Cokesbury Seasonal Advent 2017 Catalog

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4/18/17 11:08 AM

He is often overlooked. He is never quoted in the Bible. But we can learn valuable lessons from the story of this simple carpenter named Joseph. Faithful NEW FROM ADAM HAMILTON!

INSIDE CATALOG Churchwide Studies…1–6

Children’s Programs…22–23



Congregational Gifts…24–26

Discussion Starters…12


Advent Wreaths & Accessories…43–45



Congregational Devotions…16


Advent Activities…17–20

Offering Supplies…38

Gifts for Children…21

Communion…39 Our front cover is inspired by new Advent bulletin designs on page 32.

Children of the World Gifts…46 Church Nativities…47–49 Fresh-Cut Greenery…49 Banners…37, 50, inside back cover Paraments…50–52 Stoles…51, inside back cover

Unless otherwise noted, all books are paperbound. Cokesbury prices shown in red reflect a discount off regular prices. Sale prices are available for a limited time. Prices subject to change.

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Community Resource Consultants

Scan here to view & purchase items from this catalog. AD17

4/18/17 11:11 AM

Churchwide Studies

about the study

From his beginnings as a humble carpenter to his all-important role as the earthly father of Jesus Christ, Joseph’s place in the Nativity story is sometimes overlooked but contains valuable lessons for all of us. Absent from much of the biblical narrative, Joseph never spoke a word, but his courageous actions were crucial to the birth of Christ and God’s salvation plan for humanity.



Explore the life of Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus Christ NEW Faithful Christmas Through the Eyes of Joseph Adam Hamilton Join Adam Hamilton as he examines Christmas through the eyes of Joseph in this four-week study. You’ll come to understand how Joseph’s place in the Nativity story is much like our own. In life, we encounter circumstances that we would have never chosen for ourselves. At times it can be tempting just to walk away. Joseph provides us a great example of humbly obeying God even when we don’t understand and faithfully moving forward in the strength that God provides.

OTHER STUDIES by the author

Exchange your doubt for courage this Advent and Christmas season. Learn to accept and glorify God’s will even when circumstances make it difficult to do so. Abingdon Press. Coming in September. 9781501814082. Hardcover Book. $19.99; Cokesbury Price $13.39 9781501814112. Leader Guide. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70 9781501814020. DVD. [CC] 4 sessions: 10–12 min. each. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99 9781501814136. Youth Study Book. Grades 6–12. $11.99; Cokesbury Price $8.03 9781501814150. Children’s Leader Guide. Includes games, activities, craft ideas, and reproducible handouts. $18.99; Cokesbury Price $12.72

Also available: 9781501814105. Large Print Book. $20.99; Cokesbury Price $14.06

The choral anthem featured in the promotional video, The Hands kit participant kit That First Held Mary’s Child (Beckenhorst Press), is available through Cokesbury. book book cd

Prices subject to change.


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participant leader kit book preview dvd

guide participant Youthleader and Children’s h book book s sh a devo resources also available flbook fla



guide leader devo tional preview

sh fla

book book

what you’ll need Shop the online catalog at


4/18/17 11:12 AM

d ti

Churchwide Studies

author insights

What are the Christmas gifts that won’t break? They are those gifts that cannot be lost, that never go out of style, and that are independent of the chances and changes of life. They are the gifts that have been graciously given by God.

Learn how to use your God-given gifts this Christmas NEW Christmas Gifts That Won’t Break Expanded Edition with Devotions James W. Moore with Jacob Armstrong

Go on an Advent journey with beloved teacher and storyteller James W. Moore in this five-week study that explores the spirit of Christmas. As you light the candles of your Advent wreath, reflect on the unbreakable gifts that God has given us: hope, love, joy, and peace. And remember God’s greatest gift, he who comes to us as a baby and leads us through all the days of our lives.


This revised edition of the popular book includes stories, Scriptures, and thoughts to warm your heart throughout the season, as well as devotions by Jacob Armstrong and a new fifth chapter for Christmas Eve/Christmas Day.


Abingdon Press. Coming in September. 9781501839986. Book with Devotions. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $10.71 9781501840012. Leader Guide. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70 9781501840036. DVD. (features Jacob Armstrong) [CC] 5 sessions; 10–12 min. each. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99 9781501840043. Youth Study Book. (by Mike Poteet) Grades 6–12. $10.99; Cokesbury Price $7.36 9781501840067. Children’s Leader Guide. (by Daphna Flegal) Includes games, activities, craft ideas, and reproducible handouts for younger & older chldren. $17.99; Cokesbury Price $12.05

Also available: 9781501840005. Large Print Book. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $11.38 kit


participant kit book dvd

participant leader kit book cd

book preview dvd

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leader participant guide ash flbook preview Youth

book book sh devo fla tional and Children’s

guide leader devo tional preview

book book

guide sh fla

devo tional


resources also available



Prices subject to change.


Community Resource Consultants


4/19/17 8:14 AM

Churchwide Studies SEE THE VIDEO


author insights

[The] fourth book in The Pop in Culture series [is] The Redemption of Scrooge. Because if Scrooge can be redeemed, so can we. It’ Advent study based on A Christmas Carol, and we’re excited about offering this new Advent study for churches and small groups and youth groups this time around.

Go from “Bah, Humbug!” to a Blessed Advent and Merry Christmas The Redemption of Scrooge Matt Rawle Ebenezer Scrooge is a man in dire need of a second chance. Is redemption possible for such a greedy, dark and sad character?

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The Redemption of Scrooge, a 4-session study from Matt Rawle’s The Pop in Culture Series, shows us how the teachings of Jesus can be found in Dickens’ Christmas classic. From the ghosts of Christmas past, to the Life of the present, and the resurrection of Christmas future, this Advent study will “bless us every one” and reinvigorate our spiritual journeys as we look at this familiar story through the lens of faith. Abingdon Press.

A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens 9781612618395. $11.99; $8.63

God Bless Us Every One! Devotional Inspiration from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Anne Tipton 9781634098915. Hardcover. $12.99; $9.35

9781501823077. Book. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.04 9781501823091. Leader Guide. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70 9781501823114. DVD. [CC] 4 sessions; 8–10 min. each. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99 9781501823206. Worship Resources Flash Drive. Ideas and tools for use in worship and in your congregation during the churchwide study. $34.99; Cokesbury Price $27.99 9781501823169. Youth Study Book. Grades 6–12. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781501824791. Leader Kit. One each of above. $112.95; Cokesbury Price $78.99

Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol: A Coloring Classic Charles Dickens 9781524713195. $15.99; $11.51 kit kit cd cd

dvd dvd

cd cd

participant participant kit kit book book dvd dvd

kit includes: Prices subject to change.


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participant leader leader kit participant

bookbook cd

book book preview preview dvd

what you’ll need

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also included in kit 3

4/18/17 9:08 AM

Churchwide Studies When heaven comes down to earth, greatness is redefined Down to Earth


The Hopes & Fears of All the Years are Met in Thee Tonight Mike Slaughter with Rachel Billups A virgin birth. God’s son…a helpless baby. Fleeing certain death. Nothing about the Christmas story is ordinary. Mike Slaughter says it’s enough to confound the mind and make the heart contrite. In his book, Down to Earth, Slaughter presents a fourweek Advent study that opens up God’s Christmas surprise to us and examines how it changed everything. A DVD, Leader Guide, Youth Study, Children’s Leader Guide, and a seasonal devotional are part of the study. Abingdon Press. 9781501823398. Book. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $11.38 9781501823428. Leader Guide. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70 9781501823442. Devotions for the Season. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781501823466. DVD. [CC] 4 sessions; 8–12 min. each. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99 kit cd

cd dvd


9781501823527. Youth Study Book. Grades 6–12. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781501823541. Children’s Leader Guide (by Susan Groseclose). Games, activities, craft ideas, and reproducible handouts for younger & older children. $18.99; Cokesbury Price $12.72 9781501824807. Kit. One each of above. $108.94; Cokesbury Price $72.99

Also available: 9781501823411. Large Print Book. Cokesbury Price guide $12.05 $17.99; guide guide guide leader participant leader leader

kit participant participant kit kit book cd cd


participant leader leader kit participant book ash book book book book book sh sh devodevo bookbook ash bookdevo devo fla flbook fla Children’s bookbook Youthfl and tional tional tionaltional preview preview preview preview cd dvd preview

book dvd dvd

kit includes:

sh fla

devo tional

resources also included in kit

what you’ll need

Cut through the Christmas hype & be transformed A Different Kind of Christmas Living and Giving Like Jesus Mike Slaughter


Based on Slaughter’s popular book Christmas Is Not Your Birthday, this five-week study will empower your family and your church to reclaim the broader missional meaning of Jesus’ birth and experience a Christmas season with more peace and joy than any toy or gadget could ever bring. Help your church cast a vision for how Christians can experience the true joy of living and giving like Jesus beginning with the Christmas season and continuing as a lifestyle. This five-week study helps participants see the traps and discontentment of consumerism and hear the call of God to live generously to fulfill God’s mission in the world. Abingdon Press. 9781426753633. Leader Guide. $11.99; Cokesbury Price $8.03 9781426753541. DVD. [CC] 5 sessions; 10–15 min. each. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99 kit cd

cd dvd


kit book cd

participant participant kit book dvd

book preview cd

preview dvd

book sh fla

what you’ll need 4

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Also available: 9781426727351. Book: Christmas Is Not Your Birthday. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70

guide leader participant guide

participant leader leader kit book

9781426753602. Devotions for the Season. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781426753626. Children’s Leader Guide. Includes reproducible handouts for younger & older children. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $11.38 9781426753619. Youth Study. Grades 6–12. $8.99; Cokesbury Price $6.02

ash fldevo book tional preview

book book devo tional

book sh fla

guide leader


tional preview Youth and Children’s resources also available

Community Resource Consultants

book book

sh fla

guide devo tional


Prices subject to change.


4/18/17 9:10 AM

Churchwide Studies Rediscover the true wonder of Christmas The Wonder of Christmas Once You Believe, Anything Is Possible Ed Robb & Rob Renfroe



The Christmas season is always filled with wonder, but this year rediscover the true wonder of Christmas by sharing the love of Christ with others. This four-week, all-church study centers on looking to the Christmas story and to the stories of real people today to find inspiration and ideas for reflecting the light of Jesus at Christmas time and throughout the entire year. Abingdon Press. 9781501823220. Book. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.04 9781501823251. Leader Guide. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70 9781501823275. Devotions for the Season. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781501823299. DVD [CC] 4 sessions, 10–12 min. each. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99 9781501823343. Youth Study Book. Grades 6–12. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69

9781501823367. Children’s Leader Guide. Includes games, activities, craft ideas, and reproducible handouts for younger & older children. $18.99; Cokesbury Price $12.72 9781501823374. Worship Resources Flash Drive. $34.99; Cokesbury Price $27.99 9781501824814. Leader Kit. One each of items above. $141.93; Cokesbury Price $99.99

Also available: 9781501823244. Large Print Book. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $10.71

guide guideguide guide participant kit participant participant participant leader leader kit leaderleader leader participant guide leader kit kit participant Youth and children’s book book bookbook book book book book sh sh bookbook sh ash abook sh devodevo a a a devo devo devo fl fl fl fl fl book book book bookbook book tional tional tional resources also tionaltional preview preview preview preview preview cd dvd dvd dvd dvd preview cd cd



kit includes:

sh fla

devo tional

sh fla

devo tional


included in kit

what you’ll need

Become the hands and feet of Christ this Christmas Sent Delivering the Gift of Hope at Christmas Jorge Acevedo with Jacob Armstrong, Rachel Billups, Justin LaRosa, and Lanecia Rouse



“As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them . . . .” —John 17:18, CEB God sent Christ at Christmas. In turn, Christ sends us into the world to be his hands and feet, head and heart. Dynamic pastor Jorge Acevedo leads us on a 5-week Advent journey to discover how, where, and why we are sent. Joining him on the journey are four young clergy who challenge us through story, art, and Bible study. Abingdon Press. 9781501801037. Book. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.04 9781501801174. Devotions for the Season. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781501801068. Leader Guide. $11.99; Cokesbury Price $8.03 9781501801082. DVD. [CC] 5 sessions: 8–10 min. each. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99 kit book cd cd

9781501801143. Youth Study Book. Grades 6–12. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781501801167. Children’s Leader Guide. $18.99; Cokesbury Price $12.72 9781501817502. Leader Kit. One each of above. $106.94; Cokesbury Price $72.99

Also available: 9781501801051. Large Print Book. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $10.71

guide guide participant leader leader kit leader participant guide leader guide participant leader book ash abook book book book sh sh bookbook sh devodevo bookbook a a devo devo fl fl fl fl book bookbook tional tional tionaltional preview preview preview preview cd dvd preview Youth and children’s resources


participant participant kit kit book dvd dvd

kit includes: AD17

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also included in kit Prices subject to change.

