It has been a busy six months in Regency 1. This past January, I attended the New York Section’s Annual Banquet in January 2023. This was my first official Section meeting as Regent and it was wonderful to have it be in my home Section. At this meeting we honored 15/25/50 year Fellows and also gave out the Student Leadership Awards to graduating Senior Dental students from Columbia, NYU, Stonybrook and Touro. I also was installed as Section Chair of Regency 1 at this meeting.
A few weeks later, I traveled up to Boston for the Regency 1 Leadership Meeting held during the Yankee Dental Meeting. This was the first time this meeting had been held in-person since 2020. Section Chairs from New York, Western New York, Hudson Mohawk and New England Sections were all in attendance as well as SPEA student leaders from Boston University, Buffalo, Tufts, Columbia and Touro. Dr. Robert Lamb, National ACD President, and Dr. Erik Klintmalm, National SPEA Co-Executive Director, were also in attendance. At the Leadership meeting we not only discussed Section updates but also had a group leadership building exercise. The goal of the exercise was to identify challenges we each face as Leaders and then develop tangible action plans to work through the challenges. Throughout the entire meeting I was impressed by the dedication, engagement and enthusiasm expressed by ACD and SPEA attendees alike.
The ACD Strategic Planning Session were held April 20-22 in Boston, MA.
At the National level, the ACD Spring Board Meeting was held virtually in March 2023. At the Board meeting, Maryland NonProfits worked with the board on a Board training exercise. Additional exercises will continue throughout the year, our next being in June.
In April 2023, I traveled back up to Boston for the ACD Strategic Planning Meeting. This was the first strategy planning work the ACD National had done for many years. Led by the Futures Strategy Group, we were divided into four groups for scenario-based Strategic Planning workshops. Our work from this weekend will be used to develop a future plan for the College and to help develop criteria for the selection of a new Executive Director.
I held a Regency 1 Chairs Zoom Call in May 2023. During this Zoom call, Section Chairs were able to share ideas, frustrations and aspirations for their Sections. It was the first time many of us were about to “meet” each other. Later in May, I traveled to Montreal for the Quebec Section’s Annual Herb Kaplan Memorial
Dinner. During the Dinner, newly accepted Candidates for Fellowship were introduced to the Section, they were all extremely accomplished individuals and we are lucky to have them as new Fellows. The dinner was held in the beautiful Le Mount Stephen Hotel in downtown Montreal.
In the coming months, I have Section visits planned to Western NY in Buffalo, at the end of August, and then to the Atlantic Provinces in Halifax, at the end of September. In October I will travel to the ACD Annual Meeting in Orlando. I encourage all of you to attend the National meeting. An exciting program is planned with courses on Ethics and on Communication in the works as well as a Fellow’s Forum Session on Interprofessionalism. We will also have a Section Breakout Session were we can come together as a Section to meet.
Lastly, I would like to ask everyone to always keep thinking about colleagues to nominate for fellowship, no matter the time of year.
Have a wonderful summer!
Julie Connolly, DDS
Regent Report SUMMER 2023
American College of Dentists
NY Section Chair Report
In January I was installed as Section Chair at our Annual Banquet led by our now pastChair Dr. Guenter Jonke. A few weeks later, I held a Reorganizational Meeting at the Penn Club. In attendance were current Board Members, new Fellows, Section Fellows and SPEA students from Columbia, Touro and Stonybrook. At the meeting, we established a Committee for our Mentoring Program, led by Dr. Guy Minoli a past Chair, a Nominations Committee for our Board, a Nominations Committee for Nominations to Fellowship and an Outreach Committee.
In the spring, the above mentioned Committees met independently on Zoom and then reported back to the larger group in April at our Spring Stated Meeting. At this meeting,
Re-organizational meeting with Board, active Section Fellows, SPEA representatives and invited Guests
also held at the Penn Club, Mr. William Barrett, Esq. spoke on the subject of DSOs. The subject and speaker were chosen after polling the attendees of the Organizational Meeting.
