The TurnsFoundation50!
preview—the Board of Regents and Staff in the Executive Office are looking forward to welcoming you back to the in-person Annual Meeting!
While current events have shown we cannot predict the future, our legacy of service driven by the sustained philanthropy of our Fellows will continue to keep our focus on our shared mission—to advance excellence, ethics, professionalism, and leadership in dentistry
The ACDF turns 50 this year, and the College is looking forward to celebrating this special milestone. Name a program that benefits Fellows, dental students, and the dental community at large and the Foundation is what made that program possible. When we ship Ethics Handbooks to dental schools, help send our colleagues through graduate programs in ethics or leadership, and provide world-class continuing education free of charge, that is the work of the Foundation supporting the mission of the College.
In 1972, the Dallas Cowboys won the Super Bowl, Maya Angelou won the Pulitzer Prize, and Richard Nixon became the first US President to visit the People’s Republic of China. It is also the year a group of ACD leaders recognized the need for a funding organization to take the College’s mission even further and created the ACD Foundation.
(continued on page 3)
American College of Dentists
In this Issue President’s Forum 2-3 Executive Director’s Corner 4-5 Why Give? 6-7 2022 Annual Meeting and Convocation 8-11 Officers and Regents Announced 12-13 Group Practice Task Force Report 14-16 Regents Reflection 17 News of Fellows and Sections 17-18 Update from the American Society for Dental Ethics 19-20 Student Professionalism and Ethics Association Spotlight 21 ACD Donors 22-27 NEWS
Although the financial contributions make the work possible, sustaining the mission is the work itself. Without volunteer members willing to roll up their sleeves and do the work, we would not have the abundance of tangible improvements to dentistry that we have created, shared, and enjoyed for over 100 years. The philanthropy of doing is mission essential. In this issue, we bring you ACD leaders’ current thinking on the connections that make our work possible, philanthropy, and important reminders of how much the College accomplishes each year through the generosity of our Fellows. We also hope you will enjoy the meeting
SUMMER 2022 vol. 51 | no.2
The ACD Welcomes the AADEJ
A highlight of the 2022 Annual Meeting will be the signing of the ACD/AADEJ affiliation agreement. Slated for Wednesday, October 12 at 5:30 PM, at the beginning of the Meet & Greet reception, this will signify the official start of the AADEJ’s status as a nongeographic Section of the College.
The American Association of Dental Editors and Journalists (AADEJ) was chartered in 1931 as a result of findings of the ACD’s Commission on Journalism. The Commission sought an ongoing effort to, “promote the ideals of non-proprietary journalism in dentistry.” The organization is committed to the establishment and encouragement of responsible editorial policy. All Fellows of the ACD are invited to add the AADEJ as their second Section.

The Executive Office Staff currently consists of six full time and two parttime members. This competent group is committed to the non-profit Mission. They facilitate the effectiveness of the leaders and Fellows by providing administrative and creative support in areas that include communication, finance, logistics, meeting planning, historical context, membership, publications, working with SPEA, and
President’s Forum
Fundamentally, all of us, regardless of offices held or accolades awarded, are Fellows. We are the 7800 professionals comprising a small part of dentistry
are the core of the College. No matter how brilliant the Board or how hard working the Staff, it is the Section leadership that innovates and oversees the implementation of College initiatives and advances the Mission on the ground level. Many Sections have elected leaders that remain active in leadership for many years after the term of their elected position. They are the knowledgeable authorities of their Sections, Fellows, and of their SPEA programs. The Sections connect the Fellows to one another and to the national organization. Many people know the Officers and Executive Director of the College because they have been noticed for activity and contribution. Some know what the College does because they have been actively involved as elected officials or through other interaction. Few appreciate how the College functions. Two unique characteristics impact the effectiveness of the College. The College is mission based while many dental organizations are transactional, and our organizational system is connectional. Our connectional structure has enabled the College to continue as the conscience of dentistry after a century of challenges. Considering the nature of the new challenges and that the efforts to enhance excellence, ethics, professionalism, and leadership are for all of dentistry, one could argue that the American College of Dentists is the most critical of dental organizations.
Supporting the Sections is the governing Board of Regents, which is a body of five officers, eight elected Regents representing geographic regions, and up to four At Large Regents representing areas such as military dentistry, the dental industry, and dental education. The Board also includes liaisons from our affiliates: SPEA, ASDE, AADEJ. Because of the selection process, the Board is a diverse blend of exceptional talent and dedication spanning the breadth and depth of the profession. The unique key to a century of creating and enhancing the profession is the purely missionbased approach to Board initiatives that creates an exceptional degree of collaborative thinking and working. The effort is supported by two live meetings of the Board of Regents, four virtual Board meetings, and meetings of task force and standing committees. Perhaps the most important activity is the work of the eight elected Regents who engage and empower their Sections.
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The Sections and the Connectional Basis of the College
Richard E. Jones, DDS, MSD, FACD President of the American College of Dentists
anything else the Sections, Fellows, and Board members require. Perhaps the most important function of the Executive Office is connecting the Staff, and Board of Regents with the Sections and the Fellows.
Fundamentally, all of us, regardless of offices held or accolades awarded, are Fellows. We are the 7800 professionals comprising a small part of dentistry that have been recognized for ability, dedication, service, leadership, and achievement. That mass of competence represents the greatest potential for the College

The ACD Welcomes the AADEJ (continued from page 1) Drs. Gies and Midgley were early leaders of the College and were present at the first official meeting of the American Association of Dental Editors in January 1932.
Brandhorst, Otto W. (1970). American College of Dentists History: The First 50 Years. American College of Dentists.
The American College of Dentists has completed an impactful century as the visionary of the profession because it is Mission-based and because of its unique functionality. The College is not defined by a central hierarchy or by the fluid autonomy of its structure. The College is defined by the connections between Fellows and groups of
Fellows. It is those interpersonal relationships that are the essence of the College and its century of impact. This issue of the ACD News highlights the work of the ACD Foundation. Founded in 1972, the Foundation provides the financial resources needed to fund the College’s mission-driven initiatives.
“No man is an island, entire of itself.”
ACD News | Summer 2022 | 3 that have been recognized for ability, dedication, service, leadership, and achievement. That mass of competence represents the greatest potential for the College initiatives. Collectively, through our Sections, we have the best ideas and the greatest influence. The potential is unleashed when we are empowered and connected to the Section leadership, the Staff, and the Board of Regents. This connectional basis of structure is the functional strength of the College. The Board and Staff enable the Sections to be autonomous within the Mission and basic structure of the ACD. This allows a Section to implement initiatives that are relevant to their particular situation and the needs of their local community. This connectional relationship has a weakness common to autonomy. That weakness is the waiting for directives from the central body. The Board and Staff can provide ideas and support, but they cannot know the Fellows on the Section level or fully appreciate the unique environment of the Section. It is up to the Sections to create Mission-based activity that enhance the profession in their area. It is up to each Fellow to seek the opportunity to have impact on the profession. Neither the Fellow nor Section should wait to be asked but should step forward to lead and to contribute. It will take group connectional action and initiation on the individual Fellow level to confront the challenges of the profession.
Money, however, is not our only resource. The connectedness of the ACD Fellows through their Sections, fostered by the Board and Staff, is undoubtedly our greatest asset and a source of strength and stability for the profession. If not you, then who?
– John Donne

