Cokesbury Comprehensive Curriculum

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AUTOMATIC SHIPMENT Need to stretch your budget? Automatic curriculum shipping can save you a lot of money. Call a Resource Consultant or 800-672-1789 to sign up today! When you join our Cokesbury Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program for quarterly resources, you save big: 1 2 3 4




lowers your shipping cost you’ll receive special offers throughout the year always receive your curriculum on time we’ll never be out of the materials you need

CHURCHES HAVE SAVED OVER $500! For example: Spend $250 per quarter, save over $55 a year in shipping costs. Spend $500 per quarter, save over $135 a year in shipping costs. Spend $1000 per quarter, save over $295 a year in shipping costs. And you can always adjust your order: if your needs change, give us a call or visit Ground shipping only, continental U.S.A. only. Express shipping not included.

CC18 CV2_1.indd 2

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Table of Contents Children’s Ministry

$6.95 shipping when you use

our convenient quarterly Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program! Call 800-672-1789 for details.

SAVE EVERY QUARTER Quarterly Curriculum Automatic Shipment Guarantee Sign up for Cokesbury’s Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program and ensure you have curriculum in the quantities you need every Sunday! Look for the truck symbol beside all eligible resources in this catalog. After you place your initial order, you will receive automatic shipments for each quarter— in plenty of time to prepare for use on the first Sunday! Update quantities as needed (see deadline below for the last day to make changes). If there is any delay, Cokesbury will pay your postage and handling—even if it means shipping overnight to get the resources to you on time. Any annual dated resources you select will be included with your fall shipment. And as a loyal customer, you will receive special offers throughout the year.

Quarter Fall Winter Spring Summer

Deadline (Last Day to Make Changes) July 12, 2018 October 11, 2018 January 10, 2019 April 11, 2019

Create and manage your Curriculum Automatic Shipment program by calling Cokesbury at 800-672-1789 or a Resource Consultant.

√ QUICK Order Forms Cokesbury offers Quick Order Forms on for no-hassle ordering for many curriculum resources. Look for the checkmark-in-a-box symbol throughout this catalog.

EEP BLUE CONNECTS....................................................2–9 D Large Group/Small Group............................................4 One Room Sunday School............................................5 Deep Blue Kids & Grow Curriculum Builder............6–7 Deep Blue Kids Rotation Stations.............................8–9 Learning to Use My Bible Series...........................................10 Love in a Big World..............................................................11 SPARK.............................................................................12–15 Classroom & Lectionary........................................12–13 All Kids & Rotation................................................14–15 WHIRL..............................................................................16–18 Lectionary & Classroom........................................16–17 All Kids........................................................................18 Holy Moly..............................................................................19 HeartShaper....................................................................20–21 Hands-On Bible Curriculum............................................22–23 Gospel Light....................................................................24–25 Buzz .....................................................................................26

Multi-Age Ministry Urban Ministries....................................................................27 Bible-in-Life.....................................................................28–29 Wesley.............................................................................30–31 Faithweaver Now............................................................32–33 Echoes.............................................................................34–35

Preteen Ministry Submerge........................................................................36–37 Connect ................................................................................38 These Are Our Bodies, Wonderfully Made..........................39 The Action Bible Curriculum.................................................40

Youth Ministry Groove Bible Study Series, Core .........................................41 Spice Rack.............................................................................42 Fathom..................................................................................43 LinC .....................................................................................44 Bible Lessons for Youth........................................................45 Encounter..............................................................................46 Echo the Story.......................................................................47 t.b.d., re:form........................................................................48 Colaborate............................................................................49 Confirm............................................................................50–51

Adult Ministry

EASY Budget Plan Tools Budget terms are available with approved credit on purchases of $300 or more. No interest! Only 20% down with the remainder paid in 12 equal monthly payments. Prices subject to change. Prices shown in red reflect Coksebury discount off regular prices. Unless otherwise noted, all books are paperbound.

Covenant...............................................................................52 FaithLink, Christian Life Series..............................................53 UNIFORM SERIES...........................................................54–55 Adult Bible Studies...............................................54–55 Daily Bible Study, Lecciones Cristianas, Christian Living in the Mature Years...........................55 Standard Lesson Study Series.........................................56–57 DISCIPLE.........................................................................58–61 Fast Track..............................................................60–61 Short-Term Series........................................................61

Watch for these symbols throughout the catalog. For more information call 800-672-1789 or visit he Curriculum Resources Committee of The United Methodist T General Board of Discipleship has approved this resource for use in the Christian education ministry of The United Methodist Church.


CC18 CV2_1.indd 1

For your convenience, this red truck symbol indicates which dated quarterly and annual resources may be ordered through our Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program.

Shop the online catalog at


3/9/18 12:41 PM

D G e t c o nn e c t e d w i t h o u r

eep Blue Family

DEEP BLUE CONNECTS: At Home With God Bring faith home in 2018–2019! Get to know the Deep Blue kids even better as you travel to Deep Blue Shores to meet their families, visit their homes, and explore the community. Dig deeper into the Bible to learn about families in earlier times, beginning with Jesus’ family, and discover how today’s faith families love and care for one another and grow in faith together. Cokesbury. NURSERY

FALL 2018

WINTER 2018–19



Leader Guide Bible Story Picture Cards Class Kit

9781501861291 9781501861314 9781501861321

9781501861703 9781501862199 9781501862205

9781501862809 9781501862823 9781501862830

9781501863431 9781501863455 9781501863462


FALL 2018

WINTER 2018–19



Leader Guide, print Bible Story Sheets Activity Sheets Class Kit DVD (ages 3–10)

9781501861055 9781501854880 9781501856563 9781501854750 9781501854170

9781501862472 9781501862496 9781501862502 9781501854781 9781501861406

9781501862847 9781501862861 9781501862878 9781501854811 9781501861413

9781501863394 9781501863417 9781501863424 9781501854842 9781501861420


FALL 2018

WINTER 2018–19



Leader Guide, print Bible Story Sheets Activity Sheets Class Kit DVD (ages 3–10)

9781501861123 9781501861147 9781501856570 9781501854767 9781501854170

9781501862519 9781501862533 9781501862540 9781501854798 9781501861406

9781501862915 9781501862939 9781501862946 9781501854828 9781501861413

9781501863516 9781501863530 9781501863547 9781501854859 9781501861420


CC18 P02.indd 2

PRICE (each qtr.) $11.99 $6.99 $24.99 PRICE (each qtr.) $13.99 $7.99 $6.49 $29.99 $44.99 PRICE (each qtr.) $13.99 $7.99 $6.49 $29.99 $44.99 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants

Deep Blue Adventure DVD Engage kids with eye-catching animation on the Deep Blue Adventure DVD! Abingdon Press.


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NEW THIS YEAR! • New age-level resources, including Bible Story Sheets, editable Leader Guides in Microsoft Word, and a combined Nursery resource for babies, toddlers, and twos • Deep Blue Navigate, a quarterly resource that equips adults to have faith conversations with children (see page 10) • Deep Blue: Teaching with Confidence, a training resource from the Deep Blue writers and editors • Design your own curriculum program (see pages 6–7)

Preschool to Preteen

13 S



per quarter

CEB Deep Blue Kids Bible


A Quick Order Form is available on for Deep Blue Connects Curriculum.

Bright Sky Paper 9781609260811 $22.99; $15.49* Hardcover 9781609261351 $29.99; $19.99*


FALL 2018

WINTER 2018–19



Leader Guide, print Bible Story Sheets Activity Sheets Class Kit DVD (ages 3–10)

9781501861154 9781501861178 9781501856587 9781501854774 9781501854170

9781501862557 9781501862571 9781501862588 9781501854804 9781501861406

9781501862953 9781501862977 9781501862984 9781501854835 9781501861413

9781501863554 9781501863578 9781501863585 9781501854866 9781501861420


FALL 2018

WINTER 2018–19



Leader Guide, print Bible Story Sheets Activity Sheets Class Kit DVD (ages 3–10)

9781501861185 9781501861208 9781501856594 9781501861215 9781501854170

9781501862595 9781501862618 9781501862625 9781501862632 9781501861406

9781501862991 9781501863011 9781501863028 9781501863035 9781501861413

9781501863592 9781501863615 9781501863622 9781501863639 9781501861420

Hardcover 9781501815010

$21.99; $14.79

PRICE (each qtr.) $13.99 $7.99 $6.49 $29.99 $44.99

Save on shipping—sign up for Cokesbury’s Quarterly Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program today. See page 1 for symbol explanation. *QUANTITY SAVINGS available on select Bibles. Call for details.

CC18 P02.indd 3

Delight children with 146 Bible stories they’ll understand and love! Ages 3–6.

PRICE (each qtr.) $13.99 $7.99 $6.49 $29.99 $44.99

Visit for more Deep Blue Kids Bibles and Storybooks!


Deep Blue Bible Storybook

Shop the online catalog at

Deep Blue Toddler Bible Storybook Nineteen favorite Bible stories, perfect to read during quiet moments or for devotional time. Hardcover 9781501840135

$12.99; $8.79


3/8/18 2:47 PM

Large G roup/ Small Group Pe r fe c t f o r c h i ld re n’s chu rc

h or midweek!

DEEP BLUE LARGE GROUP/SMALL GROUP Children gather in one large group for the Bible story, music, and movement, then break into age-level small groups to dig deeper and apply the story to their daily lives. Perfect for Sunday school, children’s church, and midweek sessions. Abingdon Press. Kit Includes a CD-ROM, Leader Guide, and a DVD. Each $114.99

9781501859144 9781501862779

Fall 2018 Winter 2018–19

9781501863363 9781501863479

Spring 2019 Summer 2019

Leader Guide Volunteers will find it easy to teach with step-by-step session plans including Bible verses, games, art, science, worship, prayer, and fun! Each session contains additional activities and reproducible pages.

Deep Blue Adventure DVD Engaging, animated videos will reel in today’s kids! Each video segment tells a Bible story from a kid’s perspective, with help from the Deep Blue kids—Asia, Edgar, Kat, and Caleb. DVD features: • Thirteen 3-minute animated videos that tell the Bible story. • Monthly Bible verse videos that help children learn key Bible verses. • A Bible quiz to review each quarter’s Bible stories with the children. • Four music videos with all-new music. • Also available via digital subscription or download at

CD-ROM Contains music (instrumental tracks and vocal tracks), PowerPoints with Bible story graphics, song lyrics, and PDFs of the Leader Guide. 4

CC18 P04.indd 4 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants

See page 1 for symbol explanation. CC18

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• Both programs follow the same scope & sequence as the Deep Blue age-level resources • Perfect for combined classes or smaller churches • Convenient quarterly kits with 13 sessions each

O n e Ro o m A n a l l- i n

y School Sunda –12!

esour -one r

ce for a

ges 3

• Media components connect with today’s tech-savvy kids

DEEP BLUE ONE ROOM SUNDAY SCHOOL An all-in-one resource for children ages 3–12. Works perfectly as a small-group Sunday school option for varying ages or as a midweek program. Abingdon Press. Kit Includes a CD-ROM, Resource Pak, Leader Guide, Reproducible Book, and a tote. Also available as a digital download at

Leader Guide Your volunteers will find it easy to teach with step-by-step session plans including active Bible lessons, games, art, worship, and more! Also available in an editable Microsoft Word format.

Resource Pak Colorful, easy-to-use posters to reinforce the Bible story, plus storytelling helps, an attendance chart, and more. Included in Kit; not sold separately.

Reproducible Book 96 pages of activities tailored to each session throughout the quarter. From coloring pages to creative writing prompts, this resource will lead children to a deeper understanding of each Bible lesson. Included in Kit; not sold separately.

CD-ROM Quarterly music CD-ROM with PowerPoint® slides, song sheets, and instrumental tracks. Included in Kit; not sold separately. FALL 2018

WINTER 2018–19






PRICE (each quarter) 9781501863721 $79.99

Also sold separately: Extra Leader Guide, print DVD, Ages 3–10

9781501861222 9781501854170

9781501862700 9781501861406

9781501863301 9781501861413

9781501863745 9781501861420


CC18 P04.indd 5


$17.99 $44.99

Shop the online catalog at

A great add-on for your group! See facing page for DVD details.


3/8/18 2:50 PM

Curriculum Builder STEP



Explore and find your perfect curriculum match.

Create your Program Plan by choosing your grade, number of lessons, and unique name for each plan.

Customize even further by using filters to narrow selections based on Scripture, Bible characters, etc.





NEW! HOW IT WORKS Subscribe to a virtual curriculum library! Choose your own sessions based on your church’s needs, to match the lectionary, the pastor’s sermon, or your church’s ministry objectives. Using filters, you can narrow your choices based on Scripture, Bible characters, age level, and model. Once you choose the session you want, you can save it to your online locker for your use. Everything you need for the session is included—attendance posters, Bible verse posters, reproducibles, and more! Coming this summer.


Now you can adapt curriculum to your unique ministry setting by choosing exactly what you need when you need it! Choose based on your:


• BIBLE STORIES & CHARACTERS • SCRIPTURES Each session includes everything you need, including music and videos!

CC18 P06.indd 6

LAUNCHING WITH: • Grow, Proclaim, Serve! helps grow kids’ faith by leaps and bounds! Kids will learn how they can proclaim the good news of God’s love and serve God and neighbor. • Deep Blue Years 1–3 helps kids dive deep into God’s Word with fun adventures, exciting stories, science experiments, arts and crafts, animated video storytelling, and active games. Kids will love getting to know the Deep Blue kids as they lead them through the Bible.




New content will continue to be added. | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


3/14/18 10:45 AM







• Find the right curriculum for your children’s ministry. • Choose exactly what you need when you need it. • Content continually added. • Full access to all site content available by subscription.

Select your final Program Plan and it’ll be saved directly to your online locker for your use. Yeah, it’s that easy!


Grow Years 1-3: One Room Sunday School Preschool Large Group/ Small Group Elementary Large Group/ Small Group Preschool Videos Elementary Videos

CHOOSE YOUR FORMAT Deep Blue Year 1: One Room Sunday School Elementary Large Group/ Small Group

CHOOSE YOUR FORMAT Deep Blue Year 2: One Room Sunday School Elementary Large Group/ Small Group

CHOOSE YOUR FORMAT Deep Blue Year 3: One Room Sunday School Elementary Large Group/ Small Group

See page 1 for symbol explanation. CC18

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More program options will be added at a later date. Shop the online catalog at


3/14/18 8:12 AM

d iegyo, ,In d i g o ,oo! H e y , I nH t laanyntaopol!ay p w a I n n a Iw


A Quick Order Form is available on for Deep Blue Rotation Stations.

Rotation teaching is popular, and for good reason! As children visit a different learning station each week, they explore each unit’s theme story from many angles for deeper, more engaged learning. Busy volunteers will love using their specialized skills without a huge time investment—they plan once, then teach the same lesson for several weeks to different age groups. Deep Blue Rotation Stations is flexible—purchase a full unit (seven stations/weeks) or choose any number of individual stations for a shorter rotation. Each unit includes leader helps and a parent resource. New units available regularly. Makes a great midweek resource! For grades K–5. Cokesbury. $99.99 per unit. For a complete list of units and individual station downloads, see

Available now: 9781501819414 9781501836329 9781501836244 9781501832369 9781501849404 9781501828416 9781501846557 9781501833878 9781501850264 9781501828843 9781501850349 9781501846632 9781501826825 9781501819575


CC18 P08.indd 8

Abraham and Sarah The Good Samaritan Talk with the Teachers Fruit of the Spirit The Wise King The Road to Emmaus Courageous Queen Freedom A Baby Is Born The Rainbow Promise Jesus and the Children Jonah and the Fish Jesus Lives! Creation

9781501819872 9781501833953 9781501819490 9781501840227 9781501832635 9781501833793 9781501849244 9781501836169 9781501849329 9781501828492 9781501840395 9781501819957 9781501846717 9781501840319 9781501865428 9781501850424

Jesus Is Baptized Ten Commandments Birthrights and Blessings Holy Week Ruth Joseph’s Journey God Calls Samuel Celebrate the Birth of Jesus David and Goliath Pentecost Peter and John Jesus Calls Helpers God Chooses Joshua Come to Breakfast! People Welcome Jesus The Four Friends

Coming soon:

9781501872297 9781501872372 9781501872457 9781501872532 9781501872617 9781501872693 9781501872778 9781501872938 9781501873010 9781501873096 9781501873171 9781501865503 9781501865589 9781501865817 9781501865893 9781501866463 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants

Jesus Creates a Family Moses and His Sister Hannah, Samuel, and Eli Elizabeth and Zechariah Jesus Heals a Young Woman Families Remember God The Forgiving Father Best Friends Believers Share Sarah and Isaac David and Abigail The Tomb Is Empty Paul Changes The Lord’s Prayer The Two Houses The Woman at the Well CC18

3/8/18 2:53 PM


• Fun rotation lessons grab children’s attention and keep them engaged with different styles of learning • Bible stories are explored from multiple angles for deeper understanding • Easier for volunteers—prep a lesson in your area of expertise, and then share it multiple times with different age groups

Deep Blue Life A downloadable, customizable curriculum option.

9781501840777 52-Session Bundle $249.00

(also available quarterly or individually)

Subscribe to DEEP BLUE ONLINE! Choose from three quarterly download subscription packages:

Lite Blue: includes age-group Leader Guides for 4 age levels Dark Blue: includes streaming Bible story video sessions for 5 age levels Deep Blue: includes Leader Guides, streaming videos, and Take-Home Sheets for 6 age levels. Deep Blue Online. An easy-to-access platform allows your church to download a sea of Leader Guides and/or streaming Bible story videos for each weekly session. Prices effective August 1, 2018. 9781501820588 9781501820601 9781501820632

Lite Blue 90-Day Access Dark Blue 90-Day Access Deep Blue 90-Day Access

See page 1 for symbol explanation. CC18

CC18 P08.indd 9

$84.99 $34.99 $114.99

Deep Blue Kids Bible Dictionary

Deep Blue Kids Tree House Club

Help kids ages 7–12 learn about the persons, places, events, ideas, and terms in the Bible. Great for Sunday school groups, families, Christian school classes, and libraries.

A downloadable guide for an intergenerational retreat with three teaching-learning sessions, four family special events, and a take-home 4-week Family Devotional Guide.

