ACD News Summer 2023

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Our Mission is Bigger than We Think it is

Sometimes you see the word “elite” connected to the ACD, and often the phrase “only 3.5% of US dentists are Fellows.” While descriptive, the word neither adequately expresses the breadth and depth of our Fellows as individuals nor the greatness of our Fellowship as a whole. For some, Fellowship may be seen as static and unattainable. In short, this can be limiting to the attainment of our mission in a way that is truly reflective of who we are and the values we espouse. In practice, we define “elite” through our mission—to advance excellence, ethics, professionalism, and leadership in dentistry. Most dentists think they are ethical; Fellows embody

ethics. Most people strive for excellence, while our Fellows lead the way. “Elite” in regard to Fellowship is not a club, it is a commitment to do the work of the mission. It is active, abundant, and accounts for the inclusion of all members of the profession who wish to do the work with us.

Excellence is best achieved by working together with a focus on the mission. The ACD commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, which was recently formalized by the Board of Regents, embodies this sentiment, and enhances our mission with the message that all are welcome.

American College of Dentists Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

As health professionals who live our ethical principles, particularly beneficence (to do good) and nonmaleficence (to do no harm), we are compelled to embrace and uplift the values of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging within our work and profession.


The American College of Dentists (ACD) acknowledges the strengths and weaknesses of our history and seeks to actively promote social justice, challenge discrimination, and address disparities and inequities. The ACD is committed to intentional actions aimed at being a fully inclusive, diverse, and equitable organization that respects and values our Fellows, our staff, and the communities we serve. The ACD provides a safe environment where all members of our community can question, learn, and interact with the utmost respect. The ACD is strengthened by the diversity of its Fellows and the communities we serve. The ACD embraces diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging to ensure a relevant and sustainable organization and to deliver purposeful value to Fellows, prospective Fellows, patients, and other stakeholders.

ACD SUMMER 2023 vol. 52 | no.2
American College of Dentists
Issue President’s Forum 2-3 Dates to Remember 3 News from the Foundation 4-5 The Ethics Handbook 2023 6 Annual Meeting 7-14 Regent Reflection 15-16 Section Highlight 17 A Mission that Spans Generations 18-19 News of Fellows and Sections 20-22 SPEA News 23 News from the Office 23
“Follow impulses and leaderships that represent ideals; that point the way to your professional destiny; that express integrity, fidelity, service, and lofty purposes— the finest that is in you individually and professionally!”
–William J. Gies | July 11, 1937


I am looking forward to seeing Fellows and Candidates in Orlando. In the ten years that I have served on the Board of the American College, both as an elected Regent and rising up the Officer ladder, I have met great dentists and have made so many friends. At our second in-person, post-COVID meeting this fall in Orlando, we will have several exceptional continuing education opportunities, meetings that will convey essential information, and fun social events. An ACD Annual Session app has been developed that will provide in-the-moment updates, the program, and meeting room locations.

The ACD in conjunction with Indiana University has developed a series of ethics dilemmas videos. As oral health providers, we face these situations in private practice, dental education, and research. On Wednesday afternoon, October 4th, a 3-hour course, ACD Ethical Dilemma Videos—A Valuable Tool for Practitioners and Educators, will be presented. This course will offer a framework for resolving ethical dilemmas supported by ACD‘s four pillars “excellence, ethics, professionalism, and leadership in dentistry.”

Another course scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, October 4th, is Artificial Intelligence: Journalism, Ethics, and Applications will feature four presentations, followed by a panel discussion. This course is very timely with rapidly changing technology.

Please consider registering for one of these outstanding courses. They will likely sell out before the meeting.

The Annual Business Meeting and New Fellow Orientation is an important meeting for Fellows and Candidates to attend. I will give the State of the College report, and other reports essential to the College will be given. Section Awards will be presented. The business meeting will conclude with the presentation of the New Fellows Orientation Video.

The Regency Breakout Session will follow the Business Meeting. This will give Fellows and Candidates the opportunity to meet their Regent and other Fellows in their Regency. This is a time for Sections to learn what other Sections are doing. This cross-talk strengthens all Sections.

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President’s Forum
“In the ten years that I have served on the Board of the American College, both as an elected Regent and rising up the Officer ladder, I have met great dentists and have made so many friends.”
–Robert M. Lamb, DDS



Wednesday evening will conclude with the Meet & Greet reception. This is a time to reconnect with friends and make new ones. There will be light appetizers and a no-host bar.

Thursday is a great day and my favorite day of the Annual Session. President-Elect Terri Dolan will deliver the keynote address. She’s sure to deliver an insightful message.

Immediately following Dr. Dolan’s address will be the Fellows Forum. The Ethics of Medical-Dental

Integration: Starting the Conversation

Within the Dental Profession will be moderated by Drs. Toni Roucka and Scott Tomar. The primary focus will be on bringing together various components of the oral health community, ideally to reach some consensus on a working definition of medical-dental integration.

The Convocation is a time of pomp and circumstance, much like a graduation ceremony. This year, the sponsors will follow the Board, Past

Presidents, and Awardees in the procession, will sit close to the stage, and will be honored during the ceremony. Fellows inducted virtually during the pandemic will also be honored during the ceremony. Dr. Bill Logan, a Candidate and a US Army Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon who served in the Green Zone in Iraq, will deliver the Convocation Address.

