A Section of the American College of Dentists

Mission Statement
The mission of ASDE is to lead education and scholarship in dental ethics.
Core Values of ASDE Leadership Community Education Collegiality Scholarship Service Professional integrity
President: Kathryn Ragalis (2024)
President Elect: Carlos Smith (2024)
Treasurer: Phyllis Beemsterboer (2024)
Past President: Odette Aguirre (2024)
Members at Large: Catherine Sarkis (2024), Regina Messer (2024), Terrence Hoffeld (2023), Robert Stevenson (2023)
ACD Liaison: Pamela Zarkowski
Executive Director: Frederick More
February 2023
2023 Annual Membership Meeting
The Annual Membership Meeting will be held on Zoom on Sunday, March 12, 2023 from 5:00-6:30 PM EDT. Link to follow
5:00-5:45 PM EDT Program:
“Narrative Ethics – Open Forum.” Many have incorporated narrative ethics in teaching and program activities. Members are invited to share their experiences and discuss their strategies. The purpose of. This program is to foster the use of narrative ethics at all levels from predoctoral through practitioner groups.
5:45-6:30 PM EDT: Annual Membership Meeting.
Special Committee on Leadership Opportunity to Serve!
ASDE is actively recruiting applications for members interested in serving on this Special Committee. The purpose of this committee is to engage members who would like to become more involved. Members of this committee are invited to all Board meetings/activities.
If you are interested? Please contact ASDE Executive Director Frederick More at fgm10012@gmail.com
ASDE Board Report
The Officers of the ASDE met via zoom on August 12th and 13th to review and update the status of the society. This meeting was held in person until the pandemic and all members indicated that while convenient, not meeting in person is sorely missed by all. Actions were taken on future programing planning, reappointment of officers and reviewing projects that are underway.
Ethics Curriculum Models
ASDE is in the process of providing The American College of Dentists (ACD) with ethics curriculum modules for educational use. By the end of this project, four ethics modules will be completed for the ACD –one module for each of the four years of the predoctoral dental program. At the beginning of the year, ASDE delivered the first of the four planned modules. This D1 module contains three topics including presentations, faculty guides and assessments totaling 3 to 6 educational hours. The topics include History of the Oral Healthcare Profession, Ethics and Professionalism, and Student Responsibility. The D2 module will be delivered to the ACD the end of this calendar year. The three topics for the D2 module include Ethics of Evidence-Based Dentistry, Professionalism as a Student Clinician, and Social Awareness. ASDE board members, Catherine Sarkis (csarkis@bu.edu) and Regina Messer (rmesser@augusta.edu) are facilitating this project for ASDE to help ACD with this effort. If you are interested in contributing to this project, please contact them.
Facilitator Guides
Guides for each of the ACD/ Indiana University ethics videos are being developed to supplement use. Thus far we have completed four guides. Odette Aguirre (aguirreo@iu.edu) and Kathryn Ragalis (Kathryn.ragalis@tufts.edu) are leading this effort. Videos are at dentalethics.org
ACD Annual Session Oct 2022
Rising Issues in Oral Healthcare through an Ethical Lens was the title of the program was presented on October 12, 2022 in Houston. Presenters are Carlos Smith, Toni Roucka and Pamela Zarkowski. ASDE provides the ethics programs at each ACD annual session.
Book Review
A recently published book (2022) titled, “The Facemaker” is a fabulous story of the pioneering work of a surgeon who began reconstructing faces during WW I. Dr. Harold Gillies established the first teams and hospitals attempting to repair the horrors of war. This is a work of non-fiction that reads well and details the carnage due to the use of new automatic and chemical weapons. The author also describes a French dental surgeon Auguste Valadier who was treating the injured by turning his car into a “mobile operating room by retrofitting it with a dental chair, drills and equipment at his own expense.” Amazing read of the Great War and the birth of plastic surgery.
Test your ethics vocabulary
What does iniquitous mean?
