Cokesbury Small Goup Spring 2019 Catalog

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WHAT DO YOU DO... when God’s timing seems questionable, a lack of intervention seems hurtful, and promises made seem doubtful? Best-selling author Lysa TerKeurst unveils her heart and shows readers how to live assured when life doesn’t turn out like they expected.

INSIDE C ATALOG New & Notable ...............................inside front cover–5

Wesleyan / United Methodist..................................... 24

Women’s Studies .....................................................6–11

Biblical Studies ......................................................25–31

Christian Living ......................................................12–13

Youth Studies.........................................................31–33

Spiritual Growth.....................................................14–18

Marriage ..................................................................... 34

Church & Culture ........................................................ 19

Conversation Starters ............................................35–36

Leadership .............................................................20–21

Faith & Culture Book Club ................. inside back cover

Discipleship ...........................................................22–23

FREE SHIPPING every day on purchases of $35 or more of eligible items. For personalized help choosing the right resources for your group, call a Resource Consultant or Live Chat with a Customer Care Representative. Prices shown in red reflect Cokesbury discount off regular prices. Prices subject to change.

Fast and easy online ordering any time at Speak with a Customer Care Representative at 800-672-1789.

Approved by The Curriculum Resources Committee of The United Methodist General Board of Discipleship for use in the Christian education ministry of The United Methodist Church. | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants

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Unless otherwise noted, all books are paperbound. Visit for more details. SG19

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Study Guide 9780310094340

$12.99; $7.99

praise for the book This is a powerful book not only because each chapter oozes compassion and grace but because I’ve personally witnessed the tears, the pain, and the prayers that produced it. And therein lies its strength. It will be impossible to read this and not be

DVD Video Study. 6 videos 9780310094364 $29.99; $17.49

tremendously encouraged. —Priscilla Shirer, Bible teacher and author

Ever question God’s methods? S

NEW by the author

Study Guide with DVD 9780310094371 $41.99; $23.99

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guide participant

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book cd

what you’ll need




It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered Lysa TerKeurst



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book preview

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sh fla

Life often looks so very different than we hoped or expected. Some events may simply catch us off guard for a moment, but others shatter us completely. We feel disappointed and disillusioned, and we quietly start to wonder about the reality of God’s goodness. Lysa TerKeurst understands this deeply. But she’s also discovered that our disappointments can be the divine appointments our souls need to radically encounter God. In It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way, Lysa invites us into her own journey of faith and, with grit, vulnerability, and honest humor, helps us to stop being pulled into the anxiety of disappointment by discovering how to better process unmet expectations and other painful situations. We’ll discover the secret of being steadfast and not guide panicking when God actually does give us more than we book devo can handle. We’ll shift our suspicion that God is cruel or tional unfair to the biblical assurance that God is protecting and preparing us. Thomas Nelson. Hardcover Book 9780718039851


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$24.99; $14.99


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Leader Guide 9781501879883

$14.99; $14.99 $9.99

author insights I thought that if I learned to love God and be obedient to God in ways that transformed my nature, I would learn to love my neighbor. I have discovered that it is in doing the demanding work of learning to love my neighbor that I finally understand what it is to love God.

DVD [CC] 6 videos; 10–12 min. each 9781501879906 $39.99; $31.99

Love God better by loving your neighbor better NEW


6 E SS


Reckless Love Jesus’ Call to Love Our Neighbor Tom Berlin

Streaming videos available on in April.


by the author


Maybe we have it a little backward. As Christians, we strive to follow Jesus’ teaching to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength which, in turn, we hope will help us better love our family, friends, and leaders…our neighbors. But what if we turned that around and put the emphasis on loving our family, friends, leaders, and, yes, our neighbors? Might we then find that becoming a better neighbor leads us into the deep and loving relationship we’re striving to have with God? In Reckless Love, you will consider how to follow the Greatest Commandment and learn how your love for the people around you can completely renew your faith and give you a new experience of loving God. In addition to the book, this six-week study includes a comprehensive Leader Guide and a DVD featuring Tom Berlin. Abingdon Press. Coming in April. Book 9781501879869


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kit cd


participant book cd



guide kit leader

participant leader book preview

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sh fla dvd

devo tional preview

book book

what you’ll need

$16.99; $11.49 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


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particip sh fla


DVD [CC] 3 videos; 10–12 min. each 9781501879364 $29.99; $29.99 $23.99

Streaming videos available on in February.

insights You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. —Matthew 22:37-40

Stay spiritually aligned in the midst of your busy life



by the author

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The Jesus Challenge 21 Days of Loving God and Neighbor Justin LaRosa



To say we live lives full of distractions is an understatement. So, how do we combat distraction? To stay in relationship with God is a journey that never ends and one that requires us to focus on love. The Jesus Challenge: 21 Days of Loving God and Neighbor is a 3-week study that will help us become more attentive to our relationship with God. It invites us to move from forgetfulness to remembering, from being distracted to becoming intentional, and from self-sufficiency to reliance on God, so we can live lives that center on loving God and loving others as ourselves.

See p. 24 for A Disciple’s Path.

kit cd


participant book cd


what you’ll need


guide leader

leader participant book preview


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book book

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The book contains leader helps that can be combined with a DVD featuring Justin LaRosa with video segments 10–12 guide minutes in length. Designed for small-group discussion book but also works well for individuals who are looking to stay spiritually aligned during their busy lives. Abingdon Press. Book (with Leader Helps) 9781501879340 $14.99; $9.99


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Leader Guide 9781501881404

$14.99; $9.99

author insights When you look closely at the accounts of kit cd


participant book cd


guide leader

participant leader book preview



what you’ll need

sh fla

devo tional preview

Elijah and Elisha guide from 1 Kings 17 to

book sh 2 Kingsfla8, youdevo will find...God provides for tional

book book

Elijah, as he faces down opposition in a

mountaintop showdown and when he feels alone and ready to give up while hiding in a cave listening for God’s still, small voice.

Amazing stories of God’s provision NEW

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Hope for Hard Times Lessons on Faith from Elijah and Elisha Magrey R. deVega



There is hope for you in hard times. Your story of hurt, heartache, and hopelessness has been heard, and God has a message for you: don’t give up, don’t lose hope. God is with you and will give you everything you need. It’s the same message God gave to Elijah when he was so alone he hid in a cave. And it’s the same message he gave to Elisha when he was surrounded by his enemies.

Abingdon Press. Coming in April. Book 9781501881381

$16.99; $11.49

One Faithful Promise The Wesleyan Covenant for Renewal Magrey R. deVega

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In Hope for Hard Times you’ll discover how these two great, biblical prophets trusted God to find a way for them. Read these stories, pray, and listen as you receive encouragement and guidance for whatever you are facing today. Components for this 4-session study include the book, and a Leader Guide.

Also available from Magrey R. deVega:



A covenant with God is a faithful promise of renewal, and none is more central to the Methodist identity than The Wesley Covenant Prayer first used by John Wesley in 1755. Its central theme focuses on the way we can have a closer relationship with God and others. Now modern congregations can experience a boost in their way of Christian living thanks to Wesley’s text and this accessible, churchwide campaign. Abingdon Press. 9781501824920 9781501824944 9781501824968 9781501824982

Hardcover Book $9.99; $7.99 Participant Guide $4.99; $3.99 Leader Guide $9.99; $7.99 DVD 6 videos; 10–14 min each. $39.99; $34.99

Streaming videos available on


SG19 P04.indd 4 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


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Find your true identity in Christ





Chosen Finding Your Eternity in Christ Adam Weber



Seekers and longtime believers alike wrestle with finding their true identities. We get swayed by how well or how badly things are going and get caught up in other people’s opinion of us. The truth is, God’s love for us is constant—even when we are at our worst, nothing changes the fact that we are chosen by God.

author insights One of the greatest promises in the Bible is knowing that we are chosen by God. That the Creator of the universe chooses us! You and me.

The purpose of this 4-week sermon series is to help believers and seekers understand the purpose and call of God on their lives. Through these topics, churches will help their members discover their life-changing truths that exist in an identity rooted in Christ. Kit includes: resource DVD, 4 customized sermons, campaign planning guide, web and social media graphics, Power Point template with bulletin insert template, and sample invitation tools. Outreach. Church Kit: Book with CD/DVD 9781635107258 $49.95; $39.99 30-Day Devotional Ryan Skoog and Matt Brown 9781635107265 $3.49


Short Stories by Jesus The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi Amy-Jill Levine

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Jesus was a skilled storyteller and perceptive teacher who used parables from everyday life to effectively convey his message and meaning. Life in first-century Palestine was very different from our world today, and many traditional interpretations of Jesus’ stories ignore this disparity and have often allowed anti-Semitism and misogyny to color their perspectives.

author insights Asserting that Jesus taught in parables is not the same thing as saying, however, that the parables as we have them today

In this Bible study based on her Short Stories by Jesus, Levine analyzes these “problems with parables,” taking readers back in time to understand how their original Jewish audience understood them. With this revitalized understanding, she shows how the parables are not just about Jesus, but are also about us—and when read rightly, still challenge and provoke us.

are exactly the words that Jesus originally

Abingdon Press.

spoke. We should consider the role of the

Participant Guide 9781501858161 $12.99; $9.99 Leader Guide 9781501858185 $12.99; $9.99 DVD [CC] 6 sessions; 10–12 min. each 9781501858208 $39.99; $31.49

storyteller, for good storytellers adapt their tales to the needs and interests of their audiences.

Also available:

Book (HarperOne) 9780061561030 $16.99; $10.99 SG19

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10/2/18 6:50 AM


6 E SS


She Dreams Live the Life You Were Created For Tiffany Bluhm




at Women

Are you a woman who dares to say “yes” to the dreams that are stirring in your heart? In She Dreams, author Tiffany Bluhm encourages you to discover and follow your God-given dreams through the biblical story of Moses. It took a lifetime for Moses to live out his dream, but by holding onto hope and trusting God it came to pass. So, too, can the dreams God has planted in your heart. This special six-week women’s group study experience will reveal how God calls, equips, and trains us to pursue our dreams. In addition to the book, the study includes a DVD and a companion Study Guide with Leader Helps with 5 lessons per week, guided video notes, group discussion questions, and tips for leaders. Abingdon Press. Book 9781501878329 $16.99; $11.49 Leader Guide 9781501878343 $12.99; $8.79 DVD [CC] 6 sessions; 25 min. each. 9781501878367 $49.99; $39.99

author insights Every woman was born to dream—to live a life of beauty, passion, adventure, and purpose. Our dreams, no matter how big or small, push us to become women of courage, grace, and grit. In His goodness, God breathes new dreams within our hearts...God not only gives dreams; He fulfills them.

Streaming videos available on in February.

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Never Alone 6 Encounters with Jesus to Heal Your Deepest Hurts Tiffany Bluhm




at Women

From the time we’re little girls, we long for love and acceptance. Even as grown women, we often feel compelled to prove we’re lovable…to avoid being left alone. But it’s inevitable—life is going to hit us, leaving us with wounds that shape what we think about ourselves, others, and even God. Never Alone reveals the power of Jesus’ unconditional love. Through encounters with six hurting women in the Gospels—the woman caught in adultery; the hemorrhaging woman; the woman at the well; the woman who anointed Him; Mary Magdalene; and Mary, the mother of Jesus—it helps us to recognize the grace-giving love and unfailing companionship of Jesus. Abingdon Press. Participant Workbook 9781501845826 $16.99; $12.99 Leader Guide 9781501845840 $14.99; $10.99 DVD [CC] 6 sessions; 20–25 min. each. 9781501845864 $49.99; $39.99 Leader Kit (one of each item above) 9781501845871 $79.99; $53.49

Streaming videos available on


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praise for the book With raw honesty and the beautiful imagery of a seasoned wordsmith, Tiffany brings flesh-and-blood life to this biblical truth: Jesus. Is. With. Us. Always. —Dr. Jodi Detrick, speaker, coach, former Seattle Times columnist

Also available:

Book 9781501848636

$16.99; $9.99 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


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Determined Living Like Jesus in Every Moment Heather M. Dixon



Imagine waking up every single day convinced that the twenty-four hours ahead of you are a precious gift to be used wisely. How would you let go of the things that keep you from experiencing abundant life and fulfilling the plans God has for you?

author insights All too often we wander through life without appreciating the gift of every moment we’ve been given. The result? An unsatisfying life, missed opportunities to experience the joy of being in sync with God, and days marked with apathy instead of passion. Our time on earth is measured. We should want to make every moment count...because this is exactly how our Savior spent his time here.


