Measles, Malnutrition and Mortality: Puerto Rico, 1917-1918

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• FULL-LENGTH ARTICLES • Measles, Malnutrition and Mortality: Puerto Rico, 1917-1918 José G. Rigau-Pérez, MD, MPH*; Evelyn D. Vallejo-Calzada, BS† Objective: Recent measles outbreaks in the United States and Europe have highlighted the threat of the disease. We studied the 1917-1918 epidemic in Puerto Rico to better understand the social and place-specific risk factors and severity of such crises. Methods: We reviewed medical and government reports, newspapers and private contemporary documents. Results: The epidemic developed over two years, encompassed the Island, and caused nearly 2,000 deaths among more than 9,000 registered cases (with much underreporting). During the first six months, 59% of fatalities were children under 2 years of age. Officials recognized poor nutrition and living conditions as an important determinant of epidemic severity. Responses came from different social sectors before the central government mobilized to help. In San Juan, Catholic and Protestant churches and philanthropic women from both Spanish and Englishlanguage communities joined to provide free milk to needy children and create a temporary Infants’ Hospital. Despite food scarcity and wartime conditions, central and municipal governments established hospitals and milk stations. Conclusion: Studies that examine the impact of reemerging diseases in a time and place-specific context look at disease severity together with the socioeconomic conditions of patients and health care systems. This type of investigation also suggests avenues into the history of pediatrics, the use of epidemiologic methods, the utility of historical statistics, nutritional history, and the history of disaster response. Historical and recent outbreaks show the need for health care professionals and public health systems to be prepared to confront measles epidemics. [P R Health Sci J 2020; 39:20-27] Key words: Measles, Puerto Rico, Epidemics, Malnutrition, Antonio Fernós-Isern


n large population groups today, fear of measles infection has been replaced by fear of the vaccine. Most people in the United States, including physicians, have never seen a case because of the introduction of vaccine in 1963, mandatory immunization, and the elimination of endemic measles in 2000. Outbreaks in 2019 put that “elimination status” in jeopardy (1). Measles can be life-threatening in its acute phase and may also increase the risk of death for years thereafter, due to immunosuppression (2). Vaccination prevents primary measles infection and may also help prevent other infections. Recent outbreaks in many continents have brought home the threat of the disease, and epidemics in refugee camps show its potential to produce fatalities (3). Historical analysis can assist in the understanding and prevention of potentially recurrent severe crises not seen in recent times. We chose to study the measles epidemic of 1917-1918 in Puerto Rico for three reasons: the lack of vaccine and specific treatment allowed the development of many clinical manifestations; it is mentioned alongside contemporary disasters but has not been studied; and a historian colleague alerted us to a vivid


description of the outbreak in a parish chronicle. The memory of the suffering of the sick and their families may help protect the health of present-day children.

Methods Repeated inquiries at the Archivo General de Puerto Rico failed to identify documents originating from the Department of Health. Our investigation therefore focused on the review of published medical and government reports, newspapers, and private contemporary documents. An article by Antonio

*Academia Puertorriqueña de la Historia, San Juan, PR; Assistant Professor, ad honorem, Schools of Public Health and Medicine, University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus, San Juan, PR; †School of Medicine, University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus, San Juan, PR The authors have no conflict of interest to disclose. Work performed in fulfillment of the requirements for Department of Pediatrics Elective MPED 7106-2. Address correspondence to: José G. Rigau, MD, University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus, San Juan, PR. Email:

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Measles, Malnutrition and Mortality: Puerto Rico, 1917-1918

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Fernós-Isern (1928) provided important additional epidemiologic data (4).

