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9/4/18 8:31 AM
A new churchwide study by ADAM HAMILTON
INSIDE CATALOG Churchwide..........1–3
Easter Events..........17
Communion ..........32–35
Children’s Gifts & Activities..........18–19
Lent & Easter Studies Comparison Chart..........8–9
Children’s Bibles..........20–21
Special Services..........28–29
Stoles..........inside back cover
Devotions & Meditations..........10–13 Congregational Devotions..........14–15 Congregational Gifts..........16
Our front cover is inspired by our new Easter bulletin series on pages 22–24.
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LE19 CV2.indd 2
9/4/18 8:34 AM
author insights
Simon Peter was an ordinary fisherman who transformed into a follower of Jesus. He was faithful, yet flawed. Peter was the first to profess Jesus as the Son of God, yet he later denied knowing him. Peter went on to give his life for the sake of his call. In this series, we take an in-depth dive into the life, faith, and character of Simon Peter.
God can turn your ordinary life into an extraordinary one! NEW Simon Peter
Flawed but Faithful Disciple Adam Hamilton
He left everything to follow his teacher and possessed a passion that would change the world. That’s one way to describe Peter. Here’s another: poor, uneducated, quick-tempered, and full of doubts and fears. Doesn’t even sound like the same man. And that’s the point of Simon Peter, a six-week adult Bible study by Adam Hamilton. Peter was just an ordinary guy who heard and followed God’s extraordinary call. Discover how you, too, have special gifts, talents, and abilities that God can use to make a difference today.
In addition to the Leader Guide and DVD components for adult studies, corresponding youth and children’s resources, sold separately, can be used to create a six-week churchwide study. Abingdon Press. Coming in December.
9781501845987. Hardcover Book. $19.99; $13.49 9781501846014. Leader Guide. $12.99; $8.79 9781501846038. DVD. [CC] 6 videos; 10–12 min. each. $39.99; $31.99 9781501846106. Youth Study Book. $11.99; $7.99 9781501846120. Children’s Leader Guide. $18.99; $12.79 9781501876219. Leader Kit. (1 each of components listed above) $103.99; $69.99
Also available:
9781501846007. Large Print Book. $20.99; $13.99 kit cd
participant book cd cd
kit kit
kit includes: LE19
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participant participant leader book book preview
book cd
what you’ll need
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and participant
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also included in kit
book book preview
9/4/18 8:35 AM
leader book
Churchwide Explore why you believe what you believe Creed
What Christians Believe and Why Adam Hamilton We’re used to answers popping up on a screen right in front of us. But when the questions examine the truths that give meaning and purpose to life, finding the answers takes more than simply typing a few words and pushing a button. Adam Hamilton believes that powerful answers to many of our complicated questions are contained in the Apostles’ Creed, an early statement of foundational Christian beliefs. In Creed, he explores not only what Christians believe, but also why they believe, and why it matters, which in turn leads readers to confront and examine their own core beliefs and go beyond reciting the Creed’s familiar words. The book is part of a six-week churchwide program includes a Leader Guide, DVD, youth and children resources, and a Leader Kit. Abingdon Press.
9781501813719. Hardcover Book. $19.99; $13.49 9781501813740. Leader Guide. $12.99; $8.79 9781501813764. DVD. [CC] 6 sessions: 12–15 min. each. $39.99; $31.99 9781501813832. Youth Study Book. $9.99; $6.79 9781501813702. Children’s Leader Guide. $18.99; $12.79 9781501824838. Leader Kit. (1 each of above plus one “I Believe” card pack.) $111.94; $69.99
Also available:
9781501813733. Large Print Book. $20.99; $13.99 9781501845451. “I Believe” Card Pack. Pkg. of 25, $9.99; $7.99
Streaming video sessions are also available on Cokesbury.com.
24 Hours That Changed the World Adam Hamilton
Adam Hamilton guides us, step by step, through the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life, retracing the day that changed human history in a straightforward yet easy, conversational style that speaks to both long-time Christians and those who are simply curious about the story of Christ’s crucifixion. Abingdon Press. 9781501828775. Book. $14.99; $9.99
Final Words From the Cross Adam Hamilton
As Jesus hung on the cross, he spoke seven “final words”—statements that have much to teach us about Jesus, his Father, and ourselves. 24 Hours That Changed the World took us on a Lenten journey through the last day of Jesus’ life. This inspiring follow-up explores these final words as seen and heard through the eyes and ears of those who stood near the cross. Abingdon Press.
The Way
The Gospel of John is the most deeply spiritual of the four gospels. Follow the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus through the Gospel of John and understand the context of some of the best-known verses in the New Testament. Abingdon Press.
Travel with Adam Hamilton as he retraces the life and ministry of Jesus. Video from his travels to the Holy Land give you a “firstperson” experience while his biblical wisdom and historical knowledge provide thoughtful and insightful commentary. Great as part of a 40-day churchwide emphasis during Lent and Easter. Abingdon Press.
The Gospel of Light and Life Adam Hamilton
9781501805332. Hardcover. $18.99; $12.79
9781501858475. Book. $14.99; $9.99
Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus Adam Hamilton
9781501828782. Book. $14.99; $9.99
Additional study components for these studies are available online. 2
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9/4/18 8:36 AM
Churchwide Become the extraordinary person you were meant to be Made for a Miracle
From Your Ordinary to God’s Extraordinary Mike Slaughter Did you know that when we hope for the impossible, it involves more than praying for God’s transcendent power? There are two components to every miracle: divine action and human responsibility. Each of us has been given specific talents and abilities. For a real miracle to take place, God expects us to apply these talents and abilities—acting with God to perform divine work. By examining biblical examples of how to use your God-given gifts for God’s glory, author and pastor Mike Slaughter helps you discover that you, too, were Made for a Miracle. In addition to the book, the six-week study for groups or individuals includes a comprehensive Leader Guide, a DVD, a Youth Study Book, and a Leader Kit. Abingdon Press.
9781501841385. Hardcover Book. $18.99; $12.79 9781501841415. Leader Guide. $12.99; $8.79 9781501841439. DVD. [CC] 6 sessions: 10–12 min. each. $39.99; $31.99 9781501841507. Youth Study Book. $11.99; $7.99 9781501870354. Leader Kit. (1 each of above.) $83.96; $59.99
Also available:
9781501841408. Large Print Book. $19.99; $13.49
Streaming video sessions are also available on Cokesbury.com.
Learn to be a hero from Jesus’ example What Makes a Hero?
The Death-Defying Ministry of Jesus Matt Rawle What Makes a Hero? offers us an image of what it looks like to be victorious over trials and temptations. Looking at pop culture heroes and others through the lens of faith, Matt Rawle shows how Jesus turned the concept of hero on its head. In keeping with his theme, “Pop in Culture,” the book examines how good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, and overcoming adversity are fundamental to how Christians understand salvation. Heroes help us discern the good, fight for what’s right, define identity, execute justice, spark revolution, and save lives. Rawle enters the Gospel story to tell quite a different victory story—one obtained through humility, obedience to the cross, and an empty tomb. How does Jesus redefine what it means to be a hero? Additional components for a six-week study include a comprehensive Leader Guide, a DVD featuring Matt Rawle, a Worship Resources Flash Drive, youth and children’s resources, and a Leader Kit. Abingdon Press.
9781501847929. Book. $16.99; $11.49 9781501847943. Leader Guide. $12.99; $8.79 9781501847967. DVD. [CC] 6 sessions: 10–12 min. each. $39.99; $31.99 9781501848056. Worship Resources Flash Drive. $34.99; $27.99 9781501847912. Children’s Leader Guide. $18.99; $12.79 9781501848032. Youth Study Book. $11.99; $7.99 9781501870033. Leader Kit. (1 each of above.) $135.94; $94.99
LE19 P02.indd 3
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9/4/18 8:37 AM
Studies Does life seem hopeless? It doesn’t have to. NEWLY EXPANDED Six Hours One Friday
Living the Power of the Cross Max Lucado There is a truth greater than all the losses and sorrow of life. And it can be discovered in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Six Hours One Friday, Max Lucado takes the reader deep into the meaning of Jesus’ last hours on the cross. Through his death, your life has purpose and meaning. You are forgiven and loved by a Savior who died for you. And an empty tomb proclaims that death does not have the final word. Peace where there should be pain. Confidence in the midst of crisis. Hope defying despair. Does death have the last word? I can see Jesus wink as he gives the answer: Not on your life. In this special expanded edition, Max Lucado will journey with the reader through a Bible study exploring each chapter of the book. Ideal for personal devotional time, small-group study, or classroom exploration, this Lenten study will be supported through video as a Live Bible Study on Facebook Live, then subsequently supported through online streaming. Thomas Nelson. Coming in February.
9781400207404. Hardcover. $16.99; $9.49
He Chose the Nails
What God Did to Win Your Heart Max Lucado
Examines the symbols surrounding Christ’s crucifixion. Thomas Nelson.
9780718085070. Book. $15.99; $9.49 9780310687269. 5-Session Study Guide. $9.99; $5.99 9780849942457. Workbook. $16.99; $9.49
Also available, combined studies for Lent & Advent:
9780310687283. Study Guides & DVD. $47.99; $26.99 9780310687849. DVD. 5 videos; 15–18 min. each. $29.99; $17.49
LE19 P04.indd 4
And the Angels Were Silent The Final Week of Jesus Max Lucado
In the last week of his life, Jesus deliberately sets his face toward Jerusalem and certain death. Master storyteller and best-selling author Max Lucado invites you to follow Jesus on his final journey. For by observing his, we may learn how to make ours. And discover what matters to God. Thomas Nelson. 9780849947513. $15.99; $9.49
No Wonder They Call Him the Savior
Discover Hope in the Unlikeliest Place Max Lucado
Far more than a gold-plated symbol of religious belief, the cross is the centerpiece of the Christian faith. Journey through the drama of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This book leads you up the hill of mankind’s highest hope and reminds you why he deserves to be called our Savior. Thomas Nelson.
On Calvary’s Hill
40 Readings for the Easter Season Max Lucado
Join best-selling author Max Lucado in an exploration of the final days in the life of Christ. Draw near to the Savior and prepare to celebrate the greatest miracle ever conceived. Feel the passion. Sense the truth. Hear the promise. Death has no power. Thomas Nelson. 9780718031329. Hardcover. $9.99; $5.99
9780849947117. $15.99; $9.49
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9/4/18 8:41 AM
Studies Deepen your understanding of the meaning of Easter NEW Entering the Passion of Jesus
A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week Amy-Jill Levine Although the Bible gives us insights into what Jesus was thinking between the time he entered into Jerusalem and the night he spent in the Garden of Gethsemane, we can’t totally relate. But what if we look at the “ordinary” people who witnessed the Passion events…the women around Jesus and his disciples? Or the “bad” guys…Judas, Pilate, and Caiaphas? If we look closely at the people who were part of Jesus’ life during the last days before the crucifixion—their relationships and roles in the story—how might that deepen our understanding of what happened? In Entering the Passion of Jesus, Amy-Jill Levine explores the biblical texts surrounding the Passion story to help us fill in the blanks. The six-week study is perfect for Holy Week and includes a DVD, a comprehensive Leader Guide, and a Leader Kit. Abingdon Press. Coming in December.
9781501869556. Book. $16.99; $11.49 9781501869570. Leader Guide. $12.99; $8.79 9781501869594. DVD. [CC] 6 sessions: 10–12 min. each. $39.99; $31.99 9781501876226. Leader Kit. (1 each of components listed above) $69.99; $49.99
Also available:
9781501876158. Large Print Book. $17.99; $11.99
The Women of Easter
Encounter the Savior with Mary of Bethany, Mary of Nazareth, and Mary Magdalene Liz Curtis Higgs
Prepare your heart for a richer, deeper Easter experience. Liz Curtis Higgs, a seasoned Bible teacher and award-winning novelist, combines her storytelling skills with a thorough verseby-verse study of Scripture as together you explore the remarkable lives of three women. WaterBrook. 9781601426826. Hardcover. $14.99; $10.79 LE19
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Embracing the Uncertain
The Gift of New Creation
We are wired to want to control our destiny. But those who embrace uncertainty and make the risky decision to follow Jesus despite the many “unknowns” will reap the greatest rewards. This Lenten study invites readers to engage and wrestle with life’s uncertainties, not ignore them. Abingdon Press.
Explore God’s saving and redeeming love through a study of the lectionary Bible readings for Lent and Easter. Based on the Revised Common Lectionary Scripture for Church Year C. Includes commentary and reflection on readings from the Old Testament, the Gospels, and the Epistles. Abingdon Press.
A Lenten Study for Unsteady Times Magrey R. deVega
9781501840586. $12.99; $8.79 9781501840609. Large Print. $13.99; $9.49 9781501848094. Devotional Companion. $9.99; $6.79
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Scriptures for the Church Seasons Thomas L. Ehrich
9781501870903. $9.99; $6.79 9781501870927. Large Print. $10.99; $7.49
9/4/18 8:41 AM
Studies How can we know the story of Jesus is true? NEW The Case for Easter
Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Lee Strobel with Bill Butterworth In his best-selling book The Case for Christ, Lee Strobel retraced his spiritual journey from atheism to faith by showing how the evidence he obtained from experts in the fields of history, archaeology, and ancient manuscripts led him to the verdict that Jesus truly was the Son of God. Now, in this four-week study for Easter, Strobel investigates the story surrounding the resurrection of Jesus—and how we can know that it is true. The Case for Easter invites participants to examine the evidence for themselves and consider whether the story of Jesus’ resurrection makes sense. It will point them to the inescapable conclusion that led Strobel from atheism to Christianity: Jesus was the Son of God who conquered the grave. Zondervan.
