makes you feel supported. Seeing Austin smiling and joking with the guys was wonderful. They really con-

U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Gregory Brook

Lt. Col. Kevin Gordon, 64th Aggressor Squadron director of operations, greets a family from the Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Nevada June 8 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Airmen from various Nellis units, worked with the 64th AGRS and the CCCFN to give a tour of the base to families with children suffering from life-threatening cancers.

U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Gregory Brook

(Left) Lt. Col. Kevin Gordon, 64th Aggressor Squadron director of operations, explains the functions of life support equipment modeled by Austin Fitzgerald, a survivor of childhood cancer, at the 64th AGRS briefing room June 8 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The visit was hosted by the pilots of the 64th AGRS with help from the 65th AGRS, the 547th Intelligence Squadron, the United States Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron Thunderbirds and the 99th Civil Engineer Squadron for the Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Nevada.

__________ See TOUR, on page 20

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June 14, 2013

TOUR, from page 19 ___________ nected with each kid. They treated the kids like they were the incredible ones.” The Candlelighters try to make all of the families they help feel connected. The group was started by two families supporting each other through the

trauma of childhood cancer and they remain committed to retaining that personal touch, Munao said. “My son was diagnosed with Leukemia in January of 2008. That is when we were first introduced to the Candlelighters,” Walberg said. “They came in and met with us and showed sincere compas-

U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Gregory Brook

Airmen From the 99th Civil Engineer Squadron Fire Department helped children from the Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Nevada cool off by spraying water in the air for them to play in June 8 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The 99th CES Fire Department provided a fire truck for a base tour hosted by the 64th Aggressor Squadron as well as other Nellis units for the CCCFN.

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sion and love. At a time when our lives were crashing around us, they were there to offer support and help carry us.” The Candelighters’ mission to support these families does not end when a child is brought back to health. “They have continued to support us

all throughout our three year journey with chemo and now that Austin is done with chemo, they still are there to help us find our way back to a new normal,” Walberg said. “They make you feel like once you are a part of the Candlelighters family, you always will be.”

U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Gregory Brook

Capt. John Harris, 64th Aggressor Squadron pilot, answers questions from survivors of childhood cancer and their siblings about the F-16 Fighting Falcon June 8 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Airmen from the 64th AGRS and several other Nellis units volunteered to spend their Saturday with the Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Nevada to provide static displays for the children and give them a tour of the base.


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Important Terms and Conditions: Promotional Offers: Require activation of new qualifying DISH service with 24-month commitment and credit qualification. All prices, fees, packages, programming, features, functionality and offers subject to change without notice After 12-month promotional period, then-current regular monthly price applies and is subject to change. ETF: If you cancel service during first 24 months, early cancellation fee of $20 for each month remaining applies. For iPad 2 offer, if you cancel service during first 24 months, early cancellation fee of $30 for each month remaining applies. Activation fee: may apply. Add’tl Requirements: For iPad 2 offer: customer must select Hopper system and minimum of America’s Top 120 package; allow 4-6 weeks for delivery; offer not available in Puerto Rico or USVI. HD Free for Life: $10/mo HD fee waived for life of current account; requires continuous enrollment in AutoPay with Paperless Billing. Premium Channels: 3-month premium movie offer value is $135; after promotional period, then-current regular monthly price applies and is subject to change. Hopper Features: AutoHop feature is only available with playback the next day of select primetime shows on ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC as part of PrimeTime Anytime feature. Both features are subject to availability. Blockbuster @Home Offer: 3 month offer value $30. After 3 months, then-current regular monthly price applies and is subject to change. Requires online DISH account; broadband internet to stream content; HD DVR to stream to TV. Streaming to TV and some channels not available with select packages. Installation/Equipment Requirements: Free Standard Professional Installation only. Certain equipment is leased and must be returned to DISH upon cancellation or unreturned equipment fees apply. Upfront and additional monthly fees may apply. Recording hours vary; 2000 hours based on SD programming. Equipment comparison based on equipment available from major TV providers as of 5/22/13. Watching live and recorded TV anywhere requires a broadband-connected, Sling-enabled DVR and compatible mobile device. Misc: Offers available for new and qualified former customers, and subject to terms of applicable Promotional and Residential Customer agreements. State reimbursement charges may apply. Additional restrictions and taxes may apply. Offers end 9/18/13. HBO®, Cinemax® and related channels and service marks are the property of Home Box Office, Inc. SHOWTIME is a registered trademark of Showtime Networks Inc., a CBS Company. STARZ and related channels and service marks are property of Starz Entertainment, LLC. All new customers are subject to a one-time processing fee.

