Art's Guide to San Juan (1969)

Page 1

oym (;nofo pijOs [IIg Sutais3 uo Sutungi; soy ssotun e Sutpjoy 9q ay pinom ostao 4m) snowe; ay; ting u3A Uoy Sunsa18 st omp stuua; qsn{f jou puy *_ SunIsIA oJ jojUuao UesqGqlleq oy} OjUL ano ;onboey Jopon oy; paedojeAagsp Sey

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se qnjp jonboey oy.p, asoyo (£freangeu)

NOSTIM AG O.LOHd sroyienbpeay Sty


ore uo

Joyyoq Jo auo ;noge UajjIIM

64; ut auud7 Surmalaar Kq yorrms e Sund w.1f seoueumop1ad

uo pesy amis wiy usas aaa aA.1 oastom

peop, 3q pmom jsopyf

Im pauado pure umop 128 J}ILId B JI

1,Uust Sty jng aaoge ay

IN SI SYL * * * jsou,

1e2a18 aAl; ay; ;o auo apie; auuk7

Ing Uuaas JaAd oA, SJoul¥j19ju3 189

Sutuulsaq ayj wo; e}s au jot

apuom Leu nok ;o fue :JSJIIA

saraow 40 A J, wor; suoturdo nok ;o ;somu pawi1o; nokaa jey; qtupe jsnuw nox ea18 jeyy 4fjear S.a4 JI 1ou18; ;o preoy Joamou oam,.nof £m

* area; e st auu47

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og ©Uaa10s JoAtIs, JO ,a@n}; ay} uo usas Ajoptm ore srojeuosaadwt

mouy ay, wo; sawod Surmo[fO; Sty

ut wy aaey oum

a1owu sopnjout SYL sqnjo

a1 suukXTt :puoJag (184; oarmmjon1}s awog) qe yols ay; ayeys ueo no4 uey;

ut qnjo umo siy pousdo {juas

ueu qnpo Sty Yim Suope) reoruyoa; juSIu Suruedo ySnoiy} pomrspgris op pity., sofeu r ut Eumgeadde jou s,ay og ueip ueg

eaey pnom jey; (stoOqgn(G XoIG 1984

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souep e Se seo IY pey Yolym Jo ouo) sufi; ut poieadde Say uUuoy) aoulg uredg aaneUu Sty UI Joouep e Se poarisjs OJpag Joumo qn[ojYSIN ° * MoU pue

3y4slu pue Ap (epiSiuqooT eulp iiM

op Sing gsop s,oupag Amon aotoa auojueq Yol e ur sSuos 1eindod

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jseo stp smoys mau ode;s pure Jjeau) Oj

yons squoduut snd 4ffeoo1 ofqi[teA®e Syuo[e} jSoUulp ayj JO owuos sopnf[ouI

ooueg OIISIiA jstuedwodoe JIagsew Se

stY (I2 $99 ou; S; om &pygtu smoys soy; JJLM

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juanoons e 0; Uomippe UJ ° ° ~ HOVAG

;o onbrun ay; Suunjeaqy wooy oy; ;e 4j1ed pure Song s&epuop ong su Sunusa solud st jojOH Yoeog opepuo; ay; pag;nq

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mora; 4&q pousisag) aSseqs fue uo

Suiwear3 pure pjOS pue usaus IV (anbmsequey; eq oun1q 1jaute19jUs

oym yoyo 4[uo ay; sI ,aSeqsuo Seip ut) gey, aw q14 j4ySnoy} au.,

1d 0; y0eq Suey aatrp pnod

[[Iw oy} Jo uni oy; jou St oj

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13id 001 jou, e Sutyprea no aay; wo; puy ssoqooid ay; UI ,,JJoS

Kue uo aas 13Aa [[no£ sSuty;, oq jsou ay; ;o awos op Ape| £1

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Sutuodo 1au1e8d ;o solos e pue Suos e swu1oprad auo Yoey snoIIe[IY oIB

£&q sem Apt| yous j4SI4

eM JIM [EoIsNW JO §yoE]

"ng * ~* ol1, juo[foaxo uySneAs uo!

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poud oy; go; [[2 Kreg wny e SI doy, oy; 03 doug suoned st ;o 1j4SIoP ay; 0; spo;;nq Siq feuonipe; Joy} Jo duo

14S3tu LSepuopy 10; je4j j20G },UC]) JO

19jua jsou pue UoIsIA Jo aul oY} ut 109 oy} * ** puse poyo anbs Saytu ay; po;oog s1YSIT UL age; Lw ;e ow uaag; * * * asuatpne ay; Layq

peop Paddoip oaatey pfnom sJoUuI¥}

Ssuorfipuoa Yons JO oAlJSonu JojyJE

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agureyo 0; paroa am puy ***

* * * agewnr s,4peI 11J S,YJOA MON

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Pip Pue auerrep; Tore; [IVM

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It? 1 Jopa.IG( juowuleojuy SreweI IW Iz wo; y00InO0 [TEUOI jeuJlojuf Ue pUe sowumjs0o Jo j9S MoU E paiinboe Ose aa,4oup Joyo 01; sey OoIY oping Jo pues! oy} jeY} ([E4UaWwungsut pue

*"molaoI oA I e oyI[ Spunos SIYj} JJ

Iomou Sey oM UB JOJ

GI LI Teuonesuas SI SIV uaay * ** moys peq 2 aw Umoys

Bunok e st moys ay; Suruadp uo peor jsnp * ** jo; §Xse pmo9a no4X moys ;sow ay} SJoJ;o ap qn[o slg re 1autey13;ua Ljuo ay; 1,ust auu47

ose st ap yuom S1y 10; spieme sey oym 3sturid si "I° oyJj ssoloe put wenp ueg uf yjoq sqnjo doj Luew je poinjea; Usaq Sey oym Uuetua;uas

UYjIM S}sing juae} sty oym souoIpne SQ JIM ojeWI 1uI pure wuuem §; ay 4ffeoop spove; yjoq Jo uomeurqwoa e YJIM MOUS ay; suado ap araymMLIioAa pneE YJIM Paioos sey oyumM JaSuls ?

Buiaig eqns » [II494AY 3SIsseq ay Jsquwunu auo upg jpeduur osonjI1IA

eueitemep; {uuyorpS, usum moge awed

2jeUIJopUI ue ojUI papUuao;xo sem onaoy

poyoueiq pue I1oAo play oom so qoddng oyotdeiy, oy; je Leys

uIqtwoo e s,}JI plo! Ueltemep ay} ojuI qno

ssw 01; quem 1j,uom nok uore

snJoya pasuan|JuI ,,OWUu>jeg,, 2 UO 41

Bunsoroqut ue srog;o jeu} [EY 2 PUE

ut uew pity; oy, ooed ;o aSueyo

IMm motaoat 1,ueo Liduits 1 jey; joe ue Suu1ojiad onbmse;ueq e7 ounigq swunIp uo Ip 1aqoy ydjey St Ol; oul; sig}

nox imo4 Sutureduwt qno

19Sem III 108 aos qsnuwu duns

st Snsmre s,.ouniq pure Sutuun}s st j9 au oroym4uy ° ~ > } oyI[ Joygoure usaas JoAau oi,.no4 jey}

sayotal IIs 4jtenb ajewupmut ue y;IMm Poseq zze( st Lioatop 9p jounsIp e YJIM j§fedoA arew o; Suno£4 Suruun}s e st a4e;euog snotuagut

1 wuy,, Lxyun; e woj; Lrea spoow Jap qnjo s,auu47 UI sajqe} ;O mod }jseI ay}

Sutpiodar t 0; pa usts uaaq S,94S JOXOf©,, UL,, Supesnseso pos et 0; 4n UI I0,, astaju; ue ySno1yj} ,,@n[g

Ijop moys Jo jo|[ ajfOJM 2 prom oy) UI gods dog; t 0; fem 1941 uo Tom Sreod de pure

Uenp ueg PIQ pore1009p 4itnjorse; s,ouu457 ut [re 41 ourqtuod nok usum uenp ueg uf woor Lue

sa;ea18 oyu; Jo ouo UI §sojf UoYJ

sui1e}s oy} UI MoOUyY J S19uI2}19juU

"£11y83tu smoys om; ppe uUual,J, * * * JOI

jloy1eqs auuk7 je mous ay; Ssrw 01; joo; e aq 0; oaty p,.nO0X


*yoeq je0q jsp oY} Yojed Oj j0U [OOJ 2 aq pnom auofue sty; ay! us

woreo 0; aeddng ayotdeiy, oy; 4q Suiddoup 4q aSed4oa rag ynog Suo ay; odes ueo noi ng

satoa 11 aonaay euettemsp s,000; 4uuyof

sgouep orsnu YjIMA

° Pue 4pawoo sud


temep puejs! Inplneog UMmo JNO [BAI o; pom oy; ut gods 4juo ay; woJl; [IV



t uaym fre; uop4, ams s4ns

sang aaey jou Seu 10 Seu nok sy agers sureandes punoie [[E ue pug [[IYS reoisnuwu sq1q Luunp 0; §ati0d

skin IteA oUL Ssuiquosop W,J pos

Efqeqoud s.qt ssons pip nok 11 as uno7 [[EQ O140d4 S.eureouswuy Joj0H ay; je Surfed arom OUM