A less well-known philanthropist was the legendary peace activist and social reformer, Jane Addams. She famously opined that “action is the sole medium of ethics.” For Jane Addams, this was more than a catchphrase, it was her way of life. Young Jane was exceptionally gifted academically and at age 17, she graduated and was the valedictorian of Rockford Female Seminary. Shortly thereafter, she began to study of medicine with the expressed intention of service to the public as a physician but her medical school career was derailed by chronically poor health. Many years later on a trip to Europe with a colleague, she had the opportunity to visit a so-called settlement house in London and she soon realized that her life’s mission would be the creation of a settlement house and attending to the needs of those most vulnerable in society. Jane Addams lived out her creed of activism and philanthropy for the good of humanity by providing much-needed social services and compulsory education to working-class immigrants and laborers. It is said that Addams sought to foster a place where social progress, education, ethics, art, religion, peace, and happiness could be daily experiences. For her numerous contributions to the public good Jane Addams was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 and she continued to live and work at Hull House in Chicago until she departed this life in 1935.
It is obvious when looking through a wider lens that philanthropy can take a number of forms and it does. It is said that philanthropy benefits
Theresa S. Gonzales, DMD, MS, MSS, FACD
Philanthropy: From Prometheus to the Present Executive Director’s Corner
The word philanthropy is literally translated as the “love of humanity” and it is generally agreed that the first philanthropist was the Greek mythological figure, Prometheus. Legend has it that this Titan deity gave humanity two gifts to improve the human condition—fire and hope.
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In the late 19th and 20th centuries, industrialists like Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, and Cornelius Vanderbilt transformed modern philanthropy by the sheer scale of their giving. More recently, business magnates Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are widely known for their philanthropy and their contributions to society. In fact, the Gates Foundation is reported to be the second-largest charitable foundation in the world, with an endowment of $49.9 billion. It is said that many munificent individuals spend much of their lives acquiring wealth and the remainder of their lives giving their fortunes away. Philanthropy takes many forms and there are many ways to give. What is common to all philanthropists is a loving desire to better the human condition.
It is hard to imagine that it is time to draft the message for the Executive Director’s Corner for the August newsletter. Of all the information that we provide in our publications, this is perhaps my favorite message to draft. This issue of the ACD News is devoted almost exclusively to those who support the College and its myriad missions through their generosity of time, talent, and treasure. This issue also gives us a window to view all of the activities that are planned for the 2022 ACD Annual Meeting and Convocation. Clearly, there is much to celebrate as we make the final preparations to deliver a world-class event deep in the heart of Texas. A brand-new cohort of Fellows will be welcomed into the American College of Dentists’ family, and this alone is ample cause for celebration. Many of the opportunities that are made available to our Fellows are underwritten by the generous contributions of our Fellowship to the American College of Dentists’ Foundation. The Foundation is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year and we have planned many events to acknowledge this organizational milestone. This newsletter also includes our list of donors and by all accounts, philanthropy is alive and well in the College.
There is an old adage that suggests that “you should give until it hurts.” I would argue that “one should give until it feels benefitPhilanthropygood.”isainactionand a centuries old method of imbuing values to successive generations.

I would argue that “one should give until it feels good.” Philanthropy is a benefit in action and a centuriesold method of imbuing values to successive generations. Jane Addams believed that philanthropy is a mechanism that helps us negotiate the healing waters of human endeavor. On behalf of the American College of Dentists in our 2nd century of service to humanity, we wish to thank those who have contributed to our ongoing efforts to “advance excellence, ethics, professionalism, and leadership in dentistry.” We look forward to welcoming you to your American College of Dentists’ family in Houston. “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” –Robert Louis Stevenson Jane Addams. This work is from the George Grantham Bain collection at the Library of Congress. According to the library, there are no known copyright restrictions on the use of this work.
ACD News | Sping 2022 | 5 CONTACT ACD News is published by American College of Dentists 103 North Adams Street Rockville, MD 20850 301-977-3223 • spitman@acd.org301-977-3330888-ACD-1920fax• EDITOR Theresa S. Gonzales, DMD, MS, MSS ASSISTANT EDITOR AND PUBLICATION MANAGER Suzan Pitman GRAPHIC DESIGN Matthew Sheriff Periodicals postage paid at Frederick, Maryland Send address changes to: ACD News 103 North Adams Street Rockville, MD 20850 or e-mail Dates to Remember Registration for ACD 2022 Annual Meeting and Convocation is Open! Visit for more information and to register. Registration for CandidatesFellowshipEnds August 31 Registration for Current Fellows Ends September 15 News of Fellows and Section News for the Fall Issue of the ACD News Due October 1, 2022 ACD 2022 Annual Meeting and Convocation October 12-13, 2022 Fellowship Nominations Due for ACD 2023 January 15, 2023 Ethics Scholarship Applications and National Award Nominations Due February 15, 2023 Section Awards and Model Section Designation Applications Due February 15, 2023 Nominations for Board of Regents Due March 1, 2023 society and creates opportunities. Opportunities create paths forward and generally more opportunities to create opportunity. The fundamental purpose of philanthropy, simply stated, is to serve others; although it is widely known that philanthropy provides considerable benefit to the philanthropist. Charity and philanthropy teach empathy and build emotional intelligence and create deeper connection with communities of interest. There is an old adage that suggests that “you should give until it hurts.”

Established in 2009, the Dows Scholarship was recently raised to $20,000. The Dr. Cecelia L. Dows Scholarship for Advanced Study in Ethics is offered annually. This is a competitive, onetime scholarship of $20,000 to be used towards a Master’s or Doctoral program in ethics. Recent recipients have attended Harvard and Creighton Universities. For more information and an application visit or contact Suzan Pitman at
“Many things in life inspire philanthropy, such as your faith in humanity and your belief in the human spirit to overcome.”
Recently established is the ACD Leader Development Program offered at the Kellogg Institute at Northwestern University, which furthers the leadership development of ACD Fellows. Three Fellows are selected every three years to participate in a new cohort of emerging dental leaders. This unique opportunity is through a partnership between the ACD, AAPD, and the university. The ACD Foundation covers most of the cost of attending each of the three years of the program. The College will begin accepting applications for Cohort VII in January 2023. The newest opportunity extended to Fellows through the Foundation is participation in the ADEA Leadership Institute. Participation in the ADEA Leadership Institute prepares emerging leaders in dental education for expanded roles in their institutions and the profession. Two $5,000 scholarships were made available for the 2022 program. These scholarships have been made available by a generous contribution from the Dr. Jerome Bright Miller Fund. Two additional $5,000 scholarships have been approved for the 2023 program and these scholarships have been underwritten by a generous donation from the Dr. Juliann Bluitt Foster Endowment Fund.
When we talk about giving, we must also define why are we giving; we give because of philanthropy and our commitment and passion for the ACD. Philanthropy can be defined as a critical part of our democratic society. It is different than charity, which focuses on eliminating social problems. It supports projects and endeavors from which we all can benefit. As stated, the Foundation promotes professionalism and ethics by providing scholarships for advanced studies, materials for dental students, and continuing education but also, it is important that we support leadership development for our Fellows.
Among the many projects that the ACD Foundation supports are our advanced education initiatives.
Leo E. Rouse, DDS, FACD President, American College of Dentists Foundation
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The American College of Dentist Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization. As our foundation continues to grow for the next 50 years, I am reminded of the value that the foundation provides for its members. The ACD Foundation was created to support educational, literary, and scientific initiatives that advance oral health and the dental profession; it supports educational and programmatic efforts that promote professionalism and ethics like scholarships for advanced studies in ethics, educational materials for dental students, and continuing education courses.
–Oprah Winfrey
Happy Anniversary American College of Dentists Foundation! The ACD Foundation is celebrating 50 years of existence and as we celebrate our founding, I am reflecting on the concept of philanthropy and what motivates us to give.

