Fms research day catalogue2012

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Falmouth Marine Enterprise (FaME)

01 Richard Morley - FdSc Marine Science

19 Lynsey Gray - FdSc Marine Science

02 Paul Pocock - FdSc Marine Science

20 Hannah Cox - FdSc Marine Sports Science

03 William West - FdSc Marine Science

21 Steve Downing - FdSc Marine Science

04 Mark Hind - FdSc Marine Science

22 Ben Mannion - FdSc Marine Science

05 Michael C.E. McDonald - FdSc Marine Sports Science

23 Alice Walpole - FdSc Marine Science

06 Leon Vessey - FdSc Marine Sports Science

24 Jessica Hirons - FdSc Marine Science

07 Tom Wetherill - FdSc Marine Science

25 Dan Murphy - FdSc Marine Sports Science

08 Lucy Barnes - FdSc Marine Science

26 Benjamin Tun Pe - FdSc Marine Sports Science

09 William G Stitson - FdSc Marine Science

27 Tom Horsfield - FdSc Marine Sports Science

10 Becca Picton - FdSc Marine Science

28 Jennifer Elizabeth Devaney - FdSc Marine Science

11 Elliott Shilling - FdSc Marine Science

29 Daisy Parsons - FdSc Marine Science

12 Lewis Chaffe - FdSc Marine Science

30 Daniel Flint - FdSc Marine Science

13 Caroline Nelson - FdSc Marine Science

31 Tom Darley - FdSc Marine Science

14 Jamie Smith - FdSc Marine Sports Science

32 Craig Stearman - FdSc Marine Science

15 Mr S. Smith - FdSc Marine Sports Science

33 Alexander Patrick Sawdon - FdSc Marine Sports Science

16 Helen Wakeman - FdSc Marine Science

34 Stephanie Burns - FdSc Marine Science

17 Hayley-Louise Why - FdSc Marine Science

35 Tom Batchelor - FdSc Marine Sports Science

18 Joshua John Dimery - FdSc Marine Sports Science

Making partnerships happen for industry, academics and students. FaME is a partnership programme that developed through industries need for concrete evidence about the issues and solutions that affect them. With increasing economic pressure to improve performance, industry needs to train and give experience to its future workforce. With increasing fees and fewer jobs, students need to be ready for the workplace from the offset. Matching these two factors has created the Falmouth Marine Enterprise (FaME) partnership, where practical industry projects are linked directly to student research.

Student Research Projects 01 Richard Morley – FdSc Marine Science Finding, Mapping & Studying Eelgrass in the Falmouth Estuary The aim of this project is to locate eelgrass areas in the Falmouth Estuary by use of underwater video cameras deployed from a small boat. A geographical information system (GIS) can then be created. The position, extent and density of the eelgrass in each area will be recorded in the GIS for future reference and comparison. Where possible, statistical analysis of data from previous surveys will be conducted and compared with the new data gathered during this project.

02 Paul Pocock – FdSc Marine Science A Sea of Litter The aim of the project is to assess the types of litter being washed ashore on local beaches. It also attempts to establish differentials between beaches in the protection of the Lizard, against those that are more exposed on the north coast and south west facing. Initial evidence at the deadline of writing this synopsis for this publication, is the large percentage of plastic contamination.

Student Research Projects 03 William West – FdSc Marine Science A Study into the Non-established Introduced and Non-native Species on the Intertidal Areas in the Fal Harbour With Falmouth harbour being a busy commercial port, many ships dock here for maintenance and fuel exchange. With them they carry marine species from other habitats across the globe. These species are known as non-native and non-established introduced species. This project looks at what non-native and non-established introduced species the Fal has on the intertidal areas, and how they are distributed. Quadrat/transect surveys are used at select sites around the Fal to accurately and fairly survey all areas of the Fal.

04 Mark Hind – FdSc Marine Science Research & development of a benthic grab sampler Soft sediment sampled from the benthos can identify several scientific things including: diversity and abundance of marine organisms, an absence of them, toxicity levels, and microbial activity at the ocean floor. After identifying the deficiencies of several benthic grab samplers, including the popular Van Veen and Eckman, this project sought to identify the parameters of an efficient grab, and through the process of research and development, saw the design and production of the Hind Mk1 Benthic Grab Sampler.

