Collaborative for Children 2009 Annual Report

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Investing in Our Future ANNUAL REPORT



Table of Contents


Letter from the President and CEO


Significant Achievements in 2009


Investing in Families


Investing in Educators


Investing in Neighborhoods


Investing in Community


Champions for Children


Financial Highlights

To our Supporters, Colleagues and Friends, The past year has been a time of exciting growth and new frontiers for Collaborative for Children. From completing a comprehensive hurricane recovery project in the child care community, to being awarded a one-time federal stimulus grant in the amount of $5.4 million from the Local Workforce Board, 2009 brought many new opportunities to prepare young children for success in school and life. We also continued working tirelessly last year to raise public awareness and understanding of the link between quality early education and a child’s chances for future achievement—a message more important today than ever before in light of current educational declines across our state. The truth is that Texas faces a growing unskilled, under -educated population ill-equipped to meet the demands of today’s increasingly technology-based workplace. Our students’ achievement and graduation levels are on the decline while educational requirements in the workplace are on the incline. While many interventions to boost school achievement emphasize remedial and special education, and job training later in life, the effectiveness of such approaches is debatable. We do know that such approaches continue to require extensive public expenditures in an attempt to correct educational deficits rather than prevent them from developing in the first place.

Interestingly, the bulk of current public investments in education begin around age five, after 90% of the brain’s architecture has already developed and after children have already built much of the foundation for learning they will rely on for the rest of their lives. Put simply: if a child is not properly stimulated through consistent loving relationships and a rich language environment during the critical early years, important connections in the brain will fail to develop, and critical windows of opportunity can be lost forever. That’s why our strategies focus on increasing the quality of early childhood education and preparing thousands of very young children each year for success in school and life. Our programs work proactively with the individuals who have the greatest ability to shape young minds: families, early childhood educators and community leaders. Together, this group of citizens has more power than any other to shift the odds for our children and, in turn, our collective futures. If you’re interested in joining a community of passionate parents, business leaders, education professionals, and other community visionaries committed to thinking differently about the best ways to prepare our children for success, you’ve come to the right place. We invite you to join our efforts and help us shape a brighter future for our children and community!

That’s why Collaborative for Children's approach to helping children succeed is different. Rather than waiting to address educational deficits after children enter the K-12 pipeline, we direct investments earlier in children’s lives to help ensure that they begin kindergarten on track and with the foundation they need to excel. Our approach is rooted in decades of scientific, biological and economic research and numerous longitudinal studies. We know more now than ever before about the complexity of brain development and how brain circuitry is literally wired from the ground up, mostly before a child reaches his or her fifth birthday. This means that a child’s earliest experiences at home or in a child care setting directly shape the foundation he or she will rely on for lifelong learning.

Carol Shattuck President and CEO

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Pamela Onstead 2009 Board Chair

Significant Achievements in 2009 STRENGTHENING FAMILIES 30,278 CHILDREN IMPACTED




FAMILIES IMPACTED We provide child care resource and referral services to help families with one of the most important decisions they can make: selecting quality child care for their loved ones. We also offer parent support groups, parenting education, and online parenting resources to support parents in their role as their child’s first and most important teacher.

TEACHERS IMPACTED We provide training, coaching, scholarships for continued education, equipment, and classroom resources to help child care teachers lay a solid educational foundation for young children during the most impressionable years of their lives.




32 MEDIA PLACEMENTS Child care programs in low-income communities often lack the resources needed to purchase educational materials to support young children’s learning and development. In 2009, we spent $933,740 to equip classrooms with educational books, toys, equipment, and other teaching resources essential to preparing young children for kindergarten.

2,021 VOLUNTEER HOURS RECORDED We help parents, educators and legislators understand the connection between quality early experiences and a child’s chances for lifelong success or failure.

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$2 MILLION RAISED TO REBUILD CHILD CARE PROGRAMS Hurricane Ike shook the child care community to its core in September of 2008. Days after the storm, we were on the ground mobilizing volunteers and raising funds to help child care programs back to their feet. After raising over $2 million in monetary and inkind resources, we spent the last quarter of 2008 through early 2009 helping 331 programs recover and restore vital services to families.

