Expository Argumentative Essay

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about Disability Rights

Disability Rights Movement

In 1817, the American School for Deaf was founded in Hartford Connecticut. This was the first school for disabled children in the Western Hemisphere. Although this was not the beginning of the Disability Rights Movement, it was a start to society, making it possible for people to realize that there were those with disabilities out there in the world and something had to be done. The Disability Rights Movement fought for equal access, opportunity, consideration, and basic human respect along with dignity for those born blind, deaf, or anyone with other forms of physical or mental disability. The purpose of social movements is to provide social change regarding a specific issue in which a particular group of ...show more content...

People with disabilities were also forced to enter institutions and asylums. Society hid people with disabilities from a mean, fearful, and biased world. This continued until the Civil War and World War I when our veterans returned in a disabled state expecting the US government to provide some sort of help or rehabilitation in exchange for their service in the nation. Although President Roosevelt was the first president with a disability to take office was a great advocate for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities, the nation was still operated under the assumption that being disabled was and abnormal condition and needed to be medically cured. In the 1940's and 1950's, World War II veterans started placing pressure on the government for rehabilitation for their disabilities. The veterans made it more visible to a country filled with thankful citizens who were concerned about the well–being of the men who sacrificed their lives for their country. By the 1960's, the civil rights movement began to take place and disabled citizens saw this as an opportunity to join forces along with the minority groups to demand equal treatment, equal access, and equal opportunity for people with disabilities. The Disability Rights Movement just like the others faced negative attitudes and stereotypes. In the 1970's, disability rights activists lobbied congress and marched on Washington to include civil rights language for people with disabilities into the 1972 Rehabilitation

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Football vs. Soccer Athletes who play football share the same goal as athletes who play soccer: score the most goals to win the game. In football, there are two areas on opposite sides of the field where one can score points by bringing the football over the goal line. Soccer shares this same concept by having two nets on opposite sides of the field where one can score a point by kicking the soccer ball into the net. Also, both sports share the concept of having an offense and defense, and both sports each have eleven players on a team on the field at a time. These are only few of many similarities between these two sports, but in actuality, they are significantly different. The rules, rituals, and concepts of both sports distinguish...show more content...

On defense, there are defensive linemen who aim to tackle, or "sack" the quarterback. Next, the linebackers serve as support by standing behind the linemen, they get their name by literally "backing the line." Specifically, their job is to tackle the running back or quarterback if either one of them crosses the "line of scrimmage," or the initial location of the ball, with the ball in hand. Furthermore, the defensive backs attempt to prevent the wide receivers from catching passes from the quarterback. On the other hand, in the game of soccer, the only piece of equipment required is shin guards. Soccer is a contact sport, but no one tackles anyone like in football, so the use of shoulder pads and helmets is not necessary. As opposed to football, the home team in a soccer game wears white jerseys and the visiting team wears the colorful jerseys. In a soccer game, a team's offense and defense is on the field simultaneously, there is no alternation of a team's offense and defense. Each team has a goalie, also known as a keeper, to serve as the last line of defense against the offense. This player is the only one who may use his/her hands on the field, but he/she must remain inside the eighteen–yard–goalie–box to do so. A number of three to five defenders position themselves in front of the goalie, and their primary job is to keep the ball away from the goalie, because, as stated previously, the goalie is the last line Get more content

Football vs. Soccer Essay

Argumentative Essay On Controlled Fire

There is quite a debate when it comes to the idea of controlled fires to protect nature. Many agree that the benefits out way the risks but many also believe that a controlled fire is too dangerous to take that chance. If proper steps are taken, the outcome of the process is not only safe but also effective. There are many reasons that a controlled fire is very necessary to our environment. It is not only beneficial to nature but also to people as well. For example, many farmers will have controlled fires to improve the land for their livestock. When the land is burned off, new growth will begin to take its place which in turn becomes better "food" for the animals. The new growth is richer and has more nutrients than the old, dried

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Thesis Statement For Mental Health

Expository Method Used:

The Expository Method used for the topic to sentence outline is 'Analysis by Division.' This method breaks down the main idea into smaller parts that work together to make one central point. Additionally, the 'Analysis by Division' method is useful for structuring the topic sentences for writing the essay. Topic to Sentence Outline

Topic: Mentalhealth is an increasingly vital part of general wellness in today's fast–paced world. (Narrowed Topic): Characteristics of a mentally healthy individual.

Thesis Statement: A mentally healthy individual has the characteristics of emotional intelligence and spiritual consciousness, intellectual and social wellness.