In 2022, the American College of Dentists Foundation will celebrate its golden anniversary and the Foundation will continue to fund scholarships in ethics and leadership as well as an enhanced online ethics curriculum in direct support of the expressed mission of the College to advance excellence, ethics, professionalism, and leadership in dentistry. The 50th Anniversary will be celebrated in Houston, Texas, and we encourage all Fellows to enjoy the festivities and fruits of their sustained contributions. Your support of the American College of Dentists Foundation will enhance and sustain our efforts for the next 50 years and beyond.
If you’ve ever participated in an ACD continuing education session you have experienced the ACD Foundation in action. Since the new dental ethics learning site launched in 2018, nearly 30,000 courses have been successfully completed. Our ethical dilemmas videos have been watched thousands of times, and our Sections have hosted local events with large virtual participation. We are looking forward to returning to our well-attended in-person events at the annual meeting, and supporting our Sections as they continue with virtual, hybrid, and in-person events.
Philanthropy is derived from the Greek words phyllos, which means loving, and anthropos, which means humankind. A person who is involved in philanthropy is called a philanthropist and yes, I think we do love to give! My appeal to you is let’s join forces to support our beloved American College of Dentists, and we do that through the American College of Dentists Foundation.
In closing, I wish to add my personal gratitude to our two ACDF Consultants and Past Presidents—Dr. Tom Connolly and Dr. Pat Blanton. Their unselfish support in terms of time, talent, and treasure to the ACD Foundation is illustrative of their deeply held commitment to philanthropy and the American College of Dentists.
ACD News | Summer 2022 | 7
To quote our distinguished Executive Director, Dr. Theresa Gonzales, “We give today to support the founding principles of elevating the standards of dentistry through a thousand acts of professionalism and personal commitment which will allow us to remain the conscience of dentistry as we engage the challenges and issues of our time.”
Each year, we ask the President of the ACD Foundation to contribute their thoughts on the theme of giving, and how it is reflected in the work of advancing the mission of the College. Dr. Rouse was President of the College during an unprecedented time, 2020-2021, and has been instrumental in the success of both the Foundation and the College as we have weathered the continuous challenges with which we have all been presented.
8 | ACD News | Spring 2022 2022 Annual Meeting and Convocation Wednesday / October 12 8:00 – 11:00 AM ETHICS COURSE Rising Issues in Oral Healthcare Through an Ethical Lens Meeting Room 335 Pre-registration is required. 8:00 – 11:00 AM COMMUNICATIONS COURSE Making Your Voice Heard: Challenges and Opportunities in Editing, Scholarly Writing, and Social Media Meeting Room 343 Pre-registration is required. 1:00-1:15 PM SECTION AWARDS Lanier Grand Ballroom 1:15 – 3:45 PM FELLOWS FORUM Panel Discussion: New Professionalism in Practice Lanier Grand Ballroom 4:00 – 5:30 PM REGENCY BREAK-OUT SESSIONS 3rd Floor Meeting Rooms 5:30 – 7:00 PM SIGNING CEREMONY ACD/AADEJ Affiliation Agreement MEET & GREET RECEPTION Lanier Grand Ballroom Lobby Thursday / October 13 8:30 – 9:30 AM KEYNOTE PRESENTATION Dr. Brené Brown George R. Brown Convention Center Sponsored in conjunction with the ADA and ACD 9:45 – 10:45 AM NEW FELLOW ORIENTATION Annual Business Meeting Lanier Grand Ballroom 10:45 – 11:15 AM PRESIDENT-ELECT’S ADDRESS Robert M. Lamb Lanier Grand Ballroom 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM CONVOCATION LUNCHEON John Pullum Speaker and Entertainer Ballroom of the Americas Pre-registration is required. 3:00 – 5:00 PM CONVOCATION OF FELLOWS Lanier Grand Ballroom 7:00 – 11:30 PM DENIM & DIAMONDS GALA ACDF SILENT AUCTION AND COCKTAILS DINNER AND DANCING Lanier Grand Ballroom Big and Bright in Houston, Texas! All events are at the Hilton Americas unless otherwise specified. All times are Central.

Dr. Brené Brown Keynote Presentation
ACD News | Summer 2022 | 9 “ We’re looking forward to a powerful event that reflects a new day for dentistry.”
Thursday, October 13, 8:30 AM George R. Brown Convention Center
Please note that this event will take place at the George R. Brown Convention Center in conjunction with the ADA Opening Session.
ACD Fellows will have a section of the Convention center set aside so that we may sit together during the presentation. All attendees at this session must have a SmileCon badge.
Brené Brown serves as the Huffington Foundation Endowed Chair at the Graduate College of Social Work at the University of Houston and is also a visiting professor in management at the University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business. Dr. Brown has spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy, and is author of the bestselling book based on her research, Dare to Lead.
– ADA President Dr. Cesar R. Sabates

Carlos Smith, DDS, MDiv, FACD
– Georges Cuvier
Moderated by: Keisha Ray with Panelists Scott Tomar, Lisa Simon, and Carlos Smith
8:00 – 11:00 AM
Pre-registration is required. Fee is $200.
8:00 – 11:00 AM
The Oral Health in America Report: Pulling the Ethics Thread in Practice and Education
Toni Roucka, RN, DDS, MA, FACD
Rising Issues in Oral Healthcare through an Ethical Lens Facilitated by:
Pre-registration is required. Fee is $200 for ACD Fellows who are attending only this session of the AADEJ meeting.
No pre-registration, no charge. All Fellows and Friends of the College are encouraged to attend.
Facilitated by: Nanette Elster, JD, MPH Kayhan Parsi, JD, PHD, HEC-C Earl Sewell, MFA
Pamela Zarkowski, JD, MPH, FACD
There are a myriad of legal and ethical challenges facing providers of oral health care today. Providers need to be prepared to rise to these challenges, especially those surrounding emerging issues. Participants will explore “hot topics” related to legal and ethical challenges in dental practice and develop a list of strategies of how to address them.
1:15 – 3:45 PM
Wednesday, October 12
This interactive session will discuss various professional opportunities and challenges faced by dentists today, and how dental journals, editors, and journalists can play an essential role in promoting discourse and action. Topics covered will range from the ethics of academic integrity to the promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion in both content and authors. The session will discuss how best to integrate form and substance to appeal to a wide-ranging audience as well as how to utilize a range of different platforms including social media and podcasts in an effort to not only improve uptake and engagement with content but to promote access.
Challenges and Opportunities in Editing, Scholarly Writing, and Social Media
Presented by: Presented by: “Show me your teeth and I will tell you who you are.”
10 | ACD News | Summer 2022

The last day to request seating at the Gala dinner and to request vegetarian or gluten free meals is September 15. As standard practice, the ACD seats Fellows from the same Regencies and Sections together, but Fellows may make a seating request during registration. For the Convocation luncheon, seating is open. The College cannot guarantee there will be seats available after September 15 at the Convocation Luncheon or the Gala. Any available seats will be sold first come, first served on-site in Houston. We will not be able to rearrange table seating at the Gala after September 15. On-site registration for the ethics and communications courses will be limited to Fellows already on the waiting list. We really hope to see you in Houston, but sometimes plans change. All cancellation and refund requests must be received by September 30 at 5:00 PM, Central/6:00 PM, Eastern. After this date, no refunds will be granted. To cancel ACD registration, email To cancel SmileCon registration and housing reservations and request a refund, email
Candidates who are being inducted receive two seats to the Gala with their induction fee, and should indicate if they are attending when they register. Current Fellows may register for the Gala along with their general registration.
The American College of Dentists meets as an affiliate with the American Dental Association. We’re looking forward to attending SmileCon and hope to you are, too!,sharingideas,andwelcomingnewFellowsattheannualmeetingisperhapsthemostvaluable90minutesoftheACDyear—theRegencyBreak-outSessions.
“It is a rare opportunity to exchange ideas with Sections that are accomplishing Missionbased projects. You will learn from the best and have an opportunity to impact whole Sections by sharing what you may have learned.”
ACD News | Summer 2022 | 11 Thursday, October 13
Looking for a way to add a little “denim and diamonds” to your Gala attire? The Gallery will have a limited number of ACDspecific and crystal bolo ties available during the meeting.
President Dick Jones, reflecting on the Regency Break-outs, stated, “It is a rare opportunity to exchange ideas with Sections that are accomplishing Missionbased projects. You will learn from the best and have an opportunity to impact whole Sections by sharing what you may have learned.” The sessions are designed to strengthen relationships by bringing together Fellows within their smaller Regency groups, which are facilitated by the elected Regents. These sessions are designed for all Fellows, current and incoming, and provide time to share success stories, opportunities, and concerns. Please join your ACD community and share your Fellowship experience!
– President Dick Jones Think Globally, Act Locally: Attend Your Regency Session
A highlight of the annual meeting is the ACD’s Gala—a muchanticipated celebration of Fellowship. The evening includes a reception, the ACD Foundation Silent Auction, and dinner.
Black tie optional, “Texas Tuxedos” welcome.

