The framework

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THE FRAMEWORK A creative process for problem solving

By Colin E. Yesutor

The Matchmaker!

This book is for Designers who want to create more value for themselves and their clients. In putting this document together a lot of research has been done. The processes are based on already existing design thinking processes but simplified, modified and made easier for the user. It is free information put together to help fellow designers. Hope you find them useful and please do share. Thank You.

What you get... Solve problems with creative solutions. Get a better understanding of the client’s business. Learn Design Strategy and how to use it to get the best results. Understand the difference between brand/branding and identity. The Framework process (powerpoint & word models available)

The Design process (Examples & references)

Contents 1

Objectives vs Expectations


What is Design Strategy?


Branding vs Identity


The Framework


The Design process


References & Resources


Objectives vs Expectations

Objective reality vs Subjective expectations: The conflict between clients and designers.What the client wants is different from what the designer delivers, this is usually a self expression of the designer’s interpretation and style. Sounds familiar? Most designers come from artistic mindsets and backgrounds and therefore approach design projects like an art project. This is a wrong mind set and causes friction between the client and the designer. Let’s see the difference between an Artist and a Designer.

Artist vs Designer The Artist and the Designer. What’s the difference? The Artist is a self-expressive talent subjective to his craft and medium. He creates what pleases him and assigns a meaning to it or leaves it up for interpretation. He is his own master. A Graphic Designer however is a facilitator who helps communicate ideas, messages or information to an audience, consumer, user etc. Using acquired skills of design principles, techniques and design softwares.

Purpose of Design Ideally a Graphic Designer helps solve complex problems by finding solutions and simple ways of communicating them through design. Aesthetics, styles and techniques well applied only enhance the communication process and should not distract the intended target.

Good design communicates.


What is Design Strategy?

Strategy? A careful plan or method for achieving a particular goal usually over a long period of time.

Design Strategy will then be a plan or process for solving design problems and help communicate effectively over a period time. Cool?

How it helps Sets a clear process to solving design problems Creates a better understanding of the project Involves the client in the process Reveals better solutions Makes the Design process easier Minimizes conflict between client and designer Feedback and Push backs are less Creates value for you as a designer and to client Allows you to charge more for the value you bring to the client


Branding vs Identity


A Brand is the perception or feeling a person has about a company, product or service.

Branding is forming that perception or feeling in a person over a period of time.

It’s not what you say it is. It’s what they say it is.

You can’t control it but you can influence it. By defining the brand!

What is Identity? Identity is the means through which people can differentiate one company, service or product from another. This can be achieved using trademarks or logomarks (Logos), typography, colors, imagery etc. A logo is not a brand in itself but a symbol for it. It serves for identification and creates credibility/trust for the company. Identity is not branding but part of the process.


Graphic design Marketing/ Advertising

Website/Social media

Customer experience Signage






People are attracted to people who share the same values and interests as themselves

Brands should be like people. They should have personalities.

Give your brand a personality and attract the customers who resonate with that personality.


The Framework

Who the client is



Client’s goal


Graphic Designer


Customer’s needs

Getting started As stated earlier some of the processes detailed in this document are a collaboration between the Designer (You) and the Client. It can be done with a face to face meeting with the client, if not then models of the Framework can be sent to the Client to fill. However it will be valuable to guide them.

3 Phases: 1. Defining the Goal 2.Diagnosing the Problem 3.Narrowing the Design exploration by defining the brand

Defining the Goal In defining the goal this usually is done first by receiving a Brief (Advertising agencies) or through an email which is usually the case. It is usually a summary or detailed information of what the client wants to achieve. But for the sake of clarity, let’s define the goals as a designer to best understand the Brief.

Clients usually have about 5 goals they will love to achieve. 1. Create revenue 2.Increase revenue 3.Create awareness 4.Capture or convert customers 5.Repositioning/New product

The questions...

WHO? WHAT? HOW? Who is it for and why will it be important to them? What is the message? Where and how will this be shown?

Diagnosing the problem Identify the challenge by asking questions, usually the solution is in the problem. Ask...

WHY. WHY. WHY. *Sometimes you might find out the solution might not be design solution. Politely indicate so and guide towards the better solution.

In the end your goal should be tying business to design to solve the goal of the client.

Customer profile/ behavior

Understanding the consumer and their needs is one way to ensure a successful approach to reaching them. This helps map out scenarios in which those users might interact with a brand.

User profile The user profile enables you to the define the target audience. Information about them usually consists of geographical area, level of income, age range and purchasing power. It also addresses goals and concerns of the target which informs what solution is suitable to meet their needs. The user profile is a summary of all the findings which are used to create a Persona who will represent the target audience.

User profile Demographics Backstory (Challenges) Needs and why? How to exceed those needs For this information ask the client about the target audience, they might have a fair idea. If not talk to as many people who fall within the target to understand them better.

*(User profile model available in Powerpoint & Word for filling)

Demographics Consists of:


Age Location Marital status Parent? Educational background Occupation Income

Backstory (Challenges) Consists of:

Achievements Goals Interests Aspirations Set backs Problems

Needs & why Consists of:

Goals & Concerns Aspirations influenced by motivations

Exceeding the needs Consists of:

Addressing pain points with specific solutions Share experience and expertise

*(User profile model available in Powerpoint & Word for filling)


Unique Buying Tribe People love to buy in Tribes A brand tribe is a group of customers who are linked by a common understanding of a product, service, or company.

