Bed & Breakfast Magazine - Fall 2018 (Premier Issue)

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Favorite Recipes

Bed & Breakfast fall 2018

Volume 1 • issue 1




The Wallingford Victorian Inn


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Bed & Breakfast Magazine

The Premier Issue

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40 IN EVERY ISSUE Entertaining Wine Hour


Garden Delight Tea Time



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Favorite Recipes


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Bed & Breakfast Magazine is published quarterly by Colette Publications, 675 Fairview Dr., Suite 201, Carson City, NV 89701. The cover and contents of Bed & Breakfast Magazine are fully protected by copyright and cannot be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission. All rights reserved in all countries. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: For the United States, $29.99 per year, 4 issues; add $10 for postage in Canada; add $20 elsewhere. Single issues $9.99, available at select newsstands and bookstores. Periodicals postage paid at Carson City, Nevada and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO Colette Publications, 675 Fairview Dr., Suite 201, Carson City, NV 89701. NOTE: Bed & Breakfast Magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited photographs and manuscripts; submissions cannot be returned without a self-addressed stamped envelope.



FEATURES Recharge in Wyoming


Victorian Elegance: Nagle Warren Mansion Bed & Breakfast Innkeeper’s Spotlight: The Red Horse Inn Inn Love: Old Caledonian Bed & Breakfast The Wallingford Victorian Inn Innspire: Avalon Luxury Inn


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International Charm: La Villa de Mazamet


32 Bed & Breakfast


Bed & Breakfast Fall 2018 Volume 1 • Issue 1 editorial Editor & Publisher Nicolette Johnston Contributor: Peter Friend Owner of La Villa de Mazamet

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COLETTE PUBLICATIONS produces quarterly:

Bed & Breakfast MAGAZINE


Cover photo & pg 4: Courtesy of The Wallingford Victorian Inn in Wallingford, Connecticut. Photo pg 5: Courtesy of The Old Caledonian Bed & Breakfast in Caledonia, MO. Above photo: Courtesy of The Red Horse Inn in Landrum, South Carolina. Below photo & pg. 2 & 3 photo: Nicolette Johnston

This magazine is purchased by the buyer with the understanding that information presented is from various sources from which there can be no warranty or responsibility by Colette Publications as to the legality, completeness or technical accuracy.

© COLETTE PUBLICATIONS 675 Fairview Dr., Suite 201 Carson City, NV 89701 Most photography in this issue is provided courtesy of the bed and breakfasts and inns featured in the magazine, unless otherwise marked.

This premier launch issue is dedicated to: Dorothy Lulabelle Fisher (January 31, 1937 - July 27, 2017)

A WARM WELCOME From the Editor


e are so excited about this new journey at Colette Publications! Why Bed & Breakfast Magazine? In college, I was fortunate to have Tim Berry, Founder and President of Business Plan Pro software as my instructor. Our assignment was to write a business plan, I chose to do mine on an imaginary bed & breakfast in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. Without access to capital to start my dream inn since I was a recent graduate, I fell into the financial world, even though I graduated with a magazine journalism degree from the University of Oregon. Later I fell into local and state government in Nevada for the Legislature and served as Public Information Officer to the Nevada State Treasurer. However, owning a B&B was still in my heart as I applied for the Center Lovell Inn Essay Contest in 2015 and looked into options for running a B&B in Nevada, but alas the timing is still not right for me. With a background in blogging from 2009-2013 at Simply Colette, I won a trip to London during the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton in 2011, sponsored by HomeAway Vacation Rentals. I blogged about travel, food, and life in South Florida at the time. In 2013, I designed another blog called Bread & Rest (about B&Bs, Inns, Lodges & Chateaux). Although this was at the tail end of my blogging days, that blog was never far from my mind. In 2017, I raced to finish my first book, Running Away to Europe. I hit the Publish button on Amazon’s KDP an hour prior to my grandmother taking her last breath. She lost the battle to lung cancer. I knew I had a limited amount of time to accomplish the goal I had set about six years prior. Although, I knew she would never get to read it, I showed her my manuscript on my trip to visit her a month before her passing. I sat in the pew of Griffin’s Chapel in Bradford, Tennessee at her funeral gazing down at my black heels through blurry tears when the pastor startled me by saying, “Dorothy’s family loved to tease her when she would jumble her words, like everytime she said ‘Bread & Rest’ talking about how her granddaughter always had a dream to own a Bed & Breakfast”. I looked up through teary eyes and laughed as my cheeks turned red with embarrassment realizing the whole church was probably looking at my blotchy cheeks and mascara streaks. The funny thing was during my last conversation with her, I debated whether or not if I should tell her I had given two-weeks notice at my government job. I wanted to tell her that I was going to do whatever it takes to be happy in my career. I knew I wanted to launch my own business, but I wasn’t quite sure yet what it was going to be. I just knew I had to follow my heart. I didn’t want her to worry, so I chose to keep it to myself. I vowed I would not spend another day sitting at a desk under flourescent lights wasting my talents anymore. I couldn’t spend another 40 hour week working for someone else or a cause I wasn’t passionate about. Her death showed me that life is too short to not be true to myself. Frustrated that things weren’t falling in place, I was about to give up and go back to a desk job for half the salary I had a year prior. ‘Bread & Rest, Bread & Rest’ the pastors words kept echoing my mind. My grandmother had been trying to tell me all along, not to give up and to remember who I am. I remembered my biggest investment in myself, my degree in magazine journalism and the reason I choose that path to begin with. Exploring, learning, and sharing the beauty of our world is my calling. Thus in May 2018, I developed Colette Publications which publishes Bed & Breakfast Magazine and Chateaux & Castles Quarterly.


Nicolette Johnston

Bed & Breakfast


ENTERTAINING As we lunge into the holiday season these effortless herb creations are quick to whip up and will leave guests wanting more!

Tarragon Bites M

ix freshly chopped tarragon with goat cheese, spread on rice crackers and top with thinly sliced prosciutto. Drizzle with honey or agave nectar for a little something sweet!