Outgoing Board Members
President-elect Teresa A. Dolan Vice President Robert A Faiella Treasurer Carole M. Hanes (newly elected, prior Regent)
Paula RegencyFriedmanK.1 StephenPachutaM. At Large Regent Toni ASDERouckaM.Liaison
Immediate Past President and President of the ACD Foundation Richard E. Jones
The College received no petitions to the slate of officers presented by their respective nominating committees, and thereby announces the election results final. Congratulations to our newly elected Board members and officers! Nominations for the 2023-2024 Board of Regents will be accepted through March 1, 2023. For the next election, the positions of Vice President and President-elect are open. Also to be elected are Regents for Regencies 4 and 8. For more information, please contact Suzan Pitman at
President Robert M. Lamb
The contributions of our outgoing Board members cannot be overstated. The members of the Board of Regents volunteer at least four years of service to the ACD, sharing their collected wealth of experiences, knowledge, and wisdom for the betterment of the organization and the profession. With much appreciation, the following members will rotate off the Board in October 2022.
Robert Lamb With minimal in-person meetings for the last couple of years, I don’t know about you, but I am looking forward to seeing people and getting together with ACD Fellows and Candidates in Houston. As I start my Presidential year in Houston, the Regents, National Officers, and I want to be able to serve the Fellowship efficiently during our tenures. The Regents serve as a critical bond between the Sections and National Leadership. Good communication between the Regents and the Sections is mutually beneficial. Officers and Regents are eager to attend as many Section meetings as possible. The best way for this to be coordinated is through a request at the Executive Office. The ACD has a limited travel budget for Officers and Regents, and the Executive Office can assist in scheduling these visits. If Sections can help defray the ground costs of Regent or Officer visits, the Officers and Regents can make more visits. If you have a dental school with a SPEA chapter in the locality of your meeting location, we would like to try to meet with the SPEA students. Please contact to request a visit. Even if you are not requesting a visit, please furnish the Executive Office with the dates and location of your Section meetings. We are trying to maintain a calendar of ACD events and activities in all of the Regencies.
Officers and Regents Announced
A Note from ACD President-elect
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ACD News | Summer 2022 | 13 Regency 1 Julie A. Connolly (newly elected) Regency 2 Peter M. Guevara Regency 3 Robert G. Plage (newly elected) Regency 4 Terry L. Norris Cecile A. Feldman Joseph P. Crowley Krista Jones Pamela Alston (newly appointed) REGENTS AT LARGE REGENTS LIAISONS TO THE BOARD OF REGENTS Regency 5 Thomas E. Raimann Regency 6 Kristi M. Soileau Regency 7 Ned L. Nix Regency 8 Lance M. Rucker American Society for Dental Ethics Pamela Zarkowski Student Professionalism and Ethics Association Erik G. Klintmalm Regent Intern Andrea M. Fenton

Former Regent from Regency 6, Doug Bogan President-elect, Robert Lamb Vice President, Terri Dolan SPEA Liaison, Erik Klintmalm Regent at Large, Joe Crowley Ethicist and ACD Fellow, Phyllis Beemsterboer
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Group Practice Task Force Report
Early on in our research and deliberation it was evident that the scope that we were tasked with was broader than just DSO’s. It was expanded to include all group practices whether private or corporate. The task force charge included developing professional guidelines for group practice, for the employed dentist, and developing business models for small, medium, and large group practices based on professionalism and efficiency.
This group was well versed in dealing with this topic having a recent graduate in a group practice, two seasoned dentists in a group practice, one retired dentist from a solo practice who has dealt with group practices on the ADA level, one seasoned dentist in a solo practice, a vice president of a large dental supplier with expertise in dental products and sales and an ethicist from the academic realm. They are:
In addition to a White Paper, the Task Force developed a resource guide and a “Bill of Rights” for Group Practice. The White Paper and resource guide are published in their entirety at
Following the ACD Annual Meeting in October of 2021, President Richard E. Jones appointed several special task forces to research and develop recommendations to further the work of the College. One such task force was given the directive to study Dental Service Organizations (DSO).
Terry L. Norris, DDS, FACD Regent, Regency 4 Chair, Group Practice Task Force

9. The dentist should have their dental educational degrees and dental license displayed where patients can observe.
The Rights of Dentists in Group Practice
5. The dentist should address the cost of each treatment that is clinically acceptable and should not be pressured to propose more expensive options, encourage overtreatment, or engage in upselling to generate more revenue.
10. The licensed dentist as leader with the dental team should be sure all allied individuals are educated, credentialed, and maintaining appropriate skills to assure the safety of the patients.
4. The dentist should present to every patient all the appropriate treatment plan options, advantages, and disadvantages. The dentist must assure that each patient understands the rationale for each treatment option.
7. The dentist must not perform any procedures outside of the scope of practice or for which they are untrained.
ACD News | Summer 2022 | 15
1. The dentist is ethically bound to place the needs of the patient as primary, striving to create and maintain trust in the patientdentist provider relationships.
6. The dentist should provide the dental treatment they planned for each patient under care. If the patient has been assigned to a new dentist, that dentist should re-examine the patient to assure agreement with the treatment plan.
2. The dentist is a professional with autonomy defining their role in the provision of dental care and diagnosis of dental disease.
8. The dentist must know the rules, regulations, and laws in the jurisdiction in which they are practicing and are required to adhere to these guidelines.
3. The dentist must fully examine any patient that has presented for dental care and prepare an appropriate treatment plan.
The biggest thing I learned, though is that dentists are social creatures. We crave human interaction. We sorely missed being with our patients and having meetings in person. I had thought that virtual meetings could be the way of the future, but I was VERY wrong. I know we needed to do what we did at the time. However, in meeting after meeting, I learned we all wanted to see each other in person and interact. I felt this somewhat at the ribbon cutting for the new ACD office last August where I met the leaders, board members and staff of the ACD for the first time. It truly hit me at my first true in person ACD Board meeting in Asheville in Spring of this year. So, I hope to see you all in Houston and next year in Orlando IN PERSON. Please find me and say hi!
The biggest thing I learned, though is that dentists are social creatures. We crave interaction.human
Dentistry was way ahead of other health professions with infection control and protection. Dentists had routinely washed their hands, used gloves and masks, sprayed, or covered surfaces and sterilized all their instruments. The proof of this is shown by there being no documented cases of transmission in dental offices even though the offices have been listed as high risk. We should be proud of that.
16 | ACD News | Summer 2022
The ACD is an incredible organization, and I am proud to be a Fellow and Regent. The staff and leadership put together two years of virtual convocations and programs in a trying situation. There were also many virtual meetings that I attended set up by the ACD staff.
Meetings were held virtually for many of the groups I was associated with, including the ACD. I thought these were great, I was close to the bathroom and refrigerator! They even had a virtual meeting to celebrate the 100 years of the ACD that I was invited to even though I was not a Regent yet. Slowly, more and more meetings were held in person.
The last couple of years have been strange times for all of us. Who would have thought that streaming movies and series would be so popular?
I had started 2020 as president of the Wisconsin Dental Association looking forward to a great year visiting all the state components and meeting with members in person. Then Covid hit and the world changed. We had conference calls, then virtual meetings like all of you did. I had daily calls with my Executive Director. We adapted to the ever-changing conditions that the pandemic threw at us. During that year I was honored to learn that I was named to be the American College of Dentists Regency Five Regent starting at the ACD Annual meeting. I also learned that the ADA and ACD meetings were to be virtual. I thought how are they going to pull that off? They both pulled it off in remarkable time and done well. It was not what many of us were used to or would have liked. During the early days of the pandemic, dentists stepped up and did the right and ethical thing by seeing only patients with emergent needs. This action possibly helped prevent the spread of the disease and freed up valuable professional protective equipment for hospitals. Later, as more was learned, dentists got back to work with updated protocols and the vaccine.
Tom RegencyRaimann5 Unusual Times and What I Learned Regent’s Reflection
Who would have thought that to Zoom would take on a whole new meaning? Who would have thought that wearing a mask would become so controversial?
Here is what I learned: Dentists are a caring, ethical group that worked for the good of their patients and society at large.

