Program Planning Calendar (Cradle of Liberty Council, BSA 2012-13)

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Cub, Boy, Venturing, Varsity Scouts and Explorers! Camping Trips, Advancements, Service Projects, Trainings, Kickoffs, Celebrations, Camporees, Roundtables, Pinewood Derbies, and more!

Program Planning Calendar September 2012 — December 2013


Welcome from the Council Key Leaders Greetings! We are deeply grateful for the more than 5,000 volunteer leaders and over 500 churches, schools and community organizations who make the Cradle of Liberty Council one of the premiere youth-serving organizations in the Delaware Valley, and for keeping Scouting a positive force for our young people today. As you know, growing up today is more of a challenge than ever before. With the quality programs that Scouting offers, we know we can impact the lives of youth, their families and the fabric of our communities by helping to develop character, improve physical fitness, cultivate citizenship, and provide positive adult role models. Our commitment to teach value-focused programs is just as strong now as it was 102 years ago when we started. With the development of the five-year strategic plan, which includes a reinvestment in our camps, increased membership and tenure, the expansion of our inner-city programs, a proactive marketing campaign, and the creation of a strong financial base, it’s clear that we are ensuring a bright future for our local youth. As we continue on into Scouting’s second century, we look forward to working with you to help deliver the promises of Scouting to every Scout-aged youth in the Delaware Valley! Yours in Scouting,

Thomas Harrington Scout Executive

David Smeltzer Council President

Steven Perrone Council Commissioner

Cradle of Liberty Council

Contents Commissioner Service




Training Guidelines


Scouting Cradle of Liberty Council Department Phone Numbers

Council Camp Info


Unami Lodge One (OA)


Council Committees


Insurance & Finance


District at a Glance


Council Calendar Pages

Firestone Office Fax Tour Plans Fax Marks Office Camping

610-688-6900 610-688-2951 610-788-3338 215-988-9811 484-654-9213

Cradle of Liberty Council Firestone Resource Center 1485 Valley Forge Road Wayne, PA 19087


Valley Forge Scout Shop 610-989-9626 Marks Resource Center 22nd and Winter Streets Philadelphia, PA 19103

For more information, visit

Philadelphia Scout Shop 215-564-0785


Council Map and Districts Musser Scout Reservation General Nash



Lafayette Firestone Service Center


Baden Powell



Marks Service Center




The Cradle of Liberty Council consists of 11 districts covering Montgomery, Delaware, and Philadelphia counties of Pennsylvania. More information on page 4. Districts, clockwise from the right corner of this map: Roosevelt, Northern, Triune, Conestoga, Minquas (in bottom left), Constellation, Baden Powell, Lafayette, Continental (in top left), General Nash, Washington. Other Features: Musser Scout Reservation along top, Firestone Service Center on the left near King of Prussia, Marks Service Center on right in Philadelhpia



(A Quick Training Session)



What is a District? A district exists by the authority of the council. Its function is to support chartered organizations and unit leadership. The function has four aspects: membership, finance, program and unit service.

What is a Unit?

The district committee is composed of one adult chartered organization representative for each organization that charters one or more Scouting units, representative citizens of the district and council members who reside within the district.

A ‘unit’ is a group of Scouts categorized as follows: Pack - for Cub Scouts Troop - for Boy Scouts Team - for Varsity Scouts Crew - for Venturing Ship - for Sea Scouts Post - for Exploring An institution or organization is chartered to operate one or more of these ‘units.” Chartered organizations can be churches, parent/ teacher associations, service and fraternal organizations, community groups, corporations and groups of interested citizens.

When Does the District Committee Meet?

Who Belongs to Units?

Who Belongs to the District?

The district committee usually meets monthly. Subcommittees, such as camping, membership, finance and other committees as appointed by the district chairman, meet as called for a particular purpose.

What is the Function of the District Committee? The district committee is organized for the administration and promotion of the council program. It carries out council policies and promotes and puts into effect the program of Scouting in the council. Officers, operating and planning committee chairmen, and elected members represent the district at council meetings. The district chairman represents the district on the Council Executive Board. They organize financial support and assume their fair share of responsibility.

Relationship of the Professional Staff: The district professional provides and is responsible for the effective organization and promotion of the council program and administration within the district. He/She coordinates the work of the district volunteer manpower to achieve program objective and aids unit service. He/She is supervised by the Scout Executive. Additional leadership in an advisory capacity is given to key council volunteers in program and support service functions.

Packs, teams, and troops are composed of boys while crews, ships and posts have both males and females. Grade 1 is Tiger Cubs, Grades 2-3 are Cub Scouts, 4-5 are Webelos Scouts. Boy Scouts are 11-17 years old and Venturers, Sea Scouts and Explorers are ages 14-20. The unit belongs to a chartered organization that provides a meeting place, adult leadership and the opportunity for youth of its membership and/or the surrounding neighborhood to join the unit. The unit is administered by a volunteer committee appointed by the institution.

When Does the Unit Meet? Meetings are generally scheduled on the following basis: Cub Scout dens (small groups within a pack) weekly; Cub Scout packs monthly; Boy Scout troops weekly; and Venturing crews, Sea Scout ships, and Explorer posts weekly or bimonthly. In addition, units plan and conduct many additional indoor and outdoor activities every week throughout the year.

What is the Unit’s Function? To bring ideals, education, citizenship training, leadership development and program to youth and their families. Each chartered organization has a chartered organization representative who serves on the district committee and as a member of the council. The chartered organization representative serves as a liaison for the unit, chartered organization, district and council. As partners and participants in the council, the chartered organizations and its unit benefits from the council budget. They share in the fund raising efforts to secure the council budget.

Relationship of the Professional Staff:


Each unit is in a geographic district. Each district has a professional district executive or district director. He/She is responsible, through the volunteer district committee and the district commissioner staff, for providing all the service necessary to assist the chartered organization and the unit leadership.

COMMISSIONER SERVICE TEAM What is the Commissioner Team? Led by the council commissioner, this group of volunteers provides service to the council, districts, chartered organizations and units. Commissioner positions include the council commissioner and a team of assistant council commissioners from around the council; a district commissioner and assistant district commissioners for each district; unit commissioners; and roundtable commissioners. These leaders are appointed by the council commissioner with the approval of the council executive board and the recommendation of the district committee. Service to others is regarded as an important description of commissioner service. What is the Function of the Commissioner? Commissioners are an extension of the council’s professional staff in service to chartered organizations and to the over 500 Scout units in Cradle of Liberty Council. They are key partners for the successful operation of the Scouting program. Commissioners provide help and guidance for unit recharter and the Journey to Excellence Award. They provide supplemental adult leader training and unit support at monthly district roundtable meetings. This group of Scouters offers updated district/council/national information to the local Scouting units to help the unit leaders provide best program available to our youth in Cradle of Liberty Council. What is a Unit Commissioner? A unit commissioner is a volunteer Scouter who through monthly unit visits works directly with Scout units and leaders to help them provide the highest quality Scouting program possible. As friends, teachers and counselors to unit leaders, commissioners represent the ideals, principles and policies of the Boy Scout program while providing the resources of the district and council to the units they serve. The primary purpose of the unit commissioner is to help units succeed.

What is Roundtable? District roundtable is a monthly meeting conducted by the roundtable commissioners of a district with the goal of providing quality resources, knowledge, and skills to unit leaders, in all Scouting positions, to enable and motivate them to deliver an outstanding program to their Scout units. Roundtable is one of the best sources for Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity, and Venturing adult leader education and information. Roundtable provides a forum for adults involved as leaders in the Scouting program to:  Meet and exchange ideas and information with other leaders from their district.  Discuss topics of interest, both formally and informally.  Learn about upcoming district and council events and programs.  Increase knowledge of the Scouting program, policies and procedures.  Develop exciting new programs that drastically affect the agendas of each unit that we serve in the Scouting program. Journey to Excellence Award Scouting’s Journey to Excellence is the BSA’s council performance recognition program designed to encourage and reward success and measure the performance of units, districts, and councils. It has replaced the Centennial Quality Awards Program as a means of encouraging excellence in providing a quality program at all levels of the BSA. This program uses a balanced approach and key performance indicators to measure performance versus process, encourage and reward success, and achieve the mission. The Journey to Excellence is a tool to assist units in several ways:      

A framework for planning the year A method for evaluating your unit Guidance in areas where you might do better. Specific guidelines and standards of what is considered good performance. Early warning of potential problem areas. Recognition for good Scouting.

JTE is not just a process to measure good practices that are simply repeated year over year. Instead, the goal is continuous improvement over many years — establishing a legacy of outstanding program to the youth of the Cradle of Liberty Council.

For more information, see


MyScouting E-Learning, Event Registration, Rechartering at Your Fingertips My Scouting is your portal to access a variety of Scouting resources. To create your account and access your records you must create a login and password. You will also need to input your personal BSA ID number located near the bottom of your BSA membership card.

Internet Advancement

Training Validation

Internet Advancement puts the power of accuracy in your hands: To use Internet Advancement:

Have you ever wondered if your BSA adult leader training record is up-to-date? There is now online assistance available to answer that question.



3. 4.


Select a unit advancement processor. This person must have Internet connectivity and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Gather information for advancement, including merit badge applications and advancement records with dates. Sign onto MyScouting at Click on the Advancement button on the MyScouting home page. Follow the instructions in Internet Advancement to process advancements and print an advancement report Have the appropriate people sign the printed unit advancement report and submit it to the council. You must turn in an advancement copy to the council office (Scout Shop) when you purchase advancements (badges of rank and merit badges). Save a copy for your files.

Units should submit monthly reports before the end of each month, or more often if needed. In December, submit a report before the end of the month to update your unit and council statistics. For more information, see

"Training Validation" is a new menu item located under ELearning on the left-side menu. Clicking on Training Validation opens a new Training Search window. Searching via the BSA member identification number usually works best. A link for "Advanced Search" allows for the input of a Scouter's name. A help button on the upper right side of the web page (the question mark) can also provide assistance. Units are encouraged to check the training records of their members to insure accuracy.

E-Learning Online training courses are accessed via www.My Your personal BSA member ID number must be entered into your MyScouting profile PRIOR to taking a course in order for the completion report to upload into the council's training database. The system does not "go back" and send past courses once the member ID is entered. If you take (or have taken) courses prior to entering your member ID, you must present a copy of your training completion card to your district training chair in order to "get credit" for the course in your training record.


Internet Recharter Internet Recharter puts the power of accuracy in your hands: you make the difference when it comes to getting your unit’s information correct with the national office because you know your unit’s members best. Some important things to remember:  

You need your unit’s current access code –last year’s access code will not work. You can start with the unit’s current information in Scoutnet, or upload information from TroopMaster or PackMaster. The final printed roster must be signed by the chartered organization head and the unit leader. Turn in the signed roster, payment of fees, and any new members’ applications as your district directs no later than the 15th of the month in which the current charter expires.

Access Internet Recharter by going to

Watch for new features to come at Event Registration Use MyScouting to register for national events such as Philmont Training Center or the National Jamboree.

Every Youth Deserves a Trained Leader Trained Scout leaders provide a quality, fun-filled program for youth. When leaders understand the whys and hows of Scouting, they are more effective in their roles. Trained leaders know how to use the available resources to provide an exciting and worthwhile program for the youth. Trained leaders also have confidence in carrying out their roles and responsibilities. As a result, Scouts receive a program designed to achieve Scouting's aims of citizenship training, character development, and personal fitness. The “Trained� emblem is available to all adult leaders who have completed required courses for their registered position. It is worn on the left sleeve, below and touching the emblem of leadership for which it was earned.

What is required to be a trained leader?

