U Book 2014-2015: Student Organization Handbook

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U Book 2014 - 2015

366 Millennium Student Center One University Boulevard 314.516.5291 studentlife@umsl.edu

University of Missouri – St. Louis Office of Student Life Handbook


Table of Contents OFFICE OF STUDENT LIFE .................................................................................................................................4 Managing a Student Organization ...................................................................................................................6 Becoming a Student Organization ...............................................................................................................6 Reviving a Student Organization .................................................................................................................7 Registered and Recognized Organizations ..................................................................................................7 Organization Privileges & Responsibilities .............................................................................................7 Maintaining a Student Organization ..............................................................................................................8 Organization Renewal ......................................................................................................................................8 Inactive Status......................................................................................................................................................8 Working with the Office of Student Life .......................................................................................................9 Eligibility Requirements for Student Leaders ........................................................................................9 Student Disciplinary Probation ....................................................................................................................9 Student Organization Resources..................................................................................................................9 Student Life Liaisons .....................................................................................................................................9 Copier Usage .....................................................................................................................................................9 Mailboxes ...........................................................................................................................................................9 Graphic Design Center ............................................................................................................................... 10 TritonSync ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 UMSL Printing Services ............................................................................................................................. 11 Triton Store .................................................................................................................................................... 12 Marketing and Posting Policies ................................................................................................................. 12 Campus Policies ................................................................................................................................................... 15 Activities Involving Food.............................................................................................................................. 15 **The Office of Student Life reserves the right to add and adjust information contained in The U Book, Student Organization Handbook at any point in time. The most up-to-date version can be found on the Office of Student Life website** Page 1 of 53

Activities on Campus ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Activities Involving the Millennium Student Center (MSC) ....................................................... 16 Activities Involving Alcohol..................................................................................................................... 17 Gambling.......................................................................................................................................................... 18 Showing Movies............................................................................................................................................ 18 Grievance Procedures ................................................................................................................................ 18 Hazing ............................................................................................................................................................... 18 Non-Discriminations/Human Rights Statements .......................................................................... 19 Open Campus Statement .......................................................................................................................... 20 Demonstration Policy ................................................................................................................................ 20 Sponsoring Off-campus Organizations ............................................................................................... 20 Usage of University Name, Logo, Emblem, etc. ............................................................................... 20 Student Organization Funding....................................................................................................................... 22 Keeping Track of a Budget on TritonSync ......................................................................................... 22 Depositing Funds ......................................................................................................................................... 22 Using Organizational Funds for Programs ........................................................................................ 23 Awarding Prizes ........................................................................................................................................... 24 Off-Campus Facility Rentals. ................................................................................................................... 25 Faculty/Staff/Student Employees outside the Office of Student Life ................................... 27 Tax Exempt Status. ...................................................................................................................................... 28 Funding Sources .................................................................................................................................................. 30 Additional Funding Options............................................................................................................................ 32 Maintaining a Budget ......................................................................................................................................... 35 Standard of Conduct for Student Organizations .................................................................................... 39 Rules of Procedures in Student Organization Conduct ............................................................... 41 Campus Resources .............................................................................................................................................. 48

**The Office of Student Life reserves the right to add and adjust information contained in The U Book, Student Organization Handbook at any point in time. The most up-to-date version can be found on the Office of Student Life website** Page 2 of 53

Dear Organization Leader, Welcome to student activities! Opening the Student Life Handbook gets you a step closer to learning all you need to know about managing an effective organization. Your success in student leadership depends upon your ability to apply the content herein to your responsibilities as an officer in your organization and to the campus as a whole. The purpose for this handbook is to provide a resource tool for you and your organization at UMSL. As a student leader, you want your organization to be the best it can be. Whether your organization is new or established, access to information and people who can assist you in meeting and exceeding your group’s goals and objectives is important. This is the mission of the Student Life staff. This handbook is designed to assist you in your organization’s endeavors and to make your involvement on campus an exciting, rewarding, and positive educational experience. It contains information pertaining to organizational development, university policies, programming, financial services, use of campus resources, and more. The handbook is by no means exhaustive. If we can provide you with additional information or assistance pertaining to campus life or activities please stop by the Office of Student Life and our staff will be more than willing to assist you. We are here to ensure that your organization experiences growth and success! The Student Life Office is located on the third floor of the Millennium Student Center in Room 366. We encourage you to visit us or call (314) 516-5291. We look forward to working together towards another great year at UMSL! Best Wishes,

Jessica Long-Pease Jessica Long-Pease Director – Office of Student Life

**The Office of Student Life reserves the right to add and adjust information contained in The U Book, Student Organization Handbook at any point in time. The most up-to-date version can be found on the Office of Student Life website** Page 3 of 53

OFFICE OF STUDENT LIFE 366 Millennium Student Center One University Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63121-4499 Phone: (314) 516-5291 Fax: (314) 516-6747 http://www.umsl.edu/studentlife studentlife@umsl.edu www.facebook.com/UMSLstudentlife twitter.com/UMSLstudentLife


Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

STAFF INFORMATION Jessica Long-Pease, Director of Student Life longjessi@umsl.edu

Vacant, Student Services Coordinator Leadership and Training

Ashlee Roberts, Student Services Coordinator Diversity Initiatives and Service robertsak@umsl.edu

Colleen Pace, Student Services Coordinator

Fraternity & Sorority Life and Student Organizations pacect@umsl.edu

Tegan Klevorn , Student Activities Coordinator klevornt@umsl.edu

Nancy Percy, Office Staff Support percyn@umsl.edu

Tashay Dennie, Graduate Assistant Leadership and Training oslleadershipga@umsl.edu

Demetrius Reynolds, Graduate Assistant Diversity Initiatives and Service oslservicega@umsl.edu

Cecelia Abshire, Graduate Assistant Student Organizations studentorgsga@umsl.edu

Jason Summers, Student Programs Manager umsloslprograms@umsl.edu

David Montgomery, Student Desk Manager osldeskmanager@umsl.edu

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**The Office of Student Life reserves the right to add and adjust information contained in The U Book, Student Organization Handbook at any point in time. The most up-to-date version can be found on the Office of Student Life website** Page 5 of 53

Section 1

Managing a Student Organization Being involved in a student organization at UMSL will add many dimensions to your college experience. As a student leader, you will be directly involved in the development and planning of your organization’s activities. Your involvement will offer you a learning experience not available in the classroom. You will have the opportunity to explore new interests and build relationships with new people.

Becoming a Student Organization When forming a new student organization, keep in mind that the process may take from 4-12 weeks.

The steps toward forming a new student organization are as follows: STEP 1—Submit the New Student Organization Interest form on TritonSync (found in the UMSL Tritons Portal) STEP 2—Set up a consultation meeting with the Office of Student Life STEP 3—Begin Recruiting Members. You will have access to the 3x3x3 Rule of Pending Organizations to assist you in recruiting members. STEP 4—Complete the New Student Organization Application on TritonSync. After all materials are submitted, you will be contacted by a staff member in Student Life to schedule a meeting to review the constitution and by-laws. (Please note that you may need to revise the constitution and bylaws after it has been submitted the first time. You should be prepared to revise the constitution several times before moving forward in the process) STEP 6—Review by Student Affairs Committee of the University Assembly (Student organizations may be Approved, Provisionally Approved, or Denied) STEP 7—Notification of status from the Office of Student Life and new student organization training (if Approved).

The 3 x 3 x 3 Rule of Pending Organizations All new student organizations must gain recognition from the Student Affairs Committee of the University Assembly. Pending recognition, new organizations may be granted provisional status by Student Life. While under provisional recognition, organizations can request:  3 posters from the Student Life graphic artist  3 reservations with Building Operations (space for informational meetings or recruitment tables only)  3 submissions to the Campus Calendar These limited privileges are extended to provisionally recognized student organizations as a courtesy to assist in the recruitment of members. It is imperative that discretion is exercised when deciding to utilize them, as they are not renewable. If a provisional group exhausts these privileges, it may resubmit the New Student Organization Interest form at the beginning of a new academic year to access these privileges again. The Rule of Pending Organizations is valid for no more than one year. If, after one year, the organization has failed to move beyond provisional status, student organizers must re-submit the New Student Organization Interest form and work with the Office of Student Life to continue in the recognition process.

**The Office of Student Life reserves the right to add and adjust information contained in The U Book, Student Organization Handbook at any point in time. The most up-to-date version can be found on the Office of Student Life website** Page 6 of 53

Reviving a Student Organization In some cases, there are organizations that have been approved by the Student Affairs Committee of the University Assembly but are no longer active. Any student may re-activate any such organization by submitting a new student organization form and roster to the Office of Student Life. The group may then be approved for reactivation by the Office of Student Life. Any organization that has been inactive for more than three academic years must go through the process required for new organizations.

Registered and Recognized Organizations Each organization must decide whether it will be a Registered or Recognized organization. Each level has its own set of privileges and responsibilities.

Organization Privileges & Responsibilities Registered organizations have the following privileges and responsibilities: 1. Use of University’s name for identification purposes 2. Participation in University sponsored events 3. Use of campus facilities and services as provided by university regulations, which include usage of the student copier, 1-3 posters per event (from our graphic designer), reservation of meeting and conference rooms, and the opportunity to promote and flyer on campus for events 4. Organization mailbox located inside the Office of Student Life 5. Must have a faculty or staff advisor that is currently 0.75 FTE (30 hrs/week or greater employment at the university) 6. Must submit a ratified copy of organization constitution and by-laws 7. Must complete the organization renewal process on an annual basis 8. Must submit a change of officer form anytime a change of officers occurs 9. Must submit a membership roster of a minimum of ten (10) names annually 10. Must submit an update of the organization constitution and bylaws annually 11. Student organization president must attend the Office of Student Life SOLE (Student Organization Leadership Education) training session at the beginning of the fall semester Recognized organizations have all of the privileges and responsibilities of Registered organizations and: 1. Voting seat in the Student Government Association (SGA) 2. Eligibility to apply for financial support from the Student Activities Budget Committee (SABC) 3. Eligibility to receive student leadership award honors and outstanding organization awards 4. Eligibility to apply for a cubicle workstation located in the Office of Student Life 5. Must submit a membership roster of a minimum of thirteen (13) names annually 6. Must submit budget request forms by due date annually in order to maintain funding 7. Must comply with Student Life and Student Government Association policies in order to maintain funding 8. Must be responsible for the whereabouts of capital expense items purchased with Student Activity Budget Committee funds 9. Student organization president and treasurer must attend the student organization training session at the beginning of each fall semester Holding the status of a Registered or Recognized organization does not mean that the University supports the views held by an organization. All organizations, whether Registered or Recognized, are expected to comply with policies, procedures, and regulations of the University. Responsibility for violations of any laws (federal, state, or **The Office of Student Life reserves the right to add and adjust information contained in The U Book, Student Organization Handbook at any point in time. The most up-to-date version can be found on the Office of Student Life website** Page 7 of 53

local) or University regulations must be assumed by the organization and (or) individual officers and members. An organization’s inability to adhere to these responsibilities may result in deregistration and/or the forfeiture of the organizations’ privileges. If an organization wishes to change its recognition level, moving up to Recognized or down to Registered, it must fill out the Student Organization Change of Status Request form found on TritonSync. All requests are subject to the approval of the Office of Student Life and the Student Affairs Committee.

Maintaining a Student Organization Each fall semester the Office of Student Life will request that all organizations complete Organization Renewal This process is required to keep your organization in good standing with the Office of Student Life. Failure to complete Organization Renewal will result in your organization being inactive.

Organization Renewal 1. Update organization information within the organization’s TritonSync portal including the following: a. Officer information b. Current roster of active members c. Up to date constitution and by-laws 2. Attend student organization training (SOLE) according to the requirements set by the Office of Student Life As organizations evolve, it is inevitable that the constitution and (or) bylaws by which an organization abides will also change. It is required that an up-to-date copy of the organization’s constitution and (or) bylaws be on file with the Office of Student Life. All constitution and (or) bylaw changes must be voted on and ratified as per your constitution or bylaws. All updated constitutions must be accompanied by a list of voters with a copy of the resolution on which members voted. Constitutional and/or by-laws changes must be approved by the Office of Student Life. All information requirements should be met no later than September 30th each year. Student organizations that do not comply with the above requirements each year will be considered inactive.

Inactive Status If your student organization is inactive, that means that it has lost all privileges including accessing funds and reserving space on campus. A student organization may be declared inactive for several reasons including but not limited to:     

Failure to complete Organization Renewal Failure to comply with the Office of Student Life requirements each year Not attending Student Government Association Meetings (Recognized organizations only) Failure to check the organization mailbox in the Office of Student Life Violating the Registered Student Organization Code of Conduct

**The Office of Student Life reserves the right to add and adjust information contained in The U Book, Student Organization Handbook at any point in time. The most up-to-date version can be found on the Office of Student Life website** Page 8 of 53

Working with the Office of Student Life Eligibility Requirements for Student Leaders Maintaining good academic performance is important in being a student leader. All students holding officer positions must maintain a cumulative and semester GPA of 2.0 or higher. The Office of Student Life reserves the right to perform a grade check on all student leaders. Any officer who fails to meet the 2.0 GPA requirement will be notified of his/her ineligibility. The organizations advisor will also be notified of his/her ineligibility to continue serving as an officer. Prospective members of an organization that have a GPA requirement must sign off on a Grade Release form. This will give the Office of Student Life permission to check student grades to determine eligibility for entrance into selective organizations.