Colonel Azure Utley
Colonel Peter H. Guevara Colonel Peter H. Guevara (Federal Services), Regent for Regency 2, recently took command of the Fort Carson Dental Health Activity in Colorado. Colonel Guevara was most recently the Dean of the Army Postgraduate Dental School.
Quality Fellowship Nominations Needed for 2023 Most of our Fellows report that the highlight of their career was being inducted into the ACD. Please consider nominating exceptional colleagues for Fellowship. The due date for nominations is January 15, 2023, and the forms can be obtained at nominations or by contacting the office at The ACD 2023 Annual Meeting and Convocation will take place October 4-5, 2023, in Orlando, Florida.
Dr. Masse has served on the Board of Directors of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine and is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the AADSM Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine.
Quebec Section Chair Hubert Gaucher, ACD President Richarad Jones, and new Quebec Section Fellow Jocylene Feine
ACD News | Summer 2022 | 17 News of Fellows and Sections
Submitted by Fred Burnham, Iowa Section Chair
Submitted by Hubert Gaucher, Quebec Section Chair, and the AADSM
Colonel Azure Utley (Federal Services) recently took command of the 618th Medical Company (Dental Area Support) and Dental Health Activity in South Korea. This is her third successive brigade command. At the spring meeting of the Iowa Section the Fellows agreed to pledge $2000.00 to support an effort to screen Afghan and other refugees in Des Moines for oral health issues. Additionally, the Outstanding Student Leadership award was given to Kelsey Edwards. She will enter private practice in Altoona, Iowa. Additionally, Section leaders presented Ann Harris and John Rice with Fellowship pin attachments noting their 15-years of Fellowship.
Quebec Section meeting attendees Jocylene Feine, Robert Dorion, Hubert Gaucher, Christene Nadeau, Richard Jones, Herbert BorsukPresident Richarad Jones, and new Quebec Section Fellow Jocylene Feine
Jean-Francois Masse (Quebec) was recently recognized by the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine with the Distinguished Service Award.
Dr. Masse graduated from Université Laval in 1990. After a general practice residency, he attained two Master’s degrees, one in Dental Science and one in Epidemiology on the topic of sleep apnea. Besides working in a general practice, he is staff at the Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec in one of the main sleep centers in Canada. He also teaches oral appliance therapy at Université Laval’s Faculty of Dentistry.

Stephen comes to the ACD with a background in banking, most recently with Truist Banks. Before that, he spent over 10 years in the hospitality and food service industries. He is excited to bring his experience into the nonprofit sector. When he’s not in the office he enjoys playing ice hockey and pickleball, building Legos, and cooking.
Yrsa came to the Executive Staff’s attention in 2021 due to her interest in dental school. Her interest has evolved into a focus on pathology. Working with Executive Director Theresa Gonzales, an oral pathologist, has been beneficial.
The ACD Executive Office welcomed a new staff member this summer.
Stephen Froehlich, a Montgomery County, Maryland native, has taken the helm at the Credentials Manager desk.
The ACD proudly sponsors an annual ethics lecture at the NDA Convention.
In addition to assisting with the completion of the latest publishing effort of the ACD Foundation, Presidents and Prerogatives: Profiles in Leadership, Yrsa has been helpful in preparing for the Annual Meeting and has enjoyed catching up with friends from college and high school after hours.
In July, ACD President Richard Jones attended the meeting of the National Dental Association. In addition to attending the ACDsponsored ethics lecture, given by Gerald Winslow (Southern California), Dr. Jones enjoyed meeting NDA leaders from across the country and learning from other noted speakers. Session topics included issues in diversity, equity, and inclusion, the Oral Health in America report, practice management, clinical practice, and the NDA 40 Under 40 Awards.
Fellows attending the NDA Annual Meeting included Carlos Smith, Pamela Alston, Richard Jones, and Gerald Winslow.
The ACD 2022 Summer Intern is Yrsa Erikson, a rising college sophomore. Yrsa is a transfer student from Loyola Chicago to Temple University in Philadelphia, and a 2021 graduate of Rockville High School.
The summer internship program was made possible by a generous gift from David W. Chambers, Editor Emeritus.
News from the Office
News of Fellows and Sections
Presidents of ADA, NDA, ACD—caption: Dental leaders and Fellows Ray Cohlmia, ADA Executive Director; Cesar Sabates, ADA President; Cheryl Lee-Butler, NDA President; Manuel Crodero, HDA Executive Director; Pamela Alston, NDA Immediate Past President and incoming ACD At Large Regent; Richard Jones, ACD President; and George Shepley, ADA President-elect.
Summer Intern Program Continues
“ The continued collaboration between the NDA and the ACD is an important priority. Building bridges strengthens the profession and enhances oral health.” –Richard Jones
18 | ACD News | Summer 2022
Submitted by Richard Jones and Pamela Alston

ASDE held the annual membership The Mission of the American Society for Dental Ethics is to lead education and scholarship in dental ethics.
Carlos is an associate professor, dental public health and policy, and director of diversity, equity, and inclusion at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry. He graduated from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry and holds a master’s in divinity from Duke University. Carlos has a special interest in health literacy, cultural competency, and health disparities.
on page 20)
Terry retired after thirty years of active duty as a Dental Officer in the US Public Health Service. He has served as a Senior Investigator and a Scientific Review Officer at NIH. At the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, he was the Director of the Office of Scientific Review and the Agency Research Integrity Liaison Officer. He served as the Secretary General of the International College of Dentists.
Kathryn is an Associate Professor and Director of Ethics and Professional Development at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. She is a graduate of Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. Post-graduate studies include a Fellowship in Rehabilitation Dentistry at the University of Washington and a Master of Science Degree in Dental Public Health from Boston University. She is looking forward to continuing the mission of ASDE.
ACD Liaison Pamela Zarkowski (Michigan)
Robert is an Assistant Professor and Founding Faculty Member at Western University College of Dental Medicine. He graduated from University of Texas Dental School at San Antonio in 1988. He has served as Chair of California Dental Association Judicial Council, and currently serves as Ethics Chair for Tri-County Dental Society. He is a Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry, the American College of Dentists, International College of Dentists, Pierre Fauchard Academy, and the American Academy of the History of Dentistry.
Assistant Dean for Admissions, Associate Professor of Oral Biology and Diagnostic Sciences, Restorative Sciences, and Program Director for Graduate Program in Oral Biology and Maxillofacial Pathology. Dr. Messer earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Science and Mechanics from the University of Tennessee followed by her Master of Science and PhD in Biomedical Engineering focusing on Biomaterials.
President Kathryn Ragalis (Massachusetts)
Dr. Messer is an Honorary Fellow in the ACD, serves on the Augusta University Bioethics committee, and AADOCR Ethics Committee.
Catherine is an associate professor, health policy and health services research at Boston University School of Dental Medicine. Currently, she is interim association dean for admissions. Catherine holds MBA and JD degrees from Boston University and is an active contributor to continuing dental education in ethics and jurisprudence.
MEET THE ASDE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ASDE members elected the following officers for the 2022-2024 term: (continued
Robert (California)Stevenson
Update from the American Society for Dental Ethics
Terry Hoffeld (Maryland)
Catherine Frankl Sarkis (Massachusetts)
Regina Messer (Georgia)
ACD News | Summer 2022 | 19
Pamela is chief academic officer for the University of Detroit Mercy. She supervises key student and institutional support offices at Detroit Mercy and has a long-standing interest in Women’s and Gender Studies. Pamela is a past president of ASDE. Over her career she has made significant contributions and served in leadership positions in many dental organizations.