9780310099277. Study Guide. $10.99; $7.99 9780310099314. Video Study (DVD). Combined study for Easter & Christmas. $29.99; $23.99
Coming in December.
The Case for Easter
A Journalist Investigates Evidence for the Resurrection Lee Strobel 9780310355984. Book. $2.99; $2.49
Seven-Mile Miracle
Journey Into the Presence of God Through the Last Words of Jesus Steven Furtick
Shows us how Jesus’ last words offer mile markers for our journey in relationship with God. Includes questions for reflection and a 40-day reading guide. Multnomah.
Easter Earthquake
How Resurrection Shakes Our World James A. Harnish
This study explores how Christ’s resurrection shakes some of our most basic assumptions about ourselves and God. It reverses the usual focus of Lenten studies by 9781601429247. Book. $14.99; $10.99 starting at the empty tomb and 9781601425133. Participant’s Guide. seeing the entire journey in light $9.99; $7.99 of the Resurrection. A different 9781601425348. DVD. 7 videos; 79 min. perspective brings fresh energy into $23.99; $17.99 the passion story. Upper Room Books.
9781601425157. DVD with Participant’s Guide. $31.99; $23.49
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9780835817165. $13.99; $10.99
On The Road to the Cross
Forgiving others and humbly asking for forgiveness are central disciplines for all Christian believers. Lent is an appropriate time to deepen our understanding and practice of forgiveness. This encouraging study takes a close look at our understanding of forgiveness using real-life situations and biblical examples. Study guide included. Westminster John Knox Press.
Experience Easter through the eyes of the everyday people who witnessed the triumphal entry, saw Jesus drag his cross to Calvary, and cried through Christ’s last words. Each new perspective opens the door to a fresh consideration of Easter and its impact on their lives and ours. Abingdon Press.
A Lenten Study Marjorie J. Thompson
9780664259723. $12.00; $9.99
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Experience Easter With Those Who Were There Rob Burkhart
9781501822643. Book. $16.99; $11.49 9781501822674. Leader Guide. 8 sessions. $13.99; $9.49
9/4/18 8:45 AM
Studies Discover the real identity of Jesus The God We Can Know
Exploring the “I Am” Sayings of Jesus Rob Fuquay This 7-week study is designed for the entire congregation to explore the “I am” sayings of Jesus found in the Gospel of John. Perfect for Lent, the series will help you find and form an answer to the most essential question in the Christian faith, “Who do you say I am?” One by one, Jesus’ statements grab our imagination, reveal more about his identity and purpose, and connect us to the God of Moses, who spoke the first “I am.” These significant, yet ordinary images (bread, light, shepherd, vine, and more) give us insightful ways to experience Jesus and point us to a God who wants to be known. The DVD, filmed on location in the Holy Land, allows you to travel with Rob Fuquay and actually see the places where Jesus stood while disclosing his true identity, and in what context he spoke each “I am.” The DVD features age-level guides for children, youth, and adults. Upper Room Books.
9780835813389. Book. $9.99; $6.99 9780835813624. DVD with Leader’s Guide. 7 sessions; 4–10 min. each. $39.99
Also available:
9780835815550. Enlarged Print Book. $9.99; $7.99
Lent and Holy Week
Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton Jonathan Montaldo and Robert G. Toth, editors
Opens Merton’s writings in easily digestible pieces and eloquently pairs them with the words of other great spiritual thinkers. Use in new or existing small groups between Ash Wednesday and Easter. An accessible introduction to contemplative dialogue. Built around 8 compelling Lenten themes. Ave Maria Press. 9781594712043. $5.95 LE19
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Who Is This Man?
The Unpredictable Impact of the Inescapable Jesus John Ortberg
This five-session, DVD-based, smallgroup Bible study reveals how Jesus made an inescapable influence on our world and you will learn how you can make one too. Zondervan.
9780310340492. Book. $16.99; $9.99 9780310824831. Study Guide. $10.99; $6.49 9780310824954. DVD. $26.99; $13.99 9780310824961. Study Guide w/DVD. $36.99; $20.99
Jesus: Understanding His Death Which Way, Lord? Exploring Your Life’s Purpose in the and Resurrection A Study of Mark 14–16 Kay Arthur and David Arthur
In this powerful, 6-week, nohomework study centered on the final chapters of the Gospel of Mark, you’ll consider for yourself all that Jesus endured to bring forgiveness to sinners and hope to the hopeless. And you’ll understand as never before why it’s so essential to share with others the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection. WaterBrook. 9781601428042. $7.99; $5.79
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Journeys of Paul Rob Fuquay
This 6-session churchwide or small-group study will help you understand God’s desire for your life by unpacking your experiences alongside those of the apostle Paul. The DVD features age-level guides. Upper Room Books.
9780835817028. $9.99; $7.99 9780835817035. Enlarged Print. $9.99; $7.99 9780835817066. DVD. 6 sessions; 9–16 min. each. $39.99; $34.99
9/4/18 8:45 AM
At-a-glance study comparison for Lent
NEW Simon Peter: Flawed but Faithful Disciple
Creed: What Christians Believe and Why
Final Words from the Cross
John: The Gospel of Light and Life
Made for a Miracle: From Your Ordinary to God’s Extraordinary
What Makes a Hero? The Death-Defying Ministry of Jesus
Author Audience
Adam Hamilton Churchwide/ Small Group He left everything to follow his teacher and possessed a passion that would change the world. He was poor, uneducated, quicktempered, and full of doubts and fears. Can this be the same man? That’s the point of this Bible study. Peter was just an ordinary guy who heard and followed God’s extraordinary call.
Adam Hamilton Churchwide/ Small Group Adam Hamilton believes that powerful answers to many of our complicated questions are contained in the Apostles’ Creed. This study explores what Christians believe, why they believe it, and why it matters, leading readers to confront and examine their own core beliefs.
Adam Hamilton Adult Individual/ Small Group
Adam Hamilton Churchwide/ Small Group
Mike Slaughter Churchwide/ Small Group
Matt Rawle Churchwide/ Small Group
Explore Jesus’ final words from the cross. Each chapter includes the biblical account followed by a story written from the viewpoint of a witness at the cross.
The Gospel of John includes some of the loftiest and most-loved verses in all the Bible. Join Adam Hamilton and experience a season of spiritual growth and life-changing renewal as you read the entire Gospel of John, exploring its major themes.
Looking at pop culture heroes through the lens of faith, Rawle shows how Jesus turned the concept of hero on its head. The book examines how good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, and overcoming adversity are fundamental to how Christians understand salvation.
6 Sessions Coming in December. __ Hardcover Book. 9781501845987. $19.99; $13.49 __ Leader Guide. 9781501846014. $12.99; $8.79 __ DVD. [CC] Six 10–12 min. videos. 9781501846038. $39.99; $31.99 __ Youth Study Book. Grades 6–12. Use with adult-level DVD. 9781501846106. $11.99; $7.99 __ Children’s Leader Guide. Grades K–2 and 3–6. 9781501846120. $18.99; $12.79 __ Leader Kit. Contains one each of above. 9781501876219. $103.99; $69.99 __ L arge Print Book. 9781501846007. $20.99; $13.99
6 Sessions __ Hardcover Book. 9781501813719. $19.99; $13.49 __ Leader Guide. 9781501813740. $12.99; $8.79 __ DVD. [CC] Six 12–15 min. videos. 9781501813764. $39.99; $31.99 __ Youth Study Book. Grades 6–12. Use with adult-level DVD. 9781501813832. $9.99; $6.79 __ Children’s Leader Guide. 9781501813702. $18.99; $12.79 __ Leader Kit. One each of above plus one pkg. of 25 “I Believe” cards. 9781501824838. $111.94; $69.99 __ Large Print Book. 9781501813733. $20.99; $13.99 __ “I Believe” Card Pack. Pkg. of 25. 9781501845451. $9.99; $7.99
6–7 Sessions __ Book. 9781501858475. $14.99; $9.99 __ Hardcover Book. 9781426746802. $16.99; $11.49 __ Leader Guide. 9781426746840. $11.99; $7.99 __ DVD. [CC] 6 8–10 min. videos (plus postscript). 9781426746833. $39.99; $31.99
6 Sessions __ Hardcover Book. 9781501805332. $18.99; $12.79 __ Leader Guide. 9781501805363. $12.99; $8.79 __ DVD. [CC] Six 12–17 min. videos. 9781501805417. $39.99; $31.99 __ Youth Study Book. Grades 6–12. Use with adult-level DVD. 9781501805486. $9.99; $6.79 __ Children’s Leader Guide. Grades K–2 and 3–6. 9781501805509. $18.99; $12.79 __ Leader Kit. Contains one each of above. 9781501817519. $100.95; $69.99 __ Large Print Book. 9781501805356. $19.99; $13.99
There are two components to every miracle: divine action and human responsibility. For a real miracle to take place, God expects us to apply our talents and abilities—acting with God to perform divine work. Examines biblical examples of how to use our God-given gifts for God’s glory. 6 Sessions __ Hardcover Book. 9781501841385. $18.99; $12.79 __ Leader Guide. 9781501841415. $12.99; $8.79 __ DVD. [CC] Six 10–12 min. videos. 9781501841439. $39.99; $31.99 __ Youth Study Book. Grades 6–12. Use with adult-level DVD. 9781501841507. $11.99; $7.99 __ Leader Kit. Contains one each of above. 9781501870354. $83.96; $59.99 __ Large Print Book. 9781501841408. $19.99; $13.49
# Sessions Separate components or included features
6 Sessions __ Book. 9781501847929. $16.99; $11.49 __ Leader Guide. 9781501847943. $12.99; $8.79 __ DVD. [CC] Six 10–12 min. videos. 9781501847967. $39.99; $31.99 __ Youth Study Book. Grades 6–12. Use with adult-level DVD. 9781501848032. $11.99; $7.99 __ Children’s Leader Guide. Grades K–2 and 3–6. 9781501847912. $18.99; $12.79 __ Worship Resources Flash Drive. Sermon outlines, promotional videos, social media images, presentation slides, posters, more. 9781501848056. $34.99; $27.99 __ Leader Kit. Contains one each of above. 9781501870033. $135.94; $94.99
See page 1 for more details. See page 2 for more details. See page 2 for more details. See page 2 for more details. See page 3 for more details. See page 3 for more details.
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9/4/18 8:50 AM
helps you find the best one for your small-group or congregation
NEWLY EXPANDED Six Hours One Friday: Living the Power of the Cross
He Chose the Nails: What God Did to Win Your Heart
NEW Entering the Passion of Jesus: A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week
The Gift of New Creation: Scripture for the Church Seasons
Embracing the Uncertain: A Lenten Study for Unsteady Times
NEW The Case for Easter: Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus
Max Lucado
Max Lucado
Amy-Jill Levine
Thomas L. Ehrich
Magrey R. deVega
Adult Individual/ Small Group There is a truth greater than all the losses and sorrow of life. Lucado takes the reader deep into the meaning of Jesus’ last hours on the cross. Through his death, your life has purpose and meaning. Supported through video as a Live Bible Study on Facebook Live, then subsequently supported through online streaming.
Adult Individual/ Small Group Every gift from God reveals his love, but no gift reveals his love more than the gifts of the cross. In this five-session video Bible study, Lucado explores the many gifts that Christ provided to us at his crucifixion.
Adult Individual/ Small Group
Adult Individual/ Small Group
Adult Individual/ Small Group
Lee Strobel and Bill Butterworth Adult Individual/ Small Group
Although the Bible gives us insights into what Jesus was thinking between the time he entered into Jerusalem and the night he spent in the Garden of Gethsemane, we can’t totally relate. To help us fill in the blanks, this study explores the biblical text surrounding the Passion story, looking at the “ordinary” people who witnessed the events.
Invites us to explore God’s saving and redeeming love through a study of the lectionary Bible readings (commentary and reflection from the Old Testament, the Gospels, and the Epistles) for Lent and Easter. Key Scriptures call us to prepare and contemplate God’s restoration and new creation through the death and resurrection of Jesus.
We are living in uncertain times. It is those who are willing to embrace uncertainty and make the risky decision to follow Jesus despite the many “unknowns” who will reap the greatest rewards. This Lent, Embracing the Uncertain invites readers to engage and wrestle with life’s uncertainties, not ignore them.
N/A Coming in February. __ Hardcover Book. 9781400207404. $16.99; $9.49
5 Sessions __ Book. 9780718085070. $15.99; $9.49 __ Study Guide. 9780310687269. $9.99; $5.99 __ Workbook. 9780849942457. $16.99; $9.49 Also available, combined studies for Lent & Advent: __ DVD. Five 15–18 min. videos. 9780310687849. $29.99; $17.49 __ Study Guide with DVD. 9780310687283. $47.99; $26.99
6 Sessions Coming in December. __ Book. 9781501869556. $16.99; $11.49 __ Leader Guide. 9781501869570. $12.99; $8.79 __ DVD. [CC] Six 10–12 min. videos. 9781501869594. $39.99; $31.99 __ Leader Kit. Contains one each of above. 9781501876226. $69.99; $49.99 __ Large Print Book. 9781501876158 $17.99; $11.99
7 Sessions __ Book. 9781501870903. $9.99; $6.79 __ Large Print. 9781501870927. $10.99; $7.49
6 Sessions __ Book. 9781501840586. $12.99; $8.79 __ Large Print. 9781501840609. $13.99; $9.49 __ Devotional. 9781501848094. $9.99; $6.79
# Sessions Separate components or included features
The best-selling book retraced Strobel’s spiritual journey from atheism to faith by showing how the evidence he obtained from experts in the fields of history, archaeology, and ancient manuscripts led him to the verdict that Jesus truly was the Son of God. This Easter study investigates the story surrounding the resurrection of Jesus— and how we can know that it is true. 4 Sessions __ Study Guide. 9780310099277. $10.99; $7.99 __ Video Study (DVD). Combined study for Easter and Christmas. 9780310099314. $29.99; $23.99 Coming in December. __ Book. 9780310355984. $2.99; $2.49
See page 4 for more details. See page 4 for more details. See page 5 for more details. See page 5 for more details. See page 5 for more details. See page 6 for more details.