Student Disciplinary Probation If you are on student disciplinary probation you are not required to resign from organizations for which you are already a member; however, you may not hold an office nor represent the university while you are on probation. Please contact the Office of Student Life for further information.

Student Organization Resources Student Life Liaisons Each student organization is assigned a liaison in the Office of Student Life. This Liaison is either a staff member or a graduate assistant in Student Life and will be able to help organizations navigate campus policies and answer any questions the student group may have. A complete list of each liaison and the organizations with whom they work can be found in the back of this handbook and online.

Copier Usage The Office of Student Life has two Xerox printer/copier/fax machines available for all student organizations’ usage. A student organization access code is required for printing and copying purposes. Student organizations will be charged a per copy charge for printing and copying documents. This copy covers the cost of paper, toner, and maintenance of the student machines. The copy machines and printer should be used for organization purposes and are not for personal use. If there are technical issues with any equipment, please contact a Student Life staff for assistance.  To retrieve your student organization copy code, please visit the front desk at the Office of Student Life. For security purposes only the president and treasurer may retrieve the code.

Mailboxes Each organization has a mailbox located in the Office of Student Life. Student Life will use your mailbox to notify you about important dates and other information. Please check your mailbox on a weekly basis in order to receive important information.  Flyers and papers with no affiliation with student organizations should not be placed in organization mailboxes.

**The Office of Student Life reserves the right to add and adjust information contained in The U Book, Student Organization Handbook at any point in time. The most up-to-date version can be found on the Office of Student Life website** Page 9 of 53

Graphic Design Center In order to assist organizations with marketing, the Office of Student Life has a graphic design office that designs print materials for your student organization’s events. Our unique online artist request system allows you to submit new requests, view pending requests in “my queue,” and keep track of previous requests. The Artist Request can be found online at the following address: https://apps.umsl.edu/webapps/ITS/Art_Request?login.cfm. Please adhere to the following guidelines to take advantage of this service. 1. All poster requests must be turned in a minimum of two weeks from the date you need them. This means that if you want to hang the banner for a week before the event then you must turn in the request three weeks from the date of your event. 2. Organizations are allowed three (3) posters per event: one 35” x 60” and two 24” x 36” and one recruitment poster per academic year 3. The following software files are acceptable for printing: Microsoft Word, Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, Publisher, and PDF. For any other formats please check ahead of time with the Student Life Graphic Designer. 4. If you need additional posters and flyers printed, please contact UMSL Printing Services for prices and work with Student Life to place an order.

TritonSync TritonSync was created and designed to better serve our student organizations at UMSL. This platform not only allows organization leaders to have greater control over their group electronically, but is a great way to promote your organization to potential new members. TritonSync also houses a majority of the required forms and documents used for daily activities directed through the Office of Student Life. You can access TritonSync by visiting https://orgsync.com/home/585. First you must log into TritonSync using your UMSL SSO ID and password. If it is your first visit to the site, you will be prompted to create a profile within TritonSync. Once established, TritonSync keeps track of the organizations and events in which you participate. To become and administrator for your organization’s portal (page) a previous administrator or the Office of Student Life must give you access. Once this access has been granted, you will have the ability to manipulate a variety TritonSync functions associated with your organization.

Searching in TritonSync TritonSync is the most effective way to search for and locate any of over 120 organizations recognized at UMSL. By logging on and searching based on name, category, or keyword, users should have no trouble locating organizations. Choose search criteria (i.e., classification, keyword, list all).  Searching for organizations on TritonSync is easy. By selecting the green “Browse Organizations” button on the home screen, our entire directory of student organizations is available.  By either typing in the name of a group or searching by keyword or category, a list of matching organizations will be populated.  Interested parties can reach out to the leadership in these groups if further information is need or if you have a desire to join the group.

Updating an Organization in TritonSync A person must be in the Administrator category on TritonSync to make changes. If a current officer/administrator wants to make a new officer a TritonSync Administrator so they can update group information, go to the organization’s page, click People, find the name of the new officer, click on the name, and then find the “Groups” section near the bottom. Click Manage, and then toggle Administrator privileges on. It is recommended that only **The Office of Student Life reserves the right to add and adjust information contained in The U Book, Student Organization Handbook at any point in time. The most up-to-date version can be found on the Office of Student Life website** Page 10 of 53

trusted organization officers be given Administrator status. If you have trouble accessing or using TritonSync, please contact us. Updating Organization Records on TritonSync: 1. Navigate to your organization’s portal by clicking on its name under the Organizations tab at the top of the page. 2. Click Profile. 3. Click the Manage Profile button in the description box. 4. Click Update and Renew Profile, the green button in the middle of the screen. 5. Make any necessary changes to organization or officer information. 6. Click through each page, making updates as needed, until you reach the final page. 7. Click Finish. 8. Wait for approval by the Office of Student Life. We check to ensure that you’ve submitted real names and phone numbers, so please make sure that your information is accurate. (If there are any problems, we’ll send you a message) Once Student Life approves your changes, you will receive a message from TritonSync and your changes will appear in your portal. Note: The contact information for the president, vice president, treasurer, SGA Representative, and advisor is required. This information should be updated after any elections have taken place and new officers appointed. It is also required that this information be updated at the beginning of each new academic year. Even if officer information has not changed, you must still update or resubmit this information to our office. Please be sure the UMSL email address to ensure that your organization receives the correct information from the Office of Student Life. Any request to change information in an un-editable field, such as name and purpose statement, must be sent to


Submitting Forms in TritonSync All forms submitted to the Office of Student Life are now available only through TritonSync.     

Log into TritonSync using your SSO ID and password at https://orgsync.com/home/585. Under to Organizations dropdown menu at the top of the TritonSync homepage, select the UMSL Tritons portal. A Forms tab is located top of the page. Select the form you wish to complete, fill out all requested information and click “submit.” Student Life will contact you if further action is required.

UMSL Printing Services The Office of Printing Services is the official resource for all print, photocopy and bindery projects at the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Using our established, on-site printing operation contributes to the overall financial health of the university and maintains the highest standards of service and compliance to university guidelines. Printing Services offers students, faculty and staff a number of high-quality, low-cost services, including color and black-and-white digital printing and photocopying. All orders must be submitted via an Internal Order Form (IOF) and approved by the Office of Student Life. Please note that a reasonable timeframe must be given in order for projects to be completed on time. When submitting an order, you must include a Due Date for the

**The Office of Student Life reserves the right to add and adjust information contained in The U Book, Student Organization Handbook at any point in time. The most up-to-date version can be found on the Office of Student Life website** Page 11 of 53

printing to be completed on time. Failure to state a due date may risk the project being incomplete when you need it. Business hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please call 314-516-5233 or send a message to print@umsl.edu with questions or to place an order.

Triton Store The UMSL Bookstore and Triton Tech are located in the Millennium Student Center and serve as the campus headquarters for course materials, technology, general books, supplies and officially licensed University of Missouri-St. Louis and Triton merchandise. You can purchase prizes and gift cards from the Bookstore for any of your organization’s events. If your organization is planning on making and/or selling a t-shirt, the Bookstore can take care of the whole process for you.

Marketing and Posting Policies The Office of Student Life reviews all materials for posting on Student Life Bulletin Boards. An Office of Student Life staff member must stamp materials that are posted on those boards, and a Bulletin Board Request Form must be submitted along with an electronic copy of the flyer for our files. In academic buildings, specific boards are designated for academic unit use and may require additional approval. Please contact the administrative office in each building for specific guidelines.

Off-campus Organizations Off-Campus organizations must consult the posted information located at the top of kiosks on each level for posting information or flyers in the Millennium Student Center.

Posting & Advertising Procedures 1. A copy (1) of all mass handouts and/or flyers must be submitted to the Office of Student Life via the Campus Posting Request form on TritonSync.

2. Materials must be posted only on appropriate boards or areas. No flyers may be posted, tacked, or taped

on the walls, windows, or doors of any campus building including the MSC. 3. Materials must be posted using pushpins or tacks; no more than one poster per bulletin board may be displayed. 4. Posted materials should not cover any existing materials. 5. Handouts or flyers may not be placed in classroom seats or posted at random in classrooms, or attached to cars or to University property not designated for that purpose.

Flyers & Bulletin Board Posting The University reserves the right to determine the scope, manner, location, duration, and materials posted or handed out on University property.  All student organization and university material for posting must be approved and stamped by the Office of Student Life. Fill out the Campus Posting Request form on TritonSync to receive approval.  Materials advertising events that conflict with University policies may or may not be approved. The Office of Student Life shall make this determination.  Sponsorships should be shown on all materials. The name and phone number or email of a contact person must be listed on the materials. **The Office of Student Life reserves the right to add and adjust information contained in The U Book, Student Organization Handbook at any point in time. The most up-to-date version can be found on the Office of Student Life website** Page 12 of 53

    

No flyers/posters promoting alcohol, other illegal substance use or violation of state laws either stated or implied will be approved (example: “no bottles” implies alcohol). Images or language deemed profane, defamatory, or inflammatory will not be approved. Election materials for national, state, or local elections may not be posted. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring group to remove posted materials after the event is completed. Unstamped/unauthorized materials will be removed.

University of Missouri – St. Louis Chalking Policy Chalking on campus is limited to recognized student groups, UMSL departments, faculty members, staff members and any registered UMSL student. Chalking must comply with the following procedures: 1. Chalking is permitted to publicize campus events and resources, to make announcements, and to share messages. 2. Chalking must take place on concrete sidewalks, not on buildings, roadways, steps or other Universityowned property. Chalking is prohibited on all vertical surfaces including but not limited to buildings, walls, benches, picnic tables, bus stops, light poles, etc. 3. Chalk must be placed where it will be washed away from rain or snow. Horizontal concrete surfaced coved by an overhang are prohibited. 4. Chalking may be placed for a maximum of 10 days. 5. No chalking may contain profanities, obscenities, hate speech or derogatory statements about individuals or groups. 6. Chalking must contain the name of the sponsoring entity. The name of the sponsoring entity must be legible. 7. Chalking cannot interfere with another message that has already been chalked. Overwriting, erasing, defacing, or altering the chalking of another person or organization is prohibited. 8. The materials used to chalk must be water-soluble chalk (sidewalk chalk). The use of markers, paints, oilbased products, or spray chalk is prohibited. The content of the chalking must adhere to the law and other university policies including, but not limited to, the following: Maintaining a Positive Work and Learning Environment, Student Standard of Conduct, Standard of Conduct for Student Organizations and Use of Facilities and Equipment. The University reserves the right to clean and remove any chalking, which does not comply with this policy or that may contribute to a hostile environment. Individuals found in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action under the previously mentioned university policies and procedures.

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**The Office of Student Life reserves the right to add and adjust information contained in The U Book, Student Organization Handbook at any point in time. The most up-to-date version can be found on the Office of Student Life website** Page 14 of 53


Campus Policies When planning an event, distributing information, and organizing programs or functions for your student organization, the following policies and procedures need to be taken into consideration during the initial planning stages. The Office of Student Life staff can help with all phases of program development, including compliance with University guidelines.

Activities Involving Food UMSL has an exclusive contract for food service on campus. If a student organization’s event is to be held on campus, all food and beverages must be catered by the University food service company, Triton Catering/Sodexo. When catering services are required, the student organization should perform the following: 1. Review the Triton Catering Guide and select menu items that will fit into your budget. 2. Place the organization’s order utilizing the Flavours Catering website https://umsl.catertrax.com . Please note online orders must be submitted one week in advance. For orders with less than one week notice, contact Triton Catering at (314) 516-4321 to arrange your order. 3. Note: if your organization has received student activity funding, please do not use your personal funds to pay for the food ordered. Select “Student Life” as the payment option when finalizing the order. 4. Provide approval to the Office of Student Life to ensure proper payment is made. No food orders will be processed without prior approval.


UMSL recognizes that there may be some circumstances when a student organization may request to provide food from another source if Triton Catering/Sodexo is unable to provide this service. In these instances, an UMSL Food Permit Application must be filed with the Director of the Millennium Student Center. Applications must be submitted at least 14 business days prior to the date of the requested event. All applicants will be notified of the status of the application within 5 business days of its submission. UMSL Food Permit Applications are available on the MSC Building Operations website. Examples of instances in which a Temporary Food Distribution Permit might be granted include:  Cultural/ethnic celebrations  Donated food items  Carry-ins/Pot Lucks  Weddings/Celebratory Cakes Permits will NOT be granted for:  Bake sales  Any food being sold/resold  Food prepared in a location without a county health permit (except carry-ins/pot lucks)

Policies for an Exception Cultural/Ethnic Celebrations: UMSL recognizes that authentic food is a key component to the success of many of the ethnic/cultural celebrations hosted on campus. The University recognizes the importance of these events as part of creating and promoting a vibrant campus life. Sodexo is prepared to accommodate requests for ethnic and cultural food by utilizing recipes provided by the customer or customizing a special menu for your event. If Sodexo is unable to accommodate the request for authentic food preparation, a student organization or department may apply for a Temporary Food Distribution Permit.