Sage Butter

ress up your table butter when entertaining (or just because) with your favorite herb! This is also a perfect addition to you favorite tea time biscuit as well! Let a stick or so of butter come to room temperature. Chop sage or your favorite herb finely. Sage is an excellent herb to use for holiday meals. Stir in with the soft butter. Choose any cookie cutter and mold the butter into it. Place it back in the fridge covered to let the butter re-solidify for at least three hours. It is best to prepare a day in advance to ensure it sets properly. Lightly push the butter mold out with your fingers about a half hour before planned use to let soften. If you use a thick cookie cutter, you can slice it in half or thirds to place at different ends on the table. Or use mini cookie cutters for individual servings.


Bed & Breakfast



Charcuterie Tray

The perfect go-to for easy entertaining, whether it be wine hour or any holiday gathering. Bed & Breakfast






hen it comes to these beautiful blooms, we love Longfield Gardens winter bulbs that you can grow indoors during the holiday season... because sometimes we just can’t wait until spring to appreciate beautiful bulbs. The Amaryllis Double King is a jumbo bulb that produces 8-12 blooms indoors for up to a month. The Dancing Queen’s festive petals will surely capture everyone’s attention.

Dancing Queen Amaryllis

Background Flower: Amaryllis Evergreen Photos provided by Longfield Gardens.


Bed & Breakfast



Double King

Order bulbs at Shipped in October-December.

Bed & Breakfast 11


Coneflowers With the cold and flu season upon us, there is an herb we know as Echinacea that is typically used to fight the common cold. The Greek word (ekhinos) means hedgehog, and the coneflower is named after its pokey central disk. It is cone-shaped because the petals of the outer petals tend to point in a downward direction once the flower head opens creating a cone shape. There are nine species of the coneflower that make a beautiful ornamental addition to any garden. The unique flower does best in zones 3 through 8, and blooms early to late summer. It tends to grow in moist to dry prairies and open woody areas. Flowers that are not harvested and are left to mature make a hearty seed attracting birds for their winter supply. Although all parts of the plant are edible, typically the leaves and flower petals are harvested for making herbal tea (or supplements). Recent studies have gone back and forth on whether or not echinacea is actually beneficial for colds. Some studies show that it may not treat or prevent the common cold, however a later study showed that “expressed juice� or dried expressed juice could prevent or reduce symptoms at the onset of a cold and in 2016 there was evidence that use of Echinacea extracts reduce the risk of repeated respiratory infections. Though there is not any scientific evidence of echinacea treating or preventing cancer, some therapists claim that the herb can relieve side effects from chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments.

White Swan Coneflower

12 Bed & Breakfast

As with any supplements, it is recommended to consult with your doctor before use especially if taking other medications, if you are pregnant, have heart disease or other autoimmune diseases. Though there is typically not any side effects from taking echinacea, it could have undesirable effects if taken in combination with other medications. If you are planning your garden for next year, consider planting these beautiful flowers. Seeds can be planted in the fall in the ground, or in pots during the winter. Because they need cold stratification, if you plant indoors, the seeds should be soaked in water and stored in a slightly damp paper towel in the refridgerator for 8-10 weeks.

TEA TIME Echinacea Tea

Brew 1-2 teaspoons of dried coneflower (petal or leaves) in hot water. Use a strainer to filter out leaves and petals. Can be combined with other herbs to create a unique herbal blend or sweetened with honey.

Harvesting Echinacea for Tea 1. Harvest in the second year. Pick leaves when the plant is flowering or harvest the flowers when they are just beginning to open. 2. Cut with shears just above the lowest set of leaves when harvesting the leaves. If harvesting flower buds, cut above the top most leaves. 3. Tear off the leaves and flower buds just behind the flower head, dispose the rest. 4. Spread petals and leaves on a drying screen in a dry room with good circulation where not exposed to extreme light or heat for about 5-7 days. 5. Store dried leaves and flowers in a sealed container in a cool, dark and dry place until use.

Soothe Your Throat... heal your body and soul 13



Wyoming Photography: Walking Star © 2018


h, the things you will see and do in Wyoming! There are guest lodges, ranches, cabins and bed and breakfasts to choose from during your peaceful visit to Wyoming. Each place will make you feel welcome throughout your duration and send you off making you feel not only recharged, but renewed. One thing they all have going for them, is that nothing stands in the way of the scenery and wildlife in this beautifully austere state. While driving through one end of the state to the other this past year, I myself, was mystified by miles and miles of picturesque open lands, the deafening silence, the contradicting howling winds, a sneaker torrentail thunderstorm we managed to out run, but also the bliss of absolute solitude this state offers. As a crowded surburan dweller, being in Wyoming made me feel as if there was truly more to life. It made me realize how insignificant I was in this big world and how mundane petty little stresses in the daily rat race can be. It made me envision packing it all in for life on the prairie or mountains, to live far away from stop lights and big box corporations and to only allow myself to think about having enough firewood for winter or plan for a month’s long grocery trip, and just to enjoy days spent on the hearth waiting for wildlife to grace my presence. These were the thoughts I had as I spent longs hours driving through Wyoming on the way to my grandmother’s funeral last year. It made me realize the true definition of ‘heavenly skies’ and ‘God’s country’. I wondered if she was or would be looking down on our family soon from these amazing skies.


Bed & Breakfast

One doesn’t need to go much further than there own back door around these parts to be awed by beauty as far as their eyes can see. Wild horses, bears, and buffalo are just a few of the animals that visitors can witness in their own natural habitat. Even with natural wonders such as Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park and Devil’s Tower National Monument, much of Wyoming’s beauty can also be captured the miles in between these parks. For those searching for solace, Wyoming is the least populated state in the United States.

PLACES TO STAY - B&Bs, Lodges, & Ranches 4 Bears Bed & Breakfast - Meeteetse, WY Cottage House of Squaw Creek- Lander, WY Devil’s Tower Lodge - Devils Tower, WY K3 Guest Ranch - Cody, WY Robin’s Nest B&B - Cody, WY Windmill Inn - Cody, WY Molesworth House, - Cody, WY

Nagle Warren Mansion - Cheyenne, WY Pole Creek Ranch - Pinedale, WY Spirit West River Lodge - Riverside, WY Riverside Lodge - Riverside, WY Sunburst Lodge - Casper, WY Tea Kettle Ranch B&B - Torrington, WY


Built in 1937 by Paul Hindman for Thomas Molesworth. Molesworth House is close by for tourists visiting Yellowstone National Park.