Emotional Intelligence is considered one of the defining characteristics of a mentally healthy...show more content... Equally important to the characteristics of a mentally healthy individual, in today's fast–paced world, is the psychological health of the brain, the genetic, biological and environmental factors that play an integral role in general wellness. Many prominent theorists have argued that perceptions of the self, the world, and the future are essential for mental health. Yet much research evidence suggests that overly positive self–evaluations, exaggerated perceptions of control or mastery, and unrealistic optimism are characteristics of normal human thought. Moreover, these illusions seem to promote other criteria of mental health, including, the ability to care about others, be happy or contented, and to engage in productive and creative work. (Taylor & Brown 1988,

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Social networking can connect strangers across the world. As the evolution of communication continues, technology progresses and social networking grows. Social networks like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook have grown to have billions of users. In fact in today's society, it is necessary or nearly expected to use one if not all of these technological communication networks. The increasing use of social networking has had both a negative and positive effect on communication in relationships. The purpose of this literary analysis is to answer if social networks are helpful or harmful to relationships. As social networking evolves, different aspects of communication suffer. Such as the social penetration theory, which...show more content...

With the expedient process of getting to know someone, relationships can rise and fall much quicker. Aside from expediting relationships, there is the factor of getting to know someone for who they really are. In social networks, "the CliffsNotes of a person's life will never give you an accurate representation of the reality. We create the image that we want to convey through our activity on social media. It's much easier to convey the "reality" that we want to portray on the Internet than to live it in real life." (Curry, 2013). People often put the best things about themselves on their social network; in fact many show the life they wish they had. This can be detrimental to relationships, because no one is ever transparent or honest. In considering relationships, "the truth is that the content and character of a person should be revealed in layers. The development of a fruitful relationship takes effort, and it is impossible to reach a level of depth with a person by meticulously parsing his Facebook self" (Curry, 2013). Real relationships and depth cannot be established when merely built online. Throughout the day college students, high school students, middle school students and increasing number of elementary school students are constantly found on cell phones, lap tops, ipod, and ipads. They constantly text, email, instant message, instagram, and facebook, looking for anyway to become

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Impact of Social Media on Relationships Essay

Black Lives Matter is an international activist movement that started within the African–American communities. This movement is organized by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi. Ever since the black people have stepped on American soil, they have continued to be victims of racism and violence. From slavery to lynching to segregation, the black people have suffered alot in this country. In the past few years, there are so many of them that have been targeted by the law enforcement authorities across the country. This movement's goal is to raise awareness ofracism and violence against African–Americans. They wants African–American to live with dignity and respect like other Americans do.

On February 26, 2012, George...show more content...

People continue to use this hashtag to convey their message. Social media has helped a lot of people be aware of this movement. As more people know about this movement, the use of this hashtag will continue to increase.

This video shows how protesters block all lanes of I–94. The police officers gave them twenty five warning to leave. Yet, some people chose to stay and continue to protest. According to the police, the protest turned into a riot and some people threw rocks and bottles on the freeway. During this act of violence, twenty one police officers were injured. In order to cease those protestors, the police officer used non–irritant smoke and sprayed mace. At the end of the protest, 50 people were arrested for three degree rioting.

There is usually a protest after an unarmed black person is killed by a police officer. By protesting, they try to seek attention to shooting of black people by disrupting commerce and preventing people from commuting to one place to another. After Alton Sterling and Philando Cartile were shot by a police officer, the Black Lives Matter marched on the streets and blocked highways in July 2016 in Minnesota. In December 2015, they even disrupt local business on a busy holiday shopping with peaceful protest. Despite getting warnings, the Black Lives Matter organization gathered in a Minnesota Mall. They compelled some of the stores to be closed for hours. They said there will not be any business until they get

Lives Matter
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Sarah Arms Professor Hawk English Comp II 15 April, 2013 The Positive Effect of Social Media Since the birth of social media people have argued whether it has a positive or negative effect on society. Social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram give people a chance to stay connected. Although, with the power of social media comes the possibility of cyber bullying. While there are some negatives associated with social media, the positives in communication all around, has made the world stronger and a better place to live in. Social networking can benefit businesses greatly. These sites allow businesses to advertise and market services to a large audience, and since a profile is free to set up, the advertisement is...show more content...