Cub Scout Leaders Tiger Cub Den Leader Wolf/Bear Leader/Assistant

Fast Start Training (online)

Youth Protection (online)

Den Leader Den Leader

Yes Yes

Webelos Den Leader/Assistant Cubmaster/Assistant Pack Committee Member/Chair Pack Trainer

Den Leader Cubmaster Pack Committee Pack Committee ScoutParent Unit Coordinator ScoutParent Unit Coordinator Required when conducting outdoor Pack activities Boy Scout Leaders Scoutmaster/Assistant SM Troop Committee Member/Chair ScoutParent Unit Coordinator Varsity Scout Leaders Coach/Assistant Coach Team CommitteeMember/Chair ScoutParent Unit Coordinator Venturing Leaders Advisor/Associate Advisor Crew Committee Member/Chair ScoutParent Unit Coordinator Sea Scout Leaders Skipper/Mate Skip Committee Chair/Member ScoutParent Unit Coordinator Exploring Leaders Advisor/Associate Advisor Service/Committee Member

Boy Scout Leader Boy Scout Leader ScoutParent Unit Coordinator

Leader Specific Training (online available for Cub Scout Leaders)


Tiger Cub Den Leader Cub Scout Den Leader Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Webelos Den Leader Cubmaster Pack Committee Pack Trainer


Pack Committee BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation)

Yes Yes

Scoutmaster/Asst Leader Specific Troop Committee Challenge (online)


Troop Committee Challenge (online)

Varsity Leader Varsity Leader ScoutParent Unit Coordinator

Yes Yes

Varsity Coach Leader Specific Varsity Coach Leader Specific


Varsity Coach Leader Specific

Venturing Leader Venturing Leader ScoutParent Unit Coordinator

Venturing Venturing

Venturing Leader Specific Venturing Leader Specific


Venturing Leader Specific

Venturing Leader Venturing Leader ScoutParent Unit Coordinator

Yes Yes

Sea Scout Adult Leader Sea Scout Adult Leader


Sea Scout Adult Leader

Post Advisor


Adult Explorer Leader Basic Training

Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills

Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills

IOLS for crews with outdoor program

Online courses are available at After setting up a login and password, enter your personal membership ID number in order for a completion report to be sent to the training database.


COUNCIL CAMPS The Cradle of Liberty Council is proud to provide 5 camps on 2 properties for camping across Southeastern Pennsylvania

Resica Falls Scout Reservation Located just North of East Stroudsburg, PA, Resica Falls consists of 4,600 acres in the beautiful Pocono Mountains. Resica Falls is divided into two different camps, Big Springs and Firestone. Both camps are available in the Fall, Winter and Spring for troop or district activities, and feature many cabins and campsites to help host your troop camping trip. During the summer, Big Springs is converted into our seven week Boy Scout Summer Camp that can hold 550 people per week. We offer over 60 merit badges, as well as other troop activities that always keep the Scouts moving and having fun! Each summer we have a theme and evening programs related to the theme to keep the Scouts enthusiasm high throughout the week.

Summer 2013 Offerings: Week 1: June 23 - 29 Week 2: June 30 - July 6

Week 3: July 7 - 13 Week 4: July 14 - 20 Week 5: July 21 - 27

Week 6: July 28 - August 3 Week 7: August 4 - 10

Year-Round Activities: Units can work with Council Campmasters to use hiking trails and shooting ranges (where qualified). The Resica Falls Activities Committee works to provide activities like Fishing Weekends and C.O.P.E. Weekends as well.

Musser Scout Reservation Located along the Unami Creek on over 1,400 acres of Marlborough Township, Pennsylvania. The Reservation is made up of three distinct camps: Camp Delmont, Camp Hart, and Camp Garrison. Prior to 1996 the Philadelphia Council owned and operated Camp Hart, while the Valley Forge Council owned and operated Camp Delmont. These adjacent camps joined to create a new reservation in 1996 when the two councils merged. In 2000, Camp Garrison opened, and contains four themed encampments: Fort Akela, Safeguard Castle, U.S.S. Cradle of Liberty, and the Native American Village. Camp Hart provides a staffed summer camp opportunity for campers with a capacity of nearly 300 campers per session.

Summer 2013 Offerings: Short Session I: July 14 - 17 Short Session II: July 21 - 24 Full Session1: July 14 - 19 Full Session II: July 21 - 26

Weekend 1: July 5 - 7 Weekend 2: July 12 - 14 Weekend 3: July 19 - 21 Weekend 4: July 26 - 28

Year-Round Activities: Units can work with Council Campmasters to use hiking trails and shooting ranges (where qualified) on the weekend when they are at camp! The Musser Activities Committee works to provide activities like a Camp Kickoff, Fall Festival, Bull’s-eye Shooting Event, Fishing Derby, and more!

All Camping Reservations and questions are handled by our Camping Assistant at (484) 654-9213 or by sending an email to


UNAMI LODGE ONE As Scouting’s National Honor Society, the purpose of the Order of the Arrow is fourfold:  Recognize those who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives and through that recognition cause others to conduct themselves in a way that warrants similar recognition.  Promote camping, responsible outdoor adventure, and environmental stewardship as essential components of every Scout’s experience, in the unit, year-round, and in summer camp.  Develop leaders with the willingness, character, spirit and ability to advance the activities of their units, our Brotherhood, Scouting, and ultimately our nation.  Crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others. Fall Fellowship – October 14-16, 2012 The Fall Fellowship Weekend is a great time to come out and support camp while enjoying the fellowship atmosphere. Campers will do service projects around camp to help with any repairs in addition to our Ordeal Inductions and Brotherhood Conversions. In the evening there will be a patch auction and social. Brotherhood Blitz – December 1, 2012 The Brotherhood Blitz is an opportunity for current Ordeal members of Unami Lodge who are eligible for Brotherhood. Since some people can’t get away all weekend to attend a lodge weekend, they still should have the ability to Seal the Bonds of Brotherhood. Join in on this one-day event! Spring Service I – April 19-21, 2013 - Camp Hart Spring Service II – May 17-19, 2013 - Resica Falls Join us for a weekend of service and fellowship as we give-back to our council camps. Campers will spend the day Saturday doing service projects around camp in preparation for the upcoming summer, as well as hold Ordeal Inductions and Brotherhood Conversions. Also, Vigil Inductions will occur during Spring Service II. In the evening there will be a patch auction and social.


Unami’s 97th Annual Dinner – January 6, 2013 Arrowmen gather for a night of celebration at the 97th annual Unami Lodge Dinner. Together the group share an appreciation for the outgoing officers and welcomes the new incoming lodge officers. The Lodge Banquet will be held at Williamson’s in Horsham and is an opportunity to recognize the Chapter of the Year, new Vigil Honor Members, Thomas J Richards and David Fortunato Outstanding Service Award recipients, Founders Award recipients, Chuck Benshetler Award recipients and to celebrate the past year’s accomplishments. It’s also a time to look back at all of fun that was had over the past year and to spend time with your fellow Arrowmen. For more information, visit OA Section Conclave – Each Year in June The Section Conclave is an annual event where five lodges from Northeast Region-Section 5b get together for fellowship, competitions, and a lot of fun while celebrating the traditions of the Order of the Arrow. Scouts from all over Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey have a blast participating in the numerous special events, games, food, fun, ceremony and dance competitions, awesome shows, LOTS of patch trading and so much more. Visit for more info! Community Service – Late March Each Year Each year the Lodge finds a local park or organization that needs its help and conducts a large day of service. The location shifts between the various Fields of the Lodge from year to year. Attend your Chapter Meetings to keep up to date with this year’s plans!

Council Committees “Why did Council do that?!” Has this thought ever crossed your mind? You may hear people say it and wonder what they mean. Most decisions made by “The Council” come from one or numerous committees organized at the Council level. These committees are chaired by a volunteer who lives in the council and composed of volunteers from all around our tri-county area. Membership in these committees is at the discretion of the committee chairman. If you have interest in the activities of these committees and feel you could bring a contribution to the committee based on hobbies or your vocation, contact the chairperson!! Council professionals work to guide the volunteer-driven activities and programs within their area of service, attending meetings as advisors and assisting the chairman where needed.

The following pages contain information about many of the committees above, as well as some smaller subcommittees that break out from them. As noted previously, membership on these committees in at the discretion of the chairman and based on the area of expertise one may bring to the table. If you are interested in shaping the decisions of “The Council,” ask the committee chairman if you may join! Call 610-688-6900 to be directed to these volunteers or their associated professional staff members.


Council Committees Council Commissioners Led by Steve Perrone, Council Commissioner. Members of this group are commissioned as keepers of the flame of Scouting and work to add value at all levels.

Activities Chaired by Jerry Rafter. Focuses on Council level events such as the Pilgrimage, Encampment, Camporee, Council Dinner, Scouting For Food, Thanksgiving Day Parade, and more.

Strategic Plan Chaired by Rod Henkels. With numerous breakout committees, the SP group works to develop a plan toward Council growth and ensures the plan is executed properly.

Advancement Reviews the processes and rates of the method of advancement used in all types of Scouting. Works to make advancement most effective so as to improve the experience of the youth who are participating.

Eagle Alumni Relations Chaired by Mark Chilutti. Fosters future works through positive association with people who have a Scouting background. Utilizes the strength of an ever-growing number of Eagle Scouts who work together to offer scholarship and more opportunities to youth members of the Council. Development Chaired by Jeff McFadden. Works to increase the ability of the Council to offer programs through self-generated finances. Organizes events to raise funds which support Scout activity. District Operations Chaired by Chuck Bolger. Optimizes the capacity of districts to serve its units effectively. District Chairs compare best practices and ensure clear goals are in place for service. Your District Committee Each of the districts in the Cradle of Liberty Council has a version of the committee structure on the previous page in it of itself. Talk to your District Chair about joining the discussions of the District Committee. Membership Chaired by Steve Kelly. Actively engages in the Membership processes of the Council, both in outreach to potential chartered organizations, school access, effective recruitment training, and retention of current members. Program Chaired by Steve Ranjo. Oversees camping, activities, training, advancement, properties, and high adventure aspects of the Council. Ensures quality opportunities are available to Scouts. Camping Chaired by Mike Coyne. Ensures the camping opportunities for Scouts of all levels are of the highest quality over appropriate intervals of time. Works through aquatics, Cub Scout camping, C.O.P.E., health & safety, Order of the Arrow, shooting sports subcommittees, and Musser & Resica Activity Committees. Delivers on the “outing” of Scouting.


Training Chaired by Bill Robinson. Ensures that leaders of all levels of Scouting are granted sufficient opportunities to learn proper Scout methods for the implementation of the program. All policy is written to positively affect Scouting activities so that through better trained leaders, a safe and engaging program is conducted. Oversees University of Scouting, National Youth Leadership Training, Woodbadge, and more. Properties Chaired by Pat Brala. Manages the Council-owned lands and facility needs. Responsibly examines the past, present, and future needs and goals for each so as to be able to conduct the most responsible Council program possible. High Adventure Chaired by John Schultz. Promotes and executes expeditions to National High Adventure bases and also organizes similar experiences within the confines of the Council. Every four years has a major focus on the National Jamboree and leads the Council through the processes with that event. Finance Chaired by Chuck Kropac. Manages the overall business end of the Council’s Scouting movement. Works with committees to develop responsible budgets for various events so as to best affect the Council bottom-line, which in turn affects the range of experiences available to the youth Scouts. Audit Chaired by Sean Stacy. Responsible for the annual audit process in accordance with all pertinent tax codes and regulations. Works with other committees to ensure policy is properly approached across all aspects of the movement. Risk Management Chaired by Cary Coglinese. Examines all aspects of the Council to minimize opportunities for system failures resulting in unnecessary losses. This includes the well being of those participating in Scouting.