Student Research Projects 05 Michael C.E. McDonald - FdSc Marine Sports Science The effect of Wetsuit Gloves on an Athlete’s Rate of Perceived Exertion on a Static Windsurfing Simulator The aim of this study was to analyse the negative and positive effects that wearing wetsuit gloves have on our ability to maintain our grip on a windsurfing boom while maintaining a super seven stance. Seven participants were tested using a static windsurfing simulator by recording their rate of perceived exertion on a BORG scale every 10 seconds until muscular failure occurred. The first experiment took place with no gloves, the second with 3mm gloves, and the third with 5mm gloves before the data was statistically analysed and discussed.

06 Leon Vessey - FdSc Marine Sports Science

Student Research Projects 07 Tom Wetherill – FdSc Marine Science A comparison of differently enriched feeds and how they affect the growth of the longsnout seahorse, Hippocampus reidi My survey tested three strains of artemia as a food source for three sets of four longsnout seahorses, Hippocampus reidi. These strains were non-enriched, enriched with beta glucan and enriched with selco. The trial lasted six weeks, with weight being recorded weekly and the seahorses being fed thrice daily. After the results were evaluated it was determined that the selco enrichment had caused the highest percentage body mass increase and the beta glucan enrichment caused the least, but there was no statistically significant differences found between the three feeds.

08 Lucy Barnes – FdSc Marine Science An investigation in to the application of motivational and instructional videos in sports training to increase performance Biodiversity of Settlement on Panels at Commercial and Recreational Sites in the Fal Estuary

In this project I looked at the differences in performance of participants between the ages of 18 and 20 years of age, when they are exposed to different learning medias. Within the testing, participants were required to sprint a set distance while being timed, they were then shown a video of Usain Bolt. They were then subjected to the same sprint testing and again timed. Finally they were shown a video of how to explode out of the starting position.

The aim of the project is to look at settlement differences in biodiversity of marine benthic species at commercial and recreational sites within the Fal estuary. Polypropylene panels were used and submerged a metre down below the floating pontoons at Falmouth Harbour Commissioners, Port Pendennis and A&P Docks. The experiment commenced in September 2011 and the panels were removed for sampling and identification in March 2012.

Student Research Projects 09 William G Stitson - FdSc Marine Science The Biodiversity on Mooring Chains in Three Locations on the Fal Estuary at Varied Distances from the Commercial Dockyards

Student Research Projects 11 Elliott Shilling – FdSc Marine Science Intertidal monitoring of biodiversity within the Fal Estuary, Cornwall: Investigating the effect of land use and invasive species

Mooring chains are able to give a clear insight into the biodiversity of an area as they are able to show it at different depths. Commercial dockyards have the reputation for being a polluter of chemical waste products such as heavy metals and oil derivatives, as well as the introduction of invasive species.

This project aims to monitor, calculate and map levels of marine biodiversity in various locations within the Fal Estuary, Cornwall. This is a baseline study and will allow for further monitoring to be carried out in the future, in order to assess the long term changes in marine biodiversity.

My project laid down mooring chains for nearly 10 months in three locations on the Fal estuary; one was inside the dock waters another off Trefusis point and the third at The Prince of Wales Pier.

This project also investigates how land use and invasive species influence marine biodiversity. If we can understand these linkages we can improve and manage levels of marine biodiversity in the future.

10 Becca Picton – FdSc Marine Science

12 Lewis Chaffe – FdSc Marine Science Blue Science Biodiversity Project Mapping the location and biodiversity of Eelgrass, Zostera marina, in the Fal estuary

Biodiversity is adversely affected by climate change, habitat destruction, overfishing and pollution; future generations will be invaluable in preserving this integral resource. The purpose of the Blue Science Biodiversity Project is to devise a successful outdoor workshop event structure to engage people from youth and educational institutes in these marine biodiversity issues. Knowledge tests prior to and following each event were used to measure success, combined with the learning style of each participant to ascertain whether the event structure met the collective needs of visual, audio and kinaesthetic learners.

The Fal estuary is known for its diversity in species and habitats, one of these being beds of eelgrass. These beds are essential as nursery grounds for young marine life which is why it’s important that we accurately map where the beds are in the Fal estuary and what we are finding in them. A topical concern due to the impending dredging process and the side-effects of increased sedimentation on the eelgrass beds.