Cody, Wyoming was founded in 1896 by investors which include World Famous William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody (1846 – 1917). Cody was visiting nearby Sheridan. Although he had previously heard of the area from Native Americans, it wasn’t until his son-inlaw Horace Boal took him to up to the top of Bighorn Mountains for a view of Bighorn Basin in 1894, that he saw the beauty and opportunity of the region with its proximity to Yellowstone, vast land for ranching and farming, and the abundance of fish and wildlife.


Bed & Breakfast

Bed & Breakfast


Victorian Elegance


Nagle Warren Mansion Bed & Breakfast

Written by: Nicolette Johnston Photography: Courtesy of Nagle Warren Mansion Bed & Breakfast


Bed & Breakfast


xuding warmth and wit, Jim Osterfoss is the owner and innkeeper of the Nagle Warren Mansion Bed & Breakfast in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The mansion was originally built in 1888 for Erasmus Nagle who came to Cheyenne in 1867 for the grocery business. It was later owned by U.S. Senator Francis E. Warren with his wife Clara from 1910 until his death in 1929. After he died, Clara gave the fully furnished mansion, to the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA), for single women to be used as chaperoned housing. When you arrive at the Nagle Warren Mansion Bed & Breakfast to stay in one of its 12 guest rooms, Jim will be more than ready to welcome you with a charming smile. Come ready to relax for a Victorian Afternoon Tea on Friday or Saturday, or during the winter months to enjoy a Holiday Afternoon Tea served with English fine china and silver service. From Thanksgiving through New Year’s, the mansion is turned into a holiday wonderland and the Victorian Holiday Celebration is not to be missed. The Nagle Warren Mansion proudly offers seasonal menus while focusing on keeping the food fresh and local. Two favorite items on the breakfast menu are the caramelized onion quiche and waffles with pumpkin sauce in autumn, offering one’s tastebuds both savory and sweet sensations. But if you love a little mystery in your life, make sure you plan your trip and make a reservation when the bed and breakfast offers their mystery dinners.

INNKEEPER Jim Osterfoss

Bed & Breakfast


The menu is carefully planned around the theme. Guests “will have so much fun it’s almost criminal”. Jim enjoys, “making guests feel special” and “constantly getting a feel for what is going on in the world” upon visiting with guest froms around the world. For those looking to escape to Cheyenne, railway might be a romantic way to travel by boxcar with a good book. There are plenty of festivals to choose from inlcuding Depot Days, Frontier Days, the Brew Festival, Cheyenne Celtic Festival, and even Zombiefest. Cheyenne is home to the last grand 19th-century depot on the Transcontinental Railroad, making it a major hub for easy travel by train, not to mention a visit to the Cheyenne Depot Museum. Might as well pack some good books, kick back and absorb the beautiful scenery that Wyoming possesses and stop by the Nagle Warren Mansion Bed & Breakfast for a special event or night of mystery.


Bed & Breakfast

“The caramelized onion quiche and waffles with pumpkin sauce in autumn offer one’s tastebuds both savory and sweet sensations.” Left: The dining room set for guests. Below: The Francis E. Warren Room is named after U.S. Senator Francis E. Warren.

Bed & Breakfast



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Have your family stay with ours! Kiss giraffes, feed kangaroos and pet a camel An exotic vacation without the hassle! included in your stay: breakfast, farm tour, camel and pony rides

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A Little Place in History can you guess?

Lucky readers who guess our “Where Am I?� contest will be entered to win a free one-year subscription to Bed & Breakfast magazine! Hint: I am a National Historical Landmark in the United States!

Email your answers to: or share on our Social Media Pages!

Bed & Breakfast


The Red Horse Inn INNKEEPERS

Christian Wolters & Chelsea McNeill


ne of the fondest memories I have growing up as a kid, is working on the siding of one of the cottages with my mom,” said present owner, Christian Wolters of The Red Horse Inn. “I remember working on this particular wall, and it was one of the most memorable times growing up on the inn.” As the youngest innkeeper in South Carolina, Christian purchased the inn from his parents Roger and Mary Wolters in 2017. “It was just a natural progression that I would one day want to take over the inn.” After finishing school at College of Charleston with a degree in pyschology and a master’s in human resources development and management. Christian worked at Wild Dunes Resort in Isle of Palms, South Carolina as well as Stowe Mountain Lodge in Stowe, Vermont. After leaving the nest to deepen his knowledge and appreciation in the hospitality industry, Christian returned home years later to stay.

24 Bed & Breakfast


A Legacy of Dreams

Written by: Nicolette Johnston Photography : Courtesy of The Red Horse Inn

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INNKEEPER’S SPOTLIGHT One only needs to hear the story of the Wolters family to feel the love that engulfs The Red Horse Inn. After purchasing nearly 200 acres, Roger bought Mary a bulldozer and a pearl necklace for her anniversary presents. They had ambitious goals to clear 32 acres. “My parents have always been the type who have wanted to do things for themselves,” explained Christian. “They worked hard to create this place over a course of years.” Christian has his own ambitious plans for The Red Horse Inn, not to change it, but to put his own touch on the experience of the inn. With a passion for wine, Christian has opened a wine bar which is open Thursday thru Sunday evenings. “We sold wine for many years but I love wine bars, and there is a market for it here.” It has given guests the opportunity for more of a social hour, because there is not a common breakfast area to dine together, so those seeking a little bit of social time can come down during those hours. Christian also plans to offer wine tours to nearby wineries. “It is something our guests constantly ask for,” he says. “My brother, Ben used to run a carriage ride company on the inn, but had to close. However, we are hoping to bring something like that back again soon,” said Christian. With a current remodel under way to expand the deck in order to accommodate larger outdoor weddings, there is another special innkeeper at The Red Horse Inn, Christian’s fiancé, Chelsea McNeill. When asked about their own upcoming wedding, Christian chuckled and said, “I’d marry her next week if I could.” He explained however, that they too would like to wed on the property and they are hoping for the


Bed & Breakfast


Bed & Breakfast

Still celebrating their 44 years of love for one another and life together at The Red Horse Inn, Roger and Mary Wolters recently renewed their vows on the property after Christian purchased the inn. “I’m lucky they didn’t move too far away,” said Christian. “They live just next door.”