Update from the American Society for Dental Ethics (continued from page 19)
20 | ACD News | Summer 2022
DUES ARE DUE ASDE is a small Section with about 100 members. Dues are the only source of income and while the needs are small, ASDE remains strong because of member support. Please support ASDE with your dues.
From the Office: Helpful Hints for Successful Nominations
• Focusing on leadership experience, or a younger dentist’s trajectory when it comes to leadership, is essential.
• ADA membership is strongly encouraged but no longer required for Fellowship.
• A nomination is only complete if the ACD office receives both the nomination form and the professional and biographical profile summary form from the nominator. Incomplete nominations are held for the following year.
Tell VolunteerYourStory
• Stay in touch! Please do not hesitate to contact the office with questions or concerns that come up during the process. The ACD Credentials Manager is Stephen Froehlich, and he can be reached at or at 301-977-3223.
The Fellows of the College are notoriously generous with their time and talent. Please share your stories of giving and volunteering. Stories and photos should be sent to Suzan Pitman at These will be compiled and published in the next issue of the ACD News.
ASDE has conducted the OzarHasegawa Essay Program for many years. The winners for 2022 were announced: First Place: Bianca Zero (Indiana University); Honorable Mention: Mehtab Dhaliwal (University of Washington); Honorable Mention: Calvin Panah (University of Washington). ASDE is grateful to Dr. Kelton Stewart (Indiana U), Dr. Chanira Reang (U-Wash), and Dr. Sara Gordon (U-Wash) who were mentors for the students. The essays will appear in future publications.
ASDE Board Summer Meeting: The ASDE Board of Directors Summer (virtual) Meeting will held on Friday, August 12 (12 PM – 2 PM EDT), and Saturday, August 13 (11 AM – 1:30 PM EDT). ASDE meetings are open meetings and interested members are welcome. The Friday meeting focuses on committee reports and business. The Saturday meeting is reserved for strategic planning, program ideas, and new areas of endeavor for ASDE. Any ASDE and ACD member is invited to attend.
Frederick More, DDS, FACD Executive Director, ASDE
• Nominations are encouraged year-round. The cut-off for nominations is January 15 for each calendar year’s Convocation. Nominations received after that date will be held for the following year. We do this to ensure the Credentials Committee has adequate time to carefully consider each nominee.

Backed by excellent student leadership and noteworthy support from the ACD, SPEA is having a strong year. We have seen an increase in activity as the pandemic restrictions continue to ease. New chapters have been created in West Virginia and Michigan, with schools in Texas, Quebec, Washington, Nebraska, and Kentucky well on their way to becoming chapters because of our partnership with the ACD.
SPEA is full of energy and bright futures. Students across the United States and Canada love the ACD. We are proud of our close connection to such an admirable group of dental Weprofessionals.lookforward to continued networking opportunities with the mentorship we have through the ACD. There is excitement in the air for our first in-person annual session in three years where students will come together to advance themselves in dentistry. We thank so many of you for your support and sponsorship of your local SPEA members to attend annual session. We invite ACD fellows throughout Canada and the United States to get involved with students in SPEA. We are eager to learn so we can be better clinicians and colleagues. As dentists, we will gratefully pay it forward just as many of you have.
ACD News | Summer 2022 | 21
Kjeld Nelson, Executive Chair Student Professionalism and Ethics UniversityAssociationof Colorado School of Dental Medicine, Class of 2024 SPEA is full of energy and bright futures. Students across the United States and Canada love the ACD.
SPEA’s national leadership recently attended a board meeting in Colorado where we connected and worked hard to further our organizational goals. We made plans for our 2022 annual session which will be held in Houston. We developed a strategic plan during our meeting to clarify our goals and vision. We also conquered the Manitou Incline.
Manitou Incline, Colorado Springs

22 | ACD News | Summer 2022 Centennial Circle Jerome B. Miller Founders Circle Cecelia L. Dows Juliann S. Bluitt Foster Patricia L. Blanton Presidents Circle Platinum Circle David W. Chambers Thomas J. Connolly Thomas J. Wickliffe Gold Circle Geraldine M. Ferris Jean ThomasMarciaHopemanA.BoydF.Winkler III Gold CorporationsCircle Organization& Delta Dental of Missouri Dentsply Sirona Silver Circle Gary S. Yonemoto John M. Scarola Kenneth E. Follmar Krista Jones Max M. Martin, Jr. Richard F. Stilwill Robert A. Faiella Roger W. SamuelTriftshauserD.Harris Bronze Circle Arlet R. Dunsworth B. Charles Kerkhove, Jr. Barbara A.C. Kay Barry L. Langley Charles D. Dietrich Charles F. Squire Chester J. Schultz Coleman & Jane Gertler Gordon H. Rovelstad H. Raymond Klein Harvey E. Matheny James A. Harrell, Sr. Kenneth L. Kalkwarf Lee P. Oneacre Mark A. Bauman N. Karl Haden Norman H. Olsen R. Gilbert Triplett Ralph A. RichardRichardRichardBoelscheC.VinciE.BradleyJ.ReynoldsRichardJ.SimeoneRobertL.Smith,Jr.RobertM.LambRobertT.RaganS.JerryLongStephenA.Ralls Theresa S. Gonzales W. Scott Waugh Bronze OrganizationsCircle Alice Rosenwald Fund American Dental Association Delta Dental of New Hampshire BronzeSectionsCircle Indiana Section New York Section Southern California Section Texas Section Western NY Section $1,000 Gies Fellow $2,500 Gies Medallion $5,000 Gies Benefactor $10,000 Bronze Circle $25,000 Silver Circle $50,000 Gold Circle $100,000 Platinum Circle $250,000 President’s Circle $500,000 Founders Circle $1,000,000 Centennial Circle ACD Foundation’s Circle Donors
Newton C. Gordon Noel Larsen
Paul M.
Steven D. Chan
Douglas E.J.
Bert W. Oettmeier, Jr.
American Board of AmericanPeriodontologyCollege of Prosthodontists
Terry L. Norris
Stephen M. Pachuta
Our members and friends primarily give because they love the College, they believe in our mission, and they like what we’re doing. The collective effort to further our mission is notable in that it is both broad and deep—the College is able to continuously cast a wide net in multiple arenas through the dedication and ongoing support of its Fellows and Friends.
Mississippi Section Missouri WilliamWilliamWilliamWalterWalterW.W.StephenSamuelRuthRoryRobertRobertRobertRichardRichardRichardRichardRichardRichardReneeR.OntarioOklahomaSectionSectionSectionTerryGrubbKleinA.GreenbergArthurSimmsB.HancockBenningerF.AndolinaJ.HaffnerB.AlleyL.NelsonV.WalkerE.MortmanS.FriedmanO.DornL.BissellLynnCampbellRobertBiddingtonE.BischJ.PeltonD.PowellLeeBeasleyR.Calnon
Thomas A. Howley, Jr.
Gies OrganizationsMedallion Alabama AmericanSectionAssociation of Oral & Maxofacial Surgery
Kansas MetroLouisianaLeonLarryKevinKentuckySectionSectionM.WalshC.MillerH.AshjianSectionWashingto
David A. Anderson
Gies Donors
John W. Berry
Phyllis L. Beemsterboer
Cecile A. Feldman
W Bogan
Paula K. Friedman
Robert E. Butler
Mark R. Zust
Michael L. Stuart
Joseph F. Hagenbruch
Robert M. Anderton
Lawrence R. Lawton
ACD News | Summer 2022 | 23
Prem S. Sharma
Toni M. Roucka
John H. Gerstenmaier, Jr.
Susan E. Whiteneck
n OrganizationsBenefactorGies AADPA AcademyAAOMSFoundationofGeneral Dentistry American Academy of DeltaDeltaHygienistsAmericanEducationAmericanPeriodontologyDentalAssociationDentalAssociationDentalofArizonaDentalofNewMexico SectionsBenefactorGies Arkansas AmericanSectionSociety for Dental Ethics British Columbia Section Carolinas Section Florida WashingtonUpperQuebecNorthernNewNebraskaMichiganGeorgiaSectonSectionSectionSectionEnglandSectionCaliforniaSectionSectionMidwestSectionSection Gies MembersMedallion
Pamela A. Alston
Teresa A. Dolan
Mary M. Ziomek
Paul A. Kennedy III
Carl L. Sebelius, Jr. M. Kenneth Randall

