wear? which hat do you
Pastor? Leader? Counselor? Preacher? Friend? Prophet? Administrator? All of the above, and several others?
Ministry is complex, and there are many roles pastors and church leaders assume day to day and week to week in their service of God and humankind. However, no matter what your role, there are resources available to help you thrive in addressing the unique challenges associated with each role. Cokesbury has curated a collection of innovative, yet practical resources to support your ongoing development for any stage of ministry or particular situation. We invite you to explore this substantial collection of books and resources at affordable prices – organized for your convenience in the following categories: • Leadership • Worship • Stewardship • Church Growth • Pastor • Discipleship • Christian Education • Church & Culture • Preaching • Wesleyan Resources • Study & Theology It’s easy to order! Just click on any book cover for more information. All books are paperbound unless otherwise noted. Prices subject to change. Discounts are taken off regular retail prices. COKESBURY.COM | 800.672.1789 | RESOURCE CONSULTANTS
Sideline Church Bridging the Chasm between Churches and Cultures Thomas G. Bandy Addresses the growing chasm between established churches and the changing, fracturing, multiplying societies around them, offering the remedy of profound empathy. $19.99; $13.49
God vs. Money Winning Strategies in the Combat Zone J. Clif Christopher It’s hard to compete against money’s influence in our society…and on your congregation. Offers practical, up-to-date, expert advice on how to face this challenge. $16.99; $11.49
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Business of a Spiritual Matter What Every Non-Profit Leader Should Know M. Gasby Brown A CEO and philanthropy consultant shows you how to fund your faith-based organization though fundraising, meeting economic challenges, and working with consultants. $16.95; $12.49
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The Daily Stoic 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman Features 366 days of exercises and insights and translations of Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Epictetus, and more. Hardcover. $25.00; $17.99
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The Life-Giving Leader Learning to Lead from Your Truest Self Tyler Reagin With clear biblical teaching and personal accounts, this book shows the necessity of life-giving leadership and provides steps needed to know and lead from your truest self. Hardcover. $21.99; $15.99
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re:MIX Transitioning Your Church to Living Color Mark DeYmaz and Bob Whitesel A practical guide for pastors, denominational leaders, and lay leaders who are seeking to transition their monoethnic congregations into healthy multiethnic churches. $15.99; $10.79
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The New Adapters Shaping Ideas to Fit Your Congregation Jacob Armstrong with Adam Hamilton and Mike Slaughter Discover how classic principles can help transform ideas and practices into action—no matter your church size or denomination. $15.99; $10.79
The Abingdon Worship Annual 2019 Worship Planning Resources for Every Sunday of the Year Mary Scifres and B.J. Beu, editors Weekly prayers and litanies follow a basic pattern of Christian worship using themes based on lectionary readings from the Common English Bible. Includes downloadable PDF. $26.99; $17.99
Prepare! 2018–2019 (CEB Edition & NRSV Edition) An Ecumenical Music & Worship Planner David L. Bone and Mary Scifres An all-in-one, lectionary-based resource that helps pastors and music directors plan worship services for each Sunday and holy day of the year. Spiral bound. $25.99
The United Methodist Music & Worship Planner 2018-2019 (CEB Edition & NRSV Edition) David L. Bone and Mary Scifres An all-in-one resource that helps both the music director and pastor plan the worship services for each Sunday and holy day of the year. Lectionary based. Spiral bound. $25.99
The United Methodist Worship Planning Calendar 2019 This unique tool helps you create and capture weekly worship service details: sermon topic, hymns, anthems, acolytes, lay readers, and special services. Features the standard month-ata-glance format with planning chart for each Sunday. $9.99
The United Methodist Calendar & Workbook 2019 An enhanced appointment calendar for clergy, choir directors, church school workers, and all church staff. Weekat-a-glance format with extra space on Sunday and United Methodist-specific worship planning information. Spiral bound. $16.99
The United Methodist Calendar & Workbook 2019 Personal Planner Edition A week-at-a-glance appointment calendar for clergy, choir directors, church school workers, and all church staff with United Methodist-specific worship planning information and extra space on Sunday. Hole-punched. $16.99
