Leadership and Theology Catalog

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UNSTUCK Facing challenges in your ministry? Needing inspiration or guidance? Feeling like your ministry is “stuck”? Not sure where to start? Start here. For more than 200 years, we have offered leadership resources that support and challenge pastors, church leaders, students, and life-long learners to transformative learning. These practical resources focus on action and practice so that the teachings and insights can be more easily adopted and incorporated into your ministry, thereby affecting genuine, sustainable growth and development. No matter your role—pastor, preacher, leader, counselor, administrator, prophet—these resources will help you thrive in your service to God and humankind. You will feel equipped and empowered to meet the challenges associated with your unique situation. We invite you to explore our substantial collection of books and resources at affordable prices, organized for your convenience in the following categories: • Leadership • Church Growth • Church & Culture • Stewardship • Discipleship • Christian Education • Worship • Ministry • Pastor • Pastoral Care • Preaching • Wesleyan Resources • Study & Theology It’s easy to order! Just click on any book cover for more information. All books are paperbound unless otherwise noted. Prices subject to change. Discounts are taken off regular retail prices.



The Millennial Narrative Sharing a Good Life with the Next Generation Jaco J. Hamman Drawing on wisdom from the Book of Joel, this book is written for pastoral leaders who want to welcome millennials, both inside and outside their congregation. Study resources available. $19.99; $14.99

Christian Leadership Speaking to God for the People, Speaking to the People for God Maxie Dunnam Christian leadership as vocation begins with self-leadership. Contains a range of essential insights about vocation and a leader’s spiritual formation. $17.99

Here, Now, With You Six Movements of Compassion for Life and Leadership Gregg Louis Taylor Isolation has been called the greatest public health crisis of our time. This book a perfect starting place for churches who want to learn to see and be seen with compassion. $17.99

Weak Enough to Lead What the Bible Tells Us about Powerful Leadership James C. Howell Most leadership models are derived from the business world. The Bible’s version is different. Using the Prayer of Jehoshaphat as a starting point, this book looks at the spiritual nature of Old Testament leaders. $18.99; $13.99

Blank Slate Write Your Own Rules for a 22nd-Century Church Movement Lia McIntosh, Jasmine Smothers, and Rodney Thomas Smothers Let go of what you think church should be! Here are new tools to change the ministry landscape and engage the next generation. $15.99

Connecting for a Change How to Engage People, Churches, and Partners to Inspire Hope in Your Community Joseph W. Daniels Jr. and Christie Latona Steps for implementing a Mission Strategy: aligning the what, who, how, and when with God’s why. $15.99; $11.99



4D Impact Smash Barriers Like a Smart Church Olu Brown The founding pastor of the fifth fastest growing United Methodist congregation in the U.S. offers tools to help you reboot your church or guide you through irreversible decline. $16.99; $12.99

Leadership Directions from Moses On the Way to a Promised Land Olu Brown Often a congregation is upended when someone leaves the church. Learn from the story of Moses about how to find opportunities in the challenge. $14.99; $10.99

Roots & Routes Calling, Ministry, and the Power of Place Randy G. Litchfield Do you feel as if you’ve missed your calling? Learn to develop vocational imagination. This interpretive life-skill helps you see calling as a life-long process of discernment and response. $29.99

Girl, Stop Apologizing A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals Rachel Hollis The best-selling author and toprated podcast host urges women to stop apologizing for their desires, hopes, and dreams and instead go after them with passion and confidence. Hardcover. $24.99; $16.49

Developing Female Leaders Navigate the Minefields and Release the Potential of Women in Your Church Kadi Cole A 30-year veteran in leadership development offers 8 easy ways that churches can intentionally craft cultures that facilitate the development of women leaders. $18.99; $12.49

No Is a Beautiful Word Hope and Help for the Overcommitted and (Occasionally) Exhausted Kevin G. Harney Designed and crafted for people whose lives are overloaded, helping them learn to say “No” so they can say “Yes” to the things that bring life, hope, peace, and lasting meaning. $16.99; $12.99



Developing the Leader Within You 2.0 John C. Maxwell In this revised and updated 25thanniversary edition of his nowclassic work, Maxwell reveals how to develop the vision, value, influence, and motivation required of successful leaders. Study resources available. $17.99; $11.99

21 Laws of Leadership in the Bible Learning to Lead from the Men and Women of Scripture John C. Maxwell Leadership principles followed by Moses, Joshua, Ruth, David, Elijah, Josiah, Esther, Peter, Jesus, and more. With study guide. $19.99; $12.99

21 Qualities of Leaders in the Bible Developing Leadership Traits Inspired by the Men and Women of Scripture John C. Maxwell In-depth studies on leadership qualities of Ruth, Joshua, David, John, Paul, and more, and especially Jesus. With study guide. $19.99; $13.99

Leadershift 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace John C. Maxwell Internationally recognized leadership expert John C. Maxwell teaches readers how to shift their leadership to keep innovating, improving, and influencing others in today’s fast-paced world. Hardcover. $27.99; $18.29

The Enlightened Capitalists Cautionary Tales of Business Pioneers Who Tried to Do Well by Doing Good James O’Toole An expert on ethical leadership tells the stories of people who tried to create businesses that were both profitable and socially responsible. Hardcover. $35.00; $25.49

Humble Leadership The Power of Relationships, Openness, and Trust Edgar H. Schein and Peter Schein Best-selling author and father of organizational culture studies, Edgar Schein and Peter Schein trailblaze with a creative perspective on leadership that encourages vulnerability and empathy as a form of strength. $19.95; $14.49