Dale F. Finkbine
Susan M. Hollinsworth
Donald C. Wallace
Donald E. Patthoff, Jr.
24 | ACD News | Summer 2022
Donald J. Thompson
Donald W. Legler
Darlene K. Vaughan
Edward T. Marshall
Doxey R. Sheldon
Daniel Tanguay
Daniel L. Zedeker
Douglas L. Starkey
Donald M. Tilghman
David S. Tittle
David L. Alexander
Douglas V. Chaytor
David L. Good David N. Matthews
Douglas S. Rawls
Donald R. Yent
David J. Bell
Douglas B. Smail
Douglas J. Giorgio, Jr.
Edgardo De La Vega
Edward Deeb
Edward N. Parnell, Jr.
Gies Donors
Dale C. Nickelsen
David T. Fenner, Jr. David V. Ciriani
David W. Eggleston
Cynthia S. Beeman
Danny R. Haynes
Edward B. Cowan
David A. Whiston
Edgar L. Buehler, Jr.
David S. Wilbanks
David H. Werking
Roy E. Vann Greer
Donald E. Demkee
Donald O. Nordstrom
Thomas E. Raimann
Edmund A. Cassella
David D. Lim
Dwight D. Duckworth E. Kendall
Edward S. Nacht
Dan E. Tolman
Dan H. Singley
Dalzell J. Potter
Cyril L. Friend, Jr. Cyril R. Mirmelstein D. Douglas Cassat D. Lawrence Fadjo D. Stanley Hite D. Walter Cohen
Donald S. Carmona
Dale E. Canfield
Edwin S. Mehlman
Donald L. Seago
Robert L. Wanker
David K. Peters
David W. Thorburn
Dean K.
Daniel A. Bertoch
Donna M. Howe
Eben A. DeArmond
David K. Hennon
Dale A. Nester
Daniel V. Lewis
Dan G. Middaugh
Donald M. Schinnerer
Edwin Clay Horne
David E. McNeely, Jr.
Edward C. McNulty
Tariq BernardBennettBenjaminBenitaBarryBarryBarryBarryBarrieBarbaraBarbaraBarbaraAthenaAshokAsherArturoArthurArnoldArnoldArlenAnthonyAnthonyAnneAnnaAnnAngelaAndrewAndrewAndrewAndreaAmyAlvinAlstonAllenAllenAllanAllanAlfredAlfredAlexanderAlbertAlanAlanA.RichardLanceIanAngeliqueJavedLeungC.BennettM.RuckerBusseThomasIndresanoD.LucasW.BudenzF.LaBountyA.LieblichC.LongJ.PhillipsJ.FormicolaJacobsB.ReavisWongJ.McCaslinVIL.Felts,Jr.L.LudwigBeltznerJ.MolakR.TownesS.MelingerM.StoutL.SteinerB.MoreauE.O’DayL.DiMangoR.VolpeD.LackeyM.CochinP.MorawaJ.GreenspoonSantiagoB.Carey,Jr.VarmaBettgerB.MauldinF.GoochJ.BradeyE.HarnettD.McKnightH.StevensP.FlemingP.SetzerA.MillerW.BrownA.MalbonE.Tofany Bernard I. Einhorn Billy Don Coulson Brian Atwater Brian B. Novy Brian E. Scott Brian CurtCraigCraigCraigConnieConnieClydeCliftonCliffCindyChristopherChristopherChrisChesterCharlesCharlesCharlesCharlesCharlesCharlesCharlesCharlesCharlesCharlesCharlesCharlesCharlesCharlesCharlesCharlesCathrynCaryCarolCarmenCarltonCarltonCarlaCarlC.J.C.A.BryceBryantBruceWongC.McLeodR.BoswellW.BonnessAlbericoCavalarisE.RiederR.Lidner-BaumH.WilliamsJ.McLeodA.CiardelloM.WolffJ.LimberakisE.McGregorA.MarchettaA.McCallumC.KallstromC.TraceyE.SloneckerE.WingardL.SilviusM.SchumacherM.SimonsP.FletcherP.WhiteR.HallS.SolomonW.AndersonW.HortonW.WilcoxJ.GaryScuresJ.DuffySmileyC.MooreH.SwanlundO.DummettS.UmakiL.MasuokaM.VerhagenR.MeyersS.HollanderS.YarboroughS.Ralstrom
Edward D. Emanuele
Donald J. Kornblau
Edmund Braly
David A. Scott
Edgar D. Baker
Edward F. Furstman
Davis Henderson Dean D. Koffler
Edward H. Hirsch
Fred J. Bronson
George W. Young
Jack G. Dale Jack H. Harris
James L. Armstrong
Franklin H. Locke, Jr.
James K. Cantwil
Francis A. Connor, Jr.
James R. Eastburn
Fred W.
Glenn A. Ruthven
James W. Huckelberry
Gerald D. Abraham
Geraldine A. McManus
John S. Findley
Frank L. Frani
Floid Gary Pfleeger
J. Dean Robertson J. Glezen Watts J. Gordon Wright J. Michael Boyd J. Michael McCoy
James C. Elliott
Hiram L. Johnson
Frank B. Parise
James D. Frey
James H. Sommers
James H. Gaines
Fred C. Fielder
George R.
James E. Mercer
James S. Nicholson
Hal J.
Herbert Schilder
W. Davidson
W. Teuscher
John M. Purdy
Francis J. Samaha
Jason E. Wagle
Fred P. McGuire
Howard W. Higgins
James C. Murphy
James Lemon
James H. Tanner
Gregory F. Kubik
James Burton Moncrief
Frank D. Grossman
Henry E. Chalfin
Irvin N. Kaplan
Jackie L. Banahan
Gordan B. Stine
Jacob J. Lippert
J. Calvin McCulloh, Jr.
James Hiatt
Frank C. Blair, Jr.
James E. Farley
James David Johnson, Jr.
James D. Campbell
Irving M. Rothstein
Eugene J. Truono
Gustav E. Gates H. Bradley Davidson, IV H. Curtis Hester H. Warren Whitis
John P. McCasland
Gerald W. Bird
John W. Hargrave
John W. Nelson, Jr.
James R. Oates
James K. Schmitt
James A. Dryden
John M. Iacono
J. Tucker Moore J. Walker Loyd Jack C. Porter Jack C. Wesch
James M. McNerney
Eugene T.
James Vernetti
Henry Y.C. Lee
James W. McDaniel
S. August
John W. Holden, Jr.
Israel Shulman
Hal E. Hale
Irwin M. Becker
Frank I. Gonzales, Jr.
Hugh R. Phillis
Gregory P. Marks
Franklin R. Ruliffson
Herbert F. Gabriel
John R. McCambley
John P. Marshall
Jackie Lamb
James A. Harrell, Jr. James A. Maxwell, Jr.
Idalia Lastra
ACD News | Summer 2022 | 25
Eugene S. Merchant
J. Perry McGinnis, Jr.
James B. Congleton
James S. Torchia
James L. Palmisano
John W.
Geraldine T. Morrow
Hugh C. Sobottka
Gregory A. Berger
James E. Reagan
John T.W. Hung
James D. Johnson
Henry S. Hammer
James F. Mercer
Jay R. Wells III
Gerald L. Dushkin
John R. Orr, Jr.
Gerald J. Ziebert
John W. Reinhardt
Howard I. Cooper
Howard A. Rodin
Gerald R. Moon
James W. Chancellor
John N. Williams, Jr.
Fred J. Smith
I. Leon Aronson
Frank A. Schroeder
Irene G. Bober-Moken
James D. Hudson
John R. Moser
Frank H. Anderson
W. Thomas
Gibbs M. Prevost
James A. Walker
Jay H. Eshleman
Jane W. Selbe
James E. Waddell
Jack E. Gotcher, Jr. Jack F. Conley
James W. Holland
Peter E. Barnard
Myron S. Hilton
Ralph E. Snelson
Ralph G. Steinberg
R. Chester Redhead