In early June, our Annual Social Event was held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We were treated to an engaging and illuminating private tour of the Met by a Met Tour guide. This was followed by Lunch the the
Members Dining Room which overlooked Central Park. It was fun to have the opportunity for fellows to interact in this informal setting and learn more about the outstanding art the Met has as well as about each other.
With several Dental Schools in our Regency, our Section has also been in contact with the local SPEA chapters. Combination ACD-SPEA events were held at both Stonybrook and Columbia
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Newly installed Board at the Annual Banquet
Our Annual Social Event was held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We were treated to an engaging and illuminating private tour of the Met by a Met Tour guide. This was followed by Lunch the the Members Dining Room which overlooked Central Park.
this semester. The Stonybrook event was in-person, off-campus and was entitled “Ethics and Eats”. The Columbia event was held on Zoom and featured the students presenting Ethical Dilemmas to three members of our board who then served as panelists and discussed the Dilem-
mas with the students. We also invite the local SPEA leadership to all of our Board meetings.
In the fall we have another Stated Meeting in the works. The Nomination to Fellowship Committee also hopes to put out a Nominations Guide Sheet to help
explain the Nominations process better. Lastly, we will host a CE Session at the Greater New York Dental Meeting led by Dr. Guenter Jonke and Dr. Kevin Henner. Please look for this session if you attend the GNYDM in November.
Julie Connolly, DDS
DDS | | 212.888.7477 [ 3 ]
Julie Connolly,
Social event at the MET museum with Fellows, Guests and our Met Tour Guide.
Quebec Section Report
The Executive Committee planned its May 31st, Annual Meeting / Herb Caplan Black Tie Dinner over several months and had the pleasure of welcoming its Guests and Fellows at the Mount Stephen Hotel in Montreal, Quebec.
This annual gathering allowed for our Section’s in person homecoming considering the difficult pandemic years we all experienced. Our sincere thanks to Fellow Christine Nadeau , Secretary-Treasurer, for her numerous initiatives in organizing and making this event a success.
The 2023 slate of Quebec Section officers were voted at this meeting as follows:
Immediate Past Chair
Fellow Hubert Gaucher
Fellow Christine Nadeau
Fellow Veronique Benhamou
Fellow Herb Borsuk
Our ACD Guests included, Fellow President Robert Lamb and Mrs. Donna Lamb; Fellow Julie Connolly, Regent, Regency 1; Honorary Fellow David Chambers and Mrs. Jean Chambers
The following Quebec Section Fellow Nominees were presented:
Dr. Deborah Iera
Dr. Nathalie Morin
Dr. Samer Abi-Nader
Dr. Duy Dat Vu
After Dinner Guest Speaker
Dr. David W. Chambers
Dr. Chambers is editor emeritus of the American College of Dentists and author of its recent Ethics Report: The New Professionalism . He is professor at San Francisco’s Dugoni-Pacific School of Dentistry researching clinical decision making.
The New Professionalism: The ACD Report on Ethics
Last year the American College of Dentists relieved a 500-page report on the current state of dental ethics and a call for exploring opportunities to strengthen the profession. The report is ground-breaking in three ways. First, it is based on empirical research describing how dentists behave when addressing challenges to professional ideas. Second, it calls for action rather than enhancing theoretical understanding. Third, it builds a case for a path forward collectively, as members of a common profession, rather than as individuals. An overview of the report will be presented as well as a call for working together on the new professionalism.
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Past Chair, Dr. Hubert Gaucher
ACD Quebec Section Annual Meeting & Herb Caplan Gala Dinner, May 31, 2023. Mount Stephen Hotel, Montreal, Quebec
Julie Connolly, DDS | | 212.888.7477 [ 5 ]
Fellow Herb Borsuk, Quebec Section Historian; Fellow Robert Dorion, Immediate Past President, Quebec Section.
Left, Fellows Daniel Tanguay; Hubert Gaucher, Quebec Section Chair; Mrs. Donna Lamb; Robert Lamb, ACD President; Fellow Nominee Duy Dat Vu; Veronique Benhamou, Quebec Section Secretary-Treasurer; Jonathan Lang.