Findings Measles and medical care, Puerto Rico 1917-1918 Pediatric textbooks of the time described measles as an infectious disease which mostly affected children. It produced low mortality “except in infants and delicate children” (reaching 30-40%) (5). High infectivity and symptoms such as fever, rash, cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, and Koplik spots were explained in detail. The cause of the Figure 1. Deaths attributed to measles, by calendar year, Puerto Rico, 1909-1927. Source: disease was suspected to be a virus. The Fernós-Isern A. Measles in Porto Rico. Porto Rico Review of Public Health and Tropical most frequent and fatal complication, Medicine. 1928; 4:149-154. “lobular pneumonia,” was attributed to Juan); by the end of June and the fiscal year, 3,670 cases from secondary infection by “strepto or other cocci”. The prognosis 70 municipalities and 615 deaths were registered. In FY 1918, was known to depend on multiple factors such as age and social measles was made a notifiable disease: 5,233 cases and 1,096 condition, with higher mortality among the poor (6). The deaths were recorded. The apparent increase in cases over the only necessary treatment for uncomplicated measles consisted previous year may reflect physicians’ obligation to report. During of “a well-ventilated room and a light diet with abundance of FY 1919, only 82 cases were reported; however, 91 deaths were water” (7). attributed to measles, one of many numerical discrepancies The Department of Health in Puerto Rico paid careful found in the government’s health statistics (10). attention to childhood diseases. Children under ten years of age An epidemic curve by month for 1917-1918 (Figure 2) accounted for approximately 30% of the population (versus 10% shows a two-year process (most likely the summation of local now). Infant mortality (deaths in children under a year of age outbreaks) with a steep increase from January 1917, a peak per thousand live births) was 152 in fiscal year 1915-1916 (FY in July, and a slow descent during the following 18 months. 1916) (7.1 in 2014, 6.3 in 2019). It then accounted for 26% of Transmission may have continued in the following year, all deaths (less than 1% in 2014) (8). diagnosed as dengue, which produces a rash very similar to that In the twenty years after the United States’ invasion ( July of measles. Many dengue cases (345) were reported for FY 1919, 25, 1898), Puerto Rico changed in almost every aspect of its while very few were reported during the measles epidemic, and governance and organization. The last years of that period were only 7 for FY 1920 (11). especially eventful. On March 2, 1917, the Congressional Jones Relatively early in the epidemic (1917), which he considered Act granted U.S. citizenship to Puerto Ricans, instituted military controlled (“dominada”), Dr. José Gómez Brioso, director of the service, provided for a referendum on the prohibition of the sale Department’s Division of Transmissible Diseases in FY 1917, of alcoholic beverages (approved by voters), and changed the published a statement titled “The measles” in the journal of the local government structure. The act transformed the Sanitary Puerto Rico Medical Association. He summarized the situation Service into a cabinet-level Department of Health. In the indicating the disease had “exploded” in San Juan and extended following months, a series of crises affected the Island: entry in to other important towns but had assumed “extraordinary World War I; blockade by German submarines; food scarcity; proportions” in Puerta de Tierra and Santurce (also part of the Armistice; demobilization; earthquake and tsunami; epidemics municipality of San Juan). In some areas of the former, “where of measles, typhoid, meningococcemia, and influenza (9). it entered, it left no healthy child” (due to crowded living conditions) and mortality had “obeyed conditions of organic Epidemiologic description of the outbreak debility prior to the illness”. In Santurce, transmission was less In the middle of its reorganization, the new Department of intense, most likely due to the lower density of population, but Health was faced with “an unusually persistent and virulent in San Juan (now called old San Juan) it had not been as severe, epidemic of measles which originated in San Juan” (Figure 1). despite its crowded living conditions (12). A measles epidemic had not been reported since 1910, when Measles spread to most municipalities (Figure 3) (13). All there had been 396 deaths (but deaths due to measles are noted geographic regions included municipalities in the lowest and in the Department’s annual reports for FYs 1909 to 1911). In highest range of reported rates. Municipal details (e.g., timing January 1917, cases were reported from Puerta de Tierra (San PRHSJ Vol. 39 No. 1 • March, 2020

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easier the presence of certain parasitic or bacterial elements which must be blamed for having contributed to the figure of one and forty hundredths percent [1.40 %] estimated for mortality in this epidemic.” In contrast to the pediatric textbook quoted above, which warned against “lobula+r pneumonia” as the most frequent fatal complication, Gómez Brioso blamed mostly gastrointestinal disorders (12). Social impact There is an account of the epidemic’s social consequences in a community affected early on ( January 23 to April Figure 2. Deaths attributed to measles, by month, Puerto Rico, 1917-1918. Source: Fernós-Isern A. 22, 1917). Puerta de Tierra, (Figure Measles in Porto Rico. Porto Rico Review of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. 1928; 4:149-154. 4) the densely populated workingclass district east of old San Juan, was by then notorious as an of outbreaks, quality of disease surveillance, living standards epidemic focus: plague in 1912, tuberculosis and smallpox in and health care access for affected populations) are needed to 1916 (15). No government attention was perceptible in the explain the geographic distribution of rates. For example, we first three weeks. A newspaper article on February 15 (saved for do not have information to examine the possibility of urban to posterity by transcription into the San Agustín Catholic parish rural spread. The epidemic seems to have started in the capital chronicles) described shacks made of boards and tin cans, open and spread to other towns, but disease notification was based sewers, and standing pools of filth. With the price of food so high on the municipal jurisdictions, which combine an urban center that people went hungry, “children with […] bony little arms and many rural barrios. and legs, hollow cheeks and chests” were “dying so fast that it The only information reported concerning personal has been difficult to provide burial for them”. Storekeepers had characteristics of cases is the number of deaths among those run out of boxes, donated to make coffins. The author called under 2 years of age. The proportion was 59% for FY 1917 for help: “These children are not all dying from measles. They (the first six months of the epidemic, which corresponded to are dying for want of care, nourishment[,] and food for their January-June 1917) and 40% for FY1919 (the corresponding mothers” (16). data for 1918 were not published). Infant mortality increased The satirical weekly Pica-Pica did not mention the epidemic, markedly, from 152 in FY 1916 to 193 in 1917, then 173 the in contrast to the plague outbreak in 1912. Plague alarmed following year, and 143 in FY 1919 (14). the public but caused only 36 deaths; measles, however, was familiar, and high mortality among children proved to be a Clinical description difficult subject for satire. In the weekly Porto Rico Progress, Dr. Gómez Brioso considered that measles, in itself, had mention of measles practically disappeared after the end shown a customary mildness in the acute stage, but the causes of of March 1917 (17). Although the onset of war (April 2) fatal outcome were observed during convalescence. As the only description we have found of concurrent clinical entities, it is quoted at length: “A notable number of cases are due to enteritis, gastroenteritis, entero colitis, diarrheas, etc. which have influenced the fatal outcome of the illness, joined to catarrhal involvement of the mucosae [ ( ] b ro n c h i a l , au d i to r y, Figure 3. Measles case reporting rates by municipality, Puerto Rico, fiscal years ending 1917 to 1919. nasal[)] and their sequelae[,] Range of reported rates (cases per 1,000 estimated municipal population, 1917): Blank – No cases, no maladies by disorders of reporting, or municipality not in lists; Dots – 0.23 to 2.46; Hatching – 3.0 to 5.90; Gray – 6.17 to 9.92; nutrition, that have made Black – 10.27 to 25.64