9781501840616 $19.99; $13.49


Shop the online catalog at

9781501840623 Download $39.99


3/8/18 2:54 PM

NOW WITH TWEEN & ADULT STUDIES! • A series of age-appropriate studies for ages 7 to adult • Explore useful Bible study tools like maps, concordances, and more • Learn about interpretation, the canon, and the Revised Common Lectionary • Based on the Common English Bible, with select resources also available in NRSV editions

8 E SS





Bible discovery studies now for all ages! Explore the wonders of biblical geography and archaeology, compare and contrast biblical genres, learn the history of biblical interpretation, and discover that you are a Bible interpreter too! Students will become familiar with Bible dictionaries, commentaries, concordances, maps, and more. Best of all, they’ll practice sharing their Bible knowledge with others each week. Abingdon Press. Based on the Common English Bible translation unless otherwise noted.



NEW Learning to Study the Bible (Adult Edition) L. J. Zimmerman This eight-session study helps adults learn about biblical genres and historical contexts, formation of the canon, the Revised Common Lectionary and its purpose, and how to use study Bibles, commentaries, and maps for Bible study. Includes reflection questions and space to journal. Coming in August. 9781501871061 9781501871078

Participant Book Leader Guide

$8.99; $5.99 $14.99; $9.99

Discovering Together Parents help children develop useful Bible skills and enjoy activities together as they study the Bible at home. 9781501806261 9781501813368

CEB, Pkg. of 6 (Leigh Meekins) NRSV, Pkg. of 6 (Joyce Brown)

$14.99; $7.49 $14.99; $7.49

Finding Your Way Through the Bible Helps ages 7–10 become familiar with their CEB Deep Blue Kids Bible or their Abingdon Children’s NRSV Bible, and learn to use it at their own pace, at home or in class. 9781426744228 9780687645473

Student Book, CEB Edition Student Book, NRSV Edition

$7.99; $5.49 $7.99; $5.49

Learning to Use My Bible A Study for Children Ages 7–10 Fun, hands-on activities, maps, games, and charts to introduce Bible skills to children. Teacher’s Guide offers eight session plans plus student reproducibles; Class Pak provides activities and games. Use with the CEB Deep Blue Kids Bible. 9781426744235 9781501858734

Teacher’s Guide Class Pak

$19.99; $13.49 $14.99; $9.99

Also available:

NEW Learning to Study the Bible (Tween Edition) L. J. Zimmerman Guides tweens grades 5 & 6 through eight weeks of Bible discovery. They’ll explore biblical geography and archaeology, compare and contrast biblical genres, learn the history of biblical interpretation, and become familiar with Bible dictionaries, commentaries, concordances, maps, and more. 9781501856273 9781501856280

Student Journal Leader Guide

See page 1 for symbol explanation.


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$6.99; $4.79 $14.99; $9.99

NEW Deep Blue Navigate A Bible Study Companion for Adults Who Care for Children

13 E SS





This quarterly curriculum resource follows the scope and sequence of Deep Blue Connects: At Home with God. Participants will study each Bible story and then explore questions that will equip them to have faith conversations with the children in their care. Abingdon Press. 9781501860164 9781501864711 9781501864735 9781501864766 | 800.672.1789 1789 | Resource Consultants

Fall 2018 Winter 2018–19 Spring 2019 Summer 2019

$13.99 $13.99 $13.99 $13.99 CC18

3/9/18 1:06 PM


BUILD CHARACTER AND HOPE IN KIDS •C haracter education for children in grades K–8 •T opical studies available in print or downloadable formats •P romotional materials, a Director’s Guide, an Activity Pack, and music round out the program •A great add-on piece for any children’s curriculum

5 S



Sessions per unit S

LOVE IN A BIG WORLD In many ways, growing up has never been quite so challenging. Even with well-meaning and caring adults trying to offer guidance, that instruction can get lost in the noise of a fast-moving culture that has little time for nurturing. The simple fact is, it’s a big world. And it needs all the love it can get. Far more than just a course of study, Love In A Big World is a character education movement—one that provides both social and emotional learning, and that helps kids develop the kind of positive personality traits that will empower them in everyday life. Through a flexible and customizable curriculum, it uses relevant and diverse stories, Scripture, and life lessons to teach kids to love God, love other people, and to change the world by acting on that love. Abingdon Press. Love In A Big World is a perfect extension to your already-in-place K–8 student programming, like your Sunday school, VBS, Wednesday night children’s programs, and even summer camp! We hope to support your ministry by further developing that “whole-child” education everyone desires for their students. It’s designed to move kids from risk to resiliency, which not only helps build stronger communities, but also a kinder, more loving world.

Getting Started! (5 Sessions) 9781501861505 9781501862045 9781501861727 9781501862274 9781501865664 9781501865763

K–Grade 2 Leader K–Grade 2 Journal Grades 3–5 Leader Grades 3–5 Journal Grades 6–8 Leader Grades 6–8 Journal

Relationship Skills (5 Sessions) 9781501861604 9781501862229 9781501861826 9781501862328 9781501865688 9781501865770

K–Grade 2 Leader K–Grade 2 Journal Grades 3–5 Leader Grades 3–5 Journal Grades 6–8 Leader Grades 6–8 Journal

Stop Bullying! (5 Sessions) 9781501861642 9781501862243 9781501861864 9781501862335 9781501865701 9781501865787

K–Grade 2 Leader K–Grade 2 Journal Grades 3–5 Leader Grades 3–5 Journal Grades 6–8 Leader Grades 6–8 Journal

$16.99 $4.99 $16.99 $4.99 $16.99 $4.99

$16.99 $4.99 $16.99 $4.99 $16.99 $4.99

$16.99 $4.99 $16.99 $4.99 $16.99 $4.99

Diversity/Social Justice (5 Sessions) 9781501861666 9781501862250 9781501861888 9781501862342 9781501865725 9781501865794

K–Grade 2 Leader K–Grade 2 Journal Grades 3–5 Leader Grades 3–5 Journal Grades 6–8 Leader Grades 6–8 Journal

Anger Management (5 Sessions) 9781501861680 9781501862267 9781501861901 9781501862359 9781501865749 9781501865800

K–Grade 2 Leader K–Grade 2 Journal Grades 3–5 Leader Grades 3–5 Journal Grades 6–8 Leader Grades 6–8 Journal

$16.99 $4.99 $16.99 $4.99 $16.99 $4.99

$16.99 $4.99 $16.99 $4.99 $16.99 $4.99

Downloadable Leader Guides, Promotional Pack, and Activity Pack are also available—visit for details. Also available: 9781501854064 9781501847363 9781501853906

Poster Pack Director’s Guide Full Album Download

$24.99 $24.99 $10.99

Music is also available as single song downloads.


CC18 P10.indd 11

Shop the online catalog at


3/9/18 1:06 PM

Activate Faith with Spark Comprehensive, Bible-based Sunday school designed for children age 2 to grade 6

SPARK CLASSROOM Activate faith with engaging children’s resources. With this two-year curriculum, kids explore key Old Testament stories each fall and key New Testament stories in winter and spring. Sparkhouse. YEAR ORANGE Director CD AGES 2–3 Leader Guide Lesson Prep DVD Learner Leaflets PRE-K–K Leader Guide Lesson Prep DVD Learner Leaflets GRADES 1–2 Leader Guide Lesson Prep DVD Learner Leaflets GRADES 3–4 Leader Guide Lesson Prep DVD Learner Leaflets

FALL 2018 9780806699110

WINTER 2018–19 SPRING 2019 9781451400250 9781451400571

PRICE $34.99

9780806698786 9780806694719 9780806698687

9780806699318 9780806699417 9780806699219

9781451400472 9781451400526 9781451400427

$9.99 $13.99 $5.99

9780806698793 9780806699028 9780806698694

9780806699325 9780806699424 9780806699226

9781451400489 9781451400533 9781451400434

$9.99 $13.99 $5.99

9780806698809 9780806699035 9780806698700

9780806699332 9780806699431 9780806699233

9781451400496 9781451400540 9781451400441

$9.99 $13.99 $5.99

9780806698816 9780806699042 9780806698717

9780806699349 9780806699448 9780806699240

9781451400502 9781451400557 9781451400458

$9.99 $13.99 $5.99

YEAR GREEN Director CD AGES 2–3 Leader Guide Lesson Prep DVD Learner Leaflets PRE-K–K Leader Guide Lesson Prep DVD Learner Leaflets GRADES 1–2 Leader Guide Lesson Prep DVD Learner Leaflets GRADES 3–4 Leader Guide Lesson Prep DVD Learner Leaflets

9781451400571 9781451400519 9781451400465 9781451400564

$34.99 $9.99 $5.99 $13.99

Director CD Leader Guide Learner Leaflets Lesson Prep DVD

FALL 2018 9780806696980

WINTER 2018–19 SPRING 2019 9780806697383 9780806697406

PRICE $34.99

9780806670768 9780806695365 9780806670669

9780806699714 9780806695464 9780806699608

9780806699912 9780806695563 9780806699813

$9.99 $13.99 $5.99

9780806670775 9780806695372 9780806670676

9780806699721 9780806695471 9780806699615

9780806699929 9780806695570 9780806699820

$9.99 $13.99 $5.99

9780806670782 9780806695389 9780806670683

9780806699738 9780806695488 9780806699622

9780806699936 9780806695587 9780806699837

$9.99 $13.99 $5.99

9780806670799 9780806695396 9780806670690

9780806699745 9780806695495 9780806699639

9780806699943 9780806695594 9780806699844

$9.99 $13.99 $5.99

9780806697383 9780806699752 9780806699646 9780806695501

9780806697406 9780806699950 9780806699851 9780806695600

$34.99 $9.99 $5.99 $13.99

SPARK CLASSROOM PRETEEN (GRADES 5 & 6) Director CD Leader Guide Learner Leaflets Lesson Prep DVD

9780806699110 9780806698823 9780806698724 9780806699059

9781451400250 9780806699356 9780806699257 9780806699455

9780806696980 9780806670805 9780806670706 9780806695402

Also available (use with all ages): Bible Stickers, 5-Pk. Songbook Song CD


CC18 P12.indd 12

9780806670621 9780806695853 9780806695860

$6.99 $22.99 $19.99

See page 1 for symbol explanation. | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


3/8/18 2:58 PM


Spark Classroom— Explore key stories from Genesis to Paul’s letters • One curriculum engages children from age 2 to grade 6 • Use hands-on activities like interactive games and creative crafts to make learning exciting • Journey through the Bible with Old and New Testament stories

A Quick Order Form is available on for Spark Classroom and Spark Lectionary Curriculum.

Spark Lectionary— Connect worship and Sunday school • Engage children from age 2 to grade 6 with one curriculum • Follow a three-year curriculum with fall, winter, and spring quarters that correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary • Connect children with the Bible with programming that ensures they interact with the Bible in every lesson Save on shipping—sign up for Cokesbury’s Quarterly Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program today.

SPARK LECTIONARY A three-year curriculum, with fall, winter, and spring quarters each year. The lessons correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary, helping kids get more out of both worship and Sunday school. Sparkhouse. FALL 2018 / YEAR B

WINTER 2018–19 / YEAR C






9780806670812 9780806695419 9780806670713

9780806699769 9780806695518 9780806699653

9780806699967 9780806695617 9780806699868

$9.99 $13.99 $5.99

PRE-K–K Leader Guide Lesson Prep DVD Learner Leaflets

9780806670829 9780806695426 9780806670720

9780806699776 9780806695525 9780806699660

9780806699974 9780806695624 9780806699875

$9.99 $13.99 $5.99

GRADES 1–2 Leader Guide Lesson Prep DVD Learner Leaflets

9780806670836 9780806695433 9780806670737

9780806699783 9780806695532 9780806699684

9780806699981 9780806695631 9780806699882

$9.99 $13.99 $5.99

GRADES 3–4 Leader Guide Lesson Prep DVD Learner Leaflets

9780806670843 9780806695440 9780806670744

9780806699790 9780806695549 9780806699691

9780806699998 9780806695648 9780806699899

$9.99 $13.99 $5.99

9780806697390 9780806699806 9780806699707 9780806695556

9780806697413 9780806695112 9780806699905 9780806695655

$34.99 $9.99 $5.99 $13.99

Director CD AGES 2–3 Leader Guide Lesson Prep DVD Learner Leaflets


SPARK LECTIONARY PRETEEN (GRADES 5 & 6) Director CD Leader Guide Learner Leaflets Lesson Prep DVD

9780806696997 9780806670850 9780806670751 9780806695457

Visit for more details on Spark Curriculum options. CC18

CC18 P12.indd 13

Shop the online catalog at


3/8/18 2:59 PM

Activate Faith with Spark Comprehensive, Bible-based Sunday school designed for children age 2 to grade 6

NEW! SPARK ALL KIDS: Year Orange Spark All Kids is for all children from kindergarten to grade 6. The Leader Guide offers step-by-step guidance to prepare leaders for each Sunday. It also includes reproducible materials like family, activity, and coloring pages. Learner Packs help kids explore Bible story themes in class and on their own with creative, hands-on activities, interactive games, crafts, interesting facts, and ideas for continuing the lesson outside of class. Sparkhouse. Coming in May.

Leader Guides Learner Packs

$24.99 $7.99

9781506448657 9781506448640 9781506448794 9781506448800

Fall Leader Guide Fall Learner Pack Winter Leader Guide Winter Learner Pack

9781506448817 9781506448824 9781506448831 9781506448848

Spring Leader Guide Spring Learner Pack Summer Leader Guide Summer Learner Pack

Spark Story Bible

Spark Bible NRSV

150 of the most popular and foundational Bible stories. Age 2–Grade 2.

With stickers and reflective questions. Grades 3–6.

9780806670492 Hardcover


9780806670485 Softcover $19.99 9781451401936 Hardcover $24.99

Visit for more details on Spark Curriculum options. See page 1 for symbol explanation.


CC18 P14.indd 14 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


3/9/18 1:08 PM


Spark All Kids— Engage students in a multi-age Sunday school setting • Leadership opportunities for older children through buddy activities and intentional relationship building • Two-year curriculum includes the salvation story each year Save on shipping of Spark All Kids—sign up for Cokesbury’s Quarterly Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program today.

Spark Rotation— Dive deep with Bible story workshops • Use eight different workshops for each Bible story to make learning exciting • Introduce kids to 48 Bible stories through art, music, cooking, and more


A Quick Order Form is available on for Spark Rotation resources.

Introduce kids in three age brackets (preschool, lower elementary, and upper elementary) to 48 Bible stories through art, music, cooking, and more. Workshop options include: art, Bible skills and games, computer lab, cooking, creative drama, music, science, and video. Sparkhouse. Printed lesson materials are provided by story or you can access leader content for all stories with a Sparkhouse online subscription. Leader Guides Director CDs

$42.99 $12.99

OLD TESTAMENT STORY Creation The First Sin Noah’s Ark Abraham and Sarah Isaac and Rebekah Joseph and His Brothers Joseph and Pharaoh Baby Moses The Burning Bush The Plagues The Red Sea Wandering in the Wilderness The Battle of Jericho Ruth (Ruth 1:1-22; 2:1-17) Hannah and Samuel David Soloman Builds a Temple Queen Esther The Lord Is My Shepherd Daniel and the Lions Jonah and the Big Fish


CC18 P14.indd 15

LEADER GUIDE 9780806695129 9780806695136 9780806698939 9780806698946 9780806698953 9780806695143 9780806695150 9780806695693 9780806695709 9780806695679 9780806695686 9781451400137 9780806695761 9780806695181 9781451400267 9780806695754 9781451400281 9780806695167 9781451400335 9781451400274 9780806698922

DIRECTOR CD 9780806697000 9780806697017 9780806699189 9780806699196 9780806699202 9780806697024 9780806697031 9780806697475 9780806697482 9780806697451 9780806697468 9781451400236 9780806697543 9780806697062 9781451400342 9780806697536 9781451400366 9780806697048 9781451400410 9781451400359 9780806699172

NEW TESTAMENT STORY Advent and Christmas Jesus Is Born The Lord’s Prayer House on a Rock A Storm The Sower Walking on Water Holy Week and Easter The Widow’s Offering Jesus and John the Baptist The Disciples Four Friends Banquet with Simon The Good Samaritan Mary and Martha The Lost Sheep and Lost Coin The Prodigal Son Ten Men Healed Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday Wedding at Cana The Woman at the Well Jesus Feeds 5,000 The Last Supper Doubting Thomas Lydia Love Is... Fruit of the Spirit

Shop the online catalog at

LEADER GUIDE 9780806698915 9780806695198 9781451400304 9780806698885 9781451400083 9780806698892 9781451400090 9780806695747 9781451400328 9781451400151 9780806695792 9780806695778 9780806695174 9780806695808 9780806695730 9780806698908 9781451400144 9781451400311 9781451400120 9781451400113 9781451400106 9781451400298 9780806695723 9780806695716 9780806695785 9780806695822 9780806695815

DIRECTOR CD 9780806699165 9780806697079 9781451400373 9780806699134 9781451400168 9780806699141 9781451400175 9780806697529 9781451400403 9781451400243 9780806697574 9780806697550 9780806697055 9780806697581 9780806697512 9780806699158 9781451400229 9781451400397 9781451400212 9781451400199 9781451400182 9781451400380 9780806697505 9780806697499 9780806697567 9780806697604 9780806697598


3/9/18 1:09 PM

Put a new spin on Sunday school with Whirl— designed for children age Pre-K to grade 6

WHIRL LECTIONARY Put a new spin on Sunday School with Scripture–based lessons with engaging animations that help kids relate the Bible to their lives! Every Whirl Lectionary Sunday school lesson follows a four-part sequence: Welcome, Hear, Respond, and Launch (WHIRL!). Each week, leaders WELCOME kids and invite them to warm up with an activity on the front panel of their leaflets. Then kids watch an animated video with the Whirl Kids based on a theme that connects them to the Bible story and to real-life situations. Next, they dive into the Whirl Story Bible or Whirl NRSV Bible together, respond to the Scripture lesson with creative leaflet activities, and circle up to review the lesson and pray before being sent out. Summer quarters use the expanded Summer Director Guide which brings kids of all ages together for a fun group experience. Sparkhouse. Connect worship and Sunday school. This 3–year curriculum follows the Revised Common Lectionary and helps kids understand the Christian Year and its seasons.