Social media also allowed students to work with new technologies. Because of this students are becoming more familiar with computers and other electronic devices. (Dunn) However, there are some negative effects that come with social media. Research has shown that social networking sites can be very addictive. People who use social networking sites for their daily communication are hooked to a point that they neglect health responsibilities, especially their diet. The addictive nature of social media can lead to eating disorders, obesity, heart problems, sleep disorders, and other pertinent health issues. ("Social Networking: Advantages vs. Addictions.") Another downside to social media is that the user could share too much information which may pose threats to them. (Ali, Imtiaz) People using social media need to know the risks that come with social networking. Users can help protect themselves by not sharing personal information with others they do not know and by having their social networking profiles on a private setting. Social media has both positive and negative effects. However, I feel as though the positive outweigh the negative. So many people benefit from social media including businesses, students, and distant friends. Although, when not used intelligently social media can be a destructive thing. Social media users should know the risks of social media and educate themselves. Overall social media is a positive thing that has made

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The Positive Effect of Social Media Essay

Every living thing is the product of the genes that were passed down from ancestors. Genes make up everything we are. One gets their traits from their parents. Most people live full lives with relatively good health. However, some people inherit mutated genes or faulty genes. This could lead to genetic disorders that could be life threatening. Even today, many genetic disorders still remain incurable, leaving many people without hope. Genetic therapy could be their answer. It is through this research that the cure for genetic disorders can be found. Though some people believe it is unethical or immoral to alter genes, current therapeutics have not been able to save the lives of the patients with these diseases. Genetic therapy ...show more content...

This would mean that this testing would be more affordable for the commoner. Once testing has been completed and data interpreted, someone will know if they are a carrier for a genetic disorder. If it turns out that they are, instead of waiting for symptoms to arise, genetic treatment of the disease can be done to save the person's life before it is even in jeopardy. This could prove to be very helpful. People spend thousands of dollars on treatments for a genetic disorder, and the treatments do not even fully rid the patient of the disease. The patient will have to take the medication for the rest of their life to calm the symptoms of that disease. With the advancement of gene therapy, a patient could receive a minimal number of treatments which will not just calm the symptoms but rid the patient of their genetic disorder completely. This, in the long run, could save the patient time, money, suffering, and ultimately it will save their life. This is only the beginning. As time passes, doctors will have the knowledge to save many more lives in the same manner.

Just in its early stages of research and information, genetic therapy is already saving lives. Gregg Zoroya wrote in his article "Ray of Hope" of a man named Kevin Klug, a father and working man whose life was saved due to the use of gene therapy. Klug has a type of brain cancer known as glioblastoma. This type of cancer is one that was found to be incurable.

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The Benefits of Genetic Therapy Essay

Students spend hours doing it, teachers spend hours checking it. Homework is sometimes a burden to teachers and students but still it is necessary. Some people doubt homework's effectiveness, but teachers and researchers agree homework is essential. Homework helps students get better grades in school.

Some people don't know exactly what homework is. Homework is defined as an out of class activity assigned to students as an extension or elaboration of classroom work(KidSource). There are three types of homework teachers generally give out. The first is Practice assignments, they are assignments that reinforce newly acquired skills or knowledge(KidSource). An example of these assignments is writing definitions down for new words...show more content...

Parents, students, and teachers all sometimes wonder how useful is homework? Though studies examining the relationship between homework and school achievement have been inclusive(ERIC). Still many teachers and researchers still agree that homework helps students achieve higher grades in school. Schools that assigned homework frequently showed higher student achievement than schools that assigned little homework(ERIC). This means that homework is working. Studies have generally found that if teachers carefully plan homework, homework can be quite helpful(KidSource). Homework has proven its effectiveness and is a very powerful factor in student performance. Students should only spend enough time on homework so that the subject is reinforced and not just a waste of time. The national PTA suggest that from K–3 grades there should be no more than 20 minutes a day, for 4–6 grades there should be 20–40 minutes of homework, and from 7–12 grades time varies do to types of subjects and number of subjects taken(KidSource). Anymore than these recommended amount of times is seen excessive by the national PTA. Surprisingly U.S. students are working as hard as Asians: 24% of eighth graders do more then two hour of homework compared to Japans 28% and Germanys 17%(Brimelow108). Are we working to hard, researchers don't think so, U.S. student grades are improving. As of 1996 one in every sixth grader does more than an hour of

The Importance
Homework Essay
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There are different types of education that a student may receive in today's society. The choices are narrowed down into two main categories, public and private school. Many people in today's society believe it's better to send their children to private schools rather than public schools. To most parents deciding which school system will be better is based on curriculum, class size, and most of all cost. It's not an easy choice for parents to decide, but many parents feel their child is worth receiving the best education offered.