Styp a9S jo4 oyoq o o; aunj10; ay; pey asneasq

ted UL oweu my; 4q sutspnf | uoos yoeq oq 0} ams oa1,foy; uenrp Uueg UI skempre foy; asuodsor £miy ay; yjim pue punoie awl} }xoU toy; uo way} oreo nok gey} 1s98gns 1 uoy; SsonS 3,uplp nok 1982

s&ns ;o dno18 e 4fsniaqgo axe

org a0f yoo!¥ uoG joexo aq 0} oAiJ

oyum s&ng £Aaoo18 aay oy; ore SMBT 11g pue yoer eyony uoy

warnxo Jo uoneuiquuoo ay; asodur0d

amey oyum Sueroisnuu £10

nok sdoaoy yey; ouog Luun; AKjjnu

uaAsa ajroyum ay; YSnouy} 08 0} ULIeI

e pulp 0p aIeI amb 4ffeat S}I Jut

sSuiy; fuewm os op OJYM 102

nfsu s91y} 182 Kefd s&oq ouJ, pue [[IxS yontu OS YJIM

mous ay; Surimp [[e Pue aotede squout

os apnfout squawunsgsut «tou, qsu0a squaowuns;sut aSueyorjut Aoy}

xes auoji1eq pug Joua; 0}[E2 oue1d

youar; jodwng; joullt]D gauouyude

sIY; I[Y stunip osinoo ;o pug WUI0Y

s3e3 Auung; sour; Zuez imm pootds st

saAjosway; Lofua pur xeror aouatpne ay; sdjoy 4fjeox 1je41 jewrroput agardwoo t PUE

peu; ou YIM SoaiSe ouof1oAg

oY} 0; Boa ,pueq Sq ay}, yo sowweu ay}; Jo swos ;o suomg;oidaajuI gurutauoa toy; uSnouy; sntrenby,, yo Sutuado ItoYj WOJ}

Loy; ,owem,, Jo Sutsop

Apears Surppueds 1ey} daoy 01 aSeueut

10f1ed amusa Iloy; Sutnp 1j98ptwus auo [[e], 1,Uuso0p 1jeYJj poow posed

LLLIA T S.VNVW 32 ortws IIIm 001; noX) tumsuy. 1294 41 0; aaey 3snf Jj ajey | se yon,, (poreor ap) jea18 os poste} JJ turddopeas [22A S,¥WNVIW Pol OFA Kugau apqli119}; E s¥m aquo0 MPIMAWIT TIVDOT V YMATIVD HTIHHDIWN

jupbara ay; ur buruip

Joog ;o sqiy owul1g Jultinjeay ay; fo [$1644 PLO

syEajs poloug pur

Jo aisniw ay; 0r

Cqysy ansoy fo hugs oaoig I{ snd ouf 1027) YI

uenf ueg ap12A PSI quo ay; uit p2aj0207

(Sury1ed aaj yo Lruaig)

POpL PEL 191 urd q; 0p we g Ajreq uadp J2loy uosuyor premoH » jao uojeiayg uaamjag opepuo) "aay pojySy QSE} bunueq 3914 199g » jo au11 e saubedweyy 3 sauim aulj e spejes apeuwu awop e ino aye; 0p sayommpuegs e a101g sonb11 e 12g yoeug e a1o1g Aiazo0i9 e sanjeroadg janno» poo4 ueadoing jo

ut dofeuepy; jusjstssy aAinoga

sI[4YUJ ofe1aAog pue poo

ow} IIE YANNIM TIVXHM¥ V somuo feoo1 soy;o Luew pue * ** styy, yo L1owow ay; ut gn oddng epuoy eq ay; UI wJojp +13d 03 spe jsaq Lioa ay; Jo oud aq 03


$2 Joy}sy noge sutyjawo$ 0al¥Y e Sumnpum qsisar j,upmod 3sn{ 1 UI

193 pure ayp joa 1 araym aum e ut |j[eJ 0; pouad dey isn{f Le:s O01; Ie sq; oroatdoiu1, n anco ook" YIM aj0H oy; je juSIu Sutuaodo quadns

yo aur Suo e ;o jsaq oy} St doy pey ays s1ojaq IQIND HXHL O0ju1 Motaor apardwoo r

2121g ay1; 114 pus puod S1q ay; Ssoxre awod OYUM

St aug ausos apts

jySnes no4aa ;; [ms Surpue;s yjIMm doAou [[IMm ouM 1oSuts e ose

s1LWM 000 s CO/ZLS oippy uo jauiuaddey S| SY SMN dgaN 30IMQ7YOM x[ plaegq pue [euoneWo; Uuj Joj[IH Boe Ueagqtie) (3°D) °IPUG UgIY aie oy; Y;jIM ji?s4epiu toy; pue sassoq 000 ; 4q popuay»e wooj[eg pure: ay, ut uonyoun; Ss.uopup Ow ruorer UES oY} J2 SITIAHd

go;ea o; nok agin Jp axopoq

JSeI oy; sem ays Se ou; se nok astwoud 1 utese pute urese 194

qxau ay; Joyoqg Uuoaa ag [[,aUs own

10d aimuoa 104 Sutinp Joy Sulyoj;eM dogs pnoa 1 yst;od yjIMm 411 renb jey3 Spisuajut ose uted wsrou Bew u1oqut Y}IM Ue jeu} ou pamoys }jeY} ppE 0} oABU ( sIY} o., y1om piey paitnboeyjIM st ustod 3ey3; pres oste ap poiinboe aq pue ajdoad ut wuiog sem wsrousewu jey3; ples (uew souep pue Suos xa ue) peG 4N

souep Sutuado jsaq ay; SuIMO]JOJ 1 pip 24s addoj; ay; mo JO; poyse peY Kay; wey; a1out UoAa woyj aar3 uay} (yaam mors &x1aa e Sutinp) qntp oy; Poyxoed aug 34S!s uryjIm auo&4Iaaa wo; 108 ays uoruar}e jdei ay; pouun;s sem 1 300] 0; paSeuewu | aourWI10]

Kem $q yeais e utr quare; asuowwr Joy Poamoid 1aypsy 198 12913 toy} mojo; 0; juae; fear e aq Of 108 nokaa jng ** * uorjuaauo; oltysy ue dn wrem pnoa Lay; pies usayo oA,1 pajuare; e 10; joe Sutuado joapiad ay; are OS1ep( pure ssauisngq ay; Uu Wea;

sraumo Uuegnp ues [Y jeYj ans w.1

Buoe tazjtamUog ureg pure ong no

PIMEG oSeuepy feouarn yjIM

jYSIop 01 Yoeq JayjSy oABY [[IM

SHE HAD US IN THE AISLES: Who? Why Phyllis Newman . . . That s who. Her opening night at the San Jeronimo Hilton s La Ronda Supper Club was an eye, ear opener. This young lady reached out into the audience and nesstled the entire audience in the palm of her dainty hand . . . Then stroked our sensitivities with song and humor that qualified as the best we ve heard in this plush night spot. But don t take my word. Drop by the La Ronda and see what a top Broad way and T.V. entertainer can do in the proper nightclub setting . . Then join me in her palm and we ll both know what a real star is.

entertainment business together . . . More years ago than either of us care to remember. Now he s made quite a hit at the La Concha s Solimar lounge as one of top singers. Mike has been gather ing experience throughout the U.S. with

MICKEY SUCH HITS BIG AT THE such top shows as Ray Anthony s Revue. SOLIMAR: Mike (as he s known to his Now he s settled down in his home base friends) and I go back to a time when of San Juan ... And his many fans may we were both trying to break into the catch him nightly singing their favorites.