Left, Dr. Nathalie Morin; Dr. Deborah Iera, Dr. Duy Dat Vu and absent Dr. Samer Abi-Nader, all four Quebec Section nominated Fellows with their ACD sponsor, Fellow Robert Dorion.
Fellow Julie Connolly, ACD Regent 1, Message to the Quebec Section, May 31, 2023.
Fellow Robert Lamb, ACD President, Message to the Quebec Section, May 31, 2023.
Quebec Section Report
(continued from previous page)
Journées dentaires internationales du Québec (JDIQ)
ACD Quebec Section Sponsored Ethics Program May 30, 2023, Montreal Convention Center, Quebec.
Dental Ethics is A Group Activity
The recently released 500-page American College of Dentists ethics report is unusual in being based almost entirely on empirical work and making no recommendations for others. It suggests the replacing of individual dentists’ knowledge of principles with group action and leadership by the most professional. The workshop will summarize highlights of the report, including agreement among practitioners, patients, and leadership that isolation, commercialism, and lack of professional support represent challenges, a general decline in teaching and discussion of ethics, and a drifting sense of professionalism, Leadership for collective action is needed.
Participants will work in small groups to accomplish these objectives:
1. Identify the changing voice of patients and others in improving or confusing oral health.
2. Determining how practitioners should respond to rapidly changing technology and economic forces.
3. One other challenge will be identified and addressed based on digital input from potential participants.
Tribute to ACD Fellow Dr. Robert Dorion
The Quebec Section of the American College of Dentists wishes to acknowledge Dr. Robert Dorion for his dedication and numerous contributions as a member of the executive over the span of 10 years.
Since being inducted into the ACD in 2007 and becoming a Member at Large in 2013, Bob has shown that he truly believes in the values of the ACD.
He was Secretary/Treasurer from 2015–17 and Chair from 2017–19. Due to the Covid epidemic, he remained as Immediate Past Chair on the Executive from 2020-2023. He willingly accepted all tasks given to him, and he was instrumental in creating the ACD ethics courses at McGill University and Université Laval.
We thank Robert for his contributions to ACD Quebec.
[ 6 ] American College of Dentists | Regency 1 | Summer 2023 1 REGENCY
Left, Fellows Hubert Gaucher, Quebec Section Chair; Robert Lamb, ACD President; David Chambers, Keynote Speaker; Robert Dorion, Quebec Section Immediate Past Chair
Hudson-Mohawk Section Report
Hudson Valley Community College Hygiene pinning ceremony. Friday May 6, 2023.
The NYSDA Foundation Luncheon at the NYSDA Annual Meeting in Saratoga Springs.
A local ACD Fellow, Dr. Loren Baim, chaired the luncheon that raised $38,000 for the Foundation.
Atlantic Provinces Section Report
Dear Regency One Fellows,
Our dinner meeting on September 22nd in Halifax, Nova Scotia and will feature Dr. Darren Burke as guest speaker. Dr. Burke in an expert in the areas of diet and exercise and champion of sustainability. His current capital venture is developing mycelium fermentation to make alternative protein, with a plan to use mushrooms to make sustainable ‘almonds’.
The Dalhousie White Coat Ceremony has been moved from this fall to the spring of 2024.
The 2024 Atlantic Provinces Section Annual Meeting is scheduled to take place in Prince Edward Island, September 13 -14, 2024.
Dr. Debora Matthews, Section Chair
Julie Connolly, DDS | | 212.888.7477 [ 7 ]
The Dr. Mark A Bauman Award is presented to first-year student Jory Maloney.
The Gerard A Ripp Award is presented to graduating student, Terresa Carmel.
presented to Jory Maloney.
The Gerard A Ripp Award is presented to Terresa Carmel.
Dr. Loren Baim
Wayne Harrison, Section Chair
New England Section Report
As the new chair of the New England Section, it has been a whirlwind of activity since our Annual Meeting in January at the Yankee Dental Congress. Our section is strong primarily due to a committed and dedicated group of both past chairs and current leaders and the addition of new leaders to our board that I am honored to have the opportunity to work with.