PRE-K–K Leader Pack Learner Pack DVD (Pre-K–Grade 2) GRADES 1–2 Leader Pack Learner Pack DVD (Pre-K–Grade 2) GRADES 3–4 Leader Pack Learner Pack DVD (Grade 3–6)






9781451498295 9781451498301 9781451498370

9781451498400 9781451498417 9781451498486

9781451498516 9781451498523 9781451498608

$10.99 $6.99 $24.99

9781451498318 9781451498325 9781451498370

9781451498424 9781451498431 9781451498486

9781451498530 9781451498547 9781451498608

$10.99 $6.99 $24.99

9781451498332 9781451498349 9781451498387

9781451498448 9781451498455 9781451498493

9781451498554 9781451498561 9781451498615

$10.99 $6.99 $24.99

$10.99 $6.99

Lectionary Songbook 9781451484816 Lectionary Song CD 9781451484823 Lectionary Floor Mat 9781451484830 Wall Chart, Year B–C 2018–19 9781506450520

$22.99 $19.99 $59.99 $16.99


9781451498356 9781451498363

9781451498462 9781451498479

9781451498585 9781451498592




See page 18 for special Whirl Bibles.

Also available: Director Guide


$29.99 See page 1 for symbol explanation.


CC18 P16.indd 16 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


3/8/18 3:01 PM



Whirl Lectionary— Connect kids with church life • Lectionary-centered Sunday school for Pre-K–grade 6 • Three-year curriculum follows the Revised Common Lectionary, with materials for fall, winter, and spring • Animated characters model what it’s like for kids to go through questions and challenges of living out their faith

A Quick Order Form is available on for Whirl Classroom and Whirl Lectionary resources.

Whirl Classroom—Journey through the Salvation Story • Engage children from Pre-K–grade 6 • Use an interactive wall chart that helps kids identify themes and sections of the Bible • 80 key stories from the Old and New Testaments Save on shipping—sign up for Cokesbury’s Quarterly Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program today.

WHIRL CLASSROOM Whirl Classroom is a Bible-based Sunday school curriculum that’s relatable to kids and relevant to life. Animated characters model what it’s like for kids to go through the questions and challenges of living out their faith. Whirl Classroom reaches kids from kindergarten to grade six, featuring Scripture-centered lessons created by developers from our mainline partners. Sparkhouse. This two–year curriculum covers 80 key Bible stories and themes from the Old Testament to the New Testament. YEAR GOLD PRE-K–K Leader Pack Learner Pack DVD (Pre-K–Gr. 2)

FALL 2018

WINTER 2018–19 SPRING 2019

9781506416205 9781506416212 9781506416281

9781506416359 9781506416366 9781506416434

9781506416465 9781506416472 9781506416540

$10.99 $6.99 $24.99

YEAR BLUE PRE-K–K Leader Pack Learner Pack DVD (Pre-K–Gr. 2)

GRADES 1–2 Leader Pack Learner Pack DVD (Pre-K–Gr. 2)

9781506416229 9781506416236 9781506416281

9781506416373 9781506416380 9781506416434

9781506416489 9781506416496 9781506416540

$10.99 $6.99 $24.99

GRADES 3–4 Leader Pack Learner Pack DVD (Gr. 3–6)

9781506416243 9781506416250 9781506416298

9781506416397 9781506416403 9781506416441

9781506416502 9781506416519 9781506416557

$10.99 $6.99 $24.99

9781506416526 9781506416533 9781506416564

$10.99 $6.99 $29.99


WHIRL CLASSROOM PRETEEN (GRADES 5–6) Leader Pack Learner Pack Director Guide Wall Chart 2018–19 (Pre-K–Grade 2) (Grades 3–6)


CC18 P16.indd 17

WINTER 2018–19 SPRING 2019

9781506427614 9781506427621 9781506427690

9781506427744 9781506427751 9781506427829

9781506427850 9781506427867 9781506427935

$10.99 $6.99 $24.99

GRADES 1–2 Leader Pack Learner Pack DVD (Pre-K–Gr. 2)

9781506427638 9781506427645 9781506427690

9781506427768 9781506427775 9781506427829

9781506427874 9781506427881 9781506427935

$10.99 $6.99 $24.99

GRADES 3–4 Leader Pack Learner Pack DVD (Gr. 3–6)

9781506427652 9781506427669 9781506427706

9781506427782 9781506427799 9781506427836

9781506427898 9781506427904 9781506427942

$10.99 $6.99 $24.99

9781506427676 9781506427683 9781506427713

9781506427805 9781506427812 9781506427843

9781506427911 9781506427928 9781506427959

$10.99 $6.99 $29.99

9781506416342 9781506416335

$16.99 $16.99

Leader Pack Learner Pack Director Guide Wall Chart 2018–19 (Pre-K–Grade 2) (Grades 3–6)

9781506416571 9781506418377 9781506416595

$34.99 $19.99 $22.99

Summer 2019 Director Guide Song CD Songbook

9781506416267 9781506416274 9781506416304

9781506416410 9781506416427 9781506416458

Also available:

Summer 2019 Director Guide Song CD Songbook

FALL 2018


9781506427737 9781506427720

$16.99 $16.99

9781506427966 9781506418377 9781506416595

$34.99 $19.99 $22.99

also available:

Shop the online catalog at


3/8/18 3:01 PM


NEW THIS YEAR: WHIRL ALL KIDS! •M akes Scripture relevant for all kids with characters kids can relate to and a Bible-centered approach • Leverage Learner Packs as takehome pieces with 7 different ways families can put their faith into action • Engage children pre-K–grade 5 DVD

13 S




per quarter CD-ROM

NEW! WHIRL ALL KIDS: Year Gold Whirl All Kids is a Bible-based Sunday school curriculum that’s relatable to kids and relevant to life. Animated characters model what it’s like for kids to go through the questions and challenges of living out their faith. This product is designed to reach all kids in one classroom from kindergarten to grade five. Each lesson is centered on Scripture and is created by developers from our mainline partners. Lastly, kids will have the chance to bring home a Learner Pak filled with family activities that put faith to action throughout the week. Sparkhouse. Coming in May. The Leader Guide includes instructions for each lesson, plus reproducible materials like worship bulletins and coloring pages. Each Learner Pack contains leaflets for each lesson in a unit, designed for interactivity and to keep the Bible story relevant. The DVD contains animated videos that help set up the lesson each week. The Whirl kids address theological concepts with creative, light-hearted wit that will leave kids wanting to watch them again and again. Leader Guides Learner Packs DVDs 9781506448671 9781506448664 9781506448688 9781506448855 9781506448862 9781506449135

$24.99 $6.99 $24.99 Fall Leader Guide Fall Learner Pack Fall DVD Winter Leader Guide Winter Learner Pack Winter DVD

9781506448879 9781506448893 9781506448886 9781506448909 9781506448916 9781506449142

Spring Leader Guide Spring Learner Pack Spring DVD Summer Leader Guide Summer Learner Pack Summer DVD

Whirl Story Bible

Whirl Bible NRSV

Contains more than 120 stories that correspond to the lessons in Whirl Lectionary Sunday school. Pre-K to grade 2. Sparkhouse.

This complete NRSV Bible helps kids grades 3–6 dig into the Scripture passage for every lesson in the Whirl curriculum. Includes a complete listing of the Revised Common Lectionary readings in the three-year lectionary. Sparkhouse.

9781451484786 Hardcover $19.99

See page 1 for symbol explanation.


CC18 P18.indd 18 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants

9781451484809 Softcover $19.99 9781451484793 Hardcover $24.99 CC18

3/9/18 1:15 PM


• Ignite a biblical imagination that lasts a lifetime • Use 10 units that can be covered in 2 years • Spans both the Old and New Testaments • Grades K–4

A Quick Order Form is available on for Holy Moly resources.

HOLY MOLY Holy Moly includes ten units that can be covered in two years, spanning the Old Testament and New Testament. Every Holy Moly lesson follows a four-part sequence: Discover, Relate, Connect, and Create. Each week, kids watch an animated Bible story video, talk about the story, read their Bible Storybook or Bible, and try a creative Learner Pak activity. Sparkhouse. Holy Moly resources are available for kids in kindergarten through fourth grades by unit or as downloadable lessons à la carte, or you can access content for all lessons with a Sparkhouse Online subscription. YEAR 1




Unit 1 Leader Pack Learner Pack DVD

9781451425895 9781451425888 9781451425925

9781451425918 9781451425901 9781451425925

$10.99 $5.99 $34.99

9781451425956 9781451425949 9781451425987

9781451425970 9781451425963 9781451425987

$6.99 $3.99 $24.99

9781451426014 9781451426007 9781451426045

9781451426038 9781451426021 9781451426045

$10.99 $5.99 $34.99

Unit 2 Leader Pack Learner Pack DVD


CC18 P18.indd 19

Leader Pack Learner Pack DVD

9781451451979 9781451451962 9781451452006

9781451451993 9781451451986 9781451452006

$10.99 $5.99 $34.99

Leader Pack Learner Pack DVD

9781451452037 9781451452020 9781451425987

9781451452051 9781451452044 9781451425987

$6.99 $3.99 $24.99

Leader Pack Learner Pack DVD

9781451452099 9781451452082 9781451452129

9781451452112 9781451452105 9781451452129

$10.99 $5.99 $34.99

9781451452150 9781451452143 9781451426106

9781451452174 9781451452167 9781451426106

$6.99 $3.99 $24.99

9781451480191 9781451480207 9781451480184

9781451480214 9781451480221 9781451480184

$3.99 $6.99 $24.99

Unit 4 9781451426076 9781451426069 9781451426106

9781451426090 9781451426083 9781451426106

$6.99 $3.99 $24.99

9781451480139 9781451480146 9781451480122

9781451480153 9781451480160 9781451480122

$3.99 $6.99 $24.99

Unit 5 Leader Pack Learner Pack DVD


Unit 3

Unit 4 Leader Pack Learner Pack DVD


Unit 2

Unit 3 Leader Pack Learner Pack DVD


Unit 1

Leader Pack Learner Pack DVD

Unit 5 Leader Pack Learner Pack DVD

Shop the online catalog at

Holy Moly Bible Storybooks Help pre-Bible readers (grade K–2) remember and relate to the Bible story through engaging, rhyming language and vibrant, colorful illustrations. Sparkhouse. 9781451425932 9781451425994 9781451426052 9781451426113 9781451480177 9781451452013 9781451425994 9781451452136 9781451426113 9781451480238

Year 1, Unit 1 Year 1, Unit 2 Year 1, Unit 3 Year 1, Unit 4 Year 1, Unit 5 Year 2, Unit 1 Year 2, Unit 2 Year 2, Unit 3 Year 2, Unit 4 Year 2, Unit 5

$7.99 $5.99 $7.99 $5.99 $5.99 $7.99 $5.99 $7.99 $5.99 $5.99


3/9/18 1:16 PM

HEARTSHAPER Children of all ages will be led to discover God’s love and interact with the Bible in a way that truly relates to their lives. HeartShaper provides fun, focused Bible lessons that are perfect for classroom-based learning. Lessons can be adapted to large classes that are age-specific or small classes that include a range of ages and abilities. David C Cook Publishing. Designed for toddlers through preteens. Each Teacher’s Convenience Kit includes a Teacher Book, activity resources, take-home resources, and a resource CD-ROM (music, printable files, teacher resources). TODDLERS & TWOS Teacher’s Convenience Kit Teacher Book

FALL 2018

WINTER 2018–19




9780784778319 9780784739181 9780784739686 9780784740187 9780784778326 9780784739198 9780784739693 9780784740194

$44.99 $8.99

PRESCHOOL Teacher’s Convenience Kit Teacher Book Resources Student (Make-n-Share) Teaching Pictures Take-Home Papers Pack of 5

9780784778333 9780784739211 9780784778340 9780784739228 9780784778357 9780784739235 9780784778364 9780784739242 9780784778371 9780784739259 9780784778388 9780784739266

9780784739716 9780784740217 9780784739723 9780784740224 9780784739730 9780784740231 9780784739747 9780784740248 9780784739754 9780784740255 9780784739761 9780784740262

$59.99 $8.99 $20.99 $5.49 $20.99 $22.99

PRE-K & K Teacher’s Convenience Kit Teacher Book Resources Student (Make-n-Share) Teaching Pictures Take-Home Papers Pack of 5

9780784778395 9780784739273 9780784778401 9780784739280 9780784778418 9780784739297 9780784778425 9780784739303 9780784778371 9780784739259 9780784778388 9780784739266

9780784739778 9780784740279 9780784739785 9780784740286 9780784739792 9780784740293 9780784739808 9780784740309 9780784739754 9780784740255 9780784739761 9780784740262

$59.99 $8.99 $20.99 $5.49 $20.99 $22.99

EARLY ELEMENTARY Teacher’s Convenience Kit Teacher Book Resources Student Activities Teaching Pictures Take-Home Papers Pack of 5

9780784778432 9780784739310 9780784778449 9780784739327 9780784778456 9780784739334 9780784778463 9780784739341 9780784778487 9780784739365 9780784778470 9780784739358

9780784739815 9780784740316 9780784739822 9780784740323 9780784739839 9780784740330 9780784739846 9780784740347 9780784739860 9780784740361 9780784739853 9780784740354

$59.99 $8.99 $20.99 $5.49 $20.99 $22.99


CC18 P20.indd 20 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


3/8/18 3:08 PM


• Life application focus • Adaptable format • For toddlers–preteens

13 S



per quarter S

MIDDLE ELEMENTARY Teacher’s Convenience Kit Teacher Book Resources Student Kidz Chat Take-Home Papers Pack of 5

FALL 2018

A Quick Order Form is available on for HeartShaper Curriculum. Save on shipping—sign up for Cokesbury’s Quarterly

Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program today.

WINTER 2018–19


9780784778494 9780784739372 9780784778500 9780784739389 9780784778517 9780784739396 9780784778524 9780784739402 9780784778531 9780784739419



9780784739877 9780784740378 9780784739884 9780784740385 9780784739891 9780784740392 9780784739907 9780784740408 9780784739914 9780784740415

$39.99 $8.99 $20.99 $5.49 $22.99

9780784739921 9780784739938 9780784739945 9780784739952 9780784739969

$39.99 $8.99 $20.99 $5.49 $22.99

HEARTSHAPER PRETEEN (GRADES 5–6) Teacher’s Convenience Kit Teacher Book Resources Student Live Wire Take-Home Papers (Pack of 5)

9780784778548 9780784778555 9780784778562 9780784778579 9780784778586

9780784739426 9780784739433 9780784739440 9780784739457 9780784739464

9780784740422 9780784740439 9780784740446 9780784740453 9780784740460

NEW Heartshaper Bible Storybook Bible Stories to Fill Young Hearts with God’s Word Catherine DeVries; Illustrated by Laura Logan Young readers will love the HeartShaper Bible Storybook. Children join Emma, Jackson, Olivia, Jacob, Bailey, and Kira as they explore the many lessons found in God’s Word. This unique storybook Bible also includes questions at the end of each story that make great discussion starters for exploring Scripture and seeing how it applies to everyday life. Parents will enjoy memorizing Scripture with their children using the “Hiding God’s Word in My Heart” memory verse that concludes each story. The HeartShaper Bible Storybook will help fill young hearts with God’s Word. Ages 4–8. David C Cook Publishing. Coming in June. 9780781412735


$16.99; $12.49

See page 1 for symbol explanation.


CC18 P20.indd 21

Shop the online catalog at


3/8/18 3:09 PM

HANDS-ON BIBLE CURRICULUM Jesus had a knack for connecting eternal truths with everyday symbols his audience could touch and taste—things like coins and fish. You’ll do the same with Hands-On Bible Curriculum! When “play” turns into “active learning,” you’re teaching in a way that God wired your kids to learn best! The Learning Lab has just the tools you need to lead a successful Sunday school class: creative gizmos that help kids experience God’s Word, kid-tested Bible Discovery Paks, CD with music and sound effects, and unique sensory teaching tools. Everything you need to connect kids to Jesus—in fun, unforgettable ways! Group Publishing. Learning Labs include Bible Discovery Paks, creative gizmos, CD with music, sound effects, and unique sensory teaching effects. Share kid-friendly take-home pages and reproducible handouts that extend learning into children’s families. FALL 2018

WINTER 2018–19



TODDLERS & TWOS Teacher Guide Learning Lab Additional CD-ROM

9781470752040 1210000304209 1210000304056

9781470752897 1210000304636 1210000304698

9781470753931 1210000306050 1210000306111

9781470754631 1210000306494 1210000306555

$29.99 $114.99 $9.99

PRESCHOOL Teacher Guide Learning Lab Additional CD-ROM

9781470752057 1210000304216 1210000304063

9781470752903 1210000304643 1210000304704

9781470753924 1210000306067 1210000306128

9781470754648 1210000306500 1210000306562

$29.99 $114.99 $9.99

PRE-K & K Teacher Guide Learning Lab Additional CD-ROM

9781470752064 1210000304223 1210000304070

9781470752910 1210000304650 1210000304711

9781470753948 1210000306074 1210000306135

9781470754655 1210000306517 1210000306579

$29.99 $114.99 $9.99

GRADES 1 & 2 Teacher Guide Learning Lab Additional CD-ROM

9781470752071 1210000304230 1210000304087

9781470752927 1210000304667 1210000304728

9781470753955 1210000306081 1210000306142

9781470754662 1210000306524 1210000306586

$29.99 $114.99 $9.99


CC18 P22.indd 22 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants

PRICE (each quarter)


3/8/18 3:14 PM


• Active learning • Memorable “one-point” lessons • Ages 18 months–13 years

13 S



per quarter S

A Quick Order Form is available on for Hands-On Bible Curriculum. Save on shipping—sign up for Cokesbury’s Quarterly Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program today.

GRADES 3 & 4 Teacher Guide Learning Lab Additional CD-ROM

FALL 2018

WINTER 2018–19



9781470752088 1210000304247 1210000304094

9781470752934 1210000304674 1210000304735

9781470753962 1210000306098 1210000306159

9781470754679 1210000306531 1210000306593

$29.99 $114.99 $9.99




Also available: Hands-On Bible Curriculum Super Value Set 552372 552384 (includes 6 Learning Labs and 6 Teacher Guides—one for each age level) 3-Lesson Mini Kit for Pre-K & K 9781470713706 3-Lesson Mini Kit for Grades 3 & 4 9781470713713 Cuddles the Lamb Puppet 646847106507 Whiskers the Puppet 646847106484 Pockets the Puppet 646847106491

PRICE (each qtr.)