LE19 P08.indd 9
a study for Lent?
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9/4/18 8:51 AM
Devotions & Meditations Renew your friendship with God this Lent NEW Divine Friendship
Reflections for Lent Anthony Egan, Trevor Hudson, and Russell Pollitt Many of us spend our lives searching for something to satisfy our deepest longings. Yet we will never find complete satisfaction in human relationships, possessions, or personal power. As Saint Augustine wrote, “Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you [God].” Lent offers us the opportunity to deepen our friendship with God. The idea of being friends with God may intimidate some, but the authors of this book provide practical tips for developing a closer relationship with God. Set aside at least 15 to 20 minutes each day to spend with God, the introduction suggests. Read the Scripture texts and reflections, and pay attention to what they evoke in you. Then talk to God about your thoughts and feelings just as you would to your best friend. Upper Room Books.
9780835817967. $13.99; $10.99
NEW The Merciful Humility of God: The 2019 Lent Book
NEW Sense and Sensibility
The 2019 Lent Book is a stirring meditation on God’s humility. As we follow this book through Lent and through the biblical narrative, what begins to emerge is that God’s merciful humility is the source of life. Bloomsbury Continuum. Coming in February.
Daily Lenten reflections with a novel approach. The physical senses play an integral role in the human capacity for emotion and feeling. Overstimulation in the physical senses gradually erodes one’s ability to feel emotion. Sense and Sensibility helps to restore our ability to participate emotionally in the Lenten journey by revisiting the five physical senses, one per week, in Lent. Church Publishing.
Jane Williams
9781472954817. $16.00; $15.99
A Lenten Exploration Sam Portaro
9781640651272. $12.95; $10.99
LE19 P10.indd 10
With Jesus in the Upper Room A Workbook on His Final Lessons for Today’s Disciples Maxie Dunnam
The last supper was the last intimate time Jesus had with his disciples. It has been called “Jesus’ Final Discourse” and “Jesus’ Last Will and Testament to His Church.” In this 7-week study, Dunnam leads readers through John 13–17 to this most precious legacy of Jesus’ teaching, the distillation of His thought and message—what He really wants us to hear. Seedbed Publishing.
Pauses for Lent
40 Words for 40 Days Trevor Hudson
In this beautifully minimalist book, Trevor Hudson focuses on 40 single words, one for each day of the season of Lent. Each brief meditation pairs the word for the day with a Scripture verse, brief insight, and a thought or action. Each pause for Lent will refresh and challenge readers. Upper Room Books. 9780835815048. $8.99; $6.49
9781628243970. $16.95
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9/4/18 8:58 AM
Devotions & Meditations Find hope through honest self-reflection NEW A Resurrection Shaped Life
Dying and Rising on Planet Earth Jake Owensby Jesus’ resurrection was an extraordinary, singular event. But Bishop Jake Owensby says we, too, can experience extraordinary resurrection even within the realm of our ordinary lives on earth. In A Resurrection Shaped Life, Owensby leads us through a re-examination of the biblical concept of resurrection and illustrates how it can influence us as Christians every day. We’ll learn that a resurrection-shaped life finds hope through honest reflection on the past, moves beyond shame and blame toward self-acceptance and compassion, and draws strength from the hope of life after life. The book includes readings appropriate for every season but is especially suitable during Lent. Abingdon Press. Coming in December. 9781501870811. $16.99; $11.49
The Glory of the Cross
Reflections for Lent from the Gospel of John Tim Chester
Daily readings present deep theology in a concise and understandable way, allowing you to soak up the real meaning of Christ’s death and resurrection. Each week, read through one or two chapters of John’s Gospel. Carefully selected daily prayers are drawn from the rich work of writers throughout church history. The Good Book Company. 9781784982560. $12.99; $9.49
The Week That Opened Forever The Passion of Christ In a Different Voice William J. O’Malley
This dramatic retelling of the Passion presents an ongoing narrative on each of the eight last days, together with questions and meditations. It begins with an overview of the three years of Jesus’ public life and then jumps to the passion, death, and Resurrection. Orbis Books.
Shadows, Darkness, and Dawn
A Way Other Than Our Own
Takes readers through the ministry of Jesus with a special emphasis on images of light and darkness. Six carefully chosen Gospel stories help readers examine their own shadows, their confessions whispered in the darkness, and the power of Christ’s regenerating love to bring freedom from sin and the fear of darkness. Upper Room Books.
Lent recalls times of wilderness and wandering, from newly freed Hebrew slaves in exile to Jesus’ temptation in the desert. Despite our culture of self-indulgence, we too are called to walk a path of humility, justice, and peace. Walter Brueggemann’s thought-provoking reflections for the season of Lent invite us to consider the challenging, beautiful life that comes with walking the way of grace. Westminster John Knox Press.
A Lenten Journey with Jesus Thomas R. Steagald
9780835810326. $7.99; $5.79
9781626980969. $18.00; $16.49
Devotions for Lent Walter Brueggemann
9780664261696. $13.00; $7.99 LE19
LE19 P10.indd 11
Shop the online catalog at Cokesbury.com
9/4/18 8:58 AM
Devotions & Meditations Turn your doubt into something positive NEW 40 Days of Doubt
Devotions for the Skeptic Eric Huffman Have you ever noticed people rolling their eyes at something you said in your Bible study? Or have people turned to look at you quizzically when you asked a question in your small group? Even in the midst of believers, such occurrences can cause you to feel like an abnormal Christian. And that, in turn, can cause you to question whether your faith is real and if God is really in your life. 40 Days of Doubt, a devotional by pastor and author Eric Huffman, helps us understand how we can deal with our doubt and provides candid, insightful answers for those times in our spiritual journey when our minds and souls are fighting. You’ll not only find solace in these wonder-filled reflections; you’ll also discover that you are aren’t abnormal, after all, for having doubt. Abingdon Press. Coming in December. 9781501869136. $14.99; $9.99
NEW Were You There?
NEW African American History
Lenten Reflections on the Spirituals & Devotions Luke A. Powery Readings and Activities for In these devotions for the season of Individuals, Families, and Lent, Powery leads readers through Communities Teresa L. Fry Brown the spirituals as they confront the
Walk in Her Sandals
Experiencing Christ’s Passion Through the Eyes of Women Kelly M. Wahlquist, editor
Pray in a new and creative way this Lent. Join the women of WINE: Women In the New Evangelization on mystery of Christ’s atoning death and Twenty-eight devotions to help you a journey through Christ’s passion, victory over the grave. Each selection celebrate your heritage, deepen death, and resurrection. What if you your faith, and build stronger includes the lyrics of the spiritual, could have been witness to the events communities. Scripture, a reflection a reflection by the author on the spiritual’s meaning, a Scripture verse on the Scripture, a prayer, and related of Jesus’ last days—walking with him as he entered Jerusalem, observing activities are included for each day. related to that meaning, and a brief his crucifixion, and embracing him on Perfect for families, groups, and prayer. Westminster John Knox Press. individual devotions. Abingdon Press. Easter? Ave Maria Press. Coming in January. 9780664260309. $13.00
LE19 P12.indd 12
9781501849558. $5.99; $4.99
Simplifying the Soul
Lenten Practices to Renew Your Spirit Paula Huston
Award-winning author and Benedictine oblate Paula Huston invites readers to de-clutter their minds, hearts, relationships, and souls in a book of daily Lenten practices woven from the Gospels, the Desert Fathers, and the author’s own wealth of spiritual experience. Ave Maria Press. 9781594712692. $14.95; $10.79
9781594716911. $15.95; $12.49
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9/4/18 9:04 AM
Devotions & Meditations If chocolate isn’t a sin, why give it up for Lent? Lenten Healing
40 Days to Set You Free from Sin Ken Kniepmann Based on the popular spiritual healing program designed by Bob Schuchts and the John Paul II Healing Center, Lenten Healing offers a twist to traditional Lenten fasting: instead of giving up chocolate, give up your sin. This daily Lenten devotional offers a unique approach to fasting, helping you reexamine the psychological and spiritual roots of sin in your life while sharing reflections and prayer exercises for overcoming sinful habits and acquiring virtuous ones. Lent is the ideal time to identify and address “spiritual blind spots”— unacknowledged emotional wounds and false ideas that hinder your prayer life and worship. During each week of Lent, Kniepmann breaks open one of the seven deadly sins (pride, lust, gluttony, sloth, anger, envy, and greed) and its corresponding virtue (humility, chastity, abstinence, diligence, patience, kindness, and liberality). You’ll start by learning about the sin and how it manifests itself in daily life and thought patterns. Then you’ll move into reflection and prayer exercises that guide you through the process of renouncing that week’s sin and resolving to adopt that week’s virtue. Ave Maria Press.
9781594717956. $13.95; $12.49
The Journey to Jerusalem A Story of Jesus’ Last Days John Pritchard
This imaginative retelling explores the Gospel of Luke by looking through the eyes of the disciple John. It follows Luke’s account from Luke 9:51, as Jesus “set his face to go to Jerusalem.” Perfect for individuals or groups, it provides weekday readings for Lent, from Ash Wednesday to Good Friday, along with a poem for each Saturday. With reflection/ discussion questions. Westminster John Knox Press. 9780664262693. $14.00; $10.99 LE19
LE19 P12.indd 13
Walking with Jesus through the Old Testament
According to Your Mercy
Holy Solitude
On a 7-mile journey from Jerusalem to Emmaus, the resurrected Jesus captivated two travelers with stories from the Old Testament pointing to his life and death. This book invites readers to embark on this journey with Christ throughout Lent. It contains 46 devotions referencing the Old Testament, each with a prayer and a set of activities. Westminster John Knox Press.
Fr. Martin Shannon has chanted and studied the Psalms for years. Each of these 47 reflections is on one psalm, with a meditation on its meaning and how it connects to our lives, followed by a word from one of the ancient church fathers and a prayer. Readers will discover the power of the psalms to inspire their own Lenten journey towards Easter. Paraclete Press.
Holy Solitude introduces heroes from both Scripture and Christian history who experienced God powerfully in solitude. Their stories of discernment and discipline can guide our own spiritual practices and offer us thoughtful inspiration and practical daily devotional activities to open our eyes, ears, minds, and hearts to the still, small voice of God. Westminster John Knox Press.
Devotions for Lent Paul Stroble
9780664261214. $15.00; $10.99
Praying with the Psalms from Ash Wednesday to Easter Martin Shannon
9781612617732. $14.99; $10.99
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Lenten Reflections with Saints, Hermits, Prophets, and Rebels Heidi Haverkamp
9780664263157. $14.00; $8.79
9/4/18 9:04 AM
Congregational Devotions A convenient, affordable devotional booklet perfect for sharing! NEW The Sanctuary for Lent 2019
Juan Huertas
The Sanctuary for Lent 2019 contains brief readings for each day in Lent, including Scripture, a short devotion, and a brief prayer. These daily readings help readers faithfully journey through Lent as they prepare to experience the joy of the Resurrection. Sold in convenient packs of 10, the booklets are designed to fit in a #10 envelope, so they’re the perfect size for churches to include in Lent mailings. A wonderful outreach tool to send to visitors or those unable to attend services, such as homebound or prison ministries. Abingdon Press. Coming in December. 9781501871269. Pkg. of 10. $10.99
NEW Sacred Reading for Lent 2019
NEW The Living Gospel
NEW The Easter Code
NEW Sacred Space for Lent 2019
This powerful prayer book is the perfect resource if you are interested in a deeper prayer life or are seeking a new approach to praying and living the Scriptures during Lent. It draws on the traditions of Ignatian spirituality and models the lectio divina approach to Scripture reading and prayer as it guides you through the daily Gospel readings for Lent. Ave Maria Press.
Offers soul-searching direction and challenges you to stay focused on the disciplines of Lent: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Each day begins with a simple call to prayer followed by a psalm verse and a brief Scripture passage. Paolino’s reflections will help you connect your everyday life with the call to repentance and conversion we hear during Lent. Ave Maria Press.
This meaningful devotional booklet offers a seasonal devotion for each day from Ash Wednesday to Easter. A great gift to purchase in bulk for friends and family, pastoral staff, Bible study groups, and church congregations. Each day includes Scripture, a devotion, a Code Word to think about and make the message memorable, and a prayer. Thomas Nelson. Coming in January.
Invites readers to develop a closer relationship with God during this season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Each day includes a Scripture reading and points of reflection, plus a weekly topic enhanced by six steps of prayer and meditation. With its small size and meaningful message, this is a simple way to build a richer relationship with God and embrace the Lenten season as a sacred space. Loyola University Press.
Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network
Daily Devotions for Lent 2019 Charles Paolino
9781594718571. $2.00
9781594718496. $2.25
LE19 P14.indd 14
A 40-Day Journey to the Cross O. S. Hawkins
9781400211487. $2.99; $2.49
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The Irish Jesuits
9780829447040. $2.95
9/4/18 9:09 AM
Congregational Devotions Daily meditations on the great Easter mystery NEW Not By Bread Alone
Daily Reflections for Lent 2019 Mary DeTurris Poust Prayerfully journey through Lent with Mary DeTurris Poust’s fresh and meaningful reflections on the daily Mass readings. In just minutes per day, the insightful meditations of Not by Bread Alone can deepen your experience of this solemn season of prayer and penance and prepare you to participate more fully in the joy of the great Easter mystery. Liturgical Press.
