Anglofiles 2° edición Una Publicación del Colegio Anglo Colombiano Rector: Michael J. Chapman Diseño y diagramación: Eduardo Gómez Herrera Departamento de Comunicaciones: Jenny Pineda Fierro Agradecemos especialmente a todos aquellos que con su aporte hicieron posible esta segunda edición.
En “A través del Espejo y lo que Alicia encontró al otro lado” el maravilloso libro para niños escrito por el autor inglés Lewis Carroll hay una cita que me gusta usar a menudo con estudiantes de todas las edades: Alicia rió de buena gana. "No vale la pena intentarlo," dijo: "Nadie puede creer en cosas imposibles." "Me atrevería a decir que no has tenido mucha práctica," respondió la Reina. "Cuando tenía tu edad, solía hacerlo durante media hora todos los días. Es por eso que algunas veces creí hasta seis cosas imposibles antes del desayuno." Me parece que una de las tareas esenciales de profesores y padres de familia es la de fomentar que los niños piensen de manera creativa, que sueñen y que intenten dar respuesta a problemas que se hacen imposibles. Con esto, el mundo al que entrarán se convertirá en un lugar mejor. A las generaciones actuales del Anglo se les están dando todas las oportunidades para que desarrollen su creatividad y reflexionen detenidamente. Esta edición de Anglofiles es una amplia demostración de esto. Michael Chapman Rector
In the wonderful book for children “Alice Through the Looking Glass� written by the English author Lewis Carroll, there is a quotation I often like to use with learners of all ages: Alice laughed. "There's no use trying," she said: "one can't believe impossible things." "I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." It seems to me that one of the key tasks of teachers and parents is to encourage children to think creatively, to dream and to try to find the solution to hitherto impossible problems. Through this, the world they will enter will become a better place. The current generations at the Anglo are being given every opportunity to develop their creativity and to think deeply. This edition of Anglofiles is ample demonstration of this. Michael Chapman Rector
The Three Little Pigs
ussed about the sc di d an y or st e th urdy Students listened to d which house was st an ed us d ha gs pi e olf. materials th and puffing of the w ng ffi hu e th ed st si and how it re es which had a roof, us ho dy ur st ild bu to The teams had erials. The houses at m nt re ffe di g in us a door and walls and puffing. All ng ffi hu of s nd co se had to stand for 10 e WOLF’s test. the houses passed th
nd Technology a n ig es D l ve Le er h Grade 10 Hig ake ‘point-of-sale’ m to ed g n lle a ch e students wer snack food product. f o e p ty ew n a ll se displays to ructing their designs. st n co re a ts en d u st Here the
chnology to research te ile ob m e us s nt de stu 11 Grade rious countries development indicators for va part in role-play ok to s nt de stu 10 de ra G y, On Jeans da characteristics of a e th t en es pr re to d ne sig de activity perfectly competitive market
ya, quien recibió a m A s te n e u F stavo Alejandro u G a s e n io c a it rate del Anglo. a k Felic n e ro g e n n el primer cinturó curricular y ra xt E d a id v ti c A s 5 años a esta lo a só re ancia durante g st n in o o c v y a n li Gusta ip c deporte con dis e st e o d a c ti c ra ha p 10 años. mejor persona” r se ra a p e rv si “El karate uentes Amaya F ro d n ja le A o v – Gusta
REGIONAL ROUND SQUARE CONFERENCE OF THE AMERICAS ity about the Regional Round We would like to remind our Commun ch will take place between Square Conference of the Americas whi April 4th - 10th/ 2015 at the Anglo. from all across the continent We are having Round Square schools lege, Bayview Glen, Bishop's like Appleby College, Ashbury Col Rothesay Netherwood School, , ool Sch od gwo lin Col , ool Sch e leg Col h School, Belgrano Day School, The Athenian School, The Bermuda Hig , Chadwick School, Glenlyon Markham College, Emma Willard School ntain Valley School, Hackley Norfolk School, St Clement's School, Fou dred's Lightbourn School, The School, Lower Canada College, St Mil ool and Hotchkiss School. English School, Lakefield College Sch responsibility and service, Our conference is focused on social are Organization. However, we one of the six ideals of the Round Squ g our visitors the richness will also be dedicating time in showin Colombia. of our culture and the diversity of ilies who offered to host a We would like to thank those fam e. Nevertheless, we need the foreign student during the conferenc ect. support of more families in this asp dent during this week, please If you are interested in hosting a stu contact Catherine Cushnan at admiss please access our conference For full information on the event website
Most of the pictures are of the team that played for the Prince in October. There are two pictures of the spring season team. We will have two home games in February and finish up in March before Spring break. We train Mondays, Wednesdays from 2:45pm-5pm and Thursday mornings 6am.