$24.99 $19.99 $34.99 $34.99 $34.99

HANDS-ON BIBLE PRETEEN (GRADES 5–6) 9781470752095 1210000304254 1210000304100

Teacher Guide Learning Lab Additional CD-ROM

9781470752941 1210000304681 1210000304742

My First Hands-On Bible NLT The preschooler version of the popular Hands-On Bible uses the same experiencebased learning to communicate God’s Word in an active, understandable way. Ages 3–6. Tyndale House. 9781496406439 9781414348308

Softcover Hardcover

$12.99; $8.99 $16.99; $12.49

9781470753979 1210000306104 1210000306166

9781470754686 1210000306548 1210000306609

$29.99 $114.99 $9.99

Hands-On Bible, Revised Includes Hands-On Bible Experiences, Key Verse Activities, Bible Hero Biographies, Bible Book Introductions, Fun Facts, a Where to Turn When I’m...index, kid-friendly Q&A, charts, maps and more. Ages 6–12. Tyndale House. 9781414337692 9781414398549 9781414398532

Softcover Pink LeatherLike Blue LeatherLike

$19.99; $13.99 $39.99; $27.99 $39.99; $27.99

See page 1 for symbol explanation. CC18

CC18 P22.indd 23

Shop the online catalog at


3/8/18 3:14 PM

GOSPEL LIGHT SUNDAY SCHOOL: Give Me Jesus Confidently teach the Bible in relevant and creative ways. Each element engages kids and connects them to trustworthy Bible truths. Fun and meaningful activities, games, student guides, and compelling visual aids make Bible lessons come alive. David C Cook Publishing. Gospel Light’s unique teaching method requires less preparation; Teacher’s Guides provide built-in teaching tips, training, and weekly devotionals. Lessons are clearly outlined and simple to prepare. BABY BEGINNINGS AGES 0–36 MOS. Annual Nursery Kit (1 Teacher Guide, 1 Visual Resource, 10 Activity Pages, 10 Take-Home Papers, 1 Preschool Music CD) Annual Nursery Smart/DVD Annual Teacher Guide (Ages 0–18 mos.) Annual Teacher Guide (Ages 18 mos.–36 mos.) Annual Story Picture Cards Annual Nursery Posters Annual “I Love to Sing” CD

FALL 2018 WINTER 2018–19 SPRING 2019 SUMMER 2019 9780830746743

PRICE (each qtr.) $139.99

9780830744985 9780830744961 9780830746699 9780830746705 9780830744978 9780830771585

PRESCHOOL AGES 2 & 3 Classroom Kit (1 Teacher Guide, 1 Visual Resource, 10 Activity Pages, 9780830762675 9780830762934 9780830763191 9780830763443 10 Take-Home Papers, 1 Preschool Music CD) Teacher Guide 9780830762637 9780830762897 9780830763146 9780830763405 TalkTime Activity Pages 9780830762644 9780830762903 9780830763153 9780830763412 See additional resources under Pre-K & Ages 4 & 5 PRE-K & K AGES 4 & 5 Classroom Kit (1 Teacher Guide, 1 Visual Resource, 10 Activity Pages, 10 Take-Home Papers, 1 Worship CD) Teacher Guide TalkTime Activity Pages Family FunTime Pages (Take-Home Papers) (also use with Preschool) Visual Resource (also use with Preschool ages 2 & 3)





9780830762699 9780830762941 9780830763207 9780830763450 9780830762705 9780830762958 9780830763221 9780830763467 9780830762651 9780830762910 9780830763160 9780830763429 9780830762668 9780830762927 9780830763177 9780830763436

EARLY ELEMENTARY GRADES 1 & 2 Classroom Kit (1 Teacher Guide, 2 Kids Talk Cards, 2 Family Fridge 9780830769834 9780830769933 9780830770052 9780830770151 Fun, 1 Pack of Family Fridge Fun Magnets, 1 Poster Pack, 1 Worship CD) Teacher Guide 9780830769773 9780830769896 9780830770007 9780830770113 Kids Talk Cards, Pack of 5 9780830769780 9780830769902 9780830770014 9780830770120 See additional resources under Elementary grades 3 & 4


CC18 P24.indd 24 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants

$39.99 $19.99 $19.99 $5.99 $29.99 $24.99 $149.99 $12.99 $6.99

$149.99 $12.99 $6.99 $6.99 $27.99 $149.99 $16.99 $24.99 CC18

3/8/18 3:20 PM


• Engaging and imaginative lessons • Convenient quarterly kits • Age-appropriate materials for children ages 0–12 •U sed with every age, children will go through the whole Bible four times from nursery age through 6th grade.

13 S



per quarter




A Quick Order Form is available on for Gospel Light Sunday School.

Save on shipping—sign up for Cokesbury’s Quarterly Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program today.

ELEMENTARY GRADES 3 & 4 FALL 2018 WINTER 2018–19 SPRING 2019 SUMMER 2019 PRICE (each qtr.) Classroom Kit (1 Teacher Guide, 2 Kids Talk Cards, 2 Family Fridge Fun, 9780830769865 9780830769971 9780830770083 9780830770199 $149.99 2-Pack of Family Fridge Fun Magnets, 1 Poster Pack, 1 Worship CD) Teacher Guide 9780830769841 9780830769940 9780830770069 9780830770175 $16.99 Kids Talk Cards, Pack of 5 9780830769858 9780830769957 9780830770076 9780830770182 $24.99 Family Fridge Fun, Pack of 5 (also use with Early Elementary grades 1 & 2) 9780830769803 9780830769919 9780830770038 9780830770137 $27.99 Bible Teaching Poster Pack (also use with Early Elementary grades 1 & 2) 9780830769810 9780830769926 9780830770045 9780830770144 $19.99 Get Going! Worship CD (also use with Early Elementary grades 1 & 2) 9780830766758 9780830766758 9780830766758 9780830766758 $16.99 Get Going! Worship DVD (also use with Early Elementary grades 1 & 2) 9780830769889 9780830769995 9780830770106 9780830770212 $16.99 Also available: Skitter the Squirrel Puppet 607135016434 $24.99 Preschool Music CD – Year B 607135016014 $24.99 Preschool Music DVD – Year B 607135015604 $24.99

GOSPEL LIGHT SUNDAY SCHOOL: The Edge (Preteens, grades 5 & 6) Gospel Light’s proven preteen course will challenge and inspire kids grades 5–6 with God’s love and biblical truth and bring it home in a way that helps them relate to their everyday life. The Preteen Quarterly Kit has everything you need for one teacher and 10 students in one convenient box. The Kit includes: 1 Teacher Guide, 1 Visual Edge Poster Pack, 1 Sonic Edge CD Year 2, 10 copies Student Guides, and 10 copies Get the Edge Comics (Take-Home Papers). FALL 2018 WINTER 2018–19 SPRING 2019 SUMMER 2019 Kit 9780830762880 9780830763139 9780830763399 9780830765102 Teacher Guide 9780830736065 9780830736102 9780830736157 9780830736195 Visual Resource 9780830736072 9780830736119 9780830736164 9780830736201 Student Guide 9780830736089 9780830736126 9780830736171 9780830736225 Take-Home Papers 9780830736096 9780830736133 9780830736188 9780830736218 Also available: Sonic Edge Music CD 607135009924 $24.99 Extra Edge DVD 607135009900 $24.99

PRICE (each qtr.) $149.99 $12.99 $27.99 $6.99 $6.99

GOSPEL LIGHT: More Jesus! Large Group Kits (grades 1–4) Everything you need to teach your large group assembly (grades 1–4) and small group classes, all in one convenient kit. Each Quarterly Kit contains a Leader Guide with reproducible CD-ROM (not sold separately); Mix It Up! Media DVD; and one copy of the reproducible Get Going! Worship CD. YEAR B Elementary Large-Group Kit Elementary Large-Group Leader Guide Mix It Up! Media DVD Get Going! Worship CD

FALL 2018 9780830762866 9780830762835 9780830762842 9780830762828

WINTER 2018–19 9780830763115 9780830763092 9780830763108 9780830763085

SPRING 2019 SUMMER 2019 PRICE (each qtr.) 9780830763382 9780830763627 $209.99 9780830763344 9780830763610 $139.99 9780830763368 9780830763603 $99.99 9780830763320 9780830763566 $10.99

See page 1 for symbol explanation.


CC18 P24.indd 25

Shop the online catalog at


3/8/18 3:20 PM


• Engaging and imaginative • Explores the eight attributes of God • Ages 3–12 / Preschool–grade 6 per quarter

13 S




A Quick Order Form is available on for Buzz.

BUZZ Buzz helps you take the sting out of teaching Sunday school for preschool through 6th grade. Your volunteers can be ready at a moment’s notice—everything you need is included in the kits. Each quarter, kids learn Bible truths they will remember for a lifetime. Buzz takes kids and teachers on a journey to explore eight attributes of God. Kids will know God and feel God’s love like never before. Group Publishing. Kit components include: Direction Book, 2 Extra Leader Devotions, Extra CD, Faith Buzz at Home, and various object lesson pieces. FALL 2018

WINTER 2018–19



PRESCHOOL AGES 3 & 4 Kit Kit Theme Extra Leader Devotions Extra CD

1210000304179 Amigos 9781470752163 1210000304285

1210000304810 Family Tree 9781470753047 1210000304827

1210000306203 To the Rescue 9781470754075 1210000306258

1210000306647 Peek-A-Boo 9781470754785 1210000306692


PRE-K & K AGES 5 & 6 Kit Kit Theme Extra Leader Devotions Extra CD

1210000304186 Eenie Meenie 9781470752170 1210000304292

1210000304841 Gracias 9781470753054 1210000304834

1210000306210 Flip Flops 9781470754082 1210000306265

1210000306654 Dreamz-z-z 9781470754792 1210000306708


GRADES 1 & 2 Kit Kit Theme Extra Leader Devotions Extra CD

1210000304193 Royal Ball 9781470752187 1210000304308

1210000304803 Twist’n Turns 9781470753030 1210000304797

1210000306227 Crash 9781470754099 1210000306272

1210000306661 Squabble 9781470754808 1210000306715


GRADES 3 & 4 Kit Kit Theme Extra Leader Devotions Extra CD

1210000304261 Conquest 9781470752194 1210000304315

1210000304773 Paradox 9781470753023 1210000304780

1210000306234 Tempest Out 9781470754105 1210000306289

1210000306678 Wisdom Vault 9781470754815 1210000306722





Mini Kit: Gross Me Out (Gr. 3–4)



1210000306241 Perplexity 9781470754112 1210000306296

1210000306685 Txt Messages 9781470754822 1210000306739


VALUE SET! SAVE OVER $100 552192 552204 (1 kit from each of the 5 age levels, including Grades 5 & 6) Mini Kit: Flip Lops (PreK–K) 9781470704681 $19.99

PRICE (each qtr.)

$2.99 $7.99

$2.99 $7.99

$2.99 $7.99

$2.99 $7.99

PRETEEN BUZZ (GRADES 5 & 6) Kit Kit Theme Extra Leader Devotions Extra CD


CC18 P26.indd 26

1210000304278 Skirmish 9781470752200 1210000304322

1210000304766 Whozit? 9781470753016 1210000304759 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants

$2.99 $7.99 CC18

3/8/18 3:25 PM


• African American centric resources • Dated lessons follow the International Uniform Lesson Series • For preschool through adults

A Quick Order Form is available on for Urban Ministries Inc.

URBAN MINISTRIES, INC. This Bible-based Sunday school curriculum from Urban Ministries, Inc. is anchored in family and church values. It’s specially designed to empower African American children, youth, and adults for successful Christian living by applying the Word of God to situations unique to their heritage and lifestyle. Urban Ministries, Inc. The quarterly UMI curriculum for preschool through adults is dated and follows the International Uniform Lesson Series.


Save on shipping—sign up for Cokesbury’s Quarterly Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program today.

See page 1 for symbol explanation. CC18

CC18 P26.indd 27

Shop the online catalog at


3/8/18 3:26 PM

BIBLE-IN-LIFE: A Christ-Centered, Life-Application Approach Sound, Bible-based lessons help students put Bible truths to work in their everyday lives. Bible-in-Life lessons, dramas, activities, and crafts are Bible-based and Christ-centered, easy to teach and easy to prepare! Teachers reach students with age-appropriate methods that appeal to different learning styles. David C Cook Publishing.

FALL 2018

WINTER 2018–19 SPRING 2019

SUMMER 2019 PRICE (each qtr.)

CHILDREN TODDLER/2 AGES 18–36 MONTHS Teacher’s Guide Creative Teaching Aids Starting Steps (Craft/Take-Home)

9780781447508 9781589192850 9781589195899 9781589198791 $10.99 9780781447515 9781589192867 9781589195905 9781589196896 $22.99 9780781445948 9781589191174 9781589193888 9781589196902 $5.99

PRESCHOOL AGES 3–5 Teacher’s Guide 9780781447522 9781589191181 9781589193895 9781589196919 $10.99 Creative Teaching Aids 9780781445955 9781589191198 9781589193901 9781589198807 $22.99 Make-It/Take-It (Craft/Take-Home) 9780781447539 9781589192874 9781589193918 9781589196926 $5.99 My Sunday Pictures (Take-Home Cards) 9780781447546 9781589192898 9781589195929 9781589198814 $5.99


CC18 P28.indd 28

EARLY ELEMENTARY GRADES K & 1 Teacher’s Guide Creative Teaching Aids Bible Beginnings (Student Book) Make-It/Take-It (Craft/Take-Home) Storytime (Take-Home Paper)

9780781447553 9781589192904 9781589195950 9781589198821 $10.99 9780781447560 9781589192911 9781589195967 9781589198838 $22.99 9780781447577 9781589192928 9781589193925 9781589198845 $5.99 9780781447584 9781589192935 9781589195974 9781589198852 $5.99 9780781447591 9781589192942 9781589193932 9781589196933 $5.99

ELEMENTARY GRADES 2 & 3 Teacher’s Guide Creative Teaching Aids Bible Discoveries (Student Book) Discovery Pack (Craft Book) Friends (Take-Home Paper)

9780781445962 9781589191204 9781589195981 9781589198876 $10.99 9780781447607 9781589192959 9781589193949 9781589198883 $22.99 9780781445979 9781589192966 9781589193956 9781589198890 $5.99 9780781447614 9781589192973 9781589193963 9781589198906 $5.99 9780781445986 9781589191211 9781589193987 9781589196940 $5.99 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


3/8/18 3:36 PM


• Ages 18 months– adult • P reschool through Elementary take-homes allow parents to have ongoing interaction • Relevant content, updated introductory pages, and space to track prayer requests or classroom ideas • Includes creative downloadable postcards for birthdays and absentees. Toddlers to Adults

13 S



per quarter S

(CHILDREN CONT.) UPPER ELEMENTARY GRADES 4 & 5 Teacher’s Guide Creative Teaching Aids Bible Adventures (Student Book) PIX (Take-Home Paper)

FALL 2018

A Quick Order Form is available on for Bible-In-Life Curriculum. Save on shipping—sign up for Cokesbury’s Quarterly

Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program today.

WINTER 2018–19 SPRING 2019

SUMMER 2019 PRICE (each qtr.)

9780781445993 9781589191228 9781589193994 9781589196957 $10.99 9780781446006 9781589191235 9781589194007 9781589196964 $22.99 9780781446013 9781589192980 9781589196025 9781589198913 $5.99 9780781447621 9781589192997 9781589194014 9781589198920 $5.99

PRETEEN (MIDDLE SCHOOL GRADES 6–8) Teacher’s Guide Creative Teaching Aids The Rock (Take-Home Paper)

9780781446020 9781589191242 9781589196032 9781589198937 $10.99 9780781447638 9781589191259 9781589194021 9781589196971 $22.99 9780781447645 9781589193017 9781589196049 9781589198944 $5.99

YOUTH (HIGH SCHOOL GRADES 9–12) Teacher’s Guide Blueprint (Student Magazine)

9780781446037 9781589191266 9781589196056 9781589196988 $10.99 9781434703538 9780781406314 9780781406437 9780781406581 $6.99

ADULT COMPREHENSIVE BIBLE STUDY Kit (1 Teacher’s Guide & CTA Packet) Teacher’s Guide Creative Teaching Aids Student Book Large Print Student Book Power for Living (Take-Home Paper) The Quiet Hour (Devotional Guide) Lesson Leaflet (Visitor’s Lesson)

9780781448314 9781589193727 9781589196742 9780781445801 $22.99 9780781447652 9781589193024 9781589196063 9781589198951 $10.99 9780781447669 9781589193079 9781589196070 9781589198968 $22.99 9780781447676 9781589193086 9781589196087 9781589198975 $5.99 9780781446068 9781589191303 9781589196100 9781589199019 $6.99 9780781447683 9781589193093 9781589196094 9781589198982 $5.99 9780781447690 9781589193109 9781589194052 9781589198999 $5.99 9780781447706 9781589191297 9781589194069 9781589197015 $5.99


9780781447713 9781589191310 9781589196117 9781589199026 $10.99 9780781447720 9781589191327 9781589196124 9781589197022 $5.99

For additional supplemental children’s resources that can be used with Bible-in-Life, plus other editions of the Teacher’s Guides, visit See page 1 for symbol explanation.


CC18 P28.indd 29

Shop the online catalog at


3/8/18 3:36 PM

WESLEY: Mission-Oriented, Holiness Emphasis Wesley is the choice of growing Sunday schools that value the holiness doctrinal distinctives and the mission to evangelize and disciple generations for Christ. Not only will students learn about living the holy life, they will put it to practice! The colorful teacher and student materials are easy to teach and to prepare. Scripture memory and life application is emphasized and age grading is based on the developmental needs of the student. David C Cook Publishing, distributed by Wesleyan Publishing House.

FALL 2018

WINTER 2018–19



PRICE (each qtr.)