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4/18/17 9:10 AM

Churchwide Studies Receive the life-changing gift of Christmas All I Want For Christmas Opening the Gifts of God’s Grace James W. Moore



What’s on your Christmas list this year? How about the greatest gift of all…God’s gift to us of a Savior? Sometimes we concentrate so much on the gifts we want to give and to receive that we forget about the special gifts of Christmas. This five-week Advent study helps us think about what we really want for Christmas by reminding us of the amazing, life-changing gifts Christmas has in store for us. Features one session for each Sunday of Advent and one for Christmas. The adult study includes questions for reflection and discussion, a brief prayer, a focus for the week, and six daily Bible readings for personal devotional time during the week. Abingdon Press. 9781501824197. Book. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.04 9781501824227. Leader Guide (by John P. Gilbert). $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781501824241. DVD. [CC] 5 sessions: 8–10 min. each. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99 kit cd



participant kit book dvd

book cd

preview dvd

Also available: 9781501824210. Large Print Book. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $10.71

leader participant guide

participant leader kit book

9781501824258. Youth Study Book. (by Cindy Klick) Grades 6–12. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781501824272. Children’s Leader Guide. (by Cindy Klick) Includes reproducible activities. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $11.38

ash flbook preview Youth

book devo tional

book sh fla

and Children’s resources also available

what you’ll need

guide leader devo tional preview

book book

guide sh fla

devo tional


Bethlehem always happens in the midst of bedlam Finding Bethlehem in the Midst of Bedlam


James W. Moore


When did Christmas get so chaotic? How about on the very night Jesus was born? We tend to picture softly lowing cows and a warm, cozy stable when we sing Christmas carols, but Bethlehem was the picture of bedlam. Soldiers marched in the street. People were pushing and shoving. You couldn’t find an empty room and food may have been scarce as well. But in the midst of confusion and turmoil, God broke through and Jesus was born. This five-chapter Advent study explores how God can still be heard over our human noise. Each chapter includes questions for reflection and discussion, a brief prayer, a focus for the week, and six daily Bible readings for personal devotional time. Abingdon Press. 9781501804281. Book. $14.99; Cokesbury Price 10.04 9781501804304. Leader Guide (by Joseph Crowe). $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781501804991. DVD. 5 sessions: 8–10 min. each. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99 kit cd



participant kit book dvd

participant leader kit book cd

book preview dvd

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Also available: 9781501808258. Large Print Book. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $10.71

leader participant guide ash flbook Youth preview

book book sh devo fla and Children’s tional

resources also available

what you’ll need 6

9781501805011. Youth Study Book. (by Mike Poteet) Grades 6–12. $8.99; Cokesbury Price $6.02 9781501805035. Children’s Leader Guide. (by Brittany Sky). Includes reproducible activities. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $11.38

guide leader devo tional preview

book book

guide sh fla

devo tional


Prices subject to change.


Community Resource Consultants


4/18/17 9:11 AM

Studies The whole created world waits and hopes for the coming of Christ NEW All Earth Is Waiting Good News for God’s Creation at Advent Katie Z. Dawson All Earth Is Waiting invites readers to explore the familiar Advent themes of hope, preparation, joy, and peace with the heavens and earth in mind. Through her powerful and personal reflections, Katie Z. Dawson calls us to consider how all creation longs for the coming of Christ, taking seriously the notion that the good news of Christ is good news for all the world. Anticipating in Christ’s birth the reconciliation of the heavens and the earth, Dawson highlights our responsibility to care for this earth in preparation for Christ’s return. This thematic Bible study is designed to be used by individuals and small groups during Advent. Each chapter offers questions for reflection and discussion, a brief prayer, and a focus for the week that will encourage readers to engage a specific act of creation care that will help them apply the week’s lesson. Also included are Advent candle lighting liturgies, a Call to Worship, a Prayer of Confession that can be used throughout Advent, and hymn suggestions for each chapter. These can be used for small group worship opportunities or in corporate worship. Abingdon Press. Coming in September. 9781501839825. Book. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70

Also available: 9781501839849. Large Print Book. $13.99; Cokesbury Price $9.37 9781501848070. Devotions for the Season. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69

Hidden Christmas

Songs for the Waiting

One Faithful Promise

The Soul of Christmas

The Surprising Truth Behind the Birth of Christ Timothy Keller

Devotions Inspired by the Hymns of Advent Magrey R. DeVega

The Wesleyan Covenant for Renewal Magrey R. deVega

Thomas Moore

An illuminating journey into the surprising background of the Nativity. By understanding the message of hope and salvation within the Bible’s account of Jesus’ birth, readers will experience God’s grace in a deeper way. Penguin Group. 9780735221659. Hardcover. $20.00; Cokesbury Price $14.40

Despite the presence of many beautiful Advent songs in many of our hymnals, most of us would rather skip to our favorite Christmas carols. Songs for the Waiting helps readers reclaim a sense of the beautiful anticipation and preparation that is central to Advent. Westminster John Knox Press.

Prices subject to change.

9780664262525. $15.00; Cokesbury Price $10.80


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A churchwide campaign that culminates in the liturgical affirmation and faithful promise to love God and neighbor faithfully. Great during Advent. Abingdon Press. 9781501824920. Hardcover Book. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781501824944. Participant Gd. $4.99 9781501824968. Leader Guide. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781501824982. DVD. 6 sess. 10-14 min. each. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99

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A profound reflection on the meaning of Christmas. With his trademark blend of storytelling, faith, and psychological insight, the New York Times bestselling author turns his poetic attention to the story of the birth of Christ. He looks at passages from the Gospels, both canonical and non-canonical, comparing them to archetypal stories and ancient myths. Franciscan Media. 9781632531209. Hardcover. $19.99; Cokesbury Price $14.39


4/20/17 8:02 AM

Studies Prepare for God’s coming by rediscovering the light that began in the manger NEW The Lord Is Our Light An Advent Study Based on the Revised Common Lectionary A. Elaine Brown Crawford; includes Leader Guide by Nan Duerling The Lord Is Our Light invites you to explore God’s hope and presence through a study of the Scripture readings for Advent and Christmas. Elaine Crawford calls us to explore our hope for new beginnings, praising God as we eagerly await the birth of Christ in our lives. Recalling the fulfillment of God’s promises at Christmas, she invites us to imagine the future culmination of our hope in Christ’s death, resurrection, and second coming. Her reflections challenge readers to cultivate faithful lives here and now, in active expectation for the coming of the Christ Child. Originally released in 2014 and based upon the Revised Common Lectionary Scriptures for year B of the Church Year, a three-year cycle of Bible readings, the study includes commentary and reflection on key Bible readings from the Old Testament, the Gospels, and the Epistles. It offers the opportunity to explore these Bible readings in a five-session study. The study book includes a leader guide with information about the season of Advent, suggestions for starting and leading small groups, Bible background, and discussion activities. Abingdon Press. Coming in September. 9781501847875. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69

Also available: 9781501848919. Large Print. $10.99; Cokesbury Price $7.36

NEW Fathom Bible Studies: The Coming of Jesus A Deep Dive Into the Story of God A 4-session Bible study for teens that explores key Scriptures about events leading to the birth of Jesus. It blends narrative and traditional theological approaches. Abingdon Press. Coming in September. 9781501838842. Leader Guide. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70 9781501838835. Student Journal. $8.99; Cokesbury Price $6.02

More at

Journey to the Manger Exploring the Birth of Jesus Paula Gooder Gooder explores the New Testament’s various accounts of the birth of Jesus, engaging biblical and historical criticism, to uncover key similarities and shared understandings. A gold mine for preaching and teaching, it includes devotional reflections and discussion questions for personal or group study. Fortress Press. 9781506418872. $19.00; Cokesbury Price $13.68

Underdogs and Outsiders A Bible Study on the Untold Stories of Advent Tom Fuerst Through Old Testament stories of underdogs and outsiders, this study helps us look for God in unexpected places during Advent. With questions for reflection and discussion. Abingdon Press. 9781501824289. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70 9781501824302. Large Print. $13.99; Cokesbury Price $9.37 Prices subject to change.


AD17 PG08.indd 8




Community Resource Consultants


4/19/17 8:23 AM

Studies Can you use some true Christmas this Christmas? Because of Bethlehem Love Is Born, Hope Is Here Max Lucado Each year, the Christmas season compels people to ask the Christmas questions. What’s the big deal about the baby in the manger? Who was he? What does his birth have to do with me? Of all the responses to these questions, there is one that stands out from the rest: Because of Bethlehem, God knows what it is like to be a human. When we talk to God about our challenges, our struggles, and our tough times, he understands, because he’s been there. He’s been here. The four sessions in this video-based Advent study remind us of these truths and give us hope. HarperCollins. 9780849947599. Hardcover Book. $19.99; Cokesbury Price $14.39 9780310687054. Study Guide. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $7.19 9780310687849. 2-DVD Set. Includes Because of Bethlehem, 4-session Advent DVD; and He Chose the Nails, 5-session Lenten DVD. $29.99; Cokesbury Price $18.98 9780310687283. Study Guides with 2-DVD Set. Includes 2-DVD set PLUS a study guide for each study. $47.99; Cokesbury Price $38.39

Also available: 9781531831653. Audio Book, 4-CD Set. $19.99; Cokesbury Price $14.39 9781682163207. Pkg. of 25 Tracts. Good News Publishers. $2.99 9780718089788. Adult Coloring Book. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $11.51 081983590061. Tabletop Advent Calendar, Spiral. Day Springs. $14.99

Visit for additional resources.

God Is in the Manger

Simply Wait

Advent Conspiracy

Reflections on Advent and Christmas Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Cultivating Stillness in the Season of Advent Pamela C. Hawkins

Can Christmas Still Change the World? Rick McKinley, Chris Seay, and Greg Holder

For the four weeks of Advent, individuals and small groups learn to focus, rest, and renew spiritually by focusing on a single word and a single, simple prayer practice that doesn’t require extensive preparation or previous experience. The weekly readings have questions and creative reflections. Upper Room Books.

Four simple, powerful concepts invite us to celebrate Jesus’ birth more meaningfully through giving. Book contains a study guide. Zondervan.

Contains forty devotions that guide and inspire readers as they move thematically through the weeks of Advent and Christmas, from waiting and mystery to redemption, incarnation, and joy. Includes short excerpts from Bonhoeffer’s letters and passages from his Christmas sermons. Westminster John Knox Press. 9780664234294. $14.00; Cokesbury Price $10.08

9780835899178. $13.99; Cokesbury Price $9.79

9780310324522. Book. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $9.35 9780310324423. DVD. 4 sessions. $19.99; Cokesbury Price $15.99 9780310325260. DVD & Book. $29.99; Cokesbury Price $23.99

Prices subject to change.


AD17 PG08.indd 9

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4/19/17 8:24 AM

Quickly compare seasonal & Advent studies in this chart


NEW Christmas Gifts

The Redemption of Scrooge

Down to Earth

The Wonder of Christmas


Adam Hamilton

James W. Moore with Jacob Armstrong

Matt Rawle

Mike Slaughter with Rachel Billups

Ed Robb and Rob Renfroe James W. Moore


Churchwide/ Small Group/Adult Individual

Churchwide/ Small Group/Adult Individual

Churchwide/ Small Group/Adult Individual

Churchwide/ Small Group/Adult Individual

Churchwide/ Small Group/Adult Individual

Churchwide/ Small Group/Adult Individual


This study teaches us to accept and glorify God’s will even when circumstances make it difficult to do so. The story of Joseph provides us a great example of humbly obeying God even when we don’t understand and faithfully moving forward in the strength that God provides.

Explore the spirit of Christmas with this book and 5-week Advent study. The revised edition of the popular book includes stories, Scriptures, and thoughts to warm your heart throughout the season, as well as devotions by Jacob Armstrong and a new fifth chapter for Christmas Eve/Christmas Day.

The fourth book in Matt Rawle’s The Pop in Culture series, this 4-week Advent study, The Redemption of Scrooge, looks at Charles Dickens’ classic, A Christmas Carol, through the lens of faith. For churches and small groups; includes a Youth Study Book for use in youth groups.

Nothing about the Christmas story is ordinary. Mike Slaughter says it’s enough to confound the mind and make the heart contrite. This 4-week Advent study opens up God’s Christmas surprise to us and examines how it changed everything.

This year rediscover the true wonder of Christmas by sharing the love of Christ with others. This 4-week, all-church study looks to the Christmas story and the stories of real people today to find inspiration and ideas for reflecting the light of Jesus at Christmas time and throughout the entire year.

This 5-week Advent study helps us think about what we really want for Christmas by reminding us of the amazing, lifechanging gifts Christmas has in store for us. The all-church study includes a DVD, Leader Guide, Youth Study, and Children’s Leader Guide, in addition to the adult study text.

# Sessions

4 Sessions

5 Sessions

4 Sessions

4 Sessions

4 Sessions

5 Sessions

__ B ook with Devotions. 9781501839986. $15.99; $10.71 __ L arge Print Book. 9781501840005. $16.99; $11.38 __ Leader Guide. 9781501840012. $12.99; $8.70 __ DVD. 9781501840036. $39.99; $31.99 __ Y outh Study Book. 9781501840043. $10.99; $7.36 __ Children’s Leader Guide. 9781501840067. $17.99; $12.05

__ Book. 9781501823077. $14.99; $10.04 __ L eader Guide. 9781501823091. $12.99; $8.70 __ D VD. 9781501823114. $39.99; $31.99 __ W orship Resources Flash Drive. 9781501823206. $34.99; $27.99 __ Y outh Study Book. 9781501823169. $9.99; $6.69 __ L eader Kit. 9781501824791. $112.95; $78.99

__ Book. 9781501823398. $16.99; $11.38 __ L arge Print Book. 9781501823411. $17.99; $12.05 __ Leader Guide. 9781501823428. $12.99; $8.70 __ DVD. 9781501823466. $39.99; $31.99 __ Devotions for the Season. 9781501823442. $9.99; $6.69 __ Youth Study Book. 9781501823527. $9.99; $6.69 __ Children’s Leader Guide. 9781501823541. $18.99; $12.72 __ Leader Kit. 9781501824807. $108.94; $72.99

__ Book. 9781501823220. $14.99; $10.04 __ L arge Print Book. 9781501823244. $15.99; $10.71 __ Leader Guide. 9781501823251. $12.99; $8.70 __ D VD. 9781501823299. $39.99; $31.99 __ W orship Resources Flash Drive. 9781501823374. $34.99; $27.99 __ D evotions for the Season. 9781501823275. $9.99; $6.69 __ Y outh Study Book. 9781501823343. $9.99; $6.69 __ C hildren’s Leader Guide. 9781501823367. $18.99; $12.72 __ Leader Kit. 9781501824814. $141.93; $99.99

__ Book. 9781501824197. $14.99; $10.04 __ L arge Print Book. 9781501824210. $15.99; $10.71 __ L eader Guide. 9781501824227. $9.99; $6.69 __ D VD. 9781501824241. $39.99; $31.99 __ Y outh Study Book. 9781501824258. $9.99; $6.69 __ C hildren’s Leader Guide. 9781501824272. $16.99; $11.38

See page 2 for more details.