The quality of teaching and the expectations of the students differ from the two schools. Advocates ofprivate school argue that the education received in one of these facilities is more valuable and...show more content...

One of the most important distinctions between public and private schools is the cost. The question regularly asked is, "Can I afford to send my child to private school?" Public schools are funded by tax dollars, whereas private schools demand tuition from their students. With private schools able to charge for tuition, and many charge for textbooks and materials, some offer scholarships for students to help with what is commonly a great final cost. Public schools are prohibited from charging for tuition, or other fees that could incur, such as: transportation, materials, and textbooks. Most of the time if public schools need more money for education, taxes are raised. Uniforms are no longer just a private school requirement as many public schools have started to enforce this as well. Whichever education system a parent chooses there will always be a cost, it is just the difference in price that has parents wondering is it worth it.

The school chosen is an investment in your child's future and not a decision to be made lightly. Education is vital in today's society. Parents will always want what is best for their child especially when it comes to education. The better the education the farther you will go in life. Deciding what and where to receive the best education is always going to be a question for the masses.

Thesis: Many people in today's society believe it's better

Essay about Public School vs Private School
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Reflection Of Expository Writing

December 9, 2017

Eng 111

Reflective Essay

I have been taking Expository Writing for 4 months. I have found that I need to be able to communicate myself in writing. I must relay exactly what I'm trying to put forth to others and convey the right message of understanding. I must be able to explain myself, negotiate, and work in teams. My language skills can be worked on and improved. I need to be able to pick up the language of whatever environment I'm in whether it be at work or school, or in society. Since everyone does not have the same background, learning how to write the written word is important in any environment. I have learned how to write and express myself, how to think for myself, and how to find answers to things I do not know. Most important I have learned how to believe in mywriting. I was very hesitant in taking this English class, I have not taken an English class in many years. When I took the placement test for reading and English, I tested out of all categories. I was proud of myself for that feat. When I found I was going to have to take a college level English class, I avoided it at all costs. Too much pressure. However, I have learned about the Rhetorical Essay was to understand how an author writes and not focus on what the content is. Knowing the explanation of what techniques and author uses to make their point come across to the intended audience. I learned about Argumentative Research Paper is to debate both sides of an issue. The intent is to be unbiased and state the facts on either side. I learned about Public Piece with Presentation is meant to deliver an effective presentation to engage your audience. Your audience listens to not only what you are saying but your visual engagement in the topic being presented. Also, the point of the class is to be able to work with others to achieve a desired outcome or task. To know that I can work with others in a cohesive environment to draw on everyone's input and views. This will assist me in the real work of life and assist in handling many types of people and myself in communicating. I have never been a good writer; however, I have learned that communication is not the same when writing. Having a conversation about aliens

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ENG–106 Composition II Argumentative Essay Part II: Outline Assignment Directions: Outline your argumentative essay by following the template below. You do not need to write whole paragraphs for any of the below sections. You simply need to write complete sentences that show the basic outline of your essay. Doing this will give you a guide when writing your rough draft. Argumentative Essay Outline Introductory Paragraph Thesis Sentence: Vaccination should not be mandatory due to health hazards associated with the practice. Health care is a personal and individual responsibility that is regulated by the person and not by coercive measures. Support for Thesis 1 (Write a topic sentence that supports your thesis and provides a transition between the paragraphs. Then, record at least three details that provide support for the topic sentence.) Topic Sentence: Vaccinations are dangerous and threaten the health of the immune system in both adults and chidren. Detail A: Vaccinations contain dangerous antigens that contain mercury and other toxins. Detail B: Vaccinations cause allergic reactions in both adults and children. The flu vaccine is one of the worst offenders. Detail C: Much evidence supports a link to vaccinations to autism. There are many studies that cite the early and intense immunization of children has led to the autism epidemic. Support for Thesis 2 Topic Sentence: Mandatory Vaccines violates human rights and should not be imposed on the