Council Committees Investment Chaired by Judith Freyer. Directs the overall picture of funds marked as a part of the Council Endowment Fund, ensuring a dependable source of income to conduct Scouting. Offers opportunities to foster additional investments in the Scouting movement and the livelihoods of the Scouts. Marketing Chaired by Joe Waugh. Manages all aspects of how the Council presents itself and its products. Oversees public relations with outside organizations and promotes the brand and messages of the Cradle of Liberty Council. Health and Safety Chaired by Dr. Jack Templeton. Dr. David H. Sirken, Vicechair. Ensures policies and properties are in the best interest for the well-being of both youth and adult members of the Council. Annually inspects camp properties and checks first aid logs of summer operation to find “trouble spots.” Jewish Committee on Scouting Chaired by Leonard Brownstein. Ensures that opportunities for exposure to the Jewish principles of faith are presented through the religious medals program. Develops relationships with institutions to provide Scouting opportunities and awards camperships to participating Jewish youth. Holds an annual retreat for Jewish youth and ensures that Kosher food is available at summer camp if requested.


Technology Oversees the Council’s use of state-of-the-art materials to best implement the Scouting program in the Council. Catholic Committee on Scouting Chaired by Robert Gabage. Ensures that opportunities for exploration of Catholicism are presented through the religious medals program. Develops relationships with institutions to provide Scouting opportunities and awards camperships to participating Catholic youth. Popcorn Manages the process of selling the iconic Scouting product throughout the various districts and units. Prepares district and unit leaders for an effective sale through training courses and logistical support before, during, and after the program. Venturing Promotes the activities and success of the Venturing Program through various event organization, the Venturing Officers Association, and Venture-specific training opportunities throughout the year. Women in Scouting Foster camaraderie and confidence in equal participation in events and activities of the Boy Scouts of America.

INSURANCE & FINANCE Council Accident and Sickness Insurance Plan This accident and sickness insurance is provided for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, LFL Explorers, and adult volunteer leaders registered in Cradle of Liberty Council. This plan covers them for accidents and sickness while participating in any official Scouting activity. This plan is paid for by our members at $2.00 per year. Additional information on coverage, limits, etc., may be obtained by contacting the council office at 610-688-6900. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance For Volunteers This coverage provides primary general liability coverage for registered volunteer Scouters with respect to claims arising out of an official Scouting activity. Because of the high limits, volunteers should NOT be placed in a position where their assets are jeopardized because of a negligence liability claim or lawsuit. The insurance provided Scouting volunteers through the BSA general liability insurance program is excess over any other insurance the volunteer might have to his or her benefit, usually a homeowner’s, personal liability, or auto liability policy. There is no coverage for those who commit intentional or criminal acts. Unit Money Earning Applications A unit must submit a Unit Money Earning Application to the council prior to any fundraiser with the exception of the popcorn sale or camp card sale. The application is available from the Council Service Center and should be submitted to the office or district professional at least two weeks in advance of the fundraiser. Whenever your unit is planning a money-earning project, be sure to refer to the BSA's "10 Guides to Unit Money Earning Projects" as your guide. It will be helpful to you as you fill out the application. If your answer is yes to all the questions in this document, it is likely the project conforms to Scouting's standards and will be approved. For more information consult your District Executive. The application is available at

What is Friends of Scouting? Friends of Scouting is the annual campaign where the Cradle of Liberty Council asks Scouting families, businesses and civic-minded citizens to support our mission of providing the Scouting program to thousands of young people in Philadelphia, Montgomery and Delaware Counties. Why should I give to Friends of Scouting? The Friends of Scouting campaign provides roughly one-fifth of the money needed to support the Cradle of Liberty Council's camps, programs and facilities for a calendar year. These camping and training facilities are the "outdoor classrooms" in which Scouts have fun, learn leadership skills and develop into better young men and women. I already paid my child's registration and his unit collects annual dues. Haven't I already supported Scouting? Your child's registration fee goes directly to the National Office of the Boy Scouts of America. If your child's Scout unit collects dues, that money stays with the unit to help pay for trips and other activities. None of that money helps the Cradle of Liberty Council pay for:  Maintaining and staffing the council's two camping properties.  Training thousands of adult volunteer leaders in youth protection or any other trainings.  Increased marketing efforts to encourage more youth to join Scouting.


Common Abbreviations in Scouting District Abbreviations Philadelphia County: ROO NOR TRI

Roosevelt Northern Triune

Montgomery County: BP CON GN LAF CONST WASH

Baden Powell Continental General Nash Lafayette Constellation Washington

Delaware County: CONEST Conestoga CONST Constellation MIN Minquas

Scout Reach: SR

Scout Reach

Exploring: EX


Training Abbreviations BALOO Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation BSFST Boy Scout Fast Start COR Chartered Organization Representative COS Climb On Safely CSFST Cub Scout Fast Start DC Den Chief IOLS Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills MBC Merit Badge Counselor OWL Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders SA Safety Afloat SSBL Scouting Safety Begins With Leadership SSD Safe Swim Defense SST Scoutmaster/Asst Scoutmaster Specific TCC Troop Committee Challenge TIS This is Scouting TS Trek Safely VARLST Varsity Leader Specific VLST Venturing Leader Specific YPT Youth Protection YPT-V Venturing Youth Protection

Miscellaneous Abbreviations BS CS FOS OA RT VEN VAR

Boy Scout Cub Scout Friends of Scouting Order of the Arrow Roundtable Venturing Varsity

National Web Links National Web site: National forms: Scouting catalog sales: Boys’ Life magazine: Scouting magazine: National Eagle Scout Association: BSA Alumni: Online Learning Center: Spanish language Web site:


Baden-Powell District Key Leadership District Chair: Vice-Chair (Program): Vice-Chair (Training): District Commissioner: Assistant District Commissioner (Cubs): District Executive:

Major Events and Deadlines

William P. “Pat” Hart Barry Kauffmann Mike Matusheski Adam Horry Laurel “Ellie” Smith Frank Solla

Monthly District Meetings These occur at First Presbyterian Church 1710 Bethlehem Pike Flourtown, PA 19031 All Meetings Begin Promptly At 7:30PM District Committee First Wednesday of every other month beginning September through May. District Commissioners First Wednesday of every other month beginning October through June. Roundtable — OPEN TO ALL Leaders Second Wednesday of each month from September through June.

Annual Leadership Summit: September 12, 2012 Contact Pat Hart: Camporee at Camp Hart Sponsored by Troop 1, Oreland: October 12-14, 2012 Contact Mike Weiss: Training Day at Supplee: December 1, 2012 Contact Mike Matusheski: First Aid Meet: December 1, 2012 Contact Roger Milton: Annual Business Meeting: December 5, 2012 Contact Pat Hart: Gold Rush (Klondike Derby): Jan 25 –27, 2013 Contact Barry Kauffmann: Pinewood Derby: February 16, 2013 Contact Mike Kenny: Annual Recognition Dinner: April 21, 2013 Contact Barry Kauffmann: BP Games with Tiger Hunt: May 4, 2013 Contact Adam Horry:

*Unit Representatives Will Receive Program Details At Roundtables* *Some Events Will Occur In Place Of Regularly Scheduled Meetings*

Olympia/Scope Canada Scouts Visit USA: May 16-20, 2013 Contact Paul Himes: Program Launch Picnic: June 12, 2013 Contact Gary Bonfante:

*Please Check then Scroll Over “Districts” For Our Page & Updates*

Annual Leadership Summit: September 11, 2013 Contact Pat Hart:

*Contacts Have Been Provided As References for Future Updates*

Camporee at Camp Hart Sponsored by Troop 540: Oct 11-13, 2013 Contact Chris Watson,

Some Vital Statistics: End of 2011: 1,298 Total Youth Members 15 Packs, 15 Troops, 1 Team & 1 Crew Serving the School Districts of Upper Dublin, Springfield, Conshohocken, Colonial and Wissahickon

Training Day at Supplee: December 7, 2013 Contact Mike Matusheski: IOLS Training: April 19-21, 2013 Contact Mike Matusheski: First Aid Meet: December 7, 2013 Contact Roger Milton:


Conestoga District Key Leadership District Chairman: District Commissioner: District Executive: Quality Unit Executive:

Major Events and Deadlines Torpey White Josh Nay Brad Kurisko BettyAnn Atkinson

Monthly District Meetings All occur at Aldan Union Church 7 E Providence Road, Aldan, PA District Committee 8:00-9:00pm the first Tuesday of every month except July and August. District Commissioners 7:00-8:00pm the first Tuesday of every month except July and August. Roundtable — For All Leaders in Conestoga 7:30-9:00pm the second Tuesday of every month except July and August.

Cub Olympics: October 27, 2012 This is the largest District Cub event of the year; don’t let your Pack miss out! All boys will be able to compete in approximately 13 different events; some new and different events and some favorites from past years. All attending Cubs may submit a design for this year’s patch. We expect 249 Cub Scouts to attend; YOUR PACK can help us break the 250 barrier! All Scouts will receive a patch and there will be awards for the best Tiger Den, Wolf and Bear Den, Webelos Dens and Pack. All Packs must provide at least 1 adult to help run an event. Where: Glenolden Elementary School Cost: $3.00 per Scout Registration and questions: John Rex at or call 610-259-8264. District First Aid Meet: Jan 12, 2013 Scouts compete to solve practical First Aid problems using skills from rank advancement and First Aid Merit Badge. More details to come.. Location and time TBD.

Pinewood Derby: January 26, 2013 You've seen the Junk Yard Wars where teams compete to build machines from scrap metal, now you have Junk Yard Wars, Pinewood Derby Style! Dens will build their Pinewood Derby car and compete against other dens in an exciting race against time. A team must have at least two scouts but may be as big as a whole den. Teams will each receive one specially marked kit. Do not bring your own car! The boys, along with parent supervision, are given a time limit of 2 hours to make their car. Cost is $5 per team plus $1 per scout. (3 Scout team: $5 + $3 = $8 total) Please register in advance so we have enough cars for everyone. Location: Center Court of the Springfield Mall, Start time: 10:00 AM Registration and questions: John Rex at or call 610-259-8264. District Camporee: April 12-14, 2013 Our Camporee is moving to April. All Troops are invited to join in the Camporee events. Events are still in the works but past years have included: Scout Rodeo, Geocaching, Rifle Range, Chili/Dessert cook off, and COPE Course for Scouts with various trainings available for adults during the day. Come join us for a great Scout weekend of Camaraderie and Competition! Stay tuned, more details to come! District Recognition Dinner: May 19, 2013 Come join us as we honor our District and Community Leaders with a multitude of awards. District Award of Merit, Spark Plug awards, Adult Recognition Awards and the 3rd Annual Jack Edmondson Award given to a Scouter who has spent their life in service to Conestoga District. Location & Cost: TBD Contact: Brad Kurisko at 484-654-9232 or for questions and nominations.


Constellation District Key Leadership District Chairman: District Commissioner: District Director: Quality Unit Executive:

Major Events and Deadlines Jim Hasselman Rick Miller Vacant Dave Bryan

Monthly District Meetings Key 4 Meeting 7:00pm the fourth Monday of each month. Firestone Service Center District Committee 7:00pm the second Monday of each month. Haverford Trust

District Boy Scout / Venturer Swim Program: February 10, 17, 24 & March 3, 10, 2013 Valley Forge Military Academy and College 1001 Eagle Road, Wayne, PA 19087-3695 Boy Scouts and Venturers can earn Swimming or Lifesaving merit badges during our five week program. All participants need to be in good physical condition and should be prepared to attend every session. Be prepared with goggles and swim suit! **Earning these badges now will free up valuable time at Summer Camp allowing scouts to pursue other unique opportunities for fun and adventure.**

District First Aid Meet: March 2, 2013 A Troop/Crew may enter as many patrols/teams as it District Commissioners would like; the patrol/team including 4-8 individuals and one 7:30pm the first Tuesday of each month. Scout/Venturer as a victim. All participants will receive a Ardmore Presbyterian Church. patch. Each Troop/Crew needs to supply one adult per patrol/team to serve as a judge. The Meet will be based on Roundtable — For All first aid knowledge and situations covered by the latest ediLeaders in Constellation tions of the First Aid Merit Badge and Boy Scout Handbook. 7:30pm on the second Tuesday of each month. Units must register online, Cost is $10 per patrol. Cubs & Saint Marks’s Church. Webelos are invited to watch! Eagle Board Project Review 7:30pm the second Tuesday of each month. Saint Marks’s Church Eagle Board 7:30pm the fourth Thursday of each month. Marple Township Building

Cub Scout Swimming Day: March 17, 2013 Valley Forge Military Academy and College Cub Scouts from all across our District will work together in small groups with our dedicated staff and will have the opportunity (depending on their rank) to earn their Swimming Belt Loop, Swimming Pin, or Aquanaut badge. Packs, Dens, and individual boys are welcome to participate!