**The Office of Student Life reserves the right to add and adjust information contained in The U Book, Student Organization Handbook at any point in time. The most up-to-date version can be found on the Office of Student Life website** Page 15 of 53

Donated Food Items: Student organizations/departments often solicit donations from local business to offset the costs associated with hosting a program/event. In order for outside food donations to be utilized during a campus program/event, the student organization/department must apply for and be granted a Temporary Food Distribution Permit and the business donating the goods must meet the requirements outlined in Step 3 of the Instructions section. Carry-ins/Pot Lucks: Carry-ins/pot lucks do not require a temporary food distribution permit as long as they:  Are limited to members of a single office/department  Are a closed event  Participants are familiar with one another Carry-ins/pot lucks that do not meet the above criteria should follow the procedures for the Temporary Food Distribution Permit and may require participants to complete a waiver to participate. Weddings/Celebratory Cakes: Weddings/celebratory cakes hosted within an office/department would fall under the provisions for a carry-in/pot luck event. Cakes for open, University-sponsored events such as retirements, etc. should follow the procedures for the Temporary Food Distribution Permit. Third party rentals are exempt from the Temporary Food Distribution Permit process. Residential Properties: Faculty, staff, students, and guests planning events in a rental space within Residential Life and Housing properties (Oak Hall, Provincial House, and the International House) during which food will be served must contract with Triton Catering/Sodexo to provide the food. If the event falls under one of the provisions outlined above the organizers should follow the procedures for the Temporary Food Distribution Permit. Long term lease properties (Fraternity & Sorority Housing) do not require the use of Triton Catering/Sodexo. Academic Courses: Any academic courses that include preparation of food items as part of the academic experience are not required to complete a Temporary Food Distribution Permit request if the participants are the only individuals consuming the food that they have prepared.

Activities on Campus There are a variety of spaces available for students to reserve for student organization events. Policies regarding use of individual facilities vary. Ask about restrictions, costs, available equipment, and capacity when making reservations. Check department web sites for other venue information and updates and/or changes to venue availability. Location Millennium Student Center J.C. Penney Conference Center Provincial House On-Campus Guest Housing Touhill Performing Arts Center



Web address

Tiara Rogers











Rochelle Aronson Allyson Bowes Allyson Bowes

Activities Involving the Millennium Student Center (MSC) The Millennium Student Center provides student organizations many services and amenities that make using the facility a personal and first-class experience. There are a variety of spaces in the MSC for hosting programs and meetings as well as advertising for your organization or upcoming events. Page 16 of 52

MSC Events & Conference Services (MSCECS) MSC Events & Conference Services is responsible for reserving space in the MSC for non-UMSL organizations and individuals. MSCECS is also responsible for reserving space for UMSL faculty, staff, and student organization events when one or more of the following applies:    

the majority (over 50%) of the participants/attendees are not from the UMSL faculty, staff or student body. (Examples are: other UM-System schools, Continuing Education, and Public Affairs) consecutive days are requested an UMSL department or student organization co-sponsors or hosts an event with or for a non-UMSL group (i.e. Public Affairs hosting for politicians or Student Affairs hosting for Matthews-Dickey) UMSL faculty, staff, students requests for space for personal use

Exceptions: Student orientations (NSO, Transfer Tuesday, International Student Orientation), Student Affairs, Welcome Center & Admissions events involving prospective students, University Program Board events, Mercantile Library, Alumni Association, Professional MBA Program The MSC Building Operations manages the following services or offices:  The Scheduling Office is only responsible for providing audio-visual support and room setups in the Millennium Student Center. For information regarding reserving space on campus call (314) 516-5022. o The Scheduling Office provides:  Assistance in identifying and reserving the most suitable facility for your event.  Advising on appropriate University regulations and policies  Custodial Services  Lost and Found  The Information Center  Millennium Student Center Conference Services

Reserving Space in the MSC

To reserve space in the MSC, you may stop by the MSC Building Operations Office (218 MSC) on the second floor of the MSC, call (314)516-5022, or visit http://umsl.edu/~msc/Reserving%20Space/student-organizations.html and click Scheduling Request Form toward the bottom of the page. NOTE: Student organizations requiring audio-visual services in classroom buildings should contact Instructional Technology Services at (314) 516-6171. Please see the Building Operations manual for reserving space in other buildings on campus. See MSC Manual for reference. NOTE: Event Misrepresenting: Users who misrepresent an event or affiliation in order to avoid fees and charges will be billed appropriately, or may have reservation privileges suspended. Registered and recognized student organizations and individuals may not serve as “fronts” for campus departments in order to gain free or discounted use of meeting space for the departmental user.

Activities Involving Alcohol As a general policy, alcohol may not be served at any student organization event on-campus. Permission to serve alcohol at an event will be viewed as an exception to the policy. Requests to serve alcohol will be examined on a case-by-case basis. If your organization wishes to serve alcohol at an event, it must fill out Alcohol Form #3, found in the back of this handbook and by clicking here. If a student organization hosts an event involving alcohol on or off campus, no advertising whether printed, written, electronic, or over the radio may advertise the presence of alcohol at the event. The organization’s advisor and president or designee must be present at the event and assume the responsibility that minors will not be served alcohol. The advisor and president or designee will also be responsible for the conduct of all persons Page 17 of 52

attending the event and must be present for the duration of the event.

Gambling Gambling in any form is prohibited on campus. Gambling is defined as playing games of chance for money or prizes. Games of chance include raffles, poker or other card games for money, and door prize events. Any event that would have a “pay to play” scenario is subject to approval from Business Services. Additionally, anything of this nature falls under restrictions of Missouri state law which have rigid guidelines for gambling practices. If your chapter wishes to host this type of event in your house or on University property, please contact the Office of Student Life.

Showing Movies Student organizations may not hold public viewings of movies without first purchasing the rights through a third party. Neither the rental nor the purchase or lending of a videocassette or DVD carries with it the rights to exhibit such a movie publicly outside the home, unless the site where the video is used is properly licensed for copyright compliant exhibition. For more information, see “Showing Movies” in the programming section of this handbook.

Grievance Procedures Individual Student Grievances

1. It is the policy of the University of Missouri to provide equal opportunity for all enrolled students and applicants for admission to the University on the basis of merit without discrimination on the basis of their race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age or disability, or Vietnam era veteran status. Sexual harassment shall be considered discrimination because of sex. This policy shall not be interpreted in such a way as to violate the legal rights of religious organizations or military organizations associated with the Armed Forces of the United States of America. 2. To insure compliance with this policy, all University of Missouri prospective or enrolled students shall have available to them this student discrimination grievance procedure for resolving complaints and/or grievances regarding alleged discrimination. 3. This grievance procedure neither supersedes nor takes precedence over established University procedures of due process for any and all matters related to Academic Dishonesty, Grade Appeals, Traffic Appeals, Disciplinary Appeals, or other specific campus procedures which are authorized by the Board of Curators and deal with faculty/staff responsibilities. 4. These proceedings may be terminated at any time by the mutual agreement of the parties involved. NOTE: A grievance concerning specific incidents filed under this discrimination grievance procedure shall not be processed on behalf of any student who elects to utilize another University grievance procedure. In addition, the filing of a grievance under these procedures precludes the subsequent use of other University grievance or appeals procedures for the same incident. http://www.umsystem.edu/ums/rules/collected_rules/grievance/ch390/grievance_390.010

Hazing In addition to Missouri State Law, UMSL also has accepted and recognizes the definition of hazing by the Fraternity Executive Association as any intentional action taken or situation created, whether on or off University premises, that produces mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. This includes, but is not limited to: paddling in any form, creation of excessive fatigue, or physical or psychological shocks, wearing apparel in public stunts or buffoonery, morally degrading or humiliating games and activities, involuntary labor, or any activity not consistent with the University of Missouri Board Of Curators Standard Of Student Conduct. The University will investigate any incident in which a charge of hazing has been made. University recognition may be temporarily withdrawn pending hearings and due process procedures. Page 18 of 52

Should it be determined that a student organization or any of its members is guilty of hazing as previously defined, university sanctions may include but are not limited to: 1. Automatic and indefinite suspension of campus recognition with an accompanying loss of all campus privileges (i.e. use of facilities, student services, etc.). 2. Disciplinary action against those members involved in the incident (s) including suspension or expulsion from the University

The act of hazing is a violation of UMSL’s Student Conduct Code and Missouri State Law. The following Missouri State statutes define hazing in an educational institution and the penalties associated with individuals caught in the act of hazing. 578.360. As used in sections 578.360 to 578.365, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the following terms mean: 1. "Educational institution", a public or private college or university; 2. "Hazing", a willful act, occurring on or off the campus of an educational institution, directed against a student or a prospective member of an organization operating under the sanction of an educational institution, that recklessly endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student or prospective member for the purpose of initiation or admission into or continued membership in any such organization to the extent that such person is knowingly placed at probable risk of the loss of life or probable bodily or psychological harm. Acts of hazing shall include: a. Any activity which recklessly endangers the physical health or safety of the student or prospective member, including but not limited to physical brutality, whipping, beating, branding, exposure to the elements, forced consumption of any food, liquor, drug or other substance or forced smoking or chewing of tobacco products; or b. Any activity which recklessly endangers the mental health of the student or prospective member, including but not limited to sleep deprivation, physical confinement, or other extreme stressinducing activity; or c. Any activity that requires the student or prospective member to perform a duty or task which involves a violation of the criminal laws of this state or any political subdivision in this state. Colleges and universities to have written policy prohibiting hazing. 578.363. Each educational institution in this state shall adopt a written policy prohibiting hazing by any organization operating under the sanction of the institution. Hazing--consent not a defense--penalties. 578.365. 1. A person commits the crime of hazing if he knowingly participates in or causes hazing, as it is defined in section 578.360. 2. Hazing is a class A misdemeanor, unless the act creates a substantial risk to the life of the student or prospective member, in which case it is a class C felony. 3. Nothing in sections 578.360 to 578.365 shall be interpreted as creating a new private cause of action against any educational institution. 4. Consent is not a defense to hazing. Section 565.080 does not apply to hazing cases or to homicide cases arising out of hazing activity.

Non-Discriminations/Human Rights Statements It is the policy of the University of Missouri to provide equal opportunity for all enrolled students and applicants for admission to the University on the basis of merit without discrimination on the basis of their race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age or disability, or Vietnam era veteran status. Sexual harassment shall be considered discrimination because of sex. This policy shall not be interpreted in such a way as to violate the legal rights of religious organizations or military organizations associated with the Armed Forces of the United States of America. Page 19 of 52

Open Campus Statement The “open campus” has long been a traditional policy at UMSL. During formal sessions or in informal settings, the entire academic community, students and faculty have the right to hear and express varying viewpoints. These discussions often center on such areas as educational, research or service functions and objectives of the University. In addition, the freedom to demonstrate in an orderly fashion as a means of presenting views is recognized by the University. However, UMSL does not condone demonstrations that interfere with the freedom of decision and action of other students or that prevents the free movement of students to or from classes, lectures, seminars or employment interviews. When such demonstrations occur, the institution and academic community must take action, even if such action protects the rights of just one student. Freedom of expression is one of the hallmarks of a democratic society. While orderly demonstration is not to be interpreted as infractions of University rules, disorderly demonstrations that disrupt the normal life on campus are considered violations. In these cases, individuals who are responsible will be dealt with through the established disciplinary procedures and policies.

Demonstration Policy All rallies, demonstrations or similar activities shall be registered through the Office of Student Life at least 48hours before the event by completing a Rally or Demonstration Request Form. Any organization holding a rally, demonstration, or like event shall appoint four students to act as marshals for the event. The marshals’ names must be listed on the request form. It will be the duty of the marshals to ensure that all participants are properly instructed as to provisions of these regulations and that no action is performed which will discredit the student body or the University. If the organization is distributing handbills or leaflets, the group is responsible for the cleanup following the distribution. The organizations, as well as all individuals participating, are responsible for following the Student Standard of Conduct. All rallies, demonstrations or similar activities held on University grounds are subject to applicable U.S. and Missouri laws and University requirements, rules and regulations. As set forth in the University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations Section 110.010, the University reserves the right to set reasonable time, place and manner restrictions on all meetings or gatherings to assure that the most beneficial use of the buildings and grounds of the University are made and that there is no interference with the right of students to obtain an education. Regardless of the original intent, student leaders involved in rallies, demonstrations or similar activities must understand that the event may be dispersed to ensure the continued safety of UMSL students. Failure to abide by this policy may cause permission for the use of the facility or University grounds to be withdrawn at any time, or for future permission for the use of any University facilities to be denied.

Sponsoring Off-campus Organizations In order for there to be a sponsorship between a student organization and off-campus organization, both organizations must be a part of the event. Also, a group sponsoring an off-campus organization (phone card, small business, etc.) must have a representative present at the set-up location and be there throughout the operation hours. Any sponsorship of an off-campus organization must be approved by the Office of Student Life before coming onto campus. A fee may be associated with bringing an outside organization. NOTE: Event Misrepresenting: Users who misrepresent an event or affiliation in order to avoid fees and charges will be billed appropriately, or may have reservation privileges suspended. Registered and recognized student organizations, individuals, or departments may not serve as “fronts” for off-campus groups in order to gain free or discounted use of meeting space for the off-campus user.

Usage of University Name, Logo, Emblem, etc. The UMSL logo, official university seal, and the Triton symbol are all officially licensed trademarks of UMSL. Registered and recognized organization sponsored events are permitted usage of the University’s name, logo, or emblem for marketing, websites, and events purposes. Page 20 of 52


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Student Organization Funding The University allocates almost $500,000 each year for student organization management and programming to enhance the student experience. Recognized organizations have the opportunity to apply for funding each year to assist them in operating a successful organization. Although the funding does not necessarily cover every cost, it can be very helpful when creating programs and complementing the campus community.