Abingdon Press. Coming in April. Book 9781501878862 $16.99; $11.49 Leader Guide 9781501878886 $14.99; $9.99 DVD [CC] 6 sessions; 25 min. each. 9781501879272 $49.99; $39.99

Streaming videos available on in April.

Messy People Life Lessons from Imperfect Biblical Heroes Jennifer Cowart

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at Women

In Determined, a six-week women’s group study of Luke, you’ll learn that the answer is found in following the footsteps of Jesus…who was laserfocused on loving the world and who gave us a model for intentional living. By replicating this model, you can ensure you are living each day to the fullest and making a difference for God’s kingdom. Combine the Participant Workbook with the Leader Guide and DVD to make this an even more meaningful study for your women’s group. It’s time to stop wandering and start living!



“My house is a mess!” How many times have you dreaded an unexpected visitor when your home was less than tidy? If only we could throw all of life’s messiness under the bed or behind a closet door. At some point, our lives get messy. Illness, conflict, depression, divorce, job loss…it happens, and when it does, there’s nowhere to hide.

OTHER STUDIES by the author

Thankfully, God loves us, despite our brokenness. In fact, some of the messiest people in the Bible— Rahab, the Prodigal Son, Josiah, Mary, David, and Daniel—were used by God in powerful ways. In this six-week Bible study for women, you’ll combine study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer as you take a closer look at the lives of these biblical heroes and learn that you don’t have to endure a messy life, you can actually thrive with God’s guidance and help. Abingdon Press. Book 9781501863127 $16.99; $12.99 Leader Bundle 9781501876400 $79.99; $59.99 DVD [CC] 6 sessions; 10–15 min. each. 9781501863165 $49.99; $39.99

Streaming videos available on SG19

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Leader Guide 9781501838934

$14.99; $10.99

author insights Even though life can be hard, wearing us down with all sorts of problems and pressures, the assurance that God loves us is what sustains us. His presence, purpose for our lives, and love give us stamina even when circumstances are difficult and feelings are low.

DVD [CC] 6 videos; about 25 min. each 9781501838958 $49.99; $44.99

Streaming videos available on

Learn to develop spiritual stamina


6 E SS


Elijah Spiritual Stamina in Every Season Melissa Spoelstra


by the author


The struggle is real. It’s just plain hard to find the strength…the stamina…to get through the ups and downs of our daily lives. Sometimes it’s enough to make you want to go hide in a cave. Guess what? Elijah has been there, done that. His life was a string of seriously mountain-top high and bottom-of-the-pit low events, and yet he did extraordinary things for God. In Elijah, you’ll learn the spiritual stamina secrets that helped this great prophet hold on and persevere in faith, including practical habits related to making decisions, caring for the soul, accepting circumstances, mentoring, and finishing well—Elijah’s ultimate legacy. He doubted and struggled just as we do, but he chose to believe God through it all. As you examine his life through a combination of study of Scripture, personal reflection, application, and prayer, you will grow in faith and develop spiritual stamina that will help you not only to survive but to thrive in every season.

Leader Kit (One each: Participant Workbook, Leader Guide, DVD) 9781501838965 $79.99; $57.99

kit cd

cd cddvd


kit kit book cd

kit includes:

participant participant participant kit book book dvd

leader leader participant leader book book book sh fla book preview preview preview

what you’ll need Companion Devotional also available

Abingdon Press. Participant Workbook 9781501838910 $16.99; $11.99


SG19 P08.indd 8

Companion Devotional: 30 Days of Prayer for Spiritual Stamina 9781501874352 $9.99; $7.99 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


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sflhash d fla devo tional t preview


about the series Women’s hearts are exposed and the truth of our nature is revealed as we explore the lives of women in the Bible who asked the same three questions every woman still asks today: How does everyone see me? How do I see myself? How does God see me?

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Known By Name Kasey Van Norman, Jada Anae Edwards, Nicole Johnson, and Karen Lee-Thorp



per volume

This video Bible study series features a variety of speakers focusing on women from the Bible through dramatic vignettes, spoken word poetry, and traditional Bible teaching. Each study in the series includes four sessions. Zondervan.

Naomi: When I Feel Worthless, God Says I’m Enough

Learn from Naomi’s trauma, loss, and hardship just how closely God remains. 9780310096573 Book 9780310096597 Video Study 9780310096603 Book & DVD

$12.99; $12.99 $9.49 $29.99; $21.79 $29.99 $41.99; $27.99 $41.99

Hagar: In the Face of Rejection, God Says I’m Significant

Learn about the heartache and hurt of this scorned woman and her hope for respect and redemption. 9780310096450 Book 9780310096498 Video Study 9780310096504 Book & DVD

Rahab: Don’t Judge Me; God Says I’m Qualified

$12.99; $12.99 $9.49 $29.99; $21.79 $29.99 $41.99; $27.99 $41.99

Rahab learned the differences between self-worth, how society sees us, and God’s final word about us. 9780310096313 Book 9780310096344 Video Study 9780310096351 Book & DVD


about the book Vital and deeply human, the women in this book encourage you through their failures as well as their successes. You’ll see how God acted in surprising and wonderful ways to draw them—and you—to himself.

52 E SS


Women of the Bible 52 Bible Studies for Individuals and Groups Jean E. Syswerda

$12.99; $12.99 $9.49 $29.99; $21.79 $41.99; $27.99



Based on the best-selling book coauthored with Ann Spangler, Women of the Bible: A One-Year Devotional Study, this study highlights 52 biblical women, one per week. It features an introduction for each woman, major Scripture passages, study materials, and cultural backgrounds. Newly gathered study aids include helpful charts as well as a complete listing of all the women of the Bible, with pertinent Scripture references. Space is included to record your thoughts and insights. Each timeless biblical story mirrors the challenges and changes today’s women face. Through understanding these women’s lives, this easy-touse study resource will help you discover the God behind their stories—and yours. Zondervan. Book 9780310096702

$16.99; $10.99

Also available:

Women of the Bible A One-Year Devotional Study Ann Spangler and Jean E. Syswerda 9780310346203 SG19

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$18.99; $13.79

Shop the online catalog at


10/2/18 7:04 AM


5 E SS


Free of Me Why Life Is Better When It’s Not about You Sharon Hodde Miller



We live in a culture that’s all about self, becoming the best “me” I can be instead of becoming like Jesus. But the self-focused life robs our joy, shrinks our souls, and is the reason we never quite break free of insecurity. In this study based on her book, Sharon Hodde Miller invites us into a bigger, Jesus-centered vision—one that restores our freedom and inspires us to live for more. Anyone yearning for a purpose bigger than “project me” will cherish this paradigmshifting message of true fulfillment.

praise for the book

Baker Books.

Sharon spotlights the crippling disease

Participant’s Guide 9780801078156 $9.99; $6.49 DVD 9780801078163 $24.99; $17.99 Kit (Participant’s Guide, DVD, Book) 9780801078170 $44.99; $28.99

of self-focus and shows us how to break free from its entanglements. If you want to walk in God’s life-giving truth, this book will help you do just that!

Also available:

Book 9780801075230

—Lysa TerKeurst, New York Times best-selling author

$14.99; $10.79


6 E SS


Defiant Joy Taking Hold of Hope, Beauty, and Life in a Hurting World Stasi Eldredge



Walking in joy often feels crazy and like a denial of actual life. Yet Christians are called to “be joyful always” (1 Thess. 5:16). What does this mean, and how is it even possible? In her new book, Eldredge meets readers in their painful realities and offers an invitation to a joy that is defiant in the face of this broken world. This joy does not ignore life’s heartache; rather, it insists that sorrow and loss do not have the final say. With deep vulnerability about her own chronic pain, surprising diagnoses, and relational struggles and loss, Stasi demonstrates how to maintain a posture of holy defiance that leans fully into the experience of knowing God’s presence and promise in the middle of whatever life may bring.

author insights We have to remember that the secret of joy is this: knowing that God is the love we are longing for.

OTHER STUDIES by the author

Thomas Nelson. Book 9781400208692 $16.99; $10.99 Unwavering Study Guide: Living with Defiant Joy 9780310096900 $12.99; $7.99 Unwavering Video Study: Living with Defiant Joy 9780310096924 $29.99; $23.99 Unwavering Study Guide with DVD: Living with Defiant Joy 9780310096931 $41.99; $29.99


SG19 P10.indd 10 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


10/2/18 7:08 AM

Studying Philippians has shown me that joy isn’t something we produce on our own. It’s not the result of an easy and carefree life (those don’t exist on this side of heaven). Joy is a Spirit-filled assurance of God’s goodness and grace that overflows into satisfaction and delight. I hope you’ll find In All Things helpful as a resource, but in reality, it’s just a tool pointing to the real treasure: God’s Word.

OTHER STUDIES by the author


In All Things A Nine-Week Devotional Bible Study on Unshakeable Joy Melissa B. Kruger

9 E SS


author insights



This accessible and practical Bible study of the book of Philippians invites you to discover a joy and contentment that will carry you through every circumstance of life. With warm teaching and perspective-shifting insights, Bible teacher Melissa Kruger walks you through the power-packed words of the apostle Paul to believers in the early church to discover what he knew about the secret to unshakeable peace—and how his insights can help any woman discover a secure and satisfying contentment no matter what life may bring. With the Scripture passages printed right in the book for handy reference, this is an ideal resource for busy women of any life stage who want to deepen their spiritual life and increase their daily joy. “Is it true that we can find real and lasting joy? Where do we even begin to look? Melissa Kruger has done us a great service. In All Things helps us with our search for unshakeable joy. You won’t have to look for long (she tells you on the second page!): it’s Jesus. Christ-centered, theological, and relatable; I highly recommend this book!” —Trillia Newbell, author of Enjoy, God’s Very Good Idea, and Fear and Faith. Multnomah. Book 9780735291140

$15.99; $11.99




Lee never thought she struggled with control, until she discovered what happens when you try to do everything, thinking it’s all on you: You get burned out. You toss and turn at night, and you’re so busy that you can’t even hear God’s voice anymore. This is a book for every woman who is trying to get each day right, yet often feels out of control and chaotic. Discover a new way of living that will free you to be you, and finally experience the peace of knowing a God who truly has it all under control. Tyndale Momentum. 9781496430472

$16.99; $13.49

Also available: It’s All Under Control Bible Study: A 6-Week Guided Journey. 9781496430519


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Yes, No, and Maybe Living with the God of Immeasurably More Wendy Pope






It’s All Under Control A Journey of Letting Go, Hanging On, and Finding a Peace You Almost Forgot Was Possible Jennifer Dukes Lee



God created His children for more than a mundane life. With Scripture readings, Bible study prompts, discussion questions, and space for reflection, this study guide is a powerful companion to understanding the practice of saying yes to God, no to self, and maybe to others. Includes leader’s guide and a bonus session featuring more background on some of the people who have been part of Wendy’s journey. David C Cook Publishing. 9780830775873 9780830776290

Also available:


Study Guide DVD

$10.99; $8.49 $26.99; $19.99


$16.99; $12.99

Bible Study Workbook $10.99; $8.99

Shop the online catalog at


10/3/18 12:27 PM


6 E SS


Taste and See Discovering God Among Butchers, Bakers, & Fresh Food Makers Margaret Feinberg


praise for the book


Margaret is a storyteller who never

This groundbreaking book provides a culinary exploration of Scripture. Descend 400 feet below ground into a salt mine, fish on the Sea of Galilee, bake matzo at Yale University, harvest olives on a remote island in Croatia, spend time with a Texas butcher known as “the meat apostle,” and wander a California farm with one of the world’s premier fig farmers. With each visit, Margaret asks, “How do you read these Scriptures, not as theologians, but in light of what you do every day?” Their answers will forever change the way you read the Bible—and approach every meal. Also includes dozens of delicious recipes to savor with those you love.

ceases to see the beauty of the world around us. If you love God, good food, and life around the table, Taste and See will take you on an unforgettable culinary journey through the Bible. —Jennie Allen, Author of Nothing to Prove and founder/visionary of IF:Gathering

OTHER STUDIES by the author


leader kit book cd

dvd preview

participant guide sh fla book cd

devo tional dvd

leader participant



book preview


Book 9780310354864 $16.99; $10.99 Study Guide 9780310087816 $12.99; $7.99 DVD 9780310087847 $29.99; $23.99 Study Guide with DVD leader 9780310087854 guide $41.99; $29.99 sh fla

devo tional preview

book book

sh fla

guide book

devo tional

what you’ll need



The Perfect You A Blueprint for Identity Caroline Leaf




author insights


When God created the blueprint for

A lot of personality and intelligence tests are designed to label you and put you in a particular box. But Dr. Caroline Leaf says there’s much more to you than a personality profile can capture. In this fascinating book, she takes you through seven steps to rediscover and unlock your unique design. Learn to be aware of what’s going on in your own mind and body, lean in to your own experience, and redefine what success means to you. Released from the suffocating box of expectations, you can embrace your true identity and develop a clear sense of divine purpose in your life.

the universe, you were already part of the plan. Science and Scripture show you’re a unique, brilliantly designed, and intelligent individual who fills a role no one else can. So the more ‘Perfect You’ you become, the more fulfilling and

Baker Publishing Group. Coming in April. Book 9780801077968

$16.99; $9.99

impactful your life will be.

