GREEN ROOFS ... FOR E V ERYONE! Enjoy the variet y.
Rewarding Nature.
Green roofs not only provide us with direct benefits in enhanced lifestyles and property values, but also help restore the environment in which we all live – retaining the rainfall, cleaning and cooling the air and recreating a natural ecosystem. By returning a little of what nature has given us, every green roof secures a portion of the future for all of us! There are a wide range of green roof landscapes available to suit every need. In general they tend to fall into three categories:
Extensive Designed to be lightweight and resemble natural vegetation. Capable of maintaining and developing itself without major maintenance efforts. Normally plants with a particular adaptability to extreme conditions and high ability to regenerate are used (moss, succulents and herbs). The typical build-up depth is between 80 mm and 150 mm. Optigreen extensive green roof systems are suitable for both flat and sloped roofs, with build-up weights from as little as 50 kg/m2.
Semi-intensive Still lightweight with a shallow soil stucture (total depth 150 – 250 mm), but designed to support a wider variety of plants such as lavenders, wild flowers, small shrubs etc. with minimal maintenance.
Protects roof and building against extremes of heat and cold. Additional insulation. Saving of energy costs. Improves the microclimate. Dust reduction. Air humidification. Relieves the sewer system. Relieves urban flooding and water pollution. Provides living space for people and animals. Creates an oasis of wellbeing. Water cycle on a roof without vegetation.
Water cycle with roof vegetation.
5-20 %
50-99 %
Minimal evaporation
High evaporation
80-95 % 1-50 %
Rapid, high surface discharge
Thermal stress on waterproofing without vegetation.
-30 째C
Intensive Very much lighter than the traditional green roof. The system supports a wide variety of flowering plants, shrubs and trees. Often designed to be accessible for recreational use. Requires irrigation and a regular maintenance. Typical intensive green roof build-ups range from 250 mm to 1000 mm in depth. Build-up weights start from 320 kg/m2.
+80 째C
A green roof absorbs up to 99% of the rainfall and depending on climate or season the water evaporates almost completely. Green roofs reduce the heat-induced expansion and contraction of the waterproofing, protect from UV exposure and mechanical damage and therefore increase the life expectancy of the roof.
Minimal surface discharge
Thermal stress on waterproofing with vegetation.
-10 째C
+30 째C
Optigreen Green Roof System.
Solution 1: with drainage board
Modern green roof systems are in place for about four decades and many researchers expect these installations to last more than fifty years before they require significant repair or replacement. Optigreen (Optigrün international AG) was one of the first companies offering green roof systems to the market, giving Optigreen over 35 years of experience. Optigreen stands for quality, efficiency and service. We employ natural, environmentally friendly materials which conserve natural resources. Using locally available growth and drainage media enables us to create green roofs which are as close to nature as possible. Every Optigreen green roof adheres to the latest, scientific guidelines and is backed up by our comprehensive quality management system and warranties. Both Optigreen and its partner companies support clients and planners during consulting, planning, execution and maintenance of green roofs. Optigreen annually transforms about two million square meters of roof into green roofs and the rate is increasing every year – making Optigreen a market leader.
Solution 2:
with drainage layer type Perl
Diagram showing an intensive Optigreen build-up
1 Optigreen Substrate 2 Optigreen Filter Mat 3 Optigreen Drainage Layer Type Perl
4 Optigreen Drainage Board 2 4
5 Rainwater accumulation
6 Optigreen Triangle Water Conduit System
8 Optigreen Protection and Storage Mat
9 Suitable roof construction with root resistant waterproofing
FKD 60
FKD 60 Triangel
> FA X-RESPONSE DE. + 49 (0) 75 76 / 772-299
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GERMANY Optigrün international AG Am Birkenstock 19 72505 Krauchenwies-Göggingen Phone +49 (0) 75 76 / 772-0 Fax +49 (0) 75 76 / 772-299 Email
7 Optigreen Root Protection Layer