9780814645116. Regular Print. $2.00 9780814644720. Large Print. $5.95; $4.49
Everyone’s Way of the Cross
Daily Guideposts
NEW Rejoice and Be Glad
NEW Leaning In, Letting Go
This perennially popular meditation booklet combines imaginative, fullpage photos with a dialogue between Christ and the reader, urging us to carry on Christ’s “unfinished business” and unite our human will with the divine will. Ideal for either private devotion or public Stations of the Cross, for adult parish Lenten programs, and high school use. Ave Maria Press.
Renew your heart this Lent with devotions from Daily Guideposts. In just five minutes each day, you’ll enjoy a Scripture verse, a personal story, and a prayer to help you apply the day’s message. Join the community of over a million readers on this remarkable and deeply personal spiritual journey. Zondervan.
There is no better season to renew one’s relationship with God than Easter, the most joyful time of the Christian Year. Rejoice with Bishop Morneau’s reflections on the daily Mass readings. In just minutes per day, these insightful meditations can help you embrace, live, and share the good news of Easter. Liturgical Press.
Sometimes, you need to let go to be able to lean in closer to God. This best-selling author takes us on a hope-filled journey in her new devotional, perfect for every member of your congregation, as well as visitors and community neighbors! Includes a daily Scripture, personal reflection, and prayer beginning with Ash Wednesday through Easter. Chalice Press.
Clarence Enzler; Annika Nelson and Gertrud Mueller Nelson, illustrations
9781594714306. $1.50 LE19
LE19 P14.indd 15
40 Devotions for Lent Editors of Guideposts
9780310350224. $2.99
Daily Reflections for Easter 2019 Robert Morneau
9780814644133. Regular Print. $2.00 9780814644454. Large Print. $5.95; $5.49
Shop the online catalog at Cokesbury.com
A Lenten Devotional Nicole Massie Martin
9780827221895. $3.99; $2.99
9/4/18 9:10 AM
Congregational Gifts What You Should Know About Lent A helpful guide to the meaning, history, and traditional practices of this time of repentance and renewal. Reminds readers that observing Lent is an excellent way to prepare for Easter and more completely experience the joy of the Resurrection.
$ 49
Channing Bete Company, Inc. 538088. Pkg. of 10, $14.99
Also available:
Each Pkg. of 10,, $14.99
About Easter. 538065.
About Holy Week. 538076.
Nail and Cross-Shaped Bookmark
Easter Story Wooden Cube
Cross-shaped bookmark with rustic nail pocket piece reminds us of Jesus’ sacrifice. Features Romans 5:8. An affordable, meaningful group gift for Lent.
Celebrate the Resurrection story while taking turns rolling the cube and reading along in your Bible. Features a silhouette of an Easter scene on each side with a corresponding Bible verse. 2 1/4 " square.
Forgiven Nail Lapel Pin
100% lead-free pewter with purple ribbon. Made in the USA. 637955006155. $3.99
886083590320. $3.99
$ 99
Lapel Pins D
Approx. 1/2 "; 100% lead-free pewter.
A. 637955046786. Anchor B. 637955046847. Lighthouse C. 637955046731. Celtic Cross D. 637955046878. Jesus Key E. 637955046632. Plain Cross F. 637955046779. Fishhook G. 637955046724. Round Flared Cross
Cokesbury.com | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants
$ 99
Fish Jesus Pin
Clutch back; 1" W x 3/8 " H. 538182.
Easter Events Lift up the true meaning of Easter! NEW Rise Up With Jesus
Easter Event for Families Help families explore surprising details about Jesus’ resurrection on that glorious Sunday morning 2,000 years ago! With Rise up With Jesus, they’ll journey hand-in-hand through captivating stations that drive home one irresistible truth: Jesus is alive today! During this 2-hour event, families discover Jesus’ present-day power through activities that let them experience the Resurrection with all their senses. The sights, sounds, and smells of Easter morning will draw them closer to God...and to each other. Includes access to digital content. Kit Includes Director Manual, Setup Leader Guide, Outreach Leader Guide, Experience Leader Guide, Media Pack (Graphics & Other Goodies Disc, Sound Effects CD, and Access Code for Digital Content), and Sample Pack (Follow-Up Foto Frame™ and Station Projects and Samples). Group Publishing. Coming in December. 1210000308900. Kit. $72.99
An engaging way for families to explore the wonders of Easter Walk With Jesus
An Easter Event for Families This powerful and moving outreach event guides your guests through Jesus’ last days on earth. They will travel to Jerusalem for Palm Sunday, sit down for the Last Supper, pray in the Garden of Gethsemane, discover the sacrifice of Good Friday, and celebrate freedom from their sins at the empty tomb that first Easter morning. Designed for families to experience together, this event works great for all ages and all sizes of churches. It lasts two to three hours. The starter kit includes everything you need for planning your event, recruiting volunteers, inviting your church family and community, and easy and effective followup. It includes a complete director’s guide, a media pack, and samples of extras. Group Publishing.
1210000303868. Kit. $72.99; $65.79
LE19 P16.indd 17
9781470751326. Additional Director Guide. $19.99; $18.49 1210000303875. Taste Twisting Tablets. $15.99; $14.49 1210000303905. Metal Wristbands. $9.99; $8.99 1210000303912. Praise for Jesus Psalms. $14.99; $13.49
Also available:
1210000303882. Collector Cards. $8.99; $7.99 9781470751319. Family Time Together Booklet. $9.99; $8.99 1210000303899. Dissolving Paper. $9.99; $8.99 1210000303936. Publicity Posters. $9.99; $8.99 1210000303929. Station Posters. $9.99; $8.99 1210000303943. Last Supper Backdrop. $39.99; $36.79 9781470734657. Sky w/Clouds Backdrop. $32.99; $29.79 9781470734879. Starry Night Backdrop. $18.99; $16.99 9781470734633. Stone Wall Backdrop. $18.99; $16.99 9781470734664. Evening Sky Backdrop. $18.99; $16.99
Shop the online catalog at Cokesbury.com
• Sample of decorated palm leaves
9/4/18 9:32 AM
Children’s Gifts & Activities The perfect Easter gift for children in your congregation
$ 99
NEW Celebrate a Deep Blue Family Easter
A Child’s Activity Book for Easter Erin R. Floyd; illustrated by Four Story Creative Join the Deep Blue Crew as they tell the story of Jesus’ resurrection from the Gospel of John and celebrate this holy season with their families. Encourage your child to find the Easter egg hidden on each page! Features 24 pages of fun activities including puzzles, a Holy Week calendar, and stickers! For ages 4–10. Abingdon Press. Coming in December.
9781501870750. Package of 10, $19.99
$ 79
$ 99
$ 49
The Beginner’s Bible: The Very First Easter
NEW Kids Books for Easter
NEW Gospel Easter Eggs
Introduce young children to one of the most inspiring stories of all time! They’ll learn about the events leading up to Jesus’ death and his miraculous return to life. Includes exciting artwork from The Beginner’s Bible. Perfect for gifts or outreach. Ages 4–8. ZonderKidz. 9780310763017. $1.99; $1.79
For ages 3–8. King & Cross. Coming in January.
My Easter Bible
Features 32 pages filled with illustrations paired with Scripture verses that tell about Jesus’ death and resurrection. 9781947699038.
Jesus Lives for Me
Features 16 pages filled with the story of how Jesus lives for all of us. 9781947699014.
LE19 P18.indd 18
With Mini Book
Give a special egg to each child and help them remember why we celebrate this joyous day! Each colorful 3" egg includes a 16-page mini story booklet that tells the traditional Easter story from a child’s viewpoint, plus a tiny gift. Theme verse is Luke 24:6. For ages 3 & up. King & Cross. Coming in January. Each, $2.49 615122157879. Blue Egg/Blocks. 615122157817. Green Egg/Tag. 615122157848. Orange Egg/Bubbles.
Cokesbury.com | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants
9/4/18 9:37 AM
Children’s Gifts & Activities A meaningful way to explore Lent with children Make Room
A Child’s Guide to Lent and Easter Laura Alary; illustrated by Ann Boyajian While the Advent season is filled with fun and expectations, Lent can be hard for children. It travels through frightening places, loaded with themes of self-denial and death. How can children approach this season in a way that is meaningful and not frightening? Make Room presents Lent as a special time for creating a welcoming space for God. Going beyond the Passion narrative, this unique book suggests simple and practical activities—baking bread, having a neighbor over for dinner, uncluttering your room, watching less TV— that become acts of justice and kindness, part of a life of following and imitating Christ, and a way to make room for God in our lives and in the world around us. Make Room invites children to wonder about the story, to encounter Lent with all their senses, and to experience activities in Lent as part of a life of discipleship. Its themes of hospitality and self-giving echo Jesus’ ministry and his entire life. For ages 8–12. Paraclete Press.
9781612616599. $15.99; $11.99
Lenten Countdown Calendars
Learn the story of Easter with these unique countdown calendars! Beginning with Ash Wednesday, open window #1, then open another each day. You’ll see a special picture and read Bible text that tells the story of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. 11" x 14" with glitter accents. Ages 3 and up. Each, $4.95
871241007697. Lenten Cross 871241007840. Jerusalem LE19
LE19 P18.indd 19
Lenten Offering Box
Printed in vivid color, this offering box is designed to mail flat in a standard business-size envelope. They are easily assembled, thanks to the newly designed locking tabs on all carton flaps. Includes space for contributor’s name, address, and envelope number. Holds approx. $25.00. 346654. Jerusalem. Pkg. of 50, $14.50
The Story of Easter
NEW The Berenstain Bears
With its colorful illustrations, this gentle introduction to the biblical account of Jesus’ final days on earth, and his resurrection, is perfect for ages 2–5. At the end of the book, Easter traditions from around the world are introduced. Golden Books.
From Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to the last supper to his first appearance on Easter morning, Mama, Papa, Brother, Sister, and Honey discover the story of the very first Easter. For ages 4–8. Zonderkidz. Coming in February.
A Little Golden Book Jean Miller; illustrated by Jerry Smath
9780399555145. Hardcover. $4.99
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The Very First Easter Jan & Mike Berenstain
9780310762188. $3.99
9/4/18 9:38 AM
Children’s Bibles Help kids dive deep into God’s Word! NEW DESIGN CEB Deep Blue Kids Bible
This engaging, interactive Bible offers four-color icons and illustrations throughout with a wealth of notes, historical facts, book introductions, devotionals, and other interactive elements to capture inquisitive young minds. The Deep Blue Kids Bible encourages a thirst for God’s timeless message as young readers join three life-like kids in discovering the Bible and what it means to their lives. For ages 7–12. Common English Bible. Coming in April.
9781609262204. Wilderness Trail Hardcover. $29.99; $19.99 9781609262198. Wilderness Trail Paperback. $22.99; $15.49
Also available:
*9781609261351. Bright Sky Hardcover. $29.99; $19.99 *9781609260811. Bright Sky Paperback. $22.99; $15.49 (not shown) 9781609262112. Compass Decotone. $36.99; $9.99
More CEB Deep Blue Kids Bibles are available at Cokesbury.com. *Quantity discounts available.
Stories of faith featuring simple text and delightful illustrations perfect for young children Deep Blue Bible Storybook: Miracles of Jesus Brittany Sky and Daphna Flegal
Perfect for younger children ages 3–6, this storybook contains nine of the best-loved miracle stories from the New Testament, written in understandable language and delightfully illustrated in full color. Abingdon Press. 9781501840630. Hardcover. $9.99; $7.99
Also available (not shown):
Deep Blue Bible Storybook
9781501815010. Hardcover. $21.99; $15.99
Deep Blue Toddler Bible Storybook Daphna Flegal and Kerry Blackwood
Nineteen Bible stories written in a simple and easy-to-understand way that will introduce little ones to God and Jesus. Includes all the traditional favorite Bible stories that capture the hearts and imaginations of very young children (toddlers–age 2). Abingdon Press. 9781501840135. Board Book. $12.99; $9.99
LE19 P20.indd 20
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9/4/18 9:43 AM
Children’s Bibles A great Bible for kids in the popular New International Version NEW NIV Bible for Kids Perfect for those looking for a convenient Bible size and readable text for children. Features Include: easy-to-read 9.4-point Comfort Print® typeface, a presentation page for gift-giving, words of Christ in red, a ribbon marker, and sturdy flexcover binding with glitter accents. For ages 8–12. Zonderkidz. Coming in April.
Each, $24.99; $17.49 9780310764281. Teal Flexcover. 9780310764298. Pink/Gold Flexcover.
NEW NIV Gift and Award Bible for Kids
NEW The Kingfisher Children’s Illustrated Bible
Each, $7.99; $5.79 9780310765943. Black Flexcover. 9780310766032. Purple Flexcover.
A beautifully illustrated, dramatic retelling of all the important stories from both the Old and New Testaments. Includes detailed commentaries on every biblical book, plus a comprehensive reference section containing photographs of contemporary sites, historical relics, and maps of biblical times. For ages 8–12. Macmillan Publishing. Coming in February.
A perfect gift for holidays, graduations, confirmations, and other special milestones for children ages 8–12. This value-priced edition features 7.5-pt. Comfort Print® typeface, presentation page, twocolumn format, and words of Jesus in red. Zonderkidz. Coming in March.