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produced no outright press censorship, there was considerable self-inhibition of officials and newspapers due to “patriotism” (to support civic morale in wartime), fear (of a new federal law on disloyal or critical language about the government of the United States), and a misguided attempt to control panic (which is usually provoked by lack of accurate information) (18). Government explanations for the severity of the outbreak Puerto Rico’s agricultural output was devoted almost exclusively to sugarcane, so the island’s food supply depended on importations from the United States. The situation was made worse by a 1916 Figure 4. Puerta de Tierra (San Juan, PR), partial aerial view, 22 March 1923. Source: Wall hurricane that destroyed plantain groves, display at Hogar Nuestra Señora de la Providencia, Puerta de Tierra, San Juan. and then a drought. Officials recognized individual circumstances such as cachexia and organic poor nutrition and social conditions as an important impoverishment, and misery.” The governor’s report indicated determinant of epidemic severity. For example, regarding the that government could not act until funds were appropriated first months of the epidemic: “The young children specially (which did not happen until March 26!) (23). Response to the suffered from lack of nourishment, and a very high rate of crisis therefore came from a variety of religious and civic sectors: mortality occurred, particularly in San Juan, from diseases the priests and nuns of San Agustín, Protestant denominations, indirectly produced by measles. […] An investigation of the and philanthropic women from both Spanish and Englishconditions, however, showed that only a small number of language communities in San Juan. They formed a committee these children would require hospital treatment, the majority called the “Fondo de Leche” or “Milk Fund” to provide free only needing proper food” (19). Gómez Brioso, possibly milk to the needy of the district. They also established a the author of the statements just quoted, concluded in his temporary Infant’s Hospital with the help of the municipality. article that measles had been mild, but “greatly diffusible”. It Milk distribution at the local medical dispensary was ongoing caused great damage because it descended upon a “racially by March 7 (24). There is mention of a milk and food station depauperized population with low resistance to external operating from April 1 to May 15. The Quarantine Hospital poisons”, and because of collaborating causes such as “irregular received 582 contagious cases; 90 convalescent cases (still and perverted diet”, poor quality food, and lack of hygienic requiring care) were admitted to a temporary hospital (Figure 5) and protective lodging against the weather (12). In the town on the “new government dock,” which closed on June 15 (25). of Isabela, the few deaths that occurred were “due to defective Perhaps that location was chosen to assure the good ventilation feeding” (20). The following year, the majority of the 1,096 recommended for the care of persons with measles. deaths reported were considered “due to condition in life As mentioned, the disease struck beyond Puerta de Tierra and to complications[,] rather than to the virtuality [essence, to reach most municipalities. The rector of San Agustín parish potential] of the nosological entity [disease]” (21). declared to a newspaper, “there has been a death of a child Wartime restrictions contributed to a food shortage that from this epidemic right in front of the governor’s palace” (26). governor Yager described on February 23, 1917, as “perilous,” Spread to the central municipalities of Caguas, Cidra and Juncos that “may at any time become more severe.” He stated that “food resulted in the distribution of medicines and milk among the prices are so high that the poor man can scarcely live” and called needy and the establishment of a 25-bed hospital in Juncos, on sugar planters to sow for home consumption in order to attended by its mayor, Dr. José Barreras. Later, the Department reduce food prices. Two weeks later, a newspaper summarized of Health opened hospitals in Guayama, Aibonito, and Cayey, the opinion of the Commissioner of Health as follows: “Poverty with instructions “to furnish free milk to the indigents attacked makes big death rate in measles epidemic” (22). by measles.” These measures, it was felt, “prevented a large number of casualties and facilitated the cure of the majority Social and government response of the cases.” The wharf hospital and milk stations in San Juan On February 9, the Board of Health reported that cases did provided six different milk formulas; there is no mention of not require quarantine, and “malignant cases” were most often specific medications. The government seems to have considered due to neglect, lack of cleanliness, “alimentary transgressions, PRHSJ Vol. 39 No. 1 • March, 2020