Left: Roger Wolters, Christian Wolters & Mary Wolters. Right: Chelsea McNeill & Christian Wolters.

remodel to be complete first. Chelsea would like to bring more horses to the stables of The Red Horse Inn. Last year, Chelsea brought Dublin, a retired show horse who accompanied Secret, the Wolters horse. Secret was named after her legacy great grandparent, Secretariat. Chelsea plans to offer trail rides on the weekends, as well as yoga retreats. The Red Horse Inn has proved to be a gem of a place that has given the whole family a way to pursue their passion. It is a place any guest would daydream about spending the rest of their days watching magnificent sunsets just over the pasture at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains; whether it’s winter, spring, summer or fall. All guests need do is approach The Red Horse Inn and succumb to the surroundings of the season and picturesque landscape and as they approach a long driveway; the one Roger and Mary bulldozed themselves to lay a path to the their sanctuary, will surely tell visitors they are about to encounter a very special place.

V i n e y a r d s Nearby

•Victoria Valley Vineyards •Silver Mountain Vineyards •Mountain Brook Vineyards •Russian Chapel Hill Winery •Parker-Binns Vineyard

30 Bed & Breakfast


Come and stay at La Villa de Mazamet, France’s leading luxury bed & breakfast, located in the heart of SW France. e Trip Advisor Traveller’s Choice winner for 8 years in a row…

e Book directly with us for the best rates Explore La Villa at

caledonia, mo

Old Caledonian Bed & Breakfast Written by: Nicolette Johnston Photography : Courtesy of Old Caledonian Bed & Breakfast

INN love


Jon Emanuel & Penny Province

I 32

Bed & Breakfast

t was a match made in heaven. Jon Emanuel, a graduate of the former California Culinary Academy in San Francisco, spent many years of his professional life as the Executive Chef at both the Glacier Bay Country Inn in Gustavus Alaska; as well as the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica. Penny Province, was an innkeeper at the School House Bed & Breakfast in Rocheport, Missouri. But there meeting was not by chance.

Bed & Breakfast 33


Bed & Breakfast

It’s All About the Food! Bountiful breakfasts are prepared by Jon, a highly trained and experienced chef using locally-sourced ingredients. Hand-crank sausages are prepared in their own kitchen, bacons and hams are often cured and smoked in-house! Their delightful afternoon teas celebrate Caledonia’s founders’ Scottish heritage. Plus, incredible dinners may also be added to your stay, and beer & wine is available in-house.

Ricotta Blintzes, one of the delicious breakfast dishes served at the Old Caledonian Bed &


Bed & Breakfast


Gail Greco, the host of the PBS’ cooking television show “Country Inn Cooking with Gail Greco” traveled to Alaska to film a show where Jon was working at the time. Shortly after, in Baltimore, Gail Greco and Dan Brown, owner/ innkeeper of the Swift House Inn in Vermont attempted to set-up Jon and Penny but it wasn’t until a year later when their love story began at a PAII (Professional Association of Innkeeper’s International) convention held in Hilton Head and their long-distance romance began. Soon after, Jon had to make a move to Denver, Colorado for his job with U.S. Antarctic Program. He was hoping Penny would be able to join him. “Giving up my job in Alaska was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do, and Penny leaving the School House wasn’t an easy decision” said Jon. But they both took the leap for love. The couple lived in Denver, Colorado for fourteen years, then Penny inherited a portion of the family farm in Caledonia, Missouri. It was time to make another move. The sale of their home in Denver allowed them to return to Missouri; and in 2015, they purchased the Old Caledonian Bed & Breakfast, just two miles away from her family farm. Though it was not operating as a bed and breakfast at the time, it had been run as a B&B by several of the


Bed & Breakfast

preceding owners. They didn’t need to do much to fix it up. Adjacent to the Old Caledonian Bed & Breakfast is the Amalgam Gallery of Art, which features regional art and gifts. The gallery is the former horse barn on the property, which was beautifully renovated to house Amalgam. There are other antique and vintage shops sharing the block with the Old Caledonian, plus several of Missouri’s most popular state parks are within a short drive.

History Built in 1849, the Ruggles-Evans-Dent House is now the Old Caledonian Bed & Breakfast. It resides on four grassy, woodlined acres right on the main street of Caledonia. It is listed on the United States Register of Historic Places. The home was hit by a cannon ball in the Civil War and the mark is still visible! History surrounds the whole Village of Caledonia. Centrally located near historic landmarks, towns, and a Civil War battlefield, makes the area a favorite of enthusiasts from all over the USA.

INN LOVE Things to Do in Caledonia... Many Missouri State Parks are nearby for day adventures. Elephant Rocks State Park, Johnson Shut-ins, Dillard Mill, Mark Twain National Forest, Washington County State Park and Hughes Mountain State Natural Area are all nearby. The Pumpkin Festival is held the second weekend in October attracting thousands of visitors. The Rowe Crop Farm is in Caledonia and offers a 16-acre corn maze and 8-acre pumpkin patch for family fun in the fall. The annual Chocolate Walk is held the weekend before Thanksgiving. The Scottish Festival will be held in May 18th, 2019. Caledonia was founded by Scots, and gets its name from the old Roman word for Scotland.

Gravlox with Homemade Honeyed Ricotta & Asparagus

Recipe courtesy of: Chef Jon Emanuel Old Caledonian B&B, Caledonia, MO As featured on:

The Old Caledonian B&B Blog

Gravlax is salmon that is coated with salt and sugar and pressed for a few days under refigeration to cure. It requires no further cooking. It is similar in taste and texture to traditional cold-smoked salmon you might find at deli counters. The homemade ricotta we serve with the gravlax beats anything you might find in the supermarket in terms of taste and texture. This dish was a huge hit at the spring Winemaker’s Dinner at the Old Caledonian in cooperation with Edg-Clif. It’s a perfect dish chilled, not too heavy, and perfect with a crisp white wine, like EdgClif ’s Vignoles. Enjoy!