IIM (143) moey 1opsnq yoorq # aq 0; sostwoud jey; uJlog pue 101, S19UMQ qn) seyiong Oyo() Jof MoYS e nd sey ,,@ouaptSayY UI jsuneg venfg ues,, mnQ SVLYANAd OHDO HHL SLIH MOHS ZMTITVZNOD TINOVHX HHL

umo Sty Sutuugopiad aq 4ffeanjeu

feroadg oy; Uo paiunjea; aq [IM aqual[eA J0f pJemo; Ja0]([ 0; Jamsue ino powrejoe Usaq sey oy YoIYM doj felrojew

(¥oi) isinnpy ue! aq Im 1eg jsonP

Sunok UsaS oA, auaos oy} mou [[M pue erpaur juowute}19};42 Joyo ay; [It poionbuoa Sey Oum

puy * * * aouo joy YHM Sutuop13d ;O armmseard ay; pey pue sowm Ssappunoo 4pe]

31 SSW uop4 0g * ** £epsanp Sp1e;s mous uon noey op oueipaluoo pus 1oguIs poyuale; ALioA Says jeu} Kes aw 391

+y3eq sfing inoA alg nop 1g *"paapuriengy Aseurpsoenx3 siopeuiunarxy 0d } 1N39NN ¥ NILYHVW

uojipcjslo4 aquey ssonmy ___ owjugiar eg afeg __ lol 1189 *Ligatfop pug © aa); aji suase g pug (ep P g$ paua: inok YHM

129; 1 je} Sowun Lugur os joj;op eura owuy oy; ;e ansaay uojpysy Liuregq sIy; uooas oA, .porsmoy oY OY o", 04 pimoys apn oy; SIHVI 4C MXTVAOY

pure mau pup Lppue;suoa pure moys ayp Jo oll; OJ Waas JoA au | joX q8se0 oy} ;o 2 oyff

dJoagsu aaey oym no ;o qoIq

Riana USnoIj; YXOO| E2 1 enorfoadg uorysy Lueg e usas

yeym jo eapt ue aagey [jno4 pue 134} a801 Ite wou, jng * * * srea4 og 3sed ay; ur poom4rjor; 4q pasn aatoo{pe

s1leJq ay} soA1osqo ay Se asno nop ap uap aM * * * juow! 122314 mou t sag . e1ado sSqjoztq puru aamearo Lmegq ;o seq oameuisewutr 4pMA oyu, puse juasaid jsed sled punoie palajuad owoyu; Ure oy, jeULIOJ anaoy 2 SI moYs au eueomuauy ay; ;e 4pustu uo saog

saorud ayqp oopeq reuisi10 &nq 03 Prey 1 saoueyo Luew ayqp yo ow Surpuiwa1) Lep sty ;o

*(auo &nq

alL mg ° * ° moy aw xste j,UuOG

puy sed 03 408 Ose ZO JO PJIEZIM

Kpnfg ;; uopysy Smeg yueYL, 10 * uaatap yueu st «es ueo 1 tte se st110py Sulaas i9}Je2

IaAaau P,ays pooS sty; poxOo0]| pPUB[IeL)

uuy of fauooy Layo o4tY

Sutsoro pure Sumuado ay; snjd suo qonpoud asoy,p uetwuspoom UL ou} se Lorem yoer oxi 1sn{ xyoo01 0p sade uewu uaaa Joapuexoary uoy s&ep woy; equwowoy) p1opjouiny

4;op 03 ySnousa are

* * * afdwexoa auo jsnf

aSeqs amu uy

uop1 no4 ;q; ~ure1 jenjoe u pasnjop

Jop aas on * * ° }

uor;onpoid st Sutyj4104A0 je4} JON

Ajostm Lxregq Se S1q se som; put

Ajarrea 1s3aq ay}; yo owuos

smoys sty oju} Ssoursng ay; UI spose

ted ameqooe ue aie sourmsogy so7

kay; teyp Uewoy oy,, Op 49%, ayyy eau ayp Op

kem_ prey oy); j op *,, pue uinjoi

Aue wo; arqissodur YoIYM

sottep pPoin}jea; ay.f asnoy ay} UI 1299

om; Su1q # olIloJIN 30 Wea}

agnoy ajlioAgB; Jo


GOLDEN GIRL OF SONG, who recently brought home the honors from Mexico for her rendition of the song, "Genessi* spent last weekend at the Dorado Hilton Hotel & Country Club where she relaxed and rested after her strenous trips and

characters back to life in a dance number that stuns the audience with grace and agility. Les Cheries Twins are pert young French things who do an act of song and dance that never lets down from beginning to end. I ve seen the acts of The Biza rro Brothers and Milo & Roger countless times. And countless times both acts seem as fresh and new as the first time. Barry has very wisely used them over and over again. Top the whole thing with Ralph Font s Orchestra and their great musical backing and you ve got a show fit for a King . .. Or Queen. Here s a few random notes I made during the performance. "At last, chordless mikes that really work every time." On seeing the ladies chorus in Carmen, "Cancer or no Cancer . . . If these cigar rollers will work for me, I m going into the to bacco business." On seeing George Koenig as Escamillo, "Some fine voice. But with every bullfighting pass either a Rebolera or Serpen tina I must invite him to join me Sunday in the Bull Ring." "One never notices how well red and yel low go together til Barry s closing number." On noting the credit "Feat

appearances. Pictured here with her are appearances.

FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Miguel Angel Alvarez, well known Puerto Rican actor, Miss Benitez, and Spanish singer Luisito Rey who was appearing at the San Jero nimo Hilton Hotel.

hers by May Feathers, N.Y." in the program, "May, you got nent but La Plum de Ma Tant in there... And her s never looked so good." "Irene Morris can cross a stage fully clothed and floor an audience." This is one show I strongly suggest you catch . . . Every single time you come to San Juan.


The wedding had rice and confetti But the honeymoon got quite upsetty when the groom asked the bride, "What s your wish?" She replied "I d just love to try MAMAS spag hetti."

(Give your bride a brake, at MAMA S LITTLE ITALY)



DANNY RIVERA at THE HOTEL LA CONCHA S CLUB LA CONCHA: Danny scored one of the biggest upsets in flo pring critics on his onening night . . . This is a young entertainer who not only has hit it big on recordings but is a real trouper in a nightclub . . . The real comeback for the "They don t make em like they used to" set.

PHYLLIS NEWMAN at THE SAN JE RONIMO HILTON S LA RONDA SUP PER CLUB: Why shouldn t one of Broad way and Television s brightest stars score really big in a nightclub? No rea son at all. Phylis is the best entertainer I ve seen in the La Ronda this year . .. I stand behind this superb act.

MONIQUE VAN VOORFN and HECTOR & MARGIE at THE SHERATON S SA LON CARNAVAL: Too late to review and have no past record of Monique. She s a Belgian beauty who scored on T.V. Héctor & Margie working as open ers for several acts at Carnaval . . . Act gets constantly better . . . I dig them... Sorry I can t give more on the star. LOS TROVADORES de ESPANA at THE HOTEL EL SAN JUAN S CLUB TROPI CORO: A group of young, Spanish enter tairners who break down the language barrier with bi lingual entertainment and a show that everyone can enjoy. They ve been big hits here in the past and have carried out that success throush out the states . . . Always highly enter taining.

MINSKY S BURLESQUE FOLLIES 69 at THE CONDADO BEACH HOTEL Z FIESTA ROOM: Girls and gags galor .. . "Minsky s" means "Burlesque" which means "A big ball" for all. The Condado his picked up every option anc plans on keeping this show on even longer. Revue format Burlesque . . . Good for what ails you . . And me too.

ROSARIO GALAN AND HER SPANISH BALLET at THE CONVENTO S PONCE DE LEON ROOM: First Lady of Flamen co and fine company ... Combined with R Rosario s twin (Lovely little lunatic la Esperanza) . . . la, la, la. Fines. Fla menco for the knowing . .. Great fun for the beginer. Mostly female cast . . We re out of work again fellas . .. run show on umpteenth return to San «Tuan ... Also guod triend of mine.

LANA CANTRELL at THE CARIBE HILTON S CLUB CARIBE: Not yet rev iewed this time around. Fnrst scored big hit at Americana . . . Stole show . . . Since then she s been hitting on records and accross the nation . . . Good bet to repeat past hits.

OLGA uUiLLOT at the FLAMBO® AN HOTEL S CLUB FLAMBOYAN: The first lady of Cuban (pre Castro, that is) song... This is the top of the Latin American Recording Business. She s also an ac complished show stopper . . If you ve been wondering where it s at in Latin American Music . . . It s at the Club Flamboyan.


JOHNNY COCO S HAWAIIANA REVUE at THE MIRAMAR S TRAPICHE SUP PER CLUB: A friend once sent me a grass skirt ... I couldn t see anything in it. Then I saw Johnny s girls in their grass skirts . . .. Now I see a lot in it Song, dance and humor of the only spot I feel compares with San Juan. Acts good ... and Coco s chicks are choice... CHEEZT CHITA, CRIED CHANE. Chane:??)

I m known for making jokes about everything. If I m not joking, then I sometimes get sentimental and maudlin. But I find it difficult to get serious wishout getting senti mental. So, you ll get the latter here I d like to thank some wonderful friends for some vonderf:il help. Alan Biller and William Alfaro, the co/owners of DESIGN ASSOC IATES came up with an idea to honor me on my recent complete return to ART S GUIDE. Knowing that " ve never put out an anniver: sary issue and never asked for any thing from any of the entertainers I ve plugged, they decided to put together a special "Welcome Back, Beard" issue of ARTS GUIDE. Since Alan has been doing my lavouts and paste up (GRATIS) they planned it as a surprise. "They didn t count on a lot of other friends. As soon as entertainers around town

May 2,1969


RANT: Barry Ashton s most monument al creation . . . The French Revolution (with the original cast) couldn t be more spectacular . . . Show Girls, Dancing Girls, Singing Girls, Girlish Girls and... oh yes... Girls. Devastating costumes, sets, lights and effects . . . acts... It is that successful... Just in case ... it. Talented feature The show may run forever ... But see it now... You won t want to miss

heard about the idea . . . They began calling me to place congratulatory ads. Talk about sentimental . . . That broke me up . .. And let the cat out of the bag

In fact we ve had such a demand that we haven t been able to get to see all the entertainers; Club and restaurants owners and managers, who have been calling in. So, now that I know about the surprise , we re going to hold off at least a week til we are able to see all these good friends who wish to get their spot into the special issue.