350 CHILDREN SERVED AT TEMPORARY CHILD CARE FACILITY IN GALVESTON We provided emergency relief to the child care community in a time of crisis.



95 TEACHERS AND PROGRAM DIRECTORS IMPACTED Our neighborhood-based College Bound from Birth initiative offers a seamless pipeline of family, early education and healthcare supports so that children have what they need to thrive. Over 20 community partners are participating in this powerful dropout prevention program currently underway in the greater Sunnyside/ South Park neighborhood in south Houston.

Children from a Sunnyside child care program enjoy an afternoon playing outdoors on new playground equipment provided through the College Bound from Birth initiative.

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Investing in Families It’s no secret that strong, supportive parents and other family members have the greatest ability to set young children on a positive life course. Just as young children need nourishing food to help their bodies develop, enriching interactions with the significant adults in their lives help their minds develop. Research shows that if children fail to receive the cognitive stimulation they need early in life, when 90% of the brain architecture is built, important opportunities for intellectual growth are lost forever. This can compromise a child's foundation for social-emotional development and all future learning, increasing the risk for remediation and school failure later in life. That’s why we’re committed to making positive investments in families. Using the research-based Practical Parenting Education curriculum and evidence-based Parents as Teacher curriculum, we offer parenting education and support programs that help parents be their child’s first and most In 2009, we helped 19,602 families important teacher for life. We also help evaluate their child care options and make families make well-informed child care well-informed decisions for their children. choices by providing tools to help them evaluate and select child care for their loved ones. By providing hands-on parenting strategies and helping parents understand their options when selecting child care, we help ensure that more young children grow to become productive citizens who strengthen our community. In 2009, we served a total of 19,602 families through our child care resource and referral services, and 1,760 families though our parenting and prenatal education classes and support groups. This created stronger educational foundations for 30,278 young children.

Child Care Resource and Referral According to the U.S. Census Bureau, over half of children under age six in Houston have all available parents in the labor force. Since parents with full time jobs often rely on child care for up to ten hours a day, selecting the right program is critical. A child's future success is dramatically affected by the quality of education he or she receives during the early years, and strong bonds with a few select educators who support parents can help a child become more confident, curious and emotionally secure. Our recognized team of Parent Educators help families make well-informed child care 4 ৷ Collaborative for Children 2009 Annual Report

choices by providing complimentary phone consultations and child care referrals, and guiding parents to appropriate resources. Achievements in 2009 include: • Served a total of 19,602 families, assisting them with identifying the best child care programs for their children within their financial parameters. • Provided enhanced referrals and information for 1,110 families with children with special needs (included in number above). • Distributed educational materials, including information on public pre-kindergarten and Head Start eligibility requirements, to over 4,278 families (included in number above). • We recently expanded our referral services by developing a new tool called QualiFind, a consumer report of sorts for child care in the Houston area and the first service of its kind in Texas. QualiFind makes it easy for families to compare important child care program characteristics such as teachers' education and training, accreditation, teacher-to-child ratios, parent involvement, and teacher tenure. Since its release in the spring of 2009, over 12,473 families have accessed this tool (included in number above).

Parenting Education and Support Parenting is arguably our most important job, yet we rarely train for it. While most parents do the best job they can, many value guidance and strategies to help them cultivate the growth of the young minds in their care. We support parents in their role as a child’s first and most important teacher by offering parenting classes that provide practical, hands-on parenting information. We also offer a wealth of online, on-demand parenting materials to make our resources as easily-accessible as possible for families. Through our school and community-based parenting education classes, we offered the nationally-recognized, research-based Practical Parenting curriculum to equip 1,406 families in 2009 with knowledge and skills to be their child’s most important teacher.