OTHER STUDIES by the author

Also available:

kitkit cdcd

dvd dvd cd


kit includes: 12

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participant kitparticipant book book cd

book dvd

Workbook 9780801077975 $9.99; $6.99 DVD 9780801077999 $29.99; $18.99 Hardcover Book guide guide leader leader guide kit participant leader guide participant leader $14.99 book book book book9780801015694 book book $19.99; shash sh book devo devo devo ash devo flaflbook fla book fl Curriculum Kit (Hardcover Book, Workbook, tional and DVD) tional tional tional preview preview preview preview 9780801077982 $54.99; $34.99

what you’ll need | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


10/2/18 7:15 AM


NEW IN PAPERBACK With His help you will learn to face the calamities of life. You’ll learn how to talk yourself off the ledge. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you will learn to view bad news through the lens of sovereignty; to discern the lies of Satan and tell yourself the truth. Anxiety comes with life. But it doesn’t have to dominate your life.

OTHER STUDIES by the author

Anxious for Nothing Finding Calm in a Chaotic World Max Lucado



author insights



Anxiety is at an all-time high—but there’s a way to deal with it. In this 5-session study of Phil. 4:4-8— the most highlighted passage of any book on the planet, according to Amazon—Paul says “Do not be anxious about anything....” Paul leaves little leeway here. “Be anxious for nothing.” Nada. Zilch. Zero. What’s he suggesting? That we should literally be anxious for absolutely nothing? Lucado says, “The presence of anxiety is unavoidable, but the prison of anxiety is optional. It’s the life of perpetual anxiety that Paul wants to address. Don’t let anything in life leave you perpetually in angst.” Thomas Nelson. Book 9780718074210

$17.99; $9.99

Also available:

Hardcover Book 9780718096120 $22.99; $12.99 Spanish Book (Ansiosos Por NADA) 9780718098711 $13.99; $9.99 Study Guide 9780310087311 $10.99;participant $6.99 kit DVD Study book 9780310087335 $29.99; $17.49 cd dvd Study Guide with DVD 9780310087342 $39.99; $19.99

This book challenged me to rethink my thoughts about the Old Testament, discuss with fellow believers what I was learning, do more connecting and less correcting of others, and be salt and light, making things better and brighter. I love how Andy loves people...ALL of them. —John Maxwell, author of The 360 Degree Leader

OTHER STUDIES by the author

Reclaiming the New That Jesus Unleashed for the World Andy Stanley

leader participant



book preview


sh fla

6 E SS



Once upon a time there existed a version of our faith worth living and dying for, something the world found irresistible. Rather than working harder to make Christianity more interesting, we need to recover what once made faith in Jesus irresistible to the world. In this six-session video study, Andy Stanley shows how Jesus’ arrival signaled that the Old Testament was fulfilled and its laws reduced to a single verb— love—to be applied to God, neighbor, and enemy. So, what is required if we want to follow Jesus’ example and radically love the people around us? We know the answer. The hard part is doing it. Zondervan. Study Guide 9780310100492 $12.99; $9.49 DVD 9780310100515 $29.99; $21.79 Study Guide with DVD 9780310100522 $41.99; $27.99 Curriculum Kit (Hardcover Book, Study Guide, DVD) 9780310100614 $66.99; $44.99 Hardcover Book cd dvd 9780310536970

SG19 P12.indd 13

dvd preview

devo tional dvd

what you’ll need

NEW Irresistible

Also available:



participant guide sh fla book cd



praise for the book

leader kit


leader kitkit




$24.99; $15.99

cd cd

Shop the online catalog at

dvd preview dvd

kit includes:

participant guide kit leader participant participant leader book book book sh sh sh devo fla fla fla book book book tional preview cd dvd preview

what you’ll need


10/2/18 7:15 AM


3 E SS


The Authenticity Challenge 21 Days to a More Content Life Sarah Heath



FOMO: the fear of missing out. When a feeling of inadequacy becomes so universal that it gets its own label we are, indeed, missing out on something: our own authentic lives. Social media makes us yearn for the lives we assume others are already living. But rather than longing for and chasing after someone else’s life, what if you were to live your own with honesty and courage? The Authenticity Challenge invites you to embrace authenticity in three key areas of your life: vocation (the what), relationships (the who), and faith (the why). Take the 21-day challenge on your own or as part of a three-session small group study. The book with leader helps, combined with a DVD with video segments for each session, help to make group study easier and allow you share your experience with others and encourage one another as you grow in authenticity.

author insights Being authentic in all areas of your life allows you to see how uniquely beautiful your own life is.

OTHER STUDIES by the author

Abingdon Press. Coming in March.

Streaming videos available at in March.

Book 9781501882661 $14.99; $9.99 DVD [CC] 3 sessions; 8–10 min. each. 9781501882685 $29.99; $23.99

6 E SS


Grounded in Creed Jim Cowart, Matthew Hartsfield, Jennifer Cowart, and Jorge Acevedo




We know every word of the Apostle’s Creed, but do we really understand exactly what every word means? Grounded in Creed is a six-session study that expands on the principle that “growing people change” their hearts and lives. The study highlights the wide diversity of beliefs about Christian life that are represented in every congregation. It brings focus, clarity, and accountability to the consequences of our shared beliefs. Abingdon Press. Participant and Leader Book 9781501849121 $12.99 Set of 10 DVDs (for 10 groups) 6 videos per DVD; approx. 13–25 min. each 9781501849138 $69.99; $55.99

Also available:

OTHER STUDIES by the authors

Grounded in Prayer

Participant and Leader Book 9781501849046 $12.99; $9.99 Set of 10 DVDs (for 10 groups) [CC] 6 videos per DVD; approx. 15–23 min. each 9781501849053 $69.99; $49.49

Hand Me Downs Streaming videos available at


SG19 P14.indd 14

Participant and Leader Book 9781501825170 $14.99; $10.99 Set of 10 DVDs (for 10 groups) 6 videos per DVD; approx. 8–13 min. each 9781501825194 $69.99; $48.99 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


10/2/18 7:20 AM


happy? what it is and how to find it Matt Miofsky





Letting go of the familiar and leading into change can be fearful for all of us. In this three-part book, based on the story of Exodus, Matt Miofsky explores what it means for us to let go of the old, step into the transitional “wilderness,” and work toward the Promised Land of new life, new opportunities, and our full potential. Miofsky follows the story of the exodus as Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, letting go of their past and traveling into uncertainty before building a new future in a new place.

4 E SS

3 E SS


Let Go Leaning into the Future Without Fear Matt Miofsky


No matter how hard we try, happiness can seem elusive. Even as we reach our goals, we set new ones, making happiness always out of reach. In happy? you’ll discover that contentment isn’t dependent on the “things” of life. Happiness can be found in the value of our relationships, a forgiving lifestyle, living in the present, feeling gratitude, and learning to release control. This four-week study uses basic theology and the words of Solomon. Abingdon Press.

This book leads you to move beyond fear to something new and to harness a desire to move forward that is often blocked by anxiety and uncertainty. Written in three sections: Letting Go, Wandering in the Wilderness, and Promised Land, the book can be read by groups and discussed in three sessions. Online study helps also available. Abingdon Press. Coming in May. Book 9781501879623

$18.99; $12.79

9781501831102 Book $14.99;$10.99 9781501831126 Leader Guide $12.99; $9.99 9781501831140 DVD [CC] 4 videos; 10–12 min. each $34.99;$22.49

Streaming videos available at


Be Bold Finding Your Fierce Rachel Billups From growing up with her family in Appalachia to success as pastor of a large church, Rachel Billups’s life stories show strength and grace even in the midst of doubt and wondering. With her brand of fierce, she worked through years of school to become an accomplished pastor and mother of four, and found that being bold was the only way to be alive.

5 E SS


Fail What to Do When Things Go Wrong Matt Miofsky



Your perfect plan just turned into a disastrous disappointment. What are you supposed to do now? Jeremiah probably felt the same way. While trying to fulfill God’s calling, he was met with ridicule, persecution, punishment, and suffering. Fail examines the life of “the weeping prophet” and how he persevered and trusted God during extremely trying times. You’ll learn how God used his failures and how God can use our failures as well. Abingdon Press. 9781501847837 9781501847851 9781501847783 SG19

SG19 P14.indd 15

Book Leader Guide DVD

In Be Bold, she weaves her stories into the lives of biblical characters. Readers will find redemption and insight in Sarah’s story, inspiration in Mary’s call, and ministry and community in Paul’s letter to Timothy. For anyone who hopes to find the fierce in their own life, Billups’ work leads the way. In both her personal experience and her telling of Bible stories, Billups shows how being bold can bring you closer to God and God’s plan for your life. Abingdon Press. Coming in April. Book 9781501879203

$18.99; $12.79

$14.99; $10.99 $12.99; $9.99 $34.99; $24.99

Shop the online catalog at


10/2/18 7:20 AM



Called Hearing and Responding to God’s Voice Susan Robb



k d





Samuel, Esther, Jonah…they all lived pretty ordinary lives…until they didn’t. In Called, author Susan Robb shows us how God interrupts the lives of ordinary men and women, calling and empowering them to lives of service they never would have imagined on their own. And she shows us that the same God who called six of the Bible’s most iconic characters calls us, too, to bring hope and transformation to the world.

author insights

Discover how to hear and respond to the unique call God is placing on your life in this six-week study. Additional components include a DVD and a comprehensive Leader Guide.

In exploring Abraham’s call, may you hear God’s voice in your ear as well. As you read of Abraham’s obedience, doubt,

Abingdon Press.


kit book preview


leader participant book cd

sh fla dvd

guide kitleader book book devo book tional preview

Book 9781501879746 Leader Guide 9781501879760 DVD 9781501879784

participant sh fla

what you’ll need


impatience, foibles, faithfulness, and $16.99; $11.49

trust, may you be inspired, reassured and

$14.99; $9.99

empowered to journey toward unknown territory by the One who is always faithful

$39.99; $31.99



to you—the One who you can trust to





lead you in the right direction on


s devo videos available at devo fla Streaming tional tional preview in February.

your life’s journey.