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for analytical purposes, or may even be due to intentional dissimulation, especially in the report for FY 1919, which celebrated the achievements of two decades of American government. Some imprecision may also reflect contemporary standards, rather than local practice. We found erroneous column totals in the 1910 census of Puerto Rico carried out by the US Department of Commerce (32). The government response to the outbreak was slow (Puerta de Tierra reportedly received no help during the first three weeks of the outbreak, and government funds for “measles suppression” were Figure 5. “One of the five departments of the wharf [Malecón] hospital, which houses 64 children appropriated only on March 26, after convalescing from measles”. Source: La institución salvadora de los niños, Puerto Rico Ilustrado. three months). Community and 1917 April 28, unnumbered page. religious philanthropy filled the gap. Nevertheless, we must acknowledge that government officials announced the problem early in necessary to explain that, although it was customary to appoint February, consistently recognized the association between men as hospital superintendents, “trained nurses [i. e. females] severe disease and malnutrition, and provided some relief were placed in charge of each hospital” and food station. Miss despite confronting enormous difficulties. Margarita D. Rivera was their overall superintendent (27). Most countries, at this time of infrequent use of pasteurization The Department of Health reported expenditures for and refrigeration, also faced the problem of poor-quality milk “suppression of measles” amounting to $15,449.23 in FY 1917 (often the cause of infantile diarrhea), through commercial and $11,653.45 for 1918, a total $27,102.68, about 12% of production and household handling. The establishment of an annual budget of the Department, or approximately half “milk stations” addressed the distribution of good-quality milk a million dollars in 2016 (28). Compared to the 425 deaths for poor children (33). In our day’s treatment and preventive caused by measles in 1918, only 20 were reported the following interventions, administration of vitamin A supplements would year (Figure 1). Large outbreaks recurred three times in the be considered a priority. Since 1987, vitamin A supplementation next decade. has been shown to greatly reduce infant mortality, and subsequent studies have shown particular efficacy in areas where Discussion diarrheal disease and measles were a frequent cause of death (34). Just like Puerto Rico in 1917! The epidemic extended for two full years, encompassed the A brief account of sanitary affairs in Puerto Rico published Island, produced thousands of cases and close to 2,000 deaths, in 1923 decried the epidemic’s impact on child mortality, but while officials recognized that many cases went unreported. there is no mention of this in our later synoptic histories of An evaluation of the efficacy of the government health effort medicine (35). Our search did not locate concurrent measles must start with a look at the quality of information collected epidemics in the Caribbean region, nor in communities in the and used to define and address the problem. Contemporary United States (except US Army camps). Lack of mention may experts bewailed the poor quality of government health statistics be due to a high tolerance for the disease, or the restrictions (29). Indeed, the health data presented in the governor’s annual on wartime communications (36). Antonio Fernós Isern, reports for FYs 1917-1919 are often not correct, congruent, Assistant Commissioner of Health in 1928, stated that measles consistent, or complete (30). In addition, the interpretation was one of the most important diseases affecting the health of is often confusing and expressed in ambiguous and even children. His review of measles activity on the Island, using data contradictory statements, such as: “The epidemic of measles for 1921-1925, showed that the mortality rate due to measles of 1917-18, though well controlled, has continued to give among people under 15 years of age was much higher in Puerto rise to more or less intense outbreaks in towns thought to be Rico than in the United States (57 vs. 19 per 100,000) (37). immune” (31). The ambiguity may be due to poor quality of The 1917 all-age mortality rate for measles in Puerto Rico expression in English by local officials (or poor translation of (111.7 per 100,000) can be compared with the highest death good Spanish), neglect of statistics which should have been used rates reported by states in 1916: 21.8 (Rhode Island), 18.2


