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Procedure for filing application and application deadline:
The application deadline is August 1, 2023, with a review of applications beginning on a rolling basis as they are received. Candidates are asked to submit the required materials outlined below as soon as possible, as CNG reserves the right to close the selection process at any time if the right candidate is found.
Interested candidates should submit an application, including the following components:
• Show us your experience by submitting a current resume.
• Explain your strengths and why you are interested in the Director position at CNG (1-2 page cover letter).
• Help us get to know you by outlining your educational beliefs and leadership style (1-2 page statement of educational philosophy).
• Introduce us to people who know your strengths by sharing a minimum of four professional references with phone numbers and email addresses, at least one of which should be your current direct supervisor.
Candidates should email this information to ppoore@searchassociates.com.
For additional information about our extraordinary program and community, please visit our website at www.cng.edu.