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Boxing – a violent cage fight, or a crowd pleasing sport? Boxing is a high intensified sport that can be seen as helping the fighter in life or permanently damaging the fighters future. Many say that boxing is one of the safest sports; however, boxing can leave permanent brain damage from constant punches to the skull. The sport boxing is for managers to earn money while their fighter is in the ring fighting against another human until one gives up, or gets knocked out. A fight could be the end of one's career, or even one's life. Boxing should be banned because the money earned does not trump the risk of death, the mixed messages from fighters in the ring confuse the laws regarding assault, and the constant punches to and athletes head leaves permanent damage. The death of one is not worth the money earned from winning a fight. This is important to realize because the expense of one's life is worth way more than the winnings of a cage fight. In "On Boxing," Joyce asserts directly why she thinks boxing is not a humanized sport: "In the boxing ring, even in our greatly humanized times, death is always a possibility – which is why some of us prefer to watch films or tapes of fights already past, already defined as history" (source c). Joyce is stating that many watch tapes from the past when boxing first started because it was much safer then, than it is now. Also in "On Boxing," Carol states directly her opinion for the sport boxing: "In no other sport can so much take Get more content

Argumentative Essay Boxing

Although coffee is viewed as a food item, it can be used to understand the rhetoric's of health, addiction and as a drink. The genus coffea produces berries that are used to obtain coffee. The commercially exploited species are coffea Arabica and coffea robusta. Coffea Arabica is the most used species that is used to extractcoffee. This type is found in the highlands of Ethiopia, Sudan and Kenya and produces high quality coffee.

The earliest consumption of coffee is believed to have been by the Sufi Muslims around mocha in Yemen. The coffee beans were harvested and brewed just like the way they are prepared today. From this area, it spread across the Middle East, Europe and finally to North Africa by the 16th century. (Pendergrast,...show more content...

The result is strong coffee that has a layer of foam on the surface and the residue collects at the bottom. Espresso on the other hand forces water that is hot, pressurized and in vapor form through coffee that has been ground. This type of brewing makes the espresso more concentrated and is complex in chemical and physical components. Espresso that is well prepared forms reddish –brown foam called crema at the surface. (Pendergrast, 2010).

Filtering coarsely ground coffee beans after mixing it in cold water after several hours, results in cold coffee brew. Coffee is viewed as an unhealthy habit by most people similar to smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol. However most studies show that poor lifestyle factors such as reduced physical activity, smoking and eating a lot of whole grains result in health risks than coffee. This is to say that coffee consumption alone is not harmful to your health. Drinking six cups of coffee in a day could result in tremors, sleeping problems and feeling stressed. However, it has no direct effect on mortality or other health factors. Coffee contains many different compounds and not just caffeine alone. Therefore, consumption of coffee results in diverse health outcomes. This means that coffee can have its advantages and disadvantages.

Some of the benefits of coffee consumption on health include; it protects diabetes type 2, Parkinson's

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Is Drinking too much Coffee Bad or Good? Essay

Ever wondered how many ways there is to write an essay? What type of writing is needed to use for certain things? Writing is used today and sense way back in history for everything. Writing is used to remember things, for scripts like movies, to inform, even to plan things. Essays can be written in Persuasive, Expository, Analytical, and Argumentative. To start out Persuasive is anessay where you try to convince the reader or listener to adopt your position on an issue or point of view. Here your rationale, your argument, is most important. You are presenting an opinion and trying to persuade readers, you want to win readers over to your point of view. In this type ofwriting a key point will be maintaining the reader's interest and showing...show more content...

In this type of essay the early on passage is utilized to tell the pursuer what content or messages you will be talking about. Each abstract work raises no less than one noteworthy issue. In your presentation you will likewise characterize the thought or issue of the content that you wish to look at in your examination.It is vital that you contract the center of your essay. Be all around sorted out. Arrangement what you need to compose before you begin. It is a smart thought to know precisely what your decision will be before you begin to compose. When you know where you are going, you have a tendency to arrive in a very much sorted out route with coherent movement. Argumentative Essay is the kind of exposition where you demonstrate that your supposition, hypothesis or speculation around an issue is right or more honest than those of others. To put it plainly, it is fundamentally the same to the persuasive essay, but the distinction is that you are contending for your assessment instead of others, as opposed to specifically attempting to induce somebody to receive your perspective. Research your topic so your evidence is convincing. This argument essay should be very detailed and convincing in pros and