To close out a rewarding meeting, plan on attending the Palm Trees and Pearls Gala. This celebration is a highlight of the meeting, and my favorite event. This year’s Gala is blacktie optional and features the installation of new Officers and Regents, a “strolling dinner,” and a DJ to close out the evening with dancing.

Come to Orlando to “Rise and Smile” with the American College of Dentists! I look forward to seeing longtime friends and making new ones.

Dates to Remember & Publication Information

Registration Closes for Candidates

August 10, 2023

Registration Closes for Fellows

September 1, 2023

Last Day to Cancel Registration and Receive a Refund

September 22, 2023

ACD 2023 Annual Meeting and Convocation

October 4 – 5, 2023

Fellowship Nominations Due for ACD 2024

January 15, 2024

Ethics Scholarship Applications and National Award Nominations Due February 15, 2024

Section Awards and Model Section Designation Applications Due February 15, 2024

Nominations for Board of Regents Due March 1, 2024


ACD News is published by the American College of Dentists 103 North Adams Street Rockville, MD 20850

301-977-3223 • 888-ACD-1920

301-977-3330 fax •

Associate Editor and Managing Director Suzan Pitman

Design Director Matthew Sheriff Editor of the College and Content Director

Nanette Elster

Periodicals postage paid at Frederick, Maryland

Send address changes to: ACD News

103 North Adams Street Rockville, MD 20850 or e-mail

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The American College of

The American College of Dentists Foundation is no ordinary foundation. It actively supports the four pillars of the Mission with extraordinary programs and many College activities.

The ACDF is a crucial resource for the Sections and Fellows to understand and to support.

Our relationship with the ACD began in 1972 with our articles of incorporation: The corporation is organized and shall be operated exclusively for charitable, literary, scientific, in educational purposes, and it is authorized to accept, hold, administer, invest and disperse for charitable and educational purposes such funds as may from time to time be given to it by any person, persons, corporations, trust funds, or foundation to receive gifts and make financial and other types of contributions and assistance to charitable educational literary, scientific organizations, and in general to do all things that may appear necessary and useful and accomplishing the purposes here and above set out. The Foundation programs are almost too numerous to adequately describe. But they support the College Mission, dentistry, and healthcare.

Additionally, the ACD National Office at 103 North Adams Street in Rockville, Maryland is owned by the Foundation and houses a dental library and archive. The Annual Meeting and Convocation is supported by the Foundation, allowing for continuing education to be free or low-cost and for our induction fee for new Fellows to remain low relative to to the actual cost.

Too numerous to describe? Let’s just say that when you support the Foundation, it supports the Mission, and the Mission enhances the profession. It is through the ACDF that all Fellows have a direct opportunity to impact the profession, to give back, and to give forward.

All of these projects, and more, are possible through the generous donations of our Fellows and Friends. They are the tangible results of our collective commitment to dentistry as a profession.

for Dentistry

• Ethics Handbook for Dentists distributed to 7,000 + dental students annually.

• Ethical Dilemmas Videos and Facilitator Guides.

• Free and low-cost CE online and in person.

• ACD Regent Intern program and multiple scholarships for ethics and leadership.

• Section support for local projects and programs.

• Strategic partnerships to fund ethics lectures with other organizations including the NDA and AGD.

• Curriculum Modules for Dental Educators.

• Significant support for SPEA at the national and local levels.

• Ethics Summits that gather the best and brightest to tackle issues facing the profession.

• Support for our professional history through the Library and Archive housed at the ACD National Office and our permanent exhibit at the Samuel D. Harris National Museum of Dentistry.

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Dentists Foundation: Advancing the Mission
News from the Foundation
Richard Jones, DDS, MSD ACDF President


Thanks to each of you for all you do!

Contributions of all kinds are crucial to the success of our mission, and our Fellows and Friends of the College are generous not only with their financial resources but with their time, talent, intellect, and energy.

In each issue of the ACD News, we highlight the activities and accolades of our Fellows, whose work benefits the ACD. Most notable is the continued collaboration with SPEA Chapters across the US and Canada. Our Fellows and their dental student counterparts are working together to ensure the future of the profession. Undoubtedly, there are thousands of instances of excellence and professionalism that go unreported but make a meaningful impact in our communities.

As of July, nearly 2000 Fellows and Friends of the College have also made financial contributions. Many of these contributions are as simple as adding a small amount for the ACD Foundation when paying dues, but the College has also received estate gifts and special donations for the newly created Section Leadership Development

Fund. Contributions to the ACD Foundation power our collective projects and ensure a sustained effort to advance our Mission.

To do the work of the College, and to see our mission—to advance excellence, ethics, professionalism, and leadership in dentistry—continue to thrive, the unique and varied contributions of our Fellows are all essential.


• Contact your Section Chair and ask to get involved with SPEA or other local activities and projects.

• Send news clips to the ACD News.

• Donate to the ACD Foundation Silent Auction.

• Donate a brick to the Legacy Walkway.

• Nominate an exceptional colleague for Fellowship.

• Talk to your financial advisor about an estate gift to the ACDF.

For more information on ways to contribute, please visit our website at foundation or contact Suzan Pitman at the National Office at

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When you share your resources, you are not just contributing to more handbooks being printed and shipped, you are expanding the Mission. The high school student in a health career preparation course who is inspired by the Handbook might be a dean of your local dental school some day, your grandchild’s dentist, or even a future president of the ACD.

The Ethics Handbook for Dentists

What do dental school faculty, high school career preparation teachers in Texas, and continuing education facilitators have in common? They all use the Ethics Handbook for Dentists.