The Struggle is Real Getting Better at Life, Stronger in Faith, and Free from the Stuff Keeping You Stuck Nicole Unice




praise for the book


You’re going to love Nicole Unice. She’s bright, funny, observant, honest, and

Life often feels harder than we think it should. We think we’re doing it wrong, that we’ll be stuck in this place forever, that God doesn’t love us. We struggle to practice gratitude, to make godly choices, and to live with confidence and contentment. So what can we do? Nicole Unice helps us discover why the struggle is real...and what to do about it. She offers practical tools to help you navigate the daily ups and downs, and ways to rewrite your struggle into a new, God-centered life story. She invites us to take the hard, hurtful, and confusing moments and turn them into opportunities to grow in wisdom, strength, and joy.

fearless about speaking the truth in love. Her advice in The Struggle Is Real is practical and doable, full of common sense and uncommon wisdom, and her true-to-life stories give each lesson a solid landing place in our hearts. —Liz Curtis Higgs, best-selling author

OTHER STUDIES by the author

Tyndale Momentum.

kit kit

participant participant book book

dvd dvd

leader kit leader book book cd

preview preview dvd

asshh flflabook

Book 9781496427472 $15.99; $11.79 Participant’s Guide 9781496427526 $10.99; $5.99 DVD guide participantguide 9781496427519 $26.99;leader $21.79 book book Participant’s Guide with DVD book devo devo tional tional preview 9781496432568 $36.99; $29.79

guide sh fla

devo tional


what you’ll need 16

SG19 P16.indd 16 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


10/2/18 7:24 AM



5 E SS


Eternity Is Now in Session A Radical Rediscovery of What Jesus Really Taught about Salvation, Eternity, and Getting to the Good Place John Ortberg




For Christians, perhaps the deepest expression of what we’re waiting for is found in the phrase “eternal life.” But what is eternal life? Why do we want it? And how do we know if we have it? Best-selling author John Ortberg dispels the myth that eternal life is something we can only hope to experience after we die. Instead, he unpacks the reality that the moment we trust Christ, we are initiated into “eternal living” with God as a here and now reality, one that will continue beyond our life on this earth. We can start to experience His presence, favor, and resurrection power right here on this earth—in the details, tasks, and challenges of daily, ordinary life.

OTHER STUDIES by the author

And as we begin to know God this way, we’ll realize each moment of our lives is a vehicle to the eternity we’ve been longing for all along. Tyndale Momentum. Participant’s Guide (with Gary Moon) 9781496431691 $10.99; $7.99 DVD 9781496431684 $29.99; $23.99 Participant’s Guide with DVD 9781496432551 $36.99; $29.79

kit kit cd cd

dvd dvd

participant participant book book



SG19 P16.indd 17

Book Leader Guide DVD

$14.99; $10.99 $12.99; $9.99 $34.99; $27.99

A New Reformation From Luther’s World to Ours Rob Fuquay


Drama. Drama. Drama. Your family may be the stuff of a hit reality TV show, but into every family a little…or a lot… of drama must sometimes fall. That’s the way we humans have been from the very beginning. Take a look at the lives of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, and Esau in Jacob Armstrong’s newest book, God’s Messy Family. As you meet these “messy” families in the stories in Genesis, you’ll recognize a pattern to their lives: they are called, they mess up, and God continues to redeem them. Sound familiar? Find out how your “messy” family fits into God’s family and how you are part of God’s plan for the world. Abingdon Press. 9781501843563 9781501843587 9781501843600

preview preview dvd

6 E SS




participan sshh flflaabook

$17.99; $13.49

6 S

God’s Messy Family Finding Your Place When Life Isn’t Perfect Jacob Armstrong


book book

what you’ll need

Also available:

Hardcover Book 9781496431646

leader leader



Justified by faith. We are accustomed to this theology today, but when Martin Luther shared his belief in this concept during the sixteenth century, it was anything but typical—it sparked the Reformation. Fuquay says that although “justified by faith” is not a new idea, the message is as revolutionary today as ever. Here, he helps you take a close look into the life of Martin Luther and teaches you how to embrace reformation in your church and in your life today. The book can be used as a stand-alone resource or as a 6-week group study when combined with the Leader Guide and the DVD (with segments filmed in Prague, Dresden, Leipzig, Wittenberg, Erfut, Eiselben, Worms, and Mainz). Abingdon Press. 9781501864018 9781501864100 9781501864032

Book Leader Guide DVD

Shop the online catalog at

$14.99; $10.99 $12.99; $9.99 $39.99; $34.99


10/2/18 7:25 AM

devo devo tional tional


6 E SS


Simon Peter Flawed but Faithful Disciple Adam Hamilton



He left everything to follow his teacher and possessed a passion that would change the world. That’s one way to describe Peter. Here’s another: poor, uneducated, quick-tempered, and full of doubts and fears. Doesn’t even sound like the same man. And that’s the point of Simon Peter, a six-week adult Bible study by Adam Hamilton. Peter was just an ordinary guy who heard and followed God’s extraordinary call. Discover how you, too, have special gifts, talents, and abilities that God can use to make a difference today.

author insights

In addition to the Leader Guide and DVD components for adult studies, corresponding youth and children’s resources, sold separately, can be used to create a churchwide study. Abingdon Press.

Peter was an ordinary fisherman who heard an extraordinary call.... He struggled with doubt and fear, but he left everything to follow his teacher. Jesus

Hardcover Book 9781501845987

saw in him what others did not: a rock

$19.99; $13.49

upon which to build his church.

Also available:

kit book cd cd

Leader Guide 9781501846014 $12.99; $8.79 Streaming video available on DVD [CC] 6 videos; 10–12 min. each. 9781501846038 $39.99; $31.99 in December. Youth Edition 9781501846106 $11.99; $7.99 Children’s Leader Guide 9781501846120 $18.99; $12.79 guide guide kit kit participant participant leader guide participant leader kitleader participant leader Large Print Book book book book book book book 9781501846007 $20.99; $13.99 sh sh devodevo sh sh devo book fla fla fla fla book book book tional tional tional preview preview dvd dvd preview preview cd dvd Leader Kit Contains 1 each: Book, comprehensive Leader Guide, DVD featuring Adam Hamilton teaching what you’ll need kit includes: on site in Israel and Italy, a Youth Edition, and a Youth Edition and Children’s Leader Guide. 9781501876219 $103.99; $69.99 Children’s Leader Guide

also included in kit.

5 S




We know Jesus tells us, ”Do not be afraid,” but with everything going on in the world how is it possible to not be anxious? In this five-week study based on his book Unafraid, Adam Hamilton explores the worries and fears most of us experience. Your small group can learn to identify fears and discover practical steps for overcoming them...all in the light of Scripture and a faith that promises again and again that we can live with courage and hope. The Leader Kit includes five Unafraid hardcover books, one Leader Guide, and one DVD. Abingdon Press.

SG19 P18.indd 18

by the author

guide devo tional


Streaming videos available on

Unafraid Living with Courage and Hope in Uncertain Times Adam Hamilton



Leader Guide 9781501853739 $12.99; $9.99 DVD [CC] 5 videos; 10–12 min. each 9781501853753 $39.99; $29.99 Children’s Leader Guide. 9781501853845 $18.99; $13.99 Youth Leader Guide (Grades 6–12) 9781501853821 $11.99; $8.99 Leader Kit 9781501867927 $172.98; $94.99

Also available: Hardcover Book (Random House) 9781524760335 $24.00; $14.49 CD (Random House) 9780525532316 $35.00; $24.49

Streaming videos available on | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants

EEK! Said Amy L. J. Zimmerman; illustrated by Charles Long

This companion piece, inspired by Unafraid, is a helpful tool for talking with children ages 3–7. 9781501858659

$9.99; $7.99


10/2/18 7:31 AM


In these thoughtful, informative presentations, Adam Hamilton deals openly and honestly with questions people ask about other religions, including why we should believe the claims of Christianity over those other faiths. As part of the presentations, Hamilton interviews a religious leader from each tradition. He treats the world religions with great respect, recognizing the unique contributions of each. He closes by distilling the essential beliefs of Christianity, in light of the other religious beliefs that have been presented.

6 E SS


author insights

Christianity and World Religions, Revised Edition Questions We Ask About Other Faiths Adam Hamilton



If there ever were a time when Christians needed to build bridges with others, seeking peace in our world, loving our neighbors, and finding positive ways to share the gospel, it is now. In Christianity and World Religions, Revised Edition, Adam Hamilton deals with questions so many of us have about the four major world religions— Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism—and compares the beliefs of each with those of Christianity. In his trademark honest and open writing style, Hamilton helps answer questions such as: Why are there so many different religions? How should we view their beliefs? What is the fate of those who have these beliefs? Although the book is a stand-alone resource, combined with the DVD and Leader Guide, it becomes an especially relevant six-week study for Christians at all stages in their spiritual journey. The Planning Kit includes the Participant Book, the Leader Guide, and the DVD with 6 segments, each including an interview with followers from that tradition.

OTHER STUDIES by the author

Abingdon Press. Participant Book 9781501873331 $16.99; $11.49 Leader Guide 9781501873355 $14.99; $9.99 DVD [CC] 6 videos; 10–15 min. each 9781501873379 $39.99; $31.99 cd Planning Kit 9781501876202 $71.99; $49.99

kit dvd cd

cd dvd

kit book dvd

kit participant participant participant book


kit includes:


leader leader



what you’ll need

Streaming videos available on



$16.99; $13.49

9781496436382 SG19

SG19 P18.indd 19


$10.99; $8.99

6 E SS


Also available: NEW Christians at Our Best: A Six-Week Guide to Living in the Age of Outrage. Ed Stetzer and Andrew MacDonald



8 E SS



Are you tired of reading another news story about Christians acting their worst? In this groundbreaking look at our current cultural moment, social commentator and speaker Ed Stetzer describes the contours of the new age of outrage—and a new way forward for Christians. It is clear that our knee-jerk reactions—withdrawing, becoming defensive, or going on the offensive—are feeding the headlines and not serving the cause of Christ well. Stetzer challenges Christians to live in a refreshingly different way. Tyndale Momentum. 9781496433626

Cold-Case Christianity A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels J. Warner Wallace

6 E SS


Christians in the Age of Outrage How to Bring Our Best When the World Is at Its Worst Ed Stetzer



Christianity could be defined as a “cold case” since it makes a claim about an event from the distant past for which there is little forensic evidence. J. Warner Wallace uses his nationally recognized skills as a homicide detective to examine the evidence and eyewitnesses behind Christian beliefs. With gripping stories from his career and visual techniques he developed in the courtroom, he uses illustration to examine the powerful evidence that validates the claims of Christianity. A unique apologetic that speaks to readers’ intense interest in detective stories and inspires readers to have confidence in Christ as it prepares them to articulate the case for Christianity. David C Cook. 9781434704696 9781434711441 9781434711434

Book Participant’s Guide DVD

Shop the online catalog at

guid pa

book sh book devobo sh bookdevo sh fla devo fla fla booktional tional preview dvd tional previewcd book

$18.99; $13.79 $12.99; $9.99 $26.99; $21.79


10/2/18 7:31 AM


5 E SS


The Millennial Narrative Sharing a Good Life with the Next Generation Jaco J. Hamman



plus intro

With their need for community and success, a strong spirituality, and believing their gifts should be recognized and can make a difference, millennials increasingly find meaning and purpose outside the church. Caught between hope and fear, they leave the church with their values of personal transformation, purpose, community, spirituality, social transformation and ecological awareness. Ironically the church often holds the same values.

Abingdon Press. Book 9781501839139 $19.99; $13.49 Participant Guide 9781501839153 $10.99; $7.49

8 E SS



SG19 P20.indd 20



Book Leader Guide DVD

$14.99; $10.49 $9.99; $7.99 $29.99; $24.99


As disciples, we are called to do more than just learn. We are called to put our learning into action. The original Stride, developed and launched by the authors at Morning Star United Methodist Church, St. Louis, Missouri, shows church leaders how to create a discipleship pathway for their congregation, a process which leads to a church full of deeply committed disciples. The Participant Book—a powerful small-group companion resource to the original book that can also be used as a standalone resource—focuses on the work ministry resource leaders and others must do to equip disciples in their church or ministry to embark on their own highly successful pathway to discipleship. It focuses on tangible ways each of us, no matter where we find ourselves currently on our spiritual journey, can intentionally take steps and strides closer to Jesus. Perfect for small groups, Sunday school classes, men’s and women’s groups, Celebrate Recovery groups, and any Christian community wanting to help people grow as disciples of Jesus. Abingdon Press. Participant Guide 9781501876257 $12.99; $9.99 Book 9781501849220 $13.99; $10.99

5 E SS

Tolerate one another. Wait. Isn’t that supposed to be love one another? It’s one thing to genuinely love people who are more or less the same as we are, but what about those who are not only strangers, but people who live completely different lives? Reliable spiritual guide Will Willimon invites you to look more closely at the gospel’s command to love—because to genuinely love those considered to be “Other” may be the hardest thing for people of faith to do. Abingdon Press. 9781501824753 9781501857300 9781501857249


Stride Creating a Discipleship Pathway for Your Church Mike Schreiner and Ken Willard

Fear of the Other No Fear in Love William H. Willimon


Drawing on the wisdom of the prophetic Book of Joel, this book empowers pastoral leaders to envision a spiritual community that can welcome millennials, introduce them to a compassionate God who restores and indwells as the Spirit, reflect on God’s judgment through the lens of accountability, and support and encourage millennials to be a blessing to others. Includes a sermon outline and material for adult study groups.