Calendar & Workbook for Church Leaders 2019 An enhanced appointment calendar for all church leaders. View appointments for the entire week in one spread. Includes pages for recording contact information for the current worship team, church leaders, or other groups. Spiral bound. $16.99
Protestant Worship A Multisensory Introduction for Students and Practitioners O. Wesley Allen Jr. This book teaches and actually demonstrates how the actions, reactions, outpourings, and responses of a worship service are part of an interwoven and ever-evolving whole. $29.99; $19.99
Drawn to the Gospels An Illustrated Lectionary (Year C) Jay Sidebotham For parish office staff, youth group leaders, small groups, and more, these illustrations feature gospel text and questions. The first of 3 books that will cover each Sunday in the lectionary year. Reproducible for bulletin creation. $16.95; $12.49
Honest Worship From False Self to True Praise Manuel Luz Smoke machines and lasers in church? Each chapter features a spiritual practice to guide us back to an honest worship— beyond facades and pretense— that pulls us toward the true self God is forming within each of us. $16.00; $11.49
Planning for Rites and Rituals A Resource for Episcopal Worship: Year C, 2018-2019 An indispensable, all-in-one Episcopal worship planner that follows the 3-year Revised Common Lectionary cycle. Great for preachers, worship team leaders, musicians, Christian educators, sacristan, altar guilds. $39.95; $28.79
The Holy No Worship As a Subversive Act Adam Hearlson Draws widely from Christian history to find ways the church has used its traditional practices—preaching, music, sacrament and art—to sabotage oppressive structures of the world for the sake of the gospel. $24.00; $17.49
Lovin’ on Jesus A Concise History of Contemporary Worship Swee Hong Lim and Lester Ruth Groundbreaking and scholarly, this work methodically traces the origins and development of contemporary Christian worship. The research includes interviews and early recordings. $29.99; $19.99
Worship in a Flash for Special Days Everything You Need for Inviting and Inspiring Worship Includes prayers, music, projection images, suggestions for dramatic readings, sermon briefs, litanies. Additional editions on Cokesbury.com. USB Flash Drive. $34.99; $27.99
Altars for Everyone Worship Designs on Any Budget Nancy C. Townley and Stephanie Davis This helpful and practical book offers examples and instructions for altar designs at small membership or mid-size churches to make worship more enriching and transforming. $21.99; $14.79
Creating Holy Spaces Worship Visuals for the Revised Common Lectionary Delia Halverson and Karen Appleby Create a multisensory worship experience. Contains suggestions for worship visuals tied to each Sunday of all three years of the Revised Common Lectionary. $24.99; $16.79
Worship in the Garden Services for Outdoor Worship J. Wayne Pratt From Easter sunrise services to church retreats, the special worship experiences described in this book can enhance individual and shared faith experiences as a congregation worships together outdoors. $14.99; $9.99
Worship Together in Your Church as in Heaven Josh Davis and Nikki Lerner In this foundational book, the authors lay out the case for a shift to multicultural worship for virtually every church, giving hands-on, practical, and doable examples of how to begin making changes in your church. $22.99; $15.49
Drawing on Holy Currencies Awesome, Amazing, and Animated Activities for Stewardship Eric H. F. Law and Dave Law A 52-week, interactive graphic workbook that empowers yearround stewardship with creative activities and exercises: drawings, doodles, questions, songs, more. $14.99; $10.79
Enough, Revised Edition Discovering Joy through Simplicity and Generosity Adam Hamilton Rediscover the Bible’s wisdom when it comes to prudent financial practices. Change your life by changing your relationship with money and giving. Study resources available. $14.99; $9.99
Earn All You Can Getting Rich for Good Donald R. House Is the wealth gap the fault of the rich? Introduces several economic principles along with foundational Christian ideas about wealth and success rooted in Jewish teaching, papal letters, and John Wesley’s sermons. $16.99; $11.49
Putting Wealth to Work Philanthropy for Today or Investing for Tomorrow? Joel L. Fleishman Provides expert analysis of contemporary philanthropy, offering invaluable insight for those engaging with and affected by charitable foundations. Hardcover. $28.00; $17.99
Defying Gravity Break Free from the Culture of More Tom Berlin Too much stuff affects our ability to serve and thrive. Explore what’s required to sustain a vibrant life and learn how your congregation can become a church of generosity. Study resources available. $14.99; $8.99
