1 minute read
Paul Baker
Being Human means collaborating to make our lives, the lives of those that are important to us and the world, all better.
If you want to be a practical about making your life better there are three metaphors for life that are important and useful.
Do you want your present to be better than your past? Do you want your future to be better than your present? I do. It’s very much in my interest that things get better for you because it makes it more likely that I will have satisfactory ongoing encounters with you and those who are influenced by you if I can contribute to things going well for you. The first and easiest contribution I can make to you is to have a positive intention for your well-being and then not do anything to get in its way. • Life is a journey • Life is gardening • Life is a game – the focus for this article
Now some even more important thinking I would like you to do;
Do you want the future of those that are important to you to be better than their past and their present?
Who are two or three of the most significant of those people who are important to you? I sincerely hope that your answer includes your future self.
Being truly human is deciding consciously to play Systemic Win with all those you encounter. To play Systemic Win you have to help each other behave systemically self-interestedly on your journey to win systemically in the game of life and death. You have to “cultivate your garden” so that your inner and outer environments get better and better sustainably because of, not despite, the challenges you face as you travel through life.
“Would you like to play some Systemic Win right now?” Do you know how to? Being aware of it is the beginning of the game.
Read full article in The Quest Issue 13 - Being Human
You can contact Paul at:
Email: paul@paulbakerandcompany.co.uk