See page 3 for more details.

See page 4 for more details.

See page 5 for more details.

See page 6 for more details.


Faithful: Christmas Through the Eyes of Joseph

__ Hardcover Book. Separate 9781501814082. $19.99; components $13.39 or included __ L arge Print Book. features 9781501814105. $20.99; $14.06 __ Leader Guide. 9781501814112. $12.99; $8.70 __ DVD. 9781501814020. $39.99; $31.99 __ Youth Study Book. 9781501814136. $11.99; $8.03 __ Children’s Leader Guide. 9781501814150. $18.99; $12.72

See the inside front cover & page 1 for more details.

That Won’t Break: Expanded Edition with Devotions

All I Want for Christmas

Prices subject to change.


AD17 PG10.indd 10




Community Resource Consultants


4/18/17 9:20 AM

and choose the best study for your congregation or small group




Katie Z. Dawson

A. Elaine Brown Crawford Tom Fuerst


Small Group/Adult Individual

Small Group/Adult Individual


Through powerful and personal reflections, this thematic Bible study for individuals and small groups explores familiar Advent themes by highlighting our responsibility to care for this earth in preparation for Christ’s return.

# Sessions

5 Sessions

Separate components or included features

__ Book. 9781501839825. __ B ook. 9781501847875. __ Book. __ Book. Designed to be __ Leader Guide. 9781501824289. $12.99; $8.70 $9.99; $6.69 used by individuals and 9781501838842. $12.99; $8.70 __ L arge Print Book. __ Large Print Book. small groups; includes $12.99; $8.70 9781501848919. $10.99; __ Large Print Book. 9781501839849. $13.99; questions for reflection __ Student Journal. 9781501824302. $13.99; $9.37 $7.36 and discussion. 9781501838835. $8.99; 9781506418872. $9.37 __ Devotions for $6.02 $19.00; $13.67 the Season. 9781501848070. $9.99; $6.69


All Earth Is Waiting

See page 7 for more details.


Because of Bethlehem

Paula Gooder

Charlie Baber

Max Lucado

Small Group/Adult Individual

Small Group/Adult Individual

Teen Small Group/Teen Individual

Small Group/Adult Individual

This 5-session study is based on the Revised Common Lectionary Scriptures for Year B of the Church Year and includes commentary and reflection on key Bible readings from the Old Testament, the Gospels, and the Epistles. The book includes a leader guide.

This Bible study explores stories of five women named in the Book of Matthew and is designed to be used by individuals and small groups during Advent. In addition to the main content, each chapter offers questions for reflection and discussion, a brief prayer, and a focus for the week.

Explores the New Testament’s various accounts of the birth of Jesus, uncovering similarities in writers’accounts and focusing on their shared understanding of the significant events they describe. With devotional reflections and discussion questions for personal or group study.

A 4-session Bible study for teens that journeys through key Scriptures about events leading to the birth of Jesus. Lessons blend narrative and traditional theological approaches and each focuses on one passage that launches into the larger context of God’s story.

Because of Bethlehem, God knows what it is like to be a human. When we talk to God about our challenges, our struggles, and our tough times, he understands. This 4-session study reminds us that “everything works together for the good of those who love God.”

5 Sessions

5 Sessions

4 Sessions

4 Sessions

4 Sessions

Underdogs and Outsiders Journey to the Manger

The Lord Is Our Light

See page 8 for more details.

Fathom Bible Studies: The Coming of Jesus

See page 8 for more details.

See page 8 for more details.

See page 8 for more details.

__ Hardcover Book. 9780849947599. $19.99; $14.39 __ Study Guide. 9780310687054. $9.99; $7.19 __ 2-DVD Set. Includes Because of Bethlehem 4-session Advent DVD and He Chose the Nails 5-session Lenten DVD. 9780310687849. $29.99; $18.98 __ Study Guides with 2-DVD Set. Includes each DVD above plus its study guide. 9780310687283. $47.99; $38.39

See page 9 for more details plus auxiliary resources.

Need more help choosing an Advent study? Call 800-672-1789 or a Community Resource Consultant Prices subject to change.


AD17 PG10.indd 11

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4/18/17 9:20 AM

Discussion Starters A rich observance of Advent and Christmas that extends into the New Year NEW In Days to Come From Advent to Epiphany George H. Donigian Many people end their celebration of Christmas on December 25, but George Donigian reminds us that the celebration is just beginning. Donigian offers meditations that begin with Advent and continue through the 12th night of Christmas—January 6 or Epiphany. The meditations, like the surprises of an Advent calendar, touch on many different subjects. Some topics included are “An Editor,” “A Counting Song,” “Prudence,” and “Chrismons.” Instead of putting away the decorations on December 25, celebrate all the days to come with In Days to Come. It offers devotional meditations based on a merger of several Christmas traditions: Advent calendars, ancient Advent prayers known as the O Antiphons, the traditional celebration of Christmas on December 25, and the Armenian Orthodox celebration of Christmas on January 6. The meditations—four per week—count down from the first week of Advent to Epiphany. While each reading stands alone, the meditations are rooted in a weekly theme. Upper Room Books. Coming in September. 9780835817134. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $9.09

Five Questions of Christmas Unlocking the Mystery Rob Burkhart A different way to read the Christmas story. Suggests that five of life’s keystone questions are woven into the ancient stories surrounding Christ’s birth. Questions are asked by the magi, Elizabeth, Zechariah, the crowd who witnessed the naming of Joh n the Baptist, and Mary. For all ages. Abingdon Press. 9781630881290. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $11.38

Prepare the Way

The Women of Christmas

Why This Jubilee?

Cultivating a Heart for God in Advent Pamela C. Hawkins

Experience the Season Afresh with Elizabeth, Mary, and Anna Liz Curtis Higgs

Advent Reflections on Songs of the Season James C. Howell

Advent is all about preparing our hearts. This four-week study and prayer book helps us do this with guided prayer, readings from Isaiah and Matthew, and brief reflections on four scriptural themes: Peace, Justice, Fearlessness, and Faithfulness. Upper Room Books.

This Christmas-themed Bible study helps modern women connect personally to powerful truths revealed in the lives of Elizabeth, the mother of Joh n the Baptist; Mary, the mother of Jesus; and Anna, the faithful prophetess. Waterbrook Press.

Four weeks of devotions (24 reflections) explore the birth of Jesus and ponder the meaning of certain phrases from well-known carols and Christmas songs, relating them to our daily lives. With discussion guide. Upper Room Books.

9780835815697. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $9.09

9781601425416. Hardcover. $14.99 Cokesbury Price $10.79

9780835814959. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $9.09 Prices subject to change.


AD17 PG12.indd 12




Community Resource Consultants


4/18/17 9:24 AM


“” author insights

We can make small changes during this blessed holiday season that can yield big dividends in our pursuit of knowing our Savior who came to earth for us.

OTHER BOOKS & STUDIES by the author

A practical approach to learning what it means to truly celebrate the Savior NEW Total Christmas Makeover 31 Devotions to Celebrate with Purpose Melissa Spoelstra In the bustle of the Christmas season, it can be easy to get swept up in all of the things to do. But it’s important to pause and remember that our priority should be to spend time celebrating Christ’s birth and not forget to invite Jesus to his own party. Christmas is far more than a celebration of an event from long ago or a modern holiday centered on shopping. Mindfully take time to listen to how God continues to speak through the Christmas story as the Gospel narratives centered on the birth of Jesus provide encouragement and revelation concerning the love of God and his wisdom for us today. In Total Christmas Makeover, author and Bible teacher Melissa Spoelstra provides a practical approach for you and your family to turn your attention toward God’s grace day-by-day as you prepare for Christmas. This 31-day devotional includes Scripture, guided prayer, reflection questions, and practical ideas to implement with each reading to help guide you in rediscovering rituals, relationship, and rest to connect you more deeply with Christ this holiday season. Abingdon Press. Coming in October. 9781501848704. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $11.38

Prices subject to change.


AD17 PG12.indd 13

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4/19/17 8:29 AM

Devotionals A simple daily practice that draws us into the meaning of Advent NEW Pauses for Advent Words of Wonder Trevor Hudson In this beautifully minimalist book, Trevor Hudson focuses on one biblical word of wonder each day of Advent. Pausing for a few moments to read Hudson’s meditations on the word for the day will guide readers to a deeper understanding of Advent. Hudson also briefly explores the lives and thoughts of four significant characters in the Christmas story, encouraging readers to immerse themselves in the dramatic story. His simple approach provides a doable daily practice and gently leads readers to discover how they can open their hearts and lives more generously to God. Upper Room Books. Coming in September. 9780835817103. $8.99; Cokesbury Price $6.29

NEW Christmas Gifts That Won’t Break

NEW Unwrapping the Names of Jesus

NEW Seeing a Different World

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Expanded Edition with Devotions James W. Moore with Jacob Armstrong

An Advent Devotional Asheritah Ciuciu

Partners in Prayer 2017 Advent Devotional Elizabeth Hagan

A Countdown to Christmas Ace Collins

Reflect on the unbreakable gifts God has given us. Revised edition includes stories, Scriptures, devotions, and a new chapter for Christmas Eve/ Christmas Day. Abingdon Press. Coming in September. 9781501839986. Book & Devotions. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $10.71

See page 2 for study resources.

Leads readers through each of the four weeks of Advent (Hope, Preparation, Joy, and Love) with interactive family devotionals, five daily reflections focusing on a weekly name of Jesus, and suggestions for activities or service projects. Moody Publishers. Coming in October.

Invites us to see a different world in which Jesus is present in our everyday actions, beginning on the first day of Advent. Daily meditations and prayers center on four week-long themes. Transform the way you see Advent this year. Chalice Press. Coming in July.

9780802416728. Hardcover. $11.99; Cokesbury Price $8.63

Daily, inspirational stories behind popular Christmas traditions, carols, and movies. Best-selling author Ace Collins reawakens and revisits great traditions, captures imaginations, and shines a light on the real spirit of the season. Abingdon Press. 9781501822605. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $11.38

9780827231511. $3.49 Prices subject to change.


AD17 PG14.indd 14




Community Resource Consultants


4/18/17 9:33 AM

Devotionals Rediscover the heart of the Advent season NEW The Wonder of Advent Devotional Experiencing the Love and Glory of the Christmas Season Chris Tiegreen As the year comes to a close and the stress and busyness of the consumer Christmas holiday grows, it can be easy to lose sight of what the season really calls us to: worship. In today’s world, is it even possible to slow down, to ponder, to wonder in the coming birth of Christ? This Advent, recapture the mystery and beauty of the season with The Wonder of Advent Devotional. In this insightful and thought-provoking book, beloved devotional author Chris Tiegreen brings you into a deeper experience of this integral time in the church calendar. After completing a week of short readings to prepare your heart for the Advent season, you’ll journey through December with daily Scripture readings, prompts for reflection, and guided prayer to help you savor this remarkable divine story. With each day, The Wonder of Advent Devotional will reconnect you with what happened in Bethlehem long ago— and experience it anew in your life right now. Tyndale Momentum. Coming in October. 9781496419095. Hardcover. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $9.35

NEW All Earth Is Waiting

NEW Come, Let Us Adore Him

NEW Rise Up, Shepherd!

The One True Story

Devotions for the Season Katie Z. Dawson

A Daily Advent Devotional Paul David Tripp

These 28 reflections explore the Advent themes of hope, preparation, joy, and peace while highlighting our responsibility to care for the earth in preparation for Christ’s return. Abingdon Press. Coming in September.

Seeks to recapture our attention and reactivate our awe during Christmastime. Each day features a compelling, gospel-centered thought and an extended meditation. Each of the 31 readings also includes a Scripture reading and notes for parents and children. Crossway Books. Coming in September.

Advent Reflections on the Spirituals Luke A. Powery

Daily Readings for Advent from Genesis to Jesus Tim Chester

Devotions highlight significant African American spirituals that confront the mystery of incarnation and redemption. Features lyrics, a reflection on the spiritual’s meaning, a Scripture verse, and a brief prayer. Westminster John Knox Press. Coming in August.

With 24 short, meditative readings that work through Bible stories from Genesis to Jesus. Each day features ideas for reflection, prayer, and application, which are designed to excite you about the gospel message in the run up to Christmas Day. The Good Book Company.

9780664260323. $13.00; Cokesbury Price $7.41

9781784981532. $7.99; Cokesbury Price $5.75

9781501848070. Book. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69

See page 7 for study resources.

9781433556692. Hardcover. $17.99; Cokesbury Price $12.95

Prices subject to change.


AD17 PG14.indd 15

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4/18/17 9:33 AM

Congregational Devotions




NEW Advent: A Calendar of Devotions 2017 Donald K. McKim An annual favorite, this booklet of daily devotions is designed for every family or individual in the congregation to have a copy. It contains brief readings for each day in Advent, including a passage of Scripture, a short devotion, and a closing prayer. Readings honor the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Abingdon Press. Coming in August.

NEW Sacred Space for Advent and the Christmas Season 2017–18

NEW The Living Gospel Daily Devotions for Advent 2017

The Irish Jesuits

Charles Paolina

This compact, portable daily prayer guide for the Advent season includes a daily Scripture reading and points of reflection, as well as a weekly topic enhanced by six steps of prayer and reflection. Loyola Press. Coming in September.