The E-Giving Guide for Every Church Using Digital Tools to Grow Ministry Richard Rogers Takes away the confusion and fear involved in using electronic media to raise money for the church by providing a strong framework that focuses on key topics. $12.99; $8.79
Funding Ministry with Five Loaves and Two Fishes Rosario Picardo This book is for any pastor, church planter, or lay leader struggling to do ministry with a lack of financial resources but hungry to reach the lost with the Good News of Jesus Christ. $16.99; $11.49
Generosity Rising Lead a Stewardship Revolution in Your Church Scott McKenzie Practical guidelines for training a dedicated team of “generosity revolutionaries” who embrace, live, and lead others on a journey of gratitude, prayer, and faith. Includes daily devotionals. $15.99; $10.79
Propel Good Stewardship, Greater Generosity Clayton L. Smith Create a culture of generosity beyond tithing and you’ll find the financial resources your church needs. Offers solutions for increased giving and models for effective stewardship. $14.99; $9.99
Earn. Save. Give. Wesley’s Simple Rules for Money James A. Harnish This 21st century translation of Wesley’s money management philosophy gives members of your congregation a new way to think about money that will stick with them. Study resources available. $13.99; $9.49
The Gratitude Path Leading Your Church to Generosity Kent Millard In contrast to outdated, budgetcentric stewardship models, this is a fresh alternative: a Christ-centered approach that promotes spiritual health for both donors and the church. $14.99; $9.99
Not Your Parents’ Offering Plate A New Vision for Financial Stewardship J. Clif Christopher Shows how to demonstrate the impact of financial gifts to donors, and offers realistic guidance on asking individuals to increase their giving. $15.99; $10.79
A New Church and A New Seminary Theological Education Is the Solution David McAllister-Wilson “Mule churches” are strong for a generation but unable to produce offspring. A new kind of seminary is needed to shape churches that are mission-driven and relevant. $19.99; $13.49
Impact! Reclaiming the Call of Lay Ministry Kay Kotan and Blake Bradford The church likely rises and falls with the missional investment of the laity. This book is designed not only to help re-engage and empower the laity, but also pastors and judicatory leaders. $16.95; $12.49
Obvious Wisdom 52 Tips for Effective Ministry Robert Farr Our changing culture places demands on pastors that can make them lose focus and perspective. This book provides succinct, powerful, practical advice to help them utilize their resources and energy wisely. $16.95; $12.49
Becoming a Welcoming Church Thomas S. Rainer The best-selling author has a game plan for churches to become more hospitable. He guides readers toward a practical framework for making a difference for those who visit their church. For individual or group study. Hardcover. $12.99; $9.49
Grounded in Creed Jim Cowart, Matthew Hartsfield, Jennifer Cowart, and Jorge Acevedo This 6-week study for small groups and community groups is based on the Apostles’ Creed, a basic summary of core Christian beliefs for nearly 1,500 years. Study resources available. $12.99; $8.79
Fresh Expressions A New Kind of Methodist Church For People Not In Church Kenneth H. Carter Jr. and Audrey Warren Outlines new forms of church for congregations and church leaders who seek to reach the unchurched or dechurched. $14.99; $9.99
Divergent Church The Bright Promise of Alternative Faith Communities Tim Shapiro with Kara Faris Reveals how creative new faith communities across the U.S. are, despite their unconventionality, engaged in time-honored Christian practices which will shape the church to come. $16.99; $11.49
The Mission-Minded Guide to Church and School Partnerships Jake McGlothin Partnering your church family with a public school can be rewarding. Offers practical steps congregations can take: basic organization, recruiting, training, safety, planning, and more. $16.99; $11.49
Go The Church’s Main Purpose George G. Hunter III “Is that all there is to church?” This question indicates that many churches don’t have a consistent reason for being. This description of the missional church will help your church recover a clear and consistent sense of purpose. $21.99; $14.79
A New Day in the City Urban Church Revival Donna Claycomb Sokol and L. Roger Owens Many prominent urban churches are in decline, but thousands have learned to thrive again by letting go of nostalgic dreams and tired habits. The authors share the lessons they’ve learned. $18.99; $12.79
The Passionate Church Ignite Your Church and Change the World Mike Slaughter with Karen Perry Smith Learn how Ginghamsburg United Methodist Church in the rustbelt town of Tipp City, Ohio, has been doing exciting and creative ministry for nearly four decades. $16.99; $11.49