Examples of Tribes Driving-Nissan Computer-Apple Buying-Tonaton Toiletries-Pepsodent Banking-Ecobank Sports-Nike People join different tribes for different activities.

To stand out within your tribe you need effective and distinctive positioning of the brand. Positioning helps the brand connects with the desired consumer by offering a clear brand personality. This is done by defining the Brand.

Defining the Brand

Process... This part involves the client providing as much informatioin as possible, this is best done face to face using a Powerpoint model provided. If not the client can fill it with some guidance from you.

The idea here is to use as many adjectives (hospitable,friendly, adventurous) as possible that describes the brand. Each section represents a key aspect of the brand. Think of the company or organization as a person with a personality and how you will describe them.

Use positive and aspirational words that the company is or hopes to be. Encourage the client to list at least 5 words in each section

*(Defining the Brand Attributes model available in Powerpoint & Word for filling)

Defining the Brand Attributes. Our Story: Why you started the business, and how it was started. What Tribe are you serving? What you do: What is the business about, what purpose do you serve? Our Culture: How would you describe yourself as a company. Our customers: How would you describe your people (The type of customers you hope to get) Our Voice: How would you sound to people Feeling/Benefits: How would you want people to feel after using your products or service or interacting with you.

Defining the Brand Attributes. Impact/Features: What tangible impact do you have on others? WOW factor: What makes you different from others? What makes you stand out? Who are your competition: Which other brands exist within your tribe? Emulation: Are there some brands that you admire and will love to emulate? Why? Tagline: Do you have a Tagline? Mode of engagement: How would you connect with your target audience, where and with what?

Positioning the Brand

After going through this process lets proceed to create a brand position which will also serve as our visual guide to design.

*(Example of this process is available in Powerpoint & Word model)


Choose top 3 attributes from each section that resonates more with the brand. (It is best to choose actionable or visual words)


Choose 1 top attribute from that short list in each section

Positioning statement

Using the words chosen fill out the form:

.................provides...................... company name

Product or services

to.....................customers in a Customer description

.....................environment with a Culture

..................... voice. Helping them Voice

feel................. and be..................... Benefit


because we are...................... Wow Factor

Example: Nike provides athletic shoes to determined customers in a fun environment with an aspirational voice. Helping them feel energized and be unstoppable because we are innovative.

Prioritize the goals

What will be the deliverables? At this point it is quite clear what deliverables are needed to achieve the goal be it logo design, website, posters, identity guide etc. Be clear on what to deliver. What creative parameters are you going to deliver in? (Look and Sound) Mediums and channels of communication.


The design process

How to transform a business solution or strategy into aesthetics of design. Most designers after recieving the brief jump straight into the design process. Lets explore how we can use the Brand attributes in creating Design no matter what style or technique.


Using the same techniques in choosing the Positioning statement, we will choose 3 attribute from each section. (actionable or visual words)

Daring Aspirational




Optimistic Athletic shoes


Fast Modern




Chosen words (actionable or visual words)


Choose 1 top attribute from that short list in each section

Athletic shoes Unstoppable Daring

Determined Innovative (When a word does not conjure any imagery switch it with a similar word that does)

*see resources for where to find free stock images.


Find photography that represents the words.

Create a mood board of all the images that you can come up with.

*see resources for where to find typography inspiration.


Use Typography that captures the idea

Some clients however may have company typefaces and fonts along with a brand guide which you might have to follow.

*see resources for where to find logo inspiration.

5 If designing a logo find logos for inspiration

*see resources for where to find inspiration.


You can also determine the best style or techniques that works.

The target audience and goal of communication will determine what technique or style to use.



Use the right softwares for the required work


Pixel and raster based designing involving images, photo manipulations, mock ups and content creation for web.


Paths and vector based designs. Mainly used for creating vector illustrations, logo designs, Typography and stationary designs.

There are other design softwares but these are universally used. Sometimes your style or technique might require you to use physical materials.

Presentation The presentation of a project is key and has influence in the decision making process. Have a summary of the design process of how you reached your solution. Your presentation should be clear and easy to understand. It’s best to present your work in a pdf format converted to a small size. If not in Powerpoint but well designed.

Mockups Clients usually cannot appreciate a design by itself if they don’t know how it will look like in real life.

Mock up your design in possible scenarios they might appear. This gives the client a fair idea of how it will look and work, he is also likely to appreciate it more.

Examples of Logo mockups

Examples of Logo presentations




The Brand Gap (eBook)

Free Stock images:

The Futur (YouTube) Creative Strategy & the Business of Design (Book & YouTube) The Canon by Massimo Vignelli (eBook) www.designschool.canva

Hope you found this book useful and informative. Now you make the choice. Be the best version of yourself as a designer and make your clients happy. Make your pocket zing too. Cheers!

*For the models please refer to my contacts and I will be happy to send them to you.

Free vector images: Free icons: Typography inspiration: Graphic Design inspiration: Graphic Design resources:

Graphic Design education: designschool.canva


Colin E. Yesutor (Snr. Art Director/Strategic Graphic Designer) +233 203270122/ +233 501324775 (Whatsapp)

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