Watch Us Grow! We are pleased to announce the launch of two new programs in 2009. To enhance our investments in families, we began offering the nationally-recognized, evidenced-based Parents as Teachers (PAT) program in June. The program provides comprehensive support to families with children under the age of three through one-on-one visits, developmental screenings, monthly group meetings, and community linkages and referrals. We also launched a prenatal education program to help women facing significant challenges improve their prenatal health literacy skills so more babies are born with the healthy foundations needed to thrive. In 2009, we served 354 families through these new programs.

What Families Are Saying..... “I learned how to have more quality time with my family and have become more soft spoken with my children. I don’t yell and get mad easily.” -Parent participating in our Hispanic Parenting Education and Support Program “I think Parents as Teachers is a wonderful program. I have learned so much through the oneon-one talks and videos. I would recommend that any parent get into the program. It would help any parent get closer to their child. It also helps you understand your child/children better.” -Parent participating in our PAT program

“I have been acknowledging my child— catching her doing good things. She really responds to that, instead of us battling over what she’s not doing right.” -Parent participating in our Practical Parenting Education program

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Investing in Educators Fifty-six percent of young children in our region spend a large portion of their day in the care of someone other than their parents, usually in a child care program or family home care setting. These children represent a significant percentage of our future students and workforce—it would be good to know that they were in the hands of skilled child care teachers with access to ample educational books, toys and play equipment to help them prepare for school. Unfortunately, many child care programs, particularly those serving low-income communities, do not generate enough income to outfit their classrooms with appropriate educational resources to help young children prepare for school. Moreover, due to extremely low standards across the child care industry in our state, many child care teachers lack the training and skills they need to help young minds grow. Child care teachers in Texas are only required to have a high school diploma and eight hours of training before caring for young children. In comparison, a manicurist is required to complete 600 hours of training, and a cosmetologist is required to complete 1,500 hours of training. Such low standards contribute to thousands of children arriving at kindergarten behind and dependent on remedial education each year. In the 2008-2009 school year alone, the Houston Independent School District spent nearly $25 million on first, second, and third graders repeating a grade.

Volunteers from the Junior League of Houston, Inc. help prepare a site for a playground build in October of 2009.

We bridge this gap by providing the handson training, on-site consultations, and classroom resources child care educators need to help young minds soar. In 2009, we created higher quality early learning environments to help 27,427 young children prepare for school and a lifetime of success.

Training and Leadership Development We provide training classes and leadership development to help teachers and directors transform their classrooms into quality learning environments that promote young 6 ৡ Collaborative for Children 2009 Annual Report

children’s learning, and healthy development. Classes cover various early childhood topics such as curriculum development, classroom management, and developmentally appropriate practices related to early literacy, math and social-emotional development. We also provide one-on-one coaching and mentoring to help teachers bring their knowledge and skills to life in the classroom. Achievements in 2009 include: • We provided training and/or intensive consultations for a total of 1,187 child care teachers and directors; • Three teachers participating in our Bright Beginnings program received the Texas Association for the Education of Young Children (TAEYC) Teacher of the Year award. Bright Beginnings is a collaborative partnership with the United Way of Greater Houston and ExxonMobil that facilitates intense quality improvement projects in 20 Houston-area child care programs serving at-risk populations. • Several center directors initiated “Geo Circles,” a peer-to-peer mentorship program through which they help other community child care directors develop and strengthen their leadership skills. • In the fall, several child care teachers and directors testified to Children from a child care program participating in a quality improvement project welcome new books and Texas Child Care Licensing on the need for improved quality classroom materials. standards for early childhood programs. • We developed inclusion plans for 25 young children, which helped child care teachers incorporate appropriate inclusion strategies in their classrooms;

Scholarships We provide scholarships to help valued educators further their education in the field of early childhood. Scholarships help teachers and directors complete such milestones as attaining their Child Development Associate’s certificate, or their Associate’s, Bachelor’s, or Master’s degrees in early childhood education. • We provided scholarships to 332 child care teachers and directors. • 247 Child Development Associate certificates, 27 Associate’s Degrees in Early Childhood, 10 Bachelor’s degrees in Early Childhood, and 8 Master’s Degrees in Early Childhood have been earned since 2002 by teachers and directors participating in Bright Beginnings.