Constellation District Pinewood Derby Championship: April 27, 2013 Each Pack can enter three cars, preferably your 1st, 2nd , and 3rd place finishers. Each participant will have their name and unit listed in the program and will receive a participation ribbon. Winners will receive trophies and will have their photographs taken for their local newspaper. Entrance fee is $15 per pack to cover their three cars. Cubmasters are requested to register on-line. Constellation District Spring Camporee: May 3-5, 2013 Ridley Creek State Park, Group Site #13. Patrols consisting of four to eight boys will compete against each other in fun scout skills based activities. Troops may bring as many patrols as they like. Boys will have the opportunity to participate in scout events with boys from other troops across the district, including the Saturday night campfire, Order of the Arrow tap, and Webelos crossover. Cub Scouts are welcome to spend the day Saturday. Webelos may camp overnight with their Den or make arrangements to stay with one of the Troops. Camping, working as patrols, demonstrating scout skills, learning new things, having fun, and making new friends. This is what Scouting is all about! Scoutmasters are asked to register on-line and to provide an approximate headcount.


Continental District Major Events and Deadlines Key Leadership District Chairman: District Commissioner: District Executive:

Jeff Cannon George Steckhouse John Bickel

Monthly District Meetings District Committee 7:30pm the first Wednesday of every month beginning in September through June. Location: New Hanover Lutheran Church District Commissioners 6:45pm the first Wednesday of every month beginning in September through June. Location: New Hanover Lutheran Church

Fall Camp-o-ree – September 21-23, 2012 Come join us for a fun weekend at camp! Mr. Skip’s Night Hike: September 22, 2012 Cub Scouts are invited to come to camp and take a hike under the full moon using their night eyes! District Annual Meeting: December 5, 2012 The District Annual Meeting is a time for the District Committee Members, Members-at-large and Charter Organization Representatives to get together and review the progress of the past year and vote-in the district Committee for the next year.

Continental Klondike Derby: Jan. 11-13, 2013 The Continental Klondike Derby is a must-attend event for Packs and Troops that want to test their Roundtable — For All skills against their fellow Scouts. For the Boy Scouts, Leaders in Continental District this is a weekend camping opportunity with competi7:30pm the second Wednesday of each month tions during the day Saturday. For the Cubs, this is a from September through June. day event where you can try some fun activities and Location: Boyertown East Jr. High School events. A good time is had by all!

Continental Pinewood Derby Race: April 6, 2013 Gentlemen, Start your engines! The District Derby is a chance for the tops cars in each pack to race against each other. We will find out who is the fastest car in the District, but racers also have a chance to be recognized with the Key Three Cup! Continental Annual District Dinner: April 27, 2013 The District Dinner is a great time of fun and fellowship between district leaders! We take time to recognize those that have earned different awards, including the Unit Scouter Award and the District Award of Merit. Be sure to come out and support your fellow Scouters! Other Events to Remember Tiger Cub Hunt – First Saturday in November Fall Showcase – September 22, 2013 Spring Camp-o-ree – May 10-12, 2013 District Picnic – In-place of the June Roundtable


Exploring Key Leadership Exploring Executive:

Participating Organizations and Details

Tiffany Minicozzi

What is Exploring? Exploring is a hands-on career shadowing program for teen’s ages 14 through 20 years old. Some of Philadelphia's most visible businesses volunteer their efforts and knowledge and invite students to come to their offices behind the scenes and learn all of the details to pursuing an education and career in their particular specialty fields. Exploring is open to all interested students in Philadelphia, Montgomery and Delaware Counties. Roundtable: August 22nd 2012 5:30 pm January 22nd 2012 5:30 pm Exploring Recognition Event: May 29th 2012 5:30 pm

Philadelphia Phillies Learn what it takes to run a baseball game from ticket sales to game day promotions. Location: Citizens Bank Park, Pattison & Darien Aves, Phila, PA Contact: Jon Joaquin, Philadelphia 76ers Learn what it takes to run a basketball game, including planning and creating theme nights. Location: Wells Fargo Center, 3601 South Broad Street, Phila, PA Contact: Bob Capewell, PECO Study marketing, resume writing, interviewing, public speaking. Location: 2301 Market Street, Phila, PA Contact: Randi Martin, U.S. Customs and Border Protection Learn roles of U.S. Customs and Border Protection and learn how CBP protect the nation’s borders and economy. Location: U.S. Customs House, 200 Chestnut Street, Phila, PA Contact: Desiree Nicholls,

Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office Study law at the Philadelphia District Attorney's office by participating in Mock Trials. Location: Three South Penn Square, Corner of Juniper and S. Penn Square, Philadelphia PA, 19107 Contact: Tiffany Minicozzi PriceWaterhouse Coopers Focuses on business and accounting; professional development including; Time Management, Personal 'Branding', Critical Thinking, Professional Etiquette, and other sessions. Location: Two Commerce Square, 2001 Market St. 17th Floor Phila, PA Contact: Miriam Lee, Amtrak Students are trained as AMTRAK police officers and learn security and law enforcement guidelines. Location: 30th St. Station, Amtrak Police Headquarters (Ramp Office Septa Area) Contact: Officer Clifton William, Boeing Learn about aeronautical, mechanical and other types of engineering and see Boeing facilities up close. Location: Boeing Facility, Building 3-10, Stewart Ave & Rt. 291 Ridley Park, PA Contact: Mary Ann Skehan, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Learn about numerous health topics and have opportunities to practice hands-on skills. Location: PCOM campus, 4170 City Avenue, Phila, PA Rowland Hall Contact: Tiffany Minicozzi Philadelphia Police Academy Receive classroom and hands-on training in law enforcement from local, state and federal agencies. Location: 8501 State Road, Phila, PA Contact: Corporal Bryan Coyle,, website


General Nash District Major Events and Deadlines Key Leadership District Chairman: District Commissioner: District Director:

Suren Pakhtigian Ed Vasold Amy Frantz

Monthly District Meetings District Committee 7:30pm the third Wednesday of each month, September through June. Location: Univest Insurance Building, Lansdale District Commissioners 7:30pm the fourth Wednesday of each month, August through May. Location: Univest Insurance Building, Lansdale

39th Annual General Nash Cub-O-Ree: October 13, 2012 Scout Skills, Rope Bridge, Games, 125 foot Giant Ice Cream Sundae and more!! Brown bag lunch, or eat with one of the troops. This event is for Cub Scouts from General Nash District. This year the theme will is “SUPERHEROES” and the troops will be doing their best to make the event exciting for our SUPERCUBS. We will again be holding a Food Drive for the Nor Gwyn Food Cupboard. All Packs are asked to participate. We will be asking for specific items, to be announced at the September Roundtable. COST: $5.00 in advance (by Oct 10, 2012 ), $7.00 day of the event. Price includes a 2012 patch. LOCATION: Parkside Place, Upper Gwynedd Pa. CONTACT:

Roundtable — For All Leaders in General Nash 7:30pm the second Wednesday of each month, September through May. General Nash Klondike Derby: Feb 8-10, 2013 Location: Trinity Lutheran Church, Lansdale

General Nash First Aid Meet: March 2, 2013 Held annually the past 10 years on the first Saturday in March, the General Nash District First Aid Meet is a Patrol event involving Scouts from across the District. Patrols are presented with 7 short, practical first aid scenarios they must solve using materials from the First Aid Kits they bring. Patrols are allotted 10 minutes to demonstrate their solution, followed by a 5-minute de-briefing by an Adult "judge" on how well they did based on a pre-supplied solution rubric. Patrols are also presented a written test (multiple choice, T/F questions) to answer in another 15-minute period. Scores are tallied, winners declared, trophies awarded. For their $6 entry fee, each patrol member is given a participation patch; patrols are awarded a participation totem for their patrol flag. Refreshments are also served including donuts, hot dogs, pretzels, hot chocolate and coffee. In recent years, the event has attracted between 35 and 40 Patrols from 17 to 19 different troops, with over 200 Scouts involved. Judges are drawn from troop leaders, parents and other volunteers. The entire event, including set up, opening, activities,award ceremonies and clean up, runs from 8 AM to 1 PM.


Lafayette District Key Leadership District Chairman: District Commissioner: District Executive: Quality Unit Executive:

Wayne Motsek Brenda Shepperd Lillybeth Lugo Scott Houde

Monthly District Meetings

Major Events and Deadlines Camporee & Cub Day: October 26-28, 2012 Journey to Excellence Due: January 11, 2013 Lafayette Klondike Derby: January 19, 2013

District Committee 7:00pm the third Monday of the month. JP Mascaros.

Merit Badge College: January 26, 2013

District Commissioners 7:45pm the third Monday of the month. JP Mascaros.

Unit Charters Due: March 15, 2013

Roundtable — For All Leaders in Lafayette 7:30pm the second Wednesday of the month. JP Mascaros.

Lafayette First Aid Meet: March 9, 2013

Lafayette District Dinner: April 22, 2013 Lafayette Pinewood Derby: April 23, 2013 Spring District Camporee: May 17-19, 2013 Lafayette Family Picnic: June 12, 2013

Come to Roundtable for details on these fantastic events!


Minquas District Key Leadership District Chairman: District Commissioner: District Executive:

Important Information Larry Weathers Bill Stewart Nick Nowak

Monthly District Meetings District Committee 7:00pm the third Tuesday of every month September through May. Location: Riddle Hospital, Media District Commissioners 7:30pm the first Tuesday of every month beginning in October through June. Location: First United Methodist Church, Media Roundtable & OA Chapter Meeting For All Leaders in Minquas District 7:30pm the second Tuesday of every month from September through June. Location: Pennsylvania Institute of Technology, Media

Minquas E-Newsletter & Webpage Stay informed of all upcoming events, dates and more by visiting the District Webpage and subscribing to the District E-Newsletter at minquas-news.html. Eagle Scout Projects & Board of Reviews Board of Reviews are scheduled every other month at the Delaware County Court House and upon request. All Eagle Scout Board of Review requests and project review requests for Troops 154, 191, 225, 260, 316, 443, 493, 605, & all others should contact Karlis Ulmanis, District Advancement Chairman at Project review requests for those in Troops 85, 112, 272, 277, 292, 342, 404, & 430 should contact Tom Ellis, District Advancement Committee Member at

Major Events and Deadlines Call for District Award of Merit due February 12, 2013 Each year, the District collects nominations for the District Award of Merit and selects recipients who have rendered noteworthy service to youth in Scouting, outside Scouting, or both. Nominations are due on February 12 to Tom Ellis at Minquas District Dinner: Spring 2013 All Scouters in Minquas are invited to join their fellow volunteers for the annual recognition event. All volunteers will be honored for their ongoing service to scouting and selected recipients will receive the District Award of Merit and Distinguished Leader Award. Minquas Camporee: May 3-5, 2013 All Boy Scout Troops within Minquas District are invited to participate in the Spring 2013 Camporee. Look for more information in the E-Newsletter, District Webpage and Roundtable. Day Camp : June 17-21, 2013 All Cub Scouts are invited to participate in the 2013 camp experience! Day Camp will be held at a location convenient for families within the Minquas District. Signup deadline is June 3. Training Opportunities Training courses will be announced on the District E-Newsletter and on the District webpage. Questions can be direct to Muriel Hons, District Training Chairman at


Northern District Key Leadership District Chairman: District Commissioner: District Executive:

Major Events and Deadlines Aaron Gooding Bart Poindexter Mahdi Alston

Monthly District Meetings **Effective May 1st 2012** District Committee 7:30pm the first Tuesday of the month District Commissioners 6:30pm the second Tuesday of the month

District “Recharteree”: Early December, 2012 Life to Eagle Seminar: March 6, 2013 Northern District Dinner: March 23, 2013 District Pinewood Derby: April 13, 2013 Race for the Cure: May 11, 2013 District Picnic: June 11, 2013 Fall Recruitment: September 4, 2013

Roundtable — For All Leaders in Northern 7:00pm the second Tuesday of the month

District Training: September 29, 2013

Eagle Board of Review 6:30pm the fourth Thursday of the month

District University of Scouting in November!!