This compact devotional from The Living Gospel series includes insight and practical wisdom from popular Catholic preachers, speakers, and homilists. Each day’s devotion can be as brief as five minutes or can be extended by silent prayer and meditation. Ave Maria Press. Coming in August.

9780829445817. $1.25

9781501846908. Pkg. of 10. $10.99

9781594717659. $1.50

Jesus Is Our Hope

How to Have a Happy Christmas

From Advent to Christmas Pause for a moment of reflection during the holidays with this pocketsized booklet with daily devotions from Advent to Christmas. Includes poems, prose, and Scripture in KJV and NIV translations. Warner Press.

This little illustrated booklet is ideal for handing out to guests and church members at the conclusion of a Christmas carol service, or for dropping through letterboxes along with an invitation to your church services.

9781593178819. $1.99

Spring Arbor. 9781784981617. 99¢

Daily Guideposts 25 Devotions for Advent Drawn from America’s favorite devotional, Daily Guideposts, these daily Advent devotionals can be read in just five minutes a day. Each contains a Scripture verse, a personal story, and a prayer to help you apply the day’s message. Contributors include Rick Hamlin, Daniel Schantz, Brock Kidd, Patricia Lorenz, and Mary Brown. Zondervan. 9780310349259. $2.99 Prices subject to change.


AD17 PG16.indd 16




Community Resource Consultants


4/20/17 8:04 AM

Advent Activities

NEW One Incredible Savior Celebrating the Majesty of the Manger Max Lucado A bestselling classic, now refreshed and updated with a new title and a beautiful new design. Combines warm, personal stories with the ultimate story— one that has reformed the world since Christ was born more than 2,000 years ago. HarperCollins. Coming in September. 9781404105782. Hardcover. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $3.99

Anticipating His Arrival A Family Guide Through Advent Rick Brannan Daily Scripture, discussion questions, and accompanying responses engage themes of preparation, anticipation, joy, and incarnation. Adapted from the Revised Common Lectionary with devotions for all three years in the liturgical cycle, each drawing on the Synoptic Gospels. Lexham Press. 9781577996903. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $9.35

Prices subject to change.


AD17 PG16.indd 17

NEW The Simple Blessings of Christmas 30 Reasons to Celebrate the Season Mark Gilroy A collection of 30 inspirational stories, quotes, and Scripture to warm your heart and encourage your soul this Christmas. Pause, reflect, and enjoy the simple blessings of the season. Simple Truths. Coming in September.

All Creation Waits The Advent Mystery of New Beginnings Gayle Boss; David G. Klein, illustrator Short, daily reflections paired with charming original woodcuts depicting wild animals of the northern hemisphere paint vivid, poetic images. Engaging for children and adults. Paraclete Press.

9781492651932. Hardcover. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $12.23

9781612617855. Hardcover. $18.99; Cokesbury Price $13.67

NEW Loving My Actual Christmas

Christmas Is Coming! But Waiting Is Hard!

An Experiment in Relishing the Season Alexandra Kuykendall

Family Activities and Devotions for Advent Karen Whiting

Addresses common holiday stressors such as finances, schedules, and extended family alongside the Advent themes of hope, love, joy, and peace to help us remember what truly matters while not being too hard on ourselves. Baker Book House. Coming in September.

Devotions focus on connecting Jesus and the symbols of Christmas. Includes a daily devotional, prayer, questions to discuss, the meaning of a Christmas symbol, and suggested activities. With reproducibles. Abingdon Press.

9780801075360. Hardcover. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $7.19

9781501824722. Hardcover. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $11.38

Shop the online catalog at


4/20/17 8:05 AM

Advent Activities A tangible way to stay centered on God during Advent NEW Mandalas, Candles, and Prayer A Simply Centered Advent Sharon Seyfarth Garner Slow down, simplify, and add a burst of color to your Advent this year. The spiritual practice of coloring mandalas, lighting candles, and praying regularly can help us stay centered on God during this busy time of year. Based on the four candles of the Advent wreath, this coloring book for adults weaves together the popular practice of coloring with four simple methods of contemplative prayer. Each chapter includes a short vignette, an explanation of the weekly theme and prayer method, a simple candle lighting liturgy, seven mandalas for each week of contemplative coloring, and a closing prayer of illumination. Let the candles light the way and calm your spirit. Color and pray. And you will experience the most meaningful gift of all—a peace that passes all understanding as you journey toward the manger. Upper Room Books. Coming in September. 9780835817226. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.99


The Advent Coloring Calendar

Sacred Songs of Christmas

The Advent Color & Sound Set with Beloved Carols Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola

A Family Treasury

The Advent Coloring Calendar

A remarkable gift—this anthology of songs, poems, Scripture passages, artwork, and more has been gathered to help families prepare for and celebrate the Christ Child’s birth. Families will read the stories, sing the songs, and rejoice in the greatest gift to all the world our Savior, Jesus Christ. Concordia Publishing House.

The Advent Color & Sound Set with Gregorian Chant

9780758656537. Hardcover. $13.99; Cokesbury Price $10.07

Traditional Christmas carols and a Christmas-themed coloring pattern for each of the 24 days leading up to Christmas. Paraclete Press. 9781612619149. Hardcover & CD. $24.95; Cokesbury Price $17.96

Also available:

150 EACH

9781612619088. Hardcover & CD. $24.95; Cokesbury Price $17.96


AD17 PG18.indd 18

Classic Christmas Carols A compact booklet full of our best-loved traditional Christmas carols. Ideal for all types of holiday programs! 24 pages; 5.5" x 8". Channing Bete. 538111. Pack of 10, $15.00

Prices subject to change.




Community Resource Consultants


4/20/17 8:06 AM

Advent Activities

NEW Wooden Holiday Advent Calendar The holiday winter-themed wooden Advent calendar with its rustic look complements any decor during this season. Enjoy the excitement of opening a new door each day, using the number block to count down to Christmas. Measures 13.75" H x 13.5" L x 2.5" W. 885114491193. $32.40; Cokesbury Price $24.99

NEW Wooden Holy Family Advent Calendar

12-Day Nativity Christmas Activities for the Christ-Centered Home Marilee Woodfield

This wooden Advent calendar features a Nativity scene. The 24 drawers open and can hold special treats, Bible messages, or thoughts to lead us day by day to the real meaning of Christmas. Great for home, office, or Sunday school. Measures 9.3".

Bring your family closer to Christ this Christmas with 12 days of activities, recipes, service projects, and crafts. Each day focuses on the symbolism and meaning behind one of the figures from your Nativity set. Cedar Fort Publishing & Media.

86131395741. $19.00

9781462117369. $13.99; Cokesbury Price $10.07


Bake Through the Bible at Christmas Susie Bentley-Taylor and Bekah Moore Explore the Christmas story with your child while having lots of fun cooking together. Contains 12 Bible stories, told in a simple, engaging style, each with an illustrated recipe that reinforces the main teaching. With discussion questions. The Good Book Company. 9781910307984. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $9.35

A Season of Little Sacraments Christmas Commotion, Advent Grace Susan H. Swetnam A fresh perspective on the secularsacred December divide. Readers follow a day-by-day walk through Advent that shows how the very distractions accused of taking Christ out of Christmas can become occasions for grace. Advent can be sacred without fleeing contemporary society completely. Liturgical Press.



Celebrating Advent At Home A booklet that will help Christians grow closer together in Christ during the Advent season. It discusses the importance of Advent and outlines prayers and shared activities for each of the four weeks of Advent. 16 pages; 5.5" x 8". Channing Bete. 538099. Pack of 10, $21.00

9780814646724. $14.95 Cokesbury Price $10.76

Prices subject to change.


AD17 PG18.indd 19

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4/20/17 8:06 AM

Advent Activities Peanuts Advent Calendar

Join the Peanuts gang this Advent. 8 5â „8 " x 12 ½ " Advent calendar features the beloved Peanuts characters and Scripture from Luke 2:11. 081983524486. $3.99

Peanuts Activity Book Includes Bible story references, puzzles, games and four pages of stickers. A just-right size for sharing with children in your family, at church, or in Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and other Christmas outreach work. Includes 16 pages of fun activities. 081983505874. $2.99

NEW A King For All Advent Calendar Randy Wollenmann, illustration This glittered Advent calendar folds out to 18" creating an eye-catching display. Measures 18" x 9" and sits easily on any flat surface. 871241008717. $3.99

Away In A Manger Advent Calendar

Shining Light Advent Calendar with Envelope

Smiling Shepherds Advent Calendar

Newborn King Advent Calendar

Open a window each day during Advent to reveal a special picture. Glittered front; Bible text on the back of each window. Measures 8.25" x 11.75" A red envelope is included for easy mailing.

Nativity design includes a shining star and glitter on the front. Measures 8.25" x 11.75" and includes an envelope for convenient mailing.

871241003378. $4.50

A cute Nativity scene with all of the main characters portrayed as children. Glittered front; Bible text on the back of each window. Measures 8.25" x 11.75" with red envelopes. 871241003354. $4.50

Reveal the Christmas story throughout the days of Advent. Calendar features Scripture on the back of each window and glitter on the front. Measures 8.25" x 11.75". Envelope included.

SAVE ON GIFT PACKS! Shining Light and Away In A Manger Calendar Sets. Each calendar includes and envelope.

SAVE ON GIFT PACKS! Smiling Shepherds and Newborn King Calendar Sets. Each calendar includes and envelope.

547019. Pack of 6 (3 of each design), $23.99; Cokesbury Price $21.49 546236. Pack of 12 (6 of each design), $49.99; Cokesbury Price $39.99

545641. Pack of 6 (3 of each design), $23.99; Cokesbury Price $21.49 547008. Pack of 12 (6 of each design), $49.99; Cokesbury Price $39.99


AD17 PG20.indd 20

871241003385. $4.50




Community Resource Consultants

871241003316. $4.50

Prices on this page subject to change.


4/18/17 9:41 AM

Gifts for Children At just $1.99 each, these colorful storybooks make great gifts for each child in your church


NEW Christmas Around the Deep Blue World



A Child’s Activity Book for Christmas Daphna Flegal; illustrated by Four Story Creative Join the Deep Blue Crew as they tell the story of Jesus’ birth from the Gospels of Luke and Matthew and learn about Christmas customs from different countries. Encourage your child to find the Christmas symbol hidden on each page. Includes a maze, a dot-to-dot picture, a picture match, and an Advent calendar with stickers. Cokesbury. Coming in September. 9781501846953. Pkg. of 10. $19.99

The Animals’ Christmas Eve Alexandra Steele-Morgan and Gale Wiersum In the barn on Christmas Eve, After all the people leave, The animals, in voices low, Remember Christmas long ago.... In this sweet rhyming and counting story, animals tell the story of Jesus’ birth. Golden Books. 9780375839238. Hardcover. $4.99

The Christmas Story Jane Werner; Eloise Wilkin, illustrator First published in 1952, this classic Little Golden Book retelling of the Christmas story was illustrated by beloved artist Eloise Wilkin. Its simple but poetic text gently invites children to hear the story of Jesus’ birth in a stable in Bethlehem. Golden Books. 9780307989130. Hardcover. $4.99

Deep Blue Bible Storybook Christmas

Why Christmas Trees Aren’t Perfect

Daphna Flegal and Brittany Sky

Richard H. Schneider; Elizabeth J. Miles, illustrator

Based on the Deep Blue Bible Storybook, the Christmas edition with bright and exciting illustrations contains eight Nativity stories for children ages 3–6. Includes questions and prayers and songs specifically for Christmas. Abingdon Press. Hardcover. Each, $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781501833151. English. 9781501835667. Spanish.

A new edition of a children’s classic! This magnificently illustrated story of a warm-hearted Christmas tree will surely become one of the most beloved classics of future generations. Schneider’s storytelling will enthrall children and adults alike. Abingdon Press. 9781501825835. Hardcover. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70

Prices subject to change.


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4/18/17 9:41 AM

Children’s Programs NEW Keepsake Christmas


Making Memories of a Manger Host a Christmas program families will love and can experience together! During this engaging one-hour interactive program, they’ll hear a dramatic retelling of the Christmas story from cast members onstage.


In addition to enjoying the program, young and old alike will enjoy creating their very own adorable keepsake Nativity scene to cherish for years to come. Kit includes one Make-a-Manger set; additional sets sold in packs of 10 along with Design Packs to decorate the mangers. Group Publishing. Coming in July.

A. Keepsake Christmas Event Kit 1210000300775. Kit. $69.99; Cokesbury Price $62.29





Also available, sold separately:

B. Make-a-Manger Set, 10-Pack Set includes supplies to make 10 mangers: 10 boxes, each of which opens up to become a stable; 3 large wooden Nativity Friends pegs and 1 small Baby Jesus peg; plus sheep, star, and manger cutouts. Small parts warning. 1210000301734. Pack of 10, $34.99

C. Nativity Friends Design Pack We’ve made it easy to decorate each wooden figure in the Make-a-Manger Set with a variety of colors, fabrics, chenille wire, and rope. Add your participants’ imagination and the Nativity scenes will be complete!

• Sample of completed Make-a-Manger set (B+C)

1210000301680. Pack of 10, $21.99

The Story of Christmas

The Holy Moly Christmas Story

Stars! Angels! Shepherds! Kings!

A Spark Bible Story Martina Smith, Peter Grosshauser, and Ed Temple

Holy Moly Bible Storybooks Rebecca Glaser

A Christmas Musical for Children Patrick Messick

Colorful art, storytelling, activities, and questions for young children (ages 3-7) with the story of Jesus’ birth. Animated DVD. SparkHouse.

Engaging storytelling, imaginative illustrations, and fun coloring and drawing activities engage kids ages 5–8 with biblical learning. DVD features imaginative visuals and humorous sound effects. SparkHouse.