CHILDREN TODDLER/2 AGES 18–36 MONTHS Teacher’s Guide 9780781446464 9781589193437 9781589196483 9781589197466 $8.79 Creative Teaching Aids 9780781446471 9781589193444 9781589196490 9781589199545 $19.99 Starting Steps (Craft/Take-Home) 9780781446488 9781589193451 9781589196506 9781589199569 $4.99 PRESCHOOL AGES 3–5 Teacher’s Guide Creative Teaching Aids Make-It/Take-It (Craft/Take-Home)) My Sunday Pictures (Take-Home Cards)

9780781448062 9781589193468 9780781446495 9781589191778 9780781448079 9781589193475 9780781448086 9781589191785

9781589194601 9781589197473 $8.99 9781589196513 9781589197497 $19.99 9781589194618 9781589197503 $4.99 9781589194625 9781589197510 $4.99

EARLY ELEMENTARY GRADES K & 1 Teacher’s Guide Creative Teaching Aids Bible Beginnings (Student Book) Make-It/Take-It (Craft/Take-Home) Storytime (Take-Home Paper) Friends (Take-Home Paper)

9780781446501 9781589191792 9780781446518 9781589191808 9780781446525 9781589191815 9780781446532 9781589193482 9780781446549 9781589191822 9780781446587 9781589191853

9781589196520 9781589197527 $8.99 9781589194632 9781589197541 $19.99 9781589196537 9781589197565 $5.49 9781589196544 9781589197572 $4.99 9781589194649 9781589197602 $4.99 9781589194687 9781434768490 $4.99

For additional supplemental children’s resources that can be used with Wesley, visit 30

CC18 P30.indd 30 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


3/8/18 3:49 PM


• Lesson method and message disciples the student in personal holiness • Relevant to everyday life challenges and choices • Children and Youth curriculum edited by the Wesleyan Holiness Board • Church/home link throughout 4-step lesson plan.

Ages 18 months to Adults

13 S



per quarter S

CHILDREN’S CONT. ELEMENTARY GRADES 2 & 3 Teacher’s Guide Creative Teaching Aids Bible Discoveries (Student Book) Discovery Pack (Craft Book)

FALL 2018

UPPER ELEMENTARY GRADES 4 & 5 Teacher’s Guide Creative Teaching Aids Bible Adventures (Student Book) PIX (Take-Home Paper)

A Quick Order Form is available on for Wesley curriculum. Save on shipping—sign up for Cokesbury’s Quarterly

Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program today.

WINTER 2018–19



PRICE (each qtr.)

9780781448093 9781589193499 9780781446556 9781589191839 9780781446563 9781589191846 9780781446570 9781589193505

9781589196551 9781589197619 $8.99 9781589194656 9781589197626 $19.99 9781589194663 9781589197633 $5.49 9781589194670 9781589197640 $4.99

9780781448109 9781589191860 9780781446594 9781589191877 9780781448116 9781589193512 9780781446600 9781589191884

9781589194694 9781589197664 $8.99 9781589194700 9781589197671 $19.99 9781589194717 9781589197688 $5.49 9781589196568 9781589199620 $5.49

PRETEEN (MIDDLE SCHOOL GRADES 6–8) 9780781448123 9781589193529 9781589194724 9781589197695 $8.79 9780781448130 9781589191891 9781589194731 9781589197701 $19.99 9780781446617 9781589191907 9781589196575 9781589199682 $5.49

Teacher’s Guide Creative Teaching Aids The Rock (Take-Home Paper) HIGH SCHOOL GRADES 9–12 YOUTH (HIGH SCHOOL Teacher’s Guide Blueprint (Student Magazine)

GRADES 9–12)

ADULT ADULT Bible Teacher Bible Student Bible Student, Large Print Light From the Word (Devotional Guide) Vista: Journal for Holy Living (Take-Home Paper) Teacher’s Resource Kit* Also available: Wesley Bible Lesson Commentary - Volume 4 (for use with Adult resources) See page 1 for symbol explanation.


CC18 P30.indd 31

9780781448147 9781589191914 9781589194748 9781589197725 9781434703613 9780781406383 9780781406499 9780781406628 9781632572301 9781632572394 9781632572318 9781632572400 9781632572325 9781632572417 9781632572332 9781632572424 9781632572349 9781632572431 9781632572387 9781632572479

$8.79 $6.49

9781632572486 9781632572578 $8.99 9781632572493 9781632572585 $4.99 9781632572509 9781632572592 $5.99 9781632522516 9781632572608 $4.49 9781632572523 9781632572615 $4.79 9781632572561 9781632572653 $19.99



*Teacher’s Resource Kit includes: 1 Adult Teacher Book, 1 Regular-print Adult Student Book, 1 Light From the Word devotional, and 1 Vista: Journal for Holy Living.

Shop the online catalog at


3/8/18 3:49 PM

FAITHWEAVER NOW FaithWeaver Now is a complete dated curriculum for ten age levels, infants through adults, in which families learn the same Bible point in age-appropriate ways each week, weaving everyone into the fabric of the church. Participants don’t just hear the Word—they experience it. It helps them see God in their everyday world. It can be customized however desired and comes with a FREE editable digital version. Teacher Pack includes a Teacher Guide, interactive teaching tools, posters, reproducible handouts, and an audio CD with music, sound effects, and dramas. Group Publishing. FALL 2018

WINTER 2018–19




INFANTS, TODDLERS, & TWOS Teacher Pack (Adult supervision required) Additional Teacher Guide (With reproducibles) Additional CD Student Book: My Bible Snuggles (One per participant)

1210000304117 9781470751555 1210000303998 9781470751661

1210000304483 9781470752354 1210000304421 781470752460

1210000305992 9781470753559 1210000305930 9781470753665

1210000306432 9781470754266 1210000306371 9781470754372

(Each Qtr.) $49.99 $19.99 $9.99 $3.99

PRESCHOOL AGES 3–4 Teacher Pack (small parts warning) Teacher Guide Additional CD Student Book: My Bible Hugs (One per participant)

1210000304124 9781470751562 1210000304001 9781470751678

1210000304483 9781470752354 1210000304421 9781470752477

1210000306005 9781470753566 1210000305947 9781470753672

1210000306449 9781470754273 1210000306388 9781470754389

$49.99 $11.99 $9.99 $5.99

PRE-K & KINDERGARTEN AGES 5–6 Teacher Pack (small parts warning) Teacher Guide Additional CD Student Book: My Bible Playground (One per participant)

1210000304131 9781470751579 1210000304018 9781470751685

1210000304506 9781470752378 1210000304445 9781470752484

1210000306012 9781470753573 1210000305954 9781470753689

1210000306456 9781470754280 1210000306395 9781470754396

$49.99 $11.99 $9.99 $5.99

GRADES 1–2 Teacher Pack (Small parts warning) Teacher Guide Additional CD Student Book: My Bible Fun (One per participant)

1210000304148 9781470751586 1210000304025 9781470751692

1210000304513 9781470752385 1210000304452 9781470752491

1210000306029 9781470753580 1210000305961 9781470753696

1210000306463 9781470754297 1210000306401 9781470754402

$49.99 $11.99 $9.99 $5.99

GRADES 3–4 Teacher Pack (Small parts warning) Teacher Guide Additional CD Student Book: Bible Truth Sleuth (One per participant)

1210000304155 9781470751593 1210000304032 9781470751708

1210000304520 9781470752392 1210000304469 9781470752507

1210000306036 9781470753597 1210000305978 9781470753702

1210000306470 9781470754303 1210000306418 9781470754419

$49.99 $11.99 $9.99 $5.99



CC18 PG32.indd 32 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


3/9/18 1:44 PM


• Simple, easy lessons fit even the busiest lives • Follows the Revised Common Lectionary • A complete Bible overview every three years • Scriptures and subject matter are coordinated for all ages throughout your congregation

Also available: FaithWeaver Friends A kids’ midweek, 13-session program that is volunteer-friendly, kid-friendly, and outreach-friendly. Kids will grow closer to God through weekly outreach and service opportunities, and make their faith their own through journaling.

Call or visit to order.

A Quick Order Form is available on for Faithweaver Now and Faithweaver Friends resources. Save on shipping—sign up for Cokesbury’s Quarterly Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program today.

FALL 2018

WINTER 2018–19




1210000304162 9781470751609 1210000304049 9781470751715

1210000304537 9781470752408 1210000304476 9781470752514

1210000306043 9781470753603 1210000305985 9781470753719

1210000306487 9781470754310 1210000306425 9781470754426

$49.99 $11.99 $9.99 $5.99

9781470751616 9781470751722

9781470752415 9781470752521

9781470753610 9781470753726

9781470754327 9781470754433

$11.99 $5.99

9781470751623 9781470751739

9781470752422 9781470752538

9781470753627 9781470753733

9781470754334 9781470754440

$19.99 $5.99

9781470751630 9781470751654

9781470752439 9781470752453

9781470753634 9781470753658

9781470754341 9781470754365

$11.99 $5.99

9781470751647 9781470751746

9781470752446 9781470752545

9781470753641 9781470753740

9781470754358 9781470754457

$14.99 $5.99





(Each Qtr.) $369.99

Children’s Super Value Set (One each of all 6 Children’s age-levels’ Teacher Packs and 5 of each Student Book)






Super Value Set (One each of all 9 age-levels’ Teacher Packs or Leader Guides, and 5 of each Student Book and Student Paper, Adult and Parent Materials)






FAITHWEAVER NOW PRETEEN (GRADES 5–6) Teacher Pack (Small parts warning) Teacher Guide Additional CD Student Book: Bible Buzz (One per participant)

FAITHWEAVER NOW YOUTH (MIDDLE SCHOOL / SENIOR HIGH) MIDDLE SCHOOL Leader Guide Student Papers: Bible Trek (One per participant) SENIOR HIGH Leader Guide (Reproducible) Handbook

FAITHWEAVER NOW ADULT PARENT Leader Guide (Reproducible) Handbook ADULT Leader Guide (Reproducible) Handbook ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Starter Set (One each of the 9 age-levels’ Teacher Packs or Leader Guides, Student Books or Student Papers, Adult and Parent Materials)

3-Lesson Mini Kit (Undated 3-lesson sampler for each age group [Pre K & K, Grades 9781470713720 3 & 4; Middle School, Parent], Teacher Guide for each age level, 10-pack Student Books each level [5 pack for Parents]; Songs, Drama CD, Posters, fun gizmos, and scripts for pre K&K and grades 3 & 4. Additional mini-kit resources available on CC18

CC18 PG32.indd 33

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$29.99; $23.99 See page 1 for symbol explanation.


3/9/18 1:44 PM

ECHOES Echoes is a Christ-centered and Bible-based curriculum for all ages that features easy-to-use four-step lessons. The format is flexible and affordable to meet any church budget. The shared quarterly themes tie the study of God’s Word together. “Highlights in Black History” is featured quarterly in the teacher’s guides for preschool through adult and International Sunday School Lessons are offered to suit the needs of adult classes. David C Cook Publishing. FALL 2018

WINTER 2018–19



PRICE (each qtr.)

TODDLER/2 AGES 18–36 MONTHS Teacher’s Commentary Creative Teaching Aids Starting Steps Craft/Take-Home

9780781447737 9780781446075 9780781447744

9781589193116 9781589191334 9781589191341

9781589196148 9781589194076 9781589194090

9781589199033 9781589197039 9781589199040

$10.99 $22.99 $5.99

PRESCHOOL AGES 3–5 Teacher’s Commentary Creative Teaching Aids Make-it/Take-it Craft Book My Sunday Pictures Student Take-Home

9780781447751 9780781447768 9780781447775 9780781447782

9781589191358 9781589193123 9781589193130 9781589193147

9781589196155 9781589194137 9781589196179 9781589196193

9781589199057 9781589199064 9781589199071 9781589199088

$10.99 $22.99 $5.99 $5.99

EARLY ELEMENTARY GRADES K & 1 Teacher’s Commentary Creative Teaching Aids Make-it/Take-it Craft Book Storytime In Class Student Take-Home

9780781447799 9780781447805 9780781446082 9780781446099

9781589193154 9781589193161 9781589191365 9781589191372

9781589196209 9781589194144 9781589194151 9781589194168

9781589199095 9781589197046 9781589197053 9781589197060

$10.99 $22.99 $5.99 $5.99

ELEMENTARY GRADES 2–3 Teacher’s Commentary Creative Teaching Aids My Bible Book Student Book Kid Krafts Craft Book Friends Student Take-Home

9780781447812 9780781447829 9780781447836 9780781446105 9780781447843

9781589191389 9781589193178 9781589193185 9781589191396 9781589193192

9781589196216 9781589194175 9781589196223 9781589194182 9781589194199

9781589199101 9781589197077 9781589197084 9781589199118 9781589199125

$10.99 $22.99 $5.99 $5.99 $5.99



CC18 P34.indd 34 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


3/9/18 1:48 PM


• Bible-based • Flexible and affordable • African American centric

Toddlers to Adults

13 S



per quarter S

A Quick Order Form is available on for Echoes Curriculum. Save on shipping—sign up for Cokesbury’s Quarterly Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program today.

FALL 2018

WINTER 2018–19



9780781447850 9780781446112 9780781447867 9780781446129

9781589193208 9781589193215 9781589193222 9781589191402

9781589196230 9781589194205 9781589196247 9781589196254

9781589199132 9781589197091 9781589197107 9781589197114

$10.99 $22.99 $5.99 $5.99

9781589191419 9781589191426 9781589191433

9781589194212 9781589194229 9781589194236

9781589199149 9781589197121 9781589197138

$10.99 $22.99 $5.99

9781589191440 9780781406390

9781589194243 9780781406505

9781589199156 9780781406635

$10.99 $6.99






9780781447911 9780781447928 9780781446150 9780781447935 9780781446167 9780781446174 9780781406543

9781589193253 9781589193260 9781589191457 9781589193284 9781589193277 9781589191464 9780781406550

9781589196278 9781589196292 9781589194267 9781589194281 9781589194274 9781589196315 9780781406567

9781589199187 9781589199194 9781589197152 9781589197169 9781589199200 9781589199217 9780781406574

$10.99 $22.99 $5.99 $6.99 $5.99 $5.99 $5.99

ADULT UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE Leader’s Commentary Study Book

9780781446181 9780781446198

9781589191471 9781589193291

9781589194298 9781589196339

9781589197176 9781589199224

$10.99 $5.99

ADULT Superintendent’s Handbook






UPPER ELEMENTARY GRADES 4–5 Teacher’s Commentary Creative Teaching Aids Bible Adventures Student Book PIX Take-Home

PRETEEN (MIDDLE SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL GRADES 6–8 Teacher’s Commentary Creative Teaching Aids The Rock Student Book/Take-Home

PRICE (each qtr.)

GRADES 6–8) 9780781446136 9780781447874 9780781447881

YOUTH (HIGH SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL GRADES 9–12 GRADES Teacher’s Commentary Blueprint Student Magazine ADULT COMPREHENSIVE BIBLE ADULT COMPREHENSIVE BIBLE STUDY Teacher’s Resource Kit (1 Adult Teacher’s Commentary & CTA Packet) Teacher’s Commentary Creative Teaching Aids Student Book Large-Print Student Book Power for Living Student Take-Home The Quiet Hour (Devotional Guide) Lesson Leaflet (Visitor’s Lesson)

9–12) 9780781446143 9781434703606


See page 1 for symbol explanation. CC18

CC18 P34.indd 35

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3/14/18 8:13 AM

Take the plunge!

SUBMERGE Are your 5th & 6th graders aging out of Deep Blue, but not ready to join your youth group? Meet Submerge, the Deep Blue curriculum for tweens. In Submerge, you’ll find the same trustworthy theology, easy-to-use lessons, and engaging activities, with a focus on the needs of tweens. Tweens love to test boundaries and ask questions, so Submerge empowers students to read more of the Bible, ask tough questions, and enter into the stories through improvisational drama, deep discussion, and creative activities. Tweens are starting to ask the question, “Who am I as an individual?”, so Submerge creates plenty of room for individualized exploration. Student journals called Diver’s Logs provide a playful space to reflect on biblical themes, and the Submerge magazine asks students to make connections between biblical faith and modern culture. Tweens seek out older role models, so the Submerge DVD Navigation Guide features relatable, theologically trained, young adult Navigators to guide your students through the Bible story and help them see its relevance in daily life. Cokesbury. This one-year Bible survey for tweens will help prepare them to make the transition to youth group. Submerge emphasizes nurturing faithful relationships while engaging students in fun and creative activities.

Leader Guide, print DVD Navigation Guide Submerge Magazine Diver’s Log (Annual) Abingdon Press

FALL 2018 9781501861352 9781501861383 9781501861376 9781501861390

WINTER 2018–19 9781501862649 9781501862670 9781501862663

SPRING 2019 9781501863240 9781501863271 9781501863264

SUMMER 2019 9781501863646 9781501863677 9781501863660

PRICE (each qtr.) $13.99 $34.99 $7.49 $13.99

See page 1 for symbol explanation.


CC18 P36.indd 36 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


3/9/18 2:45 PM


• 1-year Bible survey • Contemporary content speaks to today’s students • Helps deepen faith commitment while exploring issues important to tweens • Grades 5 & 6 / Ages 10–12

13 S



per quarter S

Save on shipping—sign up for Cokesbury’s Quarterly Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program today.

Leader Guide Offers flexible, easy-to-follow, step-by-step session guides plus reproducible pages with additional activities. Available in print or as an editable Microsoft Word download.

DVD Navigation Guide Engaging video segments spark discussion about applying Scripture to everyday experiences and reinforce each session’s theme. Features energetic speakers who connect with preteens, set in dynamic locations that will resonate and capture the audience. Includes one video each week, 3–5 minutes each.

