1 minute read


Gina Gardiner

What do you think of when you hear the words ‘The Next Generation?’ Is it your children or grandchildren, or perhaps a later model of car or a new version of a programme?


For me, the words have a very special significance. For twenty-one years I was the Head Teacher of a large primary school. Long before it became a statutory requirement to provide training and support for probationary teachers, I set up a structured programme of training and support for all newly qualified teachers starting their career at my school.

“All staff teaching and non-teaching had a very clear understanding of what excellence looked like in the context of the school. Excellence not only in general terms but in each area of school life: relationships, curriculum, behaviour, pastoral care, marking, assessment, report writing etc.”

Investors in People identified our development work, as innovative and exemplary.

Read the full article in The Quest Issue 9

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