Summer Scene 2016

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scene Summer 2016

News and views for the Colgate community

Answering the call Vacation bound On the bright side


Summer 2016

22 Answering the call

A recent emergency at a downtown restaurant is one example of how student volunteers are at the ready to fight flames for the Hamilton Fire Department

28 Vacation bound

What to read when you’re poolside this summer, as recommended by faculty and staff

32 On the bright side

Professor Beth Parks seeks solar rays and illumination on her Fulbright year in Uganda


Message from President Brian W. Casey


13346 — Inbox


Work & Play


Tableau: “How a long-forgotten wedding present changed my marriage”


A taste of Colgate


Life of the Mind


Arts & Culture


Go ’gate


New, Noted & Quoted


The Big Picture


Stay Connected


Class News 70 Marriages & Unions 70 Births & Adoptions 70 In Memoriam


Salmagundi: “Tricky-dekaphobia” number search, “13 Words or Fewer” caption winners


Professor Peter Balakian wins Pulitzer Prize (pg.15)

On the cover: Jon Delman ’18 is one of more than 150 Colgate students who have volunteered for the Hamilton Fire Department since the mid-1990s. Read more on pg. 22. Photo by Susan Kahn Left: Mirror, mirror: Taylor Lake shows Colgate at its fairest. Photo by Andrew Daddio News and views for the Colgate community



I loved the edgy prose and snappy dialogue (and learned plenty of Emerald Isle expletives!) in Tana French’s murder mystery The Secret Place, with its Irish prep school setting, complex characters, and nuanced psychological drama.

Scene staff book picks We offer our own reading recommendations as a foreword to “Vacation bound” (pg. 28).

In Shrill: Notes from a Loud Woman, Lindy West focuses her feminist magnifying glass on everything from rape “jokes” to being treated as less-than because she is physically more-than. I found her sharp-witted assessment to be seriously on point and, at times, hilarious.

Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey is noir—meets—sci-fi in a not-so-distant future. I love that the space opera of interplanetary war is steeped with personal drama and alien mystery. It's a fantastical setting that still feels plausible.

Why do men fight? It’s a question I feel born into, growing up in Philadelphia — training ground of Joe Frazier and Rocky Balboa. Told through personal narrative, Professor in the Cage sheds light on masculinity and why men fight to prove it.

Thank you! The Colgate Scene thanks our three Class of 2016 interns who have contributed to the magazine in so many ways over the years. Now that they’ve graduated, we asked them: What words of

Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration by Ed Catmull with Amy Wallace. As a huge fan of Pixar films — they combine incredible technology and spectacular storytelling — I’m fascinated with this book’s exploration of how the company’s history, people, and culture inspire excellence.

wisdom would you tell your first-year self?

Volume XLV Number 4 The Colgate Scene is published by Colgate University four times a year (autumn, winter, spring, and summer) without charge to alumni, parents, friends, and students. Interim Vice President of Communications Rebecca Downing Managing Editor Aleta Mayne Editorial Director Mark Walden Creative Director Tim Horn Senior Designer and Visual Brand Manager Karen Luciani Senior Designer Katherine Mutz Production Assistant Kathy Owen Contributors: Daniel DeVries, Admission Marketing and Media Relations Manager; Matt Hames, Communications Strategist; David Herringshaw, Digital Production Specialist; Jason Kammerdiener ’10, Lead Information and Digital Architect; Brian Ness, Video Journalism Coordinator; John Painter, Director of Athletic Communications; Gerald Gall, Freelance Designer Contact:; 315-228-6669 Colgate University: 315-228-1000 Printed and mailed from Lane Press in South Burlington, Vt.

Lauren Casella was a double major in political science and religion. She was involved on campus as a Link, an admission fellow, and a member of Colgate Women in Business. She has begun her career as an analyst in the marketing sciences group at advertising agency R/GA in New York City.

Emma Loftus is a Rochester, N.Y., native who majored in English. She was an admission tour guide, Delta Delta Delta’s vice president for finance, and class agent on the Senior Class Gift Committee. Postgraduation, she joined several other alumni at the New York City office of Talener, a technology staffing firm.

Jessica Rice, a Gamma Phi Beta sister, double majored in English and political science. In addition to writing for the Scene, she covered sports for the Maroon-News. She will continue to work in journalism as a digital news producer for NBC4 Southern California.

What would you tell little(r) Lauren?

Loftus goals:

Take time for yourself. At Colgate, it’s easy to get caught up in all the work you have due, especially if your friends are also stressed out with work. Make sure you take a break to have dinner with friends, watch TV before bed, or get that extra hour of sleep. Even though it doesn’t seem like it, you’ll probably do better on that exam if you go to bed rather than pulling an all-nighter.

Step outside of your comfort zone, especially while everyone else is outside of theirs, too! There’s a natural inclination in a new or uncomfortable setting to disengage and be on your phone, but I made some of my best friends at Colgate when I put my phone down and struck up a conversation those first few weeks.

I wish I’d gotten more involved right away with all of the amazing things that Colgate has to offer. From little things like ’Gate fitness classes, to large things like extended studies, there are so many opportunities.

Advice to younger Rice?

Go paperless To stop receiving the printed Scene, e-mail with your name, class year, address, and e-mail address, and put Online Mailing List in the subject. We’ll send you an e-mail when we post new online editions (


scene: Summer 2016

If you’re moving... Please clip the address label and send with your new address to: Alumni Records Clerk, Colgate University, 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 13346-1398 or call 315-228-7453. Opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by the university, the publishers, or the editors. Non-discrimination notice: Colgate University does not discriminate in its programs and activities because of race, color, sex, pregnancy, religion, creed, national origin (including ancestry), citizenship status, physical or mental disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, veteran or military status (including special disabled veteran, Vietnam-era veteran, or recently separated veteran), predisposing genetic characteristics, domestic violence victim status, or any other protected category under applicable local, state, or federal law. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the university’s non-discrimination policies: Marilyn Rugg, Associate Provost for Equity and Diversity, 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 13346; 315-228-7288. Title IX notice In compliance with requirements under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Colgate University does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs and activities. Colgate’s Title IX Coordinator is Marilyn Rugg, Associate Provost for Equity and Diversity, 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 13346; 315-228-7288;

A message from President Brian W. Casey

Even though I have just begun my service to Colgate, I do not feel like a stranger. During the presidential selection process, I took a “covert” trip to the campus — with my dog, Emrys — to get

an early sense of the university. I was amazed by the beauty of the campus and the energy of the community. Emrys liked the squirrels.

Gerard Gaskin

Over the next several months, I came back a number of times to meet faculty members, students, and staff. As a student of higher education, I have always been aware of Colgate. Everyone is; it is one of our nation’s most highly regarded liberal arts colleges. After spending this past year learning more about Colgate and its history, however, I am now more excited than ever about its future. The job of a university president is to see that an institution is well managed; that its resources are carefully stewarded and applied; that the academic life of the institution is vibrant and demanding; that the faculty assembled is excellent and well supported; that the students receive an education — in and out of the classroom — that prepares them for lives of meaning and purpose; and that the campus is pleasing. But I am not writing about just any campus, or any college or university. I am writing about Colgate, and about this moment in time. I am also — truth be told — writing about why I have come here, and why I feel honored and humbled to have the chance to be at Colgate now. Colgate is unique. It is distinctive. There are attributes that set Colgate apart from the vast array of institutions of higher education in the United States. We are larger than most traditional liberal arts colleges (more than twice as large, for example, as Haverford). The size of the faculty and the reach of their scholarship and research are remarkable and provide countless opportunities for Colgate students. The array of activities for our students includes participation in NCAA Division I athletics, which adds a type of spirit to the campus not seen at many liberal arts colleges. And all of this occurs on a campus well known around the world for its beauty. In the months and years ahead, I plan on writing about the ways in which we can strengthen the university. How we can continue to hire excellent faculty and develop new academic programs while enriching the departments and centers we already have on the hill. How we can make the student experience more challenging, connecting, and rewarding. How we can continue to improve the campus, while sustaining its beauty. How we can strengthen the fine and performing arts on campus. How we can extend the reach and reputation of Colgate

through more confident and robust communications efforts. How we can make this education accessible to an ever-wider range of students. I also plan on writing about the joyful moments to be found in Hamilton and — as we look at the experiences of our students and alumni — around the world. I want to write about the many expressions of Colgate. We can, and should, be excellent in many ways — in the classroom, on the playing fields, in the arts, in the village, and in the world. And there are moments, in each of these areas, when Colgate proves itself to be special. I will talk about these moments as well. The task before me is to let Colgate be Colgate. The energy will come as we strive to make it the best possible version of itself. I have grown, in a short period of time, to admire and even love this university. I write to all of you, therefore, with a sense of pride, excitement, and energy. There is much work to do to move Colgate forward, and there are many conversations about its future to be had. These are the tasks on my desk in these first days. I look forward to sharing all of this with you. And, in the meantime, I will let you know about Emrys’s continued efforts to meet all of the squirrels on campus.

Meet Brian W. Casey Colgate’s 17th president Education

Old friend

University of Notre Dame Class of 1985 – Summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa

Emrys, his beloved terrier-mix rescue dog, born on St. Patrick’s Day

– Philosophy and economics double major

– Varsity swim team captain, Scholar-Athlete of the Year

Stanford Law School, JD, 1988 Harvard University, PhD in American History, 2000 Professional highlights

bwcasey First morning walk on Colgate’s campus.

Attorney, Davis Polk & Wardwell

Old habit

Assistant provost, Brown University

6:00 a.m. laps in the pool — now with the Colgate Raiders swim team

Associate dean for academic affairs in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University President, DePauw University

Follow him @President Casey bwcasey

News and views for the Colgate community




Cover letters

Spring 2016

News and views for the Colgate community

With gratitude Business accelerated Behind the Shadow

The Scene welcomes letters. We reserve the right to decide whether a letter is acceptable for publication and to edit for accuracy, clarity, and length. Letters deemed potentially libelous or that malign a person or group will not be published. Letters should not exceed 250 words. You can reach us by mail, or e-mail sceneletters Please include your full name, class year if applicable, address, phone number, and/or e-mail address. If we receive many letters on a given topic, we will print a representative sample of the opinions expressed.

Love that cover (spring 2016)! Every time I go to Colgate, I find myself in Huntington Gym at least once — even though my photo from the Syracuse game that used to reside in the “Hall of Fame” downstairs has been moved to Coach Langel’s office window. There is something about that gym that draws me back. I guess I spent a lot of time there, either at basketball practice or basketball games, playing handball with Eddie upstairs, swimming naked in the pool, or just goofing off! Whatever it was, I love the place. With our 50th coming up next year, I can’t wait to visit again. Might even manage to put a hook shot through the hoop. Thank you, Colgate. Alan C. Brown ’67 Bronxville, N.Y. In a time of falling median household income, ISIS, violence in the inner cities, a no-growth economy, and a looming federal budget crisis, it is comforting to learn that Colgate students will have a firm grasp of “how hip hop is an artistic response to the challenges like racism and economic crisis that shape modernity.” Well, that ought to solve our problems, all for only $60,000 a year. Get real. Robert Watson ’66 New York, N.Y.

Call to action We were extremely disappointed to read Todd Clemens’s letter (Inbox, spring 2016) asserting that young women “cry rape.” This is a tired myth perpetuated by ignorance, sexism, and a culture of victim-blaming. Attitudes like Mr. Clemens’s discourage survivors from reporting, reinforcing biases among law enforcement and the judicial system, and adding yet another barrier to prosecution. According to the Justice Department and the FBI, for every 100 rapes committed, only one-third will be reported, seven accused perpetrators will be arrested, three referred to prosecutors, and only two will face conviction and prison. In reality, a person is more likely to be falsely accused of murder, arson, or burglary than of sexual assault.


scene: Summer 2016

Sexual and gender-based violence are topics we know extremely well. Kaite is a former criminal defense attorney who is now pursuing a PhD in clinical psychology. She dedicates her free time to working with survivors in Chicago through Rape Victim Advocates, a pastime for which she received the 2016 Illinois Governor’s Volunteer Service Award. Kaite serves as a volunteer shift supervisor for medical and legal advocates, taking 60-hour on-call shifts, fielding hospital pages, dispatching advocates to 14 emergency rooms, providing technical assistance and emotional support, and mentoring volunteer advocates and emergency department medical staff. After earning an MA in International Human Rights, Chrissy spent several years in Washington, D.C., working with members of Congress to introduce the International Violence Against Women Act and codify the U.S. Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence Globally. She currently leads fundraising and advocacy efforts for the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, supporting catalytic and innovative initiatives to address the myriad forms of gender-based violence experienced by women and girls worldwide. Through firsthand experience working to prevent and address sexual violence, we are well aware of the ways in which the court systems in this country fail survivors. Unlike adversarial justice systems, universities are charged, first and foremost, with protecting students and creating a safe environment in which to live and learn. Yet constant reports of systemic mishandling of cases of sexual violence by universities, from Missoula, Mont., to Harvard Square, reveal how far we have to go. As alumnae, we are relieved that Colgate is not one of the 250 institutions under previous or current investigation by the Department of Education for gross failures to investigate cases of sexual violence and protect survivors. We are proud to see incremental steps being taken on campus to ensure students’ safety and hear their concerns. These steps shouldn’t be mocked or discouraged, as there is much more to be done.

What should be shocking to Mr. Clemens, or anyone concerned with campus safety, is what we do know about sexual violence on college campuses: these are crimes committed behind closed doors, most often by an acquaintance, and largely with impunity, including at Colgate. A 2015 Colgate survey revealed that 12 percent of respondents experienced attempted sexual assault during their time on campus. Surveys of U.S. college stu-dents reveal that just 5 percent of campus sexual assaults were reported and 5 to 20 percent of college women experienced attempted sexual assault during their college career. Nine out of 10 campus rapes are committed by serial rapists. We are extremely proud of the education we received from Colgate, and are equally proud that Colgate helped equip us to take on the monumental challenge of stemming the tide of violence against women and girls. Won’t you join us, Mr. Clemens, in being part of the solution, rather than part of the problem? Chrissy Hart ’05 and Kaite O’Brien ’06 New York, N.Y., and Chicago, Ill.

Report from Germany In response to “Refugee crisis: report from Lesvos” (Tableau, spring 2016) In the small town in Germany where I live with my husband and son, we have a large tent across the street from our house. This tent is now providing shelter for 150 refugees from Syria, Egypt, Bangladesh, Iraq, and many North African countries. The volunteer efforts in the town include 12 language courses organized and provided by volunteers, a bicycle workshop for the refugees, a get-to-know cafe every Sunday, an organized diaper express for the many small children, and a moving service for refugees who finally get an apartment. It is amazing to see how many people are helping and a joy to see the smiles on the children’s faces when they are finally allowed to go to school. These refugees are becoming our friends, who will probably stay and make a new home for themselves in Germany.

There is a lot of negative press about Germans who do not want these refugees, but there are many more who are helping. A plan from the German government, the European community, and the United Nations is missing and urgently needed. There are still many refugees risking their lives on their way to Europe. As Chancellor Merkel has said, “We can do it.” We all have to help; otherwise, the crisis will be a greater one. Susan (Marano) Reibetanz ’81 Krefeld, Germany

Hockey history I was a bit surprised to read the article “Sunset for the Starr Rink” in the spring 2016 issue (pg. 18) of the Scene without any mention [of the man] for whom the rink was named. To quote from Wikipedia: “A 40year member of the Colgate faculty, Howie retired in 1965, when the university’s hockey arena was named in his honor. As head coach of hockey for 15 years (1932–42 and 1945–50), he won 87, lost 72, and tied four games. He was also Colgate’s first swimming coach (1926–33). And he was gymnastics coach 1928–1932. A 1922 graduate of Springfield College, he came to Colgate in 1926 from Greenville, S.C., where he had been director of health and physical education and basketball coach. At Colgate, he was an assistant professor of physical education 1926– 1934, associate professor 1934–1946, and a full professor 1946–1965. He instituted the first intramural athletic programs at Colgate in 1934. In 1965,

at the time of his retirement, he took a position at Bowling Green State University in Ohio and helped oversee the development and operation of their new ice skating arena…. During that period, he mentored a number of young skaters, including Scott Hamilton.” It was not easy being a coach in those days. In 1932, he tried to get the Maroon to print news about intramural sports, but the editor (the graduate director of publications) refused unless he paid for it. Professor Starr went to President Cutten to protest. Cutten suggested he print his own paper, and in 1932, the Intramural News went to press with a student editor. Nor was it easy being a hockey coach before Colgate had an indoor rink. Everything depended on the temperature. Whenever it got cold enough — no matter what the time — Starr would be down at the outdoor rink next to Huntington Gym with a hose, spraying the surface. This was often between midnight and 2 a.m. Starr was commissioned a 2nd lieutenant in World War I and enlisted again in World War II, which made banner headlines in the Maroon. He was commissioned a captain in the Army Air Force and was assigned to the 8th Air Force in England. He served in an intelligence unit called MIS-X, and for part of his service, he was assigned as liaison to British Intelligence Service units. Starr was injured by a V-1 flying bomb in London and walked with a limp the rest of his life. He ended the war as a lieutenant colonel and was awarded the OBE by King George VI. He was my grandfather as well as the grandfather of my brother, Peter Kessler ’85, and great-grandfather to my son, Tristan Kessler ’06. Richard J. Kessler ’70 Bath, Maine

Band of brothers Thank you so much for your numerous articles (including spring 2016, pg. 18) celebrating the “sunset” of Starr Rink. I spent four wonderful years on its celebrated ice surface as a center for our ’gate team 1966–1970. Your article on the Spink brothers (spring 2016, pg. 19) reminded me that we have had other brother combinations over the

Call for nominations: Colgate Board of Trustees The Nominating and Trustee Development Committee of the Board of Trustees welcomes recommendations for new members to bring guidance and wisdom to the university’s governing board. The board seeks energetic and committed people with expertise in areas including, but not limited to: higher education, finance, the arts, technology, global learning, legal affairs, marketing, or media relations. Nominees should display the ability to exercise informed, independent judgment and to act in the best interests of Colgate to properly steward the university’s academic, program, and fiscal resources. Candidates should be willing to fully immerse themselves in the work of the board. They should place Colgate as a priority in terms of time and philanthropy, and be committed to staying abreast of the changing landscape of higher education. The full board meets four times a year, and trustees are expected to participate in committee meetings and conference calls at other times. Trustees are also often asked to attend and/or host other university events. Each year, the board welcomes three to five new trustees for threeyear terms that may be followed by two additional three-year terms. Recommendations may be made by mail to: Trustee Nominating and Development Committee, c/o Robert L. Tyburski ’74, Secretary, Colgate University, 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 13346; or by e-mailing

history of Starr Rink. During the years 1966–1971, we had no fewer than four brother combinations. My brother, Bill ’71 (pictured above, top, fourth from left), and I (top, fifth from left) were joined by John Coseo ’70 (top, seventh from right), Tom Coseo ’71 (top, sixth from left), Jack McGlynn ’68 (bottom, left), Dick McGlynn ’70 (top, seventh from left), and finally, Coach Ron Ryan (top, right) and Assistant Coach Wayne Ryan (top, left). My brother Bill played for years at the semi-pro level in Aspen, Colo., with the Aspen Leafs. I played profes-

sionally in Denmark for two years and then returned to Concord, N.H., where I played for a bit with the Concord Eastern Olympics. I don’t know if the Coseos continued playing, but we were all rivals in high school, since they are from Canton, N.Y. (home of St. Lawrence University), and we are from Massena, N.Y. Jack McGlynn became a college hockey referee, and Dick played on the 1972 U.S. Olympic Team that picked up a silver in Japan. Mike Finnegan ’70 Melbourne, Fla.

News and views for the Colgate community


work & play 6

Campus scrapbook A



Stopping at Colgate as part of its national tour, the Monument Quilt is a way for survivors of sexual abuse to share their stories. Photo by Susan Kahn (For more on the quilt, see pg. 9)


Their futures are so bright, they need to wear shades. Photo by Gerard Gaskin


Surf’s up for Colgate’s study abroad group who spent the spring semester in Wollongong, Australia. The students took a day off from biology lessons to catch some coastal waves.


Tracy Scatterday ’96 was one of the many alumni who shared the joys of reunion and Colgate with family. Photo by Gerard Gaskin


It’s a jungle out there! Sally Langan ’17, a sociology major, befriends one of Cape Town’s largest residents during a semester abroad.


Karl Louis Uy ’16 sports some daring headgear as he stirs up bids at the Konosioni charity auction. (For more on the auction, see pg. 10.) Photo by Alice Virden Speer


In honor of the 30th anniversary of Colgate’s Alumni of Color organization, members celebrated at reunion. Photo by Gerard Gaskin


Friday Night Fever during Performing Arts Weekend. Photo by Nicholas Friedman ’16

scene: Summer 2016






News and views for the Colgate community


scene: Summer 2016

Gerard Gaskin

work & play 8

In the spotlight

Moderator Andrew Parietti ’10 announces the results to student entrepreneurs, including Ryan Diew ’17 (middle), who pitched their ventures during a Shark Tank–style competition.

Ventures with teeth

True grit is more than a classic Western. It’s also the stuff of great start-ups at Colgate. The fifth Entrepreneur Weekend in April celebrated the relentless determination that goes into Thought Into Action (TIA) ventures and connected their student creators with veteran business builders. A keynote conversation on Friday night featured Tyler Haney, CEO of Outdoor Voices (whose president is Andrew Parietti ’10); Payal Kadakia, CEO and co-founder of ClassPass; Jon McNeill, president of global sales and service at Tesla Motors; Clare MacGoey, CFO of Giphy; and David Fialkow ’81, managing director at General Catalyst Partners. It was moderated by Steven Bertoni ’02, tech editor at Forbes. For students interested in running their own start-ups, McNeill broke the process down into a series of steps: identify a pain point or need in the market, then decide if there is a market for the product that would fill that need, and calculate the potential profit margins. “But then there’s a big step,” McNeill cautioned. “That’s actually going and doing it, and that’s where ninetynine percent of ideas go to die.” After offering their insights into the successes and failures as advisers, the panelists became judges, listening

to students pitch their TIA ventures. Moderated by Peter Boyce of General Catalyst Partners and Rough Draft Ventures, alongside Parietti, the Shark Tank–style competition featured Samantha Braver ’18 and Ryan Diew ’17 with their airport navigation app Trippie; Richard Sanders ’17 and his sports beverage company Seela; Miranda Scott ’18 with The Waffle Cookie, a socially conscious baked-goods startup; and Rex Messing ’15 of outdoor adventure firm Tuwa Tuwa, Inc. After delivering their pitches and answering questions from the pros, the students split a $20,000 pool of capital that will help them move their ventures forward. The audience also met the alumni council’s 2016 Entrepreneur of the Year award winner, John Levisay ’89, the CEO of Sympoz/Craftsy. In his five years with the online craft education company, Levisay has taken Craftsy through five rounds of funding, totaling $100 million, and increased his staff from four employees to more than 250. Prior to the Friday-night keynote, panelists spoke in small groups with students interested in entrepreneurship and working with start-ups. The next day, TIA participants presented their products and services to parents, alumni, and friends in the Hall of Presidents.

You may know her as Rachel McAdams’s character in the Academy Award–winning movie Spotlight. Sacha Pfeiffer, Pulitzer Prize–winning investigative journalist, spoke to students in April about her role on the Boston Globe Spotlight Team that published a story on the Catholic Church sex-abuse scandal. Pfeiffer led a discussion regarding her work on this case and answered questions, moderated by the MaroonNews editors-in-chief Julia Queller ’16 and Spencer Serling ’16. “I think this movie is an incredibly authentic portrayal of how we do our jobs... They worked with us so closely to make it that way,” said Pfeiffer, who has been a reporter with the Globe since 1995. “For those of you who are interested in [careers] in journalism, I think these are the most wonderful jobs in

Shirt tales

Life imitates art

In the indie film Pottersville, actor Michael Torpey ’02 plays the part of Norm, who is trying to capitalize on a Bigfoot sighting by selling merchandise. Just as Bigfoot captivated the town of Pottersville, the movie cast’s celebrities (including Ron Perlman, Michael Shannon, Judy Greer, and Christina Hendricks) dazzled Hamilton when filming took place here in January. Now, the sets have been cleared away and the stars have returned to the city as they await the film’s release (yet to be announced). But, just like in the movie, there’s always a souvenir to be sold.

“Don’t ever be afraid to ask tough questions of powerful institutions,” investigative journalist Sacha Pfeiffer said.

the world. As this movie shows, you have the [potential] to do something that can have great impact and great meaning.” — Jessica Rice ’16

Supporting survivors

Susan Kahn

The room was quiet as community members walked around viewing the Monument Quilt laid on the Hall of Presidents floor. The quilt, which has been traveling the country collecting squares for the last three years, was brought to campus and displayed for the afternoon of March 29. Created in 2013, the quilt is intended to create a public healing space by and for survivors of sexual assault and abuse. By stitching together the stories of many, it aims to not only share individuals’ experiences, but also provide support. “[The mood] felt very reverent,” said Allie Fry, women’s studies program coordinator, who organized the event. “It was powerful to see mem-

bers of our community engage in a meditative and empathetic way.” In addition to viewing the quilt in a safe space where people could be contemplative and comfort each other, Colgate visitors had the opportunity to contribute a square and participate in workshops. The event began with a brown bag luncheon featuring Hannah Brancato and Rebecca Nagle, co-founders and co-directors of FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture, which created the Monument Quilt; and Deletta Gillespe, an activist and artist. Panelists discussed several ways in which they are working to bring visibility to the culture of consent and promote conversations. “I thought it was important to bring the quilt in order to offer a space that is specifically by and for survivors, that prioritizes their healing, that shows that there is no one way in which we experience or respond to violence,” said Fry. The quilt will be finished when it comprises 6,000 squares — the number of sexual assaults that, statistically speaking, will take place during one week in the United States. The finished quilt will eventually blanket the National Mall in Washington, D.C., during a weeklong display. “Monuments are a space for survivors to heal and reconnect with community, and it’s an important part of the healing process to have that kind of a public venue,” Brancato told the Maroon-News. “We all see the magnitude of the problem and feel driven to end sexual assault, to think of it as a problem that can end, not something we have to accept.” — Emma Loftus ’16

Back on campus Leading by example

He was one of several speakers who noted that leaders with emotional A Chenango Valley sunset shone intelligence and empathic awarethrough classroom windows as stuness are most effective at adapting dents opened their notebooks and lapto industry advances and fostering tops, eagerly awaiting a conversation positive work environments. “You’re with Chase Carey ’76, executive vice obliged to leave every situation better chairman of 21st Century Fox, kicking than you found it — it’s that simple … off Leadership Through Change, Inyou are in a position to make other novation, and Disruption. people’s lives better,” he said. Part of the Robert A. Fox ’59 The final presenter, Tribeca Film Management and Leadership Skills Festival co-founder Craig Hatkoff ’76, Program, this new career development spoke about the transformative power course brought alumni to campus during of storytelling in a digital age. He spring 2016 to offer advice and shed co-founded the film festival with his light on the ways in which the digital era wife, Jane, and actor Robert DeNiro has impacted their industries. after the 9/11 terrorist attacks as a “The topic is particularly relevant way of rebuilding the economy and when you talk with 20-year-olds who are essentially the ones turning business upside down,” said Carey. A dedicated group of sophomores, juniors, and seniors attended the intimate weekly gatherings, facilitated by Murray Decock ’80, adjunct instructor and senior vice president for external relations, advancement, and initiatives. Decock began each session with an introduction, followed by a dialogue with the presenter and an Duncan Niederauer ’81 opportunity for students to the spirit in New York City’s Tribeca ask questions. neighborhood. “Having a set of skills “It was extremely motivating to that allows you to inspire people is, get a chance to speak to these amazto me, the most interesting aspect of ing alumni who were once sitting in our leadership,” Hatkoff said. seats — quite literally, in Alumni Hall,” Michela Hendell ’18, a political said Danielle Dillon ’18, an English and science major from Scarsdale, N.Y., political science double major from identified an underlying theme within Hingham, Mass. the presentations. “Liberal arts stu Angela Morgenstern ’97, director dents are more qualified to succeed of product innovation and original after graduation,” Hendell said. “We are content at Netflix, spoke to the distrained to think critically and anaruption of the TV and entertainment lyze an array of information, and our industry. Maggie Dunne ’13, founder comprehensive curriculum empowers of Lakota Children’s Enrichment, disus to adjust to new challenges. These cussed the importance of risk taking abilities are increasingly important as and the influence of digital communiindustries are being disrupted.” cations on her nonprofit organization. As the series progressed through Duncan Niederauer ’81, former the spring semester, the days lengthCEO of the New York Stock Exchange ened, and the light streaming through (NYSE), traced the challenge of conthe classroom windows illuminated verting the NYSE to a digital system students’ new knowledge and skills. and assessing who was proactively — Lauren Casella ’16 dedicated to enacting this change.

News and views for the Colgate community


work & play

Pen + paper = social justice

Zines — inexpensive, self-published magazines — started in the 1930s and made periodic resurgences every few decades as a way to give ink to writing that was incongruous with mainstream media. Now they’ve made another resurgence as part of the broader movement for social justice at Colgate. Early in the fall of 2015, the Center for Women’s Studies purchased a few subscription zines to put on display. “Before I knew it, several students and WMST interns were generating their own,” said Meika Loe, the director of the center and a sociology and women’s studies professor. “Our staff put out a box of supplies to encourage this, and the phenomenon blossomed.” Loe and program assistant Allie Fry also coordinated a brown bag luncheon that led students through creating a Colgate community zine. Emily Daniel ’18, a member of Loe’s Sophomore Residential Seminar (SRS) on immigrant and sexual cultures in San Francisco, became a wholehearted

fan of the medium. “What I love about [them] is that they’re a subversive form,” she said. “You can make them with scissors, a glue stick, and some Sharpies. You hand them out for free like leaflets, which situates them in a long tradition of political media, and there’s really no censorship involved, so zines can be as radical and fearless as you want them to be.” Daniel and her class voluntarily created a San Francisco guidebook zine based on their trip for their final project. The zines that circulated around campus in the spring described everything from a doula’s role in the birthing process to the recent North Carolina “bathroom bill” controversy. One explained Colgate’s Queerfest (“an annual student-run-and-organized celebration of LGBTQI+ lives and identities”) with a program of events, while another, Glam!, has been serialized by Jake Mahr ’17. “I think zines can be helpful in starting hard conversations,” said Mahr. Glam! takes complex topics, from feminism to gender issues, and

breaks them down in a digestible way. “They bring ideas, thoughts, and stories [into] spaces like the Coop or the library, where they can reach broad audiences.” Kim Creasap, a visiting assistant professor of sociology who uses zines in her research on social movements and in her gender theory courses, noticed a similar effect. “They’re a way for students who feel inhibited, silenced, marginalized — whose voices they don’t feel are being heard on campus — to be heard. They make the personal political and get students to connect theory and everyday life.” Other students seem to agree. Mahr, Hannah O’Malley ’17, and Mariam Nael ’18 will attend a biennial conference in Seneca Falls, N.Y., this fall to lead a workshop on zine making, focusing on art as a form of resistance and a method of reinventing societal norms. — Lee Tremblay ’16

Going once, going twice…

This year’s Konosioni Senior Honor Society charity auction raised a record-breaking $32,000 for local organizations. The 19th-annual event, which coincided with Entrepreneurship Weekend on April 8, drew parents, alumni, and students. The event included both a silent auction and live bidding. The highest grossing items were two parties for

Life after Colgate: Class of 2015 80.5% 14.9% 1.4% 0.6% Katie's graphic 0.5% 0.5% 1.6%

Employed Graduate School Volunteer Service Fellowships Traveling Other* In Transition/Seeking

*Includes military service, care for family members, etc. Most recent data based on annual survey of graduating classes


scene: Summer 2016

ment to service,” said Ranissa Adityavarman ’16, Konosioni president. — Emma Loftus ’16

Last year, in order to allocate auction money and reach a larger audience, Konosioni teamed up with Colgate’s Upstate Institute to launch the crowdfunding website Madison County Gives. The Konosioni Class of 2017 will again distribute the money raised through the site. The Madison County charities that benefited this year (from the 2015 auction proceeds) included Community Bikes, Friends of Rogers, Fiver Children’s Foundation, Food Bank of Central New York, Hamilton Food Cupboard, Community Action Partnership, and Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees. “As students, it’s easy for us to forget everything that makes this area home for us, and running a philanthropic event like this has been a foundation for Konosioni’s commit-

While the symbolism of the commencement-weekend Torchlight Ceremony — graduating seniors carrying the light of knowledge out into the world — is timeless, the annual procession has evolved considerably since its first in 1930. In recent years, many members of the community have joined in an extended examination of the tradition and its place in Colgate’s past and present, seeking to create a safer and more inclusive ceremony. Aspects of the dialogue included concerns about physical safety, given the dangers in carrying fire. In addition, although academic gowns represent the ancient pursuit of knowledge, the sight of people wearing robes and carrying torches can also hold negative connotations from American history; some students and families have therefore chosen not to participate in Torchlight. Among the discussions, the Konosioni senior honor society held an open forum about the tradition’s symbolism, and a committee of students, faculty, staff, and alumni developed and shared recommendations that informed adjustments to improve the ceremony while preserving the timehonored tradition. As the Class of 2016 processed over a modified, less-bottlenecked route, spectators cheered as the students, who chose a variety of garb from robes to business casual, with some carrying torch alternatives, made their way down to the bonfire on Whitnall Field. “Colgate has been my home for the past four years and will continue to have my heart for years to come, so when students came forward regarding their discomfort during Torchlight, you can imagine how happy I was when that tradition was amended to make sure Colgate is a home to all of those who attend,” wrote Hagera Yilma ’16 on Instagram after the event. “I am so proud to call Colgate my alma mater and myself a Raider because of this.” Susan Kahn

Alice Virden-Speer

Carrying the torch

Grand slam commencement

As this year’s commencement speaker, Major League Baseball Commissioner Robert D. Manfred Jr. P’16 brought a gift for each of Colgate’s newest real-world rookies — all 677 of them: custom-made MLB-Colgate team hats. In his speech, Manfred cited a few key baseball players — Lou Brock, Joe Torre, and Jackie Robinson — to bring home some big life lessons. “As you might expect, Jackie Robinson once uttered words that I believe teach the most important lesson of all: ‘A life is not important except in the impact that it has on other lives,’” Manfred quoted.

“You will all have busy and successful lives,” he added. “Please find room and time in those busy lives to positively impact the lives of others.” For more, visit commencementweekend16. — Lee Tremblay ’16

“It’s like we never left.” — Shannon Thompson Looby ’96

Andrew Daddio

75 people each at the future home of President-Elect Brian Casey that sold for a total of approximately $10,000. Other items included a private movie screening at the Hamilton Theater and hot tickets for everything from The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon to the Red Sox. Alumni — including former Konosioni members — donated many of the items.

Reunion reflections

From as far away as France and Israel, alumni came home to Colgate in June, bringing more than 2,100 visitors to campus to celebrate the class years ending in ones and sixes. There were also several notable anniversaries: the 30th of the Alumni of Color organization and the 20th of Delta Delta Delta sorority. Alumni slept in the residence halls again, visited old haunts, golfed at Seven Oaks, and rekindled flames at the traditional bonfire, fireworks, and Torchlight Ceremony. They also returned to the classroom: Reunion College offered more than 50 lectures and discussions. After the excitement on Whitnall Field died down, here’s what some of the revelers had to say:

“It is like someone bottled our youth, aged it 25 years, and gave us a taste. And it was delicious!” — Jonathan Mosher ’91

“One of the most powerful and historic moments on campus. Thank you!!! #ColgateAOC30” — Shevorne Martin ’08

“Great weekend. Wish I had talked to some people more, gotten an hour or two more sleep, and realized (which I never do) that I can’t carry on the way I did 40 or 44 years ago.” — Nat Jones ’76

News and views for the Colgate community



How a long-forgotten wedding present changed my marriage By Lee McConaughy Woodruff ’82 passed since I’d worn them, and after I tugged them out, I examined the top and Having grown up without sisters, my husband has always been intrigued by bottom with new eyes. female gatherings. This was why, 28 years ago, he crashed my bridal shower to Despite countless wash cycles, the long johns’ red hue had barely dimmed. give me a store-wrapped gift. The card read, “May our life together always be an The waistband still snapped back, and over the years the fabric hadn’t pilled or adventure.” Inside the box was a pair of tomato red Patagonia long johns. They run. This was gear made to last. I held up the top, with its bright red snaps at the remain the most practical wedding present I ever received, aside from a fire extinneck, and highlights of my life flipped through my mind like animation frames. guisher from my friend Rebecca. There I was as a fiancée, then a young bride in China, now a new mother on a ski We were married in a small stone chapel in upstate New York on the (unretrip, our son in a pack on his father’s back. The long johns appear in photos of us markable at the time) date of September 11. Immediately afterward, we headed on a family winter camping trip in the desert. I had once worn them for a solid to Beijing, where Bob would teach at the China University of Political Science and week, mourning a miscarriage and bedridden, losing Law. This was a very lofty name for a cluster of conhope that we would conceive again. crete buildings and dirt piles we would call home. The long johns had been part of each physical Our tiny cinder-block dorm room was a meat move, as Bob changed careers from lawyer to jourlocker in winter. Icy winds rattled the thin windownalist after China and we leapfrogged around the panes and gusted through the cracks in the frame. country to ever larger broadcast markets. Even if I The red long johns became my second skin as I hadn’t worn them regularly, they had been there for trudged down the concrete hall to the toilets (a all of it, the sorrows and the celebrations. series of holes in the floor) or curled up under the The memory of an early camping trip in Michipile of padded cotton quilts on our twin beds. gan’s Upper Peninsula suddenly flooded back, We were eager travelers in that post-honeymoon, making me smile. During a night of torrential rain, pre-kid period. With our metal-framed packs, we the tent tarp had collapsed, drenching our packs and set off during university breaks and long weekends sleeping bags in a wall of water. I was wearing the for far-flung parts of Asia. But our year abroad damp long johns under a pair of Bob’s boxers as we ended abruptly and tragically with the Tiananmen approached the portico of the swanky Grand Hotel Square uprising: The government tanks fired on the on Mackinac Island. We’d planned to meet up with demonstrators, killing students from our school. friends for the more luxurious half of our vacation. Shell-shocked and traumatized by the violence, we The doorman moved to block our entrance, scowling returned to California to make a new life, no longer as if we were covered in human feces. We howled, welcome in China after the crackdown. reenacting his expression later, under the spray of When we lived in San Francisco, and then in the our room’s hot shower. northern foothills of Mount Shasta, my wedding Folding the long johns in my suitcase, I felt a long johns were regular companions on camping flash of excitement and anticipation. The coming trips and ski weekends. In those years, they resided weekend would be just the two of us on the road, in the top drawer of my dresser. They had come to like the old days, experiencing something new. The signify many things — the enduring possibility of change of pace and springtime Blue Ridge scenery adventure, our enthusiasm for new experiences, would do us good. And as it turned out, it did. and the belief that love really could conquer all, or Until I stood, learning to cast, in thigh-deep at least keep you warm at night. But with time the water on that fly-fishing weekend, I hadn’t imaglong johns began a slow migration to the furthest Lee McConaughy Woodruff ’82 is a journalist and the ined the powerful magic that existed in the boil of recesses of various closets, mirroring my more sedauthor of three books. The wife of journalist Bob Woodruff a rushing river. It worked on my soul like a balm. entary life. Each time I happened upon them, they ’83, she is a cofounder of the Bob Woodruff Foundation, We reverted to our old, silly selves, the adventurewere a gentle reminder of our present stasis. which assists post-9/11 injured service members and their some couple who had lain dormant too long, as Four children, a career, and my attempts to be a families. She is a half–empty nester with four kids. Find we survived a day of hard rain, slept in a yurt, and writer in the margins of my life had predictably and her at This essay first appeared in Real fell for the romance of fly-fishing. This was a vastly wonderfully hemmed me in closer to home. I had Simple magazine. different sport than what I had remembered from ended up exactly where I was meant to be. Yet the childhood recollections, which involved standing on passage of time had piled on possessions, obligathe dock with a container of worms. Fly-fishing was more art and poetry, finesse tions, and responsibilities. I was no longer the young bride who aspired to live like and religion. I was hooked. a turtle, with her house on her back, committed to a life of “adventure,” as Bob’s When we returned home to New York, I washed and folded the long johns, long-ago note had promised. purposely creating a new, more prominent place for them in my top drawer. Oh, to replay that stretch of time, when planning involved only the two of us Secretly, I circled back to Dusty Wissmath, our teacher and guide from the and our knees worked like well-oiled hinges. I was incredulous that we would be weekend, and ordered two fishing poles as a birthday surprise. When I give them there again in a few years, as empty nesters, albeit without the knees. to my husband, I want them to mean something, to stand for more chapters to Last spring, Bob and I attended a weekend in Virginia with the nonprofit come. What could be a greater gift than the experience of learning a new, shared organization Project Healing Waters. The group hosts injured service members activity in this second half of life together? at fishing excursions around the country, using nature to help heal the internal When I open my top dresser drawer now, the flash of red catches my eye. I may and external wounds of combat. As I packed, it occurred to me that long undernot wear them as regularly as I once did, but they have become almost a symbol, wear would be essential in early April, with cooler spring temperatures and rain a lucky charm or a rabbit’s foot. Instead of admonishing me, they represent the predicted in the mountains near Charlottesville. roads I wish to travel, the possibilities for experiences as yet untapped, a reminder It took me a few minutes to recall where they were. Poking around my closet, that adventure isn’t something you lose or outgrow. It is ever present, there for the I finally located them in a ball at the bottom of a mesh bag behind a pair of boots, taking, as much a state of mind as it is the physical act of going somewhere. the way a much loved stuffed animal is eventually exiled to the attic. Years had


scene: Summer 2016


ICE CREAM — the frozen treat has earned the affection of young and old around the world. At Colgate, this simple dessert has become a signature sweet at campus events, from first-year orientation to study breaks in the library, and even at commencement. Here’s the scoop on the origins of the university’s most delicious tradition. RAIDER FLAVOR Local ice cream shops serve up Colgate spirit: GILLIGAN’S ISLAND, SHERBURNE Raider Passion: cake batter ice cream, red velvet pieces, and crushed Oreos combine to make an incredible creation often served at Colgate athletics and other events around campus MAXWELL’S CHOCOLATES AND ICE CREAM, HAMILTON The Open Gate: blend any flavor and toppings into the personalized milkshake of your dreams YOGATE, HAMILTON The newest dessert shop in town, offering 12 flavors of frozen yogurt and more than 30 toppings to mix and match

For nearly a century, ice cream has played a part in bringing together the Colgate community. In 1924, the university served up scoops at a reception for new students, marking the earliest-known documentation of the delicious dessert at a student orientation. It was the beginning of a welcoming custom that continues to this day with the annual firstyear arrival day ice cream social. When the university wasn’t dishing it out at events, the Colgate Co-op was the place on campus to grab some frozen refreshment. From 1932 to 1967, the Co-op, located first in Stillman Hall, then in the basement of East Hall, sold everything from textbooks to school apparel, just like the modern Colgate Bookstore. The one thing the Co-op had that the bookstore does not? A soda fountain stocked with fresh Fro-joy ice cream. In the mid 1990s, the Office of Admission started serving individual cups of vanilla and chocolate ice cream following campus tours. It was a warmly welcomed chill to the end of a long walk around campus, especially during the summers. Several years later, Gary Ross ’77, dean of admission, stopped at the local Byrne Dairy to

stock up on ice cream for tours when he first saw the local brand’s chipwiches (two soft chocolate chip cookies sandwiching vanilla ice cream) — and a golden opportunity to improve the end of Colgate tours (and also serve a product sourced from regional farms). Ross explained that the previous ice cream offerings frequently led to strife: “Whenever we ran out of one flavor, invariably, a small child visiting with an older sibling would have a meltdown if the flavor he or she wanted was not available.” The solution: replace the two flavors with a single treat that everyone enjoys. The chipwich quickly became a campus favorite. The dessert’s popularity was cemented on Colgate Day, December 13, 2013, when students gobbled up Case Library’s midnight giveaway of 224 chipwiches in just 6 minutes.

1944, Naval trainees housed in university residence halls during World War II enjoy ice cream in the Co-op Image courtesy of Special Collections and University Archives

Most recently in university history, the 677 graduates of the Class of 2016 celebrated their commencement with an ice cream social, closing their chapter at Colgate just the way it began – with ice cream in hand. — Brianna Delaney ’19 Recent graduate Charlotte Arbogast ’16 and her sister take a selfie.

13 Page 13 is the showplace

for Colgate tradition, history, and school spirit.

life of the mind 14

scene: Summer 2016

Live and learn

Miranda Gilgore ’18 (middle row, third from left) went to New York City on a public arts and humanities immersion trip, sponsored by Jim Smith ’70 and Robert Dorf ’80 (both back row).

Picture this: life up close

Veins of neon green trace a path across a stark black background in a photo (above, left) displaying a web of microscopic neurons within the brain of a genetically altered fruit fly. Claire Kittock ’17 and Noor Anvery ’17 captured the photo through a microscope while researching the cellular architecture of different animals with Mala Misra, assistant professor of biology. The photo earned them first place in the Cooley Science Library’s first photo contest. Kristi Mangine, science library coordinator, thought of the idea for the contest because she wanted to decorate the library’s bare walls and was inspired by several student workers who she knew were passionate about photography. “The student photographers have great perspectives on what’s going on around campus,” Mangine noted. “So I thought a photo contest would be great to highlight how [they] see science at Colgate.” She and Peter Tagtmeyer, associate science librarian, e-mailed members of the Colgate community asking for photos that represented their vision of “science at Colgate.” After receiving 30 submissions, Mangine asked the community to vote for the six winners, which would be placed on permanent display in the library. The winning photographs varied widely in subjects, techniques, and fields of study. Geology professor William Peck’s jewel-toned photomicrograph of a moon rock took second place. The rock had been collected by the Apollo 12 mission to Oceanus Procellarum in 1969. Peck receives a

set of lunar samples from NASA every spring for use in his Geology 202 class, and this year’s sample, Lunar Basalt 12005 (above), contained minerals that settled out of the moon’s lava lake approximately 3 billion years ago. In third place was a portrait of an inquisitive dairy cow snapped by

Leda Rosenthal ’18. It was taken at the Durfee dairy farm in Chittenango, N.Y., where she worked as an agricultural economic fellow for Colgate’s Upstate Institute last summer. Mangine noted that the contest had an added benefit: “There’s amazing research going on behind closed doors. This contest lets you see it.” — Brianna Delaney ’19

Get thee to a library!

On April 20, honoring Shakespeare’s 400th “deathday,” Case Library displayed the only known image that is presumed to depict his wife, Anne Hathaway. The library’s commemoration also included Shakespeare monologues performed by seniors from the fall Senior Seminar in Theater and a panel discussion with English professors.

A marble-tiled museum, a show with gorgeous costumes, an old house that belonged to a wealthy family. That’s what people might think of when they hear the definition of ‘public humanities’: community access to the arts, history, philosophy, and more. I did, before going on the public arts and humanities immersion trip to New York City, sponsored by Jim Smith ’70 and Robert Dorf ’80, during spring break. I traveled with 11 other Colgate students and two professors in order to bridge the gap between our seminar class and the “real world.” At the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I learned that museum exhibits are an aggregation of work by historians, artists, engineers, and accountants, among many others. By visiting the Highline, an aboveground park that uses old train tracks as its structure, I saw how repurposing can be done on a large scale and the positive effects that a project like that can have on a city. The discoveries didn’t stop at the things that were new to me. For example, having been a dancer for 14 years, I knew that music choice was important in the creation of a show, but seeing the Stephen Petronio Company perform and talking to Petronio afterward pushed me to think about the role of music even more critically. As a German major, I have clear ties with the humanities. Yet, my interests lie largely in creating an environmentally sustainable world (my intended second major is environmental geography). Happily, I learned that there are many kinds of job opportunities in the public humanities — including director of sustainability! By synthesizing my own observations with the conversations we had as a group, I found that the arts and humanities tell stories in diverse ways. — Miranda Gilgore ’18

Courtesy of Special Collections and University Archives

Farewell to faculty

This 1708 pencil drawing of Anne Hathaway is presumed to have been traced from a lost Elizabethan original.

monologues in the Batza Room of Case. In two of them, Charlotte Arbogast ’16 reenacted a monologue by Viola from Twelfth Night, and Tanner Holley ’16 kept the audience laughing with his portrayal of notorious trickster Puck from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Then, professors Susan Cerasano and Margaret Maurer presented short papers. Cerasano covered the contents of Shakespeare’s will in “A Bed, a Sword, a Bowl, Several Houses, and Some Mourning Rings,” addressing current scholarship on the human, material, medical, and legal circumstances surrounding Shakespeare’s death. Maurer focused on the Shakespearian materials available in Special Collections, noting the luck that went into their preservation. “If two members of the company of which he was a member, John Heminges and Henry Condell, hadn’t

With the end of the 2015–2016 school year, Colgate said a fond farewell to five professors, granting Mary Ann Calo (art and art history), Faye E. Dudden (history), Joscelyn Godwin (music), Linn B. Underhill (art and art history), and Ann Kebabian (university libraries) emeritus status. A full-time faculty member for 25 years, Calo focused on modern and American art. Between work at the Picker Art Gallery, chairing the Strategic Planning Committee for the Arts, and directing the Division of Arts and Humanities as well as the Institute for the Creative and Performing Arts, she had a strong impact. Dudden, who researched and taught about the U.S. women’s rights movement, helped establish women’s history as a field in the 1970s. Dudden served as the history chair and on the Promotion and Tenure Committee, and has published numerous articles and three books. With 45 years at Colgate, Godwin has wide-ranging music scholarship and teaching specialties, including six core courses. A foremost authority on esotericism in music, Godwin was chair of the music department and of Core 151, as well as director of the Medieval and Renaissance Studies Program. He has written 16 books and 88 articles in addition to editing 11 books and translating 11 others. Underhill’s artistic works on gender, aging, agency, and the body have been exhibited nationally, while her curatorial skills have been employed at Colgate for exhibitions in Clifford Gallery and Picker Art Gallery. A student of Dorothea Lange in the 1950s, Underhill fostered a transformative classroom environment at Colgate. In her 16 years at Colgate, Kebabian went from maintaining the online catalogue to maximizing its use by the Colgate community. A member of numerous library associations and groups, she has contributed to her profession through her work with consortia like ConnectNY and NY6 as well as advising other campuses.