The Power of Eight Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life, and the World Lynne McTaggart

When individuals in a group focus their intention together on a single target, a powerful collective dynamic emerges that can heal conditions, lower violence, mend fractured relationships, and even rekindle life purpose. Drawing on hundreds of case studies, the latest brain research, and dozens of university studies, this book provides solid evidence showing that there is such a thing as a collective consciousness. Learn to use it and unleash the power you hold inside. Atria Books. 9781501115554 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


$17.00; $16.99 SG19

10/2/18 7:36 AM




Ultimate Reliance Breakthrough Prayer Practices for Leaders Sue Nilson Kibbey

Like the power of water when floodgates open, our churches can encounter equally powerful spiritual movements if we unlatch our hearts and minds, allowing God’s spirit to pour forth. With this book you’ll learn how to tap leadership strength, make the case for change, effectively grow leaders, and mobilize a congregation. Each chapter includes specific actions and behaviors that, when implemented, can transform a small group of believers, or an entire congregation, into people who reach and change their neighborhoods, communities, and world for Christ. Abingdon Press. 9781501804021




Flood Gates Holy Momentum for a Fearless Church Sue Nilson Kibbey




Breakthrough Prayer, a prayer process that has proven to be extremely effective for personal spiritual renewal, can have a significant impact on the members of church leadership teams as well. In Ultimate Reliance, you’ll learn how adding this prayer initiative to congregational and church leadership groups can change everything, transforming what might have become routine administrative work into a God-led spiritual adventure. This powerful, five-week study includes discussion questions, application ideas, and a breakthrough prayer practice for each chapter. Five streaming video sessions plus an intro video are also available. Ideal for use with your church council, board, leadership team, class, small group, or entire congregation—wherever Christians long to build breakthrough prayer practices as the ultimate foundation for everything else. Abingdon Press. Coming in March. 9781501870934


$17.99; $11.99

Streaming videos available on in March.


Leading Small Groups How to Gather, Launch, Lead, and Multiply Your Small Group Chris Surratt We have been commissioned to make disciples who make disciples, and Jesus showed us that the best way to carry that out is through small groups of believers. Just like the first-century church, small groups form the foundation to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.

How to Ask Great Questions Guide Discussion, Build Relationships, Deepen Faith Karen Lee-Thorp

People remember what they discover for themselves far more than what others tell them. A great question can mean the difference between exchanging information and discovering deeper meaning. In How to Ask Great Questions, you’ll learn when and how to ask effective questions and how to promote follow-up discussions that will lead from thoughtful conversations to life application. Ideal for small-group leaders, Sunday school teachers, and anyone who regularly leads group discussions or committee meetings. NavPress Publishing. 9781641581325 SG19

SG19 P20.indd 21

Regardless of whether you have never lead a small group or have been leading one for years, all of us want to know how to create environments where spiritual growth takes place and communities are changed. Chris Surratt equips small group leaders with the tools to gather, launch, lead, and multiply gospel-centered small groups. Includes follow-up questions for discussion and reflection at the end of each section, and practical resources that can be implemented immediately by the small-group leader. Broadman & Holman. Coming in May. 9781535934695

$16.99; $12.99

$9.99; $6.99

Shop the online catalog at


10/2/18 7:36 AM



fun extras ALSO INCLUDED! Full-size samples of participant items plus fun extras... • Heart of Jesus Sticky Note Pad • One Friends of God Glow Pen • One Friends of God Go-and-Glow Light • Three Jesus-centered practical guidebooks: Help! How Do I Read the Bible?; Help! How Do I Pray?; and Help! How Do I Know God’s Will?


12 E SS


Friends of God Discipleship Kit A Discipleship Experience



Included in kit:

If a personal relationship with God is enough to catalyze Jesus-followers to change the world, why do so many remain on the sidelines of their faith? Why aren’t more Christians investing in the lives of others, attending church, giving sacrificially, and serving regularly? Maybe it’s because more than 75% of Americans have a distorted view of God’s character, and it’s undermining their ability to follow and rely upon him—to be the disciples Jesus calls them to be. Fortunately, there’s an effective way to change this view. Jesus modeled it through a process that’s so familiar it’s often dismissed. That model is friendship. Jesus deliberately calls his disciples friends rather than servants. Following his model, Friends of God: A Discipleship Experience helps participants move from simply knowing facts about God to growing in a close relationship with Jesus and seeing him in action in everyday life. They’ll follow a natural bonding process to deepen their friendship with Jesus and one another and to help them launch into their daily mission fields through intriguing, doable adventures in discipleship.

Participant Guide

Session DVDs

Promo & Session Graphics CD

kit cd

participant book


what you’ll need

Every kit includes a Leader Guide; Discipleship Diary Participant Guide; Friends of God Session DVDs (with training videos, 12 session videos, a promotional video); Promo and Session Graphics CD; Unheard Of, a featurelength documentary film; participant samples; and more.

Everything you need is included in the kit

Group Publishing. 1210000307958 9781470755577


SG19 P22.indd 22

Kit $129.99; $102.99 Participant Guide $9.99

Leader Guide

Unheard Of feature-length film | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


10/3/18 6:18 AM

Disciple Fast Track



Studying the Bible is essential E SS N S IO to becoming a disciple of Jesus total Christ. These adaptations of the original, best-selling Disciple Bible Study are ideal for busy people who want to fit a comprehensive Bible study into their schedule. Classes meet for a total of 24 weeks (two 12-week sessions, 3–5 chapters of the Bible to read daily, 75-minute weekly sessions). Four hosts provide video insights related to the week’s session. Flexible for use with small groups of 8–14, or large groups of 15–100. Planning Kits contain one Leader Guide, one DVD, one study manual for an Old Testament study section, one study manual for a New Testament study section, and access to online promotional materials that can be personalized. Abingdon Press.

Fast Track Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study Susan Wilke Fuquay and Richard B. Wilke

Participants will seek to have a better understanding of God’s Word and live that out in their daily lives as they immerse themselves in a study of the entire Bible—the Old Testament and the New Testament— each in 12 weeks. Additional Planning Kit contents include a CEB Study Bible and a messenger bag. Old Testament Study Manual 9781501821318 $15.99 New Testament Study Manual 9781501821332 $15.99 Leader Guide 9781501821356 $21.99 DVD [CC] 24 videos; 5–7 min. each 9781501821301 $99.99 Planning Kit 9781501831829 $199.99

Fast Track Remember Who You Are Richard and Julia Wikle, Susan Wilke Fuquay, and Elaine Friedrich Examines the connection between memory and identity as the people of God. Participants will find common themes including calls to remember, calls to repent, calls for renewal, and calls for community and will prepare to accept the challenge of Scripture to move beyond their group and church to take the gospel message to those who need to know whose they are. Additional Planning Kit contents include a USB flash drive containing maps, timelines, and articles, and a messenger bag.

Fast Track Into the Word, Into the World Richard and Julia Wilke, Susan Wilke Fuquay, and Elaine Friedrich

Help your disciples hear God’s voice through studying the Scriptures, so they can go into the world as faithful witnesses and be of service to the world. For the first 12 weeks, they will study Genesis–Exodus, and then Luke–Acts for 12 weeks. Additional Planning Kit contents include a CEB Bible Dictionary, and a CEB Concise Concordance.

The Prophets Study Manual 9781501859519 $15.99 The Letters of Paul Study Manual 9781501859533 $15.99 Leader Guide 9781501859557 $21.99 DVD [CC] 24 weekly videos; 5 min. each. 9781501859502 $99.99 Planning Kit 9781501859571 $199.99

To see more in the Disciple family of products—including the original Disciple and Disciple short-term studies—visit

Genesis–Exodus Study Manual 9781501845895 $15.99 Luke–Acts Study Manual 9781501845918 $15.99 Leader Guide 9781501845932 $21.99 DVD [CC] 24 weekly videos; 3–5 min. each 9781501845888 $99.99 Planning Kit 9781501845956 $199.99 SG19


Shop the online catalog at



8 E SS


Scripture and the Wesleyan Way A Bible Study on Real Christianity Scott J. Jones and Arthur D. Jones



Abingdon Press. Book 9781501867934 $16.99; $12.99 Leader Guide 9781501867958 $14.99; $10.99 DVD [CC] 8 videos; 8–10 min. each 9781501867972 $39.99; $31.99

The Wesley Challenge 21 Days to a More Authentic Faith Chris Folmsbee



Wesley who? The Wesley Challenge not only introduces younger adults to our denomination’s founder in a practical and accessible way, it engages small groups and churches to work through twenty-one questions studied over three weeks to help renew passion and discover a deeper commitment to God. Daily posts and messages will engage physical, emotional, and spiritual lives throughout the study. Abingdon Press. 9781501832901 9781501832925 9781501832949

Streaming videos available on

3 E SS


Wouldn’t it be fascinating to attend a Bible study led by John Wesley? Scripture and the Wesleyan Way is an eight-week study that’s the next best thing. The Bible was central to John Wesley’s faith and the Christian movement he founded. Scott J. Jones and his son Arthur D. Jones use Wesley’s own words to address questions that many of us in the twentyfirst century still struggle with today. Each chapter explores a key Scripture text and one of Wesley’s sermons about the text in order to illuminate his understanding about what it means to be a real Christian. You will be inspired to respond to this call with faith and boldness. Additional components include a DVD featuring the authors and a comprehensive Leader Guide.

9781501832987 9781501833007

Participant Book $14.99;$10.99 Leader Guide $12.99; $9.99 DVD [CC] 3 videos; 10–12 min. each. $29.99;$20.99 Youth Study Book $9.99; $7.99 Campaign Download Package (at $24.99;$19.99

Streaming videos available on

6 E SS


A Disciple’s Path Deepening Your Relationship with Christ and the Church James A. Harnish with Justin LaRosa



Prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness…this is what we commit to when we become members of The United Methodist Church, and it’s a big step. But A Disciple’s Path helps us look beyond membership, presenting an engaging approach to discipleship from a distinctly Wesleyan perspective. Discipleship is ongoing, so the 6-week study is perfect for new-member groups, but also works well in small groups of long-time members. It helps you develop spiritual practices, discover your unique gifts, and engage in ministry that brings transformation to your own life and to the lives of others and the world. Abingdon Press. Daily Workbook 9781501858123 $14.99; $10.99 Leader Guide with Download 9781501858031 $25.99; $18.99 Companion Reader 9781501858147 $12.99; $9.99 DVD [CC] 6 videos; approx. 10–12 min. each. 9781501858055 $39.99; $34.99 Leader Kit (contains 1 each of above components) 9781501858635 $93.96; $63.99

Streaming videos available on


SG19 P24.indd 24

Questions & Answers About The United Methodist Church, Revised Thomas S. McAnally

Revised with updated statistics and information throughout, along with new frequently asked questions. A useful guide that answers the most frequently asked questions about the beliefs, practices, and history of The United Methodist Church. The information is brief, and is presented in an easy question-and-answer format. Great for those new to The United Methodist Church or those who want to know more. Abingdon Press. $4.99


Also available:

9781501879999 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants

Spanish Edition

$4.99 SG19

10/2/18 7:48 AM



There are 66 books of the Bible. Enjoy having a quick overview of them all with this easy-tounderstand guide. From basic outlines to key themes, see what you need to know about all 66 books of the Bible at a glance: the name, author, topic, where and when it was written, purpose, and the key verse. Perfect for individual use, group Bible study, or adult Sunday school classes. Pocket-sized. Rose Publishing.