For years, the Ethics Handbook for Dentists has been provided free of charge to dental schools, study clubs, interested parties, and continuing education participants. It is the most downloaded document on our website, www. It is part of our identity. Every time a high school student uses it in a career preparation course, a dental school student shares it with a friend or

Nominations FAQ

What is needed for a full nomination submission? Both forms, thoroughly completed.

• Nomination Form

• Professional & Biographical Profile Summary

Nominator & Seconder are in good standing with the College.

Why do we need both forms?

The Nomination Form is the declaration of candidacy, while the Professional & Biographical Summary helps to explore their merits and flesh out the accomplishments for the Credential Committee to review. It answers the question, “What value will this person add to the College?” Both forms are essential to painting a full picture of the nominee.

family member, or a dentist uses something learned from it with staff members or a patient, the reach of our Mission expands.

Last year the Board of Regents approved a full revision of the Handbook, and our partners at the American Society for Dental Ethics have taken the lead on this project. The goal is to preserve the spirit and intent of the handbook while bringing a more contemporary approach to the text and topics. The updated Ethics Handbook for Dentists should be ready to ship or download in the spring of 2024.

Can’t I just send my nominee’s CV or resume?

The credentials review process is constructed so every applicant is assessed in an equal and fair format. That is why the Credentials Committee does not accept CVs or resumes attached to submissions. There are places all throughout the 2 forms that will encapsulate all areas mentioned in a CV or resume.

What should I emphasize about my candidate? Performance over Positions. While we do want to have the well-earned titles and positions of your Nominees included, make sure you highlight the accomplishments and products of their hard work. Talk about what they did in those positions that make them an outstanding addition to the College.

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Annual Meeting & Convocation

Since 1921, the Fellows of the College have gathered to learn, exchange ideas, make decisions and take actions that move us forward. Most importantly, we meet to welcome new colleagues into our fold.

This year, the Convocation speaker is William “Bill” Logan, an oral surgeon who retired from the Army after multiple tours in Iraq.

Fellowship sponsors, those who take the time and make the effort to nominate outstanding dentists to Fellowship and mentor new Fellows through their induction, will be further recognized this year with a stole and special seating. As we are finally meeting in the place where we should have celebrated our centennial, those inducted virtually in 2020 and 2021 will also have a special recognition.

The Convocation Procession will begin at 2:30 PM on Thursday, October 5 at the Hyatt Regency, Orlando. We ask that all guests be seated shortly before that time. There is no charge to attend, and the event will be recorded and posted on the ACD website.

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Meeting App Available for Download!

The ACD Staff are thrilled to bring the Fellows an app for navigating the meeting. The app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store as well as in the Google Play Store.

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Awards ACD Awardees Recognized for Exceptional Contributions

William John Gies Award

The William John Gies Award recognizes the broad, exceptional, and distinguished contributions of a Fellow to the profession and society.

Lawrence P. Garetto

Leo E. Rouse

Distinguished Leadership Award

The Distinguished Leadership Award recognizes individuals having a record of significant and distinguished leadership in dentistry, public health, or national health policy.

Paula K. Friedman

Outstanding Service Award

The Outstanding Service Award recognizes an exceptional, lifetime commitment to service.

Veronica Bikofsky

Ethics and Professionalism Award

The Ethics and Professionalism Award recognizes exceptional contributions of individuals or organizations in the promotion of ethics or professionalism in dentistry.

Eddie G. Smith Leadership Institute of the National Dental Association

Accepted by Marlon Henderson, President, National Dental Association

Honorary Fellows

We make the profession better when dentists work together; we make the world better when we all work together.

ACD Honorary Fellows hail from diverse backgrounds and regions of the US and Canada. They are non-dentists whose contributions to oral healthcare are so notable they would have been accepted as Fellows if they were dentists.

The first two Honorary Fellows were George K. Burgess, and Wilmer Souder in 1930. Both were physicists who made significant contributions to dental materials.

This year’s Honorary Fellows are:

Gregory D. Hill

N. Dorin Ruse

Joan L. Rush

Marco Vujicic

Section Newsletter Award

The Section Newsletter Award is a competitive recognition that highlights the essential nature of communication. Newsletters may be presented in hard copy or electronically and are evaluated on Mission-oriented content, readability, and impact.

The first Section Newsletter Award was given to the Southern California Section in 1997, which was edited by William Dahlberg. A total of 14 Sections have been recognized with this award since its inception.

This year’s awardee is the Accolade, published by the Southern California Section and edited by Dr. Harriett Seldin.

Model Section Designation

Sections who verify completion of best practices qualify for Model Section designation. This designation may be applied for every three years. The Model Section program has been in place since 2009, and a total of 32 Sections have earned this title at least once since its inception.

2023 Model Section Designees and Section Chairs:

Atlantic Provinces, Debora Matthews

Illinois, Larry N. Williams

Kentucky, Ansley Depp

Maryland, Barry L. Cohan

Ontario, Slawuta-Shulakewych

Virginia, Michael R. Hanley

Wisconsin, Shaheda Govani


Achievement Recognition Celebrates a Lifetime of Dedication

The Lifetime Achievement Medal is presented to members who have maintained their Fellowship consistently for 50 years.The following Fellows have attained this special recognition.

Walter C. Buchsieb

Samuel F. Dworkin

Elgene G. Mainous

Joseph E. Maybury

Dan C. Peavy

Harry C. Pebley

Myron R. Porter

Dan E. Tolman

Isabel Whitehill-Grayson

Sheldon Winkler

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Annual Meeting & Convocation



4:00 – 5:00 PM

Annual Business Meeting and New Fellow Orientation

Regency Ballroom

Pre-registration requested.