Equipment and Resources Because many child care programs in our region our unable to outfit their classrooms with adequate educational resources and equipment, we provide the classroom materials needed to stimulate young minds and prepare children for school. In 2009, we provided classroom resources and equipment grants to 97 child care programs.

Watch us Grow! In September of 2009, we were awarded a one-time federal stimulus grant in the amount of $5.4 million from the Local Workforce Board to improve the quality of child care in our 13-county region. Due to Texas’ minimal requirements to become a child care teacher, we are investing a significant portion of the resources to train teachers, including training on child development, age-appropriate classroom activities, positive guidance, and classroom management to help child care teachers create positive, stimulating early learning environments. Programs willing to invest additional time and energy also have access to intensive hands-on mentoring and coaching services. In addition, we are providing classroom and outdoor equipment grants to programs that participate in the training component.

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Investing in Neighborhoods: College Bound from Birth It started with a question: how could our city address the greatest challenges confronting our children’s success and our collective futures? What if our children facing the greatest challenges had the secure families, quality schools and healthcare supports needed to excel? In 2007, community leaders met to discuss this very question and do some strategic planning. Led by Carol Shattuck, President and CEO of Collaborative for Children, the College Bound from Birth (College Bound) initiative began to take shape. Today, two years after initial brainstorming began, College Bound from Birth is changing lives in the Greater Sunnyside/South Park neighborhood, a low-income community in south Houston, and is gearing up to begin planning for the replication process in additional neighborhoods. Modeled in part after the highly successful Harlem Children’s Zone project in New York, College Bound from Birth provides the essential resources and supports that research indicates are most important for getting young children off to a healthy start.

Overall Goal: College Bound is a collaborative effort to significantly improve the educational and developmental outcomes of children in the Sunnyside/South Park neighborhoods, a community challenged by poverty, family distress, health challenges and low-performing schools. Multiple community partners have come together to implement this comprehensive, neighborhood-based project that seeks specifically to increase school readiness by kindergarten and Children from a Sunnyside child care program that reading and math literacy by grade three. is participating in College Bound from Birth. Longer term, the goal is to increase high school graduation rates and post-high school education rates among youth living in the neighborhood.

The Strategy: The cornerstone of College Bound from Birth is an emphasis on multiple partners working together to offer a full complement of powerful, community -based services that intervene before there is a chance that children begin to struggle in school. Together, we proactively work with families beginning when children are very young to 1) strengthen parenting skills and home environments, 2) improve the quality of early education and 3) expand access to healthcare. 10 ৷ Collaborative for Children 2009 Annual Report

Stories of Success with Early Childhood Programs • The first four child care programs to

complete their first year in the project have dramatically improved the quality of their respective infant/toddler classroom environments, improving early learning opportunities for 186 at-risk children. Measured by the Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale (ITERS), with 1 being inadequate and 7 being excellent, the average baseline score for child care programs in 2008 was 3.28, increasing to 5.25 in 2009. • The average baseline score for pre-K

Infant-Toddler Environmental Rating Scale: Overall Score

Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale: Overall Score

classrooms measured by the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS) was 3.28 in 2008, increasing to 5.25 in 2009.

Stories of Success with Families • In 2009, we established seven community-

based parenting education/support groups, which served 130 families and 173 Children. • We began offering the nationally-recognized, evidence-based Parents as Teachers curriculum in June 2009. Designed to provide one-on-one support to help families understand their role in a child’s development, the curriculum includes family home visits, developmental screenings for young children, group meetings, and community linkages and referrals. We served 26 families and 32 young children through the program in 2009. “Our Parents as Teachers program was helpful to a 16-year-old teen mom who believed she had lost the opportunity to make fulfilling choices for her future. The program provided her, and the young baby’s father, with valuable information about alternatives as they learned to become nurturing parents. I saw them grow significantly as they learned to not only support their daughter’s development, but also their own continuing growth as individuals.” -Collaborative for Children Parent Engagement Projects Manager

“I can talk to you and the nurse, and you will help me get through this. Before (these sessions) I didn’t think I could do anything or be successful, since I had my baby.” -Teen parent participating in a College Bound from Birth Parenting Education and Support Group