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(Virginia) and 11.1-11.3 (Minnesota, Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey) (38). Comparison of rates among dissimilar areas is often misleading, but the rate in Puerto Rico was five to ten times that of states with the highest rates. Although we have investigated only the first of the epidemics considered by Fernós in the two decades he reviewed, we can propose some explanations for his identification of measles as a significant threat. The almost 2,000 deaths, mostly in children, were attributed to factors extraneous to the infection, and government officials, newspapers, and members of the clergy also stated clearly that malnutrition was the principal cause of the deaths. Actually, the Island was suffering an undeclared famine. Alongside the measles mortality reported for 1918-1919 there were also reports of beriberi among military recruits, and pellagra in the municipalities of San Juan and Fajardo (39). The acute scarcity and high prices of food aggravated the chronic malnutrition of the laboring population. The high rate of rejection (30%) among potential military draftees undergoing physical examination evidenced what a local physician called a “physiologically naked” population (40). This may be what Dr. Gómez Brioso meant by “racially depauperized”, referring not to skin color, but to a “race” (population) physically impoverished by malnutrition and disease. Analyses of measles epidemics of the past have examined multiple factors for severity, such as virgin populations, concurrent bacterial epidemics producing pneumonia, and poor physical condition from undernourishment (41). The first does not apply to Puerto Rico in 1917, but malnutrition in the population was evident to the contemporaries. Gómez Brioso mentioned “parasitic or bacterial elements”, and measles-induced immunosuppression likely contributed to severity through secondary infections, but he made no specific mention of pneumonias. As he stressed and was mentioned (probably also by him) in the Department’s report for FY 1917, many children died not “from measles per se, but from diarrhea following the lowered resistance caused by the disease” (42). Fernós, in his multi-decade review, specifically found a correlation between the cyclical pattern of measles deaths and mortality from bronchopneumonia and diarrhea (43). Historical studies such as ours, which examine the impact of reemerging diseases in a place-specific context, look at disease severity together with the socioeconomic conditions of patients and health care systems. Our investigation has been limited by the scarcity of documents, and by the administrative rather than clinical focus of government reports. Nevertheless, this type of investigation also suggests avenues into the history of pediatrics, highlighting the work of proto-pediatricians such as Fernós, Gómez Brioso, and others; the development of epidemiologic methods in the Department of Health; the utility of historical statistics, the nutritional history of the Island; and the history of disaster response. Our examination of this widespread, high-mortality measles outbreak is a reminder of the threat that the disease poses to unimmunized and immunosuppressed persons in our

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community. Vaccination has removed many diseases from the public sphere for decades, but we are in an era of emerging and reemerging infections. Historical and recent outbreaks show the need for health care professionals, public health systems, and the public to be prepared to confront measles epidemics.


Objetivos: Brotes recientes de sarampión en Estados Unidos y Europa recalcan la amenaza de la enfermedad en el presente. Estudiamos la epidemia de 1917-1918 en Puerto Rico para entender los factores de riesgo específicos en cuanto a lugar, sociedad y severidad en crisis parecidas. Métodos: Revisamos informes médicos y gubernamentales, periódicos y documentos privados contemporáneos. Resultados: La epidemia duró dos años, cubrió la Isla y causó casi 2,000 muertes entre más de 9,000 casos registrados (con un alto grado de subregistro). Durante los primeros seis meses, 59% de las muertes ocurrieron en menores de 2 años de edad. Los oficiales gubernamentales reconocieron que la nutrición insuficiente y las condiciones de vida eran determinantes en la severidad de la epidemia. Diferentes sectores sociales respondieron antes de que el gobierno central se movilizara. En San Juan, las iglesias católicas y protestantes, y mujeres filantrópicas anglo e hispanoparlantes se unieron para proveer leche gratis a los necesitados y crear un hospital infantil temporero. A pesar de la escasez general de comida y las condiciones bélicas, los gobiernos central y municipales establecieron otros hospitales y estaciones de leche. Conclusiones: Al estudiar el impacto de las enfermedades reemergentes en un contexto específico de tiempo y lugar se percibe la severidad clínica junto a las condiciones socioeconómicas de los pacientes y los sistemas sanitarios. Nuestra investigación sugiere nuevas avenidas en la historia de la pediatría, la epidemiología, la nutrición y la respuesta a desastres. Los brotes de sarampión antiguos y recientes recalcan la necesidad de que los profesionales de salud y los sistemas sanitarios estén preparados para confrontar estas epidemias.