+ #1 in Nevada based on total new retail vehicle sales in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012. Source Ford Motor Company special report. 1 Subject to Ford credit financing approval. See dealer for details and restrictions. =0% financing for 60 months on select vehicles in lieu of all factory rebates. Valid only with new vehicle sales. 0% financing = $16.67 per $1,000 borrowed. 2 Must be active military. 3 $3,500 in rebates or $1,500 cash back plus 0% financing available on 2013 Ford Flex. 4 Must trade in a ‘95 or newer registered Ford or competitive model. ($1,500 Ford factory rebate, $750 trade-in assistance Ford factory rebate), $2,250 in rebates on 2013 Focus ($1750 Ford factory rebate, $500 bonus Ford factory rebate), $2000 in rebate available on 2013 Explorer. All prices after factory rebates. All prices and payments plus tax, title, license and $399 DOC fee. All cash backs from retail list price. Not all customers will qualify for all cash back or low APR financing. Pricing cannot be combined with any other offer. Dealer installed Lojack fee not included on advertised Ford and Lincoln prices. Excludes previous promotions and purchases. -No Dealers Allowed! Team Ford employees do not qualify for sale prices. Plus $28.25 Nevada Title Fee. Vehicle photo and actual vehicle may vary. Prices good through 6/17/13. Dealer #24337


June 14, 2013

Nellis Living


NELLIS LIVING . . . HAPPENINGS . . . THINGS TO DO . . . Chapel (702) 652-2950 Catholic Services

Monday-Thursday: 11:30 a.m. Sunday Mass: at 9:45 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession Sundays: 4-4:30 p.m.

Protestant Services

Gospel Service Sunday: 8 a.m. Praise Service Sunday: 11:15 a.m.

Sunday School

Non-denominational Religious Education classes for ages 3-adult. Meet in the Annex from September-May, 9:30 a.m.-10:45 a.m.

Children’s Church

Sundays during worship for ages 18 months to Pre-K in the Annex and Kindergarten-5th Grade meet in the Chapel basement. For more information, contact the Chapel office at (702)652-2950 or email 99abw.hc@nellis.af.mil.

USAFWS Change of Command: The U.S. Air Force Weapons School change of command ceremony is June 17 at 9 a.m. in the F-22 hanger Bldg. 285. Freedom Fest 2013: Freedom Fest is July 3 at the Sports Pavillion Field located across from lodging. Noon - Burger Burn 1-4 p.m. - Live Entertainment 5 p.m. - After Party at The Club for people 18 and older. North Nellis coalition: The North Nellis coalition family day celebration will be held June 15 in the Walmart parking lot at 4350 N. Nellis Blvd. Festivities run 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Come out and enjoy games, entertainment, static displays and more. Deployed Spouses supporting Deployed Spouses: Stay strong during deployments and meet with other deployed spouses. Share ideas, learn coping skills, socialize and more. Meetings are held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center 11 a.m. to noon the first and third Monday of each month. For more information, call (702) 652-3327. Fourth annual Enlisted Combat Diningin: Save the date! The 4th annual Enlisted Combat Dining-In is Sept. 6 at Freedom Park. Come take part in the festivities, tickets will be available for pre-sale mid-July through September. E1-E4 - $5; E5-E6 - $10; E7-E9 - $15.