Stories of Success with Healthcare Access • We made significant progress planning for implementation of the Access to Healthcare component of College Bound,

the final component to be initiated. A Healthcare Task Force designed this intervention aimed at improving access to healthcare for children in child care centers and family homes. This intervention will support outreach workers and community health workers to 1) increase family awareness and understanding of the availability of public coverage programs, 2) provide assistance in applying for coverage, and 3) educate families about choosing a plan and provider, 11 ৷ Collaborative for Children 2009 Annual Report


Investing in Community The more our community’s families, educators and leaders understand about early childhood development and the steps we can take to get our children to school on track, the better chance we have of shifting the odds for our youngest learners. That’s why we’re passionate about sharing scientific and economic research in ways that our community can easily understand and act upon. By participating in community events, leveraging the media and using interactive mediums to spread our message, we work every day to help parents, educators and legislators understand the connection between quality early experiences and a child’s chances for lifelong success or failure. As a member of the Texas Early Childhood Education Coalition (TECEC) and the local One Voice Collaborative for Health and Human Services, we also work closely with our partners each year to advocate for state and national policies that raise the standards for early care and education in our community.

Community Outreach and Education • In 2009, we provided

information to 6,777 families at 38 fairs and outreach events. • We facilitated, in partnership with nine other community organizations, the 9th Annual Community Collaborations Luncheon and Forum, Collaborative for Children participated in a day of fun, attended by 250 participants. educational activities for children and families at the Nancy Correa from the University Children’s Museum in early 2009. of Texas School of Public Health, Nancy Moreno with Baylor College of Medicine, and Barbara Tharp with Baylor College of Medicine presented on the topic of “Healthy Kids, Healthy Houston.” • Conducted targeted outreach to the media, which resulted in 32 media hits, including a Houston Chronicle editorial on our main legislative priority.


We continued our work with the Texas Early Childhood Education Coalition (TECEC) and One Voice on the development and advocacy of the early 12 ৷ Collaborative for Children 2009 Annual Report

childhood education agenda for the 81st Legislative Session. 2009 achievements include: • Served as lead for One Voice by spearheading the development of issue positions for pre-kindergarten expansion, professional development and increased reimbursement rates for subsidized care. • In the Harris County delegation, 30 members of the Example of Public Pre-kindergarten Standards House of Representatives and the Senate voted in favor of House Bill 130, which, had it been passed by the governor, would have moved Texas a step closer to establishing a quality full-day prekindergarten program for its at-risk four-year-olds. The bill provided a grant program for selected school districts that would have offered full-day rather than half-day pre-K programs, a maximum class size of 22, a pupil-teacher ratio of 1:11, and partnerships between school districts and child care providers for 20 percent of the program. Currently, Texas is the only one of 38 states offering pre-K programs that have no maximum class size or pupil-teacher ratio, both of which are important quality measures to ensure school readiness. • Made significant contact with Harris County and key state elected officials through 340 visits, calls, e-mails and/or letters to provide information on early childhood education issues. • Made 8 visits to our U.S. congressional representatives and staff to support important federal initiatives affecting young children, including the Promise Neighborhood program. • Organized Houston participation in the 2009 Pre-K Day at the Capital, taking Houston-area advocates by bus to the event. Legislators heard from pre-K teachers, childcare providers, college students and other early childhood advocates.

Volunteer Services: • Recorded 2,021 volunteer hours, valued at $42,037 in-kind for Collaborative for Children. • Volunteers assisted with support and facilitation of community meetings, outreach events, health fairs, translation of

parenting information into Spanish, training events, and Week of the Young Child activities. In addition, volunteers participated in a corporate day of caring that resulted in newly painted classrooms in a low-income child care center.

On June 23, 2009, 21 interns from ExxonMobil’s Community Summer Jobs program rolled up their sleeves and headed to Prince and Princess Daycare Center in southwest Houston for a day-long renovation project.