References Abbreviations Fernós: Fernós-Isern A. Measles in Porto Rico. Porto Rico Review of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. 1928;4:149-154. PR Gov Ann Rep 19XX: page: Puerto Rico. Governor. Annual Report of the Governor of Porto Rico [to the Secretary of War] for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30 19XX. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 19XX. 1. Papania MJ, Wallace GS, Rota PA, et al. Elimination of endemic measles, rubella, and congenital rubella syndrome from the western hemisphere: The US experience. JAMA Pediatr 2014;168:148–155; Cohen E. The US eliminated measles in 2000. The current outbreak could change that. CNN Health, 28 August 2019, health/us-measles-elimination-status-in-jeopardy/index.html 2. Mina MJ, Metcalf CJE, de Swart RL, Osterhaus ADME, Grenfell BT. Long-term measles-induced immunomodulation increases overall childhood infectious disease mortality. Science 2015;348:694-699. 3. Nebehay S. Global measles cases three times higher than last year: WHO. Reuters Health News, 29 August 2019,

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us-health-measles/global-measles-cases-three-times-higher-than-lastyear-who-idUSKCN1VJ09P#targetText=Nearly%20365%2C000%20 cases%20have%20been,its%20most%20recent%20figures%20show; Navarro-Colorado C, Mahamud A, Burton A, et al. Measles outbreak response among adolescent and adult Somali refugees displaced by famine in Kenya and Ethiopia, 2011. J Infect Dis 2014;210:1863-1870. 4. We conducted systematic searches of the Index-Catalogues of the Library of the Surgeon General’s Office (IndexCat, http://www.nlm.nih. gov/hmd/indexcat/ichome.html), PubMed, Public Health Reports for 1915-1920, l=333&action=archive, annual reports of the governor of Porto/Puerto Rico 1915-1920, and a page-by-page search of the available numbers of the Boletín de la Asociación Médica de Puerto Rico, from October 1910 to December 1921 (Conrado Asenjo Library, Medical Sciences Campus, University of Puerto Rico – UPR); the card catalog for the daily El Mundo and microfilms of the weeklies Porto Rico Progress 1917; Pica-Pica 1917; Puerto Rico Ilustrado 1917-1918 (Colección Puertorriqueña, Lázaro Library, UPR-Río Piedras); Adolfo de Hostos’s Tesauro de Datos Históricos de Puerto Rico and its card catalog (Centro de Investigaciones Históricas, UPR-Río Piedras); and the manuscript Chronica Domus ad S. Augustini, Puerta de Tierra, Porto Rico 1917-1918 (brought to our attention by Dr. Ann Zulawski, and accessed by permission of the Redemptorist Fathers of Puerto Rico and their provincial, Felipe Santiago, C.Ss.R., Archivo de la Congregación del Santísimo Redentor, Redemptorist Missionaries, San Juan Province, 256 Ponce de León Avenue, San Juan, PR; chroniclers Fathers Paul Koch and, from November 22, 1918, William C. McCarthy); Fernós, also published in Spanish as Consideraciones del sarampión en Puerto Rico, Bol Asoc Med P Rico 1928;21:3-8. 5. Holt LE, Howland J. The diseases of infancy and childhood for the use of students and practitioners of medicine. 7th ed. New York (NY): Appleton; 1916:975-991. Available at 6. Goodall EW. Measles. In: Garrod AE, Batten FE, Thursfield H. Diseases of children, by various authors. London: Edward Arnold; 1913:10401050, esp. 1041, 1045, 1048. Available at Record/011713116 7. Osler O, McCrae T. The principles and practice of medicine designed for the use of practitioners and students of medicine. 8th ed. New York (NY): Appleton; 1915:343-348, esp. 348. Available at m/8edprinciplespra00osleuoft?ref=ol#page/n7 8. U.S. Census Bureau, Department of Commerce. Thirteenth census of the United States taken in the year 1910: Statistics for Porto Rico. Washington (DC): Government Printing Office; 1913:31-45. Available at; Annual estimates of the resident population for selected age groups by sex for the United States, states, counties and Puerto Rico Commonwealth and municipios: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2017 [U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division Web site]. June 2018. Available at: pages/productview.xhtml?src=bkmk. Accessed September 26, 2018; PR Gov Ann Rep 1920:117-118; Informe de Estadísticas Vitales, años 2009-2014: mortalidad general, infantil, fetal y materna [Departamento de Salud Web site]. August 2016; pages 8, 19. Available at: http://www. Vitales/Informe%20de%20Mortalidad%202009-2014.pdf Accessed September 26, 2018; US Central Intelligence Agency. The World Fact Book, geos/rq.html, source of data not provided. Accessed 4 September 2019. 9. Clark TR. Puerto Rico and the United States, 1917-1933. Pittsburgh (PA): University of Pittsburgh Press; 1975:31-33; Rosario Urrutia M. La epidemia reinante: Llegada, difusión e impacto de la influenza en Puerto Rico, 1918-1919. San Juan (PR): Eds. Laberinto, 2018. 10. Fernós, pp. 150-151; PR Gov Ann Rep 1917: 17, 151, 197, 203; PR Gov Ann Rep 1918:171, 148; PR Gov Ann Rep 1919:164. 11. Fernós, p. 151; for dengue, PR Gov Ann Reps 1916:130-131; 1917:210211; 1918:190-191; 1919:200-201; 1920:178-79.