Mentoring Biblical, Theological, and Practical Perspectives Dean K. Thompson and D. Cameron Murchison, editors A group of 21 eminent biblical scholars explore why positive mentoring relationships are essential to the formation of strong Christian leaders. $30.00; $21.79

Sideline Church Bridging the Chasm between Churches and Cultures Thomas G. Bandy Some churches are like spectators on the sidelines of a game when it comes to the changing culture all around: they don’t participate; they observe. Sample shares the key to bridging the gap: empathy. $19.99; $14.99

Leading From Horseback Lost Lessons Every Church Leader Needs Jim Cowart Shows how the same qualities needed to train and enjoy life with a horse—patience, partnership, communication, trust, and preparation—are essential for ministry leaders. $15.99; $13.49

Embracing the Wideness The Shared Convictions of The United Methodist Church Kenneth H. Carter Jr. There are distinct ideas of church and understandings of holiness within United Methodism. Carter challenges readers to accept a “generous orthodoxy” to heal ourselves of our schisms. With leader guide. $17.99; $11.99

Sacred Resistance A Practical Guide to Christian Witness and Dissent Ginger Gaines-Cirelli The pastor of a church located adjacent to the White House in Washington D.C. provides a theologically sound framework for congregations to discern what to do about injustice, and when to do it as well. $14.99; $10.99

The Vile Practices of Church Leadership Finance and Administration Nate Berneking Many pastors lack a basic understanding of financial and administrative matters. This book provides theological language to equip them to translate such matters for themselves, so that they can lead more effectively. $18.99; $15.99



Now That You’re A Youth Leader How to Handle the Challenging Yet Rewarding First Years of Youth Ministry Jeremy Steele The basics about how to manage a successful youth ministry… everything from counseling a teen to preparing a budget. 17.99; $13.49

A Mission That Matters How To Do Short-Term Missions Without Long-Term Harm Jen Bradbury A veteran youth worker lays out a philosophy for mission trips that helps youth integrate their mission experiences with their lives back home. $17.99; $12.99

Unleash Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders Marv Nelson Thought-provoking ideas and practical, real-time examples to help us equip and expectantly release our younger church leaders into the future with trust and confidence. $15.99; $11.79

Strategic Thinking How to Sustain Effective Ministry Thomas G. Bandy In order to be relevant to the changing community, churches must accept more risk and go beyond comfort zones. Learn the art of strategic thinking: focus on a purpose, pursue it doggedly, and keep the line straight. $21.99; $11.99

Spiritual Leadership Why Leaders Lead and Who Seekers Follow Thomas G. Bandy Through evaluations, charts, and illustrations, determine what sort of leadership you might best provide to meet the spiritual needs of your congregation and community. $19.99; $8.79

Trust by Design The Beautiful Behaviors of an Effective Church Culture Amy Valdez Barker Through a process of selfexamination into what it takes to build trust, as well as what leads to a break in trust, Trust by Design will help you step boldly into ministry…wherever God sends you. $14.99; $10.99



The Church Guide for Making Decisions Together Terence Corkin and Julia Kuhn Wallace A step-by-step guide on how to create a new way of working together that draws on tried and tested processes, and advocates for a consensus-building approach. Inspiring and practical. $22.99; $19.49

The Power of Belonging Discovering the Confidence to Lead with Vulnerability Will van der Hart and Rob Waller As a leader, do you ever feel like a fraud? An impostor? An experienced church leader and respected psychiatrist offer a psychological and biblical response to a persistent problem in leadership. $16.99; $12.29

Synergy A Leadership Guide for Church Staff and Volunteers Ann A. Michel Using the concept of synergy, provides practical advice on the day-to-day skills of a mutually responsible ministry, showing how to engage others, build teams, and manage effectively. $16.99; $12.49

Gear Up! Nine Essential Processes for the Optimized Church Kay Kotan Leaders must do more than choose a direction; they must devise steps. Who will do what, and when? This practical book outlines nine areas of ministry where congregations must intentionally design a process. $14.99; $10.49

The Necessary Nine Things Effective Pastors Do Differently Bob Farr and Kay Kotan Shares nine simple axioms for effective pastoral and lay leadership that are straightforward, easy to put to use, and that can help you reach your potential for fruitful ministry. $14.99; $10.49

AdMinistry The Nuts and Bolts of Church Administration Thomas F. Tumblin Learn how to organize and weave your way through the often complex business of the church. Includes templates and samples of growth plans, review forms, tracking logs, and inventory and procedure worksheets. $16.99; $12.99



Switch Off The Clergy Guide to Preserving Energy and Passion for Ministry Heather Bradley and Miriam Grogan The pressures of congregational and family commitments can take their toll on clergy. Learn tools to unwind & motivate you. $14.99; $9.99

Thriving in the Second Chair Ten Practices for Robust Ministry (When You’re Not in Charge) Mike Bonem When you’re not the lead pastor, not being in charge can lead to frustration. Learn ten key factors that will help you go beyond your circumstances and thrive. $19.99; $13.49

Execute Your Vision The Practical Art of Ministry Leadership Bill Easum and Scott Musselman Anyone can have ideas. Learn to bring them to fruition! Packed with information, practical steps, essential principles, and points for deeper reflection in concise, easy-to-read chapters. $13.99; $9.49