The Misfit Mission How to Change the World with Surprises, Interruptions, and All the Wrong People Scott Chrostek Feel constrained by old methods and attitudes? Learn about leaders who took risks, created opportunities, and rewrote their communities’ definition of church. $19.99; $13.49
Meet the Goodpeople Wesley’s 7 Ways to Share Faith Roger Ross Stuck in a fruitless way of doing church? Discover John Wesley’s seven methods for reaching the unchurched that ignited a revival, recast for the 21st century, and help unleash a new wave of the Spirit in our day. $14.99; $9.99
The Sky Is Falling, the Church Is Dying, and Other False Alarms Ted A. Campbell Is Christianity really in decline or are we on the precipice of new opportunities? Campbell believes our traditions hold the keys and offers practices to help churches build on their strengths. $13.99; $9.49
10 Prescriptions for a Healthy Church Bob Farr and Kay Kotan The authors share their expertise from working with churches across the country, detailing the most common concerns and obstacles, and offering prescriptions for how to get positive results. Study resources available. $15.99; $10.79
Get Their Name Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships Bob Farr, Doug Anderson, and Kay Kotan Many churches unwittingly misdirect their community outreach. Learn how to make invitation natural, genuine, and easy. Study resources available. $14.99; $9.99
Christian Social Innovation Renewing Wesleyan Witness L. Gregory Jones What can faith communities learn from entrepreneurship? Takes a look at the growing interest in starting new churches and establishing church plants as a way to renew, re-establish trust, and cultivate sustainability. $16.99; $11.49
Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations Revised and Updated Robert Schnase Over the last decade, the church has changed: new concerns, new types of congregations, and more experimentation and diversity. Gives leaders a “next step” look at these original practices. $18.99; $12.79
The Zondervan 2019 Pastor’s Annual An Idea and Resource Book T. T. Crabtree A trusted one-volume preaching library with time-saving sermon and service ideas: sermon topics and outlines, prayers, services for Sundays and special days, hymn suggestions, and more. $22.99; $16.49
Zondervan 2019 Church and Nonprofit Tax and Financial Guide For 2018 Tax Returns Dan Busby, Vonna Laue, Michael Martin, and John Van Drunen This annual reference guide covers financial accountability, tax-exempt status, charitable gifts, tax laws, and more topics. $16.99; $9.99
Zondervan 2019 Minister’s Tax and Financial Guide For 2018 Tax Returns Dan Busby, Vonna Laue, Michael Martin, and John Van Drunen This easy-to-understand workbook simplifies the tax code, offering dozens of tips to reduce ministers’ tax bills, plus retirement planning helps and more. $16.99; $9.99
Take Care of Yourself Survive and Thrive in Christian Ministry Pablo Martinez This book will help Christians find the balance between ministry and monastery— between the urgent work of service and the place of rest and restoration. $5.95; $3.99
Faithful and Fractured Responding to the Clergy Health Crisis Rae Jean Proeschold-Bell and Jason Byassee Clergy suffer from certain health issues at a rate higher than the general population. Why are pastors in such poor health? And what can be done to help them? $19.99; $14.49
Conversations Worth Having Using Appreciative Inquiry to Fuel Productive and Meaningful Engagement Jackie Stavros and Cheri Torres Spells out two practices and five principles for creating productive conversations that help people, organizations, and communities better interact and thrive. $19.95; $14.49
The Lifesaving Church Faith Communities and Suicide Prevention Rachel A. Keefe Educate your church in suicide prevention with group study reflections, specific resources, Scriptures, and prayers for clergy, suicide loss survivors, and those struggling with suicidality. $14.99; $10.79
A Mentor’s Wisdom Lessons I Learned from Haddon Robinson R. Larry Moyer As a pastor, professor, and theologian, Robinson mentored many powerful men and women of God. In this moving tribute, Moyer reflects on the 45 most significant lessons he learned. $9.95; $6.99
Moral Injury Restoring Wounded Souls Larry Kent Graham How can you help people deal with feelings of guilt, shame, and responsibility when many don’t believe in sin? Reclaim the pastoral tasks of soul care and moral guidance without giving in to the temptation of moralizing. $19.99; $13.49
Five Faces of Ministry Pastor, Parson, Healer, Prophet, Pilgrim Patricia Farris There’s more to being a pastor than being a pastor. Learn to understand your roles as a pastor and change feelings of frustration, exhaustion, and isolation into inspiration, satisfaction, and joy. $14.99; $9.99