Balakian’s Ozone Journal awarded Pulitzer Prize

Over 40 years, poet Peter Balakian has developed an aesthetic that engages social, cultural, and political realities, from genocide to climate change to the AIDS epidemic, while simultaneously probing deeply personal human experiences like love, death, art, and culture. He talks of poetry as “a transformed and compressed piece of language” and of “being obsessed with phrases and the nuances of linguistic music.” And now, that artist’s obsession has yielded the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry — for his latest collection, Ozone Journal (University of Chicago Press, 2015). Balakian, the Donald M. and Constance H. Rebar Professor in humanities, professor of English, and director of creative writing, is the first Colgate faculty member to receive a Pulitzer. The collection’s 55-section title poem takes readers back to 2009, when Balakian worked to exhume the bodies of Armenian genocide victims, buried for generations in the desert of Syria, then “dreams back” to 1980s Manhattan in a time of crisis both personal and political. “Subtle shifts in tone and feel and scale are what Balakian is a master of — the drifting, split-second mirage, the cinematic dissolve and cross-cut as well as the sculptural, statuesque moment chiseled out of consonant blends and an imagistic, jazzman’s ear for vowels,” Consequence’s Keith Jones wrote of Ozone Journal. “In our dying world’s age, these poems legislate a vital comportment to the demands of our shared present, timely and untimely both.” In announcing Balakian’s prize, the Pulitzer committee wrote, “In the dynamic, sensual language of these poems, we are reminded that the history of atrocity, trauma, and forgetting is both global and ancient, but we are reminded, too, of the beauty and richness of culture and the resilience of love.” “I had not been online … and people started e-mailing me, texting me,” Balakian told Nune Hakhverdyan of “I was texting my friends back with question marks, saying, what are you congratulating me for? It was a lovely surprise, out of the blue, and that’s always a nice thing.” The Pulitzer is the latest — and highest — praise for Balakian’s extensive writings. The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America’s Response, a New York Times Notable Book and Best Seller, earned the 2005 Raphael Lemkin Prize. Black Dog of Fate, voted best book of the year by the New York Times, the LA Times, and Publisher’s Weekly, won the PEN/Martha Albrand Prize for the Art of the Memoir. His translation of Grigoris Balakian’s Armenian Golgotha: A Memoir of the Armenian Genocide 1915–1918 was a Washington Post book of the year. Since receiving the Pulitzer, Balakian was awarded a Presidential Medal from the Republic of Armenia. He’s discussed his work on NPR’s Weekend Edition and PBS NewsHour and has been invited to reading and speaking engagements nationwide. When he formally receives his Pulitzer in New York City in October, the poet will be honored alongside fellow creative arts recipients including Lin Manuel Miranda, creator of the landmark musical Hamilton, composer and musician Henry Threadgill, and novelist Viet Thanh Nguyen. Back at Colgate, Ozone Journal is on the fall 2016 syllabus for the longrunning Living Writers course (Sept. 29;, for which Balakian will also dialogue with visiting poet Natasha Tretheway. — Rebecca Downing

News and views for the Colgate community


Andrew Daddio

had the 1623 Folio printed seven years after Shakespeare died, he would be even deader, because copies of some plays exist only because they were included in that book,” Maurer said. — Lee Tremblay ’16

It was a fitting party for the playwright who wrote, “Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” The drawing of Hathaway is housed in Special Collections and University Archives. In 1708, Sir Nathaniel Curzon copied it onto a blank page in the third of the four editions of folios of Shakespeare’s plays published between 1623 and 1685; Colgate owns one of each of the folios, which are rare. With the drawing in the background, seniors performed their

scene: Summer 2016

Maroon on the red carpet

The opening of the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival brought together some of the biggest names in Hollywood — J.J. Abrams, Joss Whedon, and Catherine Hardwicke, to name a few. It also shone a spotlight on several Colgate people who are making a name for themselves in the entertainment industry. Rod Blackhurst ’02 took home the Audience Award for Best Narrative Feature with Here Alone, an independent film that he produced and directed. In this postapocalyptic thriller, a young woman struggles to survive on her own in the wake of a mysterious, zombiespawning epidemic that has forced her into the unforgiving wilderness of upstate New York. The film explores the conflict between emotional and physical survival as well as the meaning of family in times of extreme hardship. Writing that the “Tribeca film festival proves the zombie formula isn’t dead,” Maxim magazine gave high praise for Blackhurst's film, which was financed without the help of any major studios. Much of the funding came from a successful Kickstarter campaign established by Blackhurst, who also took on the task of casting, approaching lead actress Lucy Walters through Twitter. This homespun method seems to have paid off for Blackhurst, who said, “We thought Here Alone would appeal to fans of well-crafted psychological dramatic thrillers and elevated genre films — again showing our understanding of what it requires to tell a simple and powerful story.” Blackhurst, who was a French literature major at Colgate, previously directed the short film Would You,

Gallery-turned–storage room

Featuring rows of masks, figures, and textiles, the Opening the Africa Collection exhibition at the Longyear Museum of Anthropology was intended to replicate the feeling of being in a collection storage facility. It was on display from April through June. The exhibition featured 164 objects from the museum's African collection, presented in an “open storage” format “behind glass with little explanatory text, but in a way that the entire collection can be viewed as a mass of objects,” explained Mary Moran, professor of anthropology and Africana and Latin American studies. “We grouped them like they would be in storage, so we had all the masks together, all the figures together, and all the stools together,” said assistant curator Christy DeLair. “This is important for talking with students about the politics of collecting, especially in a colonial context, and the implications of certain kinds of representations of Africa through the use of objects,” Moran added. Some objects had an identification tag around them to help with teaching purposes, while others were only explained by cards next to the cases. Moran led the exhibition planning with help from students in the course Introduction to African Studies as well as other student volunteers. During the course, students generated themes about the objects and addressed five main themes in writing interpretive panels. The panels raise questions about beauty, authenticity, the way museum collections have been formed historically, and the issues with how cultural material is represented and displayed, according to DeLair. For example, Emily Jacobs ’19 wrote a panel that said: “Whenever possible, it is best for museum curators to consult not only experts on the subject, but also individuals from the culture or place in question so that they can properly attest to the exhibit’s legitimacy and proper representation.” — Jessica Rice ’16

Mark Williams

arts & culture 16

At the Tribeca Film Festival, Rod Blackhurst ’02 took home the Audience Award for Best Narrative Feature with Here Alone, an independent film that he produced and directed.

which was nominated as an official selection at both the 2012 SXSW and the 2012 Palm Springs Shorts Festival. His other work includes the 2014 visual rebranding of Airbnb and three Vimeo Staff Picks, including the short Alone Time, which earned a 2013 Best of Vimeo award. He is currently directing a feature-length documentary about the Amanda Knox trial for Netflix and developing the dramatic feature North, based on the short story by Matthew Wade Jordan. Another Colgate filmmaker, Professor Penny Lane (art and art history), also made waves at Tribeca, although not due to a film of her own. Lane — whose most recent documentary Nuts! premiered at the 2016 Sundance Festival — penned an open letter calling for the removal of the controversial film Vaxxed from the Tribeca lineup. The film — which discusses the (now-disproved) link between vaccinations and autism — was directed and co-written by Andrew Wakefield, based on research that he published in the Lancet in 1998. In 2010, The Lancet fully retracted the paper, and Britain’s General Medical Council revoked Wakefield’s UK medical license. Lane wrote in her letter: “Tribeca Film Festival, I love you but you made a very serious mistake… There is a big difference between advocacy and fraud, between point of view and deception. For you to claim there is no difference helps to perpetuate Wakefield’s fraud.” Lane’s letter was covered by a number of news outlets, including Variety, CBS News, and the New York Times, and added to a public outcry that led to Vaxxed being removed from Tribeca’s itinerary. And although this year’s festival has seen more Raider representation than usual, there has always been a Colgate tie to Tribeca. Craig Hatkoff ’76 co-founded it with his wife and Robert De Niro in 2002 in order to reinvigorate the New York City neighborhood after 9/11. — Brianna Delaney ’19

Intersections through art In three of this year’s senior studio art projects, the students intersected a deeply personal topic with an aspect of their liberal arts experience — from racial identification and psychology, to form and function.


Sugar, cream of tartar, wood, steel, Plexiglas, and LED lights For 18 years, my life revolved around the sport I love — football. This sculpture confronts absence and transition — being forced to leave something you love behind — and combines different materials to show brokenness. It recreates and duplicates the body and the equipment used to protect it, both damaged over the years I’ve played. The 18 bricks symbolize the seasons I was able to play. The bricks, made of sugar and fragments of a football helmet, no longer perform their respective normative functions. The light table illuminates the inner beauty of the bricks and fragments they contain and protect. Just as the shards of helmet encased in sugar are out of action, my life as a football player is eternally suspended in time. — John Wilkins IV ’17

When Two Walls Meet

Micron pen drawings digitally printed on Stonehenge paper This piece is based on my experience in an unhealthy relationship — one marked by control, dependence, and overall misalignment. For me, the repetition and magnitude of these issues, as well as the difficulty of fixing or escaping them, increased over time as new layers of complexity were revealed. I chose wallpaper as a medium because of my interest in architecture, and because of its ability to function metaphorically. As humans, we not only build our environment architecturally; we also build an environment that exists between ourselves and anyone we have a relationship with. — Catherine Chen ’16

Mark Williams

Mark Williams

With varying styles, materials, and scales, works by Colgate’s studio art professors filled Clifford Gallery in the spring — giving visitors a glimpse at what they do outside of the classroom. The exhibition highlighted their varied individual talents in digital art, installation art, printmaking, sculpture, photography, and painting. “I think about it as a kind of potluck,” Professor Lynn Schwarzer said. “You never know what’s going to appear, and it’s always really fun to see how the works talk to each other.” Some professors created new work for the exhibition, while others chose previously completed pieces. DeWitt Godfrey’s installation Luttel — made from Corten steel cylinders and bolts stacked high enough to dwarf visitors — was an idea he’d had a while ago, but hadn’t yet executed. As the exhibition got closer, he said, he got to thinking that the height of three cylinders in a row was slightly taller than the ceiling. He had wanted to experiment with wedging something between a floor and a ceiling and happened to have the material left over from another installation. “I’m interested in how materials behave, so the shapes you see are all due to the gravity and the pressure,” Godfrey said. “The ones on the bottom are the most compressed, and the top ones are pretty much in their full shape.” Next to Godfrey’s installation, Schwarzer’s First Transmissions was composed of tiny prints and images she paired together. One frame, for example, paired an image from the first televised presidential debate with the first photograph of the moon. As a printmaker with a background in film and media studies, Schwarzer wanted to look at “the history of recording and transmitting images through film and photography, and to probe claims on ‘documenting reality,’” she said. “Reminiscent of a ViewMaster or stereoscope, the small images are paired in relationships that challenge notions of authority and gender; quests to see the ‘unseen’; and sometimes, just celebrate the absurd.” Schwarzer added that she wanted them to be tiny “so you had to look carefully to see them, in the same way that you might look into a pair of binoculars. You kind of cut out the rest of the world, and you just see what’s going on with these two little [images], so I wanted that intimate scale.” “I’m interested in how Camille Strøe ’16, who materials behave, so the took courses with several of the department’s professors, shapes you see are all said her time in their classes due to the gravity and the led to an appreciation of their works. pressure.” “Seeing this installation — Professor DeWitt Godfrey gives me a new respect for them as mentors because it is clear that they are constantly working and evolving, learning alongside us,” said Strøe. “It was really fun to engage with them in this new setting and see what makes them tick.” — Jessica Rice ’16

Mark Williams

Inside the studio

Mark Williams

Recollection Pen, ink, and watercolor on Arches cover paper These are selections from a series of portraits intended to explore my ethnic heritage and how that “look” has evolved over several generations. I created nine portraits of several generations of my family, trying to focus mainly on facial features and eliminating the variables of age and fashion. This dovetailed with my senior psychology project, which examined gender and racial identification. — Jennifer Ho ’17

News and views for the Colgate community


go ’gate

Lafayette, Notre Dame, Pennsylvania, and Stanford. The APR is an annual scorecard of academic achievement; teams must meet a certain academic threshold to qualify for postseason competition and can face penalties for continued low academic performance. The APR measures eligibility, graduation, and retention each semester or quarter and provides a clear picture of the academic performance for each team in each sport. The most recent APRs are based on scores from the 2011–12 through the 2014–15 academic years. For a complete list of Colgate teams that have earned recognition, visit

L to R: Assistant coach Ian Terrell, Matt Oakley, Brandon Gardner, Ben Halligan, Peter Rex, Caleb Tansey, and coach Khaled Sanad

Double gold at Dad Vail

Members of the men’s soccer team led a soccer clinic at Pathfinder Village, a facility for people with Down syndrome.

Colgate rowing produced two gold medals during the prestigious Dad Vail Regatta in Philadelphia in May. The Raiders took top honors in both the Freshman 4+ and Singles. Clarke Cady-McCrea ’17 — who, two years ago, helped Colgate capture its first Dad Vail gold medal in the Varsity 4+ — rowed to victory in Singles. The Freshman 4+, meanwhile, swept through three races to capture first-place honors and the Lindy Cup. On board were Caleb Tansey, Peter Rex, Brandon Gardner, Matt Oakley, and Ben Halligan (coxswain). They began the competition with a time of 7 minutes and 0.939 seconds that not only won the heat but also was the fastest of all six heats.

In the semifinals, Colgate again was the fastest entry, with a time of 7:02.837. In the final, Colgate topped Michigan and Georgia Tech to capture the Lindy Cup in a winning time of 7:27.481.

Eighteen teams earn perfect APR scores

Colgate’s athletics department is once again a leader in academic achievement in Division I, with 18 teams earning perfect NCAA Academic Progress Rate (APR) scores of 1,000 for 2014–15. In addition, Colgate received 13 NCAA Public Recognition Awards and saw 11 teams record perfect multiyear APR scores. The latter number places Colgate among the Division I top 10, joining Boston College, Brown, Bucknell, Dartmouth, Georgetown,

Keeping kids fit

Taking part in a global effort to motivate children to exercise, women’s soccer team members led the All Children Exercise Simultaneously (ACES) program at Sherburne-Earlville Elementary School in April. In “the world’s largest exercise class,” millions of children exercise together to promote proper health and fitness habits. This year’s theme was hard work and perseverance. Members from the Colgate women’s basketball and track and field teams also joined the event.

Raiders return to Pathfinder Village

This spring, the men’s soccer team hosted a soccer clinic for clients of Pathfinder Village, a facility in Edmeston, N.Y., for adults and children who have Down syndrome. Pathfinder serves adult residents as well as commuter students who attend classes during the day. Led by Garrett Esper ’18, the soccer players continued a special bond that Colgate has formed with Pathfinder over the years. Numerous teams have spent the day at the facility. At the spring soccer clinic, there were drills, games, and a lot of laughter for not only the residents but also the student-athletes.

ECAC HOF honors for Kollevoll

Former student-athlete, coach, and administrator Olav Kollevoll ’45 was posthumously inducted into the ECAC Hall of Fame during the organization’s gala in April. A three-sport athlete at Colgate, Kollevoll earned six varsity letters in baseball, football, and ice hockey.


scene: Summer 2016

Olav Kollevoll ’45

Coach McKinnon retires

Bob Cornell

He was a two-time letter winner in ice hockey, serving as team captain during the 1943–44 season while also helping the squad record its first undefeated season in 1942. He was a three-time letter winner in baseball and captained the team in 1943. He lettered once in football. After graduating from Colgate with a degree in mathematics, Kollevoll served in World War II as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy. After completing his military service, he began a professional baseball career. He rose as far as the Triple-A level in the Boston (now Atlanta) Braves organization before retiring due to injury. He also participated in the 1947 World Hockey Championships as a member of the U.S. National Team. Following his playing career, Kollevoll turned his focus to coaching the baseball and ice hockey programs at St. Lawrence University. During his time in Canton, N.Y., the Skating Saints were considered among the nation’s elite, earning several trips to the NCAA Frozen Four. Kollevoll returned to Colgate in 1957, serving as head coach of the ice hockey program from 1957–65, amassing an 82-65-2 record and coaching a pair of ECAC playoff teams. He also served as an assistant football coach and freshman baseball coach at Colgate from 1955 to 1962. The 1968 recipient of Colgate’s Silver Puck Award, Kollevoll also served as the administrative assistant to Director of Athletics Everett Barnes. He left coaching in 1965 to assume the duties of director of athletics at Lafayette College. During a 25-year career with the Leopards, he served as president of both the ECAC and the

Teammates look on eagerly as Gillian Murray ’17 takes a swing at the April 2 Colgate vs. Army softball game, which the Raiders won (2–1). They went on to finish their season 7–11.

East Coast Conference and chaired numerous ECAC and NCAA committees. Kollevoll received a Distinguished Achievement Award from the ECAC in 1991. He was inducted into the Colgate Hall of Honor in 1995 and Lafayette’s Maroon Club Hall of Fame in 1992. He passed away in 2010 at the age of 87.

Clifford kicks off Golden ’Gates

During the ninth annual Golden ’Gates all-sports banquet, guest speaker Carrie Clifford ’93 relived her days as a Colgate lacrosse player while the current student-athletes celebrated their most recent season. “We didn’t have these coach buses that you guys travel to games in. We had two maroon vans with a cassette tape for our psych mix,” teased Clifford, an actor and writer who has worked for MTV News, performed at Chicago’s Second City, and appeared in feature films (including the upcoming Super Troopers 2) and TV shows like The Office. “You already have so many skills that will prepare you for life after Colgate,” she said on a more serious note. “People love hiring college athletes. One obvious reason is you know how to work as a team.” A crowd of more than 600 gathered in Sanford Field House to hear Clifford speak and witness the awards ceremony for student-athletes, coaches, and scholar-athletes. Among more than 500 student-athletes, two were named Colgate’s Athletes of the Year: Jake Melville ’17 (football) and Annika Zalewski ’18 (ice hockey). Colgate recognized two Rookies of the Year who

made immediate impacts on their respective teams: Bailey Larson (women’s hockey) and Aram Ouligian from men’s soccer. Josie Stockill ’16 (women’s basketball) and Chris Noda ’16 (cross country/track and field) were recognized as Scholar-Athletes of the Year. A neuroscience major from Napier, New Zealand, Stockill was one of five named to the Women’s Basketball Academic All-Patriot League Team. Noda, a biochemistry major with a 3.87 cumulative GPA, is from St. Louis. As for coaches, football’s Dan Hunt and women’s ice hockey’s Greg Fargo shared the Howard N. Hartman Award for coach of the year. And lastly, the John LeFevre ’41 Appreciation Awards went to Sherburne-Earlville Elementary School Principal Toni Halladay and Colgate Director of Annual Giving Jen Stone.

After 28 years with the Raiders, cross country/track and field coach Arthur McKinnon — who is recognized as one of the most knowledgeable track and field mentors in the Patriot League and the Northeast — has retired. McKinnon oversaw both the men’s and women’s programs at Colgate the last two seasons, after serving as coach of the men’s cross country and track and field teams since 1988. “It is with great appreciation that I thank Colgate University for the very special journey I have been provided,” he said. McKinnon also thanked the Track & Field Association and alumnus Harry H. Lang ’48. McKinnon helped create Colgate’s Harry H. Lang Cross Country Course, one of the few that host the Patriot League championship races and also host of the annual Harry Lang Invitational that begins the cross country season. In 2001, McKinnon guided the cross country team to victory at the IC4A Championship, and the Raiders finished second in 2002. He was named the Patriot League Coach of the Year in 1991. In 1990, his cross country squad finished second at the conference meet and was runner-up at the IC4A University Division Championship — Colgate’s best finish since 1962. Before coming to Colgate, McKinnon coached at Dartmouth College, The Huntington School, and Marta Malden Catholic High School. He spent 20 years in private and public education as a teacher, guidance counselor, and as the director of the Hartford (Vt.) Area Vocational center.

Pre-meet meeting with cross country/track and field coach Arthur McKinnon, who retired this spring

News and views for the Colgate community


new, noted , & quoted

Books, music & film Stragility: Excelling at Strategic Changes Ellen Auster ’79 and Lisa Hillenbrand ’79 (Rotman-UTP Publishing)

Success in business demands an organization that is agile, innovative, and alert, capable of reinventing itself to handle whatever comes its way. Yet most attempts at transformational change fail, hamstrung by poor strategy, office politics, and stakeholder resistance. In Stragility, Ellen Auster and Lisa Hillenbrand provide an action-oriented approach that helps leaders at all levels to navigate these challenges while building skills and capabilities, using the field-tested framework that the authors have applied in Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, and social sector organizations. Packed with concrete tips, action steps, and tools, this book offers advice on how to navigate the politics and emotions of change, as well as inspire and engage leaders and stakeholders in creating a high-energy organization that will excel.

The Comeback: How Larry Ellison’s Team Won the America’s Cup G. Bruce Knecht ’80 (CreateSpace)

Larry Ellison had poured more than $200 million into his 2013 America’s Cup campaign, but Oracle Team USA was down 1–8. New Zealand needed just one more win. Oracle ultimately beat back the odds in what has been called the greatest comeback in the history of sport. But was it? G. Bruce Knecht, a best-selling author and former Wall Street Journal reporter, set out to tell the full story of this remarkable feat in his newest book, only to find that the team used


scene: Summer 2016

a sailing technique that was prohibited under the rules. The Comeback is more than an exposé. It is a narrative that describes a perilous re-engineering of the boat, a crucial crew change, and the kind of superhuman personal effort that sometimes develops with teams that have nothing to lose.

Vitamins & Pregnancy: The Real Story

Helen Saul Case ’00 (Turner Publishing Company) Author Helen Saul Case has had lifelong experience with nutritional medicine, so when she found pregnancy challenging, she realized that the best use of vitamins to effectively address those health issues was absent from the guidebooks. Standard prenatal vitamins don’t come close to meeting the needs of all women, she asserts. Vitamins & Pregnancy is a comprehensive nutritional guide. It covers how good nutrition ensures baby’s best development in utero, with lifelong benefits for mother and child; how vitamin C helps prevent birth defects, postpartum hemorrhages, and even stretch marks; how magnesium helps cramping legs and aching backs and vitamin B6 alleviates morning sickness; and optimal vitamin and mineral intakes during breastfeeding. In addition, Case offers nutrition-based advice to help alleviate more than 35 pregnancy issues, from acid reflux and yeast infections, to postpartum challenges, including depression and losing weight.

Up the Hill

Lindsay (Fleece) Rentschler ’05; illustrated by Rachel (Adam) Rogers ’05 (Log Cabin Books) Up The Hill: A Tale of Colgate University presents the familiar history and traditions of Colgate in a format for children. The idea was born when Rentschler returned to Colgate last year for her 10th Reunion and, after searching for a book to explain the university to her toddler, found that none existed.

Inspired to help other parents share their love for Colgate with their children, Rentschler began writing and reached out to Rogers, a graphic design artist, to illustrate Up the Hill. Their subsequent partnership resulted in this 48-page book featuring a host of Raider traditions, including the lyrics to the Colgate alma mater and a hidden number 13 on each page. (Try to find some of the hidden 13s in this issue’s Salmagundi puzzle on pg. 72.)

Mount Pleasant

Patrice Nganang, translated by Amy Reid ’86 (Farrar, Strauss & Giroux) In Cameroon in 1931, 9-year-old Sara is taken from her family and brought to Mount Pleasant as a gift for Sultan Njoya, the Bamum leader cast into exile by French colonialists. Sara is on the verge of becoming one of the sultan’s hundreds of wives when her story takes an unexpected turn. She is recognized by Bertha, the slave in charge of training Njoya’s brides, as Nebu, the son Bertha tragically lost years before. In Sara’s new life as a boy, she bears witness to the world of Sultan Njoya. Seven decades later, a student returns home to Cameroon to research the place it once was, and she finds Sara, silent for decades, ready to tell her serpentine tale. In Sara’s story, a lost kingdom lives again in the compromised intersection between flawed memory, tangled fiction, and faintly discernible truth. History is invented anew and transformed: a man awakens from a coma to find the animal kingdom dancing a waltz, a spirit haunts a cocoa plantation, and a sculptor recreates his lost love.


Matthew Cooperman ’86 (Parlor Press) Threaded to place, and unraveled by days, our bodies wear the evidence of intimacy. How to dwell, day after day, how to make it go? In the spirit of A.R. Ammons’s Tape for the Turn of the Year, Matthew Cooperman’s Spool is a collection of vertical poems written as a “year in threes,” with three-word

In the media lines forming narrow columns SPOOL reminiscent of threads gathered into the titular spool. The poems in this New Measure Poetry Prize winner tackle issues from domestic strife to childhood illness and war culture to the passing of time, weaving together the “threads” of past and present to tell the story of the sadness and surprising joy of one man’s last seven years.


Cecil’s Pride

Craig Hatkoff ’76, Juliana Hatkoff, and Isabella Hatkoff (Scholastic Inc.) With his two daughters, Craig Hatkoff tells the true story of Cecil, a real-life lion king. News of Cecil’s tragic death last summer spread across the globe like wildfire, raising questions to an unprecedented level about our relationship to our animals and our planet. Featuring photos of Cecil and his pride, the book is a tale of resilience and responsibility — a triumph out of tragedy. Discover Cecil’s struggle to survive as a young lion, his rise to power, and his extraordinary alliance with Jericho, his former archrival. Cecil is gone, but his legacy lives on. The world knows the story of how Cecil died. This is the story of how he lived. The Hatkoff trio has published a number of other nonfiction children’s books, including the #1 New York Times best-selling Owen & Mzee.

Footnotes: Having devoted much of his life to the study of social justice, Phillip M. Richards, professor of English emeritus, was inspired to contact the journal DoveTales upon its inception in 2013 and offer his expertise. Ever since, he has served as associate editor of the literary journal, whose mission is “to promote writing that explores the many aspects of peace.” It features young people from around the world whose stories, essays, poems, art, and photography address cultural identity, human rights, and environmental issues, among others. DoveTales is sponsored by the Colgate University

Research Council and published by Writing for Peace, an international nonprofit organization. At Colgate, Richards served as the Arnold Sio Chair of Diversity and Community from 2012 to 2014. He has published numerous articles on black academic life, in addition to his memoir, An Integrated Boyhood: Coming of Age in White Cleveland. The early life of Marija Bulatovic ’98, who was raised in the former Yugoslavia, was anything but ordinary. Bulatovic’s childhood involved a number of adventures with bears, gypsies, odd family members, and unorthodox neighbors. For her 2015 memoir, Fantastical: Tales of Bears, Beer and Hemophilia, Bulatovic received a 2016 Feathered Quill Book Award. The book, which notes the oddity of growing up in a country and childish state of mind that no longer exist, received the silver medal in its category.

Also of note: In a new edition of the guidebook Writing, Directing, and Producing Documentary Films and Digital Videos (Southern Illinois University Press), filmmakers Ned Eckhardt ’63 and Alan Rosenthal show readers how to utilize the latest innovations in equipment, technologies, and production techniques for the digital, web-based world of documentary filmmaking. Bleak Splendor ( by George Held ’57 is a collection of 23 of his darkest poems that span a range of subjects, including war, loss, mortality, and wealth, and offer somber, yet illuminating wisdom regarding the interconnectedness of life and pain. David W. Johnson ’78 outlines how market-driven reform, more than regulatory change, will transform and improve America’s broken health care system in his new book, Market vs. Medicine (self-published). Attorney Bernard Resnick ’83 offers his 28 years of legal experience with his recent book, The Croak List (CreateSpace), which provides a detailed estate-planning questionnaire that will enable family and friends to provide better assistance to loved ones during times of need.

“I’ve made “The campaign’s a lot of rapidfire feel-badrollout movies. speaks This is volumes my feel-good aboutmovie. the enduring ” power, and changing — Joe Berlinger dynamics, ’83, talking of about localhis terrestrial new documentary, Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru, radio. WRCU’s signal only stretches 20–25 on CBC Radio’s Q miles from its base in Hamilton, N.Y. But that thethese station streamsare its really programming over the “Inow argue that shootings just symptomatic web, it candeeper reach alums all around ” problem of a much problem, and … the thatworld. deeper — Forbes, “Radio Power: How Colgate Raised $5.1 Million In One Day”

consists of mass incarceration first, and also overcriminalization.” “The notion of a ‘brave’ writer is o  verused, but it suits — Nina Moore, associate professor of political science, discussing the Frederick “political roots of racial Busch. ” tracking in American criminal justice” on WCNY’s Thursday Morning Roundtable — Boston Globe review of The Stories of Frederick Busch

“[Kobe said the last time heingot on was “This isBryant] Kyle Dolan’s third time out Thedunked New York Times, ‘a long, long time ago by Adonal Foyle. ’ ” and whoa, was this one ever outside my wheelhouse. You

— the LA Times, reporting on a Lakers game in which Bryant referenced the may have had an easier time of it than I did, but it took me retired NBA player, who’s Colgate Class of ’98

the better part of a day to finish this one. The clues were merciless for me…” “It’s not entirely up to Belgium, it’s not entirely up to

— Deb Amlen wrote about a challenging puzzle by Kyle

France, it’s not entirely up to the U.S. The Dolan ’06 in her blog Wordplay, the Russians are going to be post key for players here.” crossword blog of the New York Times — Daniel Monk, George and Myra T. Cooley professor of peace and conflict studies and professor of geography, analyzing the Brussels “It can make somebombings Nativeand the Islamic State on WKTV’s Newstalk

students feel uneasy attending an institution where the goal is education, not “Everybody who” had a mustache in the first one will grow entertainment. it back. Now the guys who didn’t grow mustaches for the — Michael Taylor, an assistant professor of anthropology and Native first American studiesto at have Colgate, Contesting one want a authored mustache. We’reConstructed making them Indian-ness: The Intersection of the Frontier, earn it.” Masculinity, and Whiteness in Steve NativeLemme American Representations. He2 — ’91 Mascot talks about Super Troopers to by Inside Higher Ed for itsgroup article talked (a film the all-Colgate–alumni comedy ” “Mascot BrokenMakeover. Lizard) with

“We shouldn’t “Martha Nussbaum’s commencement be fooled by good address to Colgate performance now without University genuine in 2010 expoundsthat promise on these there benefits will be continued [of a liberal arts education]. performance in the future. Colleges ” should compel — Professor us to Graham ponder Hodges what (history it means professor to and be author human of and Taxi! A toSocial History of the New York City Cabdriver) weighed in on the prospect of provide us with the tools to think critically about society Uber coming to central New York on WUTR’s and our role as self-reflective participants within.” — “The ‘Why College?’ Question,” Gloria Yu, Huffington Post

News and views for the Colgate community






Ciara Pettinos ’17 had just filled her grocery basket at Price Chopper when an alarm of a structure fire in downtown Hamilton lit up her phone.

“I gave the basket to one of my roommates and ran outside to flag down a car,” said Pettinos, a geology and geography double major from Malvern, Pa. In the parking lot, she hailed a car driven by another Colgate student, for a lift to the Hamilton Fire Department (HFD). The first call to 911 reporting smoke coming from the Lebanon Street building — which houses the Hamilton

Movie Theater, noodle shop N13, and Steph Boutique — came through the local emergency dispatch at 6:04 p.m. on February 16. By 6:07 p.m., the first firefighters from HFD were on the scene, ready to tackle what they feared could be a major catastrophe in the village. In total, 22 HFD members would respond. More than half were Colgate students. A NEW ERA Strong Colgate student participation wasn’t always the norm at the HFD, according to Lt. William Basher. A handful — already trained members of their home fire departments — had passed through the department in the ’70s and ’80s, he said. “The HFD made them ‘auxiliary members’ — able to participate, but not fullfledged members,” Basher explained. It wasn’t until Avi

Berstock ’95, who had no previous firefighting experience, approached the department about becoming a member that the current program was born. Berstock’s request kicked off a contentious debate at the monthly department meeting, but by the time the meeting concluded, his membership was approved. They didn’t know it at the time, but that decision resulted in a pipeline that would eventually funnel more than 150 energetic Colgate student volunteers into the department thus far. Now, the HFD recruits students every year at Colgate’s activities fair. The department’s mock battle with a dorm room, set ablaze in the middle of the academic quad, is now a popular fair mainstay. It’s a way to draw attention to the volunteer program, and has the added benefit of encouraging fire safety. “I don’t think people have a good appreciation of how fast fires can spread,” Fire Chief Jason Murray said. Typically, four to six newcomers sign up following the impressive display.

may have about all the hurt that takes place in the world,” said Brodell, who is also one of three student coordinators for the department. “This job gives you an extreme dose of reality.” Jon Delman ’18, of Mount Kisco, N.Y., was doing biology homework at the fire station when the alarm sounded. The station is a popular quiet spot for student volunteers to study, while having the added benefit of being right there to hop on a truck for emergency calls. Andrew Brodell ’17 was on the phone with a lieutenant from the fire department, talking about getting dinner, when the call came in. For the molecular biology major from Cleveland, Ohio, the call was one of approximately 600 that he has personally answered in his three years of volunteering with the department. “With the amount of responding I have been part of, it rips off any filter one

MEMBERS WANTED Today, all student volunteers at the HFD are full-fledged members. Their duties aren’t in any way diluted because of the fact that they also have classes to attend. “There’s no separate classification,” Murray said. The students are required to take New York State recruit training — the Firefighter 1 class — which is approximately 120

“ This job gives you an extreme dose of reality.” – ANDREW BRODELL ’17

RESPONSE TIME When the alarm for that February downtown fire came in, Tobias Lescht ’16 had just left a weekly Student Senate meeting and was still in a suit and tie. “You get a real kick of adrenaline, and everything else you were thinking of goes out the window,” said Lescht, an economics and psychology double major from Santa Fe, N.M.

News and views for the Colgate community


“You get a real kick of adrenaline, and everything else you were thinking of goes out the window.” – TOBIAS LESCHT ’16

hours long. “Last year, it ran from September to just about Christmas break, and that’s two or three nights a week, as well as pretty much every Saturday,” he added. When they complete that class, they are certified as interior firefighters, which allows them to wear the air packs that give the ability to enter burning buildings, and to take on any job a firefighter would be asked to do on the scene: search and rescue, hose operation, ventilation, and cleanup, among others. “It’s up to us to provide the experience and continuing training,” Murray said.

Twenty years ago, when Murray first joined the department, it was merely a convenience to have Colgate students available — a few extra hands to pitch in with the fire calls, but also the everyday chores that a fire station demands. But, recruiting volunteers in Hamilton has become increasingly difficult in recent years. This reflects a national trend: In 2014, the New York Times reported an 11 percent decrease in volunteer firefighters since the mid-1980s, nationwide. So, the student volunteers are now essential to the HFD, for day-to-day operations and emergency calls, as well as fighting fires. “We really need them,” Murray emphasized. “With the time commitment and the calls at inopportune times, it’s tough to get people to volunteer. The students make a difference for us.” Even after waking up at 3 a.m. to rush to a vehicle accident, the volunteers aren’t finished with their responsibilities once a fire is extinguished or the injured are loaded into ambulances. There’s immediate cleanup at the site — glass to be swept, oil to be soaked up, smoke to be cleared with fans. “There’s so much that needs to be done after a fire that people don’t realize,” Basher said, listing everything from pulling down drywall to check for hot spots in walls, to returning to the



For firefighters, regular apparatus checks are crucial, but they can be onerous. Experiencing that firsthand, HFD volunteer Adam Pratt ’18 teamed up with Alex Montgomery ’11 and Alex Krill ’11 to tackle the problem for fire departments nationwide, using technology and assistance from the Colgate Entrepreneurs Fund.

Their product, Halligan, is a simple yet powerful platform built from the ground up to help firefighters perform fast and reliable truck checks. The system features Android and IOS applications that allow its users to perform and upload apparatus checks from their mobile device. Additionally, the platform creates a log of

firehouse to clean hose, repack hundreds of feet of dry hose, wash gear, fill air packs, check batteries, scrub the trucks, and even run a squeegee over the truck bay floor. “That all can take fifteen people two hours to do right after a fire, and it often happens at the most inopportune times,” Basher said. THE BEST DECISION Avi Berstock ’95 — the curious student who forever changed the HFD student volunteer model — now works in law enforcement in California. He recalls how, in 1992, he’d been volunteering with the Southern Madison County Volunteer Ambulance Corps (located on Lebanon Street, across from the fire department), when he decided he wanted to expand his repertoire. “[Joining] Hamilton Fire was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made,” he said. “Even though it was against my father’s best wishes… He worried that I would get hurt and thought I should be spending my time studying,” said Berstock, who graduated with a molecular biology degree.

check histories so officers can make smarter, data-driven decisions about repairs and upgrades. Halligan provides better accountability; fire chiefs can monitor the system to ensure that every check was completed on time. Halligan is slated to become a venture in the Thought Into Action program in the fall. WWW.HALLIGAN.IO



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stayed in contact. That core group of firefighters, twenty years out, still keeps in touch.” To this day, Berstock said, his closest Colgate friends are his fire department compatriots.

“[Joining] Hamilton Fire was one of the best decisions I've ever made.” – AVI BERSTOCK ’95

Responding to car wrecks on Rt. 12B North and South were routine, Berstock said, as were calls for emergency medical assistance and the occasional fire. “I remember one call where three kids in a car had collided head on with a milk truck. Two of the people in the car were instantly killed, and one was pinned in the back seat. My friend Brian Martin ’95 and I were the ones operating the jaws of life to open the car up,” Berstock said. They saved that teenager’s life. Martin went on to become a doctor. “The whole crew is scattered amongst the wind,” Berstock said, “but we’ve

PITCHING IN This past February, when the downtown fire call came in, Peter Coladarci ’18, an economics major from Evanston, Ill., was in his apartment with fellow HFD volunteer Kevin Varga ’16, a geography and geology double major from Moon Township, Pa. At the scene, Varga and Coladarci — along with Ali Scalzo ’16, a psychology and educational studies double major from Denver, Colo. — searched apartments above the movie theater to ensure everyone was evacuated. Once they knew the building was clear, they pitched in with setting up ventilation to clear out the smoke. “A large part of the reason that I joined the department was to continue to serve after spending time in the military,” said Coladarci, who spent four years on active duty in the Marine Corps before attending Colgate. Adam Pratt ’18, a computer science major from Piedmont, Calif., was in the Drake Hall study room when he heard the call. He rushed to the fire

station on foot, and helped with ventilation, lighting, and packing hose. Zach Papadopoulos ’17, who is an HFD student coordinator, helped to secure water from a nearby fire hydrant. “I love my studies, but I cannot imagine a week of classes and homework without dropping everything and running out of class a few times to answer calls,” said Papadopoulos, a cellular neuroscience and physical science double major from Denver. “Firefighting helps keep me balanced in a way that is completely instrumental to my Colgate success.” A GOOD REMINDER By 7:39 p.m., the fire scene was clear and the last of the HFD trucks returned to 212 Lebanon St., Station 19. Each of the trucks is emblazoned with a logo inspired by a painting in the firehouse by a former student volunteer that states “Home of Colgate.” Although the fire ended up being extinguished by the sprinkler system by the time the firefighters had entered the build-

ing’s basement, the situation had the potential to be a big incident because of its cause, Murray said. A chemical reaction between detergents and degreasers had spontaneously ignited rags in a laundry basket from the noodle shop. “The fire traveled across the wall and spread across the ceiling, which triggered the sprinkler heads, but the actual damage was limited to that specific area,” he explained. “We obviously didn’t know it wasn’t more than it was, and we always treat every call as a worst-case scenario. It was good training and a reminder for everyone for how we do things.”







Hamilton is station 19. Therefore, when you see someone speak of "194," that’s the fourth-generation engine [the fourth engine that the department has had] at Station 19. Other trucks sent to the N13 fire call included Rescue 195, Ladder 197, and Small Rescue 195-1. — Andrew Brodell ’17

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N13 noodle shop co-owner Scott Williams ’80, P’15, ’16, said he was “absolutely floored” with the rapid response from the HFD volunteers. “I didn’t realize so many students were involved in that call. It was fantastic,” Williams added. “This is a great example of the connectedness between the university and the village being natural, wonderful, and organic.” Coincidentally, Williams has a family tie to the HFD that takes the Colgate relationship back more than 60 years: his uncle, Bart Williams ’56, volunteered with the department and later helped establish the current Food for Thought tradition, where parents can order care packages for students, delivered by the fire department during finals week. After learning about the number of students who responded to the emergency call at his business, Williams penned the following letter to campus administrators:

Susan Kahn


“ This is a great example of the connectedness between the university and the village being natural, wonderful, and organic.”

Dear Deans Nelson and Brown:

Last night we had a small fire in the basement of N13; laundered cleaning rags that still had some chemical residue spontaneously combusted. No injuries, minor damage, none to any of our kitchen space or equipment. I’m writing you because I just learned that at least 12 Colgate students were part of the volunteer response team from the Hamilton Fire Department. I think that is amazing, and wonderful. It’s unclear to me if you hear about this sort of thing, and while thankfully this was not a major disaster, the fact that Colgate students are so engaged in the community and this kind of civic life I believe is important. We are going to thank the volunteers who responded with gift certificates to dine at N13, but I did want to send out a note to you about the student involvement, and how proud I am as a merchant and a Colgate alumnus and parent to witness this kind of involvement by Colgate students in the Hamilton community. They will take these experiences with them the rest of their lives. I know the fire department has a special wall recognizing all their Colgate student volunteers over time. It’s a marvelous partnership. Thanks to Colgate, always. Now I have another reason to be grateful for our special place. Best, Scott Williams ’80, ’P15, ’16

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Whether you’re planning an epic adventure or simply an afternoon daydreaming on your porch, check out these summer reading recommendations from professors and staff members.

Illustrations by Peter Horjus

The Stargazer’s Sister BY CARRI E BROWN

Living on the Wind: Across the Hemisphere with Migratory Birds BY S COT T W E I D E N S AU L At any given moment, birds are traversing our planet in a far-flung tapestry as they migrate between countries and hemispheres. The arctic tern, for example, migrates more than 40,000 miles annually between the north and south poles. The tiny blackpoll warbler, weighing only as much as two quarters, flies more than 11,000 miles annually, including a nonstop 4,000­- to 5,000-mile journey over the Atlantic Ocean. Remarkably, many of these birds return to the same locations each year, often flying at night using the stars for navigation. These and other incredible feats are brilliantly captured in Scott Weidensaul’s Living On The Wind — a Pulitzer Prize finalist. Anyone who takes the time to read this book will be amazed and astounded by what billions of migrating birds accomplish each year. In the face of climate change and widespread degradation of natural ecosystems, most bird species are in decline. This book will not only engage you in one of the most compelling dramas in the natural world, but also provide insight into how we can take action to reduce our impacts and protect bird populations. From creating bird-friendly yards to purchasing shade-grown coffee, we can all do a little something to ensure that our avian friends can be enjoyed by people for all time.

Director of Sustainability John Pumilio first met author Scott Weidensaul in 1993 on Hog Island, Maine, a sanctuary managed by the National Audubon Society. Pumilio said that he’s always been interested in birds, but his enthusiasm really took flight in a college general ecology course. His professor sent him to historic Hog Island, where today, Pumilio directs two birding programs during the summer, followed by programs led by Weidensaul.

This book began as a disembodied voice speaking to me in the dark. It was June 2000, and Carrie Brown and I were walking after sunset. We’d met when we were both teaching on the faculty of a small women’s college in Sweet Briar, Va., but we became friends during those late-night walks around campus, after we’d put the kids to bed, then met halfway between our houses. In my memory, the air is heavy with heat but also sweet, scented with milkweed. I must have asked Carrie where the ideas for her stories came from. She is telling me about a voice that has been speaking for a while now, low but urgent, inside her head. The voice belongs to a real woman named Caroline Herschel, an astronomer born in Germany in 1750, and Carrie believes that Caroline seems to want her to tell her story (forgive me: I know this sounds squishy, but it is the way writers sometimes talk). Scarred and stunted in childhood by smallpox, Caroline moved to Bath, England, to run the household of her older brother, the not-yet-famous astronomer and polymath William Herschel. Caroline, too, became a distinguished astronomer, discovering eight comets and winning election to the Royal Astronomical Society. In the middle of her life, she experienced a terrible rupture: pain, betrayal, loss. In her journals and memoirs, the moment is marked by a sudden silence, a lacuna that lasts for years. I won’t say what it was for fear of ruining the novel for someone. But Carrie — already an accomplished writer — couldn’t wrap her mind around that moment. Was Caroline — known as Lina — forewarned, or did it come out of the blue? What did she say? What did she do? How did she feel? As the years came and went, Carrie published three more novels. I moved to Hamilton, to take a job at Colgate. The two of us kept walking and talking — by cellphone now. Every few months, the subject of Lina burbled up in our conversation. Then Carrie went back to work on the novel, finding a retired astronomer to help her with the science, re-reading Lina’s letters and memoirs, and musing aloud to me about Lina’s long silence. What was the silence trying to tell her? I think the breakthrough came when Carrie realized that the terrible rupture must fall not at the end of Caroline’s story but somewhere near the middle. One morning a couple of years ago, when we were talking on the phone, Carrie said, suddenly, that she couldn’t wait to get back to her desk that day. “Why?” I was in the midst of a dry spell, so my desk held no charm for me. “I can’t wait to find out how my novel ends,” she said. How her novel ends is my favorite part. “I could not have imagined,” Lina writes in a letter to a friend, “the strange blank of life after having lived

so long within the radiance of genius.” More than a century and a half after Lina’s death, Carrie Brown fills in that strange blank with a gift so generous and profound, so surprising yet inevitable, it seems to have sprung from the stuff of Lina’s own dreams. Setting aside my long friendship with the author, The Stargazer’s Sister is the kind of book I love best. The storytelling is deft and riveting: it catches and holds me till the end. It is full of facts about astronomy that I never could have learned from a textbook. It reminds me of an old lesson I am wont to forget, which is that sometimes silence — the appearance of nothing — is the biggest something. Finally, it lets me walk for a while alongside one particular woman who might otherwise have been nothing more than a minor footnote in the history of science. Jennifer Brice was too humble to mention that she makes an appearance in The Stargazer’s Sister — on the dedication page, where Brown thanks her for helping bring the story to life. Brice is the author of two nonfiction books, The Last Settlers and Unlearning to Fly, as well as numerous essays. An associate professor of English at Colgate, she teaches creative writing workshops as well as the popular Living Writers course offered both on campus (for students) and online (for alumni and parents).

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The More of Less: Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own BY JO S H UA B E C K E R

The Confusion (book two of The Baroque Cycle) BY N EAL STEPH ENSON Reading is an essential aspect of my life. It both soothes and stimulates, allows me to step away from the everyday world, and lets me explore multitudinous universes of imagination. The Baroque Cycle series is a lively combination of historical fiction and swashbuckling adventure. It’s also a complex and insightful exploration of the beginnings of the Enlightenment, modern science, and the politics of Europe and the Americas. The characters are drawn with wit and style and with a sharp eye for the perverse. Meet Half-Cocked Jack Shaftoe, called “King of the Vagabonds,” and Eliza, a grown child-slave with a vicious head for money, natural philosophy, and politics. Also, Sir Isaac Newton, Dr. Wilhelm von Leibniz, and King Louis XIV all have parts to play in this vast, dramatic re-creation of Europe during the Baroque era. The book explores the invention of calculus, theories of gravity, piracy, slavery, alchemy, political machinations, magical gold, and vivisection. There are pirate queens, crocodile battles, and plenty of explosions. Neal Stephenson is an epic storyteller — I would recommend his books to anyone craving a good yarn that will make you think. Before joining Colgate as the Picker Art Gallery’s administrative assistant, Jasmine Kellogg spent six years as co-owner and manager of a café/art gallery on New Zealand’s South Island. Also at Colgate, Kellogg teaches Gyrokinesis (a holistic approach to movement).

What do I do with all my extra stuff? Ever since my first utterly failed attempts to follow advice from Marie Kondo (author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up) for living a clutter-free life, I have been intrigued by the idea that some kind of liberation might be found by owning fewer possessions. Of course, the idea of detachment from material things is a fundamental moral concern for many of the world’s religions, but so often it is framed as self-denial or penance. A new wave of writers, bloggers, and podcasters is challenging the notion that living simply is a punishment. In fact, they’ll argue, leading a life with few possessions has the power to liberate a person for better relationships, better health, a clearer sense of purpose, and a greater opportunity to live generously with his or her community. As I’ve strategized about making some big changes in my own life, I have grown fond of some of these writers — most recently, Joshua Becker of Becker is a Christian pastor whose family of four has embarked on a path toward living as simply and purposefully as possible. His most recent book, The More of Less, is both a manifesto and a how-to manual for simplifying one’s life and finding greater freedom and purpose. Becker believes that we find our deepest joy and fulfillment in serving others, and that our possessions frequently get in the way of that joy. As a person with some stuffed storage closets, I’ve accepted Becker’s book as both a promise and a challenge. What if I really got rid of all the clutter? Mark Shiner, university chaplain and campus Catholic minister, said he’s been “thinking a lot about the role of silence, simplicity, and solidarity in a well-lived life” — as reflected in his current reading habits.

Lovers at the Chameleon Club, Paris 1932 BY FRANCI N E PROSE My mother is a voracious fiction reader, so once or twice a year, she sends me a mystery box of books, filled with those that she particularly enjoyed and those that she found challenging. Francine Prose’s novel Lovers at the Chameleon Club, Paris 1932 fell into both categories at once. Inspired by Brassai’s black-and-white photograph Lesbian Couple at Le Monocle, 1932, Lovers at the Chameleon Club centers around Lou Villars, a lesbian racecar driver in 1920s Paris. After Lou’s license is revoked by the government for dressing as a man in public, she goes on to perform as a French sailor in a revue at the semi-underground Chameleon Club. Then, through an old acquaintance from the racing scene, she is invited to the 1936 Berlin Olympics, where she begins working for the Nazi party as a spy and collaborator.

As someone who studies popular entertainment in the 1920s with an eye toward the performance of gender, I was captivated by the story’s vivid portrayal of the ways in which Lou and her fellow performers negotiate gender on stage at the Chameleon Club. Additionally, I was interested in how Lou’s friend Gabor — a Hungarian photographer modeled on Brassai — represents and, more often, constructs identity in his images. Lovers at the Chameleon Club also offers a sweeping vision of the political atmosphere of the era, recounted by a crowded cast of narrators: Gabor, his friend Lionel Maine (modeled on Henry Miller), the aging singer who owns the Chameleon Club, a savvy patroness of the arts married to a gay man who owns a luxury car company, and a woman who is (retrospectively) writing a biography of Lou Villars. The one voice that Prose doesn’t offer us is Lou’s own, and as a result we’re left to piece together who our protagonist actually was, who she becomes, and how a character can be deeply compelling even as she commits atrocities. Mary Simonson is assistant professor of women’s studies and directs the Film and Media Studies Program. Her research focuses on 19th- and early 20th-century opera and dance, film music, and dance on screen. She is currently writing a book on film exhibition in the United States in the 1920s.

Perfectly Imperfect: A Life in Progress BY L E E M CCO N AU G H Y WO O D R U F F ’ 8 2

From the outside, it seems like Lee Woodruff — who is a writer and frequent contributor to national TV shows and magazines — is “perfect” and lives the “perfect” life, but she is like everyone else in the world. In this New York Times bestseller, Lee encourages us to, in fact, embrace our imperfections because that is what makes us unique and often brings out love, happiness, and fun. I had been wanting to read this book for a while, so I bought it at the Colgate Bookstore (I love bookstores!). Lee makes her life stories so relatable, and there is so much wisdom in every chapter that I can relate to in my daily life. I also love Lee’s writing style. Her storytelling is awesome: in one story, I will laugh one second and cry the next. After reading this book, I came away inspired, and I recommend it because I think everyone should experience that. It’s about enjoying life to its fullest, whether you’re going through something tragic or running errands. For example, on coping with tragedy, Lee writes: “Swimming surrounds me in the velvet wet of a bluish green world where I can dive deep down and sob with no trace.” I have had the opportunity to come to know Lee, and she has a way of making you feel so special and loved. This book does the same thing. Athletics Director Vicky Chun ’91, MA’94 often reads on the road while traveling with teams or to meetings. A lesser-known fact about Chun is that she knows how to fly a plane: “It’s the only time I travel and don’t read a book!”

The Tale of Briar Bank (The Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter, #5) BY SUSAN WITTIG ALBERT I love mystery books and am eager to learn of interesting authors. A series based on Beatrix Potter appealed to me because The Tale of Peter Rabbit, The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, and other works by her were a familiar part of my childhood. Nostalgia plus mystery equals an enjoyable read. The series narrative incorporates real details from Potter’s life after her purchase of Hill Top Farm in the English Lake District. In the series, this action, and her independence in general, is met with considerable disapproval by her parents, who live in London. A biography of Potter can provide a more thorough understanding of her experiences, but the series’ storylines incorporate aspects of how she pursued her career and independent land ownership. She finds happiness despite these obstacles and helps others solve their problems in creative and dignified ways. Those aspects of the stories resonate with me. A hallmark of the series is that it incorporates the viewpoints of the animals, who often observe more than the Big Folk. In The Tale of Briar Bank, their stories are key because Bailey Badger, Pickles the fox terrier, and another creature (no spoilers!) are the only witnesses to the accidental death of Mr. Hugh Wickstead, the owner of Briar Bank Cottage. The omniscient narrator guides the reader from one story to another, hearing about Bailey Badger’s narrow escape from a frozen lake and Pickles’s valiant effort to help his companion Mr. Wickstead. Although Potter is not privy to these stories, she often intuits what the animals around her are trying to communicate. Using logic and keen powers of observation, she always solves the mystery by the end of the book. These books are great, year-round reads, suitable for chilly evenings indoors or warm days on the porch, because the narrative captivates the imagination. The incorporation of factual events from Potter’s life may appeal to literary and historical-minded readers, and fans (of many ages) of Potter’s works will enjoy the series as well. Sarah Keen has been the head of Special Collections and university archivist at Colgate since 2010. She is the caretaker of her grandfather’s nearly complete collection of Agatha Christie’s mystery paperback editions.

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ON THE BRIGHT SIDE SEEKING SOLAR RAYS AND ILLUMINATION IN UGANDA Story and photographs by Beth Parks, associate professor of physics and astronomy

It’s June, and I’ve been in Uganda for 11 months. My husband,Tom, and I began 12-month Fulbright fellowships last fall at Mbarara University of Science and Technology. It didn’t take long to become accustomed to many of the new aspects of everyday life. I’m almost used to cars driving on the left, and I no longer blink when I see a boda boda (motorcycle taxi) carrying four passengers, or even with an assembled bed frame strapped across its seat. I share my house with ants, geckos, and moths — they can’t be kept out, because buildings are open to the breezes. Visitors to Uganda always remark on the character of its people. Everyone here seems friendly, welcoming, and happy. Walking along the dirt road in the early evening, I pass children making their way home after a long day shops that hire them. Everyone calls out in deeply rhythmic voices, “Good evening, how are you?” It’s a formulaic exchange, but the goodwill beneath the words is genuine.

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scene: Summer 2016

Composite image of traffic in Kampala (Beth Parks) and solar panels (iStock)

at school and guards carrying their ancient-looking rifles to or from the

Young children pause from playing in front of their homes and wave to me: “Hello, mzungu!” Mzungu is Swahili for “white person.” It’s my new name. A boda driver slows as he passes and offers me a ride, “Mzungu, we go?” When I go to the market, vendors catch my attention: “Mzungu, buy some tomatoes?” In Uganda, mzungu is generally not meant as a slur. I think the best translation is “stranger,” as in, “Hello, stranger!” But, still, I’m called “mzungu” because I’m white, and not just because I’m not recognized. I’m somewhat used to being a minority — in physics, I’ve frequently been “the woman” — but I’d never before been “the white person.” It’s a new experience for me to be labeled by the color of my skin, and it gives me more empathy for those in the United States who live that experience every day. I know I’m not suddenly an expert on what it’s like to be a minority in the United States, but, still, it’s an education.