The Christmas story from the point of view of stars, angels, shepherds, and kings. For children’s choirs of all ages, large and small. Staging can be simple or complex. 20-22 min. Easy music. Accompaniment parts in score. Audio CD has accompaniment track. Augsburg Fortress.

9781506402246. Hardcover. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $9.35 9781506417806. DVD. 45 min. $14.99

Additional activity book available: 9781506417639. The First Christmas. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $7.19

9781506402574. Hardcover. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $9.35 9781506402420. DVD. 25 min. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $11.99

9780800620356. Book & CD. $28.00; Cokesbury Price $20.16 Prices subject to change.


AD17 PG22.indd 22




Community Resource Consultants


4/18/17 9:45 AM

Children’s Programs A memorable Christmas experience for families


A Night in Bethlehem Jesus Came to Save Us: A Bible-Times Christmas Event for Families This year, families at your church won’t just hear about Christmas, they’ll see, taste, touch, and fully experience the real meaning of Christmas as they wander through Bible-times Bethlehem. Engaging, hands-on activities, games, and stories share the wonder of Jesus’ birth and build the faith of moms, dads, and kids alike. Easy to plan, with everything you need tucked into one convenient kit. Just a handful of volunteers needed, and it’s easy to decorate with lots of DIY tips that transform a few classrooms, a hallway, or any space into Bethlehem! For all ages and any size church. Group Publishing.

A. Christmas Event Kit. 9781470739201. $69.99; Cokesbury Price $50.39

Also available, sold separately:

B. Follow-Up Foto Frame. 9781470742256. Pack of 10, $12.99; Cokesbury Price $9.35

C. Christmas Keepsake Ornament.


$ 20 EACH




$ 22 EACH

9781470742010. Pack of 10, $11.99

D. Traveler’s Tote. 9781470742249. Pack of 10, $16.99; Cokesbury Price $12.23




E. Scripture Keeper Bottles. 9781470742225. Pack of 10, $12.99

F. Station Posters. 9781470742287. Set of 10, $17.99; Cokesbury Price $12.95 $12.99; Cokesbury Price $9.35

G. Terra-Cotta Clay.


9781470742232. Pack of 10, $11.99; Cokesbury Price $8.63


$ 30 EACH

Also available, not shown: 9781470742294. Additional Director Manual. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $7.19 9781470742027. Metallic Nameplate Kit. Set of 10, $9.99; Cokesbury Price $7.19 9781470742218. Bamboo Stylus. Pack of 4, $8.99; Cokesbury Price $6.47




G NEW Messy Christmas

Classic Small Bell

Lucy Moore and Jane Leadbetter

Ideal for use in your children’s Christmas programs, for ringing the Chimes of the Trinity, for setting apart a moment of silence, and more. Authentic casting, select Northern hardwood stained and lacquered handle, and acrylic ball clapper. 6½ ” tall. Malmark.

What are Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany really about? This complete church resource brings together people of all ages and stages of faith, allowing them to experience a creative and fun-filled Christian community. Three oncea-month sessions include unique Christmas activities like global action suggestions, games and competitions, prayers, Christmas food crafts, and more. InterVarsity Press. Coming in September. 9780830841394. $14.00; Cokesbury Price $10.08

Also available:

NEW Messy Church. 9780830841387. $16.00; Cokesbury Price $11.52

545704. $47.95

Prices subject to change.


AD17 PG22.indd 23

Shop the online catalog at


4/18/17 9:46 AM

Congregational Gifts




Wooden Nativity Ornaments This wooden Nativity ornament will vary in design; let us choose for you. Measures 5.5" high. 086131329180. Each, $4.50

Laser Star Set of 120 Wooden Ornaments These assorted ornament keepsakes are carved by craftsmen from select Alpine maple or linden wood in Val Gardena, Italy at a unique woodshop acclaimed throughout the world. Each measures 3.5" H. 547072. Pkg. of 120, $240.00; Cokesbury Price $149.99


$ 50 EACH

Gold Wire Angel Ornaments With Pearls Delicately designed of gold wire. Each measures 4" high. 3 varying designs; let us choose for you. 086131395109. Each, $3.50

Laser Nativity Ornaments

Measure 3 ½ ". Sold in packages of 10.

Pkg. of 10, $20.00; Cokesbury Price $14.99 546469. Christmas Nativity. 546492. Holy Family.

Capiz Mini Angel Ornaments with Instruments 4 varying designs; let us choose for you. 086131208560. Each, $5.50 Prices subject to change.


AD17 P24.indd 24




Community Resource Consultants


4/20/17 8:08 AM

Congregational Gifts “Go Tell It on the

Mountain” Musical Christmas Ornament Resin. Battery operated. Measures 4.375" H. 547043. $14.99

Assorted Mini Resin Nativity Figures Great for Sunday school classes. Measures 2.25" H. Designs vary; let us choose for you. 885114410606. Each, $3.59

African American “This Little Light of Mine” Musical Christmas Ornament




12 Nativity Water Globes Measures 2”H, made of plastic.

Resin with painted details. Measures 3" H x 2.75" W x 1.5" D. Comes with gift box.

603799276528. Box of 12, $34.99; Cokesbury Price $29.99

547010. $14.99

Books of the Bible Ruler



“Jesus is the Reason” Pencils

My Pocket Nativity: 6-Piece Finger Puppet Set

603799101271. Pkg. of 144, $57.60 Cokesbury Price $39.99

Five finger puppets and poly bag. Each puppet is approximately 3" H. For ages 18 months and up.

Prices subject to change.


AD17 P24.indd 25

Includes the books of the Bible (Old and New Testaments). 6" straight edge on one side and scalloped edge on the other for precise underlining. Also makes an ideal bookmark. Rulers come in a variety of colors; let us choose for you. 634989527113. Each, 59¢

089945321548. 6-Pc. Set, $9.50

Shop the online catalog at


4/18/17 9:48 AM

Congregational Gifts


Value Christmas Cards Box of 18. Each, $7.99; Cokesbury Price $5.59 081983622861. She Will Give Birth To A Son: Matthew 1:21, NIV 081983622847. Season’s Blessings: Luke 2:14, KJV

Box of 16. Each, $4.99; Cokesbury Price $3.49 081983622823. Little Inspirations—Jesus: Luke 2:12, KJV 081983622809. Little Inspirations—The Christmas Story: Luke 2:10-11 NIV

Wooden Plaque Ornaments 4" tall, each featuring a religious scene and red ribbon hanger. Six designs; let us choose. 086131399435. Each, $1.99

Nativity Ornaments Features the holy family nestled beneath a lighted star (batteries included). Two different designs; let us choose. 3½ " tall.

Gospel Cross Lapel Pin

Goldtone; ¾ " tall. Made in the USA.

086131412127. Each, $5.50

785525205382. $1.50

Prices subject to change.


AD17 P26.indd 26




Community Resource Consultants


4/18/17 9:51 AM


A Decembered Grief Living with Loss While Others Are Celebrating Harold Ivan Smith Sometimes grief can be overwhelming—this is especially true during the holidays. This special gift edition of bestseller A Decembered Grief is designed to guide bereaved individuals on a journey beyond that darkness and get out on the other side. Harold Ivan Smith shows how to alter traditions instead of abandoning them, appreciate the grief styles of others, and befriend grief instead of dread it. The holidays can be tough, but this book can help. An ideal gift for anyone who is grieving a loss.

Bereavement Angel Figurine Legacy of Love Stone resin garden angel is 12" tall and holds a solar-powered lantern. The inscription reads “Beyond the darkness, Light, beyond the sorrow, Peace.” 045544914123. $43.99

Beacon Hill Press. 9780834127265. Hardcover Gift Edition. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $11.51

Bereavement Plaques Textured stone resin with thoughtful inscriptions. Three different styles, 4" to 5" tall; let us choose. 045544911405. Each, $9.99

Ornaments A. 845964006565. 3" Felted Red Wool Cardinal with embroidery. $6.99


B. 089945577426. 4" Diam. Metal Disc with Christmas Scene (Deer or Birds; let us choose). Each, $2.99 C. 089945597103. 4.5" Glass Disc “Visitor From Heaven.” $6.99

C “The Lord Will Bless His People With Peace” Boxed Cards


Psalm 29:11, KJV Box of 18 cards with envelopes. Includes deluxe finishes: glitter, embossing, bronzing, and foil. 081983599293. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.99

Prices subject to change.


AD17 P26.indd 27

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4/18/17 9:51 AM


NEW Will Willimon’s Lectionary Sermon Resource William H. Willimon Will Willimon is widely acclaimed as one of the top ten preachers in the world. For each Sunday of the Christian year, Will provides just what you need to begin the journey toward a sermon. This guide will stoke, fund, and fuel your imagination while leaving plenty of room to insert your own illustrations, connect with your congregation, and speak the Word in your distinctive voice. Abingdon Press. Each, $24.99; Cokesbury Price $16.74 9781501847233. Year B Part 1. Coming in August. 9781501847257. Year B Part 2. Coming in December.

Feasting on the Word Advent Companion Six thematically-designed services for the four Sundays in Advent, plus Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Westminster John Knox Press. 9780664259648. Hardcover. $25.00; Cokesbury Price $18.00

Also available in Feasting on the Word: Worship Companion Year B—2 Volumes. 9780664261948. $60.00; Cokesbury Price $43.20 Liturgies for Year B. Each $35.00; Cokesbury Price $25.20 9780664238049. Vol. 1 9780664260385. Vol. 2. Year B 4-Vol. Set. 9780664260491. $130.00; Cokesbury Price $93.60 Year B Individual Volumes. $35.00; Cokesbury Price $25.20 9780664239619. Vol. 1. 9780664239640. Vol. 2. 9780664239558. Vol. 3. 9780664239589. Vol. 4.

Worship in a Flash for Special Days

Creating Holy Spaces

Everything You Need for Inviting and Inspiring Worship

Worship Visuals for the Revised Common Lectionary Delia Halverson and Karen Appleby

Pulls together all the worship elements you need throughout the year—prayers, calls to worship, special services, music, sermon ideas, projection images, and more—all on one USB flash drive. Abingdon Press. 9781630888350. USB Flash Drive. $34.99; Cokesbury Price $27.99

Also available:

Worship in a Flash for Advent & Christmas 9781426754234. USB Flash Drive. $29.99; Cokesbury Price $23.99

Worship should be about more than just the ears. Creating Holy Spaces contains suggestions for worship visuals tied to each Sunday of all three years of the Revised Common Lectionary. Abingdon Press. 9781426754791. $24.99 Cokesbury Price $16.74

Download editions available at 28

AD17 P28.indd 28

Just in Time! Prayers for Advent and Christmas David N. Mosser, editor Handy, helpful prayers to use in public worship during Advent and Christmas. The collection includes invocations, opening prayers, prayers of confession, and pastoral prayers for the Sundays of Advent and Christmas Eve services. Abingdon Press. 9781426748226. $12.99 Cokesbury Price $8.70

More titles in the Just in Time! series available on

Abingdon Theological Companion to the Lectionary Preaching Year B Paul Scott Wilson, editor Focusing on the deep meaning of the biblical text and the questions it raises for life as a Christian in the modern world, this resource begins with the conviction that Scripture speaks first and foremost to Christians now. Abingdon Press. 9781426740367. $28.99 Cokesbury Price $19.42 Prices subject to change.




Community Resource Consultants


4/18/17 9:53 AM


NEW Prepare! 2017–2018 An Ecumenical Music & Worship Planner David L. Bone and Mary J. Scifres This ecumenical, lectionary-based planner includes a calendar format, reproducible forms, and suggestions for prayers, solos, anthems, visuals, and more. Includes full lectionary readings. Abingdon Press. 9781501834288. CEB; Spiral. $23.99 9781501839092. NRSV; Spiral. $23.99

NEW The United Methodist Music & Worship Planner 2017–2018 9781501834264. CEB; Spiral. $23.99 9781501834899. NRSV; Spiral. $23.99

NEW The Abingdon Worship Annual 2018

NEW The Abingdon Preaching Annual 2018

Worship Planning Resources for Every Sunday of the Year Mary J. Scifres and B.J. Beu, editors

Planning Sermons and Services for Fifty-Two Sundays Scott Hoezee, editor

Offers theme ideas for each week based on the Lectionary readings, plus searchable online extras. The prayers and litanies follow a basic pattern of Christian worship. Entire text in PDF format is available with the purchase of the print resource. Abingdon Press. 9781501836114. $25.99; Cokesbury Price $17.41

Lectionary-based sermon and worship helps for each Sunday of the year. Each week includes a brief exploration of a primary and secondary preaching theme, plus liturgical elements to add variety and creativity. The annual also includes six full sermon texts and excerpts from three recent books on preaching. Abingdon Press. 9781501835537. $24.99; Cokesbury Price $16.74

NEW The United Methodist Worship Planning Calendar 2018

NEW Calendar & Workbook for Church Leaders 2018

NEW Church Year Calendar 2018

Helps pastors, music directors, and planning teams create and capture weekly worship service details: sermon topic, hymns, anthems, acolytes, lay readers, and special services such as Communion or baptisms. Each Sunday’s planning chart includes: lections, liturgical day/colors, and hymn suggestions. Month-at-a-glance format includes U.S. and Canadian national holidays, major Jewish observances, and more. Abingdon Press.

View the entire week at once in this enhanced appointment calendar. Includes extra space on Sunday for recording worship details, plus charts of lectionary readings, liturgical days and colors, and more. Abingdon Press.

Year B This full-color, two-sided worship planning and devotional resource gives specific dates, Bible readings, hymn of the day, and liturgical color for each Sunday and festivals of the Christian Year.

9781501836091. $9.99 Digital edition available—see

9781501836152. Spiral Bound. $16.99

Also available:

NEW Each, $16.99

9781451496079. $1.95

The United Methodist Calendar & Workbook 2018. 9781501836138. Spiral bound. 9781501836145. Loose-leaf Personal Planner Edition.