Keeping Track of a Budget on TritonSync Each organization is responsible for keeping track of its own budget. All information about your budget is housed within your portal on TritonSync.

To view the budget:

1. Go to Your Organization's Portal >>More>>Treasury>>Manage Checkbooks 2. There you will see your SABC Allocation for the 2014-2015 academic year. You may also have a beginning balance if your organization had revenue carryover from 2013-2014. 3. Click 2014 - 2015 SABC Budget to see the breakdown of your allocation and any expenses

To manage the budget:

Please note: All members of the portal can view the organization's budget. Only members that are part of the "Officers" group in your portal will have access to create transactions. 1. Any time your organization is going to make a purchase, travel, or use funds for an event, a transaction must be created within Checkbooks in your portal. 2. To create a transaction go to More>>Treasury>>Manage Checkbooks>>2014-2015 SABC Budget 3. Click the green "Create Entry" button on the right hand side of the screen 4. Add a description of your transaction and the dollar amount spent/deposited. Be sure to make expenses negative (ex: -150.00). 5. Click "Create" and your budget will reflect the transaction. Negative transactions will appear red and your new budget balance will appear to the right-hand side. 6. Student Life staff members will verify transactions with the account balance.

Helpful Hints: 

   

Create a transaction any time you fill out a Program Supply Request, Travel Itinerary Form, Reimbursement Form, request a room that will cost, order from Sodexo, or deposit funds in to your account. This will keep you and your organization members up to date on your account balance at all times. Be sure to add any revenue deposits as well as expenses. Money is taken from the SABC Budget before it is taken from the Beginning Balance, however, be sure to stay up to date with both checkbooks just in case. Be descriptive when entering your transactions, this will help Student Life staff and others understand the transaction history. You have access to your budget 24 hours a day 7 days a week, keeping it up to date is simple and important for your organization's health.

Depositing Funds If your organization has funds to deposit, it should do so as soon as possible. Funds should be turned in to the front desk in Student Life within one business day of being collected. You will need to fill out a deposit form and the front desk worker will drop the deposit into the safe. The deposit should appear in your account within about a week. It is important to remember that organizational dues cannot be paid from a University account. If your organization collects dues they should be paid directly to the parent or umbrella organization. Page 22 of 52

Please Note: New or Pending student organizations cannot collect dues or other funds prior to approval by the Student Affairs Committee and establishment of a University account. If you anticipate needing an account, notify the Student Organizations Coordinator to begin the process immediately following approval. Creating a University account typically takes two-three weeks.

Using Organizational Funds for Programs There are a variety of ways to use your organizational funds. The forms you will need to access your student activity/service fee monies are available through the UMSL Tritons portal in TritonSync. If you have any questions about the forms or accessing your SABC funds, please contact the Office of Student Life. The following apply to all forms: 1. All completed forms must be submitted to Office of Student Life through the UMSL Tritons portal. 2. The president and treasurer must approve all budget related forms. Advisors do not have approval authority. If an officer has changed, the new information must be submitted via TritonSync before any forms will be processed. 3. The president or treasurer cannot approve their own reimbursement (i.e. if the president is being reimbursed, the president will submit the form as the person receiving money and the treasurer must authorize the reimbursement) 4. No sales tax will be reimbursed, unless related to travel purchases by the University. 5. Whenever a payment relates to an activity or event, describe the activity or event and include the date, location and who participated/attended. Purchasing Event and Organization Supplies Student organizations may purchase event or organization supplies through the Office of Student Life. To request event or organization supplies, all recognized student organizations must complete one of the following forms three (3) weeks in advance of the date needed:  

Program Supply Request (i.e. decorations, prizes, giveaway items) Office Supply Request (i.e. pens, paper, Post-it notes, binders, paint, markers, etc.)

All products must be purchased through the Triton Store, the university’s eProcurement site, Amazon Prime, or another online retailer. Please keep in mind the date you need your supplies should not be the date of the program. When ordering supplies be sure to provide ample time for delivery and receipt of your items. If your organization has concerns about online availability of an item, please contact the Office of Student Life. If a recognized student organization member purchases program or organization supplies with personal funds they can seek reimbursement from the organization’s SABC account less all applicable taxes. Recognized student organizations cannot use the university’s tax exemption status for purchases made with personal funds. Reimbursements/Vouchers If you choose to use personal funds for organization purchases, you may be reimbursed for your purchases by filling out the Reimbursement/Voucher Form in TritonSync >> UMSL Tritons >> Files >> Reimbursement Forms. A reimbursement will be issued to an individual for use of personal funds for an organization’s budgeted event. This does not include any travel related expenses, whereby a travel voucher must be obtained. To complete the reimbursement request form the purchaser must include:  Name, address, and student I.D. number of the individual to be reimbursed  The individual being reimbursed MUST sign in the “Vendor’s Signature”  Attachment of all ORIGINAL receipt  Signature of the organization president and treasurer Please note: The University will not reimburse taxes on any purchase. Page 23 of 52

Awarding Prizes If you are hosting an event, meeting, or program where prizes will be given or a competition where someone will win a prize, it is important that you follow the procedures outlined here and that you are aware of the policies associated with distributing prizes. Please be sure to inform all individuals that the value of a prize awarded, through a drawing or program, is considered taxable income to the recipient and may need to be reported, by the university, to the IRS. All prizes awarded must have a corresponding Awarding of Prizes Form submitted to the Office of Student Life within one (1) business day of the prize being awarded. The form can be found here. Gift Cards Gift cards may be purchased using Student Activities Budget Committee (SABC) funds, for prizes to UMSL students only, according to the following guidelines: 1. The total amount for any gift card must be under $99. 2. The Office of Student Life must purchase the gift card and will hold the gift card until it is awarded. 3. All gift card purchases will be made at the UMSL bookstore by the Office of Student Life. a. Please check the UMSL Bookstore for types of gift cards available prior to making your request. The Office of Student Life will make every attempt to purchase your desired gift card but cannot guarantee availability of specific types and amounts. 4. The student organization must notify the Office of Student Life when a gift card has been awarded, by turning in the Awarding of Prizes Form. 5. The recipient of the gift card must personally pick up the card in the Office of Student Life, by presenting a student id, and completing the prize award form. 6. If the gift card is not picked up within 30 days, it will become property of the Office of Student Life. The student organization will not receive a refund for gift cards that are left in the office for more than 30 days. **If the above policy isn’t followed the student that purchased the gift card, on behalf of their organization, will be documented as the recipient of the gift card, and will be held responsible for any taxable income reported to the IRS. Cash (in the form of a check from the university) Cash can be awarded to winners of competitions sponsored by student organizations. Prize can only be awarded to UMSL students unless prior approval is received from the Director of Student Life. In order to award a cash prize, the student organization should follow this procedure: 1. Complete the Awarding of Prizes Form. 2. Deliver the Awarding of Prizes Form to the Office of Student Life within one business day. 3. Once the Office of Student Life receives all necessary documentation from the student organization (and recipient of the prize) a check request will be completed and the check will be mailed directly to the recipient. Goods Goods can be awarded to winners of competitions sponsored by student organizations. All goods, with a value greater than $50, must be stored in the Office of Student Life until they are awarded. Once the prize has been awarded the recipient is responsible for retrieving the prize from the Office of Student Life. In order to award a noncash prize, the student organization should follow this procedure: 1. Complete the Awarding of Prizes Form. 2. Submit the Awarding of Prizes Form to the Office of Student Life within one business day. 3. For prizes with a value greater than $50, inform prize recipient that they can pick up their prize in the Office of Student Life during normal business hours. Page 24 of 52

4. If the prize is not picked up within 30 days, it will become property of the Office of Student Life. The student organization will not receive a refund for the prizes that are left in the office for more than 30 days.

Off-Campus Facility Rentals When hosting a program off campus, the sponsoring organization will need to have a written confirmation of the agreement that it has with the hosting facility. In many cases, this agreement will come in the form of a contract. In these circumstances, the recognized student organization is responsible for all contractual obligations set forth in the facility agreement. The University will not sign contracts for off-campus facilities on behalf of recognized student organizations. In the event that the off-campus facility requires additional insurance from the renter, the recognized student organization that is making the reservation is required to pay for the additional venue insurance. Additional insurance cannot be purchased using university funds. For information on how to obtain additional insurance, contact the Office of Student Life.

Contracting with a performer or speaker

As a student organization, you may invite an outside speaker or performer to come to a meeting or as part of a program. Whether or not you are paying the performer, your organization MUST complete a Pre-Contract Worksheet in TritonSync. Specific directions and policies for contracting with an outside performer are outlined below. 1. NO STUDENT MAY ENTER INTO A CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE UNIVERSITY. The student is not a legal representative for the University. Even on a payment in recognition of acts or professional services, authorized signatures must appear for that agreement to be legally binding. 2. If you plan to use University fees to hire a DJ, lecturer, entertainer, or similar outside performer for your event, speak with the Office of Student Life for details at least SIX (6) weeks prior to the event/program. Before agreeing over the phone or in person to ANY contractual agreement, be sure to check with the Office of Student Life. 3. All agreements for contracts or services to be rendered MUST be in writing (a letter of confirmation) and signed by the Director of Business Services. 4. If it is determined by the Office of Student Life that a University contract is necessary, then that student must complete the Pre-Contract Worksheet in TritonSync. Once the Pre-Contract Worksheet is completed, the Office of Student Life will generate the contracts and mail it out with a cover letter to the performer/speaker. 5. The information for the contract should be provided by the student in charge of the program AT LEAST SIX WEEKS prior to the date of the program to allow time for the contract process. 6. Only authorized contracts (submitted by the Office of Student Life to be signed by the Director of Business Services) will be honored for payment. 7. The Director of Business Services will NOT sign any contract THE DAY OF OR AFTER any performance/appearance. 8. If payment is being presented to the performer/speaker immediately following his/her/their performance/appearance, advise the Office of Student Life who will place a “Hold Check Request� on the voucher and will be contacted when the check is ready for pick-up.

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Off-Campus Speakers or Performances When hosting a speaker or performance at an off-campus venue, the sponsoring organization will need to have a written confirmation of the agreement that it has with the individual speaker or performer(s). In many cases this agreement will come in the form of a contract. In these instances, the recognized student organization is responsible for all contractual obligations set forth in the agreement. The University will not sign contracts for off-campus speakers or performances on behalf of recognized student organizations.

Student Organization Service Projects When hosting a service project off campus, the sponsoring organization is responsible for adhering to the requirements of the service site. In the event that the service location requests a formalized agreement before service can take place, the recognized student organization is responsible for all obligations set forth in the agreement. The University will not sign agreements for off-campus service projects on behalf of recognized student organizations. In the event that the service site requires additional insurance from the organization, the recognized student organization that is participating in the service project is required to pay for the additional insurance. Additional insurance cannot be purchased using university funds. For information on how to obtain additional insurance, contact the Office of Student Life.

Student Organization Travel Recognized student organizations who have received SABC funding for travel have two options when planning a trip. 1. The Office of Student Life can make travel arrangements for the recognized student organization including booking individual flights, purchasing train or bus tickets, and reserving hotel rooms via direct bill or university check. Please note: The Office of Student Life will not reserve rental cars on behalf of a student organization. If your organization would like to reserve a rental car, you will need to use personal funds to do so. The Office of Student Life can reimburse you for the rental car but any taxes will not be reimbursed. 2. Student organization members can make their own travel arrangements and seek reimbursement upon their return. Whether an organization has the Office of Student Life arrange travel or seeks reimbursement after their travel dates, a travel itinerary must be completed in TritonSync 30 days prior to travel. Failure to complete a travel itinerary will result in a 25% reduction to the travel reimbursement. If the recognized student organization requests the Office of Student Life to make arrangements on its behalf, a meeting will need to be scheduled with the Office Support Staff member in the Office of Student Life. Walk-in are accepted first come, first served during the following times: Monday Wednesday

10 – 11am or 2 – 3pm 10 – 11am or 2 – 3pm

All other travel discussions will take place by appointment only. The University has a new travel policy that became effective July 1, 2014. Highlights of the new travel policy are stated below:  Meals are reimbursed according to the federal government’s meal rates located at: http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiemCalc.cfm for travel outside the state of Missouri. For Page 26 of 52

overnight travel within the state of Missouri, the daily meal allowance will be $42 based on duration of travel outlined below. If meals are included in conference registrations, paid by the University, the traveler is responsible for making deductions to the per diem on their reimbursement request.

  

Travel Duration

Percentage of per diem


Less than 8 hours 8 hours or less than 12 hours 12 hours or more

0% 50% 100%

$0 $21 $42

Use of a personal vehicle for travel will be reimbursed based on the approved map mileage of the most direct route, plus any costs of parking and tolls. Itemized receipts are required for all hotel/lodging expenses (regardless of the amount) and all expenses $75 or more. No receipts should be submitted for expenses less than $75, except for hotel/lodging receipts. The Office of Student Life reserves the right to request receipts/documentation for purchases that can be construed as non-travel related items, such as supplies, regardless of the amount.

After returning from your trip you must submit a Non-Employee Travel Reimbursement Trip Expense Detail form located in TritonSync >> UMSL Tritons >> Files >> Reimbursement Forms. All travel reimbursements should be submitted immediately upon return from your trip and must be submitted within 30 days of travel.