Popcorn Sales through the Month of October!

District Holiday Party to be determined!!!

Come to Roundtable for details on these fantastic events!


Roosevelt District Key Leadership District Vice-Chairman: District Commissioner: District Director: District Executive: Quality Unit Executive:

Major Events and Deadlines Eric Cahill Mike Crockett Dominic Aquilino Brian Burkhard Regina McTeague

Monthly District Meetings District Committee 7PM – Commissioners Meeting 7:30PM – District Committee Meeting 1st Wednesday of the each Month September through June Deer Meadows Retirement Community 8301 Roosevelt Blvd; Philadelphia, PA 19125 Roundtable — For All Leaders in Roosevelt 7PM – OA District Chapter Meeting 7:30 – District Cub, Boy Scout, and Youth Roundtable 2nd Wednesday of each Month September through June Philadelphia Protestant Home 6500 Tabor Avenue; Philadelphia, PA 19111

Roosevelt District Kickoff: September 12, 2012 Come to the first Roundtable of the year to make sure your Scouts are prepared for all of the year’s district activities. All district and unit leaders, OA members, and Scouters in Northeast Philadelphia are invited to attend. Cub Scout Klondike Derby: January 26, 2013 Cub Packs are invited to this day-only event to test their Scout skills, enjoy some hot chocolate, and have fun in the snow. Event information will be provided at Roundtable, or contact District Leadership with any questions. Boy Scout Klondike Derby: February 15-17, 2013 Boy Scout Troops and Venture Crews are invited to compete at Camp Delmont in this year’s Derby. Skills such as knot-tying, fire-building, cooking, and Scout spirit are judged as Scouts take part in many other fun activities. Service Weekend at Musser: March 22-24, 2013 Come participate in a weekend of service at the Musser Reservation. Cabins are being held for our District, and registration includes meals and lodging for the entire weekend. Do your part to ensure Musser is ready to open for the Summer season!

District Adult Social: April 13, 2013 All Scouters and their adult family are invited to celebrate their hard work at this year’s adult social. This 21+ only event features great food, music, and fellowship! District Pinewood Derby: April 20, 2013 Bring your Pack’s top placing cars and the best looking car to race against other winners from Packs across the Northeast. District Boy Scout Camporee: April 26-28, 2013 Boy Scouts and Venturing Crews are invited to attend the Roosevelt Camporee weekend. Enjoy a weekend of Spring camping, special activities, and fun!


Scoutreach District Major Events and Deadlines Key Leadership District Executive:

Darryl Irizarry

Monthly District Meetings

2nd Annual Leadership Training: Jan 26, 2013 All day training including, Youth Protection, Cubmaster Specific, Den Leader Specific and Committee Member. 8th Annual Pinewood Derby: TBD Come race your Pinewood Derby cars at the annual Pinewood Derby Race! More info to follow.

Roundtable — For All Leaders in ScoutReach District 7:00pm the second Wednesday of each month ScoutReach District Dinner: June 12, 2013 from September through June Celebrate the end of the school year with the fine Location: Bruce S. Marks Scout Building leadership of the ScoutReach programs of the Cradle of Liberty Council. Character Development


Physical Fitness

The ScoutReach program of the Cradle of Liberty Council, BSA is a council assisted program which helps to meet the developmental needs of young boys in Philadelphia, Montgomery and Delaware counties.

The Cradle of Liberty provides ScoutReach to almost 3,000 youth. The following is a breakdown of the demographics in the city of Philadelphia.

ScoutReach Rewards Scouts who live up to the Cub Scout Promise are recognized with the ScoutReach Rewards Program. The program allows boys to earn their uniform, camping equipment, etc.

By emphasizing ethics and moral values, ScoutReach addresses many of the social concerns of parents and youth in the area. ScoutReach expands Scouting to all youth and clearly portrays that Scouting is for everyone including the disadvantaged and underserved youth. Our mission is to ensure that Scouting is available to all youth regardless of their circumstances, or ethnic background by providing special leadership and emphasis to inner-city Scouting programs.

South, South West, North and West Philadelphia: Hispanic 8%, Black 64%, Asian 5%, Other 23% Mt. Airy, Germantown and Chestnut Hill: Hispanic 4%, Black 12%, Asian 2%, Other 82% Northeast Philadelphia, Mayfair, Port Richmond, Fishtown: Hispanic 19%, Black 34%, Asian 2%, Other 45%

Program Specialist Adult leaders, such as School Teachers, are hired to serve as Cubmasters, Assistant Cubmasters and Den Leaders. Community Partners Local companies and organizations like the Philadelphia Phillies, Keystone Mercy Health Plan and J.P. Mascaro assist ScoutReach by providing activities and events for the boys. Camping Our program provides camping opportunities every summer so boys can experience the great outdoors.


Triune District Major Events and Deadlines

Key Leadership District Chairman: Joel Wilson District Commissioner: Christine Shaw District Executive: Vacant

Call for District Award of Merit: Jan 24, 2013 The District Award of Merit is awarded to a registered Scouter, nominated by his peers, who has renBuilding Character, Reinforcing Academics, dered noteworthy service to youth, above and beand Raising Achievement Of Youth In yond the expectations of their position. This is the Philadelphia For Over 100 Years most prestigious award a district can bestow on a volunteer Scouter. The process to nominate ScoutMonthly District Meetings ers will be announced at

District Committee 7:00pm the first Monday of every month beginning in September through June. Location: 22nd and Winter Streets, 19103

District Pinewood Derby: March 9, 2013 The Pinewood Derby is a racing event for Cub Scouts. Cub Scouts will have an opportunity to work within their units and with their family to construct cars. Cub Scout Packs will receive an invitation to the District Commissioners District Pinewood Derby, with the time, location, 7:00pm the third Thursday of every month be- and other relevant details. It will also be announced ginning in September through June. at Location: TBA Philadelphia Cub-O-Ree: May 17-19, 2013 Roundtable — For All Leaders and Scout This annual camping event is designed for Cub Scout Families in Philadelphia Packs and their families. The Cuboree will include 7:00pm the second Monday of each month opportunities for youth to participate in camp-only from September through June. activities such as BB-Guns and Archery, as well as Location: 22nd and Winter Streets, 19103 work on outdoors-oriented advancement. Information regarding last year’s Cuboree as well as inforLatest News @ mation about the 2013 Cuboree and planning committee can be found at

Training Opportunities: Throughout The Year Every youth deserves a trained leader. Just as we teach our Boy Scouts to navigate their journey with a map and compass, training provides the skills, knowledge, and tools for adult volunteers to lead successful and vibrant programs. Many of our trainings are available online for free at Even more are available at low or no cost in person. District-sponsored training oppourtunities will be announced at Additional opportunities are available on the Training Calendar at Boy Scout Spring Camporee: May 3-5 This annual camping event is designed for Boy Scout Troops and Webelos Scouts. The Spring Camporee will include opportunities for youth to participate in camp-only activities such as Rifle Shooting and Archery, as well as work on outdoors-oriented skill development. Information regarding last year’s Camporee as well as information about the 2013 Camporee and planning committee can be found at Triune District Dinner: TBA (Spring) The Triune District will be holding a 1st Annual District Dinner to celebrate the successes of the 20122013 Scout year and recognize specific Scouters. Information will be announced at triuneblog by March 1st, 2013


Washington District Major Events and Deadlines Key Leadership District Chairman: Ted McDonald District Commissioner: Dave Walker District Executive: Anthony Weiss

District Tiger Den Meeting: October 10, 2012; October 9, 2013 This meeting is open to all new Tiger Cubs and their Adult Partners. The district takes the lead and runs Tiger Den Meeting #1 for all. This meeting is deMonthly District Meetings signed to help Adult Partners and prospective Tiger Den Leaders get started and provide -just in timeDistrict Committee position specific training on how to run a meeting. 7:00pm the first Wednesday of every month The Scouts just have fun! This meeting will be hostbeginning in September through June. ed by Pack 48 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in GlenLocation: St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Glenside side. District Commissioners 7:00pm the first Wednesday of every month beginning in September through June. Location: St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Glenside

Roundtable — For All Leaders in Washington District 7:30pm the second Tuesday of selected months from September through June. See the District Newsletter for specifics. Newsletter @

District Campfire: December 5, 2012 Our Scouts and Scouters take the chill out of the air and put on a show of Scout Songs, Skits and Cheers. This fun night is night of fellowship, Scout humor, and Fire! What else is there? The district Campfire takes place in the campground of Alverthorpe Park in Abington.

District Klondike Derby: Feb. 2nd, 2013 Washington District will take over Camp Hart as we build our scout skill contest. Race kits get distributed in December. District Pinewood Derby: March 10, 2013 It’s the thrill ride of the year! Each Pack in the district sends their top 3 racers to the district race! Challenge the boys to build the fastest car ever made. Call for District Award of Merit: 2/1-4/17, 2013 Take a moment to recognize fellow volunteers by nominating them for the highest award a district can bestow on any individual. Washington District Dinner: May 5, 2013 This annual gathering of fellowship and recognition is our chance to thank our volunteers, and to spend some quality time together. Our Dinner committee announces our theme 2 months in advance, then we gear up to celebrate the work of the past year culminating with presentations of our District Award of Merit recipients.


Women in Scouting Camping Trip: Sept 7-9 September 2012 Baden-Powell 12 Leadership Summit Conestoga 11 Roundtable Constellation 11 Roundtable Continental 12 Roundtable 21-23 Camp-o-ree 22 Cub Night Hike General Nash 12 Roundtable Lafayette 12 Roundtable Minquas 11 Roundtable Northern 11 Roundtable Roosevelt 12 Roundtable Scoutreach 12 Roundtable Triune 10 Roundtable

Held annually at Musser Scout Reservation, this relaxed training weekend is a great opportunity for women in our organization to gain experience in the outdoors. Many haven’t yet had a chance to do so as youth. Call 610-688-6900 for more information and keep alert for flyers at Roundtable leading up to the event.

Welcome! Camp Kickoff at Musser! September 29 This event gives Cub Scouts and their families an opportunity to experience that first time in the outdoors with all the exciting Cub Scout programs- and more! It happens September 29, 2012 at Camp Garrison. This day event is a Cub Scout’s first chance to “experience the finest in our Council Camps.” Make sure you register as soon as registration opens; June 1st. There will be a cutoff to the number of participants to this great event. Signups can be found at Call 610-688-6900 with questions. Event cost is $10 for all attending.

Top Eight Reasons to Sell Trail’s End Popcorn 1. 2. 3. 4.

Increase your unit and council income – 70% stays local. Pay for your entire Scouting program with just one money-earning project. Scouts learn life lessons by “earning their own way.” There are loads of incentives – The $600 Club, $1500 Sellers and College Scholarships. 5. Sell Online – Online sales combined for prize incentives! Register your unit & Scouts now for online accounts. 6. Sales materials and resources provided at Council Popcorn Kick-offs scheduled for September. For additional revenue, sell online to those friends and family outside of the Cradle of Liberty Council service area. 7. Popcorn Sale is 'high-tech' download the Trails End app on your smart phone and sell on the go.

Washington 11 Roundtable

National Youth Leadership Training: September 28-30 National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is an exciting, action-packed program designed to provide youth with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home units and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others. Content is delivered in a unit and small group outdoor setting with an emphasis on immediate application of learning in a fun environment. Registered youth members who are 13 years old and less than 18 years old and have completed Unit Leadership Training, appropriate for their unit, are eligible to attend with their unit leader’s recommendation. Courses are held at the Nelson Training Center, register online at


SEPTEMBER 2012 Sunday








Use this calendar to help plan programs for your unit for the next year!