The annual business meeting of the ACD includes the President’s State of the College report, Section and Fellow designations and awards, and other reports essential to our organization. The meeting will conclude with the presentation of the New Fellow Orientation video. The video is on the ACD YouTube Channel and can be viewed here.


5:15 – 6:30 PM

Regency Breakout Sessions

Pre-registration requested.

Amidst the excitement of networking, sharing ideas, and welcoming new Fellows at the annual meeting is perhaps the most valuable 90 minutes of the ACD year—the Regency Break-out Sessions. The sessions are designed to strengthen relationships by bringing together Fellows within their smaller Regency groups, which are facilitated by the elected Regents. These sessions are designed for all Fellows, current and incoming, and provide time to share success stories, opportunities, and concerns.

Please join your ACD community and share your Fellowship experience!

Social Events


6:30 – 7:30 PM

Meet & Greet

Pre-registration appreciated, no charge

Please join Fellows and Friends for appetizers and a no-host bar from 6:30 –7:30 in the Regency Ballroom Foyer.


11:30 AM

Convocation Luncheon

Pre-registration required—$75.00

The Convocation Luncheon is a celebratory three-course meal with live music.


7:00 PM

Palm Trees and Pearls Gala Black tie optional

Pre-registration is required—$175.00

A highlight of the annual meeting is the ACD’s Gala—a much-anticipated celebration of Fellowship. This year’s Gala will feature an updated format, with a strolling dinner, flexible seating, the installation of new Regents and Officers, and a DJ to close out the evening with dancing.

Candidates who are being inducted receive two seats to the Gala with their induction fee. Current Fellows may register for the Gala along with their general registration. We look forward to seeing you for this festive and memorable evening!

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New Regents and Officers to be Installed on Thursday, October 5

In addition to serving as a yearly celebration of the Fellowship, the Annual Meeting serves as the transition from one Board to the next. Dr. Robert Lamb, 2023 President, will open the meeting on Wednesday, October 4 and Dr. Terri Dolan, 2024 President, will close it at the Convocation the next day. The Board positions are structured so that Regents’ and Officers’ terms are staggered for continuity.

At the beginning of the Gala on Thursday evening, the newest Regents and Officers will be installed.

Dr. Dolan is currently the President-Elect of the ACD. She is the Chief Dental Officer at Overjet and professor and dean emeritus of the University of Florida College of Dentistry.

Dr. Faiella is currently the Vice President of the ACD. He is a periodontist from Duxbury, Massachusetts, and a past president of the ADA.

Dr. Norris is currently the Regent for Regency 4. He is a general practioner from Owensboro, Kentucky. He formerly served as the Kentucky Section Chair.

Dr. Thomson is a general dentist from Blue Mountains, Ontario, Canada. She has served in most Section leadership positions, including Chair and Editor. Dr. Thomson is a member of the National Dental Examining Board of Canada and the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario.

Dr. Henderson is a general dentist from Clarkston, Washington. She is the Editor of the award-winning Washington Section newsletter.

Dr. Henderson has been president of the Walla Walla Valley Dental Society and the Lewis and Clark Dental Society.

Dr. Roucka is Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at Marquette University School of Dentistry. She previously served on the Board of Regents as the Liaison to the American Society for Dental Ethics. Dr. Roucka has also served as President of ASDE and was also an officer for the Illinois Section.

Teresa Dolan, DDS, MPH President Terry Norris, DMD Vice President Robert Faiella, DMD President Elect
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Brenda Thomson, DDS Regent, Regency 4 Robin Henderson, DDS Regent, Regency 8 Toni Roucka, RN, DDS, MA At Large Regent


1:00 – 4:00 PM

ACD Ethical Dilemma Videos –A Valuable Tool for Practitioners and Educators

Pre-registration required, $200.00. Three hours of continuing education.

Oral health providers face ethical dilemmas in private practice, dental education, and research. This presentation will introduce the participants to the American College of Dentists videos, resources, and strategies to incorporate into private practice and teaching. This presentation will suggest a framework for resolving ethical dilemmas supported by the four pillars of the College Mission. Using ACD videos highlighting ethical dilemmas and the video Facilitator Guides, participants will discuss frequently encountered ethical dilemmas and apply an ethical decision-making model. Participants will be introduced to strategies to integrate the videos into their practice, including staff and peer development and teaching. Viewing the dilemmas through different lenses, e.g., professionals, employees, and students, will enrich the tabletop discussion. ACD resources that can support members and their professional development will be highlighted.


• Introduce participants to the ACD Videos, resources, and strategies to enable them to incorporate their use into private practice or education.

• Utilize an ethical decision-making model to address frequently encountered dilemmas.

• Explore ACD Video Facilitator Guides and how best to incorporate them in private practice or teaching.


• Odette Aguirre, DDS, MS, MPH, FACD Indiana University School of Dentistry

• Kathryn Ragalis, DMD, MS, FACD Tufts University School of Dental Medicine

• Carlos S. Smith, DDS, MDiv, FACD VCU School of Dentistry and VCU Dental Care

• Pamela Zarkowski, JD, MPH (Moderator) University of Detroit Mercy

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Continuing Education
Odette Aguirre Kathryn Ragalis Carlos S. Smith Pamela Zarkowski


1:00 – 4:00 PM

Artificial Intelligence, Journalism, Ethics and Applications

Pre-registration required, $200.00 Three hours of continuing education. THIS SESSION WILL FEATURE FOUR PRESENTATIONS FOLLOWED BY A PANEL DISCUSSION.

