Ernest lam

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FRP Catamaran Hull Form Analysis and Operations Ernest Lam Falmouth Marine School, Killigrew Street, Falmouth, Cornwall, UK, TR11 3QS ABSTRACT This project is a 2 years project. A new 35ft FRP catamaran hull has been chosen to design. This paper will be carrying out the full process of the hull design and calculations. The result of stability shows that the catamaran might be not too stable and resistance might be increasing through water. But because of the time limitation, model is not possible to be created for experiment and study.

Parametric studies for a yacht based on

INTRODUCTION For most of the product design, the design

some other same type of yacht’s Length of All

process always follows the rules of ‘trial and

(LOA), Length of Waterline (LWL), Beam (B)

error’ which means following the steps and see if

Displacement (∆), Volume (∇) and Power (P)

the result satisfies the requirement. Designers

become useful information such as Length-Beam

generally need to repeat the process 10 times or

ratio (LB ratio), Length-Displacement ratio ( LD

even 100 times to achieve the requirement which

ratio ) and Power-Displacement ratio (PD ratio).

where ‘The design Spiral’ came from. (Larsson

(Whatley 2010)

& Eliasson, 2007) For an engine powered

Hull design is one of the most important yacht, main

operations. The reason behind it is because

operations in the design spiral are hull and decks

distinct hull forms have different parametric

design, keel and rudder design, decision of

which gives the yacht a different performances

propeller and engine, hydrostatics and stability

and stability. Designer generally set up a table

and finally evaluation. For other powered yacht

which contain section area and calculate the

such as sail powered or solar powered, more

volume for compare it with the parametric study

operations will be needed. For example, sail and

result. The first draft will be drawn after both

rig design or position and efficiency of extra

table and parametric study has identified, in

hardware. (Larsson & Eliasson, 2007)

either graph paper or Computer Aided Design

Using ‘The design Spiral’ to Design a

(CAD). Centre of Gravity and Centre of

product is impossible to operate without a target

buoyancy are required for further calculations.

or targets. Targets are mainly from parametric

(Larsson & Eliasson, 2007)

study and calculations after the information

Stability which is the intensity of Pitching,

collected from customers. (Larsson & Eliasson,

Yawing and Rolling and they are important to


find. They needed to be calculated after any

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