\ih-NIK-wi-tuhs\, adjective:
a. violating a promise or vow
b. incapable of being violated; incorruptible;
c. characterized by injustice or wickedness.
d. to implant by repeated statement or admonition ness; wicked; sinful.
Answer at the end of the newsletter.
ASDE needs member support. Annual Dues for ASDE are $95 (ACD Fellows), or $135 for Affiliates. ASDE follows the ACD policies about waiving dues for retired members. However, we welcome voluntary payments. ASDE is a small Section and the financial support of every member counts. Pay dues through the ACD website http://acd.org/
The Ozar-Hasegawa Ethics Award Call for Submissions
Due April 15, 2023
The Ozar-Hasegawa Ethics Award is an annual award named for two individuals who contributed to the scholarship, discussion, and application of dental ethics, Professor David Ozar (Loyola University) and Dr. Thomas Hasegawa Jr. (Baylor College of Dentistry, deceased). The award is presented by the American Society for Dental Ethics (ASDE) to a predoctoral, graduate dental, dental hygiene or graduate dental hygiene student for an essay, case study of an ethical dilemma, or visual product demonstrating ethical reflection. This competition is also open to dental students outside the United States and Canada. The Model for Ethical Decision Making (Ozar & Sokol 2018; ethical decision-making model for dental hygiene (Beemsterboer 2010), The American College of Dentists, or comparable decisionmaking model should be applied.
The purpose of this award is to encourage dental hygiene, predoctoral and graduate students to identify a professional situation in which there is a significant ethical issue. The submission should demonstrate thoughtful and complete ethical reflection and may include an editorial, analysis of the
situation using an ethical decision-making model.
• Two $500.00 awards
• Two-year ASDE membership for each student winner and their faculty advisor.
• Subscription to e-Journal of the American College of Dentists during the same year of ASDE membership.
• Publication of the selected submission or description of project in the ASDE Newsletter.
• Official Information is on the ASDE Website https://www.acd.org/aboutus/american-society-for-dentalethics-asde/
Includes all predoctoral, dental hygiene, graduate dental and graduate dental hygiene students who are currently enrolled in an accredited school of dentistry and/or dental hygiene program in the United States and Canada. Dental students enrolled in a program outside the United States and Canada are also eligible. Students must be in good academic standing and have documentation from their dental/dental hygiene program confirming that standing.
An essay showing careful ethical reflection (including, in which the student:
a. Describes a case, i.e. in a dental practice setting or comparable professional situation -- in which there is a significant ethical issue from the perspective of the oral health provider
b. Identifies* the professional ethical issue(s) in the case;
c. Examines the issue(s) in such a way as to illuminate the most important elements from the perspective of professional ethics for oral health care providers;
d. Proposes a resolution of the ethical issue(s).
e. The length or format of the project should reflect a thoughtful approach to the four aspects of the project outlined in a-d above
NOTE: Each of these four activities (a-d) is to be presented in a manner appropriate to the type of creative work presented. For example, “describing” in an essay will ordinarily mean writing a narrative to begin the essay. “Proposing a resolution” to an ethical issue will, in an essay, ordinarily mean concluding the essay by formulating a judgment about what ought to be done in the case and providing careful reasoning in support of it.
All entries must be submitted in electronic form. The entry can be submitted via email, CD, or DVD. Entries must be submitted no later than April 15, 2023. In addition to the project submission, the Application Form must be submitted before or on April 3, 2023. Notification of winners will be announced by May 31, 2023, via email. All individuals that forwarded a submission will be notified whether they are selected or not.
Interesting Quote
Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.
John Wooden, Basketball CoachMembership
We encourage dental, dental hygiene and advanced program educators, as well as dental and dental hygiene practitioners to join ASDE. If you are a member, encourage your colleagues to join.
For membership applications please use the following addresses at the ACD office:
v Mail submissions: ASDE Membership
American College of Dentists
103 North Adams Street Rockville, Maryland 20850 301-977-3223 ~ office@acd.org
v Email Submissions: office@acd.org
Answer to ethics vocabulary quiz is C