Pastoral Care Telling the Stories of Our Lives Karen D. Scheib Pastoral caregivers are co-creators and companions who help others revise and construct their life stories reshaped by God’s grace. This book focuses on listening and “restorying” practices in the context of congregations. $35.99; $23.99
Pastor as Counselor Wise Presence, Sacred Conversation John Patton A helpful, step-by-step template for pastoral counseling sessions and clear guidelines for understanding when to defer and how to refer people to resources they need. $19.99; $13.49
Stride Creating a Discipleship Pathway for Your Church Mike Schreiner and Ken Willard The authors share the highly successful discipleship principles they developed at Morning Star United Methodist Church and show you how to plot a course to fruitful discipleship in your church. $13.99; $9.49
Becoming a Disciple A Lifelong Venture Adolf Hansen and colleagues Each of the disciples were very different people. Can discipleship mean something unique to each of us? Eight United Methodist clergy discuss discipleship and help us pursue the adventure of a lifetime. $14.99; $9.99
Gladhearted Disciples Equipping Your Congregation with Generous and Enduring Faith Chris Folmsbee Outlines small, tangible things we can do to integrate faith into a 30-day set of practices that will make us authentic witnesses in the world. Great for small groups. $14.99; $9.99
Surprise the World! The Five Habits of Highly Missional People Michael Frost Spread the gospel organically, graciously, and surprisingly using the BELLS model (Bless others, Eat together, Listen to the Spirit, Learn Christ, and understand yourself as Sent by God into others’ lives). $6.99; $4.99
Grab, Gather, Grow Multiply Community Groups in Your Church Jim Cowart and Jennifer Cowart A 5-part strategy to transform and expand your congregation. Use community groups, adaptive systems, digital tools, and flexible overhead. Study resources available. $14.99; $9.99
Start This, Stop That Do the Things That Grow Your Church Jim Cowart and Jennifer Cowart Conventional church thinking— pastoral care, long-term planning, stewardship campaigns, committees, even staff—inhibit church growth. Learn to do less and lead more people to Christ. $15.99; $10.79
Teaching Outside the Box Five Approaches to Opening the Bible With Youth Andrew Zirschky A new take on forming youth in the faith! Offers new angles on the instructional approach and introduces four new approaches: community of faith, interpretive, liberation, and contemplative. $16.99; $11.49
Practicing Christian Education An Introduction for Ministry Mark A. Maddix and James Riley Estep Jr. Two leading experts argue that Christian education is a vital congregational ministry, encompassing all the intentional practices of the church: worship, mission, sacraments, and teaching. $22.99; $16.79
Unleashing the Hidden Potential of Your Student Leaders Jen Bradbury Gives guidance and practical tips from the author’s own experience as a youth leader on how to help young leaders transition into leadership positions in the broader church. $16.99; $11.49
Smaller Church Youth Ministry No Staff, No Money, No Problem! Brad Fiscus with Stephanie Caro Your church may be small, but you can have a big impact on young people. Provides practical activities and tools for starting, building, and leading an effective disciple-making youth ministry. $16.99; $11.49
Teaching Biblical Faith Leading Small Group Bible Studies Jack L. Seymour Biblical faith is a lens for viewing life. This provides a manageable way to inspire conversation about the many ways the Bible can be taught and how biblical wisdom shapes decision-making. $17.99; $11.79
I Wonder Engaging a Child’s Curiosity about the Bible Elizabeth Caldwell Helps you talk to your child about the Bible, providing expert advice about translations, age-appropriate passages and stories, and methods to help them learn. $20.99; $13.99
First the Jews Combating the World’s Longest-Running Hate Campaign Rabbi Evan Moffic What is anti-Semitism? Moffic shares insights from a Jewish perspective and outlines the role Christians can play in positive interfaith relations. Hardcover. $22.99; $15.49
A New Reformation From Luther’s World to Ours Rob Fuquay Justified by faith. Martin Luther’s theology that sparked the Reformation is still revolutionary. Examines Luther’s life and shows how to embrace reformation in your church and your life today. Study resources available. $14.99; $9.99
Working Class Rage A Field Guide to White Anger and Pain Tex Sample If the church fails to look past the stereotypes of this demographic as unintelligent, self-destructive, and all things racist, then how can we effectively share the good news with them? $17.99; $11.99