Ultimate Reliance Breakthrough Prayer Practices for Leaders Sue Nilson Kibbey Breakthrough Prayer is extremely effective for personal spiritual renewal and can significantly impact church leadership teams as well. Study resources available. $17.99; $13.49

Flood Gates Holy Momentum for a Fearless Church Sue Nilson Kibbey Learn how to tap leadership strength, make the case for change, effectively grow leaders, and mobilize a congregation. Each chapter includes actions and behaviors to implement. $18.99; $10.99

She Five Keys to Unlock the Power of Women in Ministry Karoline M. Lewis This comprehensive resource helps women in ministry survive by providing tools for thriving. Covers everything from biblical arguments for/against women in the church to what not to wear. Study resources available. $21.99; $14.99



re:MIX Transitioning Your Church to Living Color Mark DeYmaz and Bob Whitesel Theologically sound and based on field research, this practical guide will help monoethnic congregations that seek to transition into healthy multiethnic churches of Christ-centered faith. $17.99; $11.99

The Changeover Zone Successful Pastoral Transitions Jim Ozier and Jim Griffith Step-by-step, hands-on application of techniques and principles that bring about successful pastoral transitions. Packed with helpful tips and tactics plus real-church examples. $16.99; $11.49

Stepping Aside, Moving Ahead Spiritual and Practical Wisdom for Clergy Retirement Steve Harper This valuable resource can help clergy prepare for and experience retirement successfully and with greater satisfaction. $17.99; $7.49

Small on Purpose Life in a Significant Church Lewis A. Parks Includes clear instructions on how leaders can streamline ministry to maximize the unique and powerful contributions small churches make in their communities. An inspiring, practical, and refreshing point of view for church leaders. $15.99; $11.99

At the Crossroads Leadership Lessons for the Second Half of Life Clayton Smith and Dave Wilson This six-week Bible-based study offers comprehensive, practical help for Christians who are approaching, entering, or already in retirement. Readers can work through the book on their own or as part of a group. $12.99; $8.79

The New Adapters Shaping Ideas to Fit Your Congregation Jacob Armstrong with Adam Hamilton and Mike Slaughter This is the book for church leaders who are struggling to know what paths to follow in order to participate in the creation of new, mainline churches for the 21st century. $16.99; $15.99



A New Church and A New Seminary Theological Education Is the Solution David McAllister-Wilson Our neighborhoods are changing. Our seminaries also need to change to prepare pastors to find ways to relate to who we are today. $19.99; $11.99

Grounded in Creed Jim Cowart, Matthew Hartsfield, Jennifer Cowart, Jorge Acevedo “Growing people change” their hearts and lives. This 6-session study expands on that principle and highlights the diversity of beliefs about Christian life. Other study resources available. Participant & Leader Book. $12.99

Fresh Expressions A New Kind of Methodist Church For People Not in Church Kenneth H. Carter Jr. and Audrey Warren This study follows the movement of Christian churches that are pioneering new ways to reach unchurched/dechurched people where they are in their journey. $14.99; $10.99

Divergent Church The Bright Promise of Alternative Faith Communities Tim Shapiro with Kara Faris After a year researching alternative faith communities across the country, the authors discovered that, though they create innovative, transformative new communities, most engage in time-honored practices. $16.99; $9.99

Generosity Rising Lead a Stewardship Revolution in Your Church Scott McKenzie Practical guidelines for training a dedicated team of “generosity revolutionaries” who embrace, live, and lead others on a journey of gratitude, prayer, and faith. Daily devotionals to inspire, motivate, and encourage. $17.99; $11.99

Go The Church’s Main Purpose George G. Hunter III A richly descriptive explanation of the missional church which will convince your church leaders and students to recover a clear and consistent sense of purpose. $21.99; $14.79



A New Day in the City Urban Church Revival Donna Claycomb Sokol and L. Roger Owens The authors challenge clichés, share lessons about leadership and strategic planning, and show what urban church renewal can look like. Each chapter features a set of practical guidelines. $19.99; $10.49

The Passionate Church Ignite Your Church and Change the World Mike Slaughter with Karen Perry Smith Outlines the exciting, creative, and effective ministries that Ginghamsburg Church has been doing and growing for 35 years. Built-in facilitator guide. $16.99; $13.49

The Misfit Mission How to Change the World with Surprises, Interruptions, and All the Wrong People Scott Chrostek Inspiring tales from Chrostek’s ministry at The Church of the Resurrection in Kansas City illustrate new ideas and methods of serving Christ. $21.99; $14.79

Meet the Goodpeople Wesley’s 7 Ways to Share Faith Roger Ross Discover Wesley’s seven methods of connecting with non-churched people that ignited a revival, recast for the 21st century. Discussion guides included in each chapter. $16.99; $11.49

The Sky Is Falling, the Church Is Dying, and Other False Alarms Ted A. Campbell Is decline inevitable for mainline Christianity or is the current sense of malaise only a mirage? The author suggests our traditions hold the keys to faith’s relevance today and offers practices to help churches. $13.99; $9.49

10 Prescriptions for a Healthy Church Bob Farr and Kay Kotan The authors share their expertise from working with churches across the country, detailing the most common concerns and obstacles, and then offer strategies to help churches achieve success. Study workbook available. $17.99; $13.99



Christian Social Innovation Renewing Wesleyan Witness L. Gregory Jones Just like entrepreneurial business start-ups, establishing church plants and starting new churches cultivates our need to develop “fresh expressions” for gatherings of community and a renewed sense of mission. $16.99; $13.79

Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations Revised and Updated Robert Schnase Take a new look at the transformative practices of Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship, Intentional Faith Development, Risk-Taking Mission and Service, and Extravagant Generosity. $18.99; $13.99

Eight Virtues of Rapidly Growing Churches Matt Miofsky and Jason Byassee The authors studied several highly successful church plants and found common practices and characteristics. Learn about their discoveries and how you, too, can tap into a sense of hope about your church. $16.99; $11.99

Culture Catalyst Seven Strategies to Bring Positive Change to Your Organization Samuel R. Chand Describes five easily identifiable categories of organizational culture and includes diagnostic tools leaders can use to identify particular strengths and needs of their organization. Hardcover. $24.99; $16.99

What Are We Fighting For? Coming Together Around What Matters Most Thomas J. Bickerton Offers a way to move beyond all the discord to a hope-filled future by exploring how we can come together around what matters most. Study resources available. $14.99; $6.79

The Gospel Driven Church Uniting Church Growth Dreams with the Metrics of Grace Jared C. Wilson Attendance and dollars can’t tell us everything about a church’s health. We need a “grace-shift” in our metrics that prioritizes God’s work in people’s lives. With leader strategies. Hardcover. $21.99; $15.99



First the Jews Combating the World’s LongestRunning Hate Campaign Evan Moffic Helps us recognize antiSemitism, shares insights from a Jewish perspective, and outlines the role Christians can play in encouraging positive change in interfaith relations. Hardcover. $22.99; $15.99

A New Reformation From Luther’s World to Ours Rob Fuquay Helps you take a close look into the life of Martin Luther and teaches you how to embrace reformation in your church and in your life. Perfect for Christians at all stages of their journey. Study resources available. $14.99; $10.99

Celebrating God’s Love Living Into Christian Unity and Interreligious Relationships Donald E. Messer Can God’s love span the chasm of our differences? This collection of essays is a wonderful resource that represents a rich diversity of voices calling us to focus on that which binds us in unity. $15.99; $10.79

The Fight for Marriage Church Conflicts and Courtroom Contests Phillip F. Cramer and William L. Harbison The story of two lawyers whose work for justice is rooted in their faith and who brought a samesex marriage case to the Supreme Court which resulted in the 2015 decision to legalize gay marriage. $14.99; $8.99

Our Strangely Warmed Hearts Coming Out into God’s Call Karen P. Oliveto Our Strangely Warmed Hearts, which borrows its title from John Wesley’s description of how he felt when he discovered his spiritual identity, traces the history of the church’s struggle with homosexuality. $17.99; $10.79

Holding Up Your Corner Talking about Race in Your Community F. Willis Johnson How do you talk about racial prejudice in your church? Learn to use testimony, proclamation, guided group conversations, and more in order to own our calling and responsibility as Christians. Study resources available. $15.99; $8.49



Fear of the Other No Fear in Love William H. Willimon Invites you to look more closely at the gospel’s command to love—because to genuinely love those considered to be “other” may be the hardest thing for people of faith to do. Study resources available. $14.99; $10.49

The Sacred Secular How God Is Using the World to Shape the Church Dottie Escobedo-Frank and Rob Rynders The sacred can be experienced anywhere, not just in church. An examination of surprisingly sacred places with inspiring lessons about what church can look like. $16.99; $12.49

The Virtual Body of Christ in a Suffering World Deanna A. Thompson When you think about it, the body of Christ has always been a virtual body. There are lessons all churches can learn about healing the lives of the most vulnerable among us through the use of technology. $21.99; $8.99

Massacre at Sand Creek How Methodists Were Involved in an American Tragedy Gary L. Roberts Coming to grips with what happened at Sand Creek involves hard questions and unsatisfactory answers not only about the slaughter of innocents but also about what led to it and why. $21.99; $16.79

Working Class Rage A Field Guide to White Anger and Pain Tex Sample Digs into the realities of a group of people who feel they’ve been misunderstood, ignored, and denied. Offers a way forward for partnerships that will enhance the lives of all working-class Americans. $17.99; $12.99

A Christian Justice for the Common Good Tex Sample For Christians, the concept of justice must extend beyond mere “fairness” to include forms of liberation, compassion, mercy, and peace that are even more radical than the best of twenty-first-century justice. $19.99; $13.49



Budgeting for a Healthy Church Aligning Finances with Biblical Priorities for Ministry Jamie Dunlop Examines each section of the budget in light of biblical principles to show how a church budget can lock in healthy approaches to ministry. $14.99; $10.99

God vs. Money Winning Strategies in the Combat Zone J. Clif Christopher Offers practical, up-to-date, expert advice on how to deal with money, including chapters on how to preach about giving, the theology of giving, and the importance of budgeting. $16.99; $12.99

Not Your Parents’ Offering Plate A New Vision for Financial Stewardship J. Clif Christopher Shows how to demonstrate the impact of financial gifts to donors, and offers realistic guidance on asking individuals to increase their giving. $15.99; $11.99

Earn All You Can Getting Rich for Good Donald R. House Is the wealth gap the fault of the rich? Introduces several economic principles along with foundational Christian ideas about wealth and success rooted in Jewish teaching, papal letters, and John Wesley’s sermons. $16.99; $11.49

Defying Gravity Break Free from the Culture of More Tom Berlin Help your congregation become a church of generosity. Shows us how too much stuff affects our ability to serve and thrive, and then helps us explore what is required to sustain a vibrant life. Study resources available. $14.99; $8.49