Faculty/Staff/Student Employees outside the Office of Student Life Prior to making travel arrangements the Travel Request form located in the Office of Student Life must be completed and signed by the Treasurer and President of the student organization. After proper completion of the Travel Request form, and approval from the Office of Student Life, travel arrangements can be finalized. Travel reimbursements will be based on the University’s new travel policy which became effective July 1, 2011. Highlights of the new travel policy are stated below:  Meals are reimbursed according to the federal government’s meal rates located at: http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiemCalc.cfm for travel outside the state of Missouri. For overnight travel within the state of Missouri, the daily meal allowance will be $42 based on duration of travel outlined below. If meals are included in conference registrations, paid by the University, the traveler is responsible for making deductions to the per diem on their reimbursement request.

  

Travel Duration

Percentage of per diem


Less than 8 hours



8 hours or less than 12 hours



12 hours or more



Use of a personal vehicle for travel will be reimbursed based on the approved map mileage of the most direct route, plus any costs of parking and tolls. Itemized receipts are required for all hotel/lodging expenses (regardless of the amount) and all expenses $75 or more. The Office of Student Life reserves the right to request receipts/documentation for purchases that can be construed as non-travel related items, such as supplies, regardless of the amount.

After returning from your trip you must submit the Employee Travel Reimbursement Trip Expense Detail form for reimbursement. The Office of Student Life will sign this form and return to the employee for processing within Page 27 of 52

their home department. This form can be obtained online at http://www.umsystem.edu/media/fa/management/records/forms/finance/um11_111.xls or in The Office of Student Life. All travel reimbursements should be submitted immediately upon return from your trip, and must be submitted within 30 days of travel.

University property Equipment purchased with student activity fee or service fee appropriations is university property and must remain on or stored in university facilities. Removal must be approved by the Office of Student Life. Students who willfully or carelessly damage the property of the University will be required to pay for its replacement or repair. They may also be subject to disciplinary action.

Fiscal Year-End The end of the fiscal year occurs on June 30th each year. In order to reconcile all budgets and purchases of student organizations, the deadline is typically prior to the end of the school year. Each year all organizations will receive a memo from the Office of Student Life with the last date to use the Pro-Card and turn in reimbursement requests. It is important to pay attention to this memo to prepare for any funds that may be needed for events/supplies during the summer.

Holding Funds If your organization is planning to travel between the end of the school year and July 1st, it must fill out a Hold Funds Request form. In order to be approved to hold funds over the following must be true:  The organization is travelling between the end of the Academic Year and June 30th  Travel arrangements must be made before June 30th to receive a discount in cost  Funds will ONLY be used for travel arrangements and conference registration A Hold Funds Request CANNOT be used when:  Your organization’s budget is deficit  You wish to buy office supplies  You are hosting an event on or off-campus  If you are travelling or attending a conference in the new fiscal year (after July 1)

Tax Exempt Status & EIN Student organizations may not use the University’s tax exempt status or tax ID number unless they are working directly with the Office of Student Life. If an organization wishes to establish an outside bank account, it must apply for its own tax ID number and may not use the University Tax ID. An organization may also apply for tax exempt status with the state of Missouri.

Does My Organization Want an Employer Identification Number (EIN)? An Employer Identification Number is used to identify an entity for use in filing tax returns with the government, opening bank accounts, and other official recordkeeping. University of Missouri student organizations collecting dues, raising/receiving funds or dealing with money in any way must hold a bank account independent from the University. Banks typically will NOT open an organization or business account without an EIN. It is NOT recommended that students use their personal social security numbers to open an account on behalf of an organization because: • •

If the bank account earns interest income, the bank issues a 1099 on the person whose social security number is on the account. A copy of the 1099 is sent to the IRS and Missouri Department of Revenue. When tax returns are processed 1099’s are matched with a person’s filed tax returns. If the 1099 information is missing, or has not been accounted for, that person will probably be contacted by a taxing authority. Page 28 of 52

That person will have to report this account on the 1099 Tax Form every year it is open under their social security number.

You may apply for an EIN using the following methods: • • • • •

Complete the SS-4 Form (Application for Employer Identification Number) available on the IRS website, irs.gov. File over the telephone, 800-829-4933. Apply by fax. Apply by mail. For more information about any of these methods, visit the IRS website.

Tax Exemption: Should My Organization Become a Non-Profit Organization? Any organization not operating for a profit and returning profit back into the organization may be exempt from paying sales tax. A 501 (c)(3) “non-profit” organization status allows an organization to become tax exempt. Any social, civic, religious, political subdivision, or educational organization can apply for sales tax exemption. Benefits of tax exemption include: • Tax free purchase of goods and services. • Donations of money or goods (accurately valued) to your organization are tax deductible for the donor (with a receipt). Hurdles to becoming tax exempt: • Required filing fee. • Your organization’s financial records from the last three years are required. • Future tax filings might be required. • Generally, tax-exempt organizations must file an annual information return; however, taxexempt organizations whose annual gross receipts do not normally exceed $25,000 are not required to file the annual information return. To become a non-profit organization: • Review the application process listed on the IRS website. • File a SS-4 Form, or Application for Employer Identification Number (EIN). • File a 1023 Form (Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code). • If you are granted 501 status and wish to be exempt from Missouri sales tax, you must also file an application with the Missouri Department of Revenue: dor.mo.gov. • Sales tax paid prior to receiving exemption status is not refunded. • NOTE: Although your organization is affiliated with the University of Missouri, your organization will not be allowed to use the University’s information as your own when completing non-profit applications. If you would like additional assistance, please feel free to contact the Coordinator for Student Organizations. DISCLAIMER: The above information is to be used as a general reference. BE AWARE that each student organization will be held responsible for accurately filing with the IRS. Therefore, verifying forms to make sure no changes have been made by the IRS and asking questions from the IRS helpline at 1-877-829-5500 is your responsibility. Finally, if your organization is above the $10,000 marker for gross receipts in a year, ORG recommends seeking advice from an accounting professional. Registering your organization with the Missouri Attorney General’s office We have been in contact with the Missouri Attorney General’s office in regards to registering student organizations and have received the following information regarding an exemption to registration: Page 29 of 52

407.456. 1. Except for charitable organizations which are exempted under subsection 2 of this section, no charitable organization shall solicit funds in this state, nor employ a professional fund-raiser to solicit funds in this state, for any charitable purpose unless it, and each professional fund-raiser employed by it, have filed all registrations and reports required by sections 407.450 to 407.478. 2. The provisions of sections 407.459 and 407.462, and subsection 1 of section 407.469 shall not apply to the following: a) Religious organizations; b) Educational institutions and their authorized and related foundations; c) Fraternal, benevolent, social, educational, alumni, and historical organizations, and any auxiliaries associated with any of such organizations, when solicitation of contributions is confined to the membership of such organizations or auxiliaries; d) Hospitals and auxiliaries of hospitals, provided all fund-raising activities and solicitations of contributions are carried on by employees of the hospital or members of the auxiliary and not by any professional fund-raiser who is employed as an independent contractor; e) Any solicitation for funds governed by chapter 130, RSMo; and f) Any organization that has obtained an exemption from the payment of federal income taxes as provided in section 501(c)(3), 501(c)(7) or 501(c)(8) of Title 26, United States Code, as amended, if, in fact, no part of the net earnings of the organization inure to the benefit of any private party or individual associated with such organization. 3. Sections 407.450 to 407.478 shall apply regardless of any contrary provisions contained in any contract, agreement, instrument or other document.

Funding Sources Student Activity Fee Funding Receiving University funds from the Student Activity Budget Committee (SABC) provides an opportunity for the development of student responsibility in the handling of University funds. For some officers, taking care of the details of budgeting, spending, and accounting for funds will involve a few hours all year. For others, it will require daily attention. This section of the manual has been designed to provide you with a basic understanding of the things you will need to know to effectively manage your budget. The basic goals of this section are to: 1. Acquaint officers and advisors with budget design and implementation. 2. Provide officers and advisors with a working knowledge of the University’s accounting system. 3. Explain details involved in the accounting of University funds and the related paper work. University Recognized Organizations are eligible to apply for University funding which is available through the SABC (Student Activity Budget Committee) funding process: 1. Student Activity Fee: Funds are used to support the activities of an organization. They may be used to purchase supplies, pay for postage and printing costs, etc. 2. Student Services Fee: funding may be used only to purchase capital equipment, computer equipment, and pay for institutional membership fees to national associations related to the purpose of the organization making the application. NOTE: SABC funds may not be used to pay one-time or reoccurring membership dues for individual organization members.

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Student Activity Budget Committee (SABC) The Student Activity Budget Committee (SABC) consists of students appointed by the Student Government Association and approved by the Vice Provost of Student Affairs. The SABC advisor serves as a non-voting member of the committee. This Committee is charged with recommending to the Chancellor, through the Vice Provost of Student Affairs, the allocation of Student Activity/ Service Fees to Recognized student organizations. How Do They Decide On The Allocations? Allocations are made based upon the organization’s request. The budget request includes:  An itemized projected budget  Justification for funding, if history of SABC funding  A report on how these funds were spent in previous fiscal year to accomplish the goals of the organization The SABC also considers how well the organization prioritizes and meets its program funding needs. It is expected that each group receiving funds will use them. Doing this may increase their chances of receiving future budget requests. Organizations receiving funding must comply with the University Policies and Procedures regarding the usage of funds. What Does My Organization Do When It Receives Its Allocation? When the final amount of your allocation is determined by SABC, you will receive an itemized award letter. This itemized budget will be used throughout the following year in the preparation of financial statements that your organization receives from the Office of Student Life. This information will be helpful in tracking expenses and preparing future budget requests. Why Do We Need To Budget? Budgeting is important for the continued success of your organization. When planning for the future, it is extremely helpful to look back on past experiences. Comparing the goals and objectives that were set with what was actually accomplished, will assist you in measuring your organization’s performance. How Do We Know If We Are Eligible to Apply For A Budget? Recognized organizations that have been active for at least one (1) academic year are eligible to apply for an SABC budget. If the organization is less than one year old, they are still eligible for co-sponsorships and in-kind donations to help them grow and promote their events. If you aren’t sure if you are eligible, contact the Office of Student Life or your Student Life Liaison. When Does All This Happen? The budget process begins in October/November with budget preparation workshops. Attendance at these workshops is MANDATORY for those organizations that wish to apply for University funding. The SABC then conducts budget reviews in February and March. Some organizations may be asked to appear before the committee to answer questions about their budget request. Organizations may appeal their initial SABC allocations. In May, the final allocations are recommended through the Vice Provost for Student Affairs to the Chancellor for approval. The funds may then be expended during the following fiscal year, which begins July 1 and runs through the final day of classes during the Spring semester. The deadline for submitting budget requests is determined by the SGA Comptroller and usually occurs at the end of the Fall term or beginning of Spring term.

How do we submit the budget request? Budget requests are all submitted via your organization’s portal in TritonSync. Step by step directions can be found in the UMSL Tritons portal on TritonSync.

What if we don’t spend our entire budget? SABC funds do not roll over in to the new fiscal year. If your organization does not spend the entire allocation, it is pulled back into a general account. If your organization deposited any money or created any revenue during the year, those funds will roll over into the next fiscal year’s budget.

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What Happens If We Go Over-Budget? If and organization goes deficit, or spends more than it is allocated, the deficit amount is taken from the allocation for the following year. If an organization does not have funding for the following year, it is not eligible for a budget or co-sponsorships until the deficit has been repaid to the University.

Where do I access my MoCode? A MoCode is what the University uses to charge your account when you spend or deposit money. As a student organization, you do not need to know your MoCode. If you are asked for your MoCode on any form, just type in the name of your organization and the staff will know what MoCode to use when they are billing the organization.

Additional Funding Options Recognized and Registered student organizations may obtain additional funding through:  Collection of membership dues  Contributions for specific programs from non-university sources. These contributions to organizations and/or programs are not to be promoted as being tax deductible.  On-campus fund raising for registered and recognized student organizations are strictly monitored in accordance with the University of Missouri System regulations. The Fund Raising policy describes the policies and procedures for conducting these activities. *For additional information on Fundraising Guidelines, please see pg.  Sodexo and COCA-COLA In-Kind Donations (see Food and Drink Policies for additional information)  Co-sponsorships with other student organizations

Fundraising Guidelines “Fundraising” is defined as any income-producing activity regardless of whether or not the activity realizes a profit. No student activity or organization shall solicit – directly or indirectly – financial aid from friends of the University unless prior approval has been granted by the Office of Student Life in conjunction with University Advancement. If you have specific questions regarding this policy, please contact the Office of Student Life. Recognized student organizations that choose to purchase a product for sale using their SABC funding are required to reimburse the university account in full for the purchase before any profit can be donated or counted as revenue.

Approval Process Student organizations planning fundraising activities on campus must have prior approval. Fundraising request forms may be submitted online through TritonSync.  

The organization president/vice-president must complete and submit the online form at least three (3) weeks prior to the fundraising activity. The Office of Student Life reviews the application and sends notice to the organization of an approval, conditional approval, or denial. It is the responsibility of the organization to correct any deficiencies listed on the request and re-submit the form.

Some fundraisers, such as bake sales, which are judged to be in competition with any University auxiliary enterprise will be prohibited unless approved by the Director of the Millennium Student Center, his/her designee, or the administrator in charge of the auxiliary service affected by the fund raising activity.