A World of Three Zeros The New Economics of Zero Poverty, Zero Unemployment, and Zero Net Carbon Emissions Muhammad Yunus The Nobel Peace Prize winner argues that capitalism is broken. We need a new economic model that unleashes altruism and social consciousness. Hardcover. $16.99; $12.49
Go and Be Reconciled Alabama Methodists Confront Racial Injustice, 1954-1974 William Nicholas Utilizing the publications and official archives of the church, this book tells the inside story of the struggle within the North Alabama Conference to desegregate the church. $21.95; $15.99
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My Father’s Business The Small-Town Values That Built Dollar General Into a Billion-Dollar Company Cal Turner, Jr. with Rob Simbeck The first-person account of the family that changed the American retail landscape with values-based, people-oriented business leadership. Hardcover. $28.00; $19.99
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Faith Across the Multiverse Parables from Modern Science Andrew Walsh Explores concepts from contemporary science to illuminate Scripture and reveal more about the God who has unfurled the multiverse. Covers metaphors and parables from math, physics, biology, and computer science. $19.95; $13.99
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Our Strangely Warmed Hearts Coming Out into God’s Call Karen P. Oliveto Through poignant stories and well-reasoned principles, Karen Oliveto discloses why and how spiritual renewal and a personal call to ministry emerge in the strangely warmed hearts of lesbian and gay Christians. $17.99; $11.99
Holding Up Your Corner Talking about Race in Your Community F. Willis Johnson This valuable resource encourages Christians to acknowledge, affirm, and act in the face of the racism. Learn what role your church can play in your community. Study resources available. $15.99; $10.79
Fear of the Other No Fear in Love William H. Willimon Invites you to look more closely at the gospel’s command to love—because to genuinely love those considered to be “other” may be the hardest thing for people of faith to do. Study resources available. $14.99; $9.99
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The Virtual Body of Christ in a Suffering World Deanna A. Thompson When you think about it, the body of Christ has always been a virtual body. There are lessons all churches can learn about healing the lives of the most vulnerable among us through the use of technology. $19.99; $13.49
Massacre at Sand Creek How Methodists Were Involved in an American Tragedy Gary L. Roberts Coming to grips with what happened at Sand Creek involves hard questions and unsatisfactory answers not only about what happened but also about what led to it and why. $19.99; $13.49
Celebrating God’s Love Living Into Christian Unity and Interreligious Relationships Donald E. Messer, editor Can God’s love span the chasm of our differences? This collection of essays is a wonderful resource that represents a rich diversity of voices calling us to focus on that which binds us in unity. $14.99; $9.99
A Christian Justice for the Common Good Tex Sample For Christians, the concept of justice must extend beyond mere “fairness” to include forms of liberation, compassion, mercy, and peace that are even more radical than the best of twenty-first-century justice. $17.99; $11.99
Me and We God’s New Social Gospel Leonard Sweet An inward facing church is concerned with getting more people to come to church. An outward facing church measures success not by seating capacity, but by sending capacity. It is a missional church. $17.99; $11.99
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The Abingdon Preaching Annual 2019 Planning Sermons and Services for Fifty-Two Sundays Scott Hoezee, editor Weekly entries include primary and secondary themes and worship helps. Also includes essays on preaching topics, full sermons, and sermon series ideas. $26.99; $17.99
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The End of Preaching Thomas H. Troeger Equal parts instruction and inspiration, this practical help for every preacher and seminarian provides a new way of thinking about preaching. It gives deep insight into the preacher’s approach, the task of preaching, and its impact on the hearers. $15.99; $10.79
Ingenuity Preaching as an Outsider Lisa L. Thompson Many preachers feel like outsiders, but if you’re a black female preacher, established academic sources don’t offer you much help. This book helps you bring your own unique voice and experience to your preaching. $29.99; $19.99
The Four Pages of the Sermon, Revised and Updated A Guide to Biblical Preaching Paul Scott Wilson Preaching is a complex task. This book guides readers through the process step-by-step, organizing sermon preparation and content around four different theological and creative components. $34.99; $23.49
