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Season of Light, Season of Darkness

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Looking Ahead

Looking Ahead

Thad McAuley

Each year as we enter the Christmas season, we find it worthwhile to pause and reflect on what God has done in the past year. It is easy to forget his faithfulness as we go about life. We get distracted by our concerns of the moment and focus our gaze solely on our feet and the next step ahead. We forget to raise our eyes and look up and back over our shoulder, to be reminded of all the ways that God has worked in us, through us and around us throughout the year.

Taking a pause for remembrance and reflection in this season reminds us that God is always at work, in good times and bad. It gives perspective. It helps me remember that I’m a part of a larger plan. It allows me to further rejoice with gratitude in this Christmas season and to look ahead to a new year with a more humble and confident heart. So, join us now as we reflect on a few of the things God has done in 2021 to use you and us together to further his kingdom in Europe.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us …

— A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens, March 1859.

Dickens could be describing this year. His description certainly aligns with ministry right now. On one hand, many people are struggling—loneliness and lack of effective community, fear and frustration that comes with societal upheaval, a sense of loss and isolation. Distanced connections. On the other hand, God is opening doors in amazing ways. A few examples:

1. GEM staff in Romania took a group of teens to camp this summer. Many accepted Christ, including a 16-year-old girl who is now out sharing the gospel, has brought several friends to Christ, and is actively discipling them.

2. GEM planned to have a large group of summer interns join our ministries all across Europe this year. But with borders closed, the only available option was to send them all to our two staff in Kosovo.

Fifty-two college students arrived there for the summer. God used them as they shared the gospel and served as the hands and feet of Jesus. People came to Christ. But another amazing aspect became clear: GEM has struggled for years to get momentum in this part of Europe and in one fell swoop God changed that. Some of these students are already making plans to return for longer terms across the region. Existing staff are transferring to the region after what they saw this summer. How we do ministry in that whole region of Europe will be changed for years to come.

Most of the ministry leaders I talk to are tired after the past two years. Yet, there is much optimism for what God is doing around the world. He is at work! Nothing is a surprise for him. Aren’t we glad that we serve a God who never tires and is never surprised, no matter what we see around us! Thank you for allowing him to use you to reach Europeans for his kingdom.

As always, we are incredibly grateful for your partnership to walk this path of ministry and service together,

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