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Active Living Guide - Be Fit For Life
Stay Hydrated!
Make Hydration a Priority in this Extra-Hot Summer!
Over half of your body is water! Your brain, lungs, heart, muscles, skin and even bones have a large water component so things just won't work well and you won't feel well when you get dehydrated. Try to keep water handy so it's easy to drink regularly all day and don't wait until you feel thirsty.
Water is the drink of choice - target 6-8 glasses per day and consider more if you are active. Make it tastier with a wedge of lemon, lime or orange, a few berries, a splash of juice, some melon or cucumber. Add a few mint leaves or mix in some sparkling water if you like a little fizz. Try freezing berries into ice cubes.
Sports drinks are suitable if your activity level is higher than average and lasting over an hour. Try to limit caffeinated drinks and be mindful that some drinks come with extra calories and sugar.
If you feel hungry, try to drink a glass of water before reaching for a snack as thirst is often confused with hunger. Enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables as most are high in water.
Take advantage of the season, enjoy the summer sunshine and heat but keep your safety and wellness in mind: wear sunscreen, a hat, light, loose clothing and select cooler times of the day or shadier areas to be active in. And don't forget to bring water along!
For more information, call 403-382-6919 or go to lethbridgecollege.ca/befitforlife