Will Willimon’s Lectionary Sermon Resource Will Willimon Fuel for your imagination! These resources provide suggestions for selected readings, themes, and introductions to the lectionary passage for every Sunday in the year. Part of a 6-volume set. Year C Part 2 and Year C Part 1. Each, $24.99; $16.79
Making a Scene in the Pulpit Vivid Preaching for Visual Listeners Alyce M. McKenzie Harnesses the element of drama and the human fascination with scenes to offer ministers a modern means of sermon development and delivery. $25.00; $17.99
Preaching as Resistance Voices of Hope, Justice, and Solidarity Phil Snider, editor In this provocative and powerful collection of sermons from diverse pastors, hear the brave and urgent voice calling for sacred resistance against hate, fear-mongering, and injustice. $19.99; $14.49
Christ-Centered Preaching, Third Edition Redeeming the Expository Sermon Bryan Chapell This revised edition of the best-selling complete guide to expository preaching teaches the basics of preparation, organization, and delivery. Hardcover. $29.99; $20.99
How to Preach a Dangerous Sermon Frank A. Thomas This book equips and empowers preachers to transcend their basic skills and techniques, so that their proclamation of the Word causes actual turnaround in the hearts and lives of their hearers, and in their communities. $17.99; $11.99
Exodus Preaching Crafting Sermons about Justice and Hope Kenyatta R. Gilbert Demonstrates how the distinctive features of the African American prophetic rhetorical tradition can help you shape effective sermons for today. Includes practical suggestions and exercises. $21.99; $14.79
Who Lynched Willie Earle? Preaching to Confront Racism Will WIllimon Uses the true story of a 1947 sermon in response to the last lynching in Greenville, SC to help pastors preach on race and violence in America, inviting and challenging the church to respond. $17.99; $11.99
That’ll Preach! 5 Simple Steps to Your Best Sermon Ever Charley Reeb The five-step plan covers prep, sermon structure, storytelling, and “preaching with presence,” using lectionary and topical preaching models. Includes outlines and full sermon texts. $12.99; $8.79
Preaching and the Human Condition Loving God, Self, & Others O. Wesley Allen Jr. Many sermons avoid the “bad news” of the world. But Jesus didn’t skirt around real life. This book offers practical approaches to preaching the human condition, plus a sample sermon. $24.99; $16.79
Introduction to the Practice of African American Preaching Frank A. Thomas Gives insight into the history of African American preaching tradition, from an almost exclusively oral tradition to an oral/written tradition then to a relationship between homiletics and rhetoric in Western preaching. $34.99; $23.49
The Sermon without End A Conversational Approach to Preaching Ronald J. Allen and O. Wesley Allen, Jr. A dynamic new preaching model based on sermons as conversations taking place in multiple directions between Scripture, traditions, and the world today. $29.99; $19.99
Speaking Well Essential Skills for Speakers, Leaders, and Preachers Adam Hamilton The thought of speaking in public strikes fear in the hearts of many. Speaking Well offers nineteen powerful tips and tactics that lead to excellent speaking in any setting. Hardcover. $14.99; $9.99
Preaching in Pictures Using Images for Sermons that Connect Peter Jonker A dominant image repeated in a sermon helps unify and communicate the central thought. These exercises help you find strong, controlling images to deliver your message. $18.99; $12.79
Preaching as Poetry Beauty, Goodness, and Truth in Every Sermon Paul Scott Wilson Combines Scripture with the classical virtues of beauty, goodness, and truth to help you turn your fact-filled sermons into the art of poetry. $18.99; $12.79
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Will Willimon’s Pulpit Resource Will Willimon For over three decades, Pulpit Resource has helped preachers prepare to preach. In partnership with Abingdon Press and MinistryMatters.com, this homiletical resource is available with fresh and timely accessibility to a new generation of preachers. It gives pastors accessible, easy-to-use help as they craft their sermons. Shows how to use inherited models, mentors in your past, commentaries, congregational comments, news headlines, and more!
The Abingdon Preaching Annual 2019 Planning Sermons and Services for Fifty-Two Sundays Scott Hoezee, editor Redesigned to provide more of what busy preachers need each week to prepare sermons and worship services. It offers a primary preaching theme based on one of the lectionary texts for each week. A brief essay describes the theme and gives ideas for how to use it. One or more secondary preaching themes is also offered. Also includes entries for special days such as Maundy Thursday and Christmas Eve.