Force Support Events Every Monday: the third Wednesday of every month at Breakfast at The Club 7 a.m. the Airman and Family Readiness Center. Ready Set Grow at the Youth Center 10 a.m. June 21: Lake Mead Trip: Enjoy a gourmet surf and turf accompanied by great wine Every Tuesday: on a moonlit beach by Lake Mead. After Breakfast at The Club 7 a.m. dinner have an adventure on the lake or Every Wednesday: just relax by the campfire. Next morning, Breakfast at The Club 7 a.m. enjoy a full breakfast and more time to Storytime at the Library 10:30 a.m. explore. Trip departs Friday at 6 p.m. and Grill Your Own Steak at The Club 5 p.m. returns Saturday about 1 p.m. Cost is $75 and includes transportation, food, beverEvery Thursday: ages and camping equipment. Breakfast at The Club 7 a.m. June 22: Lake Mead Moonlight Kayaking/ Every Friday: Camping: Enjoy the sunset and moonrise Breakfast at The Club 7 a.m. while paddling across the lake. Relax on the Social hour at the Robin’s Roost 4 p.m. beach under the night sky. Roast your favorEvery Saturday: ite campfire snacks. Sunday breakfast will be Robin’s Roost open 4 p.m.-10 p.m. served with more time to explore. Weight limits: tandem kayak = 500 pounds, canoe = June 15: Black Canyon Kayaking: Kayak/ 1,000 pounds (canoes available upon request) Canoe from below Hoover Dam to Willow Suggested items: water bottle, waterproof beach, enjoy Sauna Cave, Boy Scout Canyon, headlight or flashlight, beach towel. Depart Arizona Hot Springs and more. Bring Photo Saturday at 5 p.m. return Sunday about 2 I.D. and at least two quarts of water. Weight limits: tandem kayak =500 pounds, canoe p.m. Cost $50, $40 for E-5 & below/ 12 years = 1,000 pounds. Departs at 6:15 a.m. and and under, includes transportation, food and returns at 5:30 p.m. Cost is $50 and includes kayaking/camping equipment. transportation, guides, equipment, launch fees and lunch. For more information, contact outdoor recreation at (702) 652-2514.

June 18: Resume Tips and Job Search class: Held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Get the latest trends on resume styles; learn interviewing techniques and how to network. , To register, call 652-3327 to register. June 19: Moving Out of the Dorms: Determine what you have and what you need to set up housekeeping, and figure what it will actually cost you to live off-base besides rent and utilities. Project a budget for living off base and learn how to start your BAH. Start time is 10 a.m. at the Airman and Family Readiness Center. June 19: EFMP Parent Support Group: Share common experiences unique to special needs families and learn about new information and resources. We meet

June 25: Retraining 101: Airmen interested in retraining opportunities, special duties, assignments, separation and information regarding CJRs or if you are in a constrained AFSC, are encouraged to attend this 45 minute brief offered two to three times per month. This course will provide Airmen with the knowledge to apply for career opportunities and assist them to be successful in the process. Supervisors and senior leaders are encouraged to attend this course. This course is for enlisted personnel only. To register for Professional Development Center courses, visit https://afkm.wpafb.af.mil/community/views/ home.aspx?Filter=OO-DP-AC-56 or contact Master Sgt. Lisa Deal at (702) 652-8723. June 28: Strongest on Nellis Power Lifting Competition: We want to see who’s the strongest here at Nellis AFB. If you think it is you, PROVE IT! Join the competition at the Warrior Fitness Center at 9 a.m.

Health and Wellness


June 14, 2013


By 99th Medical Group

Q. If I am approved for the Transitional Care For Service-Related Conditions Program, when does my coverage begin and end and what if I am no longer in my Transitional Assistance Management Program benefit period? A. If approved, your coverage starts on the date the Department of Defense physician validates you qualify for coverage and ends 180 days later. If you applied for coverage during your TAMP benefit period and get approved, you still get the 180-day benefit, even if you are no longer in your TAMP period. Notes: • If you need care beyond 180 days, contact your Service to find out if you qualify for Line of Duty care, care under Veterans Affairs, or other TRICARE Program options like TRICARE Reserve Select or the Continuing Health Care Benefits Program, or your own commercial insurance (if you have other health insurance). • Out-of-pocket costs you pay before receiving authorization for care will not be reimbursed. Until then, you may be able to seek care through the Veteran’s Administration, speak to your Service about a possible Line-of-Duty determination, or seek care your own commercial insurance (if you have other health insurance). Send your questions to askthedoc@nellis.af.mil.


