Advent 2023 Studies Planning & Comparison Guide

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Small-Group and Churchwide Studies for Advent INTERACTIVE COMPARISON CHART


Title NEW An Unlikely Advent: Extraordinary People of the Christmas Story

NEW Heaven and Earth: Advent and the Incarnation

Participants Small Group/Adult Individual Small Group/Adult Individual Small Group/Adult Individual Churchwide Small Group/Adult Individual


During this Advent season, Rachel Billups guides readers through the themes of hope, love, joy, and peace by sharing the stories of Elizabeth and Zechariah, Herod, the Magi, and the shepherds. Each set of unexpected characters has something to teach about living faithfully on the journey to Christmas.

In the Advent season, heaven seems so close as we remember that a tiny baby in a manger is God in human form coming to show us the Way. God’s choice of incarnation allows us to reflect on the mystery that Christ is the full revelation of God instead of being one who talks about God or one who speaks for or acts as God. But, no, Christ is God. In Heaven and Earth, beloved pastor and scholar Will Willimon explores the idea of Jesus as both fully human and fully divine this Christmas.


Everything seems different at the end of the year. We put lights on our houses to dispel the growing darkness, Christmas music floods local radio stations, apple cider and cranberry sauce are again on the menu, and wrapping paper and tape are always ready. Things just look, smell, and taste differently during the Advent and Christmas season, and these differences are a sign to us that God is about to do something radical and different. Christmas is when God surrounded the divine with senses of his own.

Daily devotions for Christians as they prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth. Perfect for churches to give to families or send in Advent mailings. Each day’s reading, from Dec. 1 to Christmas Day, is based on the Revised Common Lectionary and includes Scripture, a short devotion, and a brief prayer. Designed to fit in #10 envelope. Sold in packages of 10.

For two thousand years, Christians have turned to the story and message of John the Baptist in the weeks leading up to Christmas. In Prepare the Way for the Lord: Advent and the Message of John the Baptist, best-selling author and pastor Adam Hamilton explores the Advent themes of John’s life and ministry, and how John calls all followers of Jesus to prepare our hearts for his coming. # Sessions 4 Sessions


$17.99; $9.99

__ Leader Guide.


$15.99; $11.99

DVD. [CC] 4 videos; 10–12 min. each.


$39.99; $28.99


$17.99; $13.49

__ Leader Guide.


$15.99; $11.99

DVD. [CC] 4 videos; 10–12 min. each.


$39.99; $28.99

__ Sermon and Worship Series Download.



Book. 9781791029272.

$17.99; $13.49

__ Leader Guide.


$17.99; $11.99

DVD. [CC] 4 videos; 10–12 min. each.


$39.99; $28.99

__ Sermon and Worship Series Download.



Booklet,s Pkg. of 10. 9781791029746.


Includes digital downloads for church email. Quantity pricing available at

__ Hardcover Book. 9781791023485.

$19.99; $11.49

__ Leader Guide.


$14.99; $10.99

DVD. [CC] 4 videos featuring Adam Hamilton. 9781791023539.

$39.99; $28.99

__ Large Print Book.



__ Worship Resource. Worship and Media download.



__ Sermon and Worship Series Download.



Christmas Prices subject to change. Prices shown in red reflect Cokesbury discount off regular prices. For the most current prices, call or visit Cokesbury,com. Unless noted, all books are paperbound. Streaming videos are available for most studies. Page 2 of 5
At-a-Glance Interactive Comparison Chart for
NEW Experiencing Christmas: Christ in the Sights and Sounds of Advent NEW Advent: A Calendar of Devotions 2023 Prepare the Way for the Lord: Advent and the Message of John the Baptist Author Rachel Billups Will Willimon Matt Rawle Sam McGlothlin Adam Hamilton
4 Sessions
4 Sessions Separate components or included features Book.