For the Gravlax

Skin-on side of salmon (preferably not pink or keta), trimmed, pin bones removed Kosher salt as needed (do not use iodized salt) Granulated sugar as needed Black pepper to taste Dill, fresh or dry, to taste Vodka, rum, gin, aquavit or whiskey as needed Special equipment: two nesting pans, cheesecloth

For the Ricotta

(Makes about 2 cups): 1/2 gal whole milk 1 cup heavy cream 2 tsp salt ¼ cup lemon juice Honey to taste Chopped, fresh dill as needed Special equipment: fine mesh strainer with cheesecloth, OR chinois strainer

Preparing the Gravlax

Combine equal parts by volume of the kosher salt and sugar, enough to coat both sides of the salmon with a generous layer of the salt/sugar mixture (usually around ½ – 1 cup each). Add pepper and dill to your liking. Take an 18” section of cheesecloth and open all the layers. Lay the opened cheesecloth evenly over one of your nesting pans so that it is centered over the pan and spreading over the sides onto your work area. Place a layer of the salt/sugar mixture over the area of the cheesecloth where the salmon will be placed.


Bed & Breakfast

Place the salmon skin-side down on top of the salt/sugar layer and generously coat the top of the salmon with a layer of the salt/sugar mixture. Wrap the cheesecloth snugly, but not tightly, around the salmon and place it back in the pan over any salt/sugar that may have sprinkled out while wrapping. Drizzle your choice of alcohol lightly over the top of the wrapped salmon until the top is lightly moistened. Place the other nesting pan over the salmon and weigh it down with about 5-8 lbs of weight (this may be cans from the cupboard, several quart sized mason jars filled with water, or even bricks wrapped in cellophane). Place in the refrigerator and forget about it for three days.

After three days, unwrap the salmon, rinse thoroughly with cold water to remove excess salt, pat dry, and slice thinly with a very sharp knife, releasing the slices of salmon from the skin as you go.

Preparing the Ricotta

In a medium saucepan combine the milk, cream, and salt. Bring to a boil, quickly add the lemon juice, and reduce to a low simmer. Stir constantly until mixture curdles, about 1-2 minutes. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth or a chinois into a large pot. Take the whole thing—the pot, the strainer and its contents, and put it in the fridge for an hour. Remove the cheese from the strainer and place desired amount in a bowl. Mix in honey and dill. Shape into quenelles and serve with the gravlax, perhaps over chilled vegetables like asparagus, sliced cucumbers, or sliced radishes. The remainder of the ricotta will keep in the fridge for about five days. The whey may be discarded or used to make oatmeal, as a liquid base for baking bread, or added to smoothies.

Bed & Breakfast




Karl & Sharlene Kieslich

Innkeeper Kenni Ball

Written by: Nicolette Johnston Photography : Courtesy of The Wallingford Victorian Inn


Bed & Breakfast

The Wallingford Victorian Inn


arl and Sharlene Kieslich had their eyes set on The Wallingford Victorian Inn, in Wallingford, Connecticut for years before they ever purchased it, but timing was not in the cards for them. With experience in hospitality, vacation home ownership, and renovating; the Kieslichs just knew the Queen Anne Victorian Wallingford Inn was perfect for them. However, city ordinances got in the way of their first attempt to purchase the property, because zoning codes wouldn’t allow for them to operate as an inn, if it wasn’t owner-occupied. The owner at the time had another offer from a family who wanted to temporarily move to the area while their child attended Choate Rosemary Hall Academy for four years, so the Kieslichs knew there may still be a chance in the semi-near future. They approached the new owners and told them they would like to buy it from them when the time came. Karl and Sharlene spent the next four years researching the history of the Wallingford Inn, even going so far as interviewing descendants of the original owners from the late 1800’s. They discovered that Gurdon W. Hull and Elizabeth Simpson Hull gave the Queen Anne to Georgianna Hull and Charles Tibbits as a wedding gift. The Kieslichs set their sights on renovating the home and its five suites to being as original as possible, which includes period furnishings. For this reason, they went through ever effort to style the library, parlor and music room true to form, even with a grand piano. “Back in those days, the gentlemen would go to the parlor after dinner, while the ladies retired to the music room,” Karl said. Although, the Kieslichs do not live on premises, their full-time innkeeper, Kenni Ball lives in the innkeeper’s quarters. “When Kenni applied for the position, we knew she was exactly what we were looking for,” said Karl. “She was young and energetic, and warm. She had previous innkeeping experience

Bed & Breakfast 41

A Relaxing Grand Stay


Bed & Breakfast

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“The Kieslichs set their sights on renovating the five-suite Queen Anne to being as original as possible.�

Guests can relax in beautifully decorated rooms like the Georgianna Tibbets Suite or the Charles Tibbets Suite (on the right).


Bed & Breakfast

near upstate New York. We wanted to offer a different vibe than the average retired innkeeper couple.” The Kieslichs live in town and enjoy being handson inn owners who like to pop in on the weekends, or to meet the guests and socialize at wine hour. “We host a few intimate weddings in the garden, but mainly we have baby showers and bridal showers nearly every Sunday in the garden. Some of the best times we’ve had are sitting around with guests at wine hour... where we serve a red and white wine, along with a charcuterie board with other snacks,” said Karl. “Conversation will often lead to a game in the chess garden, more than likely after a bottle of wine.” With Choate and Yale University nearby, guests come from all over the world to visit students attending the prestigious schools bringing an international clientele quite frequently.

things to do surrounding

special packages at the wallingford The “Getting Over Him Package” includes a large suite for one evening, homemade ice cream with whipped cream, a bottle of red or white wine, and a candle lit breakfast in the morning. Other packages include: proposal packages, a couples date package, a girl’s weekend package, baby moon, concerts, hiking, birthday, and the Goodspeed Opera House package.

FAVORITE LOCAL RESTAURANTS Michael’s Trattoria, J Christian’s, and Half Moon Coffee and Grill Café.


Paradise Hills Vineyard, Gouveia Vineyards, Wadsworth Falls State Park, and Quinnipiac River State Park are nearby. For those looking for a little pampering, the Body and Soul Day Spa, Serenity Salon and Day Spa, and Lotus Day Spa are close to the inn. Check the calendar because you may be able to catch a concert at for the Oakdale Theatre or the free summer concert series put on by Wallingford’s Department of Parks and Recreation featuring local musicians.

