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Science to reduce inequalities
Science to reduce inequalities
Andressa Frapiccini Nicola 16
Abstract: This research paper is about the constant search for sciences that may help in reducing inequality in different spheres of society. According to the review of literature it is possible state that inequalities will always exist, but the investigation could show us science can set us free from the shackles of ignorance and make a better society and a better world without inequalities.
Keywords: Inequality; Science; Sociology.
Social inequality is the economic difference in the same society. It is a problem which is present everywhere. It is a result of the bad distribution of income and the lack of investments in the social, health, and education areas. Most of the society is theat the "service" of a minority who has the resources that promote disparities. If we reflect a little deeper on this issue, there will always be inequalities, because it is impossible for everyone to have the same amount of goods and the same income. According to the UN, Brazil is the eighth country with the highest index of social and economic inequality in the world, a fact which is justified by the fact that Brazil is very unfair in relation to the distribution of its resources among its population. According to scholars in this area, social inequality is so high in Brazil because of the historical context we have had since colonial times. Science is a way to reduce inequalities and with it we can evolve and reduce social, economic, racial, gender-related differences, among others. If we think that there are no proposals for minimizing inequalities, we are wrong because there are proposals, but most of them pose complex and complicated challenges. Some proposals promoted by UN are still under consideration and demand major efforts to be put into practice.
Os10objetivosda ONU, disponívelem: https://nacoesunidas.org/tema/ods10/ Significadodedesigualdade, disponívelem: https://www.significados.com.br/desigualdade-social/ Desigualdadesocial, disponívelem: https://www.todamateria.com.br/desigualdadesocial/Desigualdadesocial noBrasil, dispinívelem: https://www.todapolitica.com/desigualdade-social-brasil/
16 16 years old, 1° grade of High School. Advisor: Fernando da Silva. 2019.