Labor Day





8 Women in Scouting Camping Trip at Musser

Service Centers Closed





Council Properties Committee






Executive Board Meeting Roosevelt District Kickoff

Check on the left for your District Roundtable


Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown



Rosh Hashanah ends 1 hour after sundown


22 Continental Camp-o-Ree

Fall First Recruitment Rallies Begin

Continental Cub Night Hike Unami Lodge Executive Committee


24 Continental Camp-o-Ree


Yom Kippur begins at sundown

Council Advancement Committee


Yom Kippur ends 1 hour after sundown

Popcorn Show & Sell Orders Pick Up



29 NYLT at Nelson Training Center OA Trade-O-Ree Camp Kickoff at Musser

Council Training Committee

Morey's Piers Scout Day

Council Commissioners Meeting

30 NYLT at Nelson Training Center

Every youth deserves a trained leader! New leaders should complete the training required for their position as soon as possible. For a list of required courses and a schedule of when they are offered, see Many of the courses are available online at


Northeast Region Sea Badge: October 5-7 October 2012 Baden-Powell 10 Roundtable 12-14 Camp-o-Ree Conestoga 9 Roundtable 27 Cub Olympics Constellation 9 Roundtable Continental 10 Roundtable General Nash 10 Roundtable 13 Cub-o-Ree Lafayette 10 Roundtable 26-28 Camp-o-Ree 27 Cub Day Minquas 9 Roundtable

The Seabadge (Seabadge-13-PA-12) Conference program is a Sea Scout adult training weekend course that teaches ship operations and management principles. The training course intent is to improve the youth adult relationship by utilizing and reinforcing that the youth leadership runs the ship. Each participating adult will be required to complete a “Rutter� ticket.

Fall Festival at Camp Hart: October 19-21 This event gives Cub Scouts and their families an opportunity to camp and experience autumn time in the outdoors with all the exciting Cub Scout programs- and more! Join us at Camp Hart, October 19-21, 2012. Event cost is $15 per person. Register as soon as registration opens; June 1st. It will close when 300 people have registered. Signups can be found at

Youth Protection Training The Boy Scouts of America places the greatest importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members. To maintain such an environment, the BSA developed numerous procedural and leadership selection policies and provides parents and leaders the online, video, and print resources for the Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Venturing programs. See

Roosevelt 10 Roundtable

Youth Protection Training is required for all leaders every two years. While the course may be taken online or in a classroom setting, the online version required within the past 2 years for all adults participating in long -term camping experience, including day camp, Cub Scout/Webelos Scout resident camp, summer camp, and winter camp. Local Tour Permits also require that one adult leader on any outing have completed Youth Protection Training within the past two years.

Scoutreach 10 Roundtable

Complete the online training at A special version of Youth Protection Training is available at this same site for Venturing leaders.

Northern 9 Roundtable

Triune 8 Roundtable Washington 6 Basic Training 10 Tiger Den Meeting Venturing 2 Venturing Night

Order of the Arrow Service Weekends Order of the Arrow service weekends are a chance for all of the brothers in the lodge to get together for the main purpose of the Order: Service to our Camps. We take time each Spring and Fall to help with Service projects around camp that will either help complete a long-term project that benefits camp, help to setup or winterize camp, or just complete some general maintenance that will keep the camps operating smoothly all year round. We encourage all OA members to join us to give back service to our great camps!

Sporting Clays Classic: October 23 Support our ScoutReach programs by attending this great fundraising event! Groups of four to try their best in a few rounds at a premier shooting clays location. Call 610-688-6900 for more information. 30


University of Scouting: November 3 November 2012 Baden-Powell 14 Roundtable Conestoga 13 Roundtable Constellation 13 Roundtable Continental 3 Tiger Hunt 14 Roundtable General Nash 14 Roundtable Lafayette 14 Roundtable Minquas 13 Roundtable Northern 13 Roundtable Roosevelt 14 Roundtable Scoutreach 14 Roundtable Triune 12 Roundtable Venturing 6 Venturing Night

University of Scouting is a training opportunity each year where adult leaders of all program areas come together for a day of fun, fellowship, and learning. Whether you are a new leader or experienced; a commissioner or den leader; a Scoutmaster or Cubmaster; committee member or simply an interested parent; there is something for you at University of Scouting! University of Scouting offers over 30 different classes presented by some of the most experienced volunteers in Cradle of Liberty Council. Whether you are looking for leader specific training, want resources on den meeting ideas, information on how to train your troop youth leadership, what to do with those Venturers or how to use one of those things called a Dutch Oven; experienced and qualified instructors will be on hand. University of Scouting also offers training for Boy Scouts who wish to serve as den chiefs, troop guides, or chaplain aides. For registration information and course catalog, see

Scouting for Food: November 10 and 17 This council-wide Scouting For Food drive will kick off Saturday, November 10, as Scouts across the Cradle of Liberty Council drop off collection bags in their neighborhood. The following Saturday, Scouts will return to pick up donations from the same locations. Each district will coordinate efforts in their area. Donations collected will be delivered to local food banks or pantries selected by the districts.

Webelos-to-Scout Transition Plan One of Scouting‘s greatest responsibilities for our troops is to make the next level of Scouting readily available for a young man once he meets the joining requirements. Boy Scout troops should assign an assistant Scoutmaster or a troop committee member to be responsible for recruiting new Scouts, which would include developing a relationship with the Cubmaster and the Webelos den leaders. This person serves as a resource during Webelos overnight activities and builds enthusiasm among boys and their parents for the exciting challenges that lie ahead in Boy Scouting. Plan NOW (in November) and Be Prepared for new Scouts in the New Year!

Reconnect with Scouting Friends



Friends of Scouting December 2012 Baden-Powell 1 Training 5 Annual Meeting 12 Roundtable Conestoga 11 Roundtable Constellation 11 Roundtable Continental 5 Annual Meeting 12 Roundtable General Nash 12 Roundtable Lafayette 12 Roundtable Minquas 11 Roundtable Northern 11 Roundtable Roosevelt 12 Roundtable Scoutreach 12 Roundtable Triune 10 Roundtable

Unit Leaders! Now is the time to schedule your unit‘s Family Friends of Scouting presentation for 2013! Friends of Scouting is the annual fundraising campaign in which district volunteers visit all Scouting units during a special meeting. Presenters make a short presentation to the parents and adult leaders of the unit explaining how the Scouting program is funded and why financial support is needed to maintain and expand the quality programs and camping facilities of the Cradle of Liberty Council. If you have not already done so, please contact the Family Friends of Scouting Chairman for your district or your District Executive.

Unami Lodge Brotherhood Blitz: December 1, 2012 The Brotherhood Blitz is an opportunity for current Ordeal members of Unami Lodge that are eligible for Brotherhood to take their Brotherhood. We recognize that some people can’t get away all weekend to attend a lodge weekend, and we still want you to have the ability to Seal the Bonds of Brotherhood, so we provide this one-day event.

Recharter Your Unit on Time! Unit Leaders! See the MyScouting page, in the front section of this calendar for helpful hints on a successful recharter this year!

Camp Promotions for Units and Committees Does your group want to know more about the many opportunities for your Scouts to attend camp? The Camping Committee is dedicated to educating unit leaders and parents from any Pack, Troop, Crew, or Team on the year-round and summer programs that are available to deliver on the promise of the outdoors. Contact the Camping Committee, today!

Washington 5 District Campfire

Summer Camp Staff Holiday Party

Venturing 4 Bowling Party

Are you an alumni of a Cradle of Liberty Council summer camp staff? Contact your Camp Director for details on this year’s holiday party. See all your friends you haven’t talked to since close-down week! Unlike camp, no uniform is required; just come out for camaraderie and annual staff awards.

Give the Gift of Scouting this Holiday Season! Can’t figure out what to buy the Scouts and Scouters in your life? Consider wrapping up an item that they can use at camp this spring or summer! Who doesn’t like a new flashlight AND extra batteries?! Take this as an opportunity to defray some of the costs of camp usually incurred later in the year by thinking ahead!



Cold Weather Seminar: January 3 or 5 January 2013 Baden-Powell 9 Roundtable 25-27 Klondike Derby Conestoga 8 Roundtable 26 Pinewood Derby Daze Constellation 8 Roundtable Continental 9 Roundtable 11-13 Klondike Derby Exploring 10 Youth Leadership Conference General Nash 9 Roundtable Lafayette 9 Roundtable 18-20 Klondike Derby 26 Merit Badge College Minquas 8 Roundtable Northern 8 Roundtable Roosevelt 9 Roundtable 26 Cub Klondike Scoutreach 9 Roundtable 26 Leadership Training Triune 14 Roundtable 16 Annual Meeting

If you are planning on coming to this year’s Pilgrimage or Encampment (or just want your Scouts to learn a bit more about safe practices in the cold), be sure to attend one of the Cold Weather Seminars. One of your Unit Leaders should attend, with an older Boy Scout or Venturer as well, so that an effective presentation can then be passed along to your unit. By attending this great seminar, you’ll learn something and make the event safer for everyone!

County-wide Beltloop Bonanzas Available to Cub Scout Packs all around the Council, each of the three counties in the Council will be hosting a day of fun with a purpose. Cost, registration and event details for the events can be found online at, about three months leading up to the event dates. A scout may attend any of these bonanzas, however programming will likely be similar between county events. Check online for more details.

Summer Camp Staff Interviews Do you love camping? Do you enjoy teaching or working with your peers? Have you recently taken a leadership course and are itching to put your new skills to work? Consider applying for a position as a summer camp staff member at Resica Falls or Hart summer camps. Look under the Camping section of for a summer camp staff application. Paid positions are available for men and women age 16 and up, while 14 and 15 year olds can volunteer during the summer as a Counselor-in-Training, and work to learn what it is to be a staff member. Apply today!

Ice Fishing at Resica Falls Join us at Resica Falls to try your luck at Ice Fishing! We have experienced Ice Fishermen come to camp to teach the Scouts how to Ice Fish and even help the Scouts catch some fish themselves. Lunch is included in this opportunity. To register, call the Camping Department. The available weekends are January 18-20, February 1-3 and February 8-10.

Scout Sunday Recognition Mass: January 27 Are you chartered to a religious organization? Regardless of the nature of your chartered organization, be sure to show your Scouting support at their events. The Catholic Committee on Scouting has a great relationship with the Catholic Churches across our region and each year organizes a Scout Sunday Recognition Mass, at the Bascilica of St. Peter and Paul in Philadelphia. All scouts are invited to attend this Catholic Mass while wearing their Scout uniforms in a show of support of one of our chartered organizations. Contact the Catholic Committee on Scouting for more info. 36


Commissioner College: February 9 February 2013 Baden-Powell 13 Roundtable 16 District Pinewood Derby Conestoga 12 Roundtable Constellation 12 Roundtable 10, 17, 24 District Swimming Events

College of Commissioner Science will be held on Saturday February 9, 2013. The College of Commissioner Science feature informative sessions enhancing their commissioner skills, thereby earning credits towards earning a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate degree. Through the utilization of the commissioner college program, sessions will be structured to match the experience level of the commissioners as they gain proficiency in their field and challenge commissioners to gain a more thorough insight into commissioner support for units and BSA membership.

101st Pilgrimage and Encampment: February 15-17

General Nash 13 Roundtable 8-10 Klondike Derby

Come enjoy “The Longest Continuous Scouting Event in the World!” Each year the Saturday Pilgrimage highlights a person or group that is famous from work during the American Revolution. Hearty Scouts and Scouts are able to join in The Encampment beginning Friday through Sunday, camping out in the cold weather on the same ground American soldiers lived during their stay in the war. Cold Weather Training is required to attend! Call for more info.