In the mornings, when I come into the lab at Mbarara University, the first thing I do is clean off the dust. In just a day or two, a layer of brown grit accumulates everywhere. It’s one of the things you get used to when living in Uganda. Floors need mopping every day. Belongings must be stored in closed cabinets. Students pause to wipe off their chairs with a handkerchief before sitting down to class. Where does the dust come from? Everywhere. There’s no trash collection; piles of burning food waste and plastic bottles smolder in front of homes. Plumes of black smoke emerge from tailpipes, and more than 70 percent of households cook over open wood fires. The roads of packed soil produce clouds of dust from passing cars, trucks, or boda bodas. This dust isn’t just a nuisance; it’s also a health hazard. The dust that we

Roadside trash burning

Agricultural burning

can see isn’t the problem. It’s the particles that are invisible — so small that they reach the lungs and the bloodstream. In developed countries, particulate levels are monitored by the government. When they are high, air-quality alerts are issued, and if they remain high, activity restrictions reduce the levels. In Uganda, the government doesn’t have the resources to monitor particulates. The only two published measurements were performed for a total of 17 days between 2012 and 2014 in the cities of Kampala and Jinja. The results of those studies are no surprise. The measured particulate levels were roughly five times higher than the standards set by the World Health Organization. But we don’t know if they are always this high, or if those clusters of days happened to be outliers. We also don’t know which sources are the biggest problems. This lack of data makes it hard to allocate limited resources. Is it more important to pave roads, regulate vehicle exhaust, or build landfills to prevent trash burning? Thanks to a grant from Colgate’s Lampert Institute for Civic and Global Affairs, I was able to purchase air-quality monitors. We have started a regular program to monitor levels in the cities of Mbarara and Kampala as well as in a rural trading center, Rubindi. I’ve also submitted a grant application to the Belgian government to expand the measurement project and to train a group of Ugandan physicists to continue the research. My other research project is also related to daily life in Uganda: lack of electricity. In the United States, the average household electricity use is 12 kWh/day per capita. In Uganda it is 0.04 kWh/day, less than the amount used by the red glowing light on your cable box. Only 20 percent of Ugandan residents have any access to electricity. The rest cook with wood or charcoal, light with candles, and pay a local business to charge their cell phones. If they’re lucky, they may have a battery-powered radio. If a household has just 0.5 kWh/day, it makes a huge difference. Electric lights replace candles, removing the hazards due to indoor air pollution and fire, as well as the expense of candle purchases. Radios can plug into the wall instead of using batteries, reducing the cost of the electricity by a factor of 1,000!


After 24 hrs*

Filters from my air-quality measurements

Three-stone fire used for most cooking in Uganda. The smoke from the fire fills the kitchen; there’s no chimney.

* Collects only the particles small enough to reach our lungs, so all of that blackness is the result on our lungs of one day’s breathing

Solar power seems like an ideal solution in Uganda: sunshine is plentiful and there’s no need for transmission lines. A solar cell just a few feet across can provide electricity for a household, but this is still too expensive for most Ugandans. If the solar cell rotates to follow the sun as it moves across the sky, then the cell can be 30 percent smaller and still provide the same energy, making the system more affordable. Usually, solar tracking involves sophisticated sensors and motors, making it impractically expensive. So, I’m collaborating with a U.S. nonprofit, SunSaluter, which makes a gravity-based solar tracker. The idea is simple: the solar cell is mounted on a pivot, with a bag of water on one side and a bag of rocks on the other. As water drips out slowly through a valve, the balance shifts, and the solar cell rotates to track the sun. The trick is that you can’t just bring in a solution from the United States and expect it to work here. Uganda is a poor country, so solar cells are usually welded onto roofs to prevent theft. With a tilting stand, it needs to be easy to bring the solar cell indoors overnight. Also, the stand must be inexpensive — even SunSaluter’s $25 stand is too much. I’m working on developing and testing new mounting systems, thanks to a grant from Colgate’s Faculty Research Council. My master’s student worked with a local welder to build one for $6, and we’re also improving the design to make it track the sun more closely. These modifications have made the tracking system cheaper than a standard system, and next year I hope to work with a PhD student to test it in rural homes. Uganda has frequent power outages, like other developing countries. But we often don’t notice them because life here is planned to use little electricity: buildings have no climate control, and windows provide light during the day. If I’m at work, I might hear the beeping of the battery backup as it kicks on. Having power is a benefit of being in the physics department. My colleague Michael recently submitted his PhD thesis on electric power in Uganda, and he used his expertise to ensure that we have one power strip that’s powered by a battery. When I first arrived

I felt like I was being admitted into their inner world. in August 2015, the power was out for hours every day due to construction, so a steady stream of colleagues from other departments passed through our office, charging their computers on the power strip, using the printer, and sometimes stopping to chat. As my new colleagues started to share their stories, I felt like I was being admitted into their inner world. Sometime in those first few weeks, Michael’s younger brother, Hamza, came to the office. He had just arrived at the university to begin medical school. He and Michael reminisced about their childhood in northern Uganda. There was no money for candles, so the children would gather castor oil seeds to string on a spoke salvaged from a broken bicycle. In the evenings, they’d light the seeds, which provided a smoky red fire that gave just enough light for studying.

The idea is simple: the solar cell is mounted on a pivot, with a bag of water on one side and a bag of rocks on the other. As water drips out slowly through a valve, the balance shifts, and the solar cell rotates to track the sun. Pictured: Lawrence Muzoora, a master’s student, worked with Parks on a solar tracking project.

Life for their family of 13 children was always a struggle, especially after their father died. By the time Hamza was entering 8th grade, there wasn’t enough money to pay his school fees. Nevertheless, at the start of the school year, he set out for the 150 km walk to his boarding school. Over the next few weeks, Hamza tried to keep up with his schoolwork, but he had no books, no bed to sleep in, and his only food was smuggled out of the dining room by his friends. He gave up and left for home, walking hungry and crying along the dirt road. But then, a miracle happened. A man who stopped to comfort him turned out to be a friend of his father’s, and he offered Hamza a space in his home, 10 km from the school. Hamza made it through school on a combination of kindness, scholarships, and hard work, earning tuition by joining the student crew that made bricks during breaks. Michael recalled growing up during the war years, when the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) was terrorizing the north of Uganda. After school ended each day, the family would have a quick meal of whatever food they could collect, and then they’d scatter out into the bush to sleep. That way, if the rebel soldiers came, they couldn’t kill the whole family at once.

These stories have taught me how much may lie below the calm and happy exterior of Ugandans. It stretches my imagination to try to understand a childhood spent fearing slaughter by the LRA. I try to remember that some of my students and colleagues here have stories like these, and it helps me be more understanding. My days are filled with preparing lectures, grading papers, supervising research, shopping, and cooking. Most of my interactions are on a professional level, but occasionally another story comes along. One day, a first-year student came to me for help with a scholarship application that asked a probing question: “If you are already studying at university, explain why your current source of funding cannot continue.” It turns out that his parents had been selling land to pay his tuition, but if they sold more, they wouldn’t have enough left to feed themselves. Then there’s Edward, who bicycles to our home every week to sell spinach from his farm. One time, after several minutes of pleasantries, I asked the question, “How was your week?” It wasn’t good, he explained. Some neighboring cows had been trampling his spinach. And his sister, whose baby has cancer, ran away from the hospital with the baby, and no

one had been able to find them. He didn’t say it, but I could see he feared for the worst, as did I. Undergraduate tuition is under $600 per year. And Edward’s whole crop of spinach is probably worth under $50 — each bundle sells for 30 cents. These problems are easily within my means to fix. And yet … I don’t. There’s a practical reason. If I pay one student’s tuition, or help one poor farmer, then soon I’ll have a line of people waiting outside my door every morning. The joy of helping one person would be overwhelmed by the pain of turning away so many others. What dent can a single person make in the sorrows of a country? To assuage my conscience, I help type the scholarship application, and I give Edward the remaining herb seeds that I brought back from South Africa — if they grow, he can make more money selling bundles of basil, sage, and thyme. But still, I can’t answer a fundamental

question: What do I owe the rest of the world, when I have so much, and so many have so little? Uganda rattles me in other ways, too. In a country with a life expectancy of 59 and an infant mortality rate of nearly 4 percent, death is never far away. On

News and views for the Colgate community


average, half of all families lose a child before age 5. On my walk to work every day, I pass two shops that sell coffins, and I struggle not to cry when I see the child-sized ones on display. My PhD student, Silver Onyango, enjoys knowing that I have a daughter with the same name as his wife, Rachel. If he’s calling me from his wife’s phone, he’ll joke and say, “Hello, this is Silver, calling from your daughter’s phone.” When I met him, he and his wife were eagerly anticipating the birth of their first child. So I was delighted when he called to tell me I was a “grandmother.” He promised to teach me how to pronounce his son’s name. I started thinking about what I could give them as a baby gift. Then two days later, I received another call. “Hello, this is Silver. I’m sorry to tell you that the baby has died.” I didn’t know what to say. I said I was very sorry. I told him to take as long as he needed, to take care of his wife, to take care of himself. I didn’t ask what caused the baby’s death. I didn’t think it was my business to ask; it wouldn’t make the loss any easier. But I can’t help but think that, had that baby been born in the United States, he might now be starting to crawl, and Silver might not have suddenly grown so much older. It’s hard to imagine how people pick up and move on, but they do. A month later, Silver was back collecting data. And Rachel has decided to enroll for a master’s degree in physics. She finds it difficult to go back to her work teaching high school physics; staying in the same environment brings up painful memories. Instead of giving up, she’s moving forward. But moving forward is hard. My students in Mbarara ask me for advice: how did I manage to earn a PhD and become a professor? Students at Colgate who ask the same question are easy to advise: work hard in your physics classes and apply for summer research positions, then you have a good chance of admission to PhD programs with free tuition and a living stipend. In Uganda, it’s not so easy. Perhaps 20 Ugandan students per year can get a scholarship for a physics PhD, including those students who win competitions to study abroad in Europe or the United States. The odds aren’t good. My students in Uganda who earn a bachelor’s degree will probably get jobs — Mbarara

University has the second-best physics program in the country, and the students all graduate with a high school teaching license. Uganda has a median age of 15 (the youngest in the world) and a population predicted to double in 20 years, so teaching is a growing profession. But for other university graduates, in a country almost without industries, even an education is no guarantee of a job. Youth unemployment is more than 60 percent, and approximately one-third of youth with university degrees don’t have jobs. Even a job wiping the dust off supermarket shelves is a prize. Given the shortage of employment opportunities, I hire people whenever I can. Francis delivers our drinking water, walking a mile from the store to our house with a 45-pound bottle of water. We pay him enough that he could easily take a boda boda, but he doesn’t want to waste the 30-cent fare. Edward followed me home to explain his business delivering vegetables, so I arranged to buy spinach from him weekly, even though I could usually do better in the market. When we moved to a new house, four separate women knocked on our door asking for the privilege of being our maid. How can it be that, in a country with so many resources, there are so many people eager to work, and nothing for them to do? Last May, at Colgate’s liberal arts core faculty retreat, I used my book allowance to select books on African history, poverty, and development. With no time to read them before I left, I brought them with me. Huddled under the mosquito net, reading by flashlight because the power is out, I have a different perspective from the author when reading Why Globalization Works. There are so many interlocking problems: corruption, poverty, and disease. High birthrates force subdivision of family farms, and in another generation, many will be so small that they can’t feed the family. There are few industries to offer an alternative to farming. Sometimes I’m terrified to think about Uganda’s future. But other times, I’m hopeful. Ten years ago, there were no paved roads in Mbarara; now there’s a highway that stretches from Kampala almost to Bwindi. I see roofs capped by solar panels, and I see new construction everywhere. The country is young, determined, and optimistic. And there’s reason for optimism. If

a man can go from studying in the bush to teaching Maxwell’s equations, then there’s no telling how far the next generation might go. I have only weeks left in Uganda. I’m eager to return to my home and family, but there’s also so much more that I wish I could accomplish. I’m glad that I

The students who are so grateful for the opportunity to learn that they thank me for correcting their papers... have master’s and PhD students to give me a reason to come back. I wonder what I’ll miss most about Uganda. The ripe avocados and the passion fruit juice? The children who wave and call out, “Hello, mzungu!” making me a celebrity everywhere I go? The students who are so grateful for the opportunity to learn that they thank me for correcting their papers? I hope that I’ll remember the lessons that I’ve learned here: appreciating a good meal and a hot shower; accepting setbacks and delays without complaint; greeting strangers with a warm smile and an open heart; and, most of all, maintaining hope that steady work will take us to a better future.

Edward presents the Parkses with a wall hanging as a thank you gift.


Supported by… The Fulbright scholar program: a fellowship program run by the U.S. Department of State that sends American academics abroad to teach and conduct research Colgate’s Faculty Research Council: supports research and creative work in all fields Colgate’s Lampert Institute for Civic and Global Affairs: provides a forum for study and debate in the areas of civic affairs and public policy. The institute’s Faculty Scholars program supports international research related to these topics.

From the great goat roast to “geek humor,” Parks’s blog — replete with vibrant photos — follows her Ugandan adventures:

I wonder what I will miss the most about Uganda.


scene: Summer 2016

Andrew Daddio

News and views for the Colgate community


Camp Fiver Staff

An Entrepreneur Network panel discusses fundraising at IAC, hosted by Greg Blatt ’90.

At Camp Fiver, campers of all ages take a break from their regularly scheduled character enrichment activities to attend the summer dance.

The Office of Alumni Relations is pleased to offer many ways for alumni to stay in touch with each other, and with Colgate! E-mail me with questions or concerns at tmansfield@colgate. edu. — Tim Mansfield, associate vice president, institutional advancement and alumni relations Questions? Contact alumni relations: 315-228-7433 or


scene: Summer 2016

Helpful hacking When Tom Tucker ’67 founded his nonprofit organization the Fiver Children’s Foundation, he wasn’t thinking about branding, hacking, or technology. He was thinking about at-risk children and how to help them. As the foundation has grown, however, Tucker has been searching for ways to improve on Fiver’s operational and fundraising efforts via its technological footprint — which led to the second-annual Colgate Hackathon, held on March 12 in Manhattan. Through year-round activities, Fiver serves students aged 10 to 18, as well as their parents, who live in economically disadvantaged communities in New York City and central New York. Its mission: to create engaged, informed, successful citizens. The hackathon — a day-long event for engineers, coders, technicians, marketers, and nonprofit professionals — provided students and alumni alike with the opportunity to come together and help distinguish Fiver from other organizations with a youthdevelopment focus. Although hacking is associated with computer programming, hackathons can be used for any kind of group problem solving. In the case of Fiver, goals included jump-starting brand awareness and external messaging, upgrading e-newsletter tem-

plates and distribution, creating visual representations of program outcomes, and enhancing the website. Within eight hours, 12 alumni volunteers had come up with five different technical and practical softwaresolution presentations. Tucker and the 10 other Colgate alumni affiliated with the Fiver organization will implement those ideas to help the organization’s capability to empower children. The hackathon was the brainchild of Jeff O’Connell ’95, who hosted the event in his offices at First Look Media. It was co-sponsored by Colgate’s Common Good, Digital Business and Technology, and Entrepreneur professional networks. — Lee Tremblay ’16

Nixon Library at San Clemente, but that proved logistically impossible. Up stepped David ’69 and Robyn Grant P’16, who opened their home to us on a beautiful spring afternoon. I had anticipated that perhaps a dozen people would show up, but I was astounded when nearly 30 arrived. I talked about Nixon and Henry Kissinger, and the war they inherited, pursued, and finally departed. I then answered questions and spent nearly another hour talking with guests about Vietnam, among other matters.

Visiting alumni, revisiting Nixon I spent the first Saturday of my March break in Newport Beach, Calif. — and it’s not what you’re thinking. I was invited to speak to the Alumni Club of Orange County by my former student Christian Teeter ’95, who loves Colgate and is a master organizer of alumni events. (Christian had previously invited me to speak to the California East Bay group when he worked at UC– Berkeley.) This time, the plan was for me to talk about Richard Nixon and the Vietnam War — I have long taught a course at Colgate on the war — at the

Andrew Daddio

stay connected

Alumni programs, volunteer opportunities, career networking, and more

Andrew Rotter is the Charles A. Dana Professor of history and director of the Peace and Conflict Studies Program. He is the editor of Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Vietnam War Anthology, now in its third edition.

Nicholas Gilbert ’18

L to R: Natalia Delgado ’03, Avery Blank ’08, Karen Peters, Christine Amalfe P'16

Women in law share triumphs and challenges Four women working in law came to Colgate in March to share their stories as participants in roundtable and panel discussions, co-sponsored by the Office of the President, the Dean of the Faculty, the Department of Political Science Kulla Fund, the Dean of the College, the Robert A. Fox ’59 Management Leadership Skills Program in Career Services, ALANA Cultural Center, and Gibbons P.C. Christine Amalfe P’16, Avery Blank ’08, Natalia Delgado ’03, and the Honorable Karen Peters talked about how they got into law, as well as the triumphs and challenges of their careers. Here are some of the highlights:

This wasn’t about me: aside from Christian, none of those attending the talk had taken courses with me, and few others knew who I was. It was instead a reminder of the loyalty so many alumni have for Colgate that this bunch was willing to take a chance that the event, like any Colgate event, would be worth their while to attend. I hope they thought it was. — Andrew Rotter

Living Writers, returned to life After a yearlong hiatus, Living Writers — one of Colgate’s most popular courses, both on and off campus — will return with a new focus this fall. Led by English professor Jennifer Brice, the course will include a wide range of genres, from journalism to poetry, cartoons to novels, and memoirs to short stories. Online, the course will offer interactive materials for all 10 visiting writers on the ColgateX platform. Videos, pod-

“ [Women] look at a job description and say, ‘I don’t have eight of the ten qualifications, so I’m not going to do it,’ and the men look at it and say, ‘I have two of the ten qualifications, I’m prepared.’ In this case, I had none of the qualifications [to defend employment cases], other than I was a good trial lawyer … but I learned it. I’m now chairing the department, and I have about fourteen lawyers who work for me.” — Christine Amalfe P’16, chair, Employment and Labor Law Department, Gibbons P.C. “ So many people, so many women, wait for permission to do something, but I’d had it, so I said, ‘I’m going out on my own.’ Now I have my own consultancy, where I work with individuals and organizations that have demonstrated a commitment to the advancement of women.” — Avery Blank ’08, policy attorney and women’s advocate “ As a woman and as a person of color, the biggest sense of satisfaction that I got was winning — when they weren’t ready at all for you to do anything that you just did, because they discounted you from the moment you walked in the door, based on your physical appearance alone.” — Natalia Delgado ’03, deputy chief legal counsel, Illinois State Police

casts, and Livestream events with the writers, as well as discussion boards with students on campus will also be accessible on the site. As in past years, participants can tailor the course to their own schedules and interests, engaging with as much (or as little) of the material as they see fit. The class format will match each visiting writer with a member of the Colgate faculty. Professor Meg Worley (writing and rhetoric) will discuss the multifaceted approach of cartoons with Lynda Barry, the artist and author behind What It Is. Tim Byrnes (political science) will explore an industry's exploitation of intellectually disabled men with reporter Dan Barry. The course will also feature Professor Peter Balakian and his Pulitzer Prize–winning Ozone Journal, a book of poems on the Armenian genocide and related topics. Jane Pinchin, who retired from the English department in 2015, will return to dialogue with au-

thor James Wood (The Nearest Thing to Life). And English professor Nimanthi Rajasingham will introduce Michael Ondaatje (Running in the Family). Lessons begin with Sundance Film Festival award winner Penny Lane, a documentarian and an assistant professor of art and art history at Colgate, introduced by Brice herself.

Colgate’s innovative, awardwinning professional networks are powered by you! Consider yourself encouraged and invited to participate in our online and inperson events, provide job leads in your field via our LinkedIn group, and send your programming ideas to members of the professional networks staff. Find out how (and learn more about our 10 active networks) at

Clips from Lane’s yet-to-be-released Nuts! documentary will be available to view and discuss online. — Lee Tremblay ’16 Visit to find out how you can enroll

News and views for the Colgate community


class news

Should anyone up through the Class of 1935 have news to share, please contact Managing Editor Aleta Mayne: 315-228-6669;

1936 Elizabeth Gallagher-Saward Apartment 513 505 N Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60611-3499 Elizabeth: 312-527-1492

1937 – 1 9 40 If anyone in the classes of 1937–1940 has news to share, please contact Stuart Angert ’62: 94 Harbridge Manor, Amherst, NY 14221; 716-835-1405;

194 1 Ted Clapp 30 Community Drive Apt 159 Camden, ME 04843-2070 Another hero of the Class of 1941 has passed on to greater glories. Arthur Johnson was a spark plug for Colgate’s Entrepreneur Professional Network; while a student at Colgate, he was an active member of the ski club. He was a smooth credit to Sigma Nu fraternity, too. All of our class survivors salute him! Ted: 563-882-7784

194 2 If anyone in the Class of 1942 would like to volunteer for the class editor position, please contact Managing Editor Aleta Mayne at 315-228-6669 or

194 3 Joseph W DeBragga 51 Wavecrest Drive Islip, NY 11751-4015

194 4 Alumni news and deadlines Class news: Class editors will be submitting their next columns on October 3. Please keep this deadline in mind when sending information to your correspondents, and understand that your news may take a while to appear in print. Marriage and birth listings: please mail to the Scene, attn: Births/ Marriages, 13 Oak Dr., Hamilton, NY 13346; fax 315-228-7699; or e-mail For address changes, or to report the death of a Colgate graduate: please notify alumni records. If possible, please identify surviving kin and an address for condolences to be sent. If a newspaper obituary is available, we would appreciate receiving a copy: 315-228-7453 (tel.); 315-228-7699 (fax); alumnirecords@


scene: Summer 2016

Ellsworth Johnson 1309 Meadow Ridge Redding, CT 06896-3224 Fortunately, I’m still active here at Meadow Ridge, handling the Coca Cola account for the Country Store and the ice cream. I’m also on the activities committee, plus playing croquet during spring, summer, and fall. My partner and I won the tournament last year and are just getting started this year. The class lost David Horowitz on Dec 25, 2015, and Dr Warren L Hickman on March 2, 2016. He was active as an undergraduate, as well as the academic world afterward. Clem Fury and wife Martha are still living in Prairie Village, KS. Clem was our class president for years. News of class members is hard to come by! Give me a telephone call and leave a message! Ellsworth: 203-544-8168; 1200 (F)

194 5 Chuck Wittig 7922 Bristol Court Prairie Village, KS 66208 Hi, fellow classmates of the Colgate Class of ’45. I hope that you had a good spring and are doing

well in the “health dept”! Like me, you are in your 90s and are the envy of those who wish they were as robust and fit as you! As you may or may not know, I’m still a great sports fan and have had the pleasure of my KC Royals in 2 World Series and, of course, winning the crown in 2015! Also, thanks to my son, I go to all of the KU basketball games in Allen Field House in Lawrence, KS. Our seats are on the front row, just behind the scorers’ table and the TV monitors. Well, I’ve been on national TV (ESPN) several times as the referees check and replay critical plays! So, if you happened to be watching, that silver hair guy was me, Chuck Wittig, mugging it up for TV and trying to help the officials! But enough of me. In the sad news dept, I’m sorry to report the passing of Robert Eckis back on Dec 29, 2014, Carl Christy on Nov 25, 2015, Dr George Kleinspehn on Jan 3, 2016, and Charles T Locke on Feb 27, 2016. Let me know what you are doing so I can report it in the next Scene. Chuck: 913-381-4767

died on March 19, 2016, and Barton Clausen died on Oct 1, 1993. An obituary in the Tampa Bay Times noted the passing of Jim Bruner on 9/28/12, survived by his wife, Joan. My best wishes to all our remaining classmates for health and happiness during the summer. I hope that some of you were able to attend our 70th Reunion and review the great changes that have occurred at Colgate in recent years. Do get in touch with updating news! David: 253-588-9611;

19 47 If anyone in the Class of 1947 would like to volunteer for the class editor position, please contact Managing Editor Aleta Mayne at 315-228-6669 or

19 4 8

1 9 46

Jim Quigley Apt L215 Freedom Village 6501 17 Avenue West Bradenton, FL 34209 Jim: 941-792-4725;

David Sparling PO Box 88637 Steilacoom, WA 98388-1514

19 4 9

I’m writing this in the Pacific Northwest just after Easter. It is a beautiful day with bright sunshine and clear skies. The robins were chirping with maximum enthusiasm this morning. The daffodils are still in full color even though the flowering trees are beginning to lose their petals. The early rhodies and azaleas are in bloom, the tulips are opening up, and the deciduous trees are leafing out at an incredible rate. Barb and I continue to suffer from the aches, pains, and fatigue related to our ages and we don’t get to the gym as often as we should, but we have had no serious health disasters since I last wrote. We continue to sing in the church choir even though our voices are really no longer up to the challenge, and getting to church on Easter morning at 7 am for warmup for the 8 am service left us taking naps for the next 3 days. Yesterday, we went to Costco and came back with a car trunk full of geraniums, which Barb is putting into pots this afternoon. I spoke with Quent Jurgensen today. He and Claire are still in the same Las Vegas retirement facility, regularly involved in canasta games. Quent’s health stays pretty steady, but Claire’s respiratory problems now require her to use oxygen 24 hours a day. Bob Pierce and Maggie continue living in their home in Clinton, NJ. He is still an enthusiastic gardener and an avid golfer and expects, as usual, to go salmon fishing on the Gaspe this summer, though he has given up big game hunting in Canada and AK. Chuck Reinhart and Martha are still at Sun Lakes, AZ, where they have many younger friends whom he can call on “to change light bulbs” when needed. He is on the neighborhood board but no longer plays golf because of a back injury while he was in V-12. He and Martha have been married 68 years, stay in reasonably good health, and have a slew of grandchildren and great grandkids. I spoke with Walt Ford’s wife, Doris. He is currently in the hospital in Wilmington, DE, because of rapidly progressive Alzheimer’s. Doris is feeble but holding on. Information from Colgate indicates that Ed Tainter passed away on Feb 6, 2016, John Powers

David S Davies 47445 State Route 303 Wellington, OH 44090 When Jack Cashin received his winter Scene, one of the 1st things he did was call OH and ask why there was no ’49er news in that issue. He learned that the class editor had done several hospital visits dodging pneumonias of various brands and had missed the Scene deadline. But you’ve already learned this from the spring Scene, and you’ve also learned that Jack celebrated his 90th, maintaining his claim of being the nation’s oldest polo player. He’s being carefully looked after by classmates, both Class President Phil Sanford and Class Treasurer Al Sproul, sending notices about the birthday in GA. In his letter, Al told of 72 friends attending Phil’s 92nd birthday party at the Lake Club in Hilton Head and also of Phil’s move to Atlanta. The saddest news received recently is an email from the daughter of Jack Wythes, my Beta brother and Colgate roommate, telling me of his death. She wrote: “This is Diane Wythes writing on behalf of my mother, Reggie, to let you know that my dad unexpectedly passed away on Dec 11. He suffered a mild stroke and was admitted to the hospital on Dec 9 in an effort to determine the best treatment to get him back home as soon as possible. On the night of the 10th, unbeknown to anyone, he aspirated and this led to cardiac arrest. The doctors tried to help him but he succumbed. My mom and I were with him as he died, and as you can imagine, we were grateful to be there but are extremely sad he is gone.” Jack and Reggie came to our 50th Reunion and he looked as healthy as in our undergraduate years. In 1956 when I was hired by the federal housing agency and assigned to Philadelphia as part of the decentralizing of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, Jack, who was living back in his hometown of Haddonfield, NJ, found an apartment there for my family and me. We’ve kept in touch over the years, and news of his death puts a hole in my Colgate relationship that will not be filled. This is being written on Good Friday, a day marked by endless news of deaths in Belgium, and by dueling Republican presidential seekers

using their wives as rapiers. Political enthusiasts in our class have participated in important times, some of us having contributed to electing the first African-American president and some now aimed toward electing the first woman president or the first Jew. Since many of us will be dead before the presidential election of 2020, our inclination now may be to coast, leaving the political tasks to children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. We may decide that there is nothing we can do at this point in our lives except vote (and we should at least do this minimal thing). But, the madness in our political landscape combined with our years of political experience argue that we can be effective voices in these times. As you can see, the pickings this month have been slim because too few of you are in touch. I know your problem, because I suffer the same old-age lethargy. But as I’ve suggested above, we live in a time that demands our attention. This year’s presidential election gives each of us a chance to volunteer as much as our mind and muscle will allow. We were at Colgate when Harry Truman was elected. Our wisdom has grown over the many presidencies since. Put all that stuff to use, and in the process share a word or two about what you’ve done. Lots of love, David David: 609-477-3907 (C);

1 950 Bunn Rhea 383 Clearbrook Drive Avon Lake, OH 44012-3117 Well, guys, there comes a time when things really don’t go very well, and this has been one of them. For the first time, I forgot to send out a request for news, so I got nothing. Just chalk it up to someone entering his 90th year, like most of you. On the other hand, Sherwood (Sherry) Anderson, who has been diagnosed with Myelo Dysplastic Syndrone (leukemia), told me recently that his doctor now says his disease is stable and not progressive at this time. Injections have been reduced to 5 a month from 7. He went on to say that the only side effect is weariness after walking a distance; he feels well, there is no pain, and spirits are undaunted. Now you see our problem, the same it has been for a long, long time. Getting people to respond even by nudging has been difficult, and voluntary contributions are quite foreign to us. But, we shall press on, promising as much as I can to not miss my deadline or forget to send you an e-mail blast ahead of time. But, really, do send me some news. Bunn: 440-933-4137;

1 951 Richard Bamberger 70 Railroad Place Apartment 209 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Life keeps changing for Sharon and me. We spent 8 great weeks during the winter in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, a place with the most constant, unchangeable, and beautiful weather; plan to return next winter. Sold our home in Saratoga Springs in April, downsizing again after 6 years. We now live in a 3-bedroom apartment in downtown Saratoga Springs, 1 block from Broadway, the main street. Very accessible to cinema, restaurants, supermarket, and, of course, Broadway. E-mail address remains the same.

Was happy to hear from a number of classmates for this column. Keep the news coming. John Sterzinar responded to my postcard with “congratulations” for being the new scribe. Although he still has his home in Boonville, NY, he is now staying with his daughter in VT. “Haven’t felt myself for some time (missed some home football games). Hospitalized just before Christmas, went through all kinds of tests that proved negative. Finally, my doctor sent me to the Cardiac Institute. Catheterization revealed 5 blockages and was operated on next day in Feb. I’m coming along nicely in rehab in VT. Looking forward to the reunion.” Glad to hear you’re improving, John. I remember you were one of the most loyal alumni football fans from our class, so I expect you’ll be cheering on the team in the fall. Speaking of reunions, Joe Hubbard writes that he does not plan on attending the 65th Reunion. He does remember the great time he had at the 50th, though. Vernon Blackman writes to tell us that he has nothing but the fondest memories of his years at Colgate. “Don Fenner and I were roommates the whole time. He had the best bag of jokes and kept our dorm room in laughter. Singing in the chapel choir every Sunday was inspirational, sitting among the organ pipes. I remember playing ping-pong in the student union with Marty Risch and others, and so many other highlights during those 4 years. Thank you, Colgate.” Kenneth Kidd is looking forward to the 65th Reunion, remembering how much he enjoyed the 50th. “Like many of us, I have had both knees and the right shoulder replaced, CABG procedure, prostate cancer, melanoma, but continue to feel healthy indeed. I am enjoying my new relationship with Laura, following my wife, Charlene’s, death almost 3 years ago. I still remain very active in the bridge world, the stock market, and in exercising daily. Hope to see many of you at the 65th in June.” Austin Murphy writes that he and his wife, Pat, finally realized that their home in Shelter Harbor, an area in Westerly, RI, “was getting too big for us to handle, so we put it on the market and sold it last Nov. We are now living at The Elms, a retired living residence nearby in Westerly. We have an apartment, and the meals are all downstairs in a nice dining room. Only trouble with the food is that it is too good; our waistbands will surely expand. The Murphy family roots in this area go back to the 1860s when my great-grandfather Thomas Murphy skedaddled out of Ireland about an hour ahead of the British constabulary, arriving in the nearby town of Stonington, CT. We, his ancestors, deny vehemently the charge of stealing sheep that had been directed at this honorable man. More later, and thanks for taking on the job of class correspondent.” Murph, we are already looking forward to your next installment. Because he doesn’t do computers, John Filler recruited his wife, Lenore, to bring us up to date. Sadly, shortly after I heard from her, we learned that John died on April 21. Jack had just celebrated his 87th birthday. He is from MA and spent his married life on Cape Cod as a school psychologist. He and Lenore were living in South Boston, VA, where they moved to be near their son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren. Nathaniel, 3 years old, is the only boy and will carry on the Filler name. His little sister, Mathilde, is now a few months old. Their oldest son, Michael ’78, and his wife, Joy ’78, are Colgate grads as is their oldest daughter, Victoria ’08. So they are a 3-generation family. Jack played hockey, baseball, and football at Colgate during his years there. And, finally, Warren Prince writes that he is all set for the 65th. He got one of the last rooms

at the Colgate Inn and, as last time, his daughter Allison ’79 is coming with him. He’s hoping for a good turnout from the Class of 1951. Thanks to all who contributed. I’ll send postcards again for you to jot down your news and mail back for the next issue. And you all have my e-mail address. Richard: 518-306-6194;

1952 John Sias 43 North Pepperell Rd. Hollis, NH 03049 Barclay Bollas, a new ROTC 2nd lieutenant in the Air Force upon graduation, was sent to Eglin AFB in FL where he learned to be a technical writer describing military weapons to nontechnical service men. “The base was right on the beach and we were off duty at 1 pm every day. I soaked up the sun, paid for it later, and made a dermatologist wealthy.” Barc’s 1st civilian job was as a reporter for the daily paper in Peekskill, NY. He left to become the public information dir at Haverford College in Philadelphia. Next step was heading the news bureau at Princeton. Then Boy Scouts of America hired him to be their national news dir. “I’ve visited all 50 states. Back in my younger days, I climbed the Matterhorn; also to 18,000 foot level in Nepal. Wrote articles for some 60 mostly special-interest magazines. Re: spare time, I enjoyed sailing, white water canoeing and rafting, and skiing for many years (until 2 hip replacements anyway). Also, officiated youth (and HS) wrestling here for a number of years. With Boy Scout delegations, visited the Oval Office during the Ford, Carter, and Reagan administrations. (Also, had dual titles while working for the BSA national office: national news editor and associate dir of PR. While writing for them, enjoyed some fun business trips [yes, really] to Philmont Scout Ranch, to their FL Keys Sea Base, and ME and MN high adventure canoe bases plus 4 national jamborees.) As to a humorous Colgate tidbit: My original diploma got eaten by mice in my parents’ Yonkers attic many years ago; the university kindly replaced it. No charge!” Upon retiring, Barc did much volunteer work. For 6 years he worked 2 days a week at a food pantry in Dallas. “And I’ve spent a lot of time in public libraries.” Barc keeps in contact with Bruce Ergood, Larry Black, Bob Bowser, and Tony Tabell. “My years at Colgate were very satisfying. I especially appreciate the intimacy I developed with fellow classmates and the willingness of the faculty to be available for discussions outside the classroom.” From Tom Morgan: “Good to hear from you, John, and hope all is well with you and your family. Following graduation, in June of 1952 with our country involved in the Korean War, I entered the Marine Corps thinking I would spend my obligatory time and then head into the private sector. After commissioning, the Marine Corps offered me an opportunity to enter Flight School at Pensacola and in 1954 I was designated a naval aviator. I found that I loved flying jet aircraft and also the duty in Marine Corps and fighter aviation. What followed was numerous assignments in Marine Corps jet fighter squadrons in various locations in the US, Far East, and Europe. My view of opportunities in the private sector became lost as the years went by, and 37 years later, I retired from the Corps following a final assignment of duty in Washington, DC. “We retired in northern VA, where for 6 years, I managed a State Dept contract providing maintenance and modernization services for

our embassies around the world. I had some 90 former military technicians, all who had the necessary security clearances, were familiar with overseas duties in remote areas, and were willing to travel and spend time in places like Outer Mongolia, Nepal, or the Congo. Many of the embassies were in countries where I had not served while on active duty in the Corps. As such, it provided me some new experiences and views of other nations and their people. The education was invaluable. I have been to Outer Mongolia 3 times and have not yet found any of Genghis Khan’s ancestors, but have found that the current young men who serve in their military are superb warriors and they have proved that in Afghanistan. “From 1991 until last year I served as a senior fellow at the National Defense U working with the Capstone Course. It is a joint service professional military course of education for newly promoted brigadier generals and rear admirals serving in the US military. The course objective is to ensure senior military leaders understand how military forces and other elements of national power are integrated and used to support national military strategy. “I believe I am now retired, unless something interesting pops up and I am invited to participate. My view is stay active, be available, and help where we can.” (Tom retired from the Marines as a general.) Al Busby’s 1st job out of Colgate was with FW Woolworth, better known as the “five and ten.” After 2 years he moved on to Travelers Insurance where he spent another 2 years. Al and John Cizik were roommates in the Deke house and continued their close friendship after graduation. John’s dad was an exec in a successful aviation insurance brokerage and invited Al to join the firm in NYC. Al related: “Three WWI pilots became buddies, and after the war, each played a major role in US aviation. Eddie Rickenbacker started Eastern Airlines. Weed Chambers started the nation’s 1st aviation insurance company, and the 3rd started Parker & Co, a firm that specialized in aviation insurance and the company that John’s dad headed and the company I worked for.” Al moved to Atlanta in 1972, became CEO of the Atlanta division, and retired in 1988. “Did a lot of hunting and fishing before I got involved in volunteer work.” Al was a guardian ad litem for 2 troubled boys in the Atlanta Juvenile Court System. In addition, he volunteered in Atlanta’s park system, planting trees and gardening for 15 years. “Roy Plaut and I have become the best of friends, and I can’t say enough about what Roy has done for the city. Roy started a school for children age 3–18 in which the students are taught in several languages, including Spanish and Chinese.” Al keeps in contact with Jordy Natsch, Roy Plaut, Al Strickler, and Bill Edwards. “My 4 years at Colgate might be the best 4 years of my life.” Bill Ayton first attended Colgate in Jan 1943 at age 19. Colgate had just become a Naval Aviation Training School to prepare Navy pilots to fight in World War II. “Twenty-five of us were there for 3 months to learn physics and a lot of other things; few completed the course.” Bill earned his pilot wings at Pensacola, FL, and a few months later the Navy assigned him to the Pacific Fleet where he fought in Okinawa and the Philippines. He reminisced about piloting a torpedo bomber over Wake Island. “That plane was so difficult to fly. We called it a ‘turkey.’” And, “One time we were returning to the aircraft carrier. It was cloudy and then it started to rain. The ship had radar, but the planes didn’t. We searched and searched, but couldn’t locate the damn carrier. Suddenly, the carrier did the unexpected. They broke radio silence, something they seldom do.

News and views for the Colgate community


Then we had a course to fly!” After the war, Bill returned to Colgate, graduated, and spent the next 40+ years in aviation. He was a member of the National Transportation Board, became an FAA accident inspector, and was in charge of all aviation accident inspections in the US South. He later taught classes in accident investigation. Bill was check pilot for Pan American Airlines at both JFK in NY and Miami Intl Airport. “I was the inspector for Delta’s last big accident, the one in Fort Worth. Here in Atlanta where I live, I meet with a group of 75 of us retired pilots, but only 22 are WWII pilots. Not many of us are left.” Following a 2-year hitch in the Army, Bob Bowser attended Catholic U and then became a medical assistant at the National Institutes of Health in Washington where he would spend the next several decades. Bob returned to Catholic U to earn his PhD in 1963. “I was fortunate to be active in the ‘golden years of science,’ the period from the late ’50s to the year 2000. We call it the golden years because, during this period, there were more scientists active than in all the preceding years in history.” He credits the governments of the US, Japan, China, and some European nations for the gains in world health. He asks, “If the governments didn’t lead in curing disease, who would have? Not the pharmaceuticals.” He said the developed nations can’t ignore diseases like TB in developing countries because diseases not contained can spread throughout the world. “In my years with NIH, it was my good fortune to have been around many exciting people. My biggest mistake was to retire too early!” Bob recalls the quality time he has spent with Bruce Ergood and Sam Strasser at Larry Black’s home. Bob concluded, “Colgate was very good for me. I try to consistently support it financially.” Nick Orsini said: “The timing was perfect. I had just graduated in June, completed my Air Force ROTC program, majored in geology, and the Air Force was beginning a seismology effort and they were seeking recruits.” So in July, the Air Force sent Nick to St Louis U for the next 2 years, the start of a 24-year stint in the Air Force that dispatched him all over the world. In the late 1950s, the US was trying to monitor aviation activities in the Soviet Union by plane (Gary Powers) and by balloons. “We told everyone these high-flying balloons were for merely weather-forecasting purposes, but they were equipped with cameras. We flew them over Russian air bases trying to gather information.” Nick spent 2 years in Oslo, Norway. “This was as close to Russia as we could get.” He later made 5 trips to Iran. He spent several years in places like Albuquerque, NM, Alexandria, VA, and Boston, MA. After retiring as a Lt Colonel in 1976, Nick moved back to Glens Falls where he often lunches with Bill Maltbie. At Colgate, the swimming team had no divers and would automatically lose diving points at every meet. “The only diving I had ever done was diving off a rock into the Hudson River. But I tried out for the team and later could brag that I had dived at Yale, West Point, and a bunch of other famous places!” Asked about his health, Nick said, “Fifteen years ago I had 2 hips replaced. They have a 20-year guarantee. But I’m still walking unassisted.” Sam Benedict, upon graduation, enlisted in the Army, was selected for OCS, “but the war was over before I went on active duty.” Soon after he was mustered out, he married, and in 1954 he joined Mead Corp, a leading national paper manufacturer. “I started out as a trainee, spent my entire business life with the firm, and ended up being president and CEO.” During those 40+ years, he lived in several locations 44

scene: Summer 2016

including Chillicothe, OH, and Escanaba, MI. “Escanaba was my favorite; Mead made me president and CEO of their division there. Then they pretty much left me alone.” Eventually, Mead moved Sam to the headquarters in Dayton, OH. Sam maintains contact with George Williams and Glen Campbell. “We recently moved to a retirement apartment in Naples, FL. There are several Colgate grads here and they all know my Beta buddy Ralph Jones.” Sam’s grandfather and father attended Colgate, both Phi Beta Kappa. “Grandfather owned a farm in Hamilton, so close you could walk to the campus. I remember visiting him and swimming in the Lebanon Reservoir. My parents met each other at Hamilton HS.” Four years ago, Sam was fishing in Mexico, the boat hit a rogue wave, and he was thrown against the side of the boat, injuring vertebrae, which now causes him to walk with a cane. But, otherwise, Sam claims good health. From the well-traveled Dick Leonard: “After graduation I served in the Marines, got degrees from Georgetown and Columbia, and spent a career on Wall Street, mostly with Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette and most of that in Hong Kong and London. “I left the business in 1998 and subsequently did a program with Princeton U in South Africa to teach college freshmen the math that they never got in HS under Apartheid. Then, in 2003, I moved on to an oil refinery project in Afghanistan, but in 2005, prospects for that country looked dim so I moved on to Colombia, South America, where I am currently putting together an organic fertilizer business. Happily, I can commute to Colombia so I can enjoy my new home in Princeton with my dear wife of 35 years, the former Lily Richardson of Brookline, MA. “Speaking of Colgate, I had the privilege of serving on the Alumni Council during the tenure of the wonderful President Chopp. I’ve also enjoyed the last 5 class reunions and look forward to that of 2017.” In response to the Scene’s request for humorous stories about professors, Dick wrote: “We had an accounting professor called ‘Radar Ray’ because he had very bad eyesight (I forget his real name). One fine spring afternoon, he was about to give a lecture on the first floor of Alumni Hall, left side. My buddy Don Kates was strategically seated in the last row next to an open window. Just as Don answered ‘here’ to the roll call, he jumped out the window and was last seen running down the hill with his golf clubs. Don flunked out, joined the Army, but came back and graduated with honors. Go, ’gate!” From Dave Willey: “My wife, Paula, and I moved to Portland, OR, last year to be closer to our children. We had been 46 years in Larchmont, NY. In Larchmont I was most recently treasurer of the Friends of the Larchmont Public Library.” Phil Ching writes: “Retirement for 20 years has been interesting, with several board memberships until 2016. I now only serve on 1 board, as chair of a senior living community, though not as a resident. Throughout the years we have had interesting visitors, but not too many Colgate classmates, except for Red Owens many years ago with a contingent from OH. We have had the good fortune to entertain interesting people in our home throughout the years, and (without dropping names) the most recent and interesting one was Justice Scalia and his wife, Maureen. All the articles about him describe him to a T.” Tom Sullivan writes: “I just read the latest edition and was inspired by the stories of various alums, particularly those with medical problems (Ray Cotter in our class and Sherwood Anderson in Class of 1950). Also, sorry to hear of the death of Art Thompson from Nutley, a fellow

NJ man. My only contacts with alums have been John ‘Boo’ Farris and Jordan ‘Mouse’ Natsch in Atlanta. I’m planning an 85th birthday in April (really helping my 4 daughters do it). I’ve been retired 19 years from the Arco Gases Co. Worked in NYC, CA, and most enjoyably in Lisle, IL, for 36 years as reg administration mgr. “My wife, Barbara, is a retired Catholic schoolteacher. As she has some limiting health problems, I have learned to be an acceptable cook, drug organizer, and chauffer. “As my health is surprisingly good, I’m still playing tennis with 2 senior groups in Naperville. In spite of being a decade older than the competition, I can still win a set with the right partner, and for some reason, still am competitive. Tennis is a great sport and I’ve played in Cape Cod (won a 70-and-older tournament there) and also Venice, FL, where we vacationed for 15 years until health problems limited travel. “In retirement I’ve worked at the local food pantry, a used-car–donation program, Habitat for Humanity (I always admired Jimmy Carter), and in several duties at our church. At present, taking care of my wife has limited volunteering, but tennis is still a priority. “I have 3 daughters, a stepdaughter, 1 grandson, and 2 stepgrandchildren (now adults). My grandson, Tommy, plays football, basketball, and baseball. It has been fun to watch him grow. He is a freshman in HS. Sports are much faster than when I grew up, and the kids are quite larger. I may make the 65th Reunion if Natsch will go. I want to hear from Chet Vargo and Ace Andrews.” From Steve Ketterer: “After graduation I spent 2 years in the Army, including 1 year in Korea in the infantry. Then I started 40 years with Mobil Oil Corporation during which I was assigned positions in Paris, London, CA, IL, and back to NY. In 1980 the company transferred to Fairfax, VA, where I worked until retiring in 1995 as the general mgr of Worldwide Purchasing, responsible for buying everything but tankers and crude oil. At that time, my wife, Sandy, and I retired to Scottsdale, AZ, and escaped the hot summers at our Canadian lakeside home north of Toronto. We just sold the Canadian home and will check out Park City, UT, this summer. I currently serve on 2 boards: Desert Mountain Community Foundation that raises scholarship funds for Desert Mountain employees and children of employees, and Foothills Caring Corps that provides transportation, services, and meals for elderly shut-ins. I’m also an elder of our church. Two of my sons, Steve ’82 and Rob ’84, graduated from Colgate. Still playing golf, and I shoot my age now and then. Smashed it with a 79 last week!” To my fellow classmates: Next year is our 65th Reunion. I hope you plan to attend! John: 603-465-2036;

1953 Lou Wilcox 27 Oak Avenue West Yarmouth, MA 02673-8582 Much to my good fortune, I have reports from some classmates who have never written to the Scene or who have never returned to campus since graduation! So, here goes with the latest news from some who once wore the green beanie. Gene Schulze reports in as follows: “I tried calling Dexter Roberts, my Colgate roommate, and found the number no longer operative so I looked up his name on the Internet and found his remarkable obituary. He died last June. A great guy who led an impressive life. I last talked with him on the phone several years ago when

he described his home in the MT mountains and the animals that frequently came by.” Gene went on to say that he figured I missed the small paragraph on Dexter in a previous Scene. Dexter was the 3rd of 3 brothers who came to Colgate; Dave ’46 and Gil Roberts ’50 were his older brothers. Jonathan Bradley wrote: “I read your letter in the winter issue of the Scene where you mentioned the library as we knew it. As a student during my sophomore year, I worked in the reserve book room, part of the main reading room on the 2nd floor of the library; my junior year I worked at the main desk on the ground floor of the library; my senior year I worked in the Spear House, which was a wooden building halfway up the hill from the student union where all freshmen ate their meals. That small library contained books about architecture. As you remember, the college back then counted on the 13 fraternities to feed and house most of the men in the upper classes. I belonged to the Phi Kappa Tau fraternity. Living and teaching in the Boston area for years and now living in ME, I have not been back to Colgate since graduation.” Jerome Wilson writes: “I very much enjoy your columns on our class of 1953. As for myself, I am now firmly ensconced in retirement in Essex, CT, with my very wonderful wife, Ulla. On the health front, I have just recovered ‘mostly’ from a serious bout of pneumonia, which put me in the hospital and rehabilitation for more than 5 weeks. I am just now starting to drive again. “At times, I look back on my life when I lived in NYC. I served for 3 terms as NYS senator and led the fight to change NY 18th century, 1 ground divorce law (for adultery) into a civilized, multiground divorce statute in NY. “After a failed run for US Congress as a ‘peace candidate’ against the war in Vietnam, I served as the ‘on air’ political editor of WCBS-TV for a couple of decades. Then, after attending night classes for several years, I obtained a Juris Doctor’s degree from NYU School of Law, and after that, served many years as counsel at the NY office of the law firm of Rogers & Wells. Among the clients that I represented were: the Associated Press, the New York Newspaper Publishers Association, and Hughes Communications. In retirement in Essex, I have been contributing news articles to local weekly newspapers. “Until he died several years ago, I stayed in touch with my former Colgate roommate Jack Turner. Jack created the newspaper Soundings, which is still going strong from its Essex-based headquarters. Do keep writing your wonderful Class of 1953 columns in the Scene.” Frank O’Toole checked in with the following note: “Writing for the first time. Thought I would bring everything up to date while I still can. Very sad to hear about Jim Dickenson and Tom Kennedy. They were both good friends and fine people. I am ex-Marine, football, Phi Delt ’53. I did not go into the Air Force as planned. The flight school was postponed several times, and before I knew it, I had a job and our first was on the way, etc. “Spent 20 years with the Sperry Remington Corp in sales and marketing. Ended up as dir of marketing for Sperry. In 1973, I opened my own business here in MD, FA O’Toole Office Systems. Living happily ever after, etc; 3 children, 6 grandkids, 1 great-grandkid. Still go to the office 3 days a week. Finally had to give up golf at 87.” (Is that your average score, your age, your handicap, or the number of holes you used to play each weekend? – ed). “Hope things are good with you and yours. I can be reached at Frank O’Toole, 38 Bush Cabin Court, Parkton, MD 21120.” Lou: 508-827-4080;

1 954 Peter W Rakov 159 Edgewood Avenue Hurley, NY 12443-5406 Spring has sprung, winter a breeze here in the Hudson Valley — only 10" of snow compared to our usual 45". Art Fox in FL probably couldn’t care less. He stays in touch with 20 classmates and other CU grads. (He’ll never catch up with Gary Chandler!) Art is glad that our football team did so well. He was very sorry to have to miss our 60th because he doesn’t drive at night (and would have had to drive from the Albany airport). Remember the Bob & Ray radio show “Wally Ballou,” etc? Dick Severo and a co-author wrote “Bob” Elliott’s obit in the NY Times Feb 10, 2016. Full page, great stuff. Dick retired several years ago. He was their science editor and lives near Newburgh, NY. Bill Mast still commuting between Cleveland and a home near Kassell, Germany. He belongs to a bowling club there and plays trombone in the village brass ensemble. The ensemble consists of kids 6–18 years old. “Curious, at recital time,” says Bill. Ginnie and Bill went to Portugal for their 60th. They have 21 children and grandchildren. (If that’s not a 1954 record, it’s a helluvan average!) “I’ll go to my 41st annual Colgate Reunion June 3 for 1 night,” he wrote. “See you there?” Sad news, again. Darrell Shea passed. Another good guy. His wife, Ann, is at 818 Oak St, Orlando, FL 32804. Also, Ivar Berg died 1/15/16. He was an icon for our class: poli sci major, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Theta, Konosioni, student government, class gift committee, debate, hockey, International Relations Council, Reunion Gift Committee. A Marine Corps lt, he was a Korean vet. He went on to become an emeritus professor of sociology at the U of PA. As reported in the New York Times, he made important contributions to the study of higher education, labor markets, and industrial sociology. For more, see this issue’s In Memoriam. Peter: 845-340-0659

1 955 Bob Youker Apt 305 Ingleside King Farm 701 King Farm Boulevard Rockville, MD 20850 I received a nice note from Jim Healy who had an enjoyable luncheon meeting with Julia (“Julie”) Palmer, senior associate director of annual giving at Colgate: “She was in the Chicago area calling on Colgate alums; our gracious host at the recent class reunion dinner, Michelle Jacobsen, who works in the same office with Julie, suggested we get together. I’m so glad that we did, as Julie is a delightful person to be with, and, I’m sure, a fine and effective representative of our alma mater. “Of the many Colgate topics we discussed was the green beanies (see the autumn ’15 and winter ’16 issues of the Scene for more background on this). You may recall that we wore that colorful headgear during the fall of ’51, the first semester of our freshman year, as it was a tradition, along with the black knit ties we also wore then. Was it just for the first six weeks? Our high school friends at other colleges wore hats in their school colors with their graduation year emblazoned on the front of it just above the brim. We knew this because we’d see them when we were

home for football games at our respective high schools. One Monday evening at a meeting of the Freshman Council, we discussed this and no one, as best I recall, liked our green headwear; it just didn’t seem to make sense when our colors were maroon and white. So, I introduced a resolution that no future Colgate frosh would have to wear those hats; the resolution passed, and that was the end of the green beanies. But dean of the college, Carl Kalgren, was unhappy with us (I remember this clearly, as he spoke rather directly to me about it) for ending a long-time, storied Colgate tradition. And upon reflection several years later, I came to the realization that he was probably right about us so lightly ending something that had been long-established at school. To us it didn’t make sense, while to him it was an important part of Colgate lore. “Freshmen usually aren’t mature enough to make such decisions, and I’m still surprised the administration let us get away with it, because we could have been easily overruled. Dean Kalgren was a gentleman because he honored our decision. If I had to do it over again, I never would have introduced that resolution, because it was a move that made him feel that we didn’t understand Colgate’s traditions (of course we didn’t; after all, we had just arrived!). While we certainly seemed to have redeemed ourselves in his eyes over the next 4 years, I have long wished that his judgment on this issue would have prevailed, for the wearing of that cap did us little harm, but our not wearing it did seem to trouble him.” As with all history, the recent Scenes indicate that there is controversy over just when the beanies disappeared. Please do drop me a note on your activities. Bob: 240-654-4279;

1956 Jerry Rhodes 101 Magerton Court Cary, NC 27511-7303 Once again, I come with sad news. Since I wrote last, 3 more of our classmates have passed away. Mickey Warburton died on Jan 10, John McKenzie on Mar 7, and Tom Vivona on Mar 14. They all will be greatly missed, and we send our sincere condolences to their families. It is always difficult to report the passing of classmates, but perhaps we can look back at whatever memories we have of them and smile, chuckle, or whatever. Lives may end, but memories remain and that’s a good thing! There is some good news for our class. In March, the 1st recipient of the Class of 1956 Endowed Scholarship was announced. Due to privacy rules, we cannot print the student’s name, but I can give some details. (I sent the student’s fact sheet to those on my e-mail list and I’ll send it to anyone else who would like to read it.) The student is a member of the Class of 2017 with a major in economics. Activities include varsity basketball and the Student Athletic Advisory Committee. Honors include Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence, Raider Academic Honor Roll, and Phi Eta Sigma (first-year honor society). The student is interested in careers in business/ admin services and finance. We have waited 10 years for our first recipient and it looks like this young person is a most worthy one. Paul Hauler writes that he spent 3 months in St Pete and enjoyed not shoveling snow! However, he did say that this was one of the warmest winters in Fairport in ages. While in FL, he was wearing his Colgate jacket and someone drove by and yelled out “Go, Colgate!” so it “pays to advertise”! A similar thing happened to me late last

Greg Brodsky ’79 (left) reunited with recording artist Graham Parker backstage at City Winery (New York City) in April. Brodsky was Parker’s product manager when they were both with RCA.

