How Does the Refugee Garden Grow? A Conversaton with Dave Jordan Rona Jordan brought her love and expertise in gardening to the Wheaton Square Apartments. Her husband, Dave, talks about this special garden project. “We are friends with some refugees from the apartments through a group I play soccer with,” explains Dave. “Last year, a friend who lives there showed Rona and me the garden at Highpoint Church’s Wheaton campus (formerly First Baptist of Wheaton).” The church has had a relationship with the refugee community for many years. When Rona saw the garden, she knew it needed work. “She contacted Highpoint and offered to help. The pastor told her the person at the church who oversaw the garden had moved, and my wife ended up tasked with preparing the garden for this year's growing season,” Dave said. But Rona didn’t go it alone. “Sasha Brady, who worked for former College Church pastor, Todd Augustine and now works for World Relief, attends Highpoint Church and became our main contact and a good friend,” Dave recalls. Rona and Dave’s kids helped as did volunteers from Highpoint and one of Dave’s refugee friends pitched in. Rona also had help from friends from a community garden she frequents. “From College Church, we had help from my parents, Jim and Diane Jordan, Nate Peterson, his son Joel and Pastor Curt Miller. Tyndale House donated cardboard boxes and wooden pallets. Both the City of Wheaton’s forestry division and D Ryan Tree & Landscape LLC donated wood chips, and Highpoint Church purchased a large load of leaf mulch/ compost,” Dave said.