The Morality of AI: Striking a Balance Between Progress and Responsibility

• Applications of AI in education

• AI as a natural part of evolution

• Ownership and control of AI

Dr. Richard “Hal” Halpin, Med, EdD, EMBA, Director Educational Technology UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry.

Is AI Worth the Risk? An Overview

• Discuss current applications for AI in clinical care.

• Identify risks and benefits of AI applications.

• Envision the application of AI in dentistry.

Aaron Glick, DDS, FICOI, FAGD, D.ABDSM, Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor at the UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry and Clinical Assistant Professor Sam Houston State University College of Osteopathic Medicine; Fellow at Texas Medical Center Innovation.

AI and Dentistry: Where We’ve Been, Where We Are and Where We’re Going

• What is Artificial Intelligence (and what it isn’t) and what is driving its rapid expansion?

• Computer Vision AI: What it is and how dentistry is using it?

• Practical Practice Management Solutions Enhanced by AI.

From Movable Type to ChatGPT – How Artificial Intelligence Fits Among a History of Disruptive Media Technologies

• Media and technology, how technologies change the way information is collected and shared.

• How AI is similar to previous disruptions in media, and how it’s different.

• The pros, cons, and impacts of AI in media today and in the future.

Noah Levine, Editorial Director, MJH Life Sciences Dental Products Report – Natural Language Generator

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Richard “Hal” Halpin Aaron Glick Bruce Lieberthal Noah Levine

Fellows FORUM


9:00 – 11:00 AM

The Ethics of Medical-Dental Integration: Starting the Conversation Within the Dental Profession

No charge, pre-registration required for CE credit

Two hours of continuing education.


The primary focus will be on bringing together various components of the oral health community, ideally to reach some consensus on a working definition of medical-dental integration and what integration could or should look like. Following up on CDC’s National Action Framework for Medical-Dental Integration Meeting on May 3, 2023, we will work towards some degree of internal agreement before expanding the conversation with other professions.

Drs. Roucka and Tomar will guide a conversation between the panelists and participants that highlights the following:

• Significance of integration.

• Addressing fear with data.

• Integrated health records.

• Examples of DSOs and/or large group practices that are interdisciplinary.

• What do we need to learn to move forward?

The Fellows Forum will serve as a kick-off to a yearlong intensive on the subject of medical-dental integration. Drs. Richard Jones and Terri Dolan are part of the CDC working group on this subject, and the ACD will host an Ethics Summit on this topic in August of 2024.


• Toni Roucka, DDS, RN

• Scott Tomar, DDS, MPH Panelists

• Bruce Donoff, DMD, MD, is the Walter C. Guralnick Distinguished Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Harvard University Distinguished Service Professor.

• Ira Lamster, DDS, MMSc, Professor of Health Policy and Management at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.

• Marco Vujicic, PhD, is the Chief Economist and Vice President of the ADA’s Health Policy Institute.

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Toni Roucka Scott Tomar Bruce Donoff Ira Lamster Marco Vujicic
Continuing Education

Regent Reflection

As my tenure on the Board of Regents comes to a close, it provides a time for reflection on lessons learned. The College continues to be an organization of leaders who have banded together to identify challenges and opportunities for the whole of the profession, the whole of society. We embrace change, not as a series of obstacles but as a series of opportunities to make the world a better place for everyone. It is this spirit of positive leadership that distinguishes this College, and the Foundation which supports it, and is all the more reason the entire Fellowship can be especially proud of the accomplishments of the past four pivotal years.

A full catalog of the activities of the College and its Board of Regents during the past four years will fill a sizable book volume. The College progress during this period has been extraordinarily impressive, especially considering pandemic shutdowns and general societal fears and uncertainties. Let’s take a look at a few of the expansive projects and activities in which the College has been boldly and assertively participating:

1. The College has revised its approach to communications to that of a coordinated Communications Team and accelerated and broadened its use of social media and other internet-based media platforms. This is not merely an effort on behalf of the College and Foundation entities to be “modern,” it is a recognition of the changing nature of how, when, where, and why people communicate.

2. ACD policy revisions now allow consideration for Fellowship of dentists from broader professional organizational backgrounds than previously allowed, and this has already enhanced the diversity and inclusivity of our Fellowship. Our umbrella of Fellowship has expanded to include all dentistry, beyond the leaders in the ADA and CDA.

3. The Board of Regents directly addressed outdated financial and operational practices and brought our operations in line with broadly accepted best practices with a reenergized commitment to our fiduciary responsibilities. The Board of Regents is consulting with national and regional non-profit organizational experts, and last year adopted Best Financial Practices Guidelines, our first audit charter, and will soon adopt a more formal internal controls document. Special thanks are due to Vice President and former College Treasurer Robert Faiella, a wellestablished leader within organized dentistry who brought his training and insights to bear for the framing of the financial practices policy.

4. The Board of Regents has engaged deeply in strategic planning to identify changes and activities that will best maintain the highest level of agility and success as we deal with the kaleidoscopic shifts in our society and its healthcare expectations, and as we identify and support our profession’s best proactive responses to the challenges we all face.

