Food Waste

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food waste. Zero Waste Market

Well-Fed Scotland Too Good To Go

Companies Utilising Surplus Food

How to Save Food and Money in your Community

Progress As I researched food waste services across Glasgow, I was quick to find many National and local services and will feature the locations that inspired me to get involved, I was very interested and arranged to visit the sites, documented their process and spoke to the people running and working. I will feature the "Zero Waste Market", "Well-Fed Scotland" and "Too Good to Go", companies that all reuse surplus food for good causes. The food waste solution has evolved over the years and I have witnessed this trend catching on, passing on from this generation to the next. I was driven by the results and it's effect on our society as a whole. Exploring this problem was a very beneficial experience particularly talking to people tackling food poverty during the Covid 19 pandemic. While doing my research and visiting these people, I was moved by the work being carried out. The food waste problem needs to be acknowledged and to encourage communities, this is the catalyst for this body of work. Finally, I would like viewers to think about the value of sustainable agriculture and global food supply.

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The Companies Zero Waste Market A zero waste shop that encourages customers to choose a zero waste lifestyle. They recommend refusing to buy products over recycling. They are heavily involved in plastic free, recycling, reforestation and supports local businesses. Offering a wide variety of plastic free products and

Well-Fed Scotland Uses a very large volume of donated fit to use surplus food from supermarkets. Operating a cafe and takeaway food service, also utilising their donations to feed the homeless living in hotels during the pandemic. Their aim is to benefit their local community operating like a community centre

Too Good To Go An anti-food waste app. Wants to inspire everyone to take action against food waste. Customers save perfectly good, surplus food from their local shops. The app currently has 35.9M.customers and has saved 68.6M meals worldwide over the last 5 years

On Average, Uk families waste £470 of food ever year

1/3 of all food produced on the planet is wasted

240000 Tonnes of food is wasted by supermarkets every year

What You can Do! The Problem

Use Companies that utilise surplas food Plan your meals and store food correctly Recycle food waste

The impact of food waste on the environment is huge. the food supply system and food waste is the biggest factor in changing our planet. Forests are disappearing, we are losing 39 million acres every year and if this continues, it will take less that 100 years to destroy all rainforests on the planet. The agriculture system is harming biodiversity with the use of chemicals. 52% of land used for agriculture is affected by soil degradation. Producing crops to feed livestock is leading to 60% of all biodiversity loss. Sea degradation is happening 3 times faster than forests. Fisheries being responsible for overfishing with 33% of all fish harvests being unsustainable, Food production uses 50% of habitable land for crops and livestock grazing. Agriculture accounting for 80% of tropical deforestation. About 30% of the worlds agricultural land is being used to produce food that will never be consumed. The more food that we waste, the more food we need to produce.

In the UK wonky fruit and veg is being blamed for 40% of wasted fruit and vegetables as they are being discarded for not meeting retailers cosmetic standards. Fruits and vegetables have the highest wastage types of any food type. However, sales of wonky produce have risen in recent years as supermarkets have tackled the problem with wasting edible food. Supermarkets are now including wonky produce in their food products

Where Does Food Waste End Up? F Fo o d wa s t e t h a t e n d s u p i n l a n d f i l l s p ro d u c e s a l a rg e a mo u n t o f me t h a n e - a mo re d e s t r u c t i ve g re e n h o u s e g a s t h a n C0 2 , t h a t l e a d s t o c l i ma t e c h a n g e . On l a n d f i l l s , fo o d d e c o mp o s e s a n d e n t e r s t h e s o i l a n d a i r s eve re l y d a ma g i n g t h e s u r ro u n d i n g e nv i ro n me n t . T h e re a re a b o u t h a l f a mi l l i o n l a n d f i l l s i n t h e E U a n d t h e y a re r u n n i n g o u t o f s p a c e . Fo o d wa s t e i s a c c o u n t a b l e fo r 2 1 % o f l a n d f i l l vo l u me , i t s h o u l d b e re u s e d a s a n i ma l fe e d .

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