The Journal Letters and Related Biographical Items of the Reverend Charles Wesley, M.A. Frank Baker, Richard P. Heitzenrater, and Randy L. Maddox, editors Crucial to understanding the beginnings of Wesleyanism and an indispensable interpretive companion to John Wesley’s journal, diaries, and letters. $74.99; $50.49
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One Faithful Promise The Wesleyan Covenant for Renewal Magrey R. deVega Crucial to Wesleyan identity, Wesley’s covenant renewal liturgy culminates in the affirmation and faithful promise to love God and neighbor faithfully. Hardcover. Study resources available. $9.99; $6.79
Five Means of Grace Experience God’s Love the Wesleyan Way Elaine A. Heath Recharge. Reboot. Reorder. Based on The Wesley Covenant for Renewal, this 6-week, videobased study will help you reorder your life. Hardcover. Study resources available. $9.99; $6.79
The United Methodist Clergy Book of Firsts Who, What, When, Where, and How in the First Year of Ministry F. Belton Joyner Jr. Written especially for Licensing School and United Methodist Course of Study students, this book will see pastors through those early days of ministry. $19.99; $15.79
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Christianity and World Religions, Revised Edition Questions We Ask About Other Faiths Adam Hamilton Compares the beliefs of four major world religions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism— with those of Christianity. Study resources available. $16.99; $11.49
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Wisdom Literature Samuel E. Balentine Being wise means living ethically; and to live ethically, one must be in a constant intellectual pursuit of meaning. Looking at Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes, this book details their structure, themes, and contribution to both ancient and modern society. $29.99; $19.99
The Holy Spirit in the New Testament John T. Carroll In an area of study that is sometimes neglected and often debated, this book offers readers fresh insight into the different ways the New Testament writings present and interpret the Spirit of God. $29.99; $19.99
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Jesus vs. Caesar For People Tired of Serving the Wrong God Joerg Rieger Jesus and Caesar were both powerful, respected, and looked up to. Learn the differences between true Christianity that loosens “the bonds of injustice” and self-serving religion. $19.99; $13.49
Handbook of Denominations in the United States, 14th Edition Roger E. Olson, Frank S. Mead, Samuel S. Hill, and Craig D. Atwood This easy-to-use reference work outlines the 200 most significant Christian traditions and denominations in the U.S. as of this decade. Hardcover. $29.99; $19.99
The Atonement A Biblical, Theological, and Historical Study of the Cross of Christ David L. Allen; Paige Patterson and Jason G. Duesing, editors Considers the subject of the atonement, beginning with the key terms and concepts in the Old and New Testaments. $29.99; $21.79
Keep Up Your Biblical Aramaic in Two Minutes a Day 365 Selections for Easy Review Jonathan G. Kline Specially designed to help you read a small amount of biblical Aramaic daily, in a manageable, enriching, and enjoyable way that helps you retain the material for much longer. Hardcover. $39.95; $25.99
Keep Up Your Biblical Greek in Two Minutes A Day, Volume 1 365 Selections for Easy Review Jonathan G. Kline Presents the 365 most frequently occurring words in the New Testament, one day at a time and in order of descending frequency. Hardcover. $39.95; $28.79 Volume 2 also available.
Keep Up Your Biblical Hebrew in Two Minutes a Day, Volume 1 365 Selections for Easy Review Jonathan G. Kline Designed to build on your previous study of Hebrew and help you read a small amount of the Hebrew Bible in its original language every day. Hardcover. $39.95; $28.79 Volume 2 also available.
Counterfeit Christianity The Persistence of Errors in the Church Roger E. Olson Old errors and myths still circulate through churches today. Learn how to deal with these artificial truths and counterfeit teachings that dangerously distort faithful living. Study resources available. $19.99; $13.49
Right Here Right Now The Practice of Christian Mindfulness Amy G. Oden This book reveals the Christian roots of mindfulness and the actual practices that, when reclaimed, deepen the life of faith and the power of our mission of love in the world. $14.99; $9.99
Why the Church? Robert W. Wall; Joel B. Green, editor The church is often regarded as an afterthought or an unnecessary institutionalization of genuine faith. This book takes the stand that it is, instead, the concrete means by which we can address this theological crisis. $29.99; $19.99
On Thomas Merton Mary Gordon A profoundly personal view of one of the great spiritual figures of our age, Thomas Merton, Trappist monk, poet, essayist, activist, and author of some of the most influential spiritual writing of the 20th century. Hardcover. $24.95; $17.99
Luther vs. Pope Leo A Conversation in Purgatory Paul R. Hinlicky This imaginary reconciliation in heaven between Martin Luther and Pope Leo X is a fascinating thought experiment that discusses the key issues that divided Catholics and Protestants and birthed the Reformation. $19.99; $10.99
An Exact Likeness The Portraits of John Wesley Richard P. Heitzenrater This unique art history book, with 50 full-color images and commentary from the top Wesley scholar in the world, describes Wesley’s legacy through the many portraits and sculptures made of him. Hardcover. $39.99; $26.79
Incarnation The Surprising Overlap of Heaven & Earth William H. Willimon Learning more about the Incarnation—a major biblical theme—can help us think more clearly about our faith and in turn help us to love God more fully. With resources for a 4-week study. $13.99; $9.49
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Creation The Apple of God’s Eye Justo L. González; William H. Willimon, general editor Part of the Belief Matters series, Creation helps us gain new understanding of how the doctrine of Creation can help us address our timeless and very human questions. $13.99; $9.49