March 2022 Connections

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Getting to Know Pastoral Resident Josue Alvarado TELL US ABOUT YOUR BACKGROUND. WHERE ARE YOU FROM? Growing up in my country, Honduras, I was blessed by the guidance of my family and my local church where I came to faith in Christ and served for many years. Later, I was working as a civil engineer and realized that I did not have enough time to invest in making disciples through the church, which is what I love to do most. God provided a Bible school in Texas where I was trained to handle the Bible better. After graduating I worked as a pastoral assistant for four years in Chicago and had the opportunity to take the Charles Simeon Trust Chicago course on preaching where found great support and guidance.

our last games was during a rainy morning, but we still played in the muddy field. It was worth it, because after the game, we went to drink tea with them and had more opportunities to know these young guys and keep sharing the love of Jesus with them. Withallkindsofchallengesandbarriers,wewereabletoshare the gospel in a place where Christians are persecuted for their faith. I thought, How much more should we share the gospel in areaswherewehavefreedomandresourcesavailable. TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOUR FAMILY—WIFE/KIDS? My wife, Kristen, and my daughters Zoey and Taya are the ones with whom I play, laugh, read, pray and learn to love God more every day. By God’s grace, we are expecting a baby in themonthofJuneforwhomwepraytoloveChristaswedo.

HOW DID YOU COME TO FAITH AND WHAT LED TO THE COLLEGE CHURCH RESIDENCY PROGRAM? Growing up in a Christian environment, I knew how to act as WHAT ABOUT THE SPIRITUAL PLACE OF HONDURAS? a Christian, but became a follower of Jesus once I understood In 2015 I lead a group of 12 Rio Grande Bible College thetruthoftheWordofGod.Mymentorwalkedmethrough students from different countries on a mission trip to Ephesians 2:8-9, and it was then that I was convinced that my country, Honduras. We provided school supplies and faithinChristwasenough,andwassafeinhim. Bibles for students of low-income areas and had a week of missions conference, to encourage different churches I prayed for many years to be part of a healthy church where to reach out all the nations for God’s glory. It is a good I could learn from biblical leadership, sound doctrine and reminder of the great physical needs that people in godly men from whom I could learn, and that is exactly what Honduras have and an even greater need to hear the good I found at College Church. I am thankful for godly men and news of Jesus Christ. womenwhomodelChristtomeandmyfamily. WHAT THREE WORDS BEST DESCRIBE YOU? WHEN YOU LOOK AHEAD, DO YOU HAVE A SENSE OF Dependable, approachable, competitive. (This is from my HOW YOU WOULD LIKE THE RESIDENCY TO HELP YOU wife. Thank you for the suggestion. ) IN FUTURE MINISTRY? As I serve and learn from godly men and women at College Church, I aim to follow the same pattern wherever God leads me. I want to make disciples through the local church and lead them to do the same as commanded by His Word.

FAVORITE HANG-OUT PLACE? I like to find new coffee shops or parks (not in the winter) to drink coffee and read. I enjoy playing soccer and watching my favorite team, Barcelona F. C.

DO YOU KNOW SOME OF YOUR FIRST ASSIGNMENTS IS THERE A STORY IN YOUR STORY THAT YOU COULD AS A RESIDENT? SHARE? WE WANT TO HELP PEOPLE GET TO KNOW I will be assisting the discipleship area (men’s group and YOU A BIT. small groups particularly). I will be speaking on March 11I remember sleeping on a small island in India for a mission 1 3 on the HYACKs spring retreat and supporting WOW at trip, the temperature was so hot and uncomfortable that 1 a. m. on Sundays. I am not sure if I slept that night, but it was worth it. Two friends and I had the opportunity to lead a soccer camp I preached the evening of Super Bowl Sunday. I love and teach the gospel to people from the area; many of preaching Gods Word. enjoy preparing, praying and Gods Word for Gods people. them never had the chance to hear the gospel. studying One of


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