Carrying the flame for classic rock

The Beatles, Bruce Springsteen, The Who — when naming his favorite musicians, Greg Brodsky ’79 reeled off the names like the WRCU deejay and campus record co-op manager that he once was. Now, as founder and CEO of the digital start-up (BCB), Brodsky is enabling legions of classic rock fans to continue to enjoy these artists and many others. A veteran entertainment industry executive who splits his time between Manhattan and Woodstock, N.Y., Brodsky spent much of his career at such blue-chip companies as RCA Records, Atlantic Records, and Warner Bros. It was while employed as the marketing director for ESPN Radio and, however, that he found his next opportunity. “I was angry,” he recalled. “I’d just learned that Burton Cummings (the former singer, principal songwriter, and co-founder of the Guess Who), had performed in the city and I’d missed it. I thought, ‘I can’t be the only one who’d like this sort of information — why not create an online source for news and features devoted entirely to classic rock ?’” And with that, the idea for BCB was born. Brodsky’s goal was simple: provide fans with a comprehensive source of information covering the artists, music, and spirit of the classic rock era as well as the newer artists recording and performing in that style. His next step was to hire an editor to lead his new digital publication. “I interviewed several candidates and wasn’t finding a good fit. Then, a friend recommended I speak to Rob Patterson.” Brodsky quickly discovered that Patterson, himself an industry veteran with a nearly 40-year career in music journalism, shared not only his love of music, but also his alma mater — Patterson graduated from Colgate in 1975. Brodsky had his editor. The two began kicking around ideas, putting together a comprehensive plan, and reaching out to potential contributors across the industry. In June of 2015, they flipped the switch. “In the beginning, it was a bit like a tree falling in the forest. You wondered if anybody had heard, but happily, we gained a large following in a short time. Word spread via social media and our page views really took off. Our Facebook ‘likes’ quickly climbed to 10,000, then 20,000. By last January, we had more than 30,000,” recalled Brodsky. In the days since, Brodsky and Patterson have devoted themselves to building BCB into an authoritative online community offering everything a classic rock aficionado could desire, from features on rock veterans like Gregg Allman and the Doobie Brothers, to breaking news such as the Rolling Stones’ free concert in Havana, Cuba, last March, to reviews of rock-related films, TV shows, and books. Brodsky and Patterson curate content created by a host of veteran rock journalists, including former Rolling Stone editor John Swenson and longtime Boston Globe music columnist Jim Sullivan. They occasionally write for the site themselves, as well. Brodsky recently interviewed legendary British singer-songwriter Graham Parker, a contemporary of Elvis Costello and Nick Lowe, for a feature. “So many legacy artists are still viable acts today,” he concluded. “Two of my all-time favorite acts are The Who, and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. I first saw The Who in 1974 and Petty in 1979, and it’s wild to have been able to enjoy them with my kids numerous times over the years as well. This music is actively creative and timeless.” — Lori Ferguson

News and views for the Colgate community


Susan Kahn (9, unless otherwise noted)

Alumni Corporation Awards: recognizing dedication and service

Brendan Tuohey ’96 (above, left), executive director of PeacePlayers International, received the Humanitarian Award for his work fostering relationships across differences through basketball. The Distinguished Teaching Award was given to Mary Moran (above, center), professor of anthropology and Africana and Latin American studies, and Fernando Plata, Spanish professor.

Gerad Gaskin

At Reunion 2016, the Wm. Brian Little ’64 Award for Distinguished Service was presented to (above, left to right): Robert H.N. Ho ’56, Mark D. Nozette ’71, Edward M. Werner ’71, Brion B. Applegate ’76, Barry J. Small ’76, and Todd C. Brown ’71 (not pictured).

Allyson E. Poulos ’11 and Christopher P. Vogelsang Jr. ’11 accepted the Ann Yao ’80 Memorial Young Alumni Award for alumni who have demonstrated exceptional volunteerism in their five years after graduation. At left, Alumni Council members pose with recipients of the Maroon Citation, which honors alumni, employees, and friends of the university for their loyalty, commitment, and exemplary service to Colgate. Back row, L to R: Daniel Hunt (head football coach and instructor in physical education), Gretchen H. Burke ’81 (Board of Trustees vice chair and recipient), Robert R. Fawcett Jr. ’91, Robert E. Aberlin ’66, Patricia Apelian Aitken ’76, Robert L. Glendening ’71, H. Leroy Cody Jr. ’71. Middle, L to R: Harry A. Horwitz ’76, James M. Eppolito ’66, Doris Ackerman ’81 (senior regional advancement director), Jill Harsin (interim president), Amy T. Montroy (Alumni Relations data coordinator). Front row, L to R: Thomas D. Carlson ’66, Joseph P. McGrath Jr. ’85 (Alumni Council president), Kathryn M. Roberts ’01, Yvonne M. Gyimah ’01, Melissa Coley ’79 (Alumni Council vice president), Arthur J. Steneri Jr. ’56. Not pictured: Alvin Glymph ’91


scene: Summer 2016

year while out walking. I met a woman who was in the first freshman class after Colgate went co-ed. We walked for a while and had a nice chat. If it hadn’t been for my jacket, she would have passed right on by! (If she happens to read this, I apologize for forgetting names, but that happens at this stage of life!) Harris Barer says that he is still practicing law in NYC, albeit on a reduced scale, plus staying active in other areas. He says his health, aside from the joys of old age, is good, although a hip is acting up. He escaped the winter by going to Palm Springs (he says it has palms, but no springs!) and otherwise divides time between NYC and eastern LI. The Barers have a new grandson and Harris is “following the ancient maxim of ‘keeping your wallet open and your mouth shut’ and thus everyone is content.” I got my eagerly awaited call from Jack Goodreds, and he said that on that very day, the Goodreds and Trudi and Ed Blohm were going out for “a few libations” and dinner. We also chatted about our scholarship winner and Jack said that the student sounded like just the type our scholarship committee was looking for and it would have made Frank Speno very happy to learn about it. Bob Beckler writes that all is well down in Naples, FL, and that he’s getting out to play lots of golf and tennis. Paul Comisar says that he and Barb spent 2 weeks in Cuba and that it was a much more interesting and fun-filled trip than he had expected. They visited many places of interest during this “people to people” trip. He believes that US citizens will soon be able to visit Cuba without a visa and on all the major airlines. In May, he was planning to go to NYC for the Presidents’ Club dinner together with his daughter and 1 of his sons. Axel Krause wrote to me to see if I knew how to locate Bill Bayer. They were CC roommates and had kept up their friendship although there had been little contact for a while. Axel got Bill’s phone number in KC and called from Paris. He said they chatted “like it was yesterday” and caught up on everything. He said that could be a lesson for all of us who may be wondering about a certain classmate. He says, just get the number and call — it’s worth the effort! Axel is doing well, still biking and trekking in Paris and wrapping up his 4th year teaching a master’s level, media focused seminar at the Catholic U of Paris. He also writes for and his latest piece is trying to explain Europe’s fascination/confusion with our presidential race. Maybe, Axel, you should write something explaining the race to us!! As an aside, we all hope that the Krause family stays safe amidst the problems in Paris and Brussels. Gordie Miller says that he, too, spent some time in Cuba. The Millers were there for 8 days and, like the Comisars, saw many interesting sights of their “people to people” mission. He says that Cuba is more than just fine cigars, although he planned to savor a Cohiba or two at reunion. Larry Scharbach noted that he and Frank Proietti took a skiing vaca in UT at the end of Feb. He said it was a challenging week but they did well. Their base was Salt Lake City, and each day they went to a different ski area, of which there were 6. They were with 150 members of the 70+ club where age is not a factor. It was inspiring to note that the oldest skier was 93. Larry says, “So, guys, there is still hope!” Bob Barber wrote that Paul Hauler contacted him about attending reunion. Unfortunately, he could not attend as Esther is being treated for a serious health condition. On a brighter note, Bob says, when Esther went for medical appointments, they enjoyed visits with Betsy and Bob Hersam, often meeting in Dover, NH, for lunch following those appointments.

Gene Soechtig sent word that he and Patty were back and forth between MI and CO. Since they couldn’t garden in MI, they were hoping for good spring skiing in CO! Gene and son Dan were going to leave for Belgium to tour some of the WWI battlefields. This year is the 100th anniversary of the Battles of the Somme and Verdun. The Soechtigs were looking forward to heading up to Hamilton for our 60th Reunion. He also said he’s struggling with the idea of going back to work and doing physical exams this summer. He’ll let me know who wins that struggle! I know the numbers in our class are sadly decreasing. Unfortunately, so are the numbers of you who communicate with me for the Scene. (I hope that’s not true about communication between each other!) You notice that my columns are getting shorter as our column marches inexorably toward the head of the line in the Class News section! We can’t do an “about face” on that march, but you can help by participating in the aforementioned communication! Think about it! Until next time… Jerry: 919-363-1980;

1 957 John G Stewart 6611 Ridge Rock Lane Knoxville, TN 37909-2769 Springtime in east TN is something special. I’m writing in the last week of March, having postponed things in hopes of hearing from a few more classmates, and we are about 10 days into spring. This means redbuds, dogwoods, azaleas, daffodils in uncounted number, tulips, and grass cutting. The Stewarts happen to live on a 5-acre lot with about 2 1/2 acres of grass to keep under control. Yes, I do get some help, but I also continue to do my share. This time of year it’s just great to ride around on our John Deere and watch spring unfold. But, enough of this. What’s happening with the Class of ’57? No great earth-shaking stories this time around, but some interesting personal updates (which is, after all, the main reason for this assignment). Dave Post checked in to say that he and his wife, Kay, had attended the 92nd birthday of Phil Sanford ’49 that featured a gala of more than 70 friends who celebrated Phil’s move to an assisted living arrangement near Atlanta in order to be closer to his daughters Sally and Lisa. Dave writes, “He is loved by so many and he leaves us with many memories of his positive personality and love of Colgate.” The highlight of the event happened when Phil, Dave, and daughter Lisa sang some of Colgate’s most-loved songs. “We’ll miss him!” writes Dave, who still lives in the Tampa area where he watches over his business, securities through Harbor Light Securities, LLC. Doug Barnshaw reported he was into his second month in Sedona, AZ, hiking, playing bridge, and working on his golf game, “which really needs it!” I wrote an e-mail back to Doug commenting on the spectacular red cliffs that are Sedona’s unique natural feature. This prompted a longer comment from Doug: “The red cliffs are beautiful. It has taken me 5 weeks to really feel how nature dominates here, and the power nature has over time to shape our landscape. A truly spiritual place, but it can take time to reach that level.” Doug went on to close his follow-up e-mail with a comment on the rather unusual character of this presidential election cycle. Your editor is indeed tempted to expand a bit on that observation, but I shall bite my tongue and move on to the next class news item. It’s always a pleasure to hear from frater-

nity brother Sal Paratore. He reports that he is in touch with Tony Nicotera, Sal’s roommate down in the fabled dungeon of the ATO House. In Jan, Tony had more back surgery and, as of early March, was starting to improve. “Sounds good! Spirits up!” says Sal. That is good news, indeed. As for Sal’s family, more surgery. His wife, Rosann, had ankle fusion to correct her “drop foot” that resulted from the stroke she suffered. Sal’s goal now is to get Rosann walking as the next phase of her rehab. And, wouldn’t you know it, Sal also wonders about the presidential race and whether or not The Donald has a shot. Well, maybe we’ll all know the answer to that question by the time this edition of the Scene lands on our doorsteps. Speaking of fraternity brothers, Sam Hoagland and John Hasper are the subject of a report from Ed Benhoff. Ed reports that Sam and wife Gerri pulled up stakes in NJ (saying goodbye to Lake Hopatcong must have been very hard) and moved to Punta Gorda, FL, only a short distance from “Haspie” who had arrived a couple of years ago. Ed says they all had lunch together “to renew nothing in particular, but to have a good time. Neither of us looks the worse for wear and hopefully we’ll get together again.” I’m sure Sam and Gerri miss the lake and their antique wooden boats, but so do the Stewarts. The Hoagland residence was a regular stop on the almost annual trek from Knoxville to Orient at the end of LI’s North Fork. Hampton Inns will never replace the Hoagland’s lovely home. Ed also reports that he hears now and then from Bruce Hankins via e-mail. He’s doing fine in the Maumee, OH, area. Class poet laureate George Held had a lot to report, and I’ll bet he’s the only one among us who could write that his “translations (from the Latin) of and commentary on 3 epigrams by Martial appear in the current issue of Transference, a journal of translation published by East Michigan U. For the record, George has published dozens of translations, including Martial Artist (2005). George was also kind enough to send a copy of my little book on the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for review by the publication Book/Mark. Thank you, George. Jim Aston, one of our most dependable correspondents, writes that he finally followed up with a lovely evening of cocktails and dinner with Jean and Bob Deming. Cocktails at the Astons and then out for dinner on St Patrick’s Day. It seems that Jim ran into Bob at the Lehigh game last fall and discovered that the Demings winter virtually across the street from the Astons’ condo association. The Demings have owned for a few years and Jean has found the arts scene in Sarasota to be enthralling. Dick Harder, another one of those pesky ATOs, decamps from ME to Hilton Head each winter. As I write this column, Mimsi and Dick should be getting ready to head back north. As I’ve indicated in previous columns, the Harder clan is filled with jocks. Space makes it hard to report all the details, but squash seems to be the sport of choice. Grandson Boden was a member of the Brunswick School’s national HS championship squash team and he lost only 1 match all year, in the finals at the nationals. Granddaughter Chloe plays squash at Bowdoin C on the winning varsity squad. All the grandkids are also involved in hockey and soccer. Meanwhile, off the athletic field(s), Dick and Mimsi “roll along slowly like most our age, but are happy to be above the grass as we await the new Red Sox season.” On Dick’s to-do list is getting together with John Little and his wife when they are back in ME. Dick also hopes to hook up with fraternity brother Frank McCarthy ’59 who also winters at Hilton Head.

I received a great letter from George Allen commenting on the death of his cousin and Colgate classmate Bill Allen that was covered in last fall’s Scene column. “He was a great guy and we all will miss him very much,” writes George. George then went on to summarize his career in the US Navy, all 30 years. He was commissioned an ensign in Aug 1957, served on just about anything that floats, including minesweeper, frigate, destroyer, and other ships, leading to promotion as commanding officer of the USS McCloy and the USS MacDonough. He attended the Naval War College in Newport before becoming commander of Destroyer Squadron 32 out of Norfolk, VA. George retired from the Navy in 1987 with the rank of capt. Today George and his “wonderful wife, Sandra,” live in Newport where he enjoys fishing, gardening, and beekeeping, a great combination. George and Sandra have been married for 57 years and both joined the Class of ’57’s Club of 80 that is steadily adding new members. (As an editorial aside, I should note that George’s letter delivered via the US Postal Service was just the second I’ve received since taking on this Scene assignment. Guy Martin’s handwritten letter was the first, a year or so ago.) I had scarcely hit the “send” button on my first e-mail appeal for this issue of the Scene when the phone rang. It was Doug Wilson reporting that he was still recovering from a standing-roomonly crowd at Boca Grande, FL, to hear Doug’s “brief journey into the golden age of television” where he played a critical role in the launching and development of ABC’s Wide World of Sports. The program features “memorable moments of sports greatness” from the ABC vault. Doug focused on ice skating, producing Olympic, national, and world championship programs, and becoming a close friend of Olympic and world champion Dick Button. I’ve mentioned this before, but it bears repeating. Doug’s program is a totally nonprofit endeavor designed to support whatever charitable activity is sponsoring the event. He has 3 more shows scheduled, but is available for others. Doug’s contact information is available on the alumni website. Yet another phone call brought the familiar voice of Frank Schuerholz checking in from his FL winter retreat but beginning to think maybe it was time to head back north to Middletown, NY. Those of you who have received similar calls from Frank know that it often is hard to get a word in edgewise. Yet, I managed to learn that Frank’s wife, Fay, is doing well in the aftermath of some complicated surgery and that his grandson is a UConn nursing grad who spent time in Capetown, South Africa, working in public clinics. Since Frank dislikes e-mail intensely, I have to keep a pad and pencil handy. You never know when the phone might ring. Rich Frank is keeping busy and staying out of trouble by developing a lot of photography-related projects. “Every day is so special,” says Rich. He writes about a family tradition where, taking advantage of NYC’s many movie houses, one can check out all the Oscar-nominated live action and documentary films before the awards are made. In April, Rich headed down to Culpeper, VA, for the 10th Orphan Film Symposium that is hosted by NYU and the Library of Congress. And, finally, he reported that Michael Moore’s latest film Where to Invade Next is both political and very informative. Since I have yet to see it, I’ll keep Rich’s assessment in mind. Commenting on the announcement in the fall Scene, DeWitt Gifford writes about his sadness over the death of Chuck Bollinger. DeWitt’s memories are indeed special: “He and I served together in 1969 at the NSA Hosp in DaNang, RVN. I was there at that site last week and found

the Vietnamese had built a beautiful 10-story, 600-bed hospital in the same place. Splendid!” Thank you, DeWitt. Finally, in closing, I heard from George Behling with perhaps the shortest message I’ve received to date. He writes, “Wish I had some exciting news, but I don’t. Keep up the good work.” Over and out. Well, that’s the perfect lead-in. For me to keep up the “good work” I first have to receive some exciting news from those who have not been heard from in a while. There are more than 100 of you out there. Let me hear your exciting news (or non-exciting news, for that matter). Call, e-mail, or write me a letter and entrust it to the US Postal Service. Hey, it worked for George Allen and Guy Martin. How about you? John: 865-584-3834;

19 58 Bob Woodruff 3017 West Garfield Street Seattle, WA 98199-4243 Weather report: A gorgeous day in the Pacific Northwest with the highs approaching 70 and not a cloud in the sky. This is after what seemed like months of continuous rain. Thanks to those of you who reached out for this shortened deadline and responded. Glenda and I planned to be in Poland and Ireland for a month from mid-June to mid-July, and I’m not writing while on a Rick Steves tour of Ireland! Dick Van Cleave notes that he is often in contact with Barry Mandelbaum, Ted Bocuzzi, and Jay Gilbert. Ted and Dick have a monthly lunch, and Barry and Dick delve into “a lot of mutually interesting business and social time together.” Sounds mysterious to me. The Van Cleaves spent some time this past winter at their VT home and will again this summer. The VT winter was not great this past year. Floridian Ron Colwell chimes in that there “is not much new here in FL.” He and his wife, Bertie, play tennis twice a week and “log many hours in the pool exercising body and vocal cords and ear drums.” Are you an underwater singer, Ron? Top this one: they spend considerable time sending birthday cards, often containing checks, to their combined 10 children, some 30 grandchildren, and 7 greats. Hey, Ron, my birthday (and a Big One) is the day before Thanksgiving. Do I count? They have been hosting many of their crew this season, and he wrote that during the 5 minutes that he was dropping a note to me, he also dropped a bottle of wine when it crashed from the tailgate of their Tahoe on its unloading and a cell phone took a swim in their pool along with a grandson. Nice job, Ron. “Must have been something in the Hamilton water,” quips Arthur Rashap. “As we approach our 80th year in this life and look in the mirror, I think most of us are happily surprised.” He is working with Dick Cheshire almost daily on Dick’s new book, The Indomitable Freedom Quest, with a focus on the wonderful preamble to our Constitution. Art visited with Dick in Longboat Key, FL, and is now relaxing rapturously in his “America’s Happiest City, Charlottesville, VA.” We always hear from the French contingent. Hyde Perce e-mailed a picture of Tad Brown as they both looked dapper after attending the Sunday church service at the American Church in Paris. I will post the handsome picture on the online Scene class news photo gallery. Hyde says that Tad has lived in France most of the years since graduation. Hyde, it seems that you and Ann have done your fair share of “parlaying Français.” The other half of our French twins,

News and views for the Colgate community


Robert Barton Clegg, was off at the end of May for another week of wisdom with his avocation. This time, it was off to Zermatt, in the shadow of the Matterhorn in Switzerland. Robert, hope that week was as fulfilling as your past endeavors. Mike Rudolph wrote and was concerned that his entries were not being published. I promised to check to see if I dropped the ball, which I will do. I wrote back and reminded him of the onequarter delay in time between submission and printing so hopefully I have covered my base. If not, I apologize to Mike. Keep submitting, Mike, I will get it right! I received a call from Hal Kraus ’57, a dear old friend, fellow ATO, and groomsman many years ago. He is a regular reader of our column — that is, after he completes his reading of his class column by John Stewart ’57. We had a wonderful hour-long chat and he says he never misses reading about our classmates. The Class of ’58 may even develop a global reputation some day! So, our expanding reputation requires great submissions from all of you. Thanks for your spirit. Bob: 206-550-6715;

1 959 Paul W Beardslee The Riverside Retreat Rt 1 Box 59-1 Elkins, WV 26241-9711 It has become very apparent that the words appearing herein must remain “time insensitive.” Case in point: several classmates have been referenced in recent submissions only to leave us before their stories reached your eyes! That challenge will always be there, so my use of our “e-blast” program became even more vital. At least timeliness will not be an issue, but such does reiterate our need to have all classmates on our “e-mail” roster. If, as you read this, you realize Colgate does not have your “e” address, perhaps you could rectify such by contacting the alumni office! Hopefully, our news this round is not time sensitive as such (this is being submitted in April). Roomie Bill “Scoop” Seibert wrote back in Feb telling us that he and Joyce spent some FL time with friends (former “neighbors”) and that, on their return, hooked up with Renny Bowers and Sandy near Hilton Head. Scoop and Renny are distantly related, in addition to being fellow Phi Psis. We’ve not, at this writing, had any additional words from Renny regarding that topic referenced in an earlier issue. Jack Oehrle forwarded a great update. Still working, covering 3 hospitals, Jack still gets to Long Lake each summer. In fact, he has/had a 1952 Crisscraft Runabout up for sale at the time of his note. Jack also expanded on his acquisition of the 2 new companions (calico cats). Jack said that Lee wanted to get a cat before she left us. While such did not quite happen, Jack’s grandson helped “make it happen” after the fact — “honoring” Lee with 2 cats. As Jack tells it, the time was around the time of Ken Burns The Roosevelts on TV. So Jack named them Theodore and Franklin! We assume that he has them nicknamed Teddie and Frankie since most calicos are female. Right, Jack?! We’ve had several contacts with Nikki and Jerry Potter over the last few months, one discussing Harry Mariani. By the time you read this, the Potters will have visited Harry’s villa in Tuscany. That trip was but one of the many over the last year (family reunions, college graduations, retirement parties, and, of course, a “sports fix” at Colgate). Jerry sent a nice article about Jim 48

scene: Summer 2016

Dickinson. He also mentioned that the Colgate Thirteen will be returning to Louisville, perhaps following March Madness! One of these days we need to hook up with the Potters because we both have lots of PA connections (Somerset is only 2 hours north, Jerry!). Lew Thurston sent a note and a nice Christmas message. The Thurstons celebrated #50 in Feb, reminding us that time flies! Lew mentioned Harry’s obituary in NY papers and Gary Reitzas updated us on the funeral attended by a large crowd. Pete Scull joined Gary on LI. As Gary put it, Harry had 2 loves — his family and Colgate! Hence Anne sent Harry “on his way” in his Colgate pants, T-shirt, sweater, and hat! Gary and Pete tell me they are thinking/planning a Mariani tribute in Hamilton in the near future. My e-blast may be the alerting vehicle! Bill Doescher sent a great note and tribute to Harry in which he referenced several personal experiences he had with Harry and others. I shall forward it to Gary, suggesting that Bill present it at the Hamilton event. By the way, did any of you remember that our mates (Harry, Bill, Charlie Hagenah) together with Phil Bisselle ’58 and Jack Nichols ’55, made up the b-ball team that won the 1st Annual Utica YMCA basketball tournament in April 1959?! The name of that team: Victory Body Works! Fred Woodruff and John Maurer were also team members; Fred’s dad being the bench boss! It should also be mentioned that Bill is doing well, is “semi-retired” doing PR type things, and was elected (back in Jan) president of the PR Society of America, NY Chapter. Bill’s list of awards and accomplishments is not only extensive, but it deserves a whole separate report. Way to go, Bill, and thanks for all the stories. Again, our supply of holiday messages included several notes from classmates. Brad Tufts and Lori have had several trips since our last missive (TX, New Orleans, Spain, the Caribbean, and family stops in OH and PA). Brad had the opportunity to be an “announcer” in his 15th volunteer year at the RBC Heritage Golf Tournament at Harbour Town (Hilton Head). Brad worked the 18th green! Brad still serves on the board of the local Boy’s and Girl’s Club. Dick Keating has had an interesting year “divided among writing and exploring the planet on various scales.” His tome on botany technique appeared a year ago and he has a field guide to Pere Marquette State Park now in production. Dick has had trips to Alberta and ME (he co-taught a course in plant anatomy and microscope technique at Eagle Hill Institute). The highlight trip was a trek in Bhutan where he and a group of others explored a rugged Himalayan Valley for 9 days. Their base camp was located at 13,400’. (The highest mountain in that country is 24,000’.) Dick said his flight home took him past Mt Everest, “which is as close” as he expects to get to that peak! Where to next, Dick? Susan and Dave Beattie updated us on Colgate athletic exploits, noting that 2 Patriot League championships were garnered (soccer, football) plus “Coach of the Year” for Dan Hunt, our reunion speaker in ’14. Susan and Dave were/ are ardent followers of the football and hockey squads — the only interruption being a Feb FL trip. A brief note came from Nan and Dave Bowman telling us they have sold their Hilton Head home so VA is now home full time! Dave did say visits are welcomed! Bill Williams indicated that the family spent its 3rd year at Turks and Caicos, celebrating #55 a year early! Bill has finished 6 months of chemo successfully. However, he is still dealing with other health issues. Faith and attitude have been powerful counterpunches! Carol and Bill still travel, the most recent a Viking Cruise on the

Elbe River (he rode a ship, I rode a bike on that route!). Another European trip is on the calendar, so Bill will be expected to be “reporting in” before long. We will keep you posted! We had some nice Christmas notes from Bev (John) Leyden, Bruce Holran ’56, and Marian Blanchard, my Scene contact back when I started this “mission.” For those who remember Marian, she is now in her 90th year! Bev still involves herself in Hebron Academy activities where John was headmaster. Tildy and Bill Davenport were referenced, so we are hopeful a note will be forthcoming from Stone Ridge, NY, soon! We had mentioned earlier that we lost Harry Mariani this past winter. In addition, (this message went out via an e-blast) we have lost 2 more mates. Tom Ireland and Eric Gabrielson both left us over the winter. Ironically, Tom had written last summer; his “news” was shared in one of our more recent Scenes. Details are unknown for both, but I have written the wives on behalf of our class (Abby for Tom; Donna for Eric). Should any of you wish to contact the families, addresses follow: Abby Ireland, Apt 105, 7190 W Houghton Lake Dr, Houghton Lake, MI 48629. Donna Gabrielson, 217 Meadowlark Rd, Horseheads, NY 14845. Finally, belated word was received of yet another loss back in 2015, Dave DeRevere. I have no additional information. If any of you have details, please send them. Our losses are escalating! Let’s hope we can push the “pause button” for a bit longer! Meanwhile, please join me in sending a hearty bon voyage to Harry, Tom, Eric, and Dave. We will “tribute” you all soon on Whitnall Field! As we close for another round, please note my plea at the outset of this missive. Timing matters! Here’s hoping our readers are still “doing good works,” are well, and will keep in touch. Cheers to all. Call, write, or e-mail. Paul: 304-591-4311;

1960 Stephen Greenbaum PH6 4242 Stansbury Avenue Sherman Oaks, CA 91423-4265 Harry E Gould Jr is pleased to report that as part of his pro bono activities (which include being a member of the Columbia Business School Board of Overseers, a trustee emeritus at Colgate, and a board member of the Roundabout Theatre, the country’s largest nonprofit theater organization), he was involved in the largest commercial real estate transaction of 2015. This transaction’s value was $3 billion more than the 2nd largest, which was the sale of 11 Madison Ave (a prior headquarters location for his former company) to SL Green for $2.3 billion. The referenced transaction was the sale of Peter Cooper Village and Peter Stuyvesant Town to Blackstone and one of the largest institutional investors in Canada, the Caisse de Depot, for $5.3 billion. The linchpin that allowed the deal to take place was for the NYC Housing Development Corporation (HDC), of which Mr Gould is vice chairman, to lend the city $150 million by issuing a subordinated debenture in that amount to compensate for the city waiving the transfer tax of approximately $120 million. In return, the city received a commitment to keep approximately 50% of the 11,200+ apartments “affordable” for the next 20 years. Mr Gould stated that after being a mayoral appointee to this state agency (HDC) for the last 39 years, the transaction was one of the more satisfying during his tenure. HDC is the largest “affordable” housing finance agency

in the country and with the past and present management stewardship maintains a AA/ AA+ rating. In addition, HDC originated, at closing, a $3.15 billion first mortgage, which has subsequently been assumed by Wells Fargo. [Ed note: I know I speak for the class in congratulating you for your accomplishments, which have benefited so many.] Jerry Quill (Ed note: Jerry has been president of the Silver Puck Club for many years) writes: “The hockey team officially closed Starr Rink with the last regular season games over the Feb 26–27 weekend. The team won both games against RPI and Union. Joe Wignot and Dave Eldon were in attendance to say good-bye to the old barn where they initiated play in Dec 1959. Joe dropped the ceremonial puck for the game against Union on Saturday afternoon. Great to see Dell and Joe again, as well as Dave. At the Silver Puck banquet on Saturday evening, more than 240 attendees watched the teams that first played at Starr receive the replica 1960 jerseys worn by the team in the win against Union a few hours earlier and to see Murray Decock ’80 receive a well-deserved Silver Puck Award for his support of the hockey program and his critical input in seeing that the new rink, the Steve J Riggs ’65 Rink, become a reality. Great speeches by Coach Vaughan and Dave Conte ’71 topped off a magical evening for Colgate hockey, and thanks to Michelle Reese who organized and scheduled everything perfectly.” Dave Eldon added a further note: “Joe dropped the puck at the start of game as he was team captain and scored the 1st goal against Cornell. His number was 11 and #11 scored the last goal for Colgate in the great building. I received a perfect pass from Joe and we ended the 10 seconds of overtime with the win over Cornell in 1959. The final picture of us at this great event shows myself and Joe, along with teammates from the Class of ’61: Rich Scott, Clint Rappole, Terry Stater, and Joe Hines in our replica jerseys.” (Ed note: Looks to me like you guys could still score a ton of goals.) Art Merovick writes: “I admit to not enjoying retirement one bit: board work, grandchildren, and 3-putting are fine, but just don’t do it for me. I am spending more and more time traveling to NY (Carolyn and I live in Santa Barbara). Seeing old friends, former students, and family — that what makes for great fun!” [Ed note: Art, thanks for the attaboy.] Charlie Ehin writes: “Here is a link to an interview I did in Tallinn in Sept 2014 when I spoke there at the Occupations Museum about my story, as did several other people: https:// The interview lasted 2 hours, but they did a good job editing it down to 10 minutes and included English subtitles. They have been doing these interviews for the past 2 years with the fast-disappearing WWII generation who were either able to flee from the Russians like me or were rounded up and sent to Siberia after the country was occupied (and somehow survived) or who suffered at home like my sister. The dedication of the opening of the ‘educational platform’ for these videos will take place at the Occupations Museum in Tallinn on March 25. It’s scheduled at the same time as the commemoration of the horrific and senseless bombing of Tallinn by the Russians on March 25, 1944. Most of the casualties during that raid were children, women, and old men. These short videos will be used by Estonian schools around the country when they study WWII history. They are intended to be ‘live’ personal examples as to what transpired from 1939–1991. One must remember that Estonia didn’t regain

its independence from the Russians until Aug 20, 1991.” Jim Christopher writes: “I was awarded the Judges’ Choice prize for my watercolor painting, A Gathering of Orchids, at the Virginia Beach Flower and Garden Expo in Feb. A first for me! Makes retirement more fun.” [Ed note: Jim, perhaps you can send a link for next issue so we can all admire your picture.] Howie Goldberg writes: “I’m busy these days practicing medical and cosmetic dermatology in Swampscott, MA. My latest venture is making people slimmer by freezing fat off with our new CoolSculpting machine. I’m fortunate to be happily married to Betsy and having 3 children and 5 grandchildren.” Bob White and Tony Purpura went old school (seems fine with me) and returned the double postcard. Tony’s wife, Julia, died 4 years ago. He still is working part time in his medical practice in Brooklyn, though he retired from his NY Medical Examiner position after 25 years. He also had coached HS and USA swimming teams for 30 years, and retired from these tasks 3 years ago. He is the past-president of the Staten Island YMCA board, retired member of the Staten Island Academy board, and a retired Lt Commander of the US Navy. He had lumbar stenosis surgery almost 2 years ago, still recuperating and looking forward to get back to golfing. Bob has moved and is “doing well in the laid-back atmosphere of the Hill Country of Fredericksburg, TX.” Being an LA resident and, therefore, Lakers fan, I perked up a bit when our fading star, Kobe Bryant, had his post-game interview after getting “posterized,” a bball term for having an opponent dramatically dunk the ball into the basket despite the defender’s best effort to block it. He was dunked on that night by the New Orleans Pelicans’ Ryan Anderson. Kobe then said the last time he got dunked on was “a long, long time ago by Adonal Foyle.” We know Adonal as one of Colgate’s finest basketball players. He is an activist working through his Kerosene Lamp Foundation to help kids learn, be healthy, and become leaders. Looks like Colgate will never forget Adonal, nor will Kobe. I recall a few months ago (don’t remember the motivation) when I ran outside my grandson’s house. He exclaimed, “Grandpa, you can run!” I look forward to hearing from you so that your classmates can be kept up-to-speed, even though most of us are slowing down. Jack Blanchard ’60 writes: “On a warm early April afternoon, Colgate alumni, family, and friends from the Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale Clubs were treated to a very timely special presentation titled Is American Democracy Broken: What Would the Founding Fathers Say about American Politics Today? It was delivered by Professor Robert Kraynak, professor of political science, dir, Center for Freedom & Western Civilization, with an engaging question and answer session that was very much as we might have experienced when we were on campus. “We were hosted by Colgate alumnus Kevin Ross ’94, pres of Lynn U, along with former student and good friend of Prof Kraynak, Richard Stone ’81. Following the presentation, Kevin Ross treated the attendees to a behind-the-scenes look of when Lynn University hosted the 2012 presidential election debate. There were interesting insights into just how much was involved in staging that national event. Kevin and Lynn have been ardent supporters of Colgate alumni events over the years and are greatly appreciated.” (Visit the photo gallery at the top of the class news online to see a photo that Jack sent from the event.) Steve: 818-999-2777; 788-2557 (F);

1961 Kent Blair Quail Ridge Country Club 4535 Sanderling Circle West Boynton Beach, FL 33436-5120 As I write this, it is late March, and Prudy and I are still in the early stages of renovating our new place in FL. Although the demo phase is mostly completed, we haven’t yet received approval from the county to begin any new construction. This means that we’ll be making several trips to FL this summer to keep tabs on developments. Hopefully, by the time I next write this column, the house will be close to completion. In any event, it is what it is, and so far we’re happy we undertook this project. Now, here’s the news. Sadly, we recently lost another classmate, Jim Dougherty. Also, Curt Brockelman’s wife, Lynn, passed after a tough battle with cancer. He was grateful, however, that she had been able to attend a large family gathering in Big Sky, MT, last summer. Curt is still working at Morgan Stanley with his daughter Ellen Bailey ’94. They have been partners for 20 years. She allows him a week off now and then to pursue his 2 favorite hobbies, flying his plane and fishing. He was planning a fly fishing trip to Cuba. Curt also enjoys being spoiled by his kids and watching his grandchildren play sports and perform in plays and concerts. Early this year, Jon Adler checked in before his annual jazz cruise with a group of friends from MA. Jon retired a few months ago, and he and Sunny were scheduled to rent a place in Naples, FL, for 4 months this winter. A while back, Jon told me that he had taken up golf. Since he failed to mention his progress in our conversation, I assume that he is having the same degree of frustration as I have lived with for 20 years. Winchester Hospital, where Jon practiced medicine for many years, recently named a new surgical/ oncology floor in his honor. Brett Beazley is thinking about organizing a follow-up reunion around the Richmond game this fall. Please let him know of your interest at Andy Buchs is working 3 mornings a week and loving it. He sent a picture of himself and Arnie Palmer with the caption, “Eat your hearts out, fellow golfers.” George Davis continues to put all of his energy on “Saving the Planet — A Computer Game & TV Series to Fight Climate Change.” Bob Swartz is also closely involved with this project. Fred Hubig assists by taking George to lunch on Sundays to provide a break for his monastic writer’s existence. Ross Jackson will not be able to make our 55th because he became ill while wintering in FL. He and Alice planned to return to OH in April to meet with his family doctor and a team of specialists to determine exactly what happened. Ross, our prayers are with you. Tom Jackson bought a fixer-upper in Friday Harbor, WA, to be by his sister and hoped to move in by summer. He also purchased a new computer and his first iPad. Tom says he doesn’t do technology that well, so his sister is going to get him started. Tom also joined a chess club and is playing again after several months away from the board. Finally, he’s making a learning project about the War of the Roses, especially Edward IV and his more infamous younger brother, Richard III. Tom always thought that Richard suffered a bum deal from history and Shakespeare, and he is researching this king by reading esoteric books on this period. Anyone who wants to follow up with Tom on this topic can reach him at In Feb, Joan and Bob Jones did their usual “snowbird escape” in FL and Hilton Head. They attended a nice Colgate lunch in Sarasota. Although no other ’61ers were present, they heard an interesting talk by Robert Turner, prof of economics and environmental studies, on the economic impact of our national parks. Prudy and I attended a Colgate lecture by Robert Kraynak, prof of political science, titled Is American Democracy Broken? This talk was held at Lynn U in Boca Raton, whose pres is Kevin Ross ’94. A lively discussion followed about the current election cycle. Bill Kaiser recently got together with Bill Romanos at their 50th Reunion of Tufts Med School. They reminisced about their good times at Colgate and sadly recalled those of our classmates who have passed on. At the reunion, Bill presented several interesting cases from his work as an expert witness in the surgical medicolegal field. One case in particular was that of a woman who claimed that her doctor had failed to perform screening tests for a certain type of uncommon inheritable cancer that her parents had and she subsequently developed. It turned out that on very close reading of the 1,600+ page medical record, he discovered that her true biological parents were unknown, because she had been adopted. End of story for her claim. Bill Romanos, who is a practicing psychiatrist in FL, gave an extemporaneous talk on the dangers of marijuana as a gateway drug. John Stockton checked in from Hamilton and said that Seven Oaks golf course opened in March, much earlier than usual because of the lack of snow this winter. He’s been on his deck many evenings this year having a night cap with just his CU hoodie. Not quite the same winters that we remember! Gail is recovering gradually from the 3 surgeries she’s had over the past year. John is setting up an Erie Canal day trip for his Life Long Learning program. Rosemary and Howie Stein are hanging in there with the normal aches and pains. He ran into John DaGrosa’s son and heard that Ox is not doing well. Ted Streppa recently was juried into the Naples Art Crafters, a local organization of artists from SW FL. Ted now has a booth at the monthly art and craft shows where he sells his stained glass jewelry boxes, sun catchers, and Picasso women. He also teaches stained glass art to adults 1–2 times a week. Early this year, Ted was talking to a gentleman at one of these shows and after a few minutes he discovered that this fellow, Paul Anderson, was a fraternity brother in the Class of ’63. Ted and Alice met Paul and his wife for dinner shortly thereafter and had a great time talking about old times in the Chenango Valley. Charlie Warner is pulling together a bunch of classmates for our reunion. Thanks! He and Joann, along with his brother-in-law and his wife, were planning a weekend trip to Santa Barbara, CA, for a mini-reunion with some people who were on their trip to Cambodia/Vietnam last year. Shortly after reunion, Sally and Bill Swezey are scheduled to take a cruise through Burgundy on the Rhone River. They’ll spend a few days in Barcelona before the trip and some time in London afterward. Lyle Voss and Patty remain in good health, and he is still doing forensic psychiatry with no plans to retire. He’s good at this and lousy at golf, so he says. A granddaughter is in the Olympic swimming trials this summer. Kent: 561-731-5331 (winter); 908-277-3295 (summer);

19 6 2 Stuart Angert 94 Harbridge Manor Amherst, NY 14221 Dick Moller wrote, “I bought my wife this great bumper sticker that proclaimed ‘I Have One of the Few Good Men,’ and what do you think she did? She tried to auction me off at a charity dinner. After checking with the dean’s office at Colgate, all the good-looking buyers said, ‘Forget it!’ They all wished her good luck at our 50th wedding anniversary party. Semper Fi.” Dick, for those of us who love you and know you well, of 2 facts we may be certain: 1) You married up … and your wife settled, and 2) Your wife will have a special place in heaven. It is evident from his initial comment that little has transpired in the life of Beau Clark (only belied by the dialogue that follows). “Sorry to say that you’re beating a dead horse here because I sent you everything I know last time around. However, if you want something: Cape Cod is flirting with spring (just like we undergraduates used to do with the Caz girls…) but it is supposed to snow once again this weekend. Geez, it’s almost April — come on, good weather! On another note, I am still singing with the Outer Cape Chorale (some 150 voices), and after 10 years, we now have a new, very talented female director. We’re doing some different kinds of music this time around for our 3 concerts in May. And speaking of singing, the Vintage Thirteen is gathering in Washington, DC, this fall, which should, as always, be lots of fun. Our classmate Dan Adams, who passed away last year, will be sorely missed this time. Jennifer and I have now been married 41 years, and our combined ages are a nice round 150 years. And just so I don’t get the same comment I got from our minister at church when we stood up to celebrate our birthdays, she is not 50 and I am not 100! Nothing else to expound upon from the Lower Cape (Cod). See you all at our next reunion, whenever that may be!” Well, my plea for participation awakened Terry Connolly. “I feel like the kid who never spoke a word for his first 5 years in spite of continual prodding and professional help. When he finally spoke and was asked what the problem was, he said, ‘I just didn’t have anything to say.’ Here goes: I spent the weekend of Feb 26–27 at the ’gate for Silver Puck Weekend. It was the final 2 regularly scheduled men’s hockey games at Starr Arena. Because I played in the 1st game at Starr, I thought it fitting to return for the last games. Additional participants in the 1st game and attending the last games from our class were Clint Rappole and Dick Scott. From the Class of 1960 were Joe Wignot and Dave Eldon. Joe scored the 1st Colgate goal at Starr. He dropped the ceremonial opening puck. Joe Hine ’60/’61 manager was there to keep us on schedule. Colgate won both games against Union and RPI. The current team wore replicas of our 1959 jerseys, which were presented to us at the banquet. The new Class of 1965 Arena and the Steve Riggs rink will open Oct 1. Quickly shuttling to FL, I played 18 holes at the Redstick Golf Club in Vero Beach with the Colgate golf team lead by Coach Keith Tyburski. This was arranged by Fritz Blaicher ’61. These young lads came to FL with pale skin, but very long drives. By the end of the round, their color improved along with their short games. This is a fine group of young men with great athletic skill and academics to boot! They are perfect ambassadors for the ’gate. This summer, I will be at my usual spot in Westport, MA, trying to catch a

News and views for the Colgate community


striped bass or break par. I’ll catch up with Dock Murdock and Demi Read who both live close by, and maybe even see Lee Woltman ’65, who is a noted fisherman.” Thanks, Terry. Congratulations to Joe Medved on his new additions to the family. “Sorry I’m late, but I claim 2 good excuses: a 5-month-old granddaughter and a 6-week-old granddaughter. Both are healthy and doing well. At my age, this could be considered a ‘challenge.’ I don’t remember who, but one of our classmates reflected around the time of our 50th about how there are guys like me and others with great-grandchildren. They really are beautiful, and our 3rd and 4th grandchildren. The 2 little girls basically just sleep, eat, and look around. They can’t even move anywhere. But my wife and I are exhausted after spending 4–6 hours with them. It’s amazing the impact a new child has on an entire family. Peg and I live in NH. My sister in PA and her daughter are driving up for the 2nd time in 6 weeks. My sister in OH is flying here next week. My sister-in-law in OH spent 2 weeks over Christmas with us. It reminds me of the song “When a Child is Born.” Joe, all the very best for these precious grandchildren for the next 100 years. Bob Wyckoff and his wife remain actively engaged in their community. “Not much new. Eileen and I still revel in the CA central coast environment. I am preparing to run for my 5th term on the Vandenberg Village Community Services District Board of Directors (we supply water and take away that which you do not want

any more). Eileen remains on the Santa Barbara County Historical Landmarks Advisory Commission, and we are both on the local Pops Orchestra Board of Directors. Glad to hear the good news from Betty and Ted Whittier. My English lit degree from Colgate is what enabled my 2 careers, space and missiles; the Air Force was looking for engineers. They selected me because my educational background was listed as ENG. They sent me anyway.” Barry Feldman and his wife, Fern, have sired a multigenerational dynasty at Colgate. “Fern and I are pleased to report that our granddaughter Allison Feldman will be starting at Colgate in the fall of 2016. This will be the 3rd generation of Feldmans as Allison is the daughter of our son Jonny Feldman ’90. His other daughter, Sarah, is age 16. Our other son, David Feldman ’89, has 4 boys ranging in age from 7–15. Colgate awaits. Another family member, our nephew Danny Rosen, is currently a sophomore at ’Gate. In other news, I am now fully retired from Feldman Orthodontics in Cheshire and Wallingford, CT, where I practiced orthodontics for 45 years — the last 19 years with both Jonny and David. I have enjoyed my role as president of the Colgate Club of New Haven, CT, and working as an alumni admissions representative for Colgate. At least 20 years of hosting congratulatory receptions and send-off parties has been amazingly satisfying. What Colgate gave to me educationally has served me well, and I’m pleased to be giving back in whatever way I can.” Barry sent a handsome



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scene: Summer 2016

photo of David, Jonny, Ally, and himself clad in their Colgate colors, taken at the recent Quinnipiac/Colgate Women’s Hockey game in Hamden, CT. See it in this issue’s “Colgate Seen” sidebar. Brad Baker queried whether he could submit political commentary for our column. Colgate provides guidelines on topics that we may not address, and one of those is the political arena. One can imagine the rhetoric that would be generated if this territory were open to our perspectives! Gordon Watson continues to live the life of leisure. “I have moved from Bronxville to Palm Desert to be closer to my daughter Sybil ’98 who lives in LA and works for Google. My son Gordon ’01 is a partner in a Chicago-based private equity firm. I just watch my handicap go up! My wife, Mary, is a golf and bridge nut.” My wish for you, Gordon, is that each year through 110 you continue to shoot your age. Ted Vaill will soon receive his 50-Year Pin for unbroken submissions to the Scene. “I recently returned from Oxford, England, where I witnessed my daughter Sarah graduate from New College, Oxford, with a master’s degree in international human rights law. She was part of a class of 28 or so from around the world, and most of the classmates were lawyers and judges. Sarah has only a BA from Duke. New College is one of Oxford’s oldest colleges founded in 1379, and one of its most beautiful (some of the Harry Potter films were filmed there). We had dinner in the Turf Tavern on the New College grounds, an ancient tavern. The graduation ceremony in the Sheldonian Theatre, designed by Christopher Wren in the 1690s, was done in Latin. Sarah took the course online and attended the summer session 2 years ago at Oxford while pregnant, and the summer session last year with her 8-monthold boy Leandro. I just returned from my 8th CA Democratic Convention in San Jose as an elected delegate. I have been doing a lot of babysitting this year for my 2 grandchildren — a real joy.” Ted alerted us to a Colgate-sponsored cruise that he will be taking Oct 8–16 on Oceania’s Riviera (1,250 guests) from the port of Rome to Barcelona. If you are interested in joining Ted, please call 800-842-9023 for details. Staterooms start at $4,998/couple, including airfare. Joyce and I are spending the season at our condominium in Naples. We had the pleasure of seeing Ricki and Ed Klopfer ’65 once again this year. We were blessed with the visit of our daughter Meredith ’94, son-in-law (son) Alex ’91, and our 3 granddaughters for a week here in FL each of the last 3 months — a true gift. We return to Buffalo next month and will host Colgate’s congratulatory reception for admitted students, as we have for many years. It’s energizing to meet bright, committed students with a passion for pursuing excellence in education. We will spend the month of May in MT with our son Josh and his growing family; another granddaughter expected this week. Six precious grandchildren. Summer in the Adirondacks. Stay well. Stuart: 716-835-1405;

1963 Larry Arnold 1 Woodvine Lane Lake Wylie, SC 29710 Ron Glenn wrote in Jan after hearing of a classmate’s passing that such news reminds him of how important it is to spend time with friends and family each day; and it is a pleasant activity also. Those sentiments caused Ron to reach out to Carl Langbert’s son Bret for a delightful

breakfast and time to learn that Nancy Langbert is doing well in NC. The occasion was a time to reminisce about dinners with the Glenns and Langberts in Atlantic City when Carl was president of the NJ Dental Society. Becky and Pete O’Neill are hosting many of the Phi Gamms in Tequesta, FL, for a dinner and a mini-reunion this April. Expected to attend are Ron Glenn, John Cushman, Art Irwin, Tom Hirschen, Roger Bush, Chi McClean, Mike Batza, and their spouses. Pete was “adopted” a couple years ago as a Phi Gamm, but remains true to his vows of secrecy as to what really went on in the DKE chapel besides study hours. Several months ago I received a request from Roger Bush to refrain from mentioning events in his life until something really significant occurred. It did: Roger became a grandparent for the 1st time early this year and will celebrate his 2nd grandchild later this year. Congratulations! This gives each of us the chance to revisit what it was like to hold our 1st grandchild, think about the wonderful things their lives hold in store, how we look forward to being a part of their experiences, and remember how the thrill of holding a grandchild for the 1st time never became commonplace! I had a special time last month when my Charlotte neighbor Peter Browning joined me for lunch in SC. Peter and I really did not connect until the 50th Reunion, but our shared Colgate experience gives us a frame of reference that allowed us to find other things we have shared through the years. The one I’ll mention is a love of our world and being a part of it through hiking, camping, and, for Peter at least, kayaking and cycling. I’ll finish this segment by saying I’m envious that Peter has retained such meaningful contacts and associations with Colgate. Philanthropy is part of it, but more important are the time and talents he gives to students as they prepare for careers and a life beyond college. These notes are short because I did not reach out to you for comments. Please help me by sending in your thoughts, your activities, and generally what’s going on in your life. Larry: 803-831-1440;