L. Jack Bolton
Peter Stevenson-Moore
Robert H. Klein
Paul H. Iverson
Roland R. Ditto
Paul E. Pafford
Robert F. Emigh
Robert M. Lawrence, Jr.
Robert N. Emory
Gies Donors
Larry J. Ferguson
Myrna F. Halpenny
Kim G. Parlett
26 | ACD News | Summer 2022 Kevin James Donly
Quentin M. Murphy
R. Stephen Lehman
Randall P. Prince
Neal R. Levitt
Kevin M.
Murray D. Sykes
Robert H. Christoffersen
Roger B. Gerstner
Peter H. Pruden
Robert L. Skinner
Ron J.
Robert J. Shankle
MargaretMalcolmMalcolmM.M.LynnLyndenLowellLouisLorneLonnieLoisLoganLloydLloydLindseyLewisLewisLewisLeslieLesleyLeonardLeonLeonLeonLeeLeeLeeLawrenceLudwigsen,LawrenceLawrenceLawrenceLaurenceLaurenceLaurenceLaurenceSpradleyA.DarrowCheeversH.StoneJ.JensenE.MastN.RouffR.Jr.R.MarcotteD.JessM.Harrison,Jr.R.DyerE.StanislavJ.EnglishM.EllisE.CrabtreeH.Binkley,Jr.B.BellA.KayC.WalkerS.EarleA.RobinsonS.LandaW.RoseNalleyA.JacksonR.FlagtwetA.WisemanA.BrowningG.DaunM.KennedyK.FujimotoAlecParkerElwoodRiceD.JendresenS.GrahamA.Webb Margaret MiltonMilesMichaelMichaelMichaelMichaelMichaelMichaelMichaelMichaelMichaelMichaelMichaelMichaelMichaelMichaelMichaelMichaelMichaeW.MGMelvynMelvinMelanieMelanieMaxineMauriceMaureenMatthewMatthewMasaichiMaryMaryMaryMaryMarvinMartinMarthaMarshallMarlinMarkMarkMarkMarkMarkMarkMarieCullota-NortonM.U.NylenGBeckJ.FeldmanJ.SchulteMutschlerN.HochmanW.BlackburnS.SalmonA.BaldassarreAnnKeelsBravermanC.KastropA.StarsiakBethDunnE.WynnJ.HayesOishiB.RobertsJ.NearyE.LawtonK.WongA.FeinbergR.LoveR.WoodA.NoonanM.Leifert(retired)Richard(Tom)Thomasl.JonesA.DzitzerB.HageartyD.EggnatzD.RaderE.FlemingH.VanderVeenJ.GouldingJ.HofmannJ.MulvehillJ.TillO.McMunnR.BreaultR.GradelessT.GoupilT.RobichauxWhangR.MarkleyA.Glicksman Milton W. Phair Mindelyn T. Austin Mitchell
Ralph T. Nelson
Peter M. Tan
Larry A. Williams
Larry D. Herwig
Philip G. Barer
Monica M. Hebl
Raleigh H. Watson, Jr.
Robert M. Wilkinson
Robert R. Hoopes
Robert S. Terkla
Roger Albert Meyer
Pamela Z. Baldassarre
Randy G. Fussell
P. Deborah Weisfuse
Paul F. Kattner
Robert T. Ferris
Randolph A. Snyder
Larry K. Hoffman
Robert J. Miller
Paul L. Fischl
Philip E. Smith
Muriel J. Bebeau
Ray H.
Robert K. Kuribayashi
Narin H.F. Wilson Nate Booth
Roger P. Levin
Robert L. Sherman
Odin M. Langsjoen
Robert P. Iovino
Roger M. Yamashiro
Peter M. Lobb
Kumar J. Patel
Mitchell Kellert
Peter M. Gutierrez
L. Thomas Weir
Larry W. B. Day
Peggy Jan Henley Perry V. Goldberg
Robert J. Hubbert
Preston D. Miller, Jr. Priscilla H. Hamilton
Robert S. Kline
Robert W. Little
Naomi L. Ellison
Neal J. Cronin
Phillip R. Parker
Larry J. Cook
Robert N. Lipner
Peter W. Stutman
R. William Cornell
Robert J. Sheridan
Robert W. Elliott, Jr.
Robert J. Doherty
Roger L. Parrott
Paul S. Butcher
Paul V. Ponitz
Neal U.
William O. Powell, Jr. William P. Maher
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Scott R.
Johnson & Johnson Louisiana State University School of Dentistry
Thomas P. Floyd
William C. Goodwin, Jr. William E. Allen
Medical University of South Carolina School of Dental Medicine
Sami M. Ghareeb
Timothy F. Kosinski
William K.B. Liang
San Francisco College of Dentistry
William T. O’Brien III William V. Ridgeway
Thomas J. Griffin
Winston W. Frenzel
Timothy H. Gietzen
Thomas R. Broderick
William E. Ludwick
William M. Midyette
William F. Freccia
Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine Burkhart Dental Supply Company
Sunset Hills Dental LLC Temple University School of Dentistry
Eastern HenryInsuranceDentistsCompanyScheinCares Foundation
William R. Parks
William S. Ray, Jr.
Atlantic Provinces Section Colorado Section Hawaii HudsonSectionMohawk Section Maryland Section Nevada Section Jersey Oregon
ACD News | Summer 2022 | 27 S. Robert Howell
Sarah A. Hulland
William L. Gafford
William L. Cloud
William E. Hendrix
William H. Kopperud
Todd Beck Tracy M. Dellinger
William M. Black William M. Fraser
William T. Buchanan
Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry University of the Pacific ASDE-formerly PEDNET
William F. Robinson
Gies SectionsFellow
Sandra S. Larson
Samuel J. Coppola
Timothy J. Carlson
Thomas V. Gardner, Jr. Thomas W. Slack
Timothy J. Curry
Gies OrganizationsFellow
NYU College of Dentistry Oral Health America Oral Surgery Association
Sanford S. Asahina
The Pankey Institute University of Buffalo School of Dental UniversityMedicineofCalifornia
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
William K. Thomson
Yoshio ZacharyNakashimaF.Carden, Jr.
Delta Dental Plan of California Dental Assisting National Board
Scott D. Lingle
Timothy J. Shambaugh
William W. Tanner
Sanford A. Glazer
Timothy M. Lane
University of Louisville University of Missouri Kansas City School of Dentistry University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry
Academy of Dentistry AmericanA-DECInternationslAcademy of Cosmetic Dentistry
William F. Slagle
Thomas L. Jones, Jr.
Timothy J. Pieper
William C. Draffin
University of Detroit Mercy University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry
Trista Felty V. Paul
William P. Walsh
Sarah A. Gray
Case Western Reserve University School of Dentistry Creighton University School of Dentistry
William O. Powell
Thomas E. O’Brien
William L. Pope
American College of Dentists 103 North Adams Street Rockville, MD 20850 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Frederick, MD Permit No. 800