The first steps I made as incoming chair was to do an overall assessment of our section, looking at all aspects of what we are currently involved with, how affective we are and where we need to focus our time energy and finances. I also assessed other areas which include but are not limited to: how often the board meets, our current financials, newsletters distributed currently as well as their format and delivery, our current website, our SPEA relationships, programs we provide at the Yankee Dental Congress, member lists, model section status and deadline, bylaws update, strategic plan update, succession planning and the potential hiring of an administrative assistant. I then brought these ideas and information
to the board, initially, for our February meeting to begin to have the important discussions in many of these areas and to have the board prioritize where it wants to focus for the next six months and then year. We all agree that with the more visibility and contact our section has with our members, the more effective we will be in meeting their needs to not only remain member fellows, but to also be advocates for ACD in ethics and professionalism for others and the public at large. Identifying new potential fellows is also critical for engagement and potential succession planning. Our Ambassador program with key individuals in each of our New England states has proven that grassroots efforts in the identification of new fellows while maintaining our current fellow, works extremely well.
Currently our board meets by Zoom every 6 weeks. We felt that this was necessary due to all of the areas that we want (and need) to focus on. Our first priority was working on our member lists which we found were very outdated and inaccurate. We have finally collated all the various member lists as well as those ACD
national has sent which include current and lapsed members, and now have a New England member list that is workable with up-to-date email contacts. This was extremely critical since our next priority was our website which we will utilize much more than we ever have in the past. We have met with our current webmaster to discuss updating areas on our site, starting eblasts to members, publishing more electronic newsletters rather than only one yearly printed version and creation of social media sites, all of which will help with better engagement with, and visibility to, our current members. Building this area will take time but we recognize how important digital contact is due to our everchanging world and the need to be nimble in addressing issues and member needs. Our vice president, editor and secretary are spear-heading this initiative.
Our relationships with the SPEA chapters in each of our five dental schools have been identified as another priority which is so critical in establishing a better working relationship here to provide our students with speakers, mentoring, and potential grants to help them
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in their careers while maintaining ethics and professionalism in practice. This is also a potential area for these students to become future leaders and future fellows in ACD. We have established contact with 2 SPEA chapter officers to date and are working on next steps with these individuals.
Our Bylaws Committee met and evaluated our current bylaws and has made some significant but necessary changes that have been recommended to the board for discussion and vote. These will then be brought to our annual meeting of the membership for consideration and passage.
New England also plans on offering a course for the first quarter next year, probably March, as we have prior to Covid. We are seeking potential speakers who are versed in ethics and look to incorporating issues on social media and marketing as well since this is a popular and relevant topic with our dental students.
Lastly, on June 10 in Rhode Island, we organized and attended our section strategic planning meeting
to work on a new plan to replace the current outdated plan. Having attended at least five of these meeting in other organizations over my career, I brought to the board a process a little different than the typical strategic planning process that most are familiar with. This process is called RealTime Strategic Planning and seeks to help nonprofits strengthen their capacity to advance their mission. Specifically, this means strengthening nonprofits’ capacity for strategic thinking and acting— their ability to successfully adapt to change on an ongoing basis. The process begins with a one-day kickoff session, which is used to form an identity statement and Strategy screen for the organization. It is followed with identification of at least one Big Question facing the organization, for which proposed strategies are developed, tested and selected for implementation. The process continues with the selection of strategy-building tools the organization thinks will be most helpful at a given time. The process is ongoing, integrated into the organization’s life. The ability to adapt to major change and to make
decisions on how to do so, requires the ability to form and implement strategy at the highest level of the nonprofit—the organizational level. Here is where strategies are formed in response to trends, factors and events in the external environment (the nonprofit’s marketplace) that may impact its ability to advance its mission, positively or negatively. At the programmatic level, strategies support the nonprofit’s programmatic work. At the operational level, strategies support the nonprofit’s internal capacity and its ability to operate efficiently and effectively.