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Champions for Children Funding Partners $1,000,000 & above Hogg Foundation for Mental Health* Houston Endowment Inc.* Workforce Solutions $500,000-$999,999 The Brown Foundation, Inc.* United Way of Greater Houston $100,000-$499,999 Ann and Stephen Kaufman Foundation* Devon Energy Corporation The Powell Foundation* Save the Children Federation, Inc. University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston The Yao Ming Foundation at The Giving Back Fund $50,000-$99,999 The Eleanor and Frank Freed Foundation*

Galveston County Recovery Fund Local Initiatives Support Corp Montgomery County United Way* The Simmons Foundation* Westlake Family Institute $25,000-$49,999 H-E-B JPMorgan Chase Foundation St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities Texas Instruments Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation $15,000-$24,999 Bright Horizons Foundation for Children Chevron Oil Company The Junior League of Houston, Inc. Marathon Oil Corporation Shell Oil Company

$10,000-$14,999 Bank of America DataCert, Inc. KBR Robert R. and Kay M. Onstead Foundation Wells Fargo $5,000-$9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Ables Bauer Family Foundation Collaborative for Children Staff Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Foster Kaplan Early Learning Company Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kellner MACEIL Family Foundation Mithoff Family Charitable Foundation Dr. Maconda Brown O'Connor Mr. and Mrs. Victor Samuels Silver Eagle Distributors, L.P. Waste Management

Yellow Cab/Taxis Fiesta $2,500-$4,999 ARAMARK Education Mr. and Mrs. Dan F. Boyles, Jr. Ms. Janice E. Character ExxonMobil Corporation Lakeshore Learning Materials M.D. Anderson Foundation MFR, PC Mrs. Nancy Powell Moore NAI Houston Mr. and Mrs. William Pierpont Mr. John R. Pitts Ms. Stephanie K. Rudd Southern Early Childhood Association Spectra Energy Corporation

*Represents Multi-Year Funding We also wish to thank our many valued supporters who gave up to $2,500 to support the work of Collaborative for Children.

Volunteers & Partners Executive Committee Mrs. Pamela K. Onstead Board Chair Community Volunteer Ms. Janice E. Character Board Vice Chair ExxonMobil Corporation Ms. Julie R. Hempel Chair of Fund Development Community Volunteer

Mr. Harlan Hooks H-E-B Houston Division

Reach Out and Read Texas Ms. Anna M. Babin United Way of Greater Houston

Mr. Rick C. Jaramillo Bank of America Mr. Quinn S. Lewis Rice University Jones School Board Fellows Program Mr. Rodney E. Nathan Allen Austin Executive Search Consultants

Ms. Stephanie Rudd Ms. Neena Newberry Rice University Chair of Human Resources Newberry Executive Coaching & Consulting, Jones Graduate School of Management LLC Dr. Barbara G. Samuels University of Houston Clear Lake – retired Ms. Glenna G. Pierpont Chair of Nominating Ms. Paige Carlisle Stewart US Liquids of Louisiana Spring Branch ISD Mr. Juan Torres Committee Members Chair of Finance Ms. Amy Jones, CCP MFR, PC HRQ, Inc. Board of Directors Ms. Linda Jones Mrs. Dorothy M. Ables Community Volunteer Spectra Energy Mr. Jesse Lozano Dr. Robert Austin Shell Oil Products Texas Children’s Pediatric Associates Ms. Shareen D. Nash Mr. Dan F. Boyles, Jr. EOG Resources, Inc. Board Secretary Ms. Vanessa Schulte NAI Houston Spectra Energy Ms. Grace Chen Mrs. Patricia Snyder Oceansoft International Amegy Bank, NA Mr. Philip D. Fraissinet Ms. Jocelyn Wright, SPHR Thompson & Horton, LLP McConnell Jones Lanier & Murphy LLP Mr. Shawn A. J. Gross Vice Chair of Fund Development Partners Council SAJG Investments, Inc. Ms. Kim Watts Anderson

