GESPIN – GESTURE & SPEECH IN INTERACTION – Poznań, 24-26 September 2009
INTRODUCTION The present publication contains papers and abstracts submitted by scholars that have accepted the invitation to take part in the GESPIN Gesture and Speech in Interaction conference in Poznan, 24-26 September 2009. The "GESPIN" Gesture and Speech in Interaction conference is the first academic meeting of its kind in Poland directed towards scholars studying nonverbal communication. While making plans for the first edition of the conference we were aware that the Polish community of "gesturologists" is small and only beginning its venture into the subject, especially compared to the existing international community and the body of research in this realm. But at the same time, the recent birth of research centres (in Krakow and Poznan, among others) that focus on gesture studies in Poland has created a growing need for discussion and cooperation both among these centres as well as between Polish and international researchers in general. We hope that because of the aforementioned developments in Poland, Poznan turns out to be a good venue for inspiring discussions and sharing of experience. We wished for this edition of the conference to present a variety of scholarly interests, therefore we decided to invite work on a wide range of topics, bound by the common theme of nonverbal behaviour. The submitted papers, among others, include studies on the evolution of gesture, the role of gesture in discourse, cross-cultural aspects of nonverbal behaviour as well as on grammars of gesture and on temporal relations between gesture and prosody. We hope that this year's meeting will be the start of a successful series, so that in the future, we will be able to talk about a "GESPIN tradition". We are also honoured by the presence of scholars that have established the basis for the study of nonverbal communication; whose work has contributed to the considerable development of the discipline: Adam Kendon, Susan Duncan, Anna Esposito, Dafydd Gibbon, Harry Bunt and, representing Polish scholars, Jolanta Antas. We are happy to make the GESPIN proceedings available to you on CDs already at the opening of the conference and we hope they will make an inspiring reading for all participants. Start here: TOC
EDITORIAL COMMITEE: Ewa Jarmołowicz-Nowikow Konrad Juszczyk Zofia Malisz Michał Szczyszek GESPIN.AMU.EDU.PL
ISBN 978-83-926446-7-5
GESPIN – GESTURE & SPEECH IN INTERACTION – Poznań, 24-26 September 2009
The conference was organised by Centre for Speech and Language Processing The School of English, AMU Institute of Linguistics, AMU Institute of Polish Philology, AMU
The Scientific Commitee: Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk - Chair of the Committee (School of English, the Head of The Centre for Speech and Language Processing, AMU) Jolanta Antas (Faculty of Polish Philology, Jagiellonian University) Eugene Buder (University of Memphis) Harry Bunt (Department of Communication and Information Sciences, Tilburg University) Nick Campbell (Trinity College Dublin) Ronald Cole (Boulder Language Technologies) Grażyna Demenko (Institute of Linguistics, AMU) Waldemar Domachowski (Institute of Psychology, AMU) Susan Duncan (Department of Psychology, University of Chicago) Anna Esposito (Second University of Naples, Dept of Psychology and IIASS) Dafydd Gibbon (Faculty of Languages and Literature, University of Bielefeld) Susan Goldin-Meadow (Department of Psychology, University of Chicago) Adam Kendon (University of Pensylvania) Sanzhar Kettebekov (Video Mining Corp) Zbyszko Melosik (Faculty of Educational Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University) Katharina Rohlfing (Faculty of Technology, University of Bielefeld) Steven L. Small (University of Chicago)