ITS A RARE CHANCE: for a man to be able to know who his friends really are. I m thrilled to be able to say that I now have that rare chance. I humbly thank them and assure them that, TLI; NEVER FORGET THE HONOR THEY ARE PAYING ME NOW And my efforts in their behalf will increase ten fold.

Long N

The appointment of Roberto Lugo Rigau, General Manager of the Cari be Hilton Hotel to the added position of Regional Director for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands by the Hilton International Company.

Why the personal pride? Roberto is a native of Puerto Rico who has started a tradition. Previous to his appointment, I can t recall another of our countrymen who has ac complished what he has. He started with the Hilton Corporation as Chief Engineer (After graduating from the University of Puerto Rico s College of Engineering with a BS.E.E.) in 1949. At a time when many critics were predicting the dark future for the infant tourist industry in San Juan.

He worked as Resident Manager at the Havana Hilton. Then became the first Puerto Rican appointed to the top post of an international ho tel as General Manager of the El Panama Hilton. In 1964 he scored another first when he assumed com mand ag General Manager of the Caribe Hilton. Now he s got another first under his belt.

Roberto has become a living les son to all the young Puerto Rican executives starting their climb in the Hotel industry. He has also become 2 symbol of pride for myself and all of us connected with the tourist trade. Proof that Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans are taking their right ful place in the top echelons of this highly competitive business. My sincerest congratulations to a fine gentleman, Roberto Lugo Rigau.




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MEET "MR. EVERYMAN": That s the title I bestow on Billy Fellows, an impres sionist who seems to be able to duplicate the voices and mannerisms of just about every entertainer working today. In ad dition to this, Billy is also a musician of high quality and a singer of note. He ll be combining these qualities nightly in his work at the San Jeronimo Hilton s Sibnoey Lounge . . . This is a sure fire entertainment bet.


A few years ago I went to the Americana Hotel to catch George Kirby and an unknown singer named Lana Cantrell. I knew George as the great comic singer who had risen to esteem in the business long before he had played to a large nightclub audience or been exposed on T.V. ... But who ever heard of Lana Can trell? After leaving the Americana, I knew who had heard of Lana Can trell. I promptly headed for the of fice and wrote a rave about the young singer who had stolen the show that night.

So, now Lana Captrell is back in town. This time at the Caribe Hilton s Club Caribe. The young lady with the dynamic magnetism and big, solid voice is even better than ever. Lana s style isn t one that has been copied from any other singer in the business. Lana is Lana . . . And well you know it. Yet she somehow reminds me of Kaye Stevens. There is a theatrical similarity between them. Eeach seems to be biulding a scene with each song. Every num:

suns |i th

A Genuine Italian Restaurant Everything in Italian Food Music, Wine and singing waiters

Open from 6:00 PM till. . 1372 Ashford Avenue Tel. 725 0026


In most major hotel restaurants, butes a great deal to your enjoyment Captains aren t included in the tip and should be tipped. accordingly. you leave on the table. Since the The Captain s tip must be handed Captain takes your order, selects and to him personally. The waiter s tip serves your wine, prepares the Flam should be left on the table. bé dishes and supervises the waiters ALWAYS REWARD GOOD SER and busboys at your table, he contri VICE WITH A GOOD TIP.


Puerto Rico s Unexcelled Moderate Rate Hotel "WHERE YOU CAN AFFORD A LENGTHY STAY"

visit our Cloud Room

San Juan s Sophisticated Dining Rendezvous

28 Stories High ae

® Unsurpassed View

® Delectable Cocktails from 5:30 P.M.

® Delightful Cuisine from 7:00

e Complete Gourmet Dinner

As Low As $6.50

e A Must In Your Entertainment Calendar for reservations call , Maitre D 725.1212

Dancing to the Enchanting Rhythms of Israel Playa Trio

and Millian Balseiro Duo



Largest and Tallest

in San Juan


Private Beach Club


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WATCH THOSE FEATHERS. TULSA... Feathers are in fashion these days and particularly so when a svelte, blonde creature like Tulsa Denning, star of Minsky s Burlesque Follies is concerned. The feathery Miss Denning can be seen nightly except Mondays at the Condado Beach Hotel where she and her Minsky sisters stage two shows nightly to the delight of patrons. And who wouldn t want to catch one of Tulsa s feathers at the Condado Beach.


THE VERY TOPS: That s the spot the lady on the left occupies in the world of Latin American entertainment. In case you didn t know, her name is Olga Gui lot, and she s currently proving why she is The First Lady Of Latin Song, nightly, at the Flamboyan s Club Flamboyan. The gent with her is Marco Muniz who drop ped by to catch Olga s latest work. He s Mexico s leading singer. One just never knows who ll be in to see and hear Olga. But you can bet that if a top entertain er is in town . . They ll be by for a lesson in "how it s done" Latin Style.

IM AT A LOSS FOR WORDS: Yes, it s bappened. The above photo is of Andrik, a Dutch born singer who opened yester day at the Hotel El San Juan s Club Tro picoro. As you read this, I ll have caught Andrik s opening and will know some thing about him. As I write this, I ve never heard him . .. or even of him. The advance publicity from his agent leaves me at a loss. It gives the background of his life and the fact that he s studied "bel cante" (sic) . So I guess he s got a legitimate voice. It s all so sketchy that I m dying to catch him. It s almost like opening a surprise package.

A BRIEF DISCOURSE ON "NEEDED EQUIPMENT": Show me a plumber with out a wrench, a lawyer without a law bo ok, a carpenter without a saw . . . And I ll show you three failures. Show me a belly dancer without the needed equip ment with which to perform her ancient art . . . and I ll show you another. Ladies and gentlemen of the entertainment jury, I present exhibit "A", for your perusal.. I ask you, does Soraya Melik have the needed equipment to perform properly at the Sheraton s Zanzibar Lounge, Has Kazar Cloian made a good selection in starring Soraya in his belly dance revue? For proof positive you ll have to catch the show. In the meantime I rest my case with exhibit "A".

MULTI LINGUAL AND LOVELY TO LOOK AT: That seems a fair assesment of the impact of Belgium born, Monique Van Vooren. This young beauty shouldn t be a stranger to anyon@ with a T.V. set. Her wit and personality have made her a favorite guest on countless television programs stateside. Also featured with Mcnique at the Sheraton s Salon Carna val are two friends act is constanly get tgin better and better. They are Hector and Margie . . . Dancers with a new twist that adds to your entertainment pleasure.

MEET MARY MARX . . . Mary Marx, 36 22 36, is one of the feathery beauties in Barry Ahston s Revue Royale de Pa ris which is now in its sixth hit month at the Americana Hotel. Miss Marx is among the 50 member cast of Barry Ashton s highly successful production which is the longest running box office attraction in San Juan. The producers spent $250,000 of which $35,000 went for feathers to cover the beautiful girls in this breathtaking revue.



Sammy Davis, Jr.... and his Mom. She greeted him at the El San Juan upon his arrival from Los Angeles and a bout with the Hong Kong flu, which delayed his opening here for 3 days.

Mr. Total Entertainment himself, the one and only Sammy Davis, Jr., is featured on our cover this week... and we re glad to welcome Sammy back. He is appearing at the Club Tropicoro through Jan. 17.


LES CHERIES HEAD BRILLIANT CAST OF REVUE ROYALE... Two charming Gallic belles known as Les Cheries (in front) head the Americana Hotel s brillant Revue Royale de Paris which is starting the new year with record breaking crowds. George Koenig (center, top) is the lead male singer in the show. Of course there are 50 beautiful girls in the cast, so who could ask for anything more.

José de Lema is back in town sporting a Toulouse Lautree beard... de Lema, whose boutique at the San Jeronimo Hilton and Waldorf Astoria in New York make a commuter out of him, gave a star studded party at his Condado apartment on Christmas eve...

.. . Many of San Juan s jet setters are finding a hideaway at the new membership club Your Own Thing, named after Hal Hester and Danny Apolinar s off Broadway hit. .. Dan ny and Hal are said to be silent part ners in the venture. .. The cozy hide away in Old San Juan draws the young crowd but we wish the music would be toned down so the more adult big spenders can make the scene... Stylist Jimmy Negron won first prize and a case of champagne for his costume Lawrence of Arabia at Your Own Thing s opening...

Jimmy had won the Caribe Hilton s first prize during their Halloween party ...

.. . Football ace Joe Namath join ed Freddie Bell and Roberta Linn on stage at the Americana s Port O Call when the talent loaded couple opened last week... Namath, one of the most cooperative and best liked VIP s to make the Americana scene, brought along an eye catching blonde from Miami... They joined the au dience in giving Freddie Bell and Roberta Linn a standing ovation that night...