Trevor Barnes
9780753474747. Hardcover. $18.99
LE19 P20.indd 21
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Growing in God’s Love
A Story Bible Elizabeth F. Caldwell and Carol A. Wehrheim, editors
This engaging resource features 150 popular Bible stories organized by theme, with diverse artwork to appeal to a variety of ages and learning styles. Reflection questions help children further ponder the message of the story. For ages 4–8. Westminster John Knox Press. 9780664262914. Hardcover. $25.00; $17.49
9/4/18 9:43 AM
NEW Seek the Lord/Lent Isaiah 55:6, CEB
NEW Amazing Love/Lent
9781501865251. Regular Size. Pkg. of 50, $4.99
9781501866326. Regular Size. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501866333. Large Size. Pkg. of 50, $5.59
Your Promise/Lent
This is Love/Lent
656248005002. Regular Size. Pkg. of 100, $8.95; $6.49 656248005019. Large Size. Pkg. of 100, $9.95; $7.49
815256023006. Regular Size. Pkg. of 100, $9.10; $6.49 815256023020. Large Size. Pkg. of 100, $10.10; $7.49
Psalm 119:50, NIV
1 John 4:10, NIV
Follow Me/Lent
Calvary’s Lamb/Lent
730817355962. Regular Size. Pkg. of 100, $8.25; $6.49
730817358291. Regular Size. Pkg. of 100, $8.25; $6.49
Matthew 16:24, KJV
NEW Christ/Tenebrae
9781501865312. Regular Size. Pkg. of 50, $4.99
1 Timothy 2:5-6, NIV
NEW I Will Pour Out/ Pentecost Joel 2:28, CEB
9781501865329. Regular Size. Pkg. of 50, $4.99
Quantity discounts available on select seasonal bulletins. See Cokesbury.com for details. 22
LE19 P22.indd 22
Cokesbury.com | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants
9/4/18 9:49 AM
NEW On the Next Day/ Palm Sunday
634337805634. Regular Size. Pkg. of 100, $8.25; $6.49
NEW The One Who Enters/ Palm Sunday Psalm 118:26, CEB
9781501864698. Regular Size. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501864704. Large Size. Pkg. of 50, $5.59
NEW All Glory/Palm Sunday 9781501866364. Regular Size. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501866371. Large Size. Pkg. of 50, $5.59
Hosanna in the Highest/ Palm Sunday Matthew 21:9, KJV
815256025529. Regular Size. Pkg. of 100, $9.10; $6.49 815256025543. Large Size. Pkg. of 100, $10.10; $7.99
See more bulletins on Cokesbury.com.
NEW He Poureth Water/ Maundy Thursday John 13:5, KJV
634337805665. Regular Size. Pkg. of 100, $8.25; $6.49
With Lines of Love/Good Friday
NEW Father/Good Friday
730817358321. Regular Size. Pkg. of 100, $8.25; $6.49
9781501865268. Regular Size. Pkg. of 50, $4.99
Mark 1:41, KJV
Luke 23:46, CEB
NEW Such Love/Good Friday 9781501866388. Regular Size. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501866395. Large Size. Pkg. of 50, $5.59
Regular-size bulletins are letter size (8 " x 11"; fold to 5 1/2 " x 8 1/2 ") while large-size bulletins are legal size (8 1/2 " x 14"; fold to 7" x 8 1/2 "). Both ship flat in shrinkwrapped packages. LE19
LE19 P22.indd 23
Shop the online catalog at Cokesbury.com
9/4/18 9:49 AM
NEW Create/Ash Wednesday
NEW Renew/Ash Wednesday
9781501865244. Regular Size. Pkg. of 50, $4.99
9781501866340. Regular Size. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501866357. Large Size. Pkg. of 50, $5.59
Psalm 51:10, CEB
A New Heart/Ash Wednesday Ezekiel 36:26, KJV
815256025246. Regular Size. Pkg. of 100, $9.10; $6.49 815256025260. Large Size. Pkg. of 100, $10.10; $7.99
Psalm 51:10, ESV
NEW Alleluia!/Easter
9781501866401. Regular Size. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501866418. Large Size. Pkg. of 50, $5.59
Quantity discounts available on select seasonal bulletins. See Cokesbury.com for details.
LE19 P24.indd 24
Repent in Dust and Ashes/ Ash Wednesday
NEW Have Mercy/Ash Wednesday
815256021514. Regular Size. Pkg. of 50, $4.99; $4.49 815256021552. Large Size. Pkg. of 50, $5.49; $4.99
634337805627. Regular Size. Pkg. of 100, $8.25; $6.49
Job 42:6, KJV
Psalm 51:1–3, 10, KJV
NEW Ye Seek Jesus
730817358437. Regular Size. Pkg. of 100, $8.25; $6.49
634337805696. Regular-Size. Pkg. of 100, $8.25; $6.49
Psalm 86:12, KJV
Mark 16:6, KJV
Regular-size bulletins are letter size (8 " x 11"; fold to 5 1/2 " x 8 1/2 ") while large-size bulletins are legal size (8 1/2 " x 14"; fold to 7" x 8 1/2 "). Both ship flat in shrinkwrapped packages. Offering envelopes measure 6 1/4 " x 3 1/8 ".
Cokesbury.com | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants
9/4/18 9:59 AM
NEW Christ Is Risen/Dogwood Easter
Easter Promises
2 Corinthians 9:15, NIV
730817358482. Regular-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $8.29; $6.49 730817358567. Large-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $9.25; $7.49 730817358574. Letterhead. Pkg. of 100, $8.29; $6.49 730817358581. Offering Envelope. Pkg. of 100, $8.35; $6.99 730817358598. Bible Bookmark. Pkg. of 25, $3.69; $2.99
NEW Christ Sunrise/Easter
9781501866241. Regular-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501866258. Large-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $5.59 9781501866265. Letterhead. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501866272. Offering Envelope. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 LE19
LE19 P24.indd 25
9781501866425. Regular-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501866432. Large-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $5.59 9781501866449. Letterhead. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501866456. Offering Envelope. Pkg. of 50, $4.99
NEW Alleluia Easter Lilies
9781501866289. Regular-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501866296. Large-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $5.59 9781501866302. Letterhead. Pkg. of 50, $4.99 9781501866319. Offering Envelope. Pkg. of 50, $4.99
Shop the online catalog at Cokesbury.com
9/4/18 10:00 AM
Bulletins NEW Because I Live/Easter John 14:19, KJV
656248006078. Regular-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $8.99; $6.49 656248006085. Large-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $9.99; $7.49 656248006115. Letterhead. Pkg. of 100, $8.99; $6.99 656248006146. Offering Envelope. Pkg. of 100, $8.99; $7.49
See page 46 for matching banners.
Regular-size bulletins are letter size (8 " x 11"; fold to 5 1/2 " x 8 1/2 ") while large-size bulletins are legal size (8 1/2 " x 14"; fold to 7" x 8 1/2 "). Both ship flat in shrinkwrapped packages. Offering envelopes measure 6 1/4 " x 3 1/8 ".
NEW He Is Risen! John 19:30, KJV
The Wounded Healer $15 Lenten Coin Folder
656248006160. Regular-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $8.99; $6.49 656248006177. Large-Size Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $9.99; $7.49 656248006207. Letterhead. Pkg. of 100, $8.99; $6.99 656248006221. Offering Envelope. Pkg. of 100, $8.99; $7.49
See page 46 for matching banners.
LE19 P26.indd 26
Increase your special offerings with these highly effective offering coin collectors that underscore the need for generosity during the Lenten Season. With a “Special Offering� pocket for currency or checks. Inspirational messages on the back panels plus space for name, address, amount enclosed, and the ID number. Folded size: 41/4 " x 93/8 ". 745046. The Wounded Healer. Pkg. of 50, $34.50
Cokesbury.com | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants
9/4/18 10:05 AM
Worship Helps preachers connect congregations to Scripture NEW Connections: A Lectionary Commentary for Preaching and Worship
Year C, Volume 2: Lent through Pentecost Joel B. Green, Thomas G. Long, Luke A. Powery, and Cynthia L. Rigby This nine-volume series offers creative commentary on each reading in the three-year cycle of the Revised Common Lectionary. First, it views that reading through the lens of its connections to the rest of Scripture. It then considers the reading through the lenses of culture, film, fiction, ethics, science, and other aspects of contemporary life. Also included are commentaries on the Psalm readings that connect them both to the other readings for the day and to the congregation’s experience of worship. Westminster John Knox Press. Coming in December. 9780664262440. Hardcover. $45.00; $32.49
Also available:
9780664262433. Year C, Vol. 1: Advent through Epiphany. $45.00; $32.49 9780664262457. Year C, Vol. 3: Ordinary Time. Coming in March. $45.00; $32.49
Feasting on the Word Lenten Companion
Lent for Everyone: Luke, Year C
A Daily Devotional A Thematic Resource for Preaching N. T. Wright An inspirational guide through the and Worship Lenten season, from Ash Wednesday David L. Bartlett, Barbara Brown Taylor, Kimberly Bracken Long, editors through the week after Easter. An all-in-one companion for Lent and Holy Week with worship materials and sermon preparation tools for both lectionary and nonlectionary preachers. Includes a complete order of service for each Sunday in Lent, hymn suggestions, and more. Westminster John Knox Press. 9780664259655. Hardcover. $25.00; $17.99 LE19
LE19 P26.indd 27
Popular biblical scholar and author N. T. Wright provides his own Scripture translation, brief reflection, and a prayer for each day of the season, helping readers ponder how the text is relevant to their own lives today. For individuals or groups. Westminster John Knox Press. 9780664238957. $16.00; $10.49
Worship in a Flash for Lent & Easter
Everything You Need for a Season of Inviting and Inspiring Worship
Everything you need to plan worship during Lent and Easter, all on a convenient USB drive. Compatible with Windows/Mac; text materials in PDF format; JPEG images. Abingdon Press. 9781426754227. Flash Drive. $32.99; $26.49
Also available:
Worship in a Flash for Special Days. 9781630888350. Flash Drive. $34.99
Shop the online catalog at Cokesbury.com
Just in Time! Prayers for Lent and Holy Week David N. Mosser, editor
Drawn from a variety of traditions, this collection of prayers includes invocations, opening prayers, prayers of confession, and pastoral prayers for Holy Week. Abingdon Press. 9781426710315. $13.99; $9.49
Also available:
Each, $13.99; $9.49 9780687655168. Lenten Services. 9780687646326. Easter Services, Sermons, and Prayers. 9780687497782. Palm Sunday and Holy Week Services.
9/4/18 10:05 AM
Special Services A
A. Handmade Palm Crosses C
Handmade by families in seven mud hut villages in Tanzania, East Africa, to supplement meager incomes. Sales help support community projects such as agricultural and vocational training, schools, water systems, and emergency relief. Crafted from dry palm fronds, crosses may be hung or worn on a cord. 534925. Pkg. of 50, $21.99
B. Palm Branches
Natural dried palm branches complement Palm Sunday décor and celebrations.
780090145712. 24" Long. Pkg. of 100, $27.99 780090145729. 13" Long. Pkg. of 100, $25.99
C. Fan Palms 4-Pack
Beautiful fresh-cut fan palm branches for handing out to the congregation or displaying on Palm Sunday. Approximately 24" to 36" long. These ship direct from the vendor one to two weeks before Palm Sunday to ensure your palms are as fresh as possible. 780090145736. Pkg. of 4, $29.99
[D–E] Footwashing Sets
Earthenware pitcher and basin sets are an ideal way to help your congregation engage in the tradition of footwashing ceremonies, most often experienced in connection with Maundy Thursday services. Each is completely unique and glazed in varying shades throughout. Lead free, dishwasher safe, with easy-to-grip pitcher handles.
D. Large Pitcher and Basin
The basin is 3 ½ " H and 12 ½ " W. The pitcher stands 9" H. Each, $215.95 999900. Dark Blue. 239651. Tan. (Not shown)
E. Miniature Earthenware Pitcher and Basin
The basin is 1¾ " H x 7 ¼ " W. The pitcher is 5" H.
Each, $69.95 514764. Brown. 514752. Dark Blue. (Not shown)
LE19 P28.indd 28
Cokesbury.com | 800.672. 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants
9/4/18 10:10 AM
Special Services Earthenware Ash Pyxis
Attractive earthenware ash pyxis features an etched palm leaf and is glazed with varying shades throughout. Dishwasher, microwave, and oven safe, and completely lead free. Measures 5" H and holds 4 ounces or 124 grams. Each, $35.95 546386. Blue. 546411. Brown.
Anointing Oil
Comes unscented or scented with aromatic frankincense and myrrh. Olive oil base.
4-Ounce Bottle.
709963747600. Scented. $31.95; $28.99 709963747792. Unscented. $19.95; $17.99
2-Ounce Bottle.
709963932198. Scented. $20.00; $17.99 709963970794. Unscented. $14.00; $12.99
¼-Ounce Bottle.
709963073662. Scented. $5.00 709963073747. Unscented. $3.50
Palm Leaf Ashes
These palm ashes (shown in the earthenware ash pyxis, sold above) are 100% pure and packed in resealable plastic containers. 10-gram package serves approx. 200 people. 50-gram package serves approx. 1,000 people.
788200471324. 50-Gram Pkg. $19.95 788200471317. 10-Gram Pkg. $5.99
Acrylic Ash Pyxis
The understated design of this ash pyxis makes it perfect for holding palm ashes during your Ash Wednesday service. The small pyxis holds 15ml of palm ashes and serves 100+ people; the large pyxis holds 60ml and serves 500+ people. 659830701924. Small. $16.00 659830702051. Large. $19.00
Solid Brass Ash Pyxis
Anointing Oil Carrier Case
The essential accessory for anointing services! Features a washable insert and a clear plastic window. Anointing oil sold separately. 709963210180. $3.00
LE19 P28.indd 29
Well-designed, this solid brass ash pyxis offers convenience, functionality, and ease of use for your Ash Wednesday service. With three-tiered cover and cross on the top, it stands 5 5⁄8 " H and holds 6 oz. Engravable. 659830603013. $145.00
If you have questions about engraving or customization, please call our Custom Sales Team at 800-237-7511. Please allow six weeks for delivery.