Fundraising Policies 1. All on-campus fundraising activities by active student organizations must be approved in advance by the Director of Student Life or his/her designee. Page 32 of 52

2. Any contractual agreements must be between an individual, office/coordinator or organization and the outside agency must not obligate the University of Missouri in any way. 3. All monies accrued from on-campus fundraising projects will be deposited into a University account in the name of the sponsoring active student organization and shall be subject to the policies governing such accounts. Active student organizations which do not have an established University account will be asked to establish one. 4. Fundraisers to benefit non-profit charitable organizations will be approved provided that the sponsoring organization submits a statement on a letterhead from the charity verifying it is approved as “non-profit” under the regulations of the Internal Revenue Code. 5. Written permission is required for use of the University buildings or grounds and must be obtained by the sponsoring organization(s) after approval for the fund raising activity is granted by the Office of Student Life. This permission may be obtained by contacting the Scheduling Office and will be consistent with the following: a. All fund raising activities held on University grounds or in University buildings are subject to a use fee (Board of Curator Regulation 4.0314.0633) unless specifically exempted by the Chancellor or his/her designee. b. Fund raising activities may not be held in places where, or at times when, such activity would constitute a clear and substantive interference with the conduct of classes, study, business, pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or other University functions (4.0314.0107) c. An approved fund raising activity involving solicitation of money is restricted to specifically authorized areas of the campus buildings and grounds and must be conducted from a table or booth rather than by roving solicitors. There will be no exceptions to this provision. The fund raising request form indicating the desired location(s) must be approved a minimum of ten (10) business days (two weeks) prior to the proposed activity. 6. Without special permission from the Director of the Millennium Student Center or the designee, fund raising activities may not be conducted for a period exceeding five (5) days. 7. The sponsoring recognized student organization through its officers is responsible for any cost to the University (e.g. clean up, special construction and set up costs, repair to University property, and extra security as deemed necessary by MSC administrative personnel). The sponsoring recognized student organization may be requested to pay estimated University costs in advance before approval of the fund raising activity is granted. 8. The names of the sponsoring recognized student organization must appear prominently in all advertising and other communications connected with the fund raising activity. 9. The officers of record - the persons listed with the Office of Student Life - will be responsible for the implementation of the activity and the conduct of all members and non-members involved in the activity. 10. Recognized student organizations that violate provisions of the fund raising policy risk loss of privileges associated with University recognition, up to and including suspension of recognition. These penalties may be imposed by the Office of Student Life. Appeal may be made to the Student Affairs Committee.

Holding a fundraiser in the MSC—Procedures

To obtain approval to hold a fundraising activity, an active student organization must: 1. If the funds to be raised are to benefit a non-profit charitable organization, obtain a statement on letterhead from the charity verifying it has been approved as “non-profit” under Internal Revenue Regulations . 2. Submit the forms and schedule and appointment to discuss the fundraiser with an MSC administrator. This meeting should occur at least fifteen (15) business days (three weeks) prior to the start of the activity.

Donations UMSL has created positive working relationships with our on-campus vendors, Sodexo and Coca-Cola. Through those relationships, all parties agree that supporting students and student organizations is a priority. Through inkind donations Sodexo and Coca-Cola assist in elevating the campus community. Information about each specific donation programs are listed below. If there are any questions about the donations or the process, please contact Tiara Rogers in the Millennium Student Center Building Operations Office. Page 33 of 52

Sodexo In-Kind Donation Form Triton Dining is proud to support University of Missouri-Saint Louis student events with donations to enhance campus programming initiatives. Annually, Triton Dining is committed to providing up to $50,000 in support of student events and programs at UMSL. The form can be found in the back of this handbook or by clicking here. This program is open to UMSL recognized student organizations and departments in support of campus programming initiatives. Additional Expectations and Considerations:  Student organizations/departments may only apply once per academic semester for a Triton Dining donation.  Donations may not exceed $500 per academic semester.  Requests will be reviewed on a first come first serve basis, and must follow these guidelines: o The donation must be for a program or event. General organization meetings (including recruitment) will NOT be approved. o Funding priority will be given to activities, programs, conferences, and other events that primarily focus on the educational development of students. o The program/event that the catering donation is being requested for must be advertised and open to all students at the University of Missouri-Saint Louis. o Donations will not be approved for events/programs where there is an admission charge/fee. o Donations will not be applied toward any alcoholic beverages. o The student organization/department receiving the donation must include the “Triton Dining” logo on all advertisements for the event/program. o The program/event must take place at the University of Missouri-Saint Louis. o While donation funds are available, requests must be made in accordance with sufficient notification, and follow all policies and procedures as outlined in the Triton Dining Catering Guide. o Items that can be requested include: actual food product, bulk beverages, and coupons/vouchers. Application Process Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis. The application must be submitted at least 14 days in advance of the scheduled event. Submit completed application(s) to the Office of Student Life by email at rogersti@umsl.edu or by mailing the completed form to MSC Operations, Attn: Tiara Rogers, 218 Millennium Student Center, One University Blvd., Saint Louis, MO 63121. You will be contacted within five (5) business days with a response to your request. All applications are reviewed by the Millennium Student Center Advisory Committee of the Student Government Association. Failure to comply with the expectations and processes outlined above will result in the organization/department being ineligible to receive catering funds for one full academic year.

Coca-Cola Donation Form COCA-COLA is proud to support University of Missouri-Saint Louis student events with donations to enhance campus programming initiatives. Annually COCA-COLA is committed to providing up to $9,000 of COCO-COLA product in support of student events and programs at UMSL. The form can be found at the back of this handbook or in the MSC Building Operations Office. This program is open to UMSL recognized student organizations and departments in support of campus programming initiatives. Additional Expectations and Considerations  Student organizations/departments may only apply TWICE per academic semester for a COCA-COLA donation.  Donation value may not exceed $500 per academic semester. Page 34 of 52

Requests will be reviewed on a first come, first serve basis and must follow these guidelines: o The donation must be for a program or event. General organization meetings (including recruitment) will NOT be approved. o Funding priority will be given to activities, programs, conferences, and other events the primarily focus on the education development of students. o The program/event that the donation is being requested for must be advertised and open to all students at the University of Missouri-Saint Louis. o Donations will not be approved for events/programs where there is an admissions charge/fee. o The student organization/department receiving the donation must include the COCA-COLA logo on all advertisements for the event/program. o While donations are available, request must be made in accordance with sufficient notification, and follow all policies and procedures.

Application Process Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis. The application must be submitted at least 14 days in advance of the scheduled event. You may save the completed application(s) to your computer and submit it to the Millennium Student Center Building Operations Office by email at rogersti@umsl.edu or you may print and mail the completed form to MSC Building Operations, Attn: COCA-COLA Donation, 218 Millennium Student Center, One University Blvd., Saint Louis, MO 63121. You will be contacted within five (5) business days with a response to your request. All applications are reviewed by the Millennium Student Center Food Service Committee. Failure to comply with the expectations and processes outlined above will result in the organization/department being ineligible to receive a donation for one full academic year.

Co-Sponsorships When planning an event, there will be times where it will be a good idea to collaborate with another student organization. Co-sponsorship will allow your organization to pool resources to make a good event a great event.

1. Complete a Co-sponsorship application form with the organization from which you are requesting funds. 2. Have an itemized list of what the additional funds would be used for and the approximate cost. 3. Be readily available to provide additional information to the organization that will co- sponsor the event. Keep in mind that all funds should be used to actualize the organization’s stated purpose or goals presented in their constitution and their budget application or else forfeiture of remaining funds and/ or deregistration may result. Remember that the Student Government Association and University Program Board both offer cosponsorship money to organizations wishing to propose new programs to benefit the campus.

Maintaining a Budget Successful organizations utilize strategic planning to help them achieve their goals and objectives. Preparing and following an operations budget contributes to their success. Keep in mind the planning process requires a great deal of group effort in order for the finished budget to accurately reflect the group’s financial ambitions. This budget process should be carried out in conjunction with the process for setting the organization’s goals and objectives.

Budget Preparation Process 1. Brainstorm for ideas- Assemble your group and instruct everyone to think of and verbalize as many ideas, activities, and projects as possible to be considered for the coming year’s calendar. Write each idea on a chalkboard or flip chart as it is suggested.  

Establish a reasonable time limit Do not discuss ideas—just let them flow Page 35 of 52

     

Do not criticize, praise, or judge ideas Be spontaneous: no hand–raising, just call them out Repetitions are okay at this point Quantity counts Build on each other’s ideas Don’t be concerned about periods of silence

2. Group ideas into related categories for review to determine which ideas more fully support your organizations goals and objectives. Decide which ideas are most promising and which can be eliminated. 3. List ideas according to your priorities. 4. Estimate the costs that will be involved in the daily administration of your organization (paper, pencils, copies, etc.). Divide these costs into an itemized budget. 5. Decide on a plan to obtain funding.

Fiscal Responsibility As a leader in an UMSL student organization your actions, in terms of fiscal responsibility, reflect upon not only your organization but the University community as a whole. Because of this it is imperative that care be taken to act in a manner that is responsible and accountable. The goal of this guide is to provide you with tools that you can use to act in a fiscally responsible and accountable manner as you act on behalf of your student organization. Internal Controls and Segregation of Duties Every leader and member of your student organization has a role in effecting internal control. Internal control is a process by which effective and efficient operations can occur in compliance with laws, regulations, University policies, and good business practices. Making internal control a priority is a tone set by you and the other leaders in your organization that communicates to the membership the responsibility standards to which you will hold the leadership and the membership accountable. Segregation of duties is the primary tenet of internal control. Leadership in your student organization should ensure that there is adequate segregation of duties within the major financial functions. To achieve segregation of duties different members/leaders should be responsible for performing: • • • •

Authorization (permission) to complete a given transaction Recording the transaction (e.g. such as making a payment) Reconciliation (e.g. balancing the organization’s checkbook) Custody of Assets (e.g. t-shirts held for upcoming fund raiser)

No one person in your organization should have the responsibility to complete two or more of these major responsibilities. Why is this important? If one person has the ability to carry out more than one aspect of a transaction it allows them to conceal errors or worse, perpetrate fraud. Segregation of duties also helps protect your organization’s leadership from individually being suspected of misappropriating funds or using them improperly. Some examples of incompatible activities include: • Having the ability to authorize and pay for T-shirts for a fundraiser and also taking possession of the inventory when it arrives • Receiving and depositing cash and checks and reconciling the bank statements • Authorizing and writing checks and reconciling the bank statements Processing and Protecting Monetary Items Monetary items are those items that can be deposited in a bank or items easily convertible to cash. These include (in order of risk and liquidity): • Cash – currency and coin • Checks – money order, cashier’s checks, bank drafts, traveler’s checks, etc. • Credit cards • Inventories – event tickets, software, t-shirts, etc. When accepting cash and checks, there are some important principles to follow: Page 36 of 52

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Cash should be counted in front of the payer and should not be mixed with other funds (the till for example) until both parties agree to the amount received. Bills should be examined closely checking for a bright and precise bank seal, watermarks, red and green fibers, or a security strip depending on its age and denomination. Checks should be signed with the same spelling as the name printed on the check and the background of the check should not have smudges or variations in the quality of the color in the background. Checks should be written for the amount of sale only (no cash back). Checks should be current dated and signed by the check writer (preferably in front of the receiver). Identification should be obtained if the check writer’s identity is unknown. Checks should be restrictively endorsed with a stamp when received. A manual or electronic log of all cash and checks received (including check numbers) should be maintained. This log should list the amount received, its form (cash or check), the payer and the purpose of the payment. Numbered receipts for all payments received should be provided, regardless of payment type. Twopart forms should be used, with one copy being kept and one copy provided to the payer. All receipts should be properly accounted for and should agree with the log used to record monies received. Cash and checks should be stored in a locked, secure and restricted facility, such as a drawer or safe, until they are deposited. Access should be limited to keys/combinations of the locked facility. Deposits must be made daily or no less than weekly if an exception has been granted. Require a leader/member different from the one who received the cash/checks and prepared the log to verify that the amounts actually deposited equal the amounts from the log or receipts.

It is also important to protect and account for items of value which may be easily convertible to cash but may be held in inventory from time to time, including tickets, T-shirts, etc. A log, as described above, should be maintained with changes in inventory noted as items are added or removed. A leader/member different from the one responsible for safe-keeping the inventory and keeping the log should verify that inventory has been accounted for properly and reconcile the changes in inventory to the tenders (e.g. cash, checks) used to pay for the inventory.