Lafayette 13 Roundtable

Council Recognition Reception and Dinner

Continental 13 Roundtable

Minquas 12 Roundtable Northern 12 Roundtable Roosevelt 13 Roundtable 15-17 Boy Scout Klondike Scoutreach 13 Roundtable Triune 11 Roundtable Washington 12 Roundtable 1-3 Klondike Derby Venturing 5 Venturing Night

Don’t miss the Annual Council Dinner this month. Details TBA. Join fellow Scouters in recognizing the 2012 recipients of the Silver Beaver Award, the highest award a council can bestow on a volunteer Scouter. The award is presented for distinguished service to youth within a local council. Although presentation is made by the Council, all nominations submitted must be approved by the National Court of Honor before the award can be presented. The number of awards presented annually is based on the basis of the number of units in the Council. Find more information about this event at Roundtable and online at Don’t miss out on this great event!

Council Calendar Planning Workshop: February 23 If you are currently running a District or Councillevel event and don’t see it on this calendar, make sure your committee is represented at this year’s workshop. Volunteers will build the September 2013 -December 2014 version of this document that day

Trainers EDGE: February 23 If you are a trainer, or would like to be a trainer, Trainer’s EDGE is for you. The Trainer’s EDGE course sharpens your platform skills. It provides a opportunity for practice and evaluation. Trainer’s EDGE is a pre-requisite for anyone who wishes to serve on a Wood Badge staff or NYLT --both youth and adults. Check the Council web site for upcoming courses and locations. Join in the fun and give your participants the EDGE when you train. 38


Campership Applications Due: March 1 March 2013 Baden-Powell 13 Roundtable Conestoga 12 Roundtable Constellation 12 Roundtable 2 District First Aid Meet 3, 10, 17 District Swimming Events Continental 13 Roundtable General Nash 2 First Aid Meet 13 Roundtable Lafayette 9 First Aid Meet 13 Roundtable Minquas 12 Roundtable Northern 12 Roundtable Roosevelt 13 Roundtable 22-24 District Service Weekend Scoutreach 13 Roundtable Triune 11 Roundtable 9 District Pinewood Derby Washington 2 Training Day 10 Pinewood Derby Venturing 5 Venturing Night

Cradle of Liberty Council believes that every Scout should be given an opportunity to take part in an outdoor experience. The Campership Fund was established to ensure that Scouts who, without financial assistance, would not be able to attend camp. Funding is limited and we ask only those with true needs to apply for a campership. Youth members are expected to earn their own way in Scouting and each unit should provide an opportunity for Scouts to participate in fundraising activities. All applications are considered on the basis of need. Availability of camperships is dependent upon the council’s ability to fund them. Funding will be limited to no more than 50% of the program fee. Completion of this application is does not automatically guarantee a campership. Please note that receipt of a 50% campership is NOT to be expected. Find more information online at

BSA Outdoor Ethics Course: Leave No Trace Trainer The BSA Outdoor Ethics course is a 16-hour, overnight class is for any Boy Scout age 14 and up, Varsity Scout, Venturer, or adult Scouter who wishes to serve as a BSA Leave No Trace Trainer. Completion of this course is required for a youth to hold the Boy Scout/Varsity Scout Leave No Trace Trainer position of responsibility in their troop. Look for training information at an upcoming Roundtable and keep an eye on the Council website.

Campmaster Training: March 21 Rally with the other Council Campmasters at this annual Training and Scheduling Meeting. What is a Campmaster? The campmaster corps is a group of selected, trained, and registered Scouters who serve at council weekend camps whenever troops, teams, Webelos dens, or posts are using any part of the camp property. Campmasters select their own time and frequency of service, but they usually serve two to four times a year. The group is organized under the leadership of the council camping committee. If you’re interested in being a Campmaster, call 610-688-6900.

Summer Service Projects—What’s Yours? Doing service projects together is one way that all Scouts keep their promise "to help other people." While a Scout should do his best to help other people every day, a group service project is a bigger way to help people. While you're giving service, you're learning to work together with others to do something that's good for your community. Service projects may help the natural world, the community, or the chartered organization. Be sure to record your service projects and report them in on your Journey to Excellence scorecard! 40


April 2013 Baden-Powell 10 Roundtable 21 District Dinner Conestoga 9 Roundtable 26-28 Camporee Constellation 9 Roundtable 27 Pinewood Derby Championship Continental 6 District Pinewood Derby 10 Roundtable 27 District Dinner Exploring 18 Impact Breakfast General Nash 10 Roundtable Lafayette 10 Roundtable 22 District Dinner 23 District Pinewood Derby Minquas 9 Roundtable Northern 9 Roundtable 13 Pinewood Derby Roosevelt 10 Roundtable 13 District Dinner 20 District Pinewood 26-28 District Camporee Scoutreach 10 Roundtable Triune 15 Roundtable Venturing 2 Venturing Night, Officer Elections 26-28 Spring Weekend

Venturing Officer Elections: April 2 April is a busy month in the Venturing world! For those youth interested in making Venturing even more fun and exciting than it already is, be sure to run for one of the elected positions. Youth have the opportunity to run for President, Vice-President of Program, VP of Administration or VP of Communications. Even if you aren’t running, be sure to come out to the Venturing Officer Association (VOA) meeting to vote for the people that you think will run Venturing the best!

Venturing Spring Weekend: April 26-28 An exciting camping opportunity for Venturers to get together and have fun in different competitions and skills. Come out to the monthly VOA meetings to plan the program!

Council Coordinated Meeting: April 15 This meeting is for District and Council volunteers to rally and hear updates from Council Program Chairs and District Key 3’s. If you hold one of these leadership positions, be sure to keep yourself in the loop and be aware of any changes of date or time. For more up-to-date information on these meetings, call the Council Office at 610-688-6900.

Pack Planning Workshops Quality Unit Executives will host Pack Planning Workshops, concentrating on building your 2013-14 pack calendar of events and meetings along with coming up with a budget to support all your desired activities. This is a great opportunity to exchange ideas with fellow Cub leaders about events, activities, and practices that have worked well for their packs. Ideally, a pair of leaders will attend ONE OF THESE workshops, and then conduct a similar exercise at an upcoming Pack Committee meeting!

Pre-camp Leaders Meetings Whether your group is attending Resica Falls for Boy Scout Camp or Camp Hart for Cub Resident Camp, don’t miss your meeting! Each unit is encouraged to send at least one adult to their respective pre-camp leader meetings. These meetings are an invaluable opportunity to get late-breaking camp information, and to meet face-to-face with your camp director for questions and answers. Items including payment balances, campsite preferences and assignments, as well as discussions of the camp program will abound. You will be informed of the precise details of your pre-camp meeting when you have signed up for camp. Call the Camping Department, 484-654-9213 for more information. 42

APRIL 2013 Sunday



Passover ends at sundown










6 Continental Pinewood Derby Baden Powell Community Event

Venturing Meeting Night & Officer Elections



9 Council Properties Committee





Council Executive Board

Spring Recruitment Rallies Begin

Northern Pinewood Derby Conestoga Camporee Chemical Fuels Safety Training

Roosevelt District Dinner

Check on the left for your District Roundtable







Exploring Impact Breakfast Conestoga Camporee

Roosevelt Pinewood Derby Order of the Arrow Service Weekend

Council Coordinated Meeting

Baden Powell Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills Training

Council Commissioners Meeting




Council Pack Planning Workshop





27 Conestoga Camporee

OA Service Weekend

Venturing Spring Weekend Lafayette District Dinner

Lafayette Pinewood Derby

Council Training Committee

Unami Lodge Executive Committee


Council Pack Planning Workshop

Continental District Dinner Roosevelt Camporee Constellation Pinewood Derby




Conestoga Camporee Venturing Camping Weekend

Roosevelt Camporee

Resica Falls and Hart Summer Camp Precamp Leader Meeting

Council Pack Planning Workshop


Final Camp Payment Due for Early Bird Rate: May 1 May 2013 Baden-Powell 8 Roundtable 16-20 Olympia-Scope 25 Tiger Recruitment Conestoga 14 Roundtable 19 District Dinner Constellation 14 Roundtable 3-5 District Camporee Continental 8 Roundtable 10-12 District Camporee Exploring 23 Recognition Dinner

Don’t miss out on the Early Bird rate for Summer Camp at Resica Falls or Camp Hart. To qualify you must have submitted your $50.00 deposit by the deadline earlier in the year. If you are not paid in full by May 1, your scouts will have to pay the regular rate for camp this summer. Don’t miss out on this great savings opportunity. For more information, contact the Camping Department at 484-654-9213.

Order of the Arrow Service Weekends Order of the Arrow service weekends are a chance for all of the brothers in the lodge to get together for the main purpose of the Order: Service to our Camps. We take time each Spring and Fall to help with Service projects around camp that will either help complete a long-term project that benefits camp, help to set-up or winterize camp, or just complete some general maintenance that will keep the camps operating smoothly all year round. We encourage all OA members to join us to give back service to our great camps!

General Nash 8 Roundtable Lafayette 8 Roundtable 17-19 District Camporee Minquas 14 Roundtable 3-5 District Camporee Northern 11 Race for the Cure 14 Roundtable Roosevelt 8 Roundtable 11 Cub Scout Show & Do 17-19 Cuboree Scoutreach 8 Roundtable Triune 13 Roundtable 3-5 District Camporee 17-19 District Cuboree Washington 5 District Dinner Venturing 7 Officer Orientation

Day Camp 2013 Day and twilight camps offer Cub Scouts the opportunity to do activities that would not be possible at the den or pack levels in a safe, healthy environment. AND the boys have a lot of fun!! All activities are planned to be age-specific for boys going into 2nd grade through the 5th grade. Some camps also have programs for new Tiger Cubs entering the 1st grade this fall. Feel free to sign up for whichever Day Camp(s) work best for you! Registration closes two weeks prior to your arrival. Sign up your pack today to insure outdoor summertime fun!

Weekend Cub Events at Musser Be sure to take advantage of some of the great programs offered this summer to your Cub Scouts. Each summer the Camping Committee organizes numerous activities as weekend or SaturDAY events. Attend roundtables regulary leading up to the summer and be sure to have activities to create a year-round program for our Scouts. If you don’t think “Council” is offering enough weekend opportunities for Pack or Troop Camping, contact the Camping Chairman to discuss how you can help.


MAY 2013 Sunday




1 The Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics teaches people how to enjoy the outdoors responsibly.






4 Triune District Camporee

Final Camp Payment Balance due for Early Bird Rate

Constellation District Camporee Minquas District Camporee

Find out more at


Cinco de Mayo



Triune District Camporee

Council Camping Committee





Executive Committee Meeting

Roosevelt Show and Do

Constellation District Camporee

Continental Camporee

Minquas District Camporee

Northern Race for the Cure

Washington District Dinner

Venturing Officers Orientation

SM/SA Training

Check on the left for your District Roundtable


Mother's Day






18 Roosevelt Cub-O-Ree

Spring Recruitment Rallies Finish

Continental Camporee

Triune Cub-O-Ree Lafayette Camporee Order of the Arrow Service Weekend

Check on the left for your District Roundtable







Roosevelt Cub-O-Ree

Baden Powell Tiger and Spring Recruitment

Triune Cub-O-Ree Lafayette Camporee Council Advancement Committee

OA Service Weekend

Exploring Recognition Dinner

Conestoga District Dinner




Memorial Day




Cub Scout Weekend at Musser

Service Centers Closed Unami Lodge Executive Committee Council Training Committee


Council Commissioners Meeting

Council Health and Safety Committee


June 2013 Baden-Powell 12 Picnic (NO Roundtable) Conestoga 11 Roundtable Constellation 11 Roundtable Continental 12 Picnic (NO Roundtable) General Nash NO Roundtable

Summer Camp Staff report to Camp If you’re a member of the Council summer camp staff, June is the month you’ve been waiting for! Make sure all your paperwork is in order and turned into your Camp Director well before arriving at camp. Parents and Leaders, don’t forget that most of the men and women working tirelessly to teach your Scouts this summer are members of Scout units just like yours! They’re on the camp staff to learn about leadership as much as your Scouts are there to learn skills. And remember, while you get to go home at the end of the week, the staff gets one day off to sleep, do laundry, and possibly visit their “significant other” back at home. Then it’s back to camp for another grueling week in the heat and mosquitos.

