September 2015 - City of Keller Economic Development Newsletter

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2015 Did You Know?

Developments Keller

The City of Keller has welcomed:

9 New Eateries 19 New Offices Retail 25 New Businesses Business 6 Expansions From January 1 to August 31.

44 *

New Business Openings business * Excludes expansions

Economic Development Newsletter

Exciting Improvements Coming to Old Town Keller The next fiscal year will bring many exciting projects to the City of Keller, one of these projects will be an estimated $3.6 million investment in Old Town Keller. With construction expected to begin early next year, the project will include a five block pedestrian promenade running north-south from Starbucks to Pecan Street, more than 150 additional parking spaces, pedestrian wayfinding signage, railroad themed entry portals, and permanent and rotating artwork throughout the promenade. These enhancements will provide an entertaining place for the residents of Keller and visitors to spend their time. TxDOT and the City are also discussing a traffic signal at Hwy. 377 and Olive Street that would allow vehicles to turn left and pedestrians to safely cross Hwy. 377 within Old Town. The project is expected to be complete in fall 2016.

Page 2 Upcoming Events 1 st A n n u a l S t r o ll o n T o w n C e n te r L a n e Wednesday, Sept. 16 5 - 7 pm Town Center L ane Join the Keller Town Center businesses for a fun evening full of specials on products and services, delicious treats, hors d’ oevres, drinks and more!

R o c k th e P a rk Saturday, Sept. 26 11 am - 10 pm Bear Creek Park Join us for our most popular event of the year! A familyfriendly event featuring live music, a Kid Z one, arts & crafts, food trucks and business vendors.

S ip ‘N S h o p Oct. 1 - 3 10 am - 7 pm Old Town Keller A 3-day event for you to shop and take advantage of awesome deals, win door priz es and sip wine while you shop!

N e w t o K e lle r C u r ly & S p ik e y 1 5 1 R id g e p o in t P k w y . # 3 0 0 8 17-8 8 0-3440

Curly & Spikey offers a wide array of salon services for kids, teens and even parents. They make it their priorty to ensure fun, smiles and safety for each customer!

H ire m a t h O rt h o d o n t ic s

1 5 1 R id g e p o in t P k w y . # 1 0 0 8 17-697-5166 Hiremath Orthodontics offers offers a comprehensive list of modern treatment options that meet the nees of the entire family.

Ju s t G r illin 7 9 0 S . M a in S t. # 4 0 0 8 17-966-2558 Just G rillin is the place for all your outdoor living needs. Whether you are in need of a charcoal grill or you are about to start your dream outdoor kitchen, they will have just the right thing for you.

L a s h & G lo w 1 5 3 0 K e lle r P k w y . # C 8 17-312-9111 L ash & G low is the first and only U S Patented M ethod for multiple- layer eyelash extensions and G olden G low spray tanning in Keller. This team is taking beauty to the next level.

Page 3 Keep It In Keller L a v is h N a il S p a 1 4 3 1 K e lle r P k w y . # 4 0 0 8 17-741-678 8 L avish Nail Spa offers a full service nail salon, hair removal and reflexology services. Y ou may also enjoy complimentary soft drinks and wine.

M a c ’s F u r n it u r e 4 1 3 N . M a in S t. 8 17-233-7329 M ac’ s Furniture offers a wide array of fine home furniture at wholesale prices. I f you are looking for new furniture ranging from a new living room set or an outdoor patio, this is the place for you.

M e d s p rin g U rg e n t C a re 1 0 4 S . M a in S t. # 1 0 0 214-295-938 5 M edspring U rgent Care offers q uick and convenient urgent care in a comfortable and modern setting. They provide excellent care for a wide range of illnesses and injuries – from coughs and colds to cuts and broken bones.

M e x ic a n In n 6 8 0 S . M a in S t. 8 17-8 98 -7079 M exican I nn has been serving delicious Tex-M ex specialties in North Texas since 1936. I n addition to their full service restaurant, they offer full buffet catering for special occasions of any kind.

Our shop local campaign aims to support and recognize Keller, TX businesses while helping residents and visitors discover everything this city has to offer! “ Keep I t I n Keller” is a shop local campaign, which focuses on retaining and growing existing Keller businesses, attracting new ones and ultimately boosting the city’ s sales tax revenue. The program encourages citiz ens to commit to looking in Keller for places to shop, eat and obtain their business services. For a full listing of businesses, visit: www.KeepI tI Also, make sure you like the Keep it in Keller Facebook page to stay connected with all the Keller business . Y ou won’ t want to miss out on all of the great promos and deals going on around Keller.

Keller Economic Development Department 1100 Bear Creek Parkway, Keller, TX 76248 8 17.743.4020 economicdevelopment

Page 4 Coming to Keller

M olecular Sweet Tooth Donuts 721 Keller Pkwy. #103 Superior Urgent Care 2122 Rufe Snow Dr. #134

Commerical Building Permits Total Commercial Building Permits issued from January 1 - August 31

44 3 New Construction 18 Finish Out 10 I nterior Remodel 13 Other


M o le c u la r F ilt r a t io n 1 7 4 0 R u f e S n o w D r. # B 28 1-957-5675 M olecular Filtration provides the most comprehensive, cost-effective and reliable water pretreatment systems and services.

O u t o n a L im b 2 0 1 T o w n C e n te r L n . # 1 1 1 5 8 17-993-9127 Out on a L imb Boutiq ue caters to those that want to stand out instead of blend in with the crowd. Southern style, grace and attitude all in one place!

P a in t in g W it h a T w is t 1 0 1 T o w n C e n te r L n . # 1 0 7 keller 8 17-627-4121 Painting with a Twist surely brings a twist to the average painting class. Enjoy a little paint, a little wine, and a whole lot of fun!

S o p h ia ’s G o w n s 1 0 0 0 S . M a in S t. # 5 0 5 8 17-741-1616 Sophia’ s G owns is a bridal boutiq ue offering the perfect dress for your special occasion. Here you will find anything from the ideal bridal gown to a little black dress to the suitable accessories to top it off.

Page 5 S u b w a y 1 5 1 R id g e p o in t P k w y . # 2 0 0 8 17-491-2330 Subway, with over 41,000 locations in more than 100 countries, offers a wide array of better-for-you sandwiches and salads, and offers their famous fresh sub!

T h e G a b rie l H o m e S t o re 1 4 8 S . E lm S t. 8 17-627-7178 The G abriel Home Store can dress your home with all kinds of brand name furniture and accessories far below retail price.

Moviehouse and Eatery

In T h e N e w s K Magazine: A Candid Conversation with Keller’s City Manager Mark Hafner Keller Citizen: UDC update aims to improve Keller’s development K Magazine: Keller Is Home to an Active Music Scene K Magazine: Winner, winner, chicken dinner K Magazine: Community Storehouse Continues its Summer Quest to Reach Reluctant Readers

CONTACT US: Trina Zais, Economic Development/Public Services Director


Kayla Thomas, Economic Development Coordinator


Julissa McCann, Economic Development Intern


El Wine Chateau

Keller Economic Development Department 1100 Bear Creek Parkway, Keller, TX 76248 8 17.743.4020 economicdevelopment

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