4 minute read
Key Collaborator Andrew Miller
Taking a look at a key Collaborator in the community.
Who is Andrew Miller? British, white male (he/him). Married for over 18 years to Sharon (together over 25 years). No children through choice. Recovering people pleaser. Ex-insolvency practitioner turned coach and author. Champion for Enjoyment to be a fundamental element in business.
What fills you with joy? Seeing people being accepted and celebrated for who they truly are.
What is your reason for BEing? To redefine the definition of success in business and to ensure that it is about something much more than just money.
If you could choose one Collaboration Global behaviour or value that you identify with, what might that be? Curiosity. To my mind, our heightened sense of curiosity is what makes us human. To not just wonder what something is, but also to ask ‘why?’ Curiosity moves us away from arguments and towards discussions and enables us to grow. Through curiosity we get to find out more about who we are and, as a result, can uncover our deepest purpose.
Please share what your experience has been since you joined Collaboration Global? Collaboration Global is a space full of people who want to have a positive impact on the world. Within that space, I have been allowed/ encouraged to be interviewed on their podcast, submit articles for their online magazine, present to members and visitors and create mini-training programmes. As well as regular events that are open to all members, I am part of a fixed triad who meet up regularly and support each other as we move forwards.
This issue of The Quest has focused on ‘Tomorrow’s World’, how do you see that manifest in your life? From a personal perspective, I have been regularly reinventing my business and the direction that I go in. As I have got clearer about who I am, so my direction has refined itself moving from a very targeted niche (helping business owners cope with the emotional trauma of losing a business) to a movement with the full intention of Reinventing Business. By changing the way we measure success - away from just sales and profits - different decisions will be made that will create a better future for the owners, the workers, and the society in which they interact.
Are you free to operate within your Genius? What does that mean for you? My background of running companies in difficult situations that moved into working with individuals at a trauma level has given me a wide range of skills and experiences. No one area stands out and I’m all about embracing the concept of ‘Jack of All Trades’; However, none of those skills and experiences have any impact unless I first listen to the person in front of me. The ability to be quiet and create a space for those I work with to explore themselves and their environment is my Zone of Genius - and I can do that every day.
What vision do you have for your business and your life going forward within the Collaboration Global community? For every business to be aware that Enjoyment is an option available to them and that success is about something much more than just money. If that is something that is of interest to them, then Business Enjoyment is the place they can come to in order to access everything they need – both business and personal – so that they can enjoy their business so much it makes their bits tingle.
If someone is interested in getting involved with our Collaboration Global community, from your perspective what might they expect when they get there? The opportunity to meet many different people from different backgrounds all with one aim - to help each other be better.
You can contact Andrew at:
Email: andrew@businessenjoyment.com Telephone: 07403 110951 Website: www.businessenjoyment.com