Student Research Projects 13 Caroline Nelson - FdSc Marine Science An Investigation into Ocean Acidification and the affects on Artemia salina‘s mortality, growth rate and behaviour As more Greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere, it alters our ocean’s water chemistry. Lowering the pH of the ocean reduces carbonate which forms the shell and skeleton of many corals and shellfish, slowing growth and weakening the shells. My projected tested how Artemia salina would survive in an environment of low pH. Three hatching jars with pH of <6, 7 and 8 were set up to determine whether there was a correlation between pH levels and whether it affected growth rate, mortality and behaviour. Daily measurements were taken.

14 Jamie Smith - FdSc Marine Sports Science An Investigation into The effects of Music Tempo on 50 Metre Pace Within Swimming over a 400 metre distance Music has become a factor of everyday life in homes, work and even our phones. Music has also been recognised as having a significant effect on within sports performance. This study assessed the effects musical tempo can have on 50 metre pace within swimming. Seven participants underwent three 400 metre timed swims with weekly intervals the first with no music, second high tempo and third low tempo. What was found was although there was a significant statistical difference between the means for 50 metre pace for each swim; it could have been attributed to a number of external variables associated not only with swimming but performance in general.

Student Research Projects 15 Mr S. Smith - FdSc Marine Sports Science An investigation into the physiological effects of cold water immersion comparing the wetsuit with the dry suit This research paper will be looking into the different heart rate responses within a 10 minute period in cold water immersion and comparing the wetsuit with the dry suit to see which one would be more suitable in a cold water immersion situation. This project also investigates how land use and invasive species influence marine biodiversity. If we can understand these linkages we can improve and manage levels of marine biodiversity in the future.

16 Helen Wakeman – FdSc Marine Science An investigation into the efficiency of anti-fouling paints, focusing on the environment effects and economic values Seven varieties of copper based anti-foul paint were applied to panels and placed in the Fal estuary for 5 months, throughout the winter. The growth and colonisation of benthic organisms were recorded on a biweekly basis, then analysed to measure percentage cover for each panel. The environmental effects were determined by assessing what was used as the active substance to deter species settling on the boards. The cost price of the paints were compared against the two other factors to conclude which would be most suitable for this area.

Student Research Projects 17 Hayley-Louise Why – FdSc Marine Science Thermal Stress and its effects on the body mass of Actina equina in an aquaculture environment This project looks at how sea temperature variation effects the body mass of Actinia equina, with the environmental impacts of climate change fast encroaching on our waters, the rise in sea temperature could have detrimental effects on species biodiversity and our ecosystems survival. Water chemistry within an environment factors on the effects of thermal stress, this project also looks at how water chemistry affects the body mass of Actinia equina when under thermal stress, and how these link with climate change.

18 Joshua John Dimery - FdSc Marine Sports Science Head related injuries with surfing and preventions of wearing headgear I found that there is a wide range of surfing equipment which relates to the the safety of the head. It has been proven that the impact with the helmet on can increase the chance of survival. If this can be spoken to beginners, then the sport may be seen as a safer sport to try.

Student Research Projects 19 Lynsey Gray – FdSc Marine Science Blue shark Prionace glauca caught as by-catch at Newlyn market Looking into fish sustainability blue sharks are caught as a by-catch product with fish trawling. This project looks into how many blue sharks are captured and also the location of where the blue sharks are caught as by-catch; comparing their length to their weight. Looking into depth of the reasons why they are taken and if there are any ways to improve not only fish sustainability but also cut down on by-catch.

20 Hannah Cox - FdSc Marine Sports Science The comparison between commercially branded and a homemade sports drink and the different effects that they have on sports performance, relating to aerobic exercise My project looks at the differences between a sports drink already on the market to a simple homemade one. To do so this consisted of having six participants that had to take part in three separate tests in which different drinks would be consumed each time, to maintain hydration levels. To do so each participant would have to row a distance of 5km as their form of aerobic exercise, whilst monitoring their heart rate and noting their rate of perceived exersion.

Student Research Projects 21 Steve Downing – FdSc Marine Science Non-native and invasive species settlement in the Fal Estuary Foreign species have the potential to disturb the delicate balance of ecosystems, through unchecked competition for food and space. The hulls and ballast water of ships act as a means for species to overcome the barrier represented by the open sea, which prevents the natural migration of organisms between coastlines. This project built upon a method designed and used as the basis of several academic surveys by the Marine Biological Association (MBA) of Plymouth. Having been suspended from floating pontoons around Falmouth Harbour for several winter months, panels lifted from the water were populated by sea squirts, moss animals and other well-anchored organisms. The study aimed to determine whether the use of a harbour area (recreational or commercial) had any bearing upon the settlement density of non-native species.