We had a great day and good, honest, insightful discussions based upon this process. We will be reviewing all of our actions from this meeting at our next board meeting and hope to finalize our work plan and road map as well.
I will have more to report on for our next newsletter for our section.
Respectfully submitted,
Maria A. Smith, DMD Chair, American College of Dentists, New England Section
Julie Connolly, DDS | | 212.888.7477 [ 9 ]
Photos from our session with the New England Section board.
New York Section Report
Dear Regency One Fellows,
1) Our Spring newsletter was sent out to our membership in March. I want to thank our new editor Dr. Kevin Hanley for doing such a great job.
2) SPEA is up and running at the UBSDM. They have a full slate of officers and a new faculty advisor Dr. Jill Kramer.
3) I gave a presentation on Ethical Dilemmas to the SPEA membership on March 2nd.
4) At the UBSDM awards banquet the recipient of the ACD’s Award for the academic year 2022-2023 was given to Andrew Hanna. This award known as “The Outstanding Student Leader Award” is presented to a graduating student for outstanding clinical skills in the art and science of dentistry and is based on clinical achievement, initiative, and scholarship. The award consists of a certificate and $750.00. The monetary award is composed of $500.00 from the WNY section and a $250.00 matching grant from the ACD.
5) I have contacted all my nominees whose nomination was accepted for Fellowship in the College. They are Drs. Joseph DeLuca, Carrie Wanamaker, Darren Forcier, and Alyssa Tzetzo.
6) Invitations have been sent out for our annual Summer Meeting and Social which will be held in Buffalo, on August 25th and 26th.
7) Our Section has donated an initial $250.00 to the Paula K. Friedman Section Development Fund as part of the ACD Foundation.
8) I have sent out letters to our lapsed members asking them to renew their membership or to contact ACD headquarters in case of a mistake.
Respectfully submitted by,
Charles S. Travagliato, DDS Western New York Section Chairman
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Here are the updates from our Regency:
All Regency 1 chapters have just had their new E-boards put into place. A few National SPEA E-board members, including myself put together the 1st SPEA Chapter President Meeting via Zoom in May to bring together presidents from around the USA and Canada to come up with ideas on increasing student participation, fundraising ideas, and making each of our chapters more effective. In addition, I have been coordinating with chapters on bringing more students to SPEA Annual October 2023 in Orlando.
Regarding Regency 1 universities only, the main goal for all chapters has been to increase involvement of students. An event that has brought the most students so far is ‘Ethics and Social Media’ at each of our chapters. This has been successful in teaching students the importance of what is appropriate to post on social media regarding consent, and how there have been some instances with doctors violating this mandate.
Another event that has been interesting for students is the International Student event that we did at Tufts and will be done at Touro and BU in the fall. We had eight international students give us a presentation on their dental school experience in their home countries and how that compared to their education here. It was very successful and enlightening. I have attached photos just in case you would like to see them/include them.
In addition, I have been in contact with NYU, UNE, Harvard, and Rutgers on starting/bringing back SPEA chapters. I will hopefully get updates soon as we come closer to the fall semester.
Regent 1, Sonya Livitz
Tufts University Dental Student Class of 2025
Julie Connolly, DDS | | 212.888.7477 [ 11 ]
‘Dental Dilemmas’ podcast debuts second season that explores ethical issues in profession
ADA Council on Ethics, Bylaws and Judicial Affairs tackles topics presented in JADA’s Ethical Moment series
Listen on: Apple Podcasts, Goggle Podcasts, Spotify, Podbean App & Amazon Music
The ADA Council on Ethics, Bylaws and Judicial Affairs launched its second season April 17 of its podcast “Dental Dilemmas” that shines a spotlight on ethics in dentistry.
Available on the Spotify, Apple, Amazon and Google podcast platforms, the podcast will continue its format of featuring interviews with the authors of Ethical Moment articles in The Journal of The American Dental Association.
[ 12 ] American College of Dentists | Regency 1 | Summer 2023 1 REGENCY
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