Pickled Pink
2015 Fenders Car W ash
Did You Know?
Developments Keller
The City of Keller had:
2 N ew Eateries 11 N ew Offices ew Retail 9 NBusinesses 3 Business Expansions From January 1 to April 30.
New Business Openings business * Excludes expansions
Memories N ’ Treasures
Economic Development Newsletter
Outdoor Dining in Keller: W armer weather brings everyone outside and outdoor dining is a great way to enj oy it. Keller has a wide variety of restaurants that allow patrons to sip on a cold beverage, eat delicious cuisine and enj oy the beautiful weather. Diners are encouraged to visit any of the following restaurants to relish the great outdoors when dining. For a full list of restaurants, visit: www.keepitinkeller.com Feedstore BBQ , 136 S. Main St. www.feedstorebbq.com
Devivo Bros. Eatery
El Paseo Mexican Restaurant, 1100 Keller Pkwy. www.elpaseomex.com Sky Creek G rill, 600 Promontory Dr. www.skycreekranch.com Bronson Rock W ood-Fired G rill & Bar, 250 S. Main St. www.bronsonrocktx.com Puerta V iej a Mexican G rill, 101 Town Center L n. # 117 www.puertaviej amexicangrill.com The Q uarter H orse Sports Tavern, 1632 Keller Pkwy. www.qhsportstavern.com Manny G ’ s Restaurant, 444 Keller Pkwy. Manny G ’ s Facebook
FnG Eats, 201 Town Center L n. # 1101 www.fngeats.com DeV ivo Bros. Eatery, 750 S. Main St. # 165 www.devivobroseatery.com Tres Casas Mexican G rill, 208 N . Main St. www.trescasasmexicangrill.com Buffalo W ild W ings, 2017 S. Main St. www.buffalowildwings.com Café Medi, 129 Olive St. www.cafemedi.com
Bronson Rock W ood-FiredCafe G rillMedi & Bar
Keller Economic Development Department
1100 Bear Creek Parkway, Keller, TX 76248 817.743.4020 www.keepitinkeller.com www.cityofkeller.com/economicdevelopment
“To attract and retain quality commercial developments that increase our residents’ property value and improve their quality of life.”
Our Mission
Page 2
Certificates of Occupancy Permits Issued
E-Care 1220 Keller Pkwy. Keller Town Center
Total Certificates of Occupancy Permits Issued From
www.e-carecenters.com A certificate of occupancy was issued for E- Care, a 10,260-square-foot emergency medical center, on April 27, 2015.
January 1 - April 30
36 *
Certificate of Occupancy *isA issued for a new tenant, management change, name change or ownership change.
Pickled Picasso 900 S. Main St. #355 www.pickledpicasso.com A certificate of occupancy was issued for Pickled Picasso, a 1,500-square-foot painting studio, on March 18, 2015.
Celsius Cryo Spa 790 S. Main St. #409 www.celsiuscryospa.com A certificate of occupancy was issued for Celsius Cryo Spa, a 1,450-square-foot cryogenics center, on April 23, 2015.
Keller Economic Development Department
1100 Bear Creek Parkway, Keller, TX 76248 817.743.4020 www.keepitinkeller.com www.cityofkeller.com/economicdevelopment
Page 3
Single Family Residential Permits
9Round Fitness 900 S. Main St. #340
Total Permits Issued From
www.9round.com A certificate of occupancy was issued for 9Round Fitness, a 1,017-square-foot kickboxing center, on March 4, 2015.
January 1 - April 30
92 Average Square Footage
4,738 Cryo Optima
Average Construction Cost
201 Town Center Ln. #1111 Keller Town Center
www.cryooptima.com A certificate of occupancy was issued for Cryo Optima, a 2,193-square-foot cryogenics center, on April 2, 2015
AllState 1665 Keller Pkwy. www.allstate.com A certificate of occupancy was issued for AllState, a 4,143 square-foot insurance office, on April 2, 2015.
Keller Economic Development Department
1100 Bear Creek Parkway, Keller, TX 76248 817.743.4020 www.keepitinkeller.com www.cityofkeller.com/economicdevelopment
Page 4 Did You Know? Dr. Gray Medical Office 1710 Rufe Snow Dr. #120
Keller Summer Nights Music & Movies
A certificate of occupancy was issued for Dr. Gray Medical Office, a 2,100-square-foot medical office, on March 31, 2015.
7:00 - 11:00 PM June 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015 Keller City Hall 1100 Bear Creek Pkwy. Keller, TX 76248 Joins and Recreation each Thursday evening in June on the lawns at Keller Town Hall. Each week family friendly music and movies will be the highlight of those beginning summer nights.
Neuropathy & Pain Centers 420 Johnson Rd. #304 www.painreliefcenterstx.com A certificate of occupancy was issued for Neuropathy & Pain Centers a 1,435-square-foot medical center, on March 19, 2015.
DCG Toolz & More 1495 S. Main St. #111 A certificate of occupancy was issued for DCG Simple Solution, a 1,600 square-foot tool store, on March 31, 2015.
Keller Economic Development Department
1100 Bear Creek Parkway, Keller, TX 76248 817.743.4020 www.keepitinkeller.com www.cityofkeller.com/economicdevelopment
Page 5
Edward Jones 1710 Rufe Snow Dr. #120 A certificate of occupancy was issued for Edward Jones, a 3,600 square-foot office, on March 31, 2015.
Jackalope Beauty Lounge 135 Olive St. Old Town Keller www.jackalopebeauty.com A certificate of occupancy was issued for Jackalope Beauty Lounge, a 867-square-foot beauty lounge, on March 31, 2015.
All Natural Bronze 350 Rufe Snow #200 A certificate of occupancy was issued for All Natural Bronze a 282-square-foot tanning salon, on March 24, 2015.
Keller Economic Development Department
1100 Bear Creek Parkway, Keller, TX 76248 817.743.4020 www.keepitinkeller.com www.cityofkeller.com/economicdevelopment
Page 6
Commerical B uilding Permits Issued
Rob ert EPS, LLC 324 S. Elm St. Old Town Keller
Total Commercial Building Permits Issued From
A certificate of occupancy was issued for Robert EPS. L L C, a 2,400-square-foot office, on April 24, 2015.
January 1 - April 30
30 2 N ew Construction 10 Finish Out 6 Interior Remodel 10 Other
I n Th e N ews Keller shopping center sells to investor The Keller Citizen: Picture of health: Keller Town Center gets a facelift Keller Magazine: The Fitness Resolution The Keller Citizen: Residents Join Together For a National Day of Prayer Keller Magazine: Garden Variety CONTACT US:
Chastity Minter - Economic Development Coordinator 817.743.4021 cminter@cityofkeller.com Julissa McCann - Econoomic Development Intern 817.743.4022 jmccann@cityofkeller.com
Mexican Inn
“Keep It In Keller” is a shop local campaign, which focuses on retaining and growing existing Keller businesses, attracting new ones and ultimately boosting the city’s sales tax revenue. The program encourages citizens to commit to looking in Keller for places to shop, eat and obtain their business services. For a full listing of businesses, visit: www.KeepItInKeller.com Keller Economic Development Department
1100 Bear Creek Parkway, Keller, TX 76248 817.743.4020 www.keepitinkeller.com www.cityofkeller.com/economicdevelopment