Title The Angels of Christmas: Hearing

God’s Voice in Advent

The Heart That Grew Three Sizes: Finding Faith in the Story of the Grinch

10th Anniversary Edition The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem

All the Good: A Wesleyan Way of Christmas

Light of the World: A Beginner’s Guide to Advent

Participants Small Group/Adult Individual Churchwide Churchwide Small Group/Adult Individual Small

Description This 4-week Advent study explores the four angelic visits surrounding the birth of Jesus with Zechariah, Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds. Readers will explore the visits and dive deep into the history of the angel Gabriel—and other angels—in the Old Testament while discussing God’s presence in history and our lives today.

Separate components or included features

__ Book.


$16.99; $12.49

__ Leader Guide.


$14.99; $10.99

DVD. [CC] 4 videos.


$39.99; $29.99

In his study, The Heart That Grew Three Sizes, Matt Rawle explores faith themes in the Christmas classic How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Rediscover and reinvigorate your Christian faith this Advent and Christmas season and look at this familiar classic through the lens of faith.

Adam Hamilton travels from Nazareth to Bethlehem in a fascinating look at the birth of Jesus Christ. Using historical information, archaeological data, and a personal look at some of the stories surrounding the birth, the most amazing moment in history will become more real and heartfelt as you walk along this road.

A group of diverse Wesleyan scholars take you on an Advent journey guided by the practices in John Wesley’s means of grace. In four sessions of study, prayer, and conversation readers will look at preparing the way for God, the discipline of prayer, the substance of good works, and the recognition of God’s presence in those called to serve.

Explores the biblical texts surrounding the story of Jesus’ birth, tracing the Christmas narrative through the stories of Zechariah and Elizabeth, Mary, the journey to Bethlehem, and the visit from the Magi. Opens up dialogue on connections between the Gospel stories to the Old Testament, the role of women in first-century Jewish culture, and more.

NEW Light from



$16.99; $12.99

__ Leader Guide.


$14.99; $10.99

DVD. [CC] 4 videos; 8–10 min. each.


$39.99; $28.99

__ Children’s Leader Guide.


$18.99; $13.49

__ Youth Study Book.

Grades 6–12. Use with adult-level DVD.


$14.99; $11.49

__ Flash Drive. 9781791017439.

$35.99; $25.99



$17.99; $9.79

__ Large Print Book. 9781791018207.

$19.99; $13.99 Leader Guide.


$14.99; $10.99

__ DVD. [CC] 5 videos + bonus video; 10–15 min. each.



__ Devotional: A Season of Reflections.


$12.99; $8.99

__ Children’s Leader Guide, Download only.



__ Youth Study, Download only.



Book. 9781791017972.

$16.99; $10.29

__ Leader Guide. 9781791018009.

$14.99; $10.99

DVD. [CC] 4 videos; 10–12 min. each. 9781791018023.

$39.99 Devotions. 28 seasonal devotions. 9781791018092.

$11.99; $8.49

Large Print Book. 9781791017996.

$17.99; $10.29

Book. 9781501884351.

$17.99; $10.99

__ Leader Guide. 9781501884382.

$15.99; $11.49

DVD. [CC] 4 videos; 8–10 min. each.


$39.99; $28.99

Leader Kit. Contains one each of above.


$75.99; $60.79

__ Large Print Book. 9781501884375.

$18.99; $13.49

This daily Advent devotional has four weekly reflections, each written by a different author, providing unique perspectives on the traditions of Advent from a variety of cultures around the world. Authors include Nadiyka Gerbish (Ukraine), Bishop Sidwell Mokgothu (South Africa), Joel Bengbeng (Philippines), and Cláudio Carvalhaes (Brazil).