Ms. Pam J. Brasseux The Brown Foundation, Inc. Dr. Patricia Gail Bray St. Luke’s Episcopal Health Charities Ms. Elizabeth O. Bunk, CPA, CFP The Junior League of Houston, Inc. Ms. Suzanne R. Chauvin Strong Pipkin Bissell & Ledyard, LLP Ms. Linda Clarke Mayor’s Office, City of Houston Ms. Janet Cockrell The Cockrell Foundation Ms. Ann Beall Crider Houston PBS/KUHT Dr. S. Brooke Durbin University of Houston Ms. Bennie Green Rockwell Fund Inc. Ms. Candy Kasserman Howard Harris County Judge Ed Emmett’s Office Ms. Janelle James Young Learners School Dr. Kathryn Jenkins University of Houston-Downtown Ms. Dianne Johnson Houston ISD Ms. Tracy Anne Jones, M.Ed. University of Houston Ms. Tammie J. Kahn The Children’s Museum of Houston

Mr. James L. Ketelsen Project GRAD Ms. Anna B. Leal Houston Endowment, Inc. Dr. Patrick Leung University of Houston Mr. David Lumpkins PetroLogistics, LLC Ms. Linda Lykos YMCA of Greater Houston Ms. Sherea A. McKenzie Joint City/County Commission for Children Ms. Nancy Pittman The Brown Foundation Inc. Ms. Caroline J. Sabin The Powell Foundation Dr. John Sawyer Harris County Department of Education Dr. Peggy B. Smith Baylor College of Medicine – Teen Clinic Dr. Jeffrey R. Starke Ben Taub Hospital Ms. Sue Thornton Lone Star College—North Harris Ms. Kay Tittle Texas Children's Pediatric Associates Dr. John D. Vincent University of Houston Mr. Michael Vinson KPMG, LLP Ms. Leslie Chandler Wang Houston Endowment, Inc

Senior Staff Members Ms. Carol S. Shattuck President and CEO

Mr. Pat N. Calelly, CPA Vice President of Administration and CFO

Ms. Erin Charlton Vice President of Resource Development and Public Relations

14 ৷ Collaborative for Children 2009 Annual Report

Mr. Sul Ross Vice President of Programs and Collaboration Development

Financial Highlights Statement of Financial Position As of December 31, 2009 and 2008

Assets: Investments, cash and cash equivalents Pledges and accounts receivable Furniture and equipment - net Prepaid expenses Total assets

2009 $ 2,486,589 279,962 75,611 12,043 $ 2,854,205

Liabilities: Notes payable Accounts payable and accrued expenses Other liabilities Deferred income Total liabilities

2009 $ 100,000 313,638 54,406 502,574 $ 970,618

$ 853,509

2009 249,353

2008 319,412

1,634,234 1,883,587

2,493,319 2,812,731

$ 2,854,205

$ 3,666,240

Net Assets: Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets

2008 $ 1,893,222 1,566,027 110,565 96,426 $ 3,666,240

2008 848,879 4,630

Statement of Financial Activities Years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008

Revenue: Direct public grants

2009 $ 2,758,889

2008 $ 2,614,628

Government contracts Program Income Other Total revenue

1,257,669 900,493 150,562 $ 5,067,613

991,154 957,032 188,185 $ 4,750,999

Expenses: Provider Engagement Family Engagement Community Engagement Management and general Fundraising Total expenses

2009 $ 2,565,797 626,107 812,905 861,756 271,107 5,137,672

2008 $ 2,826,326 676,271 385,980 788,374 239,574 4,916,525

Excess expenses over revenues

$ (70,059)

$ (165,526)

A complete copy of financial statements audited by Blazek & Vetterling is available upon request from Collaborative for Children or on our website at

15 ৡ Collaborative for Children 2009 Annual Report

3800 Buffalo Speedway Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77098 713-600-1100

Collaborative for Children is a non-profit organization dedicated to building a strong educational foundation for young children to succeed in school and life. We achieve this mission by working with families, educators and community leaders—the people who most influence a child's quality of life. By strengthening families, helping parents find quality child care, improving learning environments and driving community awareness and action, we ensure that our youngest citizens have the foundation they need today for a brighter tomorrow.

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