19 6 4 Richard J Johnson 22 Goose Point Lane Box 1825 Duxbury, MA 02331-5120 Hope you are all having a great 2016. Looks like we have to wait yet another year for the Patriots to finally win the Super Bowl. I know you are all just as heartbroken over this as all of us here in merry old New England. Of course, playing year after year without a 1st round draft choice does make it just a bit harder. To pay $41 million a year for Roger the Dodger Goodell, what a joke! There is no justice! Oh, the humanity! Pete Jaeger dropped me a note recently with an update on things down in NC. In spite of some medical issues, Pete is keeping active as a co-owner with his wife, Gael, of a horse boarding business on their horse farm in Chapel Hill. They closed out a breeding and training operation 6 years ago due to a decline on equine industry economy and reopened as a boarding facility. At the same time, he and Gael organize and run 2 antique shows, one each in the spring and fall ( and www. Pete also keeps in close contact with his cousin Bruce Denike ’65 who is godfather to his oldest daughter, Jamie. Jamie and her husband, Michael, have become close friends with Bruce and Barbara Denike (in

spite of the age difference) and visit them both in NYC and in Avon, NJ. Pete says that he is in touch with Tom Wycall as well and hopes to see him in the not-too-distant future. Thanks, Pete; buy Tom a drink for us. Mike Foley responded to my question as to how his grandson had done in the MN State Hockey Tournament that, while Chase’s team, St Thomas Academy, had unfortunately lost in the finals of the playoffs and therefore had not qualified for the tournament, Chase did have a very good year personally, and had, in fact, received the Rookie of the Year Award at the team banquet. So, way to go, Chase! It obviously was all your grandfather’s brilliant insights into the game that led to your success. Mike also said that while Wayzata won the state championship, STA did gain some solace in that they beat Wayzata 5–0 during the regular season. Hockey is such a strange game, you just never know… PJ and Al Chagan sent a great New Year’s letter designed to explain why they disappeared in 2015 for great spans of time. After finding out what they have been up to, I’m surprised they surfaced at all. Among the many “special events” was Matthew’s marriage to Philippa (Pip) Jones, a very special young Brit, in an 800-year-old church in Nutfield, Surrey, England. The trip included a trip to Bath, where Al took a bath (sorry, Juho, that was really weak), and several other beautiful sites. Later in the year, Pip and Matt presented PJ and Al with their 1st granddaughter, Greta Charlotte Chagan. A big change occurred in Aug when the Chagans sold their home in Wayne, PA, after 30+ years and moved to Savannah, GA. The hardest part was that they had lived close to their son Jebb, his wife, Julie, and 5-yearold Matthew. The good news is that in Savannah they are 5 minutes from their daughter Heidi, her husband, Clark, and their 3 grandsons Cole, Nathan, and Jack. They love their new cozy, lowcountry style home, the beach (15 min away), and the warmer climate. All 13 Chagans (very Colgate appropriate) celebrated Christmas together in Savannah and had a memorable time. PJ and Al once again say they are taking in visitors, so I suggest making your reservations early so they can stock up on enough steak and lobsters, etc. None of our class was able to get back for the Silver Puck Weekend, which included the last games and celebration of the closing of the Starr Hockey Rink in late Feb. Bob Meehan ’65 and John McGonagle ’65 did make it back, as well as 4 players who played in the 1st game in 1959. As reported by the Parrot, they were Terry Connolly ’62, goalie, captain, and pride of White Bear Lake, MN; the immortal Clint Rappole ’62, asst captain from Alex Bay, NY; the handsome and formally shifty Dick Scott ’62; and “one other gent who wore #11 and scored the 1st goal at the rink (Bob’s words).” Bob noted that as fate would have it, another #11, Jake Kulevich ’17, ended up scoring the last (men’s) goal ever in the rink that weekend. Bob said that he had spoken to Don Vaughan about the possibility of retiring Steve Riggs’s #15 jersey and said it was under consideration. Currently, there are no retired jerseys. It sounds like a good idea to me. Steve Steele sent along a couple of excellent photos of Terry and Clint with their counterparts from this year’s Colgate team, Charlie Finn ’17 and Sebastian Weberg ’18. Sounds like a great weekend; wish we had been able to be there. Mike Jukoski and I are already planning to be at the fall weekend when they open the new Steve Riggs Rink. Let’s have a big turnout for that. We received a recent photo of a beautiful new little baby named Tenley, born to Sjoukje Brown, daughter of Elze and Kurt Brown. You just know Kurt was beaming. Please notice after all these

years I am finally spelling Elze properly. Elze was kind enough to blame Kurt, saying he sort of Americanized it on their wedding license. Very Tonto-like, seizing the day! I heard from Jim Mather again in Feb when he sent me the full transcript of his trip through Canada and America — wow — it is amazing to say the least. He was in Las Vegas when he sent it with an old high school friend named Sharon Simpson. Sounds like “love at 2nd sight” to me. Jane and Mike Heffernan and family (including movie star Kevin Heffernan ’90 and his wife, Dr Sue Calder ’90) are lying on the beach in Captiva, FL, (no, folks, that is not a beached great white whale) and soaking up the fabulous weather, and I suspect that Mike is soaking up all available food and drink as well. Just around the corner, Marty and Don Wilmot ’66 are combing the beach for that great, undiscovered seashell that has eluded Don all these many years. Let the good times roll! Deni and I had a great time in Feb in Mexico with everyone in our family. All 16 of us made it, including our new twin grandkids Brady and Natasha, 1 years old on April 5. Included in the clan were Red Raiders Kerry Johnson ’94 and Rick Johnson ’90. Thanks to Dan Baird, Biff Atwater, Jeff Smith ’66, and Doug Stay ’67 for sending me all of those amusing e-mails, some of which actually even get through our compliance dept. And, Steve Steele is back to doing his usual excellent job of chronicling Colgate events and history, along with Bob “Parrot” Meehan ’65. It must be something about those Air Force pilots. Shortly, I will be seeing Peter Nichols ’65, Terry MacLaughlin ’68, and Steve Theall ’66 on the golf course, so all will be right with the world. Have a great summer, but take a few minutes to drop us a note so your classmates will know “wazzup” with more of you. Stay healthy, my friends… Dick: 855-244-2998;

196 5 Garner Simmons 22126 Providencia Street Woodland Hills, CA 91364-4133 In the fall of 1961 when we arrived on campus, we were the first class to enjoy the full benefits of the newly erected Reid Athletic Center, a state-of-the-art indoor facility that contained a field house, locker rooms, a bowling alley, and hockey rink that would eventually be named for the redoubtable Howie Starr who had taught and coached at Colgate over 4 decades with time off for service in both WWI and WWII. Last year at this time, we as a class stepped up to meet the challenge by raising a significant portion of the funds needed to erect a new state-of-the-art athletic facility to replace Reid and to be named The Class of 1965 Arena. Designed to host a wide variety of events from speakers to debates to athletic contests, it will also house the Steven J Riggs ’65 Hockey Rink. As a result, Feb 27 saw the final Colgate home hockey game ever to be played in Starr Rink. Present as Colgate defeated Union were John McGonagle and Bobby Meehan, plus Terry Connolly ’62, Clint Rappole ’62, Dick Scott ’62 (all of whom had played in the 1st game ever skated at Starr) and the ageless Gerry Quill ’60. Though unable to attend, “Mover” Mike Jukoski ’64 has promised to definitely be there when the puck drops for the 1st time in Riggs Rink Oct 1. Among other members of the Class of ’65 in attendance was Peter Clark, who drove over from Cooperstown and writes: “I made it back to Colgate last weekend for the final hockey game at Starr Rink. Very

exciting game, but a bittersweet night witnessing the last official game to be played in the ‘old barn.’ There was a ceremonial puck drop before the game, an introduction of members of the 1st team to play at Starr in 1959, and the reading of the names of many of the returning players on Silver Puck Weekend. I heard John McGonagle’s and Bob Meehan’s names read out over the PA. I also saw Rollie Sterrett in attendance, but was sitting far from him and didn’t have a chance to chat. All in all, a great time that brought back many fond memories of attending all those games between 1961 and 1965. I will miss Starr, but am looking forward to the christening of the new Class of ’65 Arena and Steve Riggs Rink next Oct.” And just to make it official, Rollie sent along a shot of the final scoreboard, adding: “This shows Colgate’s victory over Union, the last men’s ice hockey regular-season game in Starr Rink after 56 seasons. On the previous night, the Raiders had beaten #17 RPI! This was an extra-special Silver Puck Weekend with a Friday night reception at the Inn, a brunch in the lobby of Reid Athletic Center late Saturday morning, and a prime rib sit-down banquet in the Hall of the Presidents for 250 attendees. Our Class of ’65 Arena/Steve Riggs Memorial Rink was a constant theme throughout the weekend, including a PowerPoint presentation at the post–RPI game celebration at the inn, illustrating the external and internal components of the new arena. Looking forward to dedication weekend (Sept 30–Oct 2)!” Editor’s note: Be sure to watch for the autumn issue of the Scene in which several of Steve Riggs’s linemates have contributed a personal remembrance recalling his life and times. Not to be missed. And speaking of Steve Riggs, I received a note from his son Steve Jr, aka “Riggsie,” who was headed to Thailand April 10. Steve Jr had been communicating with George Johnson, who lives there permanently. Diving in Ko Lipe (a small idyllic island in the Andaman Sea), living with monks for a solid 48 hours, washing and swimming with elephants, betting on cobra/mongoose fights, spending time with George and hearing more stories about Colgate — sounds like the trip of a lifetime. Although, as someone who roomed with George our senior year, I am having a difficult time conjuring up the image of him living with monks. Bathing with elephants yes, but living with monks? Ay caramba! One of the brightest and most unassuming guys in our class was Dick Groccia. A French major who is also fluent in Spanish, Italian, and Greek, he traveled the world, spending more than 2 decades in the US Foreign Service. Eight years ago I was lucky enough to speak with him by phone shortly after he moved to Tempe, AZ. Since his bio is not included in the Class of 1965 50th Reunion Yearbook, I thought I’d take a moment and pass along an e-mail he recently sent: “During my 21 years in the foreign service, I served in Mexico twice, covered Spain twice, and opened our claims taking post in Buenos Aires, which now covers Uruguay and Chile, in addition to Argentina. My grandfather spent 20 years in Buenos Aires before returning to Italy in 1923 and left a 2nd family behind in Argentina. Perhaps this piqued my interest in Ernesto Sabato’s novels. [Ed note: Sabato, who died in 2011 at 99, is remembered as “the last truly classic writer in Argentinian literature.”] I still constantly read in Spanish and French, but I spend much more time reading in Italian. The wonders of classical Italian literature are now little appreciated by Anglo-Saxons, but they are profound. If you can read Dante, Ariosto, and especially Tasso, you will understand what I mean. Right now I am reading

Elena Ferrante’s novels. Very deep, but Ferrante’s subtle intertwining of the lilt of Neapolitan dialect into her Italian is not translatable.” An interesting observation that reminded me of the famous quotation from Robert Frost: “Poetry is what is lost in translation.” Dick is now semiretired in Tempe, where he works as a part-time contractor for SSA’s Administrative Law Judges and is in the process of writing down his experiences for his grandchildren. Word comes from Don Messinger on a wonderful Cleveland Pops Concert featuring the music of Rodgers and Hammerstein that he and wife Sally put together to raise awareness for a rare childhood disease known as Williams syndrome. Held in Cleveland’s Severance Hall, it was inspired by their grandson Andrew, 2, who lives in Washington, DC. Williams syndrome is a heart condition that often requires open-heart surgery (young Andrew has already had one such operation but needs another). Don writes: “Little is known about Williams syndrome, which occurs in 1 out of every 20,000 births. We thought that the concert might bring the condition to the attention of some researcher willing to take on the challenge. Also, as I’m sure you’re aware, the musicals of Rodgers and Hammerstein often deal with underlying societal issues, such as racism, spousal abuse, etc, which we, in turn, felt spoke to the ways one can overcome disabilities. Thus we brought in singer Tory Ackley who has Williams syndrome. She sang a song she had written, Happy to Be Me, which is about overcoming disabilities; an inspirational performance. We also invited families who are fighting WS to attend. Since the concert, Sally and I have received numerous calls from parents and grandparents dealing with other disabilities, telling us how her performance has also given them hope.” Doug Quelch celebrated coming off rehab following hip surgery by going fishing. He writes: “Taken off the walker 3 days ago, I was cheating when I went fishing right after that. Rehab so far looks good. I have to stay on a cane until March 31. That gives me 12 days to get ready for the military officers golf tourney. I also can’t ride my bike ’til then either, but it is feeling good. My lecture at FL Gulf Coast U on the modern history of the Middle East went well; about 300 people attended. I added a section on ISIS, which provoked many questions for the panel discussion that followed my talk. The panel included an Iraqi war vet, an FGCU history prof, a retired 3-Star general, and me. We also used the occasion to present one of the almost $30K checks our chapter foundation has givens to veterans’ causes. This particular program uses the facilities at the Boston Red Sox spring training park for disabled war vets.” Our condolences to Doug on the passing of his mother, Rosemary, at the age of 98 on March 15 in Ft Myers, FL. She clearly led a long and wonderful life that included 4 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. Also heard from Joe DeLuca, who has been keeping busy traveling and catching up with old friends. He had lunch with Lynne and Don Ryan, as well as Bud Eisberg, who was visiting his old stomping grounds in NJ. Next, he will be flying back to the U of Denver (his 2nd alma mater) where he will attend his class’s 50th Reunion while hopefully connecting with Paul Krusa, who now lives in Frisco, CO. Congratulations to Charlie Veley who has just been notified by his publisher, Thomas & Mercer, that they will be publishing his 2nd Sherlock Holmes mystery, titled The Wilhelm Conspiracy, this fall. At the same time, a new audio edition of his first mystery, The Last Moriarty, is now available through (a lively recording — renowned British actor Edward Petherbridge

News and views for the Colgate community


Jason Barto ’89 leads a community planting, during which he also teaches proper planting procedures and explains the benefits that trees provide.

Sprucing up Utah

Talking to arborist Jason Barto ’89 right before both Earth Day and Arbor Day was like interviewing Santa Claus at Christmastime. Despite being honored as Utah’s 2015 Arborist of the Year and even getting a day named after him, Barto is a humble man. “I’m just one person who tries to bring together like-minded people to plant trees,” he said. The Utah Chapter of the International Society of Aboriculture recognized Barto for his work as the founder of the nonprofit Wasatch Back Trees and owner of ArborDocs. Notable numbers: In 2015, Barto and Wasatch Back Trees planted 2,000 seedlings, distributed 800 seedlings to students, and potted another 800 for future planting. He donated nearly $19,000 in labor to the organization. According to the proclamation: Feb. 10, 2016, is “declared Jason Barto Day in honor of his achievements and contributions to the natural beauty of Summit County.” Cultivating life: “I was a Salt Lake City firefighter from 2001 through 2006, but I left the fire department early because of PTSD from two events. I was in New York City on November 12, 2001, as part of an honor guard detail to go to FDNY funerals. We were getting ready to go to a funeral when we were notified of a plane that crashed leaving JFK. By the time we arrived on the scene, there were no survivors. It was a very surreal experience, seeing the devastation and the deceased covered in sheets. That stuck with me. Then in April 2004, we lost a four-year-old girl in a fire, and that didn’t sit well with me. I left the fire department and discovered the therapeutic benefits of working with trees. I went from a destructive, burning situation to one where I’m able to plant a living thing and nurture it. We’re trying to share some of these benefits with military veterans as well.” Branching out: “In addition to caring for individual trees, I work on building relationships with other entities — businesses, municipalities, volunteer groups, Eagle Scouts, schools, fire stations — to plant more trees to improve our community forest, take care of the existing trees we have, and educate people about the benefits of trees.” Healthy environment = healthy kids: “We are beginning to research the number of sick days among elementary school children at schools that have trees versus schools that don’t. The pilot project is at a school with essentially no trees. We’re looking at a decade of their student health numbers and working with Utah State University landscape architect students to add approximately 100 trees to the school grounds. Once we’re done, we’ll see if there’s a correlation in a reduction of sick days.” Preserving the Willow Path: “At Colgate, I was on the campus planning and physical resources committee, and during that time, the Willow Path trees had become infected with a disease and were succumbing to maturity. We went through several concepts that included replacing them with a different species. That exposed me to the personal relationships that people have with specific types of trees. Imagine if we were the guys who replanted the willow trees with beech trees? Ultimately, we were able to find a vigorous, disease-resistant species of willows, and to this day we can continue to enjoy the Willow Path.” — Aleta Mayne


scene: Summer 2016

[Lord Peter Wimsey of PBS’s Masterpiece Mystery] does all the voices). Charlie writes: “Petherbridge’s audio engineer is also a long-time veteran of the Royal Shakespeare Company, and they’ve both been very helpful purging some leftover Americanisms and inaccurate British stage terminology. I’ve been having way too much fun!” Kudos as well to Geoff Craig, whose new novel Scudder’s Gorge has just received a rave review in Calliope, the official publication of American Mensa. The review reads in part: “Scudder’s Gorge is a masterfully told story of family, unrequited and romantic love, hate, secrets, joys and tragedy, and exposes the depths of what man is capable of doing to his fellow man … Craig’s deft hand and sensitivity regarding controversial but important social matters draw the reader in and keep one turning the pages. Highly recommended.” And then there are those in our class whose continued pursuit of the impossible make the rest of us feel guilty. First, consider Craig Bell who last year biked across the continent despite a minor dust-up with a truck that resulted in serious injury. Now he is off again. He writes: “Late this winter I began doing a lot of kayaking, mainly looking for bald eagle nests adjacent to rivers and lakes (4 found so far), but also on the Atlantic Ocean to explore CT’s Thimble Islands. Consequently, I decided an interesting and leisurely adventure this summer would be to kayak and camp the 400 miles of the Connecticut River, from its Canada border headwaters to the LI Sound. But late yesterday, when my remaining transportation option to the headwaters dematerialized, I began considering other kayaking adventures. I had intended to do some ME Coast island kayaking this spring and decided wilderness kayaking in the Adirondacks would be a good complement to that. After some Adirondacks research, I decided to do an 82-mile portion of the Black River and remembered that Terry Skinner lives in that neck of the woods. Since his name doesn’t appear in the 50th Reunion yearbook, I was wondering if you could put me in touch?” I spoke to Terry who immediately remembered Craig from freshman football and asked me to let him know. As a result, they planned to get together this summer. And then there is the unstoppable Dick Rawdon. April 18, the city of Boston hosted the 119th Boston Marathon, and Dick was there for his 9th time. Give ’em hell, Dick! As mentioned in the last class column, Sheila and I flew back to NYC the 1st weekend in April where I was asked to speak at the finale of the Sam Peckinpah Retrospective at Lincoln Center’s Walter Reade Theater. I introduced 3 films: The Deadly Companions (his 1st feature), The Wild Bunch (his best-known and arguably most important work), and Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (his intensely personal film). Having spoken at Lincoln Center’s 1st retrospective on Sam’s work in 1996, 20 years ago, it was gratifying to note that a number of people who had attended back then returned this time. Further, the entire series was well received with several films selling out. More importantly, many in attendance were in their 20’s, meaning that Sam Peckinpah, who died in 1984, lived and created these works before they were even born. It is a testament to the creative power of his films that they continue to attract interest today. As an added bonus, we were able to get together with Ken Kramer and his lovely wife, Susan, for brunch at the magnificent old University Club on 54th. They had recently returned from a weeklong ski trip to MT: “For the 4th year in a row, a group of HS friends has come out to our place in Big Sky to show off

what 72-year-olds can do on the slopes. All went home in one piece, but did put a dent in the wine cellar.” That’s it for now. Stay in touch. In friendship, Gar. Garner: 818-713-1353; 1392 (F);

19 6 6 Thomas S Tobey 59 West Portola Avenue Los Altos, CA 94022 The Class of 1966 Reunion is all but a memory now. You will have moved back home and all but resumed your usual pace of life, walking the dog, reading the morning paper, heading out for your weekly Friday golf game, and perhaps shaking your head when you are reading what the latest is regarding the 2016 presidential race. Then you reflect back to what a great time you had at your 50th college reunion. Hold that thought and send me an e-mail, text, smoke signal, or the like on how post-reunion’s been for you. Tom: 650-868-6230;

19 67 Edward A Ryan 69 Portland Road Summit, NJ 07901-3011 We’re up next! With our Big 50th Reunion now on the horizon, much news came from folks looking forward to seeing former roomies, classmates, teammates, and old friends. Pete O’Brien: “It has been fun reconnecting with some of our ‘old’ classmates as the 50th Reunion planning process gets underway. Traveling back and forth to Naples, FL, allowed me to attend a Colgate alumni function in Naples where Prof Bob Turner gave a presentation on the Everglades. It also enabled me to host Bob Tyburski and Patty and Joe Caprio for golf and lunch and get caught up on everything going on in Hamilton these days. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone next year at our 50th.” Former PSU Prof Jeremy Plant has joined some of us who are reorienting: “My big news is my retirement — after 43 years in academia, I called it quits after the fall ’15 semester. So far, retirement has been devoted to PT to deal with a nagging torn rotator cuff, but Susan and I are looking forward to traveling, and I will be doing some writing — still some scholarly work to be completed and always railroad-oriented books and articles. We like it here in Hershey, so no plans to relocate. Looking forward to the big event next June!” Heard from former hockey defenseman Doug Stay: “I just had total knee replacement of my right knee and came home the next day to start rehab. Surgery went well. I am now 3/4 bionic as I also have bilateral hip replacements that are old enough to vote. Modern medicine has served me well as those joints are all pain free. I’ve signed on to the Class of ’67 website and look forward to seeing you and our many classmates at the reunion. One of these days I’m going to look up Fiji brother Mush Bechtel who lives close by in Exton, PA.” I asked Doug if he was in contact with Charlie ‘Tuna’ Cipolla and he replied: ‘Haven’t heard from Charlie since we graduated. I watched his son play hockey at Yale, but did not see Charlie at the game, although the Yale coaches all knew him. Last I heard, he lived in northern Canada.” Charlie, please get in touch! Great to hear from Bill Weinzierl: “My wife

of 39 years and I live in Madison, a bedroom community of 45,000 adjacent to Huntsville, AL, home to Redstone Arsenal and the Marshall Space Flight Center. My son has a condo on Old Shell Road in the Spring Hill community of Mobile, purchased when he was attending Spring Hill College (the 3rd-oldest Jesuit school in the US) on a full ride. He currently lives/works in Tallinn, Estonia; he developed a software app called PLAYWIN. My daughter graduated from Auburn in 2009 and works/lives in Birmingham, so you are apt to hear more ‘War Eagles’ than ‘Roll Tides’ around our home. Being from Garden City, LI, and going to grad school in LA, I never figured I’d settle here in AL to raise a family, but after 29 years, I guess we are here to stay (although I still own properties in Orange County, CA, in case the fever to return ever overwhelms me!). It really is a nice place for kids to grow up, a little slower pace, and as Peter Griffin would say, ‘Those good old family values’ do still exist. Yes, it does grow on you.” Gary Rice writes: “Given our age, all thoughts turn to retirement. However, being a commercial real estate lawyer, there is no way I would retire during the best real estate market in 40 years. With an office 8 blocks from my house, it is not like I am stuck in a daily commute. And, people still like lawyers with grey hair (what little there is of it). Still find time to sneak off for grandkid activities; all 3 live nearby. The extra income is nice as well.” Richard Schaper writes: “Anita and I enjoyed a 3-week tour to experience the manifold religious life of India in Jan. I’m hosting Andrew Cassidy and Mike Townsend on my sailboat on the Tuesday after Easter. It will be the 1st time we’ve seen one another since graduation! I’m pleased to be heading up the memorial service for our missing classmates during the reunion. I want to encourage classmates to fill in their memories and appreciations at” Noted architect Ira Haspel says: “I saw in your column that Steve Rozwenc ’68 is cataloguing Eric Busch’s paintings. Eric and I, along with Art Oldham, shared a studio above the movie theater in town and had an art show together. Eric gave KK and me one of his paintings as a wedding present in 1969 in NYC. It’s titled Bit of Honey. Still have it out at the farm. Do you have contact info for Steve? I can send him a photo of it.” Hank Evans reports that after logging more than 31,000 miles, cruising days for him and Ann have come to an end. “We have always said we’d cruise as long as our health held out and when that started to go, we’d tie up the boat and move ashore. We are packing up the boat in Key West and putting it on the market. We will relocate to Ann’s hometown in Jackson, TN, and the next phase of our retirement life will involve being close to family and dear friends nearby.” One of Hank’s many close friends, Phil Marshall, sent this note: “In as much as we are about a year away from the old farts march down Broad St, I want to mention a few of my very close friends. Frank Wood passed away in the spring of 2015. Frank and I met as 2nd-floor freshmen at West Hall. Frank, also a Theta Chi, had a wonderful marriage and a distinguished career as a history teacher. I don’t think that Frank ever made an enemy during his entire life and he had a knack of making everyone around him happier. Hank Evans, fraternity brother and roommate, is another very close friend. Hank can captain anything afloat or on wheels. That included his VW Bug in which we traveled numerous times down Trainer Hill, the Colgate ski slope. I hope to see and visit with our class in June of 2017. We all have stories of our times at Colgate, many of which will be shared [embellished?] at the

reunion, but the event will be diminished by the absence of friends.” Great to hear from my W Stillman (#315) roomie Terry Persily who lives in Delray Beach, FL: “I have agreed to help my old buddy Paul Bradley on spurring some additional interest in attending the 50th. So far I’ve connected with Bill Lyons, Steve Braverman, Charlie Simonds, Marshall, and Evans. This fall, on our migration south, we stopped in Hilton Head to do an overnight with Charlie and Joan Simonds. They were wonderful. He is mostly retired, but running his headhunter business. Also saw the Marshalls as they winter nearby. They are doing well in their retirement. We’d seen the Marshalls several times over the years, but this was the 1st time we had any contact with Chick Simonds since graduation. Amazing how well we all got along. Seems good friendship fades slowly.” Former FBI agent, biker, and globetrotter John Gamel reports: “Since our trip to Japan last May, Beth and I have been a few places in the US, mostly for conferences for Beth. We have planned a trip with our traveling friends. So far we’ve been to Turkey, Greece, Sicily, and Morocco with them. This year we’re off to Amsterdam, but it’s on the way to the Cinque Terre area in Italy, followed by Lucca, Parma, and Modena. I guess you might surmise what our interests are? As to my continuing domestic adventures/trips on my motorcycle, those will continue. After the failure of the fuel system of my 2008 BMW RT motorcycle on a trip to NC last year, I replaced the bike with a 2015 BMW RT. I expect to ride to NC (again … you’d think I’d learn) in early April. I will make some shorter journeys around New England and NY this year, too. In Sept, I’ll make a big trip out to Portland, OR, where our daughter Diana (Gamel) Glidden has accepted a position at the Oregon Health Sciences U (OHSU). She is a nurse practitioner with certifications in adult and geriatric specialties. She and her husband, Matt Glidden, just moved there in Feb, so if Colgate ’67 members in Portland need great care by a truly wonderful and competent young woman, know where to go. She is also an asst prof at OHSU. Anyway, after spending some time with Diana in OR, my MC trip will be the usual motorcycle stuff; down through CA, left turn at Los Angeles, across the Southwest, and then back home. Mrs Gamel is very tolerant of what I’m sure for most wives would be very odd behavior. She’ll fly out to OR when I’m there to see Diana. I think I’m not the main attraction for that visit. We’ll celebrate 48 years of marriage on 7/28, and I’m not kidding when I say: ‘It’s been working out OK, so far…’” Dr Joe Ganz sent word: “Celebrated milestone birthday for Bob Corbin, along with him and Richard Hochman. Lovely event, with Bob being appropriately toasted for his dedication to family, friends, and work, along with his myriad accomplishments in his law practice. Over the years, Bob has mentored a number of younger ’Gate grads. Had a really nice afternoon with former roommate Bob Malley ’66 last summer while I was spending time at the beach in RI. Bob gave me the all-important tour that featured Taylor Swift’s mega-home in Westerley. I’ve had some contact with frat brothers Ron Cotliar and David Goldstein and hope they’ll make it to the 50th for some in-person getting together. As for me, I continue to maintain my private practice in psychotherapy in Manhattan and NJ (Westfield), along with teaching, training, and supervising in couple and family therapy as I have for nearly 2 decades. Needless to say, I’m looking forward to June ’17 and seeing as many classmates as possible.” Alan Brown: “Enjoyed golf at Sea Island Resort

in GA with George Dalzell and Bruce Calvert ’68 in March. Also had a very pleasant dinner with Vaughn Carney ’68 over the Feb vacation. He lives outside of Burlington, VT, and often passes by our upstate place on the ferry road.” Alan also forwarded a note from Mark Krinsky: “My wife, Dayle, and I plan to attend. I’m a co-captain for the TKE group by helping Dave Phillips in calling out 22 guys with contact info. It’ll be neat to see Dalzell, Gary Blongiewicz, Tim Vigrass, and Ed Ryan among others from the b-ball team.” Bob Smith notes: “Retired from XOM in 2000. Moved from TX to Charlottesville, VA, in 2004. Everyone is happy here. Sorry, won’t be able to attend reunion. Health problems.” Also heard from Pete Fay: “Bev and I are moving to Ranch Mission Viejo in SOCAL, continuing to downsize. Working with alcohol, heroin addicts in detox and sober living. Cheerleaders, soccer moms, pilots — it’s a national epidemic in all our backyards.” Lloyd Jones is doing a fantastic job tracking down contact details for classmates. (Reminder: If you change your e-mail address, please let Colgate or me know so we can communicate with you.) He sent note about his recent phone call with Bill Wilde, who resides in Walpole, ME: “He has recently retired from the real estate business. He spent a great deal of time in the boat business, and most recently spent several months sailing in the Caribbean. When he reminded me he had only gone to Colgate 1 year, I told him he was still a member of the Class of 1967 and that we would love to have him return for the 50th celebration.” Lloyd also sent a clip about the Honorable Richard F Stokes, who became a judge of the Superior Court of Delaware in March 1999. Judge Stokes received his JD from Duke U in 1970. He served as legal adviser with rank of captain in the USAF 1971–1975. Stokes practiced law in DE since 1975; his present term in office ends April 15, 2023. Wow! They must like you, Richard. Hope to see you next summer, Judge! Lloyd also connected with Tim Hendel: “You might remember me, or at least having seen me. I am blind, and, at the time I attended Colgate, I was, I believe, the only blind person on campus. So, you probably saw me around. I majored in Spanish. My advisor was James Phillips. Unfortunately, I found out he died in Atlanta about 15 or 20 years ago. When I attended Colgate, I lived in Holley, NY, a small town west of Rochester. After graduation, I attended Columbia U and got an MA in romance philology. From there I went into teaching Spanish and German at Mohawk Valley Community College in Utica. I always hated the cold of upstate NY. I lived for 3 years in HI and 20 years in Miami. I came to Huntsville, AL, in 1997, for a relationship that did not work out. But, I’m still here. I am now retired. I don’t know whether I will be able to attend the reunion, but I’d like to know about it. Besides blindness, which I’ve lived with all my life, and more or less got used to, I have now lost a great deal of my hearing. Even though I have hearing aids, it makes travel difficult. Obviously, I do not drive. If I did come to Colgate, I would have to fly into Syracuse and find a ride to Hamilton. My freshman year, I lived in a suite in Center Stillman Hall. I had 2 roommates, Rich Gehret and Charles (CB) Blackshear. They were both pre-med and I wonder if they went on to become doctors. I’d also like to be in touch with Cliff Berchtold, who was probably my closest friend among our class. I’d love to have his e-mail address and for him to have mine. Because of this severe hearing loss, I do not spend much time talking on the phone. E-mail is, by far, the best way to communicate with me. My address is” Tim, fantastic to hear from you. I know many of us would love

to visit with you at the reunion; if you can make it to Syracuse, we’ll get you to Hamilton and make arrangements for your return visit to the campus. Mike Barnett sent an interesting report about a recent “Hackathon” for Tom Tucker’s Fiver Foundation. “The March 12th Hackathon for Fiver was held at a Colgate grad’s software office located in the ‘new’ tech center of Manhattan, Fifth Ave below 20th St. The event went from 10am–6pm; a long day, but it went fast and was very worthwhile. A group of 12 very bright and personable Colgate grad volunteers provided the brain power, technical/Internet programming skills, and marketing talent to focus on Fiver’s current website and marketing efforts. They had a lot of good questions, and at the end of the day came up with 5 different software presentations upon which Fiver can further build. Their technical and practical approaches certainly added value to Fiver’s operational and fundraising efforts. This is the 2nd year that the Hackathon has been held, and special credit goes to Jeff O’Connell ’94, who conceived of the idea. He hosted the event and was ably assisted by 2 Colgate staff members.” On a personal note, in June Cathy and I will be joining a group touring the SW nat’l parks, including Zion, Bryce Canyon, Moab, Monument Valley, Lake Powell, and the Grand Canyon. We’ll also spend some time in the Las Vegas and Phoenix areas. As some may know, Colgate (Prof Robert Garland) is organizing a Mediterranean trip in Oct that starts in Athens and goes to cities in Italy, Monaco, France, and Spain. Maybe at our reunion we can work up a proposed tour that a Colgate prof and some classmates might find attractive. Update on 50th reunion: Appreciations to the planning committee, and especially to Bradley and his team of communication captains. You have probably heard from at least 1 captain by now urging you to be on campus for our reunion, June 1–4, 2017! Paul writes: “Thanks to our outreach efforts, the directory on our class website,, is the best resource for tracking down classmates with whom you want to connect. I suggest that you pick up the phone and call some of your old friends. Those of us who have been doing this have really enjoyed the experience as we catch up on each other’s lives.” We are doing our best to locate everyone, but when this column appears there may still be a few folks we could not locate. Please click the “Missing Classmates” link on the site. If you have any contact details for any name still on the list, please let us know. Applause, too, for Keith Fagan and his team for the work they’ve been doing to produce the 50th Reunion book. You should be receiving the book in early Jan. Our program co-chairs, Frank Loehmann and Bud Bain, are currently setting parameters around schedule, menu, speakers, and Reunion College classes. There is still time to provide your thoughts on these matters directly to Bud and Spanky; their contact information is on the website. Finally, Grand Poohbah Joe Doolittle chimes in: “I was at an Alumni Council meeting recently and someone asked, ‘When you return to Colgate, when do you know you’re back?’ There was a range of responses, as you’d expect, based on starting point, relationship, and memory. It’s a great question, and one of the answers is that you won’t really know when you’re back unless you return to Colgate for reunion and feel it for yourself. We plan a full schedule, but there will also be time just to talk, reflect, and reestablish relationships. So, please, attend June 1–4, 2017. Hope to see you there!” Ed: 908-277-4128;

News and views for the Colgate community


He’s official

The confetti’s long been cleaned up from Super Bowl 50, and Wayne Mackie ’82 has had a break from traveling six months of the year as an NFL official. Serving as the head linesman at Super Bowl 50 was “the pinnacle of success,” reflected Mackie, who is a tier one official based on his accuracy scores (they’re graded for every play of every game). Having started at the sandlot level in 1992, Mackie has been promoted through the ranks, from varsity high school, to the college level, to being scouted for the NFL. With football season about to kick off, the Scene called him up to “talk Mack.” Chain reaction: “A head linesman is responsible for the line-to-gain chains that determine the first downs for each team. My primary responsibility is the line of scrimmage, which involves calls such as false starts, defensive offside, Wayne Mackie ’82, left encroachment, illegal motion, illegal shifts, pass interference, illegal contact… There’s a lot of stuff. But to sum it up, we’re responsible for all the fouls as they relate to the line of scrimmage.” Calls it as he sees it: “We see [each play] at one hundred miles an hour, once, where everybody else gets to watch it in their homes from ten angles, in slow motion. That’s what makes our job challenging.” As a Raider: At Colgate, Mackie played basketball and baseball. His football career ended in high school when torn ligaments forced him to have major reconstructive knee surgery. Get down: “I was a WRCU deejay. I had my own show on Friday and Saturday nights. We had a ball. I was known as Funky Mack. I played funk, rap, and anything with a heavy beat.” Making calls off the field: When he’s not enforcing NFL rules, Mackie keeps people (and buildings) in line as the director of operations for New York City Housing Preservation and Development (HPD). An economics major, Mackie joined the city agency after spending 16 years in the banking industry. Now, as part of the Office of Enforcement and Neighborhood Services, he assesses the physical health of buildings throughout the city, ensures that they’re up to code, and develops strategies to improve conditions. The big game: As Lady Gaga belted out the national anthem at Super Bowl 50, Mackie stood, hand over heart, reflecting on his journey to that point. “Having reached the height of my profession, I thought about all the people who helped me along the way and the road I traveled to get there,” he said. Then, as the Blue Angels flyover roared above, Mackie felt “little goose bumps.” But, once “all of the pomp and circumstance were over, when the ball’s kicked off, [the Super Bowl] is just another football game,” he said. “You settle into what you know how to do, without worrying about all of the hype. The crowd doesn’t exist when I officiate a game. The louder they get, the more quiet it gets in my head.” The highlight: “My 82-year-old father was able to attend a Super Bowl in person,” he said. Mackie’s wife and three daughters also cheered him on from the stands. Takes no flak: “The coaches and the players are excitable, but it’s part of the game. We have back and forth, but it’s mostly congenial. They may get excited for one particular play, but ninety-nine percent of the time they come back and say, ‘Hey, I didn’t mean to yell at you.’ And I say, ‘I know.’ As an official, you cannot take anything personal.” — Aleta Mayne


scene: Summer 2016

1968 Jay Benedict 597 Dartmoor Way Southwest Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469-5424 I write this reflecting on a great weekend at Colgate this past Feb. Fred Meyland-Smith, Larry Kenna, and yours truly made our annual trip to enjoy the splendors of Colgate. The real purpose of our trips would be to see as many sports events as possible. We ended up seeing 2 men’s hockey games, a women’s hockey game, and a men’s lacrosse game. The weekend was capped off with the Silver Puck dinner and talking with several of the outstanding young men from Colgate’s hockey team. Did I mention that we had bathed in luxury at our suite at the White Eagle Conference Center? Forget Maui, this was really living large. It was special to attend the last home men’s hockey games and come away with 2 wins in a season that was not up to past years. As always, we ran into Paul Pool ’71, whom we see every time we return for our hockey weekends. While attending the games, I received an e-mail from Larry Anderson who was skiing in Snowmass, CO. Larry wrote: “Richard Cunningham and I are on our annual Aspen ski trip and were meeting Cory Ferguson for an afternoon of skiing when we crossed tracks with Phil Goetz. The 4 of us took a few runs together and made plans to meet tomorrow for another day on the slopes. I attest that even though we can see the big 7-0 rapidly approaching, each of us can still turn our skis in both directions.” (See a photo of the foursome on the class news online.) Steve Naclario sent a note reflecting on the passing of classmate Bob Hoshino: “Was sorry to read about Bob’s death. In addition to our Colgate connection, we both grew up on Long Island and attended the same HS (whose principal, M Donald Grant, was a Colgate alumnus). Bob’s father, if I recall correctly, was president of the school board. One of the teachers thought Colgate would be a good fit and wondered if I had any interest. After talking it over with my parents, I said yes. Later, I received my first and only call to report to the principal’s office. Grant said he had 2 spots in the freshman class next year and Bob had already committed to 1. Would I like the other? I knew Bob was a good student, fine athlete, and person, so I thought I would not be making a mistake by accepting his offer. ‘Congratulations,’ Grant said, ‘you are in!’ I was flabbergasted, and could only say: ‘Do I need to fill out an application?’ He answered, ‘Only if you want to,’ which was the start of a heck of senior year. You know the rest.” Merritt Weisinger is still practicing law after 43 years. He is a board-certified family lawyer specializing in high-conflict divorce and custody matters. His middle son, Ethan, is an attorney and has worked with his firm for 5 years. He is awaiting the results of his specialization exam. Merritt’s daughter, Lizzie, is 27 and has her PsyD, and his older son, Aaron, is married with an 18-month-old and lives in San Francisco. He has an MBA with a specialization in finance. Merritt and Sue have been married for 37 years, and last Nov, they renewed their vows. To a guy, that means saying “I do.” To a woman, it means a full-blown wedding, which is where they wound up. Peter Colberg writes: “I’ve just retired after 42 years working as a hospital-based physical therapist. I’ve lived in NC since 1974 when I started the PT program at Duke after 4 years with the US Navy (to beat the draft). Married 20 years, di-

vorced for 10, and now married again and in our 15th year. Three grown children, all (thankfully) out on their own. One dog and 4 cats are our children now. Quiet life in the wonderful town of Southern Pines, NC, with pets, house projects (I’m the plumber, electrician, and carpenter), trips to the beach or NC mountains, and riding in my Jeep 2002 Wrangler.” Never at a loss to share his thoughts for the Scene, Jim Quick mentioned classmate Al Brindisi who passed away a while ago, but whom he still remembers as his friend: “It has been some years since we lost our classmate Al Brindisi, assistant singing leader of the Colgate Thirteen our senior year and a wonderful Presbyterian minister for years following his degree at Princeton Theological Seminary. Ah, but not forgotten. Joe Doolittle ’67 came across a wonderful homily that Al preached for the wedding of one of Joe’s widowed friends in Scotia, NY. This friend had been in Al’s congregation both in Niagara Falls, NY, and Coco Beach, FL. Sharing the story with Vintage Colgate 13 brothers caused Bud Hedinger ’69 to share his fond remembrances of Al from his time in the Thirteen to having heard Al preach many times in FL. We never know the lives we touch and the great goodwill that may linger on once we have crossed over. So, I continue to be thankful for our classmate and my friend Al.” Cal Trevenen writes: “In Nov we bought a smaller home in nearby Little Falls. On 4/11 we close on our Montclair sale. I’ve told my partners that I plan to take more time off, so, hopefully, one of these days not too far down the road, we’ll see you in Carolina! We, of course, continue to see the ‘in-laws’ Peter O’Neill and Anne at family gatherings.” After taking to heart my threat to seek out people to send in updates, I received the following from Andy Weiss: “I am writing to you because I didn’t want you to seek me out, and also because it’s been quite an eventful year. It started last spring when my wife, Paulette, and I moved into our new home in Westhampton, NY, on our secluded 1+ acre, a bike ride from a beautiful Hamptons beach. It’s only a half hour commute from my new office at the federal courthouse where I am an administrative law judge for Social Security, adjudicating disability cases. My chief judge is April Wexler ’84. In Aug, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer followed by robotic surgery in Sept. All is well as my postsurgery PSAs are undetectable and I am steadily regaining my former prowess. My wife has a great new job as a channel sales manager with Verizon, and I officiated at both my kids’ weddings in the past few years. I’m looking forward to attending our 50th Reunion in a few years.” Ned Hengerer sent a picture and the following note: “Just got back from a week in Southern FL, our annual trip to see 3rd-floor East Hall and TKE bros Dick Feinberg and Terry Joggerst and wives, but this year Terry could not make it at the same time, recuperating from knee surgery (maybe a sports injury from his days as an interior lineman on the TKE championship interfraternity touch-football team). But, we did get together in the fall along with another close East Hall and TKE compatriot, Rocky Adriance. Lots of laughs and good food were had, even a moment to salute the alma mater.” Lastly, we have been following Jack Battaglia’s struggles with cancer in the past. When I asked for Scene updates, Jack sent along the following: “Much as I would have liked, I won’t be able to attend our 50th Reunion. My life has run its course. The adventure is over. I have now gone through the entire arsenal of drugs available to fight Multiple Myeloma. All of the standard chemo regimens failed in 2015, allowing the dis-

ease to progress. The very latest drug, approved by the FDA last Nov, daratumumab, is also failing to curb the development of the disease toward its inevitable end: my death. Within a short time, Multiple Myeloma will retain its reputation as an incurable form of blood cancer. In a few weeks, I’ll see my oncologist again to see if taking daratumumab with an additional drug called Pomalyst will have been successful. He said not to get my hopes up; it’s an experiment. Based on what we learn in a few weeks, we will decide whether to continue with daratumumab on the theory that I’m a ‘late responder.’ Chances are, I will learn, based on blood work and on the fact that new tumors pop up all over my body (as well as inside it, I suppose), thus indicating daratumumab has also failed. With that result as most likely, I have decided not to put myself through the kitchen sink regimen and the subsequent bone marrow transplant. It’s a tough decision to choose dying instead of clutching to life, but I had to face that fact that the quality of life I would have if I allowed myself to suffer through all those toxic regimens merely to gain a few more months of living is not life at all. Instead, once I go off chemo and my oncologist certifies that I am within 6 months of expiring, I will sign up for hospice in order to have some professional support managing my symptoms and my pain as I approach my inevitable end. I am afraid of the pain as things get worse, so I will be entering hospice soon to better cope with end-of-life stuff. I’ve donated my body to the medical school at the U of Buffalo so that some students can learn something in their anatomy class. Goodbye, Colgate. Thanks for a great education and the opportunity to make some good friends.” Jack copied several friends on the note and here are their responses. Cal Trevenen: “Tags, I am one of those who has followed your journey these last few years by reading your reports to us. I am also guilty of not making the time, nor the effort, to communicate in return. For that I am not pleased. Yes, we’re guilty of working too hard, getting caught up with other obligations, but they’re all lousy excuses. But know that you’ve been in my thoughts and prayers. On 2/27/16, we celebrated ‘Bowling Night’ at the lanes in Carlisle, PA, with our youngest son’s college lacrosse team and parents, an annual tradition at Dickinson. It’s the 4th time we’ve done it inasmuch as he’s a senior. And every time I do it, my annual night at the lanes, I think of Earl Anthony, Dave Davis (after all, you’ll recall I’m a lefty!), even Carmen Salvino, and Andy Varipapa, but especially Jack Battaglia and the lanes at Reid Athletic Center. All of you members of the Hall of Fame! When we knew that a ‘turkey’ was a good thing! Rest comfortably, friend.” Parker (Buck) Wheat: “Dear Tags (aka Bowlerboy), I sincerely respect all that you have been through and the logical yet emotional final steps you are taking down the road we call life. I have been thinking a lot about you as I watch my mother fade away (hospice). The difference is that she is 96 while you are 69. You are way too young, but as you have explained, there is nothing left to prevent the end of your journey. All I can say is that I feel privileged to have known you and to have spent some time with you at Colgate and at 1 or 2 reunions. I have always loved your humor, your wit, and your writing style. They will be missed. Go peacefully, with dignity and in comfort, my friend. Keep smiling, even now.” Peter O’Neill: “Jack, my thoughts and prayers are with you as you go down this chapter somewhat euphemistically referred to as ‘end of life.’ May your remaining journey be peaceful and may you find comfort in the heartfelt tributes

sent by your Colgate friends. The 4 years we shared in Hamilton, NY, were truly wonderful — a different time for sure. From the pledging at Phi Gamm, to the Norris Pig Dinner honor of having the right to pull the hot dog out of the pig as the youngest pledge, to the trips to Caz to the late-night talks at the house wherein all the problems were either solved or intensified, to the various acts of tomfoolery that occasionally brought us to tears from laughing so hard, to witnessing how proud your family was of you when you graduated — all these and many more are flooding over me now. Jack, thanks for the memories.” Mike Barrett: “So, Jack, what a bummer. You have fought so hard and with such persistence that it seemed to me you would beat this illness in the end. But as you say, there is a time to accept the opinion of your doctors and do the most that you can do to prevent more pain and suffering. I hope you are successful in doing so. Linda and I will hope and pray for you as you go through this journey.” Jim Anderson: “Dear Jack, I’ve written lots of letters over the years to recent widows and widowers, but I don’t think I’ve ever had the occasion to send my thoughts to someone who has seen the end in sight and has no choice but to cast his fate with hospice. Like so many times within a life well spent, we look back on an outcome and ask ourselves if we gave it our best shot. You have always been combative and tenacity is an adjective frequently used to describe your general approach. As it relates to the ravages of Multiple Myeloma, you should be able to take some solace that you gave it the best shot anyone has ever given a life or death challenge. That might seem to be of little consequence, but it’s not. All of our families and all of our friends need role models and examples of how to fight the fight. If you can, take comfort that you have given a wonderful gift to all of us who know you. It’s existential, but we live on in the memories of others. Hopefully, you can be satisfied that the universal memory of Jack Battaglia will be about your thoroughness, your intelligence, and your ability to fight doggedly against seemingly impossible odds. I hope your last days stretch out in comfortable repose knowing your life has positively affected the lives of many.” We all wish Jack peace as he continues his fight. We all must prepare ourselves as time takes its toll on our class. Jack has been special because of the way he has shared his personal journey with us. As you can see by the comments, Jack has many friends who have shared personal thoughts, as well as some memories of our time at Colgate. Those were the days. Jay:

1969 C James Milmoe PO Box 5622 Breckenridge, CO 80424 First the bad news. Our class is shrinking, and God is not saving the best for last. In Jan, Rusty Drumm died. In Feb, Norm Rice passed away. I found out from Denis Cronin who sent this message: “Norm was my roommate for 3 years, together with Bill Travis. Norm was in the Air Force ROTC program at Colgate and after graduation was an Air Force pilot for more than 20 years, attaining the rank of captain. After retiring from the Air Force, he became a Boeing 747 pilot with Northwest Airlines. He never married, and had more girlfriends than anyone I knew. Norm was a great friend to me and many others. He was smart and made like he wasn’t, which is 1

reason we called him ‘the wily one.’ He was full of fun and ‘good crazy’ in that you never knew what he was going to say or do. I’m not sure he knew what he was going to do next. But he made us laugh and kept our feet well grounded. We will miss him greatly.” (See this issue’s In Memoriam section for Norm’s obituary.) Bill Travis offered this comment: “Norm was a very special friend. I think Denis Cronin and I flew with Norm from the Hamilton airport the day after Norm earned his ROTC license! He could convince one about the soundness of the most bizarre things. He will be missed.” Dave Knauer provided this tribute to Rusty Drumm, whose death was noted in the class notes I wrote in Jan: “Rusty will go to his rest in the earth of his beloved point of land. Many of you knew Rusty from college days, but lost touch. Rusty did very much live in the ‘here and now.’ He was a private person, as we now know; only a few of us knew anything about his journey after his prostate cancer diagnosis. Dr David Nelson ’68 provided support and counsel all the way through the treatments and, until the end, was intimately aware of his suffering. After Rusty’s death, I viewed Harlan County USA, the Academy Award–winning documentary Rusty and 2 other young Colgate filmmakers worked on. It was a very frightening ‘shoot.’ Download it! Rusty’s next film, named Low Pressure System, followed the surf from a storm striking FL and ending at Montauk. After his filmmaking career, Rusty was a deck hand and then founded Sweet Crab Company, a Colgate ‘family fish distribution business’ and finally found his niche as a writer and journalist. He wrote an e-book about rope called A Rogue’s Yarn. My favorite book by Rusty was Barque of Saviors, based on his Atlantic crossing as an able-bodied seaman on the Eagle. I missed the memorial service because I was still nursing Judy as she recovered from her back operation in chilly and windy (honest) Vero Beach, FL. However, I hope some of us can gather for the surfers ‘paddle out’ tribute to Rusty in the spring.” Rusty “ripped” — in his own here and now. Pete Madsen wrote in mid-Jan: “Like Rusty Drumm, I had prostate cancer. Last Aug I didn’t remember from biology what the prostate even was. Now, after extensive research, I would have gotten a 4.0 on this topic. I had my prostate removed in Dec at Sloan Kettering in NYC. At present, I am in recovery mode. So I feel for what Rusty went through. Anyone who wants any info on this disease can contact me. It will likely strike 100% of us. However, 30+% will never know it. Only about 30% of us will have to take some form of action. Make sure you watch your PSA readings on your blood tests. Watch closely because the cancer isn’t always easy to detect. But if it gets out of the prostate, the trouble really begins. I had a biopsy after my PSA changed from 1+ to 4+ in 1 year. Only on 1 pick did they find cancer. The biopsy only covers 1% of the prostate. After the surgery, the surgeon confirmed the cancer and said it was trying to get out of the prostate. I was lucky! At present, I am still working full time, running several small companies in NJ. I was going to retire until last week came the report that the longer you work the more you can delay Alzheimer’s! Always looking for an excuse not to stop using my Colgate education.” I just got notice from the alumni office of 2 deaths some time ago. Robert Dean Kirschner, 67, passed away peacefully at home July 10, 2014. His life’s work revolved around musical instruments. He was VP of a family-owned business, Dorn & Kirschner Band Instrument Co in Union, NJ, and later worked with the Guilford County School System in NC. But his greatest love was spending time with his family and friends. Sur-

viving are his loving wife, Kim Kirschner, 2 sons, and a daughter. I did not know Dean at Colgate, probably because he was a math major and I was (and still am) borderline innumerate and chose Colgate so I would not have to take any math courses. My records indicate he had been living in NC since at least 1999. The 2nd notice was about Tom Lamme’s wife, Cheryl, who died in 2012. I have few details except she and Tom had 3 children. The good news is that I got a message from Tom in 2014 that he could not make our 45th Reunion because he was getting married reunion weekend. Tom is an avid runner (winner of many age-group races) and retired science teacher living in Penfield, NY. Two other recent deaths deserve mention. Steve Mark died last July; his birthday was Mar 25, 1947. On behalf of the class, I posted a tribute on his memorial website. Jon Eisberg ’72 passed away Dec 26, 2015, at home. A lot of friends from the 1968–72 era filled my mailbox with memories. He was born in Englewood, NJ, and was a 1968 graduate of Leonia HS. He worked as a sports photographer specializing in Indy Car Racing and as a delivery captain transporting yachts around the world. Jon was an avid skier, golfer, sailor, and reader. He built boats, traveled the world for pleasure and work, and his yachting accomplishments were legend. John Abraham wrote: “I am sorry to learn of Norm’s death. I am still seeking an editor, publisher, or literary agent for my book How To Get the Death You Want, if you care to let this be known in our class notes.” With all the grim news for us aging baby boomers, there may be a market for John’s book. To soften the impact of our growing class morbidity, and to keep these notes from becoming entirely necrology, I solicited classmates for more upbeat news. As noted by Michael Lassell on Jan 19, I may have become the first Colgate ’69er to have turned 69. In addition to Michael, I got Facebook birthday wishes (but no news) from Barry Balonek, Gordy McLennan ’70, Bill Berry, Jeff Seehorn, Nick Brill, Kelly Adams, Dave Knauer, Charlie Sachs ’71, Robin Koskinen, Bill Travis, Dick Johnson, Peter Lewine, Tom Orsi, Jim Christensen, and Larry Oswick. Dave Grant wrote: “I share the sympathy and thoughts for the loss of Norm Rice, whom I just casually, but gratefully knew at Colgate. On the news front, I can happily share that our daughter Madison Grant ’16 graduated with honors in May and will start at Columbia Law School in Aug. Madi is 3rd-generation Colgate (my dad was Class of ’36). Madi left Newport Beach at 14 to attend Andover and looks like she will be an East Coaster for a while. All is well in Newport Beach, and invites are always extended to those Colgaters who may be visiting or passing through. We just held a Colgate function for the Orange County CA Colgate Club at our casa, featuring Colgate Professor Rotter, and had more than 40 attendees for camaraderie and to enjoy his very neat historic discussion on Nixon, Kissinger, and the Vietnam War. The trial law practice is continually exciting. I hope to see you all soon, but certainly at our 50th where I intend to take down the Sudsy, Smitty, Stanley, and LaCour boys on Seven Oaks.” The happiest news I get these days is about grandchildren. Larry Oswick wrote: “Nothing earth shattering, but at least positive. We had a great season in Vail this year: perfect snow over the Christmas/New Year’s weeks and Presidents’ Weekend with ‘blue-sky, powder days.’ We are anxiously awaiting the birth of our 2nd grandson in Golden, due 4/8. The golf season opened early because of the light winter here in northeast OH.