__ Book. 9780835820370.


subject to change. Prices shown in red reflect Cokesbury discount off regular prices. For the most current prices, call or visit Cokesbury,com. Unless noted, all books are paperbound. Streaming videos are available for most studies. Page 3 of 5
Best Study for Your Small Group or Congregation
Find the
Afar: An Advent Devotional from Around the World Author Susan Robb Matt Rawle Adam Hamilton Laceye Warner, Amy Valdez Barker, Jung Choi, Sangwoo Kim Amy-Jill Levine Nadiyka Gerbish, Joel Bengbeng, Claudio Carvalhaes, and Sidwell Mokgothu Group/Adult Individual Small Group/Adult Individual
# Sessions 4 Sessions 4 Sessions 5 Sessions 4 Sessions 4 Sessions N/A

Title Incarnation: Rediscovering the Significance of Christmas Almost Christmas: A Wesleyan Advent Experience Making Room: Sharing the Love of Christmas



Participants Churchwide/Small Group/ Adult Individual

Description His parents named him Jesus. But he was also called by other names: Lord, Messiah, Savior, Emmanuel, Light of the World, and Word Made Flesh. Incarnation explores the meaning of these titles and what they tell us about the child whose birth we celebrate at Christmas. Join him and reflect upon the significance of the Christ Child for our lives and world today!

# Sessions 4 Sessions

Separate components or included features



$17.99; $12.99

__ Leader Guide.


$14.99; $10.99

DVD. [CC] 4 videos; 10–12 min. each.


$39.99; $28.99

__ Children’s Leader Guide.


$19.99; $9.49

__ Large Print Book.


$20.99; $15.99

Churchwide/Small Group/ Adult Individual

In 1741, Wesley’s famous sermon “The Almost Christian” encouraged people to follow Christ wholeheartedly. This book and study, perfect for Advent, breaks down the barriers that prevent us from experiencing an “altogether” love, hope, joy, and peace in Christ in our lives and in the world around us.


__ Book.


$17.99; $12.99

__ Leader Guide.


$15.99; $11.49

DVD. [CC] 4 videos; 10–12 min. each.


$39.99; $28.99

__ Devotions for the Season. 28 devotions.



__ Youth Study Book.


$12.99; $12.49 Leader Kit. Contains one each of above.


$101.99; $81.79

Large Print Book.


$18.99; $15.99

Small Group/Adult Individual Discussion Starter— Small Group/Adult Individual

This book and Advent study explore the warmth welcome at Christmas of following interactions with Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, and the magi. Just as Jesus made room in God’s kingdom for those on the margins of society, we too should be asking ourselves who we can make room for this Christmas.

The Gospel of Mark doesn’t have a Nativity story. Holy Disruption presents a fresh understanding of the holiness of Christmas grounded, not in a conventional cozy Christmas message, but through Mark’s disquieting gospel which invites its readers to experience God’s disruptive but transformative love for us and our world.

Discussion Starter— Small Group/Adult Individual

Each chapter covers one week of Advent and each week focuses on a different theme. Within each week are a rotation of daily practices including breath prayer, mindful movement, lectio divina, visio divina (which utilizes beautiful, colorful works of art each week), Christian meditation, creative contemplation, and practicing presence.

__ Book.

9781791006372. $17.99; $12.99

__ Leader Guide.


$15.99; $7.49

__ Book. 9780664267384. $15.00; $11.99

__ Book.

9780835820097. $17.99; $13.79

Prices subject to change. Prices shown in red reflect Cokesbury discount off regular prices. For the most current prices, call or visit Cokesbury,com. Unless noted, all books are paperbound. Streaming videos are available for most studies. Page 4 of 5
At-a-Glance Interactive Comparison Chart for
& Christmas
Disruption: Discovering Advent in the Gospel of Mark Human, Fully Divine: An Advent Devotional for the Whole Self Author Adam Hamilton Magrey R. DeVega, Ingrid McIntyre, April Casperson, Matt Rawle Ed Robb Tracy S. Daub Whitney R. Simpson
Engage Expand Your Ministry. Your Mission. Start your subscription today! Learn more at

Title Author Participants


NEW Advent: A Season of Surprises

Scott Chrostek

Small Group/Adult Individual

For many, the shift from December to January provokes the anticipation of new life rhythms, often with a list of new resolutions. Advent is a season filled with similar expectations, only they aren’t found in new resolutions. They are found through new and surprising realities. What’s coming next for you? What are you anticipating in your life?