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Standard of Conduct for Student Organizations Adapted from Missouri University of Science and Technology

8-28-2013 A student organization approved (i.e., registered or recognized) by the University of Missouri assumes an obligation to behave in a manner compatible with the University’s function as an educational institution. Student Organizations can be held responsible for conduct outlined in Section B either where the Student Organization does the prohibited conduct or where it actively encourages, assists or promotes such conduct. Examples of circumstances in which a Student Organization can be held responsible include but are not limited to the following: 1. at least one member of the group’s leadership or a significant number of organization members were aware of prohibited conduct before it occurred, should have stopped it but did not; or have knowledge following the prohibited conduct and attempt to cover it up; 2. organization resources, such as funds, listservs, or message boards or organization locations such as offices or houses, are used for the prohibited conduct; 3. the location of the prohibited conduct was owned, rented, or controlled by members and/or alumni and no effort was made to see that the prohibited conduct did not occur; 4. a policy or official practice of the organization resulted in the prohibited conduct; or 5. the prohibited behavior in question was committed by one or more organization officers or a significant number of organization members. A. Jurisdiction of the University of Missouri generally shall be limited to conduct which occurs on the University of Missouri premises or at University-sponsored or University supervised functions. However, nothing restrains the administration of the University of Missouri from taking appropriate action, including, but not limited to, the imposition of sanctions against student organizations for conduct on or off University premises in order to protect the physical safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors. B. Conduct for which a student organization is subject to sanctions includes both conduct by the organization itself and conduct it actively encourages, assists or promotes falling into the following categories: 1. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of University documents, records or identification, or knowingly furnishing false information to the University. 2. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, conduct proceedings, or other University activities, including its public service functions on or off campus. 3. Hazing, physical abuse, threats of violence, or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person. Refer to UMSL Student Life Handbook for the Hazing policy. 4. Stalking another (using electronic or other means) by following or engaging in a course of conduct with no legitimate purpose that puts another person reasonably in fear of his or her safety or would cause a reasonable person under the circumstances to be frightened, intimidated or emotionally distressed. 5. Nonconsensual sexual behavior including, but not limited to, rape, sexual assault or sexual harassment. 6. Harassment by engaging in a course of conduct (using electronic or other means) directed at a specific person that serves no legitimate purpose that would cause a reasonable person under the circumstances to be frightened, intimidated, or emotionally distressed. 7. Invasion of privacy by photographing or recording (using electronic or other means) in a state of full or partial nudity in a place where one would have a reasonable expectation of privacy without that person’s consent, and distributing or transmitting that image without that person’s consent. 8. Attempted or actual theft of, damage to, or possession without permission of property of the University or a member of the University community or of a campus visitor. 9. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to any University facilities or unauthorized entry to or use of University facilities.

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10. Violation of University policies, rules or regulations including, but not limited to, those governing student organizations and residence in University-provided housing, or the use of University facilities, or the time, place and manner of public expression. 11. Manufacture, use, possession, sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages or any controlled substance without proper prescription or required license or as expressly permitted by law or University regulations, including operating a vehicle on University property, or on streets or roadways adjacent to and abutting a campus, under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance as prohibited by law of the state of Missouri. 12. Disruptive or disorderly conduct or lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct or expression. 13. Failure to comply with directions of University officials acting in the performance of their duties. 14. Failing to comply with all university policies, state and local laws and applicable ordinances, as well as all local, regional, national organizational policies, including but not limited to student governing council policies. 15. Academic dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, or sabotage. 16. Illegal or unauthorized possession or use of firearms, explosives, other weapons, or hazardous chemicals. 17. Misuse in accordance with University policy of computing resources, including but not limited to: a. Actual or attempted theft or other abuse. b. Unauthorized entry into a file to use, read, or change the contents, or for any other purpose. c. Unauthorized transfer of a file. d. Unauthorized use of another individual's identification and password. e. Use of computing facilities to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member, or University official. f. Use of computing facilities to interfere with normal operation of the University computing system. g. Knowingly causing a computer virus to become installed in a computer system or file.

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Rules of Procedures in Student Organization Conduct The following rules of procedure in student organization conduct matters are hereby adopted in order to insure insofar as possible and practicable (a) that the requirements of procedural due process in student organization conduct proceedings will be fulfilled by the University of Missouri – Saint Louis, (b) that the immediate effectiveness of Section 10.030, which is Article VI of the Bylaws of the Board of Curators relating to the President’s ability to authorize the adoption of campus rules and regulations and establish standards of conduct, may be secured for approved student organizations at the University of Missouri – Saint Louis, and (c) that the procedures shall be definite and determinable within the University of Missouri – Saint Louis. A. Primary Administrative Officer The Director of Student Conduct & Community Standards is the primary administrative officer designee for administration of discipline for unacceptable conduct which involves infractions of the University rules and regulations or the Standard of Conduct for Student Organizations by an approved (i.e., registered or recognized) student organization and will initiate disciplinary procedures in accordance with these regulations. B. Preliminary Procedures The Director of Student Conduct & Community Standards or his/her designee (hereafter, the Primary Administrative Officer) shall investigate any reported student organization misconduct before initiating formal disciplinary procedures and give the registered officers of the student organization the opportunity to present their personal version of the incident or occurrence. The Primary Administrative Officer may discuss, consult and advise with the registered officers of any organization whose conduct is called into question. The registered officers or their representative shall attend such consultations as requested by the Primary Administrative Officer and shall be given a copy of these procedures. The Primary Administrative Officer, in making his/her investigation and disposition, may utilize student courts and boards to make recommendations. C. Sanctions 1. The following sanctions may be imposed upon any student organization found to have violated the Standard of Conduct for Student Organizations; more than one of the sanctions may be imposed for any single violation: a. Warning. A notice in writing to the student organization that the student organization is violating or has violated institutional regulations. b. Probation. A written reprimand for violation of specified regulations. Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe sanctions if the student organization is found to be violating any institutional regulation(s) during the probationary period. c. Loss of Privileges. Denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time. d. Restitution. Compensation for loss, damage, or injury to the University or University property. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement. e. Discretionary Sanctions. Work assignments, service to the University, or other related discretionary assignments. f. Loss of University Recognition. An involuntary separation of the student organization from the institution. It does not imply or state a minimum separation time. Conditions for readmission may be specified. 2. Temporary Suspension. The Chief Student Affairs Officer or Designee may at any time temporarily suspend all or some of the activities of a University approved (i.e., registered or recognized) student organization from the University pending an investigation when the Chief Student Affairs Officer or Designee finds and believes from available information that the presence or activities of the student organization on campus would seriously disrupt the University or constitute a danger to the health, safety, or welfare of members of the University community. The appropriate procedure to determine the future status of the student will be initiated within seven calendar days. D. Informal Disposition The Primary Administrative Officer, after investigation, and when acceptable to the student organization, shall have the authority to impose appropriate discipline. Where the disposition proposed by the Primary Page 41 of 52

Administrative Officer in the preliminary proceedings is not accepted by the student organization in writing, the student organization shall have the rights of notice, hearing and formal procedures as hereinafter set forth before the Student Organization Conduct Committee. The Primary Administrative Officer shall fix a reasonable time within which the student organization shall accept or reject a proposed informal disposition. A failure of the student organization to either accept or reject such proposed disposition within the time fixed shall be deemed acceptance, and in such event, the proposed disposition shall become final upon expiration of time. If the student organization rejects the informal disposition, its signed statement shall be forwarded to the Student Organization Conduct Committee. The Primary Administrative Officer, at his/her discretion, may refer cases to the Student Organization Conduct Committee without first offering informal disposition. E. Formal Procedure and Disposition 1. Student Organization Conduct Committee. (1) The Student Organization Conduct Committee shall be appointed by the Chief Student Affairs Officer using members from the Student Conduct Committee. The Student Organization Conduct Committee shall have the authority to recommend to the Chief Student Life and Operations Officer appropriate discipline upon any student organization appearing before it, including, but not limited to, a warning, disciplinary probation, restitution, loss of privileges, discretionary sanctions, and/or loss of University recognition. (2) The Committee, when appropriate or convenient, may be divided by the Chair of the Student Organization Conduct Committee into Hearing Panels, each panel to be composed of at least five members present at the hearing, including a designated chair. A Hearing Panel has the authority of the whole Committee in those cases assigned to it by the Chair of the Student Organization Conduct Committee. The Chair of the Committee or of a Hearing Panel shall count as one member of the Committee or Hearing Panel and have, in addition to his/her rights as Chair, the same voting and other rights as other members of the Committee or Hearing Panel. 2. General Statement of Procedures. An organization charged with a violation of University rules or regulations, or rules or regulations pertaining to student organization conduct is entitled to a written notice and a formal hearing unless the matter is disposed of under the rules for informal disposition. The procedures set forth below shall be interpreted and administered to accomplish this objective and provide for prompt consideration and disposition of student organization conduct cases. Disciplinary proceedings are not to be construed as judicial trials, but care shall be taken to comply as fully as possible with the spirit and intent of the procedural safeguards set forth herein. The Office of the General Counsel shall be available to advise the Student Organization Conduct Committee. 3. Notice. The Primary Administrative Officer shall initiate disciplinary actions by arranging with the Chair to call a meeting of the Student Organization Conduct Committee and by giving a written notice by certified mail or personal delivery to a registered officer of the student organization charged with misconduct which shall set forth the date, time and place of the alleged violation, the conduct to be inquired into, and the date, time and place of the hearing before the Student Organization Conduct Committee. Notice by certified mail may be addressed to the last address currently on record with the University. Failure by the student organization to have its current, correct local address or that of a registered officer on record with the University shall not be construed to invalidate such notice. A copy of the notice shall be sent to the Student Organization's Advisor. The notice shall be given at least seven (7) consecutive calendar days prior to the hearing, unless a shorter time is fixed by the Chair for good cause. Any request for continuance shall be made in writing to the Chair, who shall have the authority in his/her discretion to continue the hearing if he/she determines the request is timely and made for good cause. The Chair shall notify the Primary Administrative Officer and the student organization of the new date for the hearing. If the organization fails to send a representative to the scheduled meeting, the Committee may hear and determine the matter in its absence. Page 42 of 52

F. Hearing Procedures 1. Conduct of Hearing. The Chair shall preside at the hearing, call the hearing to order, call the roll of the Committee in attendance, ascertain presence or absence of the representative of the student organization charged with misconduct, read the notice of hearing and charges and verify the receipt of notice of charges by the student organization, report any continuances requested or granted, establish the presence of any advisor or counselor of the student organization, call to the attention of the organization charged and its advisor any special or extraordinary procedures to be employed during the hearing, and permit the organization to make suggestions of or objections to any procedures for the Student Organization Conduct Committee to consider. In cases where the misconduct charged is nonconsensual sexual behavior, the complainant will be afforded the same rights in the hearing as the accused student organization as described below. In such cases, questions between the accused student organization and the complainant will be made through the Chair. 1) Opening Statements: 1) The Primary Administrative Officer shall make opening remarks outlining the general nature of the case and testify to any facts his/her investigation has revealed. 2) A representative from the student organization may make a statement to the Committee about the charge at this time or at the conclusion of the University's presentation, at the representative's election. 3) In cases of nonconsensual sexual behavior the complainant may likewise make a statement to the Committee at either time. 2) University Evidence: 1) University witnesses are to be called and identified or written reports or evidence introduced as appropriate. 2) The Committee may question witnesses at any time. 3) The student organization's representative or, with permission of the Committee, its advisor or counselor may question witnesses or examine evidence at the conclusion of the University's presentation. 3) Student Organization's Evidence: The student organization's representative shall have the opportunity to make a statement to the Committee about the charge, and may then present further evidence through witnesses or in the form of written memoranda as it desires. The Committee may question the organizational representative or witnesses at any time. The Primary Administrative Officer may question the organizational representative or witnesses. 4) Complainant’s Evidence (in cases of nonconsensual sexual behavior): 1) If the complainant has not elected to make a statement earlier under F.1.a (3) above, the complainant shall have the opportunity to make a statement to the Committee about the charge. 2) The complainant may present evidence through witnesses or in the form of written memoranda. 3) The Committee may question the complainant or witnesses at any time. The student organization’s representative may question witnesses. Questions between the student organization’s representative and the complainant will be made through the Chair. 5) Rebuttal Evidence: The Committee may permit the University or the student organization or, in cases of nonconsensual behavior, the complainant to offer any matter in rebuttal of the other's presentation. 2. Rights of Student Organization Conduct Committee. The Student Organization Conduct Committee shall have the right to: (1) hear together cases involving more than one student organization which arise out of the same transaction or occurrence, but in that event shall make separate findings and determinations for each organization; (2) permit a stipulation of facts by the Primary Administrative Officer and the student organization involved;