Bed & Breakfast


“The gentlemen would go to the parlor after dinner, while the ladies retired to the music room.�

Visit to obtain a complimentary Vacation Guide on Wallingford, CT.


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50 Bed & Breakfast

Sonoma, CA

Avalon Luxury Inn

True Meaning of Hospitality Written by: Nicolette Johnston Photography: Courtesy of InnLight Marketing & Avalon Luxury Inn

Mexican SoufflĂŠ recipe pg. 60

Bed & Breakfast 51

INNKEEPERS Hilary & Gary McCalla


ocated in West Sonoma Valley, the Avalon Luxury Inn is nestled in a forest-like setting with redwood trees abound. With Sebastopol and Forestville only minutes away, Avalon Luxury Inn is also located near Santa Rosa, Petaluma and Bodega Bay, yet Avalon Luxury Inn feels as if it’s in a magical forest all on it’s own.

Owners and innkeepers, Hilary and Gary McCalla have been lovingly welcoming guests since 1999. After a quest to search for the right location, with Gary settling into his career as an emergency room doctor, the couple first fell for a bed and breakfast in Nevada City, California. However, they realized it would require an extensive paint job and might not be in the best location for Gary to work, so the couple searched many more homes in Northern California before they found their piece of paradise just outside of Sonoma.


Bed & Breakfast

“The tourists stopped coming for many months... we are just now starting to see things get back to normal.� -

Hilary McCalla on the Northern California firestorm of 2017.

During the fire, the McCallas first housed friends who took precautionary measures to evacuate. When it was safe for their friends to return home, they did so. But that was just the beginning for the McCallas to demonstrate the true meaning of hospitality. With nearly every tourist canceling their reservations, they opened up their three rooms for one couple who stayed a few weeks, another couple who stayed a month while they had smoke damage repaired in their home, and a third couple who needed to stay much longer.

Hilary & Gary McCalla entertaining guests.

Hilary’s interest in innkeeping stemmed from traveling in her early 20s to Europe where she stayed at bed and breakfasts. Later, after she and Gary married, their home “always became the place people wanted to stay” she said. “Innkeeping just seemed natural and fit our personality really well, and I actually really enjoy cooking.” She doesn’t mind the challenge of a special diet either, and will happily adapt to a guest’s diet request, which even includes her cookies! One of her favorite cookies to make is what she calls the “Kitchen Cookie”, which has a chocolate chip cookie base, but she loves to throw in dried fruit, nuts or white chocolate chips. The “Kitchen Cookie” is never the same twice for guests. A house favorite breakfast amongst guests is the Mexican Souffle with Green Chili, and foodies will appreciate the Grapefruit brulee, topped with a merlot reduction sauce and torch-heated sugar. Other breakfast specialities include banana pancakes topped with homemade spiced syrup, crispy Niman Ranch or Black Pig bacon, Panizzera organic apple chicken sausage, double corn muffins, crusty drop or buttermilk biscuits. Hilary enjoys serving sweet and savory treats ranging from wine poached pears to homemade guacamole and corn muffins served with jalepeno jelly, surely accentuating Sonoma Valley’s taste for local food with a gastronomic flair. The past year has not been as smooth sailing for hospitality and restaurant industry in the Sonoma and Napa area due to the Napa Valley Fire which occured on October 8, 2017. “The tourists stopped coming for many months,” said Hilary. “We are just now starting to see things get back to normal.” Though, the McCallas were not directly affected by the fire, they were financially affected just like many other local businesses in the area, because everyone stopped coming.”


Bed & Breakfast

Hilary described how she tried helping fellow business owners in the restaurant and spa industry nearby. She would recommend to guests to go to restaurants who desperately needed the business in hopes that anything might help in order to prevent layoffs or closures. Simply put, the tourists were no longer coming to the area. The McCallas even purchased gift cards and offered specials that may help other local businesses as well. They shopped at farmers markets even more than normal to support locals any way they could. The McCallas embrace the true definition of hospitality by not only going above and beyond to cater to their guests, but also by opening their home to ‘neighbors’ in the face of a natural disaster. They truly welcomed them as if ‘our home is your home’, even when they had no home to immediately return to. One of Hilary’s favorite memories about innkeeping is helping a guest with a plan to propose to his girlfriend. The McCallas helped conjure up a number of romantic places for him to potentially propose in case his nerves got the best of him if ‘he kept chickening out’. The guest proposed near their romantic stream just on the property. The couple has since been back eight times, including their honeymoon, demonstrating just how special the McCalla’s and Avalon Luxury Inn is to their guests.

The “Kitchen Cookie� is never the same twice for guests. It has a chocolate chip cookie base, but contains variations of dried fruit, nuts or white or chocolate chips.

Bed & Breakfast



In the Heart of France La Villa de Mazamet

mazamet, france Written by: Peter Friend Photography : Courtesy of La Villa de Mazamet

boutique guest accommodation, like the 1930’s “La Villa de Mazamet”, completely renovated by two Brits, Peter & Mark, and opening for business in 2009. La Villa offers six luxuriously appointed ensuite guest rooms, each with an individually styled marble fireplace and the original parquet flooring. Hotel quality beds, fine monogrammed bed linens, Tassimo hot beverage makers, flat screen TV/DVD, provide guests with everything expected in a multi-starred hotel, yet with the personality and individuality of a B&B.



Mark Barber & Peter Friend

a Villa de Mazamet – a great base to stay.

Nestled in the foot of the stunning Montagne Noire mountain range, which divides the departments of the Tarn from the Aude, sits Mazamet. Not on the traditional tourist map, Mazamet holds onto its wealthy 19th century heritage from its wool industry and lasting links with various countries around the globe with whom it traded. At its height, 1 million kilos of sheepskins passed through Mazamet each year!