The E-Giving Guide for Every Church Using Digital Tools to Grow Ministry Richard Rogers Takes away the confusion and fear involved in using electronic media to raise money for the church by providing a strong framework that focuses on key topics. $12.99; $9.99



Funding Ministry with Five Loaves and Two Fishes Rosario Picardo This book is for any pastor, church planter, or lay leader struggling to do ministry with a lack of financial resources but hungry to reach the lost with the Good News of Jesus Christ. $16.99; $11.49

Propel Good Stewardship, Greater Generosity Clayton L. Smith Create a culture of generosity beyond tithing and you’ll find the financial resources your church needs. Offers solutions for increased giving and models for effective stewardship. $16.99; $13.49

Earn. Save. Give. Wesley’s Simple Rules for Money James A. Harnish This 21st century translation of Wesley’s money management philosophy gives your entire congregation a new way to think about money that will stick with them. Study resources available. $13.99; $12.49

The Gratitude Path Leading Your Church to Generosity Kent Millard In contrast to outdated, budgetcentric stewardship models, this is a fresh alternative: a Christ-centered approach that promotes spiritual health for both donors and the church. $16.99; $11.99

Enough Revised Edition Discovering Joy through Simplicity and Generosity Adam Hamilton Rediscover the Bible’s wisdom when it comes to prudent financial practices. Change your life by changing your relationship with money and giving. Study resources available. $14.99; $10.99

Extravagant Generosity, Program Guide for Leaders The Heart of Giving Michael Reeves and Jennifer Tyler Built on Bishop Robert Schnase’s groundbreaking book Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations, this stewardship program succeeds where others fail. Other study resources available. Book with CD/DVD. $34.99; $27.99



Stride Creating a Discipleship Pathway for Your Church Mike Schreiner and Ken Willard Learn the successful principles the authors developed at Morning Star Church and find out how to plot a course to fruitful discipleship in your church. Study resources available. $13.99; $10.49

Disciples Making Disciples A Guide for Covenant Discipleship Groups and Class Leaders Steven W. Manskar Provides information needed to organize the ministry, form groups, write a covenant, lead a meeting, and support groups to live out the mission of making disciples. $17.00; $14.99

Becoming a Disciple A Lifelong Venture Adolf Hansen Weren’t all the disciples different? Can discipleship—within Christ’s directive—mean something unique to each of us? Eight United Methodist clergy discuss discipleship and help us pursue the adventure of a lifetime. 14.99; $9.99

Gladhearted Disciples Equipping Your Congregation with Generous and Enduring Faith Chris Folmsbee Outlines small, tangible things we can do to integrate faith into a 30-day set of practices that will make us authentic witnesses in the world. Great for small groups. $14.99; $9.99

Grab, Gather, Grow Multiply Community Groups in Your Church Jim and Jennifer Cowart Transform your congregation by launching community groups. Learn how the Cowarts used a 5-part strategy of adaptive systems, digital tools, and flexible overhead to expand their church. Study resources available. $14.99; $10.99

Start This, Stop That Do the Things That Grow Your Church Jim and Jennifer Cowart Learn why conventional church thinking such as pastoral care, long-term planning, stewardship campaigns, committees, and even staff inhibit church growth. Learn how to do less, and lead more people to Christ. $17.99; $11.99



Teaching Outside the Box Five Approaches to Opening the Bible With Youth Andrew Zirschky A new take on forming faith in youth. Offers new angles on the instructional approach and introduces four new approaches: community of faith, interpretive, liberation, and contemplative. $16.99; $13.49

Unleashing the Hidden Potential of Your Student Leaders Jen Bradbury Gives guidance and practical tips from the author’s own experience as a youth leader on how to help young leaders transition into leadership positions in the broader church. $16.99; $7.49

Smaller Church Youth Ministry No Staff, No Money, No Problem! Brad Fiscus with Stephanie Caro Even small churches can have a big impact with these practical activities and tools for starting, building, and leading an effective disciple-making youth ministry. $16.99; $9.49

Teaching Biblical Faith Leading Small Group Bible Studies Jack L. Seymour Biblical faith is a lens for viewing life. This book provides a manageable way to inspire conversation about the many ways the Bible can be taught and how biblical wisdom shapes decision-making. $17.99; $13.99

I Wonder Engaging a Child’s Curiosity about the Bible Elizabeth Caldwell Helps you talk to your child about the Bible, providing expert advice about translations, age-appropriate passages and stories, and methods to help them learn. $20.99; $14.99

The Mission-Minded Guide to Church and School Partnerships Jake McGlothin Offers practical steps congregations can take to make a difference with the children in their community by partnering with a public school. $16.99; $12.99



A Glad Obedience Why and What We Sing Walter Brueggemann The Christian practice of hymn singing, says renowned biblical scholar Walter Brueggemann, is a countercultural act. In this helpful and engaging volume, Brueggemann discusses both why we sing and what we sing. $18.00; $14.49

Curating Church Strategies for Innovative Worship Jacob D. Myers As a church “curator,” learn to combine the best of Christian expression with fresh ways of thinking and being in the world, to help your church better connect with diverse audiences. $29.99; $17.49

Worship Together in Your Church as in Heaven Josh Davis and Nikki Lerner In this foundational book, the authors lay out the case for a shift to multicultural worship for virtually every church, giving hands-on, practical, and doable examples of how to begin making changes in your church. $22.99; $12.49