5. The College is completing arrangements for an August 2024 Ethics Summit on Medical-Dental Integration to make dentistry a more equal

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Lance Rucker Regent, Regency 8

partner in healthcare. The College has been involved in organizing high level, issue-crucial summits in decades past to foster engagement amongst many organizations, including health professional, governmental, industrial, educational, and public advocacy groups, to provide opportunities for interprofessional discussions of matters related to ethics, professionalism, and leadership both nationally and internationally.

6. The College has more deeply incorporated its awareness of the fundamental issues related to the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion, both within the College and in our interactions with the many organizations and businesses with which we deal. The Board is carefully and intentionally bringing forth policies which actively “walk the talk” of these important issues in health care. Related to this, we have enriched and strengthened the growing number of dedicated dental Student Professionalism and Ethics Association (SPEA) chapters. They are our future, and reaching across generations to

understand the needs of future professionals is no longer merely a nice thing to do. It is crucial for the future of the profession.

7. The shared experience of Fellowship is through the work of ACD Sections. Section leadership is being more formally and positively supported thanks to increased capacity throughout the Fellowship with ZOOM and facilitated social media communications. Former Regent Paula Friedman was a longtime supporter of the key role for Sections in the achievement of the College mission, and her recently created Section Leadership Development Fund will have powerful effect in further strengthening the Sections, and from there the College.

To be sure, Fellowship in the American College of Dentists provides each of us with an extraordinary launch pad and a powerful base of contacts for further strengthening our associations, which offers us together the best and most fruitful prospects of having dentistry continue as a well-integrated and well-respected health profession.

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Regent Reflection (continued)
To be sure, Fellowship in the American College of Dentists provides each of us with an extraordinary launch pad and a powerful base of contacts for further strengthening our associations, which offers us together the best and most fruitful prospects of having dentistry continue as a well-integrated and wellrespected health profession.

Section Highlight: Colorado/Wyoming

As many of us older practitioners reflect on our time in dentistry it is difficult to quantify the many blessings the profession has provided for our patients, our families and ourselves. I am now 51 years into a profession that has consumed me, frightened me, annoyed me, provided for me, humbled me, and given me the gifts and joys of purpose and service for most of my adult life. The reflective question that often comes to my mind is “how did I learn to contend with the burdens and the joys of my professional life. How did I discern what is right and truthful in the fulfillment of the Hippocratic Oath which expresses my pledge to “do no harm?”

As an incoming student we can all appreciate how enormous our entry into dental school was when suddenly we are thrust into a tsunami of information, new language, expectations created by others and ourselves, and asked to perform tasks that are highly esoteric. Our instructors are charged with connecting our hands with our brains such that we can render the clinical outcomes that restore health.

As I recall, through no fault of my faculty during my formal education, there was very little time to discuss or embrace the daunting field of ethics. I am not sure I even knew what the subject was in 1972.

After several years in practice, I clearly remember the moment seared into my soul when a nondentist friend sternly posited “if another person invites you into their body to perform something irreversible, you are walking on very sacred ground. Don’t screw it up!”

Thinking back, my classmates and I likely would have benefitted early on in our formal education from hearing that observation multiple times throughout our training. For me the charge fostered an awareness, appreciation, expectations, and challenges towards developing and nurturing my own sense of morality and ethics. This is where in today’s dental institutions, the Students for Professionalism and Ethics (SPEA) provides a formal introduction and

conduit into the world of modern ethics for our dental schools which was not available during my training.

At the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine, the Fellows of the Colorado/Wyoming ACD section are very involved with the SPEA group. Currently we are sharing information with Creighton University and the University of Nebraska Schools of Dentistry to assist in establishing SPEA chapters. This association has enjoyed an interaction between practitioners and students that is beyond the scope of the formal scholastic load of dental school. We host several programs throughout the calendar year ranging from Lunch and Learns, which provide thoughtful discussion during the academic day to evening presentations held extramurally to explore more deeply topics that are of interest to the students. Among the titles of our discussions have been “What is the Value of a Human Tooth,” “Encountering Sexual Harassment at School or in Practice,” “How to Interact with a Colleague Who Has Provided a Treatment Plan That You are Conflicted About,” “Recognizing Malpractice and What to Do About It,” “Dealing with Addiction,” and “Responsibilities of the Dentist in Reporting Domestic Violence.” Our group, through faculty members at the CU Dental School, has affiliations with the School of

Bioethics and Humanities that provides interaction amongst all the health care colleges on the Denver Anschutz Campus. This gathering hosts extremely interesting lectures online. Some of the past programs have been “When Doctors Became Killers” a treatise of the behavior of medicine during the Holocaust, “Racial and Gender Bias Throughout the History of Medicine,” and “Ethical Dilemmas in the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine,” to name a few.

John Haidt, PhD, in his landmark book, The Righteous Mind, explores the gestation of human morality and ethics with all their complications, dating back to the Ancients. His thesis suggests that our moral and ethical boundaries have arisen through nature, nurture, and rationalism beginning in our infancy and advancing throughout our lives. Given the rapid change in demographics and technology in dentistry, it is incumbent upon those of us wishing to not “screw it up” to continue to display ethical models of dental practice (nature, nurture, rational thinking) to the young people who are currently in training to shoulder the heavy mantle of providing oral health care to the world. I invite all ACD Fellows to reach out, encourage, and become involved with the marvelous work of SPEA groups in your state, and “don’t screw it up!”