To complement the guest rooms the ensuites, with deep baths & showers, have large fluffy Egyptian cotton towels on heated towel rails, dressing gowns, slippers and luxury Gilchrist & Soames amenities. As part of the extensive renovations, Le Petit Spa (with a sauna, Jacuzzi and massage treatments) and an outdoor pool in the landscape gardens were added. Two guest lounges, a small library and a light-filled dining room for breakfast & dinner provide space for guests to relax & unwind. Guests start their day with a fresh continental buffet of cold meats, cheeses, fresh seasonal fruits and French favourites like pain au raisin, croissants & pain au chocolat – as well as home made banana bread, Bircher muesli and muesli slices

The wealth created from the wool & leather industry in Mazamet manifested itself in the creation of many bourgeois family residents, built between the 1850s and 1950s – these beautiful homes, with a mix of European architecture, line the wide streets and stand testament to how Mazamet rose to become the 15th wealthiest town in the whole of France. Since the end of the 1990s, Mazamet has looked to re-invent itself. Playing on its strength as a traditional market town located in a stunning natural setting, the town, now attracts international visitors who come to experience a true slice of French life without it being a typical tourist-trap; using Mazamet as an excellent base from which to explore an area not widely known nor discovered. A number of the beautiful family residents have been given a new lease of life, playing host to


Bed & Breakfast

© Photo by: Marie du Carcassone

….and don’t be afraid of asking for a flat white here as excellent coffee is served alongside a choice of juices. During breakfast, Peter & Mark talk to their guests about plans for the day, what’s going on locally, where to have lunch or where to take a picnic. For the enjoyment of guests, the pair have written a series of eight self-drive day tours (with a map & driving directions) which take in the must-see locations in the area. Three UNESCO World Heritage

Bed & Breakfast 57

“Guests start their day with a fresh continental buffet of cold meats, cheeses, fresh seasonal fruits and French favourites like pain au raisin, croissants & pain au chocolat – as well as home made banana bread, Bircher muesli and muesli slices.”


Bed & Breakfast

Sites of Albi, Carcassonne, & the Canal du Midi are all under an hour away; medieval villages, mountain lakes & vineyards also add to the diversity. For guests searching for exercise over culture, the Montagne Noire provides extensive walking options, lakes for a refreshing dip as well as great road cycling. For those who enjoy less rigorous pedal power, the railway line which used to bring the wool to Mazamet has now been turned into a 65km cycle track, commencing just 200 metres from the gates of La Villa where bike hire is also available. Those not wishing to venture far can explore Mazamet on foot; two 35-minute architectural tours, three weekly markets (plus a night food market in July & August), a beautiful park, shops, cafés & bars are all within a 10-minute walk… or 15-minutes by train guests can explore the neighbouring town of Castres and it’s Goya museum; or stay on the train for another hour and discover the wonderful city of Toulouse. Five evenings a week, a four-course table d’hôte dinner is served at La Villa (during the balmy summer evenings

© Photo Courtesy of Tarn Tourism

World Heritage “La Cité” is 45-minutes to the south as is the Canal du Midi, and the 13th century red-brick gothic cathedral in Albi (also a UNESCO World Heritage Site) is 45-minutes to the north. Guest can arrive by air into Carcassonne or Toulouse airport and hire a car or a transfer may be arranged. Those exploring France by rail can arrival in Mazamet by train via Toulouse.

La Villa de Mazamet

Open from April 1st to October 31st annually; rooms range from 120€ - 20€ per night, for two, which includes a welcome drink, wifi & breakfast. A 15% discount from the third night onwards is available throughout the season and online booking is available via the website. Dinner is priced at 35€ pp for their four-course table d’hôte menu which changes daily. Payment is available with MasterCard or Visa at no additional charge. © Photo Courtesy of Tarn Tourism

© Photo Courtesy of Tarn Tourism

poolside). Fresh local & seasonal produce are sourced to create a menu that changes daily….and complemented with a wine list of more than 25 labels, all from SW France and personally selected (and tasted) by the owners! Testament to the success of La Villa de Mazamet comes in the form of winning the coveted Trip Advisor “Traveller’s Choice Award” in eight successive years (the only property in France with such an accolade) as well as being included in “Le Guide Michelin” since 2012 for its well-appointed accommodations and the Alistair Sawday’s guide of high-quality French B&B’s.

Location Facts

Mazamet (Department of the Tarn in the Occitanie region) is located three hours from Bordeaux, Provence, the Dordogne & Barcelona. Carcassonne’s UNESCO

Bed & Breakfast


Favorite recipes Ba ke d Pe a r s

Mexi can So uff lé

Mexican Soufflé - Avalon Luxury Inn

Baked Pears - Avalon Luxury Inn 3 large hard green pears ½ cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon ½ teaspoon grated nutmeg 1 tablespoon butter 3 tablespoons orange juice Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut pears in half lengthwise and remove the cores. Sprinkle brown sugar and spices on bottom of baking dish (large enough to hold the pear halves). Place the pear halves, cut side down, on top of the sugar and spices. Dot the pear backs with the butter and drizzle the orange juice over the sugar/spice mixture. Bake for approximately one hour, or until pears are tender. Pears that are riper will need less time in the oven. Serve cut side up with a diminutive scoop of vanilla bean ice cream. Serves 6.

3 large roasted chilis (canned Ortega chilis is fine) 1½ cup Monterey Jack cheese, grated 1½ cup Medium Cheddar cheese, grated Mexican Soufflé & Broiled Grapefruit photos courtesy 12 eggs of Avalon Luxury Inn. 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour (this ingredient may be omitted if cooking gluten-free) 1 teaspoon salt 1 small clove of fresh garlic, minced 1 teaspoon cilantro, minced fresh or dried 1 teaspoon oregano, minced fresh or dried or ground 1 teaspoon cumin powder ½ teaspoon ground pepper

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9x11 baking dish. Coarsely chop the chilis and layer on bottom of baking dish. Mix the grated cheeses and sprinkle over chilis. Whirl remaining ingredients in a blender until well mixed. Pour over cheese. Bake 45 minutes. Let stand a few minutes before serving. We serve this dish with salsa, guacamole and sour cream. Serves 8.


Bed & Breakfast

Pumpkin Sauce & Whipped Cream - Nagle Warren Mansion Inn We serve this on waffle for breakfast during the fall and holiday season. It is also good on pancakes or toast! If pie or sugar pumpkins are available you can make your own puree.