Student Research Projects 22 Ben Mannion – FdSc Marine Science Research project - To compare behaviour and distribution of Halichoerus grypus around Black rock, Falmouth and Godrevy point Despite much research into Halichoerus grypus (Grey seal) around Cornwall, there is little to no information about the small numbers around Falmouth, particularly Black rock where there is an almost constant harem. Most research has been collected by Cornwall Seal Group, focusing mainly on sites on the north coast. This project aims to compare and contrast differences in populations, identification and behaviours in Grey seals in the two very different habitats: Black rock and Godrevy point.

23 Alice Walpole – FdSc Marine Science The impact of light intensity and flow rate on the growth of fragments of Acropora and Montipora coral species This project was formulated with a view to provide data of the best conditions of light intensity and flow rate that certain reef building corals, Acropora and Montipora Sp., could be cultured in. This data would enable coral fragments taken off the reef to be cultured effectively after being damaged due to storms or anthropogenic stresses. These fragments could then be re-introduced into the reef system as part of an effort to restore declining reefs.

Student Research Projects 24 Jessica Hirons – FdSc Marine Science Falmouth Seal Photo ID Project (FALPIP), Public Engagement The aim of this project is to engage the public in a scientific research project which contributes to the conservation of the Atlantic Grey Seal Halichoerus Grypus; most importantly this will help to raise awareness of this species and the conservation issues surrounding it. Grey Seals are often seen in and around the Fal Estuary in close proximity to intensive anthropogenic activity, protected under the EU Habitats Directive, it is important to gain a better understanding of the species. Members of the public have been asked to help by sending their photos of the seals for photo ID, this was supplemented by workshops run in three local junior schools on Atlantic Grey Seals and their food chains.

25 Dan Murphy - FdSc Marine Sports Science The effects of using a video presentation on the speed and accuracy of the donning of a lifejacket A need to don a lifejacket more effectively has come about with the increasing use of them in both the marine and aviation industry. This project aims to look at the advantages of using a visual medium to demonstrate the donning process as opposed to a written leaflet. This could potentially help the industry to raise safety awareness.

Student Research Projects 26 Benjamin Tun Pe - FdSc Marine Sports Science An investigation into the advantages and disadvantages for creating an Artifical Surf Reef “That’s the best place in the world to be. In the tube” (Big Z – Surf ’s Up 2007) Surfers from all over the world are constantly searching for perfect waves, but what if the search stopped at your local break? Within my project I have looked at the affects Artificial Surf Reefs have on the sport. Looking into specifically how having one affects the wave break, which then affects the local community in which the artificial surf reef is located, due to the popularity of the wave.

27 Tom Horsfield - FdSc Marine Sports Science An investigation into the hindering effects of cold water immersion on dextrous functionality and manual task ability in a ‘man overboard’ situation To provide information on the effects of cold water immersion through recording of ability to set off flare signals while immersed. Simple dextrous tasks can be made difficult in cold water - and they could be a matter of life and death. The information can be used to provide awareness and recommendation to all water users.

Student Research Projects 28 Jennifer Elizabeth Devaney – FdSc Marine Science Feed trial on Hippocampus to assess change in water quality for three different diets in captivity The project is to compare three commercial diets on the tropical long-snouted seahorse (Hippocampus reidi), monitoring the affect on water quality. I will be working alongside another colleague who is monitoring the affect of these three food sources on growth rate and size. The aim of this project is to find the most suitable food source for raising Hippocampus in captivity. The project also allows the marine school to apply for a licence to keep native seahorse, helping raise public awareness of local short-snouted seahorse (Hippocampus Hippocampus) in the Fal Estuary.

Student Research Projects 29 Daisy Parsons – FdSc Marine Science Baseline investigation into Sargassum muticum distribution in the fal and its commercial potential Sargassum muticum is an invasive brown macro algae which has been present in British waters since the 1970’s when it is believed to have been accidentally introduced with Japanese oysters. My baseline survey looks at biodiversity of rock pools where S. muticum is present, compared with rock pools void of the invasive. I intend to continue experimenting with S. muticum as plant food and as a tasty healthy snack.