News and views for the Colgate community


We were able to hit the links on Easter Sunday. We will have a couple of trips to CO this year as we babysit our 2 grandsons, so let’s try to plan a rendezvous. After the golf season winds down, we’re headed to South Africa for a couple of weeks of wine touring and safaris. Barb is still judging, and I’m still doing dentistry. We’re still having fun and we do take a bunch of time off, as you can see.” Gary Hummel wrote: “I was very sorry to hear about Norm Rice’s passing. May he rest in peace. I am adjunct professor in the architecture dept at Broward College in Fort Lauderdale teaching survey of architecture from prehistory to the end of the Gothic era (1450). This summer I will be teaching architecture: building construction, methods, and materials with an emphasis on using sustainable building materials. The job is interesting and challenging. My students come from very diverse backgrounds, but are all capable and enthusiastic.” Matt Jamin wrote: “I ran into Bruce Edwards and his wife recently at a Colgate function in Seattle hosted by area mega-chef Tom Douglas. Bruce is a well-respected architect in Seattle. We ended up chatting for an hour, with me pushing to get Bruce to attend our 50th. It was a delight to get together.” You can see a picture of Matt and Bruce on the Class of ’69 Facebook page. Ron Burton wrote: “I spent last weekend in Hamilton. Had an opportunity to catch up with Tom Dempsey ’72, along with Patty and Joe Caprio. We were treated to a wonderful spring snowstorm. Tom and Becky live in Hamilton part time, having purchased a home on Spring St. Tom is a member of the BOT. I also had an opportunity to attend football practice. The size of our kids is quite stunning. Glad I played in the ’60s. I congratulated Coach Hunt and his staff on a terrific season in 2015. With a few breaks going our way, we should have a good team next year. [Ed note: Whenever I see smallish NFL QB’s like Michael Vick, Russell Wilson, Doug Flutie, or Pat Haden, I think, ‘They are good, but not as good as Ron Burton.’] And finally, I spent a little time with Mark Friedman, Harvey Geller, and Ted Sattler. They are all Class of 1966 and were finalizing plans for their 50th Reunion. Mark and I have spent many days together because our sons played on a very good Montclair HS soccer team back in the ’90s. Some will recall Ted Sattler was an excellent 3rd baseman on a strong NCAA tournament–bound baseball team. Also on campus last winter was Jack Janes, who wrote: “I am sitting in the lobby of the Colgate Inn. I can’t remember when I last sat here, but I think it was in 1992 when my kids were with me. I’ve been invited up here by the German dept to present some thoughts about what I know best. I’ll be here overnight and am trying to recapture the past in many ways. I will wander about, see if I can find old haunts, and maybe take a picture or two for the class Facebook page. I was disappointed not to be able to make it up here for the reunions in the past years, but God knows, with the 50th coming up, I will make a valiant effort this time to not be in Berlin. I don’t know if I’ve ever connected the dots in the newsletter, but when I lived in Pittsburgh 25 years ago, I was reconnected with Tim Geyer through our daughters who became friends before Tim and I met again. I assume he is still there.” [Ed note: Tim died last year.] Jack is the pres of the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies at Johns Hopkins U and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the International Institute for Strategic Studies, and the Atlantic Council of the United States. He is a leading authority on issues dealing with Germany, German-American relations, and transatlantic 56

scene: Summer 2016

affairs. Jack has delivered lectures in the US and abroad. He often provides commentary for domestic and foreign media outlets, including CBS, CNN, C-SPAN, PBS, CBC, and other networks. In the Colgate lecture, Jack provided this Weltanschauung: “Today we have Cold War institutions trying to solve post-Cold War problems, and they will need to be adjusted accordingly. Germany has become a pivotal power, a leader in partnership within the European Union and beyond. Given its economic power and diplomatic networks, Germany has appeared as a source of stability, reliability in dealing with many crises.” Paul Fish, who grew up in Oneida, NY, with me and classmates Don Kinsella, Doug Palmiter and Mark Ritter, wrote: “Your latest e-mail has prompted me to write. I knew Norm Rice very well at Colgate as we were in ROTC together. He was a trusted friend in ROTC, and kept all of our class discussions interesting. He had a great sense of humor and was just a joy to be around. I lost track of him after we went on active duty, but since I was controlling aircraft and he was flying them, I suppose we could have chatted and not have known it. I’m doing great on all fronts. My wife and I have a very successful online translation business preparing certified translations for all sorts of uses, but mostly immigration. We work long hours and sometimes 7 days a week, but it keeps us happy and healthy. We also dabble in real estate. We spend 8 months a year at our home in Indialantic, FL, and 4 months at our home in Whittier, NC. We love to cruise (Port Canaveral is only 20 minutes away), and we fly to Poland every year in Dec to be with my wife’s family over the holidays. There’s nothing better than a 3-day Polish Christmas followed by a 2–3 day New Year’s celebration.” Gene Detweiler wrote: “I knew Norm very well, although I must admit, I had not seen him in about 10 years. Norm and I were in Colgate’s AFROTC squadron. We graduated and went separate ways; me to Vietnam as a forward air controller, and he as a C-130 cargo aircraft pilot. We crossed paths a few times in different officer clubs, then lost track of each other until I got on with Northwest Airlines. Lo and behold, he was flying 747s across the ocean to Southeast Asia. We rendezvoused a few times up in Minneapolis but never visited down here in FL. Norm never did anything half-heartedly. He was a ‘pedal to the metal’ type guy. Although he liked to put on a good ol’ boy persona, he was as sharp as they come! He will be missed by many. I was looking forward to seeing him at our upcoming 50th Reunion.” There were a bunch of mini-reunions all over the place last winter. The highlight for me was the Colgate at Harvard hockey game There was a good turnout for it, including Nick Brill, Dave Schantz, Ray Wengenroth, John Huntington, Jack McGlynn, Frank Gasparini, and Michael Brown. After 57 minutes of very good Colgate hockey, there was a post-game tunk at a Harvard Square restaurant featuring a 90-minute comedy routine by Jack McGlynn More McGlynn news. Despite my repeated efforts, Jack revealed nothing at the tunk except that he earned his diploma by promising Dean William Griffith ’33 that he would return all the missing library books from the Deke House. Jack got his only “A” years after we graduated by telling then-AD Mark Murphy ’77 that he would help a Colgate professor who needed tickets to an NCAA playoff basketball game if the professor would give him an “A.” Jack got the “A” and the professor got the ticket. Dave Knauer wrote that when he was in a Vero Beach, FL, bait shop buying live shrimp last winter, his conversation with the owner turned

to hockey. Dave recounts: “In an instant I recognized the owner’s accent and said he looked like a winger and that he grew up playing the game around Boston. One thing led to another and when we discussed Boston hockey, he revealed that he was from Jack McGlynn’s hometown of Medford. When I mentioned Jack’s name, the guy couldn’t shut up. He was a poker-playing buddy of Jack’s dad who served as mayor of Medford.” Realizing the extent of lobbyist McGlynn’s power, I asked if he would help me keep the safe, environmentally friendly Pilgrim nuclear plant near Boston open. He said he was available, but would need more than an “A” to take the job. Jack organized a Deke golf mini-reunion in FL in Jan that included Bill Lincoln ’69, Terry Maclaughlin ’68, Mel Pettit ’69, Rob Littlehale ’70, and Archie Coupe ’69. Dave “Hondo” Helman wrote: “Very sad news about Norm Rice. He was a great guy who I shared many hours of pickup basketball with in Huntington Gymnasium. My wife hails from Jamestown, NY, and I have been to all of the bars referenced in Norm’s obituary. On a brighter note, I just said goodbye to my 4-year roommate George Meier and fraternity brother Greg Costich who both met me in Vegas in March for the NCAA Final Four playoff games. It was a terrific 4 days and nights of time together.” Dave Knauer spent all last winter away from Cape Cod and stayed in FL as Judy was recovering from back surgery. Dave had a mini-reunion there with Michael Brown and Rick Dalton ’71 and hatched a plan to hold a Beta mini-reunion this fall in the Adirondacks. Rick was the prime mover, but he wants to see the ’69ers who were seniors when he joined the house, and he wanted me because our parents and grandparents were friends 100 years ago in Canastota, NY. I was supposed to see Knauer when I was in FL. At the last minute, he withdrew the invitation because he and Judy both had serions bronchitus infections. He recommended that I see John Loden, my sophomore roommate, in Naples instead. I spent a night in beautiful Naples enjoying John and Marilyn’s hospitality. John is retired, but Marilyn is a leading authority on managing change to support and leverage diversity in the workplace. They spend the better part of the year in Naples, but have kept a home in the Napa, CA, wine country. On the same trip, I visited John Gillick ’67 who induced me to join his Gillickdominated NCAA March Madness basketball pool. He needed my fresh outside money because their daughter Moira Gillick Duggan ’04 has given them their 1st grandchild, and it is never too early to start saving for college. Frank Swain ’72 visited me in Breckenridge for a short mini-reunion while he was in town skiing with his wife, Hilary, and son who lives in Denver. Frank, a Georgetown Law grad, is a successful govt contracts lawyer with Faegre Baker Daniels in DC. He is concerned that at Colgate and many colleges (eg, Duke with the lacrosse team and UVA with Phi Psi) students are being denied due process. John Rice enjoyed a mini-reunion with Frank Gasparini and John Higgins in Manhattan in early Feb for a 2-hour breakfast. He reported that both are in good health and spirits. It has just been announced that headhunter Nick Brill has landed Lynn Swann to be the successor to retiring USC Athletic Director Pat Haden. This is a bit of a surprise to me as I was hoping my son Chris, AD at Cincinnati Country Day School, would be chosen. Norm Rice was not the only military pilot in our class. Mike Flanagan wrote: “Jim, I, too, lost my wife (Wells College alum Carrolle Andrews, former girlfriend of Dave Knauer during our

soph/junior years). She died of cancer back in 1990 when she was 40 years old, leaving me with 8- and 12-year-old kids to keep me busy. I know it sounds trite, but I still think of her every day. After Colgate, I spent 5 years as an officer in Naval Aviation: 2 tours of Vietnam onboard the aircraft carrier Constellation, 140 combat missions over North and South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia in A-6 Attack Jets, somehow surviving more than 300 carrier landings. Since then I have been hiding out in the woods of south Whidbey Island, WA, (about an hour north of Seattle) where Carrolle and I built a home, family, and 2 businesses. She created a facility for evaluating, educating, and treating handicapped infants (Toddler Learning Center) that is still going strong today. I have been building custom cabinets and furniture for the last 40 years in a shop on our 15 acres of conifers. I currently work with my son Colin on some amazing projects. I read in the preview of Class of ’69 notes that Peter Cook was on the swim team. I was on that team for 4 years and had difficulty remembering Peter until I looked in the Salmagundi and found him on the team our freshman year. I was glad to hear he still loves swimming. I am still able to swim a mile daily.” Jim: 910-262-3512 (C);

197 0 George Murphy Jr 1510 Ocean Avenue Mantoloking, NJ 08738-1516 Mary Wheeler Howes ’70 passed away on Jan 29, 2016, in Hamilton, NY. Mary was the 1st female graduate at Colgate. Born in Sherburne, NY, she had attended Cornell for several years before her marriage to Ray Howes, a longtime Hamilton resident. After Colgate, Mary taught school at the Sherburne-Earlville Elementary School for many years before her retirement. For more, see the spring Scene’s “Lasting Impressions” column. In the aftermath of forwarding some late1960s Colgate-era photos that I came upon to assorted classmates and friends, I received a humorous and responsive e-mail from Kevin Gleason ’68. Kevin is truly enjoying retirement and taking advantage of his accumulated frequent flyer miles. His e-mail to me was from his short stop in Vienna after starting a journey from his home in Naples, FL, before visiting Park City, UT; Tangiers; Estepona, Spain; Dusseldorf; and back to Westfield, NJ, for Easter Sunday. That’s all for now. Stay cool and keep in touch with our school. Murph: 732-892-0217; 908-330-4485 (C); 7806 (F);

197 1 Richard C Beck 4290 SE Augusta Loop Gresham, OR 97080-8435 Unlike previous columns, I am taking a chance that I will get more class news by attending our upcoming reunion. Therefore, I did not send out my usual plea for input. Hopefully, I will run into some of you at our 45th. As I write this column, 20 classmates have registered for the June gathering. That being said, there are a couple of items to report. Michael Altschul retired on Dec 31, 2015, after 25 years as general council of CTIA, a Washington, DC–based trade association representing the cell phone industry. During his tenure, the wireless industry exploded from car phones to today’s smart phones and connected devices.

Michael remarks that he was lucky enough to have played a role in developing laws and policies that allow the industry to grow and thrive. (Needless to say, most of us own multiple wireless devices.) While Michael and wife Chris (Christine Werner, Skidmore 1971) plan to stay put for a while in DC, they plan to travel and catch up with friends. Over the past few months, Brenda and I have been visiting different parts of the country with friends and family. Over Thanksgiving week, we flew to Kona on the Big Island of HI and met up with friends from Austin, TX. The weather was great, but it was not the “typical” Thanksgiving experience. In early March, we took a break from a very wet Northwest winter and visited Palm Desert, CA. On a more somber note, Keith H Karlson passed away on Jan 16, 2016. Multiple memorial services for Keith were held in Bay St Louis, MS; South Dartmouth, MA; and Bar Harbor, ME. After leaving Colgate, Keith earned his law degree from the Tulane U School of Law and the Tulane School of Social Work. Upon graduation, Keith co-founded the Louisiana Center for the Public Interest, a nonprofit law firm for persons with disabilities that continues operating in New Orleans. As a licensed clinical social worker, Keith headed hospice services at Slidell Memorial Hospital and he maintained a private therapeutic practice in Bay St Louis. Keith also worked as a clinical social worker for the Southwest Mississippi Mental Health Complex in Natchez. Outside of social work, Keith became a licensed real estate agent restoring and renovating historic properties in New Orleans, Bay St Louis, and Natchez. A talented photographer, he opened the Mississippi Gallery in Bay St Louis along with his partner artist Tony Eccles. Working with other Bay St gallery owners, Keith championed the Second Saturday Art Walk as well as the Arts Natchez Gallery and Second Saturday in Natchez. However, art was not his only passion. Keith loved gardening. He could always be found planting something to enhance the garden while nourishing his soul. He never segregated vegetables from flowers, but used both to provide living green spaces whether in his yard or at his curbside. He always enjoyed planting varieties of plants and vegetables to form a carpet of textures, patterns, and colors. He created and tended his friendships in much the same way as he gardened, enjoying the bright contrasts of opposites. Survivors include his partner, Alfred J Walker of Natchez, MS; a brother; a niece; a nephew; 3 stepsisters; and 2 stepbrothers. In honor of Keith, 2 memorial funds have been established at Mississippi Public Broadcasting and Maine Public Broadcasting. Until next time. Richard: 503-512-8085 (H); 504-8431 (C);

Colgate seen Alumni can be seen sporting their Colgate gear here, there, and everywhere around the globe. Send your sightings to From Mauritius to Madagascar. During his first trip to Africa last fall, Gary Martenson ’95 hiked Madagascar’s Andringitra National Park. Pictured here with a porter, Martenson spent several days traversing the 20mile “wild terrain.”

Oh, baby. It was no easy feat to get these little feet to stay still long enough for a photo. “We had the camera leaned up precariously on a potato sack!” said Emily (Wright) Luckett ’04. She and her Colgate roommates (“The Girls of 15 College”) got together this spring in Bend, Ore. L to R: Luckett with Luke, Rosie (Bancroft) McMullin ’04 with Ryan, Katie (Konrad) Moore ’04 with Everly, and Lily (Dupont) Leedom ’04 with Nathaniel.

Three Colgate generations. Allison Feldman ’20 will be starting Colgate in the fall, following in the footsteps of her uncle, David ’89 (far left); dad, Jonny ’90 (second from left); grandfather Barry ’62 (far right); and second cousin Danny Rosen ’19 (not pictured). The group was together at the Quinnipiac/Colgate Women’s Hockey Game in Hamden, Conn.

1 97 2 David M Brockway 201 Lincoln Road Horseheads, NY 14845-2267 A happy summer to all! Some news has been pretty good getting to us, and I’m always thrilled when I don’t have to write about myself to take up space! One of our regular contributors is Rick Lewis, who e-mailed to advise of a chance run-in with Dave Hennigar. Rick wrote: “In Dec, Marcia and I were taking our 1st Windstar cruise in the Caribbean, and a couple of days out, I was chatting with a fellow passenger poolside when I noticed a fellow on the lounge next to him. Long story short, it was Dave Hennigar, who was

Down Under. When Alex Gonzalez ’89 (on right) visited classmate Barb West ’89 in Melbourne, Australia, they drove the Great Ocean Road and stopped by the Twelve Apostles (limestone stacks) to snap a photo.

Carbon copy. James Tierney ’92 and Fred Dunlap ’50 share the hometown of Carbondale, Pa., and attended the same high school. “He recruited me to play football at Colgate and was instrumental in me attending Temple Law School,” Tierney said of his former coach. “I would not be where I am today without Fred’s support.” Pictured after a fall Colgate football game: Fred and Marilyn Dunlap (middle row, right and second from right), with the Tierney family. Top row (L to R): Devan, Max, and James; middle row (L to R): Jimmy, Cameron, and wife Suzy; front row: Brynn. News and views for the Colgate community


The electric ride

Gas prices are always a hot topic in summertime when travel is on the rise. Not that Ben Rich ’99 had much to sweat about when he did his three-country North American tour last summer. Transportation cost him a mere $52.69. That covered charging fees for his Zero SR electric motorcycle, as he explained in his trip recap for the February 2016 issue of American Motorcyclist. “Riding the open road is a treasure and a mystery waiting to be experienced,” he wrote. This was his third consecutive summer dedicated to a long-distance ride. Cruising from Washington, D.C., south to Mexico, and looping up to Canada, Rich traveled 6,800 miles last summer while on break from his job as sustainability coordinator and physics teacher at Montclair Kimberley Academy (N.J.). He charged his bike at RV parks and car dealerships, and bunked with friends — making new friends along the way. On Skyline Drive through the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, he chatted with some firefighters on sport bikes who noticed he didn’t make any noise while pulling off the road. In Charleston, S.C., it was only fitting that Rich, a former swing dance instructor, whirled into a ’20s-themed bar to do the dance named after the city. Then, when crossing the U.S.-Mexican border back into the United States, Rich answered more questions from agents about his motorcycle than about the purpose of his trip. “Nice guys,” he noted. And while winding up “the Trace” — a national parkway from Natchez, Miss., to Nashville, Tenn. — Rich’s quiet ride did not disturb the fauna. Stopping in a wooded area, “there were two or three birds calling to each other, and that was all that could be heard,” he wrote. “I took a moment to appreciate the silence.” He made it to his northernmost point — Montreal — just in time for an afternoon social dance at a park near the St. Lawrence River. Heading home to New Jersey, coasting through the Adirondacks felt like his victory lap, Rich said. He’d made it relying on two batteries, people’s hospitality, and the wind at his back. — Aleta Mayne


scene: Summer 2016

in Andrews Hall with me our freshman year, and we both have had careers in the real estate business. What a small world we live in!” Shortly after Rick’s e-mail, I received one from Dave who also re-sent a photo of himself and Jeff Tuttle while golfing at The Old Head golf course in Kinsale (Ireland) during the summer of 2013. Dave and wife Lydia live year-round in Delray Beach, FL, where Dave continues to sell new homes in the area. Dave advises that Jeff recently relocated to OR to be closer to a growing family on the West Coast. He also wrote that he caught up with Mark Wanich and Jeff Anderson in Feb at Mark’s home in Lutz, FL, adding that Mark was planning a move to the Seattle area to live near his family as well. Jeff still winters in Destin, but otherwise lives in MN. Speaking of running into people as Rick did, while I was lounging with my wife, Barb, on the shores of Aruba this past Feb, Dwight Augustine ’68 spotted my Colgate T-shirt and introduced himself. Dwight was an Alpha Delt and now resides in St Augustine, FL, after a career with Traveler’s Property Casualty Corp, most recently as VP of bonds. We spent a bit of time recalling our days at the ’Gate, the changes to Colgate, and the campus since then. I received a nice letter from Dave Toscano, who brought me up to date on his doings. You may recall that David received his MA and PhD from Boston College (sociology), taught a year in Europe, and then returned to write several books and teach at a few universities in VA, including UVA, from which Dave received his law degree. He’s been a family law attorney since, but spends much of his time as House Democratic Leader in the VA House of Delegates. In fact, he holds the seat once held by Thomas Jefferson (57th District). David, his wife of 38 years, Nancy, and son live in Charlottesville. Dave added that he’s been happy to work with VA Gov Terry McAuliffe, who coincidentally grew up a mile from him in Syracuse. Dave recalls that he fitted the gov “with his HS prom tuxedo while working at my father’s clothing store in the early ’70s.” Also this past spring, Rick Fee called from Hingham, MA, after reading the winter issue of the Scene. Aside from saying “hey,” he recalled that his father’s family used to stay at NH’s Newfound Lake, along which Dave Bliss and brother Jeff Bliss ’75 hosted a mini-reunion last summer for some of us. Also heard from Greg Dziuba, who sent a note from Ridgefield, CT, advising that daughter Allison is attending grad school in CA while his wife, Candy, continues to teach middle school. Greg continues as dir of creative services for Highlights magazine. Frank Barrie also sent me some news this qtr. Frank, who edits www.knowwhereyourfood, wrote a terrific review in Feb of Ted Kerasote’s latest book Pukka’s Promise. Frank subtitled his review as “Know Where Rover’s Food Comes From.” Finally, I sadly report the passing of a number of our classmates. Woody Hochswender left us this past Dec. Woody was a prolific writer and editor for numerous publications throughout his life, including Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, the NY Times, Esquire, Golf, Avon Books, and numerous others. Also, this past Dec, Jon Eisberg (brother of Arthur “Bud” Eisberg ’65) died unexpectedly in NJ. Classmate Howard Weiner had these nice words to say about Jon: “After Colgate, he remained the guy everyone who knew him in college remembers: smart, funny, accomplished, adventurous, and completely self-reliant. A world-class motorsport photographer, he also was a professional yacht delivery captain who moved boats from FL, TX, and the Caribbean as

far as ME and Chicago. He was a stand-up guy and a good friend.” Finally, word reached us that Peter Gruebel, a member of Sigma Chi, had died in Sept of 2014. Our sincerest condolences are extended to the families and survivors of these colleagues. I think that does it for this issue. Drop a line any time! David: 607-739-0267 (H); 607-738-4308 (C);

197 3 Marc Gettis 43 Summit Avenue Gillette, NJ 07933-2007 A few updates to the spring 2016 column are in order: In said column, it was reported that Bruce Milligan had begun work at the Johns Hopkins U Applied Physics Lab in Laurel, MD, “doing interesting things.” Those “interesting things,” in Bruce’s role as a senior research analyst, involve designing war games for the US Dept of Defense. Also reported in that column were some of the recent activities performed by Ron Joyce as a Colgate trustee. Ron, along with Bill Johnston, was back on campus for the April 1–2 trustee meetings focusing on the transition of Brian Casey as Colgate’s new president beginning July 1 and on several building projects, including a new career services center, a new dorm, and renovations to Stillman and Andrews halls and the Bryan Complex. They also participated in a dinner honoring the winner of this year’s Balmuth Teaching Award, named for the “legendary and still energetic” Prof Jerry Balmuth. Finally, it was reported that Fausto Miraglia had seen Bill ‘Barney’ Barnaskas at the Colgate-Lafayette game last Nov. Fausto has since filled in the details. Bill and he “tailgated with friends from Lafayette. Barney looks great and he brought some rice balls (arranginas) from the famous Francesca’s Restaurant of Lyndhurst, NJ.” Two days later, Fausto caught up with Robert ‘Griff’ Griffith, who was rehabbing from surgery in Cedar Grove, NJ, and planning to retire in NC. Faust received a visit from Bob Litts’s daughter Melissa and her husband, George, who were traveling in MD. Bob is doing well in CT. Fausto recently reconnected with Mike Albarelli ’75 and Don Kraics ’75, both of whom are now grandfathers. In the course of making calls on behalf of Colgate, Fausto caught up with Carmen Elliott, who is now in Pittsburgh and doing well. While refereeing a travel basketball game this past winter, Steve Glassman ran into Mark Criqui ’89, who was coaching his daughter’s West Essex (NJ) club. (A photo of Steve and Mark appears in the photo gallery at the top of class news online.) In addition to being a basketball ref and football official, Steve umpires HS baseball and softball. Jennifer Smith Linck continues to visit and enjoy her 6 grandchildren (age range 20 months to 11 years) in UT and CA while occasionally joining her husband, Dana, as he does disaster relief work for FEMA, most recently involving flooding in OR. These columns are available online by going to, clicking on the Scene, then clicking on Class News. In the winter 2016 column, we reported on Bill Grotevant representing his company, Medtronic, at the World Congress of Surgery Annual Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand. This Jan, Bill experienced the same products he demonstrated to surgeons in Bangkok from the perspective of the patient as he underwent bilateral knee replacements. After a short stint at Spaulding

Rehab Hospital on Cape Cod, Bill was back home, relieved and thrilled with the outcome. Since retiring from the Hamburg (NY) CSD, Bruce “Goober” Mitchell has been an adjunct professor in the graduate counseling programs at Canisius College and SUNY Buffalo. Bruce and Sally hosted Donna and Rick Stickle for a weekend last Oct. Both couples recently celebrated their 46th anniversaries — “and they said it wouldn’t last.” Bruce supplied a photo of Rick and himself, as well as a vintage photo, both of which are available in the Scene class news photo gallery. After departing the Mitchell residence in East Aurora, NY, the Stickles traveled to Letchworth State Park, where Rick, “ever the rockhound, fell in love with the geologic formations.” The 2 couples reconvened at the Stickle home in Rhinebeck, NY, in Dec for the annual Sinter Klaas Festival. Bruce keeps busy as a member of the East Aurora Zoning Board of Appeals as VP of the local Kiwanis Club and as an adviser to the Middle School’s Builders Club while still finding time for volunteering as Santa Claus and producing some of the sweetest maple syrup around. Bill Powers announced his retirement as CEO of Bonnie Brae Residential Treatment Center for Adolescent Boys in Liberty Corner, NJ, effective Aug 31. In commemoration of his impending retirement, the Bonnie Brae Board surprised Bill at its Feb 2016 Tartan Ball by naming its New Brunswick house the “William M Powers House.” A photo of the naming ceremony can be seen in the class news photo gallery in the online edition of the Scene. Marc: 908-580-1414, 580-1946 (F);

1 974 Gregg McAllister 21 Ross Street Batavia, NY 14020-2307 Greetings from WNY. Doug Stoddart retired after 17 years as a judge in Framingham, MA, District Court. Doug received kudos from other judges and lawyers who worked with him while he was on the bench. Doug was known for working creatively with the cases that appeared before him, like accepting a new pair of Nike sneakers in lieu of cash bail. He is returning to private practice in Natick. A Wellesley native, Doug also previously served as a Republican state representative. I’m proud to report that my son Scott received his MBA from Binghamton U, and my daughter Catherine received her bachelor’s from Duquesne U, both in May. Now we move to another phase of life as a family with all 3 kids out of college. Would love to hear more news from you all. Gregg: 585-345-6154 (O); 343-9796 (H);

1 97 5 Carolyn Swift Apt 514 2022 Columbia Rd NW Washington, DC 20009-1316 Carolyn: 202-251-4981;

1 97 6 Valerie Avedon Gardiner 40 St Andrews Road Severna Park, MD 21146-1439 By the time this issue of the Scene is in your hot little hands, Reunion 40 will be a distant and (hopefully) cherished memory. You will have

climbed hills, reconnected with old friends, bought yet another Colgate sweatshirt (no such thing as too many), danced in a few tents after a few beers, and lost your voice (oh wait, that’s usually ME). To those who could not make it, I just want to thank YOU for allowing me the privilege of keeping us connected for almost 40 years. In case you may have forgotten, class secretary John Hoff was our initial word warrior, but he gracefully (and perhaps gratefully?) passed the baton to me at the recommendation of Gary Skoien. Gary, for some unknown reason, thought I had it in me. I remember vividly stressing out big time for my 1st column, reading it over the phone to my mom (an editor herself). She did not change one thing. I was tickled pink. That being said, it’s been a pleasure to hear from you, write about you, and talk to so many of you over the years. I cannot imagine there is a better, tighter class at any other university anywhere. I am so honored, although we may never have officially met, to call you ALL my friends. And if you’ll have me, I’d like to stick around for another 40?! Now for the fun stuff that comes from your emails, phone calls, and Facebook (more than 200 members and counting on our class page). Freshman year friend-for-life Susan Bayer was happy to share that husband Judge Michael Garner was sworn in to the NH Circuit Court last Dec by Gov Maggie Hassan. In town for the festivities were daughter Mindy from MN, his mom and sis from VA, and cousins from MA. Along with friends, they all then crossed the street to the Barley House, a local pub, for a celebration reception. As Susan said, jokingly: “I only have to call him Your Honor in public!” Hats off to Michael, and looking forward to catching up with them and the rest of the Kendrick crew under the tent in June. Job well done to Dave Beddow’s wife, Sue, a member of the prestigious Smithsonian’s women’s committee. This past April, she cochaired the huge Smithsonian Craft Show in DC. This energetic and generous committee has funded more than 1,000 grants totaling more than $11 million toward education, research, and outreach in the community; kudos to all. Kendrick cohort (#4 in this column so far) Linda Morris was sorry to miss reunion, but had daughter Carolyn graduating from HS and a party at their home that weekend. Carolyn then jets off to Cuzco and the Inca Trail before starting at GWU to study poli sci and int’l relations. Hoping to catch up on one of her trips to DC. Barb Callendar Hayes writes from FL to say she can’t make reunion either. Both pals will be missed. Make that 3 pals: CO’s Barb Cole will miss our fun, too. See you at 45?! Missed Mark Johnson when down in FL. He was in Jupiter, helping his folks move and, unfortunately, we were not there at the same time. Hope we get to throw a beer or two back at reunion to make up for lost time. Ted Poretz shares: “Just back from a long Valentine’s Day weekend in Montego Bay, a trip we decided to take almost the moment we heard the NYC weather would be below zero. My kids are out of the house. Jenny (UVM 2013) works in restorative justice in the juvenile justice system in northern CA, and Josh (Tufts 2015) lives in Washington, DC, and works for an int’l management consulting firm. Beth and I finally succumbed to the lure of a weekend house, and we bought one in Livingston Manor, NY, just 2 exits from the Roscoe Diner. All alums wanting to stop halfway now have an alternative and can always stop by for a frosty one from the Catskill Brewery down the road. We christened the house on Labor Day a year ago with lots of Colgate alums: Doug Jones ’74 and Rosemary Utz ’75, Bob Lambert ’75, Steve Lapinel ’75, Gregg McAllister and Rich Leonard

’74, Nate Caswell ’75, and Brad Shapiro and Mark Francis ’75. Apologies to anyone I’ve forgotten. A lot of Catskill Brewery’s finest was consumed.” Midge Loposzko shared happy news that son Tommy married Kristine Alenzuela in a civil ceremony during the summer and then they had a big ol’ Catholic wedding filled with family (dad Rick Siciliano) and friends later in Oct. The “kids” bought a home on 5 acres near Midge in the Houston area. Tommy continues his work at the county psychiatric center; his wife is a hospital nurse. Midge’s daughter Katy is completing her PhD in biopsychology at U of MI, and her hubby works in the library there. Mom hopes those 2 will be back closer to home in the near future. She’s also looking for grandbabies to spoil! I ain’t lion … author and disruptive manabout-NYC Craig Hatkoff, along with daughters Juliana and Bella, have just released their latest book, Cecil’s Pride — The True Story of a Lion King, tackling what became a sensitive and senseless story in the media. To quote Amazon: “The world knows the story of how Cecil died. This is the story of how he lived. Complete with stunning photographs by Brent Stapelkamp, a photographer and lion researcher with the Oxford U Wildlife Conservation Research Unit that has tracked Cecil and his pride for 9 years.” Cool way to pay tribute to this king of the jungle. Yay for author Lucia Greene, who has published another book of her own. A Tunnel in the Pines is a middle-school-age tale of 2 boys and their search for adventure during their summer vacation. Our lovely Lucia got to share and read from her work at this year’s Newburyport (MA) Literary Festival. Job well done. Now here comes the hard part. There is no easy way to say goodbye to one of our own, but at the suggestion of Jon Sobel, many of us bid Dale Lundquist a belated farewell by toasting to him at the appointed hour of 5 PM the day of his Feb funeral attended by Steve Wagner and Jeff Plaut. For the photographic evidence, you must join Facebook. It was very cool. Included: Lili Rodriguez, Sobel, Nat and Chris Hemingway Jones, Barb Cole, Susie and Michael Creighton, Midge Loposzko, Lin Brehmer and Sara Farr, Deb and Rick Greenswag, Walter Fyk, Ricardo Rodriguez, Tom Queffelec, Dave Tocco, and Rick Siciliano. Dale passed suddenly in his sleep and leaves a loving family behind. Our heartfelt sympathies are with wife Robin, daughters Caitlin and Lauren, sons David and Chris, and tiny grandson Logan. Rest peacefully, old friend. Keep the good (and even the not-so-good) stuff coming. Happy summer to all. Valerie: 410-903-9407;

1 977 Carl P Barone 176 Reilly Road LaGrangeville, NY 12540-9530

Carolyn and Ladd Connell were early this year with their annual update. Ladd still works for Conservation International on their programs and policies as they relate to the World Bank and other multilateral development banks and UN agencies. Their 2 largest programs aim to promote engagement of indigenous peoples and local communities in forest conservation and more sustainable marine fishing practices. Ladd recently celebrated his 60th birthday with a ’60s-themed party, dancing to the Dave Clark Five and Jimi Hendrix (diverse musical tastes!), and with Ladd remarking, “If you can remember it, you weren’t there.” I could say that about most of your parties, Ladd! Just saw some fantastic pictures on FB of Liz Buchbinder, Lynn Plant Weiner, Lauri Curtis Hadobas, and others enjoying some fantastic spring skiing at Snowmass Mountain. After almost 40 years, Woody Freiman found a few minutes to send me a note with some admirable news. An article in the spring Scene (“Tableau” essay, pg 12) chronicles a journey undertaken by Woody and his wife, Paulette, last Dec to Greece to aid in the plight facing the thousands of refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere seeking refuge in Europe. As Woody commented: “The sights of so many families, mothers, and fathers clutching children’s hands and/or holding babies in their arms with nothing more than a backpack remains with me. The world needs to put a plan in place and get beyond the fear and offer a helping hand.” Kudos to you and Paulette for offering your time, service, and hearts to people who are so desperately in need. Also received a follow-up note from Mark Weldon who wrote of his comeback from the infection that nearly took his life a few years ago. He is walking much better than he has in the past 10 years and gives many thanks to his daughters, Carly and Melanie, “who have cared for me so lovingly” while he convalesced. He commented that the presidential election season offers him much respite from his illness by bringing endless humor to his days! Hope you can make it back to our 40th, Mark. I’m sure everyone would love to cheer you on. Please drop me a note, give a call, or connect on FB when the spirit moves you. Until then, enjoy your summer. Carl: 845-227-1854 (H); 914-489-4493 (C);

197 8 Linda Pattillo Suite 230-271 245 N Highland Avenue NE Atlanta, GA 30307-1936 Linda:

197 9

Summer greetings to all! I’ve heard from several classmates since last time, so here’s a quick recap. John “Slim” Greer sent news that his daughter Emily graduated from the U of MD grad school with a degree in conservation biology and landed a job as an environmental scientist with a large civil engineering firm. Slim is enjoying retirement from the federal govt and now runs his own dispute resolution firm taking on courtordered mediation and arbitration from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. Slim’s wife, Sue, retired from the SSA a few years ago and is also enjoying retirement. They recently attended the MD State Bar Association meeting in Puerto Vallarta and enjoy birding trips to Cape May and elsewhere.

Kimi de Murga Apt 1A 227 E 66th Street New York, NY 10021-6413 Jackie Downing Mulrooney and her husband, Galen, live in Clifton, VA, and spend some time in Sanibel, FL. In the spring Scene, you can read about Jackie’s career in health care information technology. The company she owns with her husband, JP Systems Inc, won a contract in Sept 2015 from the federal government for medical terminology support for the dept of veteran affairs. It’s a 5-year, $100 million effort to support the standardization of reference data in the electronic health care records systems.

News and views for the Colgate community


Please drop me an e-mail with your news! Enjoy the summer! Kimi: 212-517-6776;

1 980 Scott Williams Apt 1010 5325 Westbard Avenue Bethesda, MD 20816-4422 Jeff and Robin ’82 Palmer share greetings, reporting a busy year of business and family travel, ranging from Hamilton to Cambodia. Jeff continues his work with ExxonMobil while Robin still works with dyslexic students. Daughter Carolyn travels around the world as an occupational therapist while son Ben has worked as a coach for Crossfit in Kuwait and Kazakhstan before departing for Asia. Pretty cool fam. In March, Ulrich Klemm was awarded the 2016 Luther S Beers Distinguished Service Award by the Cumberland-Perry Association for Retarded Citizens recognizing him for his monthly guitar performances at an adult daycare center. For nearly 2 decades Ulrich has volunteered time with persons with developmental and intellectual disabilities in PA. Thanks for making our world a little bit better, Ulrich. Coleman Brown would be proud. Had a great conversation with Sally Smith Roberts whose son Aaron is looking to relocate to DC. She and Ken send their best to all. Speaking of DC, Sandy Mullins is spending more time in the nation’s capital now that her son Scott (awesome name) is attending American U. Son Sean just graduated from Rhode Island School of Design and is establishing himself down in New Orleans. After serving as CEO of a $8 million credit union in West Orange, NJ, Sandy has joined the management team at Novartis Federal Credit Union while she continues to champion financial literacy initiatives. She also serves on the board of the NJ Credit Union Foundation. Bruce Knecht has published a real pageturner about Larry Ellison and his $200 million effort to win the 2013 America’s Cup. The Comeback is a gripping read about “the kind of superhuman personal efforts (and ethical lapses) that sometimes develop when people have nothing to lose.” Marcy Wydman, Vicki Weisman, and Susan Waivada were spotted in Hamilton at N13 (thanks for the biz, guys…); in town for the Aretha Franklin concert and a Colgate fix. Marcy’s son Jesse will enroll at BYU this fall. Welcome to Utah, Jess! Finally, by the time this column reaches you, both of my daughters will have completed their Colgate careers. Katie ’15 will start as a Peace Corps volunteer in Fiji in Aug while Lacey ’16 will be teaching French in Zermatt, Switzerland, this fall for the Swiss semester program. And we thought going to Poolville was a hike. Scott:

1 981 Nancy Horwitz 77 Islington Road Auburndale, MA 02466-1009 Greetings, Class of 1981. By the time you read this column, our 35th Reunion will have come and gone and we will still be reveling in the warmth and fun of that special weekend — or maybe still recovering! Our fall issue will 60

scene: Summer 2016

include news from reunion. Over the past few months, I have heard from several of our classmates. Mike Sokol has been incredibly busy of late, engaged in playwriting, teaching, local politics, and working with Citigroup. Over the last 18 months or so, he’s written 9 plays of which 4 have been staged in NYC and in NJ. Several of these plays can be found on YouTube. In addition, he has been teaching graduate students at NYU the fine art of PR writing. He writes: “I always remembered my conversation with Doc Reading when he said I would make a good professor, but recommended not to pursue a PhD because there were no openings. I do find myself channeling the good doctor from time to time while resisting all the politically incorrect parts of his rhetoric.” Mike is also in the final year of his 2nd term on the local school board in Holmdel, NJ. And as if that’s not enough, he’s doing executive and employee communications these days at Citigroup. He writes: “It’s been a fun, if not demanding gig.” Way to go, Mike! Also demonstrating that there is still plenty of gas in the tank of the members of the Class of ’81 is Fred Gumbinner. Fred recently finished 3rd in the nation in both the 55 and over division and the 50 and over division in Platform (Paddle) Tennis Nationals. In both instances, he was the closest to beating the #1 team. He’s still in the Washington, DC, area (Fairfax County, VA) doing micro private equity transactions, raising capital for early stage companies, helping investors and HNWs get into exceptional deals, and playing a bunch of golf and platform tennis. He writes that he’s “always happy to try to get on the course or on the courts with any Colgate alumni who might be living in or visiting the area.” Fred’s 2 daughters are doing great: Katrina (turning 25) graduated the U of MI Honors College with numerous awards and is working as an analyst in the Washington, DC, area, and Karin is pursuing a digital cinema major at DePaul U in Chicago. Melanie (Naumann) Stensrud wrote that she and her husband, Mike, are happily situated in Charlotte, NC, which is an easy drive up to northern VA where both of their kids live. Their daughter Meg is getting married in June, so Melanie won’t be able to make it to our reunion. Debbie (Little) Chiumento has moved to Boston and now works at Ernst & Young as a business development exec, associate dir in the banking and capital markets practice. She wrote: “I feel a bit like I am living in Back to the Future because I am working long hours and have taken an apt in the city, just like my 1st job in banking in Chicago after graduating from Colgate. Luckily, I also have a house on the Cape to retreat to. I have caught up with Kathy Grady Skelly and Mara Francesca Sheehan-O’Brien and would love to see more!” Also in MA is Nancy Coughlin Weida, who is content on Cape Cod. She and her husband, Rich, relocated there permanently when Nancy retired from Bucknell U after 25 years of being a professor. She enjoys getting together periodically with her MA Colgate classmates Carol Spiak Vari, Elizabeth Stahl, and me. I’m channeling my energy these days training to do my 6th Pan Mass Challenge Bike event to raise money for cancer research and treatment. After a brief stint directing career services at Wellesley College, I returned to my consulting/ coaching business and am working to develop and deliver programs to aid students making the transition from college to work to facilitate a smooth start — like the first 90 days for new graduates. It’s not been that long since we were making that transition, has it? Looking forward to seeing (or having seen) many of you at reunion in June! Nancy: 617-558-9781;

1982 Margie Jiampietro Palladino 37 Boulder Road Wellesley, MA 02481-1502 Don your Fair Isle sweater, short shorts, and Farrah Fawcett feathery flip, and mark your calendars for our 35th! Reunion is set for the 1st weekend of June 2017 (Thur, June 1–Sun, June 4). Don’t miss this once-in-a-five-year opportunity to enjoy a weekend of fun and memories under the tents on Whitnall Field. To get us ready, here’s news that spans our last 6 reunions. Trendsetters that they are, Brian Mich and his wife, Bridget, moved 1 year after our 5th Reunion (28 years ago for those of us who rely on a calculator these days to do simple math) to the now very hip Carroll Gardens section of Brooklyn. Brian has 2 sons: Dylan (Villanova ’14), an investment banking analyst in Chicago; and Matt, a junior at Fordham. Brian’s career has spanned all our reunions. After graduating from Colgate, Brian went to law school at Villanova, and 2 years before our 5th Reunion, became a prosecutor focusing on organized crime and white collar crime in Brooklyn and Queens. Brian left the Queens DA’s office 2 years after our 20th Reunion to work for Paul Volcker, overseeing a special committee created by the UN to investigate the Oil-for-Food Programme in Iraq. Brian says the project was a “wonderful job that gave me the opportunity to work and develop friendships with attorneys and investigators from all over the world.” Brian started his current job the year of our 25th Reunion. He is a managing dir in the global forensics practice at BDO USA. Brian, a passionate music devotee, and Bridget go to the New Orleans Jazz Fest every year with fellow Theta Chi brother John O’Dwyer ’81, and they hung out with Betsy Lawrence at Jazz Fest several years ago. He has seen Mike Golabek and Lauren Potter D’Onofrio over the years and Kwok Eng, Tim Clyne, and Andres Fernandez recently. He will likely see Michael and Cindy Russo Dougherty, who just relocated to hipster Brooklyn. Since Brian has been very busy with his career and family the past 34 years and has not been back to Colgate in a long time, he has resolved to be at our 35th Reunion in 2017. Brian says: “One of my goals is to be better about maintaining my Colgate connections, and I look forward to getting together with Colgate friends during the upcoming years.” Speaking of Colgate friends, my friend Kim Amato Liu and I spent a fun few days in Boston. Kim, a fellow entrepreneur at heart, founded and operates a specialty toy store, Twirl Toy Shop in Pennington, NJ. If you are like I am and not in tune with the latest toys and gizmos, feel free to contact Kim. She has a wealth of knowledge about children’s presents for all ages. While Kim was here in Wellesley we reminisced about all the good times we had together between our 5th and 10th reunions when she lived here. Kim and her husband, John, moved to the Princeton, NJ, area shortly after their daughter was born — 1 year after our 10th Reunion. Now, their daughter is graduating from Princeton and heading to Harvard for her master’s. Despite this daunting fact that reminds us how the years have quickly passed, Kim and I don’t feel a day older than when we were at our last reunion! So, everyone, let’s make plans to attend our 35th Reunion and celebrate our last 35 years of friendships together. On a closing note, I want to send our collec-

tive thoughts and sympathy to Megan Heffron Fraser, who lost her dear husband, Jay Fraser. Megan writes: “Jay was a wonderful husband who was taken too soon, but I was lucky to have had him for the 20 years we were together.” Megan continues to be the optimistic, incredible woman that we knew in college. According to her good friend Betsy Lawrence: “She is one of the strongest and most positive people I know.” Megan is VP, communications and marketing, at Valley Health Systems in Ridgewood, NJ, and terrific mom to Christian and Callie Trautwein and Maggie Fraser. Margie: 781-235-9386;

19 83 Gwen Tutun 24 Fairfield Ave Westport, CT 06880 Gwen: 203-856-2922 (C);

19 84 Diane Munzer Fisher 4356 Stilson Circle Norcross, GA 30092-1648 While I typically don’t write this quarterly column based only on my personal interactions with classmates, this column will be just that. My husband and I spent most of Nov traveling throughout the northeast. We sandwiched our travels between our daughter’s family weekend at Wesleyan and our family Thanksgiving celebration in NJ. I was looking forward to seeing Sally Moran Davidson, mother of a Wesleyan sr. Unfortunately, her younger daughter was ill and so she was not able to make it to campus. I was, however, able to visit with Heather Lubking Brown in her new home in Easton, CT. Heather continues to make a difference in the lives of her students as a teacher and administrator. I also had a delightful dinner with Kevin McDonough and his family at their home in Holden, MA. Kevin is also impacting students through his commitment to literacy and the love of reading as library volunteer extraordinaire. In NJ, I had dinner with Susan Steinberg and Norman Murphy ’83 and Tom and Kathy Houston Porcelli. It had been years since we had all been together, but didn’t seem that way. Made it down briefly to DC where Joel Bernstein ’85 hosted a lovely dinner with Ron ’83 and Jennifer Wilson Sinek. I was glad to finally meet Joel’s fiancée, Quinn. There were lots of Colgate folks whom we weren’t able to meet up with along the way. Hoping that we’ll be able to remedy that on our next trip north. Of course, if anyone is in Atlanta (or passing through for business), please let me know. There’s a significant Colgate contingent here in GA. I was happy to attend the Colgate/GA Tech basketball game with Laura Kurlander just before Christmas. Laura’s son Noah is a first-year at Tech and was playing in the pep band. Please send along your news so my next column will be more than a Diane Fisher travelogue. Diane: 770-209-9341;

19 85 Michael Yardley Greetings, classmates. I hope everyone’s enjoying the summer, ideally with some well-earned vacation time. At our age, even just a couple weeks away from the daily grind seems to help

1986 Michele Radin 681 Indian Ridge Drive Palm Desert, CA 92211-7485 Either all our classmates are SO busy traveling to exotic unmapped, unconnected locales, running a supersecret, superdangerous, black ops program for some unnamed superpower, rescuing adorable puppies and ducklings from depraved puppy/duckling smuggling rings, or learning the trapeze that you didn’t have time to drop me a single update e-mail for the July class column, or you’ve been saving news for our big 30th Reunion that you all just attended June 2–5, 2016, so you all were too thoughtful to send in a spoiler e-mail. Leaving me with nothing but the pitying acknowledgements from Stephen Goeben, Christine Chao, and Sue Jacoby of my pleas for news — without providing news. I forgive you, classmates, because I know our next ’86 column, and the 1 after that, and the 1 after that will be overflowing with all the great reunion news, stories, and updates that you will be sending in for months to come! Michele: 706-641-6357;

198 7 Marnie Concha 8717 Aldwick Drive Dallas, TX 75238 Greetings, all! I have just returned from my annual Vail ski trip, where I enjoyed a few days of skiing and touched base with Betsy Tenney Lewis, who was being honored for her 20-year anniversary with Vail Resorts. Further out on the West Coast, Chris Cernosia and her 2 girls (10 and 12) caught Caroline Sherman’s premiere of Empire and got a great backstage tour. Along those lines, Caroline wanted to acknowledge “some of the Colgate alumni who have been participating for years ... and years ... and years to help make this happen: Bob Austrian ’85, Kim Avison Huffard, Mark Bryant, Julie Colhoun, Jennifer Dowd, John Golden ’66, Jonathan and Kari (Johnston) Halkyard, Richard Herbst ’69, Susie Kinkead McMahon, Ann Leschander Raziel, Alicia Metz, Emily Mikesell, Betsy Morris Rosen, Audrey Morrissey ’89, Sue Patsalos Huffard, David Pritchard, Suzann Redding, Alex Sherman ’89, Larry and Ruth Sherman P’81,’91, Russell Sherman ’91, and Suzanne Sherman Propp ’85.” For those who missed this run, Empire is a fun, uplifting, energizing romantic comedy about the folks who had the audacity during the Great Depression to dare to dream and build the tallest building in the world, the Empire State Building. Back in TX, Beckie Francis is loving life in the hill country and was planning to purchase her 1st registered quarter horse. Zeb Landsman checked in from a college visit to Hamilton, where he and his daughter hung out with Professor Jerry Balmuth. Lisa Robinson Locklin’s younger son, Ben, is a first-year student at Colgate. Lisa and her husband Ron ’80 are very proud and “love heading to Colgate to visit him.” Sarah Lange checked in and has “been seeing quite a bit of Suzanne Brown and Susan Fay recently. Sue and I visited Suzanne in ME in Oct and met up with her at her daughter Kajsa’s gymnastics meet in NH in Jan. The 3 of us are still complete goofballs when we’re together — wouldn’t have it any other way! I also keep up