Broiled Grapefruit - Avalon Luxury Inn

Chill grapefruits. Remove from refrigerator, halve and section grapefruits. Sprinkle cut sides of grapefruits with granulated sugar and place under broiler until sugar is melted and grapefruits are kissed with brown. Garnish with a fresh strawberry and serve immediately.

Pumpkin Sauce 1 ½ cup pumpkin puree 1/5 cup unsweetened apple sauce, (if using sweetened apple sauce reduce honey a little) 1/10 tsp salt 1 bay leaf 1/10 tsp mace or sub nutmeg 1/3 tsp cinnamon 1/4 cup honey 1 3/4 tsp unsulfured light molasses 1 1/4 tbl Grand Marnier Cordon Rough 2/3 cup water 2 tbsp butter (add after removing sauce from the stove) Mix all the ingredients together in a small pan, except the butter. Bring to a simmer on low heat, covered. Stir every now and then. When it starts to lightly bubble, remove from heat and stir in the butter. If sauce is too thin, cook a little longer; if too thick thin add a little water or Grand Marnier. Pumpkin sauce can be made in bulk and put in a freeze bag. Defrost and reheat before serving. Whipped Cream 1/2 cup whipping or heavy cream 1/2 tsp cream of tarter 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 2 tsp powdered sugar Combine ingredients and whip. Put in piping bag with a large star tip. Keep refrigerated. Pour 1/3 cup of pumpkin sauce on top of waffle or pancake. Pipe a large dollop of whipped cream in the middle of the pumpkin sauce. Dust a pinch of cinnamon on the whipped cream for garnish.

Photo: iStock by Getty Images: bhofack2.

Bed & Breakfast


Whole Orange Poppy Seed Bread Recipe y Inspired b LISSA SWEET ME IE PATISSER

Whole Orange Poppy Seed Bread One of our favorite recipes here at Bed & Breakfast Magazine is inspired by The Sweet Melissa Baking Book from Sweet Melissa Patisserie in Lebanon, NJ where a whole orange (minue the seeds) is used. We’ve experimented with variations of the recipe, for instance trying to strip away as much of the pith (white part) of the orange and throwing in all the orange peel has reduced a little bit of the sour taste. We’ve also reduced the butter to experiment with a healthier version and found it to be just as tasty. We have used this concept with a whole lemon instead of orange for traditional lemon poppy seed muffins, but added an extra quartercup of sugar and reduced the baking time. We did not make the glaze for the photo shown. 1 whole orange 1 cup sugar 3 eggs 1 1/2 sticks melted butter (12 tbsp) 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 2 1/4 teaspoons baking powder 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt 1 tablespoon poppy seeds

Glaze (optional) 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1/4 cup sugar

Preheat oven to 350. Butter and lightly flour a 1 1/2 quart loaf pan. Remove stem from orange and cut in slices to remove seeds. Pulse the entire orange with skin still on (or peel the orange, use the whole peel and fruit taking out the seeds), mix with 1/2 cup of sugar in food processor until pureed. In a large bowl, whisk eggs and remaining 1/2 cup sugar until smooth. Stir in orange pulp, whisk in melted butter. In a small bowl, whisk flour baking powder, salt and poppy seeds. Gently fold into orange mixture. Pour batter into loaf pan. Bake for 50-60 minutes, rotating the pan halfway through baking. Allow to cool for 20 minutes if making the glaze. To make the glaze, combine orange juice, lemon juice and sugar in small saucepan at a high simmer for 2-3 minutes, or until reduced by half. Pour on bread while still warm.


Bed & Breakfast

Margherita Scramble

- B&B Magazine Kitchen 3 Eggs 1/4 cup Stewed Italian tomatoes 1-2 oz. Fresh Mozzarella Fresh Basil for garnish 1/4 tsp Italian Seasoning Dash of Salt Scramble eggs in bowl. Pour in skillet, add stewed tomatoes and cheese. Sprinkle with herbs and salt. Cook to preference. Garnish with fresh basil.

1 1/2 cups of flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon baking powder - B&B 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 ripened bananas 3/4 cup sugar 1 egg 1/2 cup butter, melted 1/4 cup mini semi-sweet chocolate chips

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins Magazine Kitchen

Combine dry ingredients in a bowl. In a large bowl, smash bananas with fork, add egg, melted butter, and sugar. Mix well. Add dry ingredients gradually. Fold in chocolate chips. Bake for 18-20 min on 375. If using a dark coasted muffin pan with no muffin liner, spray muffin pan and bake at 350 for 16-18 min.

Bed & Breakfast 63

Garnishing with a BREAKFAST favorite ...Bacon

Rosemary Pumpkin Bacon Soup

- Bed & Breakfast Magazine

3 tbsp butter 1 small white onion 2 cloves of garlic ¼ tsp pepper ½ tsp salt ½ teaspoon pumpkin pie spice 1 15 oz can pure pumpkin puree 3 cups chicken (or vegetable) broth ½ cup half and half or heavy whipping cream 2 fresh sprigs of rosemary 2 slices of crispy bacon Melt butter in a large pot, sauté finely chopped onion. When onion starts to turn translucent, add the garlic and pumpkin pie spice, and pepper. Cook for about three minutes. Add pumpkin puree and broth. Season with salt. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer for about 20 minutes. Stir in half and half (or heavy whipping cream). Blend and puree until smooth.

Pan Fried Tomatoes with Bacon

- Bed & Breakfast Magazine

Green to red tomatoes 1/2 cup self-rising flour 1/2 cup corn meal 1/4 cup finely shredded Pecorino cheese Salt Pepper Bacon We used tomatoes that had surpassed green, but were not yet red and were still firm. The taste was just as good, since the tomatoes were still firm. For a healthier version we lightly coated oil in a skillet to cook. Mix flour, corn meal, pecorino, salt and pepper in a shallow bowl. Dredge tomatoes in flour mixture. Cook 3-4 minutes per side on medium high heat. Salt and pepper in skillet. Top with crumbled bacon.

64 Bed & Breakfast

Garnish with crispy rough chopped bacon and finely chopped fresh rosemary.

Heat naan bread on the grill for delicious soup dunking.

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