.. . Laguna Gardens, across from San Juan International Airport, fea tures the tallest and probably the most elegantly decorated Christmas tree in town... It is a creation of famed designer Mario Ramirez de Arellano, who last year won one top prize for his annual stainless steel


Everynightexcept Monday, in the Ponce de Leon Room starting at 10:30 P.M. Fri days and Saturdays two



Not exactly in a "one horse open sleigh," but Santa made his appearance anyway in a "one TORO tractor open wagon slightly covered with an arch of palm trees "! And the kids at the Dorado Hilton Country Club family party loved it. Especially when Santa had a nice surprise for each of them. Adults at the Annual Christmas Party enjoyed a barbeque, buffet dinner and lively dance music provided by GLORIA RUIZ AND THE RHYTHMICS. Some 365 families have membership at the Dorado Hilton Country Club and enjoy the same facilities provided for guests at the luxurious golfing resort, located on 256 tropical acres just 20 miles from San Juan.

Xmas, decor at another major resi dential development...

... Visitors to San Juan probably have caught a glimpse of Mayoress Felisa Rincon de Gautier s Christmas billboard at the Airport entrance... This is Dofla Fela s farewell after more than 20 years in power... Columnist Earl Wilson of the New York Post and Bob Sylvester of The News are expected in town for the New Year s holidays...

. . .José (Pepe) Benitez, a former Kennedy aide and now one of the is land s top industrialists has sold his next five year s production of cigars to Union News... The cigar of course, is named Don Pepe... The promotion minded Benitez was a close intimate of the late President and his brother Bobby . ..

.. .Art is making the big scene as a Christmas present idea. .. Manyof San Juan s art galleries report a big boom in sales... Galeria Francesca in El San Juan Hotel, which has been

featuring a Haitian art exhibit and is now showing a collection by Peres sol and Roselle, reported a great number of shoppers on the market for paintings... Many of our top artists said this was the best Xmas season to date and we still have the Three Kings celebration on Jan. 6, which is the traditional period when Puerto Ricans present their gifts... .. . Tip to Newcomers: Don t miss the magnificent Three Kings display across from the Capitol building in Old San Juan. .. Also a ride through Santa Maria and San Francisco resi dential areas would be more than worthwhile to see the magnificent decorations on display ...

.. . WKYN s announcement that the station would switch to Spanish language broadcasts is a big blow to local audiences.... The station fea tured some top English language pro gramming... Tito Betancourt is back at El San Juan Hotel s casino... The popular exec decided San Juan

was more exciting that running the Holiday Inn casino in Curacao. ..

.. . The Condado Beach Hotel is coming in with the Minsky girls. The hotel is launching a vast promotional campaign to get the big spenders to come in nowthat the legendary Mins ky Burlesque has been lined up for its Fiesta Room... The Holiday Inn chain is building a hotel in Aruba, the Dutch isle off the Venezuelan coastline... A special citation goes to Johnny Johnston, the veteran showman who is making the Hotel La Concha s entertainment a must on everyone s list... Johhny s selection of acts and his now famous Johnny Johnston All Star Orchestra are a tremendous innovation worthy of notice... We wish more local bands would follow Johnston s hint and ins truct their musicians that if they are going to play dinner music it should be soft and gentle, permitting diners to enjoy their dinner and conversa tion... Well done, Johnny...

. . . Freddie Stores featuring a spe cial Three Kings party for Rose of Sharon orphans which will be tel evised on Channel 2. .. The program will be jointly sponsored by Mattel Toys and Freddie Stores, giving Sally Olsen s kids a big holiday break... Congratulations to José (Pepito) Rivera for the idea....

.. .Isn t the Holiday Inn about to build another hotel in Puerto Rico in the vicinity of the Airport featur ing a championship golf course? We are just asking... Tito Rodriguez is a must at the Flamboyan Hotel. .. The talented bandleader and singer, who is Latin America s biggest re cord seller, has also become a fashion plate with his new wardrobe... His latest is a peach colored double breasted suit that caused a sensation when he wore it last week...

... The San Juan Star s best dres sed list and worse yet, their selection of judges was one of the year s big booboos... The Star should realize that most of the members in their panel of judges are never seen at major social affairs nor are they emi nently qualified for the job... We were surprised at some of the names that turned up on the Best Dressed


list and more so by the inadequacy of their judges... As Casey Stengel would say : "The Star has become too complacent." ... In the future the Star should be more selective about who is going to be on that panel so that the selection of Puerto Rico s

Ten Best Dressed Women doesn t be come the laughing stock of our so ciety and our visitors...

.. . Avianca s Christmas party at El Convento Hotel was one of the big social events of the season. .. Our thanks to Alfredo Vélez, Avianca

Jack del Rio and His Orchestra

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Over 100 tots and teens from the Crippled Children s School attanded a Christmas par ty given for them at the El San Juan Hotel... Mrs. Maria Isabel de Atiles Moreu, (center) president of the Puerto Rico Chapter, Na: tional Society for Crippled Children and Adults, is seen here with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schweitzer, El San Juan Hotel president, who gave the children a happy afternoon to re member. Mrs. Schweitzer has been active in working with the Society, a non profit or ganization which conducts a rehabilitation center in Hato Rey.

great atmosphere... La Italianissi ma is located in an old Ponce de Leon mansion in Santurce. ..

.. . Rosarito de Jesus, sister of Roberto (president of Banco de Ponce) and Pancho de Jesus (VP of Chase Manhattan) back in town af ter many year s absence... She will set up residence once again in our fair City of the Gods... Juliette and Rafael Ramos Cobian Commonwealth Theatres) are spending the holidays in Europe... Does that mean that their son Ronny will have an open house New York s eve?... Jackie Borgos, the Sheraton s public rel ations gal has been named Director of Public Relations for City Hall by Mayor elect Carlos Romero Barcelo... Jackie once was known as Puerto Ri co s Perle Mesta... Maybe in her new post Jackie will revive that tra dition. ..

.. . Will Frank Sinatra fly into town for Sammy Davis opening at the Tropicoro as rumored ?... The word is out that the king may move his throne to our shores for the oc cassion... Barry Ashton has come


Leaving your hotel at 8:00 a.m. Beautiful carefree drive around the island. Stop at the famous INDIA BEER factory. Lunch at MAYAGUEZ HILTON Hotel. Scenic drive back to San Juan. Returns at 5:30 p.m. Minimum four persons.

Contac! any ofour

Leaving your hotel at 9:00 a.m. f Travel through RIO PIEDRAS and CAGUAS. Arrive in time for lunch to Puerto Rico s second largest city, situated on the southern coast. Sightsee in this traditional city and return through Historic. BARRANQUI TAS, COMERIO, and BAYAMON. Minimum four persons

Lobby of Caribe Hilton, San Jeronimo Hilton, Miramar Charterhouse,
frees Dorado Beach, Dorado Hilton,
puerto |ylere)

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AshfordCV (Opposite"Hotel LaConcha)

<3 "s, dp C> Es?

[San Juan s 1st and Only Sidewalk Cafe

Open Round the Clock

e Famous Native Cuisine At Moderate Prices

e French & Danish Pastries

vivianaArsant |

San Juan Darlington Hotel Tejs: 7243539

Calisthenic Classes Wax Treatment

Electric Exercisers Facial

Steam & Sauna Baths Depilation

Massage Modern Dancing




Serving hot pasteles and rellenos de papas is Yvonne Nunn, Social Directress at the Dorado Hilton Hotel. Receiving the goddies at Dorado s Annual Christmas Party for Employees and relatives is Pepe Gomez. The whole gang of merrymakers also enjoyed grilled pig, a lavish buffet of hot and cold foods, lively dancing and a host of door prizes plus an exciting floor show by singer Nilda Terrace and Argentine performer Ar mando Gutier. The waiters, maids, maintenance men and bus boys enjoyed being served by the department heads, each of whom took a turn serving food and beverages wearing large aprons and hats. It certainly was a MERRY CHRISTMAS PARTY for all!

Information Center in San Juan. All that is required of visiting Cuban nationals now is an alien registration card, a smallpox vaccination certifi cate not more than three years old and a return ticket to the U. S. or Puerto Rico.

Oranjestad, Aruba The Minister of Justice of the Netherlands Antilles has eased the restrictions concerning Cuban nationals visiting Aruba and other Dutch islands in the Caribbean. Cubans residing in the U. S. or Puerto Rico will now be permitted to enter the Netherlands Antilles with out a landing permit. In the past, all Cuban nationals were required to ob tain a landing permit prior to their visit to any of the Netherlands An tilles.

Aruba, which is one of the most often visited of the Dutch islands, issued landing permits through its

San Juan s Aruba Information Center, located at 804 Ponce de Leon Avenue in Miramar, had reported that a large number of Cubans resi ding in Puerto Rico were making the Dutch isle their favorite vacationing spot. Another large contingent often stopped overnight in Aruba en route from San Juan to Venezuela, which also has a large Cuban colony. Ap proximately 50,000 Cubans are now reportedly residing in Puerto Rico.

Aruba, which is only a short 1 hour hop by jet from San Juan is widely popular with Puerto Rico res idents because of its free port shop ping and low round trip fare of $35.