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12. Gómez Brioso J. El sarampión. Bol Asoc Med P Rico 1917;12(114):20-22. 13. A comparison of rates using the total municipal population would only be useful if the proportion of the population at risk (and measles was predominantly a childhood disease) was similar in all towns. We decided the census of 1920 might show peculiar figures from the large mortality of catastrophic events in 1917-1918. In 1910, an average 31% of the population per town had under 10 years of age, with only 5 of 68 towns beyond two standard deviations from the mean: the cities of San Juan, Mayaguez and Ponce (20-25%), and two small towns, Trujillo Alto and Loíza (3840%); U.S. Census Bureau. Thirteenth census 1910, Statistics for Porto Rico (see note 8). To obtain measles reporting rates, we added the cases reported per town (governor’s reports, FYs 1917-1919, to include all of 1918, with the understanding that the total number of cases from January to June 1919 was small), and calculated a municipal rate using the estimated population for 1917 (PR Gov Ann Rep 1918:190-191). We ranked the towns by average and grouped them in five categories: no cases reported, and (approximately) the four quartiles around the average (7.34 per thousand). 14. PR Gov Ann Rep 1917:207; PR Gov Ann Rep 1919:210, 220-1, 224-5; PR Gov Ann Rep 1920:118. 15. PR Gov Ann Rep 1916:96-99; King WW. Smallpox in Porto Rico, 1916. Public Health Rep 1916;31:1748-1750. The conditions of Puerta de Tierra and their relationship with recurrent epidemics are examined in Santiago Caraballo J. Los obreros de Puerta de Tierra y la guerra, 1917-1918. In: Gaztambide Géigel A, Álvarez Curbelo S, editors. Historias vivas: historiografía puertorriqueña contemporánea. San Juan (PR): Ed. Postdata; 1996:80-84; Partsch J. La crisis de 1898 y su impacto en los institutos de vida religiosa en Puerto Rico. San Juan (PR): Fundación Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades; 2008:107-109; Bird Carmona A. Parejeros y desafiantes (la comunidad tabaquera de Puerta de Tierra a principios del siglo XX). San Juan (PR): Huracán; 2008:135-175; Zulawski A. Urban development, public health, and the environment: a historical case study in San Juan, Puerto Rico and possibilities for the future. Brown J World Affairs 2016; 22:197-214; Zulawski A. Environment, urbanization, and public health: the bubonic plague epidemic of 1912 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Lat Am Res Rev 2018;53:1-17. 16. Chronica Domus ad S. Augustini 1:108-119 for the epidemic; 110-111 for “Times” article, but such a local newspaper has not been found, and the text could not be located in surviving copies of contemporary newspapers. The conditions are also described by Fr. Hoff, see $80,000 fund to fight epidemic of measles. Porto Rico Progress. 1917 Mar 23:1. 17. Rigau-Pérez JG. The work of US Public Health Service officers in Puerto Rico, 1898-1919. P R Health Sci J 2017;35:130-139; Good work done by the Day Nursery Association. Porto Rico Progress 1917 Jul 6:9; Camp Cayey under way; vaccination first duty […] Quarantine against measles. Porto Rico Progress 1917 Aug 31:1. 18. Barry JM. The great influenza: the epic history of the deadliest plague in history. New York (NY): Viking Penguin; 2004:94, 123-125, 333-341. 19. PR Gov Ann Rep 1917:6, 197. 20. PR Gov Ann Rep 1917:170. 21. PR Gov Ann Rep 1918:171. 22. Food shortage prompts action of governor. Porto Rico Progress. 1917 Feb 23:1; Poverty makes big death rate in measles epidemic. Porto Rico Progress. 1917 Mar 9:1. 23. Sobre el sarampión Nota oficial de la Junta Insular de Sanidad. La Democracia. 1917 Feb 9:2; PR Gov Ann Rep 1917:45, 197. 24. Chronica Domus ad S. Augustini 1:112-115; Good work done by the Day Nursery Association. Porto Rico Progress 1917 Jul 6:9; Negrón Muñoz A. Mujeres de Puerto Rico. San Juan (PR): Imp. Venezuela; 1935:188. 25. PR Gov Ann Rep 1917:197, 230; La institución salvadora de los niños. Puerto Rico Ilustrado. 1917 Apr 28:unnumbered. 26. $80,000 fund to fight epidemic of measles. Porto Rico Progress. 1917 Mar 23:1 27. PR Gov Ann Rep 1917:179, 197, 198; PR Gov Ann Rep 1918:171. 28. PR Gov Ann Rep 1918:293; PR Gov Ann Rep 1917:249; Williamson SH. Measuring worth. Available at: uscompare/ Accessed September 24, 2018.