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(3) permit the incorporation in the record by a reference of any document, affidavit or other thing produced and desired to be incorporated in the record by the University or the student organization charged; (4) question witnesses or other evidence introduced by either the University or the student organization at any time; (5) hear from the Primary Administrative Officer about dispositions made in similar cases and any informal dispositions offered to the student organization appearing before the Committee; (6) call additional witnesses or require additional investigation; (7) dismiss any action at any time or permit informal disposition as otherwise provided; (8) at any time permit or require amendment of the Notice of Hearing to include new or additional matters which may come to the attention of the Committee before final determination of the case, provided, however, that in such event the Committee shall grant to the student organization or Primary Administrative Officer such time as the Committee may determine reasonable under the circumstances to answer or explain such additional matters; (9) dismiss any person from the hearing who interferes with or obstructs the hearing or fails to abide by the rulings of the Chair or the Committee on request; and (10) refer to the campus Student Conduct Committee students from the University who, during the hearing, obstruct or interfere with the course of the hearing or fail to abide by the ruling of the Chair of the Committee on any procedural question or requests of the Chair for order. 3. Student Organization Rights Upon Hearing. A student organization appearing before the Student Organization Conduct Committee pursuant to the formal notice of charges and disciplinary hearing shall have the right to: (1) have the president or other officer designee from the student organization present at the hearing; (2) have an advisor or counselor of its choice appear with the student organization representative and to consult with such advisor or counselor during this hearing; (3) hear or examine evidence presented to the committee against it; (4) question witnesses present and testifying against it at the hearing, except in cases of nonconsensual sexual offenses in which all questions to the complainant shall be made indirectly through the Chair; (5) present evidence by witness or affidavit of any defense the student organization desires; (6) make any statement to the Committee in mitigation or explanation of the conduct in question that it desires; (7) be informed in writing of the findings of the Student Organization Conduct Committee and any discipline it recommends; and (8) appeal or petition for review to the Chief Student Affairs Officer or his/her designee. 4. Complainant’s Rights Upon Hearing (in cases of nonconsensual sexual behavior). In cases where the misconduct charged is nonconsensual sexual behavior, a complainant appearing before the Committee shall have the right to: (1) be present at the hearing; (2) have an adviser or counselor and to consult with such adviser or counselor during the hearing; (3) hear or examine evidence presented to the Committee; (4) question witnesses present and testifying; (5) present evidence by witnesses or affidavit; (6) make any statement to the Committee in mitigation or explanation of the conduct in question; (7) be informed in writing of the findings of the Committee and any discipline it recommends; and (8) appeal or petition for review to the Chief Student Affairs Officer or his/her designee. 5. Recommendation of Committee. The Student Organization Conduct Committee shall then make its findings and recommendations, based on the preponderance of the evidence, in executive session out of the presence of the Primary Administrative Officer and the student organization charged. Separate findings are to be made: (1) as to the conduct of the student organization, and (2) on the discipline, if any, recommended to be imposed. No sanction shall be recommended for the student organization unless a Page 44 of 52

majority of the Committee present is convinced by the preponderance of the evidence that the student organization has committed the violation(s) charged. 6. Official Report of Findings and Recommendation. The Committee shall promptly consider the case on the merits and make its findings and recommendations and transmit them to the Chief Student Life and Operations Officer, the Primary Administrative Officer, the student organization charged, and in cases of nonconsensual sexual behavior the complainant forthwith. 7. Other Procedural Questions. Procedural questions which arise during the hearing not covered by these general rules shall be determined by the Chair, whose ruling shall be final unless the Chair shall present the question to the Committee at the request of a member of the Committee, in which event the ruling of the Committee by majority vote shall be final. 8. General Rules of Decorum. The following general rules of decorum shall be adhered to: (1) all requests to address the Committee shall be addressed to the Chair; (2) the Chair will rule on all requests and points of order and may consult with the Committee's advisor prior to any ruling. The Chair's ruling shall be final and all participants shall abide thereby, unless the Chair shall present the question to the Committee at the request of a member of the Committee, in which event the ruling of the Committee by majority vote shall be final; (3) rules of common courtesy and decency shall be observed at all times; (4) an advisor or counselor may be permitted to address the Committee at the discretion of the Committee. An advisor or counselor may request clarification of a procedural matter or object on the basis of procedure at any time by addressing the Chair after recognition. 9. Record of Hearing. An audio record of the hearing shall be maintained. The hearing record shall be maintained and kept as long as the discipline imposed shall be in force, or for five (5) years, whichever is earlier. The notice, exhibits, hearing record and the findings and recommendation of the Committee shall become, together with the decision of the Chief Student Life and Operations Officer, the "Record of the Case" and shall be filed in the office of the Division of Student Affairs and for the purpose of appeal shall be accessible at reasonable times and places to both the University and the student organization. G. Decision of Chief Student Life and Operations Officer After consideration of the Committee’s Findings and Recommendation, the Chief Student Life and Operations Officer shall make his/her decision based on the preponderance of the evidence. If the Chief Student Life and Operations Officer does not accept the recommendation of the Committee, a written statement of the reasons for so ruling must be given to both parties and to the Chairperson of the Committee. H. Right of Appeal (Loss of University recognition) 1. When a student organization has been sanctioned by the Chief Student Life and Operations Officer with loss of University recognition, the Primary Administrative Officer, the charged student organization, or the complainant in the case of nonconsensual sexual behavior may appeal such decision to the Chief Student Affairs Officer or Designee by filing written notice of appeal within ten (10) consecutive calendar days after notification of the decision of the Student Organization Conduct Committee. A copy of the Notice of Appeal will contemporaneously be given by the organization to the Primary Administrative Officer or by the Primary Administrative Officer to the organization. The appealing party may file a written memorandum for consideration by the Chief Student Affairs Officer or Designee with the Notice of Appeal, and may request a reply to such memorandum by the student organization or Primary Administrative Officer. 2. The Chief Student Affairs Officer or Designee shall review the full record of the case and the appeal documents and may affirm, reverse or remand the case for further proceedings and shall notify the Primary Administrative Officer and the student organization in writing of his/her decision on the appeal. The decision of the Chief Student Affairs Officer or Designee is final. I. Right to Petition for Review (other than loss of University recognition) 1. In all cases where the discipline imposed by the Chief Student Life and Operations Officer is other than loss of University recognition, the Primary Administrative Officer, the charged student organization, or the Page 45 of 52

complainant in the case of nonconsensual sexual behavior may petition the Chief Student Affairs Officer or Designee in writing for a review of the decision within five (5) consecutive calendar days after notification of the decision of the Student Organization Conduct Committee and by serving a copy of the Petition for Review upon the non-appealing party within such time. The Petition for Review shall state the grounds or reasons for review, and the non-appealing party may answer the petition within five (5) consecutive calendar days if he/she so desires. 2. The Chief Student Affairs Officer or Designee may grant or refuse the right of review. If the Chief Student Affairs Officer or Designee reviews the decision, the action of the Chief Student Affairs Officer or Designee shall be final unless it is to remand the matter for further proceedings. 3. In all cases where the Petition for Review is refused by the Chief Student Affairs Officer or Designee, the action of the Chief Student Life and Operations Officer shall be final. J. Status During Appeal In cases of loss of University recognition where a Notice of Appeal is filed within the required time, a student organization may petition the Chief Student Affairs Officer or Designee in writing for permission to conduct activities pending final determination of the appeal. In cases of nonconsensual sexual behavior, the complainant shall receive a copy of the organization’s petition and may submit a response to the Chief Student Affairs Officer or Designee. The appellate authority may permit the organization to continue activities under such conditions as may be designated pending completion of appellate procedures provided such continuance will not seriously disrupt the University or constitute a danger to the health, safety or welfare of the University community. In such event, however, any final disciplinary action imposed shall be effective from the date of the action of the Chief Student Life and Operations Officer.

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Campus Resources Millennium Student Center Building Operations The mission of the Millennium Student Center’s (MSC) is to support campus engagement for students, faculty and staff by providing an environment conducive for social, academic and assemblies necessary for student and professional development. Location: 218 MSC Questions? mscbuildingops@umsl.edu or (314) 516-5022 Web Access: http://www.umsl.edu/~msc/buildingops/index.html

Welcome Center

The Welcome Center is the tour headquarters for the campus and contains a plethora of information from all departments, colleges and offices. Location: 257 MSC Questions? (314) 516-5460 Web Access: http://www.umsl.edu/~welcome/

Conference and Events Services Whether it is a weekend retreat, week intensive camp, or an international conference, Conference and Event Services is prepared to offer the facilities and service required to make your conference or event successful. Location: Provincial House N105 Questions? umslconf@umsl.edu or 314.516.4399 Web Access: http://www.umsl.edu/~umslconf/

University Health, Wellness, and Counseling Services UHWCS provides services to students, faculty, and staff from a holistic perspective with consideration given to the six dimensions of wellness. Our primary objective is to assist students in maintaining their optimum level of wellness so that they are able to achieve their maximum academic potential. Location: 131 MSC Questions? (314) 516-5671 Web Access: http://www.umsl.edu/~uhwcs/

The Current Student operated newspaper servicing the UMSL and St. Louis community through articles relating to student relations and life. Location: 388 MSC Questions? (314)-516-5174 Web Access: www.thecurrent-online.com

Triton Catering

Triton Catering features full-service dining. We pride ourselves in being able to meet everyone’s catering needs. Location: 218 MSC Questions? (314)-516-4321 Web Access: http://www.umsldining.com/catering/index.html

Career Services

Career Services works in partnership with employers and the campus community by assisting students and alumni to develop, implement, and evaluate job search strategies. Location: 278 MSC Questions? careerservices@umsl.edu or (314) 516-5111 Web Access: http://www.umsl.edu/depts/career/index.html Page 48 of 52

Student Retention Services Student Retention Services (SRS) fosters an environment of accountability, support, and achievement that challenges students, faculty, and staff to become active agents and advocates for student persistence and degree completion. Location: 225 MSC Questions? (314) 516-6807 Web Access: http://www.umsl.edu/~mcraa/index.html

The U

Non-commercial student-run radio station that strives to offer unique programming while providing a service that is both educational and entertaining to the University of Missouri-Saint Louis community Location: 202 MSC Questions? Umslradio@umsl.edu or 314-516-1888 Web Access: https://www.umslradio.com

Student Government Association The Student Government Association works toward full student participation in all areas of university life, university affairs, and policy making. SGA serves as the student voice to the university administration, faculty, and other campuses. Location: 379 MSC Questions? sga@umsl.edu or (314) 516-5105 Web Access: www.umsl.edu/studentlife/sga/

University Program Board UPB presents a varied series of educational, social, cultural, recreational, and entertainment programs that attempt to meet the diverse needs and interests of the University of Missouri-St. Louis community. Location: 381 MSC Questions? (314) 516-5531 Web Access: https://orgsync.com/59711/chapter

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Triton Catering Guide GENERAL CATERING INFORMATION We pride ourselves in being able to meet everyone’s catering needs. The following steps will help you through the process of organizing your special function. ARRANGING AND RESERVING A DATE Before placing your order for events held in the Provincial House, J.C. Penney Conference Center or the Millennium Student Center you must have a reservation ID number. To schedule a reservation at these locations you will need to contact the individual centers’ operation offices. A reservation ID number will not be required by Catertrax for all other locations. CATERING FOOD AND BEVERAGE TABLES Please be sure to make arrangements to have food and beverage tables for your catering. We recommend 8 foot tables for appropriate skirting and draping. EVENING AND WEEKEND BANQUET PRICING TERMS Buffet Prices are based on two hour service time from start of meal to end of program. Longer program times will require additional fees of $50.00 per half hour. Our on-line catering access adds convenience and control. To get started with the on-line ordering you may give us a call and we can walk through the process or you may go to our website and On-line menus, accessible from your desktop, make ordering easier than ever. Our on-line catering programs allow guests to save and review order history, place recurring orders and favorites without re-keying and provides documentation for every step of the process. Please order online at www.umsl.catertax.com EVENT CONFIRMATION AND GUARANTEES We require a final count for events three business days prior to the event. If a guarantee is not provided, your last estimate becomes your guarantee. A Late charge will be assessed for any event booked with less than 72 business hours’ notice. Orders must reach a minimum of $50.00. Orders less than $50.00 may be arranged for customer pick-up, or Triton Catering will deliver with a $30.00 delivery fee. PAYMENT All catered functions must be secured by payment before they occur. Name the type of payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Cash, Check and MO Codes are all valid payment methods. Non-University related groups are required to make a deposit of 75% two weeks prior to the event with the balance due on the day of the event. Tax exempt organizations are required to submit a copy of their exemption certificate prior to their date. CHANGING/CANCELLING AN EVENT All cancellations and final changes must take place at least number of day’s 3 business days before your function. If you do not contact us with a final count within 3 business days allowed, we will prepare for the estimated number and charge accordingly. Changes to orders should be requested through CaterTrax. Three changes may be made to an order; each change thereafter will incur a $10.00 administrative fee. DELIVERY FEES There is no delivery fee for catering services held on the UMSL Campus. Deliveries off campus will be subject to a 10% delivery fee. Additional deliveries for add-ons, changes, etc. are available for $25.00 per delivery.

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ATTENDANTS Buffet and served meal prices include the appropriate number of attendants for two hours. If additional time is needed a fee of $25.00 per hour per attendant will apply. All other orders may add attendants 7 business days prior to the event for $25.00 per hour per attendant. SPECIAL DIETARY NEEDS Guests who have special dietary restrictions can be accommodated with advance notice. LINENS AND SKIRTING We will provide linens for buffet tables at no charge. If you would like linen to be placed on guests tables for receptions, breaks, meeting tables and boxed lunches, there will be a $7.00for each tablecloth and $4.00 for overlays. Skirting can be done on most tables. Registration tables, head tables, and any table that will not be directly used for setup is $15.00 per skirt. FOOD REMOVAL POLICY Due to health regulations, it is the policy of Flavours, at UMSL, that excess food items from events cannot be removed from the event site. Items purchased for pick up should be properly stored prior to the event and removed and disposed of by the host of the event.

The following Office of Student Life forms/documents can be found at on the Office of Student Life website under Student Organizationsďƒ Student Organization Forms: http://www.umsl.edu/studentlife/osl

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University Of Missouri Board of Curators Standard of Student Conduct A student enrolling in the University assumes an obligation to conduct himself in a manner compatible with the University’s function as an educational institution. Misconduct for which students are subject to discipline falls into the following categories:  Dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the University. 

Forgery, alteration, or misuse of University documents, records or identification.

Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures, or other University activities, including its public service functions, or of other authorized activities on University premises.

Physical abuse of any person on University-owned or controlled property or at sponsored or supervised functions, or conduct, which threaten or endangers the health or safety of any such person.

Theft of or damage to property of the University or a member of the University community or campus visitor.

Unauthorized entry or use of University facilities.

Violation of University policies or of campus regulations, including campus regulations concerning the registration of student organizations, the use of University facilities, or the time, place and manner of public expression.

Use, possession or distribution of narcotic or dangerous drugs, such as marijuana and lysergic acid diethylamine (LSD), except as expressly permitted by law.

Violation of rules governing residence in University-owned or controlled property.

Disorderly conduct or lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct or expression on University- owned or controlled property or at University sponsored or supervised functions.

Failure to comply with directions of University officials acting in the performance of their duties.

Conduct which adversely affects the student’s suitability as a member of the academic community

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