Prices subject to change.


AD17 P28.indd 29

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4/18/17 9:53 AM


Also available:

#10 Window Envelope Use with any letterhead—the design shows through the window for beautiful holiday mailings. 9780687094455. Pkg. of 50, $6.99

NEW Give Thanks/Apples I Chronicles 16:8 (CEB) Coming in August. 9781501844751. Regular-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501844768. Large-Size Bulletin (not shown). Pkg. of 50, $5.59 9781501844775. Letterhead. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501844782. Offering Envelope. Pkg. of 50, $4.99

SIZES Regular-size bulletins are letter size (8 .5" x 11"; fold to 5 .5" x 8 .5") while large-size bulletins are legal size (8 .5" x 14"; fold to 7" x 8 .5"). Both ship flat in shrinkwrapped packages.

TIP See for discounts when you order bulk quantities of any bulletin featured on this page.

NEW Give Thanks to the Lord/Leaves

NEW For the Beauty/Fall

I Chronicles 16:8 (CEB)

Coming in August.

Coming in August. 9781501848759. Regular Size. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501848766. Large Size. Pkg. of 50, $5.59


AD17 P30.indd 30

9781501845253. Regular Size. Pkg. of 50, $4.99

Prices subject to change.




Community Resource Consultants


4/18/17 9:55 AM

Bulletins NEW Bulletins below: Regular Size, 50 of the same design for $4.99; Large Size, 50 of the same design for $5.59 (Coming in August)

I Am the Light/Candlelighting

Silent Night/Christmas

Silent Night/Christmas

John 8:12

9781501848773. Regular Size.

9781501848780. Large Size.

9781501844744. Regular Size.

They Will All Come/Epiphany Isaiah 60:6 (CEB) 9781501845246. Regular Size.

NEW Regular-size bulletin below, 100 of the same design for $8.95

Glory to the Newborn King Coming in August. 656243090003. Regular Size.

There’s a Season/Winter Ecclesiastes 3:1 (CEB) 9781501845260. Regular Size.

The Hanging of the Greens/ Holly Christmas 9781501844737. Regular Size.

NEW Regular-size bulletins below, 100 of the same design for $8.25

Candlelight Service Bulletin Isaiah 60:20 730817355375. Regular Size.

Our Christmas Prayer Luke 2:14 730817354965. Regular Size.

Light of the World/Advent John 8:12 (KJV) Coming in August. 634337728353. Regular Size. Prices subject to change.


AD17 P30.indd 31

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4/18/17 9:56 AM


NEW Hymn Advent Bulletins Coming in August. Regular Size. Pkgs. of 50, $4.99 9781501845086. Hope. 9781501845093. Peace. 9781501845109. Joy. 9781501845116. Love.

Large Size (not shown). Pkgs. of 50, $5.59 9781501845123. Hope. 9781501845130. Peace. 9781501845147. Joy. 9781501845154. Love.

NEW Advent Sunday Bulletins Coming in August. Regular Size. Pkgs. of 50, $4.99 9781501844959. Hope. 9781501845024. The Way. 9781501845048. Joy. 9781501845062. Peace.

Large Size (not shown). Pkgs. of 50, $5.59 9781501845017. Hope. 9781501845031. The Way. 9781501845055. Joy. 9781501845079. Peace.

SIZES Regular-size bulletins are letter size (8 .5" x 11"; fold to 5 .5" x 8 .5") while large-size bulletins are legal size (8 .5" x 14"; fold to 7" x 8 .5"). Both ship flat in shrinkwrapped packages.

TIP See for discounts when you order bulk quantities of any bulletin featured on this page.

Prices subject to change.


AD17 P32.indd 32




Community Resource Consultants


4/18/17 9:58 AM

Bulletins NEW Image Advent Bulletins Coming in August. Regular Size. Pkgs. of 50, $4.99 9781501845161. Hope. 9781501845178. Peace. 9781501845185. Joy. 9781501845192. Love.

Large Size (not shown). Pkgs. of 50, $5.59 9781501845208. Hope. 9781501845215. Peace. 9781501845222. Joy. 9781501845239. Love.

SIZES Regular-size bulletins are letter size (8 .5" x 11"; fold to 5 .5" x 8 .5") while large-size bulletins are legal size (8 .5" x 14"; fold to 7" x 8 .5"). Both ship flat in shrinkwrapped packages.

TIP See for discounts when you order bulk quantities of any bulletin featured on this page.

NEW Rustic Advent Bulletins Pkgs. of 100, $7.49 815256021927. Week 1/Star. 815256021965. Week 2/Dove. 815256022009. Week 3/Heart. 815256022047. Week 4/Angel. 815256022085. Week 5/Manger.

Prices subject to change.


AD17 P32.indd 33

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4/18/17 9:58 AM


NEW We Believe Isaiah 9:6, KJV 634337728285. Wonderful Counselor/Week 1 Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $8.25 634337728292. Mighty God/Week 2 Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $8.25 634337728308. Everlasting Father/Week 3 Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $8.25 634337728315. Prince of Peace/Week 4 Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $8.25 634337728322. Sing of our Savior’s Birth/Week 5 Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $8.25 634337728025. Bookmark. Pkg. of 25, $3.50 634337728490. Offering Envelope. Pkg. of 100, $8.50 634337728452. Stationery. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

SIZES Regular-size bulletins are letter size (8 .5" x 11"; fold to 5 .5" x 8 .5") while large-size bulletins are legal size (8 .5" x 14"; fold to 7" x 8 .5"). Both ship flat in shrinkwrapped packages.

Also available:

#10 Window Envelope Use with letterhead—the design shows through window for beautiful holiday mailings. 4 1⁄8 " x 8 7⁄8 ".

NEW Good News Nativity Luke 2:10 Coming in August. 9781501844874. Regular-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501844881. Large-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $5.59 9781501844898. Letterhead. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501844904. Offering Envelopes. Pkg. of 50, $4.99


AD17 P34.indd 34

9780687094455. Pkg. of 50, $6.99

TIP See for discounts when you order bulk quantities of these bulletins.

Prices subject to change.




Community Resource Consultants


4/18/17 10:00 AM



NEW Christmas Story Share Booklet Pack of 12 full color mini-booklets to share the Christmas story and story of salvation. Fits in mailing envelope. Warner Press. 730817355702. Pkg. of 12, $15.00; Cokesbury Price $10.80 Bookmark

Offering Envelope

Value Offering Envelope

That First Christmas Luke 2:11 (NIV) 730817354941. Regular-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $8.25 730817355016. Large-Size Bulletin (not shown). Pkg. of 100, $9.25 730817355023. Letterhead. Pkg. of 100, $8.25 730817355030. Offering Envelope. Pkg. of 100, $8.35 730817355047. Bookmark. Pkg. of 100, $3.60 NEW 730817355665. Value Offering Envelope. Pkg. of 100, $5.49

Mailing Envelope (clear window)

NEW Mailing Envelope Use with The First Christmas Letterhead—the design shows through window for beautiful holiday mailings. 8 7⁄8 " x 3 7⁄8 ". 730817224817. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

NEW Star in the Sky Coming in August. 634337728346. Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $8.25 634337728476. Letterhead. Pkg. of 100, $8.25 634337728513. Offering Envelopes. Pkg. of 100, $8.50 634337730967. Bookmark. Pkg. of 25, $3.50

Prices subject to change.


AD17 P34.indd 35

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4/19/17 8:31 AM


Also available:

#10 Window Envelope Use with letterheads—the design shows through window for beautiful holiday mailings. 9780687094455. Pkg. of 50, $6.99

NEW Names of Jesus/Manger Coming in August. 815256022160. Regular-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $7.49 815256022184. Large-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $8.49 815256022221. Letterhead. Pkg. of 100, $7.49 815256022207. Offering Envelope. Pkg. of 100, $7.49

SIZES Regular-size bulletins are letter size (8 .5" x 11"; fold to 5 .5" x 8 .5") while large-size bulletins are legal size (8 .5" x 14"; fold to 7" x 8 .5"). Both ship flat in shrinkwrapped packages.

TIP See for discounts when you order select bulletins and sets.

NEW A Child Nativity Isaiah 9:6 Coming in August. 9781501844836. Regular-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501844843. Large-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $5.59 9781501844850. Letterhead. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501844867. Offering Envelopes. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 Prices subject to change.


AD17 P36.indd 36




Community Resource Consultants


4/18/17 10:02 AM

Bulletins & Banners

NEW He is Christ the Lord Luke 2:11 (NIV) Coming in August. 656243065001. Regular-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $8.95 656243065018. Large-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $9.95 656243067067. Letterhead. Pkg. of 100, $8.95 656243069047. Offering Envelope. Pkg. of 100, $8.95 656242328190. Banner; 2' x 6'. $134.99 656242328183. Banner; 3' x 5'. $159.99

NEW Poinsettia

NEW Music

Coming in August.

Coming in August.

9781501844911. Poinsettia (John 1:14) Regular-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501844942. Poinsettia (John 1:14) Large-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $5.59 9781501844812. Letterhead. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501844829. Offering Envelopes. Pkg. of 50, $4.99

9781501844799. Music (Rev. 11:15) Regular-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501844805. Music (Rev. 11:15) Large-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $5.59 Letterhead and envelope designed to be used with the Music or Poinsettia Bulletins.

Prices subject to change.


AD17 P36.indd 37

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4/18/17 10:02 AM

Offering Supplies A B

BESTSELLER ”Advent Offering” $15 Coin Folders Holds $15 in quarters. Folded: 4 1⁄4 " x 9 3⁄8 ".

760361. Pkg. of 50, $34.50; 100 of same design, $62.00

Not shown:

Mailing Envelope Fits our $15 coin folders. 528862. Pkg. of 100, $6.50


NEW Advent Coin Folders Folded size of $15 yield folder: 4 1/4 " x 9 3/8 ". Folded size of $10 yield folders: 5½" x 6¾".

A. Joy to the Word $15 Coin Folder. 551245. $34.50

B. Peace on Earth $10 Coin Folder. 551224. $28.50

C. Holy Night

$10 Coin Folder. 551235. $28.50

Advent Offering Boxes Approximate capacity $25. Space for name, address, and number on back. 3 7⁄8 " x 2" x 1 5⁄8 ". Pkg. of 50, $14.50 346676. My Advent Gift 537907. Advent Wreath

NEW Seasonal Offering Envelopes Worship through giving with these simple yet elegant offering envelopes. Measures 3" x 6.25". Each Pkg. of 100, $5.20 538102. Advent Candle 538046. Thanksgiving Tree 538035. Christmas Nativity 538057. Christmas Flowers

Prices subject to change.


AD17 P38.indd 38




Community Resource Consultants


4/18/17 10:06 AM

Communion Cokesbury Disposable Communion Cups Economical and disposable or recyclable, these flare-rim plastic Communion cups fit standard trays. 1.375" deep. 9781501841897. Box of 1,000, $17.99; Cokesbury Price $13.99

Fellowship Cup Communion Wafer & Juice Ready to serve, pre-filled Communion cups contain 100% grape juice and an unleavened wafer. The top seal provides easy access to the wafer. Once the wafer is consumed, the second seal reveals the juice. Fits into standard Communion cup trays and no refrigeration is needed. Cups are guaranteed fresh if used by stamped date on the box. 081407011592. Box of 500, $105.99; Cokesbury Price $79.99 081407011578. Box of 250, $62.99 081407011585. Box of 100, $27.99

Lumen Communion Bread

These 1/2 " squares of unleavened hard Communion bread feature a carefully molded sealed edge to prevent crumbs. Small, uniform pieces. Stock rotates on a regular basis to maintain freshness.

Lumen Communion Wafers Thin Communion wafers with cross symbol; 11/8 " in diameter. Stock rotates on a regular basis to help maintain freshness. 9781501848247. Box of 1000, $17.99; Cokesbury Price $13.49

9781501848216. Box of 500, $7.99; Cokesbury Price $5.49

Lumen Gluten-Free Communion Wafers

Uniformly sized 3/4 " unleaved gluten-free bread packaged in a re-sealable plastic bag with approximately 50 wafers. 9781501848223. Box of 50, $12.99; Cokesbury Price $10.99 See for more information

Also available (not shown):

Gluten-free Communion Bread. Uniformly sized unleavened gluten free bread packaged in a re-sealable plastic bag with approximately 200 pieces. 9781501848230. Box of 200, $12.99; Cokesbury Price $11.99

Prices subject to change.


AD17 P38.indd 39

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4/18/17 10:06 AM

Candles A. Pastor Candles

As Low As



Candlelight Service Sets

These sets include all the candles and accessories for a candlelight service that the entire congregation can participate in— sharing their warm, festive, ceremonial glow.

072094553328. 12 for $48.50


B. Usher Candles 072094561026. 12 for $17.75

C. Congregational Candles 072094194705. Box of 125, $37.35; Cokesbury Price $29.50 072094194804. Box of 250, $54.50; Cokesbury Price $38.95

The candles are pure white stearic. All sets include one pastor’s candle (15"x 1 1/8 ") and six usher’s candles (9 1/2 " x 3/4 ") plus congregational candles (4 1/2 " x 17/32 ") in quantity options of 125, 250, or 425. Also included are white A cardboard drip protectors and leaflets explaining the ceremonies.

D. Drip Protectors. 072094178606. Pkg. of 125, $6.99

Small Candlelight Service Kit. 50 congregational candles and 50 drip protectors.