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A Mission that Spans Generations

When ACD President Robert Lamb finishes his term in October, he will leave behind a legacy of strong leadership and a commitment to inclusion. It’s a legacy that started long before his tenure on the Board of Regents. It began with his dad, who served on the Board of Regents from 1985–1989. What follows is a reprint from the summer 1995 issue of the Journal of the American College of Dentists. This profile of the first Dr. Lamb gives insight into the legacy of leadership that has benefited the College for decades, which will last well into the future.

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Many of our Fellows come from families who have served the College for generations. If you are a Fellow from a family of Fellows and would like to be interviewed, please contact Suzan Pitman at

ACD News | Summer 2023 | 19

News of Fellows and Sections

Our Fellows Embody the Highest Ideals

We asked Dr. Feeney, whose quotes and affirmative messages on ethics and having a moral compass regularly motivate and inspire all those who know him, to open the “News of Fellows and Sections” column with some inspiration about why Fellows do what they do.

Let us transcend time in retrospect to May 30, 1776. Two hundred and forty-seven years ago.

A conversation was had in Philadelphia at Independence Hall during the Second Continental Congress between George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. Dr. Franklin had just convinced the hesitant Mr. Jefferson to author an official Declaration of Separation from the tyrannical King George III of England, by saying “Thomas, your words and deeds cause others

to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more—you are a leader.”

Mr. Jefferson responded, “The most noble destiny of a true leader is one who serves rather than rules.” His principles and ideals serve as a continuum between generations over the last 247 years of independence by recognizing the challenges of our nation’s beginning, inspiring those before us, and offering renewed insights for our time going forward.

The success of the American College of Dentists is by way of a righteous culture granted to us by

our founding fathers, the essence of which is leadership through service. The Fellowship of the ACD, like our patriotic founders, chose not to focus on making history but focused primarily on making a difference. Accordingly, they established a legacy of service to a cause greater than themselves by placing public welfare, patient care, education, and the advancement of the profession at the forefront. It is because of these personal ethical virtues, doctrines of dedication, and professional principles that we must revere the ACD, its Mission, and our Fellowship.

Daniel Hammer (Federal Services) was recently named Vice Chair of the Medical Executive Committee at Navy Medical Center San Diego (NMCSD). In Dr. Hammer’s words, “There is no higher honor than to be selected and trusted by your peers to represent them.”

On May 30, 2023, David Chambers (Northern California) Editor Emeritus of the College, gave an ethics presentation entitled “Dental Ethics Is A Group Activity” at les Journées Dentaires Internationales du Québec (JDIQ) at les Palais des Congrès in Montréal, Quebec, Canada.

Submitted by Robert Dorion

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Hubert Gaucher, Robert Lamb, David Chambers, and Robert Dorion. Daniel Hammer

The Northern California Section meeting was a memorable event. Pamela Alston, ACD At Large Regent and Immediate Past President of the National Dental Association, was bestowed the Willard C. Fleming Award for Meritorious Service to the Dental Profession. Dr. Alston stated, “If the Roman philosopher Seneca was correct when he said, ‘Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity,’ I have many to thank for my good luck.”

Additionally, student awardees were included in the meeting. Receiving the Outstanding Student Leader Award were:

Joany Xue, University of California San Francisco, SPEA Student Regent and Chapter President

George Ibrahim, University of the Pacific

Dikran Diarhian, California North State University

The meeting was also attended by Ned Nix, Regent, Regency 7 and ACD President Robert Lamb. Also in attendance was Past President of the College Steven Chan. While in the area, Dr. Lamb and Dr. Alston also visited the UCSF School of Dentistry, delivered remarks, and spent time with the students.

“SPEA and ACD...back at it again! Continue to love this partnership and the hard work both organizations are succeeding in to continue to push excellence, professionalism, and ethics in our field.”

–Erin Welter, Immediate Past SPEA Regent

“If the Roman philosopher Seneca was correct when he said, ‘Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity,’ I have many to thank for my good luck. I am grateful to the organizations, institutions, and mentors who prepared me for leadership roles and then turned around and gave me key opportunities to serve my beloved dental profession. In the final analysis, my preparation and the opportunities afforded me to contribute to the advancement of the dental profession and its public appreciation have not been so much luck as they have been a blessing to me.”

–Dr. Pamela Alston

ACD News | Summer 2023 | 21
The Board of Directors of the Northern California Section. Dr. Steven Chan, Dr. Pamela Alston, and Dr. Robert Lamb. Joany Xue, Outstanding Student Leader Award. George Ibrahim, Outstanding Student Leader Award. Dikran Diarhian, Outstanding Student Leader Award. Erin Welter, Past SPEA Regent

News of Fellows and Sections

Past President Leo Rouse (Maryland) and Pamela Zarkowski (Michigan), Liaison to the Board for the American Society for Dental Ethics, were featured by the American Dental Education Association in their “100 Years of ADEA” series. Although Drs. Rouse and Zarkowski are the two most recent honorees, other Fellows have been featured in this series. Visit ADEA’s website at

Submitted by Teresa Dolan

At the British Columbia Section’s annual session on June 10th, rosettes and ethics wallet cards were presented to the 2023 candidates for induction along with the presentation of 15-year and 25year sustained Fellowship recognitions. The evening included the installation of the British Columbia Section Officers and brief keynote address.

Submitted by Richard Jones on behalf of Kevin Lauwers, Section Chair

Quoting Mark Twain, “The two most important days of anyone’s life are the day you were born and the day you find out why,” John Feeney, New Jersey, accepted the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine 2023 Distinguished Alumni Award. This capstone award is another testament to the devotion Dr. Feeney has given the profession of dentistry and to society over a 40-year career.