The Books of the Bible Made Easy



30 Days to Understanding the Bible, 30th Anniversary Edition Unlock the Scriptures in 15 Minutes a Day Max Anders



If you’ve ever confused the ark of the covenant with the ark of Noah, or Jericho with Jeroboam, Max Anders’ classic book, 30 Days to Understanding the Bible, is for you. In just fifteen minutes a day, you’ll learn the Bible’s key people, events, and doctrines to get more out of God’s Word. This simple-to-use, straightforward guide has been recommended by Bible teachers and pastors for thirty years, and now it’s available in an expanded thirtieth anniversary edition—with the most requested topics from the original edition restored and updated for today’s readers. Includes a 13-week plan that provides teachers every creative and effective tool for teaching the Bible in 30 days. Thomas Nelson. Book 9780785216186

$19.99; $12.49

$5.99; $3.99

Additional books in the series also available: Bible Study Made Easy. 9781628623437

$5.99; $3.99

World Religions Made Easy. 9781628623451

$5.99; $3.99

Learning to Study the Bible L. J. Zimmerman

8 S




Anyone can understand the Bible with the right tools. And discovering those tools is the foundation of this study. By the end of this eight-week class, your small group will have learned about biblical genres, historical contexts, the Revised Common Lectionary, and how to use resources including study Bibles, commentaries, and maps. Each session invites exploration, application, and practice; provides reflection questions; and includes a space to journal—all of which will strengthen your personal relationship with God.

A Guide to Bible Basics Tyler D. Mayfield

Abingdon Press.

What’s actually in the Bible? Where do we find the story of Moses or Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son? A Guide to Bible Basics discusses important people, places, and terms for each biblical book so that the reader can quickly see its primary focus. Accessible and concise, the book provides a summary and chapter outline of each biblical book. Helps individual readers in their knowledge and study of the Bible—perfect for beginners or those in need of a refresher course. Westminster John Knox Press. 9780664263454


SG19 P24.indd 25

Participant Book 9781501871061 Leader Guide 9781501871078

$8.99; $6.99 $14.99; $10.99

Also available as a children’s study. See for details.

$16.00; $11.79

Shop the online catalog at


10/2/18 7:48 AM


6 E SS


Breaking the Code, Revised Edition Understanding the Book of Revelation Bruce M. Metzger; revised and updated by David deSilva


author insights


The book of Revelation is unique in appealing primarily to our imagination.... This book contains a series of word

Although many Christians find the Book of Revelation to be full of great beauty and comfort, others find this part of the Bible bizarre, bewildering, and sometimes frightening. Bruce M. Metzger provides one of the most important and trustworthy guides of Revelation, and now it includes findings from the most current biblical research. In Breaking the Code, Revised Edition, you’ll still find Metzger’s rich content and insights presented in his approachable, non-academic style, but now with additional teaching from New Testament scholar David deSilva.

pictures....As we watch we allow ourselves to be carried along by impressions created by these pictures. Many of the details of the pictures are intended to contribute to the total impression, and are not to be isolated and interpreted with wooden literalism.

This edition may be used as a stand-alone resource or as part of a six-week group study when combined with the revised editions of the DVD and Leader Guide.

OTHER STUDIES by the author

Abingdon Press. Coming in May.


participant book cd


kit dvd

kit leader participant book preview

book book

participant sh fla

devo tional preview

Book 9781501881503 $16.99; $11.49 Leader Guide 9781501881527 $14.99; $9.99 guide guideeach leader DVD [CC] 6leader sessions; 10–12 min. book book book 9781501881541 $39.99; sh sh $31.99 devo devo fla fla preview


guide book


what you’ll need


6 E SS


The Gospel According to Leviticus Finding God’s Love in God’s Law David Kalas


about the author


It seems hard sometimes to understand why studying the Old Testament is as important as studying the New Testament. Everything changed when Jesus entered the picture, so why learn about outdated, irrelevant spiritual laws? In The Gospel According to Leviticus, author and pastor David Kalas uses his thoughtful and assuring style to assist you in discovering the gospel in the Old Testament…to help you find God’s love in God’s law. This follow-up to When Did God Become a Christian? can be used as a stand-alone resource or a six-week, small group study when combined with the additional Leader Guide.

David Kalas is pastor of First United Methodist Church in Green Bay, WI. He is a book author and has also contributed to several collections of sermons and preaching resources. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia and Union Theological Seminary of Virginia. He is the son of the late Dr. J. Ellsworth Kalas.

OTHER BOOKS by the author

Abingdon Press. Coming in March. Book 9781501879401 Leader Guide 9781501879548


SG19 P26.indd 26

$16.99; $11.49 $12.99; $8.79 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


10/2/18 7:53 AM



The New Testament You Never Knew Exploring the Context, Purpose and Meaning of the Story of God N. T. Wright and Michael F. Bird

N. T. Wright is the Chair of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. He is the award-



about the authors



In this 8-session video-based study (DVD/ digital downloads sold separately), leading New Testament scholars, N. T. Wright and Michael Bird, hope to take you on a tour of the New Testament Story, from Galilee to Golgotha, from Jerusalem to Rome. They will look at who Jesus is, the real meaning of his death and resurrection, the expansion of the church in the Greco-Roman world, examine the debates and setbacks that they had along the way, and show how Christians can live out the story of New Testament in their own lives today.

winning author of many books. Michael F. Bird (PhD, University of Queensland) is lecturer in theology at Ridley Melbourne College of Mission and Ministry in Melbourne, Australia. He has written numerous books.



Study Guide 9780310085263 $12.99; $9.49 Video Study (DVD) 8 sessions 9780310085287 $39.99; $31.99 Study Guide with DVD 9780310085294 $51.99; $41.79 kit cd


participant book

guide kit

leader book preview

sh fla cd

devo tional dvd


participant book


what you’ll need

author insights than simply distinguish one person from another, they often conveyed the essential nature and character of a person. This is especially true when it comes to the names of God recorded in the Bible.

OTHER BOOKS by the author

The Names of God 52 Bible Studies for Individuals and Groups Ann Spangler

52 E SS


Names in the ancient world did more




Drawn from the books, Praying the Names of God and Praying the Names of Jesus, this Bible study includes additional questions designed to help individuals and groups explore the most important of God’s names and titles as they are revealed in the Old and New Testaments. By studying God’s names, participants will begin to realize how utterly great, loving, and powerful God is. Each week’s study provides background information to help readers understand the name, a key Scripture in which the name was either first or most significantly revealed, a series of questions for individual or group study, and a brief list of passages for further study. Zondervan. Book 9780310096672

$16.99; $10.99

Also available by Ann Spangler: Praying the Names of God: A Daily Guide. 26-week devotional study. 9780310345817

$16.99; $12.49

Praying the Names of Jesus: A Daily Guide. 26-week devotional study. 9780310345800 SG19

SG19 P26.indd 27

$16.99; $12.49

Shop the online catalog at

See p. 9 for a study based on a book by Ann Spangler and Jean E. Syswerda.


10/2/18 7:53 AM

BIBLICAL STUDIES author insights The church in Thessalonica was a study in contrast. They had been a quiet and holy people. But after a while, they had become restless and impatient. They needed direction on how to live. So Paul wrote the young church two letters. The first commended the believers for their faith and encouraged them to continue living according to the gospel principles he had taught. The second letter was filled with helpful hints that corrected their wrong beliefs, assumptions, and behaviors. Whether we are living a quiet and holy life or one that leaves us restless and impatient, Paul’s letters encourage us. They challenge us to remain faithful in a temporary world.

Bring the Bible to life! UPDATED & REVISED

12 E SS


Life Lessons Series Max Lucado



Each volume in the Life Lessons with Max Lucado series brings the Bible to life in twelve lessons filled with intriguing questions, inspirational stories, and poignant reflections to take you deeper into God’s Word. Each lesson includes an opening reflection, background information, an excerpt of the text (from the New International and New King James versions), exploration questions, inspirational thoughts from Max, and a closing takeaway for further reflection. The Life Lessons series is ideal for use in both a small-group setting or for individual study. Thomas Nelson. Each

$10.99; $6.99


Life Lessons from 1 & 2 Thessalonians

by the author


Life Lessons from 1 & 2 Timothy & Titus


Life Lessons from Hebrews 9780310086581

Life Lessons from James

Additional volumes available at


Life Lessons from 1 & 2 Peter 9780310086628

Life Lessons from 1, 2 & 3 John & Jude


Life Lessons from Revelation 9780310086666


SG19 P28.indd 28

See page 13. | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


10/2/18 7:57 AM

NEW Coming in March.

Mark Orion N. Hutchinson

Jeremiah, Lamentations Barbara P. Ferguson

9781501855719 Participant Bk. 9781501855726 Lg. Print Part. Bk. 9781501855740 Leader Guide

NEW Coming in June. Minor Prophets Gene M. Tucker

9781501855818 Participant Bk. 9781501855825 Lg. Print Part. Bk. 9781501855849 Leader Guide

9781501855061 Participant Bk. 9781501855078 Lg. Print Part. Bk. 9781501855092 Leader Guide

John Woodrow A. Geier

9781501848568 Participant Bk. 9781501848575 Lg. Print Part. Bk. 9781501848599 Leader Guide

9781501848315 Participant Bk. 9781501848322 Lg. Print Part. Bk. 9781501848377 Leader Guide

Acts James E. Sargent

Exodus, Leviticus Keith Schoville

9781501855160 Participant Bk. 9781501855177 Lg. Print Part. Bk. 9781501855191 Leader Guide

Joshua, Judges, Ruth Author

9781501855313 Participant Bk. 9781501855320 Lg. Print Part. Bk. 9781501855344 Leader Guide

NEW Coming in March.

Ezra, Nehemiah. Esther

9781501848117 Participant Bk. Brady Whitehead 9781501848124 Lg. Print Part. Bk. 9781501855610 Participant Bk. 9781501848148 Leader Guide 9781501855627 Lg. Print Part. Bk. 9781501855641 Leader Guide

Romans Robert Jewett

9781501855115 Participant Bk. 9781501855122 Lg. Print Part. Bk. 9781501855146 Leader Guide

1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians Edward P. Blair

9781501855214 Participant Bk. 9781501855221 Lg. Print Part. Bk. 9781501855245 Leader Guide

Psalms John C. Holbert

Philippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon Van Bogard Dunn

9781501848346 Participant Bk. 9781501848353 Lg. Print Part. Bk. 9781501848391 Leader Guide

9781501855269 Participant Bk. 9781501855276 Lg. Print Part. Bk. 9781501855290 Leader Guide

Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs James Crenshaw

Hebrew, James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2, & 3 John, Jude Keith Schoville

9781501848469 Participant Bk. 9781501848476 Lg. Print Part. Bk. 9781501848490 Leader Guide

Matthew Robert E. Luccock

9781501848414 Participant Bk. 9781501848421 Lg. Print Part. Bk. 9781501848445 Leader Guide



NEW Coming in March.