Shop the online catalog at Cokesbury.com
9/4/18 10:15 AM
Paschal candles featuring exquisite artistry and detail Cathedral Paschal Candles Exquisitely crafted of 51% pure white beeswax and skillfully decorated with striking three-dimensional appliques of hand-cast, color-infused wax. Each candle, except, F, includes a set of five wax nails with embedded incense and year dates. Made in the USA. Various sizes available.
A. SP219579. Divine Mercy. Starting at $57.00 B. SP219583. Sacred Heart. Starting at $86.10 Also available:
C. SP219567. Remembrance. Starting at $148.00 D. SP219573. Way of the Cross. Starting at $180.00 E. SP219570. Investiture (Coronation of Christ) Starting at $61.75 F. SP219580. Holy Trinity. Starting at $85.25 30
LE19 P30.indd 30
G. Cathedral Plain Paschal Candle
Exquisitely crafted of 51% pure white beeswax. Candle is marked with a cross, an Alpha, and an Omega, but decal design may be easily peeled off. The four numbers of the year are marked between the arms. Includes incense nails and year dates. Various sizes available. SP219582. Starting at $37.90
Cokesbury.com | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants
9/4/18 10:26 AM
Sanctuary NEW Driven Nails Wall Cross
An inspirational and thought-provoking home accent crafted from brown rust-look metal. 9 1/2 " H. 603799413220. $5.99
Golgatha Nail Metal Tabletop Cross
Pierced Wall Cross
This elegantly designed cross is perfect for the Easter/Lent season. Made of resin with antique wood color finish. 9 1/2 " H.
With three crosses set atop three nails, this piece serves as a reminder for the gift of salvation given to us through Jesus’ death on the cross. 9 3/4 " H.
603799572132. $21.99; $13.99
603799393669. $24.99
Cast Metal Tenebrae Altar Candelabra
This 20" W candelabra features heavy cast silvertone and purple branillium metal. Ideal for the Tenebrae service, it uses 9" x 7/8 " candles (sold below). 185648. $146.95
Also available:
Tenebrae Refill Candles. Lavender. 9" x 7/8 ". 072094116004. Box of 7, $22.75 LE19
LE19 P30.indd 31
Crown of Thorns
Grown in the desert of Jericho and by the Dead Sea, 30 miles from Jerusalem, this plant is steamed and fashioned into a symbolic reminder of the suffering Jesus endured to redeem his people. Use as a centerpiece, a wall decoration, or place atop a cross draped with a purple cloth. 837654729601. Small, 7"–8" diam. $19.95 837654729625. Large, 11"–12" diam. $49.95
Shop the online catalog at Cokesbury.com
9/4/18 10:27 AM
Communion cups, bread, and wafers eligible for FREE SHIPPING
Artistic 100% Compostable Communion Cups
Cokesbury Disposable Communion Cups
Economical, disposable, recyclable, flare-rim plastic cups fit standard trays, but are slightly taller (1 3⁄8 " deep ) to allow easier retrieval. Smooth lip finish protects against discomfort.
Made in the USA from corn-derived PLA (polylactide). 100% renewable, 100% compostable, 100% biodegradable. Fit standard trays. 13⁄8 " deep.
9781501841897. Box of 1,000, $17.99; $13.99
659830003509. Box of 500, $16.65; $14.99 659830003219. Box of 2,000, $55.00; $49.99
Communion Cups
Communion Cup Filler Bottle, 16-Oz.
Disposable or recyclable, crystal-clear plastic Communion cups are designed to fit standard trays. 9781501840654. Box of 1000, $17.99; $13.99
Wide-mouth, durable plastic bottle with non-drip, screw-on spout fills approximately 70–75 Communion cups. 9781501842320. $12.99; $11.99
NEW Fellowship Cup® Juice Only Prefilled Communion Cups
Fellowship Cup® Prefilled Communion Cups with Soft Wafers
634337770246. Box of 100, $27.99; $23.99
081407011592. Box of 500, $105.99; $79.99 081407011578. Box of 250, $62.99; $42.79 081407011585. Box of 100, $27.99; $22.49 081407014005. Box of 6, $4.99; $4.49
Easy, one-step opening lid. Ready to serve, prefilled Communion cups contain 100% grape juice, no artificial sweeteners. No refrigeration needed. Available for automatic shipment program. Call for details 32
LE19 P32.indd 32
Ready to serve, prefilled Communion cups contain 100% grape juice and an unleavened wafer. No refrigeration needed.
Cokesbury.com | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants
Remembrance Individually Packaged Bread and Juice Sets Prefilled Communion cups contain unleavened Communion bread and 100% grape juice. Recyclable cup has ergonomic design. No refrigeration needed.
081407006147. Box of 480, $99.99; $76.99 081407008653. Box of 240, $59.99; $45.99 081407008677. Box of 80, $24.99; $21.99 081407008660. Box of 6, $4.99
9/6/18 2:03 PM
with orders of $35 or more on Cokesbury.com! Communion Bread, Unleavened Hard
Communion Wafers, White
1/2" squares of unleavened
Communion bread. Stock rotates on a regular basis to maintain freshness.
Stock rotates on a regular basis to help maintain freshness. 1 1/8 " diam.
Communion Bread, Gluten-Free
Communion Wafers, Gluten-Free
9781501848216. Box of 500, $7.99; $5.49
9781501848247. Box of 1,000, $17.99; $13.49
Uniformly sized unleavened gluten-free bread packaged in a re-sealable plastic bag.
Uniformly sized, unleavened, and gluten-free. Packaged in a re-sealable plastic bag.
9781501848230. Box of 200, $12.99; $9.99
9781501848223. Box of 50, $12.99; $10.99
Communion Bread
Gluten-Free Communion Wafers
1/4" squares of unleavened Communion
1 3/8 " round wafers are free of: gluten, wheat, casein, dairy, nut, egg, corn, yeast, and soy; low sodium.
008357. Box of 500, $5.95
Also available:
514351. Box of approx. 40-50, $12.40
Soft Communion Bread 782983. Box of 500, $5.95
Also available:
662177000001. Individually Wrapped Wafers. Box of 25, $12.49
Communion Wafers
These thin Communion wafers with a symbol of a cross cut into the wafer are 1 1/8 " in diameter. Exceptional in quality and packaging.
778354. White Wafers. Box of 1,000, $13.50 778296. Wheat Wafers. Box of 1,000, $16.99; $13.99
Also available:
817310. Wheat Wafers. 5 3/4 " diameter. Box of 25, $14.99
Spend less time on the ‘gotta dos’ and more time on the ‘love to dos’
SIGN UP FOR AUTOMATIC SHIPMENTS TODAY! IT’S EASY— Place your order, schedule delivery, and start saving time & money with 5% off your order & free shipping*. Visit Cokesbury.com or call 800-672-1789 to get started today. *Orders over $35 of eligible items ship for free. Free shipping applies to continental U.S. only; excludes express shipping. Programs and offers subject to change. LE19
LE19 P32.indd 33
Shop the online catalog at Cokesbury.com
9/6/18 2:04 PM
Old Rugged Cross Earthenware
Beautifully handcrafted porcelain stoneware with the symbol of the cross in raised relief and unique glaze of varying shades of blue and pastel colors. Dishwasher, microwave, and oven safe, and completely lead-free. Chalice approx. 81/4 " H; holds 24 oz. Flagon approximately 61/2 " H; holds 40 oz. Plate approx. 10" in diam. Ciborium approx. 6" H. 537955. Ciborium. $59.95 537918. Bread Plate. $55.95 537943. Flagon. $55.95 537931. Chalice. $55.95
Crown of Thorns
Unique, beautifully handcrafted pastel porcelain earthenware pieces feature an intricate raised relief design of the Crown of Thorns with glaze of varying shades of pastel colors throughout. Perfect for ceremonial use during the season of Lent. Each piece is handmade; no two are exactly alike. Flagon is 8" tall; Ciborium is 41/2 " high; Bread plate is 131/2 " long, 8" wide; Chalice is 91/2 " tall, holds 30-32 oz. Dishwasher, microwave, and oven safe, and completely lead-free. 507860. Flagon. $55.95 520932. Ciborium. $59.95 521074. Bread Plate. $63.95 528402. Chalice. $87.95
Wooden Communionware
Beautifully handcrafted maple wood pieces in your choice of walnut or antique maple finish. Wipe clean with a damp cloth.
Communion Tray. Holds 40 cups. 14" diam.
886083334856. Walnut Finish. $69.99 780090611729. Antique Maple Finish. $69.99
Communion Tray Cover. 131/4" diam.
886083334887. Walnut Finish. $24.99 780090616410. Antique Maple Finish. $24.99
Stacking Bread Plate. 10" diam.
886083334894. Walnut Finish. $34.99 780090626884. Antique Maple Finish. $34.99
Stacking Bread Plate Cover. 7" diam.
886083334924. Walnut Finish. $19.99 780090671181. Antique Maple Finish. $19.99 • Antique Maple Finish
LE19 P34.indd 34
• Walnut Finish
Cokesbury.com | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants
9/4/18 10:46 AM
Communion B
A NEW MDS Linen Weave Cotton Bread Plate Napkin
A. Easy-Care Embroidered Table Cover
Hemstitched and embroidered in durable yet soft linen-weave white cotton with a 2″ Latin Cross. Measures 13 1/2 ″ x 13 1/2 ″. 538209. $9.95
Available in two sizes with your choice of embroidery. 47" x 80". 152353. IHS. $175.00 152422. In Remembrance of Me. $430.00 47" x 86". 152386. IHS. $180.00 152400. In Remembrance of Me. $450.00
B. Elements Cover
47" x 72" plain cover. 008222. $140.00
100% Cotton Communion Linens with Wheat/Grapes
Made of 100% cotton. Features embroidered wheat and grapes in white in the center. Very absorbent. Machine washable. Sold in packs of 3. Each 3-Pack, $23.97
Corporal. Used under the elements during Communion. 20" x 20". 538104.
Chalice Pall. 7" x 7". 538125.
Lavabo Towel. Used by ministers to dry their hands after washing them. Also known as a manuterge. 20" x 6".
Purificator. Used to wipe the chalice after each partaking of the cup. 20" x 11". 538091.
Communion Bulletins NEW Do This.
9781501865381. Regular Size, Pkg. of 50. $4.99
Gave Thanks.
634337805597. Regular Size, Pkg. of 100. $8.25; $6.49
As Often As Ye Eat.
730817358116. Regular Size, Pkg. of 100. $8.29; $6.49
An Everlasting Covenant.
815256025321. Regular Size, Pkg. of 100. $9.10; $6.49 815256025345. Large Size, Pkg. of 100. $10.10; $7.99 LE19
LE19 P34.indd 35
Shop the online catalog at Cokesbury.com
9/4/18 10:46 AM
A new approach to nurturing faith in teens
The only confirmation program approved for The United Methodist Church
Your Faith. Your Commitment. God’s Call. Confirm treats confirmation as more than a decision. Instead, it is the beginning of a conversation about what it means to be a Christian: living out your faith, your commitment, and God’s call. Easy to follow and customizable for a variety of church settings and schedules, Confirm provides students with the basic beliefs of a theologically sound, United Methodist faith while engaging them in creative and thought-provoking activities to help them internalize what they’ve learned. Cokesbury.
Director Guide. All you need to create an effective discipleship path for teens. 9781501826924. $19.99
Teaching Plans. Fully customizable, easy-to-follow lesson plans for 39 class sessions. 9781501826948. $39.99; $34.99
Student Guide. Includes devotional readings and questions for journaling. 9781501826962. $12.99
Digital components for the Director Guide, Teaching Plans, Mentor Guide, and Parent Guide, plus streaming video, are available on Cokesbury.com.
Parent Guide. Helps parents and families establish their role in the confirmation process. 9781501826986. $8.99
Mentor Guide. Equips mentors with suggested relationship-building ideas and more. 9781501826993. $10.99
DVD. Includes fun, whiteboard sketch-style videos that capture teens’ attention and imagination.
9781501831225. [CC] 6 videos hosted by Blimey Cow, 12 whiteboard videos; 2–3 mins. each. $39.99
Starter Kit. Includes one each of items above. 9781501864667. $129.99
NEW Affirm
While teenagers may have a basic understanding of what it means to be Christian, they still need help developing, deepening, and strengthening their faith. Affirm, a six-week discipleship resource, enables teens to articulate what they believe and why, helping them see how faith can be practiced in their everyday lives. Youth leaders will find everything they need to guide their teens through a transition in their faith journey, including tools to help enlist the support of parents and the entire church family. Great for use as a group series, a small group study, or for a weekend retreat. Abingdon Press.
9781501867736. Leader Guide. $16.99; $11.49 9781501867729. Student Guide. $12.99; $8.79 9781501867767. Mentor Guide. $7.99; $5.49 9781501867781. Parent Guide. $7.99; $5.49 9781501867750. DVD. $32.99; $26.49
LE19 P36.indd 36
The CEB Student Bible for United Methodist Confirmation
This edition of The CEB Student Bible includes prayers written by teens and confirmation-related, official United Methodist material. Includes a presentation page for commemorating confirmation. Common English Bible. NEW 9781609262211. Hardcover. $29.99; $19.99 Coming in March. 9781609262037. Decotone, Gray. $39.99; $26.49
Also available:
The CEB Student Bible
9781609262020. Decotone, Black. $39.99; $27.99 9781609261795. Paperback. $29.99; $19.99
Quantity savings available. Visit Cokesbury.com for details.