Submerge Magazine 32 pages of fun and relevant content that connects with each session. Includes thought-provoking, timely articles to keep students engaged.

write, draw, sketch, and reflect on faith Diver’s Log This sketch & jot journal helps tweens actively consider their faith as they write, draw, sketch, and reflect on weekly prompts and Bible topics. Abingdon Press. 9781501861390. $13.99


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3/9/18 2:46 PM


Bible-centered Sunday school tailored to tweens • Engage preteens in grades five and six • Explore God’s big story through videos, Bible exploration and hand-son projects • Journey through the Old Testament and the New Testament

50 S




plus 10 “rewind” lessons



CONNECT: Quirky Tweens, Bible Themes Engage preteens in God’s big story through videos, Bible exploration, and hands-on projects. Connect takes tweens on a journey through the Old Testament and into the New Testament, exploring the connections between several stories each week. The curriculum includes 10 units, each with five lessons plus a sixth “rewind” lesson. Each lesson follow a three-part sequence: See, Explore, and Make. Each week, tweens focus on and reinforce a theme by watching a witty video, exploring biblical text, and creating projects that range from games to art and more. Lessons are available by unit or single lesson. Sparkhouse. Ten units; five sessions (plus bonus “rewind” session) per unit for grades 5–6 (Middle School). Each unit DVD has 5 session videos. Leader Guides, Each Learner Sheets, Each DVDs, Each

$10.99 $4.99 $24.99



Leader Guide

Learner Sheets


Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5

Beginnings The Promise Freedom Kings & Prophets Conquered

9781451430868 9781451438703 9781451438734 9781451438765 9781451438796

9781451430875 9781451438710 9781451438741 9781451438772 9781451438802

9781451430882 9781451438727 9781451438758 9781451438789 9781451438819

Jesus: Early Life Jesus: Ministry Jesus: The Savior The Apostles The Church

9781451451818 9781451451849 9781451451870 9781451451900 9781451451931

9781451451825 9781451451856 9781451451887 9781451451917 9781451451948

9781451451832 9781451451863 9781451451894 9781451451924 9781451451955

YEAR 2 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10

Connect Bible NRSV This full–text NRSV Bible is packed with unique features that help preteens make sense of the Bible’s greatest stories, uncover major biblical themes, and discover how the Bible relates to their own lives using fun games and quick activities. Used for both Holy Moly (page 19) and Connect Tween. Augsburg Fortress. 9781451430820 Hardcover $24.99 9781451430813 Softcover $19.99


CC18 P38.indd 38 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


3/9/18 2:54 PM


• Episcopal resource •F or High School and Middle School •E ach session uses Scripture as an integral piece of the program using the NRSV or Common English Bible translation

THESE ARE OUR BODIES: Talking Faith & Sexuality at Church & Home Building on the foundational book of the same name, These Are Our Bodies offers practical information, developmental material, and suggestions on how to ask and answer questions, all in the context of our faith as Christians, particularly as Episcopalians. The program consists of a Foundation Book (for facilitators, small group leaders, and parents) and age-level program modules that each include a Leader Guide, a Participant Book (for each participant) and a Parent Book (for each parent or caregiver of the participant). Church Publishing. HIGH SCHOOL 9781606743294 9781606743331 9781606743317 9781606743089 MIDDLE SCHOOL

(High School resources by Samantha Haycock & Caren Miles) Leader Guide, 9 sessions $24.95 Participant Book $7.95 Parent Book $7.95 Foundational Book (by Leslie Choplin & Jenny Beaumont) $28.00; $17.28 (Middle School resources by Jenny Beaumont and Abbi Long)

9781606743119 9781606743133 9781606743157

$28.95 $9.95 $9.95

Leader Guide, 10 sessions Participant Book Parent Book

• Preteen sexuality study • Ages 10–12 •C hildren can work through the program individually with an adult or with a group

WONDERFULLY MADE Mark Huffman, Tanya Eustace Campen, and Leigh Meekins

The preteen years are tough. Changes are happening to their bodies, minds, and emotions which make it hard to know exactly what’s going on, and it’s hard to discuss with adults. Wonderfully Made provides kids the opportunity to not only ask questions about growing up, but to get faith-based answers as well. It covers physical development and spiritual connection while helping preteens establish a foundation for their life in Christ. Abingdon Press. The Facilitator Kit USB or download helps you plan and lead a sexuality event and includes PowerPoint® slides and facilitator scripts. 9781501842795 9781501843341


CC18 P38.indd 39

Participant Book Facilitator Kit USB Drive

$12.99; $8.79 $29.99; $23.99

Shop the online catalog at

See page 1 for symbol explanation.


3/9/18 2:55 PM


• Animated comic-style graphics based on The Action Bible • Ages 10–12/Grades 5 & 6 • Lessons begin with a teacher prep devotion and lesson overview, minimal supplies needed • Student Books include a recap for parents of what their preteens learned that week.

13 S




per quarter




A Quick Order Form is available on for The Action Bible Curriculum.

Based on the best-selling Action Bible, this brand-new curriculum challenges preteens to take the leap from Bible information to life transformation. The Action Bible® Curriculum is designed with the understanding that preteens are seeking spiritual answers and developing their own value system. Preteens will explore Scripture, ask questions, build relationships, and connect timeless truth to their lives today. Videos animate the comic-style graphics of The Action Bible to set weekly themes in motion. With their leader as a coach, preteens discover who God is and who they are in Him. Together they investigate God’s Word, memorize key verses, and apply biblical truths to their lives. Through daily devotions, preteens continue to engage with God during the week. David C Cook Publishing. Quarterly kits include 2 Leader Guides, 5 Student Books, and 13 Videos on DVD. Parent resources are also included. FALL 2018 WINTER 2018–19 SPRING 2019 Quarterly Kit 9781434711694 9781434712455 9780830772841 Leader Guide 9781434711649 9781434711649 9780830772797 Student Book 9781434711656 9780830772254 9780830772803 Scripture Memory Cards, ESV 9781434711663 9781434712448 9780830772810 Scripture Memory Cards, NIV 9781434711687 9780830772278 9780830772834 Scripture Memory Cards, CSB 9781434711670 9780830772261 9780830772827

SUMMER 2019 9780830775637 9780830775583 9780830775590 9780830775606 9780830775620 9780830775613

PRICE (each qtr.) $129.99 $8.99 $5.29 $6.99 $6.99 $6.99

The NIV Action Study Bible Sergio Cariello, illustrator If you’re ready to explore the rich and amazing truths of God’s redemptive story alongside the pictures, The NIV Action Study Bible is your guide for seeing God in motion everywhere, including in your own life. It helps preteens build a strong foundation of faith to last a lifetime. For fans of The Action Bible® who want to go beyond the pictures and deeper into God’s redemptive story, The NIV Action Study Bible is a full-text study Bible that takes preteens (ages 9 and up) further into the heart of God’s Word and connects its timeless truths to their lives today. The Action Bible has introduced millions of kids to the stories in the Bible with its dramatic, colorful comic-bookstyle illustrations by comic book artist Sergio Cariello. Now they can go deeper with The NIV Action Study Bible. Victor Books. Hardcover $32.99; $22.99 Premium Edition, Imitation Leather $39.99; $28.79

9780830772544 9780830772551

Save on shipping—sign up for Cokesbury’s Quarterly

Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program today.


CC18 P40.indd 40 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants

See page 1 for symbol explanation. CC18

3/9/18 3:01 PM


• Faith essentials for teens • Middle/high school • 4 weekly sessions • Great for large & small groups as well as retreats


4 S



per volume S

GROOVE BIBLE STUDY SERIES Groove invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four easy-to-lead weekly sessions that relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings. The Student Journal contains session-specific questions, background information, and daily devotions for each session. The Leader Guide contains everything needed to lead teens through a Groove study, including teaching outlines, leader notes, Bible background, reflections, and parent communication. Abingdon Press. Student Journals $8.99; $5.99 Leader Guides $9.99; $6.79

The Basics Michael Adkins

Grace Tony Akers

Jesus Tony Akers

School Michael Adkins

Character Michael Adkins

I Am Tony Akers

The Life Michael Adkins

Temptation Tony Akers

Dilemmas Tony Akers

Inside Out Tony Akers

Relationships Michael Adkins

The Walk Michael Adkins

9781501807053 Student Journal 9781501807060 Leader Guide

9781501809774 Student Journal 9781501809798 Leader Guide

9781501809187 Student Journal 9781501809194 Leader Guide

9781501809309 Student Journal 9781501809316 Leader Guide

9781501807107 Student Journal 9781501807114 Leader Guide

9781501809873 Student Journal 9781501809897 Leader Guide

9781501809729 Student Journal 9781501809743 Leader Guide

9781501809828 Student Journal 9781501809842 Leader Guide

9781501809248 Student Journal 9781501809255 Leader Guide

9781501809361 Student Journal 9781501809378 Leader Guide

9781501809675 Student Journal 9781501809699 Leader Guide

9781501809620 Student Journal 9781501809644 Leader Guide


Danette Baird

Designed to help teens grades 6–12 discover their worth and become empowered to follow Christ in the context of relationships. Abingdon Press.

Connect, Own, Reveal, Empower


Two 4-week studies, each with a Student Journal, a Leader Guide containing study helps and discussion plans for large and small groups, and a short and powerful video introducing the topic.

Study 1: Dig In Sessions include: Identity Theft, Delete the Spam, Connect with God, Connect with Others. 9781501810039 9781501813269

Student Journal Leader Guide

$11.99; $7.99 $9.99; $6.79

Study 2: All In Video downloads for each session are available at See page 1 for symbol explanation.


CC18 P40.indd 41

Sessions include: Own, Reveal, Empower, I Am. 9781501813306 9781501813320

Shop the online catalog at

Student Journal Leader Guide

$11.99; $7.99 $9.99; $6.79


3/9/18 3:01 PM


Engaging the Brain. Igniting the Heart. Taking it Home.

• 15 individual studies that cover an entire year • Downloadable curriculum available as an editable Word document • Perfect for Middle School and High School students • Flexible format; session lengths may vary

SPICE RACK Tired of lecture-style teaching? Spice Rack provides volunteer youth Sunday school teachers with options for creating a fastpaced, interactive, faith-sharing experience. Each downloadable lesson is packed with a variety of activities, discussion questions, and games, flexible enough to use at any time of the year in any ministry environment. Each lesson features at least three options for opening the lesson, three options for digging into the lesson, and one or two options for closing the lesson. Abingdon Press. FULL-YEAR BUNDLE Year-long bundle download includes 48 lessons plus a suite of leader tools, helps, and training offered by Youth Ministry Partners at 9781501815737 9781501827044

YEAR 1 BUNDLE LESSONS: Stewardship Bundle (3 Lessons). 9781501821455


Thanksgiving Bundle (3 Lessons). 9781501821479


New Year Bundle (2 Lessons). 9781501821486


Philippians Bundle (5 Lessons). 9781501821493

$299.00 $299.00

Year 1 Download Year 2 Download


$21.00 $21.00 $14.00 $35.00

YEAR 2 BUNDLE LESSONS: Early Church, Part 1 (4 Lessons). 9781501827051


Sermon on the Mount, Part 1 (4 Lessons). 9781501827068

Amos (2 Lessons). 9781501827075

I John (2 Lessons). 9781501827082




Psalms, Part 2 (3 Lessons).


Also available:

Jeremiah, Part 1 (3 Lessons).



Self Worth Bundle (4 Lessons). 9781501821523


Habits Bundle (6 Lessons). 9781501821530


$21.00 $28.00 $42.00

9781501827099 9781501827105

Download Download

Galatians, Part 1 (3 Lessons). 9781501827112


Numbers (2 Lessons). 9781501827129




Advent Bundle (4 Lessons). 9781501821561


$49.00 $28.00


Download Download

Jesus the Storyteller (5 Lessons). 9781501827150


9781501827181 9781501827198

Download Download

$21.00 $21.00

Parable of the Wandering Sheep (1 Lesson).


Colossians 1:15-20 (1 Lesson).

9781501815935 9781501815942 9781501815959

Sermon on the Mount, Part 2 (3 Lessons).


Proverbs (3 Lessons).



Lent Bundle (7 Lessons).



SINGLE LESSONS Genesis (1 Lesson).

Early Church, Part 2 (4 Lessons).





Bonehead Bible Bundle (3 Lessons). 9781501821547

Galatians, Part 2 (3 Lessons).


Judges Bundle (3 Lessons).




Psalms, Part 1 (4 Lessons).




Parables of Jesus Bundle (4 Lessons). 9781501821509


YEAR 2 BUNDLE LESSONS CONT.: Jeremiah, Part 2 (3 Lessons).


Download Download Download

$7.00 $7.00 $7.00

Romans: Something That Sticks (1 Lesson). 9781501815966



$21.00 $35.00

See page 1 for symbol explanation.


CC18 P42.indd 42 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


3/9/18 3:08 PM


• Eighteen 4-session studies explore the Bible book-by-book • Middle School & High School • Activities promote discussion and reflection after each class time ends

4 S




FATHOM: A Deep Dive into the Story of God Fathom is a Bible study for teens that covers the Old and New Testaments in eighteen 4-session studies. Lessons are a blend of narrative and traditional theological approaches to understanding the Bible story, each focusing on one passage that launches into the larger context of God’s story, and how that story is meant to be theirs. Suitable for groups with middle schoolers, high schoolers, and any combination of the two, the study acknowledges the differences between older and younger youth and the way they learn. It provides activities specific to each age group, and gives leaders the option to let youth take ownership of their learning through teaching and leading alongside adults. A Student Journal creates space and tension for teens to wrestle with how to interpret and experience the Bible. Abingdon Press. Through, leaders will have access to planning and teaching tools to support their use of Fathom as well as their youth ministries in general. Student Journal, Each Leader Guides, Each

$8.99; $5.99 $12.99; $8.79

The Beginnings The Bible The Passion The Wilderness The Coming of Jesus The Birth of the Church The Promised Land The Teachings of Jesus The Life in the Church 1

Student Journal Leader Guide 9781501837685 9781501837692 9781501837715 9781501837739 9781501838453 9781501838637 9781501839221 9781501839238 9781501838835 9781501838842 9781501839313 9781501839320 9781501838798 9781501838804 9781501837647 9781501837654 9781501837753 9781501837760


Student Journal

The Birth of the Kingdom 9781501841583 The Wisdom of the Kingdom 9781501841934 The Spread of the Church 9781501841972

Leader Guide 9781501841569 9781501841941 9781501841989

NEW Coming in June The Broken Kingdom The Life in the Church 2 The Leaders of the Church

9781501842016 9781501842054 9781501842092

9781501842023 9781501842061 9781501842108

9781501842139 9781501842177 9781501842214

9781501842146 9781501842184 9781501842221

NEW Coming in September The Exile and Return The Promise of the Future The Return of Jesus

See page 1 for symbol explanation.


CC18 P42.indd 43

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3/9/18 3:08 PM


• Current topics for younger & older teens • Download or email • Weekly subscription • Reproducible • FREE SAMPLE at

LINC: Living in Christ A fresh, timely, and biblically based resource, LinC helps you help your teens examine relevant faith and life issues, using the latest music, movies, news, and current events. Through engaging Bible study, you’ll equip them to evaluate their world from a biblical perspective. Each week LinC uses a news-making headline and sound biblical teaching to give you flexibility, ease of use, and accessibility. Everything you need to lead two forty-five-minute to one-hour transforming, biblically-based lessons, including background on the topic, Bible commentary, and a reproducible student page— delivered right to your e-mail inbox every Tuesday or available for easy download. Cokesbury. With options for middle school, high school, combined middle and high school, and small groups, LinC contains Bible-based topical lessons on current issues that matter most to teens. Each week you’ll receive this fresh, timely eCurriculum through email subscription or individual download. LinC can also be used on your electronic device. Each LinC lesson includes Bible prep material for teachers, a lesson that can be used with middle and high school youth, learning activities, life application discussion questions, and a reproducible student handout. Subscribe and you can download new, 6-page single issues of LinC from every week for only $9.99. Or, if you prefer, we’ll email LinC to you weekly at a price per week of $9.99. (Contact or call 800-672-1789.) You can also purchase and download individual issues of LinC—great when looking for a small-group resource on a particular topic or event. Visit to search by topic.

First month free for new subscribers!


See page 1 for symbol explanation.


CC18 P44.indd 44 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


3/9/18 3:14 PM


• Quarterly components • Grades 7–12

Live the Bible every day!

• CEB translation • Leader Guide also available in eBook & downloadable PDF formats

BL4Y: Bible Lessons for Youth Bible Lessons for Youth is a comprehensive, 6-year Bible-to-life curriculum that helps teens apply the Bible to their daily lives. Its teacher-friendly format is built around a step-by-step sequence with thought-provoking activities designed to help youth understand Scripture and apply it to their individual experiences. Cokesbury. Bible lessons use Scriptures from the CEB translation and are coordinated with the Uniform Lesson Series. Contains options for younger and older youth. Leader Guides feature pages from the Student Book as well as step-by-step teaching plans for easy planning. Student Books have actual Scripture verses, reflections on how the Scripture relates to students’ lives, and activities to engage their interest. Student Books Leader Guides

$9.99 $14.99

FALL 2018 WINTER 2018–19 SPRING 2019 Student Book 9781501852787 9781501852824 9781501852862 Leader Guide 9781501852794 9781501852831 9781501852879 Theme Creation Love Call Scope & Sequence Genesis Exodus, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Matthew, Luke, Romans Psalms, Matthew, Mark, Luke, Philippians, 2 Thessalonians, James, 2 John

SUMMER 2019 9781501852909 9781501852916 Covenant Ruth, 1 Samuel, Matthew, Luke, John, Ephesians, Hebrews, Romans

See page 1 for symbol explanation.


CC18 P44.indd 45

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3/9/18 3:15 PM


• Culturally relevant to youth • Hands-on activities • Grades 7–12 • Quarterly kit & components

ENCOUNTER Teens need to experience God actively, firsthand—in a way that relates to their lifestyle and how they communicate. Encounter™ brings teens the message of the Bible and relates spiritual truths to the world around them. What makes Encounter unique? Every week, Encounter challenges students with an engaging Bible study that helps them understand God, the Bible, doctrine, or a biblical worldview. Your students experience lessons in ways that fit their learning styles. A four-step lesson plan for each week offers two options for each step—choose the activities that work best to keep teens fully engaged! The lessons fit multiple learning styles and are packed with resources—visual aids, games, student activities, and discussion. David C Cook Publishing. Age levels include: Young Teen High School The simple, flexible (45–90 minutes) 4-step plan for each lesson includes—setting the stage, searching the Word, making it real, and living it out. Multiple activity options to choose from within each step, along with the materials and time it takes to complete the activity. A suggested teacher script is provided in every lesson for easy preparation. Teens will interact with Scripture and relate it to everyday life. The Resource Packet contains an enhanced CD-ROM with posters, audio skits, video, and more. The Teacher’s Convenience Kit includes one quarterly resource of each: Teacher Book, Student Book, Resource Packet, and one 13-week set of Encounter—The Magazine take-home pages.

FALL 2018

WINTER 2018–19



YOUNG TEENS GRADES 7–8 Teacher’s Convenience Kit Teacher Book Resource Packet Student

9780784778593 9780784778609 9780784778616 9780784778623

9780784739471 9780784739488 9780784739495 9780784739501

9780784739976 9780784739983 9780784739990 9780784740002

9780784740477 9780784740484 9780784740491 9780784740507

$39.99 $8.99 $20.99 $5.49

HIGH SCHOOL GRADES 9–12 Teacher’s Convenience Kit Teacher Book Resource Packet Student

9780784778630 9780784778647 9780784778654 9780784778661

9780784739518 9780784739525 9780784739532 9780784739549

9780784740019 9780784740026 9780784740033 9780784740040

9780784740514 9780784740521 9780784794142 9780784740545

$39.99 $8.99 $20.99 $5.49






ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Encounter—The Magazine Take-Home Pages, 5-Pack (5 users)

PRICE (each quarter)

See page 1 for symbol explanation.