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5,000 WATTS

MARTIN A NUGENT & CO. Exterminators Extraordinary Satisfaction Guaranteed... Or dou ble your bugs back.

AMERICANA HOTELS HOSTS HOLIDAY PARTY. . Henri Lorenzi (center in striped tie) hosted a holiday party for Americana Hotel employees who have been with the company more than five years. The employees pictured above received their 5 year pin and were treated to a complete dinner dance by the management. notes from either of the two bands, the feeling of regality one gets from the superb service and you KNOW that the Royal Box is the top night spot in town. Then on comes Ella and you know it even more.

I d always thought of Ella Fitzge rald as a great singer. Add to that the title of exceptional all around performer. Her patter was a delight and she made everyone feel relaxed and "at HOME." Or perhaps the room itself has a lot to do with it. I ve seen a number of other enter tainers perform at the Royal Box and can never remember any of them do ing badly. I ve seen these same enter tainers in other rooms when they w


either bombed or completely lacked that intimate quality that one feels in the Royal Box. Chalk another one up for the American s version of mon archy.

The following day Jim s secretary, Mrs. Katz, was on the phone again wondering if I d like to drop by She pards in the Drake Hotel. Now I can t remember Jim s exact title but I call him "The director of help for weary publishers in every possible way" since he s always been the man I ve been able to count on for assistance in any dilema. He, his staff and his brilliant counterpart in San Juan,. Mike Segarra, have helped me time and again and given me thedesire to



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AMERICANA 791 2020


Revue Royale de Paris


Ken Hamilton


Ralph Font Society Orch.


Freddie Bell & Roberta Linn



Curtis Bros.


Bobby Rydell


The Beard And Two

LA CONCHA 723 6090


Sam Vine


Juan Luis Trio & Carla



Los 4 Hermanos Silva


Eddie Carbia Trio

EL CONVENTO 723 9020


Rosario Galan Ballet Espanol

Ramon Bastidas Orch.


796 1515


Gloria Ruiz and Rhythmics

EL MIRAMAR 723 8040


Jody Kirk Tony Castro Trio


Johnny Coco Hawaiian Revue

RIB HOUSE Best Prime Rib In Town


791 1100


Sammy Davis, Jr.

Anselmo Sacassas Orch.


José Fajardo Combo


Phil Flowers

FLAMBOYAN 725 7700


Tito Rodriguez


Totie Fields



Four Montemar Dining Serenade, Jorge Vernieri Quartet


Xavier Cugat


T Bone Steaks Poolside

Joe Baker s Water Show


Carmen Canavo Quartet



The Ceci Trio



Renato Rossini Guitar


Bill Manning Guitar


Los Chavales de Espana


Chano Scotty Combo Latino Los Vegabajenos


Hote! La Rada... Opposite Condado Beach Hotel. Piano bar.

Latin American Dancing til?


611 Ponce De Leon... Across From El Miramar Hotel.. Where Young Sin gles Meet. Drinks 60¢. . Every 6th on the house.


1058 Ashford Ave., Condado. San Juan s Only Closed Circuit TV Disco theque. 9:30 PM to 6 AM.


1020 Ashford Ave., Condado Flamenco Show Nights of Spain


2324 Lloiza St., Isla Verde Where San Juan s Blue Bloods Meet


263 San Francisco St. Old San Juan Warren Vaughn "Swingin Singles" Player Piano


loiza And San Jorge St., Santurce. Home Of Baseball Buffs. . Bob Young and Rudy Hernandez Singalong With Roberto Figueroa


304 Fernandez Juncos. .. Stop 6. Psy chedelic Show ... Continuous... The Young Papas... 10 PM to 6 AM.



Top Atlantic Beach Hotel, Between Sheraton and La Concha. Condado s Informal Italian Home Cooked Food Center.


San Justo 254, Old San Juan. Authen tic Spanish Cuisine In The Heart Of Old San Juan. Entert. Nightly.


Ashford Ave. Point, Opposite La Con cha. San Juan s First And Only Side walk Cafe. Moderate Prices. Open Round The Clock, Under The Clock.


Isla Verde Rd. 791 0289

Seafood and Charcoal Steaks


1372 Ashford Ave. Genuine Italian Cuisine By Chef Tonino. Entert. Night ly 5 PM to 2 AM.


Restaurant And Bakery. Corner Ash ford And De Diego, Condado. Puerto Rico And American Cuisine. Ample Free Parking. 19


ope uolissiwsue}} aljewojne

anv Bujuo!yipuo3 1le olpes uolssiwsue4}; aljewojne 112 LINO @ uolssiwsue}}; ljewojne oped uoissiwsue1}, aljewojne

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BOBBY RYDELL is indeed a "very lucky fella" for he has his cake and gets to eat it as well, as the saying goes. BOBBY is the star attraction at the CLUB CARIBE of the CARI BE HILTON HOTEL. BOBBY is al so on his honeymoon, having recent ly been married to his childhood sweetheart CAMILLE. BOBBY is a third time repeater at the CLUB CARIBE, and with the weather what it is up north his honeymoon in this lush, tropical paradise certainly makes him a "most lucky fella."


At PRINAIR S cocktail party for local travel agents and airline officials held at the Da: Vinci Hotel Jan. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Carrion, president of Puerto Rico International Airlines, entertained at pool terrace area. Shown here, left to right: Tony Arias, general manager of the DaVinci; Mrs. Jaime Carrion; Mr. Carrion; George Pereda, executive vice president of PRINAIR, and, Manuel Rodriguez, president of Caribbean Gay Tours.

We see where Mrs. Madalyn Mur ray O Hair is at it again... she s the one who was instrumental in getting prayer removed from public schools... after hearing the words of the APOL LO 8 astronauts wherein they prayed publicly while circling the moon. .. she said she is getting a mail cam paign started castigating the space craft center... stating "I think that they (the astronauts) were ill ad vised... that it was a tragic situa tion" ..:.

... There is an interesting tid bit from Monza, Italy... where two en gineers on the Sondrio Milan electric train run celebrated well but not too wisely last Sunday... drinking most of 30 bottles of wine while on their regular run... the train went fast... it went slow... sometimes it stop ped... empty bottles flew hither

thither and yon from the locomotive window. .. and now a judge is trying to determine what, if any, charges are to be placed against them...

... Raquel Welch has inked a 3 year deel with a nationally known dress manufacturer whereby she is guaranteed a minimum of $85,000 per year... for permitting the use of her name... meantime we hear Rosemary Clooney is taking ex hub by José Ferrer to court... wants more money . .. some $40,000 worth... claiming she is too insecure and ner vous to work following her divorce... while a German magazine claims that Jackie is pregnant... and we thought you simply had to know that Liz gave Richard a $5,000 mink sport jacket for his birthday.

Everynight except Monday, in the Ponce de Leon Room starting at 10:30 P.M. Fri days and Saturdays two shows, one at 10:00 P.M. and the other at 12 mid night.

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Seafood and Charcoal Steaks

Native Sea Food Specialties

Stateside Steaks

Italian Specialties

Est. 18 Years

11 a. m. to Midnight

Best Prices In Town!

Isla Verde Road Tel. 791 0289


she nicee 43

1 original European style

" elegance and fun that made Mirabelle s the favorite hideaway of San Juan s blue blooded set. Continuous music and. dancing in the grand Latin manner until 6 a. m. Complimentary hors d oeuvres for stay up laters.

Never a Cover or Minimum yor" 2

Walter Rios 1 2324 * _| Loiza Street, Isla Verd Free Parking Wais

Theatres by the Tisch interests in 1960, Mr. Tisch set about reorgan izing the 60 year old movie company. They razed the original Loew s Lex ington T hea tre in mid town New York and on the site built the Sum mit Hotel, first new Manhattan hotel to rise in more than 30 years.

The 42 year old Mr. Tisch is a di rector of the Kinney Service Corpo ration, president of the New York City Convention and Visitors Bureau, a member of the Young Presidents Organizations, and numerous hotel and philanthropic organizations.

The new president of Loew s Thea tres lives in Scarsdal, N.Y. with his wife, the former Joan Hyman, and their three children.

INmsiLsontuistoor JANUARY:

Two major events, which will ex pose El Conquistador Hotel and Club, Las Croabas, Puerto Rico, to millions of readers and viewers, are scheduled for January, 1969.

On Saturday, January 11, "Shell s Wonderful World of Golf" will tel evise in color on the NBC TV network a match filmed at El Conquistador s new 18 hole championship golf course. The competitors are Arnold Palmer, Gay Brewer and "Chi Chi" Rodri guez. The scheduled time on Channel 4 in the New York area is 5 to 6 p.m.

In the January 13th issue of Sports Illustrated, El Conquistador will be the subject of a multi page article il lustrated with color photographs and sketches. The hotel s many vacation features, such as golf, tennis, water sports, cuisine, entertainment, and its beautiful Caribbean setting, will be highlighted. As part of the coverage, the magazine interviewed Lou Puro, chairman of the board of El Con quistador and El San Juan Hotel in San Juan.