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Nellis Living


June 14, 2013



Pick up your copy of BULLSEYE off base at the following locations: Blueberry Hill Restaurant • 4435 Las Vegas Blvd. North

Dotty’s Bar & Casino • Craig & Las Vegas Blvd.

Holiday Express • 5300 E. Craig Road

Hitching Post R.V Park • Lamb & Las Vegas Blvd.

VFW • 4337 Las Vegas Blvd. North

VA Hospital • Boulder City

Nellis Bar & Grill (Escapades) • Nellis & Lamb by West Gate

Masterpiece Barbershop • 1374 West Cheyenne Suite #106

7-11 • Las Vegas Blvd. & Craig Rd.

Capriotti’s • 1311 West Craig Road Suite E.

Botanas Bar • Las Vegas Blvd & Nelson

Teriyaki Madness • 725 West Craig Road Suite #132

Nellis Suites • Las Vegas Blvd & Craig Rd.

Port of Subs • 4388 East Craig Road

25 Club • 4555 N Las Vegas Blvd.

Quality Inn • 4355 East Craig Road

Super 8 Hotel • 4545 N Las Vegas Blvd

Manhattan Pizza • 4955 West Craig Road Ste 14

Thunderbird Plaza Mail Office • Lamb & Las Vegas Blvd

Memphis Bar-B – Que • Las Vegas Blvd. & 5115 Craig Road

Or view it online at www.nellisafbnews.com Go to Archive Tab

Nellis Suites • 4555 Las Vegas Blvd North Little Hong Kong • 4375 Las Vegas Blvd North Market Grill (2 locations) 7175 West Lake Mead Drive Ste. 130 7070 North Durango My Auto Service • 7870 West Ann Road • North Las Vegas The Cracked Egg • 5570 Painted Mirage #140 • N. Las Vegas IHOP Restaurant • 5280 East Craig Road (across from Wal-Mart) Siegel Slots and Suites • 5011 East Craig Road My Auto Service • 4320 East Craig Road

Find us on Facebook – Search for Nellis Bullseye


Lighter Side

June 14, 2013



HAPPY FATHER’S DAY Sunday, June 16


1. When was the “come Be With Us” tour?

Locate a part of the graphic to the left somewhere in this week’s paper. Identify the page, include your rank & duty station.

2. When is Freedom Fest 2013? 3. How many doctors will graduate June 28?

Last week’s graphic was located on page 2.

Last Week’s Winner: Tech. Sgt. George M. Hobson The rules: E-mail your entry by 9 a.m. Monday to bullseye@aerotechnews.com. A winner will be selected through a random drawing of correct answers. Entries must include applicant’s full name, organization and base. The winner’s name will appear the following issue. The winner must take a copy of the paper, or show government military or civilian/retired identification, to the sponsor directly to receive the award.

Last Weeks Answers

1. Under Secretary of the Air Force 2.Drowning 3.June 13

Last Weeks Winner

Staff Sgt. Christopher Poth Rules: E-mail your entry by 9 a.m. Monday to bullseye@aerotechnews.com. A winner will be selected through a random drawing of correct answers. Entries must include applicant’s full name, organization and base. The winner’s name will appear in the following issue. The winner must take a copy of the paper, or show government military or civilian/retired identification, to the sponsor directly to receive the award.


Winner of the week receives one

Win a



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WRITE A CA P TION . . . W IN A ME A L! Last week’s photo

Do you have a funny military photo you would like to run?


If so, please e-mail it to and we would be happy to consider it for future publication in the Lighter Side.

The rules:

This week’s photo

Write a humorous caption to this photo.