30 Daniel Flint – FdSc Marine Science A viability study on the effect of artificially enriched sediment on the growth of Eelgreass, Zostera marina Through my study I hope to establish the viability of artificially culturing Zostera marina on a larger scale. This could potentially lead to seed existing Zostera beds in an attempt to restore the ever decreasing populations. Due to Zostera being nursery areas for juvenile species as well as our native sea horses. Through artificially enriched sediment the nitrogen lost through nitrogen reabsorption, is available therefore preventing loss of growth. Potential for this project to expand to reseed existing damaged eelgrass beds is something that I would be interested in continuing.

Student Research Projects 31 Tom Darley – FdSc Marine Science Investigating invasive species on mooring chains within the Fal estuary The aim of the project was to investigate invasive species within the commercial and recreational zones of the Fal. There is a need to investigate the sources of invasive species and to specifically determine which sources are responsible for unwanted introductions into an ecosystem. The project also simply wanted to assess what invasive species are currently present within the Fal.

32 Craig Stearman - FdSc Marine Science An investigation into the food quality of New Era Marine Soft Pellets using a feed trial to compare feeds and monitor growth rate and fish health using False Clownfish ‘Amphiprion ocellaris’ Cuvier 1830 Fish farmers, alike any producer; want their fish to grow safely, healthily and quickly to lower cost rate of the product, to marginalise maximum profit. This industry is worth billions, and hundreds of new food products are released every year, but before approval of use industrially, these products are tested. This study investigates ‘New Era’ Marine pellets and compares the growth rate of juvenile ‘Amphiprion Ocellaris’ to those fed on Enriched ‘Artemia Salina’ or other pellets. The results hope to conclude whether this product is suitable in today’s market.

Student Research Projects 33 Alexander Patrick Sawdon - FdSc Marine Sports Science Motivationals Incentives and their effect on employee commitment within the marine sector Businesses of the future need to be focusing more on the needs of employees above the needs of their customers. Employees play a very important role within a business and some managers often take this for granted. The project I am undertaking seeks to identify motivational incentives and how effective they are when put into practice within a business and to evaluate the knowledge of incentives that employers currently have.

34 Stephanie Burns – FdSc Marine Science Mapping of Maerl Species within the Fal and Helford Special Area of Conservation Maërl (Phymatolithon calcareum and Lithothamnion corallioides) is a species that is currently protected under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. The Fal and Helford SAC contains the largest maërl beds the south-west Britain. As these beds are a crucial habitat for many species it is consequently important to map these beds for future environmental and economic benefits. This project maps the areas of maërl within the Fal & Helford SAC and briefly examines coverage of live and dead maërl.

Student Research Projects 35 Tom Batchelor - FdSc Marine Sports Science The effects of cold water immersion on the body’s ability to perform dexterity tasks that can aid survival Cold water immersion is a very real hazard for all water users in Britain; it can kill regardless of how competent one is as a swimmer as it is not hypothermia that causes the most fatalities, but is in fact drowning due to the colds effect on the body’s muscles. Sever cold will restrict the muscles ability to function, and as a result, swimming becomes an impossible task. This experiment used a selection of asymptomatic students of 16-25 to investigate the body’s ability to perform dexterity tasks, when subject to cold water immersion, that can aid survival; using a VHF radio or signal flare. The results showed that the time taken to complete a safety task increased and became more difficult as the subject spent nearer 5 minutes in water of 10 degrees Celsius.

Falmouth Marine School Falmouth Marine School has an excellent international reputation for marine courses with facilities including boatbuilding and engineering workshops, a dedicated marine science lab and a well equipped watersports centre. We pride ourselves in providing the best possible environment for learning, with courses that focus on activity, providing students with essential practical experience to prepare for employment. Whether it is learning new skills, enjoying a hectic social life or walking on a beach, Falmouth Marine School offers a fantastic student experience. Our Foundation Degrees are approved by the University of Plymouth and after successful completion of the two-year course students will be given the option to carry on to an identified third year to gain an Honours Degree. Foundation Degrees at Falmouth Marine School: FdSc Marine Science FdSc Marine Sports Science FdSc Marine Technology


For more information contact Falmouth Marine School: T: 01326 310310 [VaZcfj^g^Zh5XdgclVaa#VX#j` ™ lll#[Vabdji]bVg^cZhX]dda#VX#j`


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