Dear Diary
Year 2 morning - 2016
Dear Reader, The habit of keeping a diary, of creating a narrative of events, thoughts, hopes and emotions, can help students to improve their writing skills. Once some of the parts of the text are always the same, repetition helps students memorize words and language structure. We started off by encouraging students to talk about their weekend and holiday, what they did on their previous day, and to report interesting events in their daily lives, where they used the Simple Past structure. They acquired this new structure talking and writing about their good moments with family and friends. This was the first step to start our group diary. After that, they started registering their own group Diary, where they wrote the good moments they had together. To help them write it, they could use the Reference List, where they found out some key words to write the Diary. The following step was the review. They could check some words that were missing in the register or some words that were misspelled. In addition to this, it is important to mention that we respect their writing hypothesis that is part of the writing process. Through the diary registers, they could see how many good moments they had and how important it is to be part of a team! In the project “dear diary”, students learned values such as: respect, love, understanding and team work. We are glad to invite you to this short, but A-MA-ZING journey, to feel what they felt, to enjoy it as they did and to imagine their good moments as a team! Have fun!
Love, Ms. Vanessa and Ms. Angélica
Students: Alexandre Maldanis Moraes Jacometti Pinheiro Ana Laura Lourenço Rodrigues Vieira Arthur Bueno de Albuquerque Bruna Lobo Rodrigues Carolina Teodoro Fermiano Davi Mendes Esteves Enzo Pansutti Zoppi Gabriel Ryuki Shiraishi Guilherme Lima Cabral Heloísa Rodrigues Possobom Henrique Gallati Ribeiro Julia Kaori Wakugawa Julia Reis de Bartollo Luís Fernando de Queiroz Aguiar Luiza Cardoso Patricio Maitê Panace e Silva Marcello Ribeiro Miranda Manzo Monteiro Mariana de Oliveira Menezes Mariana Hikari Nakauti Matteo Yudi Matsubara de Lima Nicole Sayuri Hioki Abe Rebeca Rezende Rodrigues Samuel Kenji Samejima Felix Vitória de Aquino Emerik