1 minute read
Terry Peers
Being human is a unique experience for everyone but especially so for me as I see a very different version of the world to most people. This is my attempt to share with you the way that I see my version of this world and my place within it, part of the great tapestry that joins us all together.
I am a synaesthete. That is, I am a person who’s senses are interlinked at some level. Synaesthesia is a condition which occurs in approximately 1% to 2% of the population.
Where the brain is cross wired such that the input from one sense triggers responses from more than one sense. Synaesthetes, as a group, tend to perform well on memory and intelligence tests and there are links to autism. It is also different for each person who has it!
No-one is too old or too young to take that single step and admit they don’t know, thus opening a door to learning. The only thing we should avoid is complacency, as that can stop learning, change and growth. Being Human is about learning to explore, seeing that ‘Brave New World’ and wanting for it, needing it enough to make the change in thinking that lets it become your reality - and then searching again for the next frontier and taking the journey again and again until you have built the world you want to be a part of. We all have the ability to take that journey; when will you start yours?
Read the full article in The Quest Issue 13 - Being Human
You can contact Terry at:
Email: terry@businesswhisperer.co.uk Phone: 07903 233 911 Website: businesswhisperer.co.uk