LCAC (The Latino Cultural Arts Center) launched in 2021 “Popul/Arte”, an innovative Residency University-Art that blends art, culture, and theory. Academia can give people the tools to uplift their communities through knowledge, creativity, art, and innovation. However, it is often financially inaccessible and, at best, reluctant to communicate clearly with non-specialist audiences. Popul/Arte seeks to change that by bringing theory back to the people. This zine is a production of the residents: Coletiva Negráfrica and Dr.Michael Wilson Beceril, after four weeks of immersion and reflections from workshops and joint productions to the public during Popul/Arte.
Quer ver mais o que foi produzido ao longo da nossa residência? Acesse: ¿Quiere ver más de lo que se produjo a lo largo de nuestra residencia? Acceso: Want to see more of what was produced throughout our residency? Acess: | | |