5 p.m. in the Sanctuary with community time in Commons Hall to follow.
BEHOLD: The Story of God’s Triumph Over Death For Life
APRIL 3: How can we do evangelism today?
PALM SUNDAY: “Triumph!” Mark 11:1-10 at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. No evening service.
MAY 8: How can we maximize our service for the lord? THURSDAY: Communion Service at 7 p.m.
MEN’S GATHERING SATURDAY, APRIL 9 in the Commons at 7:30 a.m.
• Breakfast • Worship • Testimonials • Devotional
GOOD FRIDAY: Death( Mark 15:3 - 9 at 6 and 8 p.m. EASTER SUNDAY: “Life” Mark 16:1-8 at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. No evening service.
CHORAL REFLECTIONS THIS EASTER SEASON Erik Dewar, pastor of worship and music As we behold the beauty of Jesus together in the worship services leading up to Easter, the choir is excited to share with you a large work by Dan Forrest entitled Words from Paradise. Each of the pieces 4ve movements explores a single word of worship found in Scripture:
RUN FOR THE STARS JUNE 11, 2022 Registration now open: runforthestars.org
COINS FOR CARING NETWORK MID-APRIL TO MOTHER’S DAY Caring Network is a College Church ministry partner which o ers Christcentered counsel and resources to women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and may consider abortion. College Church is distributing baby bottles for you to take home with you, 4ll with coins, cash, and checks. Your donations help this ministry assist women and rescue babies.
Holy will be the 4rst of these one-word songs, depicting our awe-inspiring Judge who dwells in unapproachable light. Selah will be a pause—a rest from whatever else is happening, to contemplate the Truth of the God of Heaven. Hosanna will be the joyful shout of Palm Sunday as we reRect on Jesus entering Jerusalem. Amen will be a Good Friday remembrance of Christ’s death t is 4nished.( Hallelujah will be the celebration of Easter morning, depicting the women at the empty tomb whispering with excitement and overRowing with joy as they spread the word that Jesus is risen! The choir enjoyed a private workshop with the composer, Dan Forrest, back in November to hear about his creative process for these beautiful choral reRections. What an inspiration! May these upcoming musical moments help us all remember and celebrate Christ more richly this Easter Season.