6 minute read

Regent’s Reflection

Kristi Soileau, DDS, MEd, MSHCE, FACD Regency 6

Iwas very pleased to have been asked to submit an article for this issue to share insights on what I have learned from working with my Sections. In doing so, I also have given consideration to what I have observed over the years regarding the ACD as a body of One. While I think that there are subtle differences from Regency to Regency regarding strengths, weaknesses, and offerings of time, talent, and treasure within our respective Sections, I feel that overall, the challenges are subtly distinctive, and that we can all learn from one another though sharing of information. Partitioning the College’s mission statement into the four goals of advancing excellence, ethics, professionalism, and leadership in dentistry facilitates my opinions on how we might best use our experiences to move forward in the most efficient, productive, and collegially unifying means possible.


One definition that describes “a person of excellence” is that the individual should be a positive influencer, sensitive, empathetic, and an excellent communicator. Additionally, that person should lift others and is not insecure in doing so. Excellence is our goal for all members, not solely leaders amongst ourselves.

We achieve this excellence through growth, lifting one another up through our nominations of those who are deserving of membership in our esteemed College. We want the best for others because it is the best for the purpose of the whole. Excellence is never fully achieved; we continue to reach for the highest apples as the tree grows upward.


This is the platform on which the College was instituted. Ethics is based on well-founded standards of right and wrong to prescribe what humans ought to do, which often goes beyond that to which we are legally obligated.

I truly feel, through my interactions with ACD members across the country, that the principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, and veracity are common and shared goals amongst the members of the College—indeed, of the profession in general. May dentistry continue to covet and protect its parallelism with the principles of ethics, having patient concern being our utmost priority over personal gain, with continued guidance by the ACD and its members. Let us seek out those who can strengthen this mission within our ranks.


In healthcare, this can be described as the habitual and judicious use of communication, knowledge, clinical skills, reasoning, emotions, values, and reflection in daily practice for the benefit of the individual and community being served.

What was once considered a trade is now, as evidenced by repeated national surveys, one of the most highly respected professions in existence today. Members within all Sections appear to be verily aligned with protecting our chosen field and with sharing of ourselves with those who cannot afford our services. It is a humbling experience for me to be in the midst of many of our ACD dental heroes.


Both in the clinical arena and in practical skills, leadership is defined by one’s ability to influence, and guide individuals, groups, or organizations towards fruition of purpose.

Undoubtedly, our members are selected for the most part for their exemplary willingness to give of self. Our cohorts in ACD have offered their time, talent, and treasure for others who have benefitted from their many gifts and attributes, and our collective impact is astounding. Further, we have the

“Partitioning the College’s mission statement into the four goals of advancing excellence, ethics, professionalism, and leadership in dentistry facilitates my opinions on how we might best use our experiences to move forward in the most efficient, productive, and collegially unifying means possible.”

opportunity to help mold budding leaders through our volunteerism as educators, as well as through our nurturing and growing an even closer affiliation with the many SPEA programs in dental schools throughout the country.

One of the main qualities exemplified by College leaders is that of nominating others for the esteemed Fellowship for which each of us is so appreciative. G. K. Chesterson stated, “I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” It is in giving that we receive, and every Fellow should feel drawn to give such a gift of acclaim to others, as was once given to them.

Looking forward, I see a crucial need to seek out deserving new Fellows, promote and uphold those members who take initiatives towards continued leadership efforts, and to continue to create innovative means of promoting ethics and professionalism both within the College, as well as throughout our noble profession. It’s a good and appropriate time to be a dentist, and an honor and a privilege to have been called to membership in the ACD. I am sure I speak for many Fellows when I say we are grateful to our dutiful and capable staff, to our parents and other mentors who raised and educated us, and to those dentists who came before us to create the solid path of success based on ethics and professional propriety upon which we now trod.

Think Globally, Act

Locally: Attend Your Regency Session

Amidst the excitement of networking, sharing ideas, and welcoming new Fellows at the annual meeting is perhaps the most valuable 90 minutes of the ACD year—the Regency Break-out Sessions.

President Dick Jones, reflecting on the Regency Break-outs, stated, “It is a rare opportunity to exchange ideas with Sections that are accomplishing Mission-based projects. You will learn from the best and have an opportunity to impact whole Sections by sharing what you may have learned the hard way.”

The sessions are designed to strengthen relationships by bringing together Fellows within their smaller Regency groups, which are facilitated by the elected Regents. These sessions are designed for all Fellows, current and incoming, and provide time to share success stories, opportunities, and concerns. Please join your ACD community and share your Fellowship experience! “Attending the Regency break-out session is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the College’s activities at the national, regency, and section level; to make new connections; and to begin to identify areas where you would like to be involved.”

–Paula K. Friedman, Regent for Regency 1

“The gathering of Section leaders and individual Fellows during Regency Breakouts at each annual ACD Convocation was so powerful and compelling that without doubt it was one of the most important factors which inspired me to accept the call to serve as

a Regent.” –Lance R. Rucker, Regent for Regency 8

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