Set with 125 Congregational Candles. 072094194101. $54.65; Cokesbury Price $46.99

072094194507. Kit. $18.55

Set with 250 Congregational Candles. 072080. $83.85; Cokesbury Price $69.99

Set with 425 Congregational Candles. 072094194309. $122.00; Cokesbury Price $99.95

Flameless Taper Candles Lifelike flickering illumination. Made of ivory paraffin wax to look and feel like real candles! Two AA batteries required (not included). Five-hour timer. 026602156143. 8". $24.99 026602302816. 10". $29.99 NEW 026602349200. 12". $36.99



$ 00


SafeFlame Candles C

Flameless Vigil candle has a safe, realistic flicker that shines 50 hours. Approx. 6" H. Uses 2 AAA batteries, included. Water resistant. 537852. Pack of 25, $49.95




Flame-retardant and reusable. Use with congregational candles or tapers.

50 congregational candles and 50 drip protectors.

Per Piece


Candlelight Service Kit with Reusable Holders

The Franklyn Candleholder

White Flameless Tea Lights Batteries included. 627442039018. 10-Pack, $14.00

072094194606. 100-Pc. Kit. $62.50

Drip Protectors Only

301235. Pkg. of 125, $113.75; Cokesbury Price $99.95

072094178705. Pkg. of 25, $23.75

NEW Clear Plastic Shield Drip Protector (Not shown)

Use with 1/2 " candles.

538208. Pkg. of 100, $73.00


AD17 P40.indd 40




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Prices subject to change.


4/20/17 8:09 AM


Radiance Christ Candle

Anno Domini Candle

Features a richly printed cross with Alpha and Omega characters. Measures 12" x 3".

Features the seal of the Third Millennium. Measures 14" x 3". 523121. $41.35

523109. $23.95

NEW Investiture Christ Candle

Chi-Rho Candle Features five liturgical colors on white wax. Measures 11" x 3". 072094083108. $33.60; Cokesbury Price $29.95

Design elements that make this Christ candle usable year round. 12" x 3". 538033. $23.85

Wax Christ Candles Represents the radiant light of Christ’s love in our lives.


A. Holy Trinity Christ Candle. 14" x 3".


265307. $41.35


B. Advent Nativity Christ the King Candle. 11" x 3".

072094080107. $33.60; Cokesbury Price $29.25

C. Plain Pillar Christ Candle. 072094044505. 11" x 3". $23.35; Cokesbury Price $19.25 072094044109. 8" x 3". $19.50; Cokesbury Price $16.50 NEW 537944. 12" x 3". $15.95

Christ Tube Candle This white, straightsided candle is the perfect center focus of any Advent wreath. Measures 14" H x 3". Holds 7/8 " diameter candles. 659830600784. $245.45

Christ Candleholder Satin finish solid brass. Spike accommodates up to a 15" candle. Size is 2" H x 4 3/4 ". 659830602788. $70.20

Replacement Wax Candle for Christ Tube Candle 659830800672. Set of 4. $8.30

Disposable Cell Liquid Wax Christ Candle

13" H x 2 7/8 " diameter. Uses Disposable Liquid Wax Inserts. 659830301414. $242.80

Disposable Liquid Wax Inserts 100% paraffin liquid wax fuel. Burns 25 hours with 1" flame. 2 3/8 " x 3". 659830500275. 2-Pack. $14.80

Prices subject to change.


AD17 P40.indd 41

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4/18/17 10:08 AM

Advent Candle Sets NEW Flameless 3 Purple/1 Pink Advent Tea Lights Set of 4. Batteries included. 089945392371. $7.50

NEW 3 Purple/1 Pink Advent Candles. Set of 4.

871241003002. 10" x 7⁄8 " wax tapers, $5.99

3 Purple/1 Rose Advent Candles. Sets of 4.

095177705506. 10" x ½ " wax tapers, $7.99 095177703748. 10" x ¾ " wax tapers, $8.00 095177703823. 10" x 7⁄8 " wax tapers, $7.99 072094115106. 12" x 7⁄8 " wax tapers, $9.25 072094115205. 15" x 7⁄8 " wax tapers, $8.50 072094115304. 12" x 1½ " wax candles, $30.25; Cokesbury Price $25.50 072094115809. 12" x 1½ " beeswax candles, $52.60; Cokesbury Price $44.50 072094115403. 17" x 1½ " beeswax candles, $80.55 072094116608. 9" x 3" wax pillars, $59.00

NEW ArtisanWax Advent Candle SP218920. Prices vary—call for details.

NEW Purple Advent Candles Sets of 4.

072094152194. 15" x 7⁄8 " wax tapers, $8.50 072094115199. 10" x 7⁄8 " wax tapers, $9.25 072094151197. 12" x 7⁄8 " wax tapers, $9.00; Cokesbury Price $8.50 072094153191. 12" x 1½ " wax candles, $30.50; Cokesbury Price $25.50 072094152194. 15" x 7⁄8 " wax tapers, $10.50; Cokesbury Price $8.50 072094158196. 12" x 1½ " beeswax candles, $51.50; Cokesbury Price $44.50 072094154198. 17" x 1½ " beeswax candles, $82.95; Cokesbury Price $69.95 072094166191. 9" x 3" wax pillars, $59.00

Flameless LED 3 Purple/1 Pink Advent Candles Set of 4. Designed for safe use in an Advent wreath. Perfect for classroom and home use. Each candle measures 10 ¼ " x 1". AAA batteries required (not included). 089945476286. $22.99

Purple Advent Candles. Set of 12.

072094052197. 12" x 7⁄8 " wax tapers, $18.75; Cokesbury Price $16.95

Blue Advent Candles. Sets of 4.

Also available (not shown):

NEW 3 Purple/1 Pink/1 White Advent Candles 10” x ¾ ” Wax Taper Candles.

Replacement Votive Candles 095177705605. 3 Purple/1 Pink, $5.99

871241003064. Set of 5, $6.99

NEW 3 Blue/1 Rose Advent Candles

12" x 1½ " Wax Candles.

072094115601. Set of 4, $30.50

Advent Tealight Refills 3 Purple/1 Pink. 95177571002. $3.99

3 Purple/1 Rose/1 White Advent Candles 10” x 7⁄8 ” Wax Candles.

072094110507. Set of 5, $9.35

072094115045. 10" x 7⁄8 " wax tapers, $9.25 072094151043. 12" x 7⁄8 " wax tapers, $9.00; Cokesbury Price $8.50 072094152040. 15" x 7⁄8 " wax tapers, $10.50; Cokesbury Price $8.50 072094153047. 12" x 1½ " wax candles, $30.25; Cokesbury Price $25.50 072094158042. 12" x 1½ " beeswax candles, $52.60; Cokesbury Price $44.50

17" x 1 ½ " Beeswax Candles.

072094154044. 17" x 1½ " beeswax candles, $82.95; Cokesbury Price $69.95 072094166047. 9" x 3" wax pillars, $59.00

12" x 1½ " Beeswax Candles.

White Advent Candles

072094158561. Set of 4, $52.60; Cokesbury Price $44.50

10” x 7⁄8 ” Wax Candles.

Also available (not shown):

072094115236. Set of 4, $9.25

072094154563. Set of 4, $82.95; Cokesbury Price $69.95

15” x 7⁄8 ” Wax Taper Candles. 072094053231. Set of 12, $20.10; Cokesbury Price $15.95

Set of 4. 871241003057. 10" x ¾ " wax candles, $5.99

17" x 1½ " Beeswax Candles.

3 Blue/1 Pink Advent Candles

Prices subject to change.


AD17 P42.indd 42




Community Resource Consultants


4/18/17 10:10 AM

Advent Wreaths

Wrought Iron and Brass Advent Wreaths Wreaths feature wrought iron bases with brass sockets for candles or brass spikes for pillar candles, plus a center spike for a Christ candle. Candle sockets fit 1 1/2 " candles; not included. Wreath with Sockets. 3" H, 18" diam., 5 1/2 " base. 542909. $335.00

Wreath with Spikes. (Not shown.) 3" H, 20" diam., and 10" base.

14" Polished Brass Wreath with Candles Perfect for smaller or more intimate worship settings or home use. Made of polished brass, the wreath has a 14" ring with 1 1/2 " candle sockets that hold four 12" x 1 1/2 " candles. The set includes 1 pink and 3 purple candles. Greenery not included. 072094042600. Set, $41.95

Advent Wreaths with Evergreen Trim and Candles Each of these brasstone Advent wreaths include decorative evergreen trim, and candles.

11" Wreaths with 4 Candles. Includes four standard 10" x 7/8 " tapered candles.

Each Set, $34.50 072094043409. 1 Rose/3 Purple. 072094434191. 4 Purple. 072094434047. 4 Blue.

542910. $315.00

Advent Wreaths with Candles These handsome, tabletop, brass-finish wreaths can be used with or without evergreen trim. Wreaths have extra-deep, decorative holders and include candles.

7" Wreath with 4 Candles. Includes four standard 10" x 7/8 " tapered candles. 072094043805. 1 Pink/3 Purple. $19.75 072094438199. 4 Purple. $19.75

6" Miniature Wreath with 8 Candles. Holds four 10" x 7/16 " tapered candles; includes an extra set of four (8 total). 072094042907. Wreath and Candles: 2 Pink/6 Purple. $22.45 072094114901. Refill Candles Only: 2 Pink/6 Purple. $7.95

Everlasting Light Advent Wreath The Everlasting Light Advent Wreath includes five 10" candles: three purple, one pink, one white. This goldtone Advent wreath is perfect for church or home use. 072094043300. $39.95

Prices subject to change.


AD17 P42.indd 43

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4/18/17 10:10 AM

Advent Wreaths Advent Wreath with Brass Accents Black powder-coat finish Advent wreath features satin brass accents. The center is adaptable to any size candle. Measures 54" high to top of bobeche, with 36" diameter ring, 24" base, 3" sockets. Candles not included. 537853. $2,195.00; Cokesbury Price $,1975.00

Brass Advent Wreath/ Paschal Candlestick Combination This versatile combination Advent wreath and Paschal candle holder will bring beauty to any celebration. Measures 48" high with a 12" base and a 21" diameter ring. Candle sockets fit 1 1/2 " Advent candles. Candles not included. 542904. $1,495.00

FIxed-Top Advent Wreath

Slant-Top Advent Wreath Traditional Advent Wreath This traditional, rigid Advent wreath features a non-removable ring with a two-tone finish. Measures 48" high with a 12" base and a 21" diameter ring. Candle sockets fit 1 1/2 " Advent candles. Candles not included.

Solid brass. Plexiglass suspension provides surface for greenery. Suspends at a fixed 45° angle. 22" diameter ring. Square base, 56"H. Candles not included.

Bright Finish.

Solid brass wreath is 48" high and features a large 4.75" diameter raised center holder and 23" diameter wreath suspended by a clear Plexiglass support, a traditional head, and brass 3-step base. Candles not included.

659830701108. $2,255.10

Hammered Finish Ring.

(not pictured.)

Bright Finish Ring. (not

Hammered Finish.

659830600494. $2,032.35

659830600463. $2,032.35

pictured.) 659830600487. $2,254.55

542908. $1,350.00 Prices subject to change.


Ad17 P44.indd 44




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4/18/17 10:11 AM


Advent Wreaths Advent Wreath with Walnut Base

Decorating with greenery is easy with the large 43/4 " diameter raised center holder and 23" diameter wreath suspended by a clear Plexiglass support. The wreath itself attaches with a 13/4 " diameter pole to a non-adjustable round 12" base and features horizontal head, walnut base, and a hammered finish ring. Sockets fit 11/2 " candles. Superbly made of heavy solid brass, then coated with urethane coating. Overall measurement 48" H x 23" D; weighs 48 lbs. Banners and candles not included. 659830500176. $1502.35

Set of 4 Advent Wreath Banners Banners displaly the traditional meanings of the Advent candles. Each secures on the wreath with a Velcro strip. 36" L x 6 ½" W. Set of four. Blue or purple with white or gold thread. Each, $292.50 659830200212. Blue with White Thread. 659830200229. Purple with White Thread. Each, $437.50 659830200236. Blue with Gold Thread. 659830200243. Purple with Gold Thread.

Floor Model Wrought Iron Advent Wreath Black with brass accents. Measures 48" high, 24" diameter, with a 14" base. Candle sockets fit 1 1/2 " Advent candles. Candles not included. 542911. $1,200.00

Advent Tube Candles

1 1/2 " x 13 3/8 ". As seen in blue on the wreath above. Each set, $290.35 659830600548. 3 Purple, 1 Rose 659830600579. 4 Purple 659830600555. 4 Blue 659830600562. 3 Blue, 1 Rose

• Greenery not included

Advent Candela Set with Christ Candle

Cathedral Style Brass Follower

Comes in sizes ranging from 3/4 " to 4". Prices range from $10.95 to $60.50. Call for details. SP217977.

See pages 41 & 42 for wax candles and Christ candles. Prices subject to change.


Ad17 P44.indd 45

Heat Resistant Glass Follower

Comes in sizes ranging from 11/16 " to 31/2 ". Prices range from $15.95 to $119.25. Call for details. SP218035.

Candelas each come with a liquid oil canister that burns for 60 hours. Brass followers are also included. Set features three purple and one pink 12" x 2 5/8 " Advent candles, and one 3 1/4 " Christ candle featuring the Chi-Rho symbol in blue. An excellent alternative to wax candles. 072094302308. Set, $579.00; Cokesbury Price $459.00

Replacement Liquid Wax Cartridge Kit (not shown). This refill kit is designed to be a one-step replacement for the Advent Candela Set with Christ Candle, above. Burn time approx. 60 hrs. Kit contains four CF-60 liquid wax cartridges for Advent candles (25/8 " diam.) and one CF-90 liquid wax cartridge for Christ candle (31/4 " diam.). 072094023005. Pack, $36.00

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4/18/17 10:12 AM

Children of the World Gifts FAIR TRADE NEW Joy To the World Metal Wall Art This lovely, 23"-diam. metal wall piece is the perfect “hello� to and from the children in the world, showing us the unity of all peoples. Created by Brutus Sylvione for Beyond Borders. Beyond Borders works with and nurtures Haitian metal artists in Croix-des-Bouquets, Haiti, to bring about real economic improvement and to better lives through the creation of beautiful art. 546783. $77.99

Operation Christmas Child Boxed Cards Children Around the World Contains 18 cards with 19 foiled-lined or coordinating design envelopes. Cards measure 5 1/2 " x 7 3/4 ". Outside of card reads: God bless the children all the world through... Inside: God bless everyone and God bless you! Have a Happy Christmas. 081983626890. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.49

Children of The World Advent Candleholder Ten nationalities celebrate diversity and uniqueness. Crafted of resin with a unique antiqued finish. Includes four 10" x 3/4 " candles (three purple and one pink) and an Advent ceremony pamphlet. Wreath measures 10" diameter x 3" high. 095177568453. $44.99


AD17 P46.indd 46




Children of the World Zippered Tote Bag Features children of the world design, pockets, and colorful fabric on reverse. Measures 14" x 16". 549443. $39.99

Community Resource Consultants

Prices subject to change.