A 5-week devotional plus a bonus study.

Christmas in the Four Gospel Homes: An Advent Study

Cynthis M. Campbell

Small Group/Adult Individual

How might a house look for Christmas based on what each Gospel says about it? In Christmas in the Four Gospel Homes, beautiful illustrations from architect Kevin Burns reimagine each of the four Gospels as a “house,” which the church visits at Christmas. In each section, Campbell reflects on the distinctive perspective of the birth of Jesus or the incarnation offered by each Gospel.

Faithful: Christmas Through the Eyes of Joseph

Adam Hamilton

Churchwide/Small Group/Adult Individual

This study teaches us to accept and glorify God’s will even when circumstances make it difficult to do so. The story of Joseph provides us a great example of humbly obeying God even when we don’t understand and faithfully moving forward in the strength that God provides.

The Redemption of Scrooge

Matt Rawle

Churchwide/Small Group/Adult Individual

This Advent study from The Pop in Culture series shows us how the teachings of Jesus can be found in the Charles Dickens Christmas classic. Reinvigorate your spiritual journey as you look at this familiar story through the lens of faith.

Not a Silent Night: Mary Looks Back to Bethlehem

Adam Hamilton

Churchwide/Small Group/Adult Individual

Experience Advent and Christmas with the one who knew Jesus more intimately than anyone else—his mother, Mary. Adam Hamilton helps you witness the life of Jesus from Mary’s unique perspective, starting at the very end and traveling back in time to the very beginning—the night of Christ’s birth.

The Gift of the Nutcracker

Matt Rawle

Churchwide/Small Group/Adult Individual

“The Nutcracker” is a delightful and whimsical Christmas classic. The music, dance, and story hold a special place in the hearts of children and adults during cultural Christmas celebrations. In The Gift of the Nutcracker, Matt Rawle, author of The Redemption of Scrooge, explores the story to help us understand God’s greatest gift of the Christ child, and the kingdom Christ came to establish.

# Sessions

Separate components or included features

6 Sessions Book.



4 Sessions Book.


$17.00; $12.99

4 Sessions Book.


$16.99; $9.99

__ Leader Guide.


$14.99; $9.29

DVD. [CC] 4 videos; 10–12 min. each.


$39.99; $28.99

__ Youth Study Book.


$14.99; $10.49

__ Children’s Leader Guide.


$18.99; $14.99

Large Print Book.


$20.99; $17.79

4 Sessions __ Book. 9781501823077.

$15.99; $9.79

__ Leader Guide. 9781501823091.

$14.99; $9.29

__ DVD. [CC] 4 videos; 8–10 min. each. 9781501823114.

$39.99; $28.99

__ Youth Study Book. 9781501823169.

$14.99; $7.99

5 Sessions __ Book. 9781501879579.

$17.99; $9.99

__ Leader Guide. 9781426771996.

$14.99; $14.29

DVD. [CC] 5 videos; approx. 10 min. each. 9781426771859.

$39.99; $28.99

__ Youth Leader Guide. 9781501815713.

$14.99; $11.99

__ Youth Study Book. 9781501815690.

$12.99; $6.79

__ Large Print Book. 9781630882952.

$18.99; $15.99

4 Sessions __ Book. 9781501869426.

$15.99; $9.79

__ Leader Guide. 9781501869440.


DVD. [CC] 5 videos; 10–12 min. each. 9781501869464.


__ Youth Study Book. Grades 6–12. 9781501869518.


__ Children’s Leader Guide. For younger and older children (grades K–2 and 3–6). 9781501871511.

$19.99; $16.99

__ Worship Resources Download. 9781501869549.


__ Large Print Book. 9781501876141.

$16.99; $9.49

Find the Best Study for Your Small Group or Congregation Prices subject to change. Prices shown in red reflect Cokesbury discount off regular prices. For the most current prices, call or visit Cokesbury,com. Unless noted, all books are paperbound. Streaming videos are available for most studies. Page 5 of 5

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