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9/4/18 10:58 AM
Confirmation Colaborate Colaborate was created by theologians, practitioners, and artists who know biblical history, biblical exegesis, and young people. It features hands-on investigative learning that leads to deep engagement with the Bible, faith, and what it means to be a Christian. Each of the confirmation units has its own handbook containing fifteen lessons that guide students through a process of discovery. With intriguing questions, in-depth infographics, and punchy graphics, each page pulls students into the content to drive engagement with the Bible, doctrine, and each other. The short videos on the DVD use humor, exaggeration, and assumptions to tease out the problem statement of the lesson. They are intentionally a bit provocative (and age-appropriate!) in order to maximize the effects of problem-based learning. Contains 15 flexible sessions per unit. Sparkhouse.
Presbyterian Confirmation
Leader Guide. $29.99 Student Handbook. $8.99 DVD. $34.99
Unit 1: Old Testament 9781506433233. 9781506433226. 9781506433240.
Unit 2: New Testament Unit 3: History & Doctrine 9781506433264. 9781506433295. 9781506433257. 9781506433288. 9781506433271. 9781506433301.
Poster Pack. Set of three (Old Testament, New Testament, Presbyterian History & Doctrine) beautifully crafted, one-of-a-kind posters to hang on your wall to pique your students’ interest and remind them of their faith-filled journey through Colaborate: Presbyterian Confirmation. 9781506433318. Set of 3, $14.99
Also available:
Lutheran Confirmation
Leader Guide. $29.99 Student Handbook. $8.99 DVD. $34.99
Unit 1: Old Testament 9781451498172. 9781451498165. 9781451498189.
Unit 2: History & Catechism 9781451498233. 9781451498226. 9781451498240.
Unit 3: New Testament 9781451498202. 9781451498196. 9781451498219.
Unit 4: Lutheran Living 9781451498264. 9781451498257. 9781451498271.
Poster Pack. Set of four (Old Testament, New Testament, Lutheran History & Catechism, Lutheran Living) beautifully crafted, one-of-a-kind posters to hang on your wall to pique your students’ interest and remind them of their faith-filled journey through Colaborate: Lutheran Confirmation. 9781506401874. Set of 4, $14.99 Colaborate Lutheran Student Bible, NRSV. Features interactive graphics, interesting facts, and insightful commentary. 9781451498141. $24.99
Methodist Confirmation
Leader Guide. $29.99 Student Handbook. $8.99 DVD. $34.99
Unit 1: Old Testament 9781506410586. 9781506410579. 9781506410593.
Unit 2: New Testament Unit 3: History & Doctrine 9781506410616. 9781506410647. 9781506410609. 9781506410630. 9781506410623. 9781506410654
Colaborate Methodist Student Bible, NRSV. Features interactive graphics, interesting facts, and insightful commentary. 9781506405674. $24.99
LE19 P36.indd 37
I Will, with God’s Help
Living as United Methodist Christians
Based on the Baptismal Covenant from The Book of Common Prayer, this confirmation program encourages youth and adults to share their own faith journeys. Adaptable for 6- to 12-week programs, confirmation retreats, or conferences. Easy-to-use session plans with interactive activities that encourage reflection and discussion. Morehouse Publishing.
This 6-session study takes a unique approach—it looks at how United Methodists claim and live their faith as individuals and as a denomination. Offers insight into The United Methodist Church, its beliefs and faith practices. Ideal for confirmation, small groups, new member classes, and disciple training classes. Includes reflection questions to stimulate discussion. Abingdon Press.
Episcopal Confirmation for Youth and Adults Mary Lee Wile
Our Story, Our Beliefs, Our Lives Andy and Sally Langford
Each, $7.00; $4.99 9781889108742. Youth Journal. 9781889108759. Adult Journal.
9781426711930. $10.99; $8.49
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9/4/18 10:59 AM
Confirmation NEW Confirmed/ Confirmation Bulletin
A. Spirit of God Confirmation Candle
Measures 8 1/2 " x 11" and folds to 5 1/2 " x 8 1/2 ".
846786017364. $3.99
Proverbs 3:3, NIV
730817358192. Pkg. of 100, $8.25; $6.49
White with red descending dove and flames. 7/8 " x 10 1/4 ".
B. Confirmation Candle
White with red descending dove and cross design. Includes presentation box with space for name, church name, and ceremony date. 8 7/8 " x 7/8 ". 072094130406. $5.15
NEW Confirmed in Christ Boxed Cards with Envelopes
Includes 3 each of 4 watercolor artwork designs with KJV Scripture. Perfect for expressing your congratulations to new confirmands. 4 3/4 " x 6 3/4 ". Made in the USA. 730817358826. Pack of 12, $5.99; $4.99
Embroidered Confirmation Stoles
Affordable stoles feature a fabric base as opposed to felt, allowing stole to hang better. Measures 4" W x 45" L. Each, $6.99 551336. Red with White Embroidery. 551348. White with Red Embroidery.
Foiled-Embossed Confirmation Certificate
Contemporary Steel-Engraved Confirmation Certificate
United Methodist Covenant I Confirmation and Reception Certificates
Beautifully designed. Measures 8 1/2 " x 11" premium stock. Comes with white envelope.
Steel-engraved; French fold. Measures 5" x 7". Includes envelope.
United Methodist Covenant I Baptism, Confirmation, and Reception Certificates (not shown)
Ephesians 2:8, NIV
730817356686. Pack of 6, $13.74; $8.79
Luke 2:52, ESV
9780687360932. Pkg. of 3, $6.99
9781426710582. Pkg. of 3, $9.99; $8.99 9780687360635. Pkg. of 3, $6.99; $6.79
Available for automatic shipment program. Call for details. 38
LE19 P38.indd 38
Cokesbury.com | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants
9/4/18 11:07 AM
Confirmation Confirmed in Christ Key Ring Romans 5:5
Metal key ring features “Confirmed in Christ” on the front and Scripture on the back. 603799541824. $5.99; $4.99
Confirmed In Christ Slate Cross Galatians 3:26
Features Scripture on front, with space for engraving on back. Hand-polished, bright-finished. 5 3/4 " H. Gift boxed.
• Front
785525212656. $18.00
“I Have Called You” Cross Necklace
Isaiah 43:1
• Back
Eucharistic Cross Necklace
Necklace is gold-plated with enamel color inlays and measures 1 1/2 ". The back of the necklace features Scripture. Includes a 24" gold-plated chain. Gift-boxed.
Crafted in South America, this 2 1/4 " hand-painted cross offers eyecatching bright colors, producing a dramatic effect with a 30" black cord. 784504. $3.00
538078. $10.99
Pewter Lapel Pin, Cross with Dove Handcrafted from 100% lead-free pewter. 9/16 " H. Made in the U.S.A. 637955046670. $1.99
Also available:
14K Gold-Plated Pewter Lapel Pin, Cross with Dove 637955060195. $2.99 LE19
LE19 P38.indd 39
Pewter Lapel Pin, Flaming Dove
Beautiful dove-shaped pin is handcrafted from 100% lead-free pewter. 11/16 " H. Made in the U.S.A. 637955046793. $2.99
Open Silver Dove Confirmation Lapel Pin
This open silvertone lapel pin is designed in exquisite simplicity for a bold statement of faith. Made in the USA. 3/4 " H.
Confirmed in Christ Descending Dove Pin
Features enameled colors. Gift boxed. 1" H. 813540011852. $4.75
785525205467. $1.50
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9/4/18 11:07 AM
Crib Cross
Solid metal crib medal reads “Bless the child who lives here, fill his/her life with love and cheer. Keep him/her safe year after year.” Hang this near the crib of your precious child. 785525070133. Boy. $8.99 785525070140. Girl. $8.99
Baptism Full Bib
Baptism Socks with Embroidered Cross
Covers front and back. Slips over the head. Made of soft comfortable fabric with embroidered symbol. 13" L.
A great gift for a baby’s baptism. Socks feature a gold cross embroidered on the ankle. 4". 089945361568. $6.99
551225. $8.99
Solid Brass Baptismal Shell
Used in the baptism ceremony, this becomes a meaningful keepsake. Each shell features a hand-engraved cross. An ideal gift! 659830401398. 3" Handheld. $42.75 659830401480. 11" Tabletop. $129.90
My Baptism Book
Water, Come Down!
At Your Baptism
A profound but simple reminder of the meaning of baptism. Includes prayers that are easy to memorize and to say at bedtime, along with very simply expressed statements of Christian belief that are appropriate for the youngest of children. For ages 0–8. Paraclete Press.
Beautifully illustrated by award-winning artist Gerardo Suzán, this is a wonderfully imagined story of God’s power and love joined in the baptism event. Includes pages of ideas to trigger family discussion. Ages 3–8. Sparkhouse.
Simple, clear text adapted from the French Reformed Church liturgy with vibrant illustrations and straightforward explanations on every page. The perfect way to show young children how baptism is a sign of God’s love and promises. Wm B. Eerdmans Juvenile Publishing.
Sophie Piper; Dubravka Kolanovic; illustrator
9781557255358. Hardcover. $14.99; $6.49
The Day You Were Baptized Walter Wangerin Jr.; Gerardo Suzán, illustrator
9780806637112. Hardcover. $17.99; $14.49
Carrie Steenwyk and John D. Witvliet; Linda Saport, illustrator
9780802853813. Hardcover. $8.00; $5.99
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$ 50
...About Baptism Books
Describes how the sacrament unites the baptized with Christ’s church; explains its history, symbolism, meanings, and rites. Channing Bete Company Inc. Pack of 10, $15.00
What United Methodists Should Know About Baptism 538063. Pack of 10.
What Every Presbyterian Should Know About The Sacrament of Baptism 538109. Pack of 10.
What Every Episcopalian Should Know About The Sacrament of Holy Baptism 537869. Pack of 10.
Arise and Be Baptized Bulletin
New Beginnings Baptism Boxed Cards
Acts 22:16, KJV
Includes 3 each of 4 designs with KJV Scripture and envelopes. 4 3/4 " x 6 3/4 ". Made in the USA.
Bulletin is 8 1/2 " x 11" (folds to 8 1/2 " x 5 1/2 "). Back side is blank for your information. 730817359847. Regular-Size. Pkg. of 100, $8.29; $6.49
730817358819. Box of 12, $5.99; $4.99
Steel-Engraved Baptism Certificates
French fold with envelope. 5" x 7". Pkg. of 3, $9.99; $7.99
A. Contemporary Child Certificate.
B. Traditional Child Certificate.
Contemporary Adult and Youth Certificate. (not shown)
Traditional Adult and Youth Certificate. (not shown)
9781426710278. Descending Dove.
9781426791680. Christ Blessing Children.
9781426710575. Descending Dove and Baptism Scene.
9781426791697. Come Unto Me.
Available for automatic shipment program. Call for details. LE19
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B. Alpha and Omega Baptismal Candle
This 51% beeswax baptism candle is white with finely decorated symbolic ornaments. Features an Alpha and an Omega and finely detailed with sculpted dove. Boxed. 11/16 " x 91/4 ".
846786017296. $5.15
C. “Holy Baptism” Baptismal Candle
Made of pure natural wax. Includes a gift box with space for record of ceremony. 9" x 3/4 ". 072094054108. $3.75
D. “I Baptize Thee” Baptismal Candle
Made of pure white wax. Comes in a presentation box with space for name, name of church, and date of baptism. 9 1/2 " x 7/8 ". 072094054009. $3.99
E. Earthenware Baptismal Bowl on Pedestal A quality baptismal bowl for your special occasion. Dishwasher safe. Lead free. 5 1/2 " H; 10" diam. Each, $71.95 301986. Brown. 301975. Blue. (not shown)
F. Glass Baptismal Bowl on Earthenware Pedestal
Clear glass bowl with etched cross/ shell atop an earthenware pedestal. Bowl is 6 1/4 " H and 7 3/4 " diam. Dishwasher safe. Lead free. 535758. $63.95
[G-H] Artistic Contemporary Solid Brass Baptismal Bowl and Lid G. Baptismal Bowl. Bowl measures
6 1/2 " diam. x 5" H. 659830401701. $265.00; $238.49
H. Matching Latin Cross Cover. 659830401886. $89.00
A. Dove and Shell Baptismal Stole
Embroidered with a graceful dove, representing the Holy Spirit; a scallop shell, a symbol of the rite of baptism; and three drops of water, symbolic of the Trinity as well as baptism. Made of Cathedral fabric, this stole measures 5" W x 110" L, with contoured neck for comfort. 531634. $185.00; $157.99 42
LE19 P42.indd 42
Available for automatic shipment program. Call for details. Cokesbury.com | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants
I I. Baptismal Towels with Shell Design
100% cotton; feature embroidered shell and pearl edge hems. 10" x 13 1/2". 539709. Pack of 4, $25.99
9/4/18 11:19 AM
Altar Frontals
Pulpit/Lectern Scarves
Bible Bookmarks
Semi-Custom Paraments
Exquisite, semi-custom paraments made of satin-lined Regent fabric accented with gold fringe. Available in customizable sizes within standard parameters.