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Social media has a big impact on family relationships. It is a media that allows the individuals to exchange information. Social media is breaking up families relationships and it is a huge problem in demand of communicating. The media had made lots of bad influence on families, especially the addiction of how it has been used by humans. Families are changing the way they relate to each other. There is no privacy in a social world. According to (JR) "The more social media we have, the more we think were connecting, yet we are really disconnecting from each other". I 'm therefore against social media and its extraordinary use. That is why there are lots of advantages and disadvantages in a social habitant. It is important to change how families and individuals see social media as a hobby rather than as a waste of time. A new technology comes up and it integral the families and individuals life, wondering what can a technology reflect or interfere in our daily bases. Social media has many conflict that makes individuals be attached too. Families not having to visit each other face to face, because it's an easier way to connect by socialism, such as network. Socialism in this aspect decreases the daily outdoors activity and having a good time with the family. A relationship with the family should bond. But individual families are becoming lazier. They try to find a way to make it much easier on them by texting, calling, Facebooking, last but not least tweeting. Communicating Get

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Argumentative Essay On Nuclear War

English III

1 November 2017

Rough Draft

Nuclear warfare is arguably one of the darkest topics and one of the biggest threats in today's society. A Nuclear War would cause exponential chaos and destruction to our world and many lives would be lost. Many countries have nuclear weapons at their disposal. The first people to create nuclear weapons were the scientist at the Manhattan project. The Manhattan Project is one of the most important and technologically advanced events involving the smartest minds of all time and changed the course of history.

In the evening of June 18th, 1942, the Manhattan project was ordered to be created by president Roosevelt. Roosevelt order this weapon to be created because Hitler was making progress in Europe and our naval base at pearl harbor got destroyed months earlier. The man placed in control of the project was Colonel J.C. Marshall. The main goal of the Manhattan project was to build a nuclear bomb before Germany could, it was a race to see who would build it first and the winner of the race most likely would win the war. Because it was a race against Germany, Colonel Marshall wanted every single aspect of the project to be kept secret. By fall of the same year that it was created they had recruited hundreds of scientists to work on this project but it still was not enough. The scientist worked on different aspects of the creation and were not allowed to talk back in fourth about the part of the project that they were

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Caleb Dean Mrs. Smith

Argumentative Essay On Christmas

It was a nice and snowy day. Bright colors everywhere. People rushing to buy gifts at the last minute. Ongoing commercials of people having a great time. Kids going to sleep hoping to wake up with gifts the next day. For the rest of the world it was Christmas! The one day after their birthday that they look forward to in a year. For me though it wasn't Christmas. For me, this was another normal day. I had nothing to look forward to. Except my aunts tamales, which is the only thing "special" we do for Christmas. Before I had family members who still didn't go to church. And i know what your thinking. "Wait a minute, aren't christians supposed to celebrate Christmas?" "Isn't it a day to commemorate Jesus's birth?" Millions of people around the world believe that the Christmas tradition is the birthday celebration of Jesus Christ. Well that's not true. According to my church anyway. We believe that the bible never gives a specific date to when he was born. In fact, if you research it, he was most likely born in early fall. There's proof to support this claim to, but I won't get to into that topic. Anyway i was looking forward to this Christmas because I rarely ever got new toys. This and my birthday were probably the only two times i got new toys. I was expecting something big, but my parents told me not to. We obviously didn't do Christmas so my only chance at toys was with my two uncles, Angel and Carlos. Luckily, my wish came true. I got a few transformer toys and a

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The Digital Age

The digital age is staring us in the face from the near future. We already see countless instances of digital technology emerging more and more in our every day lives. Cell phones are equipped with voice recognition software, and are able to take photographs and send them wirelessly across the globe, almost instantaneously. When information is captured and transmitted into adigital format, possibilities for that data become endless. Soon we will no longer be inconvenienced with reality; all of our sensory shopping experiences will be converted to digital information and will be fed to us through our computers. Digital information is in a much more malleable format. It can easily be duplicated, changed, or processed ...show more content...

The information created will be able to be shared by anyone with a computer. The power base that the digital age relies on for existence, is technology. The rapid developing technology is absolutely necessary for the digital age to exist. Without super powerful microchips, and high bandwidth transfer wires, the digital age would be a figment of our imagination. Digital technology is computer based, so the millions of calculations per second, and ability to transfer large amounts of data over long distances are absolutely necessary. Without computers, the data might be collected; but there would be nothing to process and transfer the information.

When new technology is invented, it is sometimes distributed to a society that might not be ready for it. Few corporations consider this and are only interested in spreading their product to the consumer as soon as possible. New technology is often flawed and taken advantage of by individuals who know how to manipulate it. This is a considerably large problem when dealing with digital technology. Digital information is not a three dimension tangible object. So it is easily tampered with and destroyed without people noticing. When the damage is finally noticed, the party responsible is usually untraceable and in a completely different area of the world to begin with.

The potential value of this new technology seems almost

The Digital Age Essay
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