CC18 P46.indd 46 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


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• Dive deeper into the biblical narrative from Creation to Revelation • Get meaning and fresh insights through observation and dialogue • Two ways to help youth find themselves in a greater story: a 12-week short-term overview (Echo the Story 12) and a 36-session comprehensive Bible survey series (Echo the Story 36)

12 IO N

or S

36 E SS








ECHO THE STORY 12 From Creation to the formation of the church, students enter into each story imaginatively—making observations, drawing, writing, and participating in group dialogue. Echo the Story 12 is a 12-session overview of the Bible for youth. The complete Echo the Story experience helps participants discover meaning and identity in the biblical narrative. Sparkhouse. Based on the book by Michael Novelli, this curriculum uses Bible storytelling, creative reflection, and dialogue as effective teaching approaches. From creation to the formation of the church, students enter into each story imaginatively—making observations, drawing, writing, and participating in group dialogue. Participants discover meaning and identity in the biblical narrative using a DVD, participant Sketch Journal, and detailed Leader Guide. Each session is approximately one hour in duration and can be used on a weekly schedule, or combined for a youth retreat. 9781451469226 9781451469219 9781451469202

Leader Guide Sketch Journal DVD (12 video sessions)

$29.99 $9.99 $44.99

Also available:

Shaped by the Story: Discover the Art of Storytelling Michael Novelli $19.99


ECHO THE STORY 36 Invite your youth into a larger story. Experience the fullness of the biblical narrative in 36 sessions that use storytelling, creative reflection, and dialogue. In this 36-session curriculum, youth will delve even deeper into the biblical narrative. From Creation to Revelation, youth participants will find meaning and identity in the stories of the Bible. Sparkhouse. In the complete 36-session curriculum, youth will find meaning and identity in the stories of the Bible using a DVD, participant Sketch Journal, and detailed Leader Guide. The Youth Learner Journal is a creative logbook of each participant’s journey through the stories. The journal works in tandem with the Leader Guide and is used throughout each session. Each DVD contains 6 videos that give a students a fast-paced review of previous sessions’ stories. Each of the one-hour sessions can be used on a weekly schedule, or combined for a youth retreat.

Leader Guide Sketch Journal DVD

Sessions 1–6 9781451487749 9781451487756 9781451487763

Sessions 7–12 9781451487770 9781451487787 9781451487794

Sessions 13–18 9781451487800 9781451487817 9781451487824

Sessions 19–24 9781451487831 9781451487848 9781451487855

Sessions 25–30 9781451487862 9781451487879 9781451487886

Sessions 31–36 9781451487893 9781451487909 9781451487916

PRICE $15.99 $7.99 $24.99

Also available: Poster Pack


CC18 P46.indd 47



Shop the online catalog at


3/9/18 3:21 PM


The first study in the new T.B.D. series! • Help youth discover what they believe and why they believe it • Use engaging group discussion to help teenagers explore topics such as prayer, suffering, relationships, and forgiveness • Give youth, grades 9–11, a deep dive into the topic in a four-week unit arranged around four provocative statements

NEW! T. B. D. PRAYER: Think. Believe. Do. Equip teenagers to unpack, understand, and live out their faith. The well-designed, interactive Student Journal helps participants delve deeper and reflect on insights made during the session. The Facilitator Guide will help leaders guide and lead vibrant discussions. The DVD for each topic includes four live-action videos. Each video encourages students to consider questions and reflect on moments in Christian history they may not have encountered before. Sparkhouse. Coming in May.




9781506448701 9781506448695 9781506448718

Student Journal Facilitator Guide DVD



$6.99 $14.99 $19.99

RE:FORM Re:form your approach to youth ministry. This flexible series (4–40 sessions) brings a one-two punch of real laughs along with real substance. Provides three ways to encounter, engage, and respond to youth and can easily be configured to fit the needs of your youth ministry programs for teens to high school. Sparkhouse. • re:form (40-session foundational theology program) • re:form Ancestors (Old and New Testament Bible studies each explore 15 biblical characters) • re:form Traditions (denomination-specific theology). The sessions in this product are also available a la carte (downloadable and reproducible). RE:FORM (FOUNDATIONAL) (Teen/Youth) PRICE Leader Guide (40 sessions) 9781451401189 $39.99 Anti-Workbook 9781451400823 $19.99 DVD 2-Disc Set (40 videos; 5–7 min. each) 9781451400830 $69.99








CC18 P48.indd 48

4 to 40 sessions S

Leader Guide (4 sessions) Anti-Workbook Methodist DVD (4 videos: 7–9 mins. each)

RE:FORM ANCESTORS (BIBLE STUDY) (High School) Old Testament Leader Guide (15 sessions) 9781451402650 Old Testament Anti-Workbook 9781451402674 Old Testament DVD (15 videos) 9781451402667 New Testament Leader Guide (15 sessions) 9781451402803 New Testament Anti-Workbook 9781451402827 New Testament DVD (15 videos) 9781451402810

$29.99 $9.99 $34.99 $29.99 $9.99 $34.99

METHODIST 9781451401967 9781451401998 9781451402025

$19.99 $4.99 $29.99 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants

LUTHERAN 9781451401943 9781451401974 9781451402001

REFORMED 9781451401950 9781451401981 9781451402018


3/9/18 3:26 PM


Innovative, hands-on confirmation curriculum • Leverage one of two models to deepen youth knowledge and experience with the Bible, including Colaborate: Bible Study and Colaborate: Methodist Confirmation • Students answer the questions “so what?” through problem-based learning • Change the way students think about faith and the Bible through a path of growth and discovery

15 S




per unit


A Quick Order Form is available on for Colaborate resources.

COLABORATE Colaborate was created by theologians, practitioners, and artists who know biblical history, biblical exegesis, and young people. It features hands-on investigative learning that leads to deep engagement with the Bible, faith, and what it means to be a Christian. It will change the way students think about faith and the Bible. Rather than faith being handed over as an established set of facts to be learned and memorized, Colaborate is presented as a path of growth and discovery. That’s an experience that will stay with them long after they leave your class. Sparkhouse. The series contains four parts: a comprehensive Bible study and three confirmation studies. In the Bible study, students engage in compelling conversation about God and what it means to follow Jesus as they dig into the Bible. In the Methodist confirmation study, students discover the rich history of the Methodist doctrine, traditions, and beliefs and their relevance to their lives. The Lutheran confirmation study encourages students to bring their questions and curiosity about Lutheran doctrine and history. The Presbyterian confirmation study pulls students into the content to drive engagement with the Bible, Presbyterian doctrine, and each other. BIBLE STUDY Leader Guide Student Handbook DVD

Old Testament 9781506410326 9781506410319 9781506410333

New Testament 9781506410357 9781506410340 9781506410364

METHODIST CONFIRMATION Leader Guide Student Handbook DVD

UNIT 1: Old Testament 9781506410586 9781506410579 9781506410593

UNIT 2: New Testament 9781506410616 9781506410609 9781506410623

UNIT 3: History & Doctrine 9781506410647 9781506410630 9781506410654

UNIT 2: History & Catechism 9781451498233 9781451498226 9781451498240

UNIT 3: New Testament 9781451498202 9781451498196 9781451498219

Also available:

Colaborate Methodist Student Bible, NRSV


LUTHERAN CONFIRMATION Leader Guide Student Handbook DVD

UNIT 1: Old Testament 9781451498172 9781451498165 9781451498189

PRICE $29.99 $8.99 $34.99 $29.99 $8.99 $34.99 $24.99 UNIT 4: Lutheran Living 9781451498264 $29.99 9781451498257 $8.99 9781451498271 $34.99

Also available: Colaborate Lutheran Student Bible, NRSV Lutheran Poster Pack

9781451498141 9781506401874


UNIT 1: Old Testament 9781506433233 9781506433226 9781506433240

$24.99 $14.99 UNIT 2: New Testament 9781506433264 9781506433257 9781506433271

UNIT 3: History & Doctrine 9781506433295 9781506433288 9781506433301

$29.99 $8.99 $34.99

For more denominational Confirmation resources, call 800-672-1789 or visit CC18

CC18 P48.indd 49

Shop the online catalog at


3/9/18 3:26 PM

CONFIRM: Your Faith. Your Commitment. God’s Call. Confirm treats confirmation as more than a decision. Instead, it is the beginning of a conversation about what it means to be a Christian: living out your faith, your commitment, and God’s call. Confirm, The United Methodist Church-approved confirmation program, seeks to engage and educate students in a real journey of faith development. Begin the conversation today! Cokesbury. Confirm is an easy-to-follow and customizable program that can be used in any church setting and with a wide variety of schedules. You can organize your own confirmation program over the course of a school year, a 3-year span, or in any way that meets your needs—without having to purchase additional content. With flexible and easy-to-understand materials, Confirm provides students with the basic beliefs of a theologically sound, United Methodist faith while engaging them in creative and thought-provoking activities to help them internalize what they’ve learned. Confirm also embraces the importance of community in the journey of faith development, and provides materials to encourage cooperation with parents and mentors in the confirmation process and beyond.

Download samples! • Check out contributors! • Watch full-lesson videos!

at See page 1 for symbol explanation.


CC18 P50.indd 50 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


3/9/18 3:46 PM

• The only confirmation program approved for The United Methodist Church • Flexible, customizable sessions • Variety of settings & time frames • Engages parent and mentor participation

39 E SS



total S



Streaming videos plus digital components for the Director Guide, Teaching Plans, Parent Guide, and Mentor Guide are available on

Director Guide Detailed instructions to help you integrate Confirm easily with existing church programs. Tools for creating confirmation assessments and reasonable expectations for youth, pastor, parents, and confirmation leaders. 9781501826924

Director Guide


Teaching Plans Fully customizable, easy-to-follow lesson plans for 39 class sessions, plus time-frame options, lesson templates, tools, and supplemental content. 9781501826948

Teaching Plans


Student Guide Includes readings, key information, and questions for journaling to help confirmands create their personal statements of faith. 9781501826962

Student Guide


Mentor Guide Gives an overview of confirmation and equips mentors with relationshipbuilding ideas, and some mentor dos and don’ts. 9781501826993

Mentor Guide


Parent Guide An overview of confirmation with helps for parents/family. With discussion starters, activities, and devotional suggestions for use at home. 9781501826986

Parent Guide


DVD Two fun and easy-to-follow video styles: fast-paced YouTube-style videos and more in-depth Whiteboard sketch-style videos. 9781501831225

DVD [CC] 18 videos: 2–3 mins. each


Starter Kit Everything you need to start planning! 9781501864667


CC18 P50.indd 51

Starter Kit 1 each of listed components


Shop the online catalog at

The CEB Student Bible For United Methodist Confirmation Invite young people into deeper forms of holiness and help them make connections between the Bible and their world with The CEB Student Bible. Great for group study, each book of the Bible includes articles, and activities written by biblical scholars with youth ministry experience. Includes prayers written by teens and official United Methodist confirmation-related materials. Common English Bible.

9781609262037 Charcoal DecoTone $39.99; $26.79 QUANTITY SAVINGS available! Call for details.

NEW Making Disciples William Willimon

13 E SS






A mentor-based confirmation program that pairs confirmands with adult mentors and guides them through a variety of learning experiences that will strengthen the student’s understanding of the faith while connecting him or her with the community of believers in a personal way. It can be used as a stand-alone program, or in conjunction with current curriculum as a special experiential unit. Abingdon Press. Coming in June. Confirmand’s Journal 9781501848209 $13.99; $9.49 Mentor Guide 9781501848186 $15.99; $10.79 Coordinator’s Guide 9781501848162 $16.99; $11.49


3/9/18 3:46 PM

• Covers the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation • Strengthens relationships within congregations and fosters a new generation of leaders


• Well-designed, accessible, easyto-use • 24-week study in three 8-episode segments, each with a weekly video

24 S






COVENANT AT THIS TABLE… Relationships are forged. The Bible unfolds. Leaders are born. Covenant is an in-depth, small-group Bible study in which participants read and discuss the Bible together, learning how to love God—and each other—better. Each of the three 8-episode modules explores a different aspect of what covenant means (Creating, Living, Trusting) and examines the progression of a Covenant relationship with God. Modules can be scheduled at any pace, any time. Abingdon Press.


Participant Guides


Three eight-week modules, each covering a different aspect of what covenant means: Creating; Living; Trusting. Includes a Leader Guide, a Participant Guide for each module, Covenant Meditations, and three DVDs with Implementation Guide.

Includes a Creating, Living, and Trusting Participant Guide. Order one per participant. Also available individually and in large-print editions. Visit for details.

Episode summaries and a DVD for each module. 24 sessions.

9781426772269 $234.99; $156.99

9781426772153 Set of 3 $49.99; $16.99 9781501840159 All 3 in One Book $39.99; $26.79

Leader Guide 9781426772238



$24.99; $16.99 $9.99; $7.99

9781426786785 Set of 3

$179.99; $126.49

Streaming videos and other digital resources available at

Certificates One certificate for each member in recognition of completion of the 24-week study. 9781501820519 Pkg. of 6



For more information, contact a Cokesbury Resource Consultant or visit See page 1 for symbol explanation.


CC18 PG52.indd 52 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


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• Downloadbale curriculum, email subscription • Current topics, instant delivery • Print only what’s needed for your Sunday school/small group

FAITHLINK The world is complicated. Let’s work through it together. FaithLink’s ready-to-use lessons connect faith to the issues and events making headlines every day. Conveniently available by download or through a weekly e-mail subscription, you can print exactly what you need for each session. Great for regular use with small groups and adult Sunday school classes from college students to seniors, FaithLink also works as a short-term break between studies or as a quick replacement in unexpected circumstances. Cokesbury. With our new format, the discussion questions are presented directly below each section to facilitate more conversation and to give each lesson a more natural flow. In addition to the essay that makes up the core of each lesson, every issue includes sections highlighting Bible passages and United Methodist perspectives related to the issues presented. The final page of each issue is designed for the session leader and includes leader helps, teaching alternatives, and an opening and closing prayer. New weekly issues are available one of two ways: by e-mail subscription, billed monthly; or by download at, paid for at time of purchase. Previous issues are also available for purchase at Call 1-800-672-1789 to sign up for an e-mail subscription today. New subscribers receive first month FREE!

• Weekly Scriptures studied worldwide • Comprehensive teaching aids • Thorough and challenging Bible lessons • Great for serious Bible study groups as well as personal study • Daily Bible readings • Published quarterly

CHRISTIAN LIFE SERIES Union Gospel Press is a proven leader in reliable and compelling Bible-teaching literature for the whole family. Our Christian Life adult Bible study series will equip anyone with effective tools for gaining a clear understanding of God’s Word. It offers a comprehensive treatment of the Uniform Sunday School Lesson Series written by outstanding Christian workers, seminarytrained writers, and dedicated Bible scholars with verse-by-verse exposition. Teachers get the most from the Sunday school lesson and impart these truths to their students, making the lessons applicable to their lives. Union Gospel Press. Includes guidance for the superintendent, questions and topics for discussion, a chalkboard illustration, an article that relates the lesson to world missions, an in-depth study on the golden text, discussions of the lesson in light of Jewish history, practical anecdotes supplementing the Bible study, stimulating editorials, questions for review, and daily Bible readings.


CC18 PG52.indd 53

FALL 2018 WINTER 2018–19 SPRING 2019 SUMMER 2019 PRICE (Each Qtr) 9781598436808 9781598438253 9781598438260 $4.65 Bible Expositor and Illuminator 9781598436792 Bible Expositor and Illuminator, Large Print 9781598436839 9781598436846 9781598438291 9781598438307 $5.50 9781598436877 9781598436884 9781598438413 9781598438420 $2.60 Adult Bible Teacher Adult Bible Teacher, 9781598436914 9781598436921 9781598438451 9781598438468 $3.35 Large Print 9781598436952 9781598436969 9781598438338 9781598438345 $2.50 Adult Bible Class, Student Adult Bible Class, Student, Large Print 9781598436990 9781598437003 9781598438376 9781598438383 $3.25 9781598437072 9781598437089 9781598438536 9781598438543 $1.95 Home Study Book Sunday School Superintendent 9781598437034 9781598437041 9781598438499 9781598438505 $1.65

Shop the online catalog at


3/9/18 3:49 PM


for FALL—

call for details

Transformative, Bible-based, Christ-focused Sunday school lessons

FPO ADULT BIBLE STUDIES Hundreds of thousands of people each week have transformative encounters with God through Bible-based, Christ-focused Sunday school lessons, and mid-week Bible studies in Adult Bible Studies, an approved resource by the General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church. Cokesbury. Published quarterly, each week’s Student Book lesson features printed biblical text from the Common English Bible, reliable and relevant biblical explanation and application, and more. Both supplementary and complimentary to the Adult Bible Studies Student Book, the Teacher Book provides small-group leaders, teachers, and facilitators with additional biblical background and exposition and suggestions for guiding group discussion. The DVD includes thirteen 5-minute video segments, each featuring one of our three hosts providing some context for the lesson and then tying that content to personal stories and daily living. FALL 2018 WINTER 2018–19

Each Student Book and Student Book 9781501830716 9781501830747 Teacher Guide is also Student Book, Large Print 9781501830723 9781501830754 Teacher Guide 9781501841644 9781501851148 available as an ebook on NEW to the series DVD 9781501867507 9781501867514




9781501830778 9781501830808 9781501830785 9781501830815 9781501851179 9781501851209 9781501867521 9781501867538

$11.99 $12.99 $14.99 $24.99

For quarterly session titles and topics, plus ordering information, current event supplements, sample lessons, and more— Visit: Teacher Guide downloads are available on for Adult Bible Studies!

STUDY THEMES Fall 2018, GOD’S WORLD AND GOD’S PEOPLE (Matthew, Luke, Romans, 2 Corinthians, Colossians, Nehemiah) Winter 2018–2019, OUR LOVE FOR GOD (Deuteronomy, Joshua, Psalms, Matthew, Philippians, James) Spring 2019, DISCIPLESHIP AND MISSION (Matthew, Luke, Romans) Summer 2019, A COVENANT IN CHRIST JESUS (Ruth, 1 Samuel, Matthew, Luke, Ephesians) See page 1 for symbol explanation.


CC18 PG54.indd 54 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


3/9/18 3:52 PM


NEW THIS YEAR: DVD • The DVD is a great way for your group to generate conversation around the Bible studies • Our most popular quarterly series • Use in multiple settings • Available in print and digital formats

Join Cokesbury’s Automatic Curriculum Shipment Program and receive: • FREE DVD for the Fall quarter • SAVE 50% on the winter quarter DVD. • $6.95 flat-rate shipping per quarter!