Roberto Lugo Rigsu, (standing center) General Manage: of the Caribe Hilton Hotel, flashes a smile of satisfaction on seeing over 650 hotel employees and their families file into the swank "Club Caribe" to attend a Christmas Party in their honor. Invited by Mr.Lugo, they had the opportunity to see and hear the very well known star, Marco Antonio Muniz, who entertained them with favorite songs.
Patio Restaurant, Soda Fountain and Bakery. Ashford andde Diego, Condado. 724 9056.

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Gourmet dining in the elegant OldEnglishatmosphere

Featuring Prime Ribs of Beef and Charcoal Broiled steaks Dancing to the music of The Exciting Ceci Trio plus The Piano styling of Reggie Ashby Located in the Hotel

Racquet Club

Isla Verde, San Juan 791 3535

for some time now. .. the free lunch bit, with corned beef, roast beef, ham, turkey, potato salads and such. But this time he completely outdid him self.

The story begins with Danny s close friend, local Maitre d Joe Petty. Joe s brother Gus, who is Nassau County Inspector of Parks and En gineering, came to San Juan a few days ago with his friend Frank Ron dilico. With names like that, talk quite naturally turned to Italian food. Danny heard all this nostalgic talk about the good old days and "mom s great Italian dishes" so he threw down the gauntlet to Joe. Thus, this past Sunday Danny s Living Room took on an aura of Italianissimo.

Chef Joe Pretty prepared Shells Boulognaise from Trieste, Sausage Calabrese, Caponetti from Italy, a concoction of all beef frankfurters, peppers and onions sauteed in wine and flambeed, plus Giuseppe salad with imported Italian olive oil (natch) with the inevitable Italian meat balls, soft as cream puffs and drowned in a deep red gravy,... all this topped off with Antipasto a la De Kalb. How s that for a complimentary getup?

The traffic is quite heavy around Danny s these days and nights, for now it is open twenty four hours per day... (no key) ... and everyone is afraid they ll miss something. And this is possible, for one never knows what comes next at Danny s... the liveliest, most comfortable spot on the Condado.


The Tuna Estudiantil, college boys from the University of Madrid, made two appearances at the Puerto Rico Sheraton on their current visit to Puerto Rico. The group entertained at a Christmas "Rum Nog" party and at poolside, and returned for a special appearance at the regular weekly meeting of the San Juan Rot ary Club in the Sheraton s Salon Carnaval.

The Tuna Estudiantil wear a cos tume which has been traditional since medieval days. Black velvet tu nics of micro mini length balloon over black tights. A black cape is en livened by the ribbons and pins which are gifts from female admir ers.

The gifted young singers accom pany themselves with bandurria, guitar, accordion and tambourine. The major function of the Tuna groups in Spain is the serenading of pretty girls. In recent years, spe cial groups which combine the best voices and musical abilities of vari ous university schools, have spent successful holidays touring Europe and the Americas.

This is the second visit of the Tu na Estudiantil to Puerto Rico during their winter holidays, and they hope very much that it, too, will become one of their traditions.

Hilton International hotels are synonymous with comfort and effi ciency among all travelers whether they be on a business or on a pleas ure trip, but with the growing num

Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Lugo Rigau, General Manager of the Caribe Hilton Hotel hosted a Cocktail Reception to honor their num erous friends. Background of that elegant party was the Jeronimo Room of the Cari be Hilton. (Left to right) Mrs. Silva Fort; Dr. Silva Fort, Mrs. Rosita Auffant, Public Relations Director of the hotel, Mr. Rober to Lugo Rigau and Mrs. Margarita A. Lugo Rigau.

ber of men and women traveling on business an additional series of serv ices have been introduced in all Hii ton International hotels in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Wherever the hotel is located, the staff speaks English in addition to which the telephone operators are multilingual in order to take tele phone messages accurately and effi ciently.

Each hotel has an Appointment Secretary who assists guests in making appointments, arranges for public stenos, telex messages, dupli cating services, dictating equipment, interpreting and translating.

For those dining alone there is a Hilton International Round Table at which travelers can meet others in the same situation. For those confer ring or dining with groups there are private meeting and dining rooms with staff trained to service the re quirements of American business men and women.

In addition to this, stock market quotations can be obtained right in the hotel and reservations can be made at any other Hilton hotel around the world.

Phyllis Spatz of Washington, D. C. mod els a casual dress from the José de Le: ma shop in the San Jeronimo Hilton at a fashion show held poolside at the hotel. The fashion showing with guests as models was part of the hotel s varied holiday pro gram for the mainland guests.

A detailed folder describing these services is available upon request from Guide to Business Traveler Services, Hilton International, 301 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10022.

with the




RAFI SANTANA S beguiling guitar



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At El Morro fortress, early morning tourists watch the S$.S. Ponce de Leon , world s largest and fastest roll on/roll off trailer vessel glide into San Juan harbor a few days ago on its last trip of 1968, the day the national maritime strike was began. This was its 32nd trip to San Juan. Transamerican Trailer Transport Vice President & General Manager Roberto Lugo D Acosta said the ship will go to drydock for its 100,000 mile check up and a painting and clean up while the strike is on. Local business circles hope the strike will be settled before shortages of food and supplies start to show up here on the island.

Flamboyan stage as this troupe satir izes and parodies current TV com mercials. Often raw and racy, but al ways funny.

There was a packed house at the Flamboyan opening night, and the audience tried hard not to let the per formers outrace them with their fast and furious pace. I found myself fi guring some of them out on my way home.

The show s a barrel of fun. If you don t enjoy it let me know and I ll see to it that you either get double your money back or signed into a mental hospital for premature wither ing of sense of humor!


DAVIS AT EL SAN JUAN HOTEL : Other than making this an nouncement, what else is there to say ? Does anyone need a description of what Sammy does, or how he sings? He is an entity and personality unto himself, at once inimitable and irrepressible! He has a magic with an audience that few performers ever

attain. There is a Sammy Davis charisma that soars across the foot lights. You feel like going up to him afterwards and saying, "That s great, Sammy, come on home for dinner." There is no point in doing a review of a Sammy Davis show. You all know what it is. I m just telling you that he is holding forth with his special kind of magic at the lovely TROPICORO ROOM of the El San Juan Hotel. Go, go... and enjoy, enjoy!

CRUISE HONORS: I have just re turned from a Caribbean cruise on the Italian line s LEONARDO DA VINCI. It is like a returnfrom Hea ven. If there is a Heaven it must be like life aboard the Da Vinci when it cruises to the West Indies. The food is an orgy of feasting! The Chef has golden fingers! From breakfast to lunch to gourmet dinners to fabulous deluxe nightly midnight buffets, one is engulfed with gastronomic mira cles! The activities provided aboard from morning until night include en


San Juan s ist and Only Sidewalk Cate Open Round the Clock

e Famous Native Cuisine At Moderate Prices e French & Danish Pastries«iid

San Juan Darlington Hotel yajs: 724 3539

Calisthenic Classes Wax Treatment Electric Exercisers Facial

Steam & Sauna Baths Depilation Massage Modern Dancing



tertainment that would make Ed Sul livan blush! The Christmas New Year s cruise featured Ruth and Ben no Sharon, international singers of charm and quality, the graceful and talented dance team Jean and Wally Dugaine, an Italian magician of in credible talents among many others. The service was impeccable, the at mosphere tres eleganté. I have been on twelve cruises with various lines over the years, but I m here to tell you, "now that you ve tried the rest, try the best!" JACK SCORDLEY is the general manager for all cruises sponsored by the Italian Line, and deserves a solid gold Oscar for his taste, his talent, his generosity, and his super intuition in providing en tertainment, activites and a host of surprises that make a cruise with his line a never to be forgotten adven ture. Let s not overlook the cruise director, Eddie Dawson a demon of a dynamo who organized the smooth est and most delightful series of ad ventures aboard. Eddie is a man of long experience in cruising and shows

it. Each day his resonant voice could be heard announcing the delights of the day. Bless you Jack Scordley! SHOPPING TIP: Why doesn t some body invent a TV lamp clock that will give you the exact time at a glance with a built in light that makes it pos sible to see in the dark? SOMEBODY HAS! For $14.95, the Pennwood Nu mechron Co, 7249 Frankstown Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. has produced a bles sing for TV rooms, a digital clock with a built in frame of light... a night light and a lovely electric clock in one. Progress at last!

V.I.P. VISITOR: One of the most fa bulous and legendary hotels in the world is the incredible CONCORD HOTEL, Kiamesha Lake, N. Y. It has a worldwide reputation for the most lavish shows ever to be produced any where. The booking executive and genius behind the entertainment bo nanza is PHIL GREENWALD. His deft touch and unmistakable intuition for the right entertainment has made him a power behind the scenes.

"The customer is always right, I know," states amiable BILL FRITH, the man who does the pouring for DANNY S LIVING ROOM. But a French Poodle with a hangover simply floors me." Seems as though Hangover Square is just that. DANNY S HANGOVER SQUARE, where everyone is welcome even French Poodies named SAMANTHA, and be longing to MARY SCHATTMAN.
"Flower 1 ocd 1 in Sound!".

