A NOTE FROM COLE: “HAVE PATIENCE” PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE, BUT JUST MAKE SURE TO NOT LET PATIENCE KICK YOU IN THE A$$ :) We live in a world of instant gratification (thanks Amazon Prime & Netflix) so it’s easy to understand why all of us “want it now”. And trust me, I am guilty of this too. But soetimes, that’s just not feasible… and for just about 99% of us who have the dream of earning steady income from photography we need to be a little more patient. Fact is, there really isn’t such a thing as an overnight success. Heck even when things go “viral” online for a YouTube star or a Facebook page, that doesn’t mean that “success” sticks around, it wears off and leaves. So I want to make sure you know that if you aren’t happy with how fast things are moving for you, you might just need a little more patience. But on the flip-side, if you’ve been patient and have been on auto-pilot for the last handful of years waiting for things to pick-up for you, then patience may have just kicked you in the a$$... Here’s the thing - education is great but without execution it’s kinda worthless.
Yes I know you’re in a saturated market (can we all please stop using that as an excuse?) and that is exactly why you can’t afford to think that you just need a little more patience. I realize that by now you might be thinking… “So…..Cole is saying patience is good, but then he is saying it’s bad... which is it?”