Lafayette 12 Family Picnic (NO Roundtable)

A Scout is Clean. Don’t forget to pack extra socks!

Minquas 11 Roundtable

Cub Scout Weekend Events: June 1 and June 15

Northern 11 Roundtable Roosevelt 12 Roundtable Scoutreach 12 District Dinner (NO Roundtable) Triune 10 Roundtable Venturing 4 Venturing B-B-Que

These events will gives Cub Scouts and their families an opportunity to camp and experience an awesome themed day. The event cost will be $15 per person. Register as soon as registration opens: April 1st. Additional information and signups can be found at Look for additional information at Roundtable leading up to the summer! If you are interested in helping to run events at any camp, let us know by calling 610-688-6900. Be the change you wish to see!

Cutoff Dates for Day Camp Out of respect for those planning the numerous Day Camps around the Council, reservations will end two weeks prior to the event. Make sure that if your Scouts are interested in attending camp, your parents and leaders sign up while the registration is still open. Signups are available online at and Scouts are allowed to attend any Day Camp in the Council, so long as they can be properly dropped off and picked up each day. A late fee will begin to be assessed for any reservations after June 1.


JUNE 2013 Sunday







1 Resica Falls Staff Training Weekend Cub Scout Weekend at Musser Day Camp Late Fee Assessed












Cub Scout Weekend at Musser Newlin Grist Mill Day Camp Cutoff Venturing B-B-Que




Flag Day

Council Executive Board

Cub Scout Weekend at Musser

Lafayette Family Picnic Scoutreach District Dinner

Roxborough Day Camp Cutoff Unami Lodge Executive Committee

Check on the left for your District Roundtable


Father's Day



Cub Scout Weekend at Musser







Newlin Grist Mill Day Camp Resica Falls Summer Camp Staff Reports For Training and Setup






National Youth Leadership Training at Nelson Training Center Roxborough Day Camp Resica Falls Sumer Camp - Session 1 Camp Hart, Torresdale, Bryn Athyn Day Camp Cut Off

Council Training Committee

30 Resica Falls Sumer Camp - Session 2


Have fun plans for the summer?! Get out and play

Get Outdoors! Summertime Awards July 2013 NO Roundtables in July!

Check out the many different awards Scouts can earn for various activities throughout our warmest months. Units should be prepared to present opportunities to Scouting families, after all;

Get outside and have fun!

“Scouting is three-quarters outing!”

Don’t Forget to Write!

If you haven’t been able to find a camping program that meets your needs, contact the Camping Committee and have an expert come out and work with your families or unit committees. Learn about the various events already in place. New programs at camp are often created as a result of groups with special vocational interests or hobbies, interested in sharing their skillset with other groups.

Each of our camps delivers mail sent to campers every day. If you know a camper who might enjoy a letter, a big box of cookies, or even a surprise $5 bill for the Trading Post, be sure to send it along! Camp Directors check their mail every day, but often it’s a good idea to send letters and other items ahead of time.

What will you bring to the table? Friends of Scouting There‘s still time to schedule your unit‘s Family Friends of Scouting presentation for 2013. Friends of Scouting is the annual fundraising campaign in which district volunteers visit all Scouting units during a special meeting. Presenters make a short presentation to the parents and adult leaders of the unit explaining how the Scouting program is funded and why financial support is needed to maintain and expand the quality programs and camping facilities of the Cradle of Liberty Council. If you have not already done so, please contact the Family Friends of Scouting Chairman for your district or your District Executive.

My How Time Flies!

FBI - The Faith Based Initiative

Whether you are the parent of a new Tiger Scout, experienced Scoutmaster, seasoned Venture Crew President, or adept Council committee chairman, be sure to write down some of your tips and tricks learned in the past year! Take a moment to evaluate the successes you have had in the past year and recall all those times you mentioned:

Are you wondering how to start a new unit at one of your local places of worship? Faith-based chartering organizations are excellent partners for Scouting. Here’ an excerpt from a training course available now at the Philmont Training Center: The Faith Based Initiative is a course designed to equip professionals and volunteers in local councils and congregations to reach their shared goals of reaching young families and building sustainable membership. Among the topics to be covered are: religious emblems as a linchpin for faith based organizations and Scouting; Scout Parents as a tool for engaging families; enhancing communication between faith based organizations and Scouting; and organizing sustainable units which positively impact participants, their families, the congregation and the council.

“Next time I do this, I have to remember to…” If you’re moving on to a new position in the Scouting movement, take a moment to pass along these tips and tricks to the person taking your spot. Don’t forget the moments when you first started and kept thinking:

“It would have been nice if somebody told me that!” 48

JULY 2013 Sunday




Ramadan Begins






Independence Day





Resica Falls Sumer Camp - Session 2 TBA Day Camp Cutoff



Cub Scout Family Camping Weekend at Hart - Session 1

Service Centers Closed






Resica Falls Sumer Camp - Session 3 Cub Scout Family Camping Weekend at Hart - Session 1

Cub Scout Family Camping Weekend at Hart - Session 2

Fort Washington & Lorimer Park Day Camp Cutoff

Camp Hart, Torresdale, and Bryn Athyn Day Camps

Check on the left for your District Roundtable








Ramadan Begins

Resica Falls Sumer Camp - Session 4 Cub Scout Family Camping Weekend at Hart - Session 2

Haverford Reserve & Smedley Park Day Camp Cutoff

Cub Scout Family Camping Weekend at Hart - Session 3 TBA Day Camp Cub Scout Resident at Hart - Session 1 National Jamboree at Summit Bechtel Reserve








Resica Falls Sumer Camp - Session 5 Cub Scout Family Camping Weekend at Hart - Session 4

National Jamboree at Summit Bechtel Reserve Cub Scout Family Camping Weekend at Hart - Session 3

Lorimer Park Day Camp Fort Washington State Park Day Camp Cub Scout Resident at Hart - Session 2 Council Training Committee





Ramadan Ends

Resica Falls Sumer Camp - Session 6 Cub Scout Family Camping Weekend at Hart - Session 4

Haverford Reserve Twilight Camp Smedley Park Day Camp


August 2013 Baden-Powell NO Roundtable Conestoga NO Roundtable Constellation 13 Roundtable Continental NO Roundtable Exploring 13 Impact Breakfast General Nash NO Roundtable Lafayette 14 Roundtable Minquas 13 Roundtable Northern NO Roundtable Roosevelt NO Roundtable Scoutreach NO Roundtable Triune NO Roundtable

Wood Badge: September 7-9 and October 12-14 Wood Badge is some of the best (and definitely the most fun!) leadership training you will find anywhere. It focuses on leadership and “people” skills, not Scoutcraft or outdoor skills. Leadership skills developed through Wood Badge, while obviously applying to Scouting, will make you a more effective leader at work, at home or in other volunteer roles. During the course you will define your personal vision of success for your Scouting position, and then outline five significant goals to bring that vision to life. When you complete those goals, you will receive your recognition – the Wood Badge beads. Wood Badge is for leaders involved in all phases of Scouting. This includes everyone from Cub Scouting to Venturing leaders, plus commissioners and committee members. In order to attend Wood Badge, however, you must first complete the basic training for your Scouting position. Registration forms for Wood Badge are found at

Fall Membership Recruitment Training: August 26 Be sure to attend a training session on effective membership recruitment this month. As a unit committee, work together to develop a membership plan that works to sustain or hopefully grow the size of your unit! This program is most effective when boys of all ages make up a unit; keeping new ideas flowing through the group and offering personal challenges that come along with growing up amid peers of all ages. Your Scouts will be bragging about the fun experiences they had over the past year. Are you prepared for when their friends want to join? Are you giving their friends a chance to join? Don’t miss out on this great training. More info at

Council Program Kickoff: August 26 Get excited about the coming year! Are you ready?! Leaders and Parents are invited to the Kickoff to the next year of program in the Cradle of Liberty Council. Learn about great events at your disposal through our numerous Program Partners (offering many discounted rates on Scouting-specific event) and get a picture of what lies ahead from your Council leaders. Be sure to check on for the most up-to-date information about this event. Bring your whole committee and get pumped to put on a great program for the Scouts we all serve.


AUGUST 2013 Sunday










Resica Falls Sumer Camp - Session 6 Constellation Twilight Camp Conestoga Day Camp










Resica Falls Sumer Camp - Session 7






National Youth Leadership Training at Nelson Training Center Exploring Impact Breakfast

Resica Falls Sumer Camp Staff Teardown Week

Check on the left for your District Roundtable















Fall Membership Recruitment Training Council Commissioners Meeting Council Program Kickoff Council Training Committee Meeting


SEPTEMBER 2013 Sunday




Labor Day





Rosh Hashana begins at sundown



Rosh Hashana





Woodbadge Nelson Training Center

Service Centers Closed



Rosh Hashana ends 1 hour after sundown



Council Properties Committee

Patriots Day





Yom Kippur begins at sundown


Yom Kippur ends after sundown

Executive Board Meeting

Woodbadge Nelson Training Center

Check for District Roundtable dates






Fall First Recruitment Rallies Begin



Constellation CuboRee




Continental Fall Showcase


28 National Youth Leadership Training at Nelson Training Center

Unami Lodge Executive Committee

Constellation CuboRee Council Training Committee

Council Commissioners Meeting

OA Trade-O-Ree Council Advancement Committee

Show and Sell Popcorn Pick Up Day Camp Kickoff at Hart


30 Every youth deserves a trained leader!

NYLT at NTC Northern Training

New leaders should complete the training required for their position as soon as possible. For a list of required courses and a schedule of when they are offered, see Many of the courses are available online at


OCTOBER 2013 Sunday











5 Catholic Committee on Scouting Annual BSA Retreat at Camp Hart Washington Training Day National Youth Leadership Training at Nelson Training Center

Venturing Meeting Night



Columbus Day


Council Camping Committee


Catholic Committee Retreat at Camp Hart



Executive Committee Meeting Washington Tiger Den Meeting

12 Baden Powell Camporee at Camp Hart General Nash Cub-O-Ree


Order of the Arrow Fall Fellowship Woodbadge Nelson Training Center Check for District Roundtable dates



Columbus Day


Eid al Adha begins




Baden Powell Camporee at Hart

19 Lafayette Pack and Troop Fall Camporee Fall Festival at Musser Scout Reservation

Order of the Arrow Fall Fall Second Recruitment Rallies Begin Fellowship Woodbadge Nelson Training Center



Jewish Committee on Scouting Retreat






Lafayette Fall Camporee

Popcorn Return Day and Take Orders Due

Fall Festival at Musser

Conestoga Cub Olympics

Jewish Committee Retreat


Council Commissioners Meeting Unami Lodge Executive Committee



OWL Training at Nelson Training Center

Council Health and Safety Committee




Leaders, parents, and den chiefs -Have you signed up for University of Scouting on November 2, 2013? Online registration is available at 53

NOVEMBER 2013 Sunday








2 University of Scouting Continental Tiger Hunt

Daylight Savings Time Ends




Election Day




9 Popcorn Take Order Pick Up Day and Prize Orders Due Scouting For Food Bag Distribution

Council Budget Building Conference

Venturing Meeting Night

Council Camping Committee

Council Commissioners Meeting



Veteran's Day





16 Scouting For Food Food Collection

Council Executive Board

Youth Protection Training Check for District Roundtable dates









Scout Centers Closed - Thanksgiving Holidays Camps Closed - Thanksgiving Holidays






Camps Closed Holiday

Thanksgiving Channakah begins at sundown


Service Centers Closed Council Advancement Committee Council Training Committee

Thanksgiving Day Parade

Unami Lodge Executive Committee


30 All Popcorn Money Due


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