The revision of the Abingdon classic Genesis to Revelation Series is a comprehensive, verse-by-verse, book-by-book study of the Bible based on the NIV. These studies help readers strengthen their understanding and appreciation of the Bible by enabling them to engage the Scripture on three levels:

leader book preview



leader book sh fla

Updates include new cover and interior designs, leader guide per matching participant book (rather than multiple volumes in one book), updated to 2011 revision of the New International Version Translation (NIV), updated references to New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, biblical chapters on the contents page beside session lesson titles for at-a-glance overview of biblical structure, and larger divisions within the contents page to reflect macro-structure of each biblical book.

sh devo fla tional


NEWbook Coming in June.

book devo tional

Ezekial, Daniel Linda B. Hinton

Abingdon Press. Participant Books, $12.99 each Large-Print Participant Books, $13.99 each Leader Guides, $13.99 each

9781501855764 Participant Bk. 9781501855771 Lg. Print Part. Bk. 9781501855795 Leader Guide

SG19 P28.indd 29


Isaiah Lloyd Bailey

9781501855429 Lg. Print Part. Bk. 9781501855443 Leader Guide

what you’ll need


13 E SS

• What does the Bible say? Questions to consider while reading the passage for each session. 9781501855665 Participant Bk. • What does the passage mean? Unpacks key verses in the 9781501855672 Lg. Print Part. Bk. selected passage. 9781501855696 Leader Guide 9781501855368 Participant Bk. • How does the Scripture relate to my life? Provides major ideas 9781501855375 Lg. Print Part. Bk. that have meaning for our lives today. The meaning of the 9781501855399 Leader Guide selected passages is made clear by considering such aspects Revelation as ancient customs, locations of places, and the meanings C. M. Kempton Hewitt of words. The simple format makes the study easy to use. 9781501855412 Participant Bk. Includes maps and glossary with key pronunciation helps.

kit participant participant book

Genesis to Revelation Series A Comprehensive Verse-by-Verse Exploration of the Bible


Job Robin M. Van L. Maas

9781501848513 Part Bk. 9781501848520 Lg. Print Part. Bk. 9781501848544 Leader Guide


Luke Horace R. Weaver

Also available:

Genesis Walter Harrelson

dvd cd

9781501855016 Participant Bk. 9781501855023 Lg. Print Part. Bk. 9781501855047 Leader Guide

Shop the online catalog at



10/2/18 7:58 AM


The world is complicated. Let’s work through it together. FaithLink

Adult topical Bible studies with online delivery

FaithLink’s ready-to-use lessons connect faith to the issues and events making headlines every day. Conveniently available by download or through a weekly e-mail subscription, you can print exactly what you need for each session. Great for regular use with small groups and adult Sunday school classes from college students to seniors, FaithLink also works as a short-term break between studies or as a quick replacement in unexpected circumstances.

Infusion Bible eStudies

With our new format, the discussion questions are presented directly below each section of the main essay and below each sidebar for easy reference. The final page includes a number of leader helps for use throughout the session. This new design facilitates better conversations and a better flow during the lesson.

Listen to Scripture and discover its message for you today. Look at contemporary life and see how it connects with you and Scripture. Live inside Scripture and allow it to come alive in you and cause you to live out your faith. Infusion Bible eStudies are downloadable small-group studies that can be read online, printed, or emailed. Each study includes a leader guide and a study guide and is suitable for a one-hour group Bible study. Call 1-800-672-1789 to subscribe. Cokesbury. Each $9.49; Yearly Subscription for $199.00

New issues are available weekly by e-mail subscription, which is billed monthly, or for download at Previous issues are also available for purchase. Call 1-800-672-1789 to subscribe. New subscribers receive first month FREE! Cokesbury. Each $9.99



Journey Through the Bible

Study the Bible book by book using the NRSV. Each 13-session volume: • Highlights pivotal points in the Scriptures. • Lifts up the Bible’s most significant stories, events, and people, describing historical and cultural settings. • Includes the original language and what the passage meant for its first readers. • Gives insight into possible life applications. • Maps out a daily plan for reading the Bible, verse by verse. Cokesbury.

Immersion Bible Studies

Inspired by a fresh translation—the Common English Bible—this series stands firmly on Scripture and helps readers explore the emotional, spiritual, and intellectual needs of their personal faith. More importantly, they’ll be able to discover God’s revelation through readings and reflections. Each volume offers suggestions for leading a group and questions to facilitate class discussion. Abingdon Press. Each $12.99

Each $12.99

For additional details on any of these studies, see 30

SG19 P30.indd 30 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


10/3/18 12:28 PM


Covenant Bible Study

The biblical concept of Covenant speaks to an enduring commitment between God and God’s fruitful people. It’s a promise—to live in a loving relationship with and for each other. So the purpose of Covenant Bible Study is to engage participants in conversations about this unique and special relationship—as well as our relationships with each other and the world around us—as we study the Bible together.


author insights




total In this in-depth, small-group Bible study, participants read and discuss the Bible together, learning how to love God—and each other—better. Each of the three 8-week modules (Creating, Living, Trusting) explores a different aspect of what covenant means and examines the progression of a Covenant relationship with God. Modules can be scheduled at any pace, any time. Abingdon Press. Kit. Leader Guide, a Participant Guide for each module, Covenant meditations, and three DVDs with Implementation Guide. 9781426772269 $234.99; $156.99

Also available:

Participant Guides, 3-in-1 Book (Creating, Living, & Trusting). Also available individually and in large-print editions. Visit for details. 9781501840159 $39.99; $27.99 Leader Guide 9781426772238

$24.99; $16.99

Participant Guides, Set of 3 (individual books) 9781426772153 $49.99; $33.49 DVDs, Set of 3. One for each module. 24 sessions. 9781426786785 $179.99; $126.49 Covenant Meditations 9781426772207



Certificates, Pkg. of 6. 9781501820519 $10.99;


Streaming videos and other digital resources available at


Fathom. It’s such a big word. It feels endless and deep. It’s the kind of word that feels like it should only be uttered by James Earl Jones with the bass turned all the way up. Which means it’s the perfect word to talk about a God who’s infinite and awe-inspiring. It’s also the perfect word for a book like the Bible that’s filled with miracles and inspiration, but also wrestles with stories of violence and pain and loss.

Fathom A Deep Dive into the Story of God

4 E SS


about the series



Fathom covers the Old and New Testaments in eighteen 4-session studies for teens that blend narrative and traditional theological approaches. Each lesson focuses on one passage that launches into the larger context of God’s story and how it applies to teens. Fathom is suitable for groups with middle schoolers, high schoolers, and any combination of the two. It acknowledges the differences in the ways older and younger youth learn and provides age-specific activities as well as options for youth to take ownership of their learning through teaching and leading alongside adults. Downloadable Leader Guides and Digital Bundles also available. Visit for details. Abingdon Press. Student Guides $8.99 Leader Guides $12.99

The Promise of the Future 9781501842177 Student Journal 9781501842184 Leader Guide

The Broken Kingdom 9781501842016 Student Journal 9781501842023 Leader Guide

The Birth of the Kingdom 9781501841583 Student Journal 9781501841569 Leader Guide

The Exile and Return 9781501842139 Student Journal 9781501842146 Leader Guide

The Life in the Church 2 9781501842054 Student Journal 9781501842061 Leader Guide

The Wisdom of the Kingdom 9781501841934 Student Journal 9781501841941 Leader Guide

The Return of Jesus 9781501842214 Student Journal 9781501842221 Leader Guide

The Leaders of the Church 9781501842092 Student Journal 9781501842108 Leader Guide

The Spread of the Church 9781501841972 Student Journal 9781501841989 Leader Guide


SG19 P30.indd 31

Shop the online catalog at

More titles available at


10/2/18 8:02 AM


4 E SS


Canvas David A. deSilva, Rev. Natalya Cherry, and James Keat



We want our high school youth to be beautiful portraits of faith in God’s love. But teenagers want to express themselves their way. So, let them. This collection of 4-week youth studies empowers students to lead the lessons themselves. Not only will they learn about theological beliefs, foundational concepts, and their own faith, they’ll have an opportunity to practice service and teaching others. Flexible to use as a continuation of confirmation, a small-group resource, or student leadership resource.

about the series We recognize the challenges churches face in engaging high school teens in deeper faith formation. By working together to learn from history, tradition, and the Bible, students will uncover a portrait of God that will be an inspirational foundation to their

Abingdon Press. Student Guides Leader Guides

own journey.

$9.99 $12.99

A Portrait of Humanity 9781501859472 Student Guide 9781501859489 Leader Guide

A Portrait of Jesus 9781501859304 Student Guide 9781501859311 Leader Guide

A Portrait of Grace 9781501859175 Student Guide 9781501859182 Leader Guide

A Portrait of The Holy Spirit 9781501859441 Student Guide 9781501859458 Leader Guide

A Portrait of God 9781501859205 Student Guide 9781501859212 Leader Guide


Alpha Youth Series Jason Ballard and Ben Woodman The Alpha Youth Film Series is a perfect way to create an environment of acceptability and hospitality where students ages 13–18 can explore the Christian faith, ask questions, and share their point of view. Alpha makes it easy to have spiritual conversations which explore life’s biggest questions in a safe and respectful way. Alpha is designed to welcome everyone, especially nonChristians and non-churchgoers. Each session includes time for a large group, short teaching, and small group discussion. The DVD also includes three training sessions for small group hosts and helpers and the discussion guide. Spanish audio and English subtitles. Thomas Nelson. 9780310096887


SG19 P32.indd 32

3-Disc DVD

about the series We believe that everyone should have the chance to explore the Christian faith, ask questions and share their point of view; wherever they are in the world. Alpha offers the opportunity to do just that—in an informal, friendly and open environment. No one can force anyone to believe anything, we’ve found over the years that if we’re hospitable and just let guests be themselves, lives will be transformed.

$50.00; $28.99 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


10/2/18 9:19 AM





E SS N S Affirm IO God’s Call/The World’s Need/Your Purpose Sara Galyon, Jen Bradbury, and Audrey Elizabeth Wilder

The CEB Student Bible for United Methodist Confirmation Includes introductions, articles, and activities for each book of the Bible written by biblical scholars who also have experience in youth ministry, plus prayers written by teens. With a presentation page, 16 pages of confirmation-related, official United Methodist materials, and a charcoal leather-like cover. Common English Bible. 9781609262037

$39.99; $26.79

Quantity discounts available. See

While teenagers may have a basic understanding of what it means to be Christian, they still need help developing, deepening, and strengthening their faith. Affirm was written with that challenge in mind. This six-week discipleship resource provides a flipped classroom experience, enabling teens to articulate what they believe and why, helping them see how faith can be practiced in their everyday lives. Youth leaders will find everything they need to guide their teens through a transition in their faith journey, including tools to help enlist the support of parents and the entire church family. In addition to the Student Guide, a Leader Guide, Mentor Guide, Parent Guide, and a DVD are also available for use as a group series, a small group study, or for a weekend retreat. Abingdon Press. Student Guide 9781501867729 $12.99; $8.79 Leader Guide 9781501867736 $16.99; $11.49 DVD [CC] 6 sessions; 2–3 min. each 9781501867750 $32.99; $26.49 Mentor Guide 9781501867767 $7.99; $5.49 Parent Guide 9781501867781 $7.99; $5.49

Confirm Your Faith. Your Commitment. God’s Call.

13 E SS


Making Disciples William Willimon



This mentor-based confirmation program pairs confirmands with adult mentors and guides them through a variety of learning experiences that will strengthen the student’s understanding of the faith while connecting him or her with the community of believers in a personal way. It can be used as a stand-alone program, or in conjunction with your current curriculum as a special experiential unit. Abingdon Press. 9781501848162 Coordinator’s Guide $17.99; $12.99 9781501848186 Mentor Guide $15.99; $11.99 9781501848209 Confirmand’s Journal $13.99; $10.99


SG19 P32.indd 33

Confirm treats confirmation as more than a decision—it is the beginning of a conversation about what it means to be a Christian. You’ll find practical help for nurturing sustainable faith in teenagers in a way that values their faith formation process. Confirm is flexible, adaptable, scalable, and engages adult participation. It’s an easy-to-follow and fully customizable program that can be used in any church setting and with a wide variety of schedules. You have the option to schedule your lesson choices and the tools to organize your own confirmation program over the course of a school year, a 3-year span, or in any way that meets your needs—without buying additional content. Confirm provides students with the basic beliefs of a theologically sound, United Methodist faith while engaging them in creative and thought-provoking activities to help them internalize what they’ve learned. Confirm also embraces the importance of community in the journey of faith development. Cokesbury. Director Guide 9781501826924 $19.99 Teaching Plans 9781501826948 $39.99; $34.99 Student Guide 9781501826962 $12.99 Parent Guide 9781501826986 $8.99

Mentor Guide 9781501826993 $10.99 DVD [CC] 18 videos: 2–3 min. each 9781501831225 $39.99 Starter Kit (1 each of listed components) 9781501864667 $129.99

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10/2/18 9:20 AM

MARRIAGE Fierce Marriage Radically Pursuing Each Other in Light of Christ’s Relentless Love Ryan Frederick and Selena Frederick

6 S



praise for the book


Fierce Marriage is the story of a couple learning and striving to put Christ above