The complete press release from Columbia University CDM can be found at https://

The Florida Section recently hosted President Elect Teresa Dolan and Regent Robert Plage at their annual Section meeting. Lucas Boyce was the keynote presenter and centered his remarks on ethics and service above self.

Paul Miller, Chair and Larry Cook, Chair Elect, led the meeting.

Submitted by Teresa Dolan

Fotini Anagnostopolos-King (Maryland) and Steven Chan (Northern California) spoke at the National Dental Association’s Eddie G. Smith Leadership Institute in July. Dr. King’s topic was “Dental Ethics, Informed Consent and Decision-Making Models” and Dr. Chan’s was “Organized Dentistry Leadership Journey Lessons and the Pathway to Overcoming Vicissitudes Victoriously.” The conference was also attended by President Robert Lamb, President Elect Teresa Dolan, and Regent for Regency 6 Kristi Soileau.

22 | ACD News | Summer 2023
Leo Rouse Kevin Lauwers and Lance Rucker. John Feeney Paul Miller, Larry Cook, Teresa Dolan, and Robert Plage Lucas Boyce Fotini AnagnostopolosKing Steven Chan Pamela Zarkowski

The Student Professionalism and Ethics Association (SPEA) is incredibly grateful for our continued partnership with the American College of Dentists. This past year for SPEA has seen growth as we have strengthened existing chapters and started new ones at dental schools across the United States and Canada. Much of this growth has been made possible due to the generous support of the ACD - which culminated in our first in-person Annual Session since COVID-19 last fall in Houston, TX. The ACD gave vital support for this session and enabled many students access to a memorable and empowering conference. Students that attended the conference and were supported by the ACD have continued to build connections with ACD fellows across the country and we look forward to continuing to strengthen that relationship.

We appreciate your continued support as we plan our next Annual Session happening this fall in Orlando, FL. This year, our goal is to increase our number of attendees and have 100+ students at our session. SPEA continues to attract students across the nation due to our focus on leadership, a high moral standard, increasing the quality of patient care, and elevating our standards of professionalism. Once again, this would not be possible without you, and we thank you for all that you have done and continue to do to bolster our organization.

News From our SPEA Chapters

The SPEA Chapter at the University of Washington has been having a great year! We just had an awesome event with one of our oral medicine specialists about navigating ethical situations in patients with cancer. We are so grateful for the support of our local ACD chapter. We are looking forward to meeting with all the other chapters soon at annual!”

Submitted by Drew Marchant, SPEA at University of Washington School of Dentistry

We are so excited for our first full year of SPEA at UTHSC! We’re really looking forward to engaging with the new D1s and learning, with their input, what SPEA looks like for UTHSC and how we can best serve and support our classmates. The ACD has played a huge part in helping us get started and we’re so very grateful for that!

We can’t wait for this year’s Annual Session, for the chance to encourage other students and realize together what all UTHSC SPEA can be.

Submitted by Shelby Schultz, President, SPEA at UTHSC (Tennessee)

UCSF SPEA had a successful year, beginning with our 2nd annual ACD x SPEA mentorship mixer in fall 2022 and students enjoyed connecting with their mentors individually after. We also organized a successful fundraiser for Valentine’s Day care packages. In spring, we hosted the SPEA elective featuring 9 speakers from ACD and UCSF faculty, who shared real-world cases of ethics and professionalism. As we transition board positions, we eagerly anticipate continuing to share SPEA’s mission with the future leaders in our profession.

Joany Xue, SPEA Chapter President at UCSF

On July 6 the petition window allowing Fellows to challenge the slate of new Regents and Officers to the Board of Regents closed. The following Fellows are now considered duly elected and will be installed on Thursday, October 5, 2023.

Brenda Thomson

Regent, Regency 4

Robin Henderson

Regent, Regency 8

Terry Norris

Vice President

Robert Faiella

President Elect

Teresa Dolan President

Additionally, Toni Roucka was appointed by the Board to an At Large Regent position and will be installed with the elected members.

In 2024, the following positions will be elected:

Regent, Regency 2

Regent, Regency 5

Treasurer (2-year position)

Vice President

President Elect

For more information on how to nominate an exceptional Fellow for the Board of Regents, please contact Suzan Pitman at

ACD News | Summer 2023 | 23 News from the Office
Amber Alak Daniel Carney

American College of Dentists

103 North Adams Street

Rockville, MD 20850

Connect with Your Local Section

Being active within your Section not only expands your network of local colleagues but also offers a valuable opportunity to engage in the current projects and initiatives making a difference in your community. Engage and unlock the potential for meaningful connections with other ACD Fellows. Contact the National Office at if you need assistance contacting your local leadership.

Award Nominations are Due to the National Office by February 1, 2024.

Please contact Suzan Pitman at for more information or visit our website at

Fellowship Types

The ACD has three main types of Fellowship. If you think you are not in the right category, contact the National Office at

ACTIVE FELLOWS: These are Fellows who are 70 or under and still working more than 40 hours a month.

RETIRED FELLOWS: These are Fellows who are 70 or under and work less than 40 hours a month. There is a decrease in dues.

LIFE FELLOW: These are Fellows over the age of 70. Each fall, the National Office automatically converts the membership status of those whose birthday indicates they will be over 70 the following year. There are no dues for our Fellows who are over 70, although the opportunity to pay Section Dues and support your local initiatives is available.

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