A Quick Order Form is available on for Adult Bible Studies. Save on shipping—sign up for Cokesbury’s Quarterly

Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program today.

Daily Bible Study This ongoing day-by-day Bible study series is a great companion to Adult Bible Studies and is presented in quarterly segments. Bible-based, Christ-focused, and United Methodist-approved, this resource helps individuals develop the discipline of studying the Bible every day. It coordinates with the lesson themes of Adult Bible Studies. Each lesson includes: • A one-page Bible study for each day of the quarter • An introductory question to reflect upon • Commentary on the daily Scripture passage • Application to the reader’s life • A concluding prayer All four quarters are also available as Cokesbury. ebooks on Each $12.99 WINTER 2018–2019 9781501851261

SPRING 2019 9781501851292

SUMMER 2019 9781501851322

Christian Living in the Mature Years: Living in Christ rather than aging in place This unique and interesting resource tailored for older adults is both a leisurereading magazine and a personal Bible study. It highlights articles on wellness, family, community involvement, and spiritual development. In this issue: • New Food Feature with delicious seasonal recipes • Step onto the red carpet at the Dove Awards with Jack Radcliffe • Phyllis Dryden tells us what it’s like to run for public office in “From Governed to Governing” • Explore “God’s World and God’s People“ in Larry Beman’s Bible lessons • You’ll still find your favorite articles, puzzles, Daily Meditations, and Bible lessons. Cokesbury. Each


FALL 2018 9781501846816

WINTER 2018–2019 9781501846823


CC18 PG54.indd 55

SPRING 2019 9781501846830

SUMMER 2019 9781501846847

Lecciones Cristianas (Christian Lessons for Adults)


E SS N S IO Este material está escrito especialmente para las clases de adultos de habla hispana. Tiene como propósito ayudar a las personas adultas a crecer en su comprensión de la Biblia y la relación que tiene con la vida. Lecciones Cristianas está basada en las Lecciones Bíblicas Internacionales. Además, el libro del maestro provee sugerencias, preguntas para discutir y actividades importantes que ayudarán a hacer mejor la enseñanza de cada lección. Nuevas lecciones cada trimestre. Cokesbury.


FALL 2018 9781501851230

Libro del Alumno Libro del Maestro 9781501847172 9781501847196 9781501866845 9781501866869 9781501866883 9781501866906 9781501866920 9781501866944

$9.99 $10.99

Fall 2018 Fall 2018 Winter 2018–2019 Winter 2018–2019 Spring 2019 Spring 2019 Summer 2019 Summer 2019

Shop the online catalog at

Alumno trimestre de otoño Maestro trimestre de otoño Alumno trimestre de invierno Maestro trimestre de invierno Alumno trimestre de primavera Maestro trimestre de primavera Alumno trimestre de verano Maestro trimestre de verano


3/9/18 3:52 PM

STANDARD LESSON STUDY SERIES & BIBLE Your Sunday school class or Bible study group will be ready to explore the Scripture text in a way that meets the needs of all kinds of learning styles. Available in both the Standard Lesson Commentary® (annual) and the Standard Lesson Quarterly® (quarterly) formats. David C Cook Publishing. The Standard Lesson line covers four 13-week topical studies each year. These are built around themes created within the ISSL/Uniform Series. The International Sunday School Lessons (ISSL)/Uniform Series is a 6-year plan for reading and studying the entire Bible.

Standard Lesson Commentary® 2018–2019

Standard Lesson Teacher’s Study Bible

As the nation’s most popular annual Bible commentary for more than two decades, the Standard Lesson Commentary is the yearly compilation of the Standard Lesson Quarterly’s teacher books. It provides 52 weeks of study, combining thorough Bible study (NIV or KJV texts) with relevant examples and questions. Each lesson has easy-to-use helps and ideas, plus supplemental web resources, making it great for lesson development and personal study. Available by subscription.

Teachers preparing for a Sunday school class, adult Bible fellowship, or small group will find this Bible packed with a wealth of resources for virtually every Scripture passage on which a lesson would likely be based. This study Bible combines the most popular study Bible features and the Standard Lesson Commentary.


NIV 9780784776865 Teacher’s Study Bible, Hardcover

9781434712011 Standard Lesson Commentary 9781434712028 Standard Lesson Commentary, Deluxe 9781434712035 Standard Lesson Commentary, Large Print

$17.99 $24.99 $20.99


$17.99 $24.99 $22.99 $20.99

9781434711977 Standard Lesson Commentary 9781434711991 Standard Lesson Commentary, Deluxe 9781434711984 Standard Lesson Commentary, Casebound 9781434712004 Standard Lesson Commentary, Large Print

9780784776858 Teacher’s Study Bible Duotone

$49.99 $59.99

KJV 9780784774786 Teacher’s Study Bible, Hardcover

$35.99 9780784777367 Teacher’s Study Bible, Hardcover Women’s Ed. $59.99 9780784774779 Teacher’s Study Bible, Duotone $42.99

See page 1 for symbol explanation.


CC18 P56.indd 56 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


3/9/18 3:53 PM


Setting the standard of scholarly study for more than 100 years • Weekly Scriptures & topics used worldwide • Cover the Bible in 6 years in 13 quarterly sessions • NIV or KJV texts • Sunday school, small-group, & pastoral use

13 S



per quarter S

Save on shipping—sign up for Cokesbury’s Quarterly

Curriculum Automatic Shipment Program today.

STANDARD LESSON QUARTERLY SERIES For more than 100 years, the Standard Lesson Quarterly has provided quality, biblically sound lessons based on the Uniform Series/ISSL. David C Cook Publishing. Each quarter contains 13 weeks of lessons, including verse-by-verse Bible exposition, discussion questions, and ready-to-use resources to enhance study. Teachers will appreciate the ease with which they are able to produce quality lessons. Students will appreciate how easy the lessons are to understand. Everything you need to prepare quality, biblically sound lessons that are adaptable to different class sizes, large or small. It encourages students to apply what they learn to daily life, with relevant examples and engaging discussion questions.

FALL 2018

WINTER 2018–19



P RICE (Each Quarter)

NIV Teacher Convenience Kit 9780784778685 9780784739563 9780784740064 9780784740569 (1 Teacher Book, 1 Student Book, 1 Adult Resources Visual Kit, 1 Adult Devotion, 1 sample issue of The Lookout)


Teacher Book Bible Class Student Book Bible Class Student Book, Large Print

9780784778708 9780784779194 9780784779699 9780784794197 9780784778715 9780784739594 9780784740095 9780784740590 9780784778722 9780784739600 9780784740101 9780784740606

$8.99 $5.49 $6.99

Teacher Convenience Kit 9780784778739 9780784739617 9780784740118 9780784740613 (1 Bible Teacher & Leader, 1 Student Book, 1 Adult Resources Visual Kit, 1 Adult Devotion, 1 each of 13 issues of Seek magazine)


Bible Teacher & Leader Book Bible Teacher & Leader Book, Large Print Bible Class Student Book Bible Class Student Book, Large Print

9780784778746 9780784779231 9780784779736 9780784794234 9780784778692 9780784779187 9780784779682 9780784794180 9780784778760 9780784739648 9780784740149 9780784740644 9780784778777 9780784739655 9780784740156 9780784740651

$8.99 $9.99 $5.99 $6.49

Adult Resources Visuals Kit 9780784739136 9780784739631 9780784740132 9780784740637 (12 full-color posters to illustrate weekly lessons and a Presentation Tools CD with images, student activity pages, and more)


Adult Devotions, Large Print Adult Devotions Seek Magazine (Pack of 5)

$5.99 $5.99 $22.99




CC18 P56.indd 57

9780784778296 9780784739679 9780784740170 9780784740675 9780784778289 9780784739204 9780784739709 9780784740200 9780784778784 9780784739662 9780784740163 9780784740668

Shop the online catalog at


3/9/18 3:53 PM

DISCIPLE—Search Scripture, Find Community Disciple Bible studies have remained the number one choice for more than 30 years for some of the most vibrant congregations in the world—transforming the lives of more than 2 million participants! Disciple is a program of disciplined Bible study aimed at developing strong Christian leaders. It draws upon the work of scholars, the personal Bible reading and study of the participant, and dynamic group discussion to aid understanding of the Bible. Abingdon Press. Planning Kits: Include DVDs, one Study Manual, Teacher Helps, and other materials for leaders. For additional information, call or visit I. Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study This first Disciple Bible study serves as the basis for all other studies in the Disciple family. In 34 weeks, Disciple covers the entire Bible. Planning Kit. Includes one each of Study Manual, DVD Set, Teacher Helps, Training DVD, and a canvas logo bag with handles and zipper. 9780687330829 $299.99 Study Manual. One copy for each participant. 9780687783496 $39.99 DVD Set. 9780687498130


Teacher Helps. 9780687496624


9780687783878 Manual de estudio 9781426778568 Ayudas para el personal docente, PDF download

Training DVD. 9780687494033


I. 제자화를 위한 성경연구 (Korean version)

Lapel Pins 6-Pack. 9781426795152


9780687779550 학생 9780687779659 인도자

Certificates 6-Pack. 9781426796395 $12.99 Study Manual: Youth. 9780687753239 $39.99 Teacher Helps Download: Youth. 9781426714207 $14.99 Available at

For Sunday School or Personal Study:

Sunday School Teacher

I. Discipulado I (Spanish version) Transformados en Discípulos por Medio del Estudio Bíblico

Personal Study Guide



Also available:

Disciple I–IV Multiphase Lapel Pins 6-Pack



$39.99 $14.99

Study Manual $39.99 Teacher Helps $14.99

II. Into the Word Into the World This 32-week study offers a closer look at Genesis, Exodus, Luke, and Acts, examining opportunities for faithful witness and service. Planning Kit. One each: Study Manual, DVD Set, Teacher Helps, and Basic Resource Library, in a canvas logo bag with handles and zipper. 9780687331659 $299.99 Study Manual. One copy for each participant. 9780687756315 $39.99 Basic Resource Library. 9781501831836

DVD Set. 9780687492909


Teacher Helps. 9780687756339


Lapel Pins 6-Pack. 9781426795169


Certificates 6-Pack. 9781426796401



9781426795190 $23.99

II. 말씀 속으로 세상 속으로 (Korean version) See page 1 for symbol explanation.


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9780687058792 9780687058693

학생 Study Manual 인도자 Teacher Helps | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants

$39.99 $14.99 CC18

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• Disciple program activities include daily reading & study, weekly small-group meetings, video presentations • Gives equal time to the Old Testament and the New Testament, emphasizing the wholeness of the Bible as a revelation of God • Teacher helps include suggestions for group activities • Spanish version available for Disciple I, Korean versions of Disciple 1–4

32 IO N

to S

34 E SS






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Part of the Disciple family of products: ®

Knowing God with Heart and Mind III. Remember Who You Are In the Old Testament Prophets and the Letters of Paul, this 32-week study examines the connection between memory and identity as the people of God. Participants will find calls for repentance, renewal, and community. Planning Kit. Includes one each of Study Manual, DVD Set, Teacher Helps, Context Portfolio, all in a canvas logo bag with handles and zipper. 9781501869105 $259.99 Study Manual. One copy for each participant. 9780687762545 $39.99 DVD Set. 9780687493005


Teacher Helps. 9780687762583


학생 Study Manual 인도자 Teacher Helps

Lapel Pins. 9781426795206 6-Pack


Lapel Pins 6-Pack. 9781426795176


DVD Set, 2 DVDs. 9780687494644

Certificates. 9781426796449 6-Pack



Readings. 9781426788000 D

Certificates 6-Pack 9781426796418


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학생 Study Manual 인도자 Teacher Helps

DVD Set. 9780687055463 Teacher Helps. 9780687096688 Lapel Pins 6-Pack. 9781426795183 Certificates 6-Pack. 9781426796425 $39.99 $14.99






Second Generation Studies

$39.99 $14.99

IV. 생명나무에 이르는 길 (Korean version) 9780687054442 9780687054749

Implementation Resource Download. Visit to order. 9781426773938 $4.99

Study Manual. D Second Generation Studies 9780687075638 $39.99

In this 32-week study of the Old Testament Writings, the Gospel of John, the Epistles of John, James, Jude, Revelation, and the Psalms, participants will see the entire process of living toward final completion of rest and reward. Includes a video for an interactive experience of the Book of Revelation.

Study Manual. One copy for each participant. 9780687096671 $39.99

Reading Package. Readings and Study Manual. 9780687075126 $46.99

Leader Guide. 9780687076031

IV. Under the Tree of Life

Planning Kit. One each: Study Manual, DVD Set, Teacher Helps, canvas logo bag with handles and zipper. 9781501864834 $284.99

Planning Kit DVD. DVD Set, one Study Manual, Leader Guide, Readings, zippered cloth logo bag with handles. 9781501852770 $234.99

Context Portfolio. A set of maps and charts that situate the prophets and Paul’s writings historically and geographically. 9781501868665 Flash Drive $49.99

III. 너희는 누구인가를 기억하라 (Korean version) 9780687077618 9780687077441

Focuses on classical teachings of the Christian faith—presenting, explaining, and interpreting them through the use of words, symbols, and hymns. Participants will examine the writings of ancient and modern Christian commentators and view video presentations by leading Bible scholars.



A 30-week study that invites believers to look at Jesus in each of the four Gospels and ask the question, ”Who is the Jesus that you see?” Study the names, the places, and the people—and encounter the Jesus who is both hard to ignore and hard to control, as portrayed in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Second Generation Studies


Planning Kit DVD. DVD Set, one Study Manual, Leader Guide, Gospel Comparisons, zippered cloth logo bag with handles. 9781501855962 $259.99


Leader Guide. 9780687026029


Cloth Bag. Zippered canvas. For Christian Believer / Jesus in the Gospels / Disciple. 9781426756436 $14.99

Study Manual. 9780687026920

DVD Set. 2 DVDs. Contain 7–10 min. beginning videos with scholars/ theologians; ending videos with art, music, words, and movement for each weekly session. 9780687026630 $199.99


Gospel Comparisons. 9780687026623


Certificates. 9781426796432 6-Pack $12.99

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DISCIPLE FAST TRACK Studying the Bible is essential to becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ. These adaptations of the original, best-selling Disciple Bible Study are ideal for busy people who want to fit a comprehensive Bible study into their schedule. Classes meet for a total of 24 weeks, broken down into two 12-week sessions, 3–5 chapters of the Bible to read daily. Weekly sessions last 75 minutes. Four hosts will provide approximately 5-minute video insights related to the week’s session. Flexible for use with small groups of 8–14, or for large groups of 15–100. Abingdon Press. Study Manuals Leader Guides DVDs Planning Kits

$15.99 $21.99 $99.99 $199.99

Fast Track Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study Richard and Julia Wilke and Susan Wilke Fuquay In just 24 weeks, participants will seek to have a better understanding of God’s Word and live that out in their daily lives as they immerse themselves in a study of the entire Bible—the Old Testament and the New Testament—each in 12 weeks. 9781501821318 9781501821332 9781501821356 9781501821301 9781501831829


CC18 PG60.indd 60

Old Testament Study Manual New Testament Study Manual Leader Guide DVD [CC] 24 videos; 5–7 mins. each Planning Kit (one of each item above and CEB Study Bible all in a messenger bag, plus access to personalizable online resources)

Fast Track Into the Word, Into the World NEW Coming in July. Richard and Julia Wilke, Susan Wilke Fuquay, and Fast Track Remember Who You Are Elaine Friedrich Richard and Julia Wilke, Susan Wilke Fuquay, and Designed to help your disciples hear God’s voice Elaine Friedrich through studying the Scriptures, so they can go into the world as faithful witnesses and be of service to the world. For the first 12 weeks, they will study Genesis– Exodus, and then Luke–Acts for 12 weeks. 9781501845895 9781501845918 9781501845932 9781501845888 9781501845956

Genesis-Exodus Study Manual Luke-Acts Study Manual Leader Guide DVD [CC] 24 weekly videos; 3–5 mins. each Planning Kit (one of each item above plus a CEB Bible Dictionary, a CEB Concise Concordance, plus access to personalizable online resources)

Examines the connection between memory and identity as the people of God. Participants will study the Old Testament Prophets and the Letters of Paul, finding common themes. 9781501859519 9781501859533 9781501859557 9781501859502 9781501859571 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants

The Prophets Study Manual The Letters of Paul Study Manual Leader Guide DVD [CC] 24 weekly videos; 5 mins. each Planning Kit (one of each item above in a messenger bag, plus access to personalizable online resources & a USB flash drive with maps, timelines, articles) CC18

3/9/18 2:04 PM




• A new way to offer Disciple Bible Study to people with busy lives • Covers the entire Bible—from Genesis to Revelation— but in shorter time frames • Review videos share insights related to the week’s session More Disciple products available on

DISCIPLE SHORT–TERM BIBLE STUDIES These life-changing courses are ideal for busy people who are unable to commit to longer studies. They focus on smaller Bible sections, or single books of the Bible, and appeal to more participants with more frequent offerings! These studies embody the same trusted scholarship as the Disciple foundational studies and include the same core activities: independent reading, weekly small groups, and video presentations by scholars. Abingdon Press. Planning Kits Leader Guides Participant Books DVDs

$59.99 $19.99 $15.99 $39.99

8–11 sessions per unit. For additional details on these studies, see

Invitation to Genesis

Invitation to the New Testament

Invitation to John

Invitation to the Old Testament

Also available:

Invitation to Romans

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Planning Kit Leader Guide Participant Book DVD Planning Kit Leader Guide Participant Book DVD

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Planning Kit Leader Guide Participant Book DVD

Invitation to Psalms 9780687650613 9780687650910 9780687650712 9780687650811

Planning Kit Leader Guide Participant Book DVD

9780687642670 9780687642779 9780687642571 9780687642977 9781501861499 9780687496594 9780687496495 9780687496693

Planning Kit Leader Guide Participant Book DVD Planning Kit Leader Guide Participant Book DVD

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Cokesbury’s Comprehensive Curriculum Catalog 2018–2019

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Deep Blue Nursery Leader Guide Fall 2018 | Cokesbury

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Deep Blue Nursery Leader Guide Fall 2018

$11 99 Pre-Order This Title Eligible for Expedited Shipping

Publisher: Abingdon Press

Publication Date: 07/2018

ISBN: 9781501861291

UMC Endorsed: Yes

Number of Lessons: 13

Returnable: No

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