Protestant Worship A Multisensory Introduction for Students and Practitioners O. Wesley Allen, Jr. Uses the analogy of physics— with its concepts of the big bang, time, space, matter, energy, and chaos—to explain the actions, reactions, outpourings, and responses of a worship service. $29.99; $17.79

Lovin’ on Jesus A Concise History of Contemporary Worship Swee Hong Lim and Lester Ruth Groundbreaking and scholarly, this work methodically traces the origins and development of contemporary Christian worship. The research includes interviews and early recordings. $29.99; $21.99

Worship in a Flash for Special Days Everything You Need for Inviting and Inspiring Worship Everything you need for all the special days of worship: prayers, music, projection images, suggestions for dramatic readings, sermon briefs, litanies...everything. USB Flash Drive. $34.99



Four Ministries, One Jesus Exploring Your Vocation with the Four Gospels Richard A. Burridge Looks specifically at pastoral ministry through the lens of each Gospel. Full of practical advice on developing and maintaining the skills needed for ministry today. $24.00; $17.29

Women in God’s Mission Accepting the Invitation to Serve and Lead Mary T. Lederleitner Women have advanced God’s mission throughout history and around the world. But women often face particular obstacles in ministry. What do we need to know about how women thrive? $18.00; $13.49

The Politics of Ministry Navigating Power Dynamics and Negotiating Interests Bob Burns, Tasha D. Chapman, and Donald C. Guthrie Filled with real-life ministry stories, this book shares wise principles and practices to help us see more clearly the political dynamics at play in our churches. $18.00; $13.49

Across the Street and Around the World Following Jesus to the Nations in Your Neighborhood... and Beyond Jeannie Marie Using personal stories, offers practical tips and spiritual lessons for engaging in cross-cultural relationships with love and purpose. $16.99; $11.49

Understanding Your Call Knowing How 11 Biblical Figures Understood Their Calls From God Can Help You to Understand Yours various authors An in-depth look at God’s calling in the lives of key biblical characters. Leading United Methodist thinkers help readers discern how God might be calling them today. $16.95

Engage! Tools for Ministry in the Community Dana Horrell A practical guide to help congregations reach out to their local communities. Drawn from a variety of sources, including congregations, church consultants, researchers, and nonprofit organizations. $14.99; $10.79



A Pastoral Rule for Today Reviving an Ancient Practice John P. Burgess, Jerry Andrews, and Joseph D. Small Three veteran pastors provide examples of pastoral rules in communities throughout the church’s history plus advice on how pastors can develop and keep a pastoral rule today. $20.00; $14.49

Pastor: Revised Edition The Theology and Practice of Ordained Ministry William H. Willimon Drawing on great teachers of the Christian tradition, explores central questions about the vocation of ordained ministry and looks at the distinctive roles the pastor must fulfill. $32.99; $21.99

Zondervan 2019 Church and Nonprofit Tax and Financial Guide Dan Busby, Vonna Laue, Michael Martin, and John Van Drunen This annual reference guide is one of the few resources offering tax and financial advice to churches and nonprofit organizations. $16.99; $9.99

Zondervan 2019 Minister’s Tax and Financial Guide For 2018 Tax Returns Dan Busby, Vonna Laue, Michael Martin, and John Van Drunen This easy-to-understand workbook simplifies the tax code and offers dozens of tips to reduce your tax bill. $16.99; $9.99

Moral Injury Restoring Wounded Souls Larry Kent Graham, editor How can you help people deal with feelings of guilt, shame, and responsibility when many don’t believe in sin? Reclaim the pastoral tasks of soul care and moral guidance without giving in to the temptation of moralizing. $19.99; $12.99

Pastoral Care Telling the Stories of Our Lives Karen D. Scheib Pastoral caregivers are cocreators and companions who help others revise and construct their life stories reshaped by God’s grace. This book focuses on listening and “restorying” practices in the context of congregations. $36.99; $24.79


PASTORAL CARE Out of the Depths Series When a member of your congregation comes to you in crisis mode, you respond with compassion, reminding them of God’s promises and praying with them for strength to face the unknown. The Out of the Depths series is a way to give parishioners encouragement and support even after the pastoral conference ends. These inexpensive, 64-page booklets address the most common crisis situations in a factual and honest manner, providing the reader with a sense of grounding and direction. Plus, each booklet includes 30 brief devotions designed to help the reader process trauma both psychologically and theologically. In addition to pastors, Stephen Ministers and congregational care teams rely on the booklets as essential care resources. Each $5.99; $3.99

Your Companion After Divorce Neil Sharpe and Mandy McDow

Your Companion After Pregnancy Or Infant Loss Brandy Mullins and Tiany Patterson

Your Companion Through Grief Greta Smith

Your Companion Through Addiction James Hightower and Peter Ferguson

Your Companion Through Depression and Anxiety James Hightower and Matthew L. Kelley

Your Companion Through Chronic Illness Nancy L. Long and Elizabeth Shadbolt



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Ingenuity Preaching as an Outsider Lisa L.Thompson Many preachers feel like outsiders, but if you’re a black female preacher, established academic sources don’t offer you much help. This book helps you bring your own unique voice and experience to your preaching. $29.99; $17.49

Say Something! Simple Ways to Make Your Sermons Matter Charley Reeb Introduces six critical characteristics of effective sermons in addition to techniques to help you deliver unforgettable messages to your congregation. $15.99

Preaching Romans Four Perspectives Scot McKnight and Joseph B. Modica, editors A stellar one-stop guide from first-rate scholars and preachers that explores four major interpretive perspectives on the apostle Paul: Reformational, New, Apocalyptic, and Participationist. Each perspective is illuminated by three sermons. $20.00; $14.49