Now appearing in the zanzibar lounge, Car men Canavo quarter featuring lovely Mary June are back by popular demand for their fourth appearance in the zanzibar. This ver satile musical group, with the big bouncy beat, offer three shows a night. Engagament ends January 13, 1969.

CURACAO PHENOMENON: When the cruise ships dock at Curacao, the free port shopping paradise in the West Indies, all the tourists and passengers make a bee line for Sprit zer and Fuhrmann, the most famous jewelry store in this hemisphere. Through the business genius of Charles Fuhrmann the original store has grown into many branches, not only in Curacao, but in Aruba and , New York. It is of course a treasure

chest of the finest and best collection of diamond jewelry and watches to be found anywhere in the Western world. It is a sight to behold thou sands of tourists packing the place to the extent that the doors some times have to be closed and customers admitted in limited numbers to avoid chaos! Of course a reputation like this is not built except through un usual business techniques of reliabil ity, integrity, fantastic merchandise at equally fantastic prices. Charles Fuhrmann the guiding light behind this magical operation, has built a business that has no comparison any where in this planet. When the moon is reached, I fully believe the first store to be opened will be a branch of Spritzer and Fuhrmann!

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Amer ican writer Ambrose Bierce once said : "Woman could be more charming if one could fall into her arms without falling into her hands."

BANKS NUGGETS: Ben Franklin asked: "Doth thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of."

A LAUGH A DAY: Definition of a hippie... A hippie is one who tries to look like Tarzan, talks like Jane and smells like Cheetah!

In spite of the San Jeronimo Hilton s elab orate Christmas tree and decorations in the hotel s lobby, little Yvette Ibarra does her own decorating for the holiday season. The 13 month old charmer is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Ibarra of Santurce.

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Mark Glazier of New Jersey is hoisted triumphantly to his comrades shoulders fol lowing his feat in winning a game of musi cal chairs at the holiday party held at the San Jeronimo Hilton. The party was one of many activities offered by the hotel es pecially planned to entertain the hotel s in flux of 200 young mainland visitors who lias their parents to the sunny isle.

The demand for accommodations in the Caribbean is becoming increas ingly acute with the beginning of the Winter Season. There are, however, a variety of choice hotel rooms still available during January, 1969, in Hilton International hotels in the area, each of which has a distinct personality of its own to satisfy the different requirements of the sum mer traveler.

The Mayaguez Hilton in Puerto Rico, for example, offers a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere for t hose who wish to get away from it all for a wonderful vacation at budget prices. Situated on a 25 acre hilltop, the ho tel boasts a beautiful pool and tennis courts plus a splendid beach a few miles away.

Also in Puerto Rico is the Dorado Hilton and Country Club, an excel lent location for those interested in


JANUARY 10, 1969

golf and other sports including ten nis, horseback riding, volley ball, shuffleboard and swimming. This ho tel is ideal for a family vacation in that there are a number of activities planned for vacationers of all ages.

In San Juan itself are the Caribe Hilton and the San Jeronimo Hilton for those who, in addition to resort daytime activities, are looking for a gay and exciting night life.

Those looking for a gay time will also find their place in the sun at the Trinidad Hilton in Port of Spain with its splendid pool on top of the hotel and the perpetual carnival mood of Port of Spain.

On the fashi nable North Coast of Ocho Rios, Jamaica, is the Jamaica wrhinh lan mmaamnélee bogs £ Vac v4 refurbished, offering one of the most delightful beaches in the Caribbean plus facilities for all kinds of water and other outdoor sports.

Other hotels offering excellent beaches and water sport facilities are the Barbados Hilton and the Curacao Hilton. Those staying at these two hotels as well as the Virgin Isle Hil ton in St. Thomas can intersperse

their periods of relaxation and en joyment in the sun with the fun and excitement of duty free shopping available at the three locations.

In today s youth oriented world the secret of success seems to be YOUTH. YOUTH IS SUCCESS, SUCCESS IS YOUTH. VOILA, Mr. Peter Kom posch, Executive Chef at Isla Verde s most exciting new resort hotel, the Hotel Racquet Club. Peter, a native of Vienna, Austria could easily play the lead in a Strauss operretta. He would be the gay young calvary of ficer who sweeps all the young ladies off their feet and revives nostalgic memories in the hearts of their dear mamas. In his brief 26 years he has dazzled both the ladies and the gour mets in half the countries of the west ern world with his charm, good looks and very capable abilities as a master chef. Peter was trained in the Euro pean tradition including three years of apprenticeship in all phases of kitchen routines from slicing thou sands of vegetables to making the most sublime sauces and entrees. He later attended hotel school in Lau sanne, Switzerland learning the de tails of modern meal planning and kitchen management as well as the secrets of the very ancient art of Eu ropean cookery. Continuing on the path to mastery of his chosen profes sion he served time honored intern ships in Paris, Switzerland and Ger many as CHEF GARDEMANGER and CHEF SAUCIER. Afterwards he was Sous Chef at the Chateau Lake Louise in Canada, The Duns Hotel in Las Vegas and the Coral Harbour Club in the Bahamas.

He achieved his goal of "MASTER CHEF" at the age of 22, when he became Executive Chef at Lucayan Villas and Marinas in Freeport, Grand Bahama Island and later at the Holiday Inn in Freeport. Peter feels that his appointment to the posi tion of Executive Chef at the RAC QUET CLUB, whose TUDOR ROOM has built up an excellent reputation in GOURMET DINING, will give him the scope he wishes to demon strate both to the native and to the vacationing visitor the tantalizing subleties of haute cuisine européenne.

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Karen Mason, 13, got exactly what she wanted on Three Kings Day when she found this beagle puppy in the grass filled box set out for the annual visit of the Wise Men and their camels. Karen s gift is well earned as she assisted her mother Betty Mason (Social Director of the San Jeronimo Hilton) supervise and entertain nearly 200 youth ful visitors over the holidays with a full and varied program from scavenger hunts to nightly pop parties.





AMERICANA 791 2020


Revue Royale de Paris


Ken Hamilton


Ralph Font Society Orch.


Freddie Bell & Roberta Linn



Curtis Bros.


Bobby Rydell


The Beard And Two LA CONCHA 723 6090


Sam Vine


Juan Luis Trio & Carla



Los 4 Hermanos Silva TRADEWINDS BAR

Eddie Carbia Trio

EL CONVENTO 723 9020


Rosario Galan Ballet Espanol

Ramon Bastidas Orch.



Gloria Ruiz and Rhythmics

EL MIRAMAR 723 8040


Jody Kirk Tony Castro Trio


Johnny Coco Hawaiian Revue


Best Prime Rib In Town

EL SAN JUAN 791 1100


Sammy Davis, Jr.

Anselmo Sacassas Orch.


José Fajardo Combo


Phil Flowers

FLAMBOYAN 725 7700


Tito Rodriguez


Totie Fields



Four Montemar Dining Serenade,

Jorge Vernieri Quartet


Xavier Cugat


T Bone Steaks Poolside

Joe Baker s Water Show


Carmen Canavo Quartet



The Ceci Trio



Renato Rossini Guitar


Bill Manning Guitar


Los Chavales de Espana


Chano Scotty Combo Latino Los Vegabajenos




Hotel La Rada... Opposite Condado Beach Hotel. Piano bar.

lLatin American Dancing til?


611 Ponce De Leon... Across From El Miramar Hotel.. Where Young Sin gles Meet. Drinks 60¢. . Every 6th on the house.


1058 Ashford Ave., Condado. San Juan s Only Closed Circuit TV Disco theque. 9:30 PM to 6 AM.


1020 Ashford Ave., Condado Flamenco Show Nights of Spain


2324 Loiza St., Isla Verde Where San Juan s Blue Bloods Meet


263 San Francisco St.

Old San Juan Warren Vaughn "Swingin Singles" Player Piano


Loiza And San Jorge St., Santurce. Home Of Baseball Buffs. . . Bob Young and Rudy Hernandez Singalong With Roberto Figueroa THE TRIP

304 Fernandez Juncos. .. Stop 6. Psy chedelic Show ... Continuous... The Young Papas... 10 PM to 6 AM.



Top Atlantic Beach Hotel, Between Sheraton and La Concha. Condado s Informal Italian Home Cooked Food Center.


San Justo 254, Old San Juan. Authen tic Spanish CuisineIn The Heart Of Old San Juan. Entert. Nightly.


Ashford Ave. Point, Opposite La Con cha. San Juan s First And Only Side walk Cafe. Moderate Prices. Open Round The Clock, Under The Clock.


Isla Verde Rd. 791 0289

Seafood and Charcoal Steaks


1372 Ashford Ave. Genuine Italian Cuisine By Chef Tonino. Entert. Night ly 5 PM to 2 AM.


Restaurant And Bakery. Corner Ash ford And De Diego, Condado. Puerto Rico And American Cuisine. Ample Free Parking. 19


ope uolssiwsue}; aljewojne

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