[A–B] Pulpit/Lectern Scarf. 18" x 36" including drop. Please specify purple or white and your choice of A or B design. Note: The two embroidery designs for each color are standard as shown. S527485. Each, $550.00; $494.99
Altar Frontal. Please specify purple or white, and custom measurements up to, but not exceeding, 72" long x 30" deep, plus 10" drop. Note: The embroidery design on each is standard as shown. S512655. $895.00; $799.99 Bible Bookmark. 3 1/2 " x 36". Please specify purple or white. S556990. $99.99; $89.99
Table Runner. (Not shown.) 20" x 80". Please specify purple or white. The symbol on table runner matches either one of the symbols on the pulpit scarf of the same color.
S512713. $550.00; $494.99
Tudor Rose Bemberg Parament Sets
3-Piece Sets.
Bring liturgical colors and symbols to your sanctuary with beautiful parament sets of Bemberg damask in the Tudor Rose pattern. Satin linings are color-matched, and each drop-length piece is finished with gold fringe. Two-piece sets include: one 18" x 36" pulpit scarf (including 18" drop), and one 3 1/2 " x 36" Bible bookmark with Latin cross. Three-piece sets include those pieces plus a 20" x 80" table runner (including 10" drops). Please allow 6–8 weeks for delivery. LE19
LE19 P42.indd 43
Each, $950.00; $832.49 021024. Crown of Thorns Purple Set. 019180. Cross and Crown White Set.
2-Piece Sets.
Each, $475.00; $427.49 555357. Crown of Thorns Purple Set. 555345. Cross and Crown White Set.
Shop the online catalog at Cokesbury.com
9/4/18 11:19 AM
Paraments Economy Paraments for Lent and Palm Sunday
The beautiful paraments on this page are printed on 100% poplin polyester with a matte finish, and are unlined. Hand wash cold water, hang to dry, warm iron on reverse. Sets include Altar Frontal (measures 48" W x 46" D, including 18" drop); Pulpit Scarf (measures 18" W x 44" D); and Bible Marker (measures 5" W x 36" D)—also sold separately. The following pieces are also sold separately: Table Runner (measures 18" W x 96" L); Overlay Stole (measures 5" W x 100" L); and Deacon Stole (standard 5" W x 59" L - shoulder to hip 26 ½ ", hip to bottom of stole 22 ½ ", 3" chain at hip).
NEW 40 Days Paraments for Lent
820830047422. 3-Piece Set. $269.00; $239.99 820830047415. Altar Frontal. $179.00 820830047446. Pulpit Scarf. $79.00 820830047439. Bible Bookmark. $29.00 820830047460. Overlay Stole. $149.99; $133.99 820830047477. Deacon Stole. $159.99; $142.99 820830047453. Table Runner. $89.00
NEW Hosanna Paraments for Palm Sunday
820830047569. 3-Piece Set. $269.00; $239.99 820830047552. Altar Frontal. $179.00 820830047583. Pulpit Scarf. $79.00 820830047576. Bible Bookmark. $29.00 820830047606. Overlay Stole. $149.99; $133.99 820830047613. Deacon Stole. $159.99; $142.99 820830047590. Table Runner. $89.00
Please note: Due to the nature of the printing process, the color of actual products may differ slightly from how they appear on the printed page. 44
LE19 P44.indd 44
Cokesbury.com | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants
9/4/18 11:28 AM
Paraments Economy Paraments for Easter and Lent
These value-priced paraments are printed on unlined 100% poplin polyester with a matte finish. Hand wash in cold water, hang to dry, warm iron on reverse. Sets include Altar Frontal (measures 48" W x 46" D, including 18" drop); Pulpit Scarf (measures 18" W x 44" D); and Bible Marker (measures 5" W x 36" D)—also sold separately. The following pieces are also sold separately: Table Runner (measures 18" W x 96" L) and Overlay Stole (measures 5" W x 100"L). The Easter set includes a Deacon Stole (standard 5" W x 59" L - shoulder to hip 26 ½ " hip to bottom of stole 22 ½ ", 3" chain at hip).
NEW He Has Risen Paraments for Easter
820830047491. 3-Piece Set. $269.00; $239.99 820830047484. Altar Frontal. $179.00 820830047514. Pulpit Scarf. $79.00 820830047507. Bible Bookmark. $29.00 820830047538. Overlay Stole. $149.99; $133.99 820830047545. Deacon Stole. $159.99; $142.99 820830047521. Table Runner. $89.00
Luminescence Paraments for Lent 820830045824. 3-Piece Set. $268.99 820830045770. Altar Frontal. $178.99 820830045787. Pulpit Scarf. $78.99 820830045794. Bible Bookmark. $28.99 820830045817. Stole. $149.99 820830045800. Table Runner. $88.99
Please note: Due to the nature of the printing process, the color of actual products may differ slightly from how they appear on the printed page. LE19
LE19 P44.indd 45
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9/4/18 11:29 AM
NEW 2' x 6' Lent and Easter Banners
Versatile—display on a stand or a wall hanger. Choose 15-oz., non-curl, wipe-clean vinyl or soft machine-wash fabric printed with a dye-sublimation process; specify when ordering. Each, $99.00; $68.99
“Amazing Love” Banner. SP219275.
“Love Has Won” Banner. SP219322.
Easter Color Banner. SP219299.
NEW Easter Banners (see p. 26 for matching bulletins) Available in 2' x 6' or 3' x 5', fabric or vinyl. Fabric version has pole pockets for hanging on T-type banner stand; vinyl has corner eyelets for mounting to x-style stand (not included). Specify size and vinyl or fabric when ordering. Each, $134.99; $99.99
Because I Live Banner. John 14:19, KJV SP219585.
He Is Risen! Banner. John 19:30, KJV SP219596.
Two-Sided Banner Stand
Durable, black aluminum/ steel. Designed to display one or two vertical banners in 2' or 3' width. Sturdy 12" base with telescoping height, adjusts up to 8' tall. Includes both 2' and 3' rods. Fits these banner sizes: 2' x 6', 2' x 8', or 3' x 5'. 9781942027898. $130.00; $99.99
NEW Roll-Up Easter Banners with Stands
This 2' 7" x 6' 7" roll-up style banner with stand has a small footprint for display in any area of your building. 15-oz, non-curl, wipe-clean vinyl. Each, $199.00; $138.99
“He Is Risen” Sunrise Banner. 9781635105902.
LE19 P46.indd 46
“Love Has Won” Banner. 9781635105896.
“Hope Starts Here” Banner. 9781635105926.
Cokesbury.com | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants
9/4/18 11:32 AM
Banners NEW “Celebrate Easter” Flag Banners
These eye-catching banners, also known as feather flags, draw attention as they move in the slightest breeze. Display them along the road or driveway to your church or in planters in your parking area to greet guests. Printed on machine-washable 130g polyester which meets or exceed industry standards for outdoor flags. The lightweight material allows the graphic to bleed through providing a reverse image on the back side. Banner height 81/2 '. Total height when mounted to pole approx. 12 feet. Stand not included. Use stand 9781635102819 or 9781635106046, sold below. Each, $99.00; $68.99
Flag Banner Stand Pole and Spikes
Strong, carbon fiber 12.5' pole; heavy-duty 12" ground stake.
Ground or Hard Surface, with Crossbase and Water Bag. Everything
you need to display a flag banner on any surface! Heavy outdoor cross base stand for non-dirt surfaces; waterbag for stability. 9781635106046. $216.00; $144.99
Ground Only. (not shown)
Pole and spike hardware set for flag banners made of carbon fiber with a larger endcap for increased durability. 9781635102819. $149.00; $99.99
Sunrays Banner. 9781635105971.
Colors Banner. 9781635105957.
NEW 2' x 6' Easter Sleeve Banners
Double-sided sleeve banner is printed on 100% wrinkle-free, machine-washable, stretch polyester fabric using dye-sublimation printing. The two sides are sewn together to create a sleeve-like banner with the same design on both sides. When paired with the Click-it stand (9781635103892, sold separately), the sleeve fabric clings tightly making an eye-catching and easy-to-read banner. Each, $149.00; $99.99
Click-it Stand for 2' x 6' Sleeve Banners
Aluminum base and aluminum poles that the sleeve banner slides over. 9781635103892. $119.00; $79.99
“Resurrection Sunday” Banner. 9781635102901. LE19
LE19 P46.indd 47
“Hope Starts Here” Banner.
“Love Has Won” Banner. 9781635105889.
“He Rose” Banner. 9781635105933.
Shop the online catalog at Cokesbury.com
9/4/18 11:32 AM
Vestments A
[A–B] WomenSpirit Quick-Ship Robes
Each features two pockets with microphone opening at the top, so you can run your microphone cord underneath. 65% poly/35% rayon, linen-look fabric. Specify size and color when ordering.
A. Lydia Robe. A classic design cut specifically for women. The shaped back hangs nicely with or without a cincture. Wrap-front styling with covered buttons at the shoulder and waist, snaps inside the alb, no Velcro. Cincture sold separately below. Unlined in white, ivory or wheat (flax). SP217796. $190.00; $169.99
B. Martha Robe. A classic design cut with darts at the waist in front and back for a flattering, fitted shape. Great as an alb or a cassock. No need to wear a cincture. Features a mandarin collar. Unlined in white, ivory, or black. SP217798. $250.00; $219.99
C. Monk’s Knot Cincture.
SP217942. $23.00 Please specify color.
D. NEW Abiding Spirit Quick-Ship David Cassock/Alb E
Classic styling, exceptional fit. A great alternative to heavy, traditional pulpit robes. Lighter weight, cooler, more comfortable. Stand-up collar covers your clothing. Separating zipper in front under the placket, side slits. Linen look fabric of 70% poly/30% rayon. Unlined in white, off-white, or black. Specify size and color when ordering. SP217887. $250.00; $219.99
E. Murphy Qwick-Ship Alb
Tailored in white Linette, accented with a single row of lace around the cuffs and a double row around the hem. This fully cut alb features a crossover front with a button and snap closure and tapered standing collar. Also features a full left front pocket and right pocket slit for lapel or mic headset wires. Sized for a floor clearance of 4" to 6". Specify size when ordering.
Each, $216.90; $194.99 SP217869. Men’s/H-182M. SP217870. Women’s/H181F.
F. Murphy Qwick-Ship Natural Flax Alb
This natural flax-blend alb features a crossover front with Velcro and snap closures, cuffed coat sleeves, tapered collar, full pocket on the left, and pocket slit on the right, Ecru 4-yard knotted cincture cord included. Sizes for a floor clearance of 4" to 6". Specify size when ordering. SP217868. H-43. $194.90; $174.99
LE19 P48.indd 48
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9/4/18 11:35 AM
Stoles A. Abbott Hall 8000 Series Purple Silk Damask Stoles
This pure silk damask stole with traditional Normandy pattern is the ultimate in quality and tradition. 110" standard length; 100" length is also available by special order.*
Each, $335.00; $284.99 758243. Purple/Lent 758301. White/Easter
B. NEW Reversible Lent/Easter Stole
Stunning tapered reversible Lent/Easter stole made in the USA of polyester polyfaille. 13/4 " wide at neck, 4 1/2 " wide at bottom. All designs are embroidered. 90" length. 522341. $145.00; $129.99
[C–D] Gaspard Deacon Stoles
Specify color when ordering. Standard length is 53".*
C. DS74. Made of Monkscloth fabric (100% spun rayon) with embroidered designs with metallic and colored threads. Available in purple, blue, white, green, and red.
SP218932. $147.00; $132.49
D. Roma. Simple yet elegant; made of light weight Roma fabric (100% polyester). Available colors: purple, green, ivory/gold, ivory/bone, red, and rose (not shown).
SP218927. $128.00; $114.99
E. River of Life Stoles
Raw silk combines beautifully with handwoven, patterned Guatemalan cotton. Fabric will vary. Unique curved design helps it stay put on your neck. Men’s in blue, green, red, purple, or white in 104" or 112". Women’s in 96" or 104", also in raw silk. Specify color and size when ordering.
Each, $165.00; $148.49 SP217967. Women’s.* SP217943. Men’s.
F. River of Life Deacon Stoles
In blue, green, purple, red, or white. Women’s measure 100" L; men’s 106" L. Specify color when ordering.
Each, $175.00; $157.49 SP218937. Women’s. SP218936. Men’s. LE19
LE19 P48.indd 3
*For custom lengths or custom sizing, please call our custom sales team at 800-237-7511 for assistance. Shop the online catalog at Cokesbury.com
9/4/18 11:36 AM
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2222 Rosa L. Parks Blvd. Nashville, TN 37228-1306
LE195610001 PACP10560423-01 9781501884146
Featured Lent & Easter Studies studies
Simon Peter
Six Hours One Friday
Adam Hamilton
Max Lucado
A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week
Delve deep into the meaning of Jesus’ last hours on the cross. Through his death, your life has purpose and meaning. You are forgiven and loved by a Savior who died for you. And an empty tomb proclaims that death does not have the final word. Page 4
Ever wonder what Jesus was thinking about in the days before the crucifixion? This study takes a close look at the biblical texts surrounding the Passion and the people who were part of his life in order to fill in the blanks. Page 5
Flawed But Faithful Disciple Simon Peter was an ordinary person, just like us, full of flaws and doubts and fears. Yet he heard and followed God’s extraordinary call. Discover how you, too, have special gifts and talents that God can use to make a difference today. Page 1
Living the Power of the Cross
• Studies for 6 or 7 weeks • Choose studies for individuals, small groups, or churchwide (resources for all ages)
LE19 CV4.indd 5
Entering the Passion of Jesus
The Gift of New Creation
Amy-Jill Levine
Thomas L. Ehrich
Scriptures for the Church Seasons
This revised version of The Gift of New Creation, a study based on the lectionary Bible readings for Lent and Easter, invites us to contemplate God’s restoration and new creation through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Page 5
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9/4/18 11:38 AM