Seasoned Speech Rhetoric in the Life of the Church James E. Beitler III James Beitler seeks to renew interest in and hunger for an effective Christian rhetoric by closely considering the work of five beloved Christian communicators. $25.00; $18.99

Proclaiming the Living Word A Handbook for Preachers Gordon W. Lathrop Providing wise encouragement and concrete tools for ministry, this handbook guides preachers as they think about the central matters and purposes of preaching and as they engage in preparation for this important task. $9.99; $8.49



Rehearsing Scripture Discovering God’s Word in Community Anna Carter Florence Like a play, Scripture is best encountered in community. Offers practical strategies for reading and rehearsing the text in groups, enabling us to better apprehend biblical truth for our lives. $16.99; $11.99

The End of Preaching Thomas H. Troeger Equal parts instruction and inspiration, this practical help for every preacher and seminarian provides a new way of thinking about preaching. It gives deep insight into the preacher’s approach, the task of preaching, and its impact on the hearers. $15.99; $11.79

Preaching Truth in the Age of Alternative Facts William Brosend Offering a way forward, this book demonstrates how to proclaim honest, faithful, candid sermons, in spite of social and political disagreements. Learn how to preach in a way that allows the church to be its best self. $17.99; $12.99

Introduction to the Practice of African American Preaching Frank A. Thomas Gives insight into the history of African American preaching tradition, from an almost exclusively oral tradition to an oral/written tradition then to a relationship between homiletics and rhetoric in Western preaching. $34.99; $24.99

The Sermon without End A Conversational Approach to Preaching Ronald J. Allen and O. Wesley Allen, Jr. A dynamic new preaching model based on sermons as conversations taking place in multiple directions between Scripture, traditions, and the world today. $29.99; $23.99

The Four Pages of the Sermon, Revised and Updated A Guide to Biblical Preaching Paul Scott Wilson Preaching is a complex task. This book guides readers through the process step-by-step, organizing sermon preparation and content around four different theological and creative components. $34.99; $20.29



Will Willimon’s Lectionary Sermon Resource, Year C Part 2 Will Willimon Fuel for your imagination! This resource provides suggestions for selected readings, themes, and introductions to the lectionary passage for every Sunday in the year. Part of a 6-volume set. $24.99; $16.99

Who Lynched Willie Earle? Preaching to Confront Racism Will Willimon Uses the true story of a 1947 sermon in response to the last lynching in Greenville, SC to help pastors preach on race and violence in America, inviting and challenging the church to respond. $17.99; $13.49

How to Preach a Dangerous Sermon Frank A. Thomas This book equips and empowers preachers to transcend their basic skills and techniques, so that their proclamation of the Word causes actual turnaround in the hearts and lives of their hearers as well as their communities. $17.99; $13.49

Exodus Preaching Crafting Sermons about Justice and Hope Kenyatta R. Gilbert Demonstrates how the distinctive features of the African American prophetic rhetorical tradition can help you shape effective sermons for today. Includes practical suggestions and exercises. $21.99; $15.49

That’ll Preach! 5 Simple Steps to Your Best Sermon Ever Charley Reeb The five-step plan covers prep, sermon structure, storytelling, and “preaching with presence,” using lectionary and topical preaching models. Includes outlines and full sermon texts. $12.99; $9.99

Preaching and the Human Condition Loving God, Self, & Others O. Wesley Allen, Jr. Many sermons avoid the “bad news” of the world. But Jesus didn’t skirt around real life. This book offers practical approaches to preaching the human condition, plus a sample sermon. $24.99; $10.99



Speaking Well Essential Skills for Speakers, Leaders, and Preachers Adam Hamilton The thought of speaking in public strikes fear in the hearts of many. Speaking Well offers nineteen powerful tips and tactics that lead to excellent speaking in any setting. Hardcover. $14.99; $10.99

Words That Heal Preaching Hope to Wounded Souls Joni S. Sancken Preaching with empathy helps heal as do stories about wounded biblical figures. Showcases worship practices, sermons, and ministries actively engaged in supporting the healing of wounded souls. $18.99

Preaching with Empathy Crafting Sermons in a Callous Culture Lenny Luchetti Useful tools—based on the foundations of Scripture, theology, history, and social awareness— that provide a unique way to prepare and write sermons that connect authentically with people. $19.99; $13.99

Preaching in Pictures Using Images for Sermons That Connect Peter Jonker A dominant image repeated in a sermon helps unify and communicate the central thought. These exercises help you find strong, compelling images to deliver your message. $19.99; $13.49

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Actuality Real Life Stories for Sermons That Matter Scott Hoezee Learn to illustrate your sermon points with honest, true, reallife stories taken from the art, journalism, and literature you see and read every day. $19.99; $13.49



The Journal Letters and Related Biographical Items of the Reverend Charles Wesley, M.A. Frank Baker, Richard P. Heitzenrater, and Randy L. Maddox, editors Crucial to understanding the beginnings of Wesleyanism and an indispensable interpretive companion to John Wesley’s journal, diaries, and letters. $74.99; $53.49

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The Once and Future Wesleyan Movement Scott J. Jones Discusses specific obstacles that are currently preventing the church from achieving its potential. Closes with a hopeful vision of what a renewed United Methodism might look like. $19.99; $7.99