4/18/17 10:14 AM

Church Nativities NEW [A–B] The tradition of the Erzgebirge craftsmanship from the miller workshops dates back to 1899. This family business was founded in Seiffen over 110 years ago. Its natural products made of wood are recognized worldwide. A. Four-Tier Christmas Story Pyramid An intricate and fascinating piece, this beautiful sculpture has many details to discover as each tier tells a part of the Christmas story. The natural coloring and grain of certified tropical woods was skillfully used to design the simple robes of the Holy Family and the noble costumes of the three wise men. The faces are hand-painted. The impeller is turned by tealight candle heat, and features woodchip trees and sheep. 15" x 13" x 25.2".


547913. $634.99

B. Candle Arch Carolers In this delightful scene, natural wood colors and textures combine to form the church and the simple costumes of the carolers. Faces are hand-painted. 7.1" L x 11.8" W x 3.9" D. 546515. $111.99

Also available:

NEW C. Candle Adapter for Tealight Holders Use to convert candle arch or pyramid tealight holders to candle holders. Use with pyramid candles, sold separately below. 546539. Set of 4, $13.99

B C NEW Pyramid Candles. (not shown)

White. 3" H x 1/2 " W. 546552. Set of 50, $9.99

FAIR TRADE NEW Metal Triptych Nativity The three-panel design of this Haitian metal art stands on its own and wonderfully depicts the blessed birth of Jesus. Created by Jean Marie Souloque. 36" W x 18" H. 547039. $142.99

NEW Creative Garden Nativity Set Polystone resin. Includes Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus. Tallest figure measures 24.75". Prices subject to change.


AD17 P46.indd 47

808412589256. Set of 3, $115.99

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4/18/17 10:14 AM

Church Nativities Make a bold statement with a custom, life-size Nativity display—pre-order now for the 2018 season!

• Greenery not included.

NEW Custom Life-Size Nativity Displays These stunning, life-size displays boldly depict the birth of Christ our Savior. Crafted from weather- and chip-resistant polyresin with the look of ceramic or elegant pottery, the largest figure is an impressive 6' tall. A wonderful investment that will bring the spirit of Christmas to your community for years to come. 546711. 7-Piece Nativity. $10,500.00; Cokesbury Price $6,825.00 546577. 4-Piece Holy Family with Angel. $4,512.00; Cokesbury Price $2,933.00

FREE SHIPPING and 12-month Installment Plan available! Call 800-237-7511 for a Custom Sales Representative. Shipments will begin around March 15, 2018 for the season.

NEW Kings Nativity Three-Panel Indoor Screen This large display features the three wise men enveloping the Nativity scene. Made of medium-density fiberboard; 39.75" H x 39.75" W x 0.5" D. 089945600674. $149.99

Prices on this page subject to change.


AD17 P48.indd 48




Community Resource Consultants


4/18/17 10:16 AM

nd e 6' me.

Church Nativities & Fresh-Cut Greenery

Holy Family Garden Nativity

Holy Family Yard Figures

This set offers the classic look of carved wood in a sturdy, earthtone resin that is safe for outdoor use. The tallest figure measures 35" high.

These inspirational garden figures are made primarily of wood and other natural materials. 39" tall. Made in U.S.A.

746851516047. Set of 3, $359.99 Also available:

808412453922. $199.99 Also available:

NEW Matching Angel

NEW Matching Angel Yard Figure

746851516030. $189.99

808412454561. $59.99

Worcester Evergreen Wreaths & Centerpieces Bring the beauty and fragrance of the season to your church with balsam wreaths and centerpieces. Handcrafted in Maine from sustainably harvested balsam, these wreaths and centerpieces are shipped 24 hours from design to your door. Begins shipping mid-November. Worcester Wreath Company has provided over 100,000 free wreaths to the Arlington National Cemetery to honor fallen veterans. Visit for more information.

Christmas Grace Advent Five-Candle Centerpiece This elegant centerpiece is decorated with ice branches, paper flowers, two white doves, and a cream and gold bow. Candles are included. Approximately 27�L x 13�W. 301426. $49.99; Cokesbury Price $39.99

Fresh-Cut Balsam Christmas Wreaths Real pinecones, faux holly berries, and a hand-tied, weatherproof red velveteen bow. 540224. 24 . $34.99; Cokesbury Price $27.99 540351. 30". $45.99; Cokesbury Price $36.79 540346. 36". $64.99; Cokesbury Price $51.99

Fresh-Cut Balsam Angel Song Christmas Wreath Real pinecones, faux holy berries, decorative angel ornament and a hand-tied, weatherproof red velveteen bow. Also includes a convenient over-the-door wreath hanger. 301442. 22". $27.99; Cokesbury Price $22.39

Prices on this page subject to change.


AD17 P48.indd 49

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4/18/17 10:16 AM

Paraments & Banners NEW Nativity Felt Door Décor Banner Hanging 14" x 22" door banner. May use with optional banner stand.

Dowel sold separately, below.

808412609251. $24.99

Door Décor Banner Stand Weather-resistant bronze finish metal. Measures approximately 6.3" x 6.3" x 42". 053648200677. $29.99

NEW House Flags Satin-look flags measure 28" x 44". 808412608001. Nativity, Appliqué. $29.99 808412608094. Angel: Joyful Christmas, Appliqué. $29.99 808412448225. A Savior Is Born. $19.99

NEW Garden Burlap-Look Flag 12 1/2 " x 18". Stand sold separately.

NEW Garden Flag

808412295690. Oh Holy Night. $14.99

Suede-look. 12.5" W x 18" H. 808412606243. Merry Christmas Nativity. $19.99

Garden Flag Stand

Metal Garden Hanging Dowel

746851210006. (17.5" W x 44" H). $7.99

746851601378. Large, 31.5" W (for House Flags). $11.99 746851601385. 16" W (for Garden Flag). $7.99

Abbott Hall Regent Brocade Advent Paraments


These blue paraments are made of Regent, a lighter weight rayon damask fabric, in Chelmsford pattern—a more economical option when compared with other damask fabrics. Paraments are embroidered and lined in satin and accented in gold fringe. May also be ordered in custom sizes. Please call 800-237-7511 for assistance.



A. Altar Frontal. Measures 72"L x 30" D", plus 10" drop. 538172. $895.00; Cokesbury Price $760.75

B. Lectern Scarf. 18" x 36" including 10" drop. 538124. $550.00; Cokesbury Price $467.50

C. Pulpit Scarf. 18" x 36" including 10" drop.


538136. $550.00; Cokesbury Price $467.50

D. Bookmark. 3 .5" x 36". 538148. $99.00; Cokesbury Price $84.15

E. Table Runner. 20" x 80" including 10" drop each end. 538070. $550.00; Cokesbury Price $467.50


Prices subject to change.


AD17 P50.indd 50




Community Resource Consultants


4/18/17 10:19 AM

Paraments & Stoles


Seasonal Economy Paraments Sizes (this page). Altar Frontal.

Pulpit Scarf.

20" W x 108" L. (incl. 18" front drop)

18" W x 44" L.

Bible Bookmark.

Table Runner.

5" W x 36" L.

18" W x 96" L.


Stole. 5” W x 100” L.

Long Expected Jesus Paraments These striking economy line paraments with gold accents are printed on unlined, 100% poplin polyester with matte finish. Please specify blue or purple when ordering.


3-Piece Altar Set. Includes Altar Frontal, Pulpit Scarf, and Bible Marker, also sold individually. SP217610. $269.00



Altar Frontal

SP217615. $149.00

SP217611. $179.00

Table Runner (Not shown.)

Pulpit Scarf

SP217614. $89.00

SP217612. $79.00

Bible Marker SP217613. $29.00

THE PIECES Bible Bookmark: 3.5" W x 36" L. Pulpit Scarf: 18" W x 36" L. Communion Table Runner: 20" D x 80" L. THE SETS 2-Piece Sets: Bible bookmark, pulpit scarf. 3-Piece Sets: Bible bookmark pulpit scarf, Communion table runner. 4-Piece Sets: Bible bookmark pulpit scarf, Communion table runner, and stole.

REVERSIBLE Abbott Hall Reversible Advent/Christmas Paraments Sets Reversible paraments in 100% polyester Polyfaille with gold chainette fringe. Purple/White. 533893. 2-piece set. $250.00 533869. 3-piece set. $425.00 758961. 4-piece set. $525.00

Blue/White. 520763. 2-piece set. $250.00 520774. 3-piece set. $425.00 520786. 4-piece set. $525.00

Matching Reversible Advent/Christmas Stoles 90" L x 4.5" W, narrowing to 1.5" W at the contour neck. Each, $145.00 522328. Blue/White. 533905. Purple/White. (not shown) Prices subject to change.


AD17 P50.indd 51

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4/18/17 10:19 AM


NEW Chrismons Christmas Overlay

White Christmas overlay shown on reversible altar frontal. Altar frontal sold separately, below.

Celebrate the birth of Christ with this beautiful white overlay featuring a manger chrismon with the name Christ. Primarily designed to be laid over the 4-sided Chrismon altar frontal (sold separately) but can also be used independently as an antependium. Constructed of 100% poplin polyester and lined. Measures 21" W x 44" D. 820830033906. $199.00




REVERSIBLE Chrismons Advent Reversible, 4-Sided Parament Sets Simplify your busy Advent week—and save money—with this elegant, reversible, four-message parament set. The 3-piece sets are available in blue or purple and consist of Altar Frontal, Pulpit Scarf, and Bible Bookmark. Each piece is printed on the outside and inside—totaling four messages per piece for use during the four weeks of Advent: Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. Designs are printed on lined 100% poplin polyester fabric. Pieces sold as a set or individually.

3-Piece Set. Includes: Altar Frontal, Pulpit Scarf, and Bookmark. Each, $459.00 820830027066. Blue. 820830027059. Purple.

Also sold individually: Altar Frontal. Measures 48” x 64”. Each, $279.00 820830027080. Blue. 820830027073. Purple.

Pulpit Scarf. Measures 18” x 48”. Each, $129.00 820830027103. Blue. 820830027097. Purple.

Bible Bookmark. Measures 3.5" x 36". Each, $79.00 820830027127. Blue. 820830027110. Purple.


AD17 P52.indd 52




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Prices subject to change.


4/19/17 8:33 AM

Banners & Stoles A


NEW Chrismons Stoles Poplin polyester, lined with a satin blend, and high-resolution digital printing for crisp clean graphics.

[A–B]. Chrismons Reversible Stoles.



Celebrate the 1st and 2nd week of Advent with the Hope/Peace stole (Side 1: star chrismon with “Hope” on each panel; Side 2: dove chrismon with Peace” on each panel) and the 3rd and 4th week with the Joy/Love stole (Side 1: angel chrismon with “Joy” on each panel; Side 2: heart chrismon with “Love” on each panel). In purple or blue. Overlay Stoles measure standard 5" W x 100" L. Decon stole measure standard 5" W x 59" L. (Shoulder to hip 26.5", hip to bottom of stole 22.5"). 3" chain at hip. Specify color when ordering.

A. Reversible Stoles. Each, $189.00 SP218921. Hope/Peace, Blue or Purple. SP218923. Joy/Love, Blue or Purple.

B. Reversible Deacon Stoles. Each, $189.00 SP218922. Hope/Peace, Blue or Purple. SP218924. Joy/Love, Blue or Purple.

C. Chrismons Christ Stoles. Features manger chrismon with the name “Christ” on each panel. White only. Each, $149.00 SP218925. Stole. SP218926. Deacon Stole.

NEW Chrismons Banners Celebrate Advent with these new fabric banners that match our Chrismons paraments and stoles, co-designed by Cokesbury and Praise Banners. Banners work with most T-pole floor stands or wall hangers. Available in blue or purple and in 18" x 5' or 2' x 6' sizes. Specify color and size when ordering. 18" x 5' Size. $99.00; Cokesbury Price $49.00 2' x 6' Size. $199.00; Cokesbury Price $99.00 SP218956. Hope. SP218957. Peace. SP218958. Joy. SP218959. Love. SP218960. Christ.

Prices subject to change.


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New Advent studies from Abingdon Press! Adam Hamilton

FAITHFUL Christmas Through the Eyes of Joseph

James W. Moore with Jacob Armstrong

CHRISTMAS GIFTS THAT WON’T BREAK Expanded Edition with Devotions

Learn valuable lessons from the story of Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus Christ.

Learn how to use your God-given gifts this Christmas.

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Katie Z. Dawson

ALL EARTH IS WAITING Good News for God’s Creation at Advent The whole created world waits and hopes for the coming of Christ. Page 7

A. Elaine Brown Crawford

THE LORD IS OUR LIGHT An Advent Study Based on the Revised Common Lectionary Prepare for God’s coming by rediscovering the light that began in the manger. Page 8

• Advent studies for four or five weeks • Choose studies for individuals or small groups, or churchwide resources for all ages

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