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Measles, Malnutrition and Mortality: Puerto Rico, 1917-1918

29. Font y Guillot E. Sanitary development; Legislation; Board of Health. In: Fernández García E, Hoadley FW, Astol E, editors, El libro de Puerto Rico. The Book of Porto Rico. San Juan (PR): El Libro Azul Publishing Co.; 1923:286-304, esp. 301. 30. Other examples in PR Gov Ann Rep 1917:197: The total number of cases registered on the island distributed in 70 towns was 3,670, of which 415 (sic – 615) died; 210-211 The table of reported transmissible diseases by municipality lists towns out of alphabetical order and is not complete, missing Adjuntas, Aibonito, Culebra, Lajas, Trujillo Alto, Villalba. The total for measles is given as 3,670, but the numbers add to 3,810; PR Gov Ann Rep 1918:190-191 The table of reported transmissible diseases by municipality lists towns out of alphabetical order and is not complete, missing Guaynabo and Las Piedras. The total for measles is given as 5,233, but the numbers add to 4,977. The report omits the tables of cause-specific mortality in children aged under 1, 1-under 2, provided in other reports); PR Gov Ann Rep 1919:200-201 The table of reported transmissible diseases by municipality lists Guaynabo and Las Piedras out of alphabetical order. The total for measles is given as 82, which coincides with the addition, but the total number of deaths by measles is 91. 31. Quote from PR Gov Ann Rep 1919:164; other examples in PR Gov Ann Rep 1918:27 “There were no serious epidemics during the year, except a widespread development of measles”; 171 “This epidemic has been diminishing from day to day, thanks to the measures adopted”; but in page 214 (Dr. Pedro Malaret) “measles epidemic increased during the current year, terminating of its own accord when there was no source of infection”; 221 (Aguadilla) “Measles had a period of great dissemination, but the few victims of the disease were caused by the complications during convalescence”. 32. U.S. Census Bureau. Thirteenth census 1910, Statistics for Porto Rico (see note 8): 31-45 (the sums of municipal populations and of persons 10 years old and over do not coincide with the printed totals.) 33. Koplik H. Historia del primer Depósito de Leche o Gotas de Leche asociado a un consultorio en los Estados Unidos de América. Bol Asoc Med P Rico 1914;10(104):15-20; Markel H. For the welfare of children: The origins of the relationship between US public health workers and pediatricians. Am J Public Health 2000;90:893-899, esp. p. 896.

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34. Packard RM. A history of global health: Interventions into the lives of other people. Baltimore (MD): Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016:319320, 322. 35. Font y Guillot, 301-302; Quevedo Báez M. Historia de la medicina y cirugía en Puerto Rico. 2 vols. San Juan (PR): Asociación Médica de Puerto Rico; 1946-1949; Costa Mandry O. Apuntes para la historia de la medicina en Puerto Rico. San Juan (PR): Departamento de Salud (mimeographed); 1971. Hostos A de. Tesauro de datos históricos de Puerto Rico. San Juan (PR): Editorial UPR; 1990-1995. 36. Moll AA. Aesculapius in America. Philadelphia (PA): WB Saunders; 1944; Williams RC. The United States Public Health Service, 1798-1950. Washington (DC): Commissioned Officers Association of the United States Public Health Service; 1951, available at:; Public Health Reports published numbers of cases of measles by city or state, without indication of epidemic level, e.g. Measles – reported prevalence for the year 1918. Public Health Rep 1919;34:2980-2982, which provides a ratio of fatalities per 100 cases. 37. Fernós, p. 149. 38. Fernós, p. 151; Measles. Recorded prevalence by states, 1916. Public Health Rep 1917;32:1186-1187. 39. PR Gov Ann Rep 1919:159-161. 40. Puerto Rico Office of the Adjutant General [Major John A. Wilson]. Report of the Adjutant General to the Governor of Porto Rico on the operation of the military registration and selective draft in Porto Rico. San Juan (PR): Bureau of Supplies, Printing, and Transportation; 1924:11, 101, 154; Martínez Álvarez A. El tiempo y yo. San Juan (PR): Ed. UPR; 1972:310 quoting Dr. Salvador Giuliani: “Estamos desnudos fisiológicamente.” 41. Morens DM. Measles in Fiji, 1875: thoughts on the history of emerging diseases. Pac Health Dialog 1998; 5:119-128; Morens DM. The past is never dead – measles epidemic, Boston, Massachusetts, 1713. Emerg Infect Dis 2015; 21:1257-1260; Morens DM, Taubenberger JK. A forgotten epidemic that changed medicine: measles in the US Army, 1917-18. Lancet Infect Dis 2015; 15:852-61; Shanks GD, Hu Z, Waller M, et al. Measles epidemics of variable lethality in the early 20th century. Am J Epidemiol 2014;179:413-422. 42. PR Gov Ann Rep 1917:151. 43. Fernós, pp. 151-154.

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