Scripture and the Wesleyan Way A Bible Study on Real Christianity Scott J. Jones and Arthur D. Jones Uses Wesley’s own words to address questions that many of us in the 21st century still struggle with today. Each chapter explores a key Scripture text and one of Wesley’s sermons about the text. Study resources available. $16.99; $11.99

Five Means of Grace Experience God’s Love the Wesleyan Way Elaine A. Heath Recharge. Reboot. Reorder. Based on The Wesley Covenant for Renewal, this 6-week, video-based study will help you reorder your life. Study resources available. Hardcover. $9.99; $7.99



Breaking the Code, Revised Edition Understanding the Book of Revelation Bruce M. Metzger Metzger provides one of the most important and trustworthy guides of the Book of Revelation, and now it includes findings from the most current biblical research. $16.99

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The Prophetic Literature Carolyn J. Sharp This unique introduction to the Prophetic books provides an in-depth examination of one of the most important and perplexing genres of the Hebrew Bible. It examines their nature and purpose and the origins and development of individual books. $29.99

Jesus the Spirit Baptizer Christology in Light of Pentecost Frank D. Macchia Drawing from both classical and contemporary sources, this book probes the fundamental connection between the person of Christ and the Holy Spirit. Hardcover. $48.00; $34.99

Grounded in Heaven Recentering Christian Hope and Life on God Michael Allen Reaching back to classical ethics as well as its reformation by Calvin and other Reformed theologians, this book offers a distinctly Protestant account of the ascetical calling to be heavenly-minded and to deny one’s self. $18.00; $12.99

The Old Testament in Seven Sentences A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic Christopher J. H. Wright Using seven key sentences drawn straight from the Old Testament, Christopher J. H. Wright fits the pieces together, shows us the coherent whole, and points us toward Jesus. $16.00; $11.79



For the Life of the World Theology That Makes a Difference Miroslav Volf and Matthew Croasmun This book argues that theology is the antidote to today’s malaise. Its renewal is vital to help us answer the fundamental question of what makes life worth living. Hardcover. $21.99; $14.49

The Liberating Path of the Hebrew Prophets Then and Now Nahum Ward-Lev Shows how the message of the Hebrew Prophets is a consistent stream throughout the Hebrew Scriptures and then traces this theme in works by contemporary writers and prophets. $26.00; $18.79

The Hebrew Bible A Translation with Commentary Robert Alter, translator A masterpiece of deep learning and fine sensibility, Robert Alter’s translation of the Hebrew Bible, now complete, reanimates one of the formative works of our culture. Hardcover. $125.00; $75.99

An Introduction to Israel’s Wisdom Traditions John L. McLaughlin Makes the complicated genre of Israel’s wisdom literature straightforward and accessible. Begins by explaining the meaning of wisdom to the Israelites and surrounding cultures and moves onto the conventions of the genre and its poetic forms. $25.00; $18.99

70 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know Matthew Richard Schlimm Goes right to the most consequential words in the Scripture in their original language, explaining their sometimes multiple meanings in a way that makes the text easier to grasp. $19.99; $14.99

Christianity and World Religions, Revised Edition Questions We Ask About Other Faiths Adam Hamilton Compares the beliefs of four major world religions— Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism—with those of Christianity. Study resources available. $16.99; $12.99



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Wisdom Literature Samuel E. Balentine Being wise means living ethically; and to live ethically, one must be in a constant intellectual pursuit of meaning. Looking at Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes, this book details their structure, themes, and contribution to both ancient and modern society. $29.99; $22.99

The Holy Spirit in the New Testament John T. Carroll In an area of study that is sometimes neglected and often debated, this book offers readers fresh insight into the different ways the New Testament writings present and interpret the Spirit of God. $29.99; $20.49

Jesus Darkly Remembering Jesus with the New Testament Rafael Rodriguez The Bible is one story from beginning to end, and the best way to know Jesus fully is to know what came before… to know the New Testament writers’ Old Testament memories. $29.99; $20.49

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Handbook of Denominations in the United States, 14th Edition Roger E. Olson, Frank S. Mead, Samuel S. Hill, and Craig D. Atwood This easy-to-use reference work outlines the 200 most significant Christian traditions and denominations in the U.S. as of this decade. Hardcover. $29.99; $19.99

The Atonement A Biblical, Theological, and Historical Study of the Cross of Christ David L. Allen; Paige Patterson and Jason G. Duesing, editors Considers the subject of the atonement, beginning with the key terms and concepts in the Old and New Testaments. $34.99; $24.99

Counterfeit Christianity The Persistence of Errors in the Church Roger E. Olson Old errors and myths still circulate through churches today. Learn how to deal with these artificial truths and counterfeit teachings that dangerously distort faithful living. Study resources available. $19.99; $13.49

Right Here Right Now The Practice of Christian Mindfulness Amy G. Oden This book reveals the Christian roots of mindfulness and the actual practices that, when reclaimed, deepen the life of faith and the power of our mission of love in the world. $14.99; $10.99

Why the Church? Robert W. Wall; Joel B. Green, editor The church is often regarded as an afterthought or an unnecessary institutionalization of genuine faith. This book takes the stand that it is, instead, the concrete means by which we can address this theological crisis. $32.99; $21.99

Luther vs. Pope Leo A Conversation in Purgatory Paul R. Hinlicky This imaginary reconciliation in heaven between Martin Luther and Pope Leo X is a fascinating thought experiment that discusses the key issues that divided Catholics and Protestants and birthed the Reformation. $19.99; $11.49



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