Fierce Marriage is a call to couples to put Christ at the center of their marriage, measuring everything they do and say to each other against what Christ did for them. Now this powerful book is accompanied by an equally powerful curriculum designed for small groups and couples.

all else, in all matters of marriage. . . . When two young authors get the root this right, you can surely trust the fruit. —Gary Thomas, best-selling author of Sacred Marriage, from the foreword

With passionate personal stories and practical, gospel-centered advice, Ryan and Selena Frederick help participants handle five key areas of marriage: priorities, communication, money, sex, and conflict. Their hopeful approach will help couples to see marriage as not just a relationship they should try to keep healthy but also one worth fighting for—in every situation. Baker Books. Participant’s Guide 9780801093906 $9.99; $6.99 DVD 6 sessions; 10–15 min. each. 9780801093913 $24.99; $17.99 Book 9780801075308 $15.99; $11.79 Curriculum Kit (Contains one each of above) 9780801093920 $44.99; $28.99

kit kit cd cd


dvd dvd

kit includes:


Love to Stay Six Keys to a Successful Marriage Adam Hamilton




participant participant

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what you’ll need



The idea of a lasting marriage has almost vanished. But in Love to Stay, Adam Hamilton explores how, with God’s help, it doesn’t have to be that way. Drawing upon a survey of thousands of couples and singles, interviews with relationship and marriage therapists, the latest research in the field, and wisdom from the Bible, Hamilton looks at what it takes to create and sustain healthy, meaningful romantic relationships across the course of a lifetime. The Leader Guide includes everything needed to facilitate this six-session study and the DVD brings Hamilton’s dynamic teaching style into the group. Abingdon Press Book 9781501880087

$16.99; $11.49

Also available:

Love to Stay Sex, Grace, and Commitment

Leader Guide 9781426759543 $11.99; $7.99 cd dvd DVD [CC] 6 videos; approx. 10 min. each. 9781426759536 $39.99; $29.99


SG19 P34.indd 34


participant book cd

dvd | 800. 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants


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Our nation remains racially unjust and deeply segregated. How do we talk to children about these issues and equip them to address racism when they encounter it? This book helps parents, teachers, and churches enter into a dialogue about the impact of racism on children and offers guidance for sharing our commitment to equity and justice. Abingdon Press.

Most of us don’t need to make speeches. We need to make friends. This is the core message of Black and White by Teesha Hadra, a young African American woman, and John Hambrick, a 60-year-old white man. Using the story of their friendship, the book shows how we can disrupt racism when we risk forging friendships with those who do not look like us. Abingdon Press. Coming in March.


9781501879173 Hardcover $22.99; $15.49

Raising White Kids Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America Jennifer Harvey

$18.99; $12.79



When we look around at today’s world, hope usually isn’t the first word that comes to mind. Spoelstra draws upon her best-selling Bible study Jeremiah: Daring to Hope in an Unstable World to show us how we can overcome fear, worry, and doubt as we surrender to and put our hope in God alone. Includes memory verses, five spiritual practices, and “Dare to Hope Challenges.” Abingdon Press. Coming in March.

The award-winning author and leading trend spotter in contemporary Christianity explores why gratitude is missing as a modern spiritual practice, offers practical suggestions for reclaiming it, and illuminates how the shared practice of gratitude can lead to greater connection with God, our world, and our own souls. HarperOne. Coming in April.

Dare to Hope Living Intentionally in an Unstable World Melissa Spoelstra


$16.99; $11.49


$16.99; $12.49


Anyone can tell from the photos we share of vacations, parties, and family that we’re happy! Then why are we not as happy and content as we advertise? Sullivan suggests it’s because our definition of fulfillment is out of line. Sort through the reasons for your frustrations by connecting the dots that lead to genuine contentment and by learning that God is closer than you think. Great for corporate events. Abingdon Press.

In Undaunted, Christine challenges you to embrace the reality of God’s love so you can speak it to others as you live out your own unique calling. With additional biblical teaching, new stories, and a new epilogue, this revised edition of Undaunted will awaken you to how God wants to work through you and in you as you dare to become who God created you to be. Zondervan. Coming in May.


$18.99; $12.79


Broken We Kneel, Second Edition Reflections on Faith and Citizenship Diana Butler Bass

Bass looks at Christian identity, patriotism, citizenship, and congregational life in an attempt to answer the question many struggle with today: “To whom do Christians owe deepest allegiance? God or country?” Born in the aftermath of 9/11 and now a spiritual classic (with new material in this edition), the book draws on Bass’ personal experience and knowledge of religious history. Church Publishing. 9781640651012

SG19 P34.indd 35

Grateful The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks Diana Butler Bass


Unsatisfied Finding Contentment in a Discontented World Ann C. Sullivan


Black and White Disrupting Racism One Friendship at a Time Teesha Hadra and John Hambrick

$18.95; $14.99

Shop the online catalog at

Undaunted Daring to Do What God Calls You to Do Christine Caine


$17.99; $12.99


Here, Now Unearthing Peace and Presence in an Overconnected World Kate Merrick

For many women, life just passes by. They feel dissatisfied with their circumstances, so they busy themselves in an effort to distract from their less-than-hoped-for lives. And they miss the everyday glorious moments. Here, Now invites women to stop running away from their actual lives and instead walk in God’s peace and fullness. Thomas Nelson. Coming in April. 9780718092825

$17.99; $12.99


10/2/18 8:09 AM



The U.S. Surgeon General recently said our greatest public health crisis is isolation. Compassion is the conduit through which divine-to-human and person-to-person connection flows. This book provides an interactive framework for pastors and other leaders to use to facilitate meaningful conversations about compassion. Abingdon Press.

Taylor recounts her moving discoveries of finding the sacred in unexpected places while teaching the world’s religions to undergrads in Baptist-saturated rural Georgia, revealing how God delights in confounding our expectations. She weaves together stories from her classroom with reflections on her own connections with people of other faith traditions. HarperOne. Coming in March.

Here, Now, With You Six Movements of Compassion for Life and Leadership Gregg Louis Taylor

Holy Envy Finding God in the Faith of Others Barbara Brown Taylor

$17.99; $11.99





Most know who Jesus was, but who was Christ? Is it simply Jesus’ last name? In this long-awaited book, Rohr draws on history, theology, and psychology to articulate an exhilarating view of Jesus Christ as a portrait, so to speak, of how God works. His message of hope shows how “Jesus” + “Christ” reveal the divine wholeness at the heart of things—and what that means for each of us. Convergent Books. Coming in March.

In this powerful, personal reflection and New York Times bestseller, President Carter describes his belief in religious freedom, moral politics, and the place of prayer in his daily life. He examines faith’s many meanings, describing how to accept it, live it, and how to doubt and find faith again. A serious and moving reflection from one of America’s most admired and respected citizens. Simon & Schuster. Coming in April.

Faith A Journey for All Jimmy Carter

Another Name for Every Thing The Universal Christ Richard Rohr (cover not final)


Hardcover $26.00; $18.79


Paul: A Biography N. T. Wright

In this pioneering new account, Wright celebrates Paul’s humanity—taking full account of the pre-Christian Jewish beliefs and hopes that he believed had been fulfilled in Jesus—arguing that this is the best context for understanding Paul and appreciating how he invented new paradigms for how we understand Jesus. Only by considering Paul in this manner can we understand how he led the way for Christianity to conquer the Roman world. HarperOne. 9780061730597

$17.99; $13.49


In The Face of Water, Sarah Ruden brilliantly and elegantly explains and celebrates the Bible’s writings. Singling out the most famous passages, such as the Genesis creation story, the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Beatitudes, Ruden reexamines and retranslates from the Hebrew and Greek what has been obscured and misunderstood over time. Vintage Books. 9780525563655

Girl, Stop Apologizing A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals Rachel Hollis

The #1 New York Times best-selling author of Girl, Wash Your Face, urges women to stop apologizing for their desires, hopes, and dreams and instead to go after them with passion and confidence. Stop being afraid of embarrassment, of falling short of perfection, of not being enough. You don’t need permission to want more. Thomas Nelson. Coming in March. 9781400209606

SG19 P36.indd 36

$17.00; $12.49

The Face of Water A Translator on Beauty and Meaning in the Bible Sarah Ruden



Hardcover $25.99; $18.79

Hardcover $27.99; $19.99 | 800.672.1789 | Resource Consultants

$17.00; $16.99

It’s Okay Not to Be Okay Moving Forward One Day at a Time Sheila Walsh

In It’s Okay Not to Be Okay, Walsh helps women overcome the same old rut of struggles and pain by changing the way they think about God, themselves, and their everyday lives. She shares that when she discovered “I’m not good enough and I’m good with that,” everything started to change. She offers practical, doable, daily strategies that will help women move forward one step at a time knowing God will never let them down. BakerBooks. 9780801078002

Hardcover $22.99; $14.99 SG19

10/2/18 8:13 AM

WANTED Book Lovers

You love to read and talk about what you’re reading with others. Though you are discerning, you find value in all kinds of books. You are drawn to spirituality and Christian faith titles, but also shamelessly adore a good bestseller. You know that you can find spiritual truths in popular culture to broaden your horizons and deepen your faith. You’re always on the lookout for a great read!

Almost Everything Notes on Hope Anne Lamott

Candid and caring, insightful and sometimes hilarious, Almost Everything is the book we need and that only Anne Lamott can write. Lamott calls for each of us to rediscover the nuggets of hope and wisdom that are buried within us that can make life sweeter than we ever imagined. Hardcover. Riverhead Books. 9780525537441 $20.00; $14.99 Reader’s Guide PDF Download 555944 FREE

Barking to the Choir The Power of Radical Kinship Gregory Boyle

In a moving example of unconditional love in difficult times, Gregory Boyle, the Jesuit priest and New York Times best-selling author of Tattoos on the Heart, shares what working with gang members in Los Angeles has taught him about faith, compassion, and the enduring power of kinship. Simon & Schuster. 9781476726168 $16.00; $15.99 Reader’s Guide PDF Download 555956 FREE





If this describes you, welcome to Faith & Culture—a book club from Cokesbury designed with you and your small group in mind. We offer thought-provoking, memorable, and provocative books at great prices so friends can read and reflect together. Each book includes an exclusive downloadable reader’s guide for 4 weeks of reflection and group study. To get started, visit

Grateful The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks Diana Butler Bass

Inspired Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again Rachel Held Evans

9780062659477 $26.99; $17.99 Reader’s Guide PDF Download 555978 FREE

9780718022310 $16.99; $12.99 Reader’s Guide PDF Download 555967 FREE

The award-winning author explores why gratitude is missing as a modern spiritual practice, offers practical suggestions for reclaiming it, and illuminates how the shared practice of gratitude leads to greater connection with God, our world, and our own souls. Hardcover. HarperOne.

Drawing upon recent scholarship and literary analysis, Evans creatively retells our favorite Bible stories, explaining their contexts and possible interpretations, and then connects these ancient stories to our presentday ones. Fall in love with Scripture all over again. Thomas Nelson..

Want more? Be sure to check out these previously released Faith & Culture books with exclusive downloadable reader’s guides:

Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End, Atul Gawande. 9781250076229

Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption, Bryan Stevenson. 9780812984965

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are, Brené Brown. 9781592858491

On Living, Kerry Egan. 9781594634826

Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion, Gregory Boyle. 9781439153154

Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City, Matthew Desmond. 9780553447453

Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood, Trevor Noah. 9780399588174

Where’d You Go, Bernadette, Maria Semple. 9780316204262

Please be advised that while these books contain strong faith and social justice themes, some readers may find the use of mature language or situations offensive.

SG19 P36.indd 3

10/2/18 8:13 AM

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Follow Jesus’

reckless example Jesus cared for and saw value in the forgotten and despised—people that others, including his disciples, carefully avoided. This reckless love so disrupted the way the disciples thought and acted that it gave them a new experience of loving God. What if the way to follow the greatest commandment—to strive to love God with all our heart soul, and mind—is by first striving to better love our neighbor?

See page 2 to find out more about Tom Berlin’s new small-group study. Prices subject to change.

SG19 CV4.indd 5

10/2/18 10:45 AM

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