Netflix’s chic geek

Toggling between Hollywood and Silicon Valley, Angela Morgenstern ’97 describes her job as “part chic, part geek.” As Netflix’s director of product innovation, original content, she helps shape “the experience of Netflix around the globe.” On the tech side, that involves customizing the user experience — including features like personalized menus and the postplay before the next episode starts. “I partner with analysts to test everything from how we present a new program, to how far out we show it, to whom we show it to,” she said. The more glamorous part of the job requires Morgenstern to meet with stars like Adam Sandler and Paul Reubens to discuss how to present their new work. “[We talk about] what we can do online, how to help Netflix members discover new programs they’ll love, and, ultimately, how to drive more viewing,” she said. Morgenstern’s niche is original content: feature films, documentaries, and local/global content. Past experiences working at PBS, MTV, Al Jazeera, and several San Francisco startups have primed her for Netflix. Rolling onto campus in late March to guest lecture for a career services leadership course (see pg. 9), Morgenstern also sat down with the Scene. Here are some clips from her visit. The Graduate I worked on the launch of the PBS Frontline World site. We put a lot of innovative content online — everything from the aftermath of the Cambodian genocide to post-9/11 global stories. It was a great example of the mediums working together. Working Girl After working for PBS, I joined a media start-up called Current TV. Current started doing user-generated content before it was a “thing” (pre-YouTube) and was creating nonfiction programming across different platforms. They were acquired by Al Jazeera, and I became EVP of product and innovation, helping them launch a new website and mobile applications. I left to go back to the start-up community in San Francisco. Inside Out Part of our job is interacting with different personalities, show runners, and talent. They’ve come to Netflix in part because they’re interested in distributing in a new way. So we walk them through the process and listen to their vision. Office Space I’m in the Los Gatos office (San Francisco Bay area), which feels like a technology company. My colleagues are tech-driven, and our conversations are evidence-based, data-driven, and analytical in nature. But every two weeks, I go to the Beverly Hills office, which handles marketing, content, and PR. Even though we’re one culture, [each has a] different ethos. Miss Congeniality I’ve learned to adapt and lead in different organizations’ environments. There’s one way of influencing and engaging people at MTV, where you’re having parties until five o’clock in the morning, versus Al Jazeera, where you’re in a multicultural environment with people from Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. Netflix just turned on the switch to go global in January — all countries, essentially, except China — which means we have a variety of offices and colleagues. We’re learning as we evolve. Liberal Arts At a business dinner recently, the CEO referenced great thinkers whom I had (luckily) read about at Colgate and debated. [That happens] all the time, like when we’re talking about how Joseph Campbell’s myth is related to a feature film we’re working on. As an English major, I read all the classics. [But I also] took philosophy of law and philosophy of religion, and those two courses influenced me tremendously. Media is a powerful tool that has a huge impact on society, so we’re constantly considering the ethical issues, and having a grounding in philosophical thinking is important. Colgate taught me to think analytically and also pursue creative passion. It wasn’t one particular class; it was the constellation. Best in Show A big part of my job is watching Netflix when I get home. I’m a fan of Bloodline. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is fun. I have the privilege of watching a lot of Netflix documentaries, like Making a Murderer, before they premiere. I love our original content, like Jessica Jones. — Aleta Mayne

News and views for the Colgate community


Brian Ness

(cold beer helps, too). In our household, summer has a whole new meaning this year. It marks the last few months we will have our oldest son, Owen, at home full time. Although it seems like only yesterday that he was playing little league and learning how to ride a razor scooter, he is headed off to college in the fall to the U of AZ. I know, I know, you’re wondering why he’s not packing his bags for the Chenango Valley. There are a few reasons, but 1 contributing factor is that a lot of kids who grow up out west (or maybe it’s just our kids) are puzzled as to why someone would choose to attend college in a place that is buried in snow half of the academic year. Go figure. In terms of news, there were some Colgate sightings on social media. I noticed on Facebook that John Carey was enjoying some early spring skiing in Park City with his family. Judging from the photos (maybe 1 too many selfies, though, John), it looked like a great time was had by all. Also on FB, Greg Casagrande shared some updates from abroad about the micro-financing work he continues to be engaged in in Fiji, as well as other countries in that region. Jeff Pofsky has also been active on FB of late, posting updates from the LA area, many of which involve his son, who appears to be a very talented youth basketball player. Jeff also posted some promos about a variety of products from his company, JNP Merchandising. And I’m not sure if this counts as news (though maybe it does in today’s digital world), but I received a LinkedIn request from Kevin Osborn. According to his profile, he is EVP of investment manager relations at Envestment. It’s been several years since I’ve seen Kevin, but I believe he and his family are still in CT. If I have bad information, Kevin can use the messaging feature on LinkedIn to set the record straight. Christina Martabano sent me a nice e-mail from Mount Kisco, NY, providing an update on things in her world, which includes completing the Avon 39 breast cancer event in NYC last fall. She also shared that her son Brendan is a sophomore at Colgate this past year. According to Christina: “My son and I joke that he was pre-destined to attend Colgate as even the doctor who delivered him was a Colgate grad (yay Dr Elisa Burns — small world!). Last Feb, I went up to campus and got to see 2 Colgate women’s hockey games. They were absolutely amazing; I believe that they are ranked # 10 in the nation! My son is enjoying all of the perks that Colgate has to offer, including mock trial and hosting a radio show on WRCU. Next year, he will be participating in the Washington, DC, Study Group.” Christina also mentioned that a movie crew was in Hamilton last Jan to film Pottersville, starring Michael Shannon and Christina Hendricks, using the Colgate Inn and the village green in their scenes. That was news to me, and I can’t believe it’s taken so long for Hollywood to discover the charm of upstate NY. Lastly, Christina sends a virtual shout-out to her good friend Kelly Katterhagen (fellow JFK HS graduate). That’s about it for now. As you can tell, we are a bit short on news items, so please take a moment if you can to send along an update. Even if it doesn’t seem important or newsworthy, it sure beats staring at an empty space in the Scene where the ’85 column is supposed to be. Or, I can just make stuff up. It’s up to you guys. Michael: 602-741-7902;

In the know

Naresh Rao (far right) ’93, head physician for Men’s USA Water Polo, with the team when they qualified for Rio 2016 Summer Olympics by winning gold at the PanAm Games

Peak performance

I’ve always thought of myself as an athlete. I played competitive football, basketball, and tennis in high school. At Colgate, I was a member of the water polo club, which was started by my close friends Craig Pizer ’93 and Matt Kaplan ’93. It was the hardest sport I had ever played, and it transformed my mind and my body. The discipline I adopted carried over to the classroom, lab, and medical school. I decided to study osteopathic medicine because I was attracted to its approach of taking the whole person into account: physical, emotional, and spiritual. Now, as a primary care sports medicine specialist, I have married my two interests. Over the past 15 years, I have treated hundreds of elite athletes and a full range of weekend warriors. In my new book, Step Up Your Game, I outline a holistic program for improving one’s athletic performance, based upon programs such as those used by Olympic athletes. So, whether you’re a recreational golfer or training for your next marathon, here are some tips to help you step up your game. Ice vs. heat for treating pain. I use them for different applications. My rule of thumb is: After an acute injury, use ice for 20 minutes on the hour, along with elevation and compression (e.g., an Ace bandage), for the first 24 to 48 hours. This is part of the RICE method: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. The ice is thought to reduce inflammation and pain. I use heat for chronic muscular tension or spasm. Moist heat will help muscles relax; a hot shower can be very effective. The importance of stretching. If a muscle is not properly stretched after a workout, it may not function optimally, and you may be more likely to injure it. One trick doctors of osteopathic medicine teach is muscle energy. For each stretch, bring the muscle into a full stretch, but not to the point of pain. Then, while holding the stretch and using a low level of force (less than 25 percent of your maximum), tighten the muscle for five seconds. Relax for three seconds; repeat three times. Afterward, stretch again, but this time without contraction, holding for 10 seconds. Essential eating. Maintaining the right macronutrient ratio is the secret to providing the energy to match the performance that you want. For example, if you are having a hard time gaining muscle, you may not be eating enough protein. However, there’s more than just protein. I focus on following an anti-inflammatory diet: fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and fats like olive oil, flaxseed oil, and avocados, as well as nuts, while limiting processed foods, refined sugars, artificial ingredients, and foods that contain trans fats. When selecting animal protein, choose fish, poultry, low-fat beef or lamb, and omega-3 eggs. Also make sure you are getting enough water. Base your consumption on thirst, and the color of your urine. When you are well hydrated, your urine will be pale, almost colorless. Mindfulness. One of the most effective tools sports psychologists teach is the practice of clearing our thoughts of everything besides the present moment. This involves learning how to simply and nonjudgmentally observe your own breath, body, or thoughts. By focusing on the here and now, mindfulness can train you to stay on task and avoid distraction; it can also improve memory, decrease stress, and increase overall happiness. A formal practice consists of structured experiences like mindful meditation. — Naresh Rao ’93


scene: Summer 2016

with Liz Stookey Sunde who is rocking it out with Music2Life, bringing music to social-change efforts around the country. Go, Liz! I also recently reconnected with a bunch of women from the soccer team via Facebook, such fun! As for me, I recently contributed a chapter on fundraising to my former professor’s book Roots to Power, by Lee Staples. My own book proposal was also recently accepted by Praeger Publishing! The missive (working title Guerilla Fundraising) will be in the publisher’s hands by Sept 1, if not sooner. My son Christopher is now a sophomore at UMass - Lowell, where he’s studying sound recording technology. He loves it!” Thanks for the update, Sarah! In business news, John Hoffman has been named the new senior VP and general counsel for Rutgers U. Congratulations, John! And, Jean Reilly became a master of wine in 2010 and owns a company that puts on wine and beer events for business and family gatherings. On weekends, she works as a professional skydiver. Jean recently lunched in NYC with her Cutten suite mate Grace Mauceri, who lives in Glen Rock, NJ, with her husband, Jim, and 2 children. Last, but not least, David Sobel checked in from Hanover, NH. “All is well here in northern New England. I’ve had a couple of happy ’87 meet-ups over the last year. This past summer, I caught up with Dave Shaw up at the Saint Gaudens Gardens National Historic Site for the opening of his sculpture show. Meg Carlton was at the reception for the opening. Dave’s work is amazing and moving, and I’m kicking myself for not saving the Autobus d’fromage that he sculpted for me many years ago. I’m sure it would be worth a pretty penny now, albeit somewhat moldy. We spent a few hours over drinks after the reception, and 30 years melted away. “My boys and I had a blast tailgating at the UNH vs. Colgate FCS playoff game this past fall with Eric Andersen and Pam Shelton Andersen ’89. Those people know how to throw a tailgate. It was great fun watching Eric and Pam’s son Ben ’16 proudly wearing the maroon just like his old man. The smart money was on UNH, but Colgate pulled out a gutsy and exciting win en route to a great post-season. “My 50th rolled around and my wonderful wife, Megan, threw a great surprise party for me. I was particularly moved that old KDR brothers and roomies Frank Speno and his wife, Krista, and Will Applegate made the trek up here for the surprise. Made me feel young again! “As for me, I’m still practicing veterinary medicine as a mobile consultant across New England and the UK. My 4 kids are ranging from a sophomore at Middlebury to a junior in HS to the 2 little ones still in elementary school. I keep doing Ironman triathlons as a way to stave off the aging process with minimal success. But life is good! Any ’87s coming up to visit Dartmouth or for those Dartmouth/Colgate games should give us a call.” Thanks for the updates, David! Until next time … Go, ’gate! Marnie: 214-288-1650;

1988 Jack Kearney Sarah Bowen Shea 2508 NE 24th Avenue Portland, OR 97212-4830 Greetings from Portland. Sarah continued her remarkable recovery and ran the Boston Marathon in April. She qualified in Victoria, BC, in Oct ’14, but a broken ankle last May (2 bones became 7) led to surgery with 1 plate and many titanium screws. She was very diligent with her

training and physical therapy. We’re very proud of our “Champy.” Jack continues to work and play hard. He’s back for another year of Old Man Baseball. He’s having his old Cooper left-handed catcher’s mitt restrung. That mitt saw plenty of activity at the ’gate when Jack and Chris Meyer used to wear it for baseball and hockey. The kids continue to keep us busy with school, plays, sports, and playdates. Phoebe will be a 9th grader at Grant HS and John/Daphne are on to middle school. On to the news. Colgate Chip: Sarah’s sophomore-year roommate, Lynn Christenson, announced that her daughter Elle exhibited extraordinary foresight by joining Colgate’s Class of 2020! Little Dinner Party: Rick Little writes that he had dinner with Rejean and Christina Boivin, who helped Rick celebrate turning 50 (that seems to be contagious this year). Rick notes that both of them are doing well and that Rej looks like he could throw on the old #14 sweater and take his place on the #1 line. Rick notes that he finished his 26th year as a wrestling coach, and he’s decided to retire from coaching. He looks forward to our 30th reunion in 22 short months. Reunion 2016: Leslie Newsom Rascoe writes that she had a wonderful time at the 28th reunion in Hamilton. She said that the draw of her little sisters (Heidi von Maur Wilkinson, Nina Restieri, Lara McElroy Olivieri, Aubrey Sipe Phillips, Julie Silverstone Deluca, and Shauna Turnbull) is too hard to resist and keeps her coming back for more. Although the technical name is “perennials,” they go by the name of “The Crashers.” As a footnote, we all know it was Gregg “The Ghoul” Golub (who rode his motorcycle from Durham, NC) who was the big draw! Ghoul Party Weekend: In late Jan, Gregg Golub turned 50. This blessed event coincided with Snowmageddon 2016, when the East Coast got pummeled with tons of snow and ice. Ted “Mongo” Glenn and many of “The Crashers” (see above) attended the event. According to those who attended, Teddy’s roast included some wellplaced barbs at Gregg and at those present and not present. Magical Mystery Tour: Greg Koerner writes that he and his wife, Jean Andreuzzi Koerner, hosted another successful fundraiser for the Musical Aid Society of New York (MASNY), which includes as 1 of its goals providing free musical education for underprivileged children. For the 7th consecutive year, it was held aboard The Jewel, which cruised around Manhattan while attendees (which included alumni from the Class of 1948 up to 2016) enjoyed music by Greg’s band Gent Treadly and Grammy winners Charles Neville and Sunshine Garcia. The cruise is held every year in June, so think about attending next year! Please be sure to check in on the Colgate 1988 page on Facebook. It’s a great complementary site to the Scene, and there are lots of pictures and stories there of campus visits, mini-reunions, and more. That’s all for now. Until next time, go, ’gate. Jack and Sarah: 503-288-7874;

19 89 Alison Fraser Heisler Alan Sable 106 West Wild Cherry Drive Mars, PA 16046 All, welcome to summer! We only have a couple of updates this time. First, Jason Barto was recently recognized by the Utah Community Forestry Council as 2015 Arborist of the Year! Among other things in 2015, Jason and his volunteers planted 2,000 seedlings,

distributed 800 seedlings to 4th- and 5th-grade students, potted 800 seedlings for future planting, and cared for 150 apple trees. As community forester, he oversaw 3 community planting projects, 5 student education projects, and 2 tree maintenance projects, all geared to foster the health of UT’s trees. Jason also launched the nonprofit Wasatch Back Trees in 2012 to increase the number of trees planted and cared for in Summit and Wasatch counties. As board chairman for the Utah Community Forestry Council, Jason has spearheaded the charge to restore the antique apple orchards at the heart of Wasatch Mountain State Park with the help of local middle school students. He also advised the Wasatch High School Envirothon team, which won 1st place in the state in 2015. In addition, Jason worked with UT State U landscape architecture students to design and develop master plans for 2 parks in the Kamas Valley. Not one to seek accolades, however, Jason said of his award: “This award really belongs to all of the volunteers who have helped to improve the community forests in Summit and Wasatch counties.” Congratulations, Jason! (For more, see pg 52.) Second, I recently left the world of BigLaw at Reed Smith and opened my own law firm with my wife, Amy (Storms) Sable, Lafayette 1991. On Feb 15, 2016, we opened Sable and Sable, LLC in Cranberry Township, PA, a suburb just north of Pittsburgh specializing in commercial real estate development, including transactions and land use and zoning, leasing and all other aspects of commercial real estate, as well as in commercial contract negotiation and drafting. While we hadn’t gotten our website up and running at the time I wrote this, it will be found at www.sable. law and I can be reached there at alan.sable@ (very original, I know). It’s a big change from where I was for the last many years, but I am enjoying the 6–8 minute commute! That’s all we have this time. On another note, if you want to get photos published of your get-togethers or travels, I have been told that having Colgate garb is very helpful! Please keep Alison and me up-to-date with e-mails ( and alan., but you don’t have to wait for a solicitation from 1 of us, feel free to let us know what’s going on as it happens! Alison: 203-858-6631; Alan: 724-741-0196;

1 99 0 Marty Johnson 4316 Avalon Blvd. Alpharetta, GA 30009 Greetings from sunny Georgia. Hope everyone is finding time to get a break from winter’s long hold on us here across the US. News from our classmates comes in small doses, so while I do not have much in detail, I know many of you want to share your plans for the year with me for future columns. Summer reflections? Have any of you made any special trips to exotic areas or held meaningful gatherings with classmates or other Colgate friends? David Storms reported a recent gathering with John Winkler up in CT. Both Sigma Chi brothers enjoyed swapping recent tales of past glory. I have no doubt both former roommates’ stories grew exponentially with age. Jeff Mokotoff and Jeremy Bye have been in touch down here in Atlanta as has Tim Hooper, who is keeping busy with his 2 kids’ spring sports. Tim’s

daughter is a gifted runner, and his son is following in Tim’s lacrosse footsteps. Jeremy Bye’s 2 children are keeping him and his wife, Dawn, jumping up in Milton with dance groups for his daughter and baseball for his southpaw son. Jeff Mokotoff is keeping the Ted Turner Enterprise in compliance and on track with his brilliant legal mind while he makes sure his wife and kids are doing well in Sandy Springs, GA. This summer, I am hoping to connect with the classmates in NJ as I return to my duties at the PGA Championship. This year, I will be taking on the technology role of laser distance reading for the players at the event at Baltusrol in Springfield, NJ. While I often drove by the club when I lived in NJ, I never had the pleasure of going into the club. It should be in peak condition this summer; hopefully, it will be as fun as past events that I had the pleasure of working. Was recently up in Chattanooga, TN, and exchanged messages with Troy Kemp, who is working at the McCallie School. It was fun to be in America’s Best Small Town and to have the pleasure of meeting with some of Troy’s former students, who are now professionals in the local insurance community. Well done, Troy! Your name is widely known and well-loved, both for your passion for education and for your contribution to sports, specifically a lacrosse program that has a national reputation for future college athletes. Christina Lyndrup Farrell and her husband, Tim, are doing well in Queens anticipating a great summer of baseball and still celebrating the UNC men’s basketball season. Lisa Unger Stanton is recovering from surgery on her back and hopes to be hiking again this summer! Julie O’Leary Muir’s daughter was accepted at Colgate, so she will be making a decision soon as to where she will be spending her next 4 years. We all know what we would like to see, but only time will tell. Heidi Bulow Parsont has been active this year in politics, making sure that folks know where she stands on the major party candidates. Nicole Wetzold Daw has taken her talents and eye for composition to another level at KLYX Photography LLC. While she may have studied English at Colgate, drank from the Stanley Cup in NYC, and relocated to the south, her skills are on display in her latest career move. Hope this summer meets and exceeds all of your personal and professional aspirations, and hope everyone enjoys keeping in touch with their Colgate friends and family members. Keep us all posted with your most recent triumphs and challenges — hope to hear from you all soon. Let’s go, ’gate! Marty: 585-233-0490;

1991 Keith Flanagan Devin Hughes just released his new book: Agents of Change will change the landscape of children’s coloring books by offering kids role models who look like them. It will subtly say to kids of color, “You can be anything you want to be, go anywhere you want to go.” It celebrates the diversity, history, and accomplishments of African Americans in North America. Rob Holzer is the founder and CEO of Matter Unlimited, a creative agency focused on social impact. It has been named one of the founding 20 creative agencies that comprise Civic Nation’s Creative Alliance. The collective will support Civic Nation in its mission to address some of our nation’s most pressing challenges through

creative campaigns for the White House. Rob has been getting great press in Fast Company and Rolling Stone. Kathryn Dillon Marcotte just started a new gig at HotelAVE, a 3rd party asset management and hotel consulting firm, as dir of HR and contract compliance. She reports that Mark McKay and Jay Stott “are both making killer music.” Mark has launched, has a new album available for preorder, and plays a monthly back-room sit-down gig at 11th Street Bar in the East Village. Keith:

1992 Crissy Singer Shropshire 66 Indian Hill Road Mount Kisco, NY 10549-3827 Hello, good people of Colgate. If you are reading this, you have received your summer edition of the Scene. If you are anything like me, you have skipped directly to the class column to read what your classmates are doing. This is a particularly strange compulsion for me, as I write this column, and yet I always find something that surprises me. Jeff Standish, his wife, Cara (UW-Madison ’00), and their 2-year-old son, Kai, moved from DC to Saint Paul, MN, at the end of Sept. Cara and Kai flew from DC; Jeff and the family dog, Ranger, made the drive “in 20 not-so-short hours.” Jeff planned his trip so as to meet up with Jon Zimmer outside of Pittsburgh. Jon works for HJ Heinz, and he regularly chats with Will Adams and Cy Samai. Jeff is now working in a flavor research center at the U of MN. Jeff says: “My work is a far cry from the geology and oceanography of days past, but the connection is still science education, only now I work with a chemistry training curriculum that focuses on food and flavor chemistry rather than rock chemistry.” Cara is an asst prof in geology at UMN. Jeff is happy to report his 1st MN winter was a mild one — a good “trial run” for winters to come. On the sunny side of the country, Dave Harris is at the end of his 2nd year in Boca Raton, FL. He misses Manhattan, but the weather eases the pain. Recently, he spent a week checking out 13 of the 141 local microbreweries with Eric Hirsch ’94. Tip Tierney and his family met up with Fred Dunlap ’50 and his wife, Marilyn, at a Colgate football game last fall. Fred and Tip are from the same hometown and attended the same school in PA. Fred recruited Tip to play football at Colgate and was instrumental in his attending Temple Law School. Tip is now a managing partner at a firm in Scranton. He and his wife, Suzy, have 5 children. (See a photo of the group in the “Colgate Seen” sidebar on pg 57.) Marshall Bergmann is planning to head up to Colgate for reunion weekend with his wife, Meredith ’91. (By the time this arrives in everyone’s mailboxes, that event will have come and gone). He’ll return to Colgate in the fall with his daughter, Emery. “Cross your fingers for us that she likes it!” Mishka Kohli Cira and her family are moving back to DC this June after 2 back-to-back overseas assignments (Vietnam ’08–’12, Kenya ’12–’16). “Both were amazing experiences as a family and professionally, but we’re looking forward to being closer to family and friends. I managed to finish my MPH while in Nairobi and hope to continue the work I started in Kenya with the National Cancer Institute Center for Global Health. Dean will be working in eastern Europe and central Asia, a new region for him at the World Bank. Naomi, 13, and Ella, 11, will have

their 1st DC public school experience this fall. New challenges ahead for us all (wish us luck!).” Jen Byalick Altman is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Bergen County, NJ. She and her husband, Brian, have 2 kids, Hannah, 10, and Matthew, 8. She sees Greg Miller around; he lives in Upper Saddle River as well. Greg and his wife, Lainie, have 2 girls, Whitney and Erica, who are the same age as Jen’s kids. Jen and Greg were recently at a friend’s birthday party, and they were playing the greatest hits of the late ’80s. They reminisced that it felt a little bit like the ATO tap room, but a lot less smelly. Jen is in frequent contact with Anne Cole Norman, who lives in Brooklyn with her husband, Nick, and her beautiful kids, George, 4, and Natalie, 2. Anne is a freelance editor. Valentina DeNardis is loving her position as dir of classical studies at Villanova U, where she enjoys seeing her colleague in philosophy Prof Jim Wetzel (previously at Colgate). Valentina lives in the Philadelphia suburbs with her husband and 3 rambunctious kids: “1 home grown, 2 from China.” She taught in a study-abroad program in Italy for a year and would love to hear from any of the members of the wonderful fall ’89 Venice Study Group. “Ciao, fioi!” Catharine Osborne has returned to work after a 14-year hiatus. She has started a website covering the news of women’s sports called Excelle Sports. “We are championing the female athlete and how hard they work, covering them as they deserve to be covered. We launched on Feb 3 and are growing slowly, but surely. What we have found is that there are passionate communities surrounding every sport, and with the highlights from the NWSL win last summer and the launch of the NWHL league this year, this is a great time to be championing the women who are dedicated to sports.” Cat has 3 kids and lives in NYC; her eldest is heading off to boarding school in the fall. Coincidentally, she lives in the same building with Mark ’93 and Andy Tasker Golgoff and Allison Roarty and her husband, Dave Prince. Cat sees them and their kids all of the time, especially during their building cocktail parties. The Prince twins are often seen walking the streets early in the morning getting ready for a big day. Cat also sees Suzannah McLain Smith and her family and Lorena and Graham O’Brien with their family at church on a regular basis. Alix Reiskind was in Seattle for a work conference and met up with Liza Burell and her family. “We essentially spent the day walking around and drinking beer and wine and catching up.” Lori Scanlan is on a new project at Sony Music, responsible for all of the websites for their artists. She runs into Josh Green ’95 in the halls from time to time! Most of Lori’s weekends are spent traveling to Irish Dance competitions with her 11-year-old. “We get to some fun places. I am just the taxi driver, though. She does all the hard work!” George Sparrow, first-time contributor, returned to Colgate last winter for the 1st time in quite a while. He took a tour “on a crisp Feb day with a -20 wind chill to show off the appeal of upstate NY to his daughter, who bravely is still considering attending in 2017 … if she gets in!” George’s son enters HS next year. George has owned the same house outside DC in Bethesda for almost 20 years. “Feeling very, very old. Looking forward to 25th reunion; attending wife Kathleen’s 25th at Duke in April as a warm-up to Colgate in 2017!” Caleb Silver recently joined Investopedia as its VP of content, in charge of the editorial team and content operations for, the largest online source of financial education and insights. Turns out he is 1 of 4 Colgate grads at the company, including Ellie Kantor ’14, Sophie

News and views for the Colgate community


Salzman ’14, and Katie Downey ’11. Investopedia is part of the IAC family of companies, which also employs several other Colgate grads, including Greg Blatt ’90, CEO and chairman of the Match Group, and Tori Brangham ’91, who runs the lifestyle division of Caleb is in touch with a lot of class of ’92ers, including Chris St Pierre; Shasheen Shah, who can be found skiing and exec-coaching in Telluride; Michael Grossman, who lives in Kansas City and works with PJ Piper at QM Power; David Ganz, whom Caleb married to Dina Cagliostro ’91 three years ago; the aforementioned Marshall Bergmann; Hy Schwartz; John Hewson ’91; Pat Shaw; and Jon Glickstein, among others. John Gridley wrote in with the oft-neglected pet update. He and wife, Jeanette ’91, got a 2nd dog. “We are nearing the local village limit for the # of pets in a single family home (8 … no, wait, 7, because the fish died).” He’s also happy to report that John Friberg has joined the ranks of dog owners. John also has 2 lovely daughters (one is starting to look at colleges). Brian Estrada is engaged to be married to a woman named Jennelyn. Next spring, he plans to retire from the NYPD and relocate to Hamilton. Julie Moran Strehle met up with Alyssa Bennett Harrigan, Cici Clark, and Alison Wallace Donnelly for a night out in Boston in Jan. They visited old stomping grounds and enjoyed the time to catch up and laugh. Alyssa lives outside Charlotte, NC, with her husband and 5-year-old son. She is a language arts teacher at a middle school. Julie lives in Hingham, MA, with her husband, Andy, and their 2 teenagers. She has kept busy in recent years serving on local boards and is currently the PTO pres at her son’s middle school. She recently attended the Colgate-Harvard hockey game (“exciting game, but Colgate lost, too bad!”) and enjoyed catching up with Elissa Liebman Lunder ’91 and Andy Wig. Cici lives with her family outside Boston and works for a company that makes media exhibits in museums. Outside of work, she’s hoping to help raise egg-laying chickens through a local conservation project and is looking forward to visiting her sister Anne Clark Amodeo and Pasquale Amodeo ’91 during spring break. Alison works in finance at Harvard U and lives west of Boston with her husband and 2 children. Susan Krutt Promislo left her job as sr communications officer at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation after 13 years to take on the role of dir of communications strategy at Princeton U. “It’s been great to get back into the world of higher ed.” For a work-related assignment, I spent 2 days in LA meeting up with some Colgate alums to discuss their career paths. It was great to see Ken Baker after 20 years (gasp!) at his E! office. He is busy writing books, doing a daily news update for E!, and shuttling his kids to hockey tournaments. Plus, he still finds time to get out on the ice himself. Next up was Rob Stone ’91. Rob, his lovely wife, Lynn, and 4 children are residents of Manhattan Beach now. Stoner and I actually chatted on the beach, which is not a bad way to start the day. He is also doing really well at Fox Sports, covering the world of soccer and other live events. And, finally, I met with Eric Berger ’89 at his office on the Sony lot. (Full disclosure, I just like saying that I took a meeting on the Sony lot.) Eric and his wife, Dee Dee ’89, also live in Manhattan Beach with their children. I suspect Rob and Eric are establishing a Sigma Chi western outpost there; rumor has it that Mike Gitlin has also been known to make an appearance at the Stone family beach house. Many thanks to those who wrote in, especially my first-timers. Always appreciate hearing 64

scene: Summer 2016

from all of you. Hope you all have a wonderful summer and get a chance to reconnect with your Colgate friends. Until next time… Crissy: 914-864-1387;

1993 Kaori Nakamura DiChiara 61 Mustato Road Katonah, NY 10536-3725 Hello, sexy ’93s, and happy summer! After a relatively calm winter (and getting away with not buying a new set of tires before the holidays), I am writing this in the midst of a random polar vortex that decided to pass through the NE — IN APRIL. This wouldn’t bother me so much if I didn’t lose so much of my tolerance of cold weather. I remember the days of feeling excited when the temps reached close to 50 in Hamilton, NY; it meant it was warm enough to wear shorts and throw on a sweater! According to NICHE, Colgate is the #1 liberal arts college in NY and #6 in the nation; however, Matt Crosston strongly stated that #3, 4, and 5 are no match for Colgate; therefore, Colgate is really #3 ... and I agree! As we are living in the fabulous decade of endless responsibilities and possibilities, I have been heavily involved with family affairs since the new year, and it was taking up an exorbitant amount of energy. It was a late night in Feb, and I (begrudgingly) sat in front of my laptop to take care of some overdue work after having an exhausting day. My spirits were lifted when I saw that Dan Rhynhart had sent me an e-mail. With 2 photos attached, it was an e-mail full of love that simply said: “Kay — we are talking about you, and everyone loves you. D.” Seeing the smiling faces of Dan, Chris Linquist, Keith Marasia, Matt Schinabeck, Dave Tyler, Mike Wisser, and Ari Zentner brought a smile to my face and I was filled with gratitude. It was such a gift. Thank you gentlemen!! Your love is reciprocated! Another mini reunion photo that made me smile was one of Courtney Bent, Jocelyn Gecker, Amy Hannes, and Amanda Seltzer Yale — perhaps they all got together to meet Amy’s daughter, Ruby Blu? It was lovely and they all looked happy and fabulous! Dan Glusker wrote in about a mini reunion in NYC as a result of Eric Scuderi’s engagement party on 3/25/16. Eric is now a corporate financial solutions adviser at Merrill Lynch and engaged to Natasha Wolff (Brown ’03), who very graciously embraced the ’gate crew. Those in attendance were Greg Blatt ’90, Dan, Steve Kuppenheimer, Jeff Clarke, Jan Frouman (in absentia), Bob Morgan, Doug Ryder, Scott Hague ’96, Andy Antrobus ’94, Alan Schwartz ’96, and Marc Banziger ’96. The soirée took place on the Upper East Side at the home of Agnes Gund, the famous philanthropist and art collector. It was also no surprise that it was within 3 blocks from where Eric has lived his whole life, including now! A wedding date has not yet been set, but I’m sure I will hear about this one! I love that I heard from Doug Goldberg! He continues to live in the Bay Area with his family. He reports that, aside from continuing to work for a trading shop in Marin County and reliving the ’80s through his namesake TV show The Goldbergs (which he describes as having a striking and uncanny resemblance to his own family), he spends most of his time trying to figure out how exactly to parent his teenage children! Doug described it as “quite a challenging endeavor” and added: “And like the infamous Mr Hand from Fast Times, I’m often left in incredulity about what our kids are on and the direction of our youth.” He keeps in contact with many of

the old Colgate crew and runs into Joe Raymond, Mike Mabardy, and Travis Reed from time to time as they all live in the area. “In fact, a number of golf outings between the 4 of us have often been threatened, but have yet to materialize, most likely due to Joe and Travis’ fear of losing to Mike and me.” Joe Raymond recently purchased a ski house in Soda Springs, CA, where the snow reminds him of Colgate. In Oct, Doug was in NJ for Tim Mingle’s ’91 wedding. Other Colgate attendees included Keith Vanderzee ’90, Mike Chiappetta ’92, Scott Cooke ’92, and Andrew Kupinse ’92, as well as Christopher “Topher” ’97 and Evan Mingle Brooke ’97. Needless to say, they all represented the alma mater well and carried on many a famous tradition! I always love hearing from Brooke Baker Fox, who continues to live in VA Beach with husband Jesse (Auburn ’89), daughter Brayden (12), and son Reed (8). She’s in her 23rd year teaching HS Spanish and coaching soccer at Norfolk Academy. There have been a few children of Colgate alums who were taught by Brooke, such as the children of Richard Rosenblum ’88. In addition to that, she has been the coordinator of the Spanish exchange program there for the past 6 years. During the school’s summer reading program last year, she sponsored a book by Ken Baker ’92, How I Got Skinny, Famous, and Fell Madly in Love. Brooke’s students were texting Ken as they were discussing his book. She was so proud, and it was an incredible experience for the kids! Brooke’s husband, Jesse, flew F-14 jets when in the Navy. Five years ago, he started a company called Fox-2 Flightgear, which makes mini-replica flight helmets that look similar to the 1/2 sized mini-helmets used for football teams. These helmets are sold at airshows, and adult/children customers enjoy having them autographed by the Blue Angels (US Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron). In addition, the Blue Angels have used them when they visit children from the Make-A-Wish Foundation! Brayden is in 7th grade and loves playing field hockey, basketball, and lacrosse (favorite). Brooke believes she ruined Brayden’s interest in soccer, since she was surrounded by it constantly. Brayden was often on Brooke’s hip while she coached varsity soccer! Reed is a 2nd grader, and he loves playing soccer, basketball, baseball, and ice hockey (favorite). The Fox family got to meet former Colgate ice hockey player Chris Wagner ’14 when he played for the Norfolk Admirals (AHL affiliate to the Anaheim Ducks). Reed loves everything about ice hockey, and his favorite team is the NY Rangers. Between the love of the sport and NY, he may be a natural Colgate Raider! Brooke would love to see more Colgate folk in VA, and when referring to those who do move, she added: “I already have the vanity plate colg8u so you’ll need to come up with something else!” John Less wrote in, and it was wonderful to hear from him! He and wife Laurie’s 2-year stint in South Africa somehow grew to become 9 years. Oldest daughter Josephine (5) refuses to admit she’s American and doesn’t want to ever leave. Youngest daughter Vivienne is now 3. John describes SA as much slower and routine. Laurie works for a public health consultancy, and he continues to do green-energy work. He had a wonderful work experience in Uganda last year and got a chance to trek with gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest on the Congo/Rwanda border and whitewater raft the Nile. Although he admits that he has not kept up with many old friends, he did get a chance to see Chris Olivier and Mike Gray ’94 and their families in Asheville, NC, over the holidays — a rare treat. Another long distance gathering took place in Melbourne, Australia. Fitz De Smet ’92, with wife Caroline

and daughter Callie (2), vacationed in Melbourne and coordinated plans with Sally Burnett Wilson, her husband, Chris, and their boys (Dexter, 6, Everett, 3). It was so fun to see them all in 1 photo! Enjoy your summer, and please write in — always love hearing from you! Kaori: 914-523-5180;

19 9 4 Allison Good #8 319 West 88th Street New York, NY 10024-2271 Two pieces of exciting news from 2 of my favorite people. Offered in no particular order: Eric Scuderi is engaged to the lovely and brilliant Natasha Wolff. A large crew of Colgate friends celebrated in March at an engagement party thrown by the bride-to-be’s godmother, Agnes Gund. Among the ’gate crew toasting the happy couple: Bob Morgan, Ashley Chapman, Doug and Lauren Ryder, Greg Blatt, Marc Banziger, Scott Hague, Steve Kuppenheimer, Al Schwartz, Dan Glusker, Andy Antrobus, and me (and possibly others I missed, apologies!). It was such a fun night and great to see lots of faces around the room celebrating Eric and Natasha. It was just like the Jug, but with much, much, much better art. Eric Levy has hatched a brilliant game show, hosted by Michael Ian Black, called Easiest Game Show Ever. He’s the executive producer and creator of the show, which offers a new twist on the old true-or-false format and gives contestants a chance to win $100,000 in cash. In each episode, a pair of contestants work together to answer 20 true or false pop culture facts. These statements test their instinctual knowledge of entertainment, food, fashion, and culture. (Ex: True or false: Betty White is older than sliced bread; in the US, there are more McDonald’s than Starbucks; according to the Guinness Book of World Records, Madonna is the best-selling female artist of all time.) It’s on the Pop Network at 11 PM on Tuesdays or Be sure to check it out and congratulate Levy on a job well done! Allison:

19 9 5 David A Schreiber 1458 West Byron Street Chicago, IL 60613 Greetings, classmates! I hope everyone’s having a fantastic summer. Sadly, we’re still sluggish on the class news front, so please drop me a note when you can, or I may need to resort to just making stuff up. Stan got a haircut; Rod bought a car; Mary had a baby; Sue sold her bar. You get the idea. Without further ado, here’s the latest news from our 1 gracious and truly heroic classmate who dared exposing his life to the Colgate community. Gary Martenson visited Africa for the 1st time in 2015, visiting the island countries and territories of Mauritius, Reunion, and Madagascar. He had to utilize French 24/7, which was a challenge, but fun! He enjoyed all the locations, although spent the bulk of his time in Madagascar, with visits to the Andasibe, Ranomafana, and Andringitra national parks while on “the 8th Continent.” Gary commented that the wildlife and plant life were mesmerizing, with colonies of boisterous weaverbirds and their telltale nests, shrieking Indris whose voices echoed through the forests, shy chameleons that would

swivel on their branches if he drew too close, and then some bizarre plants like the Elephant’s Foot, which happened to be in bloom during his visit. In addition, the Malagasy people were particularly friendly, with many children screaming “Salut, Vazaha” (Hello, White Man!) and waving at Gary whenever they saw him with deep curiosity. He also traveled by taxi brousse throughout Madagascar — an experience in and of itself. There were no private buses or drivers as he had the “full-on” experience of how Malagasy themselves travel. Gary commented that he felt very lucky, as he was traveling through Charles de Gaulle airport the week before the Paris attacks. As for work, he had his best year yet with his translating and interpreting business. He is slated to teach a Spanish/English interpretation course in May 2016 at the local university, IPFW. Thanks for sharing, Gary! (See a photo of him in this issue’s “Colgate Seen” sidebar on pg 57.) Take care, and stay well! David: 773-281-8152;

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Reed Strathdee Lewis PO Box 5203 Snowmass Village, CO 81615 Greetings from Snowmass Village, CO! It’s been years, but most of you know me from my exploits during SPW and Senior Week ’96 and as the artist of our class shirt (and the ’95 and ’96 SPW shirts). First, a thank you to Monique Rucker, who preceded me in this editor position! I’m putting this 1st official column (Amanda Peel Crowley and I did a guest column at some point during Kelly Connelly’s tenure) together in just under 13 hours since receiving the honor of carrying the torch of all updates 1996. Allison Russell Weder and Matt Weder live in MI with Abigayle, 12, and Easton, 8. Matt recently coached goalie (crazy, huh?) Easton’s team to the state championship. Heather Plourde writes in that she, Jon Dolan, Robin Nelson, and Kim Stafford attended the March wedding of Zed Adams and Rebecca Childers. Zed and Rebecca met in LA and live in NYC, where he is a tenured professor at The New School. Also in NYC are Mike Richman and husband Sean Kanousis, who just moved slightly further ‘uptown’ from their old digs in Audrey Sperano DiSpigna’s neighborhood (the Village). In addition to teaching, he has been creating some pretty cool artwork and has ‘no daughters to report.’ Robbie Grossman apologizes for not having made it to the 20th, but has been representing at the Alumni Council meetings throughout the year. He’s still in Atlanta, having moved from consulting to corporate life a few years back where he works on McKesson’s corporate human resources team. The newfound time has been terrific as he’s spending lots of time with Kim and their son, Jaryd, 4. In MD, Andrew Fried bought his own dental practice in 2014 after 11 years in a group practice. His oldest of 2 daughters was Bat Mitzvahed in Sept. Kelly Longfield reports she was an American living in London, got married to Meredith Keiser Roddy’s cousin, and is now British living in NYC. No longer on the Phish Tour (she worked for the VT band in the late ’90s), she tours Sesame Street, Peppa Pig, and Thomas the Train with son Wade, 2. From DC, Deb Litman and Julie Fetter added Dylan Pierce to the clan, joining big brother Jaden, 3. From Pasadena, Molly Foran Yurchak received her MA in English lit from Middlebury last summer and celebrated by having openheart surgery last Nov. She is back to teaching HS English and trying to take life a little more slowly. Lynne Werkerle and John Steiger added

Merrill in Nov, joining Nate, 12, and Ingrid, 9. In PA, Catherine Moore Grzybek is still working as an environmental consultant, has 2 boys, and also holds down the family business, Zukay Live Foods, with husband Scott. Check out Jacob’s Raw Krauts and Tonics. Nazma Muhammad Rosado writes: “My husband, Michael (UConn), and I are in the process of moving from Chicagoland to the Boston area with our 4 kids. I just accepted a new position at EMD Serono (Pharma) and am actively looking for a home in the area. We’re hoping to connect with New England friends and hockey families! Our 10-year-old just won state in IL, and we’re hoping to find him a great program in MA.” Jill St Clair Ambrose lives in McLean, VA, and is a digital advertising and marketing consultant. She has 2 kids, 11 and 8, and is currently coaching her daughter’s lacrosse team. Her daughter also plays on the same soccer team as Michelle Birgeneau Blake’s daughter. Not surprisingly, Michelle has 4 daughters who all play soccer. Michelle lived across the hall from Jill in KED so they enjoy seeing their girls play sports together. Jill spoke to Kelly Grant, who lives in SC with her 4 kids and is a doctor. Robin Catlin Colhoun is living in Boulder, CO, and has 3 kids and works in finance. On the international scene, Tashfin Baloch reports he is well in Islamabad, Pakistan, though he has been mostly based in Milan, designing jewelry for a French company. He travels to and spends time in Dubai and London frequently. As for me, I’m enjoying life in the mountains, running the Daly Bottle Shop, Grain Fine Food, and 81615 T-Shirt and Gift all here in Snowmass Village. It’s great seeing folks when they are in the Aspen/Snowmass area, so please give a shout if your travels bring you to this part of the world. This past winter, I was able to ski or dine with Lisa Browne Stanson, husband Jason, and their extended family; Rachel Rothman O’Connell and husband Ryan; Blake Harper; Jason Whitt; Dan Derman ’94; Doug Halvorson ’94; and Noah Wintroub ’98. By now, Reunion 2016 is a memory, so stay tuned for the fall issue for those updates. Until then, keep living life, meeting up with each other, and doing great things! LYS! Much love, Reed Reed: 970-618-7809;

1997 Amy McKnight Fazen 68 Pine Crest Road Newton Center, MA 02459-2118 Amy:

1998 Carmella Alvaro 611 Valley Drive Durham, NC 27704 Angela Chongris reports: “In 2013, I married my amazing wife, Emily Shields (OH State ’04. Our wedding was in her hometown of Ithaca, NY. Go, ’gate; beat Cornell. We live in Durham, NH, and although it’s not Colgate, we love being in a college town. Our family, including black lab Walter, just got a little bigger on 11/4/15 with our newest addition, Riley Elena Shields, Colgate future class of 2038! Go, ’gate!” Michele Ballard also writes: “I finally got over to the other side of the state to see Angela Chongris’ baby, Riley, what a cutie! My 2 kids have been keeping us busy with hockey. Speaking of hockey, I also attended one of the ECAC playoff games at Dartmouth when they were playing Colgate, and guess who the assistant coach is — Mike Harder ’97! I remember going to watch his/

Karen Alley ’12 at Kennicott Glacier, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Alaska, during International Summer School in Glaciology

Keeping tabs on Antarctic ice shelves

One of the biggest concerns of global warming is rising sea levels that threaten to destroy coastal ecosystems. A new study published by Nature Geoscience, for which glaciologist Karen Alley ’12 was lead author, is shedding light on one of the major contributors: the weakening of large chunks of ice called ice shelves. Just as flying buttresses support Notre Dame, ice shelves help hold ice sheets in place, explained Alley, whose research was recently highlighted in the Washington Post. When warmer water compromises the ice shelves, the glaciers that are behind them will flow more quickly into the ocean, leading to rising sea levels. With a large percentage of the world’s population living close to sea level, rising ocean levels are a huge concern. “It’s important to understand whether ice shelves are stable now and whether they will be in the future in order to predict sea level rise,” she said. Alley, a geology major at Colgate who is now pursuing her PhD at the University of Colorado Boulder, specifically studies channels that are carved into the underside of ice shelves as fresh water melts from the bottom of a glacier. By examining satellite imagery taken over the last 10 years, Alley and her colleagues noticed that one of these channels, located on the Getz Ice Shelf in West Antarctica, was growing quickly — cutting into the base at a rate of about 10 meters per year. In another location, imagery revealed that the Getz Ice Shelf has begun to fracture at the junction of two channels. “This was alarming, because it was telling us that these channels could contribute to ice shelf collapse, which, in turn, could lead to increased sea level rise in the future.” Going forward, Alley will be examining satellite images from the last two decades to learn more about how fast the Getz Ice Shelf is changing, and hopes that this research will prompt the glaciology field to keep a closer eye on ice shelves. “This will help us get a sense of how important ice shelves really are,” she said. — Allison Curley Marin ’04

their games back in the day.” Shiyana Valentine writes: “I’m surprisingly still living in Orlando and doing partnership development for the Orange County Library System. My husband and I gave birth to a baby boy, Kellan Adrian Valentine-Williams, on Jan 30. His uncle Adonal Foyle was one of his 1st visitors and is threatening to turn him into a basketball player. No other Colgate sightings for a while as

we’ve been in hibernation preparing for — and now getting to know — Baby K.” Speaking of Adonal Foyle, he published a book. “Released last June, Winning the Money Game: Lessons Learned from the Financial Fouls of Pro Athletes offers essential financial management advice for athletes, their families, and the fans to help them protect and keep their wealth. It currently has a 5-star review on Amazon!” News and views for the Colgate community




We fell in love in the summer of 2008. We were two of the few hundred students who were lucky enough to spend the summer on campus and partake in one of Colgate’s best-kept secrets. Because, in the summer, our beautiful campus puts on her finest sundress. We met in the Office of Admission, as tour guides, sharing our experiences and advice with prospective students. Campus tours are a genuine workout in the summer heat — especially for the tour guides who have to walk backward! Fortunately, as any Colgate visitor can conRuthie Fish ’09 and Rodney Jehu-Appiah ’10 were firm, Byrne Dairy ice cream married on Willow Path in front of family and sandwiches are the sweet friends, including more than 20 alumni. reward for completing a tour. Needless to say, the summer tour-guide cohort virtually ate their weights in ice cream sandwiches. The tour guides bonded over our shared passions for ice cream sandwiches and, of course, our beloved university. Hard work by day was balanced with rest and relaxation under the Chenango Valley night sky. A few weeks into the internship, the tour guides decided to see The Incredible Hulk at the Hamilton Theater. But, somehow, of the entire eight-person group, we were the only two who showed up! What was intended to be a collegial movie night ended up being a somewhat awkward and unintentional first date. For an uncomfortably long two hours, we both tried in vain to ignore the gigantic green monster in the room. That monster turned out to be cupid in disguise. In a heady blur of more movie dates, ice cream socials, barbecues, and kayaking trips on Lake Moraine, we grew closer and spent all of our free time together. We sometimes co-led tours, and began to sound especially earnest when we told our tour groups of our real love for the Colgate experience. Outside of work, we enjoyed summer pick-up soccer games as an excuse to learn more about each other. It took a small, almost imperceptible shift — as deft as Ruthie’s crossed ball from the right wing — for a close friendship founded on shared interests to transform into a romance. Somewhere along the way, we decided that we would only play if we could be on the same team. Seven years later, on July 18, 2015, we returned to campus surrounded by family and several Colgate friends to exchange our vows of marriage. We were once again in front of a gathering — this time to declare our love for each other. The joy of all who were present was as plain to see as the “slices” that were shared at the end of the night. — Ruthie Fish ’09 and Rodney Jehu-Appiah ’10 Are you a married Colgate couple? Tell us your story: or Colgate Scene, 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 13346.


Erica Hasenjager

How we met...

Rebecca Katz reports: “I am now dir of academic initiatives and pilot programs in the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education at Stanford, designing and managing innovative and new academic offerings for the Stanford undergraduate population. Kevin and I are constantly being kept on our toes chasing our daughter, Magnolia, who has officially entered toddlerhood.” From Emily Loeb: “We moved from Pittsburgh to CT last summer and are settling nicely into the more rural setting of Easton (near Fairfield). After years of living in cities (Vancouver, BC; Seattle, Pittsburgh), we are loving the dark star-filled skies and the fact that our closest grocery store is a farm stand. My kids are now 9 and 7, and we spend lots of time in the woods (on foot and on bikes). One of the nicest things about moving to CT has been reconnecting with old Colgate friends whom I haven’t seen in years. I see Erica Bramley Buchsbaum regularly and had a fun night with Jessie Jacquet and Simon Adams, Laura Mulloy Ault, and Gretchen Ward Mancuso this past spring.” Joanne Caragan reports: “Joseph DeMauro (RIT ’04) and I welcomed 2nd child Ariana Violet, born on Aug 31,2015. She joins her older sister, Emerson, age 2.” From Vivian Osugi: “Nicklaus Osugi, born Jan 9, 2016, is now almost 3 months old. His big brother, Devon, loves having a little brother, reads him books, and sings him songs.” Scott Hoekman writes: “In Jan, I was in NYC, and I had the chance to meet up with Sarah Lopez, Frank Martin, and Natalie Volkman for dinner, as well as Laurent Wiesel for drinks. Sarah is an amazing attorney; Frank is an awesome nonprofit wizard; Natalie is a media mogul; and Laurent is an entrepreneur disrupting the legal industry.” My new pasta-starved neighbor Robert Hofheimer writes: “Robert and Jessica Hofheimer (UVA ’98) and their brilliant and talented children are moving to the Raleigh area. Robert has started a new job at BB&T Bank late last year, but has yet to taste any Melina’s Fresh Pasta despite numerous hints to the owner.” Lynn Martin Danner writes: “The exciting news that I have to share is that I just got married! My new husband, Andrew Danner (Gettysburg ’99/Duke ’06), is a computer science prof at Swarthmore College. We live in Wallingford, PA, with our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and 2 Corgis. I hope to get Andy up to Hamilton this summer so he can experience Colgate in the short snowless months. We are very happy!” Blair (Daniels) Lichtenfels: “My husband, Kristian Lichtenfels (USD ’03) and I welcomed a baby girl, Elise Jeanne Lichtenfels, in Sept 2015. Elise is a joy and is keeping us laughing all the time (or most of the time anyway). I was fortunate enough to have a 6-month maternity leave. I am still practicing law at Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck. I have been at Brownstein since Sept 2007, and my practice focuses on commercial real estate transactions, primarily urban infill and redevelopment. Shaw Stover Ruder came to Denver in Feb with her daughter Hattie. It was fun to introduce the girls and catch up!” Matt Shaw writes: “In Feb, Preston Walls, Chip Brackett, Jeff Holmes, John Weaver, and I got together for a joint 40th birthday ski trip to Canada. There was a little less going out and a little more video chatting with the kids at home than there was during similar trips 10–15 years ago, but fun was had by all, and the group made some good turns — for a bunch of old men. Jeff and John are successful doctors in Portland (ME) and Denver, respectively. Preston is at the helm of his family’s real estate business in Seattle, and

Chip just moved into the top environmental role at Boeing’s wide-body jet plant in Everett, WA. All are also great dads to tremendous kids! I’ve been working for a little over a year at the Climate Corporation, a company that makes software for farmers, and spend all of the rest of my time participating in or driving to kid-related activities.” I continue to make and peddle (and eat) pasta in Durham, NC. From Cheryl Meltz-Kroopnick: “I’d like to announce the birth of my 2nd son, Justin Bryce Kroopnick, on Sept 24, 2015. Justin joins big brother Tyler Ryan, who will be 3 years old in June.” Christina Fakharzadeh writes: “In Jan, I headed up to Vail to crash a Colgate ’98 ‘Mancation’ that was underway. Emily Morland and I met up at the bottom of the gondola and set out to find our fellow alums. We wove in and out of trees and up and down the back bowls of Vail in pursuit of catching up with our cronies. Although we never did end up skiing together, Emily and I finally found company with Ben Wilson, Jeff Schoalert, David Cooper, and Brian Decker at none other than the Red Lion bar in the Vail village. After tossing a few back, Rachel Reiss also popped in, but was only good for a quick hello. We all then headed back to the Mancation den where Aaron Patillo joined in on the fun. In Feb, Amanda Hollis texted to say that her business-trip dinner had been cancelled, so I was able to meet up with her in the LoHi neighborhood of Denver, where we sat for hours catching up and reminiscing. In addition, I just returned from a 40th birthday celebration on Catalina Island with some friends from HS, one being none other than Chandra Dow. We sea kayaked and saw whales, dolphins, and seals, and we simply caught up and laughed about old times. It was the perfect way to celebrate the big 4-0! All is good with me. I have decided to do a photo journal of my 1st year being over the hill, and so far, I have come to realize just how lucky I am. I have 3 amazing kids and a loving husband, and I still continue to enjoy teaching. Simply put: life is good. Carm:

19 9 9 Katie Raisio Abstoss Greetings, ’99ers! I was excited to hear from many of you; there are lots of exciting updates to share! Sasha Weisen recently left the attorney general’s office High Tech Crimes Bureau to work with his family business, brokering commercial large-scale real estate development. “Our exciting new project is Wanda Vista Tower in downtown Chicago, a 93-story, $1.3 billion, 5-star hotel and condominium tower that will be the 3rd tallest building in Chicago and the tallest building in the country to break ground in 2016. We are scheduled to break ground in Aug of this year and finish construction in 2020, and I am excited to be a part of the development of this iconic building for Chicago! Our company has other exciting projects in the works in Chicago, IN, FL, and even Cuba.” Shannon Lundeen wrote that in Aug of 2015: “Macavan Baird ’98 and I moved to Burlington, NC, with our 2 boys, Paxton (8) and Harlan (5), so that I could start a new job at Elon U serving as associate prof and dir of academic initiatives for the residential campus. Macavan has the great advantage of working from home as a flex-time attorney focusing on employment and labor law for the international firm Littler, Mendelson, PC.”

