Running the Race MORGAN MOXLEY
When was a young child, decided to dedicate my liferecognize to the truth of the gospel. I have to truly seek follow Christ, and attended College Church since I was a wisdom from Gods Word of truth before can offer advice child, but I have recently learned my responsibilities as an to others. I have been blessed by loving teachers, friends, adult who is a Christian. With the support fromneighbors leaders and parents to help me in my journey of faith. in College Church, I have grown in my faith, trusting in As I look forward, I have fears and doubts about God’s the Lord to lead me in trials and difficult circumstances. plan for my life. My friend Emily reminded me that God My pastors and small group leaders encouraged me to does redeem his people, even though our faith in his become baptized, which I did here at College Church in promise is shaky. From Gods Word, have been reading 2015. This year, I became a member of College Church to the story of Ruth, which offers insight into God’s provision encourage others about my faith. Though I cannot ever in times of famine, despair and confusion. Ruth and Naomi explain God’s grace me, I thank him for sending his Son trusted in the Lord to provide bread for their household into the world to save lost sinners, to save me. As John and sustenance for their daily labors. They needed Boaz declares in his gospel: “But to all who did receive him, who to help redeem their household, and he did. God never believed in his name, he gave the right to become children left them, even when they felt like they were in a crisis. of God, who were born, not of blood nor the will of the In the body of Christ, we have the responsibility to share flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.” (John 1:12-13) our gifts to sustain each member. Recently, I have decided As a student at Wheaton College, have learned about to become the a member of College Church to equip me as importance of the written word to teach the gospel of Jesus a leader in my community. I believe that every member Christ. Lately, God has been teaching me to depend upon of our community has skills to share the gospel of Christ his Word as the source of my light and my salvation. n my All in all, I have a grateful heart for the teaching of Christ in academic and spiritual pursuits, I want to use my skills as a my life, which I have received from my family, friends and writer, athlete and teammate to proclaim God’s message of College Church leaders. I continue to run the race of faith, salvation. When rely on my own strength to endure trials trusting in God to help with each step. As Jesus said, “I am and temptations, I fail to obey God’s commands. I need to the way, the truth, and the life. No one learntodependonChristtogivemesustaininglifeandhope. comes to the Father except through When runners decide to race a marathon, they set me.” goals (John 14:6) In his dying breath, for each individual mile. They keep pace with each step, Jesus forgave the sinners on his focusing on the ultimate goal to finish the 26.2-mile race. right and left hands, granting In my race as a Christian, I need to run forward for the goal them eternal life. We can of pleasing God. One of my teammates used to always believe that God has say this: “Life is like a steeplechase race; you can never finished the battle over anticipate the next hurdle, so you must press forward with our sin, forgiving us and endurance for the whole race.” This motivation for racing giving us new life. I hope to applies to many other areas of life. I need to perform continue to grow in my for Christ each day, whether I stride over the hurdles proclamation of the good news gracefully or trip over them. When complete the race, of our freedom as God’s can confidently say that God was with me, running before redeemed people. me to lead me and give me strength. Also, I have been struggling to have confidence to boldly proclaim the gospel. I want to preach to familiar faces, but I know that I must also speak to those who do not