5 minute read
President’s Forum
Why Don’t Fellows Know What We are About?
Richard E. Jones, DDS, MSD, FACD President of the American College of Dentists
The American College of Dentists was created and served by a small cadre of resolute visionaries for several decades. By the 1960’s, the US and dentistry were in a golden age. The Fellowship had grown, professionalism and mentorship were paradigms, and few challenges were noticed. The College evolved from a visionary action body to more of an honorary organization. The honorific paradigm persists in many corners of the Fellowship and minds of non-Fellows.
Pomp and circumstance is the appropriate honor for new Fellows and it sends a clear message: it is a great honor to be a Fellow of the College. Since Fellows are rarely asked to serve unless they are elected to College leadership, the rest of the “take away” from the Convocation is STOP, you have been honored for past work and no further activity or contribution is necessary. Those who are granted the privilege and opportunity for elected leadership at the Section or even the national level will appreciate the great significance of the American College of Dentists as the visionary action body of the profession.
Current visionary activities are significant but still performed only by a small cadre of leaders: the Officers, Board of Regents, and Section officers supported by the Executive Office. The College leadership interacts with the leadership of other organizations. The activity is generally appreciated only by that small group. An example is the sponsorship of four Ethics Summits that included representatives from 65 diverse dental organizations including everyone from auxiliaries to manufacturers and third-party providers. Topics such as Truth Claims and Commercialism were discussed on a platform of ethics and what improved oral health. The College method of operation has typically been to identify a problem and to activate the appropriate group. There has not been a pattern of “seeking the headline”. Most dentists are unaware of the American College of Dentists and even many Fellows understand the College as an honorary organization with minimal impact. This dissonance is more apparent with our most valuable asset—the younger Fellows, as they are motivated for action and relevance and not accolades.
The College invites all of dentistry under our umbrella and includes the mission essential affiliates: SPEA, the Student Professionalism & Ethics Association that develops leaders for our future, ASDE, the American Society for Dental Ethics that provides ethical guidance, and AADEJ, the American Association of Dental Editors and Journalists that helps us communicate, provides knowledge, and makes us think. All three of these groups are accepting new members interested in expanding expertise in their areas of interest. I encourage you to join and support them.
An especially important action arm of the College is the American College of Dentists Foundation. The Foundation has more than 20 active programs that target mission-centered projects such as 16 ethics dilemma teaching videos, the ACD Ethics Handbook, 42 hours of online ethics courses, ethics and leadership scholarships, and many Section projects.
If we are to enhance excellence, ethics, professionalism, and leadership, it is critical that what we are about is known to our Fellowship, the population of dentists, government, and society. A marketing campaign to “toot our own horn” is unnecessary but an intentional and strategic public information outreach program to all significant parties is necessary for crucial initiatives to be optimally effective. This strategic outreach must include ambassadors at the national level (the Officers, Board of Regents, and Executive Office), the Regency level, and the Section level. (Section Officers and Committees). We must remind ourselves “if not you, then who” and that all Fellows must be ambassadors of the College Mission. The activity of the ambassadors must be intentional, directed, and empowered. I call upon all Fellows to participate.
The College invites all of dentistry under our umbrella and includes the mission essential affiliates: SPEA, the Student Professionalism & Ethics Association that develops leaders for our future, ASDE, the American Society for Dental Ethics that provides ethical guidance, and AADEJ, the American Association of Dental Editors and Journalists that helps us communicate, provides knowledge, and makes us think. All three of these groups are accepting new members interested in expanding expertise in their areas of interest. I encourage you to join and support them.
Fellowship is a great honor. And the College fulfills its Mission with many significant actions. Those actions have greater impact when there is greater outreach: we can help more when we are more known. It is the significance of those actions that attract individuals who have the ability and desire to serve and to have impact. Those Fellows will stay engaged and have greater impact when they are energized (membership retention). There are two ways for Fellows to be engaged: 1 we give them something meaningful to do (committee service or projects) and 2 they are allowed to volunteer for service. Here’s an idea: when a new Fellow receives the College pin, they also receive a Section assignment.
Registration Opens for ACD 2022 in Houston, Texas June 1, 2022 Annual Meeting Registration Deadline for Fellowship Candidates August 30, 2022 Annual Meeting Registration Deadline for Current Fellows September 15, 2022 Last day to cancel Annual Meeting registration and receive a refund September 30, 2022 Fellowship Nominations Due for ACD 2023 in Orlando, Florida January 15, 2023 Ethics Scholarship Applications and National Award Nominations Due February 15, 2023 Section Awards and Model Section Designation Applications Due February 15, 2023 Nominations for Board of Regents Due March 1, 2023
CONTACT ACD News is published by American College of Dentists 103 North Adams Street Rockville, MD 20850 301-977-3223 • 888-ACD-1920 301-977-3330 fax spitman@acd.org • www.acd.org EDITOR Theresa S. Gonzales, DMD, MS, MSS ASSISTANT EDITOR AND PUBLICATION MANAGER Suzan Pitman GRAPHIC DESIGN Matthew Sheriff Periodicals postage paid at Frederick, Maryland Send address changes to: ACD News 103 North Adams Street Rockville, MD 20850 or e-mail office@acd.org