Ben Rich has been busy riding his electric motorcycle to promote electric vehicles for the past 3 summers and was the cover story on American Motorcyclist Magazine. “My journey took me from NJ to Mexico, then to Canada and back home. Also, I was interviewed by Long Riders Radio about that trip and am planning an even longer journey this summer. It would be great to see fellow Colgate grads along the way. I can be found on Facebook at Ben Rich – Electric Biker and would love to hear from any ’gate grads who ride. Also, last Aug, I was in a swing dance troupe that won the team division of the International Lindy Hop Championships in Washington, DC. This is the top competition in swing dance so it was quite an honor! I live in Montclair and go swing dancing in NYC frequently.” (For more on Ben’s three-country adventure, see pg 58.) Tara Lyons Morley and her family recently wrapped up 2 years of living in El Salvador this June. Their adventures in Latin America aren’t over yet as Tara, her husband, Scott (West Point ’00), and 2 children head to Bogota, Colombia, in July for the next 2–3 years. “If you find yourself headed to Bogota, keep me posted; we’d love to see some friendly ’gate faces down our way!” Jen Crane married Lee Thompson (NJIT) on Oct 10, 2015, in a beautiful seaside ceremony on Long Beach Island, NJ, with Kristin Rinaldi and Alex Alton ’97 serving as bridesmaids and other Colgate ’99ers Emily Martin Potts, Eric Potts, and Kathy Stromsem in attendance. “Jen was a stunning bride, and it was a fabulous reunion!” And welcome to all the recent Class of ’99 babies! Martha Clawson Townsend and her husband, Chris, welcomed their 1st child, a girl named Vivian, on Feb 2. Jamie Morelli gave birth to Vaughn Alexander on Feb 16. He joins his big sister, Greta, who is 2 1/2. They now live in Chicago. Lauren Bello Okerman and her husband, Kyle, had a baby girl, Poppy Miles, on Nov 23 in Truckee, CA. And, Matt Lipson and his wife, Kari, welcomed a baby boy, Beau! That’s it for now — thanks again for all the updates! Katie:

2000 Katie Tone Brock 11209 Crossland Drive Austin, TX 78726 Greetings, class. We have a brief, but special edition column for this issue of the Scene. As you may remember, Rory Macleod spent most of the past year pedaling across the country and back, raising money for World Bicycle Relief and experiencing American life and beauty firsthand. For this column, Rory shares a synopsis of his journey, and by publication, he will be off on his next adventure. Rory writes: “On April 2, after 9 months on the road, I returned home to San Francisco having biked a total of 14,455 miles through 35 states and 447,359 feet of elevation. Along the way, I got to visit with many Colgate friends, and we raised more than $20,000 for World Bicycle Relief. The adventure doesn’t end here; in early May I’ll be hopping on a plane to Europe to begin the next leg of my journey. You can follow along on Facebook, Find My Friends, or” Here’s to new and great adventures, Rory! You inspire many. To the rest of the class, please continue to email or message me with news and updates for future columns. I look forward to hearing from you. Take care and be well. Katie: 615-417-9727;

20 01 Paul Kuhne 1901 South Hawksmoore Drive Bloomington, IN 47401-7156 Paul: 617-817-4967;

20 02 Kimberly Malecka 2439 Meredith Street Philadelphia, PA 19130 Kimberly:

20 03 Scott Adams 922 Kearns Avenue Winston-Salem, NC 27106 I’m compiling the summer news column while traveling for business from NC where it has been 75 degrees (in April) to Montreal where it is 19 degrees. The weather this year has been crazy, but craziness is part of this season of life. Our updates this quarter demonstrate that our lives are full and busy: Erin (Kozaczuk) Lall reports that she and Ashwin Lall welcomed a new baby and that their family is doing well. Ashwin is a professor at Denison U near Columbus, OH, and recently got tenure. Brad Tisdale is getting married in Aug to Elizabeth “Liz” Maxwell (Syracuse ’06) in the Napa Valley town of Calistoga. Several Colgate folks will be attending, including Tyler Constantine ’04, Celin Wittman Constantine ’05, Andrew Dunmore, Dan Wolfe, Matt Costello, and April Havranek ’11. Brad and Liz have been living together in NYC’s West Village, and he reports that they are incredibly excited to call each other husband and wife! Sara Magill Krawll and Jordan Krawll welcomed their daughter, Ella Grace Krawll, on March 1, 2016. Sara’s father and Ella’s grandfather Doug Magill ’67 passed along the exciting news! Meg Hengerer Gabriele provided an update on her growing and busy family: “Joe Gabriele and I welcomed another baby girl, Vivi, last June. She joins big sister Gigi and the girls are giving Joe a run for his money. In the new year, our family also made the big step of leaving city life in NYC and moving to the suburbs in Summit, NJ. Erika Gunderson Ascher and Brian Ascher live here as well so we hang out with them and their kids often. I’ve also been able to reconnect with my old field hockey teammate and Theta sister Courtney Reilly Stafford, because she has also moved to Summit with her family recently and lives a few streets away. Ben and Ali Shirley live one town over with their 2 kids, and we plan on seeing them often; we even ran into them our 1st night out after the move. Even though we miss the city, NJ has welcomed us with open arms, and we feel right at home with lots of Colgate connections literally around the corner. In other news, I’m still an interior designer in the tri-state area (and beyond) and loving it, and Joe recently left law firm life for an in-house law job in the pharmaceutical industry, which he’s excited about.” From out west, Dan Kaslovsky writes: “My wife, Alex, and I welcomed our daughter, Kara Lily, on May 30, 2015. We live just outside of Boulder, CO, and are already enjoying chasing Kara around the house.” Julia Shackford Wilson sent in this update: “After working for a number of years as a geologist in NY, I moved to TX to work on a PhD in

geological oceanography at Texas A&M. While there, I met Bear Wilson (Tarleton State, 2001), and we got married in 2013. Amy Rawson Tristan and Cynthia Chin were both in my wedding and it was wonderful to have them there! I graduated from Texas A&M in Dec 2014 with my PhD, and we relocated to Houston for my job. I’m currently working as a geologist at a small consulting firm in north Houston.” Ari Vigoda wrote that he was married to Miro Gordon in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on April 17 with Rabbi Josh Strom ’02 officiating. April-Lyn Caouette reports: “Last spring, I moved across the country from MA to southern CA. I drove across the country for 2 weeks with a carload of belongings and now work as a missionary to video gamers and board gamers. Also, I took a trip to Boston on Easter weekend to attend Anime Boston!” From OR, Atha Mansoory writes that he “and Rob Cohen ’94 partnered, along with 4 others, to bring Falling Sky Brewing to Eugene. Now in its 4th year, and having just completed a major brewery expansion, Falling Sky is preparing to open its 3rd restaurant in June of this year.” Check them out at Andrew Wellner provided this update: “At the end of Jan, my wife, Amber (U of AK Anchorage), and I had our 1st daughter. Avery Lynden Wellner had a tough 1st week, but she is happy and healthy now. Her brother, Ivan, 4, is a great helper and her half-brother, Gabe, 14, thinks she’s awesome, and he’s right. We kind of hit the easy-baby jackpot for a 2nd time. She spends her waking hours cooing and smiling, and she only gets up once at night. Also, this summer, I finally jumped like a polar bear on a melting ice floe from the world of journalism to the much more solid footing found in the mental health field. I work with teenage girls with emotional problems, and even though people look at me funny when I tell them this, I really do enjoy the work. Sure, they call you terrible names and play petty power-struggle-y games, and it can get really dark sometimes, but for most of them their default setting is hilarious, youthful exuberance, which is to say that 90% of the time you’re essentially a camp counselor. But, actually, I only work there 2 days a week. The rest of the week I’m a stay-at-home dad. And that has been truly amazing. I’d probably suck as an actual preschool teacher, but as a preschool teacher to one 4-year-old whose personality is almost entirely a result of either my genetics or my parenting, I’m pretty great. It’s been a blast so far, and we’ve got a whole summer to enjoy before he starts kindergarten.” Also enjoying parenting adventures, “Obie and Conway Bate ’03 welcomed a baby girl, Caroline Waters Bate, to their family on Feb 10. Big sisters Alden and Grayson, 3, are thrilled with their new little sister. The Bate family of 5 is enjoying life in NYC!” Kate Stilwell McDonnell writes that “husband Carter McDonnell and I welcomed our baby boy, Edward Bankson McDonnell, aka Banks, on March 17. We are settling into life as a family of 3 here in Denver.” Keep sending in the good reports, and remember we are now less than 2 years from another reunion — 15 will be here soon! Happy summer! Scott:

2004 Moira Gillick Duggan My beloved, please forgive me for these very brief notes. The Colgate interwebs failed us! From James M Ralph: “I write a belated update that I married Suzanna Brickman in Brooklyn,

NY, on Oct 25 of last year. Colgate guests included Geoff Allen, Grant Taylor, Ian Hill, Nels Gilbreth, Aaron Baughman, Meredith Mimms, Ian Galloway, Will Lewis, Elizabeth McDermott Crofoot ’05, and Jason Rand ’07.” From Katie Konrad Moore: “I just arrived home from a weekend spent with Lily Dupont Leedom, Emily Wright Luckett, and Rosie Bancroft McMullin. [See a photo on pg 57.] We visited Lily in Bend, OR, where she’s working as a real estate agent and living with her husband, Tim, and their baby Nathaniel, born May 2015. We missed our other roomies Susannah Richardson and Melanie Sloan Cintron. Mel is currently 9 days overdue with her 1st baby so we’re hoping to share her news any day now.” That is all for here and now. Please feel free to drop me a line whenever you do something good in life, rather than waiting for a deadline announcement. I’m always happy to hear from you. Best, Moira. Moira:;

2005 Ruthie Kott Lots of ’05ers getting married! In July 2015, Jeremy Wattles married Darline Polanco. Jeremy’s father, Rev Stuart Wattles ’72, performed the ceremony. Several Colgate folks attended, including Travis Brooks ’04, Louie DiNuzzo ’04, Stephanie (Cowles) McDonald ’04, Tracey (Perazone) Henderson ’04, Joe Henderson ’03, and professors Harvey Sindima and Georgia Frank. “Darline and I are now expecting a child any day,” Jeremy wrote in April. “While she’s a Hobart and William Smith grad, and we both work at HWS, I’m hoping our child will be Colgate Class of 2038!” In Dec, Rob Van Brunt married Christy Waninski (Indiana Class of 2007) in Chicago. “While we weren’t aiming for a Colgatethemed wedding, we did get married on the 13th” Rob writes. “Our wedding party of 13 also included Colgate alumni Chris Kinsella, Mike Adams, John Bringewatt, Mike Fishbein, Dan Solomon, and Karla (Yeh) ’06 and Jon Lebedoff ’06. Also in attendance were Betsy (Harbison) Bringewatt, Paul Ridley, Katy (Romano) Solomon, Tom McKinstry, Jenny Meakins, Charlie Liebschutz ’06, Desiree (Abeleda) Adams ’06, Matt Porter ’04, Jesse Berman ’04, Emily (McAuliff) ’06 and Mike Gentithes, Katie Holbrook, Ruthie (Kott) Meister, Anna (Kolich) Johnson, and Kian Dowlatshahi. We honeymooned in St Lucia over Christmas and planned to take as many trips as possible in 2016. We’ve already followed that up with trips to Rio de Janeiro and Aspen, CO.” Lori Mele has had a year of life changes. First she married Matthew Hawke (U of Edinburgh, Class of 2011) in April. Sarah Compter ’04 was her maid of honor, and many Colgate alumni were in attendance: Lauren Schiffer ’02 and Erik Asmussen ’04, Ashley Bedard Laputka and Stephan Laputka ’06, Jasmine V Bailey Epstein, Matthew Brogan, Doug Miller ’02, Jen (Hudler) Kwiatkowski, Whitney Baer ’04, Nancy (Miller) Maynard, Emily Roper-Doten ’02 and Curt Doten ’03, Adam Samtur ’06, and Jason Cason ’04. Lori also recently received a PhD in Hispanic studies from Boston College. JB ’03 and Eve Share Banghart welcomed their 2nd baby girl, Malin Ruth, on Oct 15, 2015. Eve writes: “Big sister Ayla (2 1/2 years) is alternately thrilled and unimpressed.” Vaneskha Hyacinthe Wilson and her husband, Chris, moved to sunny Ocoee, FL.

News and views for the Colgate community


Vaneskha is an immigration attorney at the Wilson Legal Group in Orlando. Keith Williams and Christopher Brown started a sports training company, 9D Sports, based in NYC and Parsippany, NJ. Keith, who was a shooting guard at Colgate, specializes in basketball training, and Christopher, who was the starting quarterback for 3 years at Colgate, trains football skills. For more information, see Ruthie:;

2006 Megan (Sobel) Yellin Sarah and Mark Mushel welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Charlotte Rose, on St. Patrick’s Day. She joins big brother Landon who just turned 2 in Feb. The couple couldn’t be happier. Charles Miller shared: “I’m getting married on June 11, exactly 1 week after our 10 year, which I convinced my future wife, Christina, to attend with me. She’s also from NY and went to SUNY Albany.” Erin Piccola wrote in: “I, along with my husband, Joe, and our 2-year-old daughter, Eliana, welcomed our newest addition, Chloe Joy, on Feb 15. We then moved into our newly remodeled home in Irvine, CA, on March 15. Busy couple of months!” Emily Murphy ’08, Katherine Del Prato, and Chrissy Zaika were inducted into their hometown “Camillus Sports Hall of Fame” a few months ago. Their HS swim coach Bob Marks is also a Colgate alum (Class of 1980!). It was a fun little reunion for all! (Visit the gallery at the top of the class news online to see a photo of the group.) Megan:

2007 Shannon Sweeney 103 S 4th Avenue Highland Park, NJ 08904 Jane Phelan We can’t believe it, but it is T minus 1 year until our 10-year Colgate reunion. We know it’s quite advance planning, but we also know it’s a weekend we’re looking forward to already, so mark your calendars to return to Colgate Thursday, June 1–Sunday, June 4, for some fun under the tents, visiting old dorms, grabbing slices, drinking coffee at the Barge, and of course, dancing at the Jug. In the meantime, we would love to hear from you, so if you’ve recently gotten married, moved, changed jobs, had a kid, traveled somewhere fun, or anything of the like, please e-mail Shannon or Jane. We’ll get those stories in here and, of course, we will see you in less than a year! Shannon: Jane:

2008 Ayanna Williams Daniel Glaser The Class of 2008 continues to celebrate some major accomplishments! Erin (Szydloski) Shaull was awarded a PhD in English from OH State U in Dec. Sarah Lee received a master’s in public policy from the U of Southern CA on May 13; a good day to graduate, if you ask me. Zwena McLeod completed her residency in pediatrics in June 2015 and started a new position as an attending physician at Johns Hopkins 68

scene: Summer 2016

Bayview Medical Ctr. During a recent birthday celebration in Baltimore, Zwena reunited with Ayanna Williams, Nazia Moqueet, and Henoch Derbew ’07. Avery Blank is having a blast speaking, writing, and providing trainings focused on the intersection of women’s leadership, policy, strategy, and career development. Thanks to Professor Nina Moore, Teresa Olsen, and Chelsea Lehmann of career services, Avery returned to Colgate to speak as part of the Women in Law event. In July, Ande Reisman was to embark on a 10-month Fulbright Fellowship for research in the low-lying Chitwan Valley of Nepal. Ande is interviewing women whose male partners are working abroad as labor migrants. Her research will seek to better understand how everyday gender practices shift in the male absence and how this affects gender equality more broadly. Ande is currently studying at the U of WA in Seattle. Her research in Nepal will serve as a central piece of her doctoral dissertation in sociology. Jackie Harris is excited to be planning her summer wedding to David Schulte, a fellow teacher in the Scranton School District. Ayanna Williams will join her as a bridesmaid for the ceremony in Aug. We love hearing from everyone. Please keep the updates coming! Ayanna: Daniel:

20 09 Chris Nulty Apt 501 4076 17th Street San Francisco, CA 94114-1992 It has been another incredible quarter for the Class of 2009. On the job front, Nikolay Zhelev successfully defended his PhD thesis in physics at Cornell U in Jan, and in March started his job at Corning Inc as a research scientist. Congrats, Nikolay! In April, Jaclyn Berger, Julia Sobel, Jessica Bauer, Julia Baron, and Patricia Gabel all hopped on a plane to LAX to celebrate Emily Aronowitz’s last few weeks as a single lady. Bachelorette weekend events were yet to be announced as of publication, but no doubt these ladies had a great time. #90210ronowitz Also, filed under “to be married” are Catherine Mendola and Matt Muskin ’10! Matt proposed on Jan 16 along the Chestnut Hill Reservoir in Boston on a freezing day reminiscent of Hamilton winters. Afterwards, they celebrated with family and friends, including Joe McGovern ’10, Audrey Hoiles ’11, and Sam Worth ’11. Meanwhile, Amy Pennenga got engaged to Chad Ingling in Jan. Amy writes that it all happened amidst a Colgate-worthy blizzard, which leaves us wondering if Chad and Matt coordinated. The couple will be married in Oct 2016 in NJ. And now for the already married. Jackie Adlam and Michael Crown ’10 got married on Nov 7, 2015, at a beautiful ceremony in Ojai, CA (if you haven’t been, go!). There was a bevvy of Colgate alums in tow, and a few in the wedding party, including Brooke Lessinger, Nancy Clayton, and Paige Woodruff. Alex Tanenbaum and Margot Genvert ’11 were married on June 11 at the Fairmont Southampton Resort in Bermuda. Many members of Class of 2009 attended, including Andrew Morley, Scott Tucker, Alex Plunkett, Jamie

Kilcullen, Kyle Cooper, Mike Goltzman, and various other DKEs and Betas, as well as a number of members of the Class of 2011. A wonderful time was had by all. Margot’s parents, Pierre ’73 and Peggy ’75, were thrilled to see such a large crowd of Raiders in the audience. Chris: 585-613-6609;

201 0 Kim Siembieda Apt 6 103 Charles Street Boston, MA 02114-3201 Rachel Greenburg got engaged to Matt Geller on Jan 7 while skiing the slopes in Steamboat Springs, CO. Three weeks later the couple celebrated back home in NYC where too many Colgaters to name were in attendance. Annie Ben-Ami got engaged to Max Marchitello on March 18 while hiking Old Rag in Shenandoah, VA. Later that evening, old roommates Teresa (Daniele) Zegarelli and Rachel Greenburg (and Michelle McLaughlin via FaceTime) surprised Annie at her apartment in DC to share in the celebrations! Matt Muskin and Catherine Mendola ’09 got engaged on Jan 16 in Boston! After a sushi lunch, they took a walk on the reservoir where Catherine was completely 100% surprised. Among those they celebrated with later that night were Joe McGovern, Audrey Hoiles ’11, and Sam Worth ’11. In March, Shelby Scott was engaged to Robbie Lazarow (non-Colgate, but Shelby’s friends describe him as “still a good guy!”). Lauren Paverman started her 1st semester of graduate school at the end of Jan. She is pursuing a master’s in teaching from Pace U’s School of Education and plans to become a HS Spanish teacher. Regan Corr got accepted into the U of Buffalo’s executive MBA program and will be starting in the fall. She’ll continue working full time at her family business while getting her MBA. David Eng finished his PhD in electrical engineering at the U of DE in Nov and walked in May. David started a new job with General Dynamics in NJ last Dec. Michelle Vatalaro is the new president of the Colgate Alumni Club of Atlanta! Jim Rosen moved to Chapel Hill in July to attend UNC’s Kenan-Flagler Business School. He says if you’re in the area to let him know! Emily Rawdon is still in Washington, DC, working with the Redskins in their digital dept. She’s excited to head to the league digital meetings in early April in Nashville after which she’ll be heading back to KY for a few days with family. While there she’ll be meeting up with Kali McMillan in Cincinnati. Between seeing her in Cinci and her visits to DC we’ve had a lot of luck staying in touch! Outside of work, Emily is traveling the country playing and coaching roller derby. She was just selected to a 2nd season on the Team Maryland All-Stars; they travel to a national tournament in Daytona each Dec and one in Philly each Feb (this year they got 3rd place in Philly!). Emily was to be in Providence, RI, over the 4th of July weekend, coaching at a derby convention. Classmates Amber Codiroli and Angelica Chapman are also skating in a league in Earlville, NY. Emily was really excited to be back at Colgate for the Aretha Franklin concert in March. What an amazing show! Keep the updates coming! Kim: 610-952-0491;

2 0 11 Emily Steiger 10 John Street Hamilton, NY 13346 Greetings, 2011! Spring is finally springing here in Hamilton … in theory, anyway; Colgate is covered in snow as I’m writing this, but I remain optimistic that everything will be sunny and summery by the time you read it. We’ll kick off this issue’s column with some more engagement and marriage news. Elise Aronson got engaged on March 8 to Stephen Morrissey in Paris. The couple met at a political internship in DC and will be married next year in Philadelphia. Jess Morlando and Nick Geiger got engaged in Feb while hiking the Kepler Track in New Zealand. They spent several months traveling: hiking mountains in New Zealand, surfing in Bali, sightseeing in Cambodia, and island hopping in Thailand. They settled in Boston in April and would love to hear from anyone in the area who is involved in actuarial or healthcare research. Friends celebrated the wedding of Shannon Luckey to Joseph Guglielmo at the Bowery Hotel over Valentine’s Weekend. Members of the Class of 2011 in attendance included Julia Clark, Ali Cassel, Jason Cohen, Peter Gill, Vildana Hajric, Mike Newberg, David Berger, and Kendall Dolbec. Cara Banta and Brendon Mitchell were getting married in June 2016 in Cape Cod. Bridal party members include Dana Bohan, Mike Danahy, Julian Michaels, Mike Barry, Neil Thompson, and Alex Kramer. Finally, Zunaira Javed celebrated her wedding to Mani Kashmiri in Lahore, Pakistan, this March. Brenda Boyle, Parker Caldwell, and Lindsay Shepard ’12 joined the weeklong celebrations! Following graduation from Colgate, Kim Zeluck continued her education at Parsons School of Design and received an MFA in interior design. After a period working in the design industry, she returned to the world of fine arts. In late 2013, she was accepted to participate in GEISAI #20, an intl exhibition and competition sponsored and hosted by Japanese artist Takashi Murakami. She was awarded the Bronze Prize for overall talent and came in 5th place as an audience favorite; the only intl medalist. Following the competition, Kim has exhibited her work twice at the Hidari Zingaro and Kiki Zingaro galleries in Tokyo and had her 1st solo show in July 2014. She is also 1 of 7 founding artists, as well as coordinator of, an online nonprofit gallery based out of Princeton, NJ. Currently, Kim divides her time between NYC, Taipei, and Hong Kong preparing for her next exhibition while overseeing the renovation of her new studio in NY. Ron Adomako spent an exorbitant amount of time this year working on software development, networking, and working out at the gym in the greater NYC region. He started learning Norwegian this spring and is considering opportunities in CA so hopes to be in touch with those involved in the Colgate clubs on the west coast. Maddi Love is currently the dir of sales for Webkite, Inc and They recently launched Fitt in 5 new cities and will be expanding to a total of 10 cities by summer. Fitt is a media and technology startup out of CMU in Pittsburgh. They focus on helping people discover health and fitness resources in their community, and their partner network combines shareable content with community events to make the healthy choice fun and accessible for everyone. The company recently launched nationwide. Brenda Boyle and Coco Vonnegut ’12 were

201 2 Patrick White Nate Eachus Dear Class of 2012, Patrick White and Nate Eachus have stepped up as your new class editors. Feel free to e-mail either or both with your updates, and they will be reporting on the news in future issues. From Patrick: “Hello, Class of 2012! At Colgate, I studied English and history and was a member of the varsity men’s swimming and diving team. I have a keen interest in the lore of Colgate and all of the alumni who have gone before us. I hope I can add to that tradition and bring some vigor to this column. Feel free to contact me at with any exciting updates, and I’ll try and seek some out on my own! Go, Raiders!” Nate writes: “Hi, Class of 2012. I played football and was a sociology/anthropology major at Colgate. Please contact me if you are interested in having your name and story in the Colgate Scene!” Patrick: Nate:

201 3 Molly Gilligan Dear alumni community: Steven Xu double majored in math and economics at Colgate and joined the Peace Corps after graduation. He taught math and basic computer skills at Kampala U Primary Teacher’s College for 2 years and just completed his Peace Corps service in Feb. Steven plans on staying in Uganda for a few more years and is in the planning stages of establishing education cooperatives across rural Uganda, basically informal schools run by the students themselves using digital education. He’s also working with various NGOs to produce education videos on low capital agricultural practices, animal husbandry techniques, basic business skills, and income generating techniques, etc. Steven said: “Going from studying math and economics to working with education and agriculture in rural east Africa was a pretty cool transition. Oh, and I also made it into a very embarrassing Ugandan music video and became famous at a local Nile River rafting basecamp for my interpretive dances to Disney’s Let It Go.” This summer Quincey Spagnoletti will be riding in the Pan-Mass Challenge, a 192-mile charity bike race from Sturbridge, MA, to Provincetown, MA. The Pan-Mass Challenge is a 2-day bike race where cyclists and professionals all come together for the same goal: to raise money for cancer research and care. She said, “Working for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, I have seen firsthand how the money raised is used for research and patient care. In fact, last year 100% of rider-raised revenue went directly to support the Jimmy Fund and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute’s tireless commitment to finding a cure. I am so proud to work for an institute where I care so much about the mission.”

For more information, check out Quincey’s page at Jenna Taylor and Meegan Smith are taking 3 months “off of life” to bike across the country this summer with the nonprofit Bike & Build; all proceeds go to affordable housing. For more information, check out Jenna’s page at classic. Elise Sidamon-Eristoff is living and working in Washington, DC, at Chemonics Intl on their Afghanistan team. She spends quite a lot of time with fellow 2013 classmates Kate Byrnes and Sophie Rudolph, who live nearby. Kit Norris and Spencer Staley went to Jackson Hole to ski for a few days with some of the younger guys in Tach who are living out there fulltime, including Matt Bambach ’14, Ryan Holliday ’14, Ian Beihl ’15, and Will Stabler ’15. “Activities included shredding the gnar and basking in the natural hot springs.” Spencer was on a cross-country road trip before he heads to graduate school this fall. (Visit the photo gallery at the top of the class news online to see a photo of the group in Jackson Hole.) Jonathan Mputu is finishing up his 2nd year of law school. He attends Loyola Law School in downtown Los Angeles, CA, and is expected to graduate next May. Carly Cox and Grant Marcks ’09 were engaged on Friday, Feb 5 at the NY Botanical Garden. They had their friend Mark Florian ’09 there to document the proposal, and they celebrated afterward at the Nomad Hotel joined by our close friends, including many ’gate alumni. Stephen La Rosa and Britany Schram recently got engaged. They have been best friends since their first year at Colgate, when they both lived in West Stillman and have been inseparable ever since. Additionally, Stephen will begin his studies to become a clinical lab technologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering in June and Brittany will be graduating with her doctor of physical therapy degree in May. Brittany said: “This is a very exciting time for both of us, and we wanted to share it with the Scene. We are so happy that Colgate brought us together!” The Class of 2013 is very proud of two of our classmates who have recently been honored by Forbes. Ryan Smith was named on Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list for enterprise tech, and Maggie Dunne was named on Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list for education. Ryan recently wrote about how his Colgate experience prepared him to be an entrepreneur: “I majored in intl relations and minored in philosophy. I also served as the news editor for the Maroon-News and the social chair of my fraternity. Most importantly, I joined Thought Into Action as a first-year when there were just 5 students (including Maggie) and Andy Greenfield ’74. Thought Into Action was the defining feature of my Colgate experience. I ran a few projects and businesses, one of which was EcoCampus, which sold green office supplies to the university. That seminar confirmed concepts I find exciting about the post-academic world: operate differently, don’t get emotional, be persistent, and bring value or get out of the room. Lifelong mentors I connected with through TIA at Colgate have been invaluable and they continue to be great friends and partners. “I am now co-founder and CEO of LeafLink, a wholesale order management platform for the legal cannabis industry. Zach Silverman, LeafLink’s co-founder and CTO, and I began exploring the industry in 2015 and were fascinated by what it represents: rarely does a proven product with market demand, something people are already buying, have the opportunity to become an industry before our eyes and at our direction.

Maroon’d… in Oman


named as 2016 StartingBloc Fellows, selected to attend a social-impact training institute in New Orleans. That’s it for this round of updates. We’ll be on the other side of reunion by the time this column is published, but for now: I’m looking forward to seeing you all on campus for our 5th reunion in June! Emily:; @emilybaselt

Carrie Brummer ’04 lives in Muscat, Oman, with her husband, Joseph Hanna. When she isn’t sharing travel tips with friends and family, Brummer is president of, a community space helping people to unleash their inner artist. Here are her tips if you find yourself in Oman’s capital. Sunset sipping… Watch the sun set on the beautiful beach and enjoy the Gulf of Oman ocean view at Crowne Plaza’s pub, Dukes. If the weather is nice, make a reservation to guarantee outdoor seating. Scentsible… Tour the Amouage Perfume Factory, which is a brand that originates from Oman. The short, but nicely done, tour includes how and where scent ingredients are sourced. You also get to watch employees working on the perfumes. Olé!?… Near the city of Barka, there are bullfights on (usually) the first and third Fridays of the month. The bullfights here are different in that the two bulls battle each other. Because these are communityarranged events, to find them, you have to go to Barka to ask for more information, and then find the specific locations. On your mark… There is a camel racing federation off of 18th November Street in the Al Azaiba district that provides the latest dates and locations for this very early morning affair (approximately 6 a.m. start). Brunch on the beach… The Chedi is a luxury hotel with a delicious (and pricey) brunch. The fare includes Indian, Thai, and British influences. The hotel is set right on the ocean and surrounded by palm trees. It’s a great location to relax the afternoon away. Dive in… Visit Oman Dive Center to schedule a snorkeling or diving trip in Bandar Karan, where you can spot sea turtles and blue tang fish. Spend the day by the beach and enjoy lunch at their restaurant. Have tips for people who might be maroon’d in your area? Write us at scene@ and put Maroon’d in the subject line.

News and views for the Colgate community


Ultimately, we found there is not much to disrupt in this industry, rather, we can define standard practice as we scale into new states as they legalize. The platform offers a suite of sales and ordering tools that simplify and streamline the tracking, ordering, and communication process for vendors and retailers. In Dec, we closed a $1 million seed round led by a group of angel investors, including Colgate alumni, and our team is currently operating out of offices in NY and Denver. “In terms of entrepreneurship, I’ve always believed it’s more nature than nurture. That nature can be nurtured, but there are certain perspectives and thoughts you can’t force someone to think. There are definitely challenges as an entrepreneur, but those are fun. Whenever I’m told something can’t be done, others have failed, or it makes normal people nervous, all I hear in my head is ‘challenge accepted.’ There are always challenges around raising capital, hiring a great team, and building and scaling a beautiful product, but those are just part of doing what I know I’m supposed to be doing.” Molly:

201 4 Joshua Riefler Happy summer, ’14ers! I hope all is well. Keep up the good work on sending over your updates ... I feel like we have been slipping since graduation! I am continually amazed at how frequently spontaneous Colgate alumni interactions occur day to day. Lara Donohue wrote about one such occasion that happened at the start of the year. Lara and Kristen Friberger went to Long Island City to attend a 1-woman theatrical performance called Broken Bone Bathtub. The play takes place in the bathroom of someone’s apartment; the main actress is actually sitting in a bathtub with bubbles completely naked. The play is held in a different bathroom across NY every night: Chelsea, Prospect Heights, Upper West Side, etc. The actress has performed in Japan, UK, and is headed to Australia next. Since the show is in a bathroom, it can only seat about 6 people. It is an interactive show during which the actress poses questions to the audience. At one point she asked Lara: “Who do you go to when you have a problem?” Lara pointed to Kristen and said: “this one.” After asking the 2 how they knew each other, they classically responded that they went to college together at “a small liberal arts school in central NY called Colgate.” A man sitting behind Kristen exclaimed: “Wait, I went to Colgate!” There they were, 3 Colgaters in a bathroom of 6 people seeing a play with a naked woman in a stranger’s bathtub in Long Island City. The fellow alum was John Penner ’04. They spoke for a while after the show, catching up, and swapping the names of professors they knew and their old dorm stomping grounds. The excitement doesn’t stop there. Matt Bambach was happy to report that earlier this year he had been living in Jackson Hole, WY, with Ryan Holliday, Ian Beihl ’15, and Will Stabler ’15. This past May, Matt moved to Duluth, MN, to begin fieldwork investigating toxic bluegreen algae blooms in the Great Lakes Basin for UMD’s Water Resources Science MS program, which will run for the next 2 years. Good luck! Last, but not least, Lindsey Skerker is engaged! Lindsey and her fianc´e, Dror Lavan, met while she was working abroad in Netanya, Israel, as part of an English-teaching program. 70

scene: Summer 2016

She hopes to make introductions at our 5-year reunion at the very latest! Best, Josh Josh:

To John Albright ’02 and Sheri: Ann Elizabeth, January 14

20 1 5

To Casey and Melissa Andrews ’02 Stumpf: Tessa Avery and Finley Logan, March 10, joining Daphne Harper

Elma Hajric Elma:

20 1 6 Lauren Casella Hi, Class of 2016. I will be the class editor for the Class News section of the Scene! At Colgate I was a political science and religion double major involved with Link Staff, the Maroon-News, Colgate Women in Business, the communications office, and the Office of Admission. This summer, I will begin work as an analyst in the marketing sciences group of ad agency R/GA. In serving as class editor, I’m really looking forward to beginning my time as an alumna in the Colgate community! So, Class of 2016, write to me to keep in touch with the class about your work endeavors, travel adventures, and any life updates you may want to share! I look forward to hearing from you! Best, Lauren Lauren:

Ma s te r ’s

To Nathan and Margaret Whittaker ’05 Caulk: Gwendolyn Kathleen, May 26, 2015 To Thomas ’06 and Kelly (Egler) ’07 Fallon: Paige Catherine, February 15 To Ryan and Laura (Driscoll) ’07 Keogh: Sloan Olsen, August, joining Taylor Elizabeth To Steven ’07 and Jennifer (White) ’05 Koehler: Vivienne Grace, March 11

In Memoriam The Scene runs deceased notices on all alumni, current and former faculty members, honorary degree recipients, and staff members and others who the editors determine would be well known to alumni. Arthur B Johnson ’41, February 17, 2016. Sigma Nu, ski club. He served as director of Dr Johnson’s Camps for more than 30 years. His wife, Sybil, preceded him in death. He is survived by 2 children, and other family.

Sanford Sternlicht MA’55 (with distinction), a graduate preceptor, went on to serve 4 years as a US Naval Officer in the Atlantic and Mediterranean Fleets from 1956–1960. Returning to civilian and academic life, he continued to serve in the Naval Reserve until retiring in 1980 in the rank of commander. Sandy earned his PhD in English from Syracuse U in 1964 and taught in the English and theater departments of SUNY Oswego from 1960–1980 and the English department of Syracuse University until retiring as professor of English in 2014. He has published 30 academic books and 2 volumes of poetry. Alumni from Colgate’s master’s program, please send news to Managing Editor Aleta Mayne:

Robert H Fay ’42, November 18, 2013. University Chorus, marching band, orchestra. US Armed Forces: WWII. He worked in several fields over the course of his career, including teaching, mail carrying, and multiple private industries. He was predeceased by his wife, Norma. He is survived by 3 sons, and many grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.

Marriages & Unions

Warren L Hickman ’44, March 2, 2016. Phi Delta Theta, Konosioni, International Relations Council, soccer, baseball, boxing, student government. Columbia University: MA. L’Institut Universitaire de Hautes Études Internationales at Université de Genève, Switzerland: Docteur ès Sciences Politiques. During WWII, he served on Eisenhower’s staff at the Supreme Headquarters. He also enjoyed a long career in education, working as a professor and dean at multiple universities including Ohio Northern University, Ithaca College, Syracuse University, Eisenhower College, and Rochester Institute of Technology. He was predeceased by his wife, Jane. He is survived by a son, Warren ’73, a daughter, and 3 grandchildren.

(2016 unless otherwise noted) Christopher Koelsch ’93 and Todd Bentjen, June 14, 2014 Andrew Bloom ’06 and Tyndale Brickey, February 13 Megan MacAlarney ’10 and Steven Medina, June 6, 2015

Births & Adoptions (2016 unless otherwise noted) To Jonah Shacknai ’78 and Lily Phillips: Margaux Phillips, January 17 To John and Whitney (Sayia) ’97 Reid: John Robert IV, Dec 2, 2015 To Matthew and Jaime (Morelli) ’99 Wrobel: Vaughn Alexander, February 16, joining Greta Sophia To Thomas and Lesley (Roxe) ’01 McNamara: Thomas Joseph III, Dec 18, 2015 To Steve and Elizabeth Wise ’01 Brown: Adeline James, May 11, 2015, joining Isabella and Charlotte

John B Price ’42, September 27, 2012. University Chorus, marching band. US Air Force. Saint Lawrence University: MA, 1949. He worked for many years as manager and VP of Jet Air Freight and the Berkins Van and Storage Company. He was predeceased by his wife, Betty. He is survived by 4 sons and other loved ones.

Carl W Cristy ’45, November 25, 2015. Theta Chi. US Air Force. He served as an FBI agent and county solicitor in Ft Lauderdale, Fla. He is survived by his wife, Alvira, and 4 children. Robert E Eckis Jr ’45, December 29, 2014. Phi Kappa Tau, swimming, golf. US Army: WWII. In 1957, he founded Payment Plans, Inc, where he was an insurance agent and mortgage broker until retiring in 1986. He was predeceased by his wife, Madalyn. He is survived by 3 children, 8 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren.

Charles T Locke Jr ’45, February 27, 2016. Phi Gamma Delta, basketball. US Marine Corps: WWII. He retired after a 32-year career as an executive in the telecommunications industry. He is survived by 2 children and 2 grandchildren. Barton R Clausen ’46, October 1, 1993. He worked as executive director of Abnaki Health Council of Claremont, New Hampshire. Edward E Tainter Jr ’46, February 6, 2016. Alpha Tau Omega. US Army: WWII. He served as a manager for both Goodyear and New England Telephone before retiring from NYNX after 34 years. He was predeceased by his wife, Diane. He is survived by 2 children and 5 grandchildren. Gilbert L Geis ’47, November 10, 2012. MaroonNews. US Navy: WWII. Brigham Young University: MS, 1949. University of Wisconsin-Madison: PhD, 1952. He was a lifelong academic in the field of criminology, specializing in the area of white collar crime, and taught at Los Angeles State College, the University of Oklahoma, and SUNY Albany before retiring as a professor emeritus at UC, Irvine. He received many awards over the course of his career, and he published 26 books and more than 500 academic articles. He is survived by his wife, Dolores Tuttle, and 2 daughters. George A Wetherell ’48, March 7, 2015. Lambda Chi Alpha, soccer, marching band. US Navy: WWII. He had a long career in teaching before retiring from the Skaneateles Central School District as assistant district principal. He was predeceased by his son, Tim. He is survived by his wife, Penny, 3 daughters, 2 stepsons, 12 grandchildren, and 9 great-grandchildren. Daniel L Cheney ’50, February 19, 2016. Commons Club. US Army. He was a publisher and philanthropist who founded the Springhouse Corporation publishing company in 1970. He is survived by his wife, Ellie, 3 children, 9 grandchildren, great-nieces and great-nephews including Leigh Fisch ’11 and Alex Fisch ’14, and 25 greatgrandchildren. James F. McMahon ’50, May 26, 2016. Theta Chi, International Relations Council, football. Following his active Coast Guard service, he joined Univac Remington Rand, where he worked for most of his career as a computer sales executive. He was predeceased by his 2 brothers including Edward ’46. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; a daughter and her husband; his son, James ’84; and 2 grandsons including Thomas McMahon Cramer ’09. John E Filler ’51, April 21, 2016. Phi Kappa Tau, football, hockey, baseball. US Army: Korean War. Boston University. He worked for many years as a minister of the United Church of Christ and was responsible for instituting some of the country’s first special education programs in the Harwich and Chatham, Mass., public schools. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Lenor, 3 sons including Michael ’78, and 4 grandchildren including Victoria Jones ’08. Peter N Perretti Jr ’53, February 27, 2016. Beta Theta Pi, WRCU-FM, International Relations Council, student government. Cornell University Law School: JD, 1956. He had a long career as a lawyer, first as an assistant prosecutor for Essex County and then at the firm Riker Danzig, where he later became a name partner. He also served a term as attorney general for the State of New Jersey. He is survived by his wife, Ruth, 3 children, and other loved ones.

Ivar Berg ’54, January 1, 2016. Phi Delta Theta, Phi Beta Kappa, Konosioni, International Relations Council, ice hockey. US Marine Corps. Harvard University: PhD, 1959. He was an emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Pennsylvania who made important contributions to the study of higher education, labor markets, and industrial sociology. His book, Education and Jobs: The Great Training Robbery, played a major role in the US Supreme Court civil rights decision Griggs v Duke Power Company and was credited with providing the basis of the theory of market signaling, which received the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics. He is survived by his wife, Sharon, a son, and 2 stepsons.

Thomas R Vivona ’56, March 14, 2016. Kappa Delta Rho, baseball. US Army. He had a 40-year career in insurance, working for 33 years as VP of claims for Boston Mutual Life Insurance. He was predeceased by his first wife, Mary Margaret, and son Tom. He is survived by his wife, Priscilla, 5 children, and 8 grandchildren.

John H Thumser ’54, December 1, 2015. Lambda Chi Alpha, Konosioni, Maroon-News, Salmagundi, Outing Club, indoor track. For more than 50 years, he worked in the financial industry as an investment adviser. He was predeceased by his son Robert and his brother, Thomas ’50. He is survived by his wife, Helen, 3 children including Carolyn ’83 and Elaine Hankins ’87, and 4 grandchildren.

James D Dougherty ’61, January 26, 2016. Delta Kappa Epsilon, Outing Club, sailing club, ice hockey, indoor track, cross country. University of Pennsylvania Wharton School. He worked in sales and marketing before starting a long career as a securities analyst in New York City. He is survived by his wife, Julia, 2 children, and 2 grandchildren.

Louis A Ireton ’55, February 12, 2015. Theta Chi. US Armed Forces: Korean War. Northern Kentucky Law School: JD. He was a lawyer at the firm Ireton, Ireton, and Elder. He is survived by his wife, Joan, a daughter, a granddaughter, 2 stepchildren, and 2 stepgrandchildren. John T McKenzie III ’56, March 7, 2016. Phi Delta Theta, Outing Club, sailing club. US Army. He worked as a manager and supervisor for various manufacturing firms before acting as president of the Micrex Corporation until his retirement in 1995. He was predeceased by his wife, Irene. He is survived by 3 sons, 8 grandchildren, and 7 nieces and nephews.

Ronald A Stroth ’58, February 9, 2016. Delta Upsilon, Phi Beta Kappa, University Chorus, basketball, tennis. US Navy. Cornell University Medical School. He was a longtime anesthesiologist in the Scottsdale, Ariz, area. He was predeceased by his wife, Myna. He is survived by 2 children and a grandson.

Robin Williams ’61, June 25, 2013. Phi Kappa Tau, Masque and Triangle, Outing Club, Salmagundi. University of Arizona: MA, 1972. He is survived by 3 children. Stephen J Patterson III ’66, February 15, 2016. Phi Delta Theta, International Relations Council, WRCU-FM, sailing club. US Army: Vietnam War. After receiving numerous commendations for his service, he went on to become chairman of the board of the Patterson Energy Group, a Long Island oil company, as well as president of the Metropolitan Energy Council, president of the New York Oil and Heating Association, and a member of many local boards in the Riverhead community. He is survived by his wife, Sherry, 3 children, and 4 grandchildren.

Robert A Mink ’67, April 18, 2008. Phi Kappa Psi, student government, lacrosse, football, baseball. He worked at Westinghouse Electric Company in Philadelphia from 1974–1991. He is survived by his wife, Eileen, 2 children, and 3 grandchildren.

Jack Dodd, April 23, 2016. US Navy: WWII. He was Colgate’s Charles A Dana Professor of Physics Emeritus, teaching from 1971–1988. During his tenure, he served as both director and chair of the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. He also taught at Arkansas Tech University and the University of Tennessee, consulted for McCrone Research Associates and Honeywell, and founded Spectrum Square Associates. He was predeceased by his wife, Mary Ann, who served as Colgate’s organist and music instructor. He is survived by 2 children and 3 grandchildren.

Norman A Rice ’73, February 27, 2016. Lambda Chi Alpha, Outing Club, golf. US Air Force. He was a retired pilot for Northwest Airlines. He is survived by 2 brothers, 3 nephews, and a niece. Paula D Everett ’76, April 2, 2016. Swinging Gates, ice hockey, peer counseling. Andover Newtown Theological Seminary: MD. West Chester State University: MA. Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. She served as associate minister of the Hingham Congregational Church in Massachusetts and guidance counselor at Great Valley High School in Paoli, PA, before becoming a professional artist for the last 10 years. She is survived by her husband, Daniel, and 3 children.

Carol Kinne, March 18, 2016. She taught art and art history at Colgate from 1980–2005 and was instrumental in establishing the university’s first digital art lab. In 2002 she curated Colgate’s first computer art exhibition, Meta-forms, in the Clifford Gallery. Her artwork was installed at the Munson Williams Proctor Institute (Utica, NY), AIR Gallery (New York City), ARC Gallery (Chicago), and the Galerie Arnaud Fefebvre (Paris). From 1996–1998, she served as a New York State Council on the Arts Media Alliance panelist, and from 1988–1990 as a Visual Arts Program panelist. She is survived by her husband, Robert Huot.

Dale H Lundquist ’76, February 8, 2016. Rutgers School of Law. He was a lawyer by profession, but also a political contributor to several local newspapers, a member of the Woodbury Heights Board of Education, and a coach and umpire through the Woodbury Heights Athletic Association. He is survived by his wife, Robin, 4 children including Caitlin ’06, and a grandchild.

Heidi A Ross, February 28, 2016. At Colgate, she served as an educational studies professor and Robert Ho Fellow in Chinese Studies from 1987–2003. During her tenure, she was chair of the Department of Education, director of the Asian Studies program, and president of the Comparative and International Educational Studies association. She published extensively on Chinese education, gender, and schooling, and also taught at the University of Indiana. She is survived by her husband, Bill Monaghan.

Alex Lagowitz ’15, May 22, 2016. Phi Eta Sigma, golf team. At Colgate, he was a standout on the golf team and graduated summa cum laude with an economics degree. After graduation, he worked in the banking industry, most recently at the credit trading desk of Bank of America in New York City. He is survived by his parents, a sister, and his maternal grandparents.

Lasting impressions Noel Rubinton ’43 Feb. 10, 1923–March 14, 2016 Besides his wife and two children, Colgate was the love of Noel Rubinton ’43’s life. He died at age 93. He loved just about everything involving Colgate, but sports, especially football, were the longest-running draw. He followed 77 years of Colgate football, more than half the school’s history with the game, and it was rare for a season to go by without him seeing at least one game, often with his son, Noel Jr. When Rubinton arrived in Hamilton in 1939 from his native Brooklyn, he was only 16 and one of a handful of Jewish students. He hadn’t been distinguished academically in high school, and Colgate testing suggested he’d be a C student. With his trademark determination, he graduated sixth in his class, magna cum laude, and Phi Beta Kappa. A highlight of his Colgate education was the Washington Study Group. He was at the State Department when Japan’s ambassador was summoned the day Pearl Harbor was attacked, and on a happier occasion met Eleanor Roosevelt at the White House. His class graduated early,

in December 1942, to speed entrance into the war effort; their graduation was known as the school’s “White Commencement” due to snow. Rubinton served as an Army Air Forces weather observer in southern Italy. After the war, he graduated from Harvard Law School. His legal career lasted through 1991, including 25 years as Bloomingdale’s general counsel. His connection to Colgate grew closer in the 1970s when his daughter, Sarah Rubinton Laditka ’74, entered with the first class including women. For many years, Rubinton and his wife, Phyllis (who died in 1985), had a vacation house in Hamilton, where Sarah and her husband, James ’73, also lived. Fiercely devoted to Colgate and his class, Rubinton was legal counsel for Colgate’s Alumni Corporation for more than a decade. He received Maroon and Distinguished Service citations, and football’s Jack Mitchell Loyalty Award. Rubinton was class reunion gift chair and in recent years also class president. He organized many gift projects, including for rooms in Persson Hall and Little Hall, and the Class of 1943 Memorial Scholarship Endowment. He led development of a 2007 book where classmates wrote memoirs about their World War II experiences. For their 70th Reunion in 2013, he planned a Reunion College program — fittingly, on successful aging. Although he faced anti-Semitism on campus in the late 1930s and early ’40s, he persevered and later was a leader in developing the Saperstein Center (where money can be donated to a fund established in his name) and raising funds for a Jewish studies chair.

When he attended his last Colgate football game in 2013 at Lafayette (he was 90), his exuberance arriving at the stadium led him to a fall. He made it clear to the EMTs that he would not leave the game. Bandaged and ever-devoted, he sat in the cold as Colgate won a thriller. In addition to Sarah and James Laditka, Rubinton is survived by Noel Jr. and his wife, Amy, and granddaughter Bella.

Waldron M. Sennott ’32 March 31, 1909–March 3, 2016 Colgate’s oldest living alumnus, Waldron “Wally” M. Sennott ’32 died at the age of 106 on March 3. He would have celebrated his 107th birthday on March 31. Sennott and his wife, Linda Adelaide “Addie,” were featured in both Fortune and the Daily Gazette (Schenectady, N.Y.) with other centenarians for being part of this growing age group, in 2016 and 2014, respectively. The retired radiologist had known he wanted to be a doctor ever since high school. Through part-time jobs, scholarships, and loans, Sennott was able to attend Colgate and Harvard Medical School. During the summer of his sophomore year, he worked at Camp Mohawk, where he met Addie. “[She] was the prettiest. She had very pretty auburn hair,” he told the Gazette. Graduating summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, the chemistry major was a member of the Commons Club and the swim team. He declined full scholarships to Duke, Yale, and Johns Hopkins medical schools, choosing Harvard because it

was closest to Addie. “I didn’t want to leave my girl,” he told the Towson Times in 2013. In his last year of medical school, Sennott became interested in public health. After graduating from Harvard, he interned with the U.S. Public Health Service’s (USPHS) hospital on Staten Island, N.Y. He married Addie in 1938, the same year he joined the Coast Guard, was stationed in New York and Boston, and then served as the ship doctor on the cutter Cuyahoga. After his discharge in 1941, Sennott returned to the USPHS hospital to start radiology training. In 1942, he was called to Washington, D.C., for the tuberculosis screening of 120,000 federal employees. Named head of radiology at the USPHS in Staten Island, his department became known as a training center for radiologists. In 1958, he was transferred to the service’s Wyman Park Hospital (Baltimore, Md.). Then, in 1965, he joined the radiology staff at what is now called Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. He was also an assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. He retired in 1972. The couple lived in their home until he was 102 and she was 101 years old. They moved to an independent living apartment, and Wally golfed until he turned 104. As for their secret for living a long life, Wally told the press that longevity ran in both families. He was also active, easygoing, and drank very little besides his scotch or beer before dinner, his son James reported. And as for their secret for a long marriage, Wally told the Gazette simply: “We like one another.” In addition to his wife and son, Sennott is survived by five grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. His son Roger died in 2002.

News and views for the Colgate community




Spot the number 13 hidden in each of these images from Up the Hill, a new Colgate-themed children’s book that’s written by Lindsay (Fleece) Rentschler ’05 and illustrated by Rachel (Adam) Rogers ’05. For more on the book, see pg. 20.

13 Words or Fewer

Hold on to your shorts, dear readers — we have your caption-contest winners from the spring issue:

“A highly perplexing walk of shame.” — Eric Bryden ’14

“Not only can I walk and chew gum at the same time, I can also unpack and get dressed while in motion!” — Nancy Horwitz ’81


scene: Summer 2016

“Just found out I WAS going to graduate!” — Norman Learned III ’81

Above: “We made it!” Nathan Fritz ’16 embraced his friend Justin Loscalzo ’16 while their other mates from first year applauded. Photo by Gerard Gaskin. Back cover: Quietude near the Quad Photo by Ashlee Eve ’14

News and views for the Colgate community

scene: Colgate University

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