8 minute read
Gina Gardiner
I remember vividly being asked to write an essay as a primary school child, outlining how life would be in fifty years. The imagination of my ten-year-old self has been surpassed by the many technological and scientific advances which have revolutionised our lives. The impact of these changes has been like the curate’s egg – good and bad in part.
None of us has a Crystal ball but it doesn’t take Mystic Meg to tell us that the Human Race and the planet is currently at a crossroads. If we and the planet are to thrive, we need to take a long hard look at how we operate as individuals, as businesses and as society as a whole. It is time for each of us to take responsibility for ensuring that the choices we make moment by moment start to redress the problems which threaten our wellbeing and that of the environment.
It is common for people to believe that it is up to the politicians and huge conglomerates to look for and implement the solutions, to think that as an individual they are too small to make a real difference. It is that thinking, in my opinion, has created and perpetuated the problems which face
us all. Each of us has the power and duty to take radical responsibility for our choices moment by moment. Everything we do is a choice, and every choice has consequences. It is in those seemingly small and inconsequential decisions moment by moment that our future health and wellbeing, the success of our businesses and the survival of our planet depends.
If you are reading this the likelihood is that you are an entrepreneur or leader. It means you are uniquely placed to make a qualitative difference to others.
Imagine you are at the end of your life, what would you like to be remembered for? What impact will you have had on shaping the world from the day you read this article?
When we talk about legacy many people think only of the inheritance that they will leave their children or a favourite charity. I believe that is a very narrow view of legacy and urge you to consider legacy very differently. There is a living legacy in every thought we have, in each action we take and word we speak, how and when it takes place or whether it happens at all. Your living legacy can be a positive, neutral or a negative one. Sadly, most people live their lives unconsciously with no awareness that they can actively choose the legacy they create and as a result, fail to activate the amazing potential they have as positive change makers in the world.
What sort of world do you want as we move forward?
I want a world where people treat one another with kindness and compassion and where there is a recognition and understanding that we are all connected, and differences are accepted and celebrated.
I want a world where the incredible beauty of the natural world is maintained, and the amazing diversity of living things is protected.
I want a world where people collaborate effectively to create sustainable solutions to the challenges we face currently and to create future developments which will support the health, prosperity, and happiness of everyone not just the few.
How prepared are you to actively engage with creating that world?
I may not be able to stop global warming, or the atrocities reported in the news all by myself but what I can do is to make choices that mean I live my life in a way which is both kind and compassionate to others and to the environment. Some things come naturally – being kind and compassionate to others is the easy bit. I’ve learned over the years to be kinder to myself but there are times when I slip up. Being kind to the environment is an ongoing challenge. I live in an area where recycling is far more limited than I’d like. I like to travel but recognise that, by doing so comes at a cost to the environment. I’ve changed my diet and I’m using more environmentally friendly products but recognise that there is much more that I can do.
I actively choose to live my life with purpose, to find ways to help other leaders to lead consciously with compassion, integrity, and the courage, to step out of their comfort zone and to fulfil their genuine
“If you are reading this the likelihood is that you are an entrepreneur or leader. It means you are uniquely placed to make a qualitative difference to others.” potential as powerful, authentic leaders. This is my passion and my purpose.
What will your living legacy be?
I believe that being kind to ourselves has to be the starting point. The relationship we have with ourselves is reflected in the relationship we have with others personally and professionally. Learning to love who we are – to be kind rather than indulgent, and to look after ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually means we are then more resilient and better resourced. Those who practice self-care have the capacity to help others on a much greater scale instead of running on empty.
Harnessing the collective experience, expertise, creativity, and passions of your team will be a vital component in creating and sustaining the profitable success of your businesses in the future. It is the right thing to do but it also makes great business sense too.
Your business is in a competitive market – having skilled, motivated and solution focused staff will underpin long term success. Research has demonstrated that the best workers vote with their feet. Financial renumeration is not their major motivator. Their working conditions physically and perhaps even more importantly their psychological safety are amongst the elements which make people want to stay and contribute fully.
Being kind and compassionate to others is about much more than giving to charity. It is important to recognise that your words have the power to wound or empower both yourself and others. Of course, there are times when you have to hold others accountable yet, the way in which it is done can either knock the confidence or demean those on the receiving end. Alternatively, it can be done in a developmental way that inspires and motivates them to become the best version of themselves.
As leaders it is so important to nurture others. Neglect or indifference is incredibly damaging – conscious leaders ensure that others feel involved and valued. They set and model high standards and do everything in their power to support the
Other elements which underpin staff engagement and loyalty are that the leader:
• Acts authentically – they walk their talk and consistently demonstrate integrity
• Ensures that each individual knows that their contribution is valued, and that the leader creates opportunities for ongoing development
• Actively demonstrates that they care about them as individuals and the whole team
• Has created a learning and developmental culture rather than one of blame and shame
• Are clear about their vision and the core values for the business, the leaders communicate them effectively and model them consistently
There is a growing recognition that businesses that have a strong sense of purpose and a desire to make a positive difference in the world succeed. This approach is gaining momentum as more and more of the general population are becoming aware of the negative impact that many businesses are having on people and the environment. They are recognising the power of their custom and are making conscious purchasing choices based on the company involved, not only those giving them a high quality product or service but also one which supports the health and well-being of others and of the planet.
The parlous state of the planet we call home is becoming more and more evident and will have an even greater impact on people’s decisions moving forward. Businesses have such a vital role to play in making the changes which will support the planet’s health for future generations. There is no time for delay – business leaders must take action.
Collaboration is a vital component in creating a brighter tomorrow.
Individually we can achieve more than we think but the real power lies in effective collaboration. For collaboration to work well it must be based on mutual respect and a shared goal. It is, I believe, the greatest tool we have to finding a positive way forward – to make the world a better place. We are so much stronger if we act in harmony with others to achieve a common goal – it is when the collective skills, understanding, experience, expertise, enthusiasms, and creativity of true collaboration are released that magic happens. It is why belonging to a group such as Collaboration Global is so powerful. Shared values, the desire to make the world a better place whilst running a successful business underpin the fabric of this group.
What sort of tomorrow do you want? Are you ready to lead the way? Are you ready to collaborate?
The choice is yours!