Creative Apprenticeships APPLICATION FORM Please complete all the questions fully. We will allocate interviews based on answers provided – continue on separate sheets if more space is needed. This programme is aimed at young people who have left school/college aged 16-18 or 19+
Return applications to: COLLAGE ARTS LEARNING TEAM Chocolate Factory 2 4 Coburg Road, Wood Green London N22 6UJ
All applications will be treated confidentially. We will contact you by phone or in writing to arrange a suitable interview date. Please make sure you fill in a contact telephone number, address and email. Title (Ms/Miss/Mrs/Mr)
tel: 020 8829 8900; fax: 020 8365 8686 web: email:
First Name
Date of Birth
Surname/Family Name
National Insurance No
Permanent Home Address:
Home Tel No:
E-mail address:
Mobile Tel No:
EMPLOYMENT STATUS Are you unemployed?
If YES how long?
Which benefits are you claiming? For how long?
Name of Adviser (JobCentre Plus or Support Agency): Name and Address of Local JobCentre Plus/ Support Agency and phone number: If NO, is your work Fulltime/ Part-time or Freelance?
How many hours per week?
Name of Employer/Company: Address of Employer/Company, phone number & email: 1.
Where did you hear about Collage Arts and this course?
Any Previous Applications