The Organizing Commitee: Maciej Karpiński (Institute of Linguistics, AMU) - Chair of the Committee Ewa Jarmołowicz-Nowikow (Institute of Linguistics, AMU) Konrad Juszczyk (Institute of Linguistics, AMU) Zofia Malisz (School of English, AMU) Dawid Pietrala (School of English, AMU) Michał Szczyszek (Institute of Polish Philology, AMU)
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ISBN 978-83-926446-7-5
GESPIN – GESTURE & SPEECH IN INTERACTION – Poznań, 24-26 September 2009
Adam Kendon Why Do People Sometimes Move Their Hands About When They Talk? Dafydd Gibbon On Secret Signals, Naughty Signs And Public Speech: The Gestural Foundations Of Communication (full paper) Jolanta Antas Gestures – Icons of Thoughts (full paper) Harry Bunt Multidimensional Dialogue Annotation And Interpretation Anna Esposito On The Synchrony Between Speech And Gesture Pause: A Longitudinal Study For Italian Susan Duncan Gesture And Speech Prosody In Relation To Structural And Affective Dimensions Of Natural Discourse
ISBN 978-83-926446-7-5
GESPIN – GESTURE & SPEECH IN INTERACTION – Poznań, 24-26 September 2009
PAPERS PRESENTED AT THE CONFERENCE Sylwester Orzechowski Why hands? Why gestures? Origins of human gestures Dorothea Cogill-Koez In search of a ‘gesture instinct’: The evidence from signed communication systems Alan Cienki Mental space builders in speech and in co-speech gesture Svetlana Pereverzeva Human body in the Russian language and culture: the features of body and body parts Bogdanka Pavelin-Lešić Speech gestures and the pragmatic economy of oral expression in face-to-face interaction Gaëlle Ferré Gesture catchments and density in narratives of personal experience Agnieszka Szczepaniak, Tomasz Piekot Finding Kozakiewicz. In search of a method to identify Polish emblematic gestures. Magdalena Lis Motion events in Polish: speech and gesture Naomi Cocks, Lucy Dipper, Gary Morgan Iconic gesture production in aphasia: a single case study Julia Romaniuk, Nina Suszczańska Studies on emotions translation in the Thetos System Dea Hunsicker, Carolyn Mylander, Susan Goldin-Meadow Are there noun phrases in homesign?
ISBN 978-83-926446-7-5
GESPIN – GESTURE & SPEECH IN INTERACTION – Poznań, 24-26 September 2009
Joanna Pawelczyk ‘Your head is moving, do it out loud!’: Therapist’s uptake of clients’ non-verbal cues in Relationship-Focused Integrative Psychotherapy sessions. Orit Fuks, Yishai Tobin The semiotic notion of gesture in Israeli Sign Language Volha Petukhova, Harry Bunt Grounding by nodding Xiaoting Li Body movements in turn completion in Mandarin Chinese talk-in-interaction Isabelle Guaïtella, Serge Santi, Benoît Lagrue, Christian Cavé Experimental investigation of the link between eyebrow movements and turn-taking Irene Kimbara Coordinating gesture location in geometric puzzle task Karola Pitsch, Anna-Lisa Vollmer, Jannik Fritsch, Britta Wrede, Katharina Rohlfing, Gerhard Sagerer On the loop of action modification and the recipient’s gaze in adult-child-interaction Thomas Leonard, Fred Cummins Temporal alignment of gesture and speech Aleksandra Biela-Wołońciej Verbal and nonverbal coping with difficult topics Monika Wachowska The role of gesture in taboo-related discourse
ISBN 978-83-926446-7-5
GESPIN – GESTURE & SPEECH IN INTERACTION – Poznań, 24-26 September 2009
Cornelia Müller, Silva H. Ladewig, Sedinha Tessendorf Specifying principles of meaning creation in gestures – gestural modes of representation Silva H. Ladewig, Cornelia Müller, Sedinha Tessendorf Structures of meaning and reference – Investigating gestures of the concrete and abstract Irene Mittelberg Diagrammatic iconicity as a cognitive-semiotic principle in grammar and gesture Jana Bressem, Cornelia Müller, Ellen Fricke Recurrent gestures and gesture families – proto-forms of linguistic structures in gestures Ellen Fricke Multimodal attribution: How gestures are syntactically integrated into spoken language Susanne Tag, Cornelia Müller Linear and simultaneous forms of gesture combination
ISBN 978-83-926446-7-5