1. Write a creative, printable caption for the photo to the left. 2. E-mail your entry by close of business Monday to bullseye@aerotechnews.com. Entries are limited to one per submitter, and become property of Bullseye, subject to editing. 3. Entries must include full name, rank, and duty station/installation, but not specific organization; telephone/duty phone numbers are not required. 4. Captions will be judged by Aerotech News Staff for their appropriateness and humor. One winner will be announced in the following week of the Bullseye newspaper.Winner must present copy of newspaper with their name in it,indicating the date they won the meal, and show a valid I.D.card.

Last Week’s Submission

“There must be an easier way of taking my passport photos”

FREE Meal Winner

Pete MacHott

HIGH PROTEIN • LOW FAT • LOW CARB Caption Contest winners receive a


up to $15

(Good at all Teriyaki Madness Locations)







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www.nellisafbnews.com AEROTECH MULTI MEDIA

For advertising opportunities online and in Bullseye

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Bullseye Classified Marketplace Friday, June 14, 2013 Homes for Rent

Homes for Rent

Homes for Rent

Homes for Rent

Rooms for Rent

INCREDIBLE SUMMERLIN PROPERTY Near Hillpointe & Spring Gate 2,300-Sqft 3-Bedroom, 3-Bath 2-Car Garage Huge Master w/Retreat Family Room, Fireplace New A/C , New Water Heater Adjacent to Hills Park Ready for Immediate Move-In! $1,900/Month Barry Holtzman Elite Realty 702-768-5112

Centennial & Azure-Near VA Hospital 2,200-sqft. 5-Bedrooms, (1-Downstairs) 3.5-Bath, 2-Car Garage All Appliances, Washer/Dryer New Carpet & Paint $1,295/Month+Deposit No Pets Available Now! 702717-1906

Lamb & Alexander CLOSE TO NELLIS AFB, READY FOR IMMEDIATE MOVE-IN. Beautiful, Spacious 3-Bedroom, 2-5Bath, 2-Car. Large Living Area Downstairs, Family Room Upstairs. Island Kitchen, All Appliances, 1949-sqft. $1,000/ Mo+Sec Dep. Call 702-4505778, MLS#1337870 Creative Real Estate Associates. www.CreativeRE.com

EASTSIDE JUST COUPLE MINUTES FROM BASE Beautiful 3-Bedroom, 2-Bath, w/Carport. Exterior Roll Down Shutters. All Appliances, Washer/ Dryer $750/Month+Deposit Covered Patio w/Fenced Yard Pets are Ok! Move-In Ready! 702-438-2046

NEAREST NEIGHBORHOOD TO CREECH-AFB! *************************** Ft. Apache/95 Near 215 for Nellis Furnished BR/BA Available Now! Quiet Home NWLV Gated Community/No Pets No Smoking Inside House $495/Month INCLUDES: Full House/Kitchen Privileges Maid Service, All Utilities Cable/TV/WIFI Laundry Room Hot Tub/Swimming Pool BBQ-Grill, Private 5-Acre Park NO DEPOSIT FOR MILITARY!! 702-406-1935

HOMES & CONDOS AVAILABLE NOW! 2-Bedroom, 2-Bath Condo Decatur & Cheyenne $650/Month **************** 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Home Henderson Area $1,000/Month **************** 3 Bedroom, 3 Bath Rhodes Ranch, 1,829 sqft. $1,250/Month

SAFE, CLEAN GATED COMMUNITY! Close to Schools & Shopping 20-Minutes to Nellis 3,100-Sqft, New Flooring 4-Bedroom, 3-Bath, F/P 4-Car Garage, Refrigerator Pets Considered Sun-Screened Windows $1,350/Month bill.samson50@yahoo.com 907-230-3028 BEAUTIFUL Single-Story, 1,800-Sqft. 95/Durango Perfect for Nellis/Creech 3-Bedroom, 2-Bath Spacious Living Room+Den 2-Car, Small Pets OK 2-Covered Patios in Backyard Granite Counter-Tops All Appliances Desert Landscaping (Almost No Maint. Required)

*************** Custom Home Furnished 3-Bedroom, 2 Bath $1,795/Month ******************* Call Dave 702-358-5224 Shaffer Realty, Inc. Lamb & Carey NEW CARPET AND VINYL FLOORING< FRESHLY PAINTED. CLEAN AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE MOVE-IN. 3 Bed 2-Bath, 2-Car Garage. Low Maintenance Landscape. Refrigerator Included, 1118-sqft $825/ Mo+Sec Dep. Call 702-4505778, MLS#1327670. Creative Real Estate Associates www.CreativeRE.com AVAILBLE NOW!! 1st MONTH 1/2 Off! ************************** 3-Bedroom w/Walk-in Closet, 2.5-Bath Living/Family Room w/Vaulted Ceiling Huge Kitchen/Dining Walk-in Pantry Laundry Room 2-Car Garage Huge Yard All Appliances $1,000/Mo.+$1,000 Deposit 702-574-3468

Please Recycle!

Walking Distance To Supermarket & Restaurants Zoned to 5-Star Elementary School $1,200/Month+Deposit Available June 12th! 702-505-0232

BEAUTIFUL GATED COMMUNITY W/ POOL! 3-Bedroom, 2.5-Bath ****************************** Near Nellis, I-215/Lamb Newly Renovated 2-Car Garage Carpet/Tile Flooring Freshly Painted All Appliances, Small Yard Nearby Shopping $1,100/Month Sec Deposit Negotiable 702-540-6992 NORTHWEST LAS VEGAS, FULLY FURNISHED w/ALL APPLIANCES 2-Story, 4-Bedroom 2.5-Bath, Washer/Dryer Tile Downstairs 2-Car Garage, No Pets $1,350/Mo+1-Mo. Security 10x10 Gazebo w/Desert Landscape BBQ & Gardener Included 702-592-7655

BEAUTIFUL N. LAS VEGAS HOME FOR RENT Senior Military, Retired Preferred 2-Bedroom, 2-Bath 2-Car Garage New! Washer/Dryer, Paint,Dishwasher $1,150/Mo+$1,150 Deposit No Pets, Covered Patio To View 702-642-9469

FAMILY COMMUNITY! ALIANTE AREA! *********************** 1,850-Sqft. Cul-de-sac All Appliances Included! 4-Bedroom, 2.5 Bath 2-Car Garage Mature Landscaping Pool/Spa, RV-Parking Covered Patio, Pets Ok $1,200/Month+Deposit 702-606-0535 702-823-3181

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Decatur and Lone Mountain CLEAN, FRESHLY PAINTED AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE MOVE-IN!! Single Story Townhome, Gated. All Appliances. Comm Pool. 3 Bed, 2-Bath, 2-Car Garage. 1377-sq.ft. $895/ Mo+Sec Dep. Call 702-4505778, MLS#1287471. Creative Real Estate Associates. www.CreativeRE.com

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HEART OF SUMMERLIN Near Hillpointe & Rampart 2,600-Sqft 4-Bedroom+Den Family Room, 3-Bath New Roof, New A/C Huge Rooms & Loft 3-Car Garage w/Storage Convenient to Hills Park Ready for Immediate Move-In! $1,995/Month Barry Holtzman Elite Realty 702-768-5112

Townhomes for Rent Desert Inn & Sandhill CLEAN AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE MOVE-IN. Gorgeous 3-Bedroom Townhome, 2.5-Bath, 2 Car Garage. Large Living Area Downstairs. Covered Patio, Private Backyard. All Appliances, Community Pool. 1816-sq.ft. $850/Mo+Sec Deposit. Call 702-450-5778, MLS#1330122. Creative Real Estate Associates www.CreativeRE.com

Condos for Rent CONDO NORTHWEST GATED COMMUNITY Near 215 & Durango 1,100-sqft. 2-Bedroom, 2-Bath 2nd-Floor Overlooks Pool Appliances Included Ready for Immediate Move In! $799/Month Barry Holtzman Elite Realty 702-768-5112

Creative Real Estate Associates RENTAL HOMES IN • North Las Vegas • Las Vegas • Henderson Rents from $625 Contact us

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Bullseye Classified Marketplace - Friday, June 14, 2013 - Page 29

BULLSEYE CLASSIFIEDS Employment Opportunities

Cars & Trucks

WANTED Clerk Full/Part-Time All Shifts. Janitor for Graveyard Apply in Person Desert Adult Books 4350 N. Las Vegas Blvd Immediately Outside Nellis AFB Main Gate. No Phone Calls!

2005 LINCOLN LS V8, FULLY LOADED! 3.9L, Multi-Disc Premium Sound, Sunroof, Cooled/ Heated Leather Seats $5,300OBO Contact Tim 702-201-8400

LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MEN OR WOMEN? ***************************** Advertise Your Job Opportunities Today!

Place a Classified Ad Call Us Toll Free! Aerotec h News & Review 877-247-9288

Aerotech News 877-247-9288

Recreational Vehicles 2008 CROSSROADS 28' Travel Trailer w/Slide. Microwave, Large Fridge w/Freezer, Flat Screen TV, Sleeps 6, Ducted A/C/Heat, Heated Undercarriage, KBB $16,500, Only Asking $15,000OBO! Call Ken 702-636-1595


Electronics DO YOU HAVE ELECTRONICS? COMPUTERS/PRINTERS? DVD PLAYERS, ETC? Sell Them Here! Advertise It Today! Toll Free 877-247-9288 Aerotech News & Review

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First Time Home Buyers Assistance Programs Miranda Sheridan • reaLTY One GrOUP

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miranda_sheridan@hotmail.com www.vegaseliterealty.com

Exciting Career Opportunity Immediate Openings Attn: Military Spouses Busy Financial Services office is looking for Military Spouses for various positions in our Las Vegas office. To qualify, you must possess the following traits: outgoing personality, great people skills, and a can-do attitude. Good personal credit, the ability to multitask and provide exceptional customer service is a must. These positions are filling up fast. Please email your resume & cover letter to Rick Mony at rmony@yesomni.com. www.militaryloans.com

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Announcements ProFlowers Send Flowers For Any Occasion! Prices Starting at Just $19.99 Plus Take 20 Percent Off Your Order Over $29! Go To: www.Proflowers.com/heart Call 1-888-928-7029 Don't Forget! CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE TUESDAY'S AT NOON FOR THE SAME WEEK'S EDITION

Misc. for Sale USED TRI TRAC Cart & Golf Bag $50 Call 702-349-8605 Ladie's Golf Clubs Wilson Pro Staff w/Upgraded Golfbag. Includes 1,3,5,7 Woods, 4-9 Oversized Irons, Putter & Pitching Wedge $175 702-349-8605 NEW Electric Food Slicer $15, NEW 4-Shelve Glass Table $15 NEW Medium Car Cover $10 Golf Bag $10 702-812-5690 JEWELRY FOR SALE Gently Used Ed Hardy Items, Watches, Rings & Sunglasses, If Interested Call Helen 702-685-1916 Bi-Fold Pet Ramp 62" Holds 200lbs, Weighs 10-lbs. New $50 Call 702-651-0253

Services DISH NETWORK Starting at $19.99/Month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-888-771-9357

Business Opportunities LEADERS WANTED Building International Team ***************** Leaders Lead by Example They HELP.... They CARE... They GO, when Others Wont! If You Posses These Qualities Text: Arletha at 55469 or Call 702-722-5319 (Spouse, Retired USAF MSGT)

Business Opportunities

Garage & Yard Sales

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Start to earn a tremendous income in the Trillion Dollar Travel Industry anywhere around the world! This is not a job with a limited or fixed income. This is a business opportunity w/unlimited residual income Potential Benefits Car/Home Bonus Program Call Daryll 1-888-249-4119 Ext 7

Pets Need to Find a Good Loving Home for Your Pet? Lost or Found A Pet? Selling/Breeding? Advertise it Here Today! Aerotech News & Review 877-247-9288

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GARAGE SALE SUNDAY ONLY! June 16th Storyville